Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Nov 20, 2003


Here it is at long last Part 45.

Thanks to all of you who have E-mailed me. I greatly appreciate it. It helps grease the wheels. Anyhooo on to the necessaries.

The Answer is: The Question is:

Complete fiction. What this story is? Correct! Not to this author's knowledge. Is NSYNC gay? Right, again. Definitely NOT! Is this detailing real life?

Yes, so if you are underage or Is there going to be gay sex? Offended by Gay sex Stop Reading!

KEEP READING! How do I get passed this lame idea

and get to the story? Winner! (See note)

Note: Sorry, the announcer embezzled the cash prizes, we have no home game, the Turtles Union is protesting the car wax manufacturers, mice ate the rice and the producer is using the encyclopedia to look up dirty words. So you're stuck with just reading the story.

As they got out of the car Lance turned to JC.

"I think we should just tell them that we have thought about it long and hard and we have decided that there will be no wedding."

"Are you sure about this, Lance? It seems a little mean just to blurt it out like that."

"I'm mean? We agreed on this together remember."

JC sighed, "I know. It's just they have worked so hard. It will be a shock to them."

"I know. We have to stay serious and say the wedding's been canceled."

JC looked down. "If you say so."

"Are you having second thoughts?"


"Why? We've decided."

"Because it is not going to be funny. It is more likely we will end up at the emergency room for the third time this week. Besides this is our mothers not the guys we're pulling this on."

Lance stopped and thought for a moment.

"Okay, can the joke. You're right. My mother would have a heart attack if we cancelled the wedding now even in fun."

JC put his hand on Lance's shoulder. "That is a dutiful caring son."

As JC and Lance entered the house they met Lance's father.

"Where are they?" asked Lance.

"Where else?" He pointed with his thumb over his shoulder, "In the Wedding Planner's Room. It used to be called a den."

"They seem to be doing quite the research." JC added.

Lance's father pointed to a pile of magazines and pamphlets. "Those are just this week's arrivals."

"Well, it will soon be over. We going to set the date."

Lance's father threw his hands in the air. "Hallelujah! It will take three years to recycle all these magazines alone. And it will be nice to have your mother back to normal."

"Has it been that bad?" Lance asked.

"I haven't set a foot in that room in a month."

Lance frowned, "I thought Mom would ask for your opinion."

His father put his hand on Lance's shoulder. "Lance, son, you wouldn't know this but when a wife asks for her husband's opinion it is only to see if he agrees with her thus confirming her opinion. If he disagrees with her she will go ahead with what she has decided anyway."

"I can't believe Mom is that way."

"Who is the one who was opposed to you joining NSYNC and had to be convinced by Justin's mother?"

Lance looked down, "Mom."

"Case closed. Plus you must remember there are two wives in that room. The effect has been doubled."

JC chuckled. "Now my mother can't be that bad."

JC's mother walked into the room. "Hello, dear," She gave JC a quick kiss on the cheek and turned to Lance's father. "Is the mail in?"

Lance's father pointed.

"Good," She flipped through the letters. "Great, here is that flyer from Ray's Formal Shoppe." She waved it at JC. "They quoted a good price if we go with both the wedding party's dresses and tuxes from them."

Lance shot JC a worried look.

JC shifted nervously. "About that, Mom. . ."

"Don't worry, Honey," She patted JC's cheek. "We have it all under control." She left the room.

Lance's father smirked at them.

JC straightened up. "Come on, Lance, time to tell them the truth."

Lance nodded firmly. "Right."

JC hesitated then stepped aside. "You go first."

"JC," Lance glared at him.

"It is your house."

"Your mother is in there, too. What are you a man or a mouse?"

JC opened his mouth.

Lance answered for him. "That's right you're both. You've been a mouseketeer."

JC shook off his nervousness. He took on a brave air. "It's time to jump into the deep end. It is either NSYNC or swim."

"Oh, get in there." Lance pushed JC through the door.

"My, my, if it isn't the happy couple. Lance, you look well."

"Hi, Mom," Lance said softly staring about the room in disbelief. There were magazines and advertisements piled everywhere.

"So what is the news?" JC's mother asked not looking up from what she was writing. "You two being here together must mean something."

Lance nudged JC.

"Ah, it's about the wedding. I mean there are no more questions about setting the date. It's all over."

JC's mother's head snapped around. "What? It's over? No wedding?" There was an edge to her voice.

"You didn't have a silly argument, did you?" asked Lance's mother.

JC waved his hands. "No, no, nothing like that. It's just that we feel it's time to set the date."

"Thank God!" JC's mother said. She turned to Lance's mother. "Check your calendar, will you?"

They both had a calendar and began flipping through them.

"Well, with the caterer and band I'd say three weeks at the latest."

JC's mother checked. "I have two weeks if they will settle on a DJ and not a band. That is assuming the clothes alterations are not too major." She smiled at her son. "Is that all right?"

"Two to three weeks for the wedding?!" JC snapped. "But there is so much to plan!"

"Oh, nonsense," Lance's mother smiled. "Almost all of it is planned already."

"What? You were only to plan the party afterwards."

Lance's mother shook her head. "But we wanted the flowers to match. So naturally we had to decide what would be used during the service."

"Plus the decor," JC's mother added. "That had to match as well. Then naturally came the attire of the wedding party. You wouldn`t want it to clash with the service or the party."

"It was just a domino effect. Everything led to the other so we had to plan them too." Lance's mother smiled at JC. "Everything has to be just right for your wedding."

Lance was angry. "Our wedding? You mean yours!"

"Lance, sweetie, calm down."

"I will not, Mother! Do JC and I have any say in this?"

Lance's mother smiled, "Of course you do. It is your day. It's not like we planned every last detail."

Lance turned his back, "And JC and I will be wearing. . .?

"White tuxes with pink ruffled shirts and a rose in your lapels."

Lance spun around. "Ah-ha! You do have everything planned!"

JC's mother sat up indignantly. "We most certainly do not."

Lance turned to her. "You didn't pick even one piece of music?"

She shook her head.

Lance picked up a CD from the table. "Famous Wedding Music?"

JC's mother plucked it out of Lance's hand. "Just for inspiration."

"No altar arrangements? Not even a little bit of our vows?"

Lance's mother blushed. "Lance, please."

"And you would never dream of choosing who would be in the wedding party?"

Neither mother said anything.

Lance sighed. "JC, it's our fault. We gave them free rein and they have run away with things. They've walked all over us."

"Lance, how dare you say such thing." Lance's mother said.

"Did you ever ask our opinion once?"

"You were busy. Besides none of this is etched in stone it can be changed."

"Good." JC said with feeling.

"What do you mean 'good'?" JC's mother's face paled.

"Because it is not going to be your regular ceremony. We want something still formal but more fun."

"Fun?" JC's mother snapped. "Fun? How can a wedding be fun? That's what the reception is for."

"Mom, please, Lance and I have discussed this thoroughly."

"And you never talked to us?"

Lance frowned. "JC, it seems we are just as guilty of no communication."

"Well, now is the time." JC gestured to the chairs and he and Lance sat down. "Okay, first the major change. There will be no wedding party."

Their mothers looked shocked.

"JC, no. What will Heather and Kyle say? They're looking so forward to being in the wedding."

JC had an edge to his voice. "I didn't ask them."

"And Lance, what about Stacey?"

"Mom, Stacey has had her own wedding."

"But still they are family."

JC raised his hands in a calming gesture. "They are still going to play a part in the ceremony. They just won't be standing up front the whole time."

"I suppose the guys will be there." JC's mom sneered.

"Nope." JC answered. "Again they will have a part of the ceremony but only Lance and I will be up front the whole time."

Lance's mother frowned. "Have you told the guys yet? I bet they will be disappointed."

Lance answered. "They were. Especially Chris, he wanted to be a bride's maid so bad."

The mothers laughed in spite of themselves.

Lance's mother shook her head. "That Chris."

