Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Apr 19, 2003


First I have say thank you' to all who have E-mailed me and to all you loyal readers out there. April 30th is the 2 year anniversary of Lance JC and Astral Fan'. Thank you so much! I never could have made it this long without your support. And being that I finally discovered how to create a website I have done this for Astral Fan. Go to and search for pete1211. Click on `Lancejcastralfan" or I can E-mail you the link. There are photos that have inspired the story or just get me inspired (and I don't mean to write.) Plus there is a little of my other writing. I hope you will enjoy.

So now for the CYB statements: (cover your butt)

This story: Pure BS. Don't believe a word of it.

Are NSYNC & the Backstreet Boys gay?: Pure BS. Don't believe a word of it. (Well, not to the author's knowledge limited as that is.)

Is this NSYNC's real life?: No! Pure BS. Don't believe a word of it.

Will there be hot gay sex?: Pure BS. Don't believe a word of it. WAIT! Yes, there will be. (At least the author thinks so. Note the author's knowledge stated above.)

So if you find sex objectionable (reading about it that is) or you are underage STOP READING NOW. And I MEAN IT! I can see you!

On to the story:

In the morning Peter entered the kitchen. "Do you guys have a thermometer?"

"Sure." Lance opened a drawer. "This is good for chicken to beef."

"Not a meat thermometer. I need it for Justin."

Lance still handed Peter the thermometer grinning. "It's works on rump roast."

"Justin's came down with the flu. I need to take Justin's temperature."

"Oh," JC smiled. "Which would Justin like better the oral or the rectal?"

"Neither. I don't need one," Justin protested as he entered the kitchen. "I don't have a fever. I'm fine."

"Not until I tell you you're fine." Peter countered. "Now get your beautiful buns back in bed."


Peter pointed upstairs. "Then get your beautiful butt back in bed."

Justin tried for a majority. "But I feel fine. Guys, help me out on this."

JC raised his hands. "Sorry. We never cross the line and get between two lovers. Justin, you are on your own."

"But it is your house."

"No way," Lance said. "I know what happens to people who tick Peter off. I am staying clear of this."

Peter softened a bit. "Please, Justin. I'll bring you some breakfast. And if you don't have a fever you'll be free by lunch." Peter took Justin's hand. "I worry about you."

Justin gave up. "Okay, I'll go."

JC nodded at Justin. "He must be sick. Justin Timberlake not wanting to be the center of attention?"

Justin sneered. "I got enough of that last night."

"What happened at the party?" Lance asked.

Justin started to answer but Peter cut him off.

"Ah-ah, it can wait until later." Peter pointed again. Justin slunk off.

Peter turned. "Now, about the thermometer?"

Lance jumped up. "I'll get it." He jokingly gave Peter wide berth as he went around him. Peter heard him running up the stairs.

JC turned back to reading the paper. "Justin sure didn't sound sick last night."

"It was during a brief lull. But that was his idea."

JC looked over the paper at Peter.

Peter shrugged. "I couldn't disappoint him. He had some issues he needed to work out."

JC smiled remembering Justin shouting. "I take it that he did."

"Yeah, that added to his reactions more than what I did."

JC lowered the paper. "Oh, bull. You had to be doing something right to get him to vocalize like that."

Peter blushed. "You heard?"

"If the air conditioning wasn't on half of Orlando would have heard. When the weather gets cooler you'd better make a habit of checking for open windows and closing them. We don't want to upset the neighbors."

Peter just nodded.

JC raised the paper again. He turned a page. "May I ask what issues Justin was working through?"

"He just felt the relationship was getting kind of one sided. Then he also wanted to prove that he enjoyed being the bottom and wasn't just enduring it for my sake. When he found out he really did enjoy it that multiplied the experience. He wants to balance out the sex now." Peter shrugged. "I really don't mind being on the receiving end most of the time."

JC chuckled. "Lance didn't either."

Peter's head snapped around. "You've been through this too?"

"Yep. It took a falling spotlight to change my opinion."

"Really? It was after the rescue?"

"It was the night you stayed in our room. We were having sex and got to that point and Lance just accepted that it was going to be him. When I handed him the lube he was so surprised. After my brush with morality I wanted to share the sex equally. I wanted to make sure every pleasure I felt Lance would too. We've managed to sort of stick to that since then."

"It was different with us. Justin liked to bottom at first. Or at least he seemed to. We'd switched off often. Then there were the times when Justin needed to physically feel that I loved him. But it just hasn't happened in quite awhile until last night."

"Maybe because someone was causing Justin confusion as to what he really wanted." JC started to fold the paper. "Maybe last night she pushed Justin too far." JC held out the folded paper to Peter. He pointed, "Maybe this was an issue Justin had to deal with."

"Sweet, Jesus!"

There was a photo of Justin and Britney arm in arm smiling and showing lots of chest between them.

"Well, Peter, it looks like Britney showed her hand. Imagine spreading rumors about her and Justin being a serious couple."

"I know. Justin told me last night. He was very upset. In fact, he blamed his getting sick on Britney. He didn't know then that he had the flu. JC, don't show that to Justin just yet. His stomach is just getting settled."

JC took the paper back. "He'll find out about it sooner or later."

"Who will?" Lance returned. "Here is the thermometer."

Peter took it. "Thanks, Lance."

"Who were you talking about?"

JC showed Lance the paper. "Oh, my god! Justin is turning into a clone of Britney. He does look sexy but he's showing too much skin." Lance read some of the script. "Getting married and having sex? John will be pissed." Lance handed the paper back. "No wonder he needed you so badly last night, Peter." Lance smiled and put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "I guess there's no doubt about who has Justin now."

"Speaking of, I should get his breakfast ready." Peter busied himself about the kitchen.

After Peter had left with a tray Lance turned to JC. "Did you find out what was going on in that room last night?"

"Surely you heard."

"You know what I mean. What was Peter doing?"

"Nothing special according to Peter. It was Justin who was really into it."

Lance grinned. "You mean he was really into Peter's peter being into him."


"Peter was only partially into Justin? No wonder he was screaming for more."

"Lance." JC glared at him.

Lance smirked to JC. "See how annoying it can be when you're trying to be serious and someone makes jokes."

"Point taken."

"So what was Justin's angle?"

"Their sex was getting very one-sided. Sound familiar?"

"JC, I told you I didn't mind. I love you doing me."

"Ditto for Peter."

"He likes you doing him, too."


Lance smirked again. "Just driving home the point." Lance returned to the subject. "But the two times we were with them they both switched off."

"That was before a certain person's influence on Justin. You saw the article. Britney was trying to push Justin back to hetro-sex and in hetro-sex you can't flip-flop."

"So Justin needed to know that he thoroughly enjoyed having sex with Peter and that he was not just playing the straight guy having sex with a gay guy role."


"So Britney was screwing with Justin's mind so badly that only Peter screwing his body straightened Justin out? Or not straighten him out in this case."

JC groaned. "You made your point, Lance. Okay? I won't joke all the time."

"Go ahead, JC. This is fun."

"At least the whole marriage and sex rumor thing blew up in Britney's face."

"John is going to be so pissed about that. How did Peter take it?"

"Well, when Justin left the party he was so upset he threw up. So Peter now knows how Justin feels about the thought of sex with Britney."

"Justin had the flu."

JC chuckled, "Justin didn't know that at the time. I'm not going to try to convince him otherwise."

"Yeah, you're right. Well, at least that's over with. Peter and Justin can relax."

"Lance, this is Britney remember?"

"Then Justin has to have a talk with her. He needs to lay everything out in black and white. We should talk to him."

"Lance, forget it. Leave it up to Justin."

"But," Lance protested.

JC took Lance's hand. "Look, last night Peter said that Justin was upset that it seemed everyone was against Britney. Let's not start that again."

"Okay." Lance frowned. "I'm just getting sick of all this plotting."

"Maybe Britney learned her lesson on this one."

"I hope so."

JC gave Lance a kiss. "Come on, let's clean up these dishes."


"According to this your temperature is normal."


"Let's try an anal reading."

Justin slid away from Peter. "No way. There's only one thing I allow up there."

"Okay, you can get up."

"Oh, goodie." Justin's hand underneath the sheets mimed like he was beating off. "Oh, baby, this feels good."

"Not `get it up', I mean you can get out of bed."

Justin threw back the sheets. "Why don't you get into bed with me?"

"I can't. I have things to do today."

"You? What things?"

"I'll tell you when you're dressed."

Justin climbed out of bed. "You're no fun."

"And you insatiable."

"Especially after last night," Justin took Peter into his arms. "Will you do me again tonight?"

"Do you have to ask?" They kissed. "Now get dressed."

