Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Nov 18, 2004


Here we go on part 52.

This is another long winded thing so straight (I bet your pardon) to the CYB stuff.

This is a work of FICTION. This does NOT depict real life. The author has no knowledge of the celebrities' lives described in this story. The author has no knowledge of the sexual orientations of the characters based of real people and does not mean to say this is fact. This is FICTION people! Pure Bullshit!

There will be graphic descriptions of gay sex. So if you are underage or find such things objectionable stop reading now and I do mean NOW!!

For all others on you go and I hope you enjoy it.

Part 52

Lance sent the plate of food in front of JC. "I think you're going to look handsome in your new tux." Lance paused. "Is it bad luck in our case if the groom sees the other groom before the ceremony?"

"If this was a regular wedding it is supposed to be bad luck if the groom sees the bride's gown before the ceremony. We don't have a bride."

Lance went to get his plate. "Come off it, JC. Everyone knows that I am the bride." Lance limped his wrist. "I'm the more fem one."

"Stop it, Lance. I don't like it when you talk like that."

Lance smiled. "I don't mind," he sat down at the table with his plate, "No matter how I act I am still getting Joshua Chasez for a husband and that makes up for a LOT of things."

"You're more of a man than a lot of people I know."

"And more of a women then they'll ever get."

JC looked hurt. "Please, stop it. I don't like it when you put yourself down."

"I'm just joking. I don't really believe it."

JC raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, a little. But I'd rather put myself down before someone else does."

"That was Peter's trick and look where it got him."

"Yeah, a weekend at a beach house with two Boyband Blonds. And your point is?"

"Okay, Peter's made progress and I am happy for him. Just go easy on yourself," JC patted Lance's hand, "For me."


They ate in silence for a while.

"Well, it's almost official. The tuxes are in the works."

"Yeah," JC didn't look up.

"Yeah? The wedding is getting closer and this really drives home the point and all you can say is 'yeah'?"

JC looked up. "It was just. . . Oh, never mind," he went back to eating.

"JC, what is it?"

JC sighed, "The tailor you got seemed to keep you strutting around in your underwear for a long time."

"JC," Lance chided. "Our tuxes are being tailor made. They have to make sure that they fit."

"Well, he measured you enough. That measuring tape was on your ass more than I have been."

"If I knew it would have affected you so much I wouldn't have chosen a gay tailor. I just wanted to support gay owned businesses."

"It's not that."

"Besides I asked that the pants to be slightly snug." Lance grinned. "I want people to know why you are marrying me."

"I am not marrying you just for your asset. I love you as a whole."

Lance laughed. "A hole? That narrows it down."

"As a whole person, I mean, it's up front that counts."

Lance glanced down at his crotch. "You love me when I'm an upstanding citizen."

JC was flustered, "You know what I mean. Besides, you're supposed to be marrying me not showing off for the guests."

"I want to look my best." Lance blushed slightly, "Especially for you." Lance grinned. "I want my tux to last only 2 seconds after our honeymoon suite door closes."

"At these costs I am not going to rip it off of you."

Lance frowned. "Damn."

JC smiled. "Thanks for the thought though. And okay, maybe I was a little jealous of the tailor."

"And what about you? Every time I looked up he had his hands around your waist."

"He was measuring me for my cummerbund."

"JC, we're not going to wear a cummerbund."

"Well, it comes with the tux. So he said."

"JC," Lance kidded.

"Every time I looked over the tailor was at your feet. What was he trying to be a crotch cam?"

Lance got snooty. "I'll have you know he was measuring me for my socks."

JC clicked his tongue. "Lance, they don't have to measure you for socks." JC looked up to find Lance smirking at him. "Oh," JC said sheepishly, "You were joking."

"Come off it, JC. They were just doing their job. You," Lance raised his hand, "And I will confess I too just read things into it."

JC started to chuckle. "Why is it we can't deal with any gay men without thinking they're hitting on us?"

"Part protecting our mate and part pure vanity," Lance chuckled. "Peter never has to worry about that. He wouldn't even believe it."

"Well, he has Justin now."

"Yeah." Lance thought for a bit. "I wonder how their weekend is going."

"Are there any movies you care to see?"

Peter sat on the couch doing crossword. "I'm quite content here."

"Shopping? We need to get a gift for JC and Lance."

"There is more than enough time yet before the day of the ceremony."

"Would you like to hit the clubs?"

"You want to be seen with me in a bar just the two of us?"

"Oh," Justin frowned. "You're probably right." Justin started pacing. He stopped. "How about a swim?" Justin leered at Peter. "We could skinny dip."

Peter laughed. "You are such a mover and shaker aren't you? You always have to be doing something."

"But you wanted to spend time together."

"And we are."

Justin was pacing again. "But we're not doing anything."

"Sure we are. You were talking and I was listening. I like finding out about your life and thoughts."

"Oh, really?" Justin flopped on the couch next to Peter. He eyed the crossword puzzle. It was almost totally blank and Peter had been working on it for some time. "Must be a real tough one."

"It is. But I like them tough."

"Hm, let's see if I can get one. Eleven down. Four letters, `A slight cut or scrape causing irritation'," Justin read. "I know, nick."


"The answer."

"There is no eleven down."

"It's what you are thinking about isn't it? About what happened with Nick."

"We don't know what happened to Nick. Only what Hugh told us."

"You've trusted Hugh before."

"So have you." Peter dropped his hands to his lap. "I just can't believe Nick would do or wish to do something like this. I know he called you Mr. Ego but he saw that you had changed. It seems so beyond him."

"Tell me about it. We had many conversations about being BI and what sex with men felt like and the mental side of it. I was really starting to get close to Nick. I guess I could say we were becoming friends."

"Then why do you believe this?"

"Because of what Hugh said he felt."

Peter couldn't believe he was saying this. "Maybe Hugh was wrong."

"I was not wrong," Hugh rose from his chair. "Do we have to keep going over this? I know what I saw in Nick's mind when I connected with him that morning after. There was all the jealousy and the need to feel he had a power over Justin for once. It was easy to see"

Peter looked away. He didn't know what to say.

The rest of NSYNC returned from the kitchen. They sensed the mood in the room.

"Screw this, Joey, let's go home. They're on the Nick thing again."

"Okay, okay," Peter put his hands up. "Its game night we're supposed to be having fun."

"Good." Joey walked to the table and grabbed a handful of potato chips. "Serious topics give me indigestion."

"Nothing gives you indigestion." Chris quipped.

They settled into playing cards.

"Excuse me, Hugh," Justin said softly, "But didn't you say in your "drunken" warning to us that Nick was suddenly closed to you? You couldn't see what he was intending to do. Why did you see it after but not before?"

Chris made an irritated clicking noise with his tongue.

"After it was over Nick didn't need to hide it. His plan had worked. His defenses were down."

"Then why involve you?" Justin asked.

Chris threw his cards on the table. "Sweet, jesus. Can't you let it rest?"

Hugh turned to Justin and nodded at Chris. "You told them about what happened?"

"They had to," Joey replied. "We could see how upset they were and we wanted to know if there was anything we could do. We wouldn't take 'no' for an answer."

"They told us every Backstreet backstabbing detail."

"Chris," came the usual warning voice.

Chris pointed his finger, "Don't start, JC, you feel the same way."

Lance stood up. "I'll just refresh the snacks." He picked up an almost full bowl of chips and the barely touched dip and went into the kitchen.

JC stood up, "I'd better help." He followed Lance.

"Lance is very bothered by this," Joey said.

Hugh sighed, "I don't blame him. It was a surprise all around."

"That's what makes me doubt we have the whole picture." Peter said sharply.

"Okay," Joey dropped his cards, "Let's lay all our cards on the table."

Chris elbowed Joey, "Hey, I make the jokes."

Joey ignored Chris. "Let's really think this thing through. Then we can put it behind us."

"Was that a gay reference?" Chris quipped.

Justin started with Hugh. "Why involve you? Why allow you there to mess up his plan?" Justin shook his head. "He wanted Peter and me to be alone with him and yet he invited you."

Hugh smirked, "Well, I can insinuate myself into places if I want to."

Peter asked. "Did Nick talk to you about anything personal?"

"Sure, all about his discomforts with his sexuality and being a celebrity. He even talked at great length about how inspired he was by you and Justin."

Peter was surprised. "Not just Justin?"

Hugh shook his head, "No, it was about you as a couple."

"And you didn't sense anything lurking in the shadows, so to speak?" asked Joey.

"No, Nick was quite sincere."

"Then why get yourself invited?"

"There was something underneath that I sensed."

"But you just said Nick was very sincere."

Hugh turned to Justin. "I know but I just wanted to be there. I can't explain it. I felt a danger to you."

Peter whipped around. "Just Justin?"

"Yes, I believe so."

Peter turned away thinking.

