Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Apr 28, 2004


Here we go with Part 49.

First and foremost I must say THANK YOU to all you loyal readers. April 30th marks the 3 year Anniversary of Astral Fan. Who would have thought it? I've been writing this for three whole years. I have been thinking of nothing else but plot lines and sex scenes. No wonder my body has gone to pot and I have no life! Ah, well. I am having fun and I could never have done it without the support and responses from readers like you. (The Author humbly bows then straightens up to a slight dizzy attack, a twinge of pain in the back and a groan. I remember when I had to go out to bars to get stiff in the joints!) So onward.

This story is complete fiction. It in now way represents the real life of NSYNC or Backstreet Boys and by no means does the author know anything about NSYNC's or Backstreet Boys sexuality. What you read here is dreamt up by the twisted mind of the author. I do not know that NSYNC /Backstreet were, are or will be gay.

There will be graphic descriptions of gay sex so if you are underage, offended or find gay sex objectionable stop reading now. While you are at it wear tin foil so we know who you are! (Lewis Black.)

On to the story. . .

Peter glanced around the living room. Lance and JC weren't there. He made his way softly to the front door. Just a little bit further and he'd be in the clear. His hand closed around the doorknob.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Peter snapped around to face Lance. "Ah, I'm going to wash my car." Peter stammered.

"Didn't you forget something?"

Peter gestured at the door with his thumb. "The bucket and soap are outside."

Lance walked to the table by the phone and picked up a piece of paper. "You forgot your list of addresses where Mr. Wilson is working today."

Peter's shoulders slumped. He was busted.

Lance tried not to sound too angry. "I thought we agreed we were going to face him together."

Peter took the paper from Lance. "No, you two agreed."

"Peter, you shouldn't face Mr. Wilson alone."

"He is only physical to himself."

"How can you be so sure?"

Peter didn't say anything.

JC came into the room. He saw the look on Lance's face.

"What's happened?"

"I just caught the chicken about to fly the coop without us."

"Does that make us chicken chasers?"

Lance frowned. "JC, don't start."

"Come on, Lance. Peter just didn't want us involved if something went wrong."

Peter gaped. "How did you know that?"

JC smirked. "You mentioned it yesterday."

"Oh, right."

"That does it," Lance said firmly. "Peter is so caught up in this he can't even remember what he said last night. We're going along just to keep an eye on him."

JC stared out the car window. "I doubt if this will work."

Peter gripped the steering wheel tighter. "I know, JC. But I have to try."

"'We' have to try," corrected Lance.

Peter sat up. "I stand, well, sit corrected."

Lance crossed his arms. "I still think we should tell Brian or at least Phil about their father."

JC gave Peter a low glance. "I'm beginning to side with Lance."

Peter slapped the steering wheel. "No!"

Both Lance and JC jumped.

"Okay, we won't," JC turned to look out the window.

Peter sighed. "I'm sorry, but this time it isn't Brian or Phil I am thinking about. It's Mr. Wilson."

Both Lance and JC sat up. "What?"

"It is what I saw at the sex club. I mean, what I saw Mr. Wilson do."

"With all the gay porn you've watched you should be used to that," JC joked. "Or is Mr. Wilson a pig bottom?"

"JC, please."

JC heard the seriousness in Peter's voice. "I'm sorry, Peter."

"What did you see?" asked Lance tentatively.

"Well, the first thing was the guy he just had sex with. When he left I could see there was some connection between him and Mr. Wilson. They had had sex before and he wanted to see Mr. Wilson outside of the sex club."

"Pfft, like that's going to happen."

"Sh, JC," Lance hissed. "Go on, Peter."

"It was after that I sensed that even Mr. Wilson felt something. But he couldn't allow himself to be aware of it. I think he liked being with this other man."

"I don't believe it."

"JC, I said 'hush'." Lance said.

"It was then he left his room and went downstairs."

"To the dungeon area?"

JC turned to Lance in the back seat. "How did you know that?"

Lance blushed. "I got lost remember? I didn't go there on purpose."

Peter went on before this could go anywhere. "They knew Mr. Wilson and sent him away. They said he needed professional help."

A professional Master? He's into S&M big time."

"JC, will you stop with the jokes!"

Peter shrugged. "Its okay, Lance. JC is just uncomfortable around the subject of S&M. That's why he makes jokes."

JC turned to Peter. "How do you know. . ?" JC slapped his forehead. "Why am I even asking?"

"Beats me." Peter smiled.


"Get on with it." Lance snapped.

"When Mr. Wilson got back to his room he took his belt and. . ." Peter paused. "He whipped himself with it. But he didn't get off on it. He was punishing himself."

"For having sex with another man?"

"No, I think it was because with this other man it wasn't just sex."

JC gaped. "You mean Mr. Wilson had feelings for this man?"

"If not feelings then it was the idea of another man wanting him even if it was just for sex. All I know or at least sensed is that Mr. Wilson does not beat himself on a regular basis for indulging in gay sex. I think it is only when there is emotion behind it.

Lance flopped back in his seat. "My god, he not only hates being gay but he hates having feelings for other men."

"Then why are we going to face him?"

Peter shook his hands in the air with frustration. "I don't know. To try to convince him it's okay to be gay, to try to make him see that he and Brian are two different people with two different views on being gay. I don't know." Peter's voice softened. "I just don't know."

JC patted Peter's shoulder. "Well, it is worth the try."

Peter sighed. "Thank you."

JC took up the piece of paper lying on the seat. "So these are the homes on Mr. Wilson's schedule today?"

"According to Phil."

"Did Phil suspect anything?" asked Lance.

"No, I just said I wanted to talk to his father about Brian. Of course he wanted to be there too but I didn't want Phil to be part of this. Phil is on probation as it is."

"Well, I'll be," JC grinned. "We'll be done by lunch. We'll see Mr. Wilson at ten o'clock."

"Why then?" Peter asked. "Not everyone on Mr. Wilson's schedule will be away from home."

"Peter, you can stay firmly in your body this morning." JC pointed at the address. "If they're home or not, I know this house. The owner won't mind us questioning his lawn staff. And he will keep his distance while we do."

"Who lives there?"

"Wade!" The door was barely opened before Lance and him in a hug.

"Nice to see you guys."

"Always a pleasure."

There were hugs all around.

Wade showed them inside. "You must have been in the neighborhood when you called. This is so cloak and dagger."

"Not really," JC said. "We'd just like to have a private talk with Mr. Wilson."

"Nothing wrong I hope." Wade said.

Lance shook his head. "No, we just want talk to him about one of his sons."

"His sons?" Wade replied. "He is so proud of his sons. Why once I was writing him his check and I mentioned someone's son I was working with and he just gushed about his boys for a half hour. How strong they were and what great husbands they would make. He just couldn't say enough. . ." Wade paused. He looked at the three guys around him. "If you are here then his son. . . Oh, I see. I think I can deduce what you need to talk to him about."

Peter shifted uneasily. "We'd appreciate that this didn't get out. The situation is kind of touchy right now."

"I fully understand." Wade nodded knowingly. "It is still tough convincing my parents that I am not gay. 'But you are a dancer and a chorographer!' I can imagine that it is the opposite with Mr. Wilson.

"We hate to impose like this."

"Nonsense, Lance. Glad to do it. You never know how he might respond in public."

"My thoughts exactly," Peter added.

"Well, we can chat a bit until he shows up. Can I get you something?"

It wasn't long before Mr. Wilson came around the side of the house. Wade came out on the patio and waved Mr. Wilson over.


"If you could spare the time?"

"Sure, you are the client."

"Ah, yes, well, there are some people here who would like to talk with you. I will allow you the time."

Peter, Lance and JC appeared on the patio. Mr. Wilson froze.

"These are friends of mine so please be polite." Wade looked from person to person. He could feel the air turn colder. "Well, this is not my business and I have things to do."

Wade left closing the door behind him.

Mr. Wilson wanted nothing to do with these people but the client might be watching. He might as well act civil. They all took uneasy seats on the patio.

There was a long silence.

"Mr. Wilson. . . " JC began.

"You don't have to tell me anything. I knew this would happen. I cut Brian off from you so now you come here trying to win him back. Well, it isn't going to work. You will not have my son."

