Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Jun 28, 2003


Here we go on part 40.

Thanks as always to those who have E-mailed me. I appreciate the time and effort and pats on the back are always welcomed. I haven't received any knives yet, knock on wood. Let's keep this brief. (I can't stand boxers or bikinis. At least on me.) Onward!

This is a work of pure fiction. This does NOT represent real life. The author has no knowledge of NSYNC's real life or sexual orientation other than straight of course. To my knowledge no one in NSYNC is gay, has ever been gay or will be gay in the future. (But the author can hope!) There will be descriptions of gay sex. So if you are underage or find gay sex objectionable STOP READING NOW! You have been warned.

If you're just reading this for the sex be warned there is plot you have to get through before you get there so if you are looking for just the sex SKIP AHEAD to the paragraph that starts with the sentence "It was so nice to see Peter and Justin hugging and kissing." Then get a hold of yourself and enjoy. (I wonder if people really do get off on my stuff. I may never know.)

On to the complete story Plot and Sex and I hope you will enjoy it.

It was awfully quiet on the plane. All the guys sat apart even JC and Lance. John knew that the recent events were troubling everybody. John looked up as Peter approached him.

"John, could you do something for me?"

"Sure, Peter. What is it?"

With a quick glance at Justin Peter lowered his voice. "Look out for Britney. I warned her that I didn't trust Dave but I'm not sure she believed me. Maybe coming from you she'll listen. After this he'll be looking for his money and I know he'll do anything."

John chuckled. "Don't worry, Peter. Britney is quite safe from Dave."

"Oh, you sent security guards?"

"The best Orlando has. Didn't the guys tell you?"

Peter shook his head.

"Dave is in jail."

"For what?"

"Peter, please, rape of course."

"But he didn't. . ."

"Peter, he was already forcing sex with you when he was caught. That's rape pure and simple. Even attempted rape is a crime."

"But my testimony?"

"You weren't in much of a condition to be a reliable witness."

"Then who?"

"Me and Justin," JC chimed in.

"But when did you talk to the police?"

"While you were still sleeping off the drug," John replied. "I had already thought about pressing charges and when I got to the waiting room and Chris let it slip how far Dave had progressed I had to called the police. We gave our statements there at the hospital plus the doctor proved that you had been drugged. Dave was in custody before you woke up."

"And the other one?"

"He's being held for aiding and abetting or at least failure to report a crime." John put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "I am so sorry that this happened."

"I don't blame you. I don't blame anybody, well, except Dave."

Joey clicked his tongue and shook his head.

John looked around. Everyone had overheard what they were talking about but no one said anything.

"Okay, everybody gather around its conference time."

"Why?" asked Lance. "I thought we were going over the itinerary at the hotel."

John looked stern. "This isn't about tomorrow. This is about yesterday. We need to talk about it."

"Do we have to?" Chris whined not really seriously.

"Yes, we need to get this out in the open. It's been a half hour and Chris hasn't got on anyone's nerves. I can't have you moping about on Larry King. You'd disappoint your fans."

"Oh, great," Chris complained as they gathered closer. "Boy group therapy."

"That's a positive sign. Chris is joking again." John said. "Now who wants to start?"

Peter shifted nervously. "I just want to say I'm sorry that this hap. . ."

"Peter," Joey interrupted, "If you're going to apologize for putting a damper on the party I'm going to thump you."

JC stepped in. "Peter's just embarrassed that he upset the plan. We're just glad you're all right."

Peter shook his head. "I've should have been more careful. Dave made me uneasy from the moment I saw him. I thought about it over and over again but I can't put my finger on when he slipped the drug into my tea. You'd think I could have tasted it."

"The drug has practically no taste." Joey explained. "Just be glad you weren't drinking alcohol. It is faster and more potent then."

"I just feel so stupid. There must have been something I could have done."

"You fought back."

Peter turned to Chris.

Chris shrugged, "A little."

"When I realized that it wasn't Justin. But it was too late by then."

John sat forward. "What do you remember?"

Peter frowned. "Not much. It is all in a haze. I remembered more when I first woke up but even that is fading."

"Side affect of the drug." Joey added.

"Which is probably for the best," Justin said squeezing Peter's knee.

Peter looked up at Justin, "I just wish you could forget what you saw."

Justin put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "I saw the man I love being assaulted. That's all."

Peter nodded sadly. Justin patted the seat next to him. Peter moved next to Justin and Justin put his arm around Peter and pulled him close. "I know you feel used but I'll help you through it."

"We all will," added Joey.

"Try some antiseptic mouthwash," Chris joked.

Peter smiled. "Thanks, Chris."

"Okay, so that's Peter's angle. Who's next? Lance?"

Lance had been very quiet. He even sat apart from JC. They could see he was very distressed.

"We couldn't protect Peter." Lance began. "We were all there and still it happened." Lance hung his head. "I feel so helpless."

"But you did help," Peter said. "If JC and Justin hadn't decided to check on me who knows how much farther Dave would have gotten."

Lance clasped and unclasped his hands. "I know but. . ."

JC slid in beside Lance. "Come on, Lance. Tell them what is really bothering you."

Lance looked up. His voice cracked with anger. "He did it in our own home! It's supposed to be a safe place. I feel just as violated." Lance looked embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Peter, I didn't mean. . ."

"Its okay, Lance, I know what you mean."

John sat back. "So his guy took advantage of your hospitality."

Justin felt Peter tense up at the word.

"But he will pay for his actions." John looked from face to face. "After bad things happen people are always second guessing themselves. 'It wouldn't have happened if. . .' or 'I could have prevented it if. . .' Hindsight is always twenty-twenty. I don't want to sound mean but you have to move on. You have to stop beating yourselves up over what you had no control of."

Chris started hitting himself with one hand then the other. "Ow. Ow. Ow."

"I said 'stop beating yourself up', Chris."

"Oh, sorry."

"Don't listen to John, Chris." Joey teased. "Keep it up. Knock yourself out."

"Don't listen to Joey," Justin put in. "You'll get sued for cruelty to animals."

"Well, now, is everybody feeling better?" John asked.

"No," Lance said. "I can't imagine how Peter can even sleep in that room after what happened."

"Well, I haven't yet." Peter corrected. "But I don't remember much so the room doesn't bring anything to mind. It wasn't as traumatic as when Bill attacked me."

