Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Dec 24, 2003


Here is Part 46.

First let me say a heartfelt "thank you" to the voters of the 10th Semi-Annual Boy Band Story Awards. I didn't even know I was nominated let alone that I had won. Astral Fan won in the categories listed below. I thank you all again. It is an honor and a surprise.

Best Use of a Boy Band -- Novella Winner:(Tie) JC and the Actor

(Tie) Lance JC and Astral Fan

Worst Couple -- Novella Winner: Justin and Britney -- Lance JC and Astral Fan

Best Threesome -- Novella Winner: Justin, Peter, and Kevin -- Lance JC and Astral Fan

(An oldie but a goodie)

Most Comedic Story -- Novella Winner: Lance JC and Astral Fan (Hey, I try. I guess I am succeeding!)

Now the usual. This story is complete fiction. Don't believe a word of it. The author has no knowledge of NSYNC (evident by just reading the story) and the author has no knowledge of NSYNC's and Backstreet Boy's sexual orientation. But he has such a poor social life that he writes this drivel to entertain himself and fantasize about it to create some sort of sex life for himself. There will be descriptions of gay sex. (How else can he get you to read this story?) So if you are underage or find two men having sex objectionable stop reading now if you have made it this far. If so it is not too late to turn back and save yourself the pain.

The author would like to mention that the post of editor on this story is now vacant and will remain so. And the author would like to make the point never sleep with your editor!

Peter gaped. "Mr. Wilson is gay?!"

"He could be BI."

"Thank you, Justin." Peter thought for a bit.

Lance said, "I saw him very clearly. Now we know where he spends his weekends." He sneered. "His nights out with the boys really are nights 'out' with the boys."

"That's probably why he said it that way," Peter added. "If found out he wouldn't be lying."

"But he is lying." Lance said angrily. "He's got Brian frightened to death and he's as gay as Brian is."

"No, he's not."

They all gaped at Peter.

"Brian is okay with being gay. Mr. Wilson is not."

Lance was incredulous. "He goes to a gay sex club because he hates the sex?"

"You saw him, Lance. Did he look like he was there to have a good time?"

Lance shook his head. "No, if fact he looked very grumpy. All he did was grunt. But why go to a sex club if not to enjoy yourself?"

"He probably goes there to purge his desire. Then he puts his gay thoughts behind him."

There was a pause. They waited.

"That's right Chris isn't here."

JC offered. "I could make the 'gay behind' joke."

Lance nudged JC. "Don't bother."

"It makes sense to me now," Peter began, "How Mr. Wilson acted toward me and what Phil and Brian have said."

"Like what?" Justin asked.

"That first day by the pool I thought Mr. Wilson was really playing up the pool man fantasy with the open shirt and causal conversation. He even knew I was gay. Then the next thing I know his shirt is buttoned up and he's concentrating on his work and there's this aura of hate coming from him. I didn't know what I did then but I do now."

Justin looked thoughtful. "He didn't hate you for being gay. He hated you for how you made him feel."

"Exactly," Peter explained. "His little remark about gay men and spitting on the ground was because seeing me had created a gay reaction in him against his will."

Justin grinned and chucked Peter's chin. "That's my little temptress."

"So Mr. Wilson is a closet case."

"JC, Mr. Wilson is so far in the closet he's in freaking Narnia."

"You said you learned some things from Brian and Phil." JC said.

"I learned that Mr. Wilson is divorced."

Justin sneered. "Oh, now that is a big surprise."

"Justin," JC snapped. He turned back to Peter. "What else?"

"That after the divorce is when Mr. Wilson really became protective of Brian and Phil. He keeps saying he didn't want them to make the same mistakes that he did."

Lance raised his hand with a smirk on his face. "Can I offer a guess as to what they were?"

Justin waved his hand. "Oh, let me."

"Go ahead, Justin."

Lance pouted.

"Sorry, Lance, lovers before friends."

"Mr. Wilson feels he was the reason his marriage failed. He should have fought harder to control his gay thoughts. In his mind he let his family down."

Peter nodded. "That's what I think. I'm not sure if his wife did find out about him being gay but Mr. Wilson certainly blames himself for not being able to keep his family together."

"That's right, now I remember," JC snapped his fingers. "Phil told us that his mother left to marry an accountant. Mr. Wilson was very upset because she left him for what he considered a less masculine man. That's another slap in his face on his failed marriage."

"That's stupid," Lance said. "Why stay married when you're gay? How does that help the family?"

JC explained. "Mr. Wilson was probably brought up on the idea that the father is the backbone of the family. The father worked and made sacrifices to keep the family together and happy."

"But he's gay," Lance protested. "There's nothing he could do about that."

"Not in his way of thinking. He failed so he`s making up for it. He's making sure that Brian and Phil stay well away from any 'questionable' people. He thinks he is doing them a favor by pressing them into the hetero mold. In his mind being straight is the only way to a happy family life."

Justin shook his head. "Damn, it must be tearing him apart inside fighting against his sexuality. I know what I went through and they were just dreams."

"But think of Brian," Lance pointed out. "He's doing the same to his own son. Brian's afraid to have his father even catch him just looking at another man. Mr. Wilson is doing more damage than good."

"But Brian has Galixy now." Justin added.

JC shrugged. "Mr. Wilson is trying to be a good father with what he's been taught. His logic is flawed to us but it makes sense to him."

"So what can we do?" Justin asked.

Lance was determined. "I think we should tell them, Phil at least."

JC stood firm. "I will not out their own father."

"But JC. . ."

"Lance, what would you do if someone told you something like this about your father?"

Lance answered. "I wouldn't believe them. But we can make them believe us."

"And then what? How do we explain how we found out?"

Justin grinned. "Peter saw him during one of his frequent visits to the sex club."

"Thanks a lot, Justin." Peter crossed his arms. "Don't give me any ideas."

Justin squeezed Peter's arm. He smiled. "You don't need to and I wouldn't allow it."

JC pressed on, "And once you were convinced about what you were told?"

"I'd be grateful." Lance could feel JC's eyes on him without even looking up. He sighed, "Okay, I'd be angry at the person who told me."

JC continued. "All we will succeed in doing is to make Brian and Phil mad at us. Instead of helping Brian we'd drive him farther away. Besides it is none of our business."

"But Brian. . ." Lance said.

JC put his hand on Lance's arm. "Look, we know the truth. Let's just sit on it for now. If there comes a time when it becomes necessary to use that knowledge we will but only when there is no other way. Okay?"

Lance was still unconvinced.

Justin added. "Telling Brian and Phil that their father is gay will not change how he views being gay. It may only make matters worse."