"I don't know why I have to keep going through this." Hugh looked down. "It was painful enough to feel the jealousy in Nick's mind as he had sex with me. No one has ever fooled me like Nick. I thought I was getting through to him."

Chris grabbed a pencil and made a note on the score pad. "I just want to write down the facts. First, you and Justin both had heartfelt talks with Nick and you both trusted Nick."

Hugh nodded and Justin said, "Agreed."

Joey put in, "Hugh, you said that Nick was inspired by Justin and Peter as a couple."


"Sorry, Chris," Joey said, "I didn't know it was your show." He gestured, "Proceed."

Chris looked serious. "You said that Nick was inspired by Justin and Peter as a couple," he repeated.

Hugh shook his head slightly before answering. "He said he was quite taken with how Justin could so easily give himself to another man."

"That's a yes." Chris made a note and sat back. "Now on that night he tried to get you drunk and out of the way and you felt danger to just Justin but not Peter."

"I don't see why. . .?"

"Just answer the question."

"Chris," Joey gave him a nudge, "Don't get carried away."

Peter began "Hugh? Oh," He bowed slightly, "If I may, Chris?"

Chris gestured. "Proceed."

"That night as his plans progressed Nick's mind grew closed in and you couldn't read him. Well, none of us could. Then the next morning you connected and all was revealed. But you said Nick didn't even know about how jealous he was of Justin. How could such a deep feeling be hidden from everyone especially Nick?"

"Well. . ." Hugh began.

Chris leapt in. "I take it that you didn't have to probe too deep to find the answers?"

High nodded. "No, it was very easy. I don't know why I didn't see a hint of it before."

Peter turned his eyes filled with excitement. "What if you weren't meant to see it until after it was all over?"

"So Nick wouldn't give anything away?"

"There was a crime committed. Nick's revealing his jealousy afterwards was the smoking gun. A criminal always tries to hide his motive."

Justin shook his head. "Peter, I'm not letting you watch any more `Murder, She Wrote'."

Joey looked thoughtful. "Now I'm not up on all this astral stuff but what about Kevin?"

"Why would Kevin be involved?"

"No, not involved with this. I was thinking back when Peter helped Kevin over his emotional crisis. His depression didn't come from him. It was someone else's influence and Peter didn't sense that. Maybe something like that is happening to Nick."

Joey looked around at the silent gaping faces. He began to feel embarrassed, "Sorry I said anything. It was a dumb idea."

Hugh nodded at Joey. "You know he may be right. I never thought of anyone but Nick."

"It would explain a lot." Peter added.

"Especially Nick's out of character behavior."

"If he was being controlled we wouldn't sense his mind."

Chris slapped Joey on the back, "Lance, bring those snacks quickly." He put an arm around Joey. "We mustn't let my main man's brain to run out of fuel."

"You mean I was right?" Joey grinned. "Kick ass!"

"But if someone is influencing Nick who could it be?" Justin asked.

Hugh put his hand on Justin's shoulder. "Justin, you will not like this but there is only one person we can get answers from. We must go and see Nick."

"Never!" Justin snapped. "I don't want to see him again."

"I don't' blame you. But I am starting to think we don't have the true picture. I think now that Nick was really sincere. He IS sorry for what he did." Hugh said. "I never saw a more contrite man."

Justin crossed his arms. "I don't believe you."

Peter got an idea. "Then call someone you do believe."


"Hi, Kevin, it's Justin."

Kevin's voice blasted from the receiver. "What the hell did you do to Nick?! You and Peter were supposed to help him and now he`s more depressed than ever! He's shut himself up in his house and refuses to even talk to anybody."

They watched as Justin got a severe tongue lashing. Justin finally hung up the phone.

He looked very contrite. "Okay, I agree. We'd better go see Nick."

Joey got to his feet, "And that means all of us."

"But Nick isn't seeing anybody."

"I know we heard. Half of Orlando heard." Chris said. "But we are not just anybody."

Lance stood up. "We need to get this cleared up for everybody's sake."

Nick went to the door. He hesitated then pulled the door open. His girlfriend swept him into her arms. She pushed the door closed with her foot.

"I am so glad you called. But you're back early. I thought once you broke through to Justin you'd spend the whole weekend in bed. Just the two of you."

"Three," Nick corrected.

"Of course, three. I know Justin is your favorite so I forgot about Peter." She stood back excited. "So how did it go? How was he? I mean them. They did let you fuck them."

Nick turned away and walked to the living room. "Oh, they were very accommodating and so willing to give me a show. They wanted so much to help me come to terms with my sexuality." He flopped into a chair.

"So tell me what happened." She sat on the couch. "Is Justin as hung as I've heard?" She frowned, "Did it hurt too much? I knew I should have gotten you used to taking big dicks. I'm sorry, I didn't plan for that."

Nick slapped the armrest. He rose to his feet. "Nothing happened. I watched from the house and jacked off. That was it."

She looked shocked. "That was it?!"

"I couldn't do it. They're in a relationship."

"But it is just sex."

"Not to them. It could have driven them apart and I would be to blame."

She stood up. "So you didn't even have sex with them?"

Nick hung his head. "No."

"After all that I did," her voice grew in anger. "All the time I took wasted."

It was Nick's turn to be puzzled. "All the time?"

"I taught you everything. I took care and was patient. I was leading you to this moment and you failed." She sneered, "Nick Carter, blond bombshell and stud. He can have sex with any person in the world and he caved in because his conscience pricked a bit."

Nick looked crestfallen. "What are you saying?"

"All it took was a simple seduction job. You could have made up for all the time I," She paused. She sneered again. "I thought you were a man. A man who wasn't afraid to have sex with another man. But I was wrong. What a fool I have been." She turned. "It's over Nick. I never want to see you again." She started for the door.

"You're leaving me because I didn't seduce Justin?"

"Of course not, it's because you didn't do what I hoped you would do. You wimped out on me. Here was the chance for you to show how sexually free you were. Even a friend could be open to sex with you. But that sick puritan logic made you stop. You're not as free as I thought you were. I give up, Nick. You had your chance." She walked toward the door.

"But there is another way. I talked to them. They might be open to something else beside me."

She stopped. "What else?"

"Well, Justin has Peter. To have sex with another man seemed like cheating. But Justin is BI so there is a possibility of sex," Nick paused. He tried to keep his voice calm, "with a woman."

His girlfriend turned slightly. "A woman?"

"Even Peter was intrigued. The idea of Justin, his lover, fucking a woman. Let's just say they never thought of it. And with a woman it would be just sex."

"They'd agree to something like that?"

"Perhaps. If you are up to it."

She turned, "Me?"

"Of course, you're the perfect choice." Nick drew close. He put his hands on her waist. "And I could watch and jerk off. Or maybe even later when they are really into it, they'd let me join in."

She grinned, "And Justin might let you fuck him."

"Just maybe if we play our cards right."

"Oh, Nick, I'm sorry for what I said. You are one hunk of a man."

They kissed.

They pulled back and Nick hugged her. "I knew you'd go for it. All we have to do is talk to Justin."

She stood back. "Talk to Justin?"

"Yeah, once he meets you am I sure he will agree."

"Meets me?"

"Why sure. They're not going to have sex with a complete stranger."

"Ah ha, no."

"Something wrong?"

"No, it was just that this is a complete surprise."

"But this isn't the surprise. The surprise is that Justin and Peter are on their way over here."

She paled, "What? Now? Tonight?"

"Sure. You're always ready for sex, you've said so."

She back away toward the door. "I'm sorry. I've just remembered I have something I need to do."

"But they'll be here soon."

"Not tonight, Nick, I have a headache."

Nick smirked. "Oh, please."

"I got carried away. Now that I have thought about it I can't do it. Nick, I can't meet them I just can't. I`d be so nervous."

Nick stepped close, "You nervous? I don't believe that."

"Please, Nick, I have to go."

A voice came from behind her. "I wouldn't hear of it. The fun is just beginning."

She spun. "Justin!"

Justin smiled at her, "So this is your girlfriend, Nick. I have heard so much about you."

She backed away.

"Please, introduce us."

"Us?" She spat. The room filled with people.

"I'm Joey."

"I'm Chris."

"I'm JC."

"I'm Lance."

"And I'm Peter."

"I'm. . .I'm. . ." She stammered.

"Valerie." Justin said.

"You were Hilary to me," Chris said, "And you had short red hair."

"I knew you as Diana," Joey said, "With long black hair.

She was looking from one to the other.

"So you have met before." Nick smirked.

"Never." She stammered.

One more person entered the room. "NSYNC had their suspicions of this new girlfriend once we got to talk to Nick. Now it seems they were right."

"Who? Who?" She stammered again at the strange man.

"Close but not quite. My name is Hugh. And I am honored to meet at last the first person who has ever completely fooled me and a female yet. That probably had something to do with it." Hugh took her hand and kissed it.

She was totally confused.

"Now we know the truth."

