Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on May 24, 2001


Here it is Part 5 the start of the second half of the story. Thanks to all that wrote to encourage me to continue it. Gees, I guess I'm typeless. (Speechless doesn't make sense, does it?) So on we go!

This is a work of fiction. Although the people mentioned within are based on real people, it does not mean to represent the events described as having anything to do with their real life. To the authors knowledge no one in NSYNC is gay has even been gay or will be gay in the future. (Mores the pity.) However, if they would like to experience... (Never mind.)

There will be descriptions of gay sex. If you are under eighteen or find gay sex objectionable, stop reading now. If it is the latter, what the hell are you going at a gay erotica site! You should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque. Everyone else read on. I hope you enjoy it.

The bus rocked. JC instinctively reached out his hand against the padded side of the bunk to steady himself. He walked from the sleeping area to the front area of the bus. Lance was sitting by the window holding an open book. JC sat down beside him.

"You okay?"

Lance smiled. "Sure."



"You're on the same page you were on half an hour ago."

Lance shut the book. "Okay, I've just been thinking. That's all."

"The guys and I have noticed something is bothering you."

"So they sent you here to find out?"

"In so many words." JC put his hand on Lance's shoulder. "What's wrong? You haven't been the same since you got that visit from your parents."

Lance looked down. JC knew he was getting closer.

"I wish you would tell me what happened while you were with your family." The light went on. JC looked at Lance with surprise. "You came out to them!"

Lance nodded.

"Tell me what happened."

"There's nothing much to tell. It didn't go as well as I hoped, but it wasn't as bad as I feared either."

"Thanks for narrowing that down for me." JC took Lance's hand. "Lance, please, I can tell when you're hurting. What did they say when you told them?"

"Its not important." Lance turned and looked out the window.

"Lance, look at me." He turned to JC. "I'll be strong." JC grinned. He grew serious again. "Please, tell me."

Lance knew it was wrong to keep this from JC. But, he didn't want to repeat out loud the words he had heard. Still, they kept going through his mind over and over again. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to tell someone. Lance let the dam burst.

""You're not gay. We didn't raise a gay son. You wouldn't go against God's Laws. It's all the touring. All those strange people around you, day after day. There's lots of "them" in the music industry. They probably put this idea in your head. You're just confused. Pray, Lance. Pray that God will put this sickness out of your mind."" You want to hear more?"

JC took Lance into his arms. "She's upset and confused. She didn't mean it."

"Well, at least she said something. Dad just sat there shaking his head." Lance sat back. Tears started forming in his eyes. "I made my mother cry. I hurt them, JC, my own parents. They're ashamed of me."

JC looked sternly at Lance. "When have you ever known your parents to be ashamed of you? When we started NSYNC, they've been behind you the whole time, haven't they? And they are proud of what you have done?"

Lance nodded.

"They'll come around. Parents all create an image of what their child will be when they grow up. You just made them redesign theirs. Gees, my parents still have problems dealing with me being gay." JC smiled at Lance. "Actually, you helped."

Lance looked puzzled. "I did?"

"They've always liked you a lot. Somehow my being gay was easier knowing that I was in love with you." JC squeezed Lances knee.

Lance looked down. "You know what the worst thing was?" JC shook his head. "I never got the chance to tell them about you and me. The greatest joy in my life and they didn't want to know." Tears ran down Lance's cheek. JC hugged him. "I love you, JC."

"They'll know someday and they will be happy for you."

Lance smiled. He wiped his face.

"The guys are watching TV, if you want join them."

"In a minute. Let me compose myself first."

JC kissed Lance on his forehead. He walked to the back of the bus.

Lance looked out the window. He desperately wanted to know what his parents really felt about him. If the love was truly there just buried under this new shock. There just might be a way to find out for sure. That he could discover the truth even being this far from home.

A road sign flashed by stated 120 miles to their destination. He was two hours away from the one person he knew of that could possibly help him.

Peter was remembering the fateful phone call.



"My name is David. I'm with the NSYNC touring crew. I am calling to set up arrangements and schedules for you official bodyguard duties."

"My what?"

"I'm kidding. You don't have to do anything. We're giving you clearance so you can hang with the guys, when allowable. The times they are busy, you can hang with the crew. How does that sound?"

"Great." Peter managed to sputter out. How does that sound? What a stupid question!

"Also, some of the crew were called away. We have already paid for the hotel room. Would you like to take it? No charge to you, of course and you will be right there with everybody.

