Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Sep 11, 2004


Unto where we left off on Part 51A Oh, yeah, better be sure. This Story: Fiction Real life? NO! Nsync & Backstreet gay? NO! (But one can dream) Gay Sex? YES! So if that offends-Don't Read this. Underage? Go play your Game boy while we deal with the Game Gay Boys.


Part 51B

Peter was surprised the house wasn't larger. It seemed only one story. Soon he was to find the other two stories were in the back leading down to the beach.

Nick greeted them warmly. He was dressed in a short sleeve and shorts spandex outfit. Noticing with a glint of pride his two guests checking him out Nick replied, "You have to excuse me. I just got back from my daily bike ride along the coast. It is so nice to be able to be out and about without people noticing you."

The smirk Justin gave Peter almost caused Peter to laugh.

Nick showed them to their room then excused himself to take a shower. They were to meet out by the pool.

With one look from Justin they both fell laughing onto the bed.

"Daily bike ride?"

"Who is he fooling?" Justin laughed. "Wearing that outfit how couldn't he be noticed? And I bet that is why he wears it. And he may pedal his ass around town but it is not on a bicycle."

"Justin, be nice," Peter tried to keep from chuckling. "We don't know that for sure. You know that thing about respect."

"Thank you, JC. But you are right and he is our host." Justin flopped on his back. "I suppose we should change?"

"You packed them then?"

"Just like you suggested. Everything baggy and loose."

"Good. We don't want Nick to get a good look until it is necessary."

"I still don't think Nick will try anything."

"I know. We're just playing it cool that's all."

They got to the pool before Nick.

"I'm thirsty." Peter went to the bar that stood against one wall and opened the small refrigerator. After a time he stood up. "Nothing but beer, wine and booze."

"Well, this is supposed to be a party."

"Finding what you want?" Nick was now dressed in a tight short swimsuit with a shirt opened to his navel. "Can I get you anything?"

"Just a beer for me." answered Justin. He was handed a bottle.

"Do you have any iced tea?" Peter asked.

"Iced tea?" Nick seemed puzzled.

"Well, it is early yet. You don't want me to crash and burn before its time?"

Nick smiled. "Of course not, I forgot you're not used to the celebrity life. I think I have some iced tea mix in the kitchen."

"A cola would be just fine."

"No, I'm the host. Iced tea it is." Nick winked, kissed the air then left.

Peter sat down on a lounge next to Justin. "You know I have never been on a date before but somehow I feel like the virgin girl out with the school quarterback."

Justin gave Peter's thigh a slap. "Just watch your tight end."

"Is it just me or is he coming on to us?"

"He's trying to set the mood."

Peter sat back, "I guess. But I am very uncomfortable at parties with lots of alcohol after what almost happened to me. I didn't drink but that didn't matter."

"Peter, will you relax. We're in no danger of that here. Besides I'll look after you."

"Why? Are you trying to seduce me, too?"

"It may help set the mood for later."

"Good thinking."

They sat looking out at the ocean.

After a time Justin asked, "Your first glimpse of the ocean?"


"Aren't you going to say how big it is?"

"It's pretty obvious isn't it?" Peter was then struck with a thought. "Why do they have a pool when you have the ocean?"

Nick returned with the iced tea. "With a pool when the party gets a little wild half your guests don't get swept out to sea. I won't do that again. Sort of coming and going at the same time."

Peter smirked. "You're not fooling me for a second. You don't host wild orgies here."

Nick looked smug. "Why not?"

"Because despite the fact you like to be thought of as a freewheeling blond stud you still have your Backstreet Boy reputation to maintain. Let the fans dream it just don't prove it."

"Well, that shoots down that image." Nick pouted, "I might was well change into my monks robe and cowl."

"Bull, you're not that pure either."

Nick put his hands on his hips. "Peter, will you make up your mind."

Justin smiled his impish Justin smile. "Why? That's exactly the way Peter is. Part angel and part animal."

Nick shuddered. "And boy wouldn't I love to experience the animal part."

"Sorry, Nick." Justin answered with just a hint of sternness in his voice. "You're physically out of the picture."

"Well, I'll have to be content with watching only, won't I?"

"Yes, you will."

A voice came from the house, "And I am here to keep it that way."

Nick gestured. "Oh, I forgot my other guest. I do believe you know each other."

Peter was gaping at the man in a robe standing next to Nick. "Hugh, what are you doing here?"

"Chaperoning, well, not really. I met Nick at my folk's diner and we talked. We met again at John's. I was such a good listener Nick invited me here."

"Yeah, I'll bet."

Hugh glared at Peter.

Peter withered under his stare. "Sorry. I was joking."

Nick and Hugh started laughing.

"Forget it, Peter," Hugh laughed. "You know me so well. But it was just talking at first. I promise."

"Well, it was more about you listening to me." Nick chuckled. "And after we met at John's Hugh showed me he is more than a very good listener."

"Tell me about it." Peter blurted out. He was suddenly embarrassed, "Sorry, Justin."

Justin patted Peter's knee. "Don't worry about it."

Hugh rubbed his hands together. "Now if that chair next to you Peter is unoccupied."

