Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Jul 26, 2003


Finally, here is part 41 and the long awaited 'public coming out' scene. I hope the wait was worth it. Please let me know either way. So, pardon the expression, straight to the story.

This story is pure fabrication. (No, it's not made out of fabric.) The author knows nothing! Oops, to continue, about NYSNC's real life or sexual orientation. To this author's knowledge no one in NSYNC is gay, has or will be gay. (The author gently sobs.) There will be descriptions of what I hope most people will call hot gay sex. (The author shrugs. Okay, I'm a little down on my writing today.) So if you are underage or find such things objectionable, Stop Reading Now. So if you get caught reading this, don't blame me. I got caught writing it.

John and Peter were pacing about the room.

JC laughed. "Will you two park it somewhere?"

"It's not fair," Peter said. "You're supposed to be nervous."

"Sorry, we're so calm. You want us to get nervous?"

Peter put his hands up. "No, I'm sorry. I like you this way, I mean. . ."

Lance chuckled, "We know what you mean. It's just that this day has been so great and the responses we got from all those young people did the trick."

"We're looking forward to coming out."

The door opened. Joey and Chris came in followed by a studio assistant.

The assistant looked from person to person. "We're ready for two more in the make-up chairs."

Justin stood up. "I'm the last one."

The assistant nodded to Peter. "Not him?"

Peter waved his hands. "I am not going on the air. This is just NSYNC's show."

"Ah, come on, Peter," Chris put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "You don't have to go on the show but you're turning down free make-up?" Chris winked.

Justin pointed an accusing finger. "Behave, Chris." He followed the assistant out.

Chris frowned looking at Peter. "Are you sure you're gay?"

"If I was single I would gladly show you, Chris." Peter moved in a seductive stride toward Chris.

Chris put his hands up and backed away. "No, thank you. I believe you."

Peter moved closer. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, very sure."

Peter turned away. "Okay, but you don't know what you are missing."

"Hey, I can live with that kind of ignorance." Chris pointed. "Don't say it, Joey." He turned back to Peter. "There are places I just don't want to have probed."

"It's your loss."

"I do apologize to my gay fans but my butt is no man's land." Chris made an elaborate low bow. He suddenly let out a loud yelp. Chris jumped away from where he had been standing. He turned around very startled. Chris rubbed his butt. "Damn doorknob!"

Everybody but Chris burst into laughter.

"Hey, that doorknob almost gave me a heart attack."

Joey held his sides from laughing. "That surprised look on your face was too good, Chris."

"You know, Chris, you are so wonderful." JC laughed. "You are always breaking the mood and keeping Lance and me from getting nervous."

"Not intentionally," Chris added still rubbing his butt. He slapped at the doorknob. "Fresh!"

"See, Chris," Joey grinned. "Even inanimate objects make passes at you."

"Oh, great, first I share a house with a doorknob now I get goosed by one."

"I'm almost jealous, Chris." Peter held back a smile.

"Can we change the subject? This whole day has been too gay oriented and I need a breath of straight hetero air."

Joey smiled. "The make-up girl was pretty."

Chris sighed. "I'll say. I should have gone back with Justin."

Lance looked at JC. "We need to get these two paired up. This whole girl chasing thing is getting old."

"Hey, to quote Peter, you don't know what you are missing."

"You should know, Chris," Joey joked. "You've been missing it more than I have."

Chris's witty retort was interrupted by a knock on the door. It opened and Larry King himself entered.

"Hello, guys, everything ready?"

"Just Justin, he's in make-up." Lance answered.

Before Chris could say anything Peter glared at him. Chris shut his mouth pouting slightly.

"I'm sorry you have to get here so long before airtime."

Lance shrugged. "It's okay. We're used to waiting before we go on."

Larry looked serious. "I am very disappointed in you guys."

They all looked anxious. "Why?"

Larry held up the Advocate. "You don't even let me in on the news? The Publicity Department is at my throat over the lost ratings. This scoop should have been advertised in advance."

"That's exactly what we didn't want." John answered.

Lance continued. "We wanted this out all at once. That way we can have our say before the rumors start."

"And that's why you chose my show so you could answer the responses on the air?"

"Of course."

Larry's mood softened. "Well, I can't say I blame you. It is a complement of sorts."

Chris grinned, "You don't want Barbara Walters getting all the good scoops, do you?"

Larry smiled, "I get my fair share. But I wished I would have known. This interview might seem a little one sided."

John stepped forward. "Believe me, both sides will be heard from."

Larry nodded. "Is there anything you want me to ask or say?"

"No, just do what you always do. That's why we're here."

The door opened and Justin breezed in. "Well, I'm ready. . . Oh, Mr. King."

"'Larry', please." He looked at his watch. "Twenty minutes to air time."

John asked. "Is there someplace Peter and I could watch?"

"Sure, I'll have floor manager set you up. Follow me."

John and Peter gave the guys the thumbs up for luck then left.

"You know, Lance," JC began. "I've been thinking. Let's leave us being a couple for later in the interview."

"Why? You're not ashamed of us are you?"

JC knew Lance was joking. "No. I just think it may be too much information all at once."

Chris added, "And it might serve as a good answer to a negative argument."

JC nodded. "That, too."

Lance was puzzled. "How do you mean?"

Chris answered. "Well, if someone thinks you guys are promiscuous you can silence them with fact you are a couple."

"Why would they think we would be promiscuous?"

Joey shrugged, "Some people think gay men just are."

"Well, we're not."

JC smiled. "That's the point, Lance."

"I'm sorry, JC."

"You're not getting nervous are you?" JC asked.

"It's just this waiting. If I could get my mind off of it."

"I know what we should do." Chris pulled a small object out of his pocket.

Lance smiled. "A hacky?"

"It works for the concerts."

JC motioned for him to put it away. "This isn't a concert."

Chris looked a little glum.

"Hey, we've got through worst spots before." Lance said. "And look at it this way, we still just being ourselves. The people will get it, you'll see."

Justin gestured. "Come on, group hug."

They wrapped their arms around each other and held each other tight. They stood for several minutes in silence. Then the hug broke.

"Amen," said Lance.

"No, Lance." Joey said. "Not 'amen' for that. For this," Joey pulled Lance into a close hug. "I don't care if you are gay. I love you, bro."

They all followed suit. Lance and JC got hugs from all.

Lance blinked back a tear. "Thanks, you guys."

Justin pulled back from the hug. "We're here for you and JC no matter what."

Chris tried to sound so sincere. "This I promise you."

Joey clicked his tongue. "Oh, god, Chris, did you have to get sappy on us?"

"I couldn't think of a joke."

"Chris," Joey replied. "Just look in a mirror."

"I can't your ugly mug broke them all." Joey and Chris went at it again.

Lance and JC moved away chuckled softly.

"So much for sentiment."

JC smiled. "Would you want it any other way?"

Lance pulled JC close. "Nope, this is home."


"Not when I'm with you."

"Peter said that Justin did the same for him."

Lance sighed happily. "We are so good together." Lance looked up. "And I mean all of us."

JC kissed Lance's forehead. "That's what the world is about to find out."

"Welcome, this is Larry King live. Today we have with us a bunch of guys who we have had on before. They are still very popular with the music crowd and it is a pleasure to have them back. They are Justin, Lance, JC, Joey, and Chris, otherwise known as NSYNC. Welcome back guys."

They all talked at once.

"Glad to be here."

"Thanks, Larry."

"It's nice to be back."

"Hi, Larry."

When the others were done, "How come I'm always last?"

Larry responded. "Sorry, Chris, I should have said 'Last but not least'."

"We should be introduced in alphabetical order."

Larry looked at his notes. "I'll remember that for next time."

"If there is a next time," Joey said under his breath.

"Let's start with a check in. How are things going for you? You've just finished a tour, am I right?"

"Yes," JC replied. "The tour went very well. We are now concentrating on our next album. Justin and I are writing some of the songs."

"Really? You must be very talented."

Justin shrugged. "The public hasn't heard them yet."

"But you're great at singing and dancing, writing your own songs just seems like the next step. You will be producing them next."

"As a matter of fact, Justin and I are producing some of the songs on the next album." JC replied.

"So NSYNC is still going strong recording and performing?"

"We'll quit when we stop enjoying it," Joey replied. "I think that is a long way off yet."

"And you don't mind the long hours and the screaming fans?"

