Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Jun 7, 2003


Here we go on part 39.

Sorry, it took so long and is so long. But I think you will enjoy it. Thanks to all who have E-mailed. Support your local author (and I mean all of them).

Now the butt covering stuff: This story is pure crap, ah, I mean pure fiction. This author knows nothing! Ah, of NSYNC or their private lives and sexual orientation. And this story does NOT detail real life, ah, I mean NSYNC's real life. Okay, I mean both. So don't take this story as anything more than a product of a warped imagination.

Will there be the usual hot and steamy sex scenes that everyone really reads this story for? Nope. Sorry, I couldn't fit any in. Hey, come back here! It that all you need me for is the sex? Nothing more substantial? I thought you wanted me for my mind! Well, then who needs you? I DO!!! Please, read it anyway. The next part will have sex I promise!

Oh, okay, whatever. Read on or not. I hope you will enjoy.

Peter and Chris were the first ones to arrive at John's office. Even John wasn't there yet. They sat waiting.

Peter liked John's office. A desk was against one wall but the rest of the room had padded furniture, chairs and couches. It was a very comfortable place to meet.


"Yes, Chris."

"Go ahead and print that bit about my past."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, if JC and Lance can tell the truth about them being gay I can let my past out."

"I can surround it with some of the crazy stunts you've pulled so your reputation isn't hurt too much."

Chris grinned. "Now that's more like it. Thank you, Peter."

"No, Chris, like I told your mother. Thank you."

Chris shrugged. "It was nothing."

"Oh, thanks a lot," Peter teased. "You gave me a life and you think that life is nothing."

"That's not what I meant."

Peter chuckled. "I know." Peter stood up held out his arms. "May I?"

Chris stood up and moved close. "Okay, just make it quick."

Peter gave Chris a hug. "Bless you, Chris."


JC opened the door. "Oops! Are we interrupting? We'll come back."

"Chris!" Lance pretended to be shocked. "Are you moving in on Justin's territory?"

Chris stood back from Peter. "It's not what you think. Peter was just thanking me."

JC raised an eyebrow. "Oh really, for what?"

"Chris's mother now knows the complete truth about how Chris helped me to meet NSYNC," Peter said. "And how you guys changed my life."

Lance thought for a moment. "Well, then we deserve a hug too, don't we?"

"Sure, since you've put it that way." Peter hugged Lance then moved to JC. Lance took the opportunity to hug JC. Soon all three were hugging each other.

Joey came into the room. "Are the three of them at it again?"

"Joey!" Chris rushed to Joey flinging his arms around him. "Thank god for another straight guy." He kissed Joey's cheek. "I was worried they'd turn me gay."

Joey pushed Chris away. He wiped his cheek. "Now I am worried."

"I see Chris is at it already," John said as he entered his office.

Joey continued wiping his cheek with his hand. "He never stops."

Chris sat on the couch. "Sure I do, Joey. I have to sleep."

"Yeah, but I know that crazy brain of yours is dreaming up new gags all the time you're asleep."

"That is not true," Chris protested. "I dream up jokes only when I'm not dreaming of beautiful girls." Chris flopped onto the couch.

Joey grinned, "Like I said its jokes all the time."

John crossed to his desk and didn't look up. "You throw that pillow, Chris and you will be eating it next."

"What?" Chris fluffed the pillow then placed it under his elbow. "I don't know what you mean."

John looked up. "It seems that you did." He placed his briefcase on the desk. John looked around. "It looks like we're just missing Justin."

Lance sat on the couch next to Chris. "He was right behind us."

"I thought he'd beat us." JC sat next to Lance.

Chris clicked his tongue. "Do we have to hear about your S&M orgies?"

Lance slapped Chris's shoulder. "Smart ass."

"That's what you'd have if Justin was behind you beating you."

Justin entered the room. "Someone asking for a beating?"

Joey nodded. "Yah, Chris. We'll hold him down for you."

Chris looked up at Justin. "It's nice to see you put on a shirt for the occasion. From the pictures in the paper I thought you and Britney were modeling for that cold medicine that you rub on your chest. Of course Britney would need two bottles."

"Chris," JC warned.

"I agree with JC, Chris." John grabbed some papers and made his way to a chair. "Justin is more than sorry for what happened. Let's let it drop."

"Like Justin's neckline?" Chris found himself surrounded by glares. "Okay, I'm sorry. Case closed."

John sat down. "Now that the opening meeting festivities are out of the way lets get down to business."

Chris snapped his fingers. "Yeah, John, get down!"

"Do you want to fly out in the cargo hold?"

Chris shook his head. "I'll behave."

"Okay. We are flying out on Monday afternoon. The Advocate hits the newsstands on Tuesday morning and the Larry King Show is that evening. We'll be flying back directly after the show."

"Only one night in New York?" Chris was disappointed.

"I think that is all the city could stand, eh, Chris."

Chris sat back pretending to pout. "Is this a pick on Chris morning?"

"Morning?" Joey sneered. "Try 'week'."

"I was thinking of just flying there and back on Tuesday but I figured a day's rest would be better for you two." John smiled at JC and Lance.

"Isn't that going to be a little expensive on air fare?" JC asked.

"Nope. We're taking the private jet."

They all looked surprised.

"But why? It will look like we're sneaking in then sneaking out."

"Well, for security reasons I want you home as soon after the news hits as I can." John explained. "It would look better if we came in the same way we left. Coming in on a commercial flight then leaving on a private plane smacks of running scared."

"But our fans," Lance protested.

"They will forgive you. I know you like to meet the fans but after the news hits we don't know how they will react. I'm just thinking of your safety." Lance shifted nervously.

JC patted Lance's hand. "Okay, John. What else?"

"Well, this part you really won't like. Tuesday morning each of your homes will be assigned two security officers. They will be there around the clock. The police have also been notified. Their patrols will be doubled around your homes."

"Even us?" Joey asked.

"All of you. You must remember this will affect the whole group. It's just until we see how the public will react."

All of NSYNC looked a little glum.

"I was thinking of having you stay here for a week but I knew you'd be happier in your own homes. Plus it wouldn't look like you're hiding."

Lance looked sadly up at JC.

"This is just the worst case scenario, Lance." John added. "It probably won't get that bad but I must cover all the bases."

Lance nodded.

"So," Chris was trying to break the mood. "Can I see myself in print?"

"Sure," John pulled out a manila envelope. "These are just copies of the mock up so there maybe a few changes but they're close enough to the printed issues." He handed each one of them a copy of the Advocate issue. "I think you will be quite pleased with how it turned out."

Lance read the headline. "NSYNC: They're IN and now they're OUT. For the first time in the gay press the group comes clean about their fans, their gay fans and those gay rumors."

"Not bad," added Joey. "At least they didn't use 'Pick the gay ones'."

"Or 'Un-NSYNC-able?'" Chris wrinkled his nose. "Those puns on our name are really getting old."

JC noticed Peter's hands were shaking slightly as he flipped through the pages. "Oh, my. . ." There in front of him was a small picture and the added interview with him.

JC nudged him. "There you are in print, Peter. You're famous."

"Bah," Lance came back with. "He's been on TV."

"But this is the gay press."

"You'll get lots of dates," Joey added.

Justin glowered at him.

Joey retreated. "Or not."

John pointed. "The whole article turned out well. That was a good suggestion." John looked up. Peter hadn't heard. He was too caught up in reading the article. All of NSYNC was. "Now we just have the live interview."

Everyone was still reading.

"Well, we have been on Larry King before. It should go well."

Chris lowered the magazine. "Can we do anything in New York or are we under hotel arrest?"

John sat thinking. "Well, I did suppose that you'd stay close if not just stay at the hotel."

"What?" Chris protested. "Are we that bad?"

"No. I just didn't want you to draw attention to yourselves. The article will be out that morning and people will know the truth before the show."

"So what?" JC asked. "That's why we are there. Why does it matter if fans come up to us knowing that we are gay?"

"It is purely security. I don't want you two to get hurt. And I mean that more mentally than physically."

Joey got it. "Oh, you mean like people calling JC and Lance `fags'."

"Yes, Joey."