Peter went down stairs as Justin dressed.

"Is Justin feeling better?" Lance asked.

"Of course, he is," JC answered. "Can't you see his lip marks?"

Peter wiped his mouth with his hand.

JC laughed. "So gullible."

Peter's mouth became a firm line. "That's what I love about living in this house always a bundle of laughs."

Lance wanted to change the mood. "When we're not having hot sex that is." Lance gave JC a slight nod.

"That reminds me, Peter. Lance and I would like to thank you for that."

"For what? The hot sex or for living here?"


Peter shook his head. "I don't understand."

"Last night, being how it turned out, Lance and I really weren't in the mood for sex."

"Plus with the mood you were in it just didn't seem fair for us to be enjoying ourselves."

Peter shook his finger. "I told you two not to stop doing anything because of me."

"Let me finish, please." JC said.

Peter backed off.

"You do know that we don't have sex every night anyway."

Peter nodded.

"But when I saw Justin's car in the driveway, I felt so happy for you. I had to tell Lance."

Lance smiled. "And he knew what my reaction would be."

"You crept down the hallway and listened at the door." Justin said as he came into the room.

"I did not!" Lance protested. "I didn't have to." Lance grinned. "I was halfway down the hall when you started screaming. Then it was full speed back to JC."

Justin looked embarrassed. "I forgot about you being down the hall. Although I am glad I didn't wake you."

"It wouldn't have mattered. The result would have been the same." Lance said. "JC got me to do my own screaming. And it was because of you two."

JC sat forward. "What we are trying to say, Peter, is stop feeling that you are in the way. Instead of limiting our sex life you are actually increasing it"

"Really?" Peter looked pleased.

Justin stood behind Peter and put his arms around him. "You're such an inspiration." He nuzzled Peter's neck.

Lance nudged JC. "Justin is definitely feeling better." Lance turned to Justin. "You missed such a romantic night last night. Peter spent hours decorating."

Peter waved his hands at Lance. "Shush," he hissed.

Justin looked surprised. "But I didn't see anything. The dining room was set as usual."

"You didn't make it to the pool?"

Peter felt Justin's eyes boring into him. "No, I didn't."

"The lights weren't turned on." Peter muttered. "I wanted it to be a surprise."

"And we really had to shop around before we found just the right silk robes. Peter was really picky."

"Robes, too?" asked Justin.

"For after the Jacuzzi," Peter replied sheepishly.

Justin took hold of Peter's arms. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Peter shrugged. "I tried to but you stopped me. Then when you came back you look so miserable already I didn't want you to feel worse."

"Now I really feel like a jerk." Justin held Peter to him. "When I didn't see the dining room decorated I was so relieved that I wasn't letting you down by canceling our diner date. I didn't even think to look anywhere else. I am so sorry, Peter. Did you really spend hours decorating?"

"Nah, about an hour and a half."

"Now I really have to make it up to you." Justin gave Peter a kiss.

JC looked at his watch. "I hate to break up the mood but Justin shouldn't you get going. And Peter, what time do we have to be at Joey and Chris's."

"About ten-thirty. Phil said he'd bring Brian there around then."

Justin pulled back from Peter. "Who are Phil and Brian?"

"Phil and Brian Wilson, they're the son's of Wilson and Son's." JC explained.

"Too bad you missed him, Justin. Phil is a hunk. I was envious of all the attention he was giving Peter."

"What?" Justin looked at Peter. "You never told me about this."

"There wasn't time." Peter smirked at Justin. "I didn't see you until last night and we didn't talk much as I remember."

Justin backed off.

"Don't worry about Peter." Lance said. "He didn't succumb to Phil's rugged good looks and that tanned muscular body. I mean even though he looked so hot in those wet swimming trunks."

"Lance," Peter snapped. "Stop defending me, please."

Justin took Peter's chin and grinned. "He was that good looking?"

"He was an Adonis." Peter breathed. "And he liked showing off his body. Phil was a dancer in a gay bar once."

"And you weren't tempted?" Justin asked.

"He was nice to look at." Peter muttered.

Justin pressed on. "Peter?"

Peter found it hard to look at Justin. "When he got up and moved close to me I freaked. It wasn't fun any more."

Justin took Peter into his arms. "That is what I wanted to hear." Justin stood back. "I don't mind you looking at other men or even joking about having sex with them. I know that's as far as you would go." Justin gave Peter a quick kiss. "And Brian?"

"I've never met him. Phil wants me to talk to him though."

"What for?" Justin asked.

JC interrupted. "Let's get Justin up to speed." JC explained. "Phil's seduction of Peter was a test. He wanted to make sure Peter was trustworthy. You see Brian is Phil's younger brother. Phil thinks Brian is gay although Brian hasn't said anything. Phil felt that Brian would find it easier if he knew a gay man to talk to. Peter got the job."

Justin nodded. "With you so far, but why doesn't Phil talk to Brian?"

"He's afraid Brian will just hear his father talking. Their father is very strict with his sons. He is trying to keep outside influences away from them."

"You mean us?" Justin was incredulous.

"More closely," JC indicated Lance, Peter and himself. "Us."

"But you'd be wonderful role models."

"That's why Phil is going behind his father's back. He doesn't want Brian to go through this alone. Plus with the danger of his father finding out Brian might find himself in a risky situation and act without think of the upshot."

"I never quite got that." Lance asked, "What kind of risky situation?"

Peter replied. "Say someone hit on him in a public restroom. Brian might give in just to finally experience man to man sex. His physical need might out weight his common sense."

"So you will teach him the risks?" asked Justin.

"I don't know what I'm going to say. I think I'll just let him talk at first then ask questions." Peter shrugged. "I don't know how much help I'll be in offering experiences but I can at least listen."

Justin patted Peter on the shoulder. "That is your forte. You should have no problem."

"I have only one thing to ask of JC and Lance."

JC looked puzzled. "What?"

"If you don't mind I'd like to mention you two as a back-up. In case he can't get hold of me. I thought since you will be public in a few days you wouldn't mind."

"Of course not," JC said. "It would be a pleasure to be mentors for Brian."

"That's sort of why we're coming out in the first place." Lance added.

"Can I go with?" Justin asked.

"I don't see why not," JC replied. "Besides if all of NSYNC were there it would be less suspicious."

"Good," Justin said. "It will give me something to do while I wait for John to call." Justin's face fell.

"You saw the paper?"

"No, Lance. But I can just imagine."


"I'll get it, JC." Peter interrupted. If it was bad news Peter wanted to be the one to show Justin. He hurried into the kitchen and grabbed the paper. He came back and hesitantly handed the paper to Justin.

"Oh, damn!" Justin cringed. "What was I thinking?"

"You weren't," JC added.

"Peter, you were right. I didn't look sexy. I looked like a slut." Justin pointed a quick finger. "Don't even say it. I was under her control pure and simple. John's really going to be good and pissed at me for this. How could I have been so stupid?"

Peter touched Justin's arm. "So tell him."


JC nodded. "Peter's right. Go to John first and apologize. Show the initiative. Don't wait for John to call."

Justin stood thinking. He seemed to make up his mind. Justin went to the phone and dialed.

"Hi, this is Justin. Is John in? I'd like to stop by and talk to him. Will you tell him I'm coming? Thanks." Justin paused. "Oh, thank you. Bye." Justin hung up the phone. He looked upset.

Lance tried to lighten the mood. "John won't be too hard on you. It wasn't completely your fault."

"It wasn't that." He pointed to the phone. "`I saw your picture in the paper. You make such a cute couple.' I may be sick."

"Upstairs, Justin, quick."

Justin grinned. "Just kidding."

Peter didn't laugh. Justin's grin wasn't as warm at it usually was. Justin knew he had messed up and he wasn't happy about it.

"Why don't you meet us at Joey's and Chris's after you are done with John? We can do lunch or something."

"You mean when John is done with me."

Lance went to Justin. "Do you want us to come with?"

Justin shook his head. "No. I got into this myself and I will face the music by myself."

"If it helps, we understand, Justin." Lance hugged Justin.


JC hugged Justin next. "We'll be with you in spirit, Justin."

"That helps." Justin looked at Peter.

"You already know what I feel." Peter gave Justin a kiss. "Just remember I'm always here for you. It will be alright." Peter gave Justin a hug.

"Thanks, you guys. I think I should stop at home first and change clothes."

Peter was about to say something.

"Warm clothes just in case and I will take it easy today. I may not be totally over the flu yet." Justin winked at Peter. "See you guys later."

Justin left.

"How do you feel, Peter?" JC asked.

"Just as nervous as Justin is."