"That comes with the job," JC said.

"And the fans are what keep us going. We are doing this because we love it but we wouldn't be anything without the fans."

"So, Lance, the fans are important to you."


"I'd like to back up if I may. You said the tour went well. But there was an incident that made national news. You spoke out about an assault against one of the crew."

"Yes," Justin answered. "He is a friend, actually."

Joey piped in. "We had a whole anti-violence campaign for most the shows after that. You know buttons for the fans and that."

"The victim was gay, wasn't he?"

Justin nodded. "Yes."

"How did your fans react to your standing up against gay bashing?"

"It wasn't against gay bashing per say we were standing up for," Joey explained. "It was any form of violence."

"I stand corrected." Larry said. "How did you fans react?"

"Everyone was totally behind us." JC began, "I have never seen our fans and others in the music industry so supportive on an issue. We were never sorry we took a stand."

"Did you worry what people might think about you standing up on national TV for an openly gay man?"

Justin squeezed a finger and thumb together. "We thought about it that much."

"There were no rumors started after that?"

Joey replied. "There have always been gay rumors about NSYNC."

"This leads us into the next part about the reason you are here. Today on the newsstands you put to rest those gay rumors." Larry held up the magazine. "This issue of the Advocate you tell everything. For our audience will you tell them that truth or do they have to buy the magazine?"

Lance didn't hesitate. "JC and I are gay."

"The rest of us are just very happy." Chris added.

"So you two are gay?"

"Yes." JC caught Lance's glance and smiled. The deed was done.

"You are so popular with the fans. I have to ask, why come out now?"

"Why not?" Justin replied.

"Do you think your fame will cushion the reaction a bit?"

"We're not using our fame for anything. This is who we are." Lance said. "But we wanted the fans to it hear from us."

"Do you think people will accept your being gay because you are so well known?"

JC looked stern. "We are not expecting people to accept us being gay because we are in NSYNC. Some people have very strong beliefs about homosexuality. We are not trying to change their minds. We are only telling our fans something they didn't know about us. We have always been ourselves in everything we did and do. Now they just know a little bit more."

Larry chuckled. "I wouldn't describe being gay as 'a little bit more'."

Lance smiled. "Believe me between all the things we do as members of NSYNC being gay is just a small part of our lives."

"That's just because you weren't out yet." Justin added. "Now you don't have to hide it."

Larry sat back. "Well, are you ready to find out what the people think about the news?"

Lance nodded at JC. "Sure."

Chris braced himself against the table, his arms out straight and his eyes scrunched shut tight like he was bracing for impact. "I'm ready."

Joey nudged Chris. "Like you have anything to worry about."

"Just you wait." Chris shot back.

"Our first caller is from Chicago, Illinois. What's your question?"

"Hello, NSYNC."


"First I want to say that I am not totally shocked at the news. I mean you could almost tell. It just makes sense now."

JC chuckled. "Thanks, I think."

"Wait, wait," Chris interrupted. "You thought that Lance and JC were gay? How could you tell?"

"Just by watching their gestures and stuff. But, hey, I am totally cool with this. What you guys do in your own life is your deal."

Larry got it back on track. "Did you have a question?"

"Oh, yeah, how did the rest of the guys react when you told them?"

Lance turned to Chris and Joey. "Guys?"

Joey began. "We were a bit shocked at first but Lance and JC are our friends, no they're more like brothers. We care a great deal for them. I think what hurt more was they were so afraid to tell us."

"They thought we would kick them out of the group." Chris added. "That really hurt. I mean, we had come to trust and care about each other over all the time we have been together and now just because they are gay suddenly they thought that was gone. Well, we're not letting them go that easy."

Lance added. "The guys have been very supportive."

"Thanks, NSYNC." The caller rang off.

"That wasn't so bad." Joey whispered to Chris.

"Next caller, Austin, Texas."

"Hi, guys."


There was a pause. "Why are you doing this? NSYNC had such a wholesome image. Why do you want to destroy that?"

JC frowned. "What makes you think we're destroying that?"

"Why do we need to know what goes on in your bedroom?"

"What?" snapped Joey. "Where do you get that?"

"They're gay. They have sex with other men. We, I didn't need or want to know that."

"We have said nothing about what we do in the bedroom," JC replied. "Our private life is our own."

"But now we all know what is going on."

Chris smiled. "I told you to pull those drapes. Excuse me a minute, caller, when did you hear the details of what JC or Lance do in the bedroom?"

There was a pause. "Okay, I didn't but it is inferred."

"And if I tell you I'm straight what does that infer?"

"It's none of my business."

"Really? Okay, let's recap. When I tell you I'm straight my sex life is none of your business but when Lance and JC tell you they are gay their sex life is known to everyone?"

"Everyone knows that what gays do is. . ."

"Unnatural," finished Chris. "What if I`m into kink?"

"That's different."

"Because I am doing it with a female? It may be a bit kinky but it is acceptable."

"Exactly, what two consenting adults do in their own home. . ."

"Aren't JC and Lance consenting adults?" asked Joey.

"Well, yes," came the stammered reply.

"And aren't they in their own home, ah, homes." Chris corrected himself.

"Of course, but. . ."

"Then what do you see that is different?"

"It's what they do."

"But JC and Lance have never said what they do. How do you know?"

"You don't have to have much imagination to . . ."

"So the problem here seems to be with your imagination not what JC and Lance do or do not do. They could be celibate for all you know."

The voice sneered. "Give me a break."

"We will," answered JC. "We are very sorry that knowing that we are gay conjures up images in your mind that you find distasteful. It was never our intent to do so and we do apologize."

There was a pause. "Oh, thank you."

"Next caller. Buffalo, New York, you`re on the air."

"I'm sorry, NSYNC. My girls are big fans of you but I just can't accept this. If it was just the music and the concerts I wouldn't mind. But they read everything about you. How can I explain this to them?"

"I'm afraid we can't tell you that," JC said. "You know your girls better than we do."

"What troubles you about us?" Lance asked. "Do they know other gay people?"

"An uncle but he is in his sixties. How can I tell my girls that two of the people they love so much frequent bars to pick up other. . . How could you do this to your fans?"

"What makes you think JC and Lance frequent gay bars?" Justin asked.

"Well, that's what the young gay men do. How else to you. . . I can't even say it."

"We've never been . . ." Lance nudged JC under the table. JC corrected himself. "We've never set foot in a gay bar before. But you are afraid of your daughters reading that Lance and I are playing the field?"

"You always had such a good family image. Now my girls will know that you're both out sleeping with. . ." again she stopped.

JC nudged Lance. "But I could never sleep around. It's just not me or JC for that matter. Plus I couldn't to that to the man I love."

"You're," there was a break. "You're in a relationship?"

"Yes," Lance beamed. "And very much in love. JC, too. Does that make a difference?"

"Yes, sort of. I'm not sure if they will understand about two men being in love but if it is monogamous."

"Very much so. In fact, there is a commitment ceremony planned. That's also why JC and I wanted to come out." Lance gazed at JC. "We don't our ceremony ripped apart by the tabloids."

"I quite understand that." another pause. "Did you say `Our ceremony'? You mean you and JC?"

"Yep, we've been a couple for over a year now."

They could hear over the speaker a clamor in the background then a muffled voice, "Girls you are supposed to be in bed. Please, keep it down. I'm on the phone." The voices in the background grew louder. "Darla, let go of Mommy`s arm."

"Let me talk, Mom." The girl's voice got louder. "Lance, JC, we love you so much. We love our Uncle John, too. He's gay too but he is so lonely. I think it is so great that you two are in love. It is so romantic." It was followed by screaming.

A small voice came next. "I wish that you are happy and I can't wait for the next concert!" More screaming followed.

"Off to bed now, shoo!" The screaming faded. "And turn that TV off!"

"Um, everything all right now?" asked Justin.

"I guess. But I'll have to explain."

"I think they get it." JC said. "Children can be very wise for their age."

Lance felt JC's hand on his knee. "Do we still have two fans?"

The caller paused. "You are true to yourselves and the fans love that. It took courage to come out and I guess that even gay you can be role models."

"If you have any problems let us know. We care about our fans." JC smiled.

"Thank you." The caller hung up.

Larry sat forward. "Okay, there you all have it. JC and Lance of NSYNC are in a gay relationship. The truth is finally out. How does it feel?"