"What truth?" She said.

Joey stepped forward. "She is a fan beyond fans and a groupie beyond groupies. She'd do anything to get close to NSYNC."

"That's all over," She snapped. "I paid my time and fines."

"You were that close to a restraining order." Chris added.

She raised her hand. "I stayed away. You came here. This doesn't count. You came here and I was just leaving." She started to walk away.

Nick grabbed her elbow. "Who are you? What have you done to me?"

"I'm your girlfriend. I helped you. I opened your mind to sex. You know that. You can't hate me for that."

JC's voice was heard. "Until she found out that there was still a way to get to Justin."

"I gave Justin up long ago. This was for Nick."

"Bullshit!" Nick spat. He pointed to NSYNC. "They told me all about you."

"But how do I know what they told you is the truth?" She asked.

Justin answered her. "Years ago you weaseled your way into meeting Joey and Chris. You met Joey first and when you didn't get anywhere with him you changed your hairstyle, hair color, your name and look and went after Chris. You got closer to me but it was still no go. You tried one more blatant attempt to bed me but that failed as well. I didn't trust you."

She went to Nick and put her hand on his chest. "But it was different with you, Nick."

Nick slapped her hand away. "I don't believe you. Now I know why you never wanted to go out. You had changed your appearance and name so often you were afraid you'd be recognized and the game would be up. I was thinking with my crotch so I never got suspicious."

"No, Nick. It was true I was afraid that people would recognize me but that was because of my past. I wanted to have sex with you. You are so wonderful and willing." Her voice grew angry. "Unlike some," She glared at Justin. "Nick, you have never ever rejected my advances."

Peter gaped. "You went through all this because once in the past Justin turned you down?"

"In public." She spat.

"It was in front of one of your girlfriends it was not in public." Justin corrected.

"It may have as well been. My girlfriend tells everything."

Justin took a step forward. "You followed me to my room. You snuck passed security. You had no regard for my privacy. You just threw yourself across my door and said you wouldn't move until I agreed to have sex with you. So I called for security."

Nick's girlfriend looked confused. "But why? I'm attractive and young. Nick loves to have sex with me. Why not you?"

Justin exploded. "Because I didn't know you plus I was tired and sore. I just wanted to get some sleep. But you wouldn't take no for an answer."

"You made me look like a fool."

Joey smirked. "That's why after that you went to the press. You said that Justin was mean and abusive to you and your girlfriend and the press ate it up. That is until no real proof was found. Soon it was yesterday's news. When the story failed you tried everything to get back at Justin. Even this."

"I gave up on Justin," She said. "I really did but when Nick mentioned that Justin was with Peter." Her voice took back its angry tone. "You wouldn't fuck me but you would fuck a guy? What was I to think?"

"You weren't."

"Chris, sh," Joey hissed.

"So you saw your opportunity." Nick said. "You stressed the idea of man to man sex to me so I could play out your little revenge?"

"What little?" She snorted. "Justin being in a gay relationship wasn't good enough. But a gay affair with a Backstreet Boy that is tabloid pay dirt."

Joey growled. "So you're going for the rumor mill again."

"Do you know how long and how much shit I had to put up with because I was rejected by Justin Timberlake!"

Nick strode forward. "It wasn`t my jealousy that I felt and acted on it was it? It was yours! You made me do this!"

"I figured if you were jealous enough it would guarantee the deed so with a little hypnosis I boosted your ego and your jealousy. I even gave you the whole layout of the seduction so you had nothing else to think about but doing Justin. I thought nothing would ever stop you." She sneered at Nick. "But it didn't work. You lacked my conviction. You couldn't go through with it." Her voice took on a teasing tone. "'They're in a relationship'. Shit, you didn't learn anything from me."

Nick stormed. "You'd report this to the tabloids? Do you know what that would have done to me?"

She waved her hand. "Nonsense, I wasn't going to mention your name besides they'd think that Justin dragged you into this."

Nick spat back, "You used me. I thought you really cared."

"I do, Nick. I just couldn't pass up the chance."

There was a loud slap. Everyone in the room jumped.

"Enough of this," Hugh voice filled the room. "It's over." He looked at the girlfriend and pointed to Nick. "Remove your influence."

She shrugged. "I don't have to. After the deed was done he was told to forget."

"It didn't work because the deed wasn't done." Hugh still pointed. "Remove it."

She walked to stand in front of Nick. Their eyes met. "Please, Nick, look at me. Look deeply into. . ."

Nick only glared at her.

She turned to Hugh. "It won't work. He knows."

"Then I'll do it. But before that," Hugh looked hard at Nick's girlfriend. "You."

"Yes?" She answered suddenly very calm.

"Never again. Do you understand? You will be held accountable."

She nodded. "Agreed."

"Good." Hugh stood back and relaxed. He glanced at Nick then turned back. "You'd better go."

She shook her head as if to clear her thoughts then walked to the door and left the house without another word.

Nick pointed to the door. "You let her off with that?!"

"She'll be fine." Hugh said calmly. "She'll find she has lost the ability to hypnotize people. As for the sex part, well, I can't stop everything."

Nick pointed angrily at the door, "But. . ."

Joey crossed his arms. "And how are you going to press charges?"

Chris nudged Nick. "You're better off not prodding that tiger. Unless it is just sex then you do have her number."

Nick dropped his hands to his side. "I guess."

Hugh put his hand on Nick's shoulder. "It is over. You can keep picking at the wound or you can move on."

Nick just nodded.

Joey seemed puzzled. "I thought you couldn't hypnotize people into doing something they didn't want to do."

Chris nodded. "That's true, Joey."

"Well, if it was her jealousy inside Nick then how come Nick still acted like he did?"

Nick looked embarrassed. "Because I am jealous of Justin. In small ways I'm jealous of lots of people. Plus there is a friendly rivalry between bands."

Hugh patted Nick's shoulder. "Which she used to her advantage."

"And to put it simply," Justin puffed himself up. "You really did want to have sex with me. Let's face it. I am the hottest member of NSYNC and you are the hottest guy from Backstreet and for us to have a show-down in bed? Damn, the girl fans are wetting their jeans as we speak. Besides I have a really hot ass. Ask Peter." Justin grinning leaned close to Nick. "Believe me, I can see why you'd go so far and give everything to fuck me." Justin lowered his voice to a whisper, "And you have a really nice dick, Nick." Justin winked.

Joey had his fingers in his eyes. "I'm not hearing this. La, la, la, la."

Chris crossed his arms. "You are NOT the hottest member of NSYNC!"

Nick smirked. "Well, well, thank you Mr. Ego."

Justin dropped the act. "Listen, Nick, I know from egos and I know about jealousy. I understand, Nick." He placed his hand on Nick's arm. "We all thought that this was so unlike you. Now we know why you acted the way you did and I'm glad. I know it wasn`t entirely your fault but just to dot the "I" and cross the "T"s, I forgive you, Nick. No hard feelings."

Chris snickered, "Hard. . ."

Justin pointed, "Don`t go there, Chris."

"Damn," Chris frowned.

Nick gave an uncertain smile. "Friends?"

Justin pulled Nick into a hug. "Yes, Nick, we're still friends."

After Justin pulled back they all moved forward and gave Nick a hug.

Peter moved close to Justin. He whispered. "That ass of yours is all mine." He gave it a pat. "You offer it up again even in joking and you may force me to give you one hell of a bitch slap."

Justin grinned, "You flirt."

Peter didn`t crack a smile.

"Sorry, lover, never again."

They had finished with the hugs. "Thanks guys." Nick still was embarrassed. "I thought I had really blown it."

JC didn't turn around. "Shut up, Chris."

Chris pouted.

Nick was in earnest. "Is there anything I can do?"

"Yeah, call your band mates before they put a hit out on me." Justin said.

"First thing."

"Ah, no," Hugh said. "This comes first."

Chris snickered again.

Hugh didn't turn but pointed a finger at Chris. "Don't say it."

Chris slumped. "Even Hugh? It's not fair."

Hugh looked into Nick's eyes. Nick began to stare back. Nick started to shake and tried to turn his head.

"Don't look away. It will be all right. Trust me."

Nick stood still. Then finally Hugh broke contact.

"There it's done. All the jealousy and ego that she added to Nick has been removed."

Nick still stared into space.

"Is he all right?" asked Peter.

"It will just take a second for his brain to reshuffle things."

Peter ventured another question. "What about the sex?"

"Oh, he remembers it as it really happened. The bit about the threesome is only a dream. It will be easier on Nick."

"What about you?" Peter asked.

"Now that I know it wasn't Nick's jealousy I was sensing I ,ah, Joey," Hugh covered his ears. Joey quickly did the same. Hugh continued. "It was a little rough but Nick is one hot guy. I don't mind it now."

Justin grinned, "Oh, you go boy."

Hugh smiled.

Nick shook his head and blinked.

