Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Sep 9, 2003


Here we go on Part 43.

Again thanks to all who have E-mailed. But I have a proposition to all you who were worried about what will happen to Peter and Justin. After reading this part let me know how you feel.

This is a story of complete fiction. This does NOT mean to detail NSYNC or the Backstreet Boys' real lives. The author does NOT know either groups sexual orientation. To my minuscule knowledge no one in NSYNC or Backstreet Boys is gay. (The author cries himself to sleep nightly over that one!) There will be sex so if reading about hot guy on guy, lusty, sweaty, got to get that right hand busy sex is offensive to you. Stop reading! Pfftt! Yeah, right. Just skip down to those parts. I know you will.

All others start from here and I hope you enjoy.

"Isn't Peter coming down to lunch?"

JC shrugged. "He says he isn't hungry. That dream really scared the hell out of him."

"And his common sense, too." Lance started out of the kitchen.

"Where are you going?"

"Where do you think? This has gone on too long. He has been moping in that room all morning."

"Lance, go easy on him."

"Don't worry, JC. If logic doesn't work I'll tickle him into submission. It worked for him."

"I told JC I'm not hungry." Peter didn't look up from his crossword puzzle.

"Not hungry for food how about a sympathetic ear?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

Lance sat on the bed opposite the chair where Peter sat. "I didn't either. But my dream still played over and over in my mind. It did help to finally talk about it."

"This is different, Lance."

"Why? They're both dreams."

"Not this time."

"Again, why?" There was an edge to Lance's voice. "Because you had this dream and not me?"


"So mine was just a dream and you had a vision."

"Well, yeah. I mean yours isn't going to happen."

"And sometime in the future you'll be hanging from a building roof with Justin just staring at you."

Peter frowned. "You don't understand. It was the meaning of what I saw and how I felt that makes it different. Justin didn't care about me anymore. That's why he didn't raise a finger to save me."

"You're so sure about that?"

Peter looked up angry. "Justin is going to leave me, okay! We're not going to be like you and JC. I'm going to end up alone again. Excuse me if lunch isn't high on my priority list."

Lance sigh heavily, "Okay, Peter, it's time someone pointed this out to you. You obviously haven't thought about this and believe me we have begun to notice."

"What haven't I thought about?" Peter snapped.

Lance looked stern. "Did that ever occur to you that you could be wrong?"


"Okay, you have had a great track record so far but the law of averages is going to catch up to you. You have to get something wrong sooner or later."


Lance chuckled. "Peter, you are not infallible. Okay, the other predictions have seemed to play themselves out correctly. But don't you even doubt yourself anymore?"

"Sure I do." Peter sounded calmer.

"Then why are you holed up in your room? Are you planning your strategy or hiding from your fears?"

The anger returned. "Lance, you don't know anything."

"Really? Okay let's say that what you saw was a vision. I know that staying in this room isn't going to make you any closer to Justin. You should go and tell him what you saw and what you think it means. The easiest way to elude a trap it to know there is one."

"You didn't tell JC about your dream until he insisted."

"Touché. Then learn from my mistake."

"But if Justin knows we might split up. . ."

"He'll play into the inevitable? Or maybe he will show you how much he loves you so you will never doubt it and then the break up will never happen."

Peter looked distressed. "But how do I know which one Justin will do?"

Lance shrugged. "You don't. It's called 'life' and it means taking risks."

Peter's bowed his head. Lance could see how much this was affecting Peter.

"May I try something you taught me?"

Peter looked up. "Me?"

"Yep, let's try to look at this from another angle. In the dream did you do anything to try and save yourself?"

"The building was so high. I could barely hang on."

"While you were struggling to hang on did you try to get a foothold?"

Peter shrugged. "It never occurred to me. It was over so quick."

"So you called out to Justin to help you. He did nothing and you fell."


"But you did nothing to save yourself either. You were counting on Justin to save you."


"What if it was you who gave up on the relationship? Say you had a dream or something."

"Very funny."

"So when the break-up happens you reach out one last time to Justin to try to save your relationship but Justin doesn't react. Say that as time passed you changed so much that. . ."

"Justin asked who I was because I was different from the man he first fell in love with." Peter was thinking hard. "It does make sense that way. But what should I do?"

"Just what you taught me. Live in love not fear. Fight back. Hold onto the love you and Justin have. And don't let anything, even dreams, come between you two."

Peter was out of the chair and threw his arms around Lance. "Thank you so much, Lance. I feel so much better."

"Do you mean I helped the great all powerful, all knowing seer?"

Peter pulled back. "Have I been that bad?"

"No, not really. But yesterday you seemed to have an answer for everything."

"No, I just wanted to seem like I did. There was such gloom around here yesterday." Pete chuckled, "No wonder you got me naked in the pool as that guard went by. A little forced humility?"

Lance didn't answer. "Ready to face another day?"

"Bring it on."

"Are you coming down for lunch?"

"Sure. Thank you, Lance."

Together they left the room.

Justin sat on the couch watching TV.

"You've been quiet today." His mother said. "Is everything okay?"

"There were some protesters but the other fans blocked them from our view. Most of the E-mails have been fairly positive."

"Okay, so much for JC and Lance. How about you and Peter?"

"Oh, he's fine."

"Fine? Just 'fine'."

"I didn't get to spend much time with him."

"Why don't you invite him to dinner?"

"I don't think that is a good idea. Not with all eyes on us especially if he spends the night."

"Then we'll invite him for lunch. Then afterwards we'll stay on our side of the house."

"Mom," Justin looked embarrassed.

"Do you think your side of the house sees the only action?"

"Now THAT I really didn't need to know."

"I just like to see you happy." She paused. "We could sneak Peter over in the trunk of our car then around the back of the house."

Justin chuckled. "Mom."

"It would be good for Peter as well as you. Don't let JC and Lance's coming out keep you and Peter apart."

"I won't."

"We can always go and pick him up like we did the last time. No one will ever suspect that your own parents are bringing you your gay lover for a little afternoon delight."

"Mom, you are so cool."

"Hey, I try hard to be. So what's it to be?"

"We're meeting at Chris's and Joey's house. I can bring Peter back after that."

Justin's mother pretended to be shocked. "You two could be seen together in your car in broad daylight."

"I keep telling Peter I'm not ashamed of him. I guess it is time to prove it."

"Justin," His mother was serious again. "Not being ashamed of Peter and coming out are two different things." She put her hand on Justin's cheek. "Don't let all this force your hand. Do it when you are ready. Peter will understand."

"I know. He keeps telling me the same thing."

"See, he agrees with your mother. I knew there was a reason I liked him."

Justin looked at his watch. "I'd better get going." Justin stood up. "Thanks for caring." He gave his mother a kiss.

"That's my job."

Justin left.

His mother sighed. Justin always tried so bravely to hide his troubles. But she could see Justin was in the midst of a huge internal debate. Well, there was just so much a mother could do.

Peter was at first glad to see no protesters outside of the house. Then he saw it. "Look there," Peter said as they pulled into the driveway of Chris's and Joey's home.

At the curb was the Wilson and Sons' truck.

"What is he doing here?" Lance asked. "And why is he at the curb and not in the driveway?"

"I can guess," JC replied.

Someone was waving. As they left the car Peter went over to the truck. Lance and JC proceeded toward the house.

"Why didn't you tell me Lance and JC were coming out?" Brian burst out. "All of my friends at Galaxy want to know if I could arrange for them to visit. Damn, this is so great!"

"I couldn't tell anyone and I shouldn't be here. If your father comes back. . . "

"I don't care." Brian snapped.

"Yes, you do." Peter replied.

Brian's bluster was gone. "Yes, I do."

"Call me. It is safer."


"What are you doing there?"

Peter turned to see Mr. Wilson striding toward the truck.

"I'm sorry," Peter stammered. "I thought he was you. I have this bush that never blooms and I wanted advice."

"Sorry, we can't help you there." Mr. Wilson stood back to let Peter pass.

"Never mind. I am sorry to have intruded." Peter turned back to the truck. "It was nice meeting you. . ."

"Bri. . ." Brian was cut off.

"None of your business." Mr. Wilson said.

"Sorry," Peter started for the house.

"Stay away from him." Mr. Wilson whispered as Peter passed close. "I am well within my rights." Mr. Wilson nodded toward the house. "All of you stay away. I'm protecting my family and I am not afraid to take legal action against the likes of you."

