Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Mar 27, 2003


Another long one. What can I say? I just type until I get to a good spot to break. To those of you who have E-mailed, thank you, thank you! It is always appreciated. Let's keep this short:

This story: Pure fiction. Don't believe a word of it!

Is NSYNC Gay?: NO! Not in real life, as far as they have told the public. (The author gently weeps.) They are gay here just to please the author. (Please, NSYNC, please the author. I'll travel.)

Will there be Gay Sex?: Yes.

If the reader finds that offensive?: Stop reading!

If the reader is underage?: Stop reading!

If the reader can't wait to find out what happens next? Stop reading! Ah, I mean this prologue and get to the story! Enjoy.

"Is there more bacon?"

"No, Justin," Lance answered. "But I can make more."

Justin shrugged. "Don't bother. I got to get going soon."

"You just stopped by to play hide the sausage with Peter then leave?"

Peter smiled. "I'm not complaining, JC."

"You'll want us to put in a Drive-Thru next."

"Oo," Lance smirked, "Can I get that Super-sized?"

JC pointed at Lance, "Don't you start."

Justin wiped his mouth. "What's the big deal?"

"Don't you find it strange that the last few times when you and Peter had nights planned something intervened?"

"JC, you're sounding like Lance."

Peter put his hands up. "Before you three start at it can I give my view on this?"

"Stay out of this," Justin snapped. Then he grinned, "Just kidding."

Peter gave a single glare at Justin.

"I know what you're going to say." Lance said. "The delay in the recording schedule was due to the assistant director and when Justin was suggested for the telethon Britney said yes without knowing Justin had plans. So even though she was at the scene of the crime it doesn't mean she had anything to do with it. So we must cut her some slack. Right?"

Peter sat back in his chair. "Have I become so readable?"

"Yes," the three of them said together.

Lance nodded at Justin. "Besides that's what he told you."

"Since you don't need my input, I'll go to my room."

As Peter stood up Justin grabbed his wrist. "Look, I know how it looks. But Britney said that she would do her best to accept us."

Peter fought hard not to roll his eyes.

"And I am not naive," Justin said firmly. "I know Britney is plotting and conniving. After all I've known her longer that most of you, except for JC. If she is guilty what has she done? Kept you and me apart for a few days maybe a week?" Justin took Peter's hand. He looked into Peter`s eyes. "You and I were apart for a lot longer than that once. We made it through." Justin turned to JC. "Remember that thing about respecting people?"

JC nodded sheepishly.

"Until it is proven," Justin added. "Please try and keep your fears to yourselves, for all our sakes."

JC put his hand on Justin's shoulder. "You're right. But we care so much about you two. We don't want to see anything happen to your love for each other."

"Sometimes suspicion is more dangerous than guilt."

JC nodded.

Justin stood up. "I have to get going. I have a few days of working out the mixing of Britney's new album. She'll be busy working on the new videos." Justin turned to Peter. "Can you handle that?"

"Of course. Is that the whole week?"

"No, until Wednesday, from Thursday on is free."

Peter cocked his head. "Totally?"

Justin smiled. "Britney's going to one of those charity parties for the fashionable crowd. Luckily she asked someone else. I hate those things. Everyone is trying to look more glamorous or wear a more shocking outfit than the other. Im glad I dont have to be there charity or not."

"You used to like those parties," Lance teased. "Any opportunity for you to make a splash."

"That's because I was in ego mode. Once I thought it was about fancy clothes and fancy food. Now I know it's about shallow fountains and shallow people."

Lance got an idea and leapt in. "Then you can have dinner here. Peter can cook. You've never tasted Peter's cooking yet. With our plans it`s perfect."

JC was looking confused at Lance.

"JC and I are planning to go out to dinner that night and take in a late movie. You'll have the house to yourselves."

JC soon got the plot. "It would be perfect for a romantic evening for two."

"If no one finds out," Peter said under his breath.

There was a twinkle in Justin's eye. "Then we will keep it a secret so nothing will interfere."

Peter looked embarrassed.

Justin took Peter's hand again. "A entire evening together? I'd like that."

Peter smiled. "I'll plan the whole thing."

"I may be busy until then."

"Well, we can still connect at night."

"No, let's wait until then." Justin smiled. "You're right. Waiting makes it more intense."

"It's a date."

Justin and Peter kissed.

"See me out."

Peter followed Justin.

When they got to the door Justin looked seriously at Peter. "I want the truth from you, Peter."

"I've never lied to you, Justin."

"Really? How did you feel when I cancelled our date last night?"

Peter shrugged. "What can I say? This is your job. I had to deal with it."

"That is just white wash. How did you really feel?"

Peter looked away. "Please, Justin. You know how I feel."

"I want to hear it from you."

Peter still hesitated.

"I already feel guilty about it, a little more wouldn't make a difference. I'm Timberlake, remember? I can take it." Justin put his hand on Peter's cheek. "I heard the disappointment in your voice so I know you felt something. Please, Peter. I want to know."

"It hurt, okay?" Peter burst out. "It was more than disappointment. I was so looking forward to be with you especially in public. I guess I am beginning to feel like the dark secret or the mistress you keep hidden away. And just when I thought it was going to change the rug gets pulled out from underneath our feet."

Justin pulled Peter close. "You know I am not ashamed of you."

"I know. But that doesn't stop me thinking about it. I'm trying, Justin. I am really trying."

"And I appreciate it. It wasn't easy for me to cancel like that. I was looking forward to it, too. I never knew that being well known could be a handicap in a relationship. Sometimes I wish I could just make the world leave me alone so we could be together."

"What a dilemma? Who do you alienate your public or your lover?"

"I was hoping neither."

Peter sighed. "You are doing a good job keeping us both happy." He looked up. "What about you?"

"Me?" Justin said. "I'm very happy."

Peter raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, it hurts me too just to brush you off like that. It's like I cut you and our love dead. You are so important in my life and I am afraid to tell people. I'm the wimp, not you."

"You are no wimp. It's just that it is a big step. Until you're ready this isn't that bad of a life is it?"

Justin smiled. "You tell me."

"Well, now and again it sucks and not in the good way. But you're never too far away." Peter pushed back from Justin. "Speaking of which, you'd better get going. If I start making you late, John will get pissed."


Peter gave Justin a kiss. "Yeah, Thursday."

"Will you have enough to do?"

Peter brushed imaginary lint from Justin's shoulders. "I have a few irons in the fire. I think I can keep myself busy until then."

Justin was suspicious. "Like what?"

"Will you get going? Lance and JC will keep an eye on me. Now go."

Justin gave Peter one last peck on the cheek and left.

"That was a long good-bye."

Peter suppressed a smile. There went Lance's curiosity again.

"We were just checking in. Now when something comes up to smash our plans when we say that's okay, I don't mind', we both know we really mean what a pisser!'." Peter shrugged, "But what can you do?"

"He could come out." Lance snapped.

"Now, Lance," JC protested. "Look how long it took us and we're still not there yet. It is a big decision."

"I know. But I think it would help his other problem, too."

"What other problem?"


JC snorted, "She knows Justin is BI."

"That's just it. Let's face the facts, JC, as far as he goes Justin is gay. Why does his need that excuse?"

"But, Lance, Justin has been with women before." Peter stressed.

"So what? So has JC."

"What is your point, Lance?"

"Look, Justin is in love with Peter, right?"


"He says he loves no one else but Peter and probably never will, also right?"


"So he is love with a man and he is having sex with another man. He is gay."

"Lance," JC began.

Lance cut JC off. "Look, at least he should tell that to Britney. This BI act is only giving her a lifeline to hold onto. No lifeline, no more plotting."

"You know what I think?"

Peter sort of wished they'd drop the subject but asked anyway. "What do you think, JC?"

"I think I should get back to the music. The morning is waning fast."

Peter leapt at the chance to change the subject. He crossed to the window. "You're wrong, JC. It's not waning, the suns out."

Lance beamed. "That's what our parents can always say about us."

JC shook his head. "This son is going to work."

"Oh, JC, Peter and I are going out for a while. I'm not sure how long. I'll call if we can't make lunch."

JC shrugged. "Okay. Have fun." JC turned and went up the stairs.

After JC had left Lance turned to Peter. "Come on, we're going to John's"

John got up from behind his desk. "Morning, guys. You're all set up in Rehearsal Room 3. You can get the keys from my secretary."

"Thanks, John."

John put his hands on Peter and Lance's shoulders. "Nothing is too good to keep my boys happy. Lance, can I have a quick word with Peter?"

"Sure." Lance pointed over his shoulder. "I'll be right outside."

After the door closed John sat on his desk. "I heard about Justin being called away at the last minute last night. It must seem like you two will never get time together."

"We manage."

"Good and I want to help you. All I want you to do is let me know if your plans with Justin get interrupted too often."

"But what can you do?"

"Me? I'm the bad ass manager, remember? I can declare a moratorium on Justin. If Justin is working too hard, I can force him to take time off. We can't have him burning out, correct?"

"But Justin's public is everything to him."

"So are you. I can cut Justin off from everyone but you if necessary."

Peter got John's meaning. Meddlers beware. "Thanks, John."

"It's not just you and Justin against the world, remember that."

Peter nodded.

"Now off with you.

Peter opened the door. He stopped and turned back to John. Peter couldn't find the words.

John just smiled and nodded. Peter closed the door behind him.

"I hope you're happy."

It was too early for this. Justin decided not to break his mood. "Morning, Brit. Yes, I am happy. How are you?"

"I'm still mad at you. You embarrassed me last night."