"How do you feel?" Hugh asked.

"Good. Great actually. So her influence is out of my mind?"

"You're back to your old horrid self."

"Chris." JC warned.

"Hey, can't friends kid friends?"

JC smiled. "Yah, I guess you're right." JC nodded toward Chris. "God help you, Nick."

Nick turned to Hugh. "I'm I still BI?"

"Nick, you are what you were before. Just because you enjoy anal sex doesn't really make you BI. But your enjoyment of having sex with men AND women. Now that makes you BI. She did awaken that in you."

"Hugh," Nick looked embarrassed again. "I'm sorry I tried to get you drunk." He hung his head.

"Forgiven. You weren't yourself. Somewhere deep inside you felt the conflict. That's why you needed to talk so much. You invited me for the same reason I accepted to make sure nothing happened. But as the scene played out I was in the way. Your girlfriend had even put that possibly in your mind. You were doing as she had instructed you to. You couldn't help yourself. She was controlling you. That is also why I, we could sense nothing about what you were doing."

Lance gave a sigh. "Well, it is over. We'd better get going. You are coming to the party?"

Nick nodded and smiled. "I'd like that. I could really use a party."


They headed toward the door.

"Ah, Hugh?"

Hugh turned back and smiled. "Don't' worry, Nick. You haven`t seen the last of me."

Nick nodded and smiled as the door shut.

For the first time in weeks Nick felt so much better. There was no more confusion and conflict in his mind. What should he do first? Call the guys. No. Suddenly he was very tired. Nick went into his bedroom.

He undressed then caught his imagine in the mirror.

"Hello, stud." Nick frowned and shook his head then laid down on the bed. He shut his eyes. He remembered what Hugh had said to him before.

"Don't worry, Nick, whether with a man or a women you'll get there."

Now with his mind finally at peace he slipped into sleep.

"Oh, my God!" Peter gaped as he looked through the window of the limo.

"It's a good turn out." Justin simply said.

"A good turnout?" Peter gasped. "I've never seen so many people."

Justin grinned at Peter. "And those are only the media and fans."

Peter sat back. "Oh, my."

Joey nudged Peter. "Don't tell me you want to stay in the car."

"No, I just didn't imagine." Peter smiled, "So many people showing their support for JC and Lance."

"And you, too." Lance added. "You're gay as well."

"This is for all gay people." JC finished.

Chris whispered, "What ever you do don't look to your right."

Everyone turned.

Chris slapped the seat. "Why doesn't anyone listen to me?"

"You tend to lie a lot." Joey teased.

"There they are." Justin said quietly.

There were people in front trying to block them but you could still see the signs. Peter couldn't read the whole sign but he got the meaning.

"I wonder which one is Reverend Welks?"

"Who the hell cares?" Chris used the word deliberately, "This is a party. Our party I may add." Chris said as the limo stopped. "Ready guys?"

The door opened. Joey, Chris, Justin and then Peter emerged. The crowd screamed. When they were a few steps away they all turned and one by one in a line extended one hand toward the limo. JC and Lance got out of the car. The screams were almost deafening. Cameras flashed and JC and Lance waved.

When they got to the door JC and Lance put their arms around each others shoulders and with one last wave entered the building.

"No kiss for your fans?" asked Chris.

JC leaned close. "Underplayed, remember what John said."

"Got it, JC."

More press surrounded them. Peter moved slightly to the side leaving NSYNC together. With the press of the press he couldn't move far. A mike was suddenly in front of him. The bright light of a camera hit him. There was a very neatly dressed woman in a blue suit.

"You arrived with NSYNC you must know them."

"We're very good friends."

"Oh, more that that surely, Peter?" She knew his name. The reporter smiled. "After all you have traveled with them. You even live with JC and Lance." That seemed to be a bit of an accusation but she went on. "And you work for their website don`t you?"

"You're up on your facts."

"Of course that's my job. What do you think of this party?"

"I think it is wonderful. Such a show of support."

"I mean isn't it a bit much for a publicity stunt?"

Peter was surprised. "A what?"

"This is to gear people up for the wedding, right?"

"No, it is not."

"Then why did they throw this party."

"Lance and JC did not throw this party their. . ."

A voice cut across Peter's answer.

"People, please, if I could have your attention."

Everyone turned. Peter saw JC and Lance's parents standing by them. As the noise abated JC's mother was the first.

"I'd like to present to you the guests of honor, my son, JC and his love, Lance. This is why we invited you here tonight. Not just for our sons but for all of the sons in the world who think they are too different to merit a mother's," She glanced at JC's father and corrected herself, "A parents' love. Forgive two mothers, sorry, a parent's. . ."

"Nah," JC's father interrupted. "This was all their idea. Look around you. This could have only been planned by two mothers."

"Who are so proud of their sons they want to show them off." She winked at her husband.

Peter smiled. That little interchange had been planned, too.

Lance's mother went next. "Thank you all for being here and showing your support. I could say more but this is supposed to be a party. So I'll just say that maybe through gatherings like this, sons like my Lance and JC will not grow up taught to hate themselves for the way God made them. And they can grow up with love, caring and understanding."

JC's father took over. He nodded to the front door. "It will take time. But I still hope for the day when kids can say to their parents, "Mom, Dad, I am gay" and we will thank them and send them off to do their homework because it's no big deal."

Lance's father finished. "I long for the day when they shout about saving our children and mean ALL of our children and not ignore the ten percent. A day when all God's children are accepted as they were created," He put his arm around Lance's shoulders. "And they can be as proud of their gay children as we are of ours."

The applause erupted. Lance and JC hugged their fathers and kissed their mothers. Lance wiped a tear away.

Lance's mother raised her arms. "And now let's party!"

"Mom!" Lance smiled pretending to be surprised.

His mother grinned. "I'm learning."

Peter turned back to the reporter trying to suppress a smirk. "Does that answer your question?"

"Ah, yes. Just one more question."

Peter kept from sighing. Leave it to him to get the negative reporter first.

"How do you feel about the people protesting outside?"

"Freedom of speech and religion. This is America."

"But you don't agree with their beliefs?"

"I doubt if you could find two people of the same religion who totally agree on every religious belief."

"What do you feel about 'love the sinner-hate the sin'?"

Peter thought for a moment. "To tell you the truth I wish they'd just 'like' us. They profess a love for gay people but they still want us to change who we are. No true loving relationship was ever survived that. Excuse me, please." Peter started to leave.

"This won't work you know. Parties like this won't make homosexuality excepted worldwide."

Peter turned. He was going to say 'We'll see' but the positive energy of the room was electrifying. He braved a different answer.

He replied. "Did you know in 300 BC there was a Greek Astronomer Aristarchus who figured out how to measure the distances to and sizes of the Sun and the Moon? Because he figured out that the Sun was so much bigger than the moon, he concluded that the Earth must revolve around the Sun. That was over a thousand years before Copernicus and Galileo were banned and silenced by the Catholic Church for telling the same truth because it went against church doctrine."

"So what?"

"It was almost two thousand years after Galileo's death when the Pope finally officially apologized and admitted that Galileo was right. This shows how slow organized religion is to change and except new scientific truths. Being gay isn't a sin but a natural part of who I am and how God made me. Oh, there can be gay sinners just as there can be heterosexual sinners but it is not our orientation that makes us sinners. Aristarchus knew the truth but no one could believe him. Copernicus and Galileo knew the truth but they were silenced by the Church. The Church can't keep us silent anymore and that scares the hell out of them." Peter fought from smiling at his joke. "Parties like this let people make up their own minds about the "truth" about gay people. It took the Vatican two thousand years to admit that Galileo was right and apologize."

The reporter was incredulous. "Do you really think the Church will ever accept homosexuality as normal?!"

"To tell you the truth I don't really care what the Church thinks. When it all comes down to it my life, whatever other people think of it, is between me and God. In the end I will be held accountable for my own life and actions. But some people love to judge others people's lives." Peter bowed slightly, "I apologize. That was a bit much. Now if you will excuse me I am dying of thirst. I'll be around if you have any more questions." With a slight bow he walked off.

Peter didn't walk far. He suddenly felt the dread bubbling up. The energy in the room was amazing but had he gone too far?

A voice came from behind Peter. "You didn't have to apologize to her. She is a reporter, you know and she was digging a little deep."

"I just didn't want to sound too arrogant." Peter turned around.

"Not at all. I think you made some valid points. I wish I could come up with answers so quick."

Peter's mouth fell open. He knew that round smiling face, those bright blue eyes and, God help him, those dimples. The man opposite Peter extended his hand.

"Hi, I'm Stephen Gately."

"Of course, you are. I have your CD plus Boyzone's Greatest Hits."

"Really? You even know about us here in the states?"

"Are you kidding? I saw Boyzone first on the Andrew Lloyd Weber Celebration. I was intrigued." Peter leaned closer, "Do you know what you get when you look up Boyzone on the internet and mistakenly put a space between boy and zone?"