Another stupid question. "Sure, I'd love that."

"I thought so. We're getting into town a day earlier than planned. So if you had nothing to do, we could send a car for you next Thursday. The guys should arrive in the afternoon, but if you'd like to look around first?"

"I'd like that."

"Say twelve thirty then."

"I'll be packed and waiting."

"Good. I'm looking forward to meet you, again. Until then."


The driver opened the car door and Peter got out.

"I'll take your luggage over to the hotel."


"If you decide to go back early, let them know. I'll come and get you. Otherwise you can take the bus with the rest of the crew."

"That should be fine. Thanks, again." Peter watched as the car drove away.

Peter turned and looked up at the stadium. He'd seen it times before when he'd gone to ballgames. But then there were all those people about. Now the sidewalks were nearly empty and the gates were closed. The structure seemed more daunting with him being there alone. But, now Peter had the chance to explore this giant. Damn, this was going to be fun. He headed for the box office.

The box office was in an alcove of concrete below the main entrance. "Excuse me. I'm looking for David in Security?" He handed his bodyguard tag to the man behind the glass.

He looked at it then back at Peter, puzzled. He shrugged as he handed the pass back.

"Over there." He nodded at a door in the wall. It almost blended in with the concrete. Wow. A secret door. Peter was getting into this.

"Thanks!" He reached for the doorknob and the man buzzed him in.

He entered a small lobby. A guard sat at a desk directly in front of him. There was an office to his left visible through the glass pane that separated it from the lobby. People were sitting at desks. Another group of people stood talking.

Peter walked up to the guard.


"I'm looking for David." Peter handed the guard his tag.

He looked at it, then up at Peter quizzically.

"Is this some joke?"

"No. When he called me, he told me go to the box office. They would let me in and I was to ask for David."

"Okay," sighed the guard. "It's your butt." He lifted the telephone receiver and pressed a button. "David to the main desk, please."

A man in the office separated himself from the group standing and talking. He waved at Peter through the glass. Peter recognized him. It was the man who had given him the bodyguard tag in the first place. David came through the door.

"Welcome, Peter." He shook his hand. "You're right on time. I've been looking forward to meet you, again."

The guard was looking on agape.

David smiled. "First thing we should do is make you more official." He indicated the plastic tag. Looking right at the guard he said. "We wouldn't want someone to think you stole this when you were actually presented with it would we. Come with me." He led the way into the office. Peter followed him through the maze of cubicles.

They came to a woman sitting at a desk surrounded by computers and printers.

"Ellen, could you fix him up with a proper ID." David turned back to Peter. "She help you out. I'll be right back."

She handed Peter a piece of paper. "Please fill out your name and address and such." She took the plastic tag. Just like the others, she looked at it then back at Peter.

"Why does everyone look at me like that?" Peter asked.

"You don't look like a bodyguard."

"Oh, that. It's kind of honorary, really."

"That explains it. Please, step over here." She indicated a line by the wall.

Peter stood there as she took his picture. She then went to work at the computer. Very soon she handed Peter a new tag. It had his picture and his name on it. He clipped it to his shirt.

"Now, you look official." David approached him. "NSYNC isn't scheduled to arrive for another 2 hours. I could arrange some sort of backstage tour if you'd like."

"That would be wonderful. That's kind of why I got here so early, so I could look around."

David led him out of the office. They started down a long corridor.

"You're lucky. They got most of the stage set up yesterday. You wouldn't have been allowed on the floor during set up. As it is I think Anthony will agree to it."

"How about the rest of the stadium?"

"I'll have to clear it with their guys. We're just guests here." David smiled. He could see how excited Peter was. That bodyguard tag was a good idea after all. "Oh, I mentioned that you would be here at this morning's briefing. The crew knows you'll be around."

The corridor ended and huge expanse of the dome came into view. Close to their end of the field the stage had been set up. Lights, scaffolding and cables were everywhere. David led Peter toward the stage.

They approached a man with long hair whom stood facing the stage. He was wearing a headset and mike. Peter noticed both arms were covered with tattoos.

"Anthony? I'd like you to meet Peter."

He turned. Pete felt instantly intimidated. But, Anthony smiled warmly.

"Oh, yeah, The JC incident. Welcome."

"Is there a good time to have someone show him around?"

"We're just about to do a complete check. Give me about a half hour and I can hook you up then." He looked at Peter.

