Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Jan 31, 2004


Here it is Part 47. I hope its wait worth it. So straight (pardon the expression) to the CYB stuff. (Cover Your Butt)

This is a work of complete and utter fiction. The author has no knowledge! Oh, of NSYNC and their real life. On NO account does this author know that NSYNC is gay, was gay or will be in the future. He's just fulfilling his gay agenda by wishing that all guys he finds attractive were gay. And if he can't have them himself at least they're in a gay relationship. (Sounds like therapy time to me.) There will be descriptions of gay sex so if you are underage (Physically not mentally) or find such things offensive, Stop reading Now! Of course you could keep reading and expand your mind.

Anyway, onward!

"Peter, will you find a place to roost!"

Peter stopped pacing. "I'm sorry, JC. I've always wanted to go to Walt Disney World and now look who I am going with."

The doorbell rang. Peter was at the door in a flash. When he opened the door his face fell.

"Oh, it's just you Justin."

"Thank you so much."

"I'm sorry," Peter gave Justin a kiss. He whispered. "I am looking forward to tell Hugh what you did last night. It must be something new. It was so wonderful."

Justin shook his head. "I don't know. The best orgasm you've ever had I wasn't there."

"Yes, you were."

"Not in body." Justin pouted. "Maybe you will never need me to touch you ever again."

"Don't you ever believe that, Justin. It was a good but you were physically missing. That would have made it spectacular."

Justin smiled. "Forgiven."

Peter leaned close. "So when are you going to teach me so I can do it to you?"

"How about tonight?"

"Good, I'll project to your room tonight."

"Don't you want to physically be there?" Justin sounded hurt.

"But I thought you were still worried about being seen too often with me."

Peter's mind raced. Did that sound convincing? He wanted Justin to believe him. Everything was set for his doting date with Justin but if Peter seemed too eager it would spoil the surprise.

"I've told you and told you I am not ashamed of you or my love for you."

"Well, we will have been with each other all day."

"Don't you want to?"

Peter ran his hand lightly up and down Justin's arm. "It's just when we have sex after we have been apart it is more intense."

Justin raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying you like us being apart?"

Peter decided to try a different tack. "I'm sorry, Justin. Of course, I'll come over tonight." Peter glanced at the ceiling. "It just seems sort of weird to get you off `spiritually' went I am there in the flesh." Peter licked Justin's nose.

"And if I want to experience `wonderful' and then 'spectacular'?"

"So you want me to do you one better?"

Justin grinned. "Of course, I am Justin Timberlake."

"Are you two going to come in?" JC's voice interrupted them.

"Sorry." Peter gave Justin a kiss. "I`ll go by your decision."

They walked into the living room.

"So, Justin, you ready to be seen in public with your lover?" JC teased.

"Yep," Justin took three steps away from Peter and turned slightly away from him. "See? I learned it all from watching you two."

"Justin." Peter warned.

"It's okay," Lance said. "It is the truth."

JC nudged Lance. "It was the truth."

Peter was struck by a thought. "What about the bodyguards?"

"We'll meet them there." JC replied. "They'll be waiting by the gate. We`ve already got our passes so no waiting in line."

The doorbell rang. Peter looked up anxious.

"Go ahead." Lance said.

Peter went to the door. They could see he was trying to walk slowly.

"Morning, Hugh."

"Good Morning, Peter." They hugged. "Ready for a new adventure?"

"It's just Walt Disney World."

"And look what happened to you at an old stadium." Hugh saw the look on Peter's face and laughed. "I'm just kidding. Every step you take can take you into an adventure. They all don't have to be bad."

They walked into the living room.

"Morning, Hugh." Lance said.

"Morning, everybody. I am so looking forward to this. When do we leave?"

"Now, if you want to." JC answered.

"Could I have a glass of water first?" Hugh asked. "I am suddenly so thirsty. It must have been the ham I had for breakfast."

"Sure." Peter led the way to the kitchen.

Justin saw Peter gesture with his head. He followed.

Hugh finished his glass of water. "Thank you, most refreshing."

"Hugh, I. . ." Peter started.

Hugh set the glass down and turned to Peter and Justin. "All I have to say is just be careful."

"Hugh, what?"

"What you did last night is open to very few people who project. But you must be careful this is a human body and mind you are dealing with. This is more. . ." Hugh stopped trying for the right word. "There are more precautions you should take with what you are doing that with just projecting. I think as long as you keep it just to yourselves, and I mean that both ways, you should be okay. I must stress do not try this on any other person. It could cause harm to them or even to you."

Peter looked down. "I'm sorry, Hugh."

Hugh smiled. He put a hand on Peter's shoulder. "It does feel wonderful doesn't it?"

Peter looked up surprised. Hugh knew? Peter sighed. Of course, Hugh knew.

"I'm not saying stop, just be careful. But the way you feel about each other I doubt if you could ever cause each other harm."

Peter smiled, "You're right about that." Peter paused. "Hugh. Have you ever. . ? I mean, did you have. .?"

"A lover? Of course, I've had a lover." Hugh showed a little hesitation.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to get personal."

"It's okay." Hugh looked up as JC and Lance entered the kitchen.

"You don't have to tell us," Peter said.

"Why not? Trevor was the most wonderful person. He brought so much life into my life. He was the sort of person that just radiates the joy of living. He was such a ball of energy."

"I can see the similarities." Lance said.

Hugh grinned. "You mean me? Trevor made me this way. You couldn't help it being with him. He swept you along for the ride. He was one of those people who could talk to anybody. A few words with a complete stranger and they weren't a stranger for long. Everybody liked him. I taught him the mental side to life and he showed me the physical side. Trevor was into everything, motorcycles, water skiing, skydiving, and mountain climbing. I didn't do everything he did but just watching him was enough."

Hugh saw Peter give Justin a glance and smile.

"He had such energy. It was the most wonderful two years." Hugh looked a little sad.

"I take it that he's. . ." Peter couldn't find the words.

"Dead? Yes."

"AIDS?" asked JC.

Hugh smiled slightly. "That is always assumed isn't it? No, he fell off a mountain." Hugh almost chuckled.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. He died the way he wanted to, living life to the fullest."

Peter nodded. "Now you do."

Hugh smiled. "Yes, I do, in tribute of him. But it took me some time to get there. I shut myself off from the world for a whole year until Trevor told me to pull myself together and stop moping about the place."

Justin asked. "Trevor did?"

"Oh, I know what people think, but I know Trevor had something to do with it." Hugh took a deep breath. "We had bought this little house and Trevor planted this wonderful flower garden. He had such a love of life all life loved him. Under his care that garden grew the most fantastic flowers. But his pride and joy were the roses. They came in such colors and fragrances. There was one plant, a peace rose that was his favorite.

After his death I tried very hard to keep the garden up but I wasn't Trevor and I am afraid my heart wasn't really in it. One day I noticed the leaves of the peace rose were being eaten by aphids. I couldn't stand to see Trevor's prized rose plant ruined so I repotted it. It would be safer inside the house."

"I didn't think you could grow roses indoors." Peter said.

Hugh chuckled. "You can't. Well, I couldn't. It lasted through the winter but I knew come Spring I had to put it back in the garden. But then I got the idea. Trevor had been cremated but I had never known where to scatter the ashes. Trevor loved so many places. So I planted the rose with some of Trevor's ashes. Then the rest I scattered over the garden." Hugh's voice cracked. "You should have seen the flowers that summer. The roses were almost bending to the ground from the weight of the blooms."

Peter smiled. "Trevor's influence again."

Hugh smiled and nodded. "But he didn't stop at just the flowers. He got me to bloom again."

Peter glanced at Justin. He was as rapt up in the story as Peter was.

"One morning I looked out and there was a car at the street and a man standing looking at the garden. I walked out to greet him. He looked up as I approached him."

"Morning, I hope you don't mind me trespassing but your garden is so beautiful. I had to stop and take a look."

"Please, do more than look." Hugh gestured him closer. "They smell so wonderful."