JC made the final point. "If Mr. Wilson can't accept himself as gay how can he ever accept a gay son?"

Lance visibly drooped. "You're right. I just wanted to help Brian."

JC put his arms around Lance. "We all want to help Brian. We'll just have to wait and see." He gave Lance a squeeze. "Okay?"

Lance nodded. "Okay."

JC gave Lance a nudge. "Last night you didn't even want to tell me. Now you're so eager to tell."

"Well, I had to. It could be important for Brian's future."

Peter patted Lance's shoulder. "Then you did the right thing."

JC smiled at Lance. "Come on. Help me get the snacks. Joey and Chris will be here soon."

Justin and Peter followed Lance and JC to the kitchen.

"You know for a music group you sure spend a lot of your free time together."

JC opened a cabinet. "And that's a bad thing?"

"We're friends, remember?" Lance teased.

"I don't think the Backstreet Boys spend that much time together."

Justin struck a pose. "They are not us." Justin relaxed. "Besides how do you think we. . ."

". . .Stay in sync." They all said together.

"Exactly," Justin finished.

Peter shrugged. "I'm not complaining. It's wonderful you guys are so close."

Lance grabbed a bowl for the salsa. "So you see NSYNC can never 'break-up'. We'll just stop performing."

JC caught the look of dismay on Peter's face. He chuckled. "Don't worry, Peter. That is a long way off yet."

Justin nudged Peter. "But we have a never-ending tour, right?"

"I know that but I am still a fan at heart. Seeing you with your fans and performing." Peter shrugged. "I'd hate to see that end."

"Then you won't," JC said. "We'll blindfold you."

"Great," Peter teased. "I'd have to grope my way around for the rest of my life."

Justin grinned. "And guess who will be always in your way." He took Peter into his arms. "I love to be groped."

"Mm, the Braille of Love." Peter pulled Justin close.

"Ah, excuse me," JC said. "We're trying to put some snacks together here."

Lance nudged JC. "Leave them. We do it, too."

The doorbell rang.

"Damn, interrupted by the straights."

"That's okay," Peter grinned. "Abstinence makes the cock grow harder."

JC had started for the door and turned back with a stern look. "Peter, don't you corrupt Justin."

"Sorry, JC."

JC went to the door.

"JC, fuc. . ."

Peter placed his hand over Justin's mouth. "Don't get me into trouble. Besides leave that verb to Lance."

"You started it." Justin chided.

"Then I apologize."

Lance pushed past. "Stop apologizing and be useful. Grab something and I do mean snacks," Lance quickly added. "Help me bring them downstairs."

Peter and Justin helped Lance with the snacks.

As they headed across the living room Joey approached.

"Food!" Joey grabbed a several chips and dunked them in the bowl with the sauce. "I love this dip."

"Chris, did you hear that?" Peter said. "Joey loves you."

Chris didn't bat an eye. "I believe he was addressing you, Peter. He is standing by you."

JC groaned. "Not even three seconds in the house and they're at it already."

"Oh, do you mean Joey and the snacks?" Chris smirked.

"Forget it." JC took the bowl of dip from Peter.

Joey was in the middle of a dunk. "Hey."

JC moved the bowl up and down and headed toward the stairs. "Come on, Joey. Follow the bouncing bowl."

Joey made a few failed attempts at the dip with the chip in his hand when Lance's voice was heard.

"Don't make a mess."

JC moved away from Joey. "Follow me." JC went down the stairs.

Joey grabbed the bag of chips from Justin's hand.

"Anywhere," Joey hurried after JC.

Peter was chuckling.

"What?" Chris asked.

"You know the stuff that you guys do has to be seen to be believed. I mean no one could ever make this shit up."

Chris elbowed Peter. "Language." He took a cracker from the plate Justin was carrying. "Don't be too sure about that." With a wink Chris disappeared down the stairs.

Peter looked puzzled. "What did he mean by that?"

Justin shrugged. "It's just Chris playing with your mind." Justin leaned close. "But I get the best parts to play with." Justin grinned.

Peter leaned in for a kiss but teasingly Justin pulled away.

They followed the others downstairs.

"One, two, three, four, five, six. Ha, I landed on you Lance. Back to the closet."

"That's back to `Home', Chris." Lance corrected.

"I'm trying to modernize the game."

Joey smirked. "Just finished your turn."

"That's right, I got doubles." Chris rolled the dice. "Five." He moved his piece. When he set his piece down he grinned. "I'm right behind you, Peter. You`d better watch out."

Peter batted his eyes, "Mm, get closer, Chris. I always knew you wanted me."

Chris wrinkled his nose. "Joey, hurry up and take your turn. I need to get in front of Peter."

"Why, Chris, I didn't know you were a bottom?" Peter teased.

"This IS a family game." Chris protested.

Justin put in. "It was you who wanted to modernize it."

"Will you roll?" Joey snapped.

Justin rolled the dice. "Eleven."

Chris grinned. "Bye, bye, Peter. You're lover is going to send you back home."

Justin smiled. "Never, Chris."

"You have no choice." Chris said firmly. "Count it off."

Justin moved his playing piece. "Ten, eleven. Sorry, Chris, you are the one going back home."

"But you were supposed to land on Peter's. I counted."

"You counted wrong, Chris." Justin teased.

Chris moved his piece back to his home base. "You lovers always stick together."

"Only on hot nights when the air conditioning is broke." Peter added.

Joey grabbed the dice. "Do I have to listen to this?"

"Oh, you don't sweat during sex?" Lance asked.

Joey put his nose in the air. "Some females frown upon it."

"Then how?" Peter asked.

"Baby powder." Chris joked. "But you have to be careful not to apply too much. One hug and Joey will go shooting across the room." Chris was smug. "I don't use it myself. No need. I might get hot but I stay so cool."

"You did once." Joey shot back. "What about that one time when that girl sneezed? You had to wait for the dust to settle and when you did she was gone."

Peter couldn't resist. "She took a powder?"

They all groaned.

JC looked serious. "You keep that up, Peter, when we go to John's tomorrow you're staying here."

Joey looked up surprised. "You're going to John's without us?"

"They only want to interview JC and me, Joey." Lance answered.

"This is news to me, us." Chris added.

"Well, John only called us." JC explained. "There are a lot of magazines that want an interview with us now that we're out and John thought it would be easier if he arranged it from there. That way we can fit in lots of interviews in a shorter time."

"They don't want to talk to me?" Chris looked hurt.

"They mentioned it specifically. No Chris."

Chris pouted.

"Just kidding."

"And I would hope so." Chris shook a finger. "I am the cornerstone of this group. Remember that."