Stephen laughed. "Lot's of gay porn sites. Believe me, we have heard. So you liked our style?"

"Oh, yes. I love close harmony singing. Sorry to hear Boyzone has disbanded."

"Well, we had a good run. All things have to end some time. And a lot of the guys wanted to try going solo."

"You did and that's why I bought your album. I loved it. 'New Beginning' is such a gay anthem."

"And my looks had nothing to do with it?"

"Okay, I did sort of hope there'd be nice photos. But you had officially came out and I thought damn, cute and gay and talented. You had a boyfriend which is okay. I like the fact that you had someone special. He was in another rock group, right? You two must have so much in common."

"Ah," Stephen shifted uneasily, "Actually, we broke up some time ago."

Peter's face fell. "Oh, I am sorry."

Stephen shrugged. "He was away touring then I was away touring. Two musicians in love is a tough way to go."

Peter couldn't help but smile. "Some musicians."

"Well, Lance and JC are in the same group. They always travel together. That helps."

"So what brought you here?"

Stephen smiled. Damn, those dimples. "I was in the neighborhood."

"What? There is an ocean between us."

"Not between friends of the family. Actually I heard of this party and wanted to come. I went to management and offered my professional services. They agreed so I am here to sing `No Matter What'."

"Now that's dedication for you."

"No, no. I am here to sing `No Matter What' the song."

"Sorry. Damn I'm doing it again."

Stephen looked puzzled. "Doing what?"

"I am always apologizing."

"Well, at least you're polite. It is sort of refreshing."

A well known voice came from behind Peter. "Well you don't have to be around him so much. It can be very annoying." It was Chris.

Joey said. "Peter, have you been holding out on us. You know this artist?"

"Of course, I do. Joey, Chris this is Stephen Gately. He is, ah, was a part of a group called `Boyzone' very big across the ocean. Oh, he is openly gay."

Chris smirked. "Of course, what else would he be? God save the queen."

Joey elbowed Chris. "Stop it, Chris. He might find that insulting."

"I'm just joking. Besides being gay and from England he must get queen jokes all the time."

Stephen replied calmly. "Actually I am Irish."

"Oh, then genie, I rish you were English."

Joey whispered. "Chris, there are reporters all around. They may hear you."

"Sorry, love." Chris kissed the air.

"And none of that either."

"Joey," Chris batted his eyes, "You are such a tease."

Peter shook his head with embarrassment. "Stephen, they are not 'family' as much as they like teasing each other about it."

"We're straight but not narrow," Joey added.

"Oh," Peter seemed to remember something. "You do know Joey and Chris?"

"Of, course," Stephen smirked. "They're the sexiest members of NSYNC."

Chris just beamed. "And we know all about Stephen, the most observant member of Boyzone." He nudged Peter. "We ARE in the same business you know." Chris leaned in to Stephen and nodded to Peter. "You have to excuse him, a newbie you know. And thank you for the compliment not many people can see the truth. I do have a girlfriend just so you know but thanks all the same."

Joey pulled Chris back from Stephen. "So you came here just to party."

Peter blurted out. "Stephen's going to perform."


"It will be very strange." Stephen replied. "I've never sung 'No Matter What' solo before."

"No problem," Chris said. "I know just the backup group. They're very good at close harmony singing."

Peter saw Brian and AJ of Backstreet waving. "Please, excuse me a minute." He went to see Backstreet.

"It's great to see you guys. Are all of you here?"

AJ nodded. "They're around somewhere. We`re performing."

"You, too? And Nick?" Peter asked softly.

"Back to his old self." Brian patted Peter's shoulder. "Thanks to you."

"Oh, don't just thank me. A lot of people helped including Nick. Ah, did he tell you what the problem was?"

"Some of it." AJ replied. "Some of it he said is personal and we won't pry. But he is happy again and that is all that matters."

Brian shook his head. "Girlfriends. Sometimes the screwing you're getting isn't worth the screwing you're getting."

"Sh!" AJ whispered. "Reporters."

"And Kevin and Howie?"

"Still together." AJ answered. "And you'll like this, Nick, Brian and I are going to talk to them and tell them they have our complete support if they choose to come out."

"You're kidding!" It came out too loud. Peter cringed and looked around them. No one seemed to hear. "That's wonderful."

"Well, it hasn't gone badly for Lance and JC. And if we are going to keep the rivalry between our two groups we need to even the playing field."

Brian added, "Plus it can't be easy being in a secret relationship. We just want them to be happy."

Peter held his finger to his lips. "I won't say a word." He glanced over his shoulder. "I should be getting back."

Brian glanced at Stephen. "I don't blame you. He's cute."

"Oh, don't you two start."

Brian and AJ laughed. "Go on. We'll see you later."

Stephen asked Chris. "You know of a back up group? Who?"

Chris slapped his then Joey's shoulder. "Us."

"Put you're only two."

"Don't worry, we'll get the others together."

"You know the song?" Stephen asked.


Stephen raised an eyebrow.

Chris confessed. "Okay, not by heart but with a couple run-throughs we'll be fine."

"But it is sort of an imposition," Joey started to say, "To have the hosts sing at their own party."

"So we'll just get Justin."

"We're still one short."

Chris looked around. Peter was chatting with Backstreet.

"How about Peter?" Chris asked.

"Why not?" Joey said. "He does have a voice."

"Okay, I'm game." Stephen said.

"That's 'gay'." Chris corrected.

"Chris." Joey snapped.

"Okay, okay. Hey, Peter."

Peter was walking back. "What?"

"You're needed."

"On what?"

"You'll see. Come on we need to find Justin."

"You have got to be kidding!"

"Why not, Peter?" Joey said. "We've heard you sing. You're not doing a solo just harmony with us."

"I've never performed before."

"Nonsense." Justin said. "You sang along with us on `This I Promise You' when we brought you on stage."

"But I didn't know I was singing. Or actually I didn't know people could hear me."

"Come on, Peter." Justin moved close. "It is for JC and Lance."

Stephen added. "You did say you liked the song. We, I need you."

Peter looked from face to face all eagerly waiting for his reply. As much as he was uncertain with the idea was sort of exciting. "Oh, okay. I'll do it."

"Great. Now here's what we will do."

JC looked concerned, "You okay, Lance?"

"I am wonderful." Lance finished off his drink.


"Non-alcoholic, JC. I know better. But I am intoxicated anyway. There are so many people here."

JC pulled Lance to him. "I know.

Cameras flashed again.

"Just one more. Smile. Look at each other. Good. Great."

The photographers dispersed into the crowd. The female reporter stepped up to Lance and JC with her cameraman. She held out the mike.

"This is some night don`t you think?"

Lance was beaming. "There is such love and support in the room. I haven't felt this welcomed since we visited Peter's church."

"You were accepted at a church?" She seemed surprised.

"It has mainly a GLBT congregation."

"Oh, I see." She replied.

"It was so personally affirming for a church." Lance felt JC's hand squeeze his arm. Just a quick glance at JC and Lance saw the warning look. He turned to the reporter. No, this wasn't a supporter. Lance's mood sank a little.

The reporter waved at the room. "What is all this supposed to do?"

"All this?" JC asked. "Nothing more than a few friends showing their support for Lance and me and GLBT people in general."

"You call this a few friends?" She snapped looking about the room.

JC couldn't help but smile. So she saw the numbers of the opposition. He replied, "On the worldwide perspective this is just a few friends."

"Some of them don't even know you."

"But they know the emotion and can relate or they just want to be affirming."

"What do you really want to accomplish with this party?"

"Accomplish? We didn't even ask for this." Lance said.

"So your mothers just decided to throw their two gay sons a party."

Lance answered. "They wanted to show us that there were people beyond our families and friends who wanted to show their support of who we are and what we are doing."

"And what about the Bible?"

JC bristled but Lance looked very calm.

"What about it?"

"Lance, you were raised Baptist."

He nodded.

"Can your parents really accept you and JC?"

"They had a real tough time about it. I was their son but I was gay, the abomination. How could they go against all that they were taught? But maternal love won out. She found out that what she was taught was wrong not me."

JC nodded. "We are not evil people. We just love differently."

"And what about the Bible?"

"That again?"

"Can they and you dismiss it so easily?"

"Dismiss it?" Lance shot back. "I have great respect for the Bible. It is the cornerstone of civilization. It is a great source of moral and spiritual guidance. Some favorite verses of mine are Love your neighbor as yourself, 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, Do onto others as you'd like them to do onto you' and `Judge not lest you'll be judged'.

My God is truly a loving and forgiving Father. We are all his children and despite how badly we act to him and to each other he loves us all no matter what unconditionally. That is the message of the Bible and too many people, if I may change the old adage, can't see the message for the words'. I read the Bible to learn how I can live my life and how I should treat others."