Peter held his hands up. "No offense meant."

Mr. Wilson crossed to the driver's side door.

Brian held his hand to his ear. Peter got it. He'd call when he was able.

The truck's engine roared and the truck drove out of sight.

They gathered at the door.

"What was all that about?"

"It seems we have just lost our gardeners." Joey said. "It seems he is just too busy to keep us as customers."

"Bullshit," Chris snapped. "It's because JC and Lance came out. He doesn't want to be seen working for anyone associating with fags."

JC sneered, "Thank you, Chris."

"I'm sorry, guys. No offence. I just can't stand pious types."

Lance looked a little sad. "What about Brian?"

Peter shrugged. "There's still the phone and he has friends now. That will help."

JC shook his head. "Just when you think your own parents were bad."

Joey held the door. "Come on, let's go inside."

Peter followed the others. He gave one quick glance to where the truck had disappeared then entered the house.

John appeared with a pile of letters and articles. They began to pour over the media responses.

"Oh, cool," Chris said, "They had a CD burning party."

"That's cool?" Lance asked moving to see what Chris was looking at.

"Okay, hot."

"Very funny."

"Where was it?" asked JC.

Chris adopted a thick southern accent. "Alabama."

Joey snorted. "Figures."

"Ah, come on guys," Chris pointed to the picture. "You couldn't roast one marshmallow on a fire that small."

Lance snatched the picture away. "There not even all ours."

Chris snatched the photo back. "This is an all boyband ban."

"Well, sales will go up," Joey said. "They'll have to buy 'em before they can burn 'em."

"Well, fuck me!"

"Justin!" JC snapped.

Peter pointed. "Don't say anything, Chris."

Chris clicked his tongue. "Duh, too obvious."

"Listen to this," Justin started reading. "Dear JC and Lance, What a brave and wonderful thing you are doing coming out like this. I know there will be tough times ahead, I should know. But you will make it through and you will see that the fans will still be there with you. And there will be fans that can now feel better about themselves because they can look to you and say "They are gay like me." For every gay person that comes out of the closet the world changes a little for the better. When you put a face to the word 'gay' you help change people's perceptions of what being gay is like. I wish I had had the nerve to come out earlier in my career. Who knows what good I could have done but times were different then. Being Openingly Gay may seem scary at first, but you will soon wonder why you didn't come out earlier. I want you to know that you are in my thoughts and I am wishing you all the best in your career and your private lives and may you be together a long time. God bless you for your bravery and honesty. My love goes with you." Justin looked up. He showed them the letter. "Sincerely, Sir Elton John."

"Holy, fuck!" Chris slapped his hand across his mouth. "Sorry." He mumbled.

"Forgiven, Chris." John said. "There are letters like that from other musicians and actors and the amount is growing. Believe it or not guys, you're making quite a positive splash with the famous crowd."

"And the infamous." Peter added. "Well, you can now consider yourselves 'officially gay'." He handed Lance a newspaper. "You are now on the agenda of Reverend Fred Phelps."

"Who?" Joey asked.

"The guy's who motto is 'God hates fags'. He even has a website by that name. His group even picketed Matthew Shepard's funeral."

"He sounds like fun." Joey sneered. "I'll buy the beer."

"I'll bring the chips." Chris added. "The dip will already be there."

"Let him come. He's welcome."

"JC, you can't be serious."

JC turned to Justin. "I am. Look, we knew there would be negative reactions. This guy is as negative as you can get. If we can face him, we can face anything."

John took the newspaper. "Well, you should have it easy. He's picketing the studio."

JC looked at Lance. Lance nodded. "John, let them have our address."

"What? Are you nuts?!" Joey snapped.

"The studio is too impersonal." Lance said. "JC and I have talked about the possibility. Since he wants to protest us have him do it to our face."

John started chuckling. "JC, you and Lance are so devious."

"What are you talking about?" Joey asked. "They want this guy on their very doorstep. It's bound to end up on TV."

John smiled. "Think about it, Joey."

"I am and I am getting pissed. The thought of them protesting at the studio doesn't bother me as much. But having them right out there on the street where they live. It's almost an invasion of their private lives."

John looked steadily at Joey. "And if other people feel like you do?"

"Well, they would really sympathize for Lance and JC and. . ." The light went on. "The protest would actually gain Lance and JC more support because it would be like an attack on their privacy."

"Or people will see anti-gay hatred in a neighborhood very much like their own." Lance finished.

Joey was impressed. "Well devious!"

John continued. "Fred Phelps generates more gay support than hate by his protests. He is more of a positive influence than he knows."

"Besides we know we have supporters." Lance squeezed JC's hand. He nodded at the pile of letters. "They really do care about us."

John smiled. "They know what I have known all along. You are a great group of guys."

Lance grinned. "You should have heard the cheers at that gay bar when our 'Bye, Bye, Bye' video played. They went wild."

John looked shocked. "You were at a gay bar? I thought we decided no doing anything publicly until. . ."

"Ahem," Peter cleared his throat loudly.

"Oh," John relaxed. "That's how you got there. Objection withdrawn."

"They were showing our video?"

"Yes, Chris." JC replied, "But I am afraid they didn't scream for you."

"I should hope not!" Chris paused frowning slightly. "They didn't?"

Joey gave Chris a shove. "Stop that."

"But that look the JC gives me when we land in the car pushed them over the edge."

"Someone yelled, 'I know what they're thinking.' 'Kiss him, already!' and another 'Too bad there's no back seat!'."

Lance grinned, "My favorite was 'Damn, JC, use that stick shift.'"

JC leaned close. "Or 'Lance loves it when JC does the driving.'"

They were interrupted by loud singing. Joey had his hands over his ears. "La, la, la, la!"

JC chuckled. "Okay, Joey, no more gay references."

Joey put his hands down. "I would appreciate it."

"Speaking of gay references," John began.

Joey slapped his hands over his ears again.

"I'd like to arrange a meeting with publicity to see how far you wanted them to go with this. They've been so busy I hate to impose on your evening but would about 7 o'clock be all right?"

"We'll be there." Chris said.

"It just has to be Lance and JC." John replied.

Chris put his one arm around Lance and the other around JC. "All or nothing."

Joey fought a smile. "I don't have to tell you who is nothing."

"Or who is better than nothing." Chris shot back.

John shook his head. "Maybe I won't be there."

Joey elbowed Chris. "Look, you made John cry again."

Chris put his hand on John's shoulder and said in a very patronizing way. "I'm so sorry, John. Should I get you a tissue?"

"A handkerchief would be better."

Peter handed John his.

"Thanks, Peter." John turned. "Here Chris, put this in your mouth."

"Oh, no you don't." Peter yanked the handkerchief out of John's hand. "I'm not going to use that to blow my nose after it's been in Chris's mouth."

"Ha, ha," Chris retorted. "I'm getting insulted in my own house."

"Why should here be different than any other place in the world?"

"And now I'm insulted by my own roommate."

"We're just keeping you from getting a swelled head." John put in.

Chris slumped in a chair. "Now they're onto my sex life."

Peter nudged Justin. "Excuse us, please."

Chris didn't even look up. "There is no excuse for you."

Justin bowed. "I take that as a yes." He walked off with Peter.

"No gay sex in the house!" Joey shouted after them.

Peter turned back. "Then we'll be out by the pool." They walked away.

"Let them indulge." Chris said. "At least someone in this house will be getting lucky."

John smiled. "Chris, you don't fool me in the least. I know you are quite the woman's man."

"In fact his latest girlfriend had to cancel her date tonight."

Chris eyed Joey warily. "Why?"

"He was a little rough with her and she developed a puncture."

Chris was on his feet. "That's it, Joey."

Joey gave one last passing shot. "What he needs now is a 'patch'maker."

"When I get hold of you you'll need a patch."

Joey ran off with Chris at his heels.

John sighed. "Well, we'll have a little bit of peace at least."

Lance frowned. "JC, when we are at the meeting what will Peter do?"

"He'll find something. He's a big boy now."

"I just hate to have him alone after this morning."

John shrugged. "He's free to come with. He can be in the game room until the meetings over."

"But he will still be alone." Lance suddenly smiled. He pulled out his cell phone. "I just got a better idea." Lance dialed.

Peter finally managed to tell Justin about his dream. When he was through Justin just sat there.

"Lance has a point I could be wrong about this. But at least we know it's out there." Justin didn't move. "Justin, say something. This dream really has me scared."