Lance sighed. "Like a huge weight has just lifted from my shoulders. It will be so nice not to have to guard everything we say or do. Not that we're going to hold hands in public from now on. Our private life will still be in private. But is a real big relief."

JC relaxed. "I'll say. Every time Lance and I stepped into public we added three feet between us. We didn't want anyone to know about us. Well that is over. Lance and I are a couple and we're not hiding anymore."

"How does the rest of the group feel about that?"

Chris shrugged. "Hey, they're a couple. That means they won't be hitting on me."

"How about me?" Joey started lightly punching Chris's arm.

"Ow, Joey. Okay, I take it back."

"Okay, Joey," Larry said. "Two of your closest friends came out as a gay couple. How did it affect the group?"

"It didn't. I mean, we know lots of gay people in the music industry. We just knew two more." Joey patted JC's arm. "All we want for them is to be happy and they are. Okay, I am not always comfortable with the idea of two men together but all I have to do is to see Lance and JC and I know how much in love they are. We, ah, I just hope the world can see them the way we do. And when the right woman comes along I will be very thankful if I am only half as happy as JC and Lance."

"Okay, how about life on the road. You travel very close together, any problems?"

"Oh, you mean like them smooching in front of us?" Chris answered. He waved his hands. "It never happens."

JC snorted.

"Much." Chris added. "But they are very restrained."

"What about your show? Is anything going to change there?"

"Larry, our show is for our fans." Justin answered. "It is the choreographers and the producers that have a say over that. If you mean is there any subliminal idea being relayed, no. And like Lance said they're not going to be holding hands or hugging on stage. We keep our private and professional lives separate."

JC continued. "Of course that won't stop people from seeing what's not really there. Hindsight is always twenty-twenty and people will see what they are looking for even if we never meant it that way."

"Okay, with that thought we'll take a break. We will be back with more NSYNC and more callers." Larry waited. "Okay, we're off the air."

Chris sat back. "That went well."

"So far."

"Don't be gloomy, Joey."

"Joey's right, Justin." Larry said. "Some of listeners are still reeling from the shock. Once they find their footing again watch out."

"Oh, great," Lance frowned. "I suppose we can look forward to the 'abomination' line."

"Maybe not," Larry replied. "My staff does a good job screening callers. They'll have to be very clever to get passed them."

"I thought you let anybody call in."

"Oh, they can call in but they have to be civil. This isn't Jerry Springer."

Peter and John walked up.

"You guys doing all right?"

"Yeah, John," JC answered. He patted Lance's knee. "We're doing just fine." JC looked up at Peter. "Having a good time?"

"I'm sweating bricks and I'm not even doing the coming out. But I am so proud. You are doing wonderful. All of you."

"Don't worry about the abomination line. I have it all figured out."

Lance rolled his eyes. "How so, Chris?"

"This thing about a man lying with another man as with a woman is simple. Men shouldn't treat another man like he'd treat a woman. He shouldn't fart in bed and then hold the man's head under the sheets; he shouldn't steal all the covers, he shouldn't warm his cold feet on the other man's back, he should keep his toe nails trimmed and he shouldn't eat in bed. That is where the abomination comes in. Men should treat other men better than that."

"Chris, please don't say that on the air."

"Why not, JC? It's funny."

"You're making fun of people's religious beliefs. You'll just make them angrier."

"Hey, my God has a sense of humor." Chris protested.

"Yeah," Joey retorted, "Just look at you."

"At least I make God laugh." Chris sneered. "You probably make him cry."

JC shook his head. "Guys, please remember that one about loving your neighbor."

"But Joey's not my neighbor. We live in the same house."

JC fought his exasperation. "Well, you're sitting next to him then."

"Justin, let's change places." Chris stood up.

JC pointed. "Chris, sit!"

Chris sat down pouting. Larry smiled quietly to himself. He arranged his notes to cover that he had been listening.

There was a chiming.

Larry explained. "The break's almost over."

John put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "We'd better go back."

Peter was stopped as two hands took his. He turned to see Lance smiling up at him.

"Thank you for this."

Peter grinned. "We should go shopping tomorrow."


"From now on you and JC have much more closet space."

Lance squeezed Peter's hand but he didn't let go.

"I have to go sit down now." Peter pulled his hand from Lance's. "This is your show." Peter patted Lance's hand then walked away.

"Los Angeles, California, talk to NSYNC."

"Hi, guys, I am so blown away by what you are doing. I have always liked the fact that you walk the walk and talk the talk. You make sure you meet the fans at every concert. Damn, I just love you guys. And now with JC and Lance telling us that they are a gay couple? I admire you even more. No other group has done what you guys have. The world is a little better since NSYNC was formed."

"Do you have a question for NSYNC?" Larry asked.

"How does your family, I mean, your biological family think about you two being gay and a couple?"

JC started first. "They were very upset at first. Well, this could ruin all that we had worked so hard for." JC glanced at Lance and smiled. "But they always liked Lance. I think that made it a bit easier."

Lance took his turn. "My parents had a hard time. Everything that they had been taught was now on the line. You knew that I was brought up Baptist?"

"I heard." The caller said.

"But they came around eventually. Now both of our mothers are now head over ears planning the ceremony. They are very supportive and accepting. It took a while but they got there."

You could hear the joy in the caller's voice. "I am so glad. After all you have been through, and I do mean all of you, I want to see you happy. All of you."

JC smiled. "Thank you so much."

"Next caller. Go ahead, Minneapolis, Minnesota."

"I can't believe I got through. I wanted to talk to you so badly."

"Do you have a question for NSYNC?"

"No, just a statement. I want to say thank you." There was a pause. "Okay, I do have a question, how did you know I was gay?"

"Could we have some background, please?" JC asked.

"Okay, you were here for a concert and I got an autograph from you. You shook my hand and then Lance and JC wrote a little extra. JC wrote "Be proud!" and Lance "To my bro.". You must have known I was gay when you wrote that. I didn't realize it at the time. It made me feel so good. I was a gay fan and you didn't treat me any different. I had to call and tell you how much you did for me on that day."

"Ah, thank you." Lance stammered.

"You don't remember me, do you?"

"Well, we do sign a lot of autographs."

Chris cut in. "Are you the guy with the head? I remember you."

"I'm sorry." There was disappointment in the caller's voice. "I guess that I thought it was a single occurrence."

Lance didn't want to send the caller off this way. "We've signed our autographs that way to a lot of fans we thought were gay."

"That's my question, how did you know I was gay?"

"Ah, by your aura." JC blurted out. Well, it was partially true.

"Oh, yeah," came the response as if it was obvious. "But at the concert, Lance, you looked right at me."

"Oh, well, it always looks like we're looking right at you but. . ."

"There was that gay guy on that movable stage with you. That's why I knew there was a connection between us."

Lance was straining his brain to try and remember. He looked around but the bright lights hid where Peter and John were sitting. Lance looked at JC flustered. Suddenly Peter was standing next to the camera with a clip board in his hand. He had scribbled something on it. Lance squinted to look.

JC caught it first. "You're Ian, aren't you?"

"Yes! You do remember me! I knew you saw me."

"To tell the truth," Lance smiled at Peter, "Someone else jogged our memory. But I do remember you now. You wore a red shirt correct?"


How could they forget their first gay fan? "You were there for the water balloon incident."

"Yes, I was so glad that you kept signing autographs. I wanted so much to meet you."

"Water balloon?" asked Larry.

"Someone threw a water balloon at us." JC explained.

Chris sneered. "Everyone is a critic."

"Security wanted us to leave but we found a safer spot and continued signing autographs." JC smiled. "We couldn't disappoint our fans. Right, Ian?"

"You guys were so wonderful then and at the concert. When you were on that movable stage you went right passed me."

Lance did remember. "You blew me a kiss and I caught it and held it to my heart."

"Yes," Ian's voice cracked. "That was so great. I'll never forget that. You made me feel so special that night."

JC smiled. "Ian, you are special."

Justin added. "All you fans are special to us."

"I felt so alone being a gay NSYNC fan. Not anymore. Thank you, guys."

"No, thank you, Ian."

"Thank you caller." Larry sat forward. "Now that we know for sure what members of NSYNC are gay the rest of you must be relieved."

"Hey, I don't care what people think." Chris said. "I am very comfortable with my masculinity. I know the truth so it doesn't bother me. If the fans want to believe I'm gay, go ahead." Chris pushed his chair farther away from Joey's.

