Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Jun 22, 2004


Finally at last part 50!

I am SO SORRY dear loyal readers. My company has moved locations and I have been busy, well, working. Working for a bunch of pack rats we spent a month throwing, moving, hauling what wasn't being moved out, etc. Then I'd get home and just collapse on my couch. I was so tired I sometimes forgot about those of you out there waiting "patiently" for the next part. So my life has gotten in the way of writing this story. My apologies. But here it is in all its, ah, black and white. I hope it was worth waiting for. The next part will be quicker I swear! Not all of our work equipment has been hooked up yet so I have time to waste, ah, write. Now the CYB stuff.

This story: complete BS not a grain for truth in it. This is pure fantasy (I heard that!) This does not describe real life of any of the characters based of real people. To the author's minimal knowledge no one in NSYNC of Backstreet Boys is gay, has been gay or will be gay in the future. The author is not even sure of himself any more but we won't go into that.

There will be descriptions of gay sex so if you are underage or find such things objectionable (What the hell are you doing here????!!!) Oh, sorry, stop reading now. Otherwise carry on! Enjoy.

It had started the night before. Mr. Wilson was in the garage working on a lawn mower when Phil entered.

Mr. Wilson barely looked up. "Spare me your protests. My mind is made up. If your 'friends' couldn't convince me this morning what can you do now? Do you want me to cut off all contact with your brother?"

"Where is Brian?"

"In his room doing his homework."

"Good, he's out of ear shot. We need to talk."

"I am not going to argue over this."

"I'm not going to argue about it either. Friday I am taking Brian to Galixy and I will every Friday and that's that."

"So you are going against my wishes." Mr. Wilson snorted, "They've even turned my own two sons against me."

"JC, Lance and Peter are trying to help."

"Oh, it's not just those three, its all on them."


Mr. Wilson pointed his wrench at Phil. "You know who I mean. Always plotting and planning. But they won't get Brian. I've sworn I`ll stop them."

"Father, you're just being paranoid. No one is plotting against Brian.

Mr. Wilson waved Phil off. "You know nothing about it." He went back to his work. "Brian is strong willed. He got that from me. He will resist."

Phil nodded. "Yes, he will. He will resist the plotting and planning. And he will be happy. That's all I want."

Mr. Wilson stood up. "Then help me. We have to save Brian from them."

"Why? He is one of them."

The wrench slammed down on the workbench. "He is not! He is not like them."

"'Them, Father. You mean gays' don't you? Can`t you even say the word?"

Mr. Wilson smirked at Phil. "Gays. See there? Queers, fags, queens, homosexuals. I know all the words and I can say them."

"Then why can't you say them to yourself."


Phil bolstered his courage and looked directly at his father. "Why can't you say those words to yourself? Why can't you admit it?"

"Admit what?"

"Still posing? Still acting? You're making Brian's life miserable and you know it's all because you are afraid of yourself."

Mr. Wilson puffed himself up. "I am afraid of nothing."

Phil let his anger out. "Oh, really? Not even afraid of being gay?"

Mr. Wilson stepped toward Phil. "Who told you that? That's a lie!"

"I know, Father. I know where you go on Friday nights. I know the people you meet."

Mr. Wilson kicked the lawn mower. "And they swore to God not to tell." He sneered. "Gays aren't even afraid to breaking the Third Commandment."

"I don't know who `they' are, Father. I learned this from a complete stranger. What a fun way to find out about my own father."

Mr. Wilson rallied. "And you'd believe a complete stranger rather than me?"


Mr. Wilson smiled. "That`s better."

"He noticed a resemblance and asked if I had a gay brother."

Mr. Wilson shook his head. "He would, wouldn't he?"

"I thought he meant Brian so I showed him our family photo. He recognized you, Father."

"He is mistaken."

"So I thought so I checked around. I even went to the sex club. Other people told the same story." Phil glared hard at his father. "Every Friday night and you have a regular room. You are very popular. Lots of men wish they'd be allowed into your room."

Mr. Wilson went back to work. "This is rubbish."

"Face the facts, Father. Your gay, aren't you? That's why Mother. . ."

Mr. Wilson was face to face with Phil. "That was not it! She left me for that accountant. It had nothing to do with. . ."

"And what about Brian?!" Phil interrupted. "You have him scared to death. He dreaded that you would find out that he is gay."

"Brian is not gay!"

"And just when he has found some happiness and friends, you take that all from him just because you don't want to believe Brian is gay. Well, he is and so are you!"

"I will not allow you to talk to me this way!"

"I'd never have dared before now because I wanted to make you proud of me. I wanted to earn your love and respect but not now. Everything I thought of you, everything you told me to believe is a lie. My father isn't only hypocrite but also a closet case!"

"You will not use such words in front of me!"

Phil eased off. Driving his father into a rage will accomplish nothing. "Believe it or not I can almost forgive you for lying to us. Growing up as strict as you did being gay is a horrible thing to realize. Even Brian refused to admit he was gay at first. But what you are doing to Brian I will never forgive you for."

"I don't want your forgiveness. God knows I am trying my best to save this family from the Devil's ploys. They will not make Brian gay."

"But he is, Father, and no one made him that way. Not you or Mother or any other seductive gay person. If anyone made Brian gay God did."

Mr. Wilson raged. "Don't you dare blaspheme in front of me! God does not make people gay. The Devil does!"

Phil found himself matching his father's anger. "Stop blaming everything on some fictional demon. Take the responsibility for your own actions and your own feelings! YOU want to be with men, YOU enjoy having sex with men. It's just you, Father, who makes you do these things. Face the facts you're gay!"

"By all that is holy I will not have a son of mine speak to me this way." Mr. Wilson removed his belt. "I won't allow you to say such evil things! There is nothing for it. If I must I'll beat the Devil out of you." Mr. Wilson raised the belt.

"Dad, stop!"

Mr. Wilson turned to see Brian standing there. No, not Brian not now.

"Leave Phil alone! It's me you want to beat the evil out of." Brian stepped close. "Isn't that right, Father?"

Mr. Wilson was confused. "No, Brian, why should I?"

"Because I am gay."

"No, you are not." Mr. Wilson's tone was certain.

"Yes, I am. Why can't you face the truth? That's why we never talk any more. You don't want to hear what I might say."

"Brian, go to your room."

"I'm not going to let you brush me off."

"Brian, I said go to your room."

"You're going to face this."

Phil joined his brother. "Dad, you have to."

Mr. Wilson put his belt back on. "You two are overwrought."

Brian stood defiant. "I've been to the Saloon, Dad."

Phil snapped around. "Sh, Brian."

"I found out about the sex club but I didn't have any desire to go in. Maybe now I do."


"All my life I wanted to be like you, Father. I was so proud of you and I wanted you to be proud of me. So now I'll follow your example."

Mr. Wilson pointed. "Brian, you stay away from that place."

"But you go there."

"If you go there and I will beat you so hard you won't be able to sit down for weeks."

Brian smirked. "You've never hit us our entire lives. You always said it was because grandfather used to beat you and you swore you'd never copy him." Brian stood tall, "Go ahead, Father, beat me. Be like your father and I will be like mine. Except Ill do better than you. Ill spend more than just Fridays in that sex club."

Phil tried to stop Brian. "Please, that's enough."

"Why? And you should talk? You found out about Dad and you went straight to him. You didn't tell me did you? I bet you never meant to. I always thought you were so much like Dad. Now I know."

"Brian, it isn't like that."

"Save it, Phil. When JC, Lance and Peter faced up to Father where were you? Don`t tell me. You were working. Your work for our hypocrite father was more important than your own brother."

"Brian," Mr. Wilson snapped. "Go finish your homework."

Brian looked at Phil.

"Go on. We'll talk when we're through with this."

Brian looked angrily for face to face. "Okay, I am going. But I hate you both!" He turned to leave. Brian stopped. "Oh, and I am thinking of having my penis tattooed." Brian glared at his father. "That way when you are in one of those glory holes at the sex club you won't end up giving a blow job to your own son!"

Brian stormed out of the garage.

"Brian!" Mr. Wilson raged. "Come back here and apologize!"

Brian's voice carried back to them. "Never!"

The door to the house slammed.

Mr. Wilson started after Brian but Phil stopped him.

"Let him cool down first."

Mr. Wilson angrily went back to his repairs.

"I hope you're happy." He snapped.

Phil was incredulous. "You're blaming me?"

"You were the one who interfered getting those homosexuals involved with Brian."

"You just won't face the facts will you? I wanted Brian to have support and affirmation if he was gay. Now I know I was right. My own father spouting anti-gay rhetoric all week and then having sex with strange men every Friday and still convinced that he is straight."

"I am not your business!"

"Then Brian is. What a father you turned out to be. I wonder what the courts would think of you."

For the first time Mr. Wilson's resolve cracked.

He paled. "You'd do that? You'd try to take Brian away from me? My own son?"

Phil's anger lessened but he was firm. "I never thought of it before but I may have to for Brian's sake."

Mr. Wilson dropped the wrench to the workbench. "Then the Devil has won. Everything that was of value to me is gone. Everything that makes a man's life worthwhile is in ruins. He took away my ability to physically please your mother even though I still loved her. She ran off with a lesser man than me. He could make her happy and I could not. Now the Devil has taken the sons I was so proud of. One turns the younger over to homosexuals and the older threatens to take my custody of him away." Mr. Wilson leaned against the workbench. "And worst of all what I have purged from myself every Friday night is growing stronger. I can't fight any more. The Devil has won."

Phil looked at his father with his head bowed. As much as he hated what his father had done Phil didn't want see his father this way.

"There was no Devil, Dad." Phil stepped closer. "I assume you got married before you knew of your like for men?"

His father nodded.

"Then you can't be blamed for that. You tried very hard to keep the family together. I knew it then and it hurt me to see you struggling so hard against the inevitable. But now I know it wasn't just because you were told that these things were important to a man. They were important to you."