"Help yourself, Hugh."

Hugh pulled off his robe. He was wearing his Victorian swimwear he wore at Lance and JC's.

Nick snorted. "You have to be kidding me."

Hugh looked down at himself very innocently. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"It is so old fashioned. Why you're not showing any skin."

"I think it is very sexy," Justin put in.

"I agree," added Peter. "Sometimes not showing anything can be so sexy. It's the mystery that wets the appetite."

"Oh," Nick grinned. "Is that why you two are wearing such baggy clothes? Okay, I agree with you on that point. I am anxious to see the truth revealed but I can wait. Hugh, can I get you something?"

Hugh eyed the bar. "How about a gin and tonic. Very refreshing on a hot day." He turned to Nick. "Don't you agree?"

"Sorry, I could never stand gin. It is like licking a pine tree."

"But the gin and tonic is medicinal. The quinine was a cure for malaria. It tasted terrible so they put it in sugared soda water. But when someone added a drop of gin it was an instant success. Of course everyone was drunk but no one got malaria."

"How fascinating." Nick mixed Hugh's drink. When he handed it to Hugh Hugh just stared at it. "Something wrong?"

"Would you have some lime, please?"

"I don't think I have actual lime but I think I have a bottle of lime juice somewhere."

"If I may bother you for that."

"Sure." Nick went off in search of.

Hugh sat down next to Peter.

"Hugh, what are you doing here?"

"I told you. I was Nick's confidant. Well at first. After our little session this morning I think I am here to calm him down after you get him all wound up."

Justin sneered. "We get Nick turned on and he turns to you to satisfy him?"

Hugh sighed. "It's a tough job but someone has to do it."

Peter was going to chastise Hugh but chuckled instead. "There are times I do envy you."

"Peter!" Justin snapped.

"His sexual freedom." Peter reached for Justin's hand. "I am happy to just have one man in my life."

Justin squeezed Peter's hand. "Good."

Nick returned waving a bottle. "Lime juice, I knew I had it." Nick poured a bit into Hugh's glass. "We'll relax a bit out here then there is a bit of supper and then," Nick winked at Justin and Peter, "The evening's entertainment. Sorry, that was crude."

"Oh, well," Peter sipped his iced tea, "I guess that is what we are."

Justin spun around to stare at Peter. All he got was an impish smile and a wink. Maybe Peter was too into this.

Hugh stirred his drink with the swizzle stick. "I think that is trivializing what they are here for. Don't you agree, Nick?"

For the first time Nick lost his host's persona. "Yes, you're right. This is, I mean, I think this will help me understand myself. I do appreciate what you are going to do for me. And again if you want to call this off."

"We are here." Justin simply said.

"Quite right." Nick suddenly stood up. "I should get supper started." He hurried into the house.

Hugh took a sip of his drink and frowned. He looked after Nick.

Peter saw that Hugh was looking very serious. Maybe this was a bad idea. Well, they were here and between him and Justin they should be able to handle Nick. Damn, wrong words. Peter shrugged. Oh, well. The night would tell.

Nick was good as his word. He was the true host. Everything anyone wanted he got. He didn't let anyone do anything for themselves. Peter was almost uneasy to say he had to go to the bathroom in case Nick volunteered to help him. After supper they again sat around the pool.

"Can I get you anything?" Nick asked for the umpteenth time. "Another drink for you, Hugh?"

"I don't think so. I'm alright."

Both Peter and Justin noticed the slurred speech. The gin was affecting Hugh.

"Just one more. It will help you sleep."

"But I'm the chaperone."

"We're all adults here." Nick went to the bar and got out a glass.

"More tonic and less gin, please." Hugh said.

"Of course what ever my guests want. Damn, I am out of ice. Back in a jiffy." Nick disappeared into the house.

Hugh leaned close to Peter. "This is important." All trace of drunkenness was gone. "If Nick does anything you don't want him to say `Nick Carter, what are you doing?' Can you remember that?"

Peter and Justin nodded.

"You must use his complete name, remember. I didn't think anything will happen but I can't read Nick anymore. He's shrouded and the drinks. . .sh, he's coming back."

Hugh flopped back in his chair.

"Here's the ice." Nick mixed the drink. "And the lime juice." He walked over and handed the drink to Hugh. He watched as Hugh concentrated on grasping the glass.

"Thank you."

Nick smiled, "My pleasure." He turned to Peter and Justin. "And for you two?"

"Nothing before a show," Justin grinned. "It may impede the performance."

Nick smiled. "I agree. Then you will excuse me if I fix something for myself?" He walked back to the bar.

"Peter." Justin hissed.

"I saw." Peter whispered. "He put more gin in Hugh's drink than tonic."

"Sh!" came from Hugh. His finger had a time finding his lips but his wink was very sober.

After an hour Hugh got up. "I should be off to bed before you have to put me there."

"Can you find the way?" Nick was still the host.

"Sure," Hugh caught his foot at the end of Peter's chair and stumbled. "Maybe not."

Nick quickly helped Hugh. As they got to the bar Nick stopped. "Wait here a minute."