Justin put on his best innocent face. "How did I do that?"

"Barely two minutes after they no longer needed you, you were out the door."

"You forget I had a date. I missed the start of the date. I sure wasn't going to miss the end of it."

"Is that one of your sick puns?"

Justin shook his head. "Why did it embarrass you if I left when I had the chance?"

"They asked about you. I had to make excuses."

"Next time try, `He's seeing someone.'"

Britney frowned.

"Sorry, you just can't get your mouth around that one can you?"

"Justin," Britney hissed. "Stop being vulgar."

"Vulgar? I thought you weren't so innocent."

"You know what I mean. Do you have to thinly veil your sex life in every sentence?"


"You talk about the end of your date' and couldn't get my mouth around it'. Damn, Justin, you make me sound like a whore."

"You're doing the translating."


"Okay, I'm sorry. Is there something you wanted?"

"I wanted to ask you to lunch but now I'm not so sure."

"Aren't you working on the songs you're making videos for today?"

Britney shrugged. "I didn't like the one they chose to do first. So I left it to them to rehash it out. Please, Justin. I know this cozy little restaurant."

"Cozy?" Justin warned. "Do we have to go through this again?"

"Two friends kind of cozy. Please, just this once. How often have we had lunch together lately?"

"Okay, but I insist we go dutch."

Britney smiled. "I think they only serve American cuisine."

Justin took out his cell phone. "Do I have to phone Peter to find out what he's `up' to?"

Britney raised her hands. "Okay, truce. Let's make this a nice lunch between friends."

Justin nodded. Why not?

"See you at twelve." Britney walked off.

Lance and Peter had been working on their routine for a little over an hour. It was slowly taking shape but it still wasn't as special as they wanted it.

"I think its coming along well," Lance said during a break.

"Yeah, it's getting there. It could use more spit and polish."

Lance grinned. "We do that after the dance." Lance paused. "Thank you for doing this with me, Peter. I was getting so discouraged on my own."

"Hey, I am doing this purely for selfish reasons. Once I do this for Justin, he owes me one. When I get to see Justin doing the old bump and grind, oh, baby!"

Lance smiled. "Justin is a really good dancer."

"So is JC. I'm envious, that dance must have been very hot."

"It was."

"Damn, I've got to stop thinking about it or I'm going to need some alone time."

"And think of JC or me?"

Peter smirked. "Justin, of course. I told you I don't whack off fantasizing about famous people."

"I won't tell Justin that." Lance winked. "Well, if you need it, I can show you my favorite spot. I needed a lot of alone time before JC and I got together. Now I find out the little jerk," Lance teased, "was trying to turn me on on purpose."

Peter smiled at the idea of JC dancing in front of Lance in tight pants and tight shirt and as soon as they got a break, Lance hurrying off to get himself off. He could see JC looking very smug as Lance rushed off. Peter wondered how often Lance turned the tables of JC.

"Should I show you the room?" Lance asked.

"That's okay, Lance. I'll cope."

"Or I can turn my back."

"Lance, this room has mirrors on both walls. What good would turning your back do?"

Lance looked innocently at the ceiling. "Nothing, I guess."

"Lance, still the voyeur?"

Lance snorted. "Like I haven't seen a person jerking off before. We used to do it all the time."

Peter snapped around to Lance. "You're not saying that NSYNC had circle jerks? Because if that is true I'm really going need some alone time."

"Why not? At the beginning all we saw was each other. They were trying to bond us into a tight singing group. What is more binding than jerking off together? We don't do it any more though. Especially since JC and I have come out. It wouldn't work now."

"Damn," Peter adjusted himself. "Talk about getting NSYNC."

Lance gave Peter a push. "You are so gullible." Lance started laughing. "We always had chaperones or parents around in those early days. I can tell where your mind is." Lance smirked. "You don't have fantasies of famous people? Bull!"

Peter laughed. Lance had got him good. "I never said I didn't have fantasies, I just never jerked off to them."

Lance paused. "Peter, have you ever done it?"

"Done what?"

"Jerked off with someone."

"Lance, I am going to sit here and give you a stupid look then I want you to remember what I was like when we first met. Do you still have to ask that question?"

Lance shook his head. "I just thought all normal young males did that."

"I wasn't a normal young male."

"Peter, stop that. You're running yourself down again."

"I'm a dangerous driver."

"Thank you, Baron Von Trapp. But on those nights when Justin wasn't around and we're down the hall, you know, doing it?"

"Believe it or not I don't hear you."

"And the thought of JC and I having sex doesn't turn you on?"

"You know the answer to that. We've seen each other have sex before. I see the love between you not the sex. Plus when Justin is there, I only have eyes for him." Peter stood up. "Should we run through it again?"

Lance got to his feet, "Sure. Practice makes perfect." Lance froze. His eyes went wide. "I've got it, Peter." Lance said excitedly. "It's perfect."


"Our dance. Look, how confident are you about dancing in front of Justin?"

"I'll be nervous. He is a good dancer."

"So why don't we do it together. We could use the dance floor we have in the game room. JC can sit there and Justin can sit over there. We'll each face our lovers but we will still be dancing together to help each other's confidence."

"And when the dance is done and others things develop?"

"Big deal, we've done it around each other before. Plus there are rooms only a few steps away if privacy is wanted."

Peter was thinking. "I would be less nervous not doing it alone." Peter decided. "Okay, we'll seduce them together."

They were just shaking hands when there was a knock on the door. Lance went over and opened it.

"I don't want to intrude. John said you were here so I was just checking in."

"Wade, come in." A man entered. "Peter, this is Wade. He is one of our choreographers."

Peter shook Wade's hand. "Nice to meet you."

"I've been hearing about you." Wade turned. "So, what's up? The new album isn't even recorded yet and you're practicing the dance moves already?"

"I hope I'm not that bad." Lance replied.

Wade laughed. "Of course not. I wish all the people I work with were as hard working as you. So is there a dance party or something."

"Or something," Lance said.

"Oh," Wade nodded. "Something personal then."

Lance glanced at Peter.

Peter shrugged. "Lance, we could use a little help and we do want to do our best."

Lance looked sheepishly at Wade. "If you don't mind giving us a little help?"

"That's what John suggested since I'm here with nothing to do now."

"Someone cancelled on you?"

"Yep, we were supposed to start work on some new videos when someone who will remain nameless changed her mind. So until they pick the new songs, I have nothing to work on."

Peter put his hand on his chest. "It's nice to know that Justin and I aren't the only ones being singled out."

"So," Wade rubbed his hands together. "Where can I help?"

"Well, this might be a bit beneath you." Lance said softly.

"Nonsense," Wade protested. "Dance is dance."

Peter finished for Lance. "We're aiming at sort of a lap dance crossed with a stripper routine."

Wade stood there looking stunned. Then a grin spread across his face. "Ooh, dirty dancing, ah?"

Lance nodded.

"Great, I finally get to do something meaty and sleazy for NSYNC at last."

Lance was relieved that Wade was so eager.

"Let's see what you've got so far."

Peter and Lance nervously went through the steps they had. When they had finished, Wade stood thinking.

"Not bad. You two have made a great start. But I can see spots that could use some improvement."

"Anything, Wade," Lance blurted out. "We want this dance to really impress JC and Justin."

Wade pointed between them. "You'll be dancing together."

"It will help our confidence."

"Lance, you have danced in front of thousands of people before."

"Yeah, but this is special for the man I love." Lance pointed to Peter and corrected himself. "The men we love."

Wade smiled. "I understand. The ideas are flooding into my mind."

Lance looked nervous.

"Don't worry, Lance. I'll try to keep it effective but simple."

Lance relaxed. "Thanks."

Wade put his hands of their shoulders. "When you are done with this dance I guarantee that there won't be a dry fly in the house."

"You mean dry eye."

Wade shook his head. "No, Lance," Wade swiveled his hips and gave a pelvic thrust. "I mean not a dry fly. JC and Justin will be giving you a standing ovation while still sitting down."

"Isn't this nice?"

Justin had to admit it was. Britney seemed more like he remembered. Maybe she had finally given up. He wouldn't hold his breath.

They had chatted about this and that until the lunch arrived. Then out of the blue Britney surprised Justin.

"Are you happy with Peter?"

Justin couldn't look at Britney. He looked at his plate. "I've never felt like this before, Brit. I am so happy when I am with him." Justin looked up. "I know you have trouble excepting it. Sometimes so do I. But he loves me so much. Peter is good for me, Brit."

"I understand. Well, you know what is best for you. I just hate to see you give it all up."

"Give what up?"

"Your ambition and drive. Justin, you were once a powerhouse of energy. You had a great career ahead of you."

"Don't start, Brit."

"I'm not talking just of your solo career. Justin, you were a mover and a shaker. Now look at you."

"I'm fine the way I am."

"You're being domesticated."

"I am not."

"Really? How many parties have you been to recently? The few charity events you've gone to as soon as you could you ran off to be with Peter. Don't your fans matter anymore?"

"Of course they do."

"Then look at you. You used to be such a snappy dresser. Where is the Justin Timberlake your fans remember? We had so much fun then."

"Those days are over, Britney. I don't like who I was then."

"I'm not asking you to change back. But your fans miss that part of you. That was Justin Timberlake. Just add a bit of that when you are in public, that's all. You always wanted to be an actor."

Justin nodded.

"Tell you what, think about coming to the charity ball with me on Thursday. We'll have one last bash for old time's sake."

"I can't, Brit. We, ah, I have plans."

"Oh, then forget it. I don't want to upset your plans again."