"I loved all of you but I couldn't stop it. The Devil is too strong. Men are so weak."

"Not you, Father. Youre the strongest man I know. But it was no Devil you were fighting only yourself. Thats why you can never win. But I see a very large Devil causing you to lie and keep your very nature a secret from those who love you."

Mr. Wilson's voice was touched with anguish. "You must hate me."

"For sneaking around and lying to us, yes. For being gay or maybe Bi, no."

Mr. Wilson slumped against the work bench. "I wish I was as understanding as you."

"Times have changed. You taught me to make up my own mind about things. It was only after Mother left that you changed and became stricter. Now I know why." Phil placed his hand on his Father's shoulder. "Come on, we should talk to Brian."

"I dread it."

"If you can face the Devil surely you can face your own son."

"Brian is worse than the Devil. I don't have to worry about losing the Devil's love for me."

"It may take some time, but you can win Brian's love and my respect back."

Mr. Wilson nodded.

They headed to the house. It didn't take them long to find out that Brian was gone.

"I don't want to involve them!"

"Dad, we have no choice. We've looked everywhere. Brian has talked to them. He trusts them. They might know where he might be."

Mr. Wilson couldn't argue. He nodded.

Phil turned the car toward JC and Lance's home.

After Lance, JC and Peter had got dressed they all gathered in the kitchen.

"How about breakfast?"

"How can you think of food at a time like this?" Mr. Wilson growled.

"Dad, we've searched as much as we can for now." Phil said calmly. "Until people are up and about we'll have to wait. We might as well eat so we can keep our strength up."

Mr. Wilson nodded. "I suppose."

"What do you feel like omelets, waffles, pancakes or bacon and eggs?"

"Just toast is fine." Mr. Wilson answered with an edge in his voice.

"Oh, come on, Dad." Phil answered Lance. "Bacon and eggs sounds good. Can I help?"

Lance starting setting up, "No, please. You must be exhausted if you've been searching all night."

Mr. Wilson muttered. "We are and we have."

Peter ventured a question. "Can you update us?"

Mr. Wilson glared at Peter.

"So we know what's been done and where we should search next."

Mr. Wilson's expression softened. He nodded at Phil.

Phil answered. "I hit most of the gay bars I knew. I gave descriptions of Brian to the bartenders with my cell phone number in case they saw him." Phil glanced quickly at his father. "The sex clubs were checked. Then we just drove around looking."

Peter took this in. "I don't think Brian will go to any of those places."

"How do you know?" Mr. Wilson snapped. "He wants to hurt me. I've lied to him."

Peter said firmly. "Because he respects his own life. When we spoke that first time about being gay I stressed that sex without emotion might make you feel good but sex with emotion is more wonderful. On his own Brian realized it was better to wait. I can't believe Brian will throw himself at the nearest man just to hurt you. He knows it will hurt him too. Brian is wiser than that."

Mr. Wilson stared at Peter. "You said that to him?"

"I have only discovered sex less than a year ago." Peter said. "And it was wonderful. So I wanted Brian to know it was okay to wait."

Mr. Wilson crossed his arms. "I don't believe it."

Phil turned to his father. "Why? Because Peter wasn't seducing Brian? I tested Peter before I brought Brian to him. I tried to seduce him." Phil looked hard at his father. "He didn't take the bait, Dad. Peter is a good kind man and he really cares for Brian. Lance and JC do too. "

Mr. Wilson looked up. "Really? Well, maybe Brian is here. Did you think of that? They spoke to Brian. He probably trusts them. He could be here and they would never tell us."

Phil was disturbed. "Dad, please."

"Search the house if you want to." JC simply said. "We have nothing to hide."

Mr. Wilson stood up.

Phil spun around. "Dad, we're their guests."

"But I don't believe them. I don't trust. . ." Mr. Wilson stopped.

"Homosexuals?" Peter finished.

"That's the truth," Phil added looking at his father. "You don't even trust yourself."

"Phil!" Mr. Wilson snapped.

"We've been through this. They kept their word, Dad. They never told me about what you did on Friday nights." Phil glared at the three of them. "And although I have a major bone to pick with them on that count they have proved they can be trusted. You still want to search the house?"

Mr. Wilson backed down. "No, I guess not."

"Tell you what," JC began. "The bathroom is upstairs on your right. I think you might want to freshen up, I mean, wash up a bit before breakfast. It's been a long night. And you can check any room you want on the way there and back.

Lance opened the refrigerator. "You'll both have time until the breakfast is ready."

"There are razors in the top drawer."

Mr. Wilson looked uneasy.

JC sensed Mr. Wilson's concern. Well, at least Mr. Wilson was concerned about AIDS. "Disposable of course."

Mr. Wilson relaxed and nodded.

"That's fine by me. You coming, Dad?"

Mr. Wilson hesitated. "I. . ."

Peter offered. "You can use my electric razor if you want."

Mr. Wilson relaxed. "Thank you. I'm not good with a blade. I always cut myself."

Peter chuckled. "I never had the nerve to try. A sharp blade next to a major artery and a vein? Getting up in the morning is depressing enough without flirting with death along the way."

Mr. Wilson followed Peter out of the kitchen.

"Phil, you can use our bathroom."

"We're sorry to impose."

Lance shook his head. "You are not. We're glad to help. And we will find Brian."

"You've done so much already."

JC gesture the way. "Well, we must look out for the younger generation."

They left and Lance settled in to make breakfast.

Phil had willing given in to the seduction of a shower. But putting on the same clothes he had worn the day before almost cancelled the benefit. Now shaved and at least bodily clean he felt hungry. Well, he let himself to feel hungry. All last night his mind was set on finding Brian. The shower and hopes of breakfast had brought some sort of normality back to the day. Phil left the bathroom.

Phil stopped. His father stood at the bedroom door. He was just looking around the room.


He started. "There you are. I was looking for you. You took so long. The food must almost be ready."

"I was seduced by the sight of the shower." Phil used the word `seduced' deliberately. "I feel human again."

His father's eyes kept coming back to look at the bed. He seemed eager to look around but he didn't step one foot into the room.

"Breakfast is ready," JC appeared. "We'd better hurry. Lance hates to have his food grow cold."

Mr. Wilson took a step back. "Come out of there, Phil. Time to eat."

Phil went to the bed. He picked up a frame. "What a wonderful picture of you and Lance."

JC went to the bed. "It is actually a photo of all of NYSNC. We just cropped out the other guys. It was one of the few times I got to have my arms around Lance for the group's publicly shot. They teased us so much about it that after awhile it kind of meant something to us."

"Dad, come and see."

Mr. Wilson shook his head. "That's okay, breakfast is ready. The others will be waiting."

Phil brought the picture over to his father. He stopped a few feet away.

"Don't they look so much in love?"

Mr. Wilson relented. "Yes, it is a nice picture."

Phil handed the photo back. "And this is a nice warm room."

JC took the photo and placed it back next to the bed. "We like it." JC saw the glint in Phil's eye. He was teasing his father. JC added, "I know some people would expect posters of semi-nude men but Lance is the only man I want to see naked. Sorry, Phil, you probably didn't need to know that."

"Hey, I'm straight but not narrow."

JC led them down the hall.

Phil noticed his father giving the bedroom one last long look.

"Yes, Dad, it is possible for two gay men to have a long lasting relationship."

"I didn't say anything." Mr. Wilson protested.

"Lance and I have only been together for a little over a year but we plan to spend the rest of our lives together. That's why the wedding."

Mr. Wilson snorted.

"Sorry, the ceremony. I know being gay it's not legal or anything but we want to formally show our commitment to each other in front of all our friends and family. And God," JC added. "After all he made Lance and me who we are. We'd like to show him that he did good job and that we are truly happy in the love he has given the two of us from him and from each other." JC glanced at Mr. Wilson. He was deep in thought. "But listen to me spouting God before breakfast. Forgive me. This way."

They continued down to breakfast.

They ate in silence. Mr. Wilson didn't look up from his plate. There was an uneasy truce.

Finally Phil broke the thick silence. "So what's your plan?"

With a glance at Peter JC answered. "Well, I think our best bet is to start at Galixy."

"Why there?" Mr. Wilson asked.

"Because that is where Brian's friends are. The counselors might have names and phone numbers of the kids. Someone might know where Brian is. But they don't open until 9:00."

Lance shrugged. "What do we do until then?"

Peter thought for a bit. "Did you go through Brian's room?"

"No, there wasn't time."

"I'd like to start there. I want to look around. You never know what we might find."

Mr. Wilson looked up shocked. "Never."

Phil glared at his father. "Dad, stop it. He won't be groping through Brian's underwear."

"Then why?"

"To see if Brian left anything behind," Peter explained, "Something that might give us a lead to where he's gone."

"And then?"

"After Galixy we should know more. Visiting all the kids might take a long time."

Mr. Wilson's voice was firm. "I don't care how long it takes as long as I find my son." He took a sip of coffee.

Phil set down his fork. "I still think Brian running away happened too fast. I thought that I would be the first person Brian would run to. But he was mad at me. He must have had a back up plan. But who could he have gone to at Galixy at such short notice? If it was someone from Galixy."

"Back-up plan?" Peter muttered. "Brian said he learned something from Galixy." Peter suddenly stood up. "Excuse me, please. I think I'll have a little lie down."

"What?" Mr. Wilson snapped.

"I think the best lying down." Peter headed off.

Mr. Wilson shook his head. "Crazy. He's completely crazy."

"Stop it, Dad." Phil turned to Lance and JC. "Can I help clean up?"

JC shook his head. "No, you and your father go to the living room. Rest up while you can. It may be a long day."

"It already has been." Mr. Wilson grunted.

"Now, Dad, try to be civil." Phil and his father left the kitchen.

JC and Lance cleaned the dishes from the table in silence.