"Nicely said." Joey raised his hand for a high five.

Chris pulled back more. "Not now, Joey, we're on TV," Chris hissed.

Joey pointed his thumb at Chris. "He's kidding."

They all looked seriously at Joey.

JC nodded knowingly. "You do share a house."

"Oh, come on guys."

They didn't say anything. Chris began so slide closer. He batted his eyes.

"Keep back, Chris. This isn't funny."

Lance couldn't keep it in anymore. "Yes, it is."

They burst out laughing.

Justin saw the look on Joey's face. "Trust me, Larry, Chris and Joey are totally straight. We'll all vouch for them."

"As for you, Justin," Larry began, "The whole world knows about you. You are very lucky."

"Actually the world doesn't know about me."

Lance and JC exchanged a quick glance.

"And I'd like to make everything clear once and for all."

"Okay," Larry said. "Go ahead."

"Those rumors about me and Britney being a couple are false, false, false, false, false."

"But are they true?" Chris added.

Joey placed his hand over Chris's mouth. "Go ahead, Justin. I've got him."

Justin continued. "We have never been romantically involved and we never will be. I don't see her that way. We're just friends and that is all we will ever be."

Joey kept in hand in place. Chris mumbled something.

Larry frowned a little. "Well, that is a disappointment. You made such a lovely couple."

Justin replied. "There's more to being a couple than just looking good together in public."

Larry nodded. "A very wise answer. But you are dating someone? Justin Timberlake can't go through life alone."

"There is someone. Let's just say they are not much for the limelight."

"Oh, course." Larry said. "It must be intimidating just to date you. But as long as you are happy."

Justin grinned. "I am very happy."

"Then they are very lucky." Larry glanced up. He was getting a signal. "It's time for another break. We'll be back with more of NSYNC and more phone calls. Stay tuned."

"That was a very ambiguous answer."

Justin looked up at Larry, "What?"

"You're not saying much."

Justin looked up at Larry. "Everyone else seems to know what to say."

"I though you were kind of the spokesman for the group."

Justin shook his head. "No, that was imposed from outside the group."

Larry nodded.

"Besides this is Lance and JC's show. We're here to show our support."

"Then JC and Lance have a fine group of friends." Larry turned to let the make-up assistant touch him up.

They were lucky all right. And Justin knew that when his turn came the guys would be there for him, too. He just had to get head together first.

"Jackson, Mississippi. You're on with NSYNC."

Lance beamed. "Hey, that's my home state."

"We know and we're proud of the fact." The caller replied.

"Until now?" Lance asked.

"No way. We are so proud of what you're doing. I mean all the other groups are closet cases compared to you."

"Hey," JC had a warning edge to his voice. "They have their own reasons for staying in the closet. Give them time. Coming out is not easy."

"Tell me about it." Lance finished.

"But that's what is so great about it. You're leading the way. I hope the others will follow. To me it's all about the music. I don't care of you are gay or not. Well, maybe I do but I'll just have to marry someone else now."

There were screams and giggles heard in the background.

"Do you have a question for my guests?"

"Yes," the caller giggled. "What kind of underwear do you guys wear?"

They all groaned.

Joey held his hand to his forehead. "Not that again!"

"Every fan should know that by now." JC retorted. "Look it up and the internet."

"Do you have another question?" Larry asked. "A question relevant to JC's and Lance's coming out?"

Chris interrupted. "Hey, a question was asked. They deserve an answer. One, two, three. . ."

They all spoke at once.






Chris leaned forward. "I hope that answered your question."

"Next caller, please."

"Is JC a good kisser?" There was more screaming and giggling in the background.

"Now that is a place we're not going to go." JC replied.

Larry made a gesture. The caller was gone.

Larry took control. "Please, I know NSYNC has a lot of fans but please try to make the questions pertinent and not impertinent."

Chris slumped on the table gazing at JC.

JC chuckled, "What?"

"I want to know."


"If JC is a good kisser."

"Let's find out." JC stood up and made a move toward Chris.

Chris was out of his chair and off camera in a flash. "I've changed my mind," he called back.

JC sat back down. "Good."

Chris timidly walked back to his chair. "I'd probably get cooties."

"That's funny," JC smirked, "I was thinking the same thing."

"Next caller, please!" Larry tried not to smile. "NSYNC is getting restless."

"Rochester, New York. What's your question?"

The caller hesitated. "I did have a different question but after that cooties remark. JC, are you and Lance. . ? I mean I hope that you are safe. . . I'd hate to have you. . . Unless you already are. . . I know this is personal, but the idea of you two getting sick. Damn, this is hard."

Lance nodded his head. "I think I know what you're trying to say. JC and I are both negative. And since there will never be any others we will probably stay that way."

"That is a relief! I want to enjoy your music for a long time. Oh, and I want you two to live happy together for a long time."

"Thank you," JC replied. He patted Lance hand. "We intend to do our best."

"Now we have Atlanta, Georgia, you're. . ."

The voice burst from the speaker. "You two are the spawn of Satan. You are using your fame to corrupt and recruit our children into your evil lifestyle. It is written for a man to lay with another man as with a woman is an abomination! You will burn in hell for eternity for you sins!"

"I am sorry," Larry interrupted. "You were told to be civil. Next caller..."

"Wait! Please." Everyone looked at Lance. "Caller, I was brought up Baptist. May I ask you a question? It's about God."

There was a pause. "What do you want to ask me?"

"I believe that God is everywhere and in everything. Do you agree?"

"Lance?" JC was puzzled.

The caller responded. "Yes, God is all around us."

"Then God is infinite."


"And you know absolutely what God wants for us and what he thinks of us."


"I envy you."

Everyone glanced around at each other. After what he had said Lance envied this person?

Lance shook his head. "I could never be that brave."


"All my life I struggled with what I thought I should do to be a good person. To do what God wanted me to do. I finally gave it up."

"That is when Satan took you over."

"Really? I don't feel taken over. The love JC and I share doesn't feel evil. Why do other people see sin in it?"

"Judge not lest you be judged." Justin put in.

"Love your fellow man."

"Chris!" Joey hissed.

The caller went on. "I am not judging you. God is."

"I'm not so sure." Joey said under his breath.

Lance continued. "So you know God's mind."

"No, I just know how God will judge you."

"It's the same thing really. But in that you are different than me. You say you know how God will judge. I can never say that because I will not believe that my mere mortal mind will ever know anything about the Divine as a certainty'. My belief is God changes. My God is a Father', a forgiving father not a cruel and punishing one."

"That is your belief. But it is in the scriptures that having sex with another man is against God's law. It is an abomination."

Joey was getting angry. "I can tell you that JC and Lance are not an abomination. They are two people who deeply love each other."

"Excuse me," Justin joined the debate. "That line about a man lying with another man doesn't it end by saying that the two men should be put to death?"

The caller hesitated. "Well, yes."

"Do you agree with that?"

"Of course not."

"Why not? It is part of the law."

"We're more civilized now."

Justin went on. "So you believe in the first part of the law but not the last part. It seems like you just pick the bits that you agree with."

Joey couldn't stand it anymore. "It is one thing to look to the Bible to find meaning and guidance. But it is wrong using it for the justification of your own prejudice and hatred!"


Joey snapped around to JC. JC's look told him to calm down.

Lance was very calm. "Joey, the Bible has been used exactly that way for centuries. It was used to justify slavery, oppressing women and holy wars. I even used it that way to make me feel that God still loved me even though I was gay."

Joey saw the look on Lance's face. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, caller. You have the right to believe what you want. But Lance and JC are my closest and dearest friends and I get upset at such talk. They are not sinners or evil in my mind."

"God will judge us all in the end." The caller hung up.

Chris opened his mouth and everyone cringed waiting for a butt joke.

"That's when we will find out for sure if what we believe in is true. I think there will be a shock to our faith for all of us."

"With that we will take another break. Please stay tuned."

There were a few more very positive calls. Lance and JC were beginning to relax. The show was almost over. They need a break. Being tactful was so exhausting!

"Well, the hour is almost over. Is there anything you'd like to finish with? Wait." Larry looked away. "We have another caller. I don't think we'll have time. Okay, this must be a special call. Put them on. Orlando, Florida, you're on the air."

"I love the two of you so much."

Lance knew that voice. "Mom?"

"All of the mothers were calling to get me on. I wanted to be heard."

