Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Sep 10, 2004


FINALLY Part 51. And this is a new one readers (and I don't mean the chapter). I split this part up because over 20 pages and my Word goes funky. But when I finished I almost had enough for two chapters so I am sending this out in two parts. I hope it makes up for the wait.

My thanks to all who have E-mailed me. Even the ones asking if I was still alive. I guess I didn't know it was so long between parts. And I apologize.

So on with the CYB: This story: Utter bullshit (aka Fiction from a warped mind.)

Is this real life?: Nope see above. Don't look heavenward you jerk the sentence above, ah, heck this ISN'T real life that's what fiction means.

Is this NSYNC & Backstreet real life and are they gay? Nope, ah-ah, no way, THIS IS FICTION, how many times to I have to say this?! If this was my dream they'd all be gay and we all would be sharing a nice bungalow by the sea and screwing the days away. (I heard that. My writing is not considered screwing the days away!)

Speaking of screwing, there will be descriptions of gay sex (does that make this a work of dicktion and friction?) Anyway, if gay sex offends you are you are underage stop reading now. (pauses) Okay, they're gone. Everyone else Read on!

The waitress filled the coffee cup. "Anything else, sir?"

The blond man didn't look up. "Just the bill."

"Yes, sir." The waitress started to leave then turned back. "We close at ten."

The man looked up. "What?"

"We close at ten. You can stay until then."

The man looked at his watch. "But it's only seven o'clock."

"You might want to take your time with that coffee." The waitress smiled warmly. "I'll just get your bill, sir." She walked away.

The young man wrapped his hands around the cup of coffee. He didn't intend to drink it but it gave his hands something to do and the warmth against his hands was relaxing. He was glad for this little diner. He could eat and be left alone. He had so much to think about.

He didn't see a man at another table get up and approach him.

"If I may, sir?"

"No autographs, please, I'd like to be alone."

"Why should I want your autograph? Are you famous?"

The blond looked up his eyes narrowed. "Surely you know about the Backstreet Boys?"

The man scratched his temple. "I think I have heard of them. They're a singing group, right?"

"You THINK you've heard of them?" The blond responded. "You must be putting me on."

The man shrugged. "I'm afraid I enjoy music along more classical lines. Mozart and opera, you know."

The blond looked down barely hiding his disappointment. "Then you've never heard of Nick Carter."

"Is he related to a former President?"

"Hell, no." The blond turned the cup of coffee in his hand but he still didn't drink it.

"I may not know you but I can tell you are in a bit of a funk. I don't mean to intrude but would you like a stranger's ear? I am a good listener."

Before there was any answer the man sat down. When the blond backed against the booth the other man raised his hands. "Don't worry, I'll just listen. You're in a dilemma I think."

The blond did a quick check of the stranger sitting opposite him. But the stranger's face and smile seemed to put him at ease. He sighed. "Big dilemma. Big time."

"Sex and women, right?"

"It starts there."

The waitress approached. "Your bill, sir." She glanced at the other man with a touch of disapproval. "Pay me when you're ready." Another glance at the other man and a shake of her head she walked away.

"She doesn't seem to like you."

"Oh, it's not that. It's just my methods. You know talking to strange good-looking men."

The blond suddenly was nervous.

"Oh, relax, I'm not coming on to you. You need to talk. So talk. I'm listening."

"Morning, Chris."

Chris walked by Lance without a word.

"Good morning, Chris." JC said louder in case Chris hadn't heard Lance.

"Hm," Chris snorted.

"Something wrong, Chris?" Peter asked.

"I'm not talking to any of you." Chris turned a chair to the windows which meant his back was to the room and in a defiant manner he sat down.

"What's up with him?" Justin asked as Joey entered the room.

Joey sighed, "Nothing. He's just being childish."

"I am not!" Chris snapped. "I'm being juvenile. There's a difference."

"What's the diff. . ?" Justin changed his mind. "Oh, forget it, I don't want to know."

Chris pointed at Justin. "You should be just as mad at them as I am but you and Peter are," Chris made quotations in the air with his fingers, 'Lovers'. A little rumpy pumpy and you'll even turn against your friends."

John had entered and made his way to his desk. "Is Chris at it already?"

Chris sat down again. "Sorry, John, but with all due respect this doesn't concern you."

John looked at Chris's back. "Well if it affects the group then it is my business."

"This is our personal business," Chris said. "You look after our business type of business so this is none of you business business."

"Okay, then," John sat down, "let's get down to your business business which IS my business. I want to run through the schedule for the Support Party for Lance and JC."

Everyone took seats around John's desk. Chris didn't move.


"I'm fine here."

"Can you hear over there?" John asked.

"I haven't heard anything yet." Chris replied.

"Well, I haven't said anything yet."

"That's why I haven't heard anything."

JC leaned forward. "John, the schedule, please."

Chris threw his hand in the air. "Go ahead, John. Listen to JC. I'm not."

"Chris, I thought you're not talking to them," Joey said. "Now you're not listening to them either?"

"If I had my way I wouldn't even look at them but then I might run into them and then I'd actually have physical contact." Chris gave an exaggerated shudder. "Yuck."

John voice had an edge to it. "Okay, now this is rapidly becoming my business. What is bothering you, Chris?"

Chris waved a hand in the air. "Don't mind about me. No one else does."

John turned to Joey. "Do you know what Chris has a bee in his bonnet about?"

With a glance at Chris Joey replied. "Sure, it has to do with. . ."

Chris sprang out of his chair. "Hey, it is MY bee in MY bonnet so they will learn it from ME."

Joey sighed, "Finally." He gestured that Chris had the floor.

Chris began. "Look I know I seem to be acting childish. . ."

"I thought it was juvenile," Joey corrected. Chris glared at him. "Sorry."

Chris continued, "We were a part of this whole thing with Brian. I mean, whose house did you arrange to meet him at that first time? Ours. We got caught up with his life. We care about him as much as you three do but what happened when the plot came to a crisis? We were left in the outfield while in the last few minutes of the final period you three manage to sink the winning putt."

John shook his head. "Chris, your metaphors need work."

"Okay, so I got them a little mixed up."

"A little?" added Joey.

Chris waved Joey off. "Well, I am upset. Brian runs away and they didn't even call us for our help. We were left on the sidelines while. . . "

John interrupted. "We get the picture, Chris."