JC took Lance's hand. He could tell Lance was getting more nervous as John talked. Lance looked up at JC. His doubt showed on his face. JC smiled his best smile and squeezed Lance's hand. Lance managed a small smile.

Their little exchange had been witnessed. Peter shifted. "John, may I talk with you alone for a moment?"

"Sure." The two of them stood up.

"What you have to say to John you can say in front of all of us."

Peter turned. "I'm sorry, Joey. It's not that I'm being secretive I'd just like to bounce an idea off of management first."

JC nodded to Joey. "Okay, Peter."

John and Peter left the room.

"Okay, Peter, shoot."

"This is just an idea but what if NSYNC or really Lance and JC could come out to their gay fans in person before the interview."

"Wonderful. But how?"

Peter pulled a folded piece of paper from his pocket. "New York is home to the Harvey Milk School and other gay youth organizations. I was just thinking since Tuesday is free up until the interview maybe we can fill it with gay positive appearances." He handed John the piece of paper. "These are the gay organizations I have found in New York with phone numbers. We can do a sort of spur of the moment thing. Let them know what NSYNC is in New York for. Maybe even send them a copy of the Advocate article. But then we arrange for NSYNC to show up. JC and Lance can come out personally in front of these young kids, fans or not. Instead of spending their day fretting away in their hotel room, Lance and JC can see with their own eyes how their coming out will affect these people. I think instead of being anxious about the interview they will be excited to do it." Peter shrugged. "Well, that's just my idea."

John grabbed Peter's shoulders so hard Peter winched. "That is an ingenious idea. We can start the positive feedback even before the interview." John paused. "And it would really help Lance and JC cope."

Peter looked up at John. John smiled.

"I saw how nervous Lance was. Well, both of them really. JC can hide it better than Lance. All the precautions are a safety net. I really don't think they`ll come into play but I have to cover my options."

"Maybe you should tell them that again."

John patted Peter's shoulder. "I will. Come on. Let's tell them your idea."

They walked back into John's office.

"Management has green lighted Peter's idea. Now all it needs is the NSYNC stamp of approval."

"Hey, if it's Peter's idea, I approve already."

"Watch it, Joey," Chris leaned close. "It might mean going into gay territory."

John grinned. "As a matter of fact, it does."

Chris pointed, "See! It's all a part of a diabolical plot to disorient my sexual orientation."

"There is no plot, Chris." Peter said. "You can stay your own very straight self."

Justin couldn't resist. "Because he wouldn't wish Chris on any gay man. I don't know how the girls manage."


JC interrupted. "Could we get back to discussing Peter's idea?"

"But this is more for JC and Lance, Chris." John shrugged. "If you two want to stay behind at the hotel, that's fine, too."

"Hey, we're in this together. All for one and four for five." Chris leaned over to Lance shaking his finger. "You're not going anywhere without all of us."

Lance shrugged. "Fine, but where are we going?"

"Have you ever heard of the Harvey Milk School?" Peter asked.

"I've heard of Hershey's milk chocolate."

JC ignored Chris. "No, Peter, what is it?"

"It's a school that takes in gay and lesbian students particularly the ones being harassed in their present school. There they can learn in a supportive and friendly atmosphere."

"Sounds great but what does that have to do with us?" Lance asked.

"Well, I just thought instead of sitting around the hotel anxious about the interview, you might like to go and visit some of these gay organizations."

Lance saw where Peter was going. "And come out to these kids in person!"

Peter grinned. "Yep. If that is something you'd like to do."

"Liked to do?" Lance was excited. "Damn, I can't wait."

JC was on his feet. He threw his arms around Peter and swung him in a circle. "What a great idea. We can use all that anxiety time to see first hand the reactions from these gay kids. I think it is wonderful."

Joey was fishing around in his pockets. "Damn."

"Lose something?" Chris asked.

"Why did you have to mention Hershey's chocolate? Now I'm hungry."

John crossed to his desk. He opened a drawer and threw a Twinkie to Joey. "Here. I am always prepared."

"Thanks," Joey tore into the wrapping.

Lance looked thoughtful. "Peter, who is Harvey Milk?"

"Also known as the Mayor of Castro Street'. He was an out proud gay man and that was in the 70's before being openly gay was popular. From what I've read Harvey helped to organize the San Francisco gay community into a group with both Pride and political strength. He was the first openly gay man elected to San Franciscos Board of Supervisors. He even helped pass a gay civil rights bill. But Dan White another member of the board resigned because his conservative views were at odds with the changing times thanks to the work of Harvey Milk. But when Dan changed his mind and asked the Mayor to give White his job back the Mayor refused. White then returned to City Hall through a basement window and shot and killed both Mayor George Moscone and Harvey Milk. Dan White pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 7 years and 8 months in jail."

Chris was incredulous. "7 years for two murders?!"

"He got off with a light sentence because the defense maintained that he was mentally imbalanced and depressed because of all the junk food he was eating. It was called The Twinkie Defense."

Joey shook his Twinkie at Chris. "Just you watch out."

"Joey," John warned.

"The light sentence caused an immediate outcry. A protest march to the City Hall turned into a riot."

Joey shook his head. "I don't doubt it. Never piss off gay people. I know what Peter is like when he is crossed."

Peter continued. "Dan White was paroled after only serving 6 years. But shortly after his release he hung himself. Some said it was justice at last." Peter shook his head and shrugged. "It was a tragedy all around."

"Well, something positive did come from it." Lance said wanting to break the mood. "I'll love to see that school."

John showed the paper Peter had given him. "And more besides. Peter has really done his homework. We have enough places to visit here to keep you busy right up to the interview."

Lance sighed. "Thank you, Peter. That will make the time go quickly."

"Now, please guys I want you to realize one thing."

They all looked at John.

"All this security stuff is in case the worst happens." He smiled. "I don't believe it will but I need to be ready for it." He looked at JC and Lance. "Okay?"

Lance felt JC squeeze his hand. "Okay, John. I, ah, we understand."

"Good. The security guards will be pulled as soon as they are not needed." John stood up. "So have a relaxing weekend and we'll meet back here on Monday afternoon to fly out."

Joey stood up. "You did repaint that plane right?"

"Don't worry, Joey. You can't read `the Backstreet Boys' through the new paint."


"I don't know," Chris said. "We've got three members who I'd call backstreet boys. Of course Joey and I have only got the finger." He jabbed his index finger into the air.

No one laughed.

John put his arm around Chris. "Now Chris with this heightened sense of security around the group I'd like to offer you some advice."


"Try and curb your blurting out jokes. Some people may find them offensive and you may end up with someone's boot up your backstreet."

Chris turned. The other guys all swung a foot like they were practicing kicking.

Chris leaned to John. "Point taken." Chris turned to the guys and bowed. "I meant no offense."

Joey grinned from ear to ear. "And we mean no pain." They stepped closer to Chris.

Chris backed to the door looking at his watch. "It that the time? I have to run." In a moment Chris was out the door.

"Yeah, you'd better."

The rest followed him.

Peter stopped at the door and looked at John. Peter shrugged.

John shook his head. "See you on Monday, Peter." John sank into his desk chair.

Peter headed off.

"Did the meeting go all right?"

John didn't look up at his secretary. "I should have been a plumber. People are always happy to see you." His laid his head on his desk.

JC peeked around the door. "Oh, John?"

John didn't lift his head. "Yes, JC."

"When we're finished with Chris we'll be listening to some of the new songs if you are interesting."

John raised his arm and gave the thumbs up sign. He arm dropped back heavily.

"We'll have Chris tied down and gagged."

"I'd appreciate it."

JC left.

His secretary sighed. "They're such good boys."

"Yeah," John lifted his head, "Boys."

His secretary laughed. "Do you really want them to always act like adults? That's half of their charm."

John sat up. "I agree. But in a few days that playful innocence will be sorely tested."

"They've survived changes before. You of all people should know that. They have each other. They'll make it through."

John nodded. "I just wish I could make it easier for them."

"You're sticking by them. They appreciate that."

"That's why I am called a manager I manage."

"If it helps, we are all proud of them and what they are about to do."

"Thanks," John smiled. "I am too."

He left his office.

Justin pulled Peter into a nearby empty recording studio.

"Don't you want to listen with the other guys?"