"That's fine. Whenever you're ready. I don't want to get in the way."

Anthony could see Peter really meant it. Good. Just for once to have a fan that wouldn't get underfoot.

"I'll see about getting you a tour of the stadium, then," said David.

Peter pointed to the steps leading from the field to the seats. "I'll wait over there. I'll be out of the way plus I can get a good view. If that's all right."

Anthony put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "Perfect. I like you already." He turned back to the stage. David went back to the corridor and Peter headed for the seats.

Lance waited until he felt there was enough time for JC to let the others know what had happened. Of course, they would try to act like they didn't know, which they were really lousy at. He then joined the guys watching TV. JC sitting on the bench to the left moved down to make room for him to sit. Joey and Justin sat on the other side. Chris was sitting on the floor.

"Hi, Lance."

"Hi, Lance"

"Decided to join us, Lance?"

"Did I miss much?" asked Lance.

"No, just started."

"Yeah, not much."

"Good movie, though."

"Yeah, good movie."

"Really good movie."

"Plot kind of sucks, though." Chris added.

"Yep, sort of dumb when you think about it."

"Actually, this movie bites." Joey changed the channel.

The air of non-chalance was so thick; you could cut it with a knife. JC shook his head. Why did he bother?

Chris finally broke. "Lance, I'm sorry it didn't go well with you're folks. We're here if you need us. Okay?"

Lance smiled. "Thanks. It's nice to know."

"I have only one question. How the hell can your parents not know you're gay?"

"Chris!" The others said in unison.

Lance laughed. Leave it to Chris to cut right through all the manners and get to the point.

"Come on. If people had to pick the one gay member of this group it would have to be Lance. The second choice would have to be JC. You're way to enthusiastic when you dance and the way you stick your butt out there. Joey is definitely hetero. Justin the same, but a bit of a tease. Maybe even Bi."

Justin looked up shocked. He relaxed as nobody seemed to notice and Chris went on.

"Now me, they probably think I do kinky things to plants."

"We all know you're parents, Lance. I know they will come around." Justin said to Lance.

"I hope so. It was just all those years of Baptist beliefs kicking in. I hope I don't have that kind of Baptist roots."

"Sure you do." said Chris. "I can see them from here. You need more peroxide."

Everybody laughed.

"Sh! Everybody, quiet." Chris froze.

"What is it?" Justin asked.

"I can feel something." Chris stood up and cocked his head. "Someone's here." He raised his hands over his head. He "sensed" his way over to where JC was sitting. "Something's going to happen. Look out, JC!" He dropped his right hand toward JC's head. JC cringed. With his left hand Chris stopped his right hand slightly above JC's head. "JC, you were almost hit by a falling palm." Chris laughed.

"You scared me, Chris." JC smacked Chris with a pillow.

Justin sat up. "That's right. JC, you get another bodyguard this concert."

Joey snapped his fingers. "That astral guy. What's his name?"

"Peter." Lance answered. "It will be nice to see him, again. Won't it, JC."

"Sure it will. I heard he's even staying at the hotel in one of the rooms for the crew."

"Really, I didn't know that." Lance said.

JC eyed Lance suspiciously. When it came to being non-chalent, Lance was just a lousy as the rest of the guys. What was worse was JC sensed that Lance was lying.

"Excuse me."

Peter turned. A man stood behind him, smiling.

"Are you Peter?"

Peter stood up and faced him. The man glanced at the tag clipped to Peter's shirt.

"Yes, I see that you are. And you're a..." His face took on the usual puzzled look. "Bodyguard?"

Peter took the tag in his hand. "The other side says, "Wash only in cold water. Do not use bleach. Air dry. Do not use heat." They didn't read it. Now, look at me"

The man laughed. He had dimples on each cheek. Peter was a sucker for dimples.

"Actually, it's an honorary title. I got it the last time NSYNC was here."

"You must be the astral guy, then. The guy who rescued JC."

"Oh, you're a member of the crew."

"No. I work for the stadium."

Peter looked puzzled. "That was supposed to be a secret among the touring crew family."

"Well, I may not be a member of the crew, but its still among "family"." He winked at Peter. "I promise not to kiss and tell."

"Obviously, someone did."

"Let's not get into that. Hi, I'm Craig. You asked for a tour of the stadium?"

"If it is possible. They're not ready to show me the stage yet."

"Sure no problem. I work for security, so I can show you lots of things you normally wouldn't get to see."