JC patted Peter's back. "You'll do fine."

"Your love will make each other strong." Lance added.

"How come there is never a superhero whose powers come from love?"

Lance smiled. "Now that's something I`d like to see especially if they were gay."

"Oh, come on, Lance. We have Batman and Robin." JC teased.

"Any superhero with a sidekick could be gay." Peter added.

"I've always thought Superman was hot." Lance said.

"Don't let Joey hear that."

"But you have to be careful, Lance." Peter joked. "No condom could last on him."

"And he couldn't cum inside you." JC grinned. "You'd go through the headboard."

"Oh, but think about doing it while flying."

"I just hope he's not faster than a speeding bullet at everything."

"He'd have to be the top. If he clinched his ass muscles he would rip your willy off."

Lance looked dreamy eyed. "I love all those muscles and those tight tights. Imagine being held in those big strong arms and being pressed against that massive chest."

"Lance," JC tried to look stern. "I'm starting to get jealous."

Peter snorted. "Oh, come on JC. This is Superman. He's a comic book character."

JC laughed. "This is a stupid conversation."

Lance smiled back. "Yeah, thinking about having sex with Superman is ridiculous," Lance sighed. "He wouldn't leave Louis Lane and I know it."

"They're coming down the driveway now." Joey turned from the window. "Show time, Peter."

Peter started pacing. "I hope I know what to say. I have to be encouraging without looking like I'm coming on to him."

Chris put his feet on the coffee table. "Will you relax? You'll do fine."

Peter was wringing his hands. "I've never helped anyone come out before."

"You're not helping him come out. You're just here to help him come to grips with his being gay."

Peter turned. "Chris, that is know in gay circles as `coming out to yourself'. You first have to come out to yourself before you can come out to others."

Joey patted Peter's back. "You did fine with Justin."

Chris snorted. "More than fine. Just keep it a bit more subdued with Brian. No sex on the first date. Oh, that's right you and Justin never had a first date." Chris shook his head. "Sex before the first date? Damn, Peter, you were easy."

They were interrupted by a knock on the door. Joey answered it. Phil was ushered into the room.

"Thank you for doing this, Peter."

Peter confused. There was only Phil. "Where's Brian?"

"Out by the pool. I told him to wait there."

"Aren't you going to introduce us?" Peter asked.

"No, knowing who you are would probably freak him. I thought you two could just start talking."

"But he was supposed to talk to me."

"I know, but if he knew I was taking him to talk to a gay man he'd be afraid Father might find out."

Peter put his hands up. "Wait a minute. I'm supposed to go out to your brother and make chit-chat and then say `by the way are you gay? You can talk to me.'"

Phil shrugged. "Sure."

Peter started pacing again. "I don't believe this! Are you sure your brother is gay?"

"Pretty sure."

"Pretty sure!" Peter spat.

"Look I just know, okay?" Phil's expression showed how much he cared about his brother. "Please, he needs this. Talk to him?"

Peter looked from face to face. Each of them told him what he felt deep down.

"Okay. I'll talk to him. But if he starts beating the hell out of me don't run for the video camera. Help me." Peter walked out to the pool.

Brian was examining a bush. He had the family resemblance. Although in his late teens Peter saw that he would grow into a good looking man.

"You do nice work."

Brian sprang upright. "Thanks," he mumbled. "It could do with a bit of pruning. I should have brought my clippers."

"This isn't your scheduled day."

"I know," Brian said. "I don't know why I'm here."

"Probably just a job review. They want to tell you and your brother what a good job you are doing."

"You think?" Brian seemed relieved.

"Oh, I'm sure it is nothing negative. Joey and Chris aren't like that. In fact everyone in NSYNC is a nice guy. Although you haven`t met all of them."

Brian looked a little nervous then nodded his head.

"Do you like your work?"

"Oh, yes," Brian replied without hesitation. "To work with nature and make things grow is a real kick. We are sort of making order out of nature. We take the trees, bushes, flowers and grass and change them from chaotic things into things of beauty. I mean a tree would grow anyway it can for sunlight and water if you just leave them alone. We bring them order and form."

Peter sensed Brian's father's teaching in those words although Brian did believe them.

"What about the forests? Are those trees beautiful?"

Brian hesitated. He stepped closer to Peter. "I think they're more than beautiful. But please don't tell any landscaper I said that."

Peter indicated that he should go on.

"The trees in the forests are truly trees. They grow just the way they want to. There is no one to trim them back or hack them down when they get too big or unsightly." Brian leaned in to Peter. "But I mean, these trees and bushes they're used to it, right? These don't know what it is to grow wild as nature planned. They need the trimming to look beautiful. The restrictions only make them fill out more, right?"

Peter smiled. "Brian, you are a philosopher."

"How do you know my name?"

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Peter."

Brian shifted back. He became a bundle of nerves. "I wonder where my brother has got to. Maybes he's in front. It was nice meeting you."


"I can't stay. I can't be seen here. I have to find Phil." Brian started off.

"Phil told you to wait for him here, didn't he?"

Brian froze. Slowly he turned back. His head nodded slightly.

"If you are uncomfortable with me here, I'll go inside."

"No, I just work here."

Peter moved to the table. He pointed to a chair. "Please."

Brian shook his head. "I can't."

Peter sat down. "Suit yourself." Peter saw a spark of thought in Brian's mind.

"Do you know why I am here?"

"Yes," Peter said. It was time to lay all the cards on the table. "Phil brought you here."

Brian's mouth dropped. "Why?"

"He thought you might want to talk to me."

"Why?" Brian's voice was a whisper.

"Because your brother thinks you might want to talk to me about being gay."

"Why would I want to talk about you being gay?"

Peter could see Brian was suddenly very nervous.

"We are not talking about just me being gay." Peter's gaze caught Brian's.

"That is a fucking lie!" Brian shouted. "I like to fuck girls. I'm into pussy not ass." He railed at Peter. "You are both fucking wrong! I am not a fucking ass packer."

Peter tried to calm him. "Okay, Brian, I believe you."

"Phil's trying to test me, isn't he? You're trying to seduce me aren't you? Well, it isn't going to fucking work! I'll prove to my brother that I am not a fag like you! Fuck you both!"

Peter stood up. "Brian, you have this wrong!"

"I can't believe my own brother would do this. Set me up with an old fag."

Peter didn't mind the insult. He had hit the sore nerve and Brian was reacting. But he had to bring Brian around. "Brian, this is still the house of a client!"

Brian snapped to like he had been physically slapped. His father's rules for treating clients had been well drilling into his sons. Brian stood there reeling.

"Now, I am not trying to seduce you. First I do have a lover and I would never cheat on him. Second you are probably underage and I am not into chicken or going to jail. And Third your brother thought you were gay and wanted to help you come to terms with that. That's why I am here so you can talk to me. Ask me questions, anything. But if you are not gay I will just leave and your brother will take you home."

Brian still stood there. He was saying nothing.

"But if you are gay," Peter smiled. "This old fag will listen and help you if I can."

Brian just stared at the ground. Then from deep inside of him a trembling started. The question finally burst forth. Brian's voice was thick with anguish.

"How the fuck did he find out about me? I work so hard to hide it." Brian looked up panic on his face. "What if Dad knows? He'll kill me!"

Peter wanted so desperately to touch Brian's hand to offer him comfort but it was too soon for that. "Brian, only Phil knows. I promise you that. He wants to help you. That's why he brought you here. We won't tell your father. Believe me."

"He won't tell Father?"

"He brought you here without your father's knowledge. Please," Peter pointed again to the chair. Brian sat down.

Brian let out a slight chuckle. "When Dad finds out Phil brought me to you Phil will be in big trouble, too."

Peter put as much firmness and sincerity as he could into his voice. "We will all be in trouble. We will face that together."

Brian looked warily. "You'd do that for me? You don't even know me."

Peter sat back. "Brian, I grew up very much alone. I had to deal with being gay on my own. Now I have a chance to give you help and support. I would have given anything if I have had someone to do that for me at your age. But it's your decision. Do you want me to stay and talk?"

A smile snaked its way across Brian's mouth.

"So, do you have any questions?"

Brian thought for awhile. "Does it hurt to get a dick up the ass?"

It was Phil's turn to pace. He wanted this to go well.

Chris turned from the glass door. "They've settled down now. They're just talking."

Phil gave a sigh of relief. "Good."

Joey asked. "Why didn't you tell Brian why he was here?"

"If Brian knew that I knew he was gay he would have denied it emphatically. He wouldn't have gone with me anywhere." Phil looked nervously out the window.

Lance moved to stand next to him. "Don't worry. Brian is in good hands. I can't tell you how many times Peter has helped us when we had problems. He even helped my parents except me being gay."