"I've heard the songs so often."

"Justin, this isn't for a quickie is it?"

Justin grinned. "As much as I am tempted to, no. I wanted a quick talk that's all. We won't see each other until Monday and I had a couple of questions."

"Okay, ask away."

Justin started pacing. "Peter, do you. . ." He stopped.

"Come on, Justin, out with it."

Justin took a deep breath. "Does it bother you that I have been with girls?"

"If you mean that I wasn't your first? No. You told me that what we have is better than anything you'd had before so I won out. Now if you mean because they were female, well, you are BI."

Justin winched slightly.

Peter took Justin's hand. "But we love each other. Who cares what you call yourself."

Justin nodded. He looked at the floor. "Peter, when JC and Lance come out I don't think I can, I mean I want to but. . ." He stopped again.

"Justin, I told you. Come out when you're ready. Don't get forced into this."

Justin looked up. He let it burst out. "But I hate hiding my feelings like this. I am not ashamed of my love for you. But now things are getting worse. When I hear people talk about you. . ."

"Let them talk. I've heard it all before."

"Not like this."

"That bad?"

Justin hesitated. "No, that good."

Peter looked confused. "What?"

"It was true that at the party I heard people talk about their kept boys and their boy toys and I didn't want them to think about you like that. But there was something else."

Peter put his hand on Justin's shoulder. "What was it Justin?"

Justin looked at Peter. "A few guys were saying how good looking you were."

Peter stepped back. "Me?"

"Yep, I was so proud." Justin looked down again, "At first."

Peter fought back a smile. "How can you be jealous of people I have never met?"

"There's Kevin."

"He has Howie now."

"And Brian?"

"He's too young."


"He's straight."

"You didn't mind his attention."

"Who wouldn't? It was flattering until he got too close."

"He was very muscular wasn't he?" Justin seemed to shrink into himself.

"So? Not everyone likes lots muscles."

Justin looked up. "Really?"

Peter took Justin's hand. "I prefer a more tight body not a bulging one." Peter folded his arms around Justin. "And a body I don't have to strain to get my arms around." Peter felt Justin's arms slide up around him. "See what I mean? Aren't we a good fit?"

Justin laid his head on Peter's shoulder. "Yes. I'm sorry. I was just being stupid."

"I wouldn't use that word. Your spot in my heart is safe. There may be gorgeous guys out there but with you, I love the whole package. I love you for more than just your body, you know."

Justin moved back with a smirk on his face. "Really?"

Peter tried hard not to laugh. "Yes, really. But damn it is a real big perk. You on the other hand. . ."

"Peter, stop it. I like the way you look." Justin hugged Peter again.

"Maybe we could join a gym together."

"No way! There are enough people looking at you already." Justin held Peter tighter. Justin sighed. "You're right. We do fit."

Peter gently rocked Justin.

"Peter, I don't know what I'd do without you. You are so important to me. You've really changed my life."

"Thank you, Justin. But remember you opened the whole world up to me. You are very important to me, too. I think that is called love."

Justin gave a pleasant little sigh. "Hm."

They stood there relishing each other in their arms.

"Just stop worrying about losing me or me cheating on you."

Justin stood back. "But you've only known me."

"That's enough for me, Just Justin. And as the song goes 'Nobody does it better'."

"But you don't know that for sure."

"And I have no desire to find out." Peter took Justin by the chin. "Justin, I couldn't cause that kind of hurt to you no matter how good the sex might be."

"Thanks. I think."

"And you?"

"You're the only man for me."


"Person," Justin corrected himself. "You're the only person for me."

"Thanks. Come on we should be getting back."

They parted with a kiss.

Justin still held Peter's hand. "I really do trust you, Peter. It is just my mind forgets sometimes when we're apart."

"Justin, I'd have to be dead drunk for even the slightest idea to even begin to speculate about the merest possibility of crossing my mind."

"Okay, I get it."

"So don't get me drunk."

"Deal." Justin pulled Peter into kiss. They parted. Justin pressed up against Peter. "No quickie?"

"What do you think?" Peter gave Justin a playful push to the door.

"You're no fun."

"I'm just thinking of your reputation."

The door closed behind them.

A figure moved in the darkened sound booth. They had seen and heard the whole thing. Britney sank into a chair. There was no doubting it now. She had seen them kiss with her own eyes. Sure she knew that they did that. Hell, they did even more that she'd rather not think about.

But the truth was even harder to face. It was Justin who had kissed Peter. Peter had no hold over Justin. She could see that now. Justin was showing real affection for Peter. Britney looked for the closest loose object. It was a pen. She picked it up and threw it across the room. Damn, life was unfair. Everything that she had wanted to do in her life she had done. Now the one goal she had left had been taken out of even her reach. Every scheme had gone wrong. But with her plans she was pushing Justin farther away. Any more plots and she would lose him. There was nothing else to do but to wait.

Well, Justin will grow tired of Peter. Gay men can't stay faithful, she knew that. Okay, there was JC and Lance but that had only been a year. For Justin Timberlake Britney decided she could wait.


"Peter, this is Brian. I had to call. Last night was so fantastic!"

Peter couldn`t make out another word. "Okay, Brian, slow down. I can't understand you if you speak so fast."

"Phil took me to Galixy. I thought it would be naff. But I had such a good time. There were other gay guys and girls. We talked and played games and watched movies. It was killer. They knew that I was gay without me saying anything. It was so freeing. We even talked about celebrities. When they found out I knew NSYNC they almost died. They all think that the guys are so hot. Well, the girls didn`t so much."

"I agree NSYNC is hot." Peter smirked as his eye caught JC and Lance listening but trying not to look like they were listening. Peter decided to test Brian. "Did you find any hot guys there?"

"It is not that kind of place. We're just there for the community." Brian heard Peter chuckle. "Okay, you were right about that." There was a pause. "But there is this guy Joe. He has deep brown eyes and his body is so slim and tight."


"Hey, I don't want to have sex with him." There was another pause. "Yet." Brian sighed. "I don't even know if he likes me. I'll talk to him more tomorrow. Phil's taking me back then."

"Be careful. Your father may find out."

"Nah, Fridays and Saturdays are my father's nights out with the boys. He doesn't come home until late, poker you know. Phil will make sure I am home by curfew. My father will have no complaint about that."

"Phil is driving you?"

"Yeah, thank you for that. I have a real cool older brother."

"Brian. . ."

Brian laughed. "I know. I'll take it slow."

"And. . ."

"I'll be safe."

"Good. I wish you the best."

Brian broke into laughter. "The best gay sex I have ever had?"

"Brian, watch what you're saying."

"Don't worry. Father isn't home." There was a pause. "Thank you, Peter, for all of this."

"Brian, your happiness is all the thanks I need."

"You won`t change your mind and meet me somewhere."

"No, Brian. You are well on your way without me. Besides," Peter lowered his voice. "You'd tire me out."

Brian laughed. "Damn right, I would."

Peter held back a smile. "Save it for someone your own age."

"Mental or physical?"


"Okay, you're right. You do have a lover." Brian paused again. "Is it worth it? Does it hurt?"

Peter smiled. "Brian, I told you before."

"Tell me again."

"It did hurt at first then I looked up into my lover's eyes and I wanted so much to do this for him and with him. The pain was soon replaced by the most wonderful feeling. When you get used to it, it will feel fantastic." Peter shrugged. "And if it doesn't find another lover."

Lance smacked Peter's shoulder.


"Is your lover there with you?" Brian asked.

"No, just a critic. But remember he may be a bottom."

"You mean I could. . ?"

"It is a possibility. Don't sell yourself short."

"I could never do that."

"I don't mean be a hustler. I mean be versatile. Go with the flow."

Brian laughed. "I knew what you meant." There was a pause. "I think Dad just came home. I'll call you tomorrow."

"I may be busy tomorrow. Then I'll be gone for a few days. You can call anytime after Wednesday."

Brian sighed. "Then it won't be until the weekend. I`ll be busy and Father will be around."

"Then call whenever you can. Be careful, Brian. I care about you."

"I will. Talk to you later."


Peter hung up the phone.

"So how is your protégé?" JC asked.

"'Our' protégé," Lance corrected.