Lance frowned. "I forgot about that. Look what's happened to Peter since he's been with us. He's been attacked, threatened, blackmailed, plotted against, and now drugged and almost raped."

JC pulled Lance closed. "Stop it, Lance. You're only looking on the negative things. Do you think he would have better off if he never met us? He'd be all alone in his apartment acting out kinky sex acts with our marionettes."

Peter looked shocked. "I never did that." He paused, "much."

Justin grinned. "Now he gets to watch the real thing."

John raised his hands. "Let's not go there."

Joey raised his hand. "I strongly second that motion."

"You know, Lance," Chris began. "If you think the sanctity of you're home has been tainted. You can always hold an exorcism."

Lance brightened. "That's not a bad idea."

Chris looked shocked. "Really?" Chris rubbed his fingernails on his shirt. "Damn, the guy is good."

Lance turned to JC. "We could burn incense and do some ritual that will clear the room's bad karma."

Joey put his hands over his ears and started humming.

"What's wrong, Joey?"

Joey moved his hands away from his ears. "I know what rituals you guys will think up and I don't want to hear about the sexual depravity." Joey continued humming as he slapped his hands back over his ears.

"We're not going into details now, Joey."

Joey hummed louder.

"Joey!" JC yelled.

Joey closed his eyes. "I'm not listening."

Chris pulled Joey's hands away. "Cool it. They're sparing us straights the details."

"Oh," Joey put his hands down.

John looked at each one of them "Can I take it that looming dread of yesterday events has been lifted?"

Lance nodded. "I feel better now that we've talked about it."

Chris crossed his arms. "Well, I'm still pissed."

John sighed. "You have a right to be, Chris."

"Well, I am." Chris shot back. "Why do I have to bunk with Joey? The 'couples' get their own rooms so they get to go rumpy-pumpy all night long. It's not fair."

"Chris," John said. "Raise your hand before changing the subject."

"Oh," Chris sat back. "Sorry."

"Anything you'd like to get off your chest about yesterday?"

"No, just that I think it is only fitting that with Dave in jail he might be finding out what Peter went through first hand."

"Without the drugs," Joey added.

John looked stern, "Guys."

"I know," Chris sighed. "But does this respect thing have to extend to the likes of Dave."

"No," JC said. "But this eye for an eye outlook is outdated."

"Do onto others," added Lance.

"Hey, I've tried that with girls," Chris sneered. "It doesn't work."

"For you," Joey shot back.

Joey and Chris started their usual rivalry.

John looked between the other guys. "Crisis over?"

"Yeah," Lance took JC's hand.

Justin gave Peter a squeeze. "Thanks, John."

"Not a problem."

Peter was looking out the window watching the land pass underneath them.

Justin sat down beside him. "Well, you've had a private suite with a Jacuzzi, a limo and now a private jet. How do you like the high life?"

Peter smiled. "It's fun. But I sure did like the suite the best."

Justin grinned. "So did I. Well, we won't have a Jacuzzi but we can improvise."

Peter suddenly looked sad. "Yeah." He looked down.

Justin sighed. "Okay, you can apologize again if it will make you feel better. Or do you want me to say it wasn't your fault, again."

"It's not about yesterday. It's about this morning."

"Hey," Justin took Peter's chin and turned his head until they were eye to eye. "She had it coming. Now maybe we will have some peace and quiet."

"But you were friends for so long. Except for JC you knew her longer than the guys."

"What she wanted was more than friendship and she wouldn't believe that it was not possible now. Please forget about it. I can't stand to have my lover unhappy." Justin gave Peter a kiss.

"I'm sorry. That's for now." Peter quickly added.

"Accepted," Justin leaned in for another kiss.

Peter sat back and sighed. "You are so wonderful, Justin."

Justin smiled. "Why? Just because I forgave you so fast? It wasn't your fault." Justin lightly rapped on Peter's head. "I wish you would get that into your brain."

"I still feel like I cheated on you."

"You were drugged and being forced that is not cheating."

"How did you come around so fast? I thought you'd be mad for days."

Justin chuckled. "Because I know you so well, silly. There was another party remember? You wouldn't have sex with me, the man you love, in my own bedroom because there were people around. There was no way in hell you would do it with a stranger in the same circumstances drunk or not." Peter nodded. "It did take me quite a while to get there. I was mad and felt betrayed at first but I had been watching you the whole party. You only had a couple of beers then drank iced tea. So I realized that someone must have spiked your drink. I never thought about someone drugging you though."

"How can someone do something like that?"

"Someone who has no respect for the individual person all they think about is the sex." Justin pulled Peter into a hug. ""You could never do that."

Peter pulled Justin closer. "Justin, I love you."

"I know. That helped, too."

"It was so nice to see Peter and Justin hugging and kissing."

JC crossed to his suitcase, "At least that crisis over."

Lance sighed. "All that is left is the big one, ours."

JC frowned, "Coming out it not a 'crisis'. I wish you would believe that."

Lance nodded. "I do. I'm just feeling gloomy."

JC walked over to Lance and put his arms around him. "Why are you feeling gloomy?"

Lance spun around and gave JC a kiss. "So you will cheer me up."

JC chuckled. "You are so devious." He gave Lance a long kiss.

"And I am still feeling gloomy."

"Really, how about you start feeling this," JC took Lance's hand and placed it on his crotch.

Lance teased. "I don't feel anything."

JC took Lance's hand and slid it into his pants.

"How about now?"

"Mm, now I feel it."

JC was getting hard already.

"Will that get you out of your gloomy mood?"

Lance smiled. "You'll just have to try it and see."

Lance massaged JC's cock and balls. JC moaned with pleasure. Lance looked into JC's eyes. He lips pressed hard against JC's. After a time Lance pulled back. His hand left JC's crotch. Lance pulled JC to him.

"Oh, Josh."

"Yes, Lance."

Lance looked again into JC's blue eyes. "I want us to glow like the Advocate interview. Let the world to see that we are so much in love."

"My idea exactly," JC kissed Lance with a passion.

The heat of their bodies and the moment engulfed them. They fumble with clothes in between kisses. Finally free from their clothes they tumbled onto the bed. Still they kissed and clung together. Then slowly their hands reached out to touch and caress each other. Fingers traced the line of muscles or a curve of the back or arm. Already panting hard they parted. Lance glanced over. His eyes found the clock.

"It's a little early for this."