Chris let his anger out. "Peter didn't even call Justin. We all should have been helping them look for Brian. Instead these three hogged all the limelight."

JC explained. "Chris, Mr. Wilson and Phil showed up at 5:30 in the morning. We felt it was a little early to call you guys."

"I don't care," Chris snapped. "It was a crisis. I would have understood."

"Really?" Joey asked. "We did have a late night and you did sleep longer than usual."

Chris pointed an accusing finger at Joey. "Don't you turn against me, too."

Joey shrugged, "I'm just pointing out the facts."

Chris rallied. "Don't confuse the issue with facts. They totally ignored us almost like they didn't want or need us there."

"Well, that is the truth." Lance began.

Chris pointed a triumphant finger. "Aha!"

Lance continued. "The fact is Peter found Brian very early. So there was no need for JC and me to do any searching at all."

"Then what did you do all day?" Chris countered.

JC explained. "We showed Mr. Wilson, ah, Kent all the places gay runaways could go. It helped change his mind about Brian and being gay.

"So you see," Lance finished, "It was more about Mr. Wilson than Brian."

"But you did find Brian and try to help matters?"

JC answered. "Yeah, but we only sent Peter to talk to him. Then it was just the family. We waited in the lobby until they got everything settled. So we didn't have much input with Brian either. In the end Mr. Wilson was more of a hero of the day then we were."

Chris looked a little sheepish. "Oh."

"We just got caught up in what we were doing." Lance said. "Calling you guys sort of slipped our minds."

"I knew it! It was a gay conspiracy!"

John almost chuckled. "Oh come on, Chris, please."

Chris was accusing again. "Then why didn't Peter even call Justin!"

Peter shrugged. "Because I knew Justin was busy doing more back-up vocals. His whole day was booked."

Chris turned to Justin.

Justin nodded. "He's right about that."

Chris's anger was quickly losing steam. "Okay, I'll give you that one."

No one noticed as John made a slight note on a piece of paper.

Peter began, "I guess we didn't think you'd be interested in visiting so many gay places and you'd have to spend all that time with Mr. Wilson. Even we weren't happy about that. But I am sorry if you. . ."

Chris raised his hands. "Okay, to save us from hearing another one of Peter's apologies. I give in. I'm sorry I felt slighted. I didn't know the whole story."

JC put his hand on Chris's shoulder. "The very next time a gay friend runs away from his hypocritical and homophobic father we promise on the bible we will be sure to call you."

Chris glared. "JC, up. . ." Chris stopped, "No, you'd enjoy that."

"Can we get on with business now?" John asked.

"Sure." Chris pulled a chair close.

Peter leaned over to Justin. "Do I apologize too much?"

Justin put his hand on Peter's knee. There was an impish twinkle in his eye. "I'm sorry but you do." Justin thought Peter would frown but he just looked thoughtful.

"Oh, well. I'll try to work on that."

Justin gave Peter's knee a squeeze and leaned close. "You do that."

"Ah-ah," Chris chided, "No smooching this is a business meeting. You can give Peter your other business later."

"Now if Chris's feathers have been smoothed can we move on?" John looked at Chris. Chris nodded. John was relieved. "Good, now let's talk about the party."

"Please," JC stressed.

Nick sat in the waiting area close to John's office. The Backstreet Boys were there to do more recording but he just couldn't keep his mind on what he was doing. They had let him go off and have some time to himself. Nick was so deep in thought he didn't hear the man approach.

"Are you still in a funk?"

Nick looked up surprised. "What are you doing here?"

The man just smiled. "I'm here with friends. They're in a meeting in John's office."

Nick had watched them go in. He looked at the man and with an edge to his voice said, "You know NSYNC but you don't know the Backstreet Boys?"

The man shrugged. "So I lied. I know all about the Backstreet Boys and Nick Carter. I just thought it would be easier for you to talk to someone who didn't know who you were."

Nick's anger lessened. "You were right."

"Still brooding? I thought getting it all off your chest helped."

"This is a new brood." Nick sighed. "I still have a lot of second thoughts about what I am doing."

"Maybe you need a chaperone."

"At my age?"

"Never mind. That can be discussed later." The man sat down next to Nick. "Well, I'm still listening."

"I don't think talking about it will do any good. But you have been so kind, I'm sorry, I don't even know your name."

"It's Hugh." He smiled a big smile and there was a twinkle in his eyes. "And Nick, I think I know what will make you feel so much better and free your mind."

Nick sighed again, "Okay, anything will be better than how I feel right now. I'm in your hands."

Hugh grinned. "Well, that will be a good starting place."

John began. "We have originally planned for the press to stay outside the main room. But since this is for the guests to show their support of gay issues as well as their support for Lance and JC, we decided the more the press has access to the guests the better. We have designated one room `Press-Free' so guests can go there to catch their breath and rest from the barrage of questions and photographers."

Lance frowned. "All those reporters in the guests' faces do the guests know what they are in for?"

"It was covered in the invitation. We wanted to make it clear what was expected."

"How many are coming?"

"You would ask that, Chris." Joey teased, "Always thinking of your public."

"I was not," Chris shot back. "I was interested in how many people were coming to showing their support of JC and Lance."

"We initially contacted 200 people. We got responses from twice that many. It seems the word really spread fast."

"Really?" Lance blushed.

JC took Lance's hand smiling at Lance's reaction.

"You two are loved by a lot of people. Plus a lot of the people really wanted to make a positive statement in support of gay people. With the increase of anti-gay lyrics and sentiments the music industry is really fighting hard to show positive images. Plus a couple of the worse offenders are even coming to the party. I guess they want to show that although they sing songs that contain anti-gay lyrics that in real life their not that homophobic."

Chris snorted. "Sounds like Mr. Wilson's type of act."

"And the general public?" JC asked.

"There will be a live feed to Cable access. Several bars are holding their own parties for the public while they can watch the main party live."

"Any gay bars?" Peter asked.

John shrugged, "Of course. This is about JC and Lance."

"But gay bars? This is about NYSNC." They were surprised by Peter's statement.

"And we're gay," JC said. "So what's the big deal?"

"But your images." Peter stopped himself. "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking."

"Damn right, you weren't," Joey added. "And of all people you should worry about our images. You're the one that made it possible. It was you we grew to care about so when you were attacked it was only right that we should stand up against the violence publicly. I think that little change. . ."