JC added. "We just want to make the world a little better."

The reporter snorted.

JC took Lance's arm. "Come on, I need to rest my feet."

They started to walk off. Lance stopped and turned.

"You think this party is part of a gay agenda. Why? Everyone knows JC and I are gay. They know that we are going to have a commitment ceremony. What more do we have to prove? Are we trying for acceptance? We are accepted by the people that we love and that is enough for us."

The reporter turned away trying to be rude.

Lance spat. "Maybe there's a Religious Right Agenda."


Lance calmed himself. "I do apologize. That was uncalled for. Forgive me."

The reporter was surprised. Two apologies in one night. She nodded.

As they started away again Lance turned again.

"I think the problem is that instead of looking to the Bible as a guide and for comfort some people just look for confirmations for their own opinions and motives, agenda's if you will. And I am forced to wonder, which of the two will please God more?"

JC pulled at Lance's arm. "Come on, Lance."

"Excuse us, please."

They entered the `press-free' room.

Peter and Justin were already there. A couple exited past JC and Lance and they found themselves alone in the room.

"Tired out already?" JC smiled knowingly.

"Just a breather." Justin replied. They didn't mention they had been rehearsing.

Peter had his head laid back on the couch. "I don't know how you guys do it. All those questions and flashes going off, it's very annoying."

"Comes with. . ." Started JC.

"The job," They all finished.

"I thought the reporters would all be on our side." Peter said. "The first one I got was a real doozy."

JC sat down. "You mean the female with the blue suit?"

"That's her."

JC laughed. "We got her too but Lance pinned her ears back."

Peter frowned, "Lance, I'm surprised at you and to a lady even." he teased.

"Well, she brought out the mean little queen in me so I let her have it."

JC put his arm around Lance. "That's my lover. We left her just standing speechless. I was so proud."

Joey and Chris came in. Chris was spouting off.

"So I told her yes, the Bible is the most powerful of books filled with so many laws that anyone can find guidance. Slavery, the domination of woman, segregation, war, anti-Semitism, religious persecution and even the end of the world by nuclear war have all been `approved' by citing verses in the Bible. Yes, the Bible is a very powerful book. Too bad the feeble human mind is the only thing God gave us to use to interpret it."

Joey patted Chris's shoulder. "Spoken from true experience."

They had not even sat down when John burst into the room.

"There you are and together, good. I just got word that Welks has sent his own reporter here. So be on your guard."

Chris flopped onto a couch. "Sorry, John that's old news."

"You've seen her?"

"And been backed up against the fence by her," JC added.

"And?" John asked hopefully.

Justin replied. "We were calm and respectful. We made our point and moved on."

"And Chris?"

"Why pick on me?"

"Because I know you. Well?"

Chris moved his hand in a horizontal motion. "I was so smooooth."

John sighed. "Good. We don't want to irritate the enemy." There was a beeping. John looked at his pager. "I've got to go see to the entertainment." He headed for the door then stopped like he just remembered something. "Enjoying yourselves?"

Lance nodded. "Yeah, John, it's great."

"Good." Then John was gone.

Chris shrugged, "Well at least he asked."

"John is very busy." JC explained.

Lance wanted to change the subject. "So what about you, Peter? Enjoying yourself?"

"Are you kidding? There are more stars here than there is in the night sky. I've seen Whoopi Goldberg, Billy Crystal, Rubert Everett, Sir Ian McKellen, Ellen DeGenerese, and more people I recognize but don't remember their names. Oh, and I got to chat a little with Greg Louganis. He was gotten so ruggedly handsome. You'd never know he has been fighting AIDS for so long."

Justin added. "He does look good and I'll try not to be too jealous that he is so 'ruggedly handsome'."

Peter patted Justin's knee. "Don't worry, you're the only one for me. I told you I don`t like older men."

Justin grinned. "Hm, but I sure do." He leaned in for a kiss.

"Nix!" Joey hissed as the door opened.

Justin sat up as the two people entered. It was Nick from 98 Degrees and his girlfriend Jessica.

"Don't mind us." They sat down at one corner of the room.

Joey tried to get the conversation started again.

"So you have had good experiences with the reporters except the female in blue?"

"Oh, sure," Lance replied. "So many told us that what JC and I are doing is so important for the future gay generations."

"And not just on them," JC added. "We were told that we are changing people's minds about what gay people are really like. I don't know. I thought this was just a party and not a world shaking event."

Chris nodded to the front door. "Just look outside if you don't believe that. That's why Welks' people are there because you are changing the world and they don't like it."

"Well, they certainly wouldn't like it in here and probably didn`t like what I said to their reporter." Lance said. "But it was the energy in the room. I was strengthened by it." Lance explained. "All those people showing support." Lance sighed. His face fell. "If only the atmosphere in here could be felt out there." He nodded at the door. "I'm sure we could turn a few of them around."

"Like your parents?" Peter said.

Lance got an idea. "Yeah, like my parents. Peter, do you think we could do that?"

"Do what?"

"Project and pour our love down on them. It has worked before."

"They are so many of them."

"But there are five of us now. There's Chris and you and Justin and JC and me. That should make some impression."

"But where could we project from without being disturbed?" JC wasn't even going to protest. Lance was too far gone to do that besides JC sort of liked the idea.

"We could find a secluded room preferably with a lock on the door."

"You and JC stay here, Lance." Justin said. He nodded at Peter. "We'll go look."

They headed off.

Peter was going through the back halls trying to find a vacant room where they could be undisturbed as they projected. He opened a door.

He recognized Drew from 98 Degrees. His shirt hung open and his pants were down. Someone was kneeling before him giving Drew a blowjob.

Drew looked up as the door opened.

"Oops, sorry." Peter blushed, "Keep it up, ah, I mean, don't mind me."

The person in front of Drew turned to Peter. Peter recognized the rap artist. He was the last person Peter expected to be giving a blow job. The guy gave Peter a quick glance up and down.

"Why don't you join us?" He grinned at Peter.

"Sorry." Peter was apologizing again. "I'm not musical." He shut the door.

Peter mind reeled at who he had seen. Now he was suddenly hungry for those little color coated chocolate candies. But soon he was distracted by someone approaching. It was Drew's band mate Jeff.

"You haven't seen Drew around here have you?"

Peter instinctively moved to block the door. "No, no. I haven't seen him."

"Damn, he told me to be here in one hour. He said he had someone we should meet."

Peter's mind did the math. "Do you mean meet someone or," Peter thrust with his hips, "`meat' someone?"

Jeff grinned. Peter took in his blue eyes and laughing smile. Plus his tight shirt showing off his muscular chest was very distracting.

Jeff nudged Peter, "Yeah, it was meat." He copied Peter's pelvic thrust. He saw Peter blush. Jeff grinned. "I guess I'll just have to wait."

Peter gave in. He pointed to the door. "Drew's in there with your guest."

Jeff sighed with annoyance, "Damn him. He just can't wait. That is so rude." Jeff opened the door. He stopped and turned to Peter. "You want to join us?"

"Sorry," Peter cringed. Another apology, "Three on a dick is bad luck."

"That's three on a match."

"Who carries matches anymore?"

Jeff laughed, "Never mind, if it`s not your scene, no sweat." The door shut.

"Oh, I'll bet there will be lots of sweat." Peter continued down the hall.

A bit later Peter was met by his Justin. "I've found the room."

"Good," Peter said. "I haven't had any luck. But some of the guys are more supportive of JC and Lance than even I knew."

"What do you mean?"

The next 98 Degrees guy appeared around the corner. Nick was looking around, "Have you seen Jeff and Drew?"

"They're, ah, busy." Peter replied.

Nick saw Peter's embarrassment and chuckled. "I should have known. Every time we are at a party they really party. Well, I just have to wait until they're through. Later." Nick waved as he left.

Justin turned to Peter. "Drew and Jeff? Again?"

"I could show you the room."

"No, thank you. We got to watch them once and that's enough. Are they on each other once the girlfriends are gone?"

"No, there is no girl and Drew was already at it when Jeff got there."

"Really? The two buddies are sharing another guy? Did you see who?"

Peter didn't want to just blurt it out. "They say they melt in your mouth and not in your hand. Well, let's just say this he will not 'melt' in Drew's mouth. And this is definitely the kind with nuts and he did get a bad rap."

Justin was shocked. "You're kidding?"

"John did say that some of the homophobic rap artists were here to soften their anti-gay images. He's doing a really fine job."

"You mean he's doing a good job when he blew it. He's not just giving gay issues lip service. He's proven he is not homophonic and all it took was a cock up."

Peter took Justin's hand. "I don't want to deal with this. This is their private lives. Show me the room."

They floated out over the protesters.

"I don't know, JC. There are some very dark auras on these people."

"But they can't be," Lance said. "They're religious. How can they hate?"

"Do you really have to ask that?" Chris replied.