"And like any cornerstone you should be heard from only every fifty to one hundred years." Joey put in.

"Thanks a lot."

"Or when the building is demolished," Peter added.

Joey gave Chris a quick once over. "By the look of him I'd say any day now."

"And you should talk."

JC cut them off. "No, he should play. Chris, it's your turn again."

Chris rolled the dice. "Justin's going isn't he."

"I have work to do."

"Oh, yeah, "work". Is that your pet name for Peter now?"

"Why would I go to John's to have sex with Peter?"

"More to the point," Joey put in. "Why are we even talking about this?"

"JC brought it 'up'." Chris turned to Peter waiting for his response.

"No way, Chris that joke is way too obvious. And I am not joking about JC being 'up' in front of Lance."

They all started to laugh.

"You just did." Chris chuckled.

Peter blushed. "That's not what I meant."

Lance smiled. "That's okay, Peter. We know JC is."

"Can we just be 'up' for this game? It's Lance's turn." Joey snapped. He slapped the table. "Now you've got me doing it! Can we just cut out the phallic jokes and play? And I didn`t mean it that way either!"

"Sure, Joey," Chris said softly. "No offence." Chris added under his breath, "Gees, what a grouch." Chris leaned over to Peter. He extended his pinky. "It's just that Joey has a wee one."

JC sighed. "Chris, you'll get the bill for cleaning any blood out of the carpet even if it is yours."

Chris looked sheepish. "Okay, JC." Again under his breath Chris added. "Picking on me is just not fair."

Joey rolled the dice. "If life was fair you wouldn't be in pain right now."

Chris looked confused. "I'm not in any pain."

"You always walk into these don't you?" Joey smacked Chris's shoulder.


Peter sighed. "You know, JC, what I said earlier about how great it was that you guys always getting together. I take it all back."

"Oh, come on now, Peter." Joey said. "This is just good natured sparring. We don't mean it. You know that."

Peter looked down. "Yeah, I guess I know."

Chris reached over and gently squeezed Peter's arm. "It really didn't hurt." Chris looked seriously at Peter. "Remembering your childhood?"

Peter looked up surprised then frowned. "Brian always thought it was so funny but it hurt like hell."

Lance put his hand on Peter's hand. "Now you have another Brian. He's younger but he is close to being a brother. Am I right?"

Peter nodded.

JC smiled. "One Brian picked on you and you repay in turn a kindness to another Brian. To our Brian you're the older brother you never had. Everything your brother did to you you've reversed."

"You've turned the other cheek," added Chris.

Joey turned away exasperated. "We're back to butts again!"

"Joey!" They all said.

Joey shrank back. "Okay, maybe it is my interpretation. What can I say? I have sex on the brain."

"And that is NOT where it does the most good." Chris chided.

Peter was forced to smile. "You guys are wonderful."

"Not for long." Chris moved his piece. "Six, seven. Sorry, Peter back to the closet."

Peter chuckled. "I can never return to the closet, Chris and this is my home. So it will have to be the linen closet. All those marvelous matching linens and bed clothes."

Chris rolled his eyes. "Oh, sheet! I give up."

Peter grinned. "Throwing in the towel. Chris?"

"Throw the damn dice!"

"Joey?" Lance said.


"Here." Lance held out the bowl of dip and the bag of chips. "Kill your pain."

Joey stuffed several chips and dip in his mouth. "Mm!"


"Yes." Crumbs flew from Joey's mouth.


"Sorry." More crumbs.

Peter started laughing. "You guys are really too outrageous."

Lance smiled at JC. "We know."

"Thanks." Joey spewed more crumbs.

Chris clamped his hand over Joey's mouth. "Chew first, talk later." Chris looked over at Peter and winked.

No matter what, Peter did love these guys.

The next day they drove to John's office. It was overcast and looked like rain.

Peter gaped. "Look at all the cars."

"Must be a busy day." JC just said.

Lance looked at the cars getting nervous. "Are all these cars from the reporters?"

"Nah," Justin answered. "That one belongs to Brian and that one's AJ's."

"Backstreet is here?" Peter asked.


"For the interviews?"

"Peter, John has more irons in the fire than just us. This is his office after all."

"Sorry, I just wasn't thinking." Peter said sheepishly.

Justin patted Peter's knee. "That's all right. You can't know everything."

Peter smiled. "And I don't want to. Not anymore."

Justin squeezed Peter's hand. "Good, because I am full of surprises."

They got close to John's office and he was there waiting.

"There you are. We're on a tight schedule. You have six interviews to complete this morning."

"Six?" Lance felt tired already.

"Three are in person and the other three are teleconferences. It's all been worked out. Follow me."

Lance and JC went off with John.

"Well, that was. . ."

"Peter, I have to go or I'll be late." Justin said. "You can find something to do?"

"Sure, I. . ."

"Good. See you later."

Justin was gone.

Peter stood alone. He sighed. "As I was saying, that was fast."

The office staff gave Peter an occasional glance. Maybe he could spend time by the lake. He set off but as he reached the doors there was rain pelting against the window. Damn. If only he had brought his crossword puzzle book. Well, there was the game room. Peter set off.

JC and Lance emerged from the conference room.

"One down."

Lance smiled. "That wasn't so bad."

John's secretary motioned. "Teleconference in room two. They are waiting."

JC gave Lance a reassuring smile. They went to the next interview.

A half hour later and JC and Lance emerged.

"That's two. Are you still game?"

Lance smirked. "Did you say gay or game?"

There was the secretary again. "Hurry up, the next reporters are here."

JC and Lance followed her.

"Peter, what are you doing here?"

Peter was delighted. It was Howie.

"Trying to get the hang of this video game." Peter stood back and slapped the controls. "Unfortunately it's hanging me."

Howie looked around. "Good."

Peter turned to him.

"I don't mean it that way."

"So what are you doing here?"

Howie hurriedly explained. "We're recording a song for a movie soundtrack. Look, can we talk? I'd like to ask for your help again. Something is bothering him and he won`t talk to us."


"No, Nick."

"Let's find a place to sit down."

"That went better."

"Why not, JC? They were the same questions the other people asked."

"We're used to that aren't we?"

"As NYSNC, yes, but not us."

JC nudged Lance. "Are you getting tired of talking about the love of your life?"

Lance sighed and smiled. "No, but I don't want you to think I am losing my enthusiasm."

JC took Lance's hand. It was so nice he could now do that in public. "You certainly didn't lack enthusiasm this morning. And you haven't the whole time we've been together."

"You do that to me."

"And you to me. We're so good together."

They leaned close to kiss. A voice interrupted them.