"Trust me, Lance. We are going to need the time. This is going to be more than the usual."


JC stroked Lance's cheek. "This is the last time we will be together without the world knowing. The last time we will be truly alone with our love."

"And the last night we have to hide our love." Lance tried hard to stop them but the tears started.

"I want to make this special for both of us. Trust your Joshua."

It was Joshua not Josh. "I give myself totally over to you, Joshua, my love."

JC leaned close. "And may I show my love for you by letting my body give you every pleasure you could want, Lance."

Lance pulled JC on top of him. They kissed passionately. Then Lance's body tensed. He could hardly hold the kiss.

JC felt Lance's cock throb and then the feel of hot cum on his skin. After a moment Lance relaxed.

"I'm sorry, Josh."

JC laughed. "Just like our first time." JC licked Lance's nose. "But this time I will keep up with you. That climax was the first of many."


JC grinned. "Trust, Joshua." JC held out his hand. Lance grabbed the washcloth and handed it to JC. JC washed the cum off of Lance. The washcloth as returned to the nightstand.

JC grinned. "Lance, prepare for the second coming."

"JC, that almost smacks of blastpho. .oh, oh, oh, my god!"

Peter knelt in front of Justin. He moved forward and took Justin's cock into his mouth.

"Yes, Peter."

But as Justin watched Peter's usual fluid movements were forced. Then after only a few strokes Peter stood up and raced to the bathroom. Justin could hear him getting sick. Justin waited until the toilet flushed before he entered.

Peter was sitting on the floor his knees pulled up and his head resting on them.

Peter said in a soft anguished tone. "What has happened to me?"

Justin knelt next to him.

Peter didn`t look up. "I'm sorry, Justin. Maybe it's too soon after."

Justin sat on the floor. "Come here." He took Peter into his arms. "Or maybe you remember more than you're telling." Justin pulled back and looked into Peter's eyes. "Is that it?"

Peter looked away.

"Please, Peter, let me help you."

"Just now it was more about suddenly recalling than remembered. He was so rough. I was gagging and choking but he wouldn't stop. I felt sick to my stomach and that wasn't helping. There was nothing I could do." Peter looked back into Justin's oh so blue eyes. "I know you are not him but when I took you into my mouth," Peter gave an ironic chuckle and gestured at his surroundings. "Suddenly I was back on the bathroom floor."

"It's okay, Peter."

"But it seems so unfair to you."

"What happened to you was unfair. You can get over it. I can wait." Justin looked into Peter's eyes. "I love you. Like you told me the other day I love not just your body but the whole package." He gave Peter a squeeze. "Come to bed." Justin stood up and helped Peter to stand.

"I need to brush my teeth first."


Peter looked at Justin.

Justin took Peters shoulders. "I am not going to let her win. I'll do anything I can to keep you, sex or not."

Peter nodded.

"I'll be in bed." Justin winked, "Waiting."

Lance was writhing below him. "Yes, JC. Yes, Josh. You do that so good!"

JC took Lance's cock into his mouth faster. Lance's hands didn't know what to hold onto. They held JC's head, then slipped to his shoulders and then dropped to the bed. Lance's mind was solely set on the thrills JC was causing and JC knew it. He began jacking Lance off.

"Oh, Josh!"

"Cum for me, lover. Cum on my face."

Lance managed to look down into JC's blue eyes. JC slapped the cock against his tongue. Lance let his head fall back to the pillow. The thought of cumming on JC pushed him over the edge. JC moved sideways to Lance's body, moved his face to Lance's cock and waited.

"Josh, oh, Josh!"

Lance's hips trust upward and his cum arced through the air.

JC felt the hot liquid spatter onto his face. Lance's hips still thrust as the climax surged through him. Then slowly the spurts stopped. Lance lay there panting. His body twitched as JC still gently stroked him.

Then JC felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Come here, Josh."

JC leaned up so Lance could clean him off. He was surprised when Lance kissed him first. Then Lance grabbed the cloth and cleaned JC off.

Lance put the cloth down and turned smiling to JC. "I believe it is my turn now?"

JC flipped onto his back. "I think I'm going to enjoy this."

"Damn, right you will."

Justin lay there thinking. It was so distressing to see Peter get physically ill. He knew Peter. He would think of the affect on Justin. If only he could convince Peter how he felt. He could wait until Peter was comfortable with the idea of sex again. Then again, to wait it might do more harm than good. He had to find a way to get to Peter's mental state as well as the physical. Justin knew that once Peter got into giving Justin sexual pleasure again things would sort themselves out. But how?

"Oh, yes, Lance." JC ran his fingers through Lance's hair. His hands followed the bobbing motion of Lance's head as those sweet warm lips sliding up and down the length of his cock sent waves of pleasure through JC. "That is so good, lover."

Lance pulled off long enough to smile up at JC with his sparkling green eyes and for a quick kiss. He leaned back again to swallow JC.

JC lay back on the bed. His hands gently touching and caressing the parts of Lance's body he could reach, his shoulders and arms and his back and neck. He pulled Lance off his cock so they could kiss again. Everything tonight was interrupted by kissing. No, everything tonight was enhanced by their kissing. Tonight, they were taking their time.

JC gasped as Lance plunged back onto his cock. He could feel Lance's talented tongue hitting all the places Lance had learned would set JC off. JC felt the old stirring. No, not yet. This was too wonderful to end just now.

Lance looked up. Their eyes met. JC caressed Lance's cheek. "You do that so well, Lance."

There was a twinkle in his eye as Lance when down on JC again. Lance's hands reached up and rubbed JC's chest. They lightly pinched JC's nipples. JC moaned happily.

JC closed his eyes and just concentrated on the joy Lance was causing to pulse through JC's body. He felt Lance's hand gently massage his balls while he worked on his cock. JC let out a contented moan. A Peter-like thought went through his head. If every man likes getting a blow job so much (as he was led to believe) why was being a cocksucker such an insult? But then most insults had a sexual side to them. Take 'fuck you'. JC smiled. Yes, he would take that willingly.

JC opened his eyes. Lance was moaning happily sucking his cock. JC brushed his fingers against Lance's face. "Hmm!"

Lance pulled off of JC. "Do you like that?" JC saw Lance's eager look.

JC smiled. "Yes, love. Do it."

Lance plunged back more eager than ever. His lips and his tongue were joined by his hand.