"Little!" Chris snapped.

"Okay, it wasn't so little but I think that show of support for a gay man helped Lance and JC find the courage to come out to their fans." Joey smiled. "You sort of started the whole thing and I think I speak for all of us," Joey glanced at John, "including management that we don't regret a moment of it. Peter, you took a simple Boyband one of many and gave us the courage to show people that we care for more than just the music, the money and the fame. That we care for each other and other people not just fans. With your influence we got to show the world NSYNC has a heart for all people. For that you have our thanks."

Peter nodded but it was just becaue they expected a response. He kept hearing Joey's words, `You sort of started the whole thing'. The dread bubbled up inside of him. What had he done? NSYNC was safe before this. Now the Religious Right had NSYNC well in their sights. Was he to really bring about their downfall?

Justin watched pallor spread across Peter's face.

"Peter, are you all right?"

Peter shook the thoughts out of his head. "Yeah, Justin. I'm all right."

"Now, Peter," John began, "I think it is time to let the others know what you have felt."

Chris snorted, "We already know of this feeling of doom and gloom. It's just nerves."

"Sorry, Chris, not in this case." John said firmly.

Chris stared at John in disbelief.

John held up a piece of paper. "We have received word through the media that the Religious Right and the Save the American Family groups are combining and plan to protest outside the party."

"Why?" Chris sat back, "They're free to join in."

Joey elbowed Chris. "Stop it."

John looked a little sad. "I always knew once Lance and JC came out there would be some big negative reaction but none came until now." John sat up. "I don't foresee any problems if we just keep to our side of the street."

"Will there be police?"

"I'm sorry, Lance but yes. Just in case to keep the order. They will be trying to make some sort of confrontation. And little gesture or remark. Anything that makes it seem like we are attacking them. But if we don't sink to their level we should be fine."

"You mean like turn the other cheek?" Justin said.

Chris stood up, grabbed his pants and started to turn around, "I'll show them the other cheek. . ."

Joey grabbed Chris and sat him back in the chair. "Please spare us the sight."

"But we not afraid of those bast. . ."


Chris changed in mid-word. ". . .terrible people. We can face anything."

John tried to be calming. "I know. Just try to be quietly assertive that night, okay?"

Chris folded his arms. "Okay, if we must."

"What makes this protest more serious than the other ones?" Peter asked.

John tapped the paper. "The head honcho with be there. Reverend Welks has deemed the matter important enough for a person appearance."

"Who's Reverend Welks?"

"Who's Reverend Welks?!" Joey snapped. "Don't you read the papers?"

"Joey," JC added calmly, "Florida is Welks turf and Peter just moved here remember? Of course he doesn't know."

"Well, he's a complete bast. . ." Joey saw John's look, ". . .Terrible person I thought the whole world knew of him."

Chris explained. "You know that guy who hosts the 500 club?"

Peter smiled, "You're off by a couple of hundred but yes."

"Welks is said to be his right hand man. Or should I say "Right Wing" man. Welks dregs up the dirt and the other broadcasts it."

Peter sneered, "Sounds wonderful."

"There was the case of the school teacher," Lance began, "He was teaching sex education and some smart ass kid asked "What do two fags do?". The teacher said that was not a nice word for it but that he couldn't go into that. The kid went and told his folks about how his teacher was pro-gay. The next thing you know Reverend Welks is on the scene and the teacher is now charged with actually teaching homosexual sex to the youngsters. Totally untrue."

JC continued. "The whole thing was blown out of all proportion. But Welks knew what buttons to push. Soon the papers said the teacher was forcing his homosexual agenda on the innocent students."

Joey sneered. "Yeah, they were innocent alright. Under the urging of the "righteous Reverend Welks" they were pressured from their parents and the other kids so they turned on their teacher. The man ended up getting fired and was forced out of the county and for nothing more than saying that "fag" wasn't a nice word."

Justin frowned. "Any issue like Gay Adoption or Openly Gay ministers Welks sweeps in an really stirs up the beehive."

John leaned on his desk. "For every step backward Gay Rights takes you can be assured that Welks and his like had something to do with it."

Peter slumped back in his chair.

Lance saw Peter's reaction. "But he hasn't always won. There was the case of the parent who was appalled when their child had brought home "Heather has Two Mommies". Then the parents heard of the other book of "Daddy's Roommate" also about a two gay parent family. The child's parents lodged a complaint. Again the complaint was taken up by Reverend Welks and they pressed the county to place the books in the restricted section. Children should not be able to just pick these books up. When the library refused and the mayor agreed with the librarian Welks checked out the books and refused to return them." Lance smiled, "But he was thwarted in the end. Copies upon copies of the two books were sent and dropped off at the library. Welks and his followers couldn't check out all the books coming in and finally gave up." Lance frowned. "But that was only one time he was beaten."

"Until now," Chris stood up. "If he is going to try to mess with my bros he has another thing coming. God and us, well, we're in sync."

Joey groaned, "I thought you hated puns on our name."

"Not this time," Chris puffed out his chest. "Pharaoh had the seven plagues to contend with but they will be nothing next to dealing with the five of us."

John made a calming gesture with his hands, "Please, Chris, quietly assertive, okay?"

Chris sat down, "Oh, okay." Chris crossed his legs but not without a good kick upwards with the one leg. Everyone got the message.

The two couples couldn't help but smile. Even with what might be ahead there was a lot of support and love from their friends.

"Anything else, John?" Chris asked mildly.

"No, I don't think so. Just be on your best behavior."

Chris stood and shook John's hand. "I'll do my damnedest."

Joey took Chris's shoulders and pulled Chris away. "I'll keep Chris in check."

"Thanks," John smiled, "But remember this is supposed to be a party. Everyone is coming out, so to speak, to show support for JC and Lance and other gay people. Enjoy yourselves."

With a few more parting words they started to leave John's office.

Once outside Justin turned to John's secretary. "Please, I need to get my schedule for the coming week."

"I'll just call it up and print it."

Soon she handed Justin a piece of paper.

"About that." John took the paper and with a glance at said, "Justin, can I see you a moment?"

Justin walked back into John's office.

Peter had hung back and as Justin passed by him John reached for the door knob and started closing the door taking Peter with him.

Chris saw Peter was staying in John's office. Peter waved him on as the door shut.

"What's that all about?"

JC stated very calmly. "None of our business."