"I'm proud of you, Lance." JC said.


"I'm sure it is not easy having Mr. Wilson in our own home and having to be nice to him."

Lance nudged JC. "There goes our Christian hospitality, again." He smiled. "With a little bit of gloating. Now he needs us." Lance frowned. "But we have to find Brian in any case."

"We will."

"What do you think Peter is up to?"

"Maybe he's searching already."

"Do you think so?"

"You know Peter as well as I do. What do you think?"

Lance smiled. "Brian hasn't a prayer. We'll find him alright."

"Exactly," JC repeated. "We'll find him and he will be all right."

"Find anything?" JC asked.

"Just normal teenager stuff." Lance replied. "But I have to say Brian is surprisingly neat."

"You have to remember Mr. Wilson is his father."

Lance nodded. "Point taken. I wonder if this room got inspections."

Peter shut a drawer. "I doubt if Mr. Wilson was that strict."

Phil entered the room. "Dad's calling all the people he can think of to keep an eye out for Brian. Did you find anything?"

Lance and JC shook their heads. "Nothing. How about you, Peter?"

"I really didn't think we would find anything. Brian would be too afraid of his father finding any of his gay stuff."

They stopped. Together they turned to the bed.

Phil raised his hand. "I'll check. Brian is my brother." He lifted the mattress. There was nothing but mattress.

"Those poor gay dust mites," Peter said. "Nothing to beat off to."

Phil put the mattress down and tucked in the sheets again. "Too bad, I was actually hoping there would be a magazine. At least we'd know that Brian is a normal teenager."

"Well, this was a waste of time."

"No, it wasn't," Peter replied. "I'm beginning to believe my hunch may be right."

"Your hunch?" asked Phil.

Lance's eyes went wide. "You DID find something out this morning." Lance said excitedly. "JC figured that lying down was an excuse for you to go off searching."

Phil looked confused. "Wait, he went searching from his bedroom?"

"It's a long story," Peter added.

"How about just the punch line?"

"Peter can free his mind from his body." Lance explained.

"Oh, Astral Projection," Phil nodded. "I've read about that. Good, you can cover more ground than we can."

Peter looked embarrassed. "Well, that's not really necessary, now."

Lance gaped. "You found Brian?!"

Peter looked a little sheepish. "Yes."

"Why didn't you tell us?" JC snapped.

Peter shrugged. "Well, he's not there anymore."

Phil's started to leave. "Then he must be still in the area."

"Phil, we can wait."

"Wait!?" Phil snapped. "We've been searching all night and now that we know his whereabouts you want us to wait? Don't you want to help Brian?"

"He's perfectly all right," Peter replied. "He'll be back where he's staying but not until the afternoon."

"How do you know that?" JC asked.

"Because I sort of know where he is now. He was preparing to leave when I found him. I didn't have time to follow him but I thought I knew where he might be going."

JC said, "That's where your hunch comes in?"

"Yeah, and this room proved it."

Lance smirked. "But we found nothing. How can you tell what Brian is up to?"

"Well, you could too if you knew what you're looking for."

Lance put his hands on his hips. "Okay, Sherlock, enlighten us."

"Phil, what was Brian doing before this whole thing happened?"

"His homework."

Peter gestured at the room.

Lance glowered. "I don't see any homework."

"Exactly," Peter stated, "So Brian must have taken it with him."


Peter raised a finger. "Why indeed."

"Peter, this act is getting irritating."

"Just tell us." JC added.

Peter continued. "Just one more clue. If you were running away you'd only take what you needed like clothes and money, right?"


"But Brian took his books. Now Brian wouldn't take something so useless and heavy unless. . ."

Phil got it. "Unless he plans to use them."

Peter gave Phil's shoulder a pat. "Good going, Watson!"

Phil smiled. "That's Wilson."

"I still don't see. . ."

"Come on, Lance." JC stated. "There is only one place Brian would need his books."

Lance gaped. "You're kidding me. He ran away. Why would he choose to go to school?"

Peter smiled. "Like I said, Brian was raised well."

Phil nodded. "And it is the last place we'd look. He ran away. Why would he stay with his daily routine? Plus he can scope out his friends for a place to stay." Phil turned. "I'll go tell Father."

Peter stopped him. "Please, wait."

"Dad needs to know."

"I know but just not now."

Lance was surprised. "Peter, I know Mr. Wilson behavior sucked but he is Brian's father."

"I'm not saying don't tell him, just not yet. Your father will go to Brian's school and we don't want a scene in front of the whole school."

Phil nodded. "You're probably right. But I hate to keep this from Dad. He's so worried."

Peter started pacing. "Phil, would you agree that if your father actually went to Galixy and met some of the counselors and kids he might loosen his objections about Brian going there?"

Phil thought for awhile. "I suppose. He'd certainly see for himself that there's no plotting."

"And if we wait until after Brian is back would your father be more or less inclined to go?"

"He might want to ease the tensions between him and. . .What am I saying? Brian will probably be grounded the minute he gets back. My father is too set in his ways to change."

Peter turned away and looked at the wall. "Right now your father is willing to go anywhere and do anything to find Brian but when we tell your father where Brian is all that will change."

"Peter," JC warned.

Peter turned to face them, "We had an upper hand on Mr. Wilson once and I gave it away. I think we might have one now. But I am leaving this decision up to you three." Peter turned back to the wall. "Phil, you can tell your father where Brian is anytime you'd like."

Phil was deep in thought. He looked up. "You know since we don't know for sure," Phil winked, "where Brian is maybe we should try Galixy first. We could ask some of Brian's friends there if they have seen him. Father might not be too keen to be among all those corruptors of our youth but maybe he might learn something. Oh and the gay safe houses and shelters for runaway gay youth. We must check every haven for gay runaways. If we don't find Brian it might a least raise Dad`s awareness of gay youth."

JC put his hand on Phil's arm. "Are you sure about this?"

"And you're not?" Phil shot back. "Dad played everyone for a fool. He had Brian scared for his life and Dad knows more about gay sex than Brian does. Peter's right, Dad won't learn any other way. We have the upper hand and I am going to use it!" Phil's voice softened. "For Brian's future and happiness," He added. "But before we set about our plan, Peter, may I ask where you found Brian?"

"It was really a complete fluke. I told Brian that he could stay with us if it came down to it. He said he had a back-up plan. Something Galixy had taught him. I couldn't think of any safe place he could have learned from Galixy. Then it hit me. There was only one place he had gone through Galixy, the Saloon."

"But the sex club wouldn't let Brian in and I agree with you Brian is above that."



"That's where he is."

"What are you talking about?"

"Come on, Phil, you've been to the Saloon." Peter pointed at the ceiling.

Phil slapped himself on the forehead. "Of course! Above the Saloon`s bar. The hotel!"

Peter explained. "Unlike the sex club I am sure a story of being thrown out for being gay would get Brian a room at least for a few nights. This morning I managed to project there and make a quick check. When I found Brian's room he getting ready to leave. I couldn't see what was in his knapsack so I had to guess. Coming here and finding no school books gave me the proof I needed. Well, I still could be wrong."

Phil gave Peter a hug. "Brian will be quite safe there. And being it's a gay hotel there will be good security." Phil stood back. "I am very relieved."

"Well, snap out of it." JC said. "We have to convince your father we know nothing about Brian's whereabouts."

Phil took on an exaggerated long face. "Poor Brian, we just have to find him. We'll leave no gay youth refuge unchecked. And as much as my father will be uncomfortable around these people he will endure it to find Brian." Phil leaned in. "I know it is not a very Christian attitude but I think I am really going to enjoy this."

"Ahem," Lance shook a warning finger.

Phil frowned again. "I suppose we should give Father the unhappy news."

The others nodded solemnly. They filed out of the room.

Two boys entered the bathroom.

"I see Lance, JC and Peter are back visiting Galixy again. I didn't recognize the other two."

"Weren't you here last week?"

"I left before the 'excitement'."

"Can't you see the resemblance? One is Brian's father and the other is his older brother. Brian's run off and they're trying to find him."

"His dad finally found out about Brian being gay?"

"Yep and Brian coming here every Friday. That news article blew his cover. I heard Brian was even grounded."

"That sucks. His father's a homophobe right?"

"Yep." Ryan sighed, "But, boy is he hot. The whole family is. I wonder if he has money."

"He's a father remember he already is a daddy." The boy teased.

"It doesn`t hurt to cover the bases."

"Just be careful."

"You sound like the adults around this place."

"They're looking out for us, Ryan. They really care about what happens to us."

"I know. I just thought Galixy would be a great place to meet guys."

"You mean `meat' guys. It's always sex with you isn't it? Being gay isn't all about sex."

"Well, it's not around here. There are chaperones everywhere and they never leave us alone."

"We're here to made friends and get support not fuck each other."

Ryan leaned against the other boy. "Hey, I'll be your friend if you'll be mine."

"Ryan, stop it."

The boys flushed (as in the urinals.) They went to wash their hands.

"You're sounding a lot like Brian."

"There is nothing wrong with Brian."

"Except he is so old-fashioned." Ryan's voice took on jeering tone. "'I have to get to know a guy very well before I can have sex with him. I have to get into his head before he can get into my pants.' I bet it will be a month before Brian lets Joe even kiss him. And he calls himself a gay man, shit."

The other boy smacked Ryan's shoulder. "You lay off, Brian."

"I'm sure not going to lay him."

"You know what I mean. He's been through enough and now his father has even cut him off from us. I feel sorry for him. He's all alone again."

"Ah, he'll be all right. I know Brian may be a little backwards in his views on sex but he was the only one of us who stood up to those gay bashers. Well, him and his brother. And okay, I like him."

"I knew there was more to you than looking for a daddy."

"Well, at least my daddy won't be a homophobe. I wonder if Brian's father ever realized the pain he was causing."