"Next interview is this way."

They sighed and followed the secretary.

"Howie, are you sure Nick will even talk to me if he isn't talking to you?"

Howie looked down. "Well, it's more than just talking to us. Nick is actually avoiding us."

"You mean you and Kevin?"

"No, all of us. I mean, he's here now but he just isn't himself. There's no jokes or insults. Something must be bothering him."

"He was fine a few days ago." Peter thought for a moment. "That was before my accident but I don't think that would have affected him."

"I doubt it."

"Thanks a lot." Peter teased.

"You know what I mean."

"I know. Anything happen with his girl friend? He seemed very happy with her."

"No, he's still seeing her almost every night so that can't be it."

"Well, I'll talk to him if you want me to. It can't hurt."

"Good," Howie glanced at his watch. "I'd better get back. We have another break in an hour."

"I'll still be here."

Howie started out of the room. "I'll let Nick know you're here and maybe drop a small hint that to talk about what is bothering him will do him good. See you then." Howie left.

Well, at least Peter would have something to do in an hour.

The conference room door burst open.

JC was the first out. "I said the interview is over."

Lance followed at JC's heels.

A man's voice came from the room. "Then just take some of these pamphlets. They will help."

"We don't need any help." Lance replied firmly.

A short sixty-something man followed them into the corridor. "It's not too late to change. You can overcome this temptation and return to the righteous path."

"That is your opinion." JC shot back.

"It is the word of God. I am trying to save your souls from eternal damnation. You can turn from this evil homosexual lifestyle and return to God's loving embrace. You can then both marry a woman as is God's original plan for mankind. You can enter into the holy state of heterosexual marriage instead of going through with this perversion of the blessed ritual. God does not bless same sex couples."

"I don't need anyone to tell me. . !" JC stopped and took a breath. He calmed himself. "Look, we gave our time to be interviewed not lectured."

The man started to protest. JC raised his hand.

"Sorry, saved. You came here under false pretences so the interview stops here."

"But. . ." The man started.

JC stopped him. "You are entitled to your beliefs as we are entitled to ours. Let's leave it at that."

"I'm trying to bring you back to God's plan."

JC's mind filled with arguments and points he wanted to make. He decided against them.

"I'm sorry, sir, but we have other things to do. It is time you should leave."

"Then you are turning your back on God's love."

JC's anger began to grow again.

"Something wrong here?" A bodyguard hurried towards them.

JC watched the man shrink back as the bodyguard towered over him. JC couldn't help be to feel a little pity for him.

"No," JC smiled, "Just a difference of religious beliefs. We couldn't get past that so we ended the interview." JC turned to the man. "I am sorry."

The bodyguard stepped forward. "I'll show him out then." The bodyguard gestured. "If you please, sir."

The man was too nervous even for a parting shot. They watched the man being led off.

JC could feel Lance was upset. "Come here."

Lance wrapped his arms around JC. He held JC tight. JC pulled Lance close.

Judging the best time JC finally said. "You know I think the sight of that bodyguard put the fear of God in that man."

Lance stood back and gave JC's chest a slap. "JC!" Lance started to chuckle. "I think you're right."


"A bit."

"Come on. We have a while before then next interview. How about a video game?"

Peter looked up from the video game controls. "I thought you two were being interviewed?"

"This one was cut sort." JC just said.

"Oh," Peter could sense he shouldn't ask anything else.

"I need to use the bathroom." Lance plodded off.

"And I bet Lance is not going to use it like he used to." Peter said.

JC watched the bathroom door close behind Lance. "The last interviewer pulled a smoke and mirrors job to get in then he tired to "cure" us."

Peter's face fell. "I am so sorry. No wonder Lance is upset. Maybe he should use the bathroom his old way. It might cheer him up. Hugh swears by it. It worked for me."

JC looked thoughtful. "That's not a bad idea."

"Would Lance go for it? There's the danger of getting caught."

"That is a point." JC looked about the room. "We will lock the door but if anyone is here when we come out together."

Peter sprang to attention and saluted. "I shall guard the door and create a diversion if necessary."

JC smiled. "You'd do that?"

"This is to cheer Lance up."

JC put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "You're a good friend."

Peter saluted again. "And I promise no eaves dropping."

JC laughed. "You won't hear anything. Lance will be too afraid of making noise. He'll probably stuff a towel in his mouth. I'll just hope I get him off before he suffocates."

As JC headed to the bathroom Peter saluted again. "Blow the man down, sir."

JC glared at Peter.

Peter slumped. "Sorry."

JC tried the door. Good it wasn't locked. He went into the bathroom.

"Gees, JC you scared me." Lance was just doing up his pants.

JC locked the door. He turned to Lance.

"Here let me do that."

Lance was surprised as JC undid his pants then when JC sank to his knees.

"JC, not here."

"You need cheering up and Hugh swears by this."

"But, JC, if people came by."

"Peter is keeping watch."

"He knows! JC, please don't, I. . .I. . . Oh, JC!" Lance leaned back against the sink.

JC took to stroking Lance's cock. "Listen to your lover. You need this. It will make you feel better."

Lance bent his head back. "Okay, JC. I'm in your hands."

JC smiled. "Not for long." He leaned forward and took Lance`s cock in his mouth.

Lance's mind fought against this. They could be caught at it. But after what just happened Lance needed his connection with JC and their love and their care for each other. Lance let the pleasure wash through him. Enough about caution. This was feeling damn good and he did want it. Lance looked down at JC.

There was a strange sense of disorientation. JC was still fully clothed so was he. Suddenly the urgency kicked in. This was a quickie in the bathroom. Lance's blood was soon surging through his veins.

Lance felt JC swallow his cock. He felt it slip into JC's throat. Then there was a slight convulsion. Lance looked down. JC had choked. A tear trickled from JC's eye. Gently Lance wiped it away.

Lance smiled down. "I love this, Josh."

Even with Lance's dick in his mouth JC seemed to smile. There was a muffled reply followed by even more enthusiastic sucking.

Lance closed his eyes. JC was giving him such pleasure. Even the words of the last interviewer were drowned out by it. This was what was real. This was the action that showed their love. Not JC on his knees but his desire to make Lance feel better about himself and their love of each other.

Lance then remembered that shower scene the day before. JC coaxed him into remembering the times he had jacked off thinking of JC. Now it was really happening. JC was here with him in John's bathroom. A Chris thought flashed in his mind: John's john" how redundant. Then it was gone and he was back with JC.

The times he had wished that JC would just noticed him were over. They were lovers now. And here was JC, his lover sucking his cock with such gusto. Lance felt his passions rise.