"We already have your son." Lance balked. It had just slipped out.

Mr. Wilson was on his feet. "That is a bold faced lie. Brian is straight, I tell you, straight! I know how you work. You may have him confused but he will not submit to your schemes and I will help him out of this trap you have laid!

Peter said calmly, "Mr. Wilson, please."

Mr. Wilson sat down. "You're trying to gang up on me. I know it. But you are going to fail. Brian has my strong will."

Peter folded his hands. "I want to apologize for going behind you back like we did. It was the wrong thing to do. But we were only thinking of Brian."

Both JC and Lance gaped at Peter.

Mr. Wilson sneered. "Yeah, I'll bet you were thinking of Brian."

"And it's not what you think. We checked out Galixy before hand. It is a legitimate gay youth program. No hanky-panky if you know what I mean. That is when we suggested it to Brian. There he could find gay friends his own age. There would be support and guidance. He wouldn't have got that from, say, a gay bar."

Mr. Wilson glanced up. "But Brian isn't gay."

"Okay, we over stepped our mark but we felt if there was a chance. . ."

"How could you know?" Mr. Wilson said angrily. "You never met him before. I never allow him to come in contact with. . ." Mr. Wilson paused. "Oh, that's where Phil comes in. I would never have thought it of him. Turning on his own brother!"

Lance sat forward. "It was because he loved Brian that he acted like he did."

"Putting him in the hands of homosexuals? Bah!"

JC began to sense what Peter was doing. "We were wrong. We admit it. But we had to try for Brian's sake."

Mr. Wilson shook his finger. "For your own sake. I know how your type deals with the younger innocent boys. You lure them into your lifestyle. You recruit and corrupt them."

"Who recruited and corrupted you then?

Peter inwardly cringed. Lance, it was too soon to bring that up. But Mr. Wilson totally didn't get the reference.

Mr. Wilson turned to Lance. "Oh, no, I won't fall for that old trick. Not all the world is susceptible to being gay even if you want to think so. Just because I am muscular and good looking you turn to me. Well, you can't have me either."

"It's not about you," Peter put in. "We three know how it feels to grow up gay and alone. It is a painful life trying so hard to fit in and do what," Peter made quotes in the air with his fingers "Everyone expects you to do in your life. Have a wife and kids and raise the perfect family." Peter watched Mr. Wilson. "But sometimes that dream is not for everyone."

Lance took up the plea. "We thought we were helping Brian. But if he is not gay, we will back off. We just thought here was a chance to save Brian some of the pain we experienced growing up."

Mr. Wilson said nothing. His eyes dropped to the ground.

Lance continued. "Brian is a good boy, I mean, both of your sons, I mean, they show so much respect. They must make you proud. You raised them very well."

Mr. Wilson nodded. "They are very good sons. I am proud of them." He stopped. Slowly he raised his head. His eyes narrowed. "So that is your ploy now buttering me up so I will soften to your plan."

Peter winched at the picture beginning to form in his head. He may never eat butter again. Shaking off these thoughts he replied. "There is no plot or plan. We only want to ask you one thing. If you agree we will even stay away from Brian."

"What is it?" Mr. Wilson asked suspiciously.

"Let Brian continue to go to Galixy. He has friends there."

"But Brian is not gay."

"Is there anything wrong with having gay friends?"

"They're trying to brainwash him, I know it. You'll, they'll make him gay."

JC looked stern. "Mr. Wilson, you are Brian's father. Phil thought that there was a possibility that Brian might be gay. Surely you must have at least suspected the same thing."

Mr. Wilson frowned. "That is why I am keeping Brian away from you. I want him to be happy and he can't be happy being gay. Which he isn't." He added.

"Things have changed." Peter gestured at Lance and JC. "Look at them. They are happy and in love. Plus there are thousands of people and fans who support them. Even I am in a very loving relationship. Being gay isn't what it used to be. It's not as negative as it has been in the past."

Mr. Wilson scowled. "And are your parents proud that you are gay?"

Peter started first. "My father is in the military so he had a tough time with it but both my parents came around in the end. They are not overjoyed about it but when they see that I am happy."

Mr. Wilson turned to JC and Lance.

Lance sat up in his chair. "My parents were brought up Baptist. It was very difficult to go against everything that they were taught to believe. But it was also difficult to believe that their son had turned to evil. It took a lot of soul searching but the maternal instinct won out in the end. Now both our mothers are planning the wedding."

"Wedding? It's a mockery. A true marriage in between a man and a. . ."

JC interrupted. "You're divorced aren't you Mr. Wilson?"

"None of your business."

"And it's not a marriage," Lance explained. "Just a ceremony. A covenant before God and people of our eternal love for each other.

Mr. Wilson sneered. "You may say you are happy and I doubt if you are in the eyes of God."

Lance shrugged. "Why not? God made us this way."

Mr. Wilson was on his feet again. "God does not make people gay. It is the Devil's temptations and tricks. We are to struggle to overcome such tests. Then we are truly God's children."

Lance stood up. "Oh, let's forget this. Like you said Peter how can he except Brian as gay if he can't except himself as gay."

"What?" Mr. Wilson spat. "Me, gay?" He took a step toward Lance.

JC sprang up and stood in his way. Mr. Wilson was equally surprised and impressed. He shook it off.

"I am not gay."

"We know about the sex club." Lance shot back.

"What? It`s a lie."

"Every Friday and the same room?" Lance finished. "What do you call it a 'night out with the boys'?"

"Lance." Peter warned.

Mr. Wilson suddenly started to chuckle. "So that's it. I knew you had networks of spies. So you found me out. I suppose its blackmail time. If I don't do what you want you'll tell Brian and Phil about my dark secret. Well, let me tell you something. You keep this up with Brian and I'll sue you for corruption of a minor."

"What?" JC snapped. "We're only trying to. . ."

"That won't be necessary," Peter gestured for Lance and JC to sit. They did. "We are not going to tell anyone anything. Your secret is safe with us."

Mr. Wilson looked from one to the other, "I don't believe you."

Peter raised his hand. "We swear to God we will never tell."

"Peter?" Lance and JC both gaped.

"Come on guys." Peter coaxed.

Reluctantly they raised their hands. "We swear."

Mr. Wilson laughed. He sat down again strangely relaxed. "You had the upper hand and you just gave that up. You call yourselves `men'?"

"There are all kinds of men, Mr. Wilson." JC said. "And I hate to say it but at least Lance and I are content about being gay. We don't slink away to some gay sex club once a week and then pat ourselves on the back believing that the rest of the week we're straight. We're not the hypocrite."

Mr. Wilson was on his feet again. Peter stepped between Mr. Wilson and JC. "JC, please"

"I am no hypocrite." Mr. Wilson spat. "I am fighting for my soul here. One night I purge myself of these evil thoughts that crowd my mind. One night I succumb to the sin which has been the plague of my life. One night to bring sanity back into my life. That is why I am fighting so hard for Brian. He will not make the mistakes that I made! He will be happy!"

"Then why block in his way?" Peter asked.

"I'm in his way?"

"That is the difference between you. You hate being gay. Brian doesn't. He has found friends and support. You only want to push him into a life you never made work. You want him to do what you could not. But it won't work. Brian will fight you. He will not be pushed into a life he knows is wrong."

Peter gestured and they started to leave.

"There is nothing wrong with a man and a woman raising a family. It is God's wish for humans. It was in the Garden of Eden. Brian will live that life. I will make sure that he does despite your plots and plans."

Peter turned back. "And what about your plots and plans. Does Brian have any say in them? Does his happiness matter? I'd say `no'. You only want to see Brian make up for what you think is your failed life. But you are so wrong. You have sensed that. You know how good it feels to have some other man want you. And all the belt whipping won't beat it out of you."

JC added. "What you see as sin some people see as a gift from God. Brian is who he is and you will never change that no matter how you try. Many fathers have tried and failed and/or lost their sons in the bargain."

Lance put his two cents in. "I feel sorry for you, Mr. Wilson."

He snorted. "For me?"

"Yes, you see Brian getting married, having kids and living a happy family life. You think he will have the willpower to fight against his homosexual feelings and keep his family together. And they lived happily ever after. Brian really has no say in the matter. Your word is law."