"You mean Brian hiding being gay?"

"No, I mean Brian trying so hard to make his father proud of him and with every anti-gay word from his father is like stabbing a knife into Brian. Brian is better off out of there. No wonder gay suicide is so high."

"Brian could never do that."

"I know. Brian is very smart. But think of a father never knowing that with his homophobic jokes and put downs he was unwittingly telling his own son he hates and despises him and I bet the bastard will never realize that."

The bathroom door closed behind them.

Slowly the door to one of the stalls opened. The man made his way slowly to the sink and washed his hands. He pulled down the paper towel to dry his hands. The paper towel was wadded up tightly and thrown angrily into the waste basket.

Mr. Wilson managed a hesitating look at himself in the mirror. "'Bastard' they got that right."

He left the bathroom.

They were meeting with a counselor from Galixy. Peter was talking.

"And we're especially interested in the address and/ or phone number of Joe. I'm sorry I don't know the last name."

The counselor smiled. "Of course, I know Joe." She looked up surprised as Mr. Wilson entered the room.

"If anyone at Galixy would know where Brian is Joe might."

Seeing the expression on the counselor's face the rest of them turned to see Mr. Wilson standing there.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

"I said I would wait outside but I've changed my mind. I can do that can't I?"

Peter got up and offered Mr. Wilson his chair. Mr. Wilson waved him back.

"No, no, sit down."

They noticed Mr. Wilson was a bit more subdued.

"Dad, is something wrong?"

"Yes," Mr. Wilson replied. "I just realized that you know more about my own son that I do."

They all glance around the room embarrassed.

"Well, Dad you didn't want to know." Phil added.

"Well, I do now. And I would like to know who the hell this Joe is. That's twice I have heard his name with Brian's."

They exchanged alarmed looks.

Mr. Wilson almost smiled. "I take it Brian and this Joe are boyfriends?"

The counselor spoke, "I can assure you, Mr. Wilson, Joe and Brian are just friends."

"Well, after last night I may have pushed Brian farther."

"Mr. Wilson, we have got to know Brian and he would not do something so rash."

"Not even to spite his father who he now abhors?" Mr. Wilson snapped.

"Not Brian."

"He's been to the Saloon!"

"Only once, Dad," Phil answered, "And he hasn't gone back. Besides he thought you would be less angry if you found out he was spending Fridays here rather than Sundays at a gay bar."

Mr. Wilson voice was choked. "Well, he was wrong wasn't he?"

The counselor stood up. Her voice was calming. "They are getting a list together of addresses and phone numbers of our kids. Perhaps while we wait I could show you how we do things around here?"

Mr. Wilson hesitated. "Well. . ."

The counselor smiled. "You could see how Brian spends his Fridays."

Mr. Wilson just nodded.

"This way," The counselor showed Mr. Wilson out.

"Dad is barely holding up." Phil said when his father was gone. "I think we should tell him we know where Brian is."

Lance sighed. "I agree with Phil."

Peter nodded, "So do I."

JC shrugged. "Then the vote is unanimous."

"That shelter for gay homeless youth really got to Father. He could see Brian in every face." Phil looked at the floor. "This is only making it worse for Dad."

Peter blushed with embarrassment. "I thought Galixy opened at 9 o'clock instead of 10:00 and with the gay youth shelter so close. . ." He lowered his head.

"Peter, it's not your fault." JC said. "Not one of us knew how Mr. Wilson would react."

Phil sat up. "We, I have to tell him."

Lance put his hand on Phil's shoulder. "We're all in this together so we all will.

Phil looked up at Lance and nodded.

They had walked into the main room. Two boys were playing foosball.

"One of my friend's cousin's finally did it. I can't wait until I am older. My chances are so slim being under age. But just you wait I'll prove I am a gay man someday."

The other boy noticed the counselor had entered. "Ixnay," he whispered.

Mr. Wilson turned to a distressed look from the counselor. "What is he talking about?"

She sighed. "HIV. It has become a rite of passage for teenagers to test positive."

"What?!" Mr. Wilson was on the kid in a flash. "Are you mad? Are you so ready to profane God's temple which is your body he created for you?"

The boy held one finger across the other to form a cross. He brandished it between Mr. Wilson and himself. "Jesus, save us from your followers."

"Jesus doesn't enter into it. Do you have a death wish?"

Ryan sneered. "What's the big deal? It's only HIV. There are all those new drugs. No one dies from AIDS anymore."

"Even I practice safe sex. I don't suppose you think a man of man age should."

"You're just used to it. You lived through the crisis."

The counselor watched tensely to see what Mr. Wilson would do next.

Mr. Wilson let his anger go and thought for a bit. "Do you drive?"

Ryan was surprised by the sudden turn. He replied, "Only my father's car. I can't wait until I have a car of my own, a dark blue convertible."

"And you'd take good care of it?"


"You'd never let the oil or the antifreeze run low or not tune it up?"

"Shit, no that would ruin the engine."

Mr. Wilson poked at Ryan's chest. "What about your own engine?"

"I keep fit and work out. I'll always be healthy."

"Then why would you allow this leech into your body. That is what HIV is you know."

Ryan wrinkled his nose, "A leech."

"A leech you can never be rid of. It lives attached to your insides sucking away at your very life blood. You may not feel it but you'll always know that its there. Oh, sure maybe you'll live with it and not get sick but you still have to feed it. Pills upon pills. It will sap your strength and if not that then your money. Drugs are expensive you know. Oh sure you can live a long life with HIV and you might not contract AIDS. But you have given this leech a foothold in your very body and it will never go away. Never. Now is that something that is cool to have?"

Ryan had a thorough look of distaste on his face.

Mr. Wilson waved his finger in Ryan. "I've found that people in destructive behavior, say using drugs or alcohol, always try to persuade other people it is fun and cool to do what they are doing. Do you know the story of the Sword of Damocles? A King hung a sword by a thin string over his bed. It was to remind him that any day someone might try to kill him. He never knew when or if the string would break. That my dear boy is what HIV is. Still think it is cool?"

Ryan shook his head.

"Good. Being yourself is what is cool not doing what other people do. Be true to yourself and you will always come out ahead."

Ryan nodded. Mr. Wilson walked back to the counselor.

"I think you made an impression of Ryan. He is quite the wildcard." She paused. "Mr. Wilson?"

Mr. Wilson was staring at the floor.

"Are you okay?"

He looked up. "Yes, but I just realized that with those last words I was talking to more that just the boy."

"Are you all right?"

Mr. Wilson looked thoughtful. "Not right now but in time."

"Come on, let's get back."

It took them no time at all to confess to Mr. Wilson. He sat in silence.

"I'm sorry, Dad," Phil said. "They suggested that looking for Brian would get you places you'd never go otherwise. I agreed."

"I guess you were right, Mr. Wilson." Peter added, "Gays can be plotting and planning."

"So Brian is at school?" Mr. Wilson asked softly.


"And he will return to where he is staying after that?"


Mr. Wilson looked up. "Good then we have time. What was next on the schedule?"

"But we know where Brian is. We don't need to go searching."

"I was so sure what I knew of gay people was true. Now I have doubts." He put his hand on Phil's shoulder. "And as I always tell my sons make up your own mind on the information that you find. Now I must be good as my word. I need to put my doubts to rest. You've already taught me a lot. So show me these places you were going to take me. But this time it isn't in order to find Brian. This time is for me to understand Brian and maybe even find myself."

Lance, JC and Peter exchanged smiles.

Mr. Wilson shook a warning finger at them. "It's not to say I was entirely wrong. I might prove myself right yet." His voice softened. "But I can't be too mad at you. You knew Brian was safe and you have opened my eyes, a bit." He added.

"Well then," JC put his hands together. "Let's get going."

Peter lay with his eyes closed in the back seat of the car. Mr. Wilson paced outside the car.

"How does Peter sleeping tell us if Brian is back?"

"It's a long story, Dad."

Before Mr. Wilson could say anything Peter stirred. He got out of the car.

"He's back."

Mr. Wilson gestured. "But this is the Saloon. The bar isn't open and Brian couldn't be in the sex club."

"Dad," Phil pointed.

"Oh, the hotel. That's a relief."

Phil put a hand on Peter`s shoulder. "Go on, Peter. Give us a signal when it's time."

"Why me?"

"Brian trusted you the most."

"That is not true," Peter protested indicating Phil.

"Well, he is mad at me and Dad. You're the only one left. Well besides JC and Lance but I think this should be a small negotiating party."

Peter nodded and started across the street.

Peter knocked on the door. There was a sudden rustling inside. Brian might be afraid at an unexpected visitor.

"Brian, it's Peter. I'm alone."

Peter could almost feel Brian's eye through the peephole glancing him over. There was a rattle of chains and bolts and the door opened. Brian's head popped around the door's edge. He looked up and down the corridor. After he was convinced Peter was alone, "Come in."

The door shut again with the chains and bolts resuming their place.

Brian walked passed Peter to a couch. Brian looked very tired and a little pale.

"How did you find me?" It was more of a accusation than a question.

"You yourself. You said you had a backup plan that Galixy had taught you. The Saloon was the only place you've been through Galixy. I remembered you mentioning the hotel." Peter looked at the floor. "On that hunch I projected here this morning and found you."


"Astral Projection, I have the ability."

Brian sat on the couch. "Then there is no hiding from you."

"Did you want to?"

Brian looked up and smiled. "No, not you. You're the only one I have left." Brian's face showed thought. "How did they let you in?"

"I just told them. . . Ah. . . .You have another older brother now."

"I'm glad." Brian frowned, "I've lost the one that I had."

Peter went and sat next to Brian. "No you didn't. I've been with your brother all day searching for you. Once he knew the truth he went to your father to make him let you go back to Galixy. He wasn`t trying to hide what he had learned from you he was trying to help you."

Brian looked angry. "My own father is gay and still he doesn't want to know that I am gay. What a hypocrite."