Hugh leaned heavily on the bar. Nick picked up a box and brought it over to Justin. "Here, props." He hurried back to help Hugh to his room.

After they were gone Justin opened the box. Inside were condoms and some lube.

"It seems that it is close to show time."

Peter nodded.

"Are you sure about this?"

Peter smiled so warmly. "Yes, this is more than just sex. Nick is going to see just how much I love you. And if he thinks he's going to get more he'll find himself splashing about in that pool."

Justin saw the determination in Peter's eyes. "Okay, then let's get ready."

One look at the bed and Hugh collapsed into it. Nick removed the clothes he could then he gave up. He went to the second story window and peered out. Justin and Peter were standing close kissing.

"Well, the show has started." Nick quickly undressed. He peered out through the curtains just to be safe and unseen.

"Come on. Enough with the kissing. Undress already."

Justin stepped back and pulled off Peter's shirt.

"Hm, Justin, not bad. A little gym work is called for but that's just my taste. Oh, and speaking of taste."

Peter had knelt to remove Justin's sandals and unzip Justin's pants.

"Looks like Justy is about to get a little mouth action."

Peter removed Justin's pants with aggravating slowness. He massaged Justin's bulge through his underwear.

"Now we'll see Timberlake's timber." Nick shook his head. "They are helping me. This isn't just about the sex." Nick glanced back. "Holy shit!"

Peter had pulled Justin's underwear off and the Timber stood out in all its erect glory.

"It's just the lighting and things look bigger from a distance." But Nick's envy was soon pushed away. Peter's hand was stroking Justin slowly then Nick saw Peter lean forward and open his mouth.

"Oh, my . . . " Nick's train of thought was derailed. He was very amazed. "That is one fine cocksucker you have there Mr. Timberlake. Damn, he must have no gag reflex." Nick spit on his hand then took to stroking his own cock. "Damn, this is hot. Suck him, baby. Suck him deep and long."

Justin's head tipped back and his mouth opened in a sigh of pleasure.

"He must be feeling something. Shit, Peter, it sure looks like you make that young stud feel good. Suck that cock."

Justin's head tipped forward and he gazed down at Peter. Peter's eyes met his. Justin ran his hand lightly around Peter's head and face. Peter doubled his efforts.

"Damn, he looks up at you with your cock in his mouth. Damn, that is hot. No girl or guy has ever done that. They always keep their eyes closed like they don't want to see what they are doing. Shit, Justin, you are so lucky."

Justin pulled his shirt up.

"Come on, Justin, take your shirt off. I want to see you're hot body. Do it, baby show me every last muscle of your naked self.

Peter's hand reached up and slid under Justin's shirt. He caressed Justin's chest. Finally Justin pulled his shirt off.

"Sweet Jesus, Justin you`ve been working out. What a hot bod!"

Justin's hands rubbed his chest and tweaked his nipples. Nick didn't hear it but he saw Justin's mouth again open with what must have been a heartfelt moan.

"Pinch those nipples, Justin. Make yourself feel good as Peter blows you. Damn, man, deep throat that cock. Suck it deeper."

Peter's hands found Justin's ass cheeks.

"Force it deeper. Come on, swallow that cock."

Justin put a hand on Peter's shoulder. Peter sat back. Justin helped Peter to his feet.

"Oh, damn, is Justin going to his knees?"

Justin knelt in front of Peter. With a quick pull Peter's pants and underwear hit the ground.

"Holy shit. Justin Timberlake is going to suck cock?!"

Of course Nick knew Justin did or he thought he did but to actually see this.

"Yes, Justin. Don't just stroke it. Suck it."

Justin licked around the head. Peter's head snapped back.

"Come on, Justin. Don't just lick it suck it. Put it in your mouth! Put ALL of it in your mouth."

Peter's cock disappeared between Justin's lips.

Nick turned away from the window and stamped his feet. "Hot damn, this is hot. Justin is a fucking cocksucker." Nick took his hand off his cock. "Shit, I mustn't cum too soon. I can't believe this is happening."

A voice flooded Nick's mind. "You suck cock too, you know."

"I know," Nick said aloud. "I know." He smiled, "Justin and I are a lot alike now." He turned back to the window. "Damn, imagine looking down and seeing Justin Timberlake sucking your dick. Damn, Peter you are SO lucky. What I wouldn't give. . ."

A thought struck him. "No, I will not. They're my friends. They're here to help me."

His girlfriend's voice added. "Here is the opportunity. Go for it. It's just sex."

Nick shook his head. "No way. They love each other. I'm just going to watch."

"Suit yourself." The voice was gone.

A few more minutes of Justin sucking Peter off and they changed again.

"Peter wants Justin to cum on him. I don't blame him. That will be so hot."

Nick could see Justin was trembling with pleasure. He started thrusting with is hips.

"Shove that cock into that mouth. Make him take it. Look he's choking. Make him choke on it. He loves that!"

Peter suddenly shook and shuddered. Nick saw the streams of white shoot from his cock.