"Phil took Brian to Galixy last night. Let's just say Brian hasn't come down yet from his first encounter with other gay youth."

"What was that 'NSYNC is hot' business?"

"Shame on you Lance, eaves dropping like that." JC jokingly chastised him.

Peter pointed his finger at JC. "You were listening, too."

JC put his hands up. "Okay, you've got me. So what was the 'NSYNC is hot' business?"

Peter explained. "The kids were talking about celebrities and Brian told them he knew NSYNC. All the guys thought NSYNC was hot and I agreed."

Lance nudged JC. "You know Galixy is another place we can visit after we come out."

"Maybe we should start making a list." JC joked.

"That's a good idea." Lance started looking for a piece of paper.

"Lance, I was joking."

"Don't you want to visit those kids?"

"Sure I do. But after we come out they'll already know about us."

"We can still visit them."

JC took Lance's arm and pull him close. "After the publicity of our coming out dies down let's concentrate on the wedding first, okay? We can book our social obligations after that."

Lance rubbed his chin and looked puzzled. "What a tough choice. Marry you first or visit a group of gay kids." Lance broke into a grin. "Do I really have to answer that one?" Lance gave JC a kiss.

"Well, since you two are getting all kissy face, I'll be out by the pool."

"Are you going to see Justin tonight?" JC asked still holding Lance in his arms.

"No, this is one of our weekends apart from publicity reasons."

"We could call. . ." Lance stopped. "Oh, yeah he'll probably be with Howie. There's Joey and Chris."

"They have dates." JC replied.

"Oh," Lance looked a little sad.

"It's okay. A quiet weekend at home will be relaxing. Next week sure won't be. Keep on with what you're doing." Peter walked out to the pool.


"Don't worry, Lance. We'll do something quiet just the three of us."

Lance smiled at JC. "Thank you, love."

"You're welcome, love."

They continued kissing.

The three of them lay close together on three chaise lounges. The backyard was in darkness even the pool lights were off.

Peter looked up at the stars. "You know there was a t-shirt with the whole of the Milky Way on it with a little arrow pointing `You are here'. It was suppose to point out how small we are compared to the cosmos. I don't know. I like to know where I am."

Lance sighed. "How long has it been since we sat looking up at the stars, JC?"

"Oh, it's been a long time. But it seems to me we didn't look at the stars long."

Lance's hand found JC's. He squeezed it. "I like it better this way."

"Oh, bah," Peter said. "It's just that I am here." Peter stretched. "I should be going to bed. I'll leave you to it." Peter started to get up.

"Peter, please stay." Lance sounded sincere.

"Yes, please," JC added. "We get so little time to talk serious. I mean Chris and Joey are always joking. This is so nice."

Peter stretched out again on the chair. "I just thought you'd like to be alone."

"Later, now we'd just like to be with you. Just to talk." Lance added quickly.

"About what?"

Lance tried to get the words right. "Peter, do you mind about Justin's past?"

JC rolled his eyes. Lance was at it again. "Lance," JC chided.

Peter chuckled. "You guys really think alike. Justin asked me the same thing this afternoon."

"Oh, I'm sorry," replied Lance.

"I could ask you the same thing, Lance." Peter shot back. "You weren't JC's first."

"I know but I know how JC feels about me."

"So do I. I mean I know how Justin feels about me." Peter smiled. "In fact I am a little sorry for them."

Lance frowned. "JC and Justin?"

"Yep, they had to go through several people until they found the love of their lives. We didn't."

Lance grinned. "I never thought of it that way before."

"So you see they had to date other people. We got it right on the first try."

"That's bull." JC snapped.

Peter snickered. "Oh-oh, I think a struck a nerve."

"If it wasn't for Justin and I you both would still be alone. We made the first move."

Peter grinned. "Nope, it was the draw of innocence. Face the fact, JC, when you found out you were to be Lance's first didn't it draw him even closer to you?"

"JC, you don't have to answer that."

There was a pause. "Yes, it did," JC said softly. "My first time wasn't as fireworks inducing as everyone said it was supposed to be. I could at least make Lance's first time more like that. No, I wanted the fireworks for both of us."

"Thanks, JC."

Peter smiled. "And so did Justin. You got to use your experience to make ours more enjoyable."

JC snorted. "How could our experiences with females help in our having sex with another man? It is totally different."

"Oh, the hot and heavy parts." Peter said. "But the subtle parts, the kissing and touching that can be learned."

JC smirked. "But it wasn't the same with Justin."

"But in our case it was about sex not love. That followed after."

Lance sat back. "I never looked at it that way before."

Peter settled back. "Now if you will leave Justin's bisexuality between me and Justin?"

"I'm sorry, Peter." Lance's voice was tinged with regret.

Peter reached over and patted Lance's hand. "Don't be. You're just looking out for us or me. But this is up to Justin not us. He will decide when he is ready."

There was a silence. Peter waited for Lance's next question. He didn't wait for long.


Peter tried to keep the laughter out of his voice. "Yes, Lance."

"Were there others before Justin? I meant did you have crushes on other guys."

"Yes, Lance. I wasn't that pathetic."

"I'm glad."

Peter sighed. "I wasn't at the time. A few of them really hurt to let them go."

JC turned. "Did they know that you had feelings for them?"

"No, I never told them. They were all straight guys anyway."

"Ouch, falling for straight guys."

"What could I do, JC? As far as I knew I was the only gay man in town."

"Did you ever, you know get close to doing it?"

"No, Lance. Although in one case I would have offered myself up gladly."


"He was a co-worker. We got to be good friends. It was after his girlfriend broke up with him. They'd been going together for almost a year. I felt so sorry for him to have that intimacy taken away like that. In my stupid innocent mind I thought maybe I could fill the gap until he found another girlfriend."

JC was surprised. "But you'd never had sex with a guy before."

"Hey, I wasn't going to let that stop me. My friend had lost his sex life and I thought I could fill in."

"What happened?"

"Nothing. I never had the nerve to even tell him. But I did enjoy the time we spent together. Well, until he did find another girlfriend. And this one I could tell was the one. They got married six months after that." Peter chuckled. "I even helped them move in together. I spent the night on their couch. It was then I knew that there would never be anything between us. I had to let him go. It hurt so much I cried." Peter shrugged. "Well, I was young and vulnerable then."

"I'm sorry I brought it up."

"Don't be, Lance. It's nice to remember that I did feel love back then. I usually only remember negative stuff like the name calling."

Lance couldn't hide the pain in his voice. "Which we can look forward to soon."

JC took Lance's hand. "It won't be that bad. They're just words, Lance."

"But they're such hateful words."

"Then just turn the meaning around." JC explained. "I mean, a fag is a cigarette."

"And a fagot is a bundle of sticks."

Lance frowned. "That doesn't help."

"Did you know the first time someone called me a faggot I thought they meant maggot? I questioned them on it. She soon corrected me."

Lance couldn't help chuckling. "Peter, you really were an innocent."

"Hey, I wasn't the only one. There was one other kid at school that was so swishy. I felt sorry for him. He couldn't hide it. Well, we had the same woodshop class. Some of the guys loved to call him 'homo'. Again, since I didn't know what that was I looked it up in the dictionary. It said 'homo' meant 'genus'. I thought it said 'genius'. So the next day when they used the word I told the teasers that they were calling the kid a genius."

Lance laughed. "Did you get 'corrected'?"

"Nope, they believed me and stopped call the kid 'homo'. They really didn't know the word anymore than I did. Ignorance and cruelty can go hand in hand."

JC turned to Lance. "That's just it, Lance. These people who would call us names are ignorant. They are uncomfortable about what we are and our life together. They want to wound with their words. Don't pay them any mind. It's not worth the effort."

"It still will hurt. I've tried so hard to have people like me, ah, us."

"And the right people still will." JC took Lance's hand. "I'll be there to help you through. We won't let them get to us. This is too important. Okay?"

Lance leaned close. "I love you, JC."

They kissed. After a moment they parted.

"Sit down, Peter."

Peter sat back down in his chair. "You sure you don't want to be alone?"

Lance lay back in his chair. "We'll tell you when."

They gazed up at the heavens for awhile.