"Really? I wish he would help Dad come around. The shit's going to hit the fan when he finds out about Brian."

"Well, now Brian won't be alone when that happens. We'll be there to support him."

Phil turned. "We?"

"We need to look out for the future generation."

Phil nodded.

"You don't have to answer this, Phil," JC said. "But has your father always been so negative about gay people?"

"Sort of. He really never mentioned it. But after the divorce he really buckled down on the people around my brother and me. He keeps saying he doesn't want us to make the mistakes he made."


"Mom left Dad for an accountant and he was not very macho if you get my meaning. Dad took it very hard. It was bad enough that she left him but in his eyes she left him for a guy less of a man than he was. That must have really hurt. He was very proud of our family. That is why he is pressing both of us to settle down and raise a family. Family is everything to him."

"Ouch," Lance shook his head. "The atypical family with three and a half kids, picket fence and a pet. He's in for a disappointment."

"As long as Brian gets through this okay. He can live with me if needed."

"Let's wait and see what happens." Chris said. "Don't jump ship before the Titanic even hits the iceberg."

"Chris, you have to work on your similes."

Phil still glanced out the window. "What do you think they are talking about?"

"Sex," Chris said.

"Brian? Sex?"

JC patted Phil's back. "Your little brother is no longer little."

"I mean I sort of knew that's what they would talk about but I guess it never sunk in."

"Brian has been with girls before?"

Phil nodded. "He's had girlfriends."

"Look at it this way." Chris smiled. "Brian gets to lose his virginity all over again."

"Chris!" JC snapped.


Justin walked down the hall from John's office. It had gone easier than he had feared. Easier? That was hardly the word.

"What were you thinking?!"

"I wasn't. I know that now."

John shook the newspaper in his hand. "Did you see the picture? You two were all over each other. What made you dress or should I say not dress up like that?"

"Britney thought I would be sexy."

John threw the paper onto his desk.

"But I looked like a whore." Justin flopped into a chair. "I am so sorry, John. I didn't think. This was to be one last party for old time's sake. But that just isn't me anymore." Justin stared at the floor. "I hated it. The way people talked. It hurt too much. They hit too close to home."

John sat on his desk. He watched Justin.

"It was fun at first for an hour or so. Then it changed." Justin looked up. "Why do I listen to her? What power does she have over me?"

"She's an old friend. It's hard to think bad of an old friend."

"I mean, my god, a couple?! We're just friends. Well, that's my view. But she relished it. It was like it was a victory for her."


Justin knew John wasn't asking for John's benefit.

"Because she had turned the tables on me. People would think that she and I were lovers not Peter and I. It was like she was cutting Peter off from me."


"After I got sick Peter was the one I ran to. He was there for me. He took care of me."


Justin looked up. "Britney didn't win anything. Peter did."

John smiled. "You can think after all." John stood up. "Look, I could yell at you all afternoon but it wouldn't change things. I know Britney was the main power behind this. And you and Peter's relationship survived intact."

Justin smiled to himself. "And how."

"I could just let you off but I won't just."

Justin looked up.

"I want you to write an apology to the NSYNC fans for your lack of judgment in attire. We will post it on the website. That will be your punishment."

Justin nodded.

"Say it was do to your ill health. Britney needn't be mentioned."

"My ill health?"

"You mother called me after Peter called her. You have a lot of people who care about you. Please, don't screw up again. And no jokes about your sex life."

Justin smiled. "That's Chris's scene."

"But it has been wearing off of late."

"Thank you, John."

"Oh, how's the party on Sunday coming?"

"So far, so good. I don't think Peter knows yet. It will be a complete surprise."

"Good. It's nice to know one of my ideas panned out."

"And it was brilliant."

John shrugged. "If Britney kept you away from Peter by pulling you off to parties then the simplest answer was to throw a party for him. You have to be there. Her strings have been cut."

"If she will come."

Justin smiled as he walked. It was over and calling John first had impressed John. He rounded the corner and run into Britney.

"Please, Justin, I know you're mad at me and I know you probably don't want to talk to me. But I made an announcement last night that they were all rumors but the reporter had already left. I am really sorry about this, Justin." Britney looked down. "I dread seeing John."

"You haven't seen him yet?"

"No, when he heard I was here he sent his secretary to me with an appointment."

Justin tried hard not to smile. "You should have gone to him first."

Britney was puzzled. "Why?"

"To apologize first. He would have known that you were sorry about what happened last night."

"Hey, I am sorry the rumors got around but I am not sorry about last night."

`No, you wouldn't be.' Justin thought. "Did you hear about the party on Sunday?"

"Yeah, John told me yesterday."

"Are you going?"

"Yeah, I just might."

"If you go, please behave yourself."

Britney smiled. "Of course." Britney paused. "There's another launch party in a few weeks. If you're not still mad at me by then maybe we can drive together."

Justin almost rolled his eyes. Britney just never gave up.

"Sorry, Britney, the guys and I usually carpool. Besides I think I'll ask someone else to go with me."

"Someone else? Who?"

Justin clicked his tongue. "Do you really have to ask?"

Britney went white. "No, you can be thinking of him."

"Why not? I think Peter will get a kick out of it." They'd hang with the rest of guys but Justin didn't want to tell Britney that.

"You can't take Peter. People will talk. They might find out the truth. It could lead to more rumors."

"But that is what makes it so perfect." Justin went for blood. He moved close to Britney and ran his finger along her cheek. "Who would believe that Peter and I are lovers when everyone now knows I have you?"

The look on Britney's face was too precious.

"So you see I can't be really mad at you for last night. Now Peter can come out of the shadows. `Come out of the shadows'. Chris would like that one."

"Justin, you can't be serious."

"Oh, I am very serious. I learned a lot last night especially after the party."

"Spare me the details of your sexual exploits."

"This had nothing to do with sex. When Peter found out that I was sick he took care of me. I have never received such attention."

Britney snorted and turned away. "He would."

"And what did I get from you when you found out I was sick? `I can't leave now. I'll find my own way home. Take care.' Thanks for caring." Justin started walking away.

"Justin, I did care. It was just that. . ."

"You couldn't disappoint your public, I know. Well, now I know where I rate." Justin stopped. "Oh and one more thing, Brit," Justin pointed his finger. "No more plots. I mean that. If I find out you're trying to get between Peter and me I'll be forced to end this."

"We're not a couple."

"Can't you think of anything else? I mean, stop your scheming while we're still friends."

Britney watched Justin walk away. She slammed her fist into the wall. "Shit!"

Peter slumped back in his chair. "Don't you have any question that doesn't have to do with sex?"

"Well, that's what being gay is all about, isn't it?"

"Only from the male perspective," Peter muttered. "Brian, being straight isn't all about sex is it?"

Brian grinned. "Only from the male perspective."

"Look, I've been gay my whole life but it wasn't until several months ago that I had my first sexual experience. Does that mean I wasn't gay before then?"

"Several months ago?" Brian gasped. "How could you wait so long? Damn, I'm horny all the time."

Peter chose to ignore that remark. "I know you are probably inching to put what you have learned into action but I would urge patience."

"What? Until I'm your age?" Brian snapped.

"Oh, god, no." Peter chuckled. "I'm not that cruel. I just mean don't go leaping into bed with the first gay man you find. Sex is great but it is so much better when there is a connection between you."

Brian frowned.

"Okay, that is just an old fogy's idea. Just use a little common sense, okay?"

Brian nodded.

"Now how about I ask the important question you haven't asked yet?"


"Where do I find these gay men?"

Brian shrugged. "Bars, of course."

Peter looked sternly at Brian. "Come on, Brian. You have to be underage."

"So what? I've been in bars before."

"And you want your father to find out about you by you having been arrested for underage drinking in a gay bar?"

Brian raised his hands. "Okay, point taken. But then where do I go?"

"There is group here in Orlando called `Galixy'. It stands for Gay and Lesbian Idea eXchange for Youth. You can meet other gay teens there."

"Oh, joy," Brian sneered.

"Look, I've checked the place out. Lots of gay youth go there. You can hang out, play games and generally get to know people your own age." Brian didn't look impressed. Peter leaned forward. "Look right now you're only thinking with your crotch. What happens after that? Who are you going to tell about this wonderful sexual experience? Who are you going to tell anything gay to?"

Brian shrugged. "You."

"I am flattered but you need peers. There is a thing called `friendship'. You do have friends?"

Brian chuckled. "Yes, I have friends."

"Gay friends?"

"Not that I know of."

"It may not seem like it now but Galixy will not only give you gay friends but you will become part of the wider gay community. I should think you'd want as much support behind you as you can get."