They ate in silence for awhile.

"We used to have so much fun at those parties."

"Britney." Justin warned.

"What? I am only reminiscing."

Justin returned to his lunch.

"We'd get all dressed up and model for the paparazzi. The fans would love how good we looked. The public just ate up us dancing or talking with other famous people. That night was like our night on stage. Everyone looking at us as we acted out what they thought a celebrity would be like."

Justin had stopped eating. "Yeah, all the attention as kind of fun."

Britney hid her smile with a shrug. "Well, that's all in the past."

Justin was thinking hard. "Maybe one last time."

"Justin, you have plans."

"It's just dinner and this is for my fans."

"No, Justin. I was wrong to bring it up." She patted Justin's hand. "Let's finish lunch."

Britney was elated as she ate. The seed had been planted. Over the next few days she would work on Justin. If she could get Justin to that party, she might be able to undo the damage that Peter had caused.

They were just leaving. Peter was trying to catch up with Lance. He turned a corner and ran right into Britney.


"Don't be. Accidents happen." Britney smiled. "Everything going well between you and Justin?"


"I'm glad. Well, I have to rush. Videos don't make themselves. All my hopes for your future together."


Peter felt the wave of dread go through him. He shivered. Britney was up to something.

Britney walked off. Why was she laughing?

"Jack of Hearts," Chris lay down the card, "And the Queen of Hearts and the King, too." Chris reached to the board and brushed the poker chips from the four areas of the board toward him. "Come to Papa."

"Ace of Hearts," Peter laid down the card. He took the chips from the Ace of Hearts area of the board. "Three of Clubs," He lay down the card.

"That's dead," Joey said. "I've played the four already."

"Ten of Diamonds?" Peter played the card.


"Jack of Spades and I'm out." Peter took the chips from the pot.

"Damn," Joey counted the cards left in his hand then counted out his chips and handed them to Peter. "That's seven to you." Joey looked at his dwindling pile of chips. "This game sucks."

"You always say that when you're losing." Chris chided.

"So do you," Joey shot back.

Lance gathered up the cards and handed them to Joey. "Just deal."

"Ante up everyone." Chris placed a chip at each area of the mat. The others followed suit.

Joey shuffled the cards. "So, Peter, did you meet Phil Wilson of `Wilson and Sons'?"

Lance smirked. "I'll say he did."

JC joined Lance. "The high temperature for that today went up three degrees thanks to Peter here."

"That's only because you guys watched from inside the house." Peter shot back. "You probably fogged up the bedroom window."

Joey grinned. "I thought you'd like meeting Phil. Are you going to help him?"

Peter picked up his cards. "Sure. I keep thinking how nice it would have been if I could have talked with a gay man as I was growing up."

"Then you passed the test?" Chris asked.

"With flying colors," Lance added.

Chris sorted his cards. "I told him he didn't have anything to worry about with you. But he wouldn't believe me. So finally I just said, `Prove it yourself. Try to seduce him'. I knew you wouldn't give in."

"That was your idea, Chris?" Peter's voice was sharp.

Chris didn't look up from his cards. "Yeah, he just wouldn't listen to us." A poker chip whizzed by Chris's ear.

"You put me through that." Peter snapped.

"So what? I thought you would enjoy it."

"Enjoy it?!" Peter threw another chip.

"Phil is very good looking. I thought you'd like the eye candy."

"Eye candy is one thing. Getting the come on from a complete stranger is another."

Chris ducked as another poker chip flew passed. "Sorry."

"You bet your ass you'll be sorry."

Chris ducked again.

"I dib all chips on the floor." Joey started retrieving the chips.

"What's the problem?"

"Problem?!" Peter threw a chip. "You don't test a recovering alcoholic's resolve by making him a bartender."

Chris frowned thinking. He brightened. "You mean you were tempted."

"Thank you, Einstein!" Peter dropped the chips he was holding. "And being that I have Justin, Phil wasn't exactly a fantasy I needed."

"Sorry, I guess I didn't think it through clearly."

"That's putting it mildly." Peter sat back in his chair.

"It was fun until Phil moved close to Peter." Lance explained. "Then it became threatening. You know Peter has been through similar situations."

Chris's face fell. "I apologize, Peter. I didn't think it would cause any negative reactions from you. I wouldn't have suggested it if I knew how it would effect you."

When Chris pouted is was difficult to stay mad him. "It's okay Chris. I forgive you. Phil was very sweet eye candy and he didn't mind showing himself off. Quite a different way of thinking from his father."

Joey shook his head. "What will Mr. Wilson do when he finds out his youngest son is gay?"

Peter looked a little sad. "Hopefully I can ready Brian for the moment. I doubt if I would have a chance with Mr. Wilson. In the meantime, I plan to find Brian some community support. With that in place he may get through coming out in one piece."

Chris beamed. "I knew when Phil asked about you, you were the gay man for him. I mean, for his brother." Chris grew flustered. "Sorry, I mean to help him."

Peter was touched. "No jokes, Chris?"

"This is too important to joke about. Even I have my limits."

Joey kidded. "I think I prefer the jokes."

Peter picked up a poker chip. "Here, Chris. You deserve a tip for that last statement." Peter flipped the chip at Chris.

Chris snatched for it but missed. It passed Chris's ear and fell to the floor.

Joey grabbed it. "Keep making him mad. I could use the chips."

Chris chuckled. "It's a good thing for me you're such a bad shot."

"Really?" Peter took a chip and balanced it on his thumb. Then he moved his hand under his left elbow. Peter flicked the chip into the air. It soared over the table, struck Chris right on the top of his head and fell to the table in front of Joey.

Everyone at the table gaped.

Peter couldn't have done that again if he tried but he had an air of smugness. "Just because I am mad at someone doesn't mean I want to cause them pain."

Chris swallowed. "Point taken. Who starts this hand?"

The phone rang.

"Saved by the bell." JC put down his cards and crossed to the phone.

"Hello. Oh, hi." JC's smile disappeared. "Sure. What time in the morning? Nine o'clock. We'll be there. Yes, Joey and Chris are here. I'll tell them. Bye."

JC returned to the table. "There's to be a meeting. We're to be at John's at nine o'clock."

"Did he say what for?" Lance asked.

"No, but he sounded very serious."

Lance looked worried. "What could have happened?"

"The story leaked." John said. "Some tabloid was ready to print a story that NSYNC is gay but we found out about it first. Our lawyers put a stop on it but they're here to prove their side of the story. They claim they have proof and if they do we can't stop them publishing."

Lance was upset. "Everything we did was for nothing."

JC put his arm around Lance. Lance laid his head on JC's shoulder.

Peter thumped his knee. "I can't believe that a magazine like the Advocate would let a story leak out like this."

"Then how did it happen?" Joey asked.

"Have you seen the story?" JC asked John.

"Not personally, but they are bringing copies. I'm sorry this had to happen."

JC comforted Lance. "It's not your fault, John."

Chris seemed to be thinking hard. "How soon before they're here?"

"They may be in the conference room already." John stood up. "I'll go check."

When John left Chris crossed to where JC and Lance sat. "Don't fret you two. I don't think you have anything to worry about."

Lance looked up. "But the interview, they found out about it."

"I doubt it. A tabloid interested in an interview? Too ordinary. They want scandal to sell papers. This is something else."

"You said it." Joey didn't look up.

Peter sat clasping and unclasping his hands.

Chris sat at the edge of the couch next to Peter. "This isn't what we think it is, is it?"

"They have something but it isn't about the interview." Peter looked up at Chris. His voice caught. "And if they're fighting for the story it`s based on fact. This could be trouble."

"Youre right Peter, I can feel it. Wed better be on our toes."

John entered with two men.

Chris saw Peter's nervous look. "They're on our side. They're our lawyers."

"The magazine men are here." John held the door. NSYNC started to file from the room. One lawyer said something to John. "Peter, you'd better come, too."

Peter's heart was in his throat. A wave of dread washed through him.

John gave Peter's back a pat and smiled. "It will be okay."

Peter managed a slight smile but it was not how he felt. Somehow this was all his fault.

Three men sat at the end of the table. The one in the middle was from the magazine. The ones on either side were their lawyers.

"We have every legal right to print this story. We have signed releases and the source's background has been thoroughly checked. This edition was just going to press. So unless you want us to add the financial loss if we don't publish to the suit we'll file against you, we should settle quickly." He sat back in his chair. "I don't think you have even read the article."

The man next to him pulled out a pile of magazines. He gave them a toss and they slid out across the table.

"I don't read such magazines as yours." John said.

"And I don't listen their music," the man sneered. "Each to their own tastes."

One NSYNC lawyer touched John's arm. He leaned down as the lawyer whispered to him.

Peter reached for a magazine. He got dirty looks but he wanted to see the article. Paging through the magazine he finally found what he was looking for. He began to read.

John straightened up. "This story is defamatory pure and simple. If you do publish this we will sue."

"Go right ahead. We have our source and the background check showed reliability. Your case won't last long in court. It is the freedom of the press for people to read what they will. This person claims what he saw was true. That gives us the right to publish it."

Peter let out a chuckle as he read.

The man ignored him. "Besides any law suit like this could take months or even years to be decided in court."

Chris rolled his eyes. Why did legal people always contradict themselves? It won't take long in court.' It will take months in court.'

"Do you really want to spend all that money on legal fees for one article?"

Peter burst out laughing.

"Excuse me!" The man snapped.

"Sorry," Peter composed himself. He threw the magazine to John. "You must read this. It is too good. It describes such depravity and lewd sexual conduct. This will sell lots of papers."