"I've never seen roses like this. You must have quite the green thumb." He bent down to smell the roses.

"I'm afraid I don't. It was my late partner who had the touch for the flowers. I think they're giving one last tribute to him."

The young men stood up. "I am so sorry. It's never easy losing a loved one."

Hugh saw the darkening of man's aura. "How long have they been gone?"

"Seven or eight months. I've lost all track of time." The man toyed with a ring on his finger.

"If I may ask how long were you and he partners?"

The man looked up surprised. He frowned. "We'd been together for almost three years." The man looked up at Hugh. "How did you know?"

"First, you are touching the ring on your finger so I assumed it was a committed relationship. The rest came from the rainbow sticker on your car."

The man smiled for once. "It's so elementary." The smile vanished as quickly as it came. He nodded at the flagpole in the front yard. "I have to confess when I saw the rainbow flag I didn't think you'd mind me looking at your garden."

"The flag was Trevor's idea. He wasn't one to hide anything about himself."

Hugh noticed the sweat forming on the man's brow. It was a hot sunny day. "Would you like to come in for something cool to drink? You must be thirsty."

The man shook his head. "No, I'd like to just enjoy your garden for a while longer then I have to get going."

"I can offer you a caring stranger's shoulder to cry on if you'd like."

The man was wavering.

"Or another gay man's shoulder at least. I think it would be good for both of us. I haven't talked of Trevor much since his accident. How about you?"

"I don't think. . ."

Enough of this, Hugh decided. "I insist. Just for a while and just for some iced tea and sympathy."

The man finally nodded and then smiled.

Hugh extended his hand. "I'm Hugh."


They both went into the house.

Hugh continued. "Soon we were both crying in each other's arms. Which changed to hugging and that changed into kissing and then before we knew it we were in the bedroom having sex. It took us entirely by surprise. We were so caught up in the moment. It had been over a year for me and less time for Shawn but to know the joy of being intimate with another man again. Of course, when we were through the guilt kicked in."

Peter remembered Hugh's first words to him. "Let go of the guilt."

"Shawn barely said a word as he dressed. But then I realized something I had to tell him before he left.

"I want to thank you, Shawn."

"We were just two lonely guys."

"It's more than that. I know this is probably not very flattering to you but I couldn't stop seeing Trevor. It was like I was with Trevor one last time and," Hugh's voice caught. "I finally got the chance to say goodbye to him and in a way he would have loved."

Shawn looked at the floor. "So it wasn't just sex?"

"Not to me."

"I thought about my lover, too. But I thought he'd be angry with me like I was cheating on him. But I couldn't stop. It felt so good to be having sex again."

Hugh got out of bed. "Wait here for me."

"But. . ."

"I'll only be a minute."

Hugh came back. "This is for you." Hugh held out a peace rose. "This is from Trevor's favorite bush. Please take it."

"You cut a rose blossom off for me? But it will die."

"I almost killed the plant trying to protect it. It's time to just enjoy it as it is. I'll have to trim it down in the Fall anyway. At least this will give you some enjoyment. Trevor always lived for the moment. It's time for me to move on. You helped me see that."

Shawn looked at the rose in his hand. "The flowers have it so easy. Every year they bloom again. I wish I could bloom like this."

Suddenly Hugh knew what to do. He moved close. "Let me show you how." He took the rose from Shawn's hand and laid it on the dresser. Hugh began to remove Shawn's shirt.

"But, Hugh. . ."

"Let go of the pain. This is sex and it feels good. There is nothing so special then intimacy between two people. Give into the pleasure and give up the quilt. Together we will set your mind free." Hugh pulled Shawn to him.

"Shawn stayed for two days. We both felt a lot better about ourselves after that. I realized that I really enjoyed helping Shawn back on his sexual feet again. And I decided to keep helping people. I knew Trevor wouldn't mind." Hugh sighed. "I sold the house soon after and moved into an apartment. Then I quit my office job and become a custodian." Hugh chuckled at the puzzled faces around him. "And how else to you get to be among people? In an apartment you are always meeting people and a custodian? Well, you still learn a lot about people even when they ignore you. I like being close for that 'hand's on' experience."

"And I thank you for that," Peter added. "You really do know more than me."

Hugh put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "You're just on a different path. You'll get there."

"Speaking of paths," JC looked at his watch. "We'd better hit the path to the driveway if we want to see as much as we can."

They made their way to the car.

Peter didn't know what was more exciting being at Walt Disney World or being with Justin. Oh, sure they'd gone shopping and out to eat or to the movies but this was a longer time in public.

Justin's 'disguise' was a baseball cap and sunglasses. JC just had on sunglasses. Lance wore neither. Peter wore sunglasses and his NSYNC crew hat.

"Subtle, very subtle." Lance had teased.

"Well, it will give Justin an excuse as to why we're together."

"What are you going to do? Run into a restaurant and rearrange his silverware the way he likes it?"

"Ah, come on, JC." Lance gave JC a nudge. "If people believe Justin has his own crew member they certainly would never think he and Peter are lovers."

"Besides," Peter almost pouted, "I'm proud that I was once a crew member even if it was an honorary."

"You were more than honorary." Lance added.

JC nodded. "Okay, the hat can stay."

But once they got to the parking lot Justin pulled the hat off of Peter and threw it back into the car.

"Justin, I need that. I'll get sunburned if I don't wear a hat."

"Then I'll buy you another while we're here."

"I have my own money." Peter stated.

"I know." Justin wanted to take Peter in his arms but knew better. "I just want the past to be in the past. You have gone beyond being a member of the crew. I can tell you are really excited to be here. I want to find you something that will remind you of this day."

"I don't need one, Justin. Just to be here with you. . ." Peter glanced around, "all of you is enough." Peter sighed. "But have it your way. I can never say no to. . ."

Justin clapped his hand over Peter's mouth. "Sh, we're incognito." Justin teased.

"Sorry," Peter mumbled.

They started their hike across the parking lot.

JC moved to Peter's elbow. He whispered. "Besides that hat makes it seem like you're Justin's lacky and he doesn't like people thinking that."

"But I know better."

"Still he is very sensitive to what people think about you and your relationship to him. Until he comes out that is."

Peter nodded.

As they approached the gate area they saw four bodyguards standing there.

"I thought we were only getting two escorts?" Lance said.

"I only asked for two." JC replied.

Peter was delighted. One of them was Lonnie.

"Lonnie, glad to see you again."

"What a surprise. I didn't know you would be here, too." Lonnie gave Peter's shoulder a pat knocking Peter off balance.

Peter was puzzled. "You didn't know we would be here?"

"Well, well, what a coincidence."

They turned to see Chris and Joey approaching.

Chris was grinning. "Imagine you here as well."

"You knew full well we were coming here." JC said.

"And you should know full well we are not going to let you do something without the rest of us."

"Except sex of course." Joey added.

Chris nodded. "That's a given."

"Okay," JC gave in. "We should have known better. But we were trying to stay small to be less detectable."

"Don't worry," Joey teased. "With Chris here the people will stay away in droves."

"Funny." Chris retorted.

"Let's go in."

"Okay, Peter," Lance teased. "Keep your pants on."

There was a pause. They turned to Chris.

"Oh, sorry. Do you the "That comes later" or the "This is a family resort" joke?"

"How about neither?"

Chris grinned. "Too late."

Joey sighed and shook his head. "I'll say."

They headed to the gate.

They were walking down Main Street. Peter backed into another lamp post.


"Peter, pay attention to where you're going."

Peter rubbed his shoulder. "But there is so much to see."

"We have to come back this way. You can see that angle then."

Peter stopped turning around and looked where he was going."

NSYNC smiled at Peter's wide eyed wonder. He had been so excited to go and now that he was here he didn't know what to look at first.

"Where to first?" JC asked.

"Space Mountain." Everyone but Peter and Hugh replied.

"I forgot you guys like roller coasters." Peter said.