"Don't even go there." Peter thought to himself. Craig put his arm out showing the way. Peter started up the steps.

Peter was shown the concourse area, the suites, the pressrooms and the executive lounge area. Craig now led the way down into the bowels of the stadium. Much to Peter's surprise, he didn't find long concrete gloomy passages, but the walls painted and brightly lit.

"I thought all this would be different. More dungeon like"

"Oh, we still have that." Craig said. "Down past the locker rooms in the mechanical areas. In the more populated areas, they try to make it more friendly like."

Peter noticed a man pushing a cart filled with equipment. Even though he was very muscularly built, he wasn't pushing it very fast. He seemed to relish the fact.

"Excuse me." Craig said. He walked over to the man.

"Bill, they've been waiting for those parts of half an hour. Could you manage to speed things up a bit? You do work here. Remember?"

The man pushed the cart on with a slightly increased rate.

"Faggot." Bill said under his breath.

"What was that?" Craig snapped.

"Forget it. I won't forget it." He pushed the cart on.

Peter went up to Craig. "That's not what he said."

"I know. He thinks he is so high and mighty. His father works on the night shift. He's been a long and devoted employee. He threw his weight around and got Bill the job. Not much I can do about him." Craig shrugged. "I guess every company has one."

They continued on. A door opened and a short youngish man stepped out. The man seemed to be a ball of energy, his hands always in movement. He looked Peter up and down, smiling broadly.

"So, Craig, what have we here. A new employee?"

"Sorry, Hugh. He's with the tour. He won't be with us for long."

"To bad. Still there's always a chance." He leaned toward Peter. "If you're ever near my office," he pointed at the door he had just came through. "Come on in. I just love visitors." He winked at Peter and hurried off down the corridor.

"Who was that?"

"'Name's Hugh. He's the Lead Custodian."

"Was it just me or was he hitting on me?"

Craig smiled. "He is the only person I know with 20/20 gaydar. We nicknamed him "Little Hoover."

"Why "Little Hoover"?"

"You stay here long enough and you'll find out."

They entered a door. Lockers filled the room.

"This is one of the main locker rooms. Smell that testosterone." Craig sat down straddling the bench. "Just think of all the naked and sweaty men that have come through here." Craig gave a slight thrust to his hips.

Peter pretended not to notice. In fact, he had been noticing. Craig seemed to bump into him more as the tour went on. Even stopping unexpectedly so Peter ran into him. Craig was flirting up a storm. Peter was enjoying the attention.

Peter tried to look unimpressed. "I don't know. I've seen these baseball and football players. Extra extra large seems to be the popular size of uniforms these days. Besides, I'm not really a sports fan."

Craig pulled a face. "Really, I couldn't tell."

"The sports just seem so repetitive. I would change that. In football, they should change goals randomly during the game. A whistle blows and they have to turn and run the other direction. It would get rid of the big brick house guys and make way for the quick little shits who can run. And whose idea was it to put the referees out there in their shirtsleeves? All these huge guys in padding crashing around and the guys who make the decisions are defenseless. At least give them a cattle prod. If they were lawyers, they wouldn't stand a chance.

Craig laughed. "Any other ideas?"

"In baseball, you should be able to run to any base you chose. They know you're going to run to first, so they pick you off. And you shouldn't drop the bat. You're going into enemy territory." Peter swung his arm around his head. "Take it with you and come wailing into base. If the throw the ball at you, hit it again."

Craig lay on the bench laughing. "I like your ideas."

Craig's pager went off. He looked down at it. "I have to get back. Can we finish the tour another time?"

"I'm here through the weekend." They left the locker room.

"Maybe tomorrow then. Can you find your way back?"

"I think so."

"This main corridor encircles the whole place. Go to your right and you'll run into the dressing rooms eventually. See you tomorrow." Craig extended his hand. Peter took hold of it. With a jerk, he pulled Peter to him. He gave Peter a quick hug. "I'm looking forward to it." Craig whispered in Peter's ear. He turned away.

Peter watched Craig disappear down the corridor. He looked at his watch. The tour had taken over an hour. He'd better get back. Peter started off in the other direction.

Peter turned another corner. This corridor had people bustling about. Some of the people he recognized. He got to a door with a large sign "NSYNC: Authorized People Only." Checking to make sure he still had his tag, he pushed open the door.

There were a couple of people hanging drapes on the wall. One man was covering the furniture with blankets. He looked up.