"He's coming while sucking you off? Goddamn, he must love sucking dick." Justin flung his head back. "Damn, you love it, too. Are you going to shoot your load, Justin? Come on his face then lick it off. That would be so hot. Show me Justin likes cum."

One last thrust and Nick could tell Justin was cumming. Peter buried his face in Justin's crotch.

"Holy, fuck! Peter swallows!! He's taking Justin's whole load. Shit he swallows!! Oh, fuck, I`m cumming!!!!" Nick's cock erupted raining white cum on the floor. He staggered slightly. "Fuck are you lucky, Justin. No one has even let me. . . Damn!" It was several moments before the climax passed. Nick was still breathing hard. "That was so fucking hot."

Finally he peered out the window again. Justin and Peter were kissing.

"Very kissy face aren't they? Well, they are in love."

Peter pulled away then said something to Justin. He bent over and pulled his ass cheeks apart. Justin knelt and buried his face in Peter's ass.

"Fuck, I forgot about the fucking. I need to get a closer look at this." Nick hurried naked downstairs to another window for a closer view.

Luckily the room was dark so Nick could get close to the window without being seen from the pool. Justin and Peter were just outside the window. Nick had a very good view.

"So, who's an ass licker?" Justin was rimming Peter like crazy. "Now that's something I haven't tried." Nick thought for a moment. "I don't think I want to. Sucking cock is one thing but eating ass."

Peter's head tipped back. His mouth dropped open.

"He seems to like it though. But this is just the warm up."

After a few minutes Nick was getting impatient. "Come on, get on with it. I want to see how well Justin can fuck."

As if he heard, Peter reached down into the box and pulled out a condom and the lube.

"Good, good." Nick licked his lips. "He wants it and Justin is going to give it to him."

Justin seemed to wave the condom looking puzzled and Peter nodded to the house. Nick was totally unaware of the meaning. Justin put the condom on as Peter lubed himself up. As Justin stepped near Peter rubbed the lube onto Justin.

"Damn, he does it himself. Stroking his lover's cock he's getting him hard and lubed at the same time. Justin's right, Peter is an animal."

Nick cursed his choice of window. He couldn't see Justin enter Peter. He just saw Justin thrust forward and Peter go rigid. Then slowly Justin started a rhythm. Nick soon fell into watching the muscles on Justin's back move and flex as he fucked Peter. Then his glance fell on Justin's ass. The smooth, muscular mounds dimpled and contracted as he thrust deeply into Peter.

"Damn, Timberlake throws a mean fuck." Nick's finger snaked around his back and played teasingly at his asshole. "Peter, I wonder what it feels like to have Justin fuck you. You're certainly enjoying it and you can take all of his cock. That big thick. . ." Nick stopped.

"No, I won't go there. I'm not going to be the passive one. This is about Justin."

Nick could just see Peter's ass cheeks shake and jiggle as Justin slammed into him. Peter would turn around now and then to try and catch a glimpse of Justin. Justin would run his hands over Peter's back and sides.

"Peter likes that Justin. Fuck him. He loves a young buck fucking his ass."

Nick was getting so turned on watching Justin that when Peter stood up and away from Justin, Nick was at first confused. Were they changing position?

Oh, they were changing position all right.

Nick watching in growing amazement as Peter broke open a condom and put if on. Then he opened the lube and rubbed it generously to Justin's asshole. Peter leaned close.

"Oh, my god, Justin is about to be fucked!"

A part of Nick's mind chided him that that was why they were here in the first place but Nick just told it to shut up. Nick's gaze was locked on what was happening outside the window.

This time they had changed to a different angle. Nick barely breathed as he saw Peter's hard cock slip into Justin Timberlake's ass.

"Sweet, jesus. It's true. Justin does get fucked!" Nick's hand found his cock and started stroking. Then he stopped. He would cum too soon.

Peter's thrusts were slow but steady. Justin showed no pain at all. In fact Justin's mouth would open and close in what Nick supposed were little moans of pleasure. Peter leaned down and they kissed and kissed and kissed. Nick took little note of this. He was glued on the sight of a cock sliding in and out of Justin.

"Fuck him, Peter!" Nick almost yelled. "Fuck, Justin Timberlake. Fuck that hungry young ass! Mr. Ego takes it up the ass. Holy, fuck!"

Before Nick even knew it was building his climax ripped through him. He staggered under the rush of him cumming and how turned on he was by what he was seeing. Finally when he got his bearings again he found himself on his knees. Still panting he glanced out the window at the two lovers. The room seemed to grow darker.

There were two people having sex by his pool. Justin was getting fucked. Justin liked to get fucked. Justin liked to submit. After all these years maybe Nick did have an opportunity. Maybe they wouldn't want to. No, he was Nick Carter. People never turned down sex with Nick Carter. He staggered to his feet.

"Don't pass up this chance of a lifetime," Nick's girlfriend's voice rang in his ears. "It's only sex. Go for it! They'll love it!"

Nick noted the surprised look from Peter as Nick stood before him naked and fully erect. He grinned as Peter focused on Nick's cock before glancing up his tight muscled body to find Nick grinning down at him.

"Nick, what are you doing?" Peter asked.