JC relaxed and stopped fighting the feelings. The surge within him started to grow.

Lance heard and felt JC's breathing speed up. The muscles in JC's body started to tense. Lance pressed back with his tongue and tightened his lips around JC's cock. JC's groaning increased. Then there was the sound Lance knew so well. He swallowed JC's cock into his throat.

JC made a choking gasp. His hips bucked sending his cock deeper into Lance's mouth. Lance was ready and willing.

"Oh, gawww..!"

Cum erupted down Lance's throat. He didn't even have to swallow. The cock throbbed and pulsed. Lance kept his throat relaxed until the flood had receded.

JC fell back unto the bed panting hard.

Lance's lips made a few more trips up and down JC before he pulled off. Then they kissed passionately.

Soon Lance lay his head on JC's chest. "You know, JC, I can't imagine how they do it."

"Who? Do what?"

"Joey and Chris. Well, all straight guys. I love sucking you so much. With woman it's . . ."

"Different. Think of it as a version of ass rimming."

"I like our version better."

"To each their own taste, Lance." JC smiled at his joke.

"I guess." Lance looked up. "By the way, you were awesome. You really drive my wild with that mouth of yours."

JC chuckled. "Believe me I noticed."

Lance grinned. "Between your voice and your, eh, other talent I should have your mouth bronzed." He lay his head back. Lance could hear JC's breath and heartbeat. "I love you so much, JC."

"Soon the world will know it." JC caressed Lance's shoulder. "You ready to take on the world?"

"Soon," Lance replied. He lifted up and looked in JC's blue eyes. "There's one thing left for you to do."

"Only one thing?" JC teased.

"Okay, two things to do." Lance gave JC a quick kiss. "You do me and I'll do you."

JC chuckled. "In that order?"

Lance slapped JC's chest. "You know what order. So roll over, sweet cheeks, Lance wants to do my JC so good."

JC rolled onto his stomach. He felt Lance's hands spread his ass cheeks and then the warm probing of Lance's tongue.

"Yes, Lance. Get me ready." JC wrapped his hands around the pillow pulling it close and let Lance's wonderful tongue do it's magic.

Lance didn't pause but still looked up. There were the round sculpted mounds of JC perfect ass descending to the smooth tract of JC's back and his muscular shoulders. JC just had a sexy body pure and simple and that was from any angle. It still was a thrill to Lance that this man was his. Lance doubled his efforts at JC's puckered opening.

It was a few minutes before Peter finally came to bed. Justin snuggled up to him.

"You feel better?"

"A little," Peter didn't look at Justin. "I'm not sure about the sex though."

"It's okay," Justin gave Peter a kiss on the cheek.

"I thought you wanted to?"

"Not if you're not up to it."

"I was." Peter was angry at himself.

"Peter, I have an idea if you are, so to speak, up for it."

Peter rolled over and faced Justin. "What?"

"Connect with me. Then we can jack off like we used to."

"But, Justin, I am right here."

"So? You can't make short trips?"

"But why?"

Justin ran his fingers across Peter's cheek. "Trust me."

Peter sighed. "Okay, if you want me to." Peter lay back.

Justin had never seen Peter project before. Then he knew he wouldn't see anything anyway. He lay back and waited to feel Peter's mind. Justin concentrated.

Peter was surprised at the blue glow already around Justin. He touched Justin and the love poured into Peter. But Peter wanted to know more. Slowly an image of Peter sitting on the bathroom floor with Dave appeared. Peter felt the disbelief, anger and the betrayal. Another wave of love washed the image away. Peter pressed back. He was lying in the hospital bed. There was a feeling of helplessness and anger. Peter realized that Justin was angry because he couldn't protect Peter from this happening. Another pulse of love and that scene was replaced with Justin looking down at Peter as he opened his eyes. Peter saw his own anguished look. Then Justin took him in his arms. Peter's mind was flooded with the sense of relief and joy. Then he felt the strong resolve and he heard the words. "Never again".

Peter stopped his probing. He let Justin's love for him wash over him.

"Now you know."

"Sorry, Justin."

"No, I wanted you to know how I felt. That is way I suggested you connect with me. Now do you believe me?"

"I always believed you, Justin. It was me I didn't"

"Please, Peter, I want to get off with you." Justin's hand slipped down to his crotch. He rubbed his cock through his shorts.

Peter panicked a little. If Justin wanted privacy and he was pushed from the room how would he get back to his body?

"Please, Peter. I need you."

Peter felt himself being pushed back. But when he was over his body he felt the tug. Peter was pulled back into his body.

Justin saw Peter move. He was back. Justin rubbed his own cock with one hand and reached over to rub Peter's with the other. Peter was already hard.

"Oh, Justin."

Justin smiled. "I told you you'd be up for it." Justin reached over and helped Peter take off his shorts. Then Justin removed his own and he settled back. He took Peter's cock again.

Peter let out a loud moan. His senses were more acute after projecting. Justin's hand stroking him sent thrills through him.

"Does that feel good?"

"Yes, Justin."

"Do you want to make me feel good?"

"Yes, so much so."

Justin took Peter's wrist. He moved Peter's hand to his waist. "Touch me, Peter." Peter's fingers wrapped around Justin's shaft. "Yes, that's it."

One stroke on Justin's cock and a new surge of joy washed through Peter. The upstroke brought another. As he stroked Justin, Peter could almost feel Justin's own pleasure.

A voice spoke in his ear. "We have never been so close before after connecting. I can sense your pleasure as I stroke you."

"So can I," Peter gasped.

"Then let us get each other and ourselves off." Justin sped up his pace.

Peter followed. He could sense Justin's pleasure as he felt his own. Justin's hand twisted around his cock as he stroked Peter. He felt Justin's fingers rub against the sensitive head. They slid down the shaft to the base. Then the fingers turned down to rake against his balls. Justin's hand slid upward again.

"Oh, Justin, I..."

`Sh, just enjoy."

Peter's left hand reached up to play with his nipples. Surges of joy shot through him. What about Justin? Peter turned on his side and reached for Justin's chest.

There was a big inhale of breath and Justin closed his eyes with pleasure. "Yeah, play with my nipples."

Justin returned the favor.