"Hm," Chris rubbed his chin. "I smell trouble."

Joey gave Chris a playful push, "Will you stop that." Joey looked at the door. "I just hope it doesn't last too long because. . ."

"I'm hungry." They all said at once.

Joey nodded. "Good, then you agree with me."

Justin stood by John's desk. "Are there problems with my schedule?"

John looked up from the piece of paper at Peter. "Four morning to afternoon sessions and at least two evenings completely booked."

Peter shifted uneasily. Peter glanced at Justin who was still looking at John. Peter went back to John and finally nodded.

John took a deep breath. "Justin, you're on hiatus. No more scheduled duties for two weeks."

"Two weeks! I haven't finished the background vocals yet."

"Someone else will. Justin, you need to take some time off."

"Why? I have no health problems. I'm not overly tired. I like working."

John gathered up his papers. "One of your greatest fans needs your attention."

"But. . ." Justin started to protest.

John pointed at the note he had taken earlier. "During the whole Brian thing you were too busy to even help and Peter didn`t even try to contact you. I am giving you a rest from work for two weeks."

Justin tried to protest again.

"Don't make me extend it to three weeks." John raised one finger in the air in a wild defiant gesture. "I have spoken!" John laughed. He relaxed and put his hand on Justin's shoulder. "I'm just looking out for you here." With a warm smile John left.

"Looking out for me?" Justin was angry and confused. "I don't understand."

"I'm sorry, Justin. This is my fault." Peter cringed. He was apologizing again.

Justin turned to Peter.

"John told me if I felt you were spending too much time away from, ah, on business," Peter corrected himself, "He could remove you from your obligations."

"But why? You know how much I like to work."

"Of course, I know. And it was tough for me to do it but I needed to. We've spend so little time together."

"What?" Justin snapped. "How many times this week have we had sex?"

"Justin, it's not about the sex which is wonderful," Peter added. "It's about spending time together."

"I don't know what you mean."

"Justin, no relationship can exist only on sex. I want to spend time with you."

"Recording sessions are so boring."

"So let me be bored. I want to be with you. I want to see what you do."

"You always said you don't mind being on the sidelines."

"Yes, I know but now I feel like I am not even in the same stadium."

"We've talked about this before. If people saw you with me on a regular basis. . ."

"They don't have to see me. You know I have other means for being with you. I'd check with you first so you'd know I'd be there. It isn't like I was spying."

"It's not about the spying." Justin corrected. "I just don't like for you to be out of your body for any length of time. Not after what happened."

"But that was freak incident and it was intentional. We've taken precautions to arrange meeting places if it happened again."

"I don't want it to happen again." Justin tapped Peter's chin. "Please, it will make me feel better."

Peter nodded.

Justin sighed. "Okay, I suppose I could take you with me to some of the recording sessions. Oh, I forgot." Justin chided. "I don't have any anymore."

Peter bowed his head. "I'm sorry, Justin. I'll get John to schedule you again." He started to walk to the door.

Justin suddenly saw something like a gray cloud surrounding Peter. Could this be that aura they talked about? Then Justin remembered Peter's forlorn looks when Justin left on those last mornings. What was happening between them finally became obvious. He touched Peter's shoulder. "He won't you know. This is too important."

Peter looked up surprised at Justin.

"You're right. I have been neglecting us. Then I just cover it with sex thinking that will make everything all right."

Peter smiled. "It almost does."

Justin took Peter into his arms. "I am sorry if I have ignored you."

"Not ignored per say."

"Why go through John? You could have talked to me?"

"I was going to but John sort of trapped me. Besides you always say you don't want to talk about work when we get together." Peter almost chuckled. "And when I finally get to see you soon my mouth is busy doing other things. Not that I mind of course. Then in the morning you were off again in a totally different way."

"Okay, you got me. When we get back from Nick's we will spend more time together. You can spend a few days at my house. The folks are going away for a few days and we can have the whole place to ourselves."

Peter sighed. "That would be nice."

"And Peter, if you begin to feel ignored please tell me. You don't have to drag John into this."

"I didn't know he was going to and I hesitated because I know you do like to work so. No, you like to be needed."

"And needed by you." Justin took Peter's chin and raised his head until they were eye to eye. "Peter, if ever you need to talk on a subject even if I say I don't want to hear it. You now have the right to override Justin Timberlake. Okay?"

"I'm sorr. . .," Peter stopped himself. "I will, Justin."

Justin pulled Peter close. "Someday we won't have to worry about such things. Someday you can be everywhere at my side."

Peter just sighed happily then Peter's eyebrow went up. "What do you mean "your" side? I have a side too you know. Someday we can go everywhere side by side together. Hm?"

Justin chuckled. "Okay, you got me again." Justin kissed Peter`s forehead. "We'd better catch up with the others. Joey will be quite hungry by now."

Peter was surprised to see the waiting room empty. "Where's Hugh?"

"You don't think. . ." started Chris.

The door a little way down the hall opened and Hugh emerged. He stepped quietly up behind Peter.

"Looking for someone?"

They all jumped.

"Damn, Hugh how to you do that?"

Hugh smiled. "It's easy when no one's paying attention." He gestured, "Shall we to lunch?"

They all filed out of the building.

They had barely left when the same door Hugh had come out of opened and Nick stepped into the hall. With a quick look up and down the hall he straightened up and started down the hall.

AJ and Brian came around the corner.

"There you are. They're waiting for us in the studio. It's time to start."

"I was just coming," Nick said and broke into a big grin.

"I take it you are feeling better." AJ said. "You certainly look it."

"I've never felt better. That little time to myself really took the load off." Nick was grinning again. "I am so ready for this." He strode off down the hall.

Brian leaned to AJ. "You don't think Nick. . ?" He moved his fist up and down.

AJ snorted. "Who? Nick? Nick Carter does NOT have to jack off. There's always someone around that is more than willing to help."

"But who?"

"I don't care. Nick is in a good mood for a change so let's make use of it."

"Nick always gets his way when it comes to sex."

"How do we know that's what put him in a good mood?"

Brian gave AJ the 'duh' look.

"Look I don't believe everything Nick says about his sex life. Not everyone is going to give in to Nick Carter. You mark my words. You think Nick is in a funk now? Just wait until someone refuses his sexual favors. It will be a rude awakening and the sooner Nick learns that he isn't the instant stud the better."