"But, Mom."

"I had to after that one call," she paused. "I was raised Baptist. I felt the same way. When Lance first told us he was gay I knew that I had lost a son. Everything I had been taught and what I believed told me that me son had turned from God's path. I remember begging Lance to pray that this sickness would leave him. I remember him leaving upset but all I could think of was that maybe I had scared him enough to save him from a life of homosexuality, the abomination."

Lance's mother's words were affecting him. JC took Lance's hand under the table.

"It wasn't until I went to that Baptist help center and at the mere mention of the word `gay' the minister launched into such a tirade. I was appalled that a man of God could use such hateful words about another person. I was at a loss for what to do when my husband, Lance's father stood up. He is usually such a soft spoken man. He looked at this man and said. 'I will not sit here and listen to anyone say such things about my son!' And we left.

It was sometime after that when I had this dream. I saw all the things that we had done as a family. I felt Lance's love for us and I realized how much our love and acceptance meant to Lance. He was my son. I was so thrilled to be his mother. Lance always made me, us so proud. He isn't a sinful or evil person. He was a quiet loving child. But with what I had been taught that no longer mattered. Lance was gay. My son was an abomination.

But then I saw NSYNC on national TV standing up for a gay man that was assaulted. Why were they even being seen with this man, a gay man? Then a dread filled me. Lance was a gay man. He could have been the man who was attacked. He could have even been killed. I have seen that on the news. I wanted to protect him but the word "abomination' echoed in my mind. Maybe this gay man deserved it. The scriptures do say put them to death.

Then I saw my Lance there cringing against a wall. People lined up with stones ready to stone him to death for being gay. I love my son. How could I let this happen? I then knew I had a hard choice to make. I either had to alter that part of what I had been taught and what was a part of my cherished faith or cut my son dead. In the end my love for my son won out."

"Mom." Lance blinked back a tear.

"There are so many greater crimes in our sociality why do we have to punish a person because they love. JC and Lance are adults and they are in love, a real passionate love. This isn't lust and a passing whim. They want to live the rest of their lives with each other. I learned about that only after I accepted Lance back as my son. He was too afraid or I didn't let him tell me about JC, the love of his life. JC is so important to him. JC is also a gentle tender man and so loving. Accepting my son as gay has shown me a new meaning of love. No, the meaning is the same. I just wasn't allowed to see it before. My son, the abomination, showed me a new light and a new way to look at love between two people.

The only sin Lance ever did in his life was to fall in love. A love I'm not so sure even his father and I could match. And because this love was for another man I was ready to cut my son out of my life just like that. And they called him the abomination. He wasn't the abomination, I was. But now I have my son back."

Lances mother's voice brightened. "And now I am planning a commitment ceremony for my son and JC. My son is in love with a wonderful person and I wish them all the joy in the world. Now if only the world will step back and let them live it."

"Mrs. Bass, I love you."

Lance nudged JC. "I should have said that first."

"You call you mother, Mrs. Bass?"

"Chris," Joey growled.

Lance's mother laughed. "They are such a great group of guys. I do have a question. Larry, do you agree with me?"

Larry paused. "I shouldn't answer that. I should remain neutral."

Chris grinned. "Chicken."

"Okay, I do like these guys. They have worked hard to get where they are now. And if two of them are gay, who am I to judge?"

Chris clicked his tongue. "Always Mister Tactful."

Joey nudged Chris. "You could learn a few things from him."

"Well, the hour is up. Thank you NSYNC for being here. I hope things go well for Lance and JC as well as Chris, Joey and Justin. You weren't last, Chris. Was that better?"

Chris nodded. "Thank you."

"Tune in tomorrow when we will be discussing the new trend in weight reducing pills. Do they really work?"

There was silence in the plane cabin. But this was a different silence than on the trip up. This was an exhausted silence. Despite it still being early everyone except John was asleep. He glanced from person to person. Well, the deed was done. Now they just had to sit and wait. Actually they didn't have to wait long. There was a group of fans waiting outside the studio chanting for JC and Lance as their school bus left for the airport.

"We still love you, Lance! We still love you, JC!"

Then John noticed a sign rise up behind the fans. "God hates fags!" Larry King was right. The opposition had gotten their breath back. He hoped that JC and Lance wouldn't see the sign but it was too late.


Fans swarmed in front of the man with the sign. He was forced farther and farther back. The fans jumped up and down trying to block the sight of the sign from the bus.

JC and Lance joined hands and showed the crowd. The fans screamed louder.

"The enemy is out numbered." Joey said.

The sign soon disappeared in the sea of fans.

"You don't think they'll hurt him?" Lance asked.

"Nah," Chris replied. "But with all that screaming his ears will ring for a week."

There were more fans at the airport. This time it was all fans. JC and Lance boarded the plane feeling more positive about the whole thing. Once the plane was in the air everyone crashed. John smiled. Chris would have like that one. He went back to his paperwork.

Lance turned the car into the driveway. He pressed the button and the gate swung open. But he was surprised when a uniformed man stepped in front if the car. Once he saw the car he moved over and motioned them on.

JC had been just as surprised. "That's right, I forgot about the security guards"

Lance drove to the garage. They got out of the car.

"Evening, sirs," greeted the other guard. "Just wanted you to know we'll be here until twelve. Then the other shift starts. Some one will be here 24/7. You should be fine."

"There are cold drinks in the kitchen. I think you can find the bathroom." JC offered.

Lance glared at JC.

"Sorry, sir, we're not allowed in the residence unless an intruder is suspected. We have our assigned posts."

"That's too bad." Lance didn't sound sincere.

"This is Peter. He is staying with us."

"I know that sir. We have been informed about the usual visitors."


Justin's car pulled in the driveway. Again the other guard stopped him then let Justin pass.

The guard touched his hat. "I must get back to my rounds." He paused. "And don't worry. We concentrate on the outside of the property. We won't be checking in the house." He walked off.

"Not a peeping tom then." Peter said.

Justin walked up. "Peter, you don't have a thing for uniforms do you?"

"Only if you'll be wearing them, Justin."

JC beaconed. "Come on, let's go inside."

Lance still stood looked at the guard by the gate.


Lance turned and with one last look over his shoulder followed the rest into the house.

JC flopped into the couch. "Home at last."

Lance stood looking out the window.

"Come on, Lance sit down and relax."

"How can you relax? There are two guards outside our home!"

"That is supposed to make you feel safer."

"Safer? They've got guns."

"They have to their security guards. But tomorrow we can go to that hunting store and buy some orange vests to wear if it will make you feel easier."

"I just don't like the idea of it, that's all. Our bodyguards never had guns."

"It's only until we see how the public will react. Maybe a week at most then they'll be gone. Come here."

Lance pried himself away from the window. He sat next to JC. JC put his arm around Lance.

"It will be all right. You'll see."

Peter and Justin came downstairs.

JC looked up. "I'd have thought you two would be busy by now."

Justin sat down. "Hey, this is your day, remember?"

Peter joined Justin. "How are you two holding up?"

"Lance is just uneasy about the militia men outside."

"It's just for a few days." Justin said.

"That's what I told him." JC gave Lance a squeeze. "Do you want to go to bed?"

"I don't think I can sleep."

JC grinned. "I can think of other things to do."

"Not just now, JC." Lance frowned, "Maybe later."

Justin stretched out. "We shouldn't have slept on the plane. I am wide awake."

Peter had an idea. "Let's go to the game room. It will help us pass the time."

Lance sighed. "Might as well. It will get my mind off things."

As they made they're way downstairs Peter held Lance back.

"Lance," Peter said softly. "How about we really get our minds off of things?"

"You mean do it now?"

"Why not? JC and Justin won't be expecting it and we could really use the diversion. We can't rehearse forever."

"I don't know."

"The show must go on sometime."

Lance thought hard. "Okay," He broke into a smile. "Besides, seeing JC's surprised look will really do me good."

"Then JC can really do you good."

Lance nudged Peter. "Justin will be so surprised. Come on, let's get ready."

JC and Justin sat on chairs one at each corner of the small dance floor.

"Do you know what this is about?"

JC smiled. "I thought I did but you and Peter weren't part of the picture. They've planned something."

Justin raised his hand. "Don't tell me. They're going to dance for us."

"You're good, Justin."

The music started. They were surprised it was a waltz.

Peter and Lance waltzed into the room. Dressed in tail coats they danced together onto the dance floor.