JC's mother glared at him. "Do we at least get to give you away?"

JC was puzzled. "I thought that was only for females."

JC's mother shrugged. "We just thought in this case since it will be our two sons."

JC thought for a bit. "Yes, Mom, you can give us away."

Lance gave JC a puzzled look.

"Sorry, Lance, I just had the thought. But instead of just the parents giving us away what about the whole family doing it?" JC could see everyone thinking about it. He continued. "Lance and I will come down the aisle one at a time. When I get to the front I'll start with a hug from Kyle then he will move me to Heather then she will move me to you," There was a glare from JC's mother," Or Dad and then you before I go up front. Lance will do the same thing with his family. Then Lance and I will do the rest of the ceremony together."

"And the guys?"

"They'll be in there somewhere."

JC's mother thought for a bit. "Well, that could be very moving. I suppose we could lose the wedding party."

JC cleared his throat. "Ahem!"

"Okay, they're gone." JC's mother sighed. "This is your ceremony after all."

JC relaxed. "Thank you."

Lance's mother smiled. "That means we can push the date up. We don't have worry about people getting fitted."

"Nobody's pushing anything. There are other considerations."

"More changes?" JC's mother seemed appalled.

JC tried to calm the situation. "We'll see. Let's start with what you have in mind so far."

Lance glanced over at JC. What the diplomatist. JC caught Lance's look. He winked at Lance. Then they settled down to iron out the wedding details.

Justin's mother answered the door.

"Peter, this is a surprise. Justin's not home but come in."

"Actually I wanted to talk with you."

Justin's mother closed the door.

"Me? I am honored. It is good to see you back on your feet. Justin was very distraught. What can I do for you?"

After they had sat down Peter began.

"It has to do with what happened. I'm afraid I didn't realize what Justin went through. I think Justin deserves a little R&R."

"You mean rump riding?"

Peter blushed and looked down. "More than just that."

Justin's mother smiled at Peter's embarrassment. She patted Peter's knee. "I'm sorry, Peter. What can I do?"

"I'd like to have an evening that I dote on Justin. But I also want it to be a surprise. JC and Lance offered me the house but I think Justin wouldn't be quite as surprised if he was invited to their, our house."

"So you would like me to help set things up here?" She slapped Peter's knee. "I'd be glad to do it. Justin certainly does deserve a relaxing evening alone with you. I'll set up the whole thing candles, wine, romantic lighting everything."

"I'd be more than happy to cook."

"Nonsense, I'll take care of everything. Besides you'll need to conserve your strength." She winked.

"Thanks." Peter blushed again. "I owe you one for this."

"Don't mention it. Justin will love it."

"I hope so."

"Aren't you sure? You used to be."

Peter looked down. "Not any more. Actually, I never knew for sure. I just thought I did. Now I realize I know nothing for certain."

"And that's a bad thing? If you knew what was going to happen in life, life becomes very boring. It is the uncertainties and the surprises that give life that spark. Besides you are certain of one thing. Justin`s love for you." She squeezed Peter's shoulder. "Justin hardly left that waiting room. He wanted to be close to you and be there if you needed him."

"I did. It was Justin who saved me."

"And that is why you want this evening for Justin?"

"No, it was something else. Do you know that Britney and Justin have made up?"

"Yes, I arrived shortly after Britney."

Peter looked at the floor. "Then you know what happened when Justin saw her. That is why I`m doing this. I need to make up for what Justin went through."

"You don't need to make up for anything. You did Justin a service."

Peter met Justin's mother's eyes.

"Justin is a very sensitive person but he holds his emotions back. He feels he needs to be strong and never show weakness."

Peter nodded. "He needs to be Justin Timberlake."

"Exactly. You got him to finally let go. It was a surprise to us but a relief to him."

"Do you know he has asked me to move in with him?"

Justin's mother shook her head. "It is just a knee jerk reaction. He thinks he can protect you."

Peter chuckled. "That's exactly what I told him."

Justin's mother smiled. "We think a lot alike. I like that."

"That could be a problem having a lover who thinks like your mother."

"Not if you're Justin Timberlake. Are you thinking about it?"

"Sort of. I think it is too soon yet."

"Don't worry about us being here. We'll just use more discretion when going through Justin's side of the house."

"Justin suggested using a flag."

Justin's mother laughed. "Stopping in the middle of the heat of passion to wave a flag? That would put a damper on the whole thing." She saw Peter smiling at her. "You told him that, too?"

Peter nodded.

"Justin should do well with us around."

"You think?"

"Come on. Let me get you a cold drink."

"Mrs. Timberlake. . ."

"'Lynn' please, Peter."

They stood up. "Lynn, you are a very cool mother."

She smirked. "All I want is for Justin to be happy and he is. What's cool about not standing in his way?"

"Then you're cool about the sex."

Justin's mother smiled. "That's how I got Justin in the first place." She leaned close to Peter. "And like I told Justin, this side of the house isn't the only place that sees hot action."

"I bet Justin really needed to know that."

Justin's mother laughed. "And you too?"

Peter tried to look serious. "I try to be tolerant of the straight lifestyle even if it does seem to be," Peter shuddered. "Unnatural."

"Peter, don't ever use that word. Not even in fun. That word is only used by people who are either too uncomfortable with sex or just jealous that people are having more fun at it than them or just getting laid more than they are." She stopped. "You don't think gay sex is unnatural?"

"For you, yes. For me and Justin, no. Well, as long as there is not a zucchini involved."

"Hey, zucchinis are 100% natural. But what makes you think I haven't had a same sex experience."

Peter blushed. "I don't think I want to go there."

"Of course not, you're into boys."

Peter looked shocked and embarrassed.

Justin's mother squeezed Peter's arm. "I am so sorry, Peter. I didn't mean it that way. Justin is man now and you're not that much older. Please forgive me. It was a stupid thing to say. You are so important to Justin."

"It's okay. I know what people could think about me and Justin."

Peter felt her eyes boring into him. "Peter, excuse this but fuck what people think. What you and Justin have doesn't come around everyday. Just remember that."

"Believe me, I do. Every minute of the day," Peter smiled, "In between thanking God for Justin."

Justin's mother smiled. "Amen to that. And I am sure Justin is thankful for you, too. Now let's plan that romantic evening."

They went off into the kitchen together.

Joey was bending over with his head in the refrigerator. He pulled out a pizza box.

"When did we order from Papa Gino's?"

"Two weeks ago. We had that coupon."

"That is definitely PE." Joey dropped the box in the trash. He turned back. "What the hell?" Joey almost climbed into the refrigerator. He reemerged with a white carton. "When was the last time we had Chinese?"

Chris frowned. "I don't remember but it has been a long time."

"If that is what this is." Joey reached for the lid.

"I wouldn't open that if I were you."

Joey cracked the lid. "Oh, gross! This is way Past Edible." Suddenly Joey started coughing. "Damn!" He dropped the carton in the trash and covered his mouth with his arm. "That's gone from PE to PU. Damn, that's repulsive!"

Chris was smug. "I warned you." Chris caught a whiff. He screwed up his face. "Hurry, Joey, we need to close that trash bag before it stinks up the whole house."

"This is the last." Joey held up a plastic reusable container. He turned it around looking at it. "Any ideas what this might be?"

"You mean what it was. Don't even open it."

"But we need to wash the container."

"Trust me, Joey, it is easier just to buy new containers in this case. We could wipe out half of Orlando if you open that."

Joey shrugged. "Okay." He threw the container away. "That's it."

Chris tied off the trash bag and carried it at arms length out of the kitchen. After tossing it in the trash can he returned.

Joey was wiping out the refrigerator. "Do you really think he will do it?"

"Who? Do what?"

"Hugh, will he actually get girls to call us?"

"Of course, he will. He loves to make people happy. Are you complaining?"

"No, it just seems a little weird." Joey continued wiping for a bit. "Chris, are you careful?"