Brian thought for awhile. He nodded.

"And being around other young gay people will give you a better chance to get what you desperately want."

Brian looked confused.

"A lover and close to your own age."

Brian grinned.

"Now, is there anything else you'd like to ask?"

"No." Brian hesitated. "Yes. No. I mean."


Brian looked at the ground. "I know of this hotel. The seniors go there after the prom. I was wondering if I got a room you could meet me there. Father wouldn't find out." Brian looked up. "I want to do what we have talked about. Please, Peter, show me what gay sex is all about."

God, Peter could almost make a career out of this. "I'm sorry, Brian. I can't."

Brian frowned. "I thought you wanted to be there for me."

"As support not as your first lover." Peter stood up and went and knelt by Brian's chair. "Brian, I can't. Your age makes that impossible."

"I thought gay men liked young boys."

"Some but I am not one. But like I said before I have a boyfriend. I can't cheat on him."

"But. . ."

"Another stereotype, Brian. Monogamy does exist in the gay world." Peter put his hand on Brian's shoulder. "It will happen, Brian. But don't force it. One day you will find a guy that you will want to be close to. It may be for only a night. Then you can give yourself totally him. Then you will know what gay sex is all about. Sex is great but with emotion it's even better."

"You said that before."

Peter smiled. "I say it often." He stood up. "Is there anything else?"

Brian thought for a bit. "I guess not. Nothing that I can think of now."

"If you think of anything later don't hesitate to call."

Brian stood up. He held his arms apart. "Peter? May I?"

"A hug I will accept any day."

Peter felt the force of Brian's hug.

"Thank you so much, Peter. I didn't know what to do until now."

"I'm glad I could help."

Brian stood back. "I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders."

"We all feel that. Come on, let's go inside."

They turned toward the house. Brian stopped. Phil stood in the doorway. He took a few steps toward Brian.

"Did it go alright? Are you okay?"

Brian smiled. "Yeah, I'm okay. Queer but okay."

Phil looked stern. "Don't use that word. You are gay not queer."

"You don't mind?"

Phil put his hand on his brother's shoulder. "You're my little bro. I love you whether you're gay or straight."

Brian smiled then he frowned. "How did you know about me?"

Phil laughed. "Every time I had guys over to use Dad's pool you'd disappear into your room."


"Your room overlooks the pool."

Brian looked embarrassed. "But."

"Brian, the paint is almost worn off the wall from your cleaning up but you have to learn to be more thorough on the carpet in front of that window."

"I wasn't looking at you." Brian said hurriedly.

Phil looked at Brian.


Phil chuckled. "When I was your age I was horny all the time, too. I even whacked off to a Good Housekeeping magazine."

Brian's jaw dropped.

"At 17 and in the right mood Betty Crocker is one foxy chick."

"That's sick."

Phil laughed. "Come on. How about we talk over lunch? We have time until our next appointment."

"Sure." Brian took one last look at Peter as they went into the house. He gave Peter the thumb's up.

Britney ran into Dean on the way to the rehearsal room.

"You look pleased."

"Don't start with me, Dean. I am not in the mood."


"No, my appointment isn't for another hour."

"Justin is still mad about last night?"

"No, that blew up in my face, too."

"I give up."

"That goody-goody Peter."

Dean chuckled. "What did he do to you?"

"He didn't to anything to me. He is just an irritation."

Dean shrugged. "Well, when there is an irritation you scratch it."

"How? Everybody likes him. Damn, if only he was like other gay guys and slept around Justin would drop him like a hot potato. It might even go with all of NSYNC."

Dean opened the rehearsal room door. "Is he that true to Justin?"

"He is Peter's one and only." Britney turned to Dean. She backed through the door. "I doubt that even if I paid someone a hundred bucks to get Peter into bed and another hundred if Justin found out it wouldn't work."

She turned around. The dancers were all looking at her. She turned on her smile.

"Dean and I were just joking."

Wade stood tapping his foot. "Thank you for joining us. We're behind schedule. So if the jokes are over we can start."

Britney went off to got ready.

Dean smiled to himself. "Two hundred dollars for sex? Tempting, Britney, very tempting."

Lance dropped a pile of magazines and catalogues on the coffee table in front of JC.

"What's all this?"

"Decision time."


Lance pointed at pile. "Formal attire catalogues, wedding magazines for ceremony ideas or to help write up our vows, music ideas and travel brochures for the honeymoon. Just regular wedding stuff."

"Lance, I though we had tabled any decisions until we saw how our coming out goes."

"So did I. But our mothers didn't make such a promise. And before you protest, don't. I got an earful from both of them." Lance sat on the couch next to JC. "Even if the coming out goes badly we're still going to get married sometime, right?"

"Of course."

"Then and I quote, "why wait `til the last minute?" End quote. Should we start with the clothes?" Lance took a catalogue from the top of the pile. He changed his voice. "This has some very sharp tuxes with stunning matching gowns for the bridal party."

"Don't tell me, my mother?"

"Bingo." Lance pointed to the stack. "These are only some of the stuff they have collected."

"There's more?"

"We'd better get married soon or the weight of all the wedding catalogues and magazines will cause my folks' house to break through the Earth's crust and plunge to the center of the Earth causing a gravity whirlpool and turn the Earth into a black hole."

JC laughed. "I didn't think our getting married had such global consequences."

"You haven't spoken to our mothers have you?"

JC looked embarrassed. "I sort of have been avoiding them. I have songs to write you know."

"Thanks a lot. I had to fend them off single-handed."

"After this you will be married-handed." JC caught himself. "Sorry."

"I don't mind the jokes if you just keep paging through the catalogue."

"But, Lance, we won't need gowns for the wedding party."

"There's Chris."

"You know what I mean."

"Well, there could be your sister Heather or my sister Stacey."

JC frowned. "I didn't think of them. I just thought about the guys and not much about them."

"Don't you want groomsmen?"

"And grooms-maids? This isn't a regular wedding remember?" JC shrugged. "I guess I have envisioned just you and me. I know it sounds selfish but there it is."

"Do you mean you would keep your own family and friends out of the bridal party?" Lance looked serious.

JC swallowed. "Yes," he said firmly.

Lance just looked at him. Slowly Lance smiled. "We do think so much alike."

"You agree?"

"Yes." Lance poked JC with his finger. "You have to tell our mothers though."

"Okay, it is my punishment for avoiding them."

"Now should we go with the traditional black or white tuxes?"

"Is there no leather?" JC teased.

"Page ten. Right next to the suit with lights on the back. After the ceremony it lights up saying, "He's mine now. Keep your hands off.""

"You're kidding?"

Lance grinned. "Yes, but just remember there will be children present."

"Let's do the travel brochures first."

"Ah-ah. I put them on the bottom on purpose. We save the fun stuff for last."

"I don't suppose they have any of those gay resorts. You know the ones with clothing optional."

"Nope." Lance said. "I am not having my new husband showing off his assets to other gay men."

JC chucked Lance's chin. "Maybe I want to show you off. Let them know how lucky I am."

"I am not walking around with my three piece set flapping in the breeze. Just leave the bedroom window open. They'll hear how lucky you are."

"How lucky we both are." JC kissed Lance. He sat back. "Better forget it. We both sunburn easily."

"Thank you, JC."

They went back to the catalogues.


Justin smiled at the look on Kevin's face. "That's right. It was Peter's idea."

"Do you know how long it has been since I've been bowling?"

"That's why it will be fun." Howie said. "Come on, go with the flow."

Peter shrugged. "If you'd rather not, it's okay."

Howie and Justin were looking hard at Kevin.

"Okay, bowling is fine. It just caught me by surprise."

Howie slapped Kevin's back. "Don't worry, you've love it. You need some diversion."

"To get me mind off things?" Kevin retorted.

"I didn't mean that." Howie said. "Did you call John?"

"Yes, he told the police. They will keep a special eye out for unfamiliar cars at night. Satisfied?"

Peter looked worried. "What for?"

"It's nothing solid." Kevin explained. "It was just that a few times when I got back from a date with Dave I saw a car drive off. I could never identify it. It's probably some sleazy reporter trying to see if I bring anyone home with me. It's nothing."

"It is not just nothing."

"Look, the person didn't even get out of the car. It may have just been a coincidence. I took your precautions. Let's drop it."

Howie raised his hands. "Okay."

Justin looked thoughtful. "You don't think it is Dave's last lover making sure you two don't hook up?" Justin grinned. "Just kidding."

"For your information Dave's last lover left him for a gymnast and he had the nerve to boast to Dave that the sex is mind-blowing."