"Brian, your father has been searching for you since last night. He has gotten no sleep since you left. He is very worried."

Brian stood up. "Good! He lied to me."

"Yes, he lied to you but he has lied to everyone including himself."

"But all he put me through. I was scared to death that he'd find out I was gay and it turns out he was gayer than I am."

"No, he isn't."

Brian turned.

"You are comfortable with being gay your father isn't. He hates being gay. He hates his feelings. He hates knowing he enjoys sex with men. He thinks that being gay destroyed all that he held dear and had made his life worthwhile," Peter paused, "First his marriage and then at the last his two sons whom he loves dearly."

"But he goes to sex clubs regularly."

"At first it was just to purge his desires. But soon it turned into something he hated even more. He discovered that sometimes there was emotion behind the sex. So he tried to limit his sex only to different men." Peter paused, "Until the last time."

Brian waved his hands. "Wait a minute. Are you saying my father could have a boyfriend?"

"Damn, I shouldn't have said that."

Brian was peering at Peter with an amused puzzlement. "My father?"

Peter sighed. The cat was already out of the bag. "The other man wanted to see your father outside the sex club. You know what your father's reply was."

"Yep, fat chance."

"But your father was touched by the idea although he could never allow himself the chance."

"Then my father is really stupid. An opportunity for companionship outside of a sleazy club? He should jump at the chance."

Peter smiled. "Do you hear yourself? Last night you were angry at your father and now you're giving him tips on his love life."

Brian chuckled despite himself. "He needs it. He knows nothing about being gay well except the sex which I am sure it is very one sided." Brian suddenly laughed, "We could go cruising bars together. We could get the others approval on the guys we pick up before we even leave the bar. We could go on double dates." Brian then shuddered. "This is going to be too kinky for me."

"Brian, you have a unique opportunity here. After all the things your father taught you, well, before the divorce, now you can help teach him."

Brian smirked.

"I mean about the emotions of being gay."

"I doubt that. I think I burned my bridges. I said some very hurtful things to him."

"But you didn't see him at the shelter for runaway gay youth. There were kids who had been thrown out of their homes for being gay. One boy still had the bandages from an attack by the man who had picked him up for sex. Every thin face your father saw he knew could have been yours. It affected him very deeply. Then something happened while we were at Galixy."

"Dad was there at Galixy?"

"I'm afraid we used the excuse of finding you to get him to go to places he wouldn't want to go. We felt if he knew about Galixy first hand. But while we were there all of a sudden he was in the room and very distraught. He said that complete strangers knew more about his own son than he did."

Brian sat there taking this all in.

"We finally told him we knew where you were. But he let us take him to other gay places before we brought him to you. He even wanted us to."

Brian was on his feet. "He's here?!"

"Down in the car. He won't come up unless you want him to."

"I don't want him to. I have nothing to say to him."

"And what about what he might want to say to you?"

"There's nothing he can say. I hate him."

"And you have the power over him. You'll only go back under your own terms."

"I'm not going back. I'll move in with Phil."

"And your jobs?"

Brian paused. "I find other work. There are lots of people looking for landscapers. Phil and I can start up a company together."

"So you'll cut all the ties with your father."

"I don't want to see the man again."

"Just like you thought your father would do to you when he found out you were gay?"

Brian frowned.

"I can not imagine what you are feeling for you father but I can say that this morning has changed him. He saw first hand the worse case scenarios of what could happen to gay youth on their own. It really scared him, Brian."

"He should know me better."

"But when you threatened about the sex club he believed you would do it. Just so you could get back at him and hurt him."

"It was just a threat."

"He doesn't know that. He thinks you hate him so much now you`ll make good your threat."

"He thinks I'd do that just to hurt him?" Brian dropped onto the couch. "Damn it! It's harder than I thought to keep hating him. I mean I hate what he did but I keep seeing him searching for me."

"He did, Brian. He even let us take him to gay shelters even when he knew that you were at school. He wanted to go to these places to see the truth about gay youth and what it was like being gay. He wanted to know so he could understand you."

Brian turned. "Me?"

"You are his son and you're gay. He needed to know what you may be going through. But also, and he did say this, he might learn about himself."

"He admits that he is gay?"

"Let's just say he thinks it is a possibility."

"Now that's father."

They both chuckled.

"They're both downstairs. Should I send them up?"

Brian thought for a bit. He sighed and dropped his arms to his side. "It has to be done sometime. I might as well get it over with."

They sat in the little room that served for a lobby.

Lance looked at his watch. "They've been up there for an hour."

"They have a lot to discuss." JC replied.

Peter was looking nervous. JC patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry. It will all work out."

Peter managed a smile, "I know. It's just the not knowing." Peter looked up. "Phil!"

They jumped to their feet as Phil approached them.

"Sit down, sit down. Everything is going to be fine thanks to you all of you."

Peter put in, "You helped, too."

Lance was chomping at the bit. "So what happened?"

Phil sat down. "We had a long and surprisingly civil chat. Dad has agreed to let Brian go back to Galixy and will even allow Brian's friends to the house. Dad has to be there of course."

Lance smirked, "Of course."

"Hey," Phil added, "Even I wouldn't want to tempt Brian at this stage."

Lance bowed. "Point taken."

Phil went on, "And Dad even agreed for a little family therapy session."


"Well, there has been a lot of lying and plotting and planning going on behind all our backs. He thinks we might have issues that need airing."


"That's Dad, always skirting the real problems. But at least he'll talk about them."

Peter slapped Phil's knee. "I am just so relieved that it worked out."

"Thanks to you, Peter. I know Lance and JC did their part but you played the big role."

Peter looked embarrassed.

"Well, at least you found Brian. Can I at least give you credit for that?"

Peter nodded, "Okay."

"Good. They should be down in a bit then we can go home."

Brian and his father entered the lobby. Brian threw the key on the front desk.

"Checking out?" The man at the desk asked.

"Yeah, I have a home to go back to. I`ve made up with my father and my brother."

The man pointed to Peter. "I thought he was your brother."

Brian laughed. "He is." He pointed at JC and Lance. "So is he and so is he but they're brothers in my Chosen Family."

"I hear that." The man pushed the bill across the counter to Brian.

"Let me."


"They did take good care of you."

As his father paid Brian walked over to Lance, JC and Peter. His expression turned to anger.

"So you knew about my father's Friday nights." Brian's eyes bore into them.

They all looked at the ground.

"You found out my father was gay and didn't tell me?"

"We didn't tell your father you were gay either." Lance put in.

Brian's voice was stern. "I think this is slightly different."

"It was all my idea." Peter bowed his head. "We, I could have blackmailed your father with it but I foolishly thought it would be better to earn his trust. I made Lance and JC swear not to tell. I was wrong."

Brian raised Peter's head. "It wasn't wrong. I could have told you it just wouldn't work on my father. But you really put in an effort. How can I thank you for that?"

"Just be happy." JC said. "That's all we want."

Brian smiled. "Oh, it may take some time but I think we'll get there."

Mr. Wilson came over. "Brian, you ready to go home?"

"Sure." He gave Peter a peck on the lips. "Thank you, again."


"This is a gay hotel, Dad. No one's going to talk."

Mr. Wilson snorted, "Shouldn't you save that for Joe?"

Brian spun around, "How did you know about Joe?"

Mr. Wilson puffed himself up. "It has been an enlightening day for all of us."

Brian grinned. "And what about you? Won`t I ever see my father with a boyfriend?"

"Brian, such talk! Go out to the car."

Brian left chuckling.

Mr. Wilson paused and said under his breathe. "How?"

"Mr. Wilson," Peter stepped close. "Love, I mean, emotional connections between people can find you in many unusual places. Even a sex club."

"How do you know that?"

JC nudged Peter. "A little devil told him."

"JC, sh!" Lance hissed.

Mr. Wilson looked puzzled. "But how?"

"You must let go of the guilt. Realize that sex is a God given pleasure of intimacy between two people even between men. God made us sexual beings and with that gift we can connect with another person on such an intimate level. And when emotions are involved especially when love can happen that is the greatest gift of all. "

Mr. Wilson looked a little sad. What he said next surprised them. "But I don't know his name."

Peter rallied. "Well, he might just come back some Friday and you can find out."

"But me and another man?"

Lance took JC's hand. "You'll never know until you try."

Mr. Wilson growled. "My ex-wife will have a heyday with this."

Peter couldn`t help himself. "Oh, come on, she'll just be jealous. I bet your guy will be much better looking and better in bed than that accountant she married."

For the first time Mr. Wilson smiled. "You got that damn right"

"Mr. Wilson," Lance teased. "You'll go to hell for that."

Mr. Wilson scowled then slowly a smile formed. They all broke into laughter.

Finally Mr. Wilson said. "I'm sorry about all the Devil talk. It seems I was more of a devil that Satan ever was. And you three may have saved me from a hell of my own making. Well, maybe in time. I have a lot to unlearn. God bless you for that." He started to walk away.

"You're quite welcome Mr. Wilson." Lance said.

Mr. Wilson looked annoyed. He stopped and turned around. "The name's Kent."


He snapped back. "My name is Kent. You know so damn much about me you might as well use it."

"Sorry, Mr. Wilson. We were taught to respect our elders." Lance shrugged.

Mr. Wilson didn't turn around. "You have showed me more respect than I deserve. And you have returned my sons to me. As a favor, please, call me Kent."

Peter stepped in. "The grass needs cutting soon and the pool needs cleaning, Kent."

Mr. Wilson turned back almost angry.

"And there is ice water and lemonade whenever you want it. Just ask." Peter smiled. He nodded at JC and Lance. "You will not be imposing. It would make us clients very happy to show a little hospitality to another person if that person would do us the favor to except it even if they don`t except us."

Kent smiled, nodded then turned and left the lobby.