"Do you realize that the stars we are seeing may not even exist anymore? It takes that long for their light to reach us. Out there there are stars exploding taking other planets with them. Sort of makes our lives seem insignificant."

Lance sighed. "Sorry, Peter. I'm too close to my life to think that."

They sat in silence.

Peter started humming.

JC smiled. "Okay, spill. What are you humming?"

"Sorry, I try to keep from doing that."

JC chuckled, "Don't worry. It is always fitting. So tell us."

"A song by Romanovsky and Phillips, it's one of their more serious lyrics. It's called 'One way out'."

"Go ahead, Peter." Lance said. "I'd like to hear it."

Peter didn't sing it. He just spoke the words.

"Guess I was one of the lucky ones

My threats were just a charade.

But there was a time when it seemed like the answer

Was a bottle of pills or a razor blade.

'Cause when they don't understand you

Or they tell you it's only a phase

Well, that's one way out of high school.

One way to escape all your loneliest days.

One way out of a small town

And sometimes it seems like the only way.

I could have been a statistic

And what would the papers have said?

I doubt if they would have told the whole story

Of who really left me for dead."

Peter's voice filled with emotion.

"When they talk about saving the children

One out of ten they ignore

But if we the survivors can drown out the liars

We won't have to lose anymore.

Anyone can be a beacon

To brighten the dark of despair

And light up the path to another way out

When nobody else seems to care.

'Cause when they don't understand you

Or they tell you it's only a phase

Well, that's one way out of high school.

One way to escape all your loneliest days.

One way out of a small town

And sometimes it seems like the only way.

But it's not the only way.

But it's not the only way."

"Amen to that." Lance reached over and squeezed Peter's hand. "Thank you." Lance lay back. "My resolve is back."

"Do you want to hear 'Give me a Homosexual' or 'What kind of self-respecting faggot am I?' or 'If there is a God he's a Queen'?"

"What was that last one?" Lance said.

"Don't worry, Lance it's not really blasphemous."

"Just drive through the canyon lands

and you too will believe

'Cause there are color combinations

that no straight man could conceive." and

"Jesus may have been a carpenter

but his Father was a decorator."

Lance laughed in spite of himself. "Okay, Peter. That's enough."


Lance smiled. "Both of you really know how to cheer me up."

The mood was lighter now. Whatever was going to happen on Tuesday and after they were ready to face it. They lay looking up into the night sky.

JC looked up as Peter and Lance entered the house.

"How was church?"

Peter shrugged. "Not bad, definitely gay friendly. It's more of a traditional church service but it was okay."

Lance crossed to JC. "Did you enjoy your morning?" They kissed.

"Yes, I got a lot of things done."

"Really, can I see?"

"Sure." JC stood up. "Come on, Peter. You can see too."

"Can it wait until I change into my comfy clothes?"

Lance gestured with his head. "Come on, Peter. It won't take long."

Peter was suspicious but followed them. JC and Lance seemed to be very excited all of a sudden. Peter's suspicions grew as he saw that the curtains in the sun room were pulled.

JC took hold of the door knob and waited for Peter to get close.

"This is what I have been up to." He threw open the doors.


Peter stood there stunned. There were people everywhere. Most of them he recognized. About half were wearing swimsuits and some were in the pool. Being with celebrities was one thing being around them half naked was another.

"Wow." Peter gasped. "First church and now a view of heaven, I must have prayed well."

Lance put his arm around Peter's shoulders. "We wanted to show you off."

Peter laughed. "This is quite the surprise."

Brian and Nick of Backstreet come up to him. Peter's eyes took a quick glance at their bare chests before snapping up to their faces.

"We are very disappointed with you." Brian teased. "You promised we would hook up when you were back in Orlando and it was been weeks and not one word."

Nick smiled. "You'd think he was embarrassed to be seen with us."

"We are rival groups you know."

"Hey, I've been busy," Peter protested.

Nick nudged Peter. "I know. I've seen Justin's smile."

At that moment Justin greeted Peter. He had been in the pool and was dripping with water. "Surprised?"

Damn, Justin was sexy in wet swimming trunks. Peter's mind shifted gears. "Yes, completely."

"Good. I was going to so many parties we decided to throw one for you. That way we couldn't be separated."

Peter glanced around. "Is she here?"

"Not yet but she is invited."


"You don't mind."

"Not at all. Maybe if we got to know each other better the rivalry will die down."

Justin smirked at Peter.

"Okay, I am the optimist."

Lance nudged Peter. "Let's go change. I feel very over dressed."

"You don't need to change," Brian nodded and Nick moved to the other side of Peter. "You're wearing a suit. We're wearing swimsuits."

Peter felt them grip his arms.

"They're both suits. Close enough." Nick added. "I hope that fabric is drip dry."

"Back off you two." It was JC. "He is the guest of honor."

Brian released Peter. "We were just joking."

JC just glared at them.

"You're no fun." Nick moved away pouting.

"It's a little early for such fun." JC replied.

Peter started to house.

"No, it's not." Nick lunged for Peter.

But before he had a good grip someone collided with Nick. The force sent him backwards into the pool.

Nick shook the wet hair out of his face as he surfaced.

Peter was surprised to see Chris standing defiantly next to him.

"Nobody messes with my bro."

"Thanks, Chris."

Chris grinned. He picked imaginary lint from Peter's shoulder. "No problem. We can't let your suit get ruined."

Peter saw the twinkle in Chris's eye. "Besides you're mad at him because Nick beat you to the idea?"

Chris's jaw dropped. "That is so eerie."

"Before anyone else gets the idea, I'm going to change." Peter went into the house.

Chris called after. "If you're going to change come back as a heterosexual."

A quarter fell by the edge of the pool.

"Dibs," Chris bent down to pick up the coin. He felt a foot press against his butt. There was a push and Chris was propelled headlong into the pool.

Nick was laughing as Chris surfaced spitting.

Justin pointed at Chris. "Let that be a warning. If you EVER say those words again I'll use soap not just water." Justin walked away.

Nick splashed water at Chris. "He got you there."

"Yeah," Chris flipped the quarter and caught it, "But it was a two bit joke."

Peter finished changing. The swimsuit was nice and baggy. He zipped up the warm-up jacket to the top and flipped the collar up.

Lance stuck his head around the door. "You ready?"

"Yeah," Peter headed to the door. He saw Lance's expression. "What?"

Lance shook his head. "Nothing. It's so you."


"This is supposed to be fun. Let your hair down a bit."

Peter walked back to the mirror. He laid the collar back down flat and unzipped the jacket to midway."


Lance crossed to Peter. "Here let me." He unzipped the jacket completely. Then he pulled up on Peter's trunks so they fit tighter. "There."

"Lance, I thought there was a rule about showing any skin."

"You're not NSYNC and this is off hours. Besides Justin wants to show you off."

"Do these people know about us?"

"Some." Lance stood back. "You look good. Come on, time to party."

Peter still felt uneasy. He zipped his jacket up about an inch. He looked up to see Lance smirking at him.

"Hey, I'm new at this. There are a lot of people out there. . ."

"Who don't give a damn how you look. Just one person's opinion matters. Make him proud."

Peter smiled and nodded. They left the room.

When they got to the sunroom Lance gave one last pep-talk. "And remember to relax. This is supposed to be fun."

Joey and Chris came in from the pool.

"Ooh, sexy!" Joey teased. "If I knew what a gay guy found sexy."

Chris snorted. "You don't know what girls find sexy." Chris turned to Peter. "Now you know that these are our friends. And I know that some of the guys are good looking but you won't embarrass us but popping a woody or drooling or something."

Peter chuckled. "No, Chris. I will restrain myself." Peter started to stare at Chris. "My, Chris, you do look good. You should be wearing a Speedo."

Joey snapped. "God forbid!"

"I never knew you could look so good. I. . ." Peter paused. He covered the front of his swimsuit. "Oh, damn, now I'll have to go back to my room for a while."

Chris gave Peter a playful shove. "Very funny. Now go out there and enjoy yourself."

Peter followed Lance to the pool.

Peter fell quickly into being at ease. Maybe he was to busy taking in all the eye candy to be nervous. Or it was the wink and smile he got every time he met Justin's eye. Everyone seemed to know about Justin and him and that made it even easier.