Lance's hands fell to JC's neck. JC did this so good. Well, everything JC did to Lance was good. Okay, Lance loved anything JC did to him. Lance looked down.

JC's beautiful blue eyes looked up at him while Lance's cock slid through those oh, so sensuous lips.

Lance found himself whimpering. He raised a hand to his face and bit a knuckle. Soon JC's efforts on his cock grew in intensity. Lance looked around the room. He was getting too loud. He had to muffle himself somehow. Then he saw the hand.

JC offered Lance a towel. Lance took it with another caress of JC's cheek. Lance pressed the towel to his mouth. He didn't bite down on it.

JC's sucking had increased and Lance was being propelled to the inevitable. Lance managed one last look down at JC as Lance's climax began to overtake him.

JC was now shirtless. When JC took his shirt off Lance didn't know but it didn't matter. JC pulled back.

"Cum on my chest, lover."

Lance looked down on the lightly hairy chest that he loved. He imagined it strewn with beads of white then he didn't have to imagine anymore.

"Oh, Josh, yes!"

As the climax hit Lance closed his eyes but he could still imagine Josh's chest being splattered blobs of white cum, his cum. The wish that Lance had wished in the past was true. JC was here with him in this bathroom and Lance was cumming because of Josh.

Lance's body bent forward again and again. Slowly the climax abated. Lance leaned back. He looked down.

JC rubbed Lance's cum around his chest. He looked up grinning.

Lance pulled JC to his feet. "Thank you so much for that."

JC brushed Lance's cheek with his fingers. "You need it and I was happy to provide it."

They kissed. Then after a few minutes Lance did up his pants as JC washed up.

"JC?" Lance began, "Why didn't you, I mean, why on your chest?"

"No mouthwash." JC replied. "And we are talking up close to people."

"Do you mean it, I mean, your breath would, I mean, people would know?" Lance stopped blushing.

JC dried his chest with a towel. "Just making sure. This way all I smell of is soap."

Lance helped JC on with his shirt. "I owe you one."

JC did up the buttons. "You don't owe me anything. I was glad to do it."

Lance smoothed the shirt over JC's shoulders. "So was I."

"Ready for more?"

Lance grinned. "You bet but we have the interviews to do first."

JC pulled Lance into a hug and kissed him. "I didn't think coming out would interfere with our sex life."

"Believe me, JC," Lance smiled. "It hasn't." Lance licked JC's lower lip. "Let's get these interviews over with."

Brian of Backstreet almost ran across the room.

"Where are you off to?" Peter asked.

"The bathroom I have to go."

Peter felt the panic set in.

"It's occupied."

Brian hunched up dancing in a circle.

"Isn't there another bathroom?"

"Not so close."

Peter felt pity for Brian. "Wait, I'll ask them to hurry up." Peter knocked on the door. "Someone needs to use the bathroom. Crack the door when you're ready."

"Haven't you gone yet?" The rest of Backstreet entered the room.

Peter's mind raced. How could he distract all of them as JC and Lance left the bathroom?

In the bathroom Lance was almost as panicked. "They'll see us," he whispered.

"You go first. Do what Peter said. Crack the door a bit."

Peter saw the door open slightly. "Ow, damn it that hurts."

They turned to see Peter fall writhing on the floor.

"Peter, what's wrong?"

"The pain, oh, the pain!"

Lance saw his chance and slipped out of the bathroom. But unfortunately Brian saw his. With Lance out of the bathroom Brian starting in.

"Ow, OW!" Peter almost screamed.

Brian started to look back but his bladder was screaming louder than his compassion. He pulled the bathroom door closed behind him.

In between convulsions Peter saw the worried look on Lance's face. Peter kept up the act.

Soon the bathroom door opened and Brian now smiling stepped from it. "Much better." He soon approached the group bending over Peter.

"What's wrong, Peter?"

Peter just moaned louder.

Then Lance saw JC emerge from the bathroom. He moved away to another door to the room. JC opened it then shut it again loudly. Everyone looked up.

"What's happening?"

"We don't know. Peter is in pain."

Peter's moans lessened. "I'm sorry it must have been a cramp."

Suddenly Justin was at Peter's side. Peter felt a twinge of guilt.

"Are you all right?"

"Yeah, just a cramp."

"That was a cramp? I could hear you down the hall."

Peter blushed. "I'm sorry, guys. It just came on me all at once."

Justin helped Peter to his feet. "You okay?"

Peter smiled. "Yeah, it has past."

"A cramp would you believe it?" AJ smirked.

"I thought he was dying." Howie put in.

Backstreet sort of regrouped a little farther away from Justin and Peter.

"Excuse me," Nick moved forward toward them. "I so glad that you are here. I wonder if I could talk with you for a moment if you have some free time."

"Sure." Peter said. He had plenty of time.

"Sorry, Peter. Not you. I mean Justin."

Justin looked surprised. Peter even more so.


Nick led Justin off.

Howie nodded at Nick and Justin. All of Backstreet looked relieved.

"Come on guys," AJ said. "Let's get a snack." They headed off.

Kevin stuck his head around the corner. "Nice to see you, Peter." He disappeared. Peter was left with Lance and JC.

"Sorry, guys," Peter said. "I tried."

JC smiled at Peter. "You did just fine."

"How did Brian not see you, JC?" asked Lance.

JC smiled. "Brian doesn't like showers as much as I do."

"You hid in the shower stall!" Lance replied very relieved.

"There you are," Came a familiar voice. "The next interview is waiting."

"We'd have to go, see you later, Peter."

Lance and JC went off with the secretary.

Peter found himself alone, again.

Justin and Nick had found an empty sound booth. Nick was very nervous. He paced around for a bit. Justin waited. Nick would talk when he was ready.

Nick sudden sat down pulled his chair close to Justin and said:

"Justin, how does it feel to be bisexual?"


"I mean, how did you know? When did you realize. . ." Nick thumped his knee and started pacing again. "Damn. I don't know how to say this."

"Nick, are you saying that you think that you are. . ."

"I don't know!" exploded Nick. "I am so confused. I mean I enjoyed it but I wasn't really into it. I mean, he didn't really turn me on but I still came. What has she done to me?" Nick collapsed into the chair and held his head in his hands. "I need to talk about this but it can't be the guys. What would they think? Nick Carter does not get fucked up the ass! Well, maybe by her it was all right but with a guy?" Nick was on his feet again, "Jesus Christ, Justin, this fucking has got me so fucked up!"

"Calm down, Nick and start from the beginning."

Nick took a few breathes. He sat down again. "You know my current girlfriend?"

"I've heard you have been very happy with her."