JC put his arms around Lance and Peter. "Come on, guys. Let's go home."

Lance entered the living room and set down a bag of clothes.

"I've filled four bags so far and I've only been at it for fifteen minutes."

"You're getting rid of all those clothes?" JC asked.

"Why not? It is for a good cause."

JC pointed, "Peter, this is your fault."

"Hey, it was Phil's idea to visit the shelter for gay homeless youth."

"And it was mine to give them some old clothes," finished Lance. "They said they were always looking for clothes and personal hygiene stuff for the kids. I just want to do my share."

JC leaned back on the couch. "Knock yourself out."

"JC, you could part with a few things."

"Now, Lance."

"Okay, forget it. Leave the kids to freeze on the streets."

"This is Orlando not Nome." JC replied.

"That's not the point."

Peter got up. "I think I'll go see Justin. He should be home by now and I want to tell him what a day I have had."

"Tactful exit #3?" JC teased.

"Check your manual. This is clearly the #5 get your ass out of the room before the spotlight gets turned to you. Have a nice evening." Peter left.

"Let him go. Peter doesn't have as many clothes as we do." Lance stood with his hands on his hips. "Well?"

JC stood up and went to the bag of clothes.

"Lance, these are some very expensive clothes."

"So what? They need them."

"But remember, Lance these are street kids. It's bad enough if they get beat up for being gay than to get them beaten up and robbed for their clothes."

Lance frowned. "I suppose you're right. I'll concentrate on more of the casual clothes."

JC picked up a silk shirt. "You're giving this away?"

"It`s a little tight across the chest."

"That's why I bought it."

Lance gaped. "You bought it?"

JC chucked Lance's chin. "How soon they forget. We were shopping and you tried this on and I thought you looked so sexy so I secretly had the clerk put it aside and bought it later. Okay, it was before we were together but I gave it to you on your next birthday."

"I'm sorry I didn't remember you gave me this. I guess I just didn't like the color."

JC smiled. "The color wasn't why I bought it. Try it on."

Lance turned his back and removed his shirt. He put on the shirt in question. Lance turned back. "How do you like it now?"

JC put his hand to his chin and eyed Lance up and down. "Besides the color damn it is like a second skin."

Lance looked down. He could even see the shape of his nipples through the tight fabric.

"Silk is so sexy."

JC took Lance into his arms. "Especially on you."

"It is awfully tight though."

"You have to remember I didn't see you in tight clothes very often. That's what made it so sexy."

"And now?"

JC chuckled. "I have seen you in all your naked glory and in some very sexy clothes. But if you want to give it away go ahead."

"You're not mad."

"Times change and what was sexy on you once isn't anymore."

"Thanks a lot." Lance snapped. He turned away and pulled off the shirt.

JC tried to explain. "I mean you're still sexy but the moments keep on changing. There are things about you that I will always consider sexy. Your eyes, your smile and your perfect bubble butt." Then there are moments that come from out of the blue. That shirt was one." As Lance pulled on his old shirt JC put his arms around Lance. "There are times when you do the littlest thing and I get so horny."

"JC!" Lance gave JC's shoulder a slight slap.

JC cupped Lance's ass. "Lance, you are the sexiest man alive."

JC went in for a kiss but Lance pushed him back.

"JC, you're trying to distract me."

"Why not?" JC leered. "I already am."

"JC, we were talking about the shirt."

"Oh, to hell with the shirt."

Lance crossed his arms and tried to look sternly at JC. JC could see the twinkle in Lance's eye. He played along.

"Lance, you are like that shirt. You add color to my life."

"Even a color you don't like?"

"Life is full of colors no one likes." JC took Lance's hand. "But I have something that makes up for all those unwanted colors." JC's eyes met Lance's.

"One hunky bit of man flesh?"

JC sighed happily. "That too. But you are so much more than that."

"Oh, JC."

They kissed.

And kissed.

And kissed.

Lance pulled back. "Okay, JC, I'll keep the shirt."

"You can give it away if you like."

"But JC?"

"I still remember you modeling it. That's all I need. Besides I still have the model."

Lance gave JC a peck. "You are so sweet."


Lance looked at JC. "So when are we going to go through your closet?"

"I'm not going back in the closet even for you."

"I mean to sort through your clothes."

JC took the shirt from Lance and dropped it into the bag. "Later, let's go out to the pool."

"If you think you can distract me. . ."

"Just for the time being."

Lance took JC's hand. "I like the time being with you."

JC kissed Lance's cheek, "Come on."

They made their way out to the pool.

Their two chaise lounges were close together side by side.

Lance lay back and sighed. "Too bad it's cloudy. It would be more romantic if the moon and stars were out."

"They are, Lance. They're just blocked by clouds."

"Smart ass, you know what I mean."

"I just wanted to give you a rest for a bit. It's been a busy day. I wasn't trying to be romantic."

"You don't have to try. Remember that night with the full moon. We went moon bathing." Lance almost giggled. "It was the first time we had sex outdoors. I was so nervous. Well, at first." Lance turned to JC, "but to see you naked by moonlight." Lance's voice dropped to lustful whisper. "You looked so sexy."

JC reached over and took Lance's hand. "You look sexy all the time."

"And you're not trying to be romantic?"

"Well, it was a good idea."

Lance lay back smiling. "We made love all night long by the pool. It was in the first week we were in this house."

"And we fell asleep in each others arms."

"And we regretted it."

"We never thought about mosquitoes. I itched for days."

"And in places I never knew I had."

"When having sex outdoors insect repellant is a good thing to remember."

"And sunscreen."

JC started laughing. "I forgot we did an encore during the day the next week.

Lance was indignant. "It wasn't funny. At least to me."

JC laugher stopped. "I didn't enjoy it either. We couldn't stand to be touched for days. Well, we could rub soothing lotion over our sunburned bodies but couldn't go any further. Our bodies were red and our balls were blue."

"And now?"

"Do you have to ask?" JC leaned over to Lance and kissed him.

With a grating of metal on concrete the two lounges tipped on their side. The two lovers found themselves on the hard ground.

JC looked worried. "Lance, are you okay?"

Lance laughed. "You always get me to fall for you don't you?"

JC sat up. "Hold that thought." He hurried off.

Lance playfully gave the lounges a push. "Thanks for spoiling the mood."

JC returned with the pool float. It was as big enough for two that was why they had bought it.

Lance beamed. "It's been repaired."

JC put it down between them. "And it seems just in time."

Lance climbed on. It was so much more comfortable. Lance turned to see JC standing there. JC unbuttoned his shirt. Lance watched it blow open in the wind exposing the chest Lance loved to look at so much.

JC looked into Lance`s eyes. "You want a shirt? You can have the one off my back." He got on the float and lay next to Lance. "You can have anything of mine you wish."

Lance looked up at JC. "I already have what I wish." Lance's hand brushed JC's cheek. "Your love."

They kissed ignoring the rather rude noises the float was making under their weight. They parted.

Lance said. "Oh, course, I'll have to wash it first."


Lance smirked. "Your shirt."

JC rolled on his back. "That's just great. I'm getting romantic with my lover and all he can think of is my shirt."

"Of course," Lance replied, "because you look so sexy in it with the wind exposing your beautiful chest."

JC crossed his arms. "And I suppose that while you're doing me you'll be thinking of what dryer setting to use."

"JC, don't be foolish, I always use the permanent press cycle with medium heat. You know that." Lance stopped. He snapped around to JC. "While I'm doing you?"

JC rolled back to his side. "If you can get your mind away from laundry for a few minutes there is a different type of load I'd like to work on."

"JC, don't be vulgar."

JC undid Lance's shirt. "I wouldn't dare." He leaned close and JC's lips tickled Lance's ear. "Don't you want to fuck me?"

Lance answered by pressing his lips hard against JC's and pulling JC closer to him.

The breeze picked up. It blew over their bodies.

"Mm, the wind is warm." Lance said.

"Blood warm." JC kissed Lance.

"Do you think it will storm?"

"I'm counting on it."


JC started kissing Lance with a passion. Soon Lance forgot about everything except JC.

Lance felt JC's hands everywhere. His fingers were running through the hair on his head then caressing his chest with a hard rub at the nipples then over his back, cupping his ass cheeks then pulling and squeezing his crotch. Lance raised himself up so JC could pull off his shorts.

JC stopped kissing. "Want to give these away, too?"

"We'll discuss it later," Lance pulled JC back to his lips.

JC slid from Lance's lips. He slalomed his way down Lance's chest paying equal time to each nipple until they were firm then down the ridge to the stomach, a swirl about the naval which caused the usual giggle from Lance then the pause. JC's hand massaged Lance's lance through the fabric of his underwear. He could feel Lance getting harder. JC pulled the leg elastic away until Lance's balls fell free. He attacked them with his tongue and lips still massaging Lance through the fabric.

Lance moaned as JC sucked his balls. A pull ever so gently sent a surge of joy through Lance. The warm wetness of JC's mouth and tongue felt so wonderful. Lance just laid back and let JC do his stuff.

Soon JC was massaging Lance's cock with his lips. The fabric was getting wetter and more transparent as he worked and Lance was getting harder and more turned on as JC worked.

After a time when Lance was ready for JC to stop teasing him, JC pulled the elastic free from Lance's stomach. As JC pulled it down, Lance's cock sprung free. JC leaned close and Lance could feel JC's hot breath on his sensitive flesh. Lance looked down. JC buried his face in Lance's balls then did a slow lick up the underside of the shaft. Lance's body trembled. Then there was the blue sparkle of JC's eyes. Lance looked back in eager anticipation. JC's lips closed over the head of Lance's cock. He forced himself to watch JC and not fall back onto the float in bliss. Lance watched as his cock slipped between JC's tender lips and slid into JC's mouth. That did it. Lance could hold out no more he fell back on the float gasping.

"Oh, god."