"Oo, costumes." Justin leaned to JC. "But Peter's dancing with your man."


Peter let go of Lance's arm and Lance did a spin. Then after a few more steps it was Peter's turn to spin. They circled around the floor. When they got in front of JC, Peter held onto Lance and Lance leaned back as far as he could. His head almost brushed against JC's lap. Peter pulled Lance back up and around the floor they went again. This time Peter leaned back in front of Justin.

JC thought Lance looked very good in tails. He almost wanted to cut in but he thought better of it. This was their show.

Peter held Lance's hand and Lance reached out with his other. He brushed it against JC's cheek as he swung passed him.

Justin was ready for Peter when his turn came. He managed a slight kiss on Peter's hand as it went by.

Then the two of them just danced together as the music slowed and then ended. Lance stood in front of JC and Peter in front of Justin.

Justin and JC clapped. "Encore! Encore!"

Peter and Lance bowed.

Then there started a repeated bass drum beat. On each beat Peter and Lance moved slightly. Lance turned around and slowly bent over as the beats progressed. Peter reached over at each beat then lifted the tails of Lance's coat.

A beat. Lance's left hand slapped to his butt cheek. Another beat. Lance's right hand found his right cheek. Then in time to the beat Lance swiveled his hips. After several beats Peter dropped the tails and beat for beat Peter and Lance exchanged positions.

Justin had never seen Peter dance like this before. Peter seemed too shy for this. The sight of Peter holding his butt and moving it in front of him sent his blood pounding. Damn and the dance had just started.

A few more drum beats and then a very loud one at the end. Lance and Peter stood with their arms out at their sides and their legs slightly apart.

Justin and JC didn't even think of applauding. They were too caught up as to what would happen next.

The music started with an insistent beat. It was hepped up version of Ravel's Bolero.

Lance and Peter faced each other. Lance took Peter by the wrist. Peter spun away leaving his tail coat in Lance's hands. Lance tossed it away.

Peter did a wide stretching move with his arms like he was suddenly free of something confining. He snapped around and grabbed Lance by his wrist. Lance spun in a like manner and soon another tailcoat hit the floor.

JC found himself thinking. "Lance would want those on hangers."

They danced as mirror images. They ran their hands up and down their arms, across their necks then snapped them out-stretched. Their hands dropped to their thighs. They squatted slightly then made short hopping steps toward JC and Justin. Peter and Lance leaned back and supporting themselves on one arm gave a good pelvic thrust.

They stood up and turned around again bending over and swaying their hips from side to side. As them wiggled their butts Peter and Lance untied their bow ties. They straightened up. Lance caught Peter's beaming smile and Lance winked back. This was turning out to be so much fun. They turned around and in true stripper fashion slid their ties back and forth between their legs. Lance couldn't help but grin. 'Butt flossing' Peter had called it. They threw their ties at JC and Justin.

Justin and JC watched awestruck. The jutting hips and the writhing bodies of their two lovers bewitched them. Neither had expected this. And JC was amazed how well and sexy Lance was dancing. They ducked as two pairs of shoes went flying over their heads. By the look on Lance's and Peter's face they were enjoying this too. JC and Justin both adjusted themselves as their pants started to get uncomfortably tight. Damn, this was hot!

Lance and Peter twisted their bodies from side to side. Their hands caressed their own arms and faces. Then their hands slapped against their chests. A hand slid through the opening of the shirt to rub the chest. Peter and Lance threw their heads back in an ecstatic gesture. Then their fingers worked at unbuttoning the shirts. After every button was undone their hands rubbed more of their chests. Now their eyes found their lover's eyes.

Justin could almost feel the pleasure Peter was feeling as he caressed his chest. Justin reached out a hand. Peter stepped forward, took Justin's hand placed it on Peter's cheek, and then Peter moved back.

Their shirts were now open. The dancing caused the fabric to billow with tantalizing glimpses of bare skin or a nipple.

Peter undid the top of his pants. He got down on the floor supported by his toes and his hands. He thrust at the floor with his hips.

Justin saw the little forward thrust as Peter's hips neared the floor. Was that what Peter looked like when he was doing him?

A few more thrusts and Peter kicked his legs into the air. Lance caught him by the ankles. He gave a good pull and Peter's pants were off in his hands.

Lance took his place on the floor but on his back. With one flick his pants were opened. He held his hand over his crotch then thrust upward to it. Then he doubled the speed.

JC just gaped. Lance's dance was more that he had hoped for.

Lance rolled onto his stomach and thrust a few times toward the floor. Then he too kicked his legs up. Peter grabbed his ankles. Lance tucked and rolled. After his somersault Lance stood up. Peter was holding Lance's pants. The pants ended up next to the tailcoats.

Now with shirts open and in their underwear they swiveled their hips, slowly turning in a circle so JC and Justin could see every movement. They stopped with they backs to the 'audience' and slowly slid their shirts off. Lance and Peter did a little 'buff the butt' move with the shirts. Then the shirts ended up on the growing pile of clothes.

Still with their backs to JC and Justin they squatted down. Their hands cupped their butt cheeks then they bounced several times to the music. They threw their heads back. There was no doubt as to what they were pantomiming.

"Damn, man."

Peter grinned. Justin was getting into this.

Lance and Peter turned to face JC and Justin. They squatted again but this time they pantomimed jacking off as they bounced.

JC had never felt so turned on before. He wanted to leap from his chair and just take Lance right then and there, but Lance's movements hypnotized him. He just sat and gaped.

Justin could hear his heart beating in time with the music. He never could have believed that Peter could dance this way. He wanted Peter so bad.

Lance and Peter moved close to where their lover's sat. With hands on their heads they rolled their hips in the front of their lovers.

Justin and JC could see that their lover's were hard already and that turned them on all the more.

Peter took Justin's wrist. Lance followed with JC's. Peter moved Justin's hand over his chest. Justin raised his other and caressed Peter with both hands. Peter's hips never stopped gyrating.

JC's fingers rubbed against Lance's nipples. Lance bit his lip to keep from moaning.

JC's and Justin's hand slipped lower. Peter and Lance stepped away before they went too low.

Now they milked the dance for everything they had. They rubbed their crotches making sure the outline of their hard cocks could plainly be seen through the fabric. Then they'd spin around and pull down their underwear giving tantalizing peeks at their ass cheeks.

JC and Justin couldn't tear their eyes away. Justin licked his lips. Both began to lean forward. They wanted what there were looking at very badly.

Lance's ass was irresistible at the best of times but now watching those pert cheeks flexing in front of him was sending JC mad with desire.

Justin was at a loss to which was hotter Peter's crotch or his ass. Both were bobbing so close to him. He felt his own crotch throb. He was enjoying the dance but he wanted it to be over. His physical lust was reaching a peak.

The music was growing to a crescendo. Lance and Peter moved closer. They kept gyrating their hips. Peter and Lance danced directly in front of JC and Justin teasingly close. Lance and Peter moved back and forth. First their crotches in their lover's face then their butts. Then with the last crashing notes of the music Peter and Lance fell to their knees and collapsed on their lover's laps.

There was silence except Lance and Peter panting heavily. JC and Justin looked down on the near naked bodies of the men they loved.

JC moved first. He raised Lance's head. "Lance, that was so hot." He pressed his lips eagerly to Lance's.

Peter slowly looked up at Justin. He was greeted by Justin's best smile. "Damn, man. You are full of surprises."

Peter smiled back. "Just another first."

Justin pulled Peter to him.

Peter felt the passion in Justin's kiss and he knew he was the cause.

They parted from the kissing. JC managed a slight glance to Justin. Justin nodded knowingly. JC helped Lance to stand up. Peter also rose to his feet. Then JC and Justin as one fell to their knees. They took the waistbands of the two dancers underwear. Peter and Lance didn't protest. They stepped out of their underwear. JC and Justin leaned forward and took their lover's cocks into their mouths.

Lance gasped and Peter let out an `Oh, god'.

JC and Justin gave in to their growing lust.

Peter looked over at Lance. His eyes were closed and he was blushing with pleasure.

"I think they liked the dance." Peter breathed.

Lance moaned. "Yes, JC."

"This was a good idea, Lance." Just then Justin's tongue probed under the head of Peter's cock. "Oh, yes!"

Lance opened his eyes. He looked down at JC. JC didn't stop sucking. Lance ran his fingers through JC's hair. "I don't know why I waited."