"Then what can I say." Justin said sharply.

"Justin, you sound angry."

Justin looked up. "I am angry."

"We can get past this I know we can."

"Why? It was a dream, Peter, just a damn dream."

"How do you know?"

"Because I know me and I thought I knew you."

"You do know me."

"Really? The Peter I know wouldn't let a dream like this phase him because he knows how much I love him and nothing will change that. Nothing! But you have one dream and 'bam' all that is thrown out the window. Now sometime in the future I will fall out of love with you and we are going to split up. You believed that didn't you?"

"Justin. . ."

"Didn't you?"

Peter slowly nodded.

"Has nothing I've said or done for you matter? Damn it, Peter, you tried and convicted me without even allowing me to defend myself. Of course I'm mad. I mean what are you going to trust your dreams or me?"

Peter looked at the floor. "Lance did point out that it could end up being my fault for the break up."

"Yes, if you keep believing in your dreams."

"That's not fair. You know I have certain abilities."

"Your astral projection gifts I except and enjoy. Your visions I am not so sure about."

Anger tinged Peter`s voice. "You're just jealous because you can't project." Peter paled. His voice softened. "Please, Justin, I didn't mean that."

"Why not? It's true. I am jealous. You, JC, Lance and Chris share a bond I will never share."

Peter reached out his hand but he pulled back and let it fall to his side. "You will, Justin. I know you will."

"You don't believe that any more than I do."

Again Peter reached out for Justin but wouldn't make contact. Peter put his hand down. "You never know."

"Why is it so important to you?"

"I want to share everything with you. Plus I just wish we could connect on the astral plain."

"What's the big deal?"

"I've seen Lance and JC do it. They said they could truly feel the depth of love they had for each other." Peter let out little chuckle. "I think we could use that right now."

Justin put his arm around Peter. "Isn't this enough?"

"I just thought that through my abilities we could be so sure of each other. I don't want my dream to come true."

Justin chuckled. "If you think that dream will ever come true you are an idiot."

"Thanks a lot, Justin." Peter turned away.

"I'm sorry Peter, but your abilities are no match for mine."

"Your abilities?"

"I have a power too you know. My love for you," Justin took Peter's hands. "You can dream all you want but I will never stop loving you. And if you push me away I will pull you right back. When Justin Timberlake gets what he wants and he keeps it."

Peter looked into Justin's eyes and smiled. But it was a sad smile.

"Peter, what is it?"

"Justin, I said I would always be here for you."

"I know. And I mean to keep you to your word."

"But what if you were taken away from me?"

"Oh, Peter, don't be paranoid."

Peter threw his arms around Justin and pulled him close.


"Okay, it wasn't the roof top dream that set me off. For the last few nights I have had a dream that I am searching for you but I can't find you. I looked and looked I was so desperate. Last night was the first time I actually did find you. Well, you know what happened next."

Justin held Peter close. "It will never happen, Peter. It's just your mind playing tricks."

Peter pulled back. "Can we spend the night? I really have a need to be together."

Justin was about to protest but the look on Peter's face stopped him.

"We have that meeting with John. But afterwards we'll go back to my place."

Peter hugged Justin. "Thank you. I hate to impose."

"Lovers can never impose. Besides I want to be with you. I'm just being too careful."

"You can smuggle me out in the trunk of your car in the morning."

"No smuggling."

"A disguise then?"

"You're worse than Mom." Justin tweaked Peter's nose. "And she was right. I am distancing myself from you."

"I don't mind."

Justin pointed at Peter. "Yes, you do. You're just too polite to admit it."

They heard Lance's voice. "Time to go, Peter."

"Until tonight."

Justin gave Peter a kiss. "Tonight."

Peter gave one long last look at Justin then left the patio. He tried to push the feeling of dread out of his mind. Peter couldn't tell Justin. He would say it was just his imagination. But this dread had been growing since this morning. Peter shook his head. They would be together tonight. Nothing could happen then.

They were driving in the car when Lance's cell phone rang.

"Hello?" Lance turned. "It's for you, Peter."

"Me?" Peter took the phone. "Hello?"

"Why don't you bring Justin over tonight we'll have a foursome?"

"Kevin, can you think of nothing else? Besides, Justin is busy tonight."

"I'll settle for a threesome then."

Peter wasn't even going to go there. "You didn't ask about Lance or JC?"

"Well, if Justin is busy I am assuming they all are. You can still come to dinner."

Peter glowered at the backs of JC's and Lance's heads. "They told you to call didn't they?"

"Do you really want to sit through that boring meeting when you could be enjoying fine dinning and dazzling conversation?"

Peter knew better than to argue. "Okay, but I was supposed to meet up with Justin after the meeting."

"He can stop by and collect you. It is sort of on the way."

JC spoke over his shoulder. "We can drop you off on the way to John's."

"What can I say? I'm out numbered. I'll see you tonight."

"We're both looking forward to having you."

"I hope you mean for dinner. See you later, Kevin."

Peter handed Lance back his phone.

Lance looked over his shoulder. "You really don't mind, do you?"

"No, Lance. I agree with your motives. I don't want really to be left on my own tonight. Thank you for the effort."

"It was no effort."

"Oh-oh," JC said. "There's a storm brewing."

"Do you mean between Peter and Justin?" Lance asked.

"No, I mean a real storm. I heard it on the radio. Thunderstorms likely for tonight."

Lance sat back. "Oh."

Peter sighed. Thunderstorms were the least of his worries. If only he could get through this night.

Kevin had been watching Peter. "You're awfully quiet."

"I'm sorry. There's been a lot on my mind."

Kevin nodded. "You're at the epicenter of Lance and JC coming out."

"I know the real reason. It's because a straight has intruded on this gay gathering, isn`t it?"

Peter smiled. "Trust me, Nick. No gay man would hate to have you around straight or not."

"When Nick called I didn't think you would mind if I invited him, too."

"Kevin, this is your home. And to be surrounded by such wonderful male eye candy is just the thing to get my mind off things. I hope you don`t mind, Nick."

Nick smiled. "I don't." He put his hand on his chest. "I am a public love god and must endure the worship of my adoring fans." Nick dropped the act. "Even if they are male. Hell, at one concert I sang this love song to a member of the audience. It wasn't until the lights came up that I saw that it was a guy. If me being here can lighten your day so be it."

Howie poked at his food. "It doesn't seemed to have helped much."

Peter exhaled a good breath. "It will now. I will put myself in your hands, so to speak, for the rest of the evening."

Kevin smiled. "Good. We want you to enjoy yourself."

Peter nodded. "I'm ready."

There came a rumble of thunder.

Nick turned. "Shut up! No one asked you."

"Watch it, Nick. Don't piss the big guy off."

"Come on, Kevin, he knows I don't mean it."

There was a flash of lightning and a rumble of thunder.

Nick put his hands up and looked at the ceiling. "Okay, I apologize. I didn't mean to talk to you like that."

Then came the soft patter on rain on the house.

"Boy, talk about touchy."

There was another flash and a loud crack of thunder.

Nick cringed. "Okay, okay."

Kevin stood up. "We'll clean off the table then maybe play something."

The lightning flashed and thunder increased in volume.

"I've got it." Nick picked up his butter knife and wielded it "We can play murder mystery. Four friends alone in a house during a stormy night and only one will emerge in the morning."

Howie was not amused. "That's not funny, Nick."

"Come on, Howie. The police haven't reported anything on that car."

"That's because we always go to my place." Howie shot back.

Peter thought back. "Are you still having strange cars driving away in the middle of the night?"

Kevin nodded toward Howie. "What I told him. But the police are still patrolling."

Peter started looking nervous.

Kevin slapped his hand on the table. "Enough of this gloomy talk. I want us to enjoy this evening."

"Too bad it's raining we could have gone skinny dipping." Nick grinned. "I'm sure that would have cheered Peter right up. Well, one peter would be up."

"Nick, stop teasing." Kevin chided.

"You really don't mind gay men ogling you?" Peter asked.

Nick struck a pose and went into his act. "When you are a love god like me you must share your beauty with all your admirers. Although only females are allowed into my private presence the males are free to look."

Peter nodded. "Very open minded of you."

Nick suddenly turned and with a warning voice, "But if you touch me, I'll sue." Nick smiled at Peter's surprised look. He put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "I'm just kidding."