"Joining the fun. You've got me so hot." Nick took hold of his cock. "Suck it. You know you want to."

Justin's voice came from beneath him. "Nick Carter, what are you doing?"

The world seemed to stop for a moment. Nick felt strangely dizzy and disoriented. Maybe he shouldn't have had that last drink. Nick shook his head. Everything came back into focus but still a little fuzzy. Man, he was so turned on it was effecting his vision. He turned back to look at Peter. "It's just sex. Just a little fun between friends." Nick almost touched his cock to Peter's lips.

"You could at least kiss him first," came Justin's voice.

Nick eagerly bent down. Soon his felt Peter's soft lips on his, Justin's lover's lips. So this is what Justin felt. Nick pressed back with his tongue. Peter's mouth opened and welcomed it in. Their tongues wrestled briefly. There was more that Nick wanted Peter to do and time was pressing.

He stood up again. Still holding his cock he brought is closer to Peter's mouth. Peter looked uncertain. Nick decided for him. He pushed his cock against his lips and into Peter's mouth.

At first Peter was hesitant but Nick gently took the back of Peter's head and guided him. Soon Peter's lips slipped up and down his shaft.

Nick's mind said, "Damn, he is good, Justin." but Nick knew better to say it aloud. He mustn't ruin this before he got what he wanted.

Suddenly Justin appeared kneeling beside Peter. Nick pulled his cock out of Peter's mouth and offered it to Justin. Justin swallowed it in a flash.

"Oh, fuck!" Justin Timberlake was sucking Nick Carter's cock. The thrills that were surging through him. How long had he hoped for this? Justin Timberlake was at his feet kneeling sucking his cock.

Nick pulled out of Justin and turned back to Peter. Again Peter eagerly took his length back in his mouth. Nick then took to sharing his cock between them. One quick suck for one then he'd have the other take a turn. He loved teasing them with his cock. But Nick soon felt his passion rising. He stepped back. He knew he had little time. He reached for the box. Once the condom was on he looked from Peter to Justin. Both knelt before him looking very eager. He tapped Peter's shoulder. Peter dutifully rolled onto his back and raised his legs.

"Suck him, Justin."

Justin leaned down and took Peter's cock into his mouth as Nick mounted Peter.

Peter's head fell back. He moaned in shear pleasure.

"Nick, you're so . . .damn. Suck me while he fucks me, Justin."

Nick watched Justin swallowing Peter's cock and Peter rolled about in pure bliss as Nick's cock sang deeply into Peter's willing ass. This was one more thing Nick now knew what Justin felt.

He fucked Peter long and deep but soon his passions began to grow again. Now it was time. This was the one thing he would have giving anything for.

He pulled out of Peter and moved around where Justin was still kneeling sucking Peter. With one push his sent the whole length of his cock into Justin Timberlake.

"Ow, Nick!"

"Shut up, Justin. You know you love it." Nick thrust slowly at first. "Keep sucking that cock."

After a few more groans Nick felt Justin's ass open up. Justin relaxed. Justin went back to work on Peter while Nick geared up for a fuck of a lifetime.

Faster and faster Nick sped up his thrusting. He began slamming his cock harder and harder into Justin.

Justin pulled off Peter's cock.

"Yes, Nick, fuck me! Fuck me hard!" The moans were then muffled by Peter's cock.

Nick could hear his balls slapping against Justin's ass. This was what he had wanted. The pleasure was surging through him. He was fucking the hell out of Justin Timberlake.

He caught a movement. Peter had moved to his knees. He was watching Nick fuck his lover. This pushed Nick passion even higher.

"Justin's quite the cock pig. A cock filling both ends. Isn't that right pig?" Nick gave Justin's ass a slap.

"Don't, Nick." Peter said.

Nick saw the look. Okay, they weren't into pain. Nick dropped the slapping.

"Justin sucks good doesn't he?"

"Yes," Peter moaned.

"Do you like seeing me fuck Justin?"

Peter licked his lips. "Yes."

"Does it turn you on?"


"Do you like me fucking you, Justin?"

A muffled affirmative came from Justin.

"I didn't hear you?"

Justin pulled off Peter. "Yes, Nick, fuck me. Fuck me hard."

Peter's head fell back, "Damn, Justin, I'm going to cum!"

"Shoot on Justin." Nick barked. "Cum on his face."

Peter obliged with a loud groan. His cum splattered on Justin's upturned face. A few more strokes and the climax was over.

"Lick it off." Nick commanded.

Peter didn't have to be told twice. He knelt and greedily licked Justin's face clean. They then kissed for a bit.

Then it was Justin's turn to sit up.

"Oh, damn, Nick, fuck I'm cumming!"

"Swallow it, Peter!"

Peter was on the cock in a moment.

Justin trembled and shook as the climax hit, crested and finally receded. Nick could hear Peter sucking up every drop on cum.

Nick slammed into Justin for all he was worth. Finally the whole scenario grew to be too powerful. Nick felt his climax build. There was no way to stop it. A few more thrusts and he was gone.

"Time to give this twinkie a cream filling!" Nick slammed one more time into Justin then let out a loud scream of anguish mixed with pleasure.