Everyone reached for the magazines.

The man smiled. "That's what we are hoping. But what do you have to do with the article?"

He looked at John and their lawyers. "May I?"

John glanced at their lawyers. One nodded for Peter to proceed.

Peter turned to the man, stood up and extended his hand. "Excuse me, we weren't introduced. I'm Peter."

The man jerked his hand away. "Oh, so you're Peter," the man smirked. "Now I know your interest in the article." He nudged a lawyer. "He's the depraved gay son."

Peter stayed calm. "Excuse me for asking, but did you personally meet with this source of yours?"

"Yes, several times."

"To sort out the money he was being paid for the story I'll bet."

The man seemed flustered. "Yes, as a matter of fact. But the money was only as compensation. The background check showed that our source was very reliable and totally trustworthy."

"I'll bet." Peter tried hard not to smile. "If only he was as dependable as that old red convertible he drives."

The man's jaw dropped. "How..?"

Justin sat forward. "Peter, you don't mean..."

Peter nodded.

Chris snapped his fingers. "Of course!"

"How did you know what he drives?" the man asked.

Peter sat back down. "It is the only car my brother has ever owned."

"Your brother!" echoed around the table.

Peter looked at John. He pointed at the magazine. "My estranged brother showed up at my mother's house on the night they write about looking for a little cash. He got no money from my parents so he had to find another way. He saw Justin and me together then his imagination and his quest for money did the rest."

The man snapped forward in his chair. "You admit that Justin was there with you that weekend."

"Yes, he was." Peter answered. "But that scene in the living room with the hot wax and handcuffs while my poor mother lay drugged and unattended in the other room didn't happen."

"He swore that..."

"Oh, my brother would swear to anything if money is involved."

"But he described the scene with full details."

"How could he? He spent ten minutes in that house that was it and he didn't leave on good terms. He was gone when my father come back home. So you see my father and my mother were both there that night."

Justin waved a copy of the magazine he had finally picked up. "So my screams would have been overheard by Peter's military father and not just by," Justin glanced at the article, "a poor neglected bedridden old lady recovering from surgery who, and I quote, `was forced to listen to her own son's depraved sexual behavior in her own living room' end quote."

Peter saw the twinkle in Justin's eye. This was becoming fun.

Justin continued. "While I am tickled that Peter's brother saw us as lovers, after all I am not ashamed of knowing Peter."

"In the biblical sense," Chris whispered to himself.

"But surely with both parents in the house and sleeping in separate bedrooms, if it was the case, we would barely have had time to even lay a hand on each other." Justin grinned.

Peter hoped Justin's little joke didn't give anything away. Peter turned back. "I can give you the phone number of my parents. I am sure they will be happy to tell the truth to what really happened that weekend."

"But you were also seen with JC and Lance on Sunday. That was after you left your parents' house." The man said.

"Oh, my god!" Lance blushed and dropped the paper. "They have such imagination!"

The man looked flustered. "Then the Sunday orgy at the bathhouse...?"

"An orgy!?" John was aghast.

Joey threw the magazine to the table with disgust. "My, Peter, your brother does get around. He's almost a peeping-tom."

JC leaned forward. "We did meet with Peter and Justin and we did go somewhere thoroughly enjoyable." JC smiled. "We went to church together."

"Church!" The man reacted with distaste.

Lance nodded. "Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys was there too. He can collaborate our story."

John got the nod from their lawyers. "I think with this new information that the story should be pulled."

The man was grasping for straws. His wonderful scoop was being torn apart.

"Let's get to the heart this." He pointed at Peter. "You freely admit that you are gay?"


"Then Justin being seen so close with you means that he also must be gay."

Chris couldn't help himself. "Peter is being seen with you right now. Does that mean you're gay?"

"Chris." John warned.

Justin sat forward. "We didn't want Peter traveling home alone. He might need help with his mother. I was available so I went with him."

"Justin, are you gay?"

John was surprised at the man's nerve. "Justin, you don't have to answer that."

Justin shrugged. "Why not if it will help to put an end to this? No, I am not gay."

"You'd swear to that?"

Joey answered for Justin very firmly. "We'd all swear to that. On the bible, if you want us to."

"Damn." The man slumped back in his chair. He gave one last try. "And Justin and Peter aren't lovers?"

One NSYNC lawyer snapped forward. "That is immaterial. Any more dialogue in this vein will be considered slander." He continued calmly. "We now have information that has weakened your stance on publishing this article. Peter has stated that his brother was in need of money that even his own parents wouldn't give him. That immediately casts doubt on the credibility of your source. We will not even go into what he was willing to have published about his own brother."

The other NSYNC lawyer took over. "It seems that we have our own sources that can contradict your one source as to what is written in this article. You stated that a thorough background check was made. Surely the source's willingness to perjure himself was evident in that check? Or was this story too good to publish so no real background check was done?"

One of the magazine's lawyers spoke. "It seems that there maybe a hidden agenda for what our source related to us. Some doubt has also been cast on his validity. I believe we should rethink our stand on the matter."

The three of them whispered urgently. When they parted the man didn't look at all happy.

The magazine lawyers started putting their papers away. "Let me offer our extreme apologies. This issue will be withdrawn and the offending article removed. No other legal action will need to be taken."

"Thank you."

The three men got up to go.

Peter asked. "Will you be seeing my brother again?

"You bet I will," the man snapped.

"Give him my love, will you?"

The man made an angry grunt.

They left the room. The door closed.

Peter turned to John. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself."

John patted Peter's back. "What does it matter? You helped us."

Chris pointed sternly at Peter. "And don't you even go there. You were not to blame."


Chris cut him off. "I don't want to hear it."

"If I hadn't..."

"Drop it," John said firmly. "I mean that."

Peter's mouth opened and closed a few times in protest then he just nodded.

One lawyer picked up the magazines. "I will shred these. We don't want them falling into the wrong hands."

The other shook Peter's hand. "Thank you for your help. Your input was really appreciated."

"Would they have really published that article?"

"Without a second thought. They'll print anything to sell papers. We were just lucky the story was forwarded to us before it went to press. Usually we only find out about them after the story is printed."

"Then how did you find out about it?"

The lawyer smiled. "NSYNC has fans everywhere. They don't like to see their idols slurred."

"You mean the informant worked for that tabloid?"

"Isn't it nice to know that some people have morals when it is needed?"

The lawyers left.

Joey slapped Peter's back. "Well, Peter, now you know what it is like to be famous. You almost made your first tabloid spread."

"Oh, yahoo," Peter sneered.

"This may sound mean, Peter." Lance said. "But I'm glad it really wasn't about JC and me."

Peter smiled. "Well, it's nice to know your coming out is still on track."

"Only a few more days until the live interview."

"I am still nervous."

JC gave Lance's shoulder a squeeze. "The days will go by faster than you suspect."

Peter answered the door. Justin stood there is a suit coat but with no shirt.

"Come in, sexy."

Justin kissed Peter as he entered.

Peter closed the door. "You certainly dressed for the evening."

Justin glanced around the room. He was surprised that the dinning room table was very simply set. This was supposed to be their big evening. Well, it made him feel a little better about what he had to do.

"I'm sorry, Peter." Justin acted nervous. "I hate to do this again but I wanted to tell you in person not over the phone."

Peter felt the dread rising. "What is it?"

"Britney's date for the charity ball fell ill. She doesn't have anyone else she could ask at such short notice."

"But tonight was supposed to be for us."

"I know and I am real sorry. I told her we had plans but I feel an obligation to her. She is my friend."

"Can't she go alone?"

"It's a charity ball. There will be dancing."

"I see." There was an edge to Peter's voice.

"Please, Peter, I know you are hurt and disappointed. Can we just reschedule?"

"Do I now have to schedule time with you?"

"Of course not. But I've been friends with Britney for a long time."

"And we've know each other for only a few months. Is that it?"

"You know better. I should be there. Most important being seen at the charity ball will be good for the fans."

"Whose? Yours or hers?"

"What does that matter?"

"Justin, it isn't even your charity. Besides being seen with you only strengthens her plan."

"You blame her for this don't you?"

"At least three times in the last two weeks she has managed to disrupt our plans."

"And what does she gain if I go with her tonight?"

"It creates the illusion that you are still a couple."

"That's ridiculous!"

"Really? I bet she had something to do with your attire. Is that why you are showing more cleavage than usual? You'll look so much alike."

"So she thought I should look sexy. This is a chance to be seen by the public. Don't you want me to look my best?"

Peter turned away. "Justin."

Justin took Peter by the shoulders. "Listen, I have to be going. Can we argue about this later?"

That's right they were arguing. Peter turned back. "I'm sorry."

Justin hugged Peter. "It is good to get it out." Peter moved back. "Look, we still will have a night together. I promise. We will decorate the whole house. You know, candles everywhere make it real special."

"But, Justin, I..."

Justin put his finger to Peter's lips. "I have to get going. Just this one more night, I promise."

"Better clear it with Britney."

"I wish you would lay off her."

"Don't get gross."

"You have no proof."

"Oh, no? Even John doesn't trust her." Peter cringed. He shouldn't have said that.

"What? John too?" Justin snapped. Anger was showing in his eyes. "Am I the only friend Britney has left?"


"I've got to go." Justin went to the door. He stopped. "The party will go late and I will be tired when I get home. See you tomorrow."

The door closed.


Peter stood staring at the door wishing Justin would come back. Just when he realized he should go after Justin, he heard Justin's car roar out of the driveway. Damn it, he had blown it! Their first argument and Justin went away mad and he was going to Britney.