Mr. Wilson added. "Based on God's law."

Peter replied. "That incident at Galixy, did you know those thugs were throwing stones and Brian started throwing them back. He was fighting for and protecting what was important to him without regard to his own safety. He did it for his friends and his second family at Galixy."

"A gay family," Mr. Wilson sneered again.

Peter looked at JC. JC asked the question. "Tell me, Mr. Wilson, have you let Brian say one word about this?"

"No, he might say something that he will regret."

"Or something you don't want to hear. Plus he will stand up for himself. You know how strong willed he is. You're afraid to know the truth."

Mr. Wilson asked "What truth?"

"That Brian IS making up for your mistakes. He doesn't hate himself for being gay like you and he won't make the mistake of using other people to keep up the charade of a normal marriage."

Mr. Wilson burst out. "I did not use people. I got married before I knew and she left me before I. . ." Mr. Wilson's voice dropped. "I really did love her. She never knew why later I couldn't. . ." He looked up. "Do you know the pain of suddenly being unable to fulfill their physical desires but still love someone?" He fell silent and his gaze dropped to the ground.

Lance for the first time felt for Mr. Wilson. "We're sorry, we didn't know."

JC put his hand on Lance's shoulder. "Let's leave Mr. Wilson to his work."

Mr. Wilson's head popped up. "Don't you dare feel sorry for me. I don't need anyone's pity!"

Lance held the door for Peter and JC. He gave it one last chance. "Please think about this. You want to do what is best but is it the best for you or the best for Brian? You might think you are having Brian make up for your mistakes but, Mr. Wilson, what you are really doing is perpetuating them. Have it your way and Brian will be just like you. Think about it."

The door closed behind Lance.

Mr. Wilson was a mixture of anger and puzzlement. But there was nothing he could do. He was at a client's house. Numbly he went back to his work.

Lance crossed his arms. "That was a waste of time."

JC glanced over at Peter. Peter just stared at the road but there was a trace of sadness on his face.

"We had him just where we wanted him and we gave it away. Peter, why did you make us swear on it."

"Lance, shush."

"JC, are you standing up for him now? You said you were leaning toward telling Brian and Phil about their father."

"Only leaning, Lance. I have to say now that I have met Mr. Wilson, I know what Peter was trying to do."

"He gave away the ace up our sleeve." Lance snapped.

"Now, Lance," JC tried to be soothing. "Mr. Wilson figured we were plotting against him."

"And he was so wrong. We were just trying to help Brian."

"And we were willing to use our knowledge of the sex club as leverage to get that?"

"We were helping Brian."

"Wouldn't that be thought of as a plot? Do this or else? Then wouldn't Mr. Wilson be correct about us plotting?"

Lance frowned. "I suppose, but we had good motives."

"Don't you see by swearing we wouldn't tell we didn't fall into Mr. Wilson's plot theory. We lost an advantage but we could possibly get something better." JC patted Peter's arm. "It couldn't have been easy for Peter to give up such an advantage to hopefully gain something greater."

"What's that?" Lance asked.

"Mr. Wilson's trust."

"I don't want his trust."

"If we want to help Brian we'll need it. Mr. Wilson is still Brian`s legal guardian."

Lance thought for awhile. Finally he spoke. "I'm sorry, Peter. I guess I didn't see where you were going."

"Don't be sorry, Lance. I didn't know either. I may have just made matters worse."

"Well, we gave Mr. Wilson something to think about. That is saying something." JC looked out the window. "Time will tell. It always does."

Lance sighed. "How about some lunch?"

Peter didn't look away from the road. "It's a little early yet, isn't it?"

"We know a little out of the way place." JC said.

"We like to go there. They know you but never intrude on your privacy."

JC added. "And their hamburgers are to die for."

"Now that I could really go for."

"Good. Driver, take the first right and don't spare the horses."

It was a very small diner. It even still had the opening behind the counter where you could see the kitchen. At that counter there were a few stools. The rest of the place held a few booths and tables.

Lance and JC waved a greeting to the cook who waved back with a grin. The waitress, a silver haired old lady was filling salt and pepper shakers.

"Well, if it isn't our most handsome customers." She grabbed some menus. "Our best table is still open."

"Sounds good."

She led them to the table.

Peter leaned to JC. "Still open? There are only a handful of people here."

"Just you wait. It's early yet."

The woman heard them. "You've got that right. The lunch rush doesn't hit for another half hour."

They sat down at the table and were handed menus.

"Oh, Dolly, this is Peter."

Peter started to stand. She waved him back.

"Sit, sit. I'm not the Queen of England. But it's nice to meet such a polite good looking man."

Peter instantly blushed.

She sighed. "Why are all the good looking ones gay?"

"How did she. . ?"Peter began.

"Honey, I'm a mother, a grandmother and a great grandmother. Plus I have worked most of my life here among people. Nothing gets by me."

"Oh, come on, Dolly," Lance said. He gestured with his thumb toward the kitchen. "Surely you thought Max was good looking. After all you married him."

"Honey, Max was never good looking." She leaned in. "But is he ever good loving. When I have an itchin' he certainly knows how to cook in my kitchen. Mm-mm!"

"I heard that," came from the kitchen. "Come on, Dolly. You didn't have to tell them that."

Dolly laughed. "Max, at my age I'm telling everybody. You ready to order?"

"Give us a few minutes."

"Why? You always order the same thing?"

"Peter hasn't been here before." Lance made as an excuse.

"Okay, we'll play the game. I'll be back in a few." She went back to filling the salt and pepper shakers.

Lance leaned over. "Dolly is the most remarkable of waitresses. She almost knows what you want before you know you want it."

Peter chuckled. "You must be joking."

JC smiled slightly and opened his menu. "You will see."

"Well, if you always order the same thing."

JC lowered his menu. "We told you their burgers are wonderful. Why order anything else?"

Peter couldn't escape that logic.

They were just looking over the menus when Peter heard a familiar voice.

"Oh, my god, it's Peter! Can I get an autograph?"

Peter looked up to see Chris jumping up and down excitedly.

"Chris, what are you doing here?"

Chris dropped the fan act. "Having lunch." He looked at JC and Lance. "Who are you two? Do I know you?"

"Much to our horror." JC pointed to a chair. "If you must join us."

Chris sat down.

"Hey, that was my seat."

Peter turned to see Joey standing there.

"Couldn't be," Chris raised his menu. "This chair couldn't hold such an ample girth as your. . ,' Chris eyed Joey's butt. ". . .Seat."

"Well, if it can hold your attitude, it can hold my girth easily."

"Bickering as usual?"

"Justin, you too?" Peter was delighted.

"Hey, this is our regular watering hole." Justin sat down.

Dolly approached the table. "Hi, guys. What will it be?"

Chris spoke up. "Four colas, an ice tea and. . ." Chris wrinkled his nose at JC. "To the man with no imagination a glass of ice water."

"And to eat?"

Chris grinned at Peter. "Do you trust me?"

"As far as I could comfortably spit out a rat."

"Hey," Dolly pointed at Peter. "No rat talk. This is a clean establishment."

Peter shrank into his chair. "Sorry."

Dolly smiled and patted Peter's shoulder. "Don't be, I was just kidding."

"Can I make a suggestion?" Joey chimed in.

Peter nodded. "Well, you do have a nose for food."

"More jokes about my eating? Thank you!" Joey threw down the menu and playfully pouted.

"Joey, he could have said you have a stomach for food." Chris reached over and patted Joey's stomach. Joey batted Chris's hand away. "Stop that."

"Do you trust us?" Lance asked leaning his face closer to JC`s. They both smiled at Peter.

"Of course, implicitly."

Chris rested his chin on his hand. "Didn't you just see that coming?"

JC handed his menu to Dolly. "Six of our usuals cooked medium."

"Medium well here," added Chris.

"You never completely well are you?" Joey joked.

"Max has the burgers on already." She gathered up the menus. "I'll be right back with your drinks."

Chris raised a finger. Dolly didn't turn around.

"And some barbeque sauce for Chris."

Chris sat back. "So I got your page what's up?"

"Chris!" hissed JC.

Chris looked confused. "What?"

Lance felt Peter's accusing eye on him.

"So this wasn't a coincidence."

"We meet here quite often." Lance offered.