"And I have been. She is so nice and she is really into sex. I just didn't know how far."

Justin waited as Nick focused his thoughts. "We are very good together. Then one night while we're, ah, getting warmed up she says she thinks every man should know what a women feels during sex. I agreed. Then she pulls out this dildo and she says every man should feel what it's like to get penetrated. I almost freaked. But I wanted to please her so much."

"You let her?"

"I was horny, Justin. My dick was talking. I would have agreed to almost anything. It seemed like a small price to pay. I decided I'd just say it hurt too much and she would stop."


Nick frowned. "She knew what she was doing. As she worked her fingers into my ass she sucked me off. It felt so good the dildo was in me before I knew it."


"It really hurt at first. I told her that but she just took it slower. She went back to just her fingers. Justin, it must have been ten to fifteen minutes of her playing with my ass. She had such patience."

Justin smiled to himself. "I know the type."

"Then once again she pushed in the dildo. It still sort of hurt then all of a sudden it was just in. I can't describe it any better. This latex penis was inside of me." Nick looked at the floor. "And I have to say it felt strange but kind of nice. I mean it really didn`t hurt much. Looking up I could see she was really getting turned on and that turned me on. Justin, that dildo hit places in me that sent thrills through me. I mean, taking a crap never felt like this but damn it felt good. This must have gone on for ten minutes. She fucked me until I came." Nick looked up. "I have never cum like that before. God, I shot clear over my head. My cum was everywhere."

"And that's bad?"

Nick looked down again.

"Nick, haven't you had anyone massage your prostrate?"

"My what?"

"It is the gland located between your balls and your ass. Its where cum comes from. That is why it felt so good and you came so much. She was hitting the source."

Nick thought for a while then nodded.

"But something happened after that? You mentioned a man?"

Nick paused and then sighed. "I'll get to that. The next night she had a double headed dildo. After she had pushed it into me she used the other end. My god, Justin it was a turn on thinking we were both feeling the same thing. The cock that was fucking her was fucking me. And I must admit it felt even better than the previous night. How can Nick Carter be into being butt fucked? Damn, she has really messed with my mind."

"That's why you couldn't talk about this. The other guys would make fun."

"But not you. You know these things. Or at least you know how it feels. I doubt you and Peter ever used a dildo before."

"Don't count on that, Nick."

Nick looked up surprised then nodded. But soon the frown returned. "Then there was last night."

Justin waited for Nick to continue.

"She was sucking me off. She told me to close my eyes and relax. I sort of sensed a change in the sucking but a blow job is a blow job. It wasn't until I felt her kissing me while my dick was still being sucked that I realized something was up." Nick shook his head. "I never expected it to be a guy!"

"Had you seen him before?"

"Yes, at parties with my girlfriend. I really freaked. But she promised me that he was discrete and he wouldn't tell."

Nick remembered watching this guy going down on his cock. It was a guy! But damn it felt good anyway almost better than his girlfriend. Nick was too horny to really object. He just hoped she didn't expect Nick to return the favor. Nick Carter was no cocksucker.

"Why did she bring this guy into the scene?"

Nick was brought out of the memory.

"She wanted to see me fucked by a real man not just a toy. What could I do? I'd gone so far already. But I couldnt kiss him and I didnt suck him." Nick paused. "She put the condom on him herself. She got us both lubed up and then. . ." another pause.

Nick remembered the feeling. There was a little pain at first but the guy went slow. This is what Nick's girlfriend wanted. Nick now knew what every girl felt. He had a cock inside him. It really didn't feel that bad. In fact it felt great. But it was a guy! What if someone found out? No, she had promised this guy was discrete. Nick relaxed a little. This was happening. He couldn't turn back now. He had passed the point of no return.

Nick shrugged. "He fucked me. He started slowly at first then sped up. I liked it, Justin. It felt good so much better than just a dildo. We did it doggie style. I was kind of glad because I didn't have to look at him. I mean, I could forget it was a guy fucking me. But damn his cock felt good in my ass. Then I remember feeling his hands caressing me. He was so tender. He didn't slap my ass once. I sort of warmed to the fact that this guy was fucking me. He even took to stroking my cock while he, ah, did me."

"So you enjoyed yourself."

Nick just nodded.

"What was your girlfriend doing during this?"

"She was playing with herself watching. I swear she came twice watching us. And then I came." Nick's voice had a touch of anguish. "I came while another guy was fucking me! I mean he was good looking but he didn't really turn me on but I did. . ." Nick looked down. He couldn't tell Justin the truth. Nick had come twice and he wasn't really against trying it again. No, he couldn't do it again. This had to stop. "What is happened to me? What am I becoming?"

Justin noticed from Nick's descriptions that he enjoyed the sex but disliked the implications of what had happened. He placed his hand gently on Nick's arm. Nick started alarmed then relaxed.

"So you didn't find this guy a turn on but he did get you to cum. So now you're into guys? So what?"

Nick looked up angry. "Nick Carter does NOT get fucked and not by another guy!"

"I hate to say this, Nick but yes, you do."

Nick hung his head again. "Please God make me bisexual not gay."

Justin chuckled. "As a wise person once said to me, don't judge your sexual preference from your penis and in this case your ass. They are fickle. They respond to stimulus so you believe you are responding too. But what can I say? Men have enjoyed having sex with other men for centuries. It feels good. They wouldn't do it if it didn't. You just discover that. Now whether you're really into guys as well as women time will tell."

Nick looked up worried. "How long?"

"That's up to you."


"Well, one thing might help."


"Open your eyes."


"Look at the guy the next time if there is a next time. Try to gauge if it is what he's doing that turns you on or him doing it. That's the only way you can tell."

"What if she wants me to go further? I mean, kiss him or if she wants to watch me go down on. . ." Nick's voice pinched off.

"If you feel uncomfortable about it say no. Any sort of forced sex isn't sex."

"How did you. . .? How do you. . .? Nick hesitated.

Justin just smiled. "Oh, it was easy enough in my dreams but when that cock is right there in front of you it is harder than you imagine."

Nick caught Justin's eye and they both laughed.

Justin continued. "I had a lot a negative words to get over about what I was about to do. I'll tell you my ego took quite the pounding but I am better for it."

"I don't know how you could do that."

"Because I love Peter. Well, not at first. I wanted to know what JC and Lance were enjoying so much. I was just a little jealous of them."

"Jealous of two guys together?"

"You didn't overhear them going at it. Damn, I have never heard any girl react to me the way."

"Is guy sex better?"

Justin put his hand on Nick's shoulder. "It is for me because I do it with the person I love."

"I don't know if I could even for her."