Peter walked through the house to the sunroom. The whole backyard was dark. Just the lights in the pool were on. Peter flipped a switch. The strings of Christmas lights lit up. The whole pool area was surrounded with them. The table was elegantly set for two. There was a vase with two long stemmed roses. A wine bucket with a bottle of champagne stood along side. A boom box started playing soft music.

"Surprise." Peter said softly.

He walked to the table. He thought about lighting the candles then thought why bother. Peter started to clean up.

Peter put the champagne and the food in the refrigerator. He should eat something but he wasn't hungry. Then he put away the dishes and the glasses. When the table by the pool was cleared, Peter went and shut off the Jacuzzi. He picked up the two silk robes that lay over a chair. Peter stopped at the door to the house. One last glance at the pool area he flipped the switch. The Christmas lights went out leaving only the pool lights glowing in the dark. Peter went into the house.

It was more crowded than Justin had expected. Britney clung to his arm but he allowed it. She would have been dragged away by the crowd if she hadn't.

The photographers were more annoying then he remembered. The flashes going off were almost hypnotizing. There was still the rush of people wanting to take his picture and reporters asking questions. But soon the questions repeated themselves and Justin could hardly see from the flashbulbs. Finally the photographers and reporters wandered off into the crowd.

Britney excused herself and left Justin alone. A few men surrounded him. Justin wasn't even sure of their names.

"Justin, you are so lucky," said one.

"Every man here is envious. You have such a hot girlfriend."

"We're just friends," Justin said firmly.

"Sure," the man winked.

"Kissing cousins are more like it."

A man nudged Justin. "So how is she? I bet she's a screamer."

"What are you talking about?" Justin's mind was still confused by the noise, the crowd and his argument with Peter.

"Oh, come on. Are you saying you and Britney haven't done it yet?"

"Not even a little lip service?"

"I said we are friends." Justin emphasized again.

"You just friends with that? You'd have to be queer." The man laughed.

"And what if I am?" Justin snapped back.

The man laughed harder. "Justin, you are the jokester. You'll never be gay. For one, your public wouldn't like it and you'd never upset your fans plus Britney wouldn't allow it. She's got her sights set on you and you being gay would upset her wedding plans. She wouldn't stand for that."

The words sank into Justin's mind. Had he been wrong about her?

"Justin's not gay and no matter what he says, he has dipped his pen in Britney's ink," one man said. "Look at their clothes. They look like two lovers who rushed to get dressed. Face it Justin, you're a couple. Everyone thinks so."

Justin found it hard to breath. The room began to spin around him.

"Excuse me, I need some air." Justin pushed himself away from the men.

"Give her one for me, Justin!"

Britney was touching up her make-up.

"Come on, Britney. Tell us about it."

"It hasn't happened. I'm saving myself."

"Fat chance. We've all seen how he looks tonight. Justin is so hot. Every girl would do him in a minute and you haven't?"

"I have willpower." Britney said firmly.

"You're a liar."

"You've been together for so long surely you've seen it."

"Or touched it," finished the other almost giggling.

Britney stood up straight, "I will not talk about this like some high school girl. I am a woman."

"A woman who has been boinked by Justin Timberlake."

Britney turned her head. "I will not tell you anything. It's not fair to Justin."

"I bet he is more than `fair'."

"Will you stop."

"I bet she's never said that to Justin."

Britney was enjoying being the center of attention. "What do you want me to say?"

A woman entered the bathroom.

"Justin is more than `fair'. I didn't think I could take it. I choked a lot. Then he was so determined to have me. It hurt at first then, oh, my god! It felt so wonderful!"

The woman left embarrassed.

"It that what you expect me to say?" Britney asked. "How childish. If we do have sex it will only be after Justin and I get married."

Another woman left the bathroom.

Peter hurried toward Justin's bedroom. He wanted to make it up to Justin. He had just been selfish. He knew he had to share Justin with the world. With a new determination he would make Justin understand.

The bedroom was empty. Peter would wait on the couch. But as he approached the couch he saw that there was already a figure on it.


Justin sat up looking embarrassed. "Peter, what are you doing here?"

"I want to apologize for what I said. I will try to trust Britney from now on. I wanted you to know that."

Another figure moved from under Justin.

Britney grinned. "Too late, Peter."


"You wouldn't fight for Justin, well, now I have him."

Peter couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Justin, why?"

"I know how much you care for me but I need someone I can show off in public. Britney is perfect. I can't let my public know I'm in love with another man. I'm sorry, Peter. It was fun but it couldn't last."

"Lock the door on your way out." Britney pulled Justin to her. They disappeared behind the couch.

Peter stood there feeling like his guts had been kicked out. He turned around to find JC and Lance standing behind him.

"You saw?"

They nodded.

JC smiled slightly. "You'll feel better when you're home."

"I doubt it but let's go."

"About that," Lance said.

Peter stopped.

"Now that you are out of the picture so to speak..."

"Lance, what are you saying?"

JC held up an envelope. Peter recognized the airline tickets. "We think it is best that you go back to your real home. We're sorry, Peter but it is for the best. Your presence just raises too many questions."

Peter couldn't believe this was happening. "But we are friends."

"Sorry, Peter."

The room blurred. Suddenly Peter was back in his old apartment. The JC and Lance marionettes stood on the TV. It was like nothing had happened.

"No! This can't be happening! Justin!" Peter screamed.

"You wouldn't fight for him." Britney's voice echoes in his ears. "Now, Justin is mine! You've lost everything!" Britney's laughter filled the room.

Peter awoke with a start. He was in a panic. Where was he? He wished he had left more lights on. It took him some time to realize that he was in Lance and JC's living room. It had just been a nightmare.

But Britney's voice and laughter still thundered in Peter's ears.

"Justin is mine now!"

Peter pressed his hands to his ears. Nothing could stop the voice.

"No, Justin loves me." Peter protested.

"Who did he chose to spend the night with? I have the true power over Justin. You can't even be seen with him in public."

Peter struggled to his feet. "No, that's not true."

"Face the facts, you've lost."

"No, Justin is mine! He loves me! We love each other!" Peter stumbled to the sunroom.

Britney's laughter wouldn't stop. "I even caused your first argument. And Justin stood up for me, didn't he? You can't win against me."

The voice in his head was almost deafening. "Stop it. It's not true!"

Peter was desperate. The voice was driving him to despair. He barely made out the blue lights of the pool.

"Justin is mine. You've lost, sissy boy."

"No!" Peter had to stop Britney's voice. He couldn't project because he couldn't concentrate. Then he got the idea. He would cut himself off from the world.

He stood swaying at the edge of the pool. Then with determination he stepped off the edge. The water closed around him. The roar of the water literally drowned out the voice. Britney's laughter was finally cut off. There was silence in Peter's mind. He relaxed and let the water take him.

Lance opened the door. "I still think it's too early to come home."

"Oh, come on, Lance. If they haven't got to it by now they're not trying." JC closed the door after him.

"It's awfully dark in here."

"Then maybe they're up in Peter's room."

"Or they're being romantic by the pool. With the lights off you can look up at the stars. I'll check."

"Lance, they'll want to be alone."

"Just a peek."

JC gave a quick glance in the kitchen then he followed Lance.

"Something's wrong. The kitchen is clean. Who would stop a romantic moment to do the dishes?"

"Unless they did them together," Lance nudged JC.

They stepped into the sunroom and froze. There was a body floating in the pool.

"Oh, my god!" Lance launched himself toward the pool. "JC, call 911!"

"Lance, wait!"

Lance kicked off his shoes and dove into the pool. But when he got to where the figure was floating he found the body now vertical in the water.

"What are you trying to do, drown me?" Peter sputtered.

"I thought you were." Lance protested trying to mentally shift gears now that situation wasn't as Lance thought.

"I'm sorry I scared you, Lance, but as a future reference drowning victims usually float face down."

"I was in a panic and it was dark. I didn't have time to notice. Why didn't you use the float?" Lance spat back.

"It has a puncture, remember? Plus there wasn't time."

They made their way to the edge of the pool.

Peter felt very guilt for causing a scare. "I am truly sorry, you two. I didn't think you'd be home so soon. I lost all track of time."

JC helped them out of the pool. "Most people don't go swimming fully clothed."

"I didn't have time to undress."

"Why don't you two go change and we can talk."

Lance suddenly had a question. "Where's Justin?"

"The usual, he got called away."

"Britney?" JC asked.

"Who else?"

Lance pointed to the pool. "Peter, you weren't trying to..."

"Lance, I told you I could never do that. I just needed to clear my mind and floating in the pool helped."

"But why?"

"Lance, the sooner you two get into dry clothes the sooner we will find out."

Peter headed off.

"JC, did you know Peter was okay?"

"Not at first. But then I noticed that he was floating face up plus I saw his hands moving."

"I wish you would have told me." Lance wrung out his shirt.

"I tried but you were too busy being a hero."

"It was rather brave, wasn't it?" Lance moved close. "Don't I get a reward?"

JC put out his hand. "Not while you're all wet."

Lance grinned. "Then I had better change fast."

Lance hurried into the house.

Justin had to face the fact this wasn't as fun as he remembered it. The gossip was fun once but now it struck too close to home. He overheard gay men taking about their boy toys or their gardeners who did more than just mow the grass. If he came out he didn't want people to think of Peter like that. Plus the crowd and the fancy food weren't making him feel any better. He wished he could leave but he had promised Britney to stay.