"Think of those double twisting dismounts."

"I wonder if he has to hold up score cards when they're through?"

"I bet they have a spring board by the bed."

"And rings overhead."

"Oh, imagine playing the pummel horse."

"The chalk must get everywhere."

Kevin raised his hands. "Okay, you've won. Let's go bowling, now!"

Justin smiled and slapped Peter's back. "Works every time."

"I just had better not pull a muscle or get a ball dropped on my foot. I want to be my best for Dave tomorrow night."

"Your best?" Howie asked. "Does that mean?"

Kevin was slightly embarrassed. "Yep, I am seriously thinking about it."

"Thinking about what?" Justin asked.

Howie grinned, "Saturday night will be Dave's lucky night."

"And lucky for me, too, I hope." Kevin added.

Peter got it. "Kevin, you mean you're finally?"

"Yep, tomorrow night sex is the air."

"And your legs?" asked Howie.

"Those too, if Dave wants them to be."

Howie grinned. "Well, hallelujah! It is about time."

Peter hugged Kevin. "That's wonderful. You're sure about this?"

"Yes," Kevin replied. "I almost let him the last date but I was still nervous. He seemed a little disappointed but now I want to. Dave has been so nice and patient with me."

"We should celebrate."

"Oh, come on, Howie," Kevin protested. "It's not that big a deal."

"Yes, it is."

"There's usually a bar at the bowling alley. We can do both." Peter suggested.

"That's my lover, always thinking." Justin gave Peter a squeeze.

"Well, then I'm going to change into something more casual." Kevin headed upstairs.

The three of them were still beaming at each other.

"I am so happy for him." Peter said.

"Kevin deserves this."

Peter saw the care in Howie's face. "And it will make you happy?"

"Yeah, I can't stand to see Kevin alone. It is such a waste."

"Well, now he has Dave."

"Yeah, Dave," Howie muttered. His head snapped up. "Hey, I've got a sweatshirt in the car. I can change, too. Be right back." He headed off.

Peter grinned. "Well, now I have news for Lance. He will be so pleased."

"Why should Lance care what is happening to Kevin?"

"He just wants to see if my vision is coming true."

"Your vision?"

"Yeah, I saw Kevin in bed with his knight in shining armor."

"Oh, and it was this Dave?"

"I don't know. He had his visor down."

"Visor? Do you mean?"

"Yep, it was a real knight in armor."

"And you and Lance are taking stock in it?"

Peter looked slightly hurt. "Of course."

"But a knight?"

"A knight with a red plume and they were on navy blue sheets."

Justin chuckled. "You guys are so optimistic you'll believe in anything."

"The knight wasn't important. It was that Kevin walked by the armor often. He dusted and polished it. It meant that this person Kevin knew or was familiar with. Dave was a dancer that toured with them. He fits the bill."

"Who does?" Kevin asked. He was tucking his shirt into his jeans.

"No one," Peter said. "You look good."

"Where's Howie?"

"He went out to his car to change shirts."


"So, if you don't mind me asking, do you like this Dave?"

"Peter, we're going to have sex. Doesn't that answer your question?"

"I sorry, I'm butting in."

"It's okay. Yes, I like him and, if I am reading him right, he likes me."

"Who could dislike you?" Justin said.

"Dave even had a chance to go on a tour and turned it down. I think it was because of me. At least I hope that was the reason."

Peter couldn't help himself. "So it's getting serious?"

"Yeah," Kevin grinned. "I just can't believe it."

Justin looked at his watch. "We should get going. We can meet Howie outside."

They headed to the door. The phone rang.

"Leave it. The machine will get it."

"Are you sure?"

Kevin nodded. "Sure. Oops, need my house keys." Kevin reached for the keys hanging on the peg by the door.

The answering machine beeped. "Kevin, this is Dave."

"I'd better get this." Kevin started to the phone.

"I'm afraid I have to cancel tomorrow night." Dave's voice was shaky. "I've decided to accept that tour engagement after all. We leave in the morning."

Kevin froze. Peter and Justin just stood watching from the doorway.

"Aren't we going?" asked Howie as he joined them.

"Sh, it's Dave."

Kevin just stared at the answering machine.

"I'm sorry to have to tell you like this. It's been fun Kevin but I am just not as patient as the man you need. I'm sorry. It's my fault not yours. I wish we could have hooked up. Whoever gets you will be so lucky. Take care, Kevin. Bye."

Kevin snatched up the phone. "Dave, please don't go. I can be right over! Dave? Dave?" Kevin's face fell. He hung up the phone. "I knew we should have had sex on that last date." Kevin picked-up the phone. "I have to call him. I have to make him stay."

"He's gone, Kevin."

Kevin stared at Howie. Then slowly he hung up the phone.

"I'm sorry, Kevin. But he's no man for you if you have to have sex with him just to keep him."

"Will you make up your damn mind, Howie." Kevin snapped. He relaxed. "Give me a minute. I'll be right back." Kevin went upstairs.

"Look, maybe we should just can this." Justin said. "I doubt if Kevin will want to do anything after this."

"No, Kevin will need to be cheered up."

"If you think so then we will. . ." Peter noticed the shirt Howie had just changed into. "Be going."

Justin snapped around. "What?"

"Look, Howie. You go and talk to Kevin. You'll cheer him up. Justin and I will just be in the way."

"Peter?" Justin couldn't understand why Peter wasn't volunteering to help.

"We'll find something to do. Kevin doesn't need to feel guilty about this. Tell him we understand. We'll go out another night." Peter gently pushed Justin out the door. "Tell, Kevin goodnight for us." The door shut.

"What are you doing?" snapped Justin. "We should have stayed and helped."

"Believe me we will just be in the way."

Justin got into the car. "I hope you know what you're doing."

Peter smiled. "So do I."


Kevin was sitting on the edge of his bed.

Kevin stood up. "Almost ready."

"Forget it, Peter and Justin left. They figured that you wouldn't feel like going out."

Kevin slumped back onto the bed. "I don't feel like doing anything really."

Howie sat next to Kevin.

Peter could feel that Justin was upset at their leaving. "Look, Justin, you are supposed have an eye for clothes."


"Didn't you see what Howie was wearing?"

"A sweatshirt, big deal."

"No, what was on the sweatshirt."

"It was an advertisement for some English style bar. So what?"

"What was the symbol on it?"

"It was. . ." Justin turned to Peter. "You don't mean?"

Peter just smiled.

"Why does every guy dump me when I don't have sex on the first few dates?"

Howie put his arm around Kevin. "They're not worthy of you. That's why."

"I knew I should have had sex on that last date. Dave wouldn't be leaving if I had."

"How do you know that? Maybe he would have. Then you would be here questioning if it was bad sex and that was what made him leave."

Kevin turned to Howie. "I wish I could be like you."


"You're got no hang ups about sex. You connect with a guy and you just go for it. I envy that."

"Well, I. . ." Howie was embarrassed.

"Why is it so hard to meet a nice, kind, gently man who really cares for you? Someone who is not into the celebrity thing? Someone who doesn't think sex is everything?"

Howie suddenly got the idea. "You mean someone like Peter?"

Kevin's head snapped around to Howie. "How?"

"I just figured it out. He really did affect you that night."

"Peter had barely even met me and he wanted to help. He put his relationship with Justin on the line for me. How many people would do that? And he and Justin showed me what sex could really be like. All my old ideas about sex were washed away. It was the best sex I ever had."

Howie tried to keep his mind centered but that had been a surprise. Kevin had had a threesome?

"Kevin, there are other people that care for you just as deeply."

Kevin nodded. Then he noticed Howie's shirt. Kevin suddenly felt the emotion behind Howie's last words. He looked into Howie's face puzzled. "Howie?"


Kevin shook his head. "Sorry," he said. `Could it be?' Kevin thought. Maybe he could find some answers. "How come you don't have a steady boyfriend yet? You date enough guys."

"Well, I. . ." Howie stammered.

"Surely you should have found someone by now?"

"All the guys were okay in their own right but no one. . ." Howie stopped. "Oh, hell, I exaggerated, okay?"

"About what?"

"My sex life. I don't date that much. I lied. The ones I did date only a few of them. . . . Damn, I'm in the same boat as you. I date a lot of guys because I don't put out. Well, not as far as some of them wanted me to." Howie looked down.

"Why the deception?"

"To keep you guys off my back. Once you hooked up with Kirk, I was the next in line. So I made up a lot of the stuff."

Kevin fought hard not to smile. "And not one guy measured up as your knight in shining armor?"

Howie shook his head.

"You're not serious?" Justin said. "You are basing everything on a sweatshirt? That's stupid."