"So good." Peter looked down at what he was doing. Justin's hard cock was slipping through his hand. He could see every vein and artery. The mushroom head was purple gorged with blood. Peter looked down at himself. He felt the twinge of excitement watching his cock slipping through Justin's hand. His cock looked the same as Justin's. Peter eyes took in Justin's body, his stomach, his abs, his chest, his chin, his face and at last his eyes.

Their eyes locked. Peter felt the stirrings getting closer. He could feel their love for each other and shear enjoyment that they were giving and taking from each other. His climax was approaching.

"Justin. . ."

Justin's blue eyes sparkled. He smiled. "Together."

At those words the bridge was crossed. Nothing could stop the inevitable. Peter lay back and let his climax take him. Justin's hand caused his body to tense and shake. Peter exhaled loudly and his cock erupted.

"Oh, Peter, yes!" Justin followed suit.

Two cocks pumped and pulsed sending their cum out onto two panting ecstatic bodies. The white cum shot and splattered onto their skin. The hot sensations adding to the ecstasy of the moment. Both hands slowed their stroking as the climaxed faded. Then the stroking stopped. Four arms wrapped around the two bodies. They kissed pressing their lips together in joy. Then they parted.

Peter lay there when a thought caught him. What did Chris say about a cleansing mouthwash? He looked down Justin body to the pools of cum on his stomach and chest. Peter leaned down and began licking Justin clean.

Justin watched with hope.

Soon Justin was clean but Peter wanted more. He turned to Justin's cock slowly drooping back to his body. He took Justin's cock into his mouth and jerked it with his hand. He sucked hungrily. Peter wanted every last drop. It was the symbol of Justin's love for him. He needed it. He wanted it. It would make him whole again. He didn't notice Justin's body twitching.

"Peter?" A hand touched his shoulder. "Please, stop. It`s too sensitive now."

Peter reluctantly pulled back. He looked up at Justin. Justin broke into a smile.

"You did it."

Peter's hand released Justin's cock. Then he realized what he has just done. He had had Justin's cock in his mouth but it brought no memories of last night and it didn't make him sick.


Justin pulled Peter up to him. "Welcome back. I`d hoped that it would work."

Peter fell on Justin's chest. His arms pulled Justin to him. "Thank you. Oh, god, Justin, thank you!"

Justin felt Peter's tears like hot cum against his chest.

Justin slowly rocked Peter. "I told you I wouldn't let her win. Now I have my lover back."

Peter looked up at Justin smiling with tears in his eyes.

Justin stroked Peter's cheek. "Hey, you're not the only one who can help people."

Peter laughed. Justin pulled him back to his chest.

"After all that you have done for me I glad I can do something for you." Justin ran his fingers through Peter's hair. "I love you so much, Peter."

Peter held Justin close. A contented "Hmmm," was the only response.

JC clutched the pillow as Lance slowly entered him. There was briefly pain and discomfort but that would quickly pass. JC enjoyed bottoming for Lance more than he thought he would. Of course it was more than the physical pleasure of it. It was watching Lance's expression during it. Even if it had hurt a little JC thought he could endure it just to see Lance so caught up in the shear pleasure of doing JC.

JC felt Lance nibbling on his ear. "You okay?"

"Yeah, go ahead, Lance. Do me good."

Lance started thrusting.

He lay close to JC. They each could feel the heat from their bodies. JC could feel Lance's breath on his neck. Lance's hands took JC's hands. Lance was right. This was a close as two people could ever be.

"Mm, Lance that feels so good."

"You feel good, too, lover."

"I'm glad we decided to switch off. I like this more and more."

"You are so beautiful and sexy. I love doing you."

"Then keep doing what you're doing."

Lance nuzzled JC's neck as he thrust with his hips. Both of them were moaning with pleasure. JC as Lance's cock hit places that sent joy throughout his body and Lance as JC's ass muscles clamped around his cock.

They kept up the slow pace for awhile but then Lance's passion grew. He thrust back harder and faster.

"Give it to me, Lance."

Lance sat back on his knees and pulled JC into a kneeling position. He looked down to watch his cock penetrate JC again and again. Lance slid his hands up and down JC's back. JC arched his back. Lance reached under him and started stroking JC's cock.


"You like that?"

"Don't stop."

Lance pulled JC up to him. JC turned his head so that they could kiss. Lance kept up his thrusting. Lance's free hand found JC's chest and his nipples. JC moaned as they kissed.

It felt like a minute but they kissed for several. This night was about kissing. Lance's mind kept clicking between feelings, JC's soft lips on his and JC's hot ass closing like a warm fist around his cock.

JC pulled back from the kiss and let out a loud gasp. He dropped back to the bed.

"This is sooo good! Fuck me, Lance."

So they had reached the dirty talking stage. It wouldn't be much longer now. Lance was so turned on that he didn't even want to fight it.

"Take my cock."

"Give it to me, please!"

Lance thrust back even harder. Their bodies slapped together. JC's hands beat against the pillow.

"Yes, yes, damn!"

Lance was fucking him so well. The surges going through him were almost overwhelming. But the ass pounding he was getting was highlighted by Lance's caressing. No matter how hard Lance gave it there was always a gentle side.

Lance was so caught up in the shear joy of fucking JC he forgot about switching places. But it felt so good Lance didn't want to stop. A few more minutes that was all. JC was enjoying his cock so much Lance wanted it to continue. JC's ass muscles tightened.

"Fuck, JC. You'll make me cum too soon."

"Keep fucking me. Damn, I love your cock!"

"Just my cock?"

"I love you feeding me your cock. Now give it to me!"

Lance thrust away. JC's ass was too good to give up. But then Lance felt the need. He wanted JC to fuck him. Lance slowed down.

"JC, we should. . ."

JC stood up against Lance. He pulled Lance's arms around him. JC was stroking him dick fast.

"Too late, Lance."

Lance felt JC's body tense. He pushed back against Lance. JC gave a loud cry. Lance looked down to see cum erupt from JC's cock.

JC's body shook and twitched in Lance's arms. JC was breathing heavily as he stroked his shooting cock. Shot after shot of white liquid spurted from his cock. Then JC relaxed. He almost went limp in Lance's arms. He caught his breath.

JC turned his head. Lance was there ready for the kiss. After a few minutes they parted.

"Sorry, Lance. You were just too good tonight."

"That's all right. I can wait for my turn."

"Why wait?"

"Because you'll have to recover."

JC just grinned. He was still hard.

"How do you do that?"