"Who the hell are you?" Abashed, Peter started to leave. The man noticed the tag. "Wait. I'm sorry. Come in." Peter stepped into the room. "I remember you now. You're Peter, our guest bodyguard. I'm Matt." He shook Peter's hand. "I'm sorry, but you wouldn't believe the number of times fans sneak in here even days before the concert. You enjoying yourself?"

"Yeah. I just got a tour of the stadium."

"Sit down. You look tired."

Peter sat in a chair, his back to the door.

"Do you move all this furniture?"

"Heavens, no. Most of this was here. We just put throw covers and such over them. Makes it seem like the dressing rooms never change. So what do you think of the inner sanctum?"


"Gives it the room more warmth. It's all about comfort both mental and physical."

The door opened.

"Who said you could take a rest? On your feet!"

Peter scrambled to his feet, springing to attention. He turned around.

Lonnie stood there laughing. "I should recruit you. The other guys never react that fast."

Peter relaxed. Since Lonnie was here, that would mean...

Lonnie sensed the question. "The bus is almost here. We were sent on ahead. I was sent to find you. They thought you would want to be there when they arrived."

"Thanks, sir."

Lonnie motioned to the door. "None of that sir stuff. You can call me Lonnie. After you."

"Okay, Lonnie. Thanks, Matt."

"No problem." Lonnie closed the door behind him.

They headed down the corridor.

Peter stood by the door along with Lonnie.

"How come they don't just go straight to the hotel?"

"They like to see that everything is in order. I guess so they can sleep better. They are very serious about their job. Especially their performing. Here they come."

As the bus pulled into the parking lot, the fans seemed to appear out of no where.

Lonnie shook his head. "I don't know how they do it. We're here a day ahead of time and they still know when the guys will arrive. Excuse me." He was joined by a group of other men. They went out the door and formed a line between the bus and the door.

As the guys stepped off the bus, the girls went crazy. Lonnie and the others stood there with arms out. The group stopped and shook hands and sighed autographs as they made their way to the doors. At the doors they all turned and waved. They were ushered through the doors.

Joey looked relieved. "I swear that one girl in the red was ready to attack me and rip my clothes off."

"You wish!" added Justin.

Chris was the first to notice Peter.

"Ah, there's other one!" He jumped back in fake fear. "Save me!"

"I don't see any spotlights around." Lance said as he approached Peter. "Nice to see you again." He hugged him. "I've been so looking forward to this."

Peter sensed Lance was really glad to see him. He had been practicing checking people's auras. Concentrating on Lance's face, he could just make out a dark color around it. Lance was deeply troubled by something.

"Are you enjoying being a bodyguard?" JC said as he hugged Peter.

"Yes, everyone has been so wonderful. I got to see some of the stadium. They were going to give me a tour of the stage."

"That's where we are heading. You want to come with?" Lance said.

"No, that's okay. You guys are working. I don't want to get in your way."

"Are you sure?" asked JC. The others were heading off.

"Yeah. Go do that voodoo that you do so well."

JC started to go. "We'll get something to eat together when we get back to the hotel, okay?"

"It's a date."

Peter saw Justin turn and give him a long glance before he disappeared into the arena.

"Well, that was quick."

Peter felt a hand on his shoulder. "That's tour life for you." Lonnie said. "The first bus back to the hotel leaves in forty five minutes. Meet back in the security room."

"I'll be there."

Lonnie walked off.

Something told Peter that this was going to be a Hardy Boys type of weekend.

Peter wandered through the concourse area. Everyone seemed to have vanished. Probably on the lower levels now that the guys were there. His mind kept coming back to Lance. What could be bothering him so?

"Well, hello, again." Peter jumped. Hugh seemed to pop out of nowhere.

"You startled, me."

"I'm sorry. You look unhappy. I know what will cheer you up." He beckoned for Peter to follow him.

"Actually, I was just thinking."

"I will hear no arguments. Trust me." Hugh smiled with an innocent abandon. "Come on. I know what you need."

Peter followed. Hugh was so happy. He could sense Hugh's eagerness to please. He was lead to a closed ice cream concession window. Hugh pulled out a set of keys and unlocked the door.

A picture of an ice cream sandwich looked very inviting to Peter. He could go for a snack. Hugh really did know what he needed.

"How did you know I was hungry?"

"Oh, I know lots of things about you. It's been a long time, hasn't it."

"It's been months since I had one."