Peter crossed his arms. "Pull the other one."

Lance gave up. "Okay, okay, I paged the guys with my cell phone. I just figured one way or another after visiting Mr. Wilson you'd need a pick me up."

"You met Mr. Wilson?" Joey snapped.

"Yep, for what little good it did," Peter sighed.

Justin gaped. "You mean even with what we knew he didn't give in?"

"Well, we. . ." JC started.

"Wait, I know what happened," Chris interrupted. "He fought you off as the spawn of evil he thought you were as the corrupters of his young son. He threw out Bible verses," Chris jabbed in the air with his fist. "You ducked. He threw out insults," Another fist flew. "You rallied. He accused you of moral depravity and you saw your opening and you struck." Chris jabbed one more time. "You hit him with what you knew of his hypocrisy and he swayed then fell to the mat." Chris's hand slapped the table. "He rose shakily and on his knees begged you not to tell anyone. That he would do anything if you kept his secret. Then you had your ways with him, made him promise to help Brian and got here in time for lunch." Chris sat back in his seat. "Well, I am only guessing about the first part."

"You have to forgive him." Joey quickly stepped in. "With his renewed sex life his blood is now concentrating somewhere around his waist leaving little left for his brain. Chris wasn't really thinking." Joey elbowed Chris.

Chris protested. "Hey, it was their fantasy, not mine."

"Whose?" Lance, JC and Peter said together.

"Mr. Wilson is good looking you said so." Chris felt the heat from 3 pairs of eyes. Justin's soon joined the others. "Okay, I'm sorry. I went overboard. I didn't mean it."

"Apologizing again?" Dolly had arrived with the drinks. "Chris, `I'm sorry' must be your mantra." She started setting down the glasses.

"Chris is just trying to lighten the mood." Peter said. "He just tries too hard sometimes. And you can't stay mad at Chris for long. His heart is in the right place."

Chris grabbed his chest. "Where? Did it move again?"

Dolly set down a glass by Justin. She leaned to his ear and nodded to Peter. "I like him. You're very lucky. He`ll be good for you and he'll help to keep you in to line."

"Not when I have something to say about it," Justin smirked.

Dolly laughed and held her hand out. Justin slapped it. "Ain't that the truth. Just go easy on him."

"Oh, I will." Justin grinned at Peter.

Peter's lips were just starting to form the word `how' when JC answered his unspoken question.

"It isn't a coincidence that we order our burgers here medium."

"You mean. . ." Peter stammered.

"You name it, honey," Dolly replied. "Tea leaves, palm reading and/ or tarot cards. I don't do the crystal ball garbage. That is too Hollywood, same for séances. The dead have better things to do to come back and talk to the likes of us. Well, not to say anything we`d like to hear."

Dolly moved to JC.

"Dolly, I think I changed my mind. Instead of water I'd like. . ."

"Here's your iced tea." She set down the glass and tea spoon. Next she set down Peter's iced tea.

Lance noticed no spoon.


"Peter doesn't use sugar in his iced tea. Why does he need a spoon?"

Lance sat back nodding. "That's right. I forgot."

Peter was stunned that everyone seemed to be used to this woman.

Dolly sensed Peter's question. "So I can also sense what people want. It is only a small gift. But damn if it don't help get me big tips."

"Is that why you guys wanted to bring me here?" asked Peter.

"Not really, "Lance answered. "It was mainly for the food."

A bell ringing over the door heralded a new customer.

Dolly turned then smiled. "How sweet. But you don't have to eat here every day you're in town."

"You can't beat the food or the atmosphere." The new arrival spotted NSYNC and Peter. "Oh, I didn't know you guys were here."

"You know about this place?" Justin asked.

"Of course."

Peter who had his back to the door spun around. His mouth fell open. "Lance contacted you, too?"

"Lance didn't do anything. I came here for lunch on my own."

"You know my handsome customers?" Dolly asked.

"Of course, I do. I`m here at their invitation. " He put his hands on Peter's shoulders. "This is the one I spoke to you about."

Dolly peered at Peter. Then her face changed to almost admiration. "I should have known. I can see it now. You're right. It is very strong in him."

Peter was fighting a growing sea of puzzlement. "You know each other?"

"Sure I do," Hugh put his arm around Dolly. "Guys, this is my mother." Then he pointed to the kitchen. "And that's my father."

"Now that explains everything." Chris fell back into his chair. "Hot damn!"

"So there were other reasons why you came to Orlando other than just to help me."

"It's always about you isn't it, Peter?" Chris chided. ""Hugh came all this way just to save me"." Chris crossed his arms. "This is getting so old. We all had a part in your rescue or don't you remember."

Justin smirked at Chris, "But even you didn't know what to do until Hugh showed up."

"Oh, you had to bring that up. I was momentarily at a loss. I would have figured it out eventually."

"Speaking of figuring something out," Joey said. "I'd close it before your mouth causes you more pain."

"I'm not in any. . ." Chris saw Joey make a fist. Chris slapped his hand over his mouth.

Joey nodded. "Good, you figured that one out, too."

Dolly put her hand on Peter's shoulder. "Honey, if Hugh knew he was needed he would have gone anywhere."

Hugh explained. "Sometimes Fate sends out many threads to pull a person into its plan. Your being in trouble was the main one but other threads twined together so I had no choice but to come."

Dolly flipped her apron strings. "He means these."

"Now, Mom."

"I'm kidding. I am proud of Hugh and his single life." She stressed the word 'single'. "But if he really wants to make me happy. . . "

Hugh frowned. "Mom, don't you start. I've been through this with the guys already."

"Mrs., ah. . ."Peter suddenly realized he didn't know Hugh's last name.

"Dolly, please."


Chris started humming.

Joey leaned close and whispered. "Keep up with 'Hello, Dolly' and its goodbye, Chris."

"Don't stop him, Joey," Dolly added. "Every time someone hears my name they always think of `Hello, Dolly. I've heard it every day over and over and over and over and over and. . ."

"Okay," Chris relented. "I'll stop. I don't like tired jokes."

Joey opened his mouth.

"Joey," Dolly chided. "Leave him be for once."

Joey shrugged, "Okay. It's still early in the day. The reference wouldn't work since Chris isn't tired yet." He grinned at Chris.

"As you were saying, Peter." Dolly said.

Peter looked at the table. "Well, I don't want to butt in."

Joey went to put his hand over Chris's mouth but Chris grabbed his wrist stopping him.

Chris beamed. "I figured that one out too."

"But you were going to make a joke." Joey whispered back.

Chris shook his head, held a finger to his lips and nodded to Peter.

Peter continued. "When I thought I was going to live my life alone I hated it when people always said I would find someone "special". Now that I have I am glad and I agree with them. Hugh on the other hand knows what it is to have a lover. And knowing that Hugh could have his choice of men he must enjoy being single. When he decides he wants to be a couple again he will." Peter shrugged. "I think we should leave that decision up to him." Peter looked up into a stern stare from Dolly. He looked down again. "Sorry, that's just my opinion."

"Well, well, a customer telling a mother how she should treat her child." Dolly's expression softened. "Hugh, you were right. He is special. And, Peter, I will take your advice. You obviously respect Hugh a lot."

"I owe him so much."

Dolly again patted Peter's shoulder. "I can feel that you owe everyone at this table so much." She raised Peter's chin. "And they owe you." She grinned. "And for the occasion a slice of our famous cheesecake for desert for everyone. It's on the house." She pointed, "And Chris that is an old tired joke, too."

Chris closed his mouth. He sat back. "Oh, yeah."

"Order's up." Max's voice came from the kitchen.

"Excuse me while I get your food." Dolly walked off.

Hugh leaned to Peter. "Thank you."

"You're thanking me, Hugh?"

"Yep. No one else has got my mother to back down."

Peter grinned. "Then you're welcome. I'm glad to be able to give you something back."

There was a pause.

Hugh sighed. "What am I saying? She'll never back down."

"Nope, this is just a reprieve."

"I think I have just figured out where "mother" got its negative meaning."

"I heard that," came from the kitchen.

Hugh and Peter burst into laughter.

Peter made his way down the little hall from the bathroom.

"I trust you washed your hands?"

"Yes, ma'am, I mean, Dolly." Peter held his hands up for inspection.