"Do you mind?" asked Joey.

"No, just forget about breaking any consecutive riding records okay?"

As they headed off JC asked Peter, "Do you want to spend the whole day at the Magic Kingdom?"

"I don't mind but I am just one of your guests." Peter replied. "What do you think, Hugh?"

"Fine by me. There is too much to take in as it is."

"Okay," JC sighed. "We'll concentrate our efforts here."

Hugh looked at JC. "But what about you? Is there some place you'd like to see?"

"Well, there is no keeping secrets from you, is there?"

"And?" Lance grinned.


"You know you are dying to see the television studios." Lance nudged JC. "You can take the boy away from the mouse but you can't take the mouse out of the boy."

JC shrugged. "I just want to see what the studio is like that's all."

"That's okay, JC," Peter smiled. "I'd love to see what new animated movie they're working on."

"Then let's get a move on," Joey said. "So much time and so little to see." Joey grinned. "Strike that. Reverse it."

"Thank you, Joey. We already know what your favorite movie is."

"Sometime you should project here." Chris suggested. "You don't have to wait in line and its fun to go behind the scenes."

Peter shook his head. "I think it would ruin it. It's fun just losing one`s self in the magic."

Peter felt a hand take his for a moment then let go. He turned to see Justin.

"You are such a child sometimes. I love that about you, Peter." Justin winked.

Peter smiled at Justin and mouthed. "I love you, too."

Justin kissed the air then turned away.

They continued on.

The chairman's leather chair was turned so it's back was to the people seated around the table. "I am very disappointed in your efforts so far."

The members of the board looked down at the table. A hand shot up from the chair and pointed to the logo on the wall. It was a three digit numeral with a cross through the seven.

"We are one of the most watched of all Christian Television shows. We get thousands of dollars donated to us every day to help spread God's word. The American People are counting on us to protect their way of life and the American Family. And you can't even find any kind of dirt on two homosexual singers!"

"They are too well protected, sir."

"Of course they are protected. The 'happy' couple have been together for a year and the public only learns about it now."

"How did you know they've been together a year?"

A magazine was flung against the wall. "Because I read their interviews. 'Know thine enemies' remember?"

There were muffled whispers of agreement.

The chair spun around. Even with the force of the movement the chairman's silver/white hair stayed firmly in place. He looked around the table with the same half smile/half frown. There was no way to tell what he was thinking from his face. It was very innerving.

"Their popularity is growing, my friends and we must put a stop to it."

"We've tried. . ." one board member started.

"Confrontations? Protests? You are all fools. We need skill and cunning to bring them down."

"Even Fred Phelps. . ." another brave man began.

The hand slammed down on the table. "Fred Phelps is a fool! I agree with his views but he lacks subtlety. He is his own worst enemy. Subtlety is needed here not bluster."

"But how. . ."

"I have taken matters into my own hands. I have assigned Reverend Welks to the case."

The name was whispered around the table.


The door opened and a youngish man in black approached the table.

"Yes, sir?"

"Inform me and all present of your progress."

"The website has been opened. We have been getting very positive E-mails from the fans."

The chair swiveled slightly. He gestured to the people around the table. "A quick run down for the others."

"We established a website `' . We are starting out slowly. Telling those fans that find the site that we believe NSYNC is a very family geared group with high morals."

"But how can fans. . .?"

The chairman glared across the table. "Have you managed to find anything substantial from other means?"

"No, we were blocked. We had a lead about this guy Peter. He had been hospitalized two days in one week. There was drugs hinted at. But all records are private."

The chairman leaned back in his chair. "Forget about chasing anything on the other homosexual. NSYNC can easily separate themselves from him. We need facts about the individual members of the group."

"But how? We couldn`t find out anything."

The chairman leaned forward again. "But who knows more about NSYNC than NSYNC themselves?" He paused. "Why the fans. You needn't go hunting for the facts we need. They will supply them for us."

The Reverend Welks took a step forward. "That is why we set up the website."

"Use honey, my friends. You'll lure them in so easily." He sat back. "Go on, Reverand."

"Soon we will be stating that we want to send a scrapbook to the," He sneered, "Happy couple for their wedding. We will then ask for the most outrageous things the fans can remember about not just JC and Lance but all of NSYNC. The ones that seem to be show promise will then be investigated."

The chairman addressed Reverend Welks. "And they must be provable. No rumors or tales. This must be able to sustain any legal action. That way the fans will be able to learn the truth about these pagan idols they worship so much."

"I fully understand that, Sir."

"And forget about the homosexual angle. This must be something like drugs or alcohol. Perhaps a party where drugs were used or some illicit sex." The chairman spread his hands and looked at the people around the table. "See? While you were trying to pry and dig into NSYNC's private lives we came up with a plan where we do nothing. Their own fans and friends will bring about their downfall. All we have to do is sit and wait for the right piece of information. And when we have the proof we go public and NSYNC will be NSUNK"

"Praise God!"

The chairman grinned. "Amen, brothers."

Now that the initial eagerness of being here and with NSYNC had subsided Peter started watching the people around them. He was very surprised people didn't rush up and ask for pictures or autographs. He saw people notice them but continue on walking passed.

"Peter, stop gaping at them." Lance hissed. "You'll draw attention."

"Me? It's you they see."

"You're drawing their attention to them." Hugh added. "Just relax and enjoy yourself."

"I am."

"But your body language is all wrong. You are too stiff. Don't say it, Chris." Joey continued. "Just walk like normal."

"But how?"

"Most people see the bodyguards," JC explained. "The key to not being seen is to be as open as you can. You move like everyone else and you blend in."

"But I know you have been recognized. Why hasn't anyone approached?"

Hugh turned. "Do you want them to?"

Lance answered. "It's rather refreshing without the, and fans forgive me for this, but the interruption for a change."

"Good, I thought so." Hugh walked on.

Peter moved up along side of Hugh. "Are you doing something?" he whispered.

"I just thought NSYNC could use a day off."

"But how?"

Hugh chuckled. "There are auras that can be seen and others that can be felt. I am just putting out a `do not disturb" aura. The people feel it and those who care, choose to stay away and not intrude."

Peter signed, "You know so much more than me."

Hugh put his hand around Peter's shoulder. "Someday you will, too."

"I doubt it." Peter said. "I have Justin now. He is very distracting."

Hugh laughed. "But you both can learn together. See what you two have learned already?"

"That was just Justin."

"There is nothing `just' about Justin."

"You can say that again." Peter sighed. "I was hoping I would be able to talk to Lonnie."

JC answered, "He's on duty. You'll just distract him. Maybe at lunch."

Peter nodded.

A very good looking guy in a white tank top approached them. The two couples forced themselves to keep their eyes forward as he passed. Hugh turned his head for a last look.

Peter heard Hugh give out an envious sigh. He stepped closer to Hugh. "Hugh, don't you ever wish. . ? I mean, surely there is some nice guy out there. . ."

Hugh laughed. "A typical couple question. Single people can't be happy by themselves?"

Peter looked embarrassed. "Oh, god, I didn't mean it that way. I mean, I hated it when other people did that to me." Peter looked down and shook his head. "I've become what I promised myself I wouldn't."

"It's all right, Peter. You think that this long after Trevor I must be lonely. Well, trust me I have a very full sex life."

Peter couldn't stop himself. "Yeah, with complete strangers." Peter looked up red faced. "I didn't mean that. I am sorry, Hugh."

"Don't be. But you know better than anyone. You might not have known me but I could tell certain things about you. So to me you were not a complete stranger." Hugh leaned down. "And I don't do it that often. I am not a slut, you know."

"I know you're not. I mean, I wish I could be as free with the sex."

"Well, I don't." Justin replied. "Unless it's with me." He reached up and adjusted Peter's cap. "Much better."

Justin had bought Peter a navy blue baseball cap. Peter was surprised that there was no logo or characters on it. Justin had explained that is was some feat to be in a place like this and manage to find just a plain cap. Besides with no logo on the cap Peter would only think about Justin. Peter filed a 'thank you' kiss for later.