"If you say so."

Brian and AJ followed Nick into the studio.

There was a knock on the door leading to the pool. Lance left the living room to answer it. He was delighted with who he saw. He pulled the door open.

The man held up a thermos. "Excuse me, sir. Would you give us some ice water? We've run out. We would be most grateful."

Lance didn't try to hide his smile. "This client will be very glad to do it for you. Come in."

"Ah, no, sir. I should wait here."

Lance went to fill the thermos.

"Who was it?" JC asked.

Lance nodded at the backdoor. "Who do you think?"

Peter and JC scrambled to their feet and hurried to see.


"Sorry to impose."

"You're not imposing," JC stressed. "So you still have a job?" JC joked.

"Yep. Dad is once again grooming me to take over the business from him."

"I am so relieved." Peter said. "Lance is getting your water. You must be very thirsty."

"We both are."

"Both?" JC and Peter said together.

Then they realized that the mower was still running as Phil talked. Then around the corner of the house pushing the mower came someone unexpected. He was looking very sexy in a tank top.


Brian didn't hear them but saw them waving. He stopped the mower and came over to them.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead with small towel. "Hey, guys."

"Ahem," Phil interjected.

"Ah, sirs." Brian corrected himself and assumed a more serious posture.

"Your father let you do our lawn?"

"Well, father has kind of seen the light. Sheltering me from what he felt I shouldn't know wasn't really protecting me. We have had many long talks since I've been back home and I think he's beginning to trust my judgment. At least he knows I can fend for myself."

"And the tank top?"

Brian grinned at Phil.

"Well," Phil explained. "Maybe there are other well groomed things besides lawns that the clients might like to see."

Brian held his finger to his lips. "Don't tell father yet but what he gets so angry at the other landscapers teasing him about we thought we might use it to benefit us. Hey, if we get hired because we do a great job and can add to the scenery as we tend to the landscape so much the better."

Lance appeared. "Here is your ice water." He handed Phil the thermos. "And Peter, your ride is here." Lance grinned at his joke as Justin stepped onto the patio.

"Justin Timberlake." Brian hissed in awe.

Justin smiled. "And you must be Brian." He shook Brian's hand. Justin could see Brian was nervous.

Brian fumbled, "It is a pleasure, ah, I mean an honor to meet you at last."

Justin nodded at the others. "And these three have spoke of no one else for days. So these are the famous Wilson Brothers." Justin fanned himself with his hand. "It is getting hotter out here?"

"Justin," Peter swatted Justin's shoulder. "Stop making gay jokes." He nodded at Phil and Brian. "They might not know you're joking." Peter winked. "I'll get my stuff together."

Justin smiled. "I'll wait here."

Lance nudged JC. "We'll help you, Peter." They both followed Peter into the house.

Phil looked at his watch, "Brian, we should get back to work."

"Surely you could spare him a few minutes." Justin said. "Everyone is so impressed by him. I'd like to chat with him a little."

Phil relented, "Okay, just a few minutes." Phil walked off.

"So you are the young man who sent NSYNC searching throughout Orlando."

"Well, two of them. Although they told me they didn't have to search much at all. Peter found me first. You knew that Peter can Astral Project?"

"Yes, we all know. In fact he's helped us a lot through his abilities."

"I can imagine. He's some guy."

"Yes, Brian, he is."

"Of course you probably don't see him much. I know you are very busy. I don't really know what he does when you guys are off recording or signing autographs."

"We're not that busy recording and dealing with fans."

"Oh. Well, I guess it is just enough to be around you. I know my friends are envious and they only met two of you, I mean the gay ones." Brian sputtered, "I mean they came to Galaxi and my friends met them. They would have liked to meet all of NSYNC but I guess with your busy schedule and after all we were just some gay kids. I mean, it meant something to JC and Lance. Not that you don't care, I mean you do. Oh, damn, I'm making a shambles of this."

Justin smiled. "I don't mind. Some people just seem to be nervous around me, ah us."

"It's because you are so hot. I mean, so good-looking, to the girls I mean."

Justin looked off after Peter. "And we are to some of the guys, too." Justin turned to Brian. "Its okay, Brian we, I don't mind."

Brian smiled. "Thanks."

"Brian," Phil called.

"I'd better get back to work." Brian started to walk away and stopped. He turned back to Justin. "You wouldn't happen to know who Peter's boyfriend is?" Brian looked away. "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked. Peter will tell me when he's ready."

"Who? Peter?"

"No, his lover. Peter won't say anything until his lover wants him to."

Justin looked surprised.

"It is sort of sweet. I don't know who he is but he is very lucky. Peter is very caring. Very few people would have gone through all he did for a young queer kid like me. I owe him a lot. I'd just like to know who his lover is. I mean, I'd like to know if he is worthy of someone like Peter."

Right on cue Peter stood in the doorway. "I'm ready."

Justin got up. "Good so am I."

Brian started back to the mower.

"Oh, Brian." Justin called after him.

He turned back.

Justin swept Peter in his arms, dipped Peter and kissed him long and passionate.

Peter was trying to regain his balance as Justin pulled back.

Justin looked at Brian. "What do you think? Am I worthy?" he asked.

At first Brian just gaped in shock then he shook off his surprise. "Shit, yeah." He glanced at Phil then back to Justin. "I mean, yes sir. Oh, and I will keep the secret. I would love to tell my friends. They'd just die but I won't, sir."

Justin blew Brian a kiss. Brian caught it with a grin.

Brian started to walk away then turned back. He pointed at Justin with a fake serious expression. "You be good to him, do you hear me? I don't want to hear anything negative or I'll get my friends together and you'll get a visit from the kick butt queer kids."

Phil hadn't been paying attention and had only heard the last line. "Brian!"

Justin placed his hand on his chest. "You have my word. I will never give Peter a cause to look for someone else. This I promise you." He bowed slightly. Justin gave Peter a sly wink.

Peter was still reeling from the sudden kiss. "What is this all about?"

There was that impish smile of Justin's. "Brian was asking me if I knew who your lover was. You wouldn't tell him until your lover felt ready. Well, I felt ready."

Peter gaped at Justin. "And you were asking Brian if you were worthy of me?" Peter turned to Brian. "You want to know if Justin Timberlake was worthy to be MY lover?"

Justin gave Peter a nudge. "Stop it. It was a reasonable question."