JC turned to face Lance. "I don't do anything. You do this to me."

Lance had to kiss JC after that. Their tongues dance together. Lance pulled back.

"You always know the right thing to say."

"Really? How about `hand me the lube'?"

Lance handed JC the bottle and dropped to his knees.

JC started to lube Lance up then stopped.

"Maybe we should rest. I'm still a bit weak at the knees."

Lance turned around.

"That's okay, I know a way." He pushed JC onto his back. Lance lubed his asshole up then straddled JC.

Soon Lance was bouncing happily on JC's cock.

"Ride me, Lance."

"Mm, I love to, Josh."

JC felt a thrill every time Lance used that name. It was only when Lance was in a very loving and emotional state he used 'Josh'. JC's hands caressed Lance's arms then pulled Lance down to him. Their lips met and held. JC helped by thrusting with his hips. Lance moaned as they kissed.

The kiss broke but Lance held JC closed. "I love you, Josh. I love it when you make love to me. I love it when you fuck me."

JC kissed Lance's shoulder. "I love you, Lance. We are so good together. The world will see that."

Lance pulled back to look into JC's blue eyes. Lance just smiled.

JC grinned. "But for now?"

Lance grinned back. He started to bounce faster. JC's cock was doing its magic. Lance's whole body was soon tingling. Then the tingle became heat and that turned into passion.

JC could gage each stage just but watching Lance's expression. Lance would start by just closing his eyes. Then the moaning would start. This would dissolve into whimpering. The louder the whimpering got the closer to cumming Lance was. The whimpering had just started.

Lance closed his eyes and relished the feel of JC's cock penetrating deep within him. He bounced faster. That felt even better.

JC watched as Lance began to sway like a blade of grass in the wind. He thought that maybe Lance would fall over. Then he smiled. Lance was impaled. He wasn't going anywhere. JC began to meet Lance's rhythm with his hips.

Lance whimpers grew louder. JC's cock was thrusting deeper into him.

"Yes, Josh. I love your cock in my ass."

"Ride me, lover. Ride that dick."

The bed squeaked and groaned in protest to Lance's bouncing but they didn't hear it or cared. Lance was too far gone into his ecstasy to hear anything and stopping was not an option.

"JC," Lance said in a whimper. "JC," a little louder. "JC," a little louder yet. "Oh, Josh, I'm going to..." Lance went rigid.

Tendrils of white arched through the air and landed on JC's stomach.

Lance lost all rhythm in his bouncing. His body shook and shuddered as he jerked his cock. He sat back causing JC's cock to sink deeply into him. Lance's mouth fell open. He gasped and another spew of white came out of him. His body snapped forward then back. Again JC's cock raked his insides as it thrust deep into Lance. His body twisted and his cock gave a last large spurt.

Lance sat there hunched over stroking his cock. His breathing became more regular and he slowly lifted his head. JC's blue eyes gazed up at him. Lance leaned forward and almost fell onto JC. Their lips met and held. After a few minutes Lance laid his head on JC's shoulder.

"Thank you, Josh."

"I hate to break the mood."

Lance smiled. "I know." He pulled off JC. Lance took JC's cock in his hand. "Your turn."

JC was about to protest. He like cumming inside Lance. But Lance's hand was more agile than Lance's ass.

Soon JC was gripping the sheets. Lance's one hand stroked him while the other caressed every part of JC's chest and arms. Lance rubbed JC's nipples.

"Lance, that feels terrific."

"Soon, JC?"

"Yes, soon. I'm almost. . ."

Lance rubbed the mushroom head of JC's cock. JC body arched.

"Good, JC?"

JC could only gasp.

Lance sped up. JC began to twist and turn.

"Lance, I. . ."

Lance felt the cock pulse in his hand. Cum erupted from JC's cock. He kept stroking as JC squirmed about. After a few seconds the eruption dwindled. JC relaxed against the bed. Lance grabbed the washcloth and cleaned JC off.

"Was that okay, lover?"

JC pulled Lance to his lips.

They parted.

"Forget Larry King. Let's just stay in bed forever."

Lance smiled. "And who's going to change the sheets?"

"The maid can when we're in the shower."

"And you say I have impossible dreams?"

"I'm living one right now." JC touched Lance's cheek. "Who have thought that we two would end up like this?"

Lance looked up at the ceiling. "Oh, I don't know. I could think of someone."

"Lance, tomorrow will go all right, believe me."

Lance smiled. "I do." He snuggled close.

"That comes after."

"I'm just practicing."

"Come on, we will need our sleep."

"JC, I am looking forward to tomorrow."

"So am I, Lance. So am I."

They stepped from the elevator. Chris spotted the limo and started to walk toward it.

"I know this is going to be "Lance and JC Day" but just remember you are a part of a group. I hope all this gay stuff doesn't have any adverse affect on me."

"Chris," John said.

Chris stopped. "What?"

"You're going the wrong way."

Chris pointed. "But the limo. . ."

John pointed. "That is our transportation."

Chris's jaw dropped. "You have got to be kidding!" John was pointing to a vehicle about the size of a large van painted yellow with black stripes. "A school bus?"

Joey grinned. "Hey, this will be fun."

"I repeat a school bus?"

"Chris, we're not going to Downtown Manhattan. Imagine a limousine driving through the neighborhood you grew up in."

"Oh, point taken."

They clambered aboard.

"Besides since we're going to youth institutions we'll fit right in. You don't want to put these kids off before you've said a word."

"He'll do that soon enough."

Chris sneered at Joey. "This must bring up memories of riding on that special ed bus."

"Stop it, you two," JC chided. "Let's try to keep the energy positive today, okay."

"Sorry, JC," Chris took a seat.

"Hey," Peter looked around. "What about security?"

At that moment the bus rocked as someone got on.

"Did someone call for security?"

Peter was delighted. "Lonnie!"

"Well, if it isn't my fellow bodyguard. I guess we'll be over staffed."

Another bodyguard followed Lonnie onto the bus. Lonnie squeezed himself into a seat in front of Peter. "Are you still watching over Justin there?"

"Yep, he's improving nicely" Peter teased.

Lonnie looked at Justin. "I'll say I heard you laid down the law for Peter's competition."

"It was time." Justin said.

"And I also heard you stopped a guy from messing with Peter the other night."

"Yeah, sort of," Justin replied.