Such a climax Nick had never felt. Each nerve ending was on fire. His whole body pulsed with his cock as he shot off. He grew dizzy and tried to steady himself. At last it grew too much. Everything went blurry and Nick still reeling from the pleasure blasting through him lost his balance and fell to the ground. His mind was overloaded by such pure pleasure. It switched off and everything went black.

Then there was a faint recall of being carried through the house, sheets being pulled over him and a last look that he could recognize his bedroom. Nick let sleep take him.

They drove on in silence. Justin finally cracked first.

"You can say 'I told you so' anytime now."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

"You were right. I just can believe it of Nick. I never thought he would go that far. He knows we are in a serious relationship but he did it anyway."

"I really don't blame Nick too much. I think it was his ego talking."

"Well, you're more tenderhearted than I am. To think of what he tried to pull."

"Well, it's over. Hugh will give us the low down later I'm sure."

"Maybe we should have stayed and talked it over with Nick."

"No, it's better this way. I think it will drive the point home easier if we're not there."

"I suppose you're right."

"To tell you the truth I don't envy Nick. I'd never want to get on Hugh's bad side."

"Should I phone the police just to be sure?"

"Justin, stop it."

Justin took Peter's hand. "And you?"

Peter raised Justin's hand and kissed it. "We are just fine. In my mind." Peter added.

Justin squeezed Peter's hand. "Good. Just checking."

"And Justin?"


"No more performances ever. Okay?"

Justin laughed. "No shit, Sherlock."

They drove on.

In the morning Nick came down to the kitchen and was surprised to see Hugh up and about.

"I didn't think I'd see you until the afternoon."

"I'm a hardy guy. Coffee?"

"I'd kill for a cup."

Hugh didn't even crack a smile as he filled a cup.

"Have a good night?" Hugh asked.

"Terrific. It was the best night of my life."

"Sorry to hear that." Hugh murmured.

Nick looked around. "Peter and Justin not up yet? I want to compare notes. I'd like to see who they thought was better."

"I'd say both of them were a lot better that you, Nick."


Hugh shook his head and sighed. "They're not here. They left last night."

"You must be joking. It was late when they finally went to bed," Nick grinned, "and it's a long drive back especially when you exhausted from such fabulous sex."

"See for yourself." Hugh said very simply.

Nick's grin disappeared. He hurried off and checked the bedroom. The bed hadn't been slept in. His night of great sexual conquest gave way to the realization of what he had really done. What he had feared had come true. His ego and his girlfriend had won out in the end. He looked very dejected as he came back to the kitchen.

"They must have been good and pissed off to leave in the middle of the night like that."

"Oh, I'd say they were more disappointed than mad but they'll get over it."

"I suppose you would have left, too."

"No because we need to talk."

"I feel bad enough about what I did. Do I have to hear the lecture from you?"

"You forced yourself on two people in a committed relationship and you just feel 'bad'."

"They got into it. They didn't tell me to stop."

Hugh just glared at Nick. Nick realized it would have taken a lot to stop him.

"I got carried away. I'll apologize to them if they are still talking to me."

"Oh, I think you'll find that they are. But it could have been worse. At least you didn't have sex with them."

"You weren't there. I did have sex with them."

"No, you didn't."

"What do you mean 'no, you didn't'? I know when I've had sex with someone."

"Oh, you had sex with someone all right. It just wasn't Peter and Justin."

"If this is some kind of joke it has gone too far."

"This is no joke and it was to keep you from going to far and thank god it worked."

"This is ridiculous. I saw and felt myself having sex."

"What you felt was real but what you saw was all in your mind."

"Look if this is to make me feel better about what I did to Peter and Justin. . ."

"This is NOT to make you feel better. It was to protect them. Last night when I got the chance I hypnotized you and gave you a post-hypnotic suggestion. So when you went too far they could stop you and it worked. Then I stepped in as a sex double I suppose you'd call it. Peter and Justin were half way home before you finished our little tryst."

"But you were drunk. You passed out on the bed."

"It was all an act."

"But I poured every one of your drinks. I watch you carefully. You drank each one of them."

"Yes, but earlier when I excused myself at supper I watered down the gin. When I found out you hated gin I knew that bottle would be all mine that night. You'd never notice."

"Well devious." Nick smirked up at Hugh. "Well, you should be happy. You put one over on Nick Carter."

"Happy? We were forced into this like Peter and Justin almost were."

"They would have enjoyed it."

"Why? I didn't. And to tell you the truth Nick, I am going to do everything in my power to forget about last night. It wasn't sex. It was a performance by Nick Carter, blond sex god at his most arrogant and controlling best."

"I didn't know it was you." Nick added softly. He looked up. "If this post-hypnotic suggestion got me to stop, why continue with the charade of sex?"

"It was Peter's idea."

Nick smirked. "He wanted to see me having sex again, how sweet."

"He knew we'd only find out what was in your devious mind by letting it play out and he was so right. After the post-hypnotic suggestion stopped you I hypnotized you again and we let you play out your fantasy. Peter and Justin left after they found out what your intensions were. They never thought you would go that far or have such disregard for two people's committed relationship."