"There is the host with the most."

Peter turned into a hug from Kevin.

"Sorry, we're late." Howie added.

Kevin nudged Howie. "We were changing for the party and got distracted."

"Kevin," Howie hissed.

Peter smiled. "I don't blame you. But it is nice that you two put something on before leaving."

"Us two?" asked Howie.

"Come on, Howie, you know you can't get anything passed Peter."

"He knows? But we've hardly told anyone."

Kevin laughed. "Peter knows. If fact he predicted it."

"He did what?"

"Why do you think he and Justin hightailed so fast that night? It was to give us a chance to be alone."

"He knew we would hit is off?"

Kevin patted Peter's shoulder. "Hit it off or just get it off."

Peter shrugged. "I'm just glad it is working out."

Kevin leaned close to Peter. "I really didn't believe your vision."

"Bull, you bought blue silk sheets."

It was Kevin's turn to be surprised. "How did you. . ? How do you ever know? I should know better than bluff you."

Howie was still trying to get up to speed. "Let me get this straight, so to speak. Peter had a vision of us as lovers?"

"No," Peter corrected. "I had a vision of Kevin in bed with his knight in shining armor."

"On blue silk sheets," Kevin added.

"The visor was down so I couldn't see the face. But earlier the suit of armor was in a hallway and Kevin dusted it and cleaned it often. So I figured that it meant that the person was someone Kevin saw often."

"How did you figure this knight was me?"

"You're shirt."

"My what?"

Kevin laughed. "The sweatshirt you were wearing that night. You asked why I kept laughing when I saw it. It had a knight in full armor on it."


"So it fit the vision."

There was a trace of anger in Howie's voice. "So you figured it was okay to have sex together because of my shirt?" Howie paused. "That's why you asked me all those questions. You were probing my feelings for you."

"So what? It worked out."

Howie turned away. "I can't believe this."

"Howie," Peter said softly.

Howie turned back.

"Then believe this." Peter took Howie's hand and placed it in Kevin's. "This is what you have discovered between you. My vision didn't bring you two together. All it did was to get you talking about your feelings. You did the rest."

Howie looked embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Kevin."

"Don't be. I meant to tell you but it seemed so silly."

"It is kind of romantic though." With people around they couldn't go farther. They snapped out of romantic mode.

"So, Peter," Howie asked. "Do you always see the future?"

"Not really. It's only happened three times."

"Too bad. You'll need it."

Peter was grabbed from behind and lifted up. He heard Nick's voice.

"Now is the time for that fun."

"JC!" Peter called.

JC's voice came from below him. "Hey, I fully support you in this."

Peter looked around. Joey, Chris, Lance, Nick, Brian and JC held him high.

"Come on, guys, put me down."

"We plan to." They walked toward the pool.

Peter saw Justin standing there." Justin, do something."

Justin stepped forward and pointed to the ground. "Put him down!"

Much to Peter's surprise they did.

"Thank you, Justin."

"Don't thank me." Justin pulled off Peter's warm-up jacket. "Up." They lifted Peter again and Justin pulled off Peter's shoes. "Proceed." Justin walked away.

"Thanks a lot." Peter snapped. "You'll regret this."

The procession stopped.

"He's right," Chris said. "I know what he can do when he's pissed." Chris grinned. "We'll risk it."

They threw Peter into the pool. Peter disappeared under the surface with a splash. Everyone stood laughing. Then the laughter abated. Peter hadn't surfaced yet. He was floating at the bottom of the pool.

"He's kidding. He's just trying to scare us." Chris said.

Peter wasn't moving.

They began looking around at each other.

"Trust me," JC said. "Peter can really hold his breath."

Still Peter didn't move.

They started getting nervous. The seconds ticked by.

"Oh, hell." Justin dived into the pool.

They watched as Justin swam close to Peter. Still Peter didn't move. They were finally face to face when suddenly Peter's arms grabbed Justin.

Justin was so surprised he almost lost his breath. Then he felt Peter's lips on his. He wrapped his arms around Peter and returned the kiss.

Chris groaned. "Oh, god, even here."

"Wait," Lance said. "Peter's never kissed Justin in front of people before."

"You're right." JC added. "He's making progress."

Joey backed away from the pool. "What's happening?"

The water was beginning to churn. Some force under it was pushing it up.

"Oh, shit!"

The words were barely out of Chris's mouth when there was a blast of water from the pool. It was like a big splash. Water rained down on everyone standing by the pools edge.

Everyone shook the water off of themselves. They weren't soaked just a little wet.

Justin and Peter bobbed up in the middle of the pool still kissing.

Chris called out. "Justin, you do mouth to mouth AFTER you get the victim out of the pool."

Justin pulled back. "Damn, Peter, that was a good one."

Peter laughed. "I didn't want to totally dampen this party."

Justin looked around at the wet people. "You did that?"

"I warned them." Peter grinned. "And I do believe I owe you one, too." Peter grabbed Justin and raised himself out of the water.

Justin took a breath as Peter dunked him. As Justin sank he tried to pull down Peter's trunks.

"So that's you're game." Peter dove after Justin.

"Trying to pants someone in a pool?" Chris clicked his tongue. "They're just being childish. Well, I'm not going swimming now."

Joey nudged Chris. "Thank you for saving us the horrible view of your big butt."

Lance and JC gave one look at each other and leapt into the pool.

Kevin turned to Howie. "Shall we?"

They pulled off their shirts and took off their pants. Their swimming shorts were underneath.

"Banzi!" They both did a cannonball into the pool.

Chris shook his head. "Gay men have no restraint," he said to Joey.

"I know it is quite scandalous."

A few of the woman jumped into the pool."

Joey turned to Chris. "But we must show tolerance and be supportive, right?"

"I hear you, brother."

Joey and Chris ran and jumped into the water.

As the day wore on people came and went. Some left for awhile then return. Peter was having way too much fun to notice the passing time. Soon the pool was forgotten and they moved into the house. The food was brought out. Peter was completely caught up in the party.

"Excuse me, Peter."

Peter turned to find Britney.

She raised her hands, "Don't worry, this is no plot. I give up. You win. I'm sorry for what I did and I paid the price. But I'd like to be friends. Deal?"

Peter scanned Britney's aura. There was a hint of truth. "Well, time will tell."

"I'd like to introduce two of my dancers from my video. This is Dave and Brad."

Dave shook Peter's hand. "A pleasure I am sure."

A cold dread spread through Peter. He didn't trust this person.

"Thanks. Enjoy yourselves."

"Peter," someone called.

"Excuse me." Peter paused. "Later, Britney?"

"I'd like that."

Peter went off.

Britney turned to Dave. "You two mingle. I need a beer."

When she was gone Dave laughed. "You'll get more than just a beer tonight, Britney."

Brad leaned close. "She was just joking about paying someone to have sex with Peter."

"I don't care. I will and she will pay up. I've been playing the trusted side-kick long enough. I have enough dirt on her to ruin her."

"You wouldn't to that."

"Why not? It's dog eat dog."

"But there is no way you'll get to have sex with Peter tonight. You don't even know him plus there are people all around."

"I have a tried and true method. Trust me it will work. All we need is Peter, a little alcohol and stir."

Britney was at the bar when Peter came up to her. "Britney, I know we don't know each other well, but I have to tell you one thing. That Dave, don't trust him."

"That's silly, Dave and I are very close friends. He`d do anything for me."

"That's what I mean."

Someone grabbed Peter's arm and he was gone.

Britney shrugged. Peter had mental powers on the brain.

Justin found himself watching Peter from across the room. Well, he had been watching Peter all afternoon. But Peter seemed to be swaying as he stood talking.

Joey's voice came in Justin's ear. "Looks like Peter is really enjoying himself."

"He's tired, Joey. He's been at this for 6 hours. With all the attention and the sun it's bound to wear on him."

Joey shrugged. "Okay, but I'd say he was drunk."

"Peter wouldn't do that. He knows we're flying out tomorrow."

"Maybe it wasn't Peter. People were trying to get him to do shots."

Justin turned. "Who?"

"Those two guys that came with Britney."

Justin's eyes narrowed. If she was up to something . . . Peter broke into Justin's thoughts. He had walked up to Justin staggering slightly.