"Joey, you know I practice safe sex."

"That's not what I meant, I mean when you project."

Chris was surprised by the question. "Of course I am, Joey. Besides what happened to Peter was deliberate."

Joey shrugged. "I was just wondering."

"I could try to teach you, Joey."

Joey turned around waving his hands. "No way! I like myself just the way I am, all together and in one place." Joey relaxed a little. "It's just that I do get curious."

"About how I do it?"

"No, more like where do you go?"

Chris shrugged. "Most times to check on the family other times just anywhere."


"Walt Disney World is fun. You don't have to wait in line and you can go anywhere."

"How about bars?"

"Sort of pointless without a body."

"Stripper bars?"

"Even more pointless without a body."

Joey hung the wash cloth up. "What do you think Peter saw? I mean he was almost there."

"He didn't see anything. It was just a feeling. A feeling there was a place Peter needed to be until we caught up to him. We sort of refreshed his memory so we went off with us. It was easy then for him to rejoin with his body."

"But don't you ever think that when you project you are that much closer to the other side?"

"Not that much closer. We still have to deal with the mortal mentality. I don't get any spiritual enlightenment when I project. I just get a little closer idea of how we humans think and feel including myself."


"Joey, there's a strong force that keeps us here. We don't just up and cross over. In fact I wouldn't know how."



"I'm glad."

Chris moved next to Joey. He put his hand on Joey's shoulder. He looked into Joey's face. "I care about so many people here too much to even consider it. Okay?"

Joey playfully slugged Chris's shoulder. "I know that."

"Then come here." Chris pulled Joey into a hug. Joey wrapped his arms around Chris. Chris waited for Joey to let it out.

"I am so glad the crisis is over."

"So am I."

"But when Justin lost it I almost did too. I had to bite my lip to keep from crying."

"We all did."

Joey stood back. "I'd never thought I'd see Justin crying like that. It was almost too hard to take."

"That's because we are used to Justin hiding his emotions. When he broke down we could see the full extent of Justin's pain and seeing a friend in pain is never easy."

Joey looked at the floor. "I'm ashamed of it but I got angry at Peter for putting Justin in that position even though I knew it wasn't Peter's fault."

"Joey, we were all looking for someone to blame. It's human nature."

"I just feel like I should apologize to Peter."

Chris rolled his eyes, "Gees, Joey, there has been enough apologizing going on. It's over. Let's get on with life."

Joey smiled and nodded.

"So, did you read your write up on the website?"

"Yeah, I finally got the time. Mom and Dad read it the week it was posted and really loved it. It was a good idea of Peter's. Our families had been supportive of us all these years and it's nice to have the fans read about that."

"I take it Peter survived your parents."

"Are you kidding? You know Peter's taste in music and you know my father always has some kind of music on. We were eating dinner and this song starts just the musical intro and Peter comes in with, "I love this song." And my father just smirks at him. "You know this song?" And Peter comes back with, "Yes, Bing Crosby's 'Moonlight Becomes You'". My dad just gapes at Peter. "How, the hell did you know that?" Peter starts to tell of how he grew up with Big Band music and for the next hour Dad and Peter spout nothing but old music. They talked about 45s?"

"That type of record was big in the 50's. Remember the opening of "Happy Day's" those are 45s."

"Then what the hell are 78s?"

"They were the first records. They're big thick fragile records that spin at 78 RPM. That's what 45 and 33 means how fast they spin."

"Well, anyway, between impressing my dad with his knowledge of music Peter raved about my mother's cooking. I think after that night they are going to ask for Peter to be canonized."

"They can't. There already is a Saint Peter."

Joey chuckled. "You know it's funny, Peter was so shy and withdrawn when we first met him. Now look at him. I mean it still took a while for him to warm to my parents but soon he was chatting away like crazy."

Chris put his hand on his chest and struck a pose. "I, of course, saw his potential. That is why I brought him to us."

Joey sniffed the air. "Did that trash bag leak?" He leaned closer to Chris and sniffed again. "Oh, no, it's you. You're full of it, Chris."

"Okay, it is mainly Justin who has made Peter what he is. Having a lover does a lot for your self-esteem." Chris sighed sadly. "So I've heard."

Joey smacked Chris's chest with the back of his hand. "Until Hugh does his magic. Come on. Time to start on the bathroom."

"The bathroom, too!"

"You don't need 12 different kinds of shampoo."

"Well, you never know what a girl will want you to use to wash her hair when you're bathing together."

Joey put his hands on his hips and smirked at Chris.

"Oh, hell, all right. We can throw some away."

"Some? You can't fit two people in that tub now if you tried."

"Okay." Chris started off. "You really do know me. You're using sex to get me to clean the house."

"Why not?" Joey grinned. "It's the only way I will do it."

"Then thank God for women. This place would never be cleaned without them."

They headed off from the bathroom.

Lance arranged the cards on the table. "I've narrowed it down to these five. What do you think?"

JC looked up from the sheets of paper he was reading. "What?"

"The invitations, I've got it down to five designs."

JC put the papers down and walked to the table.

JC pointed. "That ones maybe a little too fancy, that one is seems a little too flowery but those other three aren't bad. You decide."

Lance grabbed one. "This is too flowery?"

JC shrugged, "I guess it seems awfully gay to me."

"JC, we are two men getting married, how gayer can you get?" Lance clutched the card. "Besides, I like this one."

JC kissed Lance's cheek. "Then go with that one."

"But you don't like it."

"I didn't say that. Look, you know you have better taste at these things that I do. I leave it up to your discretion."

"Don't you want any input?"

"Not if it is going to upset you."

"JC, I am not upset."

"Then why are you clutching that card so protectively."

"I am not." Lance placed it back on the table.

JC leaned down and patted the card. "I am so sorry I insulted you. You're not too gay."

"JC, be serious."

"I'm sorry Lance, but these are just invitations. When we get to the ceremony and especially afterwards I will be very serious." JC took Lance in his arms. "I'm marrying you, Lance. The rest is all window dressing to me."

"But this has to be done properly."

"Why? This isn't the usual wedding ceremony. We've said that before."

"But I want this to be special."

"Okay, pick out the card that will look the best in the scrapbooks."

Lance pushed JC away. "Forget it. Obviously you don't care."

JC put his hands up. "I'm sorry, Lance. But after all the deliberating they will still just end up being thrown away."


"Okay, except for our wedding album and our mothers' scrapbooks."

"JC, the invitations set the mood. The guests can tell what to expect."

"Then use that one for the mailing envelopes, that one for the invitation, that one for the return envelopes and that for the RSVP card. It will let our guests know that our wedding will be a little of everything."

"JC, if you can't be serious. . ."

"Oh, I can't be serious? Then I won't show you my idea."

"You thought about the invitations? Tell me."

JC turned his head away playfully pouting. "No, it's not serious enough."

"I can make it serious, show me."

"Thanks a lot."

"Please, JC. I promise I'll be good." Lance gave JC his best puppy face.

Those green eyes did it again. "Okay, here." JC reached under a pile of papers. He pulled out 6 different colored pieces of paper.

"But, JC, they don't match."

He laid 6 colors of paper on the table. "How about now?"

Lance got it. "The rainbow flag, but JC the colors are so bright."

JC rubbed his chin, "More subdued is more formal?"

"There more like birthday party colors than a wedding."

JC thought for a minute, "You know since we are having these printed. . ."

"Why don't we design them ourselves?" Lance finished excitedly. He dug through the papers. "I liked this one of the bride and groom silhouetted but they weren't two males."

JC looked at it. "That's easily fixed. But I'd like the two men to be facing each other not side by side."

"And holding hands?"

JC smiled. "Both hands."

Lance quickly made a sketch on a piece of paper. "Okay, now what?"

"Have them standing under an arbor. That way we can use your flowery design."

Lance felt like a compromise. "How about a rainbow arch around them? The service is going to be outside."