"Well, you don't have to worry about me." Peter replied. "I have Justin."

"And even without Justin I am still safe."

Peter blushed a bit. "You're getting to know me so well."

"It has been a pleasure, Peter."

As they picked up their plates Peter found himself close to Kevin.

"Thank you for this. I really need it."

Kevin smiled. "Anytime. I still owe you big time for what you helped me with."

Peter suddenly stopped.

"Is something the matter?"

Peter shook his head to clear it. "I'm sorry, I promise not to think about it."

"You're with friends. Nothing can go wrong."

"Thanks, Kevin."

Justin was pacing.

"Don't worry, Justin. The meeting should go fast."

Justin looked up startled. "What? I'm sorry."

JC chuckled. "I said the meeting shouldn't take too long."

"I wasn't thinking about the meeting."

JC frowned. "Then what has you pacing like a caged animal."

"I'm sorry," Justin relaxed a bit.

"Stop being sorry and spill."

Justin burst out. "It's that damn dream Peter had."

Lance was surprised. "'Damn' dream?"

"What else can I call it? Peter knows how much I love him but one dream and Peter believes it will be over for us. This is so unlike him. And he knows better."

Lance nodded. "I knew better when I had my dream. But it really screws you up mentally at first. Then look at Kevin when he was going through that bout of depression. That whole thing with the pills was unlike him, too."

"But that was slightly different. Kevin was being affected by the outside influences from his ex." JC corrected. "Dreaming of the break up over and over again, no wonder Kevin was depressed."

Justin spun around. "What?"

Chris burst into the room. "I'm here. Let's get this road on the show."

"Chris," Joey shook his head.

"Oops, sorry," Chris crossed his arms. "Reverse it."

"Gene Wilder did it better."

They moved to their seats. Justin was deep in thought.

"So unlike him," Justin muttered to himself.

There was a flash of lightning and a crack of thunder. John stepped through the door.

"Oh, good entrance," Chris quipped.

Lance looked out the window. "We may get a little wet on the way home."

"You're not going anywhere."

"But I have a date."

Kevin was firm. "No way, Nick. Not in this weather."

On cue there was a flash of lightning. Even then they could barely make out anything from the window. The falling rain obscured everything. Thunder rolled and boomed seeming to shake the house.

Howie tried to be hopeful. "You'll have to wait until it blows over."

Nick was dejected. "That's what I'll be missing."

"Isn't it a little late for a date?" Peter asked.

"No, she works until 10 o'clock at one of those cinema cafes. You know where you can eat while watching a movie." Nick grinned. "So when she's off work the last thing she wants to do is go out to eat or to a movie. That limits the options of what we can do."

"There's always a bar or some dancing," suggested Howie.

Nick smiled. "She doesn't dance or drink."

"What does she do?"

Nick closed his eyes and sighed smiling. "Make me glad that I am a man."

Peter leaned to Kevin. "Straight men are such pigs."

"Peter," Kevin sounded shocked.

"Oink, Oink," finished Nick. "But it shows how little you know. We've been dating for 4 weeks now."

"Dating?" Peter said. "Sounds more like mating."

Nick laughed. "Come on, I am a straight male among other males. I'm exaggerating. It's not all about sex. She's very nice."

The phone rang.

"That's probably her."

"You told her you would be here?" Kevin went to the phone.

"Ah, good point. It's for someone else then."

Kevin soon held out the phone. "It's for you, Peter. It`s your other half."

Peter took the phone. "Hi."

"Having a good time?"

"Sort of."

"I'm afraid we're stuck here at John's until the storm passes. I'll be over to get you as soon as it does."

"As long as it isn't too late."

"What do you mean 'too late'?" There's was a hint of alarm in Justin's voice.

"I mean too late at night. I might have to spend the night."

Justin kidded. "Lock your door. I don't trust that Kevin."

"I'll defend my honor."

"It just figures. I had something I wanted to talk to you about. It's about your dream."

"It can wait. We'd better hang up. I don't trust phone calls during a thunderstorm."

"If you're going to stay there, stay there totally, okay?"

"Justin, even I know better than to project during a storm."

"I miss you."

"So do I."


Peter couldn't sleep. Most of the storm had passed but he was still nervous. He decided to watch some TV to get his mind off of it.

Peter had just reached the bottom of the stairs when he thought he heard something. He paused to listen. It sounded like little whimpers of pain. Then he saw the light. It was coming from the living room. Someone must be up. He peeked around the corner. Someone was up all right.

One wall of the living room had been covered with mirrors. The lamp was on only at that side of the room. And sitting there totally naked and jacking his cock sat Nick. He was intensely watching his reflection.

Peter felt the need to back away and let Nick have his privacy. But then Nick stood up and approached the mirror. He raised his hand. Nick watched both his hand and it's reflection. He brought his hand to his lips. Nick kissed the palm of his hand then placed his palm against the mirror. He then kissed the back of his hand. Nick turned to see himself looking back at himself.

Nick gave a nasty little curl of his lip. "You are so hot."

Peter stood there mesmerized.

Nick took to stroking himself faster. He threw his head back tilting it slightly so he could still see his reaction in the mirror.

"Damn, you make me feel SO good!" Nick hissed in a seductive whisper. "Do you like this?" He closed his eyes. "Fuck yeah. Jerk me off." Nick pursed his lips at himself. "Stud."

Peter didn't know whether to be turned on or laugh. But as Nick stepped up the pace, the humor ended.

As Nick stroked his cock he turned. Peering over his shoulder he began to caress his ass cheeks. Nick watched them as the jiggled under his hands. Then he shifted his weight. The jiggling stopped and the tight round mound with it's sexy little dimple took it's place.

Nick gave his ass a slap. "Muscular ass isn't it. Round and firm, you like that don't you?" One hand parted the cheeks and the other raked down the crack. Nick gave an intake of breath as his fingers slid passed his asshole.

"Not in there, never in there. Just play with the cheeks."

Peter watch in fascination as Nick jacked off to himself.

Nick moved close to the mirror and kissed his image. Then he went into licking the mirror.

"You are so hot. I wish you were really here."

Peter was about to leave when Nick flattened himself to the mirror. Peter could hear Nicks flesh squeaking against the smooth glass. It must be awfully cold but Nick didn't seem to mind.

Nick began to hump the mirror. He was kissing and licking his image in the glass with a growing passion. Then Nick stood back. He took to stroking his cock in a strong manner.

Nick turned to Nick 2. "Do you want to see me shoot?"

"Yeah, cum for me baby."

"I'm getting close."

"Cum on me, Nick!"

Nick stepped close to the mirror. "I'm getting close."

"Shoot it!"

Nick's body arched and his cock shot off. Jet upon jet of white goo struck the mirror. It ran down the smooth surface toward the floor.

Nick forced himself to open his eyes to see his reaction as the climax washed through him. His hips bucked as the cum still shot from his cock. Slowly he relaxed. He looked down at his cock and the cum splattered mirror. Nick rubbed his cock in the white fluid. Then he leaned in and kissed his image again.

He pulled back. "Thank you. You were so hot!"

Letting out a contented sigh he grabbed a towel laying on the floor and began to wipe off the mirror.

Peter turned to go. No TV tonight. He gave one last look at Nick and caught his foot on the lower step. He fell to the stairs with a thud.

Nick whipped around. "Who's there? Kevin?"

Peter picked himself up. "No," he mumbled. What a klutz! "It's just me."

"Peter?" Nick grabbed some of his clothes to cover himself. "What are you doing down here this late at night?"

"I couldn't sleep. I was going to watch some TV. But the living room was being used. I am sorry if I embarrassed you."

Nick started to pull on his clothes. "Not embarrassed just startled."

"Are you used to people watching you masturbate?"

"Hey, it is a performance of sorts."

"That is was."

"Did you like what you saw?" Nick asked quietly.

Peter thrust his hips out a little and looked at his crotch. "No, sorry, Nick. I guess I just wasn't in the mood."

Nick finished dressing. "Or you were thinking of Justin."

"That too." That was true.

Nick pointed to the mirror. "Please don't think like I do this all the time. I mean watching myself. It was just once Kevin put that mirror in I just thought it would be hot to have sex in front of it. So I took my chance."

"I full understand. I've had a mirror experience before, too, once."

Nick frowned. "You felt nothing watching me?"

"It was a very good show but not my shade of kink."

"Oh, I don't know. I think you have your moments. I bet Justin can get you to do lots of things you're not used to."