JC needed no other answer. With one hand he took hold of Lance's shaft with the other pulled down Lance's underwear. Lance helped with a kick of his legs and the undergarment hit the ground while Lance hit the ceiling.

"Oh, Josh." Lance moaned.

JC smiled to himself. Josh already? He worked Lance's cock with his tongue, lips and hand. JC loved the feel and taste of Lance in his mouth. And he loved how Lance was reacting.

Their passions were so connected as the one got turned on the other did as well. So step by step they led each other up the stair of ecstasy.

Lance enjoyed hearing JC's little moans of joy. He responded by thrusting his hips up in time to JC's sucking. JC moaned louder. Lance felt this cock slip into JC's throat. JC held it and clamped his throat around Lance's cock head. Lance let out a gasp as his body shook with pleasure. A few more trips up and down the length of his cock and JC paused.

He raised himself up so they could kiss.

"JC, you do that so well."

"You like?"

"I just said so."

"Just making sure."

"Then keep going." Lance gently pushed JC's head back down.

Soon JC was slurping away happily taking Lance fully into his mouth pausing now and then to suck on his balls.

Lance was soon writhing on the float. JC always knew just what to do to get Lance's blood pumping. Lance reached down to JC's crotch. JC's hard-on was raging. Lance undid the buttons of JC's pants.

JC's hand left Lance's cock to help free himself from his own pants. Once off the underwear soon followed. When JC was naked he sped up his efforts.

Lance's signature whimpering started. This turned JC on even more. He sped up pleasing Lance.

Lance had his own plan. He moved to his side and patted JC's butt. JC kicked around until they were head to toe.

Just one look at JC's manhood in front of him and Lance lunged forward engulfing the throbbing organ to its very base. There was a muffled, "Oh, fuck!" from JC.

Now together they returned pleasure for pleasure each sucking lustfully pausing now and then for a suck here and there at the balls.

The passions were raging inside of them. The joys were surging through their nerves each trying to outdo the other. Then the stirring started.

JC was surprised it had happened so quickly but then Lance was very passionate tonight.

Lance was in such an ecstatic state. At first he thought it was JC then he knew it was the wind. That warm breeze caressing their bodies. It was almost constant now. Lance felt the delight as it gave his skin goose pimples. Then the warm breeze even added to that. Like having sex in the pool before this was turning into a total body experience. Lance felt his lips follow the contour of JC's hard cock as it slipped into his mouth. The pubic hairs tickled his nose. The stirrings of his climax were starting. Lance swallowed JC's cock faster. He wanted this to happen so badly.

JC stopped to catch his breath. As he pulled off Lance's cock his eyes were drawn to Lance's ass. As much as he wanted to JC knew better. Once he touched Lance's ass Lance would want to be fucked. As selfish as it seemed JC wanted this moment to be his. They had both had a busy and stressful day and JC wanted to do this for Lance. He deserved it. No, he wanted to give Lance the pleasure of doing him. Lance had been very shaken as was Mr. Wilson, whoops, Kent had been at the homeless gay youth. This was his way of cheering Lance up. JC closed his eyes as Lance's talented tongue hit the very spot that sent JC into ecstasy. JC leaned forward and took Lance's cock back into his mouth. Damn, this was so hot!

Lance's whimpers were growing louder and closer together. He thrust his hips slightly pushing his cock into the warm wonderfulness of JC's mouth. Suddenly a breeze caught him right down his butt crack. Lance's body shook.

"Oh, Josh."

JC rolled onto his back. "Shoot, Lance. Let me see that load."

Lance grabbed his dick and in two strokes it was sending its white payload onto JC's face and neck. In the back ground JC could see Lance's body convulsing to his climax.

It was too much for JC. He stopped fighting and let his climax blast through him.

Lance had been watching JC's stroke JC's cock but at the first spurt of cum he swallowed JC's cock.

"Oh, my. . !"

JC could help to buck his hips forcing his cock deep into Lance's throat. Lance choked at first but held it. JC's cock pulsed as it delivered its creamy load down Lance's eager throat.

Soon they were lying side by side panting happily. After awhile Lance moved around so they were face to face. They kissed.

After they parted JC said. "You didn't` want to see me shoot off?"

Lance smiled. "I felt it and tasted it. I like that better." Lance licked his cum off of JC. "Mm, that was so hot. You are a great cocksucker." Lance lay next to JC. "The wind was like a second lover. It was caressing me all over."

JC laughed. "And the minute it caught your ass just right you popped."

"How did you know?"

JC brushed Lance's cheek. "I know you so well." JC rolled unto his knees. "Get me ready."

Lance licked his lips as JC parted his perfect ass cheeks. Lance needed time to rest and recoup and this was just what he needed. Lance could sense that this had been planned by JC and Lance was fully prepared to go with it. JC always seemed to know how to cheer Lance up. And after seeing those gay homeless youth this was it. Lance leaned forward and buried his tongue into JC's waiting and willing ass.

JC gripped the edge of the float. Lance's tongue felt so good rimming his ass. Hell, Lance's tongue felt wonderful anywhere on his body. JC wanted to press back against Lance but not yet. He could gage when the moment was right.

Lance loved the smooth roundness of JC's ass. Plus he knew all too well the delight of ass play. He had the chance to show his lover what it felt like when JC rimmed his ass. Lance flicked his tongue over JC's puckered opening. Then he pressed his tongue in as far as he could. JC's body trembled. It was just what Lance needed to press in further.

JC hung his head and slapped the float. "That's right, Lance, go deeper."

Lance eagerly pressed his tongue in even further. He curled the end of it swirling it around. Lance could feel JC's sphincter beginning to relax. JC let out a very contented moan. Lance pulled back and ran his tongue from the base of JC's balls up the crack to JC's back then reversed it. Then he shoved his tongue in as far as he could manage.

JC head fell back. "Oh, Lance!"

Lance massaged JC's ass cheeks as he rimmed his ass. When JC was standing they were soft and round and now they were firm and very muscular and Lance wanted to shove his cock between them. He wanted to feel himself deep in JC's warm insides.

Lance's hand moved to JC's crotch. He was hard and waiting. Lance's hand dropped to his own crotch. He was the same.


"In my right front pants pocket."

Lance soon found the small foil packet of lube.


"It came in a magazine as a sample. I kept it for just such an emergency. Please, Lance."

Lance was about to ask what magazine would have a sample of sex lube when he heard JC whimper. Such a yearning, urgent whimper Lance couldn't do anything else. His lover needed him. He lubed himself up then lubed JC's asshole then slowly pushed his hard cock into JC's welcoming ass.

The cry of utter relief and joy from JC almost made Lance cum right then.

"Yes, Lance, yes! That is what I need!"

Lance paused for only a moment to center his thoughts on JC's pleasure. Once the crisis of his premature cumming was over Lance started a slow rhythm. JC opened up welcoming Lance in. Lance loved this. He and JC were together as one. Lance pulled back and thrust his cock deeper into JC. Oh, the joy of fucking JC! At the beginning of the relationship Lance was more than happy to be the underdog. He felt JC just didn't like it as much as Lance did. Then came the rescue from the falling spot light and JC turned over a new leaf. Lance smiled at the pun then moaned at the feeling of JC's ass clamping tightly around his cock. Lance savored the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of JC. He was in such bliss.

"Yes, Lance, deeper. Give it to me! Oh, god I want this so much."

Lance thrust with his hips plunging his cock into JC. Then Lance caught the smell that was in the air. He leaned forward.

"JC, it smells like rain."

"I don't care. Don't stop."

Then Lance heard it. It sounded like the breeze was picking up. The trees were rustling with it. It was getting more steady. This couldn't be the wind. Then Lance felt the drops of rain on his skin.

"JC, it's started to rain."

"Who cares?" JC snapped. "It's just another shower."

Then rain began to fall heavier and Lance got it. He leaned close to JC.

"You knew it was going to rain. You planned this. You and your showers."

JC's response was so heartfelt and yearning. "Please, Lance, fuck me. I want you so much. I love you so much."

Lance almost laughed. "And you love sex in the shower. Okay, lover, I'll give you what you want." Lance thrust for all his might.

JC's hands gripped the float. Lance's cock was hitting all the right places. He was beside himself with pleasure. The rain pelting against his back only heightened the feeling.

"Fuck me, Lance, fuck me!"

Lance leaned close. "JC, what about the neighbors?"

"Who is going to be outside during a rain storm? And the security guard is stationed at the front of the house. Lance, plow my ass!"

Who could fight against such logic? Lance gave himself over totally. Even over the spattering of the rain Lance could hear their bodies slapping together. The rain was cool but not uncomfortable. Lance was carried away by this new experience.

JC finally touched Lance's side. Lance stopped. JC flipped over onto his back.

"I want to see you."

"It's very dark."

"I can see enough."

Lance sank his cock deep into JC again. JC's groan of pleasure was almost too much.

Between the feel of rain on his face and body and Lance plowing him good JC was so in total bliss. Rain felt so different than the shower. This was a whole body experience. And they had more room than in the shower. Lance's cock sank in deep sending a surge of pleasure coursing through JC's every nerve. JC's hands found Lance's neck.

"Fuck me, lover."

Lance bent down to kiss JC even before JC pulled him to him. Their lips and tongues mingled in a joy of love and bodily pleasures. JC's arms wrapped around Lance holding him close.

"What a fool I was to think I didn't like to be fucked. You do it and me so good." JC's head dropped back to the float. "Give me your cock, Lance!"

JC let go and Lance straightened up. But the rain was falling on JC's face. Lance leaned over him to try to shelter him.

"No, Lance, the rain is a turn on. I want it on my face."

Lance pulled back but suddenly knew what JC was really meaning. With his continuous thrusting Lance felt his passions swell. JC was so turned on that Lance couldn't help but be carried away too.

"Oh, Josh, I can't hold out much longer."