"They're still wet. You could get chapped skin that way."

"Sorry," Peter took out his handkerchief and wiped his hands. Dolly was staring at him. Peter put the handkerchief back in his pocket. "It's clean. I took it out of the drawer this morning."

"It had better be or I'd send you back to wash your hands again."

Peter wasn't sure how to take this until Dolly smiled. "Do you have a moment?" She pushed open a door.


They walked into a store room.

"Wow, déjà vu."


"It just reminded me of my first time with Hugh. I mean the first time I met Hugh."

"About that, does he seem to be happy?"

"Yes, I think so. We haven't spent much time together but I envy him his life."

"Envy him? You're in a relationship and he isn't. What's to envy?"

"His way with people. He seems to know exactly what they need and he gives it so freely. Hugh opened a world I never knew about and made it easier when Justin came along."

"What exactly did he do for you?"

"Ah," Peter felt himself blushing. "Well, he, ah. . ."

Dolly nodded. "I see. I thought as much. He's so afraid of getting into another relationship all he thinks of is the sex."

"No, you've got that wrong. It isn't just the sex. There has to be a connection."

"Oh, sure. It wouldn't be sex if certain things don't get connected."

"No, I mean in my case Hugh knew that I had never had sex before. I don't know if he sensed Justin in my future or not. He did say that it would make my mind clearer so I could help my friends, well, NSYNC. And I did. I had answers to questions I never thought I would. Hugh did that for me. I think Justin would never have succeeded in seducing me if I hadn't been shown that sex was an option for me. Thanks to Hugh."

"He did that for you?"

"And others. He seems to sense when people are alone or it has been a long time. He said that the first time it happened was a year after his partner had died. It felt so good to awaken a person's sexuality again. I've done it only once and it was wonderful to see a person bloom again."

Dolly looked to the dining room. There was a wall in the way but it didn't matter. "Hugh does this for people?"

"Yes. He is happy doing it. If he was in a relationship at the time he never could have done that for me. Maybe some day he'll grow tired of it and settle down again."

Dolly nodded.

"But I remember he said he did it for his partner. He really lived a full life."

"Yes, he did. And Hugh didn't seem to mind being left sometimes on the sidelines."

"He was with him in spirit. Maybe the reverse is now true."

Dolly spun around to Peter. "Hey, that is my department, okay?"


Dolly patted Peter's shoulder. "I'm sorry. Just joking. Thank you, Peter."

Peter started to go then stopped. "I take it you don't sense things from Hugh?"

"Not my own flesh and blood and never me personally. I know it is a bit strange when we have a family with such gifts and I have to ask a stranger about my own son. Well, not a stranger anymore I hope."

Peter smiled. "I think you already knew everything I just told you. You just needed to hear from someone else to prove that it was true." Peter balked. "Or at least corroborate what you already knew to be true."

Dolly chuckled. "What a diplomat. Peter, you really are unique and gifted. You will use your gifts well. I can see it within you."

"I hope so."

"I know so. Well, I have tables to serve."

They left the storeroom.

"Can I get you anything else?"

"Oh, no," Lance rested his hand on his stomach. "I'm full."

Peter wiped his mouth with a napkin. "I can see why you guys eat here. The food was fabulous."

Chris gave a limp wrist. "Oo, fabulous," he lisped.

Joey slapped Chris's shoulder. "Chris, stop. We're in public." Joey glanced over and saw JC nodding approvingly.

Peter just ignored Chris. "Dolly, those onion rings just melted in your mouth."

Chris nodded. "That's because they beat the hell out of the onions to soften them."

"I beat on them?" Dolly asked.

"They're battered aren't they?"

"Oh, Chris." They all groaned.

Dolly laughed. "I beat them with a lager bottle."

It took Chris only a moment. "That's right. They're beer battered!"

Justin sat back. "Do you have to encourage him?"

Dolly smiled. "Honey, everyone can do with some encouragement now and then."

"That does it. I'm going home with Peter."

"Sh, Justin." Chris waved his hands. "People might hear."

"No, I mean Peter will drive me home." Justin replied.

Joey slapped his hands over his ears. "Gay sex again. I'm not listening."

Justin gestured at Joey and Chris. "Dolly, what can I do with them?"

"Just what you're doing now enjoying the companionship of friends."

"But sometimes. . ."

Dolly tilted her head, "Honey, you can't fool me, remember?"

"Okay, I'll admit that even when they are a pain they are still my friends."

Chris flew out his arms. "I knew you have feelings for me." He pursed his lips. He was still unprepared when Justin kissed him.

"Yuck," Chris wiped his mouth. "Timberlake germs." Chris took a gulp of his cola.

Peter smiled. "Chris, you were granted something that only an honored few get and you turn up your nose at it?" He winked at Justin.

"Ah!" Chris pointed. "I know where those lips have been." Chris looked with horror at Peter. "Ah! I need soap, cleanser, floor wax stripper, a sand blaster, sulfuric acid! Argh, I've been tainted!" Chris hurried off to the bathroom.

JC looked at Dolly. "I think we'll take our check now."

Dolly nodded, "I should say."

Justin couldn't stand the silence another minute. He unbuckled his seat belt moved to the center seat and buckled up again.

He laid his head on Peter's shoulder. "Hm, much better."

"What if someone sees you?"

"No one will see. If they do I'll be sleeping."


"It is so quiet in this car it is difficult to stay awake."

"Sorry, Justin."

"I know you've been thinking about this morning." Justin grinned. "I know how to take your mind off of it." Justin's hand slipped to Peter's crotch. He gripped it tight.

The car jolted forward.

"Justin, not while I'm driving."

"Then pull over."

"This is a highway. There are people all around us."

"And I want to make my lover feel better. Just a quick hand job. No one will know."

"I'm trying to drive here."

"And I'm trying to jack you off here." Justin's hand squeezed Peter's crotch.

"Okay, you win." Peter made his way over to the shoulder. He knew better than to bluff Justin.

When they had come to a stop Justin grinned. "Good, now the hand job can become a blow job."

"Justin," Peter protested.

"Just another first."

"People will see."

"They'll be going by too fast for that."

Peter sighed. How could he fight against Justin's enthusiasm? He pointed to the glove compartment. "Hand me a map."

"What do you need a map for?"

"To cover you. Plus people will think I'm lost and stopped to look at the map."

Justin beamed, "I have such an ingenious lover."

As Peter opened the map, Justin opened Peter's pants.

Peter tried to concentrate on Justin's lips on his cock but all he felt were the eyes of people passing by. He could almost hear them.

"Wasn't that Justin Timberlake giving that gay guy a blow job?"

"Lucky stiff."

Peter closed his eyes. Then he was afraid to open them. He imagined the car surrounded by people staring in through the windows.

After a few moments, "Justin, stop, it's not working."

"Give it time."

"No, Justin, please stop." Justin heard the deep plea in Peter's voice. "Please, I'm too scared to get it up."

Justin sat up. "Well, I tried."

Peter started to close up his pants. "I'm sorry, I tried, really I did."

Justin moved back to the passenger side seat. "I should have known better. You wouldn't have sex in my own room with people around." Justin glanced over. "It isn't still this morning that is bothering you?"

"No, just having sex in public."


Peter burst out. "Oh, Justin, what did I do? Talking to Mr. Wilson only made matters worse."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, I'm sure."

"Even with what we knew about him he didn't cave in?"

Peter hesitated. "I swore that I wouldn't tell what we knew and I made Lance and JC swear, too."

Justin blew up. "What the hell did you do that for?"

"I wanted to earn his trust."

"Trust from the likes of him? Why earn trust of a hypocrite?! He's lying to himself and the world." Justin turned to look out the window. "Giving up our advantage was stupid, Peter, just plain stupid." Justin gave an ironic laugh. "You and your naiveté." Justin suddenly knew he went too far. He waited for Peter to frown. To his amazement he didn't.

"You know nothing of Mr. Wilson and why he does these things." Peter snapped angrily. "In this case you are the one who is naïve, Justin, not me. Mr. Wilson abhors being gay. In his mind it destroyed everything he worked so hard for and was so proud of. He got married before he truly knew he was gay and according to him he really loved his wife. She left him because he lost all ability to have sex with her although he still tried. So forgive me if I felt maybe it was better to try to earn his trust rather to put him through any more pain. Besides if we are to help Brian we still need his permission."