"Does it look all right?" Peter asked. "I'm usually not one for hats."

"Thanks a lot," Justin teasingly pouted.

Peter slumped. "I'm going to shut up now before more I get more people mad at me." Peter started humming.

"Oh, god, Peter's humming again." Chris grumbled.

Justin bumped playfully into Peter's shoulder. "There's one more and you didn't say a thing." Justin turned to Chris. "Peter is always humming."

"Always?" Chris grinned.

"Don't go there, Chris." JC warned.

Chris couldn't resist, "So Peter's a good hummer."

Peter puffed out his chest. "I am quite proud of the fact. Right, Hugh?"

"We both are."

"And me." Justin put in.

JC saw the puzzled look on Lance's face. He leaned close. "A hummer is another term for," JC tried for the word that would embarrass Lance the least since they were in public. "Fellatio," he whispered.

To JC's surprise Lance grinned. "Count me in. JC, too."

JC looked around nervously. "I don't think we should be talking about this in public," he whispered.

"Damn straight." Joey emphasized. "How did we get on the topic away?"

"My bad," Peter admitted. "Chris doesn't like me humming."

Chris explained. "Its not you humming I hate. It is the tune. You've been humming the same tune for 15 minutes. I told you it would happen if you went on the 'It's a Small World' ride."

"Okay, I'll change my tune, I mean, what I'm humming, I mean, the melody I'm humming." Peter pointed his finger at Chris. "I'm still ahead of you."

Chris frowned. "Damn, there were some good jokes in there."

Peter started whistling.

"Oh, not that pirate song again!" Joey snapped.

Chris sighed. "Some of these rides should come with warnings 'Theme song may be addictive'."

Joey pondered. "I wonder how many families were driven insane but incessant theme song singing."

Peter made the point. "And you never got tired of any one your songs during the rehearsals for your concerts? You must have heard them for hours on end."

"Hey, our songs are good music." Joey replied.

"And the Disney songs are not?" JC added.

"I like them," Justin said.

Joey pointed. "You two are prejudiced. They brainwashed you on that show."

"Well, at least they washed something." Chris wrinkled his nose and waved his hand in front of his face. "Whew, Joey."

"You're no bed of roses either." Joey shot back.

Hugh decided to break the mood. He pointed to a building. "How about going in here? Any takers? Joey?"

"A restaurant! Please, JC. Let's stop for lunch."

JC nodded. "Okay, we'd better before Joey starts to whine."

"I would not!"

Chris smiled. "See, he's started already."

JC ushered them through the door.

The bodyguards sat at a nearby table. Peter watched the looks from the other customers.

"Still have your force field up, Hugh?" Chris teased.

"Not at full strength but yes. I don't want to keep away people who really want to talk to you. I just want to let you relax a bit."

Chris lay back in his chair and closed his eyes. "And I am. This is so nice."

Joey stuck his fingers in his glass of water and flicked the water on Chris's face.


"I owe you that, Chris, from the Pirates of the Caribbean ride."

"Well, you set yourself up for it, Joey," Lance said.


"We had just made it down the first waterfall and you said, `I didn't get a bit wet'."

Chris continued. "So I just had to reach over the side and splash you with water. My fans would have wanted it that way."

"YOU wanted it that way." Joey shot back.

"Guys, please," JC said. "We are in public. Behave."

Justin nudged Peter. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Peter smiled. "To be out, ah, sorry, I mean, in public with you. It is so nice."

"Tonight will be nicer, I promise you."

Peter thought, `Oh, just you wait.'

Peter hoped he covered it well. He had a growing feeling of a dread. Something was in the works. He shrugged it off. He was with Justin after all. Peter swatted at Justin's hand on his knee.

"Like JC said, behave."

Justin leaned close. "I am Justin Timberlake. I don't have to." Justin smiled. "Do you mean you don't like all my attention?"

"I don't mind you sharing a seat on a ride with me but when you grope me."

"It's just for fun."

"But I am sure there are security cameras. I worry about them finding out about you."

"You mean you and me?"

Peter nodded but he suddenly felt that maybe he was worried just about Justin.

They had almost finished eating when a mother and young daughter approached the table. The two gave a wary eye to the bodyguards but they let the two of them pass.

"Please, pardon the interruption." The mother started. "But my daughter would like to have a few words for you if you don't mind. It won't take long."

"We don't mind." JC said. "Go ahead, we're listening."

The mother waved a hand in front of her daughter. When her daughter was looking at her the mother's hands went into motion. They instantly knew this was sign language. The daughter must be deaf. The daughter's hands began moving.

The mother translated. "I want to thank you so much for your support of gay people and especially Lance and JC for coming out publicly. It meant a lot to me and it gave me the courage to tell my mother the truth about me. I was so afraid how she would take it. I thought it was disappointing enough having a daughter who was deaf then finding out she is a lesbian." The daughter stopped. She watched her mother's lips.

The mother took over. "It couldn't have been further from the truth. We always knew we have a special girl. We just want her to be happy and for the first time in many months, she is. Recently she had been so quiet about the house."

Joey nudged Chris. Chris gave him an angry look. Chris knew when and when not to joke.

"But a few days ago she came to us with a confession. I think she was quite surprised how we took it." She put her arm around her daughter's shoulders. "Our daughter is happy again. That's why we're here. I wanted to show my daughter that I'm not ashamed of her or to be with her."

The daughter turned to the table. "I owe you so much." She said. The words weren't very distinct but they could understand her. "May I?" He held out her arms.

"Sure." Lance and JC stood up.

She went to each one and gave them a hug. Then she went on to the other NSYNC members. After his hug Chris grabbed her arm as she pulled back and kissed her on cheek. She stood back blushing.

JC said to the mother. "If you can give us your address we can send her," JC turned to the girl, "I mean you something."

The daughter's hands fluttered. The mother replied. "No, thank you. What you have done is enough. Thank you so much. Bless you." The mother added. "The last one is from me."

They walked arm and arm back to their table.

Everyone could see that JC and Lance were just beaming.

"Anyone for desert?" asked Joey.

At the Disney Studios they had used their clout to get past the tourist areas so they could get into the offices of the studio. They had left the bodyguards downstairs. JC and Justin were reminiscing.

JC looked around. "It hasn't changed much."

Justin agreed. "Not in all those years."

"It hasn't been that long ago." Lance pointed out.

"Oh, my god it is you!" An older man hurried forward. "Two of my charges have returned to see their old tutor."

JC and Justin were swept into a hug.

"And you have done so well for yourselves." He released JC and Justin.

Peter could see the pride in the old man's face.

"What brings you here?"

"Just being a tourist," JC said. "But we thought we'd see our old stamping grounds." JC turned. "Guys, this is our old tutor and baby sitter, Mr. Murphy. He was in charge of us mouseketeers."

"I told you forget the Mister part. You just called me Murphy. And "in charge", bull. You kids did what you wanted to. But you were serious when you needed to be so I let you."

Justin patted the old man's shoulder. "And he never told on us. That really endeared him to us."

"You were just being kids. Why should I? As long as it didn't interfere with your performance they didn't mind."

Lance smiled. "Sounds like someone else I know."

Murphy took JC's hands. "But you and Lance. I am so proud and happy. I knew you'd find the right guy someday."

"You knew JC was gay?" asked Joey.

"It was my dancing, wasn't it?" said JC.

"Partly, and I know it is an old adage but you were so musical and enthusiastic."

JC looked down. "I wish I would have known then."

"Oh, bah. Everyone has to learn about themselves in their own time. Even if I told you you were gay you wouldn't have known what it meant."

JC took Lance's hand. "I do now."

"And look what you have done with it. You have come out to the whole world. That is why I am so proud of you."

Justin stepped forward. "What about me?"

Murphy put his arm around Justin's shoulders. "Someday we'll find you the right man and you will give up this straight lifestyle nonsense. Then I will be proud of you." Murphy burst out laughing. "I am kidding. I am proud of you. It is just your girlfriend I have quarrel with."