Hugh looked at him and smiled. "Much longer than that, I think. It's very unhealthy for you."

"Yes, but I do love it so. A guilty pleasure."

Hugh opened another door behind the counter. It led to a small storage room.

"But you must give up the guilt. Give in to the pleasure. It will free your mind." Hugh was definitely big on ice cream, Peter thought. He gestured for Peter to go first. Peter grew puzzled as he entered. Surely the ice cream would be in a freezer?

Hugh closed the door. "Please, excuse me. Too much light quarrels with my art." He flicked off the lights.

Before Peter knew what was happening or could even protest his pants were opened, his underwear pulled down and his cock was in Hugh's mouth.


"Trust me."

Peter was confused. Part of him wanted the run, but a growing part was giving in to the new sensation of pleasure.

"I've never..."

"I know. Just enjoy."

It was too dark to see anything. He was reduced to two senses hearing and feeling. And oh what he was feeling!

The warm wet feel of Hugh's mouth closing around his cock. Moving up and down the shaft. His cock was already growing harder.

Peter leaned back against the wall. He couldn't believe this was happening to him. His first blow job. He never imagined that it could feel this good. This certainly felt better than his hand. Oh, god. He was thinking in cliches.

Hugh's tongue flicked at the cock head. Peter's whole body shuddered at the sensation.

"My god."

The flicking stopped. "Thanks for the compliment. But, I am no deity."

Peter had no time to reply. With one smooth motion, Peter felt Hugh's lips move from the head to the base of his cock. He inhaled loudly. The movements sped up, from the head to the base, slowly increasing in rhythm. Suddenly, the feeling of the lips vanished. Fingers took over stroking the shaft.

"This works best if you keep breathing."

Peter exhaled.

Peter could feel the lips again. The fingers remained stroking just beyond the lips. The tongue caressed the sensitive underside of his cock. His whole body was alive with pleasure. He could feel his heart beating rapidly. His breath came in increasingly shorter gasps. Hugh was giving throaty groans each time the cock entered his mouth.

Peter could hear a rubbing noise. Hugh was jacking off as he sucked Peter's dick. Then Peter became aware of it. The blue glow around Hugh's face. It became brighter and brighter. Hugh obviously loved this. He was giving it his all for his pleasure as well as Peter's. A hand cupped Peter's ass cheeks, pulling him forward with each downward stroke.

The lip's journeys up and down Peter's cock were getting faster. Peter could feel his excitement mounting. Hugh's groans were raising in pitch. They both were getting close. Suddenly, Hugh let out series of muffled groans. The lips motion staggered from the usual rhythm. The blue glow around him became almost white. Peter heard Hugh's breath relax. The lip's motions continued.

A few more stroked were all Peter could take.

"Hugh, I'm going to cum!" Peter warned.

But, Hugh didn't stop. The tongue and lips movements increased. Peter felt his knees go weak. He propped himself against the wall as best he could as the climax hit him. A wave of pleasure like he had never felt before washed over him. He could feel every shot of cum shoot from his cock. It seemed to go on forever. Slowly the waves receded. The lips closed tighter around the shaft, milking out each last drop.

Peter relaxed. His breathing slowed. He felt spent. The blue glow from Hugh had faded.

Peter felt two lips on his own. He pressed back. He let his lips apart and a tongue mingled with his. There was a strange salty taste with it. Was that his own cum?

They kissed for a few moments, then the lips and tongue pull away. There was a rustle of clothes.

The door opened and Hugh's silhouette appeared in the doorframe.

"Now your mind will be clear. You will be able to help your friends."

Hugh stepped through the door. "Thanks for coming." He closed the door.

"Hugh. Wait!"

Peter scrambled to get his underwear and pants up. He opened the door. The room was empty. He ran to the door leading to the concourse area. He peered out. No one was in sight. Shutting the door again, he began to adjust his clothes.

His whole body was still tingling. The whole experience had left him slightly drained. Now he was hungrier than ever. Maybe there was a freezer around. To his disappointment he found nothing. Then out of the corner of his eye he saw an object on the counter.

It was an ice cream sandwich.

End of Part 5

No "traveling" in this part. Just hold on until part 6. Sorry that there wasn't much of JC, Lance and the guys in this part, but there is a certain thing called "Set-up" that author's are enslaved to. Now it will be full speed ahead. As always, I would love to hear from you. I can be reached at Thumbs up or thumbs down. (Just stop short of drawing blood. That's all I ask.)Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 6

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