Nick frowned. "That was Peter's idea?"

"Stop acting so wounded, Nick. This whole plot started with you asking advice from Justin. All these things you did were just so you could have Justin. In all the talking you did with me I never sensed just how jealous you were of Justin."

"Me? Jealous of Justin?"

"Why do you think you did the things you did? Why do you think you were so worried that you'd go too far? You knew you were jealous but were too afraid to even face it."

"It was just sex."

"Bullshit, Nick. Your girlfriend fed you that line and now you think you believe it. But face the facts. When Backstreet first started you were the blond heartthrob of all the girls. Then NSYNC started to gain in popularity and you got worried. Soon Justin's name and photo were everywhere. When trying to be friends with Justin didn't work you labeled him 'Mr. Ego'. In the meantime Aaron started his career. Now your little brother's name was tied to yours and 'the brother of' was added to your name. Then came Peter and Justin surged ahead of you again. This time he found love and a lifetime partner. You still couldn't believe Mr. Ego was in love with another guy yet. And what really got you Peter wasn't anything of the boy toy you thought Justin would have. And their true love for each other was the last straw.

Then your girlfriend opened your eyes to your bisexuality and your ass to anal sex. After a while you got the idea of one way that you could finally top Justin and it was literally that. What started out as you learning that it was possible to be a celebrity and still be passive sexually turned into something much more personal. Instead of seeing Justin Timberlake get fucked, you wanted to do the fucking. For one time in your life you wanted Justin to submit to you, to be beneath you. You finally would be above Justin Timberlake. Nothing else mattered but that. Not even his love for Peter."

"How do you know all this if I didn't?"

"But you do. It's buried very deep inside you. I connected with you this morning and you're subconscious mind told me everything. Maybe now that you know, you can stop denying it and you'll have more control over yourself."

"So it was only you I was having sex with? But I imagined two people."

"Think back. You were never touched by both at once. You never gave them a chance. You were so determined to have Justin submit to you. But Nick in your mad rush to put your plan in action you were blind to the fact that what you tried to do so long ago came true. Through your talks with Justin you finally became friends. Well, until last night."

Nick clutched his head, "My god, I almost raped him. I used such force."

"It was a bit much but it didn't last long. I'm not very sore at all this morning though I thought I might be."

"Shit, Hugh, I did that to you. You've been so nice and understanding and look how I repay it. And Justin, he really cared. . ." Nick hung his head. "What a fucked up human being I turned out to be."

Hugh put his hand on Nick's shoulder. "You're feeling regret. That makes you very human. Maybe now you can change for the better if you can learn to control your ego."

"If it wasn't for my blasted girlfriend. . ."

"She's not totally to blame. She's just a little misguided. To her sex is everything. Both of you haven't felt the feeling of love. That makes sex even better. But you have to have respect for others as well. Believe it or not, not everyone wants to have sex with Nick Carter. I'm sure Peter and Justin will forgive you in time."

"I doubt if I ever will." Nick looked up at Hugh. "I suppose you'll be leaving soon."

Hugh saw the pain in Nick's aura. "I have nowhere to be and if I can still be of help."

"Not for sex or listening." Nick looked at the floor. "I just don't want to be alone right now. If you would stay?" Nick looked up at Hugh. "I'd appreciate it. Please?"

Hugh smiled and patted Nick's shoulder. "Nick Carter, vulnerable and asking for help? How can I refuse? It's a good start, Nick."

Nick paused. "Is sex really better when you love someone?"

"Nick, it was in front of you last night. Didn't you see how much attention they were giving each other?"

"Yes, Peter hardly took his eyes off of Justin. It was like he had to keep watching him. Why?"

"The lover's connection. They are so into each other both physically and mentally that watching the other partner only enhances sex."

Nick bowed his head. "It is so beyond me."

"Give it time, Nick. You have a lot to unlearn. And when you get there you will find out just how wonderful it is."

"Wonderful?" Nick breathed. "Just think what that might be like."

JC watched Lance blush with pleasure and close his eyes. His lips parted in a sigh of joy. This sent a thrill through JC adding to the sensation of his cock sliding into Lance and his ass clamped around the shaft.

"Josh, I love to feel you in me."

"I love to be in you, Lance. You feel so good."

Lance starting bouncing. The familiar whimpering started. Damn, that turned JC on. Lance's responses added so much to their sex.

Lance's eyes opened. Those green pools looking deep into JC's blues ones. He leaned down and they kissed.

JC wrapped his arms around Lance. He thrust with his hips and Lance whimpered more. Lance pulled back but only a little way. They didn't want to loose eye contact. JC sank in deeper.

"God, Josh, you do me so good."

"I love you, Lance."

Lance couldn't resist. Their lips met with passion.

JC thrilled to Lance's muffled whimpers as they got louder and louder.

Finally for lack of air they parted. Lance held JC tight. He's head close to JC's ear. His bouncing matched JC's thrusting hips.

"Oh, Josh, oh, Josh."

"You're so beautiful, Lance."

"You make me beautiful." Another thrust. "I love this, JC."