"She is NOT my girlfriend and she was finally given up on me." Justin paused. "But what you said has come true. There was, is a man."

Peter gaped as Justin took his hand.

Murphy's mouth dropped open. "Really? You two?"

"Justin." Peter whispered a warning.

"Murphy never rats on anyone." Justin replied.

"He's right you know." Murphy smiled. "They were playing practical jokes on each other all of the time and I never told on anyone. Well, as long as the jokes were harmless." He took Peter's hand. "But you and Justin. How wonderful. I was never sure of Justin. But you did win that beauty contest and blubbered like a baby the whole way down the runway." He looked from Peter to Justin. "And you are happy?"

"Yes, very."

"Good." He patted Peter's hand. "Now let me show you around. You'd like to see the old studio I presume?"

"Can we?" JC asked.

"Sure. The best view is from through here." Murphy went to a door. "A bird's eye view down memory lane." He unlocked the door. "I'm afraid the set is gone and it's rather bare but I think you can fill in the gaps." He opened the door.

As they went through there was a small landing and then it led to an elevated walkway across the end of the studio. Peter saw to his dismay that they were about two plus stories above the studio floor. Peter kept his shoulder to the wall. The walkway was wide enough Peter could keep his distance from the railing.

Chris wanted to get ahead of Joey. "Coming through," He pushed by Peter and the wall.

"Oh, no you don't." Joey gave Chris an added push and Chris collided with Peter forcing him to the railing.

It felt like Peter's stomach dropped to his feet. The depth of the studio loomed into Peter's vision. His hands clutched and locked on the handrail. He could imagine himself pitching forward over the railing. Peter felt himself go dizzy. Not now! The Astral Plain had chosen a real lousy time for this.

The guy's faces were flashing in front of him. Everyone looked angry.

"Why are you doing this, Peter?" Lance said.

"This has to stop before it goes too far." It was Joey.

Chris's face came next, "I understand, Peter, but you can't win and you'll take all of us down with you."

Then John's face, "Are you trying to destroy everything that NSYNC has accomplished? Put an end to this now."

Oh, the look of displeasure on Justin's face. Peter dreaded to hear what Justin had to say. "Think of what you saw, Peter. You saw the end to this. Please, Peter, for your love for me and everything the guys worked for, give this thing up before it's too late!"

He heard his own voice say with conviction. "I'm sorry, I can't."

They turned away from him. They faded into the darkness. "I can't" echoed in the dark emptiness all around him. He was left utterly alone.

What had he done? What was he doing? How could he jeopardize NSYNC like that? Like what? He felt such a dread at what he might do to his friends.

Peter's mind started to refocus but the view from that height did nothing to calm him. Being at such a height and disoriented sent Peter into a panic. He wanted to close his eyes or look away and he couldn't. The studio opened like an abyss before him. He started to imagine the walkway was tipping and his feet were slipping. His paranoia told him the railing might give out at any moment.

Peter's grip tightened on the railing. The words still echoed in his mind. "I'm sorry, I can't." His dread of what he might do to his friends combined with his fear of falling. Was he meant to fall so the future would be saved?

Justin's voice pierced his panic. "Peter?"

Peter managed a pinched whisper. "I can't move. Help me."

"Peter, close your eyes."

"I can't." Peter's face was pale. "I'm slipping. I'm going to fall."

"You can't fall." Lance said firmly. "You're against the railing."

"Just step back from the edge."

"He can't, Joey." JC said. He saw Peter's knuckles were white. "He's terrified." JC turned to Murphy. "Peter's afraid of heights,"

They began to move close to Peter.

"Stand back." Hush snapped. "He'll think you might push him over."

"But we have to do something." Lance insisted. "We could grab him and pull him back."

"With his hold on the rail?" JC replied. "He might pull back from us so hard he'd flip himself over the rail."

"JC," Chris warned. "Don't give Peter anything more to worry about."

Hugh nodded at Justin. Justin started to move close to Peter.

"Careful, Justin," Chris cautioned. "Take it slow."

Justin stood as close as he dared to Peter. "Give me your hand, Peter."

"I can't." Sweat began to bead on Peter's forehead. He couldn't take his eyes off the void before him.

"Hold onto the rail with one hand. Give me the other."

"I'll fall."

"You're perfectly safe." Joey added. "The walkway is flat. You're only imagining you'll fall."

Peter stood rigidly to the spot. "I can't move. I'm scared."

Everyone could see how terrified Peter was and they seemed powerless to help.

Justin held out his hand. "Take my hand, Peter. Trust me."

Peter tried to force the muscles of his hand to loosen.

It seemed like ages but slowly Peter's hand let go of the railing. Justin's hand met it. Justin winced at the force Peter gripped his hand.

"That's good, Peter. Now follow me." Justin pulled.

Peter's other hand still gripped the railing.

"Let go with your other hand. I've got you."

"No!" Peter pulled back.

Lance suggested, "Then just loosen your grip. Let your hand slide along the railing."

Justin held Peter's hand with both hands. "I've got you. I won't let you fall. Come on, I'll get you out of here."

Peter slowly started to shuffle after Justin. His hand held the railing but he let his hand slide along it.

"You're doing fine. We'll be out of here in no time."

Inching their way along Peter and Justin soon came to the end of the railing.

"Now look at me, Peter."

Peter didn't turn his head. He still stared at the studio floor far below him.

"Look at me!" Justin shouted.

Peters head turned. Justin saw the fear in Peter's eyes.

"You'll have to let go of the railing."

Peter shook his head.

Justin gestured with his head. "See that door? We're almost there but you'll have to let go of the railing." Justin held out his other hand. "I'll guide you. Take my hand. Trust me."

Slowly Peter let go. He grabbed Justin's other hand.

"Follow me. I have you."

Peter could still feel the gaping void just behind him. It felt like the edge was following him. Anytime it seemed like the floor would give out from under him.

Step by small step they made their way to the door.

Justin smiled. "Almost there. You're doing fine. Just a few more steps and you'll be safe."

As Justin stepped over the door jamb he pulled Peter to him. He turned away from the door so they were against the wall.

"That's it, you safe. You did it."

Peter's legs buckled and he slid to the door. Justin followed holding Peter tight.

Peter buried his head into Justin's shoulder. "Thank you, Justin. Thank you."

The others gathered around them.

Hugh sighed. "He'll be all right. Just give him a moment."

Justin cradled Peter close. "Take all the time you need."

Murphy was ringing his hands. "I'd never had gone that way if I knew."

"It's okay," JC said. "It's over and Peter will recover."

Chris and Joey saw the look JC was giving them.

"I'm sorry, JC." Chris looked crushed. "I forgot about Peter's fear of heights. I never should have pushed by him."

Joey was just as contrite. "I didn't mean to push Chris into him."

"I'm not the one you should tell that to."

Peter was a little calmer.

"We are sorry, Peter." Chris said.

"You can smack us later if you want." Joey added.

"It's okay, I guess." Peter said softly. "It wasn't just you."

"What? There was something else?"

"Later." Hugh said firmly. He leaned down to give Peter a reassuring pat on the back. "I felt it, too," he whispered.

Peter was surprised but just nodded. Then Peter realized that Justin had his arms around him. A few studio employees had gathered. He tried to move clear.

"It's okay. I feel better."

"Not until I say so." Justin pulled Peter back.

"But, Justin." Peter protested.

"I don't care. You need me." Justin whispered.

Peter saw Justin smile.

"Relax, take your time. You've been through quite a scare."

Peter let himself relax in Justin's embrace.

"Sh. You're safe with me."

Chris shooed the few people who stopped to gawk. "Nothing to see here. Everything is under control. He just had a bout of stage fright."

Justin felt Peter chuckle. "That Chris."

"Better?" Justin asked.

"A few more minutes."

Murphy appeared with a glass of water.

"I thought he might need this."