Justin had asked Britney to dance mainly because there were less people on the dance floor and he needed breathing space. Happily the music was up tempo. He didn't know if he could handle a slow dance.

Soon Justin became aware of the stares. People were watching them more than before.

"Brit, is it just me or are we getting stared at."

"So what? Enjoy the attention."

Justin tried but this time the whispering and gawking bothered him. He felt like he was blushing. The room seemed to be getting very hot.

"I need something to drink."

Britney walked with him to the bar. After ordering Justin felt dizzy. He held tight to the bar.

"Are you all right?" Britney asked.

"Just a little tired. It's so hot in here."

"Well, sit down for awhile. We still have a few hours to go."

`Oh, shit.' Justin thought. But he just smiled and nodded.

The cold drink helped a little. But then a slow song started.

"Come on, Justin. We never slow dance."

It was the last thing that Justin wanted. But he let Britney pull him to the dance floor. She wrapped her arms around him and pressed tight up against him. Britney laid her head on Justin's shoulder. This made Justin very uncomfortable.

He felt a nudge. The man next to Justin nodded at Britney, winked then danced off.

They had to be joking.

Justin saw one of the other men he had spoken to earlier give a pelvic thrust and then the thumbs up.

What was happening? Why did everyone think Britney and Justin were lovers?

A woman leaned toward Britney as they danced by. "Excuse me, I just heard. I am so happy for you. Have you set the date yet?"

"No," Britney said in a hurried voice.

"Well, congratulations anyway." She danced off.

"What was that about?"

"Nothing," Britney said.

Another couple dance by. "You make such a cute couple. I'm happy for you."

"Thank you." Justin said. "Come on, Brit. I'm hungry. Excuse us, please."

Justin pulled Britney from the dance floor. They needed to speak privately but every corner had people standing. Justin headed for the door.

"You're not leaving?" asked someone.

"Just need some air." Justin replied.

Once outside Justin made their way to some bushes.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Justin, please."

"Why are people happy for us? And it better not be what I am thinking."

"I was kidding around with the girls in the bathroom. Someone heard it wrong and the rumor spread."

"What rumor?" Justin felt his blood pounding. Stay calm.

"That we are going to get married."


"I'll clear it up. I promise."

"You bet your ass you will."


"That explains why everyone was staring at us."

Britney looked down at the ground. "It's not the only reason."


"They think we're having sex."

"Damn it, Britney, how did that start?"

"Again I was joking around and they heard me wrong. I'll explain everything. Trust me."

"I'm not sure I can anymore."

"Please, Justin. Come back inside. I'll make an announcement or something."

Justin let Britney take him back inside. But now with every look Justin knew what these people were thinking. He was having sex with Britney? Marriage? His stomach started to hurt. He felt dizzy again. The heat in the room was stifling.


"Justin, are you okay? You look pale."

"I don't feel well. I think it was something I ate." Justin lied. How could he tell Britney that the idea of the two of them being intimate was making him ill? "I think I should go home."

"Well, I can't go home now." Britney put her hand on Justin's arm. "I'll find another ride home. Can you make it home alright?"

Justin nodded. He had to get out of the crowd fast. Justin managed a kiss on Britney's cheek then started to fight his way to the door.

Once outside Justin made a beeline for a clump of bushes. He barely made it before he was violently ill.

A passing couple saw him. "There's always someone who over does it."

The next wave hit Justin before he could correct the couple.

A few minutes later Justin made his way to his car. He felt better. Justin had tried to go back to his ego past but he did fit anymore. The dirt he had dished with these people now was more personal and it hurt to hear it. He wanted to go home. No, there was someplace he really rather be but he couldn't go looking like this. Luckily he kept extra clothes in his trunk.

Justin pulled out his gym bag. He threw the suit jacket in the back seat and pulled on a tee shirt. Quickly making sure no one was around he took off his dress pants and put on a pair of lounging pants. Now he was ready to seek acceptance from and apologize to the one person he really needed right now. Justin started his car and drove off into the night.

"Her voice and laughter filled my mind. I had to do something. The pool did the trick."

"I can't imagine what caused that."

"Oh, come on, Lance." JC said. "When we had out first argument we were worried for days."

"But Britney's voice?"

"When I met her the first time I told her I wouldn't fight for Justin because I didn't want to put him through that." Peter shrugged. "I guess with Justin going off to her my subconscious thought she had already won."

"Nonsense, Peter. Justin will always love you."

"But he can't be seen with me in public."

"Why not?" JC replied. "It just hasn't happened yet. After Justin's schedule settles down you will see." JC patted Peter's knee. "Don't be afraid of what hasn't happened."

Peter nodded. "Thank you."

Lance yawned. "We're going to bed. You should, too."

"In awhile. I'm not sleepy yet. Soon."

"Turn on the security alarm when you do."

"Sure, JC." Peter watched them go.

Peter walked out to the pool. He lay on the chaise lounge staring up at the stars. Justin was probably having lots of fun with the famous people he was rubbing elbows with. If that was what Justin wanted, Peter would give no objection. Peter wanted to keep Justin happy.

There was a soft sound. Peter sat up. It came again but Peter could make it out this time. It was his name.


Peter turned. Justin stood in the doorway. He had changed clothes. Something was wrong.

Peter scrambled to his feet. "How was the party?"

"Dreadful." Justin looked so miserable and crestfallen.

Peter crossed to him. "I'm sorry about earlier. It was my fault."

"No, it wasn't. It doesn't matter. Just hold me, Peter, please."

Peter wrapped his arms around Justin. Justin didn't respond at first then slowly his arms slid up Peter's back. Peter felt Justin's arms tighten around him tighter and tighter. Justin seemed to be trembling. Then Justin buried his face in Peter's shoulder. Justin just held Peter. He didn't say a word. Then Justin let out the most contented sigh.

After a few minutes Justin stepped back. "Is there anything to eat? I'm starving."

Justin swallowed. He pointed to his plate with the fork. "This is good."

"It's better fresh." Peter balked. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Justin Timberlake made a mistake. I admit it."

"You had to find out for sure."

"And I sure did. I can't believe she had the nerve to let people think we were a couple."

Peter said nothing.

"You can throw in an `I told you so' any time now."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

"You are such a sissy boy."

"I know."

Justin reached across the table and took Peter's hand. "And I love sissy boys."

Peter smiled. "I know that, too. More?"

Justin sat back. "No."

"You didn't eat much."

"I guess I'm not as hungry as I thought."

"You'd think you would be after that visit to the bushes." Peter started to clear the dishes.

Justin looked serious. "Please, Peter, don't let Britney know about that."

"What that the thought of you and her doing the nasty made you retch your guts out? Never. But I can treasure that fact, can't I?"

Justin grabbed Peter's arm and pulled him onto his lap. "Now you know for sure that you have no competition, right?"

Peter put his hand on Justin's cheek. "Yes, lover." Peter frowned. "Justin, you're hot."

Justin grinned. "Thanks."

Peter's hand moved to Justin's forehead. "No, I mean you have a fever."

"That explains the way I feel."

Peter stood up. "You need to be in bed."

"Okay, I'll call you in the morning."

"Oh, no you don't. I'm not having you drive in this condition."

"I'm all right."

"I'll let your folks know where you are. Now upstairs, march."

Justin had never seen Peter in nurse mode. He would have protested but it had been such a lousy night that having Peter take care of him felt nice. Peter had Justin take some aspirin then turned on the shower. He helped Justin undress then stripped and joined Justin in the shower. He washed Justin from head to foot.

Justin couldn't help but joke as Peter washed his crotch. "I could use a little TLC."

"Isn't that what you're getting from me?"

Justin grinned. "A Tongue Licking my Cock."

"Sorry, against doctor's order's."

"I want a second opinion."

"You won't be fucking any ass either."

"Damn. I might as well be home."

"I'm just pretending your name is Charles."


"I don't want to up Chuck."

"I will with jokes like that."

"You started it."

Justin began to feel a little worse as Peter toweled him off. Justin balked at the pajamas but Peter insisted. They climbed into bed.

After a few minutes Justin began to feel the chills. He tried to control his shaking to keep from waking Peter but soon there a voice at his ear.

"Take off you shirt."

Justin complied. Peter removed his. He moved close and took Justin into his arms.

Peter's body heat soon warmed Justin.

"Peter, don't. You catch what I have."

"Then you can nurse me. Go to sleep."

"I'm sorry."

"You couldn't help getting sick."

"Not that. I wanted so much to make love to you."

"It can wait."

"Another goddamn delay," Justin snapped. "We don`t get any breaks do we?"

Peter smiled. "I have you in my arms. That`s enough for now so sleep. Or there will be no sex later."

Justin's eyes snapped closed.

Peter settled himself for sleep.

Justin's eyes opened to slits. Peter's eyes were closed. Justin gazed at Peter's face. He wanted so much to caress Peter's face. What a different reaction he got at being sick than from Britney. Still Britney had caused Justin to have some doubt. There was one way to prove it to himself but he didn't feel up to it. Maybe in a few hours when the aspirin took effect... Justin had to know tonight.

In his dreams Peter was laying naked on the chaise lounge by the pool. Justin was caressing Peter's body while sucking his cock. Justin's blue eyes sparkled as he dove up and down on the cock. Then Peter was nudged from his sleep. This was really happening.

"Justin, you're supposed to be resting. You're sick remember."

Justin pulled off of Peter. "I will after this. I feel much better. The aspirin must have kicked in."

As much as Peter was enjoying this, "I think you should stop. You need your rest."