Justin turned back to apologize. "Peter, I am. . . Oh-oh."

There was a rap on the window.

Peter turned to see a police officer. He looked in the rearview mirror. Why hadn't he seen him pull up? It was a motorcycle cop. Peter rolled down his window.

"Something wrong, sir?"

"Ah, no." Peter stammered. He felt his face go flush. "Just sort of got lost." Peter held up the map. "Just finding the way."

The officer leaned lower to see the passenger. "Justin Timberlake, isn't it?"

"Yes, that's me."

"Surely being an Orlando resident you could set him on the straight road?"

Peter noticed the twinkle in Justin's eyes but Justin let the joke pass.

"Actually, I was on the phone to my manager." Justin held out Peter's cell phone.

How had he got that? He must have grabbed it as Peter rolled down his window. It seems that both lovers were ingenious.

"It was getting into a bit of a yelling match. Peter was distracted so he pulled over. So you see it was all my fault."

"From what I hear those managers can be a bit of a pain." The officer said.

"I sorry, we were just about to drive off again." Peter said.

"Well, I'm glad it wasn't car trouble." He smiled at Peter. "I must say you showed common sense to pull over than to carry on driving while distracted." He sighed. "If only more drivers were as smart as you are."

"Thanks," Peter stammered.

The officer started to leave. He came back. "Oh, and one piece of advice. If you want find your way around in Orlando I wouldn't use a Fort Lauderdale map. Good day."

Peter folded the map. It said "Fort Lauderdale" in big bold letters.

Justin started laughing. Peter threw the map at him.

"I suppose you think that's funny?" Peter spat.

"Nope, not at all." Justin tried to keep his laughter in.

"The sooner I get you home the better."

They drove off.

Lance set his pen down, flexed his fingers and shook his hand.



"We can take a break."

"No," Lance started writing again. "I want to get two boxes done a day."

"You're such a slave driver." JC paused. "We could have had these printed."

"Oh, that is SO personal, JC. I told you before weddings invitations should be hand addressed. I let you have the return envelopes printed."

JC began a new envelope. "Well, at least we don't have to worry about the 'Thank You' cards."

Lance smirked. "JC, do you really think just because the invitations say so our mothers are not going to buy us a wedding gift and if not our mothers, how about the rest of the friends and family."

"But we asked them to donate the money to our children's charity."

"And we don't have to thank them for that?"

"We did on the invitation."


JC didn't even look up. He knew what look Lance was giving him. "Okay, I was just trying to save some trees."

"This is all recycled paper."


Lance smiled. "JC?"

JC threw down the pen. "I sorry, I am not usually the nervous one but, damn, Lance, these are the invitations to our wedding. The date has been set and the arrangements are being finalized. It's finally going to happen and I am nervous." JC saw the questioning look on Lance's face. "Excitedly nervous, I mean," he added.

Lance smiled. He patted JC's knee. "So am I. I just can hide it well behind all the preparations. Being busy helps."

"You mean keeping busy keeps your mind off of it."

"Same thing really."

JC nodded. He continued to address the envelope.

"Just wait until after the party. You'll feel better about it."

"Why should I feel better about it? I proposed, remember?"

"You're just getting cold feet."

JC turned to Lance his face stern. "I am not nervous about going through with this. I love you. I want to do this. It is the public's reaction I am worried about."

"Are you sure?" Lance nudged JC.

"Very sure." JC stated. He went back to the addressing.

"I'm sorry, JC. I was wrong."

"Hm." JC snorted.

"Just wait until the pre-party. All our friends are coming together to show their support for us. It will be like coming out. It will really show us how many people are behind us."

"I don't know." JC sighed. "I have a bad feeling about this. I heard that the media will be there. When gay people make a big splash of positive images it causes a tidal wave of retaliation."

Lance's hand took JC's. JC looked up into Lance's green eyes. "I am the worrier between us. Like we told Peter, face it when it happens." Lance stared into JC's blue eyes. He couldn't help himself. He kissed JC.

After a bit, "Ah, Lance?"

"What?" Lance felt JC pulling against his grip on his hand.

"I can't write if you're holding my hand."


They wrote in silence.

"How many boxes do you want to get through a night?"


JC sighed. "I knew we should have eloped."

Reverend Welks was nervous. Why hadn't the Chairman let him give his report in private. He glanced about the table. Now everyone would know of his failure.

The prayer ended. The Chairman's chair turned to face the table.

"Now, Reverend Welks, what have you discovered about our enemy?"

The Reverend swallowed. "I am sorry to say nothing. Nothing that can be used in the courts. These people seem to have lived a charmed life. I couldn't find nothing to use against them. If I had more time. . ."

"Enough! No excuses." The Chairman looked around the table. "It seems our Reverend Welks turned up nothing on the filth that we are fighting. Are you all feeling like Reverend Welks has let us down? That he didn't do his best? That I should let him go?" His hand slapped the table with an echoing boom. "Nonsense! Reverend Welks has proved the exact point I was wishing to make. Not all enemies are so easily vanquished. These persons have lived a good moral life but now have strayed from the path. We must bring them down by another means." He sat back in his leather chair. "This party I hear tell about. Lots of musicians and actors will be rallying around the two homosexuals showing their support." He leaned forward. "This is where we shall strike. We will protest this showing of collaboration to this "happy" couple. We will show the world the dark underbelly of the music industry. We will succeed in showing the world the black taint that they are spreading." The Chairman's voice dropped to a whisper. "And we will succeed."

"Praise God!"

It echoed through the board room.

The Chairman leaned over to Reverend Welks. "And keep researching this Peter. It may come in handy once we've got them in our trap."

"Yes, sir. It's God's will, sir."

"Yes," The Chairman leaned back in his chair. He pressed his fingertips together chuckling. "Yes, it is God's will."

"You sure you don't want to see a movie?"

Peter nestled closer to Justin. "No, I'm not really in the mood and this is so nice."

Justin shrugged and shifted his arm around Peter. Justin tried to get interested in the TV program but he couldn't. Peter was troubled and that troubled Justin. It was now that the differences between them stood out. Justin wanted to get Peter's mind off of it, a party or club or a movie but no suggestion he made was to Peter's liking. When Peter was in these moods he would just sit and brood.

When the telephone rang Justin was delighted. He was even more delighted by the person on the other end.

"Peter, it's for you. It's Brian."

Justin doubted that Peter even touched the ground on the way to the phone.

"Brian, how are you?"

"Surviving. Actually it isn't too bad. We never talk so we can never be mad at each other. Dad even eats in the living room now. I hardly see him let alone talk to him."

"That's awful."

"Hey, I don't have to worry about coming out to my father because he won't let me."

"I'm sorry, Brian."

"Don't be. You did some good."


"Phil told me you talked to Dad."

"Yeah, but we didn't make much progress."

"Hey, Dad doesn't glower at me like he used to. I think he may be warming to the idea of a gay son."

"I hope so. But this will be your first weekend without Galixy."

"That's okay, some of the guys are coming here. They have to leave before Dad gets back but that should be a breeze. At least Dad's Friday nights are a benefit to me."

"Just be careful. I worry about you."

"Thanks but I can manage."

"You certainly did last weekend."

"Yeah, it's what started the whole mess." Brian sighed. "But I wouldn't change a thing. Between Phil and I we showed those bastards you can't push us fags around."

"If you ever need a place to stay. . ."

"There's always Phil's place. Plus I have a back-up plan. At least Galixy showed me that. I'd better get going. Dad is just working in the basement."

"Take care, Brian."

"I will. And thanks for trying with my father."

"No sweat."


Peter looked more dejected than ever.

Justin went over to him and pulled him close. "I was hoping that would cheer you up."

"I've made a hash of everything. Talking to Mr. Wilson did nothing except perhaps put an end to his Friday night excursions. Oh, my god, Brian is going to have friends over. If his father is still there. . ."

"He'll manage. You can't run his life for him."

"Then this afternoon on the highway, why did I allow you to even talk me into that."

"I am very persuasive."

"But we were so close to being caught. Your reputation and your career would have been ruined. And it would have been my fault."