"Do you mean Mr. Ego?"

Nick looked down. "Listen, I am sorry for that. I was wrong. At the party I saw how different he was. You're good for him."

"We're good for each other."

"You were going to spend the night together, weren't you?"

"Yeah, until the storm upset things."

Nick snorted. "Tell me about it."

"Well, the storm has gone by now."

"Really?" Nick went to the window. "You're right." Nick looked at his watch. "And it may not be too late for my date."

Nick punched buttons on his cell phone. Then he pulled out his pager.

"Come on, come on. Be home. Give me my chance." After a few minutes Nick's pager shook in his hand. "Yes! The game's on."

"You must really like her." Peter said.

"She is very nice."

"After 4 weeks you must be getting serious."

Nick stopped. "As serious as it can ever be."

"I don't mean to pry, but what do you mean by that?"

Nick sighed. "As serious as it can be for me. Nick Carter' is never to have a serious girlfriend'. The fans wouldn't like it." Nick opened the front door. "Damn, it's still raining." He glanced at the umbrella stand by the door. "I'd hate to take Kevin's last umbrella. Someone might need it."

"Then I'll walk you to your car. That way I can bring it back."

Peter opened the umbrella and Nick moved close to him under it. They made their way to Nick's car.

"Leave it to a gay man to have an umbrella stand in his entry way."

"That's a stereotype, Nick."

"Well, Kevin fits them all well, doesn't he? He's tall, dark, very tight muscular body and slightly soft spoken."

"How about me?" Peter asked.

"Well, I couldn`t say."

"Then let me. Not so tall, could use a tanning booth and at least several days a week at the gym to round it all off, so to speak."

"But you do have Justin."

"Ah, yes, the beautiful lover makes up for anything."

"His love makes you beautiful."

"Ah-ha! Funny Girl!"

Nick frowned. "What?"

Peter smiled. "Never mind, Nick. You're girlfriend is waiting."

Nick stopped by his car. "Why do you worry about how you look? Obviously Justin likes you as you are."

Peter nodded. "I know. It was just when I found out I was gay I started by buying every mainstream gay magazine I could find to learn about other gay men. But I soon found out that these magazines had a subtle brainwashing affect."


"Oh, not the articles. It's the ads. And I soon believed it. A gay man is handsome, muscular or at least well defined, always at in a state of undress when not fashionably dressed man who loves dancing always with his shirt off and really into sex."

Nick laughed. "Damn, are you sure you're gay?"

"See. That is what I grew up with. These magazines print articles blasting Hollywood or TV for perpetuating stereotypes of gay people or at least in this case gay men yet they perpetuate the stereotypes themselves in the ads. Because of how I looked I really believed that I would never have sex my entire life until Justin."

"And I may not have sex tonight if I don't get going."

Peter blushed. "I'm sorry, Nick."

"No problem. Oh, what about the gate?"

"I'll get it."

Nick climbed into his car. "Don't you see Peter? You got here because you wanted this life with Justin."

Peter looked at Nick. "The same thing can go for you and this girl if you want it enough."

Nick looked down.

"I'll open the gate."

Peter waved as Nick drove off. He closed the gate then he made his way back up to the house. Down the block a man watched from his car but this time he didn't drive off. This time he waited. Now he knew Kevin wasn't alone and he knew who. Nothing else had worked. This time he would do it himself. One has to protect what's yours.

A figure dressed in black slipped into Peter's room and quietly approached the bed. He seemed to hesitate. Then he took Peter by the shoulders and shook him roughly. He let go and Peter flopped back to the bed. Peter didn't wake up.


He pulled back the sheets and pulled Peter off the bed. He dragged the body to the middle of the room and stopped.

"That should serve as a warning." The figure thought for a moment. "No, your body is still to close. Downstairs will be even better." The figure dragged Peter out of the bedroom. "This little scare will teach you to keep you away from what is mine."

Peter's body made slight thuds as it slid down each step.

"Sh!" The figure whispered.

Once at the bottom the figure moved Peter away from the stairs then laid him out on the floor.

The figure leaned down to Peter. "There. You should be able to find it here. This will teach you to leave well enough alone."

"Peter is that you?" Kevin appeared at the top of the stairs. Kevin realized that the figure dressed in black was an intruder. "What's going on here?" Kevin flipped on a light. The figure stood up and turned to Kevin.

"What are YOU doing here?"

The figure backed up. "Nothing, just a little prank. He will be all right."

Kevin noticed Peter lying on the floor. Kevin rushed down the stairs. "What did you do to him?" Kevin knelt over Peter.

"He'll be fine. It is just to scare him. I wanted to keep him away from what is mine."

"I am no longer yours."

"You have a lover, I know it. I forbid it."

"You forbid it?"

Howie appeared at the top of the stairs. "Kevin, what's happening?"

The figure saw Howie dressed only in his underwear. The reason was obvious. He pointed. "It's Howie?"

Howie's brow furrowed. "What the hell are you doing here, Kirk?!"

Kirk put up his hands. "It's all a mistake. I thought it was him," Kirk pointed at Peter, "that was your lover."

Howie was down the stairs in an instant. "What's happened?"

"It's just a prank, he will be all right. We could take him back to his room. You'll see. He'll be right as rain."

"Is he all right?" Howie asked.


"I'm not asking you, Kirk." Howie snapped.

Kevin felt for a pulse. "I think so. I just don't know. There could be some head or internal injuries."

Kirk shifted nervously. "He'll be fine. We should bring him back to his room."

"I'm afraid to move him." Kevin decided. "Howie, just to be safe call 911."

"No!" Kirk screamed. "You must leave him!"

Kevin turned to Kirk. "I don't know what harm you did. I have to be sure."

Kirk started wringing his hands. "But they'll take him out of the house."

"What does that matter?"

Kirk grew more nervous but said nothing.

"Make the call, Howie."

Kirk watched Howie go to the phone.

"No, you mustn't move him, please."

"It's too late for that, Kirk. I may even call the police."

Kirk backed up to the wall whimpering. "I meant no harm. He'll be fine. Just don't move him. He'll be fine."

It was 7 o'clock in the morning. Justin sat in the waiting room bent over in his chair holding his head. Lance sat with his hand on Justin's back in a show of comfort. Joey, Chris and John came around the corner.

JC, who had been pacing met them.

"Has he improved?"

"No, he's just the same." JC corralled them away from Justin. "The doctor said Peter is in some kind of coma. But they don't know why. There is no physical reason for it. He has some slight bruises but nothing that would cause this. They tested his EEG, his brain waves. There is very little mental activity." JC let his hands fall at his side. "That's all we know."

John leaned in. "Could he have been projecting when this happened?"

"We don't know. Justin swears he didn't feel Peter's presence at all last night." JC replied. "We just don't know enough yet."

"And the doctors will know nothing of astral projection," added Chris.

At the sound of Chris's voice Justin was out of his seat and moved in front of Chris. He took hold of Chris's shoulders.

"What happened, Chris? You have to know. It was the astral projection isn't it. Please, tell me what is wrong with Peter. How can I help him?"

Justin watch dumbfounded as Chris's face fell. There was no usual smile or joke.

"I'm sorry, Justin. I don't know what happened. This is beyond me." Chris turned away. His shoulders slumped. "I just don't know."

Everyone stood in silence. Justin returned slowly to his seat as Chris found a place to sit and wait.

Suddenly there was a hubbub. Two cameramen and four reporters came around the corner.

"There they are."

John jumped into action. He blocked the newsmen's way.

"Please, they have a friend who is very sick. Grant them their privacy."

"We just want to ask some questions."

The whole group disappeared around the corner.

Lance suddenly looked up. "What about that other guy?"

"What other guy?"

"That guy at the stadium. You know the one we met with Peter. What was his name? Stu, Lou...?

"Hugh." Chris said.

"That's it. Maybe he can help. He seemed to know a lot about Peter and about astral projection."

JC shook his head. "We barely know him. What am I going to say? How am I going to explain this? We're talking Twilight Zone here."

Lance took JC's hand. He nodded at Justin. JC knew what Lance meant.

"Okay, it is worth the try. Someone have a piece of paper? I'll need to write down the phone number."

A few minutes later JC put down his cell phone.

"What news? Will he help us?"

JC frowned. "Hugh is on vacation. He left on Monday. He'll be gone for three weeks."