"Then don't force yourself. I tried and it was not good. Peter knew immediately. It was a bad start for Justin Timberlake."

"What if your fans found out?"

"They will eventually. I'm going to tell them."

"You're coming out, too?"

"Sometime. I am not ashamed of Peter or my love for him. I just have to sort out the whole fan relationship thing first though. Peter says he understands."

"That's the big one isn't it?"

Justin realized something. "This isn't about the sex. This is about how people will react. That's what you are scared of."

"Nick Carter doesn't get fucked."

"Then Nick does."


"Nick, you have to give yourself some free time away from your public persona. That is one thing I thank Peter so much for. Now when I'm in public I am Justin Timberlake. When I am with Peter I am just Justin."

Nick looked up confused.

"It is as `Justin' that I can freely allow all the pleasures I can feel with Peter. No negative words or recriminations just warm, tender, passionate love. You should try it."

"But I'm. . ."

"Nick Carter, I know. If you can't set aside what the world may think of you, you may never discover your sexuality. You'll just do what the world wants you to or your girlfriend." Justin pointed at Nick. "Until you know what you want or need or find pleasure in, you will be confused." Justin shrugged. "And no one can help you find your way but you." Justin put his hand on Nick's shoulder. "Sorry, I couldn't be more help."

"Well, I have some things to think about. And it did help talking about it."

"Anytime you need to." Justin squeezed Nick's shoulder.

Nick squeezed Justin's hand. "Thank you."

It was late afternoon before Lance and JC had finally finished all the interviews. They found Peter curled up on a couch asleep.

"Poor thing, he must have been bored to tears."

JC moved to the couch. "Peter?"

Peter stirred and opened his eyes. "Sorry, I dozed off."

Lance chuckled. "I don't blame you. It took longer than we thought."

Peter sat up and stretched. "It comes with the job."

"That's my line." JC teased. "Well, we can go home now."

Peter looked around. "And Justin?"

"He's still busy. He wanted to say good night but he couldn't get away."

Peter tried not to show his disappointment but Lance and JC saw it.

"You'll be with him all day tomorrow."

Peter grinned. "And tomorrow night."

"Plans all set?" asked Lance.

"Yep, Justin's mom, I mean, Lynn is handling everything."

"Everything?" JC joked.

"Okay, I'll be handling Justin, satisfied?"

JC laughed. "Come on lets go."

"I have to stop to get gas."

"JC, I saw a Mexican fast food place back a ways." Peter said.

"No, gas for the jeep."

"Is that wise?" Lance asked.

"Do you want to get home?"


"Then it is wise. It won't take long." JC pulled into the gas station. He shut off the engine. "I'll be right back."

Lance opened his door. "I'll get the windows."

As JC pumped the gas Lance washed the windows. Lance looked around. There was only one other car at the station. A young couple was sitting in the car while another couple was inside buying snacks. Lance noticed the occasional glance at them.

The other couple emerged from the store. As the young man opened the backseat door the other young man nodded at the jeep.

"Queer alert."

The other set down the bags he was carrying and turned. "Well, if it isn't those two fags from NSYNC."

The girl next to him smacked him hard on the shoulder. "Brad, you're such an insensitive creep!"

"What did I do?"

"I hate that word. I have lots of friends who are gay and you know that."

"Sorry, it just sort of came out."

The other girl spoke up. "Every time you two go off for a weekend with your male friends to Larry's cabin you come back swearing like two red-necks."

"I said I was sorry."

"And you'd better be or you can take us home right now." The girl in the car added.

The other girl pointed. "Go apologize."


"You know they heard you. Go apologize."

"But. . ."

"Do you want this date to end on a 'good' note?"

Reluctantly Brad shuffled over to the jeep.

He barely looked up at Lance. "I'm sorry about what I said. I really don't have anything against gay people. It just sort of slipped out. You know stupid male posturing in front of the women. I didn't really mean it." He glanced slightly over his shoulder and then extended his hand. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to be a jerk."

Lance shook his hand. "Okay. We sort of understand."

JC shook his hand next. "We're getting used to it." Much to JC's surprise Brad winched slightly. Had he really not meant it?

In parting Brad added, "I do sort of like your music." He headed back to the car.

As Brad climbed into the car they saw the girls roll their eyes and shake their heads as if to say "men". When everyone was in the car both guys got another whack from their girlfriends. The car drove off.

JC paid for the gas then climbed back in the jeep. He looked at Lance.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, it was nice to be defended like that. But I doubt those guys' chances on getting laid tonight."

"Are you kidding?" Peter replied. "Those two girls are going to be so hot just thinking of you two having sex that old Brad there won't know what hit him."

Lance turned to Peter in the backseat. "You have to be kidding."

"Check out the internet, Lance. Some females think that you two being a couple and in love is very hot."

"Well there's a switch, people actually wanting us to be gay."

"Uh-huh, Lance gay and in love. Love has a big part to play. It is the romance that really makes it erotic."

"I'll say." JC started the engine and headed for home.

The phone was ringing as they got home. JC answered it.

"Hello? Yes, we'll take the call."

Peter forgot the phone calls were still being screened.

"Here, Peter, you might as well take it." JC held the receiver out.

"Me?" Peter was still surprised whenever he got a phone call.

"Hello?" Peter smiled at the voice. "Brian, how are you doing?"

Lance and JC moved close.

"That gay bar was so awesome. I haven't danced so much in my life. I swear it took a couple of hours for my heart to go back to its regular rhythm after that loud bass beat."

"So you had fun."

"It just was so new. Do you know there's a gay hotel over the bar? It's not for that though."


"I know what you're thinking you go there to have sex but it is a legitimate hotel. There is a sex club next door for anyone wanting to really get down with a guy."

"How do you know about, ah, find out about the sex club?"

"Curiosity, Peter. You needed to be a member in order to get in anyway not that I'd want to go there. I doubt if I could get into having sex with a guy I just met." There was laughter in Brian's voice. "An old fart taught me well."

"Thanks a lot, Brian."

"I'm kidding. I just came to realize I have to get into a guy's mind before I could get into his pants. Some of the guys at Galixy disagree with me but that's my mindset."

"If it is worth anything the old fart is proud of you."

"We all are." Lance said loudly.

Brian asked. "Are they listening, too?"

"Well, they are interested in you, too."

"You can tell them I had a real nice time. Some of the gang are looking forward to going back next Sunday."

"Oh, really?" Peter asked trying to sound non-chalant.

"Yeah, but I am not going."

All three heaved a sigh of relief.

"I thought you had a good time."