"Are you still thinking of that dark premonition? Peter, forget about it. What happened today wasn't a part of that."

"Great, it could get worse." Peter laid his head on Justin. "I can't get anything right anymore."

"Yes, you can." Justin kissed the top of Justin's head. "Let me show you."

Justin's hands snaked down Peter's back. They cupped Peter's ass cheeks. Justin pulled Peter's crotch to his. He ground his hips hard against Peter's.

Peter broke away from the kiss. "Justin, not now."

Justin kept kissing Peter's face. "Yes, now. You need this."

"Justin. . ."

Justin's lips cut off any more protests.

One of Justin's hands moved to the small of Peter's back then into the back of Peter's pants between his underwear and his skin. A finger traced the crack of Peter's ass.

A shudder went through Peter. He pressed back against Justin's lips. Their crotches rubbed harder together. The unmistakable feeling of excitement was beginning to grow.

Justin could feel Peter's resistance weakening. He pulled down Peter's pants at the back and began playing with Peter's ass. Peter stopped kissing and laid his chin on Justin's shoulder. Little 'ow's came from his lips almost like Peter was in pain. But Justin knew this was far from that. Each time his fingers brushed close to Peter's asshole the cries became more intense.

After a time Peter reached for Justin's crotch. He could feel Justin's hard-on through the denim. Peter looked into Justin's blue eyes and said. "Your keys."

Justin grinned. He reached into his pant's pocket.

Peter left his side and went to the couch. With a pull his pants exposed his ass. He bent over leaning on the arm of the couch.

Justin just opened the front of his pants. He remembered Peter's fantasy of having sex almost fully clothed and Justin wanted this to be for Peter. He undid the lid on the small metal tube of lube he had on his key ring, lubed himself up and pressed slowly into Peter.

Peter's body tensed and he groaned. Again there was a sound of pain. Justin checked. Maybe a little but Peter pushed back against him. Peter was giving him the go ahead. Slowly the entire length of Justin's cock sank into Peter's ass.

Peter let out a pinched scream.

Justin pulled back then pressed in again. At the third thrust a deep moan of release and pure pleasure rumbled through Peter. Justin was reminded of the moan of pleasure his mother made when eating her weekly chocolate.

Peter gripped the couch arm tighter and pushed back hard against Justin. Justin answered but thrusting hard into Peter. Their bodies rocked and slapped together.

The shear pleasure of Justin's cock raking against his prostate sent waves of joy through Peter. His mind tried to keep hold onto went wrong today but soon the surges of pleasure overwhelmed them. Peter was filled with the pure joy of having his lover fuck him. All dread and doubt was washed away.

"Oh, yes!" Peter's hand slapped the couch arm. He beat on the upholstery. What was happening to him was a bit savage and wild but it had broke through all the intellectual mess that had Peter depressed.

Justin knew he had broken Peter's mood. He thrust for all he was worth into Peter. Justin still kept an eye out for any pain from Peter. But Peter was enjoying it so much.

Suddenly Peter's body tightened. "No, not now. It's too. . . Gawd!"

Justin felt Peter's ass clamp around his cock as Peter came. Peter's head snapped up then down again as the climax ripped through him. As Peter relaxed Justin wrapped his arms around him and coaxed him to stand. They kissed.

Then Peter pushed away and off of Justin. In an instant Peter's pants and underwear were off. Peter turned around and laid back on the couch. His body was slanted down towards the couch but that meant his ass was pushed upwards resting on the arm of the couch. Justin saw Peter's asshole squeeze and contract.

"Don't stop now, Justin. You have a long way to go yet and I'll be ready."

Justin paused only to see the look on Peter's face. It was flushed with pleasure and with desire. Justin had succeeded with what he wanted to do. Now he would show Peter how much he loved him. His cock plunged its full length into Peter's waiting, wanting and willing ass.

"Oh, Justin!" Peter almost screamed.

Peter's head rolled back and forth on the couch. He bit his lip letting out little whimpers.

Justin couldn't lean down far enough for Peter to embrace his body. So Justin took to stroking Peter's cock.

"Oh, yes. Yes." Peter's hands rubbed and pinched his nipples. "Mm, yeah."

"Do you like this?" Justin knew the answer but part of the play was the asking.

Peter squealed. "I love it."

Justin looked down to watch his cock sliding in and out of Peter. It never failed to turn him on. A surge washed through Justin as Peter's ass clamped around his cock. Then again. Justin gazed down at Peter. He was grinning up at him with a devilish look in his eyes.

"You like that?" Peter seductively chuckled.

"I love what you do to me." Justin said in a sexy whisper.

Peter still chuckling, "Then don't stop."

"Deal." Justin thrust back with fervor. Peter's body shook. His mouth opened but nothing came out.

As Justin watched a blue glow seemed to surround Peter. Every time he looked down Peter's eyes were on his. Justin threw away the games. They gazed into each others eyes and relished the feelings flooding through both of them.

Justin's cock never seemed to feel so good inside Peter before. Each thrust began to grow in intensity. Peter felt his passions growing. Looking into Justin's blue eyes Peter suddenly felt why Justin had started this. This was what Peter needed.

Justin was surprised as tears started to roll down Peter's cheeks. "You okay?"


Peter's hand took over for Justin. He stroked his own cock. Justin knew that Peter was getting close. He stopped fighting and let the passion take him. Justin closed his eyes.

"Oh, Peter, soon."

"Cum in me. Please, cum in me."

"Oh, Peter, I. . ." Justin slammed into Peter. He held onto the back of the couch for support. His body tensed. Then Justin gave out a loud scream of release.

Peter watched as the climax blasted through Justin. He wanted to remember Justin just like this the flush of his face, the pure bliss in his expression and the knowledge that Peter was the cause. This thought caused his own climax to overwhelm Peter.

Peter didn't look away from Justin. He knew his cock was shooting out tendrils of white but Justin's expression was too beautiful to look away from. This only heightened to the impact of his cumming.

As Justin's climax waned he looked down on Peter's cum covered body. Peter's eyes were still latched onto his. Justin reached down and helped Peter sit up on the arm of the couch. Peter flung his arms around Justin holding him tight.

After a few minutes when Peter didn't let go Justin asked. "Are you all right?"

Peter gave a happy sigh. "Yes, I am now." He sat back. "Thanks to you."

"I wanted you to feel better."

"Oh and not just that. You showed me the one thing I really got right in my life." Peter gazed into Justin's beautiful blue eyes and ran his fingers along Justin's cheek. "You." Peter pulled Justin close. "Promise me you'll keep reminding me of that when I forget like I did today."

"Gladly," Justin replied. "I hate it so when you get down on yourself."

Peter sat back. "I know. I'm sorry."

Justin's hand caressed Peter's shoulder. "You did what you could with Mr. Wilson and I am proud of you for that. But this isn't some sort of fantasy world. You have to stop taking it so personal. Not everything will turn out with a happy end."

Peter gave Justin a kiss. "Mm, I don't know. Right now I have a real happy end."

Justin sighed. "I don't know who is worst you and Chris."

Peter grabbed Justin and they fell back onto the couch kissing.

Justin pulled back. "Okay, forget Chris."

"I would hope so."

They went back to kissing.

Later the telephone rang.

"Leave it."

"Sorry, Peter, there is an outside world after all.

Justin reluctantly got off the couch.

Peter's arms dropped to his side. "Spoil sports."

"I promise I'll make it quick." He picked up the phone. "This is Justin. Hi, Nick, how are you? Good."

Peter watched TV but was listening to every word.

"It was no big deal. I was glad to do it. I'm just glad it helped. You really don't have to. Well, if you insist. I'll ask him." Justin held the phone to his shoulder. "Nick wants to invite us to his beach house next weekend. Are you free?"

"Yes, smart ass, I'm free."

"Do you want to go?"

Peter shrugged, "Sure if you want to."

Justin raised the phone. "He'd love to. Anyone else invited? Oh, I see. Well, it sounds like fun. Okay, talk to you later. Bye."

Justin went back to the couch and slipped back under Peter's arms.

"What brought that about?"

"I told you I have been talking to Nick about being Bi. Well, he wants to thank me so he thought up the weekend at his beach house."