"It was a good thing I wasn't there. They wouldn't have needed a jail cell for that boy. He would have been in orbit."

"Lonnie," John warned.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wright. It just riles to me when bad things go down on the guys here."

John nodded. "Damn straight."


"Sorry, Chris," John added. "No offence."

Joey shook his head. "This is going to be a long day."

The bus drove out of the hotel's underground garage.

They pulled up to building.

"This looks like an office not a school."

Joey stood up to get out. "There's all kind of schools, Chris."

They had barely started off the bus before a woman hurried out of the door.

"Welcome, glad you found your way. I'm Miss Beckman."

John shook her hand. "Your directions were excellent."

JC and Lance stepped off the bus.

"And there they are." She rushed over to them giving each of them a big hug. "It is so wonderful what you are doing. The students will be so thrilled. They know you'd here but they don't know why. This is a very important step you are taking. Let's hope others will follow."

"Is there a place where we can warm up?" asked Justin.

"It is a little nippy today." She gestured. "Let's go inside."

John smiled. "No, they mean warm up vocally. They plan to do a couple of songs first."

Miss Beckman smiled and shook her head. "How stupid of me. I am just as excited as the students. Sure, there is a place. Would you like a tour after?"

"That would be wonderful." Lance said smiling at JC.

They started toward the doors. "I'd show you around first but that may disrupt their studies."

"How many grades do you teach here?" Justin asked.

"Mainly high school but we have added junior high grade teachers."

JC took Lance's hand. Lance was really getting excited about this.

NSYNC was in another room warming up. The bodyguards stood by that door. Peter sat waiting in the large room that served as a meeting place for the students. To pass the time Peter was reading some pamphlets. The students had started to assemble. Peter could hear a few talking.

"I am so excited. NSYNC rocks."

"You have to be kidding."

"Justin gets me so hot."

The other guy sneered. "Like you have a chance, Martin. He's as straight at they come. I've seen his girlfriend."

"Well, I can still look."

"I wonder why they are here."

"Probably serving some community time."

"God, you know nothing. See that guy over there?" He nodded in Peter's direction. "He was the one that got bashed. NSYNC went on the news speaking out against the attack. Don't you remember?"

"So they're gay friendly. They're probably just here to work on their gay fan base and get us to buy their records."

"You are so suspicious, Mark."

"Hey, when celebrities come to our side of town something's up. People with money like that don't fly all the way from Florida to visit a gay school."

"They did." The boy beamed having proved his point.

"There's an angle I know it. They're probably slumming."

"Oh, really, Mark. Well, they didn't always have money. Chris and his sisters were raised by only his mother and they were on welfare. Chris used to shoot baskets rather than have to admit that he got a free lunch."

"Where did you hear that?" Mark sneered.

"It was just posted on their website."

"Big deal. I bet they've never been singled out for being different."

"Oh, yeah? Did you know that when they were negotiating for their first contract one of the terms was getting rid of Lance because he didn't fit with the other guys?"

"He does seem awfully gay."

Martin jabbed Mark with his elbow. "You should talk."

"NSYNC may have money now but they had to work for it. You know NYSNC as they are now. You know nothing about their history."

Mark shook his head. "And I didn't know just how into them you are. I'm bet you'll scream when you see them."

A teacher approached. "Something wrong guys?"

The boys shifted a bit. "Mark is just looking for motives. I'm just excited to see NSYNC so close." Scott added.

"He wants to kiss Justin."

"Shut up, Mark."

"Guys please," the teacher interrupted. "They came here for a reason. You'll soon find out. So be good hosts and sit down and listen."

Another teacher stood at the front of the room and began the introduction.

"Well, I am not going to leave you in suspense. You all know who is here. So give them a good Harvey Milk welcome. Here is NSYNC."

The students applauded and some whistled as NSYNC went to the front of the room.

NSYNC sang "I thought She knew" and "This I promise You" first then Justin started.

"You're probably wondering why we are here."

Chris raised his hand. "I certainly am." He looked at Joey.

Joey shrugged. "Don't ask me, Chris, I was following you."

"I know and if you keep it up I'll have you arrested."

JC continued. "When Peter suggested visiting here, we jumped at the chance."

"Yeah," Chris put in, "And Joey missed."

Lance stepped in. "I wish I had a school like this when I was growing up."

JC chimed in. "I was never really picked on at school but I knew others who couldn't pass as easily as me. Of course I didn't know about me then. It must be wonderful to learn in such a safe and supportive place."

"Wait a minute," a student raised his hand. "Are you saying you two are gay?"

"Yep," Lance said.

"More than gay," JC added. He pointed between Lance and him. "We're engaged." He took Lance's hand. JC hammed it up. "We wanted you to be the first to know."

There was some unbelieving laughter.

One of the students sneered, "You're putting us on."

"Sorry, that's not right," JC said. Heads nodded knowingly. "You're not the first."

He held up a copy of the Advocate.

"Some people knew before you. Lance and I are really coming out as gay and a couple."

There was a whoop and the kids were on their feet cheering and whistling.

"All right!"

"NSYNC rocks!"

"Woo Who!"

After a bit the students settled down.

Chris looked incredulous. "What's the big deal? Like there aren't other groups with openly gay members. I'd think you kids would get so tired of that." Chris made a bored face. "Oh, yawn, there is another openly gay singer."

Another student raised her hand. "Are you really coming out publicly?"

JC waved the magazine. "This can't be retracted so yes."

"I mean more than the article."

Lance smiled. "We're booked on Larry King tonight."

Another hand went up. JC pointed.

"Why are you coming out now? I mean you are so popular."

Lance answered. "Well, with our ceremony coming up JC and I just wanted to do it on our terms before the tabloids got wind of it."

"Besides," added JC, "We just got tired of hiding both our being gay and our love for each other."

"Aren't you afraid of negative reactions?"

"Isn't every gay man or women afraid of that?" JC said. "But we trust our fans."

Lance leaned forward. "And there is a more important reason. Would it have made a difference growing up if you knew people like JC and me who were openly gay?"

"Shit, yeah."

"I'll say."

"It is now."

"That is why we're coming out. It's for you. I know it sounds frivolous but we don't care about the money. There are too many gay youths committing suicide. We hope our coming out will give them hope. If our being out stops one gay kid from taking their own life whatever else happens to us it will be worth it."