"I'm getting close, too. Do it, Lance."

The soft feel of falling rain, the warm breeze and his lover naked beneath him Lance felt his climax overwhelm him. Lance pulled out and moved up to JC. "Josh, I'm . . ." Stroking his cock for the second time this night Lance shot his cum on his lover's face.

As the climax ripped through Lance there was a mighty flash of light. He could see JC's face flushed with excitement as Lance delivered his load on his lover. Then Lance's groan of ecstasy was drowned out by a low rumble from the clouds overhead.

"Lance, I can't hold out, I. . ."

Several flashes of lightning showed Lance JC thrashing below him shooting tendrils of white onto his stomach.

In the next flashes Lance saw JC's look of pure joy on his face.

They collapsed together in each other's arms. The flashes of lightning and booms of thunder seemed to match the heartbeats and the passions of the two lovers.

After a few minutes of kissing, JC pulled back and said firmly, "Go inside."


"Inside the house, silly. Rain is one thing, thunder and lightning is another."

Lance gave JC a slight slap. "I know that." Lance smirked. "And I think you like it a little rough."

"Only your type of rough." JC smiled and touched Lance's cheek. "Thank you, Lance."

One last kiss and they picked up their clothes and went into the house.

JC held the dripping shirt out to Lance. "Now you don't have to wash it."

Lance took the wet shirt. "There was no soap."

JC shook his head. "You're never satisfied."

"As a matter of fact I am not. You`ve had all the fun."

"I need a towel."

"Here used this." Lance tossed the wet shirt at JC.

It landed over JC's head.

JC pulled the wet shirt off his face sputtering. "You bitch."

Lance raised a single finger and just to drive home the point he kissed it.

"When I get my hands on you we'll see who gets fucked."

"Says you," Lance ran off laughing.

JC followed. They both ran naked and laughing to their bedroom.

"Thank you, Justin." Peter sighed happily. "That was a perfect end to a grueling day."

Justin was still tingling from the sex. Peter's arm around him felt so warm and safe. He was still nervous about what he had to ask. With his head on Peter's chest he could hear both Peter's breathing and his heart beat. Better to get it over with.


"Hm, yes." Peter started running his fingers through Justin's hair.

"Remember how we helped Kevin?"

"How could I forget it?"

Was it just Justin's imagination or did he feel Peter tense up.

"I was just wondering. . . It's not really along those lines. . .and I didn't say 'yes' just that I would run it past you so you can say no if you want."

"Justin, just ask me. What do you want us to do for Nick?"

Justin sat up. "How did you know it was about Nick?"

"Because you always get quiet after Nick calls and I could tell you've been trying to ask me something for days."

"I should have known you'd know."

"I don't know what you want to ask me just that it probably has something to do with Nick."

"You can probably guess."

Peter thought for a bit. "Well, you did mention Kevin." Peter's eyes went wide. "You can't mean Nick and us."

Justin waved his hands. "No, no nothing like that, I promise. This is just us and then Nick."

"Justin, I'm confused. What are you asking me?"

"Well, you know that Nick is having problems with this male sex thing and his ego."

"I've gather it from pieces you've dropped but I don't know the whole story."

"Here's the short story; Nick's girlfriend has opened his mind and his ass to anal sex. Nick is torn between two things, he finds he enjoys it but Nick Carter doesn't get fucked up the ass."

"You tell him 'yes, he does.'"

"I've told him that. It is really messing him up. He is torn between his personal likes and how his fans think he should act."

"So how do we fit into the picture?"

"Well, he can't understand why it doesn't bother me."

Peter raised a finger. "Ah, ah, it still bothers you what fans think."

"That's beside the point. He thinks if he could see me being ah, submissive it might help him understand himself."

Justin saw the disbelief flood across Peter's face.

"He thinks seeing me fuck you will help him come to grips with that he likes getting fucked?"

Justin gave his best Justin smile. "Yah, this is really fucked up."

Peter glared at him.

Justin frowned. "Sorry,"

"I am not going to have sex in front of Nick Carter."

"We could video tape ourselves."

"Oh, no, I know what happens to those kinds of video tapes. I don't think you want to come out to your public that much."

"Just think about it.

"Justin, I don't have to think about it. The answer is 'no'."

"So you'll help Kevin and not Nick."

"Kevin was a different story!"

"But Nick isn't going to have sex with us."

"I don't trust him."


"I caught him jacking off at Kevin's house in front of the mirror. He told me it was just a whim but he was really getting off on having sex in front of himself. He was almost happy he had an audience."

"Then you've seen him having sex. Now it's his turn."

"Justin, even if I was the slightest bit interested, which I am not, I couldn't do it. I can't have sex in front of people."

"We've done it with JC and Lance around before and there was Kevin."

"But I trust those people," Peter was wavering, "And you helped me over my shyness."

"I could do that again."

Peter didn't say anything.

"Look, just think about it. Nick promises he'll stay out of eyesight. He'll be inside the house and look out an upper window anything that will make you comfortable."

"Nothing about this makes my comfortable."

"You'll be helping another person feel good about themselves." Justin played his trump card. "What would Hugh say?"

"You had to say that didn't you?"

"Just think about it. If the answer is 'no' then it's 'no' and Nick will never mention it again."

A thought came to Peter. "That is why he invited both of us to that party."


"And you knew about it since then?"

Justin frowned. "Yes, I just didn't know how to ask you."

Peter patted his chest. Justin lay down again. He put his arm around Justin. "If it took all that time it must have been a difficult decision to make."

"I had to make sure Nick wasn't planning something else. I don't want to share you with anyone."

Peter gave Justin a squeeze. "Okay, I'll think about it."

Justin raised his head. "And remember if you say 'no' the subject will be dropped."

"I've got that."

"Good." Justin lay back. "I'm sorry I told Nick I'd ask you. I should have turned him down then and there."

"Well, you were trying to help him. It seemed like a logical idea."

"It's okay, Peter, Nick is a friend. . ."

"But if he tries anything." They found themselves saying in unison. The two of them started laughing.

Peter held Justin another squeeze. "We are good together."

"And woe to anyone who tried to rend us asunder."

"Asunder? Justin, you've been at the dictionary again."

"I heard it once, `What God has brought together let no man put asunder.' I sort of liked it."

"It's from the bible and used in marriage ceremonies, Justin."

Justin draped his arm across Peter's chest and settled down to sleep. "I don't care. I still like it."

Peter looked down at the beautiful man falling asleep on his chest. He lightly ran his fingers through Justin's hair. Justin gave a most contended sigh.

"No one will, Justin. Not if I can help it."

"I'm sorry to keep you so late."

Reverend Welks looked at the back of the Chairman's chair. He could only see his hands.

"I read your report, very good work."

"Thank you, sir. I am assuming we will use it in the usual way?"

"Exactly, I taught you well. I knew I made a good choice in making you my number two. Have the arrangements been made?"

"Yes, about fifty to one hundred people have volunteered to protest their party. More are signing up each day."

A hand hit the Chairman's desk. "Keep it small. Say fifty to sixty people. Too many and we will be seen as a threat. That is not what we want in this case."

"Yes, sir."

"This is one thing I have learned from Reverend Phelps. Do you know most of his followers have gone to law school? Sometimes a knowledge of law can protect your rights to free speech. But he has taught me to become such thorn in the side of your enemies that someone will square off face to face and if we are lucky we can call the law in on our side. And then your little report becomes pure gold in God's plan."

The Reverend Welks laughed. "Even unproven evidence once spoken in the courts the public will believe."

A finger was raised. "Only some of them. But that will be enough. If we can drag NSYNC into court by the time we are through no one will even ask the time of day from them."

"Praise God!"

"Yes, Reverend Welks, praise God indeed."

Laughter rose from the leather chair and Reverend Welks joined in. The whole room soon echoed with it.

Justin woke up and found himself alone in bed. He sat up and looked about the dark room. There was a flash of lightning and a roll of thunder. The next flash Justin caught a silhouette by the window.

"Peter, come back to bed."

Peter didn't move. Justin left the bed and came to the window. He put his hand on Peter's shoulder.

"Peter, what is it?"

Peter's voice trembled. "It's getting closer. I can feel it."

"What do you feel?"

"The dread, the cloud of something threatening about to happen. Hugh felt it too. It's started."

Justin put his arm around Peter. "We'll cancel going to Nick's then."

Peter turned slightly. "It's not Nick. This is something bigger than one person. It is centered on NSYNC but somehow I play a major role in it. I might hurt you."

Justin turned Peter to face him. "I will never believe that. Whatever these people have planned they don't know who they are dealing with. They won't succeed. You know better than that."

Peter nodded. "Its just the not knowing."

"Peter, 90 percent of life is not knowing. You've just got a hint at the future but who's to say that future is what is going to happen." Justin chucked Peter's chin, "Besides they're taking on Justin Timberlake and NSYNC. They don't stand a chance."

Peter pulled Justin to him. "Please, keep telling me that. The threat feels so ominous."

"That's just because you have a wild imagination. But Peter," Justin looked into Peter's eyes. "You'll never loose me. What Justin Timberlake has he keeps." Justin leaned in and kissed Peter.

Then Justin led Peter back to bed. This time Justin took Peter into his arms.

"We have each other and always will. We protect each other. Our love is so strong. God will be on our side."

Peter managed a little chuckle. "Justin, in war everyone thinks God is on their side."

"So its war is it?"

"It's a turning point. I feel it."

"Then we'd better get some sleep. We'll need our strength."

They lay back. After a moment, "Justin, I love you."

"Sh, Peter. I love you too. Now sleep."

Enclosed by each other's warmth they slowly gave in to sleep.

End Part 50.

So we've come down to the end of another one. I again apologize for the delay at getting this part out. Being we are now moved the next part should be faster.

Any input or response will be gratefully appreciated. E-mail

No time to type I need to get started on the next part. Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 51

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