Justin took the glass and offered it to Peter.

"Thanks," Peter drank some water.

Hugh smiled. "That was very thoughtful of you."

"Hey, watching over people is my job. I just wished I had known. We would have gone down to floor level."

Justin handed the glass back. "Thank you." He looked at Peter. "Feeling better?"

"A little weak but better."

Hugh turned to Murphy. "Do you have any food or drinks? I think Peter could use something more than water."

"Sure, there are vending machines in the break area down the hall."

Hugh touched Murphy's shoulder. "Would you mind showing me?"

"Follow me."

They headed off down the hall.

Chris came back carrying a chair.

"I found this in a meeting room back there. I thought you might want to get off the floor."

"Thank you, Chris."

Justin helped Peter into the chair.

After Peter was seated he said. "Don't blame yourself too much, Chris. It was just an accident."

Chris pointed a finger at Peter. "Then don't blame yourself for whatever you are about to do. You would do nothing to jeopardize NSYNC's reputation."

Peter's mouth dropped open. "How did you know about what I saw?"

Chris shrugged. "You're panic broadcasted what was in your mind. I didn't realize it at first but now that things have calmed down a bit I remembered."

"We trust you, Peter." Joey said. "It's just the Astral Plain messing with your mind."

Justin nudged Peter. "Remember your visions haven't been 100% accurate lately."

"But something is going to happen."

"Ignore it, Peter." JC said.

"Face it when and if it happens." Lance added.

Peter reluctantly nodded.

"Now if I was to take a page from Peter's book." Joey said.

Chris put his hands under his chin. "Ooh, words of wisdom from Master Fatone. Let's all listen and be amazed."

Joey ignored Chris. "Peter, don't you always say you see things from a different angle?"

Peter shrugged. "So."

"Well, I don't know that much about the Astral Plain but what if this vision isn't a premonition but a prevention."

"Ooh, such big words," Chris teased. "I better get another chair for Joey. He'll need a rest after this." He started to walk away.

Lance pulled him back. "As you were saying, Joey."

"Well, it just occurred to me maybe what you saw wasn't a warning that you could be threatening our reputation but to prevent you from acting in the first place."

"Very good thinking, Joey." Hugh and Murphy had returned. "Your reward." Hugh handed a package to Joey.

"Peanuts!" Joey tore into the bag. "I could use a snack."

"Peanuts for the peanut mind." Chris retorted. When no one was looking Chris leaned toward Joey and said softly. "Off the record, good job of thinking, man."

"Thank you, Chris." Joey tossed a peanut. Chris caught it in his mouth and winked.

Hugh handed out snacks for everybody. "I didn't want Peter to eat alone."

Peter noticed Murphy glancing at Hugh now and then and smiling.

"Here you go, Peter."

"Hugh," Peter whispered. He nodded at Murphy. "You didn't, did you?"

"Was there time? Give me some credit will you." Hugh grinned. "I gave him my hotel and room number. It's been 8 months since he last . . ."

Peter raised his hand. "You don't have to defend yourself to me." Peter took Hugh's hand and pulled him close. "He'll be very lucky tonight." Peter said softly.

"Hey, I am not that easy."

"No, you are that generous. I wish there were more people like you."

"Oh, there are, Peter, there are." He winked at Peter. "We just keep a very low profile."

Peter nodded.

Hugh straightened up. "Oh, and Peter, don't worry too much about what you saw. I felt it, too. There is a new negative energy centering on NSYNC. But your part in it may not be what you saw."

Joey stopped popping nuts into his mouth. "That's what we were telling him."

"But. . ." Peter protested.

"Peter, the Astral Plain is mainly energy. It's like art. What you see may not be the original intention. But I will say this. I think you do play a part when this plot becomes known. Although I think we all agree whatever you do it could never be against NYSNC."

"I'd give my life rather than hurt any of these guys."

"This was part of what sent you into a panic back there. It may have been your chance."

Lance gaped. "But Peter said he could never kill himself."

"And that's what stopped him. But at that point of disorientation after the vision the idea briefly did occur to Peter."

Peter squeezed Justin's hand. "Then I am more than glad it is over."

Justin gave a quick look around then kissed Peter's check. "So am I."

Hugh clapped his hands. "Now once we had a bit of a nosh we'll see the studio."

"From the ground floor." Murphy added.

"I know I will like that better." Peter said.

Joey burped. "Let's keep both feet on the ground from now on. Let`s catch up with the others."

"Joey, enough of the quotes! We know it's your favorite movie."

"Okay, gees!"

Justin's mother greeted him at the door.

"Sorry, I missed supper," He kissed her cheek.

"Well, at least you called to let us know."

"We stayed longer than we meant to then we had to drop Hugh back at his hotel and then JC had to make a stop. I thought I'd never get home."

"I thought maybe Peter would be with you."

"Hugh invited him to dinner. He'll be over later."

Justin's mother gave Justin's cheek as pat. "I'm sorry. You must be hungry. I'll fix you something."

"Thanks, Mom." Justin headed for the kitchen. His mother stopped him.

"It's a nice night. Why don't you go out by the pool? I'll bring your food out to you."

"Thanks." Justin plodded out to the pool. Why had Peter accepted dinner with Hugh? Well, Hugh was Peter's first sexual experience. Plus Justin had to face the fact Hugh was a very nice outgoing guy. It was only a few hours delay.

When he got to the pool he stopped. There were candles set about the place, strings of Christmas lights hung from above and there were even fake swans floating in the pool. The table was formally set with linens and candles and a small bouquet of roses. There was even soft music playing.

"Ah, Mom, what is the occasion?"

"Oh, nothing special."

Justin turned. "Peter! I thought you were with Hugh."

"That's what I wanted you to think." Peter was delighted by the look of surprise on Justin's face. "Surprise." Peter kissed Justin.

"But how. . ?"

"Your mother decorated and cooked while we kept you busy. She's one in a million."

"I'll say."

Peter placed the bottle of champagne in the bucket beside the table. He indicated the chair.

"Come. Sit."

"So we finally get that romantic dinner for two." Justin sat down.

"Well, sort of. Tonight is mainly for you." Peter uncorked the champagne.

"Just me?"

Peter filled Justin's glass. "I wanted to make up for all the worry and grief I put you through last week." Peter set the bottle in the bucket. He frowned. "I didn't expect to add to it today."

Justin put his arm around Peter's waist and pulled him close. "It was an accident. You said so yourself."

"And the other thing?"

"We'll deal with it when it happens. Aren't you drinking?"

"Oh, sorry." Peter filled his own glass.

Justin raised his glass. "To us, lover."

Peter shook his head. "No, to you. You've put up with so much. . . "Peter paused. There no other word for it, "So much shit. You deserve this."

"And why to you think I've put up with this shit? Because you're worth it." He gave Peter a squeeze.

Peter blushed. "Thanks."

They sipped the wine.

Justin set down his glass. "So what's on the menu? I hope you are."

Peter tapped Justin's nose. "I'm for after. There are lots of courses before we get there."

Justin pouted. "I want my dessert now." He grabbed Peter's butt.

"Behave. First you eat then there is the Jacuzzi complete with robes."


"What else? Next is a full body massage and then dessert."

"How about the robes now?"

"Too tempting. Please, Justin, I have it all planned."

Justin grinned, "Okay, as long as you have a fuck on the schedule."

Peter pushed away. "Justin."

Justin saw the angry look on Peter's face.

"I'm sorry. I spoiled the mood. I promise I'll be good."

"Mm, you're damn right you will be."

Justin raised an eyebrow. "Peter?" He teased.

Peter swatted at Justin's chest. "See what you do to me?"

"I will later."

Peter gave Justin a kiss. "I'd better get the first course."

Justin started to get up. "I'll help."

"Sit down. I'm waiting on you tonight. I don't want you to do anything until later."

Justin took Peter's arm and pulled him into a kiss. Then Justin's hand found the back of Peter's head and he pressed against Peter's lips with more passion. After a few moments he released Peter.