"Soon, I promise. Peter, I really need this." Justin moved up until they were eye to eye. He kept stroking Peter. "It was a lousy night and I want it to end well. Plus I have had so much of Britney tonight I need to get her out of my mind. I want to think about you and me having sex." Justin made a face and shuddered, "And not Britney."

"Okay, I'm convinced. But no more talk of Britney or I'll get sick. And if you throw up during this it will really hamper our sex life."

"The only thing I'm going to throw up is my legs."


Justin ran his fingers along Peter's cheek. "It has been a long time since I let you fuck me. What's fifteen minutes, Peter? I'll be the perfect patient after that." Peter was wavering. "Besides by getting my blood rushing the illness should get out of my system faster."

Peter raised an eyebrow.

Justin pulled back the sheets and pulled off his pajama pants. He watched Peter's eyes trail down his naked body. "Please, Peter."

Peter was tempted to say no but his hard-on overruled his head. He reached for the lube and condoms.

Justin rolled onto his back, grabbed his knees and lifted his legs. He was so eager Peter couldn't disappoint him.

Peter squeezed some lube onto his fingers. He slowly worked it into Justin's puckered opening. With gentle round movements Peter got Justin ready. But Justin seemed apprehensive.

"Relax. How many times do I have to tell you that?" Peter chided.

"I don't know if I will ever get truly comfortable with this, sorry." Justin looked up at Peter. "How come you do it so easily?"

"It wasn't easy at first. But I wanted to feel you inside me. We become one person, one lover, rather, that way."

Justin thought for a moment. "Please, Peter. I want to be one with you," Justin paused, "Lover."

Peter lubed himself up. His hand slid easily on the condom. He moved forward. Peter felt his cock's head press against Justin's asshole. A little more force and it slipped passed the sphincter.

Justin gasped. His hand found Peter's stomach. Peter got the message. Slowly Peter entered Justin.

Justin felt Peter sink into him. There was a tinge of discomfort, a wishing to stop and then a warm feeling of connectedness. Justin felt Peter's inward thrust stop.

"You okay?"

Justin quickly took stock. "Yes. Keep going."

Peter pulled out then press back in. Justin's ass muscles clinched around his cock. It felt so good. But Peter was more concerned about Justin. Then he remembered something. He grabbed a pillow.

"Justin, raise your hips up."

As Justin did Peter slid the pillow under him. Justin's hips were now at a higher angle.

"This is supposed to be easier for you." Peter thrust back into Justin.

"Oh, my." There was a surge there that Justin had never felt before. Could this be true? Another thrust and another jolt. "Oh, Peter."

Peter smiled. "Feeling good?"

"Yes," Justin laughed. "Keep going."

Peter watched the apprehension wash away. Justin was enjoying himself. Peter sped up his thrusting.

"Oh, Pete... I... Oh, god... I..."

Whatever Peter's cock was hitting in Justin is was the right buttons. Justin fell back against the bed. Peter was sending waves of joy through his body. Justin's hands found anything to hold onto or caress. One would grip the sheets while the other would tweak Peter's nipple.

"Don't stop, Peter. It has never felt like this before."

Peter thrust harder. He bent Justin's leg so he could lick his instep.

Justin shuddered. "Oh, damn!"

Peter nibbled Justin's toes. Justin loved every minute of it. Peter leaned forward and put his legs out behind him. He thrust deeper into Justin's ass.

"That's it, Peter!" Justin tried to look into Peter's eyes but the waves of pleasure cause him to close his. "It's so... don't stop, I love...oh my..."

Peter had never seen Justin in such a state. Every little thing he did seemed to send Justin farther into ecstasy. Peter looked down. Justin's cock was hard and throbbing but Justin wasn't even touching it. Peter moved back onto his knees. He took Justin's cock in his hand and began stroking it. Justin's mouth fell open but no words came out.

Justin tossed and turned on the bed. He was moaning in a very happy manner.

If Justin needed this sex he was surely showing it.

Then Peter decided to try something. He leaned down. He bobbed up and down. Slowly his back relaxed and he got closer to his goal. Finally he had to raise Justin up at the hips slightly. Peter managed to just get the tip of Justin's cock into his mouth.

Justin almost screamed. Peter was fucking and sucking him at the same time.

"Damn, Peter. Fuck me. Suck me. Do anything but don't stop!"

Peter's back soon got a cramp and Peter had to stop. But to make up for the loss Peter jacked Justin's cock.

Justin's mouth was open, his eyes were closed and his body twisted and turned on the bed. The sound of their bodies slapping together filled the room.

Justin's head tilted back on the pillow. "Oh, god. Oh, god, Peter, I think I'm...," Justin hands went to his stomach. "Oh, god!"

Peter grew worried. He slowed down. "Justin?"

"Don't stop damn it! I'm not feeling sick. I'm feeling fuckingtastic!"

Justin's legs crossed behind Peter pulling him to Justin. His arms wrapped around Peter's back. Peter couldn't have backed off it he had wanted to. Justin was in the throws of something Peter didn't know what but Justin was in pure bliss.

Justin`s voice filled the room. "Oh, god yes, Peter! Fuck me! Fuck me hard! I love your cock in my ass! It feels so good!"

Justin's screams sent Peter over the edge. "Oh, fuck, Justin, I'm coming!" He thudded into Justin.

Justin pulled Peter close. His voice was loud in Peter's ear. "Cum in my ass! Give me your load!"

Peter's cock exploded filling the condom with cum. He gasped and grunted. Finally he lay panting on top of Justin.

"Thank you, Peter." Justin moaned.

Peter looked up. "Not yet. You haven't cum yet." Peter grinned. "Just you wait."

"But I don't...Oh, my god!"

Peter swallowed Justin's cock. Up and down the throbbing shaft he stoked it with his lips and his tongue. Then Peter slid his fingers into Justin's asshole.

"Oh, fuck!"

It was only that time with Kevin that Justin had been fucked and sucked at the same time. The surges of pleasure ripping through him were getting too much to stand. Justin looked down at Peter. Was that the blue glow they had talked about? Peter's aura? Peter was giving Justin his all to pleasure him. Justin gave up fighting. He let the inevitable happen.

"You're going to make me cum, Peter."

"Um-hum," came the muffled enthusiastic answer.

Peter swallowed Justin then thrust his fingers as far up Justin as he could. Pulling his fingers out Peter bend them forward. They raked against Justin's prostate.

"Damn, Peter! I going to pop!"

Justin's ass muscles clamped around Peter's fingers. Peter relaxed his throat as Justin shot off in his mouth. Peter swallowed eagerly. Justin thrashed about on the bed. Then slowly after a time Justin relaxed.

Peter moved up to Justin. He leaned close.

Justin covered his mouth. "Germs, you know."

Peter moved his hand down over Justin's eyes. He kissed each closed lid. Peter moved back.

Justin opened his eyes. "It has never been like this, Peter." Justin took Peter's hand and raised it to his lips. "The best yet, I swear."

Peter laughed. "For a sick person you are one mean fuck." Then Peter frowned.

"Peter, I made you do me. I needed this. Please, believe me." He stroked Peter's cheek. "And thank you."

Peter smiled and nodded. "Just don't develop pneumonia."

"I promise."

Peter disposed of the condom. He had barely sat down on the bed before Justin's arms were around him. Justin nuzzled Peter's neck.

"Let's lie down."

They lay down. Justin on his side and Peter on his back.

"Peter, please look at me."

Peter rolled over.

"I want to say that tonight the sex was very important to me."

"Justin, you should sleep."

"In a moment, I need to tell you this. Over the last few days I started being confused about what I wanted. I mean between us. And before you blame her, yes, it was partially Britney. But it was other things, too. People at the party talked about their boy toys and employees that `serviced' them. It hurt me to think that if they knew about us that they would see you that way."

"Justin, I don't mind."

"I do. Peter, you are not like that. This means so much more. But I needed to know about me."


"I got more uncertain about us and what I wanted. I realized that I've always fucked you lately. That is no basis for a relationship."

"You're wrong, Justin," Peter protested. "I've read about couples who don't even..."

"Please, let me finish. That is why it was so important for you to fuck me tonight. I wanted to be certain that I really enjoyed it. That I wasn't just enduring it to make me feel less guilt that I'd rather be doing you." Justin's eyes met Peter's. "I more than enjoyed it. I didn't expect that especially the way I feel tonight. You were sending me through the roof. I don't know what a female feels when she has an orgasm but it was almost like I had an anal orgasm. Now I know that we will share equally in the sex. Then there was the emotional side. I felt the connection between us. It was so wonderful. You'll have to fuck me more often."

"Gladly, Justin, I just didn't know how comfortable you would be with it."

Justin smiled. "But I learned a great truth tonight." Justin brushed Peter's cheek. "I don't care what Britney thinks or the whole world for that matter. I need this. I want this. Peter, I love you so much. You are so good for me. And no matter what happens just knowing that you will be standing there when I need you. I will never doubt us again."

Peter cupped Justin's cheek. "I'll always be here for you Justin. I love you." He pulled Justin close.

"Thank you, Peter." After a while Justin pulled back. "I'll go to sleep now."

"Justin, are you crying?"

"No," Justin wiped his eyes. "It must be the flu."

"Watery eyes are a common symptom."

Justin suddenly went flush, "Excuse me." He got out of bed and rushed for the bathroom.

After a bit Justin returned to the bed.

"Are you all right?"

Justin pulled on his pajama pants. "Yea, I just had to go. Oh, and before you tell me, I took more aspirin. It's almost been 4 hours." He cuddled up to Peter.