"And the flowery border can be inside around the announcement."

Lance put the makeshift card together. "What do you think?"

"Not bad. I'm not sure of the rainbow arch though."

"It's okay, we have still time."

"No thanks to our mothers."

"It was our fault for setting them on the task so early."

JC chuckled. "Weddings are a mother's dream and we left them on their own. No wonder they went overboard." JC looked at the card again. "Maybe the rainbow arch is okay."

"JC," Lance chided. "You can be serious after all."

JC gave Lance a squeeze. "I just want to keep you happy."

Lance hugged JC. "Been there, done that and I am not complaining."


They stood embracing for a while.

JC broke the silence. "I'd better get back to the guest list." He gave Lance's forehead a kiss.

"And I'll go call John to see if he knows a good graphic artist that can do invitations." Lance started to walk away.


He turned back.

"I love you."

Lance smiled. "Thank you, love." He pointed at JC. "Back attacha." Lance went to the phone.

Brian got out of the truck.

"I'll be back to pick you up at 11:30."

Brian turned to his brother Phil. "I don't know why I can't stay out later. Dad is never home before two in the morning on his "nights with the boys"."

"I'm just being safe."

Brian grinned. "I think that is my line."

Phil pointed at his younger brother. "You just keep your pecker in your pants."

"You're no fun."

Phil smiled. "See you later and don't have too much fun."

The truck drove off. Brian went into the community center.

He hadn't got far down the hall when he heard the excited voices. Brian pushed through the doors into the room where Galixy met. Everybody was grouped in the middle of the room.

"What's going on?" he asked as guy passed him.

"You wouldn't believe who just showed up out of the blue." The youth joined the growing crowd.

There was a large man standing in against the wall. He must be the bodyguard. Then Brian saw Peter approaching him.

"Peter, are you visiting?"

"Sort of, they brought me along."


"Brian! There you are."

The crowd parted. Brian's jaw dropped as he saw Lance and JC standing among his new friends.

Lance beamed. "We were wondering when you'd get here."

JC indicated the crowd of people. "We were all waiting for you."

"He really does know NSYNC." Brian heard someone say off to his left.

Brian found his voice. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

JC shrugged. "Pure spur of the moment type of deal. But we did call Phil to make sure you would be here."

Lance crossed to Brian. "So introduce us to your new friends."

Peter watched as Brian introduced Lance and JC around. He was practically glowing. If Brian had any problems making new friends this would certain push him past that. Now the kids would approach him. Peter couldn't help but feel envious.

They had a casual question and answer session then they just spent some time with the kids. JC and Lance were challenging a pair to foosball.

Peter grabbed a can of pop and then stood checking out the information spread out a table and a bulletin board. He hummed to the music playing. A young man appeared at his side. He started idly glancing at the papers on the table.

"So you know NSYNC?"

"You could say that. We're friends."

"You're lucky."

"Yes, I am."

"So, how did you get to know Brian?"

"Through his brother Phil. They are NSYNC's landscapers. Or they were."

"Taking an interest in the hired help? That's nice."

"It wasn't that."

"Well, Brian is cute."

Peter bristled. "That had nothing to do with it. Phil asked me to help his younger brother and I did. I was giving him a chance I never got."

"Okay, don't get your shorts in a bunch. I didn't mean it like that. It's just that when older guys take an interest in us young guys there sometimes is a catch, if you know what I mean." He turned to Peter. "Can we start again? My name's Ryan." Ryan held out his hand. "You're Peter, right?"

"You know me?"

"Brian doesn't shut up about you and NSYNC. Some of us thought he was just bragging. I guess we were wrong."

"In more ways than one."

"So you don't find Brian attractive?"

"I can see what guys his own age could see in him," Peter leaned to Ryan. "But I am not into chicken unless there's a Colonel and fast food involved."

"Okay, I am sorry." Ryan glanced at Brian. "I bet his older brother is a hunk."

Peter sighed. "The whole family is blessed with that. Plus working outdoors and all the physical labor doesn`t do them any harm."

"Is the father hot as well?"

Peter forced back a smile. "I don't think he'd like that coming from a gay man but yes."

Ryan stepped close to Peter. "So have you known JC and Lance for long?"

"No, not really long. We met during their tour and sort of hit up a friendship. I was they`re first gay outlet."

"I'll bet."

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing." Ryan moved closer. "So how did you know about Galixy?"

Peter felt uncomfortable with Ryan standing so near and took a step away. "I read about it in the local gay newspaper. After checking it out I knew that it was a good place for Brian to find some gay friends."

Ryan stepped closer. "It's a good place to find companionship all right."

Peter moved away again. "When did you find Galixy?"

"About three months ago. Most of the normal gay meeting spots I am not old enough to get in so it was a good place to start." Ryan moved close again. "But this is just a starting point. I have plans. I'm looking for a lover who can support me while I'm in college. Then I can support him when I get a job." Ryan looked up at Peter with a very meaningful look. "What do you think?"

"Very ambitious. I wish you success."

Ryan moved until his was almost up against Peter. "Just wishes?"

"Ryan, I have a lover."

Ryan's face fell. "Oh." He looked up smiling. "Is he younger than you?"

"That is none of your business."

Ryan pushed on. "There doesn't have to be sex."

"Ryan, I may be a friend of NSYNC but that doesn't mean I have their money."

Ryan looked down. "Oh."

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Brian walked towards them.

"Yes, Ryan was just telling me of his plans for the future."

"I see. Ryan, they're asking for you."

"Who is?"

"Find somebody."

Ryan put his hand up. "Okay, I'm going. It was nice meeting you."

Peter smiled. "Same here, Ryan. But take a little care with those plans of yours. You never will know what it might lead you into."

Ryan snorted. He gestured with his thumb at a staff member. "You're as bad as they are." He walked off.

Brian watched Ryan go. "Sorry about that."

Peter chuckled. "Hey, it's the only way I'm ever going to be a daddy."

Ryan was hovering over by JC and Lance.

"He's not going to hit on them, too?"

Brian shook his head. "He hits on anyone older than him that seems to have money."

"Well, I know their answer. We already have one gay teen under our wing. That is enough."

Brian looked up surprised. "Do you mean me?"

"If you don't mind."

Brian grinned. "Shit, no. I'm flattered." Brian turned to look at JC and Lance. "And everyone will be so jealous."

Peter was about to chide Brian when something caught Brian's eye. He turned to see Brian looking at another boy. Peter nudged Brian.

"Is he the one you have your eye on? You have good taste."

"Yeah, that's Joe. We haven't talked that much."

"There's still time."

Brian turned to Peter. "Let's dance."

Okay, topic closed. "But no one is dancing."

"They'll join once we start."

"I don't do these new dances very well."

Brian dragged Peter to an open spot in the room. "I don't care." He faced Peter.

They began dancing with Peter feeling very exposed. But soon other couples joined them. Peter relaxed.

"I can't wait until I can do this in a real gay bar."

"It's only a few years away."

Brian laughed. "It's only a day away. We're going Sunday."

"Brian, I thought we talked about this."

"Relax; the Saloon is has an "Under 21 Night" every Sunday. There is no alcohol and there will be chaperones to keep the chicken hawks at bay."

"Is that what you think I am?"

"Hell, no."

Peter smirked at Brian.

"You do have a lover right?" Brian was struck by an idea. "Is he younger than you? Sorry, that's personal."

Peter smiled. "Most people are younger than me, right?"

"Okay, when you're young like me we think so. But is he?"

"Is he what?"

"Younger than you."

"For you, Brian, I'll answer that. He's ten years younger."

Brian grinned. "I bet you love that. He must be a ball of crackling sexual energy."

"Don't worry; I take vitamins to keep my end up."

Brian burst out laughing. "I'll bet." Suddenly Brian glanced at JC and Lance. "Ten years younger? That means he's close to their. . ." Brian shook his head. "Never mind, I don't need to know."