"But it should be the other way round." Peter protested.

Brian sighed. "You are SO lucky. He's one of a kind."

Justin put his arm around Peter and smiled. "Don't I know it." He gave Peter another kiss.

"But. . ." It was out of Peter's mouth as soon as their lips parted.

"Leave it. You were more important to Brian than I ever was. I like it that he feels I need to be worthy of you."

"Okay, Justin, I'm. . . "

Justin wagged a finger. "Ah-huh, this is becoming an apology."

"I'm. . . Sorr. . ." He couldn't find the right words so Peter slapped his hand over his mouth.

"Come on, Peter. It's time to go. It was nice to have met you, Brian."

Peter waved to Brian with his one free hand.

They went into the house.

Phil had suddenly realized what was happening and what he was seeing. He stood with his mouth wide open.

Brian walked by and closed Phil's mouth. "We have a lawn to do. Clients, remember? No daydreaming."

Phil snapped around almost angry then burst into laughter. "You sound like your boss."

Brian walked over to the mower. He gave one more look at the house and sighed.

"Someday, Brian you'll have someone. Who knows? It may be Joe."

"To think father tried to keep me away from this house because he was afraid of the influence on me. Strange isn't it that this house really has so much love and acceptance in it. Is that so much to be frighten of?"

"To some people, Brian, all they see is two gay men and sex. That is what frightens them."

"They're missing the important part, the love."

"I know poor bastards." Phil slapped Brian on the back. "Come on we have work to do."

Brian started the lawn mower.

Lance was acting very nervous.

"Come on, Lance," JC chided. "This is just your mother's home. You'd think you were coming out all over again."

"But just think, JC. We're getting responses from the wedding invitations." Lance wiped his hands on his pants. "The day is getting so close now."

"And you can't wait to see how many people said yes."

"I want to know if I should be nervous or really nervous."

"And the number of people counts?"

"Sure, I wouldn't dream of fainting in front of a large crowd. A smaller crowd, maybe."

"Lance, you are a professional performer. You won't faint."

Lance turned to face JC. "But you will be standing beside me in front of all those people professing your love for me, for each other and when we kiss for the first time in front all of them to show that love. . ." Lance swayed. He held his hand to his forehead. "Oh, Josh, I'm. . .," he collapsed to the floor.

JC applauded, "Bravo, great performance. You should be in movies."

The door of the study opened and Lance's mother come out. She saw Lance lying motionless on the floor.

"Morning, Son. Morning, Joshua." She gave JC a kiss on the cheek. She looked down at Lance's prone body. "Practicing for the wedding?"

"Yep," Lance moved and started to get up.

"Unnecessary, honey." She gave Lance a kiss. "You will NOT faint at your wedding." She smiled. "I forbid it."

"You forbid it?"

"A wedding is the one day where you make your mother proud. You will not faint."

"Okay, Mom, I will not faint. I want to make you happy." Lance kissed his mother's cheek.

Lance smiled as he saw JC behind his mother pointing at himself and mouthed, "Me, too."

Lance winked, smiled and kissed the air at JC. "How are the RSVPs going?"

Lance's mother nodded at the study. "Go see for yourself. I have to get my family address book.

As Lance's mother hurried off JC and he entered the study.

JC's mother was seated at a table with piles of RSVP cards in front of her.

She looked up. "Why it's the happy couple. Morning, JC." JC went over to his mother for a kiss. "And Lance, too." She took his hand. "So handsome, you both are going to do us proud."

"Yeah, I just heard that from my mother. So how's the tally?"

She pointed at a large pile of cards. "These are the yeses." She pointed at a smaller pile. "And these are those unable to make it."

"Looks like it will be a good turn out." JC noticed a smaller pile of cards off by themselves. When JC's mother saw JC glance she pushed them into her lap.

"What about those?"

"Oh, nothing. We'll take care of these. Don't fret yourself."

Lance's mother returned. She waved the directory. "I have her phone number in here." She started paging through the small book.

"Whose number?" asked Lance.

"Lance, I need to call your Aunt Naomi that's all."

"Some confusion over her reply?"

"I should say not." Lance's mother's voice had an edge to it. "I just want to talk to her that's all. It needn`t bother you."

"Why should it bother me?" Lance knew that tone to his mother's voice. She was angry about something and she was trying to cover it up.

JC joined in. "Mom, what is it about those reply cards?"

"Nothing at all." JC's mother tried to sound non-chalant. "As I said we'll take care of it all."

"Mom," JC held out his hand.

"No, JC. It's just a case of bad manners. We just want to point that out to them."

JC resolutely kept his hand out. Reluctantly she handed over the RSVP cards.

"Some people are just plain rude and on a wedding invitation yet."

Lance looked over JC's shoulder as he opened the envelope. He paled at what he read.

Lance's mother saw the hurt look on her son's face. "Don't you worry about it. I'm going to have a word with Aunt Naomi. I mean she may be family but she should be more polite." She shook her head. "Making such a religious tirade and on a wedding invitation. A simple `no' would have sufficed."

Lance looked up. "Mom, you said the same things to me when I told you I was gay."

"Honey, I'm still sorry about that but I did come around. She will, too. Once I've had a word with her."

"Mom, these are her deeply held religious beliefs. Talking to her won't help. In fact it might make things worse."

"Worse?!" JC's mother snapped. "What is worse than having to read such hateful rubbish on the RSVP to our sons' wedding?! It is pure religious propaganda. It is so rude, so vulgar . . ."

"And so devoutly Christian."

"Lance! I`m ashamed of you."

"And you were when I first came out. If Aunt Naomi doesn't feel like she can conscientiously come to a gay wedding so be it. We don't want anyone there who doesn't want to be. This is a celebration of our love not a political statement."

"But she insulted you, both of you."

"Like that hasn't happened before?" JC put in. "Just look at it this way, her beliefs will keep her away from an open and affirming celebration of the love of two people in front of their family, friends and God. While she's at home grumbling about how unnatural' it is for two men to love each other. We all will be surrounded by such love and warm wishes that God will laugh with joy." JC threw the card onto the table. "I am not angry with her. I feel sorry for her. Shes going to really miss out on a wonderful day."

The two mothers looked at each other. Lance's mother picked up the RSVP card. She tore it quickly in half and threw it over her shoulder. "JC's right. Screw her."

"Mom!" Lance tried to act embarrassed.