"Three weeks vacation?" Chris said. "I wish I had his job."

The gloom settled itself back down around them.

It was now twelve noon. Their ranks had swelled. Kevin and Howie had joined the guys. John had just arrived bringing sandwiches.

"I feel so bad about this. It is all my fault."

JC put his hand on Kevin's shoulder. "There was nothing you could have done. We thought the same when Peter was drugged."

"But it was my ex."

Joey added. "Shit happens, Kevin." He took a bite of a sandwich.

Kevin nodded.

Joey stopped chewing. "It's the twice in one week that really sucks."

A person came around the corner. Everyone went tense immediately.

"Britney, what are you doing here?"

Britney felt like a missionary who have stumbled onto a village of cannibals. But she straightened up.

"Justin called me."

"I can't believe he wouldn't have done. . ."

Justin emerged from hall. He saw Britney and rushed to her. He flung his arms around her. At the sight of Britney the dam burst. Everyone watched incredulous as Justin Timberlake lost it.

"Oh, Brit," Justin sobbed. "Hes in a coma. They dont know why." Justin pulled back to look Britney in the face. "He's getting weaker. I could lose him, Brit." Justin buried his face in Britney's shoulder. "Oh, god, I could lose him!"

Britney stood there stunned. She had barely seen Justin cry. But sobbing? Justin's pain and anguish was almost too much to take. Slowly her hands slid up Justin's back.

"It will be all right, Justin. You'll see." She pulled Justin closer. "You're not going to lose Peter. I promise."

Everyone glance around nervously as Justin sobbed. None of them were used to see Justin like this. Finally JC stood up and went to Justin. He put his hand on Justin's back. JC gave Britney a little smile.

"We'll think of something. Britney's right, you are not going to lose Peter."

"No one is going to lose anybody. That I promise."

They turned to the man standing in the doorway. The room sat stunned for the second time in as many moments.


The usual smile spread across his lips. "I believe you were looking for me."

"How did you know?" Lance stammered.

"I sensed that Peter was going to be in trouble so I changed my vacation plans to Orlando and here I am. Besides he did invite me."

"But how did you know what hospital?"

"Pure mental ability," Hugh beamed. "Actually I was inquiring at the studio and naturally they weren't giving out any information. Then I saw John leave." Hugh shrugged. "I followed him here. Sorry, if that's disappointing."

Lance went to Hugh. "I don't care how you got here. It's still a miracle. Can you help Peter? Do you know what happened?"

"That's why I am here. May I see him?"

Justin started to move. Lance stopped him.

"That's okay, Justin. I'll do it."

Lance and Hugh went into Peter's room.

It wasn't long before they came back. The tension in the room you could cut with a knife. When everyone was settled Hugh began.

"It is as I thought. Peter has become separated from his body."

Lance frowned. "But I thought that was what Astral Projecting was."

Hugh explained. "Only partially, the conscious is still connected to the body. Some people see a silver cord. It's like a safety line so a person can always find their way back to their body. It takes a lot to break this line but it does occasionally happen."

Kevin spoke up. "Like someone moving Peter's body when he was projecting?"

Hugh nodded. "Very possible, especially if they jarred the body."

"Kirk had moved Peter's body downstairs from the bedroom."

"But even in this case Peter should have been able to find his own way back and with a little searching find and rejoin his body."

Kevin paled. "The paramedics. . .We moved Peter's body out of the house. That was why Kirk was so nervous. He knew."

This explanation was taking too long for Justin. "Please, Hugh, where is Peter?"

"He's looking for his body so he can rejoin it."

Justin stood up. "We need to get his body back to Kevin's house. I'll talk to the doctors."

"No, Justin, sit down."

Justin stared in disbelief at Hugh.

"That wouldn't work. The doctors won't allow it. We'll have to bring Peter to his body."

Justin sat back down. "You can do that?"

Hugh patted Justin's shoulder. "WE can do that, Chris, Lance, JC and I. We'll find him, Justin. Trust me."

"But what if you can't? What if Peter doesn't rejoin his body?"

"He will." Hugh stressed.

"Please, let me know the worst."

Hugh sighed. "Being away from his body Peter's memories will slowly fade. If he doesn't find his body Peter will forget all about his life and his energy will go where all energy goes at the end."

Justin looked down. "He'll die."

"The doctor's can keep his body alive but. . ." Hugh paused. "But that is not going to happen. I will not let that happen."

Justin looked up and managed a smile. He nodded. "When do we start?"

"Tonight, after it gets dark."

Justin looked a little panicked. "Why not now? Right away?"

"Too much general public brain activity. It will be easier at night."

"But if Peter is losing his memory?"

"Justin, your love for each other is strong. That will hold Peter here beyond all else. Trust me."

Justin nodded.

The news camera showed the people with signs. "God hates fags." "Matthew burns in Hell." "Sodomite singers end up in Hell."

A reporter came on screen. "This is the scene in front of the house shared by JC Chasez and Lance Bass. The Reverend Fred Phelps group has been protesting here most of the day since JC and Lance made it public that they were gay and a couple."

The camera cut to show people arguing with the protesters.

"Neighbors have been very vocal against the protesters but there have been no physical confrontations. But the group has gotten some strange support.

The camera panned to show a canopy over the protesters and a small catering van handing out drinks and snacks.

A protester was being interview. "We are very surprise. This has never happened before but we think it is wonderful. Surely God is smiling on us."

"What exactly happened?" The reporter asked.

The protester pointed. "That van showed up and two guys set up this canopy. Then they said that they had food and water if we wanted it, free of charge. It was all supplied by an anonymous benefactor. It shows there are people of God here in Orlando."

The camera cut to a neighbor. "I don't know how someone could support such hateful people like these. I can't think of anyone in the neighborhood that would do it."

They cut to another neighbor. "I'll just be glad when they're gone and we can get back to our normal lives."

"Normal with two gay men living here?" asked the reporter.

"JC and Lance have been wonderful neighbors. So now we know their gay, big deal. I'd rather have them as neighbors," the woman glanced over her shoulder at the protesters, "then some people I could mention."

The reported was back in front of the camera. "So someone has given these protesters shade and refreshments. Who is this person or persons are who support Fred Phelps and his cause? We do not . . . What? Something is happening."

A car drove up and two women got out. They went up to the men by the catering van.

"Everything going okay?"

"Yes, Mrs. . ."

She raised her hand before he said her last name.

"Will we be needed tomorrow?"

The woman raised her voice. "Any day that there are people protesting here I want that canopy put up to protect them from the sun or rain and there will be free food and drink to refresh themselves."

A neighbor pushed forward. "Why are you doing this? They hate. . ."

Again the woman raised her hand and cut the neighbor off. "They have a right to express their views," she replied.

"I don't believe this." The neighbor turned away.

A protester walked up to the two women. "God bless you for being so kind. The shade and the refreshment are truly blessings. We have never been treated so well. You two are indeed charitable people."

"Oh, we didn't pay for this. We're just making sure everything is going well while your benefactors are busy."

"May we know who these benefactors are? They must be good Christian people to treat us so well."

The two women smiled. "They are."

"Please, who do have to thank for such hospitality?"

"It was my son's idea."

"Really, you must be so proud. You have raised him well."

"Thank you. I wasn't always so proud of him but I am now."

"Such young people give us hope for the future."

"I quite agree although I'm sure you won't."

"But I just said. . ."

The woman raised her hand again. "I am Mrs. Chasez. My son lives in that house over there."

"With my son, Lance," Mrs. Bass said proudly. "You have been enjoying their Christian hospitality." Lance's mother stressed the last two words.

The people who had been drinking and eating spat out what was in their mouths. Cans and half eaten snacks started to be thrown to the ground.

"Hey!" The man from the catering van thumped the trash can. "Littering."

The food and cans were begrudgingly picked up and thrown away.

"Excuse me," The reporter moved in. "Are you saying JC and Lance gave shade and food to the very people that are protesting them?"

JC's mother nodded at the protesters. "Like they said, we taught them well. I know I wouldn't have done this."

"Do you mean like love your enemies?" asked the reporter.

JC's mother nodded. "Something like that. Excuse us."

They walked back to the car. Lance's mother looked back at the protesters.

"Maybe we'll see you tomorrow." They got in the car and drove away.

The reporter turned to the camera. "Well, you've seen it for yourself. Now back to the studio."

Chris turned off the TV. "Kick ass!"