"I'm sorry; I'm going to lie down. I don't feel very well."

Justin smiled. "Too much excitement."

"Or food." Peter swayed. "Give the guests my apologies." Peter crossed to the stairs. He stumbled slightly then made his way upstairs.

Joey was giving Peter his 'I told you so' look.

JC walked over. "Is something wrong with Peter?"

"Nothing a good long sleep and two aspirin won't cure."

"Joey, thinks Peter is drunk."

"Well, the symptoms fit."

"He had a few beers but not enough for this. He must just be tired."

"Maybe he's a light weight, Justin."

"Joey, stop. Maybe we should check on him."

Justin followed JC.

Britney caught them before they reached the stairs.

"Will Peter be back? He didn't look very good."

Justin couldn't keep the edge out of his voice. "We're going to check. I hope someone wasn't slipping him drinks." He started passed her.

Britney grabbed Justin's arm. "Do suspect me?" Justin didn't have to answer. "I'm through with the plotting, Justin. I didn't do anything to Peter. Please believe me."

"We'll see." Justin pulled away. They headed up the stairs.

The door to Peter's room was open. When they entered they were surprised to see Brad sitting on the bed.

"Where's Peter?" Justin asked.

Brad pointed to the closed bathroom door.

"What are you doing here?" JC snapped.

"Waiting my turn." Brad said.

"There's another bathroom downstairs." JC replied.

"I'm not waiting for the bathroom."

Justin rushed to the bathroom door.

"Hey, I'm next." Brad protested.

There were sounds coming through the door groaning, choking and gagging.

Justin threw open the bathroom door. Nothing prepared him for what he saw.

Peter was sitting on the floor his head against the wall. His pants were pulled down and his shirt was off. Dave was standing in front of him his pants down to his ankles. He was thrusting his cock into Peter's mouth.

Dave turned to them. "Hey, can I have a little privacy please. You can have him after I'm done. He's very willing."

JC looked passed Justin. "What the fuck?"

Dave grinned. "Hey, we'll get there. I'm sure he can take both of us at once."

JC lost it. "Get the hell out of my house."

Dave stood back. "It's just a little fun."

JC pointed to the door. "Both of you get out. Now!"

Dave pulled up his pants and shuffled by them. He smiled. "It was a really good party." He glanced back at Peter. "It could have been great." He nodded to Brad. They left the room.

JC looked at Peter. He just sat panting on the floor with his eyes closed. "Where'd you go? Did you cum?"

JC looked at Justin. He just stood there staring at Peter.

Justin was in total shock. He felt like his heart had been stamped upon. How could this have happened? Peter had barely left the party. Had he arranged to meet this guy? Then he remembered Peter's words from earlier. "He said not to get him drunk." Justin finally said softly.

"Justin, there's more to this. Don't believe what you see."

Justin turned to JC. "Why not?" Justin spat. "Britney was right, gay guys can't stay faithful."


"I need some air." He pushed passed JC and disappeared down the hall.

JC turned back to Peter.

Hearing the name Peter held out his hand, "Justin?" He pulled away from the wall only to fall face first to the floor.

JC saw that Peter was trying to get to the toilet. JC helped him. He went to check on Justin when he heard Peter getting sick. This party was turning out to be a bad idea after all.

"I don't believe it." Chris snapped. "Peter wouldn't do that."

"I know what I saw." JC replied.

"How is Justin taking this?"

"I don't know. He's gone. His car is still here. He must have gone for a walk."

Chris walked over to a table and came back with glass Peter had been drinking from. He waved it under his nose. "I smell no alcohol in this. Peter couldn't be drunk."

"Something made him act like this?"

Joey and Lance joined them. "We've just heard."

Chris shook his head. "Bad news travels fast."

"I don't believe it."

"Join the club, Joey."

"Give me that glass, Chris."

Chris handed the glass to JC. He raised it to his lips and took a sip. JC made a face.

"How can he drink iced tea without sugar?"

"Oh, come on, JC. There's plenty at the bottom of the glass."

JC lifted the glass. There was a white residue on the bottom. He poured the tea into another glass and rubbed his finger over the residue. "This isn't sugar. It's too powdery."

"Then what is it?"

Joey frowned. "I think I might know. Let me see Peter." Joey stopped to say something to Chris. Chris went off as the rest went upstairs to check on Peter.

He was still on the bathroom floor. They moved him onto the bed. Joey went to the bed and checked Peter over. He smelled his breath and looked at Peter's eyes. He stood back.

"Joey, do you know what is going on?"

"I have my suspicions. Once at a party this guy was bragging about his sure fire way of bedding girls. He showed us his 'method'. Let's just say I was appalled"

Chris entered the room. "You were right, Joey. I found this in a wastebasket."

He held out plastic and foil container for 6 individual pills. It was empty.

"That's it then. Peter's not drunk. He's been drugged."


"Yeah and I think it was Rohypnol, the 'date rape' drug. A fairly large dose by the powder left over in the glass. Probably since Peter wasn't drinking alcohol."

"Why would someone drug Peter?"

Joey clicked his tongue. "Gees, Chris."

"Oh. Then who did it."

"Who did you find with him?"

JC replied. "That dancer Britney brought and his friend." The light went on. "Britney! Is she still here?"

Chris shook his head. "No, they just left. I think they knew they weren't wanted."

"She's gone too far this time." JC growled.

"Later," Joey said. "We need to get Peter to the emergency room. He needs his stomach pumped."

"He did that himself." JC added.

"But he should be checked over."

Lance headed to the door. "I'll get the car."

Chris looked determined. "I'll tell the people to go home then I'll call John and track down these two dancers. Someone should wait for Justin."

JC nodded. "I'll will. Then we'll follow along later."

Joey placed his hand on JC's arm. "He'll be fine. I'm just making sure."

JC nodded. He looked down at Peter lying there. To think this happened in their own home.

Justin walked in a haze. He knew in his heart that Peter wouldn't have done this but he had seen it with his own eyes. After the initial shock and anger Justin's reason began to kick in. Peter was too shy to have sex with a stranger even drunk. And how could he do it in his room with people around? Justin couldn't get Peter to have sex with him in Justin's own room that day of his parent's party. There had to be another answer.

Justin played back the party in his head. He hadn't seen Peter drinking that much. It was just a few beers and then just iced tea. Then why did he act drunk. Could someone have spiked his drink? Possible. But who? Then Justin remembered who he found with Peter. That damn dancer who had showed up with. . .


Justin hurried back to the house to find JC waiting.

Justin paced about the waiting room.

"Damn, Justin, will you sit down. You're making me more nervous."

"Stop it, Chris." JC said.

"Well, he is."

John rushed around the corner. "How is he?"

"We haven't got the final word yet." JC explained. "But he should be okay."

"Any word on those two dancers?"

John spat. "The balls of those two guys."

Joey slapped his hand over Chris's mouth.

"They came back with Britney to rehearse. Those two little bastards under my roof. Well, their gone, fired. I don't care that they have to reshoot that entire video. I seriously thinking of pressing charges."

"And Britney?"

"She seemed shocked when she heard. She wanted to come with but I sent her home. I didn't think you'd want her here. I have an appointment with her in the morning."

"Did you find out why they did it?"

John paused looking at Justin. "Yeah, Britney jokingly suggested she'd pay to have someone have sex with Peter and pay double it if Justin found out. I'm sorry, Justin. I guess they didn't know it was a joke."

Justin's voice cracked with anger. "This was supposed to be a joke? Peter was drugged and almost raped for a joke? Well, fuck her."

"Justin, please."

"I mean that, JC, fuck her. I'm sick of this. When I see her next. . ."

Justin was interrupted by the doctor. He smiled at them and they relaxed.

"He'll be fine. There may be some slight memory loss but he'll pull through. I'd like to keep him here overnight just for observation. He can go home in the morning."

"Can he travel?" Lance asked. "We're supposed to go to New York tomorrow afternoon."

"I don't see why not."

Justin sat down heavily. "Thank god."

"You're right about that. He was lucky. There would have been more damage if he had ingested the whole dose. Whatever made him throw up saved him more trouble."

Justin looked up hopeful. "Can I see him?"