Even with Lance's cock in his mouth JC seemed to smile.

Peter could feel Justin's need. Dancing for Justin had turned Peter on especially when he saw Justin's reaction. Justin was sucking his cock with an earnestness Peter had never felt before.

"Justin, please. I'll cum too soon."

In answer Justin's hand joined his mouth stroking the hard shaft. Peter gave up. What Justin Timberlake wanted, he got. And Peter was more than willing to give it to him.

JC took Lance into his throat. Lance was already whimpering loudly. This wouldn't take too long. Good, because JC didn't want to wait. Lance's dance had turned him on so. He wanted to show Lance just how much. JC pulled back. He licked the perfectly shaped mushroom head of Lance's cock then he took it back into his mouth. A thrill shot through him as it slid back into his throat.

Peter and Lance had danced as one. Now JC and Justin were returning the favor.

Peter could hear Lance whimpering as JC swallowed his cock. Peter gave a slight glance at JC. Damn, these guys did everything so good together. Peter quickly looked back to Justin. Even side by side he didn't want to intrude.

Lance felt the first stirrings of his climax. He gave in totally. He knew that was what JC wanted. Lance heard himself giving off little `ohs'. JC knew what Lance was heading for and sucked with more enthusiasm.

Justin felt Peter beginning to tremble. He plunged onto Peter's cock. Justin wanted to suck the cum out of Peter.

Peter felt dizzy. The pleasure flowing through him threw his balance off. He reached about then his hand found something that steadied him. Peter tried to brace himself as the climax blasted through him. Justin's mouth and tongue hit spots that caused Peter's body to shake and twitch. He could feel Justin's lips and throat take all that his cock shot into his mouth. A loud cry next to him startled him but his climax flood back into his mind. Peter's other hand rested lightly on Justin's head as the climax surged through Peter's body.

JC felt Lance's body go tense. He relaxed and waited for the deluge. Lance gave a loud cry and cum pumped into JC's mouth. He took in willingly. JC licked and sucked. Lance's body shook and jerked in reaction. Then slowly the climax abated. JC stopped sucking and looked up. Lance was standing there his eyes closed smiling very contentedly. JC glanced over. Peter was stroking Justin's hair.

"Thank you, Justin."

Justin let Peter's cock slip from his mouth. "No, thank you. That dance was so hot."

Peter suddenly realized he was holding on to something. He looked down. That thing that he had found to steady himself? It was Lance's hand. Peter pulled his hand away. He blushed. "I am so sorry."

Lance smiled. "Don't be. We danced together. They showed us their enjoyment together and we came together."

"But we're not. . ."

Lance kissed Peter's cheek. "We are blest with two of the greatest lovers in the world, aren`t we?"

Peter glanced to JC and Justin. He grinned. "Yes, we are."

Together they helped JC and Justin to their feet.

Lance was getting eager. "Are you two ready for the finale?"

"Still a dual act?" JC asked.

Lance shook his head. "Oh, no. This is very much one on one."

Peter and Lance started to help their lovers out of their clothes.

When Justin was naked, Peter was ready to return Justin's oral gift. But he knew Justin was far passed that. He had danced too well.

Justin broke from their embrace to search his clothes. He found his key ring and the condom. Justin turned back to find Peter laying on the pool table on his stomach his arms spread out and his legs apart.

"Take me, Justin. Ravage me."

Justin was hot for Peter but not in a rough way. He squeezed the lube on his fingers. Slowly he worked it into Peter's ass.

"Slowly in circular motions then in deeper. Is that right?"

Justin knew the answer. It was his way to tell Peter he didn't want to start rough.

"Yes, Justin." Peter clutched at the edges of the pool table. Justin's fingers felt so good.

"Use lots of lube."


Justin's fingers withdrew. "Then when you are ready. . ."

Peter felt Justin slowly enter him. Peter let out a sustained groan.

Justin's voice was at Peter's ear. "You got me so hot dancing like that. Now I need you so bad."

"Give it to me, please, Justin. Show me how much you enjoyed my dance."

Justin was at full penetration. He pulled back out. "Gladly." His cock thudded into Peter.


JC sat at one side of the booth. Lance dribbled the lube over his cock and worked it around.

JC moaned just from Lance's hand. Then Lance rubbed his lubed fingers against his asshole. When he was ready he sat down on JC's cock.

Lance was soon bouncing in a steady rhythm.

JC watched as his cock slid in and out of Lance's beautiful ass cheeks. Lance was facing away from him. But Lance's whimpering told him that Lance was enjoying himself. JC ran his hands over Lance's back. Then he remembered when Lance was the `master". JC raked his finger nails lightly over Lance's ass cheeks. Lance moaned. JC pressed back a little harder.

Lance tilted back his head. "Oh, wow."

JC made sure he didn't scratch Lance. Soon he just cupped those fleshy mounds in his hands.

"Yes, JC."

JC started to thrust with his hips. Lance's muscles tightened.

"Yes, JC, deeper!

This beautiful ass that had danced so tantalizingly close to JC was now his. JC was going to do it so good!

Peter had nothing close to hang onto. He'd push himself up from the table arching his back. Justin's cock hammered into him. It felt so terrific but Peter needed more. Peter stood up and Justin and he kissed.

"Please, Justin. I need to see you."

Justin pulled out and Peter lay on his back on the pool table. The bumpers against Peter's ass weren't particularly uncomfortable. It was a little high but Justin managed. As Justin began thrusting again Peter reacted wildly. His head twisted and turned, his hands reached for Justin to caress anything he could reach.


"It must be the angle. God, Justin is has never felt like this!"

Justin remembered the time when Peter put the pillow under Justin's hips. Peter's cock hit all new areas and all of them sent surges of pleasure through him.

Justin grinned. "Now for the finale." He thrust for all he was worth.

Peter twisted about on the pool table. He started by caressing his chest and nipples.

"Here let me." Justin leaned forward and his lips latched onto Peter's nipple.

"Yes, Justin!"

Peter's hands finally grabbed Justin's ass pulling him forward.

"Don't stop. Please, Justin, don't stop."

"Never." Justin buried his cock in Peter's ass.

JC tapped Lance's shoulder. Lance knew what to do. He pulled off JC and lay on his back on the other seat of the booth. He lifted his legs and grinned at JC. JC knelt down.

A loud whimper was heard as JC filled Lance up.

It couldn't be better than this. Lance looked up at JC's sexy body and his beautiful blues eyes while Lance thrilled to JC's cock plunging in and out of his ass.

"Lance," JC whispered. He looked from side to side as if someone might be watching. "You know that now everyone knows we do this."

A wave of joy surged through Lance. He closed his eyes. "I don't give a fuck."

"Lance!" JC chided.

"Just as long as you do."

"I always will, Lance. I want to make you happy."

Lance laid his head back. "I am, JC, hot damn you do me good!"

Lance opened his eyes to see JC making a stern face at him.

"And because I love you."

JC grinned. His eyes sparkled. "I love you, too."

They kissed.


"Yes, Lance."

Lance just mouthed the words. "Fuck me."

"You got it, lover." JC thrust hard into Lance.

JC heard Lance's whimpers get louder. JC could hardly look away from Lance. Having sex with Lance was a joy for the eyes as well as the body. Lance gave himself totally to JC during sex. That was such a turn on. JC closed his eyes and concentrated on pure joy of how Lance was making his cock feel. But the joy was magnified by Lance's reactions. JC looked down into Lance's wonderful green eyes. He ran his fingers down the side of Lance's face.

"I love making love with you, Lance. You are so beautiful."

"Oh, Josh." Lance pulled JC to him. It wasn't always easy to kiss in the heat of the moment. They were out of breath and the pleasures were pouring through them.

Lance grabbed his cock and starting stroking himself.

"Don't stop!" He managed in between loud whimpers.



JC thrust all the way in and all the way out. Lance closed his eyes. His breath became short pants.

"Show it to me, Lance."

"Oh, Josh, I. . ."

Lance's ass clamped tight around JC's cock as tendrils of white shot onto Lance's stomach. As JC's cock plunged in again Lance's body shook. His mouth fell open gasping for pleasure.

JC felt his own stirrings as he watch his lover writhe in his climax.

Lance opened his eyes in time to see JC shut his. "Lance!"