"Come on, times a wasting." Justin put in. He was really uncomfortable with this but he felt they should try.

The five of them concentrated letting their blue glow of love flow out onto the people below them.

"It's not working."

Peter replied. "Justin, give it time."

"This was a waste of time and effort."

"Really, Justin?" Chris chided.

A few of the people holding signs wavered. They shook their heads and seemed a little confused.

Lance looked around. "We're doing something. It's having an effect."

Some signs dipped. Some people seemed ashamed of the signs they were holding.

"Higher!" A man yelled out. "Show them we mean business."

This must be the Reverend Welks. Peter floated closer. He concentrated. As his blue glow hit Reverend Welks he reacted. He looked around.

"Are you there?"

Peter concentrated harder. The blue glow enveloped Reverend Welks. But Peter didn't notice that his aura never changed. Peter floated closer yet.

Reverend Welks turned his face to the sky. "I can feel you. You were sent to me, I know it. Come to me. Give me your strength."

Peter was suddenly yanked toward Reverend Welks. He tried to pull back but couldn't. He was being dragged to Welks.

"Ah, guys, a little help over here."

Lance turned. "Peter was is it?"

"I can't get free. It's like he has hold of me." Peter was going lower.

Welks raised his hands. "Angel of God, I feel you. Pour your grace onto me."

"Shit, he has felt Peter`s influence," Chris cried. "He must think Peter is an angel. He's trying for contact. Quick form a line."

Peter began to feel the thoughts in Welks's mind.

"Oh, angel, you have the power. Grant me the gift of God's love so I can crush the enemy."

Images began to flash into Peter's mind. He felt a growing need inside Reverend Welks. He was desperate to make contact and Peter was getting desperate not to.

"Guys, hurry please. I can sense his thoughts and it is not very pleasant."

Welks turned. "People there are angels here. Reach out and feel them."

Chris began to panic. "We have to move fast. Link up."

The rest formed a line.

Justin was confused. "But we can't touch anything."

"We can touch Peter. But we must do it fast if the others sense us as well and we will all be trapped."

Lance asked. "But I thought the astral plain was safe?"

"They're creating a mental gestalt. We won't be harmed just trapped here until their minds let up enough to release us. Welks felt Peter's presence and thinks he is in commune with an angel. We must free Peter and get out of here. As soon as you touch Peter push downward with your thoughts. But make sure they are around Peter not at him. Understand?"

Peter was almost in arms reach of Welks.

Luckily for Peter Welks sank to his knees. "I feel the spirit of God here. I feel the presence of angels sent from the Almighty to help us. Feel them my brothers and sisters."

"Okay, were going to have only one try at this or we all will be trapped." Chris counted off, "On three, two, one' now!"

They floated as fast as they could toward Peter. At contact their thoughts pulsed around Peter. He began to move away from Welks and his thoughts.

Welks sensing something leapt to his feet clutching at the air. He barely missed them. They pulled Peter clear of the group of people. Welks let out a cry of anguish and fell to the ground. After time he raised his head. Disappointment and loss showed on his face. With a glance at the people around him Welks recovered his wits. He stood up.

"Satan has driven the angels from us, my children. But we will fight on. He will not succeed!"

The signs were soon waving again.

The guys floated rapidly back to rejoin their bodies.

Nick of 98 degrees pressed his ear to the door.

"Yeah, Jeff, fuck his ass. Suck me off as my buddy fucks you."

This must be the door and he opened it a bit so he could be heard but the door blocked his view. Nick didn`t want to see anything.

"Sorry, to intrude on your fun but fifteen minutes to curtain guys."

"Sorry, Nick, we'll be ready." Jeff said panting.

"We're coming!" Drew gave a fake scream.

Nick closed the door and shook his head. That was Drew`s idea of a joke. "My own brother." He started down the hall. It didn't bother Nick who they had sex with just that they seemed to forget about everything else at times. They should have arranged for the sex after they had performed. What was he saying? He had once gotten caught up in that too. When you are well known and have a good body fans think you want sex all the time. Nick sighed. Well, he had Jessica now. That had brought a little stability to his life. Well, at least his sex life. He was so sure that one day Drew and Jeff would get caught. Well, they might like that. It could lead to more conquests. Now that he had Jessica, his wild sex days were over. Now he could settle down to nice quite and private sex life. He walked on down the hall.

Drew looked down at Eminem. "Sorry, we'll have to cut this short."

Eminem gave a lick at Drew's cock. "Its okay. Lets finish this."

Jeff's response was a hard thrust into Eminem's ass.

"Oh, shit, yeah. Fuck me!" He buried his face in Drew's crotch.

Drew bucked his hips sending his cock deep into the mouth. Eminem choked but kept on sucking.

Drew smiled at Jeff. "Damn, he does love cock."

"Well, he's taking every inch of mine." Jeff slapped Eminem's ass.

Eminem gave an ecstatic moan and swallowed Drew even faster.

"Damn, this is a tight ass."

"Tighter than mine?" Drew asked.

Jeff just smiled. But the thought of Drew's ass did it.

"Damn, buddy, I'm going to shoot."

Eminem pulled off of Drew's cock. "Shoot on my ass. Spray your hot cum on me."

Jeff pulled out and yanked off the condom. With two strokes of his hand his cock shot off splattering Eminem's back with white.

Drew watched Jeff shake and shudder as his climax blasted through him. Drew stopped fighting and let the inevitable happen.

"Here I go."

Eminem looked up. "Cum on my face."

Drew let out a loud groan and obliged with spurt after spurt. When the surges finally waned he looked down into the smiling face of Eminem licking as much as he could reach.

Drew grinned. "Now it's your turn."

They stood Eminem up and both took a nipple and sucked on it. Eminem stroked his cock.

"Ah, damn. Bite that tit. That feels so. . ." His head fell back. "Oh, fuck. I'm. . ." His voice pinched off. His body rocked and shook as his cock erupted. Drew and Jeff took to pinching his nipples with their fingers as they were afraid they might butt heads if they stayed that close.

Slowly Eminem relaxed. "Damn, you guys are good."

Drew smiled. "I told you so." Then he frowned. "But I wanted you to fuck me. Now we don't have time."

"We still have after the party." Eminem reached for his pants. "Here." He wrote on a piece of paper. My hotel room. We can hook up later."

"Good," Drew leered, "Because I want to feel that big cock of yours pounding my sweet tight ass."

Eminem matched his leer. "Oh, really? Is it was sweet and tight as your buddy's looks?"

Drew turned Jeff around and ran his hands over Jeff's ass cheeks. "It could be. Do you want this ass?"

"I want both asses. Then you can have mine again, if you're up to it?"

Jeff grabbed his clothes. "Come on, Drew. The soon we sing the sooner we can blow this Popsicle stand and blow each other."

All three hurriedly got dressed.

Peter rolled from the couch onto the floor clutching his head. "Ow, tell that guy with the jackhammer to lay off."

Justin winched at his headache. "That was a real stupid idea."

Lance was in pain as well. "I figured we had to try."

"It was a good try," JC added. The next statement he shot off in Justin's direction. "And everyone agreed to it before we left."

Chris groaned, "I just added a new rule to my guide to astral projection."

Justin knelt by Peter's side. "You okay?"

Peter sat up. "Yeah, the pain is easing."

"No, I mean are you mentally okay. Having contact with Reverend Welks couldn't have been fun."

"It wasn't. I pity the angel that ever makes contact with him. The angel's head would explode from all of the questions in Welks' mind."

"Do you remember any of those questions?" Chris asked.

Peter gingerly shook his head. "No, it was all a jumble like when everyone is talking at once."

"Damn," Chris looked disappointed, "We may have had an edge on the Reverend Welks."

"Well, we know this much," Lance said. "Reverend Welks may look self-assured on the outside but on the inside he has questions."

Justin explained. "Lance, some people act sure of themselves just to hide the fact that they are not. Sometimes they even begin to believe it."

"Come on, guys," JC stood up. "We have a party that could be missing our presence."

They headed toward the door.

Lance moved to Peter's side. "Sorry about all that."

"Don't be, Lance. How could you have known what would happen?"

As they left the room Justin asked Peter again, "Are you sure you are okay?"

"The pain is almost gone now."

Justin patted Peter's back. "Good." He still eyed Peter for any strange reaction.

Joey came hurrying down the corridor toward them. "Good, you're back. They've been looking for you. The entertainment has started."

They stood watching a group of young guys performing.

"They're good." Lance said.

"Who are they? Peter asked.

"They're called O-Town." JC replied. "They're our competition and replacements."

"Please, JC," Lance chided. "They're the next generation of Boybands."

Chris shook his head. "Does that mean they have gay members too?"

"Could be," Teased Peter, "We're everywhere and the blond is kind of cute."

"That's Ashley."

Lance joked, "Ooh, a girl's name. That is one for our side."