Peter smiled to himself. `I just had to go'. Yeah, before he showed Peter the Justin Timberlake did cry now and then.

"Peter? Were you like this when your mother was sick?"

"Well, I never got into bed with her but yes."

"She was very lucky. I am very lucky."

"We all are very lucky." Peter paused. "Justin?"


"What about Britney? Do you think she'll ever give up?"

"Some night we will have her over. We will tie her to that chair and we'll force her to watch you fuck me. That should put all marriage thoughts out of her mind."

"Justin, you can be so devious."

"Guess who I learned it from. But I don't want to talk about this." Justin started to shake. "I think I'm getting the chills again."

"Let me spoon up to you." Justin rolled over. Peter pulled him close. "Better?"

Justin sighed. "I wish we could be like this forever."

"As often as we can, Justin. Now, you need your sleep."

Justin closed his eyes. "I love you, Peter."

Peter kissed Justin's neck. "I love you, too. Now sleep."

Earlier Lance was pulled from sleep by a strange sensation. Something warm and wet was pressing into his ass. He jumped.


Lance looked over his shoulder. JC was rubbing his nose.

"Sorry, JC," Lance couldn't help chuckling. "Getting woken up by someone rimming my ass is such a weird feeling."

"I didn't think." JC moved up face to face with Lance. "I would have rolled you over but when I took your shorts off your ass is too tempting."

"Oh, really? And what makes you think I am going to put out? It's been a bad night all `round."

JC grinned. "But I have good news."

"It better be real good news if you want me."

"It is. That's why I was warming you up. I knew you wouldn't want to waste any time once you heard."

"So what is it?"

"What's what?" JC teased.

"The good news."

"What good news?"

Lance rolled onto his back. "Okay, smart ass. No news. No ass."

JC pouted. "Please?"

"You spill and I'll spread `em."

"Okay, okay." JC relented. "I got up to get something cold to drink. I glanced out of the kitchen window and you'll never guess what I saw."

Lance was in no mood for joking. "And you'll never guess when the next time you'll see my ass is."

"Okay," JC paused. "Justin's car is in the driveway."

Lance sat up. "Justin's back?"

"Yep, and from what I heard coming from Peter's room they're making up. Well, they're making out."

"Really? That's great." Lance frowned. "Unless Justin just showed up to play hide the sausage again."

"From what I heard Justin wasn't the one doing the hiding."

"What?" Lance jumped out of bed. He headed for the door.

"Lance, the bedrooms are off limits."

"I don't want to peek. I just wondered what I can hear."

As Lance disappeared down the hall, JC grabbed the bottle of lube and got his cock lubed up. "Twelve, eleven, ten, nine..."

Lance still got off on the idea that Justin liked getting his ass plowed. It was so unlike Justin. He was half way down the hall when he heard Justin shout out loud and clear.

"Oh, god yes, Peter! Fuck me! Fuck me hard! I love your cock in my ass! It feels so good!"

Lance turned on a dime. His cock was hard instantly. He had heard Justin's chuckle tremolo at the `so good'. Justin was obviously enjoying getting fucked. Now Lance wanted it, too. Lance almost ran back into their bedroom.

"...Three, two, one..."

Lance belly flopped onto the bed. He spread his ass cheeks.

"Fuck me, JC."

"Lift-off, we have lift-off." JC finished. He positioned himself between Lance's legs. JC pressed forward.

"Oh, yes, JC." Lance clutched at the sheets. JC's cock sliding into him that first time always sent a thrill through Lance.

JC smiled. Lance's love of people in love had been an endearing trait. Now with Peter living here it had really increased his sex life. Peter had thought he would get in the way. In truth he was a change for the better. JC would have to thank him in the morning. JC started his rhythm.

Lance thrilled as JC's cock raked his insides. Each thrust in and pull out sent wonderful sensations through his body. He arched his back. JC's cock seemed to plunge in deeper. They had barely started and he was already moaning with pleasure.

JC swiveled his hips with each thrust into Lance. He knew when he had hit the spot as Lance's head would twist one way or the other. Lance would tighten his ass muscles around JC's cock sending jolts of joy through JC. JC could hear his rhythm as Lance would groan as JC's cock hit maximum penetration.

Lance's knuckles were white as he clutched the sheets. JC was making him feel so good. Lance always loved the feel of JC inside him.

JC leaned down. "Do you like this?"

"Yes, JC." Lance moaned.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No, JC!" Lance's hands reached behind him and held JC's ass. "Please, keep fucking me."

"You really love me up your ass?"

"Oh, yes, JC."

"Like Justin loves Peter giving it to him?"

Lance got the reference. "Yes, JC, fuck me!" Lance shouted.

"Then I'll give it to you good." JC pulled Lance from the bed. "Lie on the floor and put your butt in the air." JC barked.


"Do it."

Lance did as he was told. He waited. JC seemed to have left the room. Then there was a sound of something hitting the floor softly.


"Now you will know what fucking is." JC held his body on his hands and toes and pushed his cock back into Lance.

Lance's legs were almost touching the floor by his head. But what slight discomfort was overwhelmed by the electrical thrills shooting through him. JC had never fucked him like this. It was rougher then usual but Lance loved it.

"JC, your cock is going so deep in me."

"You like that?"

"Fuck, yes, JC. Don't stop. Fuck me hard."

JC had become a pile driver. Lance had never felt JC's cock go so far inside him before. Lance was going crazy with pleasure. Lance glanced up. There was nothing to see but JC's torso and hips. Then Lance saw it. Just a glimpse. He could see JC's cock as it plunged down into him. Lance's blood was sent rushing.

"I can see you." Lance panted. "I can see you enter me."

JC lowered his head until he was inches from Lance. "Does that turn you on?"

"Fuck, yeah, JC."

"Then watch me drill you good."

JC started thrusting into Lance as fast as he could.

Lance tried to stay watching but the pleasure coursing through his body was taking over. He closed his eyes, wrapped his hand around his cock and started jacking himself.

"Fuck me, JC. Fuck me deeper!"

JC was beginning to tire. It was time to end this.

"You like to cum when I am fucking you?"

"Oh, yes, JC."

"Cum for me, Lance."

Lance looked up. He could see JC's cock as it plunged into him. He could hear the sound of their bodies slapping together. Lance felt the passions within him grow.

"Cum for me, Lance. Shoot your load. Let me watch you cum on your face."

Lance hadn't realized it before then. His cock was aiming right at his face. The lust swelled in him. JC's cock plunged deep inside of him and what wanted out wanted out.

"JC, I'm going to cum."

"Shoot for me, Lance."

Lance let out his deep bass rumble was his cock shot off. He closed his eyes as his cum splatter on his face and neck. Such pulses of joy ripped through him. It seemed like minutes as Lance felt his hot cum hit his face. Then it finally slowed.

"Lance, it's my turn. I'm going to cum!"

"On my face, Josh. Cum on my face!"

JC pulled out as his cock spewed its load on Lance. JC's body twitched and shook as the orgasm flooded through him. Then he relaxed. He allowed Lance to lay out on the floor.

They kissed for a moment. JC licking at the cum on Lance's face.

"JC?" Lance held his arms out. "I need to go wash. Lead me to the bathroom."

Lance didn't see it but JC smiled. "Just lie still."

Lance felt a washcloth wipe the cum from his face.


Lance opened his eyes to JC's grin.

"You knew?"

"I dashed into the bathroom before. I knew you would need it."


JC helped Lance to his feet. "We were watching Peter's porn movies. When I was in the other room you rewound the scene we just played out three times."

Lance looked surprised. "But you couldn't have seen..."

"I could still hear from the other room."

Lance took JC into his arms. "Oh, JC, we are so wonderful together."

"With a little help."

They both put on their shorts and crawled back into bed.



"We should thank Peter for living here with us."

"Because he has increased our sex lives?" Lance's looked surprised at JC. "I realized that, too."

They broke out laughing.

Lance lay his head on JC's chest. "Who would have thought that when we met that lonely gay hermit that he would do so much for us?"

"And vice a versa."

"I wonder what is still to come?"

"Oh, I think probably Justin." JC grinned, "If he hasn't already."

Lance sighed. "It's like we have our own gay Garden of Eden in this house."

"Lance, remind me in the morning to cancel that grocery order for a dozen apples."

Justin suddenly was awake. How could he have gone out in public to a charity party yet `showing so much cleavage'? Peter had seen it. He had been the male clone of Britney. Justin had looked like a male gigolo. Then there was Britney starting all those rumors. Justin cringed. When John found out is wouldn't be pretty. Hell, when John found out the shit would really hit the fan! How could he sleep now?

Then slowly Justin felt Peter's calming presence. It was so warm and safe in his arms. Justin whole body still tingled from the fucking Peter had given him. Or was it the fever? It was nice to have his mind clear of doubts about their relationship at last. Justin nestled into Peter's embrace. He'd worry about the party fall-out in the morning. Justin closed his eyes.

End Part 36.

Lots happening this chapter. I hope you liked what you read. As always, you can let me know what you think if you would like to at Question: Do you like these long chapters? I give them a beginning and end now. I've tried to make them shorter but I don't like having cliff hangers. You readers seem to be so eager for new chapters as it is. Reader's opinions welcomed on this.

Were you surprised at times reading this part? Okay, I like to play with your minds. I get you to think this is going to happen and it turns out `that' happens instead. (As in the leaked story and Peter and the pool.) Well, I try to keep you readers on your toes.

Anyway, I better start on the next part. I must keep you readers happy and sated.

Watch for part 37.

Next: Chapter 37

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