JC's body thudded against Lance. Loud choking gasps came from JC's mouth. JC manage two more thrusts into Lance then his body relaxed. He propped himself up on the table to keep from falling on top Lance.

JC opened his eyes. Lance was smiling up at him. JC took Lance into his arms. They kissed for a few minutes. They were distracted by a loud cry.

"Fuck me, Justin! I'm getting close. Make me cum!"

Peter was holding onto the edge of the pool table to keep from being pushed back by the force of Justin's thrusts. It was the kitchen table all over again but the roles had been reversed.

"Damn, Peter, I think that I am. . ."

"Here I. . .Oh, gawd!" Peter's cock erupted. Spurt after spurt splashed on his stomach and chest. He kept stroking until the last drop was out.

Justin threw his head back. "I'm cumming!" He thudded into Peter. His body shuddered and shook. Justin's body curled up then straightened out again. Soon he fell forward on top of Peter.

Like Lance and JC they kissed for a bit. Justin finally pulled himself away from Peter.

"That was incredible."

Peter blushed. "Thanks. So were you."

"You inspired me."

Peter glanced over. JC and Lance were still kissing. "Let's go upstairs."

Justin gathered his clothes. Peter grabbed his underwear and his shirt.

"You were so good, JC. Did I do that to you?"

JC ran his fingers through Lance's hair. "Do you doubt it? I never thought you would dance like that for me."

"I had some help from Peter and Wade."

"So that's where you and Peter were sneaking off to."

"Do you mind?"

"Not now." JC paused. "Lance, please do me."

Lance wanted to protest but JC's look stopped him. Lance liked to end with JC fucking him but today had been so wonderful. That plus the dance had got JC blood going. Lance couldn't say no to his lover in this case.

"Get comfortable."

JC lay on the table of the booth and raised his legs. "I need you so much, lover."

Lance moved close to JC.

Peter walked Justin to the door. Justin took Peter in his arms and kissed him.

"See you in the morning."

"It is morning. Why don't you stay?"

"You know the answer to that. It will look better if I drive back in the morning with the rest of the guys."

Peter sighed. "I know."

"Thank you for tonight. Now I'll have to dance for you."

Peter stood back. "Thanks a lot!" He snapped.


"You get me imagining you dancing for me and then you leave. You're such a cock teaser."

"You were tonight." Justin gave a parting kiss. "See you in a few hours."

"'Night, Justin. I love you."

There was that Timberlake grin. "Mm, I love you, too"

Justin left.

Peter walked back downstairs. If Lance and JC were done, he wanted to pick up the clothes. But Lance and JC weren't finished. Peter turned to go back to his room. He stopped. He'd never seen Lance do JC before. No, this was private. But they weren't in their bedroom. Peter found himself turning back.

Lance and JC were glowing with love. Peter had never seen the sex act so beautiful before. He couldn't look away. Peter felt a throb at his crotch. No, he mustn't. He'd just been with Justin. Why was he reacting this way?

Lance's and JC's love and need for each other filled the room until it was tangible. Peter couldn't leave and he couldn't look away. He took hold of his cock and started stroking.

JC's head twisted from side to side. "Do me, Lance. Do me good!"

Lance thrust faster. JC was so turned on that Lance was quickly at the same level as JC.

"I wonder what people would say if they could see you doing me."

"Lucky Lance."

"Lucky JC." Lance's cock pushing into JC caused a burst of pleasure. JC moaned happily. "Very lucky JC."

"We both are lucky."

JC smiled. "We're getting lucky now."

Lance sped up his thrusting. JC eyes closed as his mouth fell open. Lance loved watching JC reactions. Lance swiveled his hips as he thrust forward.

"Oh, Lance."

Lance took to stroking JC's cock. He saw JC break into a grin.

JC tweaked Lance's nipples. "Come on, stud. Give it to me."

"JC, you keep talking that way and I'll cum too soon."

JC`s head fell back to the table with a slight thud. "I'll still beat you there. Make me cum, Lance."

Lance saw the blush fill JC's face. "Lance, I love you so, oooh!

The white cum splattered onto JC's body. His body convulsed and the climax ripped through him.

As JC's ass clamped around his cock Lance lost it.

"Oh, Josh!" Lance thrust into JC as his cock exploded.

The two bodies shook and trembled with each wave of pleasure. After a few moments they began to relax. Soon they were in each other's arms kissing with passion.

"You are such a hot dancer."

"You told me that before."

"I need to tell you often. I think that was hotter than my dance for you."

"Only from your perspective but I have to admit I am glad it is over."

JC propped himself up on an elbow. "Why?"

"I was so nervous it won't be as hot as the one you did for me."

"It was, Lance. It was."

Suddenly there was a thud and a muffled `damn' then footsteps up the stairs.

Lance pulled away from JC and went to the doorway.

"Do you see anything?"

"No, just the rug is all twisted. Someone must have tripped over it."

"Nothing else."

JC saw Lance lean down to the floor. He touched something and rubbed his finger together. He went back to JC.

"It looks like someone was cleaning something off the carpet. I think it's cum."


"We had an audience."


"We have two guesses but by the hurried manner in which he left I'd say Peter."

JC smiled. "I don't mind."

Lance kissed JC. "Nor do I. I just hope he didn't."

JC and Lance headed up to bed. Lance caught a glimpse of a form standing silhouetted by the light from the pool.

"JC," Lance whispered and nodded toward Peter. Lance walked out to the pool. JC followed.

"I thought you would be in bed by now."

Peter didn't turn around. "Soon."

"Don't feel guilty." JC said. "After today there are a lot of gay guys out there jerking off to the idea of Lance and me having sex."

"I hope you're planning to clean the carpet." Lance joked.

Peter turned away. His voice was full of anguish. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to watch and I never meant to . . . " Peter's voice pinched off.

JC stepped forward. "It's okay, Peter. We don't mind."

"How about Justin?" Peter bowed his head.

JC put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "He would have joined you."

Lance wanted to help. "Think back. What were you feeling? Besides yourself."

"I could feel your love and need for each other. You looked so beautiful. I couldn't look away. I just didn't expect. . ."

"That you'd get turned on by two of your friends having sex? It sounds very familiar, doesn't it, JC."

JC bent over then looked up at Peter's face. "You haven't turned BI have you?"

Peter chuckled. "No, I'm still gay."

"Good, Justin likes it that way."

Peter looked at JC. "Thanks, I forgot about Justin overhearing you two."

"And you told him not to feel guilty about it." JC poked Peter with a finger. "Time to take your own advice."

"I'm sorry, it just hasn't happened to me before."

"Hey, we were really into it. Now everyone knows that Lance and I have sex together."

"And we no longer have to hide our love. All our new freedom just sort of poured into the sex. It was like that first night we met you and we had sex in the bathroom. The leftover sexual energy affected you. It happened again. We overwhelmed you."

"I forgot about the bathroom incident, too."

Lance and JC stood on either side of Peter. They put there arms around his shoulders.

"Feel better?"


"Let's go to bed."

Peter ducked. Lance and JC found themselves with their arms around each other.

"Now, let's go to bed. You to your bed and me to mine."

"That's what I meant," Lance chided.

"Just making it clear."

They headed up the stairs.

"Peter, see you in the morning."

"Good night."

Lance and JC walked down the hall.

"Oh, guys?"

They turned around.

"Welcome to being Out."

Lance and JC chuckled. "It's nice to finally be here."

"See you in the morning." Peter's door closed.

Lance sighed. "That's right, the morning."

JC gave Lance a squeeze. "We can face anything together." He gave Lance a kiss.

The bedroom door closed behind them.

End Part 41

Okay, this was a very difficult part to write and I have a confession to make. I have never watched Larry King. Let me have it. I can take it. I did read some transcripts of his shows to get an idea of how he works.

I will try to put some sex into each part from now on. A few of you were 'disappointed' when the part had no sex. Not that I am going to force the fact. It was to flow naturally out of the characters and situation. Well, okay, I had Lance dancing for JC hanging out there so I decided to finally get that off the back burner. I hoped it worked.

Now that JC and Lance are out means the marriage can get up to speed. I know I get complaints about that, too. But believe me I am not putting it off on purpose just to piss you readers off. These plot lines take time.

As always I'd love to hear your opinions of the story both plus or negative. You can E-mail me at Trust me I don't bite even if you want me to.

Onto the next part and this one should go faster.

Next: Chapter 42

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