"That was a great idea, JC." Joey added.

"I just wish we were there in person." JC said.

"But that was more of a surprise." Lance replied.

Joey hand thudded on the couch. "It just sucks that you have to put up with those ass. . ."

"Joey," JC warned.

"People," Joey continued, "while all this stuff with Peter is going on."

Hugh came downstairs.

"Justin is asleep."

Chris looked at his watch. "At two o'clock in the afternoon. How did you do that?"

Hugh saw Lance and JC exchange a glance. He smiled. "Simple hypnotism." He shook his finger at Lance and JC. "You should be shamed of what you two were thinking." Hugh sat down.

Chris sat forward. "So what's the plan?"

Hugh sat back. "Lance, I want you to take Justin's home. JC you are to keep watch at Kevin's. Justin will spend the night in Peter's room. That's the most logical spot for Peter to come back to especially if his memory is getting weak. I will be at Chris's home but out searching on my own."

Lance was thinking. "But Justin can't project. If Peter makes contact.. ."

"That's where Chris comes in. Justin will have his cell phone. If he senses anything he'll hit Chris's speed dial number. Then Chris can project and find me."

Lance looked puzzled. "But how can Chris find you if you are off projecting?"

"The connecting cord, Lance, I just have to follow it."

"Follow it carefully, Chris. We don't want this to happen again."

"I will, Lance."

Hugh slapped his hands together. "We have one chance at this but we have all the bases covered. It should work."

Lance paled. "One chance? I thought that maybe even tomorrow. . ."

"Sorry, Lance." Hugh replied. "I doubt if even Peter can last that long without his body. But don't worry. He'll be back to his own self tomorrow."

Joey looked dejected. "Everybody is doing something but me."

"Just think about Peter. All positive auras will help. And that goes for all of you. I stressed this to Justin, think positive. Peter is just out for a while and we will bring him back. If Peter senses that you think he is lost he will believe it and give up looking for his body. Approach this night with an aura of love, caring and support and we will succeed."

Joey brightened. "I could wait at the hospital just in case Peter finds his own way back."

Hugh smiled. "That's a very good idea."

Joey shrugged. "I know it's a long shot but I want to do something."

Hugh looked from one to another. "With so many good friends Peter is bound to be close by. This will work."

They all silently prayed that Hugh was right.

Justin felt strange lying on Peter's bed alone. The irony wasn't lost on him either. How often had he lain on his own bed waiting for Peter to connect with him? Now that connection wasn't just a way to get off together it was vital for Peter's very existence. If this didn't work. . .

No, Justin fought down the thought. Think positive. They would find Peter. If only he could call out to him. Why not? They had felt each other even after the connection. Justin tried to imagine his thoughts floating out away from him. He concentrated on Peter, are you there?' and Peter, I am waiting come to me'.

The hours dragged by. Even with his nap he began to feel tired. Who would have thought just mental activity was tiring?

It was a few hours until dawn when Justin felt something. Like a soft voice saying `excuse me'. Justin became all attention. His nerves and his mind searched for anything. Then Justin thought that maybe he was too intense. He relaxed, waiting. His heart was beating wildly. Then it came again.

"Excuse me."

"Peter? Is that you?"

"I don't remember who I am or rather who I was. But I believe I loved you."

"Yes, Peter, you did, do love me. I love you, too." Justin fumbled through the sheets trying to find his cell phone. Damn, it where did it go?

"I wanted you to know that I do still love you."

Finally Justin found the phone. He felt the buttons and pressed them. He hoped they were the right ones. It was too dark to see.

"Please, touch me," thought Justin. "You'll feel I love you, too."

"I can't do that. Even this isn't really allowed but I felt I had to. I must be going soon."

"Peter, wait. Please."

"It is my time. I must go."

"No!" Justin relaxed. He changed tack. "You promised you'd be always there for me."

"I did?"

"Yes. Please, stay just for a few minutes." Hurry, Chris!

"I. . . can't. It's time to go."

Then Justin remembered. "I know where your body is."


"I know where your body is. That's what you have been searching for, right? Stay just a while longer. People are coming to bring you back to your body."

"My body?"


"I've been out of my body?"

"Yes. Please, remember."

"No, it is time. I must go."

"Stay with me."

"I can't. It is time. I wanted you to know that I still love you."

Justin felt the sensation fading.


Justin tried to push out with his mind. Then he felt it a tinge of love. He had made a brief contact.

"Peter, wait."

That contact too faded.

"Take me with you!"

The fading stopped.

"With me? But it's not your time."

"It's not yours either, trust me."

"I must go. I can't wait any longer."

Justin's mind stretched out trying to keep contact. Then there was a feeling of something holding Justin back. Justin was desperate not to lose the connection. He pushed forward again. There was a feeling of straining.

"Peter, stay with me!"

The restraint gave. It wasn't a snap. It was a release.

Justin was surprised as the room came into view. But he hadn't opened his eyes. He looked quickly around. Justin was amazed by the sight of himself still lying in bed. Was this projecting?

He had no time to think about it. The connection was drifting off. He turned to see an object made up of dim swirling lights floating away from him. He pursued.

"Peter, wait."

"Go back. You can't follow me." The Shape headed off even faster. Justin couldn't keep up.

"Peter, wait!"

Then Justin saw two more Shapes rapidly approaching the Shape in front of him. They caught up with it and the three of them began to glow. Justin heard a jumble of three voices. Then one approached Justin. It was strange but Justin just knew it was Hugh.

"Well done. We'll take it from here. Go back, Justin. You should be at the hospital."

Justin watched as Chris, Hugh and Peter floated off. Justin was relieved to see that Peter was glowing brighter now. He turned and headed for home which was farther off than he had thought.

Justin hovered over his body. He felt himself begin to breath and the pulse of his blood. Justin opened his eyes. He was back and he had done it! There was time to think about it later. He had to get to the hospital.

As Justin hurried down the hallway trying not to run he was met by Joey.

"How did you know? The nurse just informed me. The monitors are picking up mental activity."

Justin grabbed Joey's shoulders and grinned.

"You found him?"

Justin just put his arm around Joey and they headed for Peter's room. At the door Joey stopped.

"Just you."

Justin nodded. He took a deep breath and pushed open the door.

The first thing he noticed was the beeping of the monitors. It was louder and faster than before. Justin went to the bed and took Peter's hand. Peter didn't look as pale as he had earlier.

Justin waited.

It seemed like an eternity but it was only a few minutes. Peter's eyes slowly opened. When he saw Justin Peter blushed.

"My love."

"Yes," Justin said with a tear running down his cheek. "I'm here."

Peter's hand clasped Justin's. "I'm sorry."

Justin smiled. "We HAVE to stop meeting like this."

They both chuckled.

"I missed you just. . . just. . ." Peter stammered.


Peter shook his head. "Just awful," He managed to get out.

They laughed again.

Peter reached up and brushed a tear from Justin's cheek. "I thought I was the crier."

"Fuck you, I can cry if I want to." Justin couldn't hold back any longer. He took Peter into his arms. "Damn, you had me scared." They held onto each other for a long time. Justin finally pulled back.

Peter suddenly looked surprised. "Justin, you projected!"

"Yep," Justin smiled. "We share that now."

Peter kissed Justin's hand. "I'm glad."

Justin looked serious. "But I have to tell you something."

Peter looked worried.

"When it comes to interpreting your dreams," Justin paused. "You are really shit at it!"

They laughed again. A nurse came in.

"The patient is awake I see."

"Yes." Peter turned back to see Justin's impish grin and a twinkle in his eye.

"Peter, I love you." Then Justin leaned down and gave Peter a passionate kiss.

The nurse shifted nervously.

Justin stood up. "And I will stop trying to sidestep it. Okay?"

Peter grinned. "Suits me fine."

"This is stupid."

Justin helped Peter undress. "Doctor's orders."

"I spend 24 hours unconscious and he orders bed rest. What does he think I was doing?"

"Think of it was more mental rest than body rest. You've been through a lot."

"But I barely got to talk to Hugh."

Justin pulled down the covers. "You can tomorrow. He'll be around to explain things."

"Like what?"

"Like the reason that dream you had about me didn't make sense. The dream didn't come from you. Now into bed."

"Not from me?" Peter slapped his forehead. "Kirk! He was at it again."

Justin helped Peter into bed. "Leave it until tomorrow."

"But I'm not tired." Peter got into bed.