"I can use what language I like."

"I agree." JC's mother added. "We don't need such pompous, self-righteous, ignorant. . ."

"Mother," JC warned.

She relaxed. "Josh, you're right. We mustn't allow such people to undermine the joyful day."

"What a diplomat." Lance pulled JC close. "I knew there was a reason I loved you." He gave JC a kiss. "You silver tongued devil."

"Lance, please," his mother said as she went back to making a list. "No sex talk in front of your mother."

"But. . ." Lance tried to protest.

JC's mother raised a hand. "Sh."

JC couldn't help himself. Lance looked so frustrated. JC burst into laughter.

This got Lance even more frustrated. "But, JC, I didn't mean. . ."

Now the mothers joined the laughter.

"But. . ."Lance was blushing red.

Lance's mother finally said. "It was a joke, dear. Give your mother a little credit."

A few quick glances and Lance finally started laughing. "Okay, Mom, you got me. It was just a gay sex joke from you was a surprise."

Lance's mother smiled knowingly. "You'll find I am full of surprises. Now, don't just stand there be of use. Open that pile of envelopes behind you."

Lance and JC set to work helping with the RSVP cards.

They drove in silence. Peter could tell Justin was thinking hard about something. He thought he might know what.

"So, what do you think of Brian?"

"He's a nice young man but Phil is so much hotter."

"I meant their personalities. Besides Phil is straight."

"But he is such sweet eye candy. The whole family is."

"Justin, if you think I have ulterior motives. . ."

Justin raised a hand off the steering wheel. "No," His voice softened, "I know you wanted to make a difference in Brian's life. I'm just a little preoccupied right now."

Peter moved closer to Justin. "Don't worry that you were too busy. Your musical talents can do as much for people as anything I did."

"But you were there for Brian."

"Justin, it was your music and enthusiasm as NSYNC that drew me to you. And then when I thought that JC and Lance might be a couple that drew me closer. When I broke down and they sang `This I Promise You' you don't know how much that helped me."

"But I wasn't there either."

Peter squeezed Justin's arm. "But you are now."

"But I have been ignoring you."

"No, you've just been preoccupied. You just said so yourself." Peter nestled closer. "I know what you feel for me. Justin, I'll always be here for you. You are very important to me. It was just the first time your work seemed to be coming between us. I would have said something, I promise. It was just John sort of beat me to it."

Much to Peter's surprise Justin started to chuckle. "Thank you, Peter."

"What for?"

"For once you didn't say 'I'm sorry'." Justin kissed Peter's forehead.

"Hey, watch the road."


Now Peter chuckled. "Who's apologizing now?"


Peter laid his head on Justin's shoulder, "You wish."

Peter could feel Justin was still caught up in his thoughts. If there was only a way Peter could free Justin's mind. The idea came. Could he do it? Justin's enthusiasm always helped carry Peter along but this time it was up to Peter. One thing began to override his shyness. Justin needed this and Peter wanted so much to help him. Thinking of how he felt after that first time in that storeroom at the stadium Peter made up his mind. He could almost feel Hugh looking over his shoulder encouraging him on.

Justin was quite surprised as Peter's head fell onto his lap. Justin ran his fingers though Peter's hair.

"I'll wake you when we're there."

Justin was completely stunned as he felt Peter's hand at his crotch undoing his zipper.

"Peter, what are you doing?"

"Putting into play a page from Hugh`s book on life." Peter pulled the jeans apart and pulled down Justin's underwear.

"People will see."

"Then steer clear of any vehicle higher than yours." Peter began rubbing Justin's cock.

"What about driving safety?"

"Justin, right now your mind is tied up on too many things. If I can clear your mind you can focus on driving."

"But, Peter there are people around."

Peter looked up and Justin saw a most impish smile. "Just another first." Peter turned back.

"Peter, I don't think. . .oh, my god!!!!!" Justin's hand's latched tight onto the steering wheel. In a few moments Justin was rock hard and his length was sliding into Peter's oh, so warm wet mouth.

"Peter, I never thought. . . sweet jesus!" Justin's hand rested on the back of Peter's head gently coaxing him on. "Peter, that feels SO good."

Peter's right hand reached up and tapped the steering wheel. Justin got the message both hands on the wheel. He watched the cars around him as surges of shear pleasure coursed through him. Justin had never got a blow job while driving before. But Fate must have turned a benevolent eye to them. Justin scanned the highway. There were a cars but he had lots of space. Justin relaxed and let himself enjoy Peter's efforts.

Peter's mind was screaming at him, "What are you doing? What if we get caught?"

Somewhere Peter heard a voice, "You need a barrier."

Peter thought, "Hugh?" Peter concentrated on Justin's cock but he let his mind stretch out. Maybe his thoughts could encircle the car like a force field. The notion was stupid but the thought of it gave Peter a bit of calm. No one will see what he was doing to the man he loved.

Peter swirled his tongue around the soft head of Justin's cock then licked the hard shaft as he slipped it into his mouth. He felt Justin tremble as he took the length into his throat.

Justin's hands gripped here and there around the steering wheel. What else was he to do? This was so beyond anything that Justin had wished. He had tried giving head to Peter and it had failed. But Peter blowing him while he was driving? Justin's passion was rapidly growing. Peter was being so assertive. There was no sign of shyness and damn didn't that turn Justin on all the more.

Peter's tongue hit Justin's favorite spot. "Oh, yes!" Justin shook his head to pull himself back to reality. Watch the cars. Luckily they seemed to be keeping their distance. Justin involuntarily closed his eyes. "Oh, Peter right there."

As much as Peter loved sucking Justin this was different. Justin needed this. But Peter none the less was getting turned on. He couldn't help it Justin was. With one hand he unzipped his pants and soon his cock was in his hand. He stroked it as he pleasured Justin. Why not? Justin's pleasure always gave Peter pleasure.

Justin noticed in the rear view mirror a truck bearing down on them.

"Pet. . . Pete. . ." Justin tried to issue a warning but as his cock slipped into Peter`s throat the words of warning got caught in his. As the truck drew along side Justin managed a glance up at the cab. The person sitting there turned his head then turned back. It was as if he had seen nothing. The truck passed by them.

Justins mind cried out its relief. "They didn't see. They didn't see!" Once again Peter's mouth and tongue snapped Justin back into what was happening to him. "Yeah, Peter."