"I appreciate it, Brian. When he's okay about it, I'll tell you."

Brian nodded knowingly. "Oh, he's still in the closet."

"He'll come out someday soon. He's getting close unlike my dancing."

"I think you dance fine."

"For an old fart."

"You are not an old fart."

Somewhere off to the side came, "Hey, look at the old guy."

Brian leaned closer. "Ignore them."

"How about if I show them?"

Peter began doing some of the moves Wade had taught he and Lance. He could hear the admiring voices. Peter began to really get into it.

"Damn, look at him go."

"That guy can move."

Then, "That's so hot!"

Peter snapped to. Was he really doing the bump and grind in front of these young people? He stopped.

Brian was grinning. "Hey, don't stop. That is awesome."

Peter felt his face going red. "Sorry, that's really not appropriate."

"We don't mind."

Brian nodded toward Peter and addressed the other youth. "What did I tell you about him? Ya got to love this guy."

Peter felt embarrassed being the center of attention. He spotted Joe standing close and decided to help matters. Peter grabbed Joe's arm and pulled him in front of Brian.

"Here, take over for me. Thanks."

Peter moved away before Brian could protest. He heard Joe say to Brian.

"You know some very cool people."


They began to dance.

Peter was catching his breath as a staff member approached him. He chuckled slightly. "And I thought JC and Lance were going to be the centerpiece tonight."

"I'm sorry. I got a little carried away. It was a dance routine I learned for my lover. It was a little racy for them."

"Nonsense, you should see how they dance with each other."

"But at least they're close to the same age."

"It's okay. Galixy is a place where young gay kids can be with kids of their own age and it is also a place to find mentors. Trust me the kids knew you were just having fun."

"You have to be so careful nowadays."

The staff member nodded. "And we are very careful."

"Despite the kids themselves?"

The staff member laughed. "You mean Ryan?"

Peter nodded.

"We are watching him very closely." The staff member touched Peter's arm and winked. "We have spies everywhere. No harm will come to him, believe me."

"So you're corrupting our youth now."

Peter spun around.

Lance and JC approached.

Lance shook his head. "I'd never of had Wade teach you those moves if I knew where you'd be showing off in front of impressionable youngsters."

JC clicked his tongue. "We are so ashamed of you, Peter."

The staff member cleared his throat and nodded to the kids dancing. Two of the girls were firmly crotch to crotch dancing to the music. A few of the guys were thrusting away with their hips although not as close.

"Peter's dance was tame compared to them."

JC sighed. "Oh, the energy of the young."

Lance nudged him. "We do all right ourselves."

JC nodded toward the writhing kids. "Come on, Lance, let's go shake our booty."

Lance took on a southern accent. "Well, I'm charmed."

They went off to dance.

The staff member watched them go. "The kids really enjoyed seeing those two tonight. What they are doing is so important."

"That's why they are doing it."

"I hope other celebrities follow their lead."

"They probably will. But don't let any of NSYNC hear you say the "C" word. They're just five guys."

"They're very incredible guys."

An image of Justin naked and thrusting away flashed into Peter's mind. "Tell me about it."

They stood there watching the dancing. Peter realized he couldn't see Brian. He spotted him at the refreshment table with Joe still at his side.

Brian looked up and saw Peter looking at him. He nodded at Joe and mouthed "Thank you."

Peter put his hand on his chest and bowed slightly.

"Doing a little matchmaking?"

Peter smiled and looked at Lance dancing with JC. "Yep, I learned it from the best."

It was a slow number. They were hold each other close. Lance sighed. "This is nice."

"Not really a gay bar but close."

"Just the age difference but it is nice having them see us together."

A boy leaned close. "You make such a cute couple."

Lance blushed. "Thank you."

"It's a pity you can't have kids. I can just imagine how good-looking they would have been."

The boy danced away.

JC waited.


"Let's wait until after we're married to worry about kids or not."

Lance almost frowned then nodded. "You're right."

"But I will say I am not totally against the idea and I know how much having a family means to you."

Lance smiled and rested his head on JC's shoulder.

"Besides I'd like to keep this adoption thing going. It went well for me."

Lance looked a little sad. "It's just too bad your real parents never got to see how great you turned out."

"Please don't think of that, Lance. I was raised by my parents. Besides they were hard enough to come out to. I'm glad I didn't have to do it twice over."

Lance chuckled. "Hi, I am the son you gave up and here is the man I married."

JC gave Lance a squeeze. "What do I need another set of parents for now anyway? I have you. That's all I need and want."

"Okay, case closed."

They continued dancing.

Later the kids were going through the music for a karaoke machine.

"This is all old rubbish."

"There is nothing the least bit new in here."

"What do you expect?" A staff person said. "It was donated."

"They wanted to get dump it off on us is more like."

"Or torture us gays with cheesy music."

The staff person crossed her arms. "Well, if you don't want it we can get rid of it."

"No, that's okay but," The boy held up some tapes. "Lionel Richie, Paul Simon and Barry Manilow? You're talking ancient history here."

Peter stepped forward. "There is nothing wrong with Barry Manilow." He caught the looks. "And it's not that I am reminiscing. His songs are better than therapy. Plus he wrote a song that I really could relate to being gay."

"Every one of his songs is gay."

Peter looked around. "Did you know he's still touring and woman are still screaming and crying during his show? He's every female`s, well, hetero female's wish, a sensitive caring man."

"Okay, enough of the pep talk. Get to the song."

Peter was handed the tape.

"Yes, it's on here. Could someone help? Technology you know."

A kid took it from Peter and slid it into the machine.

"Number 14, please."

The boy pressed the button, handed Peter the mike and stood back.

The intro started.

"Oh, crap, it's a ballad."

"Most of his songs were ballads. What did you expect?"

"Sh," The staff member hushed them.

Peter was a little nervous so he thought he'd break the tension.

"I will now render this song in every meaning of that word."

The intro ended and Peter started:

"All the time I thought there's only me.

Crazy in a way that no one else could be.

I would have given everything I own

If someone would have said, "You're not alone."

All the time I thought that I was wrong.

Wanting to be me but needing to belong.

If I had just believed in all I had

If someone would have said "You're not so bad."

All the time. All the wasted time.

All the years waiting for a sign.

To think I had it all, all the time.

All the time I thought there's only me.

Crazy in a way that no one else could be.

I can't believe that you were somewhere too

Thinking all the time there's only you.

All the time. All the wasted time.

All the years waiting for a sign.

To think we had it all, all the time."

When the last chord sounded Peter shrugged. "At least it was short."

"It was beautiful." Someone said.

"God, can I relate to that song."

"I always felt so alone like I was the only one who was gay."

Peter smiled. "But now through this place you have found each other."

Brian approached Peter. "With your help," Brian gave Peter a hug. "Thank you." He hesitated then gave Peter a quick kiss.

Peter's face went red.

Brian grinned. "My first male kiss. I think I'm going to like loving men."

"Okay," one of the kids held up his hands. "I stand corrected. I did like that song but could we liven it up a bit. We're supposed to having fun."

JC and Lance joined Peter.

JC nudged Peter. "Anything with a good beat on this thing?"

Peter grinned. He pressed a button like he saw the boy do. The boogie woogie music started.

Lance peered at the screen. "Jump Shout Boogie? I don't know the words."

"Its karaoke, Lance." JC chided. "Read them."

The three of them began moving to the music and went into the song. Soon everyone was dancing to the music.

When they got to 'Jump, shout, knock yourself out' they jumped up and then Peter smacked his head with his hand and dropped to the floor. The next time JC did the same thing. Pretty soon they were trying different ways to "knock themselves out'. On one chorus Peter gestured and pretended to smacked JC in the head with the mike then the next chorus JC pretended to head butt Peter. Luckily the song ended before things got out too of hand.

They stayed for a few more hours then it was time to leave for home.

JC waved goodbye to bodyguard.

"I thought they always traveled in the same car?" Peter said.