"He's asleep but if you don't wake him."

"Thank you, doctor."

The doctor left. Justin started to go.

"Justin," asked Lance. "Can JC and I go too?"

Justin smiled. "Sure. I could use the company." They walked off.

"Well, what do you know?" Chris said. "The guy who drugged Peter may have also saved him."

Joey looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"How do you get someone to throw up?"

"Stick a finger down their throat."

"This time it wasn't a finger."

"Oh, gross."

John snapped around to Chris. "He did what?"

Slowly the misty lifted. Peter's mind seemed to be clearing. There were faint objects and memories. Peter had barely got back to his bedroom before someone came in. He didn't see who is was because he couldn't focus. It had to be Justin. He remembered Justin taking Peter's shirt off. Then there was a hard kiss. But it wasn't Justin's kiss.

Peter felt sick. He pushed himself away and staggering to the bathroom. Then Peter was on the floor. There was this guy again. He propped Peter up against the wall. He was in a hurry. Peter tried to fight him off but he was too groggy. Then a voice 'Its Justin' and a cock pushed into Peter's mouth. Peter choked and gagged. This was too rough for Justin but Peter's couldn't fight back. There was a faint image of an angry Justin turning and walking away then nothing but fog.

Peter's eyes blinked open. This wasn't his room. This was a hospital room! What was wrong with him? He tried to sit up. "What's happened?" Hands pushed him back.

"It's okay, Peter. You're all right."

Peter knew that voice. "JC?" Peter pulled the room into sharper focus. There was another person next to JC. Dare he hope? It was Lance. Peter's face fell.

"Justin's gone, isn't he. He saw. I've lost him." Peter lay back dejected. The tears started. "It's all my fault."

"No, it isn't and I'm still here."

Peter felt a hand take his left hand. He turned to the other side of the bed. Peter almost didn't believe what he saw. Justin smiled down at him.

"I'm here, Peter."

The words burst out of Peter. "Forgive me, Justin. I didn't mean to. I thought he was you. He told me he was you. Everything was so hazy. I wouldn't have. . ." Peter paused and looked down. "You and me, I blew it didn't I."

A Chris pun. They were so relieved to see Peter awake JC and Lance smiled.

"Peter, sh. There is nothing to forgive." Justin leaned forward and took Peter in his arms. "It wasn't your fault. I still love you."

"Oh, Justin." Peter was sobbing on Justin's shoulder. "I'm so sorry."

Justin comforted Peter. "Sh."

JC and Lance left the room.

Justin rocked Peter slowly as Peter cried. Their love had made it over another hurdle and Justin vowed they would never have to go through this again. He had made up his mind at last.

They were outside John's office.

John slapped Peter on the back. "Peter, how are you doing?"

"I'm a little weak but I'm fit to travel."

"Good. I have one bit of business left and then we can leave for the airport. Maybe you'd like to wait over there."

It was too late. Britney came around the corner.

Britney felt like she was walking against a strong wind. She had never felt so many people against her. She tried to turn the tide.

"Peter, I deeply regret what happened. I do apologize. Have you recovered?"

"Yes, thank you, Britney."

Justin took her arm. "Over here, Brit, we need to talk."

"I have to see John."

"It can wait."

He took Britney aside.

Britney got in before Justin could start. "You are not going to blame this on me are you?"

"You were mentioned."

"I didn't do anything."

"You suggested it!"

"Sh, Justin, please. It was a joke. You can't blame me if someone acted on it."

"Britney, we are in the public eye. We are responsible for what we say and do. Don't you know that?"

"Oh, bull. If people take what we do so seriously it's their own fault, besides nothing happened."

"Nothing? Peter was almost raped!"

"Don't be so dramatic. That didn't happen."

"Is that all you can say? Don't you know the legal term 'attempted rape'?"

"Justin, Peter is a gay man. He can't be raped."


"Besides you know he would have enjoyed it."

Justin gaped. "If I would have said that about a woman you would have slapped my face!"

"I did say it about a woman." Britney said under her breath.

"So that's it. Just because Peter is gay he isn't a man? What about me? Everything he does I do too."

"You're different. You like girls, too. I can wait until you've got Peter out of your system."

"It will never happen."


"We will never be lovers, Brit. I don't see you that way."

"In time. . ."

"No, Brit, I'm through putting up with your schemes. I'm cutting off your life line. You won't have a tie to me anymore."

Britney paled. "Justin, don't say it."

Justin didn't hesitate. "I'm gay, Brit."

"Justin, don't."

Justin raised his voice. "No, Brit, I AM GAY! I had girls in the past but that is the past. I have Peter now. He is a man and I have sex with him. I'm in love with him and he loves me. I want to be with him the rest of my life. That makes me totally gay." He framed each next word in the air. "Justin Timberlake, Official Card Carrying Queer. So forget about a life with me, Brit. You're out of the picture forever."

Britney started to get mad. "After all I did for you."


"The things I did for your career."

"You're now taking credit for my career?"

"Justin, I helped you. You owe me."

"Owe you? For what? Drugging my lover? You're always going on about my reputation. What if the media found out that drugs were used at an NSYNC party and a person was almost raped? What about my reputation then? You almost caused that, Brit. What do you think about that?"

"Justin, I told you I had nothing to do with that."

"I'm sorry, Brit, maybe you didn't but the funny thing is I just can't trust you anymore."


"Leave it, Britney, its over."

Britney's confident voice wavered. "There is nothing Peter can do for you that I can't!"

Justin's voice was calm. "Yes, he can. He loves me." Justin pointed to himself. "He loves ME. I am not just an accessory to put on when we go out in public. I am not the perfect man to make a perfect couple to our public and the press. That's want you want. That's why you dressed me like that for that party. I will never be like that Brit. I am not like you anymore." Justin started to walk away.

"Justin, please."

Justin stopped. "You said you can do anything that Peter can? Peter loves me. I don't think you can do that, Brit. I think the only two things you can really love are your career and yourself." Justin walked away.

Everything was crashing in around her. Britney lost it. She screamed out her anger and frustration. "Justin Timberlake, fuck you!"

Justin turned and smiled his best Justin smile. "Thanks for the suggestion but been there, done that. And Peter does me so good!" Justin turned then stopped. He turned back. "That's another thing you can never do for me, Brit." Justin turned his back. He waved. "Don't call us. We'll call you. Enjoy your career, Miss Spears."

Justin walked to where the other guys were standing. "You heard?"

Chris smirked. "Everyone could hear."

"Good." Justin looked at Peter. There was the look of pride in Peter's eyes. Justin put his arm around Peter and kissed his cheek. "Let's wait for John outside."

Without saying a word they left.

Britney walked over to John. She could feel every eye in the office on her. She forced a smile. "You wanted to see me, John."

John shook his head. "I'm sorry, Britney, I'm too late. What I had to say doesn't matter now." John turned to his secretary. "If you need me I can be reached on my cell phone. See you on Wednesday." John turned. "I'm sorry, Britney." John walked away.

The office went back to work ignoring Britney standing there staring off into space. For the first time in her life she didn't know what to do.

The back seat of the limo was very quiet. So much had happened and so much was going to happen. John wanted to lighten the mood but couldn't find anything at say.

The limo pulled through a gate and stopped. They piled out of the car. Men started carrying the luggage to the plane.

Peter just stared at it.

"Never been on a private jet before?" John asked.

Peter turned with a 'duh' look on his face.

John laughed. "You're in for a treat."

Everyone caught Peter's wide eyed wonder.

Justin put his arm around Peter's shoulder. "Come on. It's about time for you to experience the full star treatment." They climbed the stairs to the plane.

Chris started up the stairs. "New York, here we come."

End Part 39

Do I hear cheering? Well, we got to the showdown at last. Maybe now you will forgive me about the sex. No, I didn't think so. Okay, I succumbed to the caught cheating /break-up scenario. But I hope my take was a little different. I read up a little on this date rape drug for this story. After all I couldn't have Peter getting drunk at an NSYNC party. As always let me know what you thought.

Now better get started on the next part. Oh, boy, the Larry King Show. This is going to have to be a biggy. Keep your fingers crossed.

Thanks so much for reading, Peter.

Next: Chapter 40

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