JC thrust harder. Lance's whimpers went up a notch.

"Oh, oh, oh!" Lance looked back down at JC's face. "I love you so much, Josh." JC's cock hit just the right place. Lance's head fell back blushing red with pleasure. "Oh, fuck me, Josh."

Lance straightened up. JC ran his hands over Lance's beautiful body. Lance swayed with each bounce. JC knew Lance was getting close. Still swaying with his eyes closed Lance reached down and began stroking his cock. The whimpers rose in pitch.

As Lance's passion rose so did JC's. The two of them were too connected for it not to. They had almost got down cumming together. And when that happened it was so wonderful. An explosive connection of two bodies and minds.

Lance leaned back further. JC's cock sank in even deeper. Lance was sent into complete bliss.

"Josh, make me cum. Fuck the cum out of me. Oh, Josh!"

Lance's ass clamped tight around JC's cock as his climax hit.

JC watched the threads of white shoot from Lance's cock. They splattered hot against JC's skin. This pushed JC over the edge.

"Oh gawd!!!" There was one last thrust.

Lance felt JC's cock twitch and throb inside him. This sent a wave of excitement through him. His cock shot a string of cum onto JC's chin.

JC watched the cum fly. Damn, Lance was turned on! This intensified his own organism. JC's cock still convulsed and pulsed as it filled Lance with his cum.

Finally with both of them spent Lance collapsed on top of JC. Then still panting they kissed. After a moment Lance stretched out along JC's side.

"Thanks, Josh. I needed that."

"For my lover, anything."

Lance handed JC the wash cloth.

JC cleaned himself off. "You almost got me in the eye that time."

Lance snuggled close. "What can I say? You really hit the spot."

After discarding the wash cloth they lay together side by side.

JC lightly brushed his fingers over Lance's cheek. Lance looked up. JC's blue eyes just looked at him.


JC gave a heartfelt sigh, "You make me so happy, Lance."

Lance chuckled, "It's just my little bubble butt."

"Now look who's joking when I'm trying to be serious. It is not just the sex. You make my life so. . .Without you I'd. . . This last year has been so . . ." JC got flustered.

Lance leaned in and kissed JC. "I know, JC. I feel the same. It's just difficult to find the words." Lance laid his head on JC's chest. "A few moments ago you said everything just right."

"But it is more than that. Sometimes just seeing you makes me feel so, damn it, I can't describe it."

"Then stop trying. There is a way you can show me remember?"

In a few moments Lance helped JC out of his body. They were floating over their bed.

Lance watched as JC now a beautiful brilliant blue with love reached out for him. They touched.

Lance saw JC's view point. He was watching Lance sleeping then Lance was sitting on the couch reading a book then coming back through the door after taking out the garbage. Lance felt the joy and contentment JC felt just by Lance's presence.

Then the scene changed. There were taunts and teasing. The kids were young so it must have been JC's growing up. JC thought of himself as thin and clumsy but he made up for it because he could dance. But Lance could feel the aching loneliness. Then there were flashes of NSYNC's earlier days of the months they spent together bonding into a group. Then Lance saw JC's glances at him and a growing feeling of wanting to be near Lance then that wonderful day when they finally dared reach for a kiss. The images flashed faster now. But they weren't sex scenes they were just JC holding Lance and cuddling. Lance felt how wonderful it was for JC to hold him in his arms. Even when they were just sitting together Lance felt JC's joy.

JC pulled back. "Now you know."

Lance was glowing so blue. "I feel the same way, Josh."

"I know. I felt it."

JC had felt more than that. He too had felt Lance's loneliness and the joy as they had found each other. All those lonely days were gone. They relished their love for each other. Together they were one.

"Come on. There's a full moon out tonight. Let's take a quick spin before we go back."

They floated out of the room.

JC opened his eyes. The sensation was slightly different less intense. Maybe because they had 'calmed down' before they had regained their bodies there was no climax. He didn't mind. He had the warmth of Lance curled up beside him.

To think in less than a month they would vow their lifelong love in front of friends, family and God. The God who had blessed JC with this man he was holding in his arms. Then he felt something warm and wet on his chest.


Lance wiped his eyes. "I'm okay. Thank you for showing me that JC." Lance stretched an arm across JC's and placed a kiss on his bare chest. "I love you, Josh." Lance lay back.

JC held Lance closer as Lance wept his happy tears. "You're love has given me a life I never thought I'd have, Lance." JC found himself blinking back his own tears, "I'll always love you, Lance. Always."

End Part 51B

Was it worth the wait? Go ahead let me have it. I can take it! Next time "The Rev. Welk's Showdown". I know so many have worried about it. At last you will know.

Better get on to writing though. I've tested you reader's patience too much on this last part. I humbly get down on my knees and . . . NOT FOR THAT! Well, I'm game. . .I am SO lonely. Never mind. Where was I? Oh, I humbly submit my apology. I'll never write that slow again.

As always I'd be pleased to hear from you. It greases the pumps. No, I didn't mean it that way either! Whatever I hope to hear from you.

Until Part 52, happy reading!

Next: Chapter 53

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