"Sometimes, but we didn't expect a crowd so it was easier for us to meet him here. Besides it might have been a tight squeeze in a jeep."

JC turned his car out of the parking lot. "Well, Brian surely enjoyed that."

"Why single out Brian? Everyone enjoyed themselves."

Lance sighed. "Seeing the reactions of those kids really makes coming out worth it. And it was fun getting to dance with JC in public."

"You should have seen everyone watching you. You were quite the couple."

Lance looked up idly. "People were looking? I didn't notice."

Peter chuckled. "I know you only had eyes for JC but I am assuming you heard them when they talked to you."

Lance smirked. "Yes, we did."

"Good. You made a big impression on the kids."

Lance looked over his shoulder at Peter. "You'll have your chance once Justin comes out."

"If I may, please try not to bring up the subject around Justin at least for the next few days."

"Why does it matter now?" JC asked.

"Because of what happened to me, Justin is in super protective mood. He's even pressing me to move in with him."

"So what's bad about that?"

"I just feel it's too soon."

JC caught Peter in the rear view mirror. "You will move in eventually won't you?"

"I'd do it in a heartbeat but I want Justin to feel comfortable about people knowing we're living together. I don't want him to be forced into this."

Lance said. "I don't what the big deal is."

"It's simple," JC began. "If they wait until Justin is ready to face the responsibility of living together if something goes wrong with his coming out no one can place the blame on being premature in that decision."

"In English, JC," Lance said.

"If Justin isn't totally for this he may resent being pushed into it later down the road."

JC nodded. "Precisely."

Lance sneered. "I can't believe Justin would do that."

Peter replied. "I'm not saying Justin would either. I'm just trying to eliminate the possibility."

Lance crossed his arms. "You're exaggerating things."

"What? That coming from you, Mr. Worry Wart?" JC teased.

"Because I have complete trust in the two people involved."

"Lance, I trust Justin. It's the public's response I am not sure of. You know how important his fans are to Justin. If he ever thought he was letting them down."

"Oh, bull." Lance snapped. "Justin's love for you is stronger than his love of his fans."

"Then why did we wait so long before we come out?" JC added.

Lance slumped back in his seat pouting. "Okay, point taken." He looked out the car window. "This isn't the way home."

"We are making a stop first."


Peter answered, "I asked him to."

"Again, why?"

"I made a call before we left Galixy. I'm planning a surprise for Justin."

"I thought that was coming later."

"This is just to put Justin off his guard."

Lance just shrugged. "Whatever."

Justin followed Peter's voice and soon he was floating above his bed.

Peter asked. "Are you ready for you first trip into the big world?"

"Can't we just walk into a gay bar?"

"You want those rumors to start?"

"Lance and JC are out. I'm just going along for the ride."

"You'd be with three gay men, you know. That could look like pretty large odds."

"We could. . ." Justin stopped. "No, I can't see Joey or Chris going to a gay bar."

"Maybe with a girl on each arm."

Justin looked around. "Where are the others?"

"Outside. They didn't want to intrude."

"You're just getting me out of my body not out of my clothes."

"It wasn't that. They just thought they might confuse our thoughts." Peter gestured to the window.

Justin could see two shapes floating outside.

"Astral Peeping Toms."

"That's how this whole thing began."

Justin glowed blue. "And thank god for that."

"We'd better join them."

They floated through the window.

"So where to tonight?"

"The Saloon," Peter answered. "I want to check the place out. Brian is going there on Sunday."

"Isn't he a little young?" asked Lance.

Peter replied. "They're having an under 21 night. I was assured chaperones and no booze. But I still would like to see for myself."

"Damn, right," Lance added. "We have to look out for Brian."

"I assume you know the way, Peter." JC said.

"I promise I will do better than last time. Come on, Justin."

They floated off after Peter.

"Are you doing okay, Justin?"

Justin looked around him at all the people dancing and drinking.

He turned to Peter "Are you sure they can't see or sense us?"

"Only if we want them to and only as a subliminal thought. The brain is putting out too much other information. Our thoughts would just be drowned out."

"What about that young man that was almost drugged?" Lance asked.

"Remember that took all three of us together to get that thought across."

Justin was still being cautious. "And if they pass through me?"

"You may sense some of their thoughts but not much else but I try to keep my distance."

Justin was so blown away by what he was seeing, sensing, whatever. The energy auras around these gay people were so bright and beautiful. He soon began to tell what people were feeling but the colors. So this is what Peter and the others were talking about.

"This is sure different. There are so many colors."

Peter explained to Justin. "That couple there you can tell they're in love by the bright blue color."

"Thanks but I recognized it from last night. I am catching on."

"Having fun?" Lance asked.

"It is kind of strange but it is sort of fun."

JC added. "The more you do it the easier it is. Plus there are the added perks." JC and Lance flared bright blue for a few seconds.

"Oh, I know all about the perks." Justin replied. "And tonight it is my turn for a change."

"We'll see," Peter hoped no emotion showed. He wanted it to be a surprise.

"Let's mingle."

They floated around the room. They watched the dancers for a while and then hovered near the bar.

Justin asked the question. "Peter, see those two men talking over there? One is waxing on about how beautiful the other is and I can see he really means it but the other's aura is darker than his. But neither aura is bright blue."

"Justin, you are seeing a one night stand about to happen."

"You mean it is just about sex?"


Justin fell silent.

Peter would have smiled if he could. "Yes, your aura looked a little like that that night you seduced me. But there were moments of a brighter color. I knew somewhere in you that it was more than just about the sex."

"Man, I'm glad I didn't know. Damn, this aura reading could put an end to a sex life."

"Or add to it. You could see the ones only interested in sex. You wouldn't have to try your moves on them."

"That was half of the fun the chase."

"Do you miss it?"

"Not in the slightest."

Justin could tell Peter was looking at him.

"Good, that is the truth."

Justin knew Peter was joking.

They continued to float about the bar.

Lance noticed bar patrons going through a draped exit. He wondered where it led to. Just a quick look and he'd return. Lance floated off.

He came to a door. A man sat behind a glass partition. The bar patrons would slip him a card under a gap in the window and he would press a button. The door would open and the person went inside. Lance surely didn't need that. He floated through the door.

There was a short hallway and he found himself in a locker room. This must be a gay gym. Then Lance noticed that they were wearing only towels or robes. Maybe it was an all natural gym. Who needed clothes since they were all male? He floated through a door that led to the pool.

See? There were men swimming about doing laps. Some were just lounging along the side of the pool. There were even two men sharing a chaise lounge together. But then they started to share more. Their hands began to caress and fondle. Lance could see that they were getting aroused. Why was he still here? Didn't Peter say that he would be pushed back when people wanted privacy?

Then he got it. These people didn't want privacy. They got off or didn't care that other people were watching. Lance floated off. He didn't want to watch.

He went through a wall into a corridor with rooms were on either side. This time was different. Lance could see the glow and knew people were having sex behind those doors. Every now and again he got buffeted by a wave that pushed him back. But now and again a door stood open and he could see the men having sex inside. Lance would have shook his head if he'd had one. How could people do that?

Lance suddenly stopped. He couldn't move. Not forward, back, left or right. He was being pushed in every direction so he couldn't move. What to do? Even above him came the glow and the push. There was no where else but down. Lance dreaded the idea of going into the ground but he had no choice.

Much to Lance's relief there was a lower floor. It looked like it was the bar's storage area. A little while on and through another door Lance found himself in a makeshift lobby. A ticket booth like window was set in one wall. A man standing in front of it was taking out his wallet. He must be paying for something. But then he also removed his watch and keys and slipped them through the slot under the window. The man behind the window placed them in a box. Lance didn't see what was done with them.

"Your usual room, sir." A key was past through.

"I hope it is clean this time."

"Yes, sir, I made quite sure the staff did a good job after last time."