Mark stood up. "First I'd like to say I misjudged you guys. We don't get many big celebs in here and if we do its just to fill in some community service time. But I am really into what you are doing. To be able to see you performing and say, "They're gay like me."" Mark's voice caught. He just nodded and started to sit down.

"May I ask your name?" JC said.


"Mark, come here."

Mark walked to NSYNC.

JC shook Mark's hand." "Hi, I'm JC. This is Lance, Joey, Justin and Chris. We're just five guys doing what we love. We are not celebs. Okay?"

"Yeah, I get you."

Mark went back and sat down.

"Next question?"

The minutes passed. Peter was always amazed how patient NYSNC was. Each question was answered in some manner. But the next one surprised him.

"In your relationship JC are you the top?"

"Chad!" A teacher snapped.

Lance blushed. "He is in my book."

"I think that is a bit personal." Joey added.

Chris chuckled. "Cole Porter wrote a whole song about it." Chris took a breath to sing and Joey clapped his hand over Chris's mouth.

"Save us from paying the royalties."

"Well, since you are fans."

"JC," Lance whispered.

JC just winked and took Lance's hand. "We're a committed loving couple. We share everything."

Lance smiled blushing again slightly.

"You are so lucky!"

The teacher in charge stood up. "I think there have been enough questions for NSYNC."

A student's hand sent up.

"Yes, Jon."

"I have a question but it's not for NSYNC."

The teacher seemed confused.

"It's for him." The student pointed to Peter.

"Well, I don't know." The teacher hesitated.

Peter shrugged. "It's okay."

"It must be so cool to hang with these guys."

Peter saw Justin glance over at him.

"I was very intimidated at first. But now they're just friends."

Chris snorted.

Peter looked at Chris. "Well, their lifestyle can still be a little intimidating at times."

"So can yours." Chris shot back.

"Did they take you under their wing because of the attack or were Lance and JC just wanting a gay friend to talk to?"

"Both actually," Lance replied. "But more of the latter. The guys are great but some things we just didn't feel comfortable talking about with them."

"Tell me about it." A student snapped.

"Weren't you afraid that having a gay man so close to you would make people think you're gay, too?"

Lance waved the magazine. "Too late now and we are gay."

Chris pointed an accusing finger at Peter. "And he's the guilty one! I rest my case."

"We were gay before we even met Peter." JC stated firmly.

"But didn't having an out gay man close to you help you in your coming out process?"

Lance looked at JC then at Peter. "Yes, having him around did help us to finally find the courage to come out."

A student stood up. "Then thank you, Peter."

The room applauded.

Peter blushed. "Well, I didn't help that much."

JC was shaking his head sternly.

"Well, I'm glad I helped."

A teacher waved his hands. "Okay, it's getting late. NSYNC will now sign autographs. They have brought photos or copies of the Advocate to sign if you want."

NSYNC took chairs behind a long table. They were quite surprised to see Peter take a chair and sit at the end of the table.

Peter noticed Joey's surprised look.

"Well, I'm in the magazine too you know. I should be open to the possibility."

Joey grinned. He handed Peter a pen. "That's more like it."

In fact many of the students had Peter sign. They knew of him from the news broadcast.

When they were through and the students had gone back to their classes. Miss Beckman showed them around. Most of the classrooms were just partitioned off rooms but each room held a different age group. All the kids seemed very happy to be there. Well, considering the alternative.

As the made their way back to the front door two students came down the hall. One was coughing badly while the other helped support him.

"Do you need any help?" Miss Beckman asked.

"No, just taking Phil to the nurse. He should be alright."

They continued on. Miss Beckman saw the worried looks on NSYNC's faces.

"He's just having a reaction to his HIV meds. Unfortunately we are getting used to such things around here."

"He's HIV positive?" Lance gaped.

Miss Beckman looked a little sad. "A great number of our students are HIV positive. That's why we have a very well trained nurse on the staff."

"He's so young."

Miss Beckman shook her head. "When you are young you are immortal. They didn't have to live through the epidemic and see friends die. And now with HIV positive people living longer its like the young people just don't care. It's a greater problem than most people know." Miss Beckman saw their long faces. "Sorry, to have ended the visit on such a downer."

"It's okay," Justin said. "We wanted to see how these kids live and that's part of it."

Miss Beckman shook their hands. "Thank you of coming. You really made the students' day." She smiled at JC and Lance. "And in some cases I think you made their life, too. God bless you both for what you are doing. Putting a face on the word 'gay' is so important to end the hatred and prejudice. I hope that someday schools like this will be unnecessary."

"But right now this school is a small miracle." JC said. "I am so glad we could visit."

They said their goodbyes and headed for the bus.

JC nudged Lance. "Stop feeling guilty."


"You haven't said much since we got back on the bus. I can only suppose that it was the kid with HIV."

"He was so young, JC."

"I know. The kids these days grow up a lot faster. If only they were more like you."

"But I never acted on my feelings until you. I just couldn't have sex with a comparative stranger."

"And others can. Sex is different for them. You don't feel guilty how it turned out for us being negative and them being positive do you?"

"A bit."

JC put his arm around Lance. "There is my caring Lance again. You want a world where everybody is in love and lives forever."

"I know, I'm hopeless."

"No, Lance, you're hopeful."

"So, where to next, captain." Chris asked.

John looked at a sheet of paper. "Well, there's the NYAC then the BiGLTYNY."

"Okay," Chris interrupted. "I don't need a spelling be. Just tell me when we get there."

John looked back at JC and Lance. "You two doing okay?"


"How's the attitude? Still positive?"

Lance winced.

"Oops, sorry, wrong choice of words."

JC squeezed Lance's hand.

"It was exciting to see those kids respond to JC and Lance coming out." Joey said. "It makes me feel better about it. This is an important step. I am more proud of JC and Lance then ever."

Lance smiled. "Thank you, Joey."

The bus turned a corner.

"It looks like we've reached our next destination." John said.

The guys got ready to meet the next group of kids. Deep down Lance and JC were really excited.

End part 40.

Okay, I hope I have satisfied you sex scene readers out there. I must confess as the Larry King interview gets near I'm get nervous. Will it be good enough? Well, I'll just go with the flow. It hasn't let me down yet.

As always I'd love to hear your opinions. E-mail me at I've got great response from the Lance JC and the Astral Fan website. I'm working on expanding it, but I will concentrate on the writing mostly.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.


Next: Chapter 41

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