Peter was almost reeling. "I'd better get the salads before this goes too far."

Justin mimed jacking off. "I'll toss one off right now."

"Well, if it will settle you down you'd better."

Peter went into the house.

Justin made up his mind to stop the teasing. He was really touched at the effort Peter with the help of his mother had made. But sex was so much on his mind because Justin had a surprise for Peter, too.

Peter filled Justin's glass with champagne.

"I thought it was unwise to drink alcohol in a Jacuzzi."

"Too much alcohol."

Justin pulled Peter close. "Dinner was delicious. Thank you." He gave Peter a kiss.

"Your mother cooked it."

"I know. But I like kissing you better."

"Plus other things, I hope." Peter's hand slid up Justin's thigh.

"I will never do `other things' to my mother."

"But you did with other people. Well, other females."

"I wish you'd stop bringing them up." Justin leaned close. "I have removed them from my memory. It seems to me they all fell very short of what I feel with you."

"Or you." Peter's hand found Justin's crotch. He was delighted that Justin was hard already.

Justin moaned. "I see you're working on dessert."

Peter whispered into Justin`s ear. "Mm and you're going to do the cooking."

Justin grinned. "And you are going to just love my special sauce."

"I always have."

"Not like tonight." There was Justin's impish grin.


"I haven't told you. I wanted it to be a surprise and tonight you gave me just the situation I needed." Justin faced Peter. "I've been tested twice just to make sure." Justin's eyes sparkled as he smiled at Peter. "I'm clean. We can be like JC and Lance no more condoms."

Much to Justin's surprise Peter's face fell. "But clean up is so much easier."

"Well, we can still use them if you insist."

"Oh, Justin." Peter moved in front of Justin straddling him. "I insist on nothing. I can handle more wet spots on the sheets to really feel you." He started kissing Justin. Peter stopped. "No, you can really feel me."

"I think I'd like that."

Peter kissed Justin again. Then Justin felt a hand take his cock and Peter lowered himself. Justin let out a gasp as he felt his bare cock sink into Peter. Peter very slowly started bounce up and down on Justin's cock.

"Damn, Peter, it does feel so such better."

"It feels the same to me but that is not important. Tonight is all about you."

Justin was enthralled with the feeling of being skin to skin with Peter. But Peter was taking it slow and tenderly.

"Why just me? It is you that have gone through so much."

"But you had to. . ." Peter moaned, ". . . endure such emotional pain because of it. I wanted to. . . Oh, god . . . make it up to you."

Justin held Peter to him. "You are, Peter, you are. Damn, you feel good."

Peter kept the rhythm slow. He wanted Justin to enjoy this as long as possible. He nibbled Justin's neck and ears. Peter grabbed the side of the Jacuzzi and lifted himself slightly. Justin took the cue and started thrusting upward into Peter.

Justin watched Peter's eyes close as his head tipped back.

"Do you like that?"

"Mm, yes, Justin. And now you know how I really feel like."

"It is so good, Peter. More intense than before."

"Good, I want to make you happy."

Justin's eyes found Peter's. "I am way beyond happy, Peter."

Justin pulled Peter to his lips. Peter felt the passion in Justin's kiss. Justin meant every word. Peter opened his mouth and welcomed Justin's tongue to wrestle with his.

Justin heard Peter's ecstatic moaning. Justin sped up his thrusting. Peter broke from kiss.

"Oh, Justin, so deep inside me."

"So is my love for you, Peter."

Peter wrapped his arms around Justin. He didn't care how hot it was or that he was sweating. He just wanted to feel Justin as close as possible. Justin's cock raked against his insides sending wave after wave of pleasure surging through him.

Peter suddenly sat back.

"Justin, do you know what this means?"

Justin grinned. "I should hope so by now."

"No, I mean about your blood test."

"No more condoms, I know."

"No, Justin," Peter caressed Justin's cheek. "All the past is in the past. It is just the two of us now."

"Then let's take a page from Hugh's book and live it to the full." Justin thrust deeper into Peter.

Peter's head snapped back. "Oh, yeah, full."

With Peter's bouncing and this new feeling without the condom Justin found his passion growing before he knew it.

"I'm getting close."

Peter seemed to sense Justin's mood. "Don't worry, just one of many."

Peter leaned back slightly. Justin's cock slid even deeper into him.

That was too much for Justin.

"Oh, Peter!"

One more thrust and Justin body stiffened. A clinched groan came from him.

There was the familiar feeling of Justin cock pulsing as it shot it's cum into Peter's ass. Peter kept bouncing. Justin's body shuddered and twitched at each stroke. Finally Justin relaxed panting. Peter stopped bouncing and leaned in to Justin.

They kissed for a while.

Peter moved off to the side to sit.

Justin lay back smiling. "Man, that was great. I should have been tested long ago."

Peter ran his hand over Justin's chest.

"I swear I could almost feel each spurt when you came." Peter reached around a grabbed the wine glasses and handed Justin his. "To tonight."

"Tonight." They sipped the wine. "I must say I am enjoying myself."

"Good because there is more in store."

Lance looked up from his book. JC sat next to him on the couch making changes to sheet music.

"You know, Peter will be expecting us to be having sex."

"I don't care what Peter expects. If we are free to have sex when he is here we should be free to not have sex when he's gone. Besides I know how much you love to read before we go to bed. You don't always get the chance."

Lance kissed the air. "Thank you, JC, you're sweet."

JC put down his notebook and patted his lap. "Up here, Lance."


"Your feet. Swing your legs onto the couch."

Lance swung his legs so his feet were in JC's lap. JC started to remove the shoes. Lance pulled his feet back.

"What are you going to do?"

"Rub your feet. Can't I dote on you a little?"

"You know I'm ticklish."

"I remember what you did to Peter on the bus. I'll be careful."

Lance begrudgingly put his feet back on JC's lap. JC pulled off Lance's shoes. JC began rubbing the right foot.

"Oh, that does feel good."

JC waved a finger at the book. "Keep reading."

Lance went back to reading.

JC pressed his fingers against Lance's instep. Lance moaned in response. After a few minutes JC began massaging the toes. Lance moaned louder.

The book closed and was set on the end table.

"This is too distracting to read."

"Then I'll stop."

Lance waved his finger at JC. "Keep rubbing."

JC glared at Lance.

Lance flashed his green eyes. "Please?"

JC smiled and started on the other foot.

"That is good." Lance lay back. "You know in all of my fantasies about what we would be doing if we ever got together, you rubbing my feet wasn't one of them."

"Good, I'm breaking new ground."

"But it feels good after all the walking we did."

"Peter enjoyed himself."

"Yeah, but I'm not sure if it was Walt Disney World or being in public with Justin."

"Does it matter?"

"No, I guess not. Oo, right there."

JC concentrated massaging at that area.

"It's your turn next."

JC shook his head, "Doting doesn't count if you switch off."

"I'll remember I owe you one then."

"That is acceptable."

"Mm, it is so relaxing. You have such talented hands."

"Among other things. So what did you think of dinner?"

"It was so nice to stay at home and have the dinner prepared, served and cleaned up without lifting a finger."

"I mean beside that. What did you think of the food?"

"I think we may have found our caterer."

"Don't you think we should try the others?"

"JC, you not only took seconds, you took thirds. I think they passed the taste test."

JC teased. "But if we test the others that makes more dinners we don't have to prepare."

"It wouldn't really be fair to them if we've already made up our minds." Lance waited for JC's response.

"You're right."

Lance grinned. "Then we agree on the caterer."


Lance lay back. "Good." Lance paused. "What do you suppose is this negative energy Hugh and Peter were talking about?"

"Lance," JC warned. "Get out of 'worry' mode or I will stop."

Lance closed his eyes. "Sorry, worry mode cancelled."

JC worked on Lance's feet for a few more minutes. Then he noticed that Lance's moans had quieted down.

"Lance? Oh, Lance."