The man grunted and walked away. As he approached Lance, he took off his hat. Lance would have gaped if he could. He recognized the man. What was he of all people doing here of all places?

"Have a good time." The man in the booth called after.

The man grunted again.

Time? Lance would be missed by now. But where was he? He didn't know the way back. Lance floated up a flight of stairs to the front door then circled the block. He went back into the bar entrance.

"Lance, there you are. Where did you get off to?"

"I was wondering where that draped door led to. I thought I'd only be gone a minute. But there's a sex club through there. I had to go very round about to get back."

"I don't doubt it." Peter said.

"You okay?" asked JC.

"Yeah, but I am not used to see people having sex before."

JC turned to Peter. "But I thought you said we couldn't. . ."

"But they didn't want privacy," answered Lance. That's why I could see them."

"I think we've seen enough," JC said looking at Lance. "I think we should go home."

"Please, Justin, just this last time."

"Oh, all right." Justin returned to his body.

Soon he felt Peter connect. Their minds became as one.

"Do you feel me?"

Justin's mind answered. "Not in the way I really want to but yes."

"You want me to touch you?"


"You want me to caress and stroke you?"


The voice of Peter in Justin's mind seemed to be getting louder.

"You ache to feel my soft warm lips pressed against yours?"


This time the connection was so intense Justin could imagine the feel Peter's lips on his.

Justin started. There were lips on his. He pushed back against the person. A body fell to the floor with a thud. Justin sat up.

"Who's there? Who are you?" Justin switched on the light.

"Who do you think?" Peter groaned. He got slowly to his feet.

"Peter, what are you doing here?"

Peter rubbed his backside. "Being a push over for my lover."

"But you were projecting from Lance and JC's house. How did you get here so quickly?"

"I collected you, remember? I wasn't at JC and Lance's. They let me off here. Since I knew you'd be in your bedroom I could be anywhere in this house and you wouldn't see me. That way when we were through projecting I could surprise you."

"That's why you didn't want me to connect with you."

"Are you mad at me?"

"How can I be?" Justin took Peter's hand and drew him to the bed. "This is the connecting I had in mind."

He pulled Peter onto him and to his lips.

"I missed you so much tonight."

"Show me."

"Okay, I will."

Justin rolled over until he was on top of Peter. He slid out of bed and grabbed Peter's shoes. One went flying off in one direction and the other in another. One tug each and the socks were next to go flying through the air. Justin reached up to undo Peter's pants. He felt the bulge.

"You missed me, too." There was the Timberlake grin and the twinkle in his eyes.

"Once you've had him you can never get enough of Justin Timberlake."

Peter's pants were yanked off before he knew it. Justin was rubbing his chin.

"Your underwear won't come off with a quick pull." Justin brightened. "I have it."

He reached for a drawer. Then Peter saw a flash of sharp metal. Scissors?

"Justin?" Peter sounded a bit panicked.

"I need these off now."

With two quick snips through the sides and Peter's underwear was easily removed.

Peter grabbed them. "Damn it, Justin."

Justin was grinning again. "Don't worry. If you are very good I'll let you have a pair of mind to wear in the morning."

Peter thought for a moment. "Fuck `em." He tossed them away.

Justin pulled Peter up on his feet. "No, not fuck them. Fuck me." Justin took hold of Peter's shirt and pulled. Buttons went shooting everywhere. Peter's shirt was pulled off and joined the rest of the clothes littering the floor.

Peter had no time to protest. Justin's lips were pressing hard and urgently against his. They tumbled back as one onto the bed.

After some time Justin finally pulled back from the kiss. After a breath Justin leaned back. Peter put his hand on Justin's shoulder stopping him.

"Please, Justin, do me. I never want to forget again what it feels like having you inside me."

Justin paused reshuffling his plans in his mind. "But . . ."

"Do you want me, Timberlake, or not?" Peter gently bit Justin's lower lip. He whispered into Justin`s ear. "I am so hot for you."

Justin was still thinking. Peter pushed Justin back and started to get out of bed.

"Forget it then."

A hand grabbed Peter's arm and he was pulled back.

"No one walks away from Justin Timberlake."

They were kissing again. He pulled back and Peter found himself looking into Justin's sparkling blue eyes and that Timberlake sneer.

"Prepare for the best fuck of your life."

"Bring it on, Timberlake."

Justin latched onto Peter's nipple like a leech. His other hand pinched the other.

"Ow, Justin!"


"Assertive not aggressive."


Justin tongued Peter's nipple. He felt it getting firm.

"Damn, Justin. That feels good."

"Just you wait."

Justin snaked his way down Peter's torso.

Peter felt a tongue teasingly flicking against his cock. It went over the head then up and down the sides. Then Justin's warm mouth kneaded his balls.


Fingers brushed against Peter's growing erection but didn`t grip it.

"Please, Justin."

"Not yet."

Justin could tell he was driving Peter wild with his teasing. Good. He ran his tongue up the underside of Peter's cock. He poked hard beneath the tip. A gasp burst from Peter's lips. Justin licked and prodded but never took the length into his mouth. He licked up and down the underside of the shaft. Peter's body trembled. Still Justin licked the cock all over but never taking it into his mouth. Peter was whimpering. Justin chuckled slightly. He loved teasing Peter.

Then a hand grasped Peter's cock and pulled it away from Justin. Peter held his cock flat against his stomach and covered it with his hand. Justin saw Peter's balls were still exposed. He dropped down to lick them. The other hand covered them as well. Justin looked up into Peter's glare.

Justin looked up imploring. Peter turned his head away. Justin licked the fingers of Peter's hand. Peter turned back. Then Justin managed to raise Peter's thumb. He took it into his mouth running his tongue around it. As Justin sucked Peter's thumb Peter's grip loosened. Justin pulled off the thumb and grinning slowly lifted one finger than another off of Peter's cock. Gently Justin pulled the hand free. He replaced it with his own gently stroking the shaft. Peter was watching Justin intently. Justin licked up the underside of Peter's cock, swirled his tongue over the head then with on last look at Peter and seeing the anticipation in his face, wrapped his lips around Peter's cock and slid its length into his mouth.

"Oh, sweet Jesus!"

Justin started slowly at first a smooth rhythm up and down the shaft. Then he sped up always working his tongue against the sensitive flesh. Peter moans spurred Justin on. Up to the tip and then down letting the head slip into Justin's throat. Damn, Justin was enjoying this.

He reached down and pulled off his shorts never breaking his rhythm on Peter's cock. Justin's hands found Peter's body and rubbed and caressed it. A hand took his wrist. Then Justin felt Peter's soft, warm, wet lips close around his finger. Peter sucking on his finger turned Justin on. His cock longed to feel those lips. Without missing a stroke Justin stood up and kicked around so they could sixty nine.

Such a thrill shot though Justin as the warm wetness of Peter's mouth enveloped Justin's cock. They repaid each one pleasure for pleasure. Justin was careful not to press back to far. He did want to choke Peter. But Peter eagerly met Justin cock and moving up swallowed it to the hilt.

Justin fought to focus his mind back on what he was going to do. He knew they both usually came during oral sex then from fucking but this would be different.

Justin pulled off of Peter's cock and lifted Peter's legs. He positioned himself between them and pressed his tongue into Peter exposed puckered opening. A wave of pleasure washed through Justin as Peter demonstrated on Justin's cock his approval of Justin's tongue.

Soon Peter was so into sucking Justin's cock as he was getting rimmed. When Peter's ass seemed ready Justin inserted a finger. The vibration of the muffled moan Peter gave tickled Justin's cock. He focused himself again. There was something he wanted to do.

Peter was moaning happily swallowing Justin's cock and feeling Justin's finger pushed slowly in and out of his ass. Peter pulled off of Justin's cock.

"Justin, yes."

Peter swallowed Justin's cock again. Soon came the cold feel of lube being worked into him. Peter trembled with excitement. Then the feeling of anticipation as the cock head slowly push against the sphincter. The thrill went through Peter as the cock slid deep into him. He swallowed Justin's cock eagerly to show how much he. . .