"Hey, it makes sense to me."

"But you said it was a full suit of armor you saw in your vision."

"And it was a full suit of armor on Howie's shirt. Plus it had a red plume."

"But the navy blue sheets?"

"What color was his shirt?"

Justin paused. "Sky blue."

"Close enough for me. Case closed. Visions aren`t always accurate."

"But Howie? They're in the same group and they've been friends for a long time."

"So what? Look at Lance and JC."

"I don't believe that they are in love."

"I didn't say that. Howie's just Kevin's knight in shining armor. I take that as someone to rescue Kevin from the situation he is in. I don't know if it is love or not. So what is the problem with giving them an opportunity to find out? That is why I wanted to leave."

Justin gave up. "So, what do we do now?"

"You still owe me a movie."

"You're on."

"Can I take a guess what the type of guy you are looking for?"

"Go ahead," Howie teased.

"Tall, dark, handsome, gentle and caring. He has a sense of humor and very sure of himself."

"Sounds like what every gay man is looking for."

"And I think the reason you can't find this guy is because you already have. You're just not sure he is interested or you are too frightened to find out."

"Kevin, you're wrong."

"Am I? Howie, please tell me the truth."

Howie shifted nervously on the bed.

"Do you like dating?"

Howie looked down. "It sucks and not in the good way. I'm tired of phonies using me for their sex prize."

"I have a solution for us if you're interested."

Howie looked up.

"As to that man you found, I will say this," Kevin took Howie by the shoulder. "I am interested if you still are."


"Sh." Kevin's hand slid to Howie's neck. Kevin pulled Howie into a kiss. After a few seconds they parted.

"Kevin, I don't think we should do this."

"Aren't you always saying I should let my hair down?" Kevin smiled. "Look at this. No posturing, no attitudes and no false fronts. We know each other very well and no one will go running to the press. And at its worst we're just two lonely horny gay guys who need to get off."

"But what will the guys think."

"Screw `em." Kevin gave Howie another kiss. He sat back grinning. "You can start with me."


"Sh, Howie. Go with the flow."

Kevin pressed his lips against Howie's. At first Kevin was nervous. Then he relaxed. Howie was a trusted friend. Then it all made sense. Both of them were struggling to find the perfect mate. Maybe the answer was there all the time. They could at least test the waters.

Howie's kisses were growing in strength. He pressed back with more urgency each time. Finally out of breath he held Kevin to him.

"Oh, god, Kevin, I gave up hoping. I wanted you so much."


Howie pulled back to look at Kevin.

"I have to be honest. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I mean my emotions. I mean you are a trusted friend and I love you but..."

"You're not sure if it is a deep love?"

Kevin nodded. "I don't want to go into this giving you false hope. It may develop. I just don't know."

Howie smiled. "I understand. You have been hurt before. Are you comfortable with having sex with me?"

Kevin thought for a moment. "Yes," he said firmly.

Kevin stood up and pulled Howie to his feet. He pulled Howie's shirt off. Kevin gave one more look at the knight printed on it. He chuckled as he dropped it to the floor.

"What's so funny about my shirt?"

Kevin pulled his own shirt off. "I'll explain later."

They kicked off their shoes. As they undressed each stole furtive glances and the other. When they were naked they stood up and took in each other's bodies.

"Kevin, you are so perfect."

Suddenly Kevin began to waver. His nerves kicked in again. Suddenly it was Kirk standing there. The old routine sex played out in his mind. He looked away. "Howie?"

Howie went and stood close to Kevin. He brushed Kevin's chin. "It's all right. We'll go slow."

Kevin turned back. "Howie? Would you just hold me?"

Howie gave Kevin such a warm soft smile. His arms closed around Kevin. Kevin's arms in turn slowly wrapped around Howie and pulled him close.

After a few minutes Howie started caressing Kevin's back.

"Oh, Howie, your touch is so soft. It feels so wonderful."

Howie was surprised and was about to ask a question. Then he knew the answer. Kirk had never liked intimacy. Howie pulled Kevin closer. He would make it all up to Kevin.

Howie stood back. He took to running his hands over Kevin's chest. Howie rubbed lightly on each nipple. Kevin gave out the most pleasurable sigh. Howie's hands moved lower. They raked across Kevin's muscular stomach. But as they neared his crotch Howie slid them around to the back of Kevin. He took firm hold of Kevin's round ass cheeks. Howie pressed their crotches together. He ground his hips making their cocks rub against themselves. Kevin was getting hard. Howie was way ahead of him.

Kevin's and Howie's eyes met. They could both see the need in each other's eyes.

They mouths met and locked. They moaned as their tongues wrestled. Whatever had made Kevin hesitate was gone. Kevin felt a joy like he rarely had felt before. They were about to have sex and he want to. Badly. But he would have to take it slowly or it would be over too soon.

They stop kissing. Kevin turned and pulled back the bed covers.

"That's new. How long have you slept on satin sheets?" Howie asked.

Kevin took Howie into his arms. "Not long. I decided to treat myself. Then if I did get a lover it would be a treat for him, too."

Howie grinned. "It will be like having sex floating the night sky. Why not white sheets?"

"I figured navy blue wouldn't show the sex stains as bad. Besides I guess I thought I would be increasing my odds."

"Odds of what?"

Kevin kissed Howie. "I'll explain that later, too." Kevin rolled and together the two of them fell onto the bed.

They kissed and caressed each other's bodies. Kevin relished each touch. This was how it was supposed to be. But his need soon got there better of him. He reached down and took Howie's cock in his hand. He stroked it gently.

Kevin gave one last kiss to Howie then pulled away in a smooth arc over Howie's body and down to Howie's crotch. Kevin opened his mouth and welcomed Howie's hard cock in.

Howie gasped as Kevin's warm mouth and soft lips enveloped his cock. "Damn, don't you move fast."

Kevin took Howie's cock into his mouth several times licking and pressing against the sensitive flesh before he answered.

"Do you blame me? It's been quite awhile." He turned back to swirl his tongue over the mushroom head then slipped the cock back into his mouth. Kevin's hand stroked Howie's cock following each plunge and retreat of his mouth.

Howie watched Kevin work. He had wished Kevin would find a sex life and here he was providing it. Already he could feel the heat and passion of the moment building.

"I can't wait. Bring your legs up here. I want to suck you off."

Kevin kicked around. Kevin's cock had barely come in range before Howie closed his lips around it. He felt Kevin's whole body shudder. Howie swallowed it eagerly. His tongue explored Kevin's hard shaft. Moans come from Kevin in between the gulps and the slurping noises. Howie could tell Kevin was swept up in his passion.

Oh, the taste and feel of a cock in his mouth again! Kevin couldn't get enough. He pulled off once to lick and fondle Howie's balls then back to swallowing the cock. Kevin felt a thrill go through him as Howie licked his balls. So they were paying pleasure for pleasure, eh? Kevin sped up his efforts.

Howie matched Kevin's speed. They were heading for the first climax of the night and they both wanted it so badly.

Kevin was so caught up with Howie's cock that he didn't notice for a few seconds that Howie had stopped sucking. He also realized that Howie was calling his name.


Kevin stopped and looked up.

"Sorry. Warn me, please." Howie turned back to sucking Kevin's cock.

Kevin understood. Howie wasn't `cum-friendly'. Kevin didn't mind. But now he knew. His mouth engulfed Howie's cock again.

Such moaning and gulping was heard in the room. Soon after a few minutes their passions peaked.

"Kevin, I'm getting close."

"So am I." Kevin rolled onto his back. He took to stroking his cock. Kevin looked from him stroking his cock over to Howie stroking his.

Their eyes met and held for a moment. Howie's face flushed. He was breathing hard. Howie could feel his climax starting. "I'm going to blow." Howie's body convulsed.

Kevin shifted his gaze down just in time to see white tendrils shoot from Howie's cock. They spattered onto Howie's stomach. Then Howie gave a shutter and the next shot arced over his body and landed on his chest. Howie lay back panting. He turned to watch Kevin jacking his cock.

"Shoot for me, Kevin. Show me that load."

Kevin ached his back. "Oh, damn!"

His cock spewed out onto his stomach.

"That's it. Cum, Kevin."

Each stroke of his cock sent jolts of joy through Kevin's body. His climax ripped through him. How long had it been? It didn't matter. It felt so wonderful right now. Kevin kept pumping his cock. Slowly the climax abated. Kevin stopped stoking. He twisted around until they were face to face.

"Oh, god," Kevin panted. "That felt good."

They kissed for a time tongues intertwining. They parted.

"If you thought that felt good the next will feel even better." Howie licked Kevin's nose. "You have the necessaries?"