"I did. It was loud and exciting but I'll be pushing it being gone two nights of the week to gay events. I'll stick to Galixy. I think if Father found out he'd be less angry having me go to Galixy than a gay bar."

"That sounds very wise."

"Well, I just wanted you to know. I'd better go. Father just stepped out to do an errand."

"Take it easy, Brian. We care about you."

"I know and I really appreciate it. I mean if it wasn't for you. . ." The line fell quiet.

"We did it for you, Brian. Say 'hello' to your brother for us."

"I will. Thanks again."

"Bye, Brian."


Peter hung up the phone.

"Whew, that is a big relief. At least Brian and his father will never accidentally meet."

"Well, at least not at the Saloon."

Lance raised an eyebrow. "Is that a vision?"

Peter shook his head. "No. I guess the truth will come out some time."

"Let's hope that is a long way off."

Lance put his hands together and rubbed them together. "Well, let's make dinner."

They headed for the kitchen.

Lance began to prepare the food. "Well, Peter, are you excited about tomorrow? And I don't mean tomorrow night."

"That's a different kind of excited, Lance but yes."

"That's right you and Justin haven't really been seen in public before."

"Or with you two. I suppose there will be bodyguards?"

"Yeah, two of them in case we split up."

"I'm assuming we would. You'd be less conspicuous."

JC chuckled. "Peter, you'll be surprised how inconspicuous we can be. Besides people have other things to be looking at than us."

"I've never been to Walt Disney World before."

Lance smirked. "Why does that not surprise me?"

"Then we can show you around as well as Hugh."

"Do you get any special treatment?"

"We sure do." Lance answered. "We get to wait in line less than the person behind us."

Peter smiled. "Sorry, I shouldn't have even asked. I know you hate the celebrity treatment."

"Hey, it would be fun get to go to the head of the line," JC said, "but so much for being inconspicuous."

"Besides we might piss some fans off if they were in line." Lance added.

"That's okay," Peter replied. "Patience is a virtue. Let's be virtuous tomorrow."

JC caught Lance's eye. "Just during the day that is."

Peter grinned, "Agreed. The night would be boring otherwise."

JC gave a big thrust with his hips. "Boring is just what I'll be doing."

"My, what a drill sergeant you will make." Lance said. "I'll drop and let you do two hundred and fifty push-'ins' to me."

"Yeah, but there are regulations on what sergeants should and shouldn't do with their privates." Peter joked.

JC grinned. "Hell, we'll both be at attention for hours tomorrow night."

"Until we both get an honorable discharge." Lance chuckled.

Lance and JC moved closer together.

"Ah, guys, I hate to break the spell but we're here to cook. . .Food, remember?"

Lance gave JC a quick peck on the lips. "Spoil sport."

Peter pointed to the living room. "I can excuse myself if you two want to stuff a turkey."

JC put his hands on his hips. "And which one of us is a turkey?"

Peter slumped. "I'm not going there and I will shut up now."

Lance chuckled. "Come on. Let's get dinner ready." He gave Peter a friendly nudge.

Peter rolled over in bed. Something was disturbing his sleep.


Peter grabbed a pillow and covered his head. "Mm, I'm trying to sleep."

"That won't help, Peter. I'm in your mind. At least I am trying to be. Is this better?"

The pillow was pulled off and Peter sat up in bed. "Justin?!"

"Good, that worked. Good evening, lover."

"Wait, I'll join you."

"Please, don't. I wanted to connect with you. You know turnabout is fair play."

"Okay, I can't touch you either way."

"Then touch yourself. I want to watch."

"But Justin. . ."

"You wouldn't push me from the room would you? We're lovers. You don't need privacy."

Peter felt a little silly but he slid his hand under the covers and began touching his dick.

"Pull back the covers so I can see."

Peter did as he was told and more. He pulled off his pajamas. He then lay naked on the bed. Peter gave himself over to jerking off for his invisible lover.

"That didn't take long."

Peter stroked his hard cock. "Even just the thought of you turns me on. I wish you were here."

"I am."

"You know what I mean. What about you?"

"I'm sure this memory will get me off when I get back."

Oh, the simple pleasure of just stroking his cock.

"You're enjoying this?"

"Yes, Justin."

"It looks like it. You know if you can feel people's emotions in this state I wonder what else you can do."


"Relax, let me try something."

Peter was a little nervous about Justin probing around in his mind on his first attempt. Suddenly Peter's leg jerked.

"Not what I was hoping for but close."

"Justin, please, be careful."

"Just keep stroking. Let's try here."

Peter's left arm jerked nearly smacking him in the face.


"Almost there. Keep jerking our cock."

"It's difficult when my limbs keep flailing about all over the. . ."

"I think right about. . ."

"Oh, my god!"

Peter's head fell back to the pillow. His whole body shook. "Justin ,what did you do?"

"I found the pleasure nerve center. It's right. . ."

Peter's body writhed. "Damn, Justin. That was so . . ."

"Good? How about again?"

"Justin, I. . ." Peter's body bucked again. "Fuck, Justin that it so good."

"One more time for good measure."

Peter felt Justin's love pour over him. His mouth fell open. "Oh, Justin, I. . ." Peter's cock erupted. His body convulsed as the climax ripped through him cum flew everywhere.

Justin was almost worried as he watched Peter quiver and shudder as he pumped the cum from his cock. Then with a final gasp Peter dropped back to the bed and lay still.


A huge grin spread across Peter's face. Peter started laughing. "Okay, Timberlake, you have done me one better. Damn, I have never cum like that or so soon. I though it was a long way off yet. You really did hit the spot."

"I'll teach you."

"You're damn right you will. You have to feel this."

"I did good?"

"Better than 'good'. What made you think of it?"

"Well, during the one autograph session while you were projecting you got JC to write things. I thought if you could move a hand you could do other things to a person, too."

"And being most times you would have been forced from the room, no one has probably ever found out what you just did. Thanks for letting me be the guinea pig."

"I'm sorry I was so busy today."

"I understand. I knew there'd be days like this before I decided to join you."

"And you don't mind?"

"Oh, I mind but afterwards when I am with you again it will make up for it."

"Until tomorrow then."

"Justin, I love you."

"And I you."

"See you tomorrow, Justin."

Justin was gone.

Peter cleaned himself off then slipped back under the covers. The afterglow felt better naked. He lay down. Tomorrow he would be with Justin in public for most of the day. He couldn't wait.

Peter rolled over and went to sleep.

End Part 46.

We've come down to the end of another one. Not much really happened but hey, don't blame me blame the characters. They are in charge. As always if you have the time and inclination let me know what you thought. E-Mail

Time to start Part 47. Thank you so much for reading.

Next: Chapter 47

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