Peter pulled off of Justin's cock. He stuck his head out from under Justin's legs.

"Justin, what the hell is in my ass?"

"Your dildo."

"I threw it away."

"I know, I was there. I pulled it out again."


"So you could feel something only I got to feel once." Justin kicked around so he could look down at Peter. "That time with Kevin when he was fucking me and you started to suck my cock. It felt so great. It was the only thing we didn't share that night. Let me show you how that felt."

Justin's head dropped to Peter's cock and Peter's head dropped back to the bed.

"Damn, That's so. . . Damn!"

Justin's lips sucking his cock and a dildo thrusting deep inside of him felt so, felt so. . .Damn!

Justin felt Peter's body twitch and tremble. He was definitely enjoying this and that made Justin enjoy it even more. He felt Peter's hand rest on his head. Justin glanced up to see Peter blushing with pleasure. Then his eyes rolled up and his head fell back to the bed.

Justin pulled off the cock. "Are you enjoying this?"

"Fuck, yeah."

"'Fuck' comes later."

Peter's hand found Justin's head again. "Fuck may come later. I want to cum now."

Justin grinned and plunged back onto Peter's cock.

"Oh, Justin." Peter groaned.

Justin pushed the dildo in as his pulled up Peter's cock. Then he switched the two. It made no difference to Peter. He just moaned away no matter what. Justin then sped up thrusting the dildo into Peter. Peter's hands began gripping the sheets. The little `ohs' Peter was moaning became whimpers and they were getting louder and faster.

Justin kept up his rhythm. Peter's body began on curl on the bed.

"Justin. Justin, I am going to . . . Gawd!"

The hot cum burst into Justin's mouth. He swallowed as more followed. Peter snapped forward on the bed only to fall back then snap forward again. Finally he fell back one last time panting for breath.

Justin gave two more strokes with his mouth then sat up. He pulled the dildo out of Peter and dropped it to the floor. He leaned down for a kiss. After a time they parted.

"Damn, Justin, that was awesome!"

"I though you might like it. Still want to throw that dildo away?"

"Fuck no." Peter looked embarrassed. "If you don't mind."

"If we can switch off."

Peter grinned. "Agreed." Peter tucked Justin's chin. "Now you still have a promise to keep, Timberlake."

Their bodies slammed together.

"Yes, Justin, fuck me!

Justin pulled Peter's legs close to him so they could rest on Justin's shoulders. "You like my big cock?"

"God, yeah, give it to me, Timberlake!"

"Take it. Take it up your ass."

"Harder, Justin."

The bed creaked and groaned to the abuse but the two lovers didn't notice.

"Yes." Peter's head twisted and turned on the pillow.

"Yes." Justin watched his cock disappear inside Peter's ass.

"Yes." Justin's cock raked against Peter's insides sending surges of pleasure through him.

"Yes." Justin's body thrilled as Peter's ass tightly clamped around his cock.

Justin grinned down at Peter as he thrashed below him. Peter was in such ecstasy through Justin's efforts. This was so hot but he wanted Peter to cum first.

"You want to cum?"

"Yes, Justin. Don't stop."

"You like Timberlake's big timber up you tight ass."

"Yes, Justin. Fuck me."

"I'm going to fuck the cum right out of you."

Peter was stroking his cock faster. His eyes closed and his muscles tightened.

"I'm going to do it. I'm going to cum."

"Shoot for me." Justin timed each next word with a thrust of his cock deep into Peter. "Show me how good I fuck you!"

"Justin!" Peter's cock erupted shooting tendrils of white onto his stomach. Spurt after spurt splattered on Peter. Soon he was lying there panting. As the climax passed he looked up to see Justin tense up. Peter sat up, pushed Justin back and sank to his knees.

"Cum on my face. Give me that Timberlake load."

Justin pulled off the condom just in time. Peter felt the hot cum spatter on his face. Justin gave off a groan soundly like a mixture of pain and pleasure as the climax blasted through him. Finally Justin relaxed. He looked down to see Peter's cum covered face.

Grinning Justin helped Peter to his feet. He grabbed a tissue and wiped Peter's face off. Then he took Peter into his arms.

"Thank you, Justin. I needed a good Timberlake fuck."

"Anytime. But what about me?"

"I'm spent. But we do have the morning."

"You're on, so to speak."

They crawled into bed. Justin pulled Peter close. He still needed to feel Peter was safe.

"So which is better, Justin, sex with a female or sex with me?"

"No contest. You every time."

"I just want to know how I stand."

"But didn't you hear me tell Britney I'm gay."

"I did hear you and you made some very valid points but to me you will always be BI."

"But I want no one else but you."

Peter looked up and smiled. He brushed his fingers against Justin's cheek. "If you are gay then of all the men in the world you fell in love with me. But if you are BI then of all the man AND all of the women in the world you want to spend the rest of your life with me." Peter gave Justin a quick kiss. "Can I help it if I like winning against the greater odds?"

Justin laughed. "Peter, you see things from such a different angle."

"Especially you and I love all of them."

"And you. That little mole under your left butt cheek is so cute."

Peter rolled over. "Where?"

Justin pulled Peter back. "That is for your lover's eyes alone."

Peter chuckled. "I must say that I have seen parts of you I never thought I`d see of anyone. But you make them hot."

"Then you'd better get some sleep. I expect you to fuck Justin Timberlake good in the morning."

"Can't I just make love to Justin?"

"We'll see what kind of mood we're in."

Peter started to get out of bed. "I'd better leave a note for your mother. I'm going to need a big breakfast in the morning."

Justin pulled Peter back. "Oh, you'll get a big breakfast all right." He grabbed his crotch. "And I'm going to make sure you eat all of it."

"Then I'd better get to sleep. The sooner I'm asleep the sooner morning will get here." Peter snuggled close to Justin.

There was a pause.

"Peter?" Justin sounded nervous. "About this morning."

"I know and I did think about it," Peter ran his fingers across Justin's chest. "But in all honesty, I think moving in with you is still a little too soon. Maybe in a few months."


Peter looked up at Justin. How would he react?

Justin smiled and kissed Peter's forehead. "Thank you. I was nervous. You were right. It was a knee jerk reaction. But I did ask you."

"I'm here now. Isn`t that enough?"

Justin smiled and coaxed Peter back onto his chest. "For now." Justin ran his fingers through Peter's hair. "For now."

"I'm sorry you're so upset, Lance."

"Not at you, JC. I want to tell you but I just don`t know if I should."

"Then I won't press."

Lance continued away. "But we're not supposed to tell what we see while we're projecting."

"Well, I was with you."

"Not when I saw him."


Lance put his hand over his mouth. "Forget you heard that."

JC was firm. "I don't care about the rules. Lance, you're upset and I can't stand to see you upset. Please, tell me."

Lance still hesitated.

"I repeat I was there too and you know I won't tell."

"But we should, JC. He's a hypocrite. They need to know the truth."

"Who do?"

Lance shook his head. "No, they'd only hate him for what he has done and how he has behaved."

"Lance, please, who did you see?"


JC was surprised. "Phil? Well, he did say he worked in a gay bar. It couldn't have been Brian."

"No, but the clerk said something about the usual room. JC, he's been there before. This wasn't just the first time. I think he goes there every weekend."

JC was trying to be patient. "Who? Phil?"

"No, JC. Not Brian or Phil. I saw him very clear. There is no mistake. It was their father. He was at the sex club and he'd been there before. JC, Mr. Wilson is gay!"

End part 45

Why am I thinking Gomer Pyle? "Surprise, surprise, surprise!" Oh, well. I hoped you liked this part. More to come. (Pun Intended) As always, I'd love to hear from you. I don't bite (But once I learn how to do that over E-mail though GRrrr!) and the reply doesn't have to be a literary thesis. Until next time.

Next: Chapter 46

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