"Tough." Justin pulled the sheets up. "I suppose its pointless asking you to never Astral Project again."

"If you give up singing."

"I thought so." Justin frowned.

"It was an accident. No, it was intentional, Justin. It's not like that normally."

"I suppose."

"Tell you what, let me project just once more time and after that if you want me to stop I will." Peter patted the bed next to him. "Get undressed."

"Now? With me?"

"Trust me."

They floated around the house for awhile. Justin didn't want to get too close to JC and Lance as they sat in the living room just in case they could feel their presence. After a few minutes they returned to the bedroom.

"Now." Peter floated closer to Justin. He almost hesitated. If there was any doubt in Justin's mind about their love Peter would find out. No, he'd just let Justin feel his love. If Justin wanted to open up Peter would leave that to him. Peter reached out and touched Justin.

Justin watched Peter glow a beautiful blue. Then he was looking up at himself. This must be how Peter saw him. He heard Peter's voice. "Justin, I love you." This time Justin felt the emotions behind those words, the fear, the uncertainty but most of all the love. Then came a collage of his face and body all from Peter's point of view. Each time Justin felt a rush of emotion. So this is what Peter was feeling about him.

"Can you feel it, Justin? Can you feel my love?"

"It is wonderful. I mean I knew you loved me, but this is so 'wow'!"

Justin could feel Peter standing close waiting. Justin opened up his feelings. He welcomed Peter in.

Peter at first felt anger and helpless then he saw himself sitting in a dressing room with his head down and the others huddled around him. It was just after Bill's assault. Peter felt Justin was beginning to care for him. The scene switched. They were having sex. Peter was looking down onto his own face tears running down his cheeks. He heard himself say, "I never thought this would ever happen to me." There was a pulse of emotion. In the vision they kissed. Justin had had first glimmer of love for Peter.

Memories poured between them. They were having sex. They were just laughing. They all played back but this time they both felt each other's emotions. There was no doubt anymore between them. They each felt the deep love that had developed between them. Soon they were glowing in the bright blue glow that showed love.

After a bit they parted and rejoined their bodies. Justin first felt his breathing, then the pulse of blood in his veins. Then suddenly there came a great blast of pleasure. It caught Justin totally off guard. He never expected such a surge of pure joy. He realized that he was cumming but how? The waves passed. Justin tried to catch his breath.

"What the fuck was that?" Justin panted.

Peter grabbed a tissue and cleaned the cum from Justin's stomach. "That was your body reacting to the intense love that we both felt. Sort of an Astral Orgasm."

Justin smiled at Peter. "Now I know why you were so keen to get me to project."

"But I didn't know what it would feel like. Lance just said they had just `gooed' on themselves." Peter cuddled close. "But I do feel so good."

Justin ran a finger across Peter's chin. "Can I make you feel even better?"

Peter looked surprised. "Even after that?"

"Especially after that. We just shared emotions. I want to add something to that."

Peter grinned. He kissed Justin.

Shear joy and pleasure shot through Peter's body like electricity. He didn't want to take his eyes off of Justin's face. Peter pulled Justin to him so they could kiss and frequently. Peter was in pure bliss. Justin's cock seemed to be filling Peter up so completely and Peter loved every moment.

Justin thrust slow and long. He wanted Peter to feel every inch of his cock. It was what connected them. Plus the feeling of Justin's cock sliding deep into Peter was sending thrills through Justin. This was more than sex. This was love.

Justin lay down close to Peter. They could feel the heat from each other's body against their skin. Justin felt Peter's hand caressing his back and arms. They couldn't look away from each other. Justin watched the blush of pleasure on Peter's face as his cock sank in. Peter saw Justin's mouth part slightly as Peter tightened his ass muscles around Justin`s cock.

Between the panting and the kissing, they said nothing. What needed to be said? After what they had just experienced words were useless. This physical act was the only response they wanted and needed.

Peter's moaning was getting faster. Justin not only sensed but knew Peter was getting close. He pulled out of Peter.

Peter looked up surprised but then saw Justin reach for a condom. Justin opened it and unrolled onto Peter's cock. Justin then lubed himself up and straddled Peter.

How many times had they done this before but this time each of them let out a long very contented moan of pleasure.

Now for the first time in day Justin felt they were safe. The two of them were together and Peter was deep inside of Justin. As he bounced on Peter's cock Justin looked down into Peter's face. Justin knew Peter felt it, too.

Justin threw his head back and just let himself thoroughly enjoy being fucked by his lover. He tried to bounce higher until Peter's cock was almost completely out of him them it would plunge back deeply into Justin.

Peter lay there watching Justin enjoy the bliss which only fired Peter up more. His eyes took in Justin, his face, his toned and tight chest, his brown erect nipples, and his smooth tanned skin. Justin's hard cock slapped against Peter's stomach as Justin bounced. Peter took it into his hand and stroked it.

Justin gasped.

Being so connected they each felt the stirrings within them at the same time. Justin looked down at Peter. Peter nodded. Justin began to bounce faster. Peter's one free hand played and rubbed Justin's nipples first one then the other.

It was time. Justin leaned forward and Peter wrapped his arms around him. Peter thrust with his hips matching Justin's rhythm. They both felt the build up. Their eyes locked. Justin silently asked the question.

Peter nodded as he felt the start of the rush.

Their bodies tensed. Their mouths fell open. With two moans almost in harmony they both came at the same time.

Peter pulled Justin close as his cock shot off inside Justin. He could feel Justin's hot cum splatter on his stomach. The two of them shook and trembled as a climax like they had never before surged through them. Slowly the surge of pleasure passed and they kissed and kissed and kissed.

After sometime Justin rolled off of Peter. Peter discarded the condom and laid back. Justin nestled close. Then Justin changed his mind. After all that had happened he wanted to hold onto Peter. Justin moved onto his back and patted his chest. Peter laid his head on Justin. Justin's arm closed around Peter holding him close.

Peter sighed happily. "So?"


"About the astral projection? Am I allowed?"

"Shit yeah. Just let me come with (so to speak) you at times."

"You got it, lover."

Justin kissed Peter's forehead.

They both felt it. The worst was over.

"Lance, is the hall light on?"

"No, why?"

JC rubbed his eyes. "Nothing, I just thought I saw a light on."

Lance twisted around from JC's lap to look toward the stairs. He smiled. "Well, finally." Lance lay back. "Peter and Justin have connected."

"But Peter is supposed to be resting."

"He will be soon on a cloud probably."

"Well, that crisis is over."

"Hugh thinks it maybe for good as far as Peter and Justin are concerned."

"Did he say why?"

"Nope, just that he'll explain tomorrow."

JC ran his fingers through Lance's hair. "Did you ask about us?"

"I didn't think I had to. Didn't you notice? There were no protesters out front yesterday."

"I guess our Christian Charity scared them away."

"I was so proud when you came up with that idea."

"Now I have another."

"Why the protesters are gone?"

"They could come back."

Lance sighed happily. "I don't really care."

"Exactly, I think it is time to cut our mothers loose."

Lance looked surprised. "You mean. . .?"

"We've seen some of the aftermath. It hasn't been that bad. Besides it's been long enough. I think we should finally set the date."

"Oh, JC," Lance moved up and kissed JC. "Our moms will be so excited."

JC glared at Lance.

Lance gave JC a quick kiss. "Okay, I am too." He lay back.

"Good. Do you want to go upstairs?"

"No yet. I'm enjoying myself. This is so relaxing."

JC reached over and switched the lamp light dimmer. He kept running his fingers through Lance's hair.

"Now it is relaxing and romantic."

They sat in silence for awhile. Lance sighed again.

"What do you think Hugh will say tomorrow?"

"Lance, do something against character and stop thinking about it."

Lance stuck his tongue out at JC.

JC chuckled. "Save that for later."

Lance lay in silence for a bit.

"I love you, Josh."

"And I love you, my beautiful Lance."

The minutes passed with them just enjoying a quiet time together. For a change.

End part 43

Okay, all you worriers out there, do you trust me now? Do you see where I was going at the end of the last part? It was a red herring. Is the scaffolding being torn down?

Are you Justin fans finally happy that Justin has learned to project? I had it planned but I had to get there. I wanted to make it a dramatic scene not just that he learned. Anyway, there you go. Any opinions I'd love to hear from you

It's time to start writing the next part. You people read so dang fast!

Next: Chapter 44

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