"Oh. Is anyone else coming?"

Justin smirked. "Just us."

"I mean is anyone else going to be at the beach house."

"Nick just started calling. But it will probably only be us."

"That seems a little strange."

"Well, he wants to thank me why invite other people."

Peter sighed. "That's true."

"Seeing plots?"

"No, just wondering."


"They're coming."

"In more ways than one."

"Stop that," Nick snapped. "It may not go that far. They haven't agreed to "that" yet."

"They will."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Didn't Howie let it slip that Kevin had a three way with Peter and Justin?"


"This should be so much easier. You won`t be physically involved." Nick's girlfriend looked at the clock. "It's getting late. We should be going."

The Girlfriend and the other man Nick had been having sex with went to the door.

Nick asked. "You sure you don't want to be there?"

"No, Nick. You'll be one your own. Besides I don't think they'd like to have two people watching them have sex."

"Are you sure that this will work?"

"If you are having problems being a big star and being a bottom and Justin seems to be handling it watching Justin bottom should do the trick, so to say."

"If you say so."

She patted Nick's cheek. "I do say so." She gave Nick a kiss. "Goodnight."

The door closed.

"Do you think Nick will go through with it?"

She turned to the other man. "He is desperate to know how Justin can bottom so easily even being a big celebrity. I taught him a few seduction tricks. It will work."

"Why not use hidden cameras or two way mirrors?"

"Too impersonal and it's illegal. No Nick has to witness this with his own eyes."

"You are so devious."

"What devious? I am simply opening up Nick's mind to new sexual possibilities. And if along the way Nick just happens to not only see Justin being the bottom but gets to experience Justin as a bottom so much better for Nick."

"You think Justin will let Nick fuck him?"

"Who knows what will happen in the heat of the moment? Did you think you'd ever fuck Nick Carter? Under the right circumstances some people can give in to anything."

"What about this Peter?"

"Nick can have them both and visa versa."

"They're in a relationship."

"It must be an open relationship. They have done it before according to Howie. And being that they are doing it together it isn't really cheating."

"I hope you're right."

"I always am."

"Well, Phil Wilson, back again? You sure you're not gay?"

Phil pointed at his plate with his fork. "You make the best shepherd's pie in the state."

"If you come here for the food you're straight all right. But you're still looking good. There's always an opening for you if you want to dance again. The customer`s always loved you."

"Sorry, the dancing is in my past."

"Too bad, the gay men are so into straight guys performing for them."

"I'm just here for lunch."

"You know you are hurting my business eating here."

"It's a public restaurant."

"This is a gay bar."

"After eight o'clock at night it is."

"Well, when people have lunch they like to eye the dessert cart."

"And that's me?"

"Until I have to tell them you're straight then I never see them again."

"Oh, bull. Why is it everyone always sits in the same tables and when I am here it is the most crowded?"

"How would you know?"

Phil smirked. "I maybe straight but I still notice being noticed."

"Okay, it's true. And just to show how indebted I am to you today's lunch is on the house."

"I can pay my own way." Phil replied with an edge in his voice.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't being patronizing. Damn, I wish I could get your whole family to eat here. I'd make a mint."

Phil snorted. "You'd never get my father. He wouldn't step foot even close to a gay restaurant, sorry, gay bar."

"Then how did you get to be so opened minded."

"He wasn't always that way just after the divorce."

"Ah, a woman deserted him so he might be venerable to seduction from anyone?"

"Not my father."

There was a page. "Mr. Phillips, call on line one. Mr. Phillips, you have a call on line one."

"I have to go. Enjoy your lunch."

Phil went back to eating his lunch. But soon he became aware of a man glancing quite often in his direction. Phil finished his lunch with the man still looking at him. Phil got up and went to his table.

"May I help you?"

"Oh, no. I'm sorry." The man stammered. "You reminded me of someone that's all. You don't happen to have a brother who is gay do you?"

"Yes, I do. But I won't fix you up."

The man laughed, "I don't need that. But you two do look so much alike."

"There is a strong family resemblance. Where did you see him?"

"At the sex club next door."

"My brother in a sex club?" Could Brian be sneaking out? "How would they let him in? He's underage."

The man's face fell. "Oh, then it wasn't him unless you have an older brother."

Phil was relieved. "No, it's just the two of us." Phil decided to be sure about Brian. He grabbed his wallet and flipped to a photo. "This is my family. That one is my brother Brian."

"That's him!"

"What? It can't be."

"No, no, not him," The man pointed to a different person in the photograph. "Him."

Phil laughed. "That can't be him. That's my father."

"That's the man I've seen at the sex club. He's a regular."

Phil shook his head. "Not my father. He'd never go to a sex club let alone a gay one. He's not much for gay people."

"Well, that definitely looks like him."

Phil put the photo away. "You must be mistaken. My father stays well clear of any gay hangouts."

The man shrugged. "I could be wrong. The man I saw is there every Friday night. They even give him the same room. But if what you say is true about how your father feels toward gays that can't be him. Are you okay?"

Phil was staring into space, "Did you say every Friday night?"

"Did I say something wrong?"

Phil snapped out of it. "No, not at all. I just remembered an appointment, I have to be going." Phil threw some money down on his table. "It was nice chatting with you." Phil hurried away.

"Too bad, chat was all we had time for." The man returned to his lunch.

Peter checked the address. Yes, this was where Brian lived. He hated the idea of seeing Mr. Wilson but he wanted to see Brian so. It had been a few days and he hadn't heard from Brian again. Maybe he could use his aura to show Brian how much he cared or at least lighten his spirits like Chris had done for him. He floated into the house.

The lights were on but there seemed to be no one around. Peter floated around the first floor and found no one. Then he checked the basement. Okay, he wanted to make sure where Mr. Wilson was before he saw Brian. There was no one.

Next Peter floated up the stairs. The second floor looked just as deserted. Where was everyone? Then he found what must have been Brian's room. But it was empty. The bed was crumpled but not slept in.

Then he saw it. The window was broken. Shards of glass were on the carpet. It looked like it had been broken being slammed shut but why?

Peter had an idea. He went to the garage. Wilson's truck was gone and there were skid marks on the driveway. They could have been there for some time, Peter decided to go home. His imagination was acting up.

Peter woke up at a clamor downstairs. He glanced at the clock. It was 5:30 in the morning.

As Peter got to the living room he could hear JC and Lance at the door.

"No, it's all right. We know them. Please, go back on patrol."

Suddenly a person pushed passed JC and Lance. He stood in front of Peter.

"Please, we need your help again."

"Phil? What's happened? It's so early in the morning."

"Brian's gone."

Peter's heart almost stopped.


"He found out. He is very angry."

"Found out? Found out about what?"

"I was confronting my father about his Friday nights and Brian over heard. Brian thinks I was in on the secret. Now he's mad at both of us. We told him to wait in his room. But after a few minutes we went to talk to him he was gone. He packed his knapsack and crawled out his bedroom window."

That explained the broken window. Mr. Wilson must have slammed it in anger.

"Please, Peter, you're the only person that Brian trusts now. Will you help us find him?"


"Yes," a figure stepped into the room. He was no longer the man of strength and stature that Peter had seen before. A pleading figure stood before them. "Please, in his state Brian might do anything. He could be prey to people who will use and abuse him, I know. He'll do anything to hurt me and in turn end up hurting himself. You, I can't let that happen to him. I plead with you for God's sake, have pity please." Mr. Wilson almost fell to his knees. "Help me find Brian before it is too late!"

Peter slowly looked up from Mr. Wilson. He looked from person to person.

Lance looked at JC. JV nodded.

"Come on. Let's get dressed."

Peter started up stairs and stopped. He turned back. "I promise you. We'll find Brian and in time." Peter managed a smile. "He's a good boy and you raised him well. Trust that."

Mr. Wilson just stood wringing his hands. Phil nodded.

Peter hurried to get dressed.

End Part 49

Fear not my readers you will find out what happened and will happen to the Wilson's. I know so many people have been waiting for that showdown moment I cannot disappoint you. Besides, I'd like to what happened, too.

Better start writing the next part. These are coming a bit slower than I'd like.

Again, any feedback will be cheerfully accepted. Write to me via

Look for Part 50.

Next: Chapter 50

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