Peter licked down the throbbing shaft then took each of the balls one by one into his mouth. He sucked on them gently. He heard Justin let out a gasp.

Justin couldn't help himself. His passion was rising. His public shy lover was blowing him on a highway as the cars whizzed by. Then he heard the rubbing. Peter was jacking himself off. This totally picture thrilled Justin more than he thought possible. "Just another first," he gasped.

Peter however was working on many levels. He reveled in the musky smell of Justin's crotch, the salty taste and the hot heat of Justin's hard cock. Peter also reached out for Justin's mind for the conflict and the tension, if he could combine them at the right instant. He pressed his lips tighter and probed harder with his tongue. He could feel Justin's passion growing faster than he thought. Peter smiled to himself. I don't doubt it. I am sucking Justin off in public. Damn this is HOT!

Justin couldn't hold out anymore. As much as he wished to savor this brave new side of Peter the mere thought of it was turning him on too much.

Justin began to buck with his hips. Peter readied himself for the eruption.

One last thrust and Justin exploded. "Oh, fuck!" He gave one last thrust up with his hips. Peter's head was pressed against the steering wheel. The car's horn blasted along the road sounding long and loud.

People were looking around in their cars wondering where the sound was coming from. Who was honking? It couldn't be that car next to them the driver had both hands tightly gripped on the steering wheel.

Luckily Peter didn't even hear it. He was too busy gulping down Justin's hot load. This thrill pushed him to his own climax.

After few moments Justin relaxed. The horn stopped. People shook their heads and continued driving.

Justin was just coming off his climax when he heard a soft groan. Peter's cock shot its white load onto several tissues?

Peter sat up still breathing hard. Justin pulled Peter into a kiss.

"Thank you for that."

"You're very welcome," Peter panted.

"I know this was a spur of the moment but the tissues?"

"I didn't want to stain your carpet."

Justin laughed. "Oh, Peter. After that who cares about cum stains on the carpet."

"Well, better safe than sorry."

Justin looked at Peter.

"That was just a saying not an apology." Peter helped Justin with his pants.

Peter finished cleaning up. Suddenly the car braked. Peter was jerked forward.


"Sorry, I just noticed how fast I was going."

"You could have just taken your foot off the gas."

"Not fast enough." Justin gave a nod of his head to indicate outside.

Peter saw the police car parked on a bridge over the highway. The officer had something in his hand he was pointing at the highway. Fortunately he was aiming the way they were going and not at them approaching.

"That was close."

Justin grinned, "In more ways than one."

"Well, at least we didn't get caught."

"Oh, I'd just say you were part of the car's package, air conditioning, CD player, cruise control and a driver side hummer. What will they think of next?"

"Cute." Peter eyed Justin. "Better?"

"Shit yeah." Justin slumped down in the seat. "I am so relaxed I feel like I could just melt off this seat."

"Pull over, I'll drive."

Justin sat up laughing, "I was joking. I'll make it. But damn, Peter that really did clear my mind. I feel great."

"That was the point."

"You should have stained the carpet. It would remind me of the hottest blow job I ever got and with people around yet. Peter, you got over your shyness."

"It was because you needed it." Peter said simply. Justin said nothing. Peter turned to see Justin staring off.

"It was like this once before. I remember it now. It was while we were on tour. I couldn't sleep so you did you magic like now and after I slept so well. You said then that you did it just for me."

"There's a lot that I do that is just for you."

Justin turned, "But this isn't only sex is it? You can even affect the mind." Justin chuckled. He took Peter's hand. "Brian was right. You are `some guy'."

Peter shook his head. "Nonsense, I was only doing what I had learned."


"From Hugh. He was the first."

Justin snorted.

Peter slapped Justin`s shoulder. "I know he was my first sexual experience but it was more than that. He said it would clear my mind so I could help my friends and it did."

"You mean Lance and JC."

Peter looked at Justin. "At first but you were the second."


"It was the next morning when I stumbled on you in the dressing room at the stadium and you told me about your dreams." Peter moved close. "And I suggested that you may be bisexual. Do you remember?"

"I was angry at first then you explained that you thought that I had that divine gift of love without boundaries." Justin laughed. "Then I backed you into the costume rack."

Justin took Peter's hand for a minute.

"Justin, if I'd have let you would you have had sex with me then?"

"I don't think so. I was teasing. Although the idea did intrigue me."

Peter laid his head back on Justin`s shoulder "And now look at us."

Justin was thinking. "It's déjà vu, really."


"You helped me to realize my sexuality then and here we are going to Nick's beach house to help him with his."

"This is different."


"You had an ego then."

"And he doesn't?"

Peter fell silent.

"We can still call this off if you want."

"No," Peter sounded resolute. "Let's play this out. If Nick has something else up his sleeve we will never know otherwise. Better to get it all out in the open."

"I've told you before I will not share you."

"I doubt if it will be necessary. But we will go into this with eyes open." Peter squeezed Justin's hand. "If Nick thinks he can exercise control over us he has another thing coming."

"As long as it is not you then I will be happy."

"How about just us?" Peter kidded.

"Nick will be somewhere around there, too."

"Then I hope its long distance."

"Peter, you're a size queen?"

"You know what I mean. Besides, I am sort of the opposite."

"Thanks a lot!"

"Hey, I love how your oar moves my boat."

"Your oar moves my boat. That is a pathetic metaphor."

"It was a touchy subject and I don't want to end up paddling alone."

"Oo, do you think Nick is into spanking?"

Peter looked disdainful. "I don't care what Nick is into. We're just going to do our performance and that's it, okay? Then we will leave Nick to his own devices."

"Now S&M?"


Justin heeded the warning. "I was just testing you."

"Maybe I should be testing you."

"Why? Besides being in love with you I wouldn't take the chance in case someone found out that NSYNC and Backstreet had a gay affair. It would be worse than JC and Lance. The shit would really hit the fan."

"Oh, we're into scatology, now."

"That's disgusting."

"Are you forgetting Kevin?"

"That was different and you know it. You said so. You don't suppose Kevin has blabbed about that night."

"Never. Kevin wouldn't do that. Besides you talked to Nick. Did he mention it?"

"No, but maybe he is expecting it."

"Too bad, if he is Nick will be SO disappointed."

They drove on.

End Part 51A

Keep reading. More sex awaits on part 51B

Next: Chapter 52

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