Lance was asleep.

JC slowly moved Lance's legs off his lap. Lance stirred.


"Come on." JC stood up and helped Lance up. "Bedtime."

"Oh, goody," Lance yawned. "Top or bottom tonight."

"Neither. You're too tired."

"But JC. . ."

"There still is the morning or tomorrow night." JC gave Lance a squeeze. "I want your full attention when we have sex."

"Okay," Lance said sleepily.

JC put Lance to bed then spooned up behind him.

"Goodnight, Lance."

"'Night, lover." Lance mumbled.

JC smiled to himself. The foot rub had worked. JC wanted to keep the sex until the morning. He had something very special planned for Lance.

Justin gave off the most contented of sighs.

"You like that?"

"Mm, yes, that feels so good."

"Do you want it harder?"

"No, just like that." Justin moaned with approval.

"Justin, you're so tight. Relax." Peter's hands massaged Justin's shoulders.

"I will ooze off this table if I relax any more."

"Well, your shoulders wouldn't."

"Sorry, how about now?"

Peter felt Justin's muscles relax under his hands.


"Hm, I feel like I am floating."

"Good, I want you thoroughly relaxed."

"Well, I'm still tense in one area."

"Where? Here?"


Peter lowered his hands to Justin's back.



Peter's hands dropped to Justin's waist.

"How about now?"

"Lower still."

Peter knew where Justin wanted him to massage. He let his fingers slip down Justin's ass crack. A finger pressed against Justin's puckered opening.

Justin gasped. "Yes, right there. It is so tight. Loosen it for me."

Peter poured more oil on Justin. He worked it slowly into Justin's ass.

"Hm, so good." Justin almost purred.

Peter used one hand to caress Justin's ass cheeks while massaging his asshole with the other.

Justin's arms dropped and hung off the sides of the table. "I need it deeper, Peter."

Never thinking this would ever happen, Peter used the massage oil to lube himself up. No condom to fear of being eaten by the oil. He climbed onto the table and positioned himself.

Justin felt Peter pause. He knew why.

"Go ahead, Peter. It's safe, it feels wonderful and it is all me."

Peter moved closer then again paused.

"This night is for me right? I want this. Please, Peter."

Justin almost bit his lip as he felt Peter press slowly into him. He knew how wonderful it felt. Now he was allowing Peter to feel it too.

Peter had only given two strokes when Justin felt Peter lay close to him.

"I never imagined it could feel like this." Peter thrust into Justin at a slow pace.

"Stay close to me."

Peter chuckled. "But with all the oil on your skin I may slip off."

Justin's arms snaked around Peter's.

"I'll hold onto you. I will not let you slip off."

Peter mind instantly went back to the studio walkway. Justin had got him out of the situation. But Peter had learned that he trusted Justin completely. He kept up his thrusting and almost lay bodily on top of Justin. The joy coursing through his body as his cock buried itself into Justin was so different now. Nerves that Peter never knew caused waves of delight to wash over him.

Justin was so relaxed he could swear he could feel every vein and curve of Peter's cock. The mushroom head rubbed against his insides and pushed against his prostrate. His hands gripped the side of the table. Peter was still keeping it slow and tender and Justin was being driven wild by it.

The minutes passed and then more. Justin was amazed at Peter's patience. He hadn't lasted this long. Then he knew it. Peter was holding out for him. Peter wanted Justin to enjoy himself as long as possible. Then it was up to him.

"Peter, please. I want to feel you shoot inside of me. I want to feel your love really in me."

Peter's moans started to get louder.

"Yes, Peter, we're together for the first time skin to skin. Let me, truly get you off."

Justin's passion caught Peter up as a tidal wave.

"Oh, Justin, I'm. . ."

Peter's body thudded against Justin. He felt Peter's cock throb and pulse. And then, was it his imagination? But Justin swore he could feel each spurt of cum. His lover was really cumming inside him and he could really feel it!

Justin rose up slightly to stroke his cock. He wanted so much to get off. But as Peter's climax waned he heard a soft voice at his ear.

"Lay on your side."

Justin did so. Peter spooned up next to him.

"I may not move for a while but don't worry."

Justin was confused until he felt Peter in his mind.

"Okay, where is it? Here?" No response from Justin. "Maybe here." Still nothing. "Then it has to be. . ."

"Peter! Now look what you have done."

Peter glance down on Justin's naked body with his along side. Justin's cock had gone limp.

"Oops, sorry."

"I knew I should have shown you..."

"I can find it."

"I thought you knew so much about connecting."

"Give me just a few more tries."

"Forget it. I've got a limp dick now."

"Well, I have never done this before. Maybe here."

"I never knew that I would know more than you about . . . oh, my god!"

"So that's the spot."

"Oh, Peter, I didn't know. . ." Justin's head fell back to the table. "It is so. . ."

Peter mind smiled as he saw Justin's cock spring to attention.

"A little bit here and a little a bit there."

Justin was soon almost thrashing about on the table.

"Hey, Justin watch it. Don't knock me off."

"Knock you up?"

It was plain Justin wasn't listening. Peter went in for the finish.

"Oh, my. . ."Justin's hips bucked at the air. Justin wasn't even touching his cock. "I'm going to. . ." A choked scream came from Justin and then. . .

Cum went everywhere. Justin's cock pulsed sending his load all over the table and even Peter. His torso curled causing him to sit up and then fall back again. Justin lay gasping as the last of climax passed thorough him. The surges waned. Justin panted for a bit then started laughing.

"God bless the Astral Plain! Holy shit that was great!"

After a few moments Justin felt Peter's hands caressing his body.

"You liked."

Justin turned on his side so he could look at Peter.

"The greatest ever. I swear."

"Good. Mine was great to."

"Oh, I forgot. You are physically here so that makes my spectacular!"

They lay there embraced in each other's arms.

"Thank you for tonight, Peter."

"Hm, don't mention it. I suppose we should go to bed."

"In a moment. This is so nice."

They lay together in the afterglow naked in the moonlight.

Peter stirred. Where was he? Oh, right, Justin's house by the pool. But it was almost dawn.



"Justin, wake up. We fell asleep."

Justin groaned. "You had to wake me to tell me that?"

Peter sat up.

"Justin, there is a blanket over us."


"I didn't put it there."

"So what?"

"How did it get here?"

"My mom, probably."

Peter sat bolt upright. "Your mother?!"

Justin sat up. "So what?"

"Then she saw us," Peter paused, "Naked," he whispered.

"So what? I`m sure she kept her gaze downcast." Justin couldn't remember where he had heard that expression before.

"But even my mother has never seen me. . .Let alone with my lover!"

Justin gave Peter a kiss. "We both know my mother is so cool, right?"

"I guess so."

Justin threw off the blanket and got off the table. He stretched.

"Damn, I'm stiff." He smirked at Peter.

"This wasn't my idea. We were supposed to end up in bed after the massage."

"Good idea." Justin held out his hand. "It is no longer night. Do I have a say in what I want now?"

Peter got off the table and took Justin's hand. "Sure."

"Then I want you beside me in my bed."

Peter gave a heavy sigh. "If I have to."

Justin swung around to face Peter.

He grinned. "Just kidding."

They went off to Justin's bedroom.

JC pushed himself up on his elbow. "Lance?" He said softly. No response. Good. JC gently got out of bed. He was about to start downstairs when he got an idea. He pushed his pillow against Lance's back. He doubted if it was really a substitute for his body but anything to buy him some time. He hurried down to the kitchen hoping Lance wouldn't wake up until he was ready.

To be continued.

End part 47

Okay, I know. But I didn't want you Lance and JC fans going "How come Peter and Justin are having ALL the sex. So I wanted to show that the next part will deal with JC and Lance. Also the Brian plot thickens. There is drama ahead but I have to pass through the time frame to get there. More drama next time.

As always I would love to have any feedback. E-mail me at

I know, I know. I'm starting the next part as I finish typing this.

Happy reading!

Next: Chapter 48

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