"Top drawer next to you."

Howie soon turned back with the condoms, lube and tissues. He wiped themselves of their cum.

Howie took to stroking Kevin. "I want you to do me."

`But, Howie, I always. . ."

"I know. But that is over." He gave Kevin a quick kiss. "I'll just prepare your way." Howie popped the top of the lube. Kevin's hand grabbed his wrist.

"No. Let me."

Howie handed Kevin the bottle. Kevin set in down on the table.


"Trust me. Roll onto your stomach."

Howie did as he was asked.

Kevin moved down Howie's body. He placed his hands on Howie's butt cheeks and began massaging them. Then he dragged a finger along the butt crack.

Howie shuddered. "Yes."

After a few moments Kevin spread the cheeks apart and pressed his tongue into Howie's asshole.

"Kevin, what the. . .Oh, damn that feels good."

Kevin pressed his tongue in further. Howie moaned softly. Kevin licked and prodded. He could feel Howie opening up.

"Damn, Kevin. No one's ever done this to me. But it feels so good."

Kevin rimmed Howie's puckered opening. After a few minutes Kevin deemed it was time.

With condom in place and Howie lubed and waiting, Kevin leaned down to Howie's ear.

"Do you want me?"

"Yes, Kevin. Put it in, please."

Slowly Kevin's cock sank into Howie. Kevin felt the muscles close tightly around his cock. He slowly pulled out then pressed back.

Howie's hands clawed at the pillows. "Yes, Kevin. That's it."

Kevin looked down to see his cock sliding between Howie's beautifully round ass cheeks. He could feel Howie's ass clench around his cock. Kevin sped up his rhythm.

"Damn, Kevin, you are so good. Faster, yeah, faster!"

Kevin felt his balls slapping against Howie's ass. Damn this felt so good. He got off on the sounds of their bodies slamming together and Howie's moans.

Howie felt the heat from Kevin's body as he leaned down.

"Is that okay?"

"It's fucking great." Howie turned his head. Kevin was waiting with a kiss.

Kevin didn't sit up. He kept his body resting lightly on Howie's. There was such a feeling of intimacy that Kevin had forgotten during his time with Kirk. Kevin pushed it out of his mind. He concentrated on Howie and the thrills racing through his body at this moment.

Howie arms flayed about the bed then they moved in front of him. Howie pushed himself back against Kevin. He wanted Kevin to go deeper into him. Kevin's cock was feeling so good inside of him.

"That's it Kevin. Fuck the cum out of me!"

Kevin slowed his thrusting. "Howie, please, cum inside of me." Kevin pulled out.

Howie rolled onto his stomach.

"Please, Howie."

He wanted to protest but one look into Kevin's eyes and he gave in.

They switched places. Kevin lay on his back. He raised his legs. Howie started to move down to rim Kevin.

"No time, Howie. I need you so bad."

"But. . ."

Kevin smiled. "You can later. I need this, Howie. Fuck me."

Those words did it. Howie fumbled with the condom trying to get it on as quick as possible. Kevin finally helped roll the condom on. They lubed up.

Kevin felt every inch of Howie's cock push into him. "Oh, sweet jesus, Howie. That's what I need! Do me, Howie."

Howie wanted to go slow. This was a dream come true. But Kevin's need overwhelm him. He thrust his cock into Kevin.

"Yes, Howie. Do it."

Howie thrust deep into Kevin then pulled back. He watched Kevin's face flush with pleasure. Howie thrust back.

Kevin was happily moaning away. His eyes met Howie's. He reached his hands up to caress and fondle Howie's chest and arms.

"It feels so good, Howie. Don`t stop."

Howie couldn't look away from Kevin's face and body. This beautiful man was finally his. Howie slowly down slightly. The thought had pushed him close to cumming.

"Do you like this?"

Howie smiled. "Yes, Kevin. You're making me feel so good."

"Do you like me?"

"You are a god, Kevin." Howie chuckled. "With one tight fucking ass."

Kevin grinned. "Then fuck me." He lay his head back on the pillow. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me." It almost became a chant.

Howie now knew Kevin was totally into this. They were both sharing in this pleasure. Kevin's distrust of sex was gone.

Kevin's moans were getting louder. He tweaked Howie's nipples.

"Come on, Howie. Fuck me like a man!"

Howie slammed his cock into Kevin. Kevin's mouth fell open.


Seeing Kevin so into it only sent Howie's passions growing. Howie's climax was getting closer.

Suddenly Kevin's body tensed.

"Fuck, Howie, I'm cumming!"

Kevin's body bucked on the bed. White ribbons of cum splattered on his stomach. Kevin gasped and groaned. Each thrust of Howie's cock caused electrical jolts through Kevin's body. Then the climax waned. Kevin looked up to see Howie tilt his head back.

"Oh, fuck, Kevin. I. . ." His voice choked off. Howie thudded against Kevin. His cock throbbed and pulsed as his shot his cum into the condom. He managed to pull out slightly and thrust back. Waves of pleasure flooded through him. Then he relaxed. He swayed gasping for a bit then collapsed on top on Kevin.

Soon Howie felt a vibration from Kevin. He was laughing. Howie looked up.

"Damn, that was so good. Why did I wait all those times?"

"You were waiting for the right man." Howie gave Kevin a kiss.

"It was worth it."

"Really? Better that Peter AND Justin."

"Yes. I was still afraid. They had to pull me into the action. But they taught me so much."

"Like the ass licking?"

Kevin grinned. "Yep, feels fantastic doesn't it."

Howie rolled off of Kevin. He disposed of the condom and lay back. "Kevin," he paused. "I don't think I could do that."

Kevin faced Howie. "It's okay. The same way it's okay about the dislike of cum in your mouth."

"Or on my face. I guess I am a bit of a prude."

"Bull. We just need to know each other's limits. I can work around that." Kevin took Howie into his arms. "Thank you for this, Howie. I think we both really needed it."

They started to feel sleepy.



"After you've rested, will you fuck me again? I want to cum with you in me."

"Sure," Kevin laughed. "My pleasure."

Lance came into the dark room. JC was lying on the couch bathed in the blue light from the TV.

"Peter is out of the house and you want to watch TV?"

"There will be plenty of time after." JC didn't take his eyes off the TV. "Unless you're going to dance for me."

"I'm still working on that." Lance leaned on the back of the couch.

JC looked up. "Just ad-lib. You're body turns me on enough just moving it will turn me on more."

"I want it to be special. You danced so hot for me."

JC dropped it. "I guess I can wait."

"How about the other part?"

JC was engrossed with the TV. "What other part?"

"How soon they forget. Well, forget it. I'll be in bed whenever you get through."

"Suit yourself."

Lance smiled. "I did."

JC wasn't listening.

Lance crossed in front of the couch. "Where is that catalogue? I might as well do some wedding work."

"Lance, you're blocking the TV."

"Well, excuse the fuck out of me."

"Lance! I. . . Are those your leather pants?"

"There is the catalogue." Lance bent over.

The leather parted revealing Lance's ass in all of its glory. JC saw Lance's ass cheeks squeeze out through the gap. "Hot damn, Lance."

"And you worry about my language? I'm going to bed." Lance wiggled his butt.

JC found himself leaning forward following Lance.

Lance heard a thud as JC fell off the couch. Out of the corner of his eye he saw JC stand up. At least he didn't hurt himself.

"Don't forget to turn off the TV."

JC fumbled with the remote. The volume swelled. "Damn." The channels changed. "Shit." JC was all thumbs. "Forget it." JC threw the remote. The TV flicked off. JC adjusted himself and followed Lance.

Lance was almost giggling as he lured JC into the bedroom.

JC stepped through the doorway. Lance stood there bent over slightly. He looked over his shoulder.

"Okay, JC. Which first, ass licker," Lance stood up and turned. "Or cocksucker?" Like JC, Lance had cut the fly out of the pants. Lance's cock stood out hard and proud.

JC licked his lips. "That's a difficult decision. Tell you what, Lance. Spin around. Then whatever is facing me when you stop will decide if I give head or lick tail."

The bedroom door closed behind him.

To be continued. . .

End Part 37

How about that a sexual cliffhanger? Okay, I am a cruel bastard. I know it. But this got too long and I had to stop it somewhere and I wanted you to know that I hadn't forgotten about JC and Lance.

You can yell at me (no hitting) at Also E-mail me if you want the link to my Lance, JC and Astral Fan website. Lots and lots of make-you drool photos and of course bad puns.

Again thank you for 2 very happy and fun years! This story would be nothing without readers. I owe you a lot.

Until next time, thank you for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it.

Next part 38.

Next: Chapter 38

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