JC rubbed his chin. "I like Dan. He's the one with the brilliant blue eyes." JC sighed, "But they are no match for green eyes."

Lance smirked. "That just saved you from a poke in the ribs, lover."

"I like. . ." Chris began.

"I know," Joey interrupted, "His name is Trevor, I think. I see the old Kirkpatrick hairstyle."

Chris added. "So he must have a good sense of style."

Joey shook his head. "Well, I guess every boyband has to have one oddball in the group."

"Come on guys," JC finally put in. "They're the next generation. Show some respect."

Justin squeezed Peter's arm. He leaned close. "Indulging your taste for chicken?"

"They're too young for me." Peter patted Justin's hand on his arm. "Besides I only have taste for a certain chicken born in Memphis."

Justin let go of Peter's arm and smiled. "Good."

Joey sighed, "Why are cute guys always assumed to be gay?"

"I'm not," Chris joked.

"You are a moot point," Joey added.

JC said with a twinkle in his eyes. "They are just too cute to be straight."

"I liked you in that same T-shirt by the way, JC." Peter added. "That was mighty brave of you. A glimpse of the truth?"

"It just sort of happened. A fan came to a signing wearing that T-shirt and dumb me asked what it meant. I said I thought it was cute, the saying I mean. It was a clever play on words. The fan soon came back with a shirt for me so I put it on and the picture was taken. I think most fans thought it was all in fun."

The song ended. They applauded.

Justin nudged Peter. "Come on, guys."

As the four of them walked off JC asked. "Where are you going?"

Justin grinned his Justin grin. "It's a surprise."

Peter felt his nerves kick in. "I just hope it is a good surprise."

Chris patted his shoulder. "Don't worry we'll cover for you. No one notices when Joey screws up."

"Thanks a lot."

"Come on," Justin urged. "Stephen is on next."

After a bit Stephen Gately was introduced.

Stephen addressed the audience. "Thank you. I'd like to introduce to you a group making their one and only appearance, The Zone Boys."

Lance and JC were surprised to see Peter, Chris, Joey and Justin walk out onto the platform. Stephen stood at one end of the line.

Stephen continued. "When I heard about this party I just had to be here. I had to be part of such support and love. So I flew in from Ireland to sing this song. This song has always been one of my favorites and as a religious gay man I really get meaning out of it. I am very grateful to Andrew Lloyd Webber for writing this version for Boyzone. I hope you like it."

The music started.

Stephen started the scat riff at the beginning as they swayed to the music and did little hand gestures in unison but that was it.

Peter battled his nerves. There were so many famous people watching. Justin flashed Peter a grin. For Justin and for Stephen and for this song, Peter was going to do his very best. Chris bumped into him then tried to get back into rhythm with the rest. Peter smiled. Chris was telling him to also have fun.

Stephen started to sing. They hummed along in the background:

"No matter what they tell us

No matter what they do

No matter what they teach us

What we believe is true"

Justin took the next verse. He pointed toward the front door.

"No matter what they call us

However they attack

No matter where they take us

We'll find our own way back."

Stephen and Justin switched off between verses. Stephen sang:

"I can't deny what I believe

I can't be what I'm not

(Stephen pointed at the sky then at himself.)

I know our loves forever

I know no matter what

If only tears were laughter

If only night was day

If only prayers were answered

Then we would hear God say:

'No matter what they tell you

No matter what they do

No matter what they teach you

What you believe is true

And I will keep you safe and strong

And sheltered from the storm

No matter where it's barren

A dream is being born.

No matter who they follow

No matter where they lead

No matter how they judge us

I'll be everyone you need.'

No matter if the sun don't shine

Or if the skies are blue

No matter what the ending

My life began with you

I can't deny what I believe

I can't be what I'm not

I know this love's forever

I know no matter what."

There was applause. They bowed then walked off the platform.

Justin gave Peter a quick hug. "See there? You were great."

"That was kind of fun."

Stephen put his hands on Peter's and Justin's shoulders. "Thank you all. That sounded a lot better than if I did it solo."

"Oh, I don't know," corrected Peter.

"Come on," Chris was eager. "I don't want to miss the next performers."

They walked off.

Peter held back. "That was fun, Stephen. No, it was a thrill. I really like that song then to get to sing with you."

"No problem." Stephen gave Peter a hug. "If you're ever in Ireland. . ."

"I'll look you up." Peter gave a little wave. "Bye. Take care." Peter hurried up to join the rest.

The Backstreet Boys were next with 'As Long as You Love Me'. Peter realized he had never seen them perform before. He had to admit they did have some sexy moves. 98 Degrees was next with "True to Your Heart" except Jeff sang the Stevie Wonder part.

Justin noticed Peter looking very serious. "Are you enjoying yourself?"


"You're thinking very hard about something."

"Drew and Nick are brothers right? I wonder how they get along."

"What brought that on?"

Peter shook his head. Suddenly the old Peter was back. "Oh, Justin, I'm sorry. I was miles away."

"Are you okay?"

"Sure. I just have things on my mind that's all."

"This wouldn't have anything to do with your contact with Reverend Welks does it?"

"No, of course not. Well, maybe. I just don't know. All I remember is Welks was desperate to contact an angel and how distressed he was when that contact was broken. If that is his weakness maybe I could. . ."

Justin cut him off. "Forget about it. There is nothing you can do for the likes of Reverend Welks. Helping Nick was almost the end of the road for you and me. We need to concentrate just on us. Time to be a little selfish, okay?"

Peter nodded. "Okay." He quickly took and squeezed Justin's hand then let go.

Justin however decided to keep an eye on Peter. There was something happening in Peter's mind and Justin felt uneasy.

"Joey, have you seen Peter?"

"Not since the show. Why?"

Justin was looking around nervously. "Peter excused himself to go to the bathroom and I haven't seen him since."

"Maybe there's a line."

"He's not in the bathroom. I checked."

"There's more than one bathroom."

"I have to find him."

"Why so worried? I'm sure he's fine."

"Joey, you don't know, when we projected the honorable Reverend Welks felt Peter's presence. He actually could pull Peter to him." Justin glanced from person to person. "I don't like the thought of that homophobe having any contact with Peter. You know Peter, he is so sensitive. I don't know what he felt or sensed from Welks but I want to keep an eye on him."

"Well, I hate to sound obvious but have you checked outside? That IS where Welks is. If Peter wanted to make contact. . ."

"Thanks, Joey." Justin headed for the door.

Once at the door the crowd of people blocked his view. Justin moved outside. Then he saw him. Peter was walking very calmly across the street. He politely asked the people blocking Welks's group to let him pass.

"Peter, wait!"

As Justin got to the curb the flashes from the cameras almost blinded him. He started across the street as Peter vanished into the crowd on the other side.

Then the crowd parted. The people in front wanted to see what Peter was going to do or say. Justin saw Peter approach the man he knew was Welks. Welks had his back to Peter. Peter must have said something. Welks whipped around. Peter started talking very calmly when the whole group suddenly convulsed. They pushed against Peter. He was knocked into Welks. Then there were hands pulling Peter back away from Welks. The crowd started closing in around them. Justin watched as the sign being carried close behind Peter swung down fast in Peter's direction.

"Peter, look out!"

When the sign fell the screaming started and the crowd swelled blocking Justin way.

"Please, let me through." More people blocked Justin.

Then came the police whistles. Suddenly there were policemen all around forcing the crowd back.

Justin watched anxiously as the people parted with agonizing slowness. Finally Welks emerged from the crowd. His face and lip were bleeding.

He turned to the policeman helping him. "He attacked me. It was a deliberate assault. I want that man arrested."

"That can wait, sir," the policeman replied. "Let's get your wounds attended to first."

Welks pulled away and turned to the crowd. "He struck down a man of God. But he will pay. God's wrath will smite him down."

The policeman took Welks's arm, "Please, sir, no excitement in your condition."

Welks yelled at the crowd. "What matter my wounds? For each time I fall I shall raise again and woe to the wicked!"

"This way, sir," The policeman led Welks off at a faster pace.

"Woe to the wicked," Someone shouted back. "That's from `Man of La Mancha' you idiot!"

Justin barely heard. Now he could see there was a body lying on the ground. No, not again. There was a flood of relief as two policemen helped Peter to his feet.

"Come alone, sir. We'll get you fixed up." They started after the other policeman.

Another stopped them, "Are you mad? The two of them together? Take him to the medical unit inside."

"Sorry, Sarge."

They helped Peter off. Justin stepped closer. One policeman blocked his way. "Sorry, not now."

"He's a friend."

"After the doctor is done with him you can see him."

Justin saw Peter reach around to the back of his head. When he looked at his hand there was blood on it.


Peter looked up at Justin. Justin's blood turned cold as he saw the blank look in Peter's eyes.

"He persecutes them for me." Peter muttered. "He needs to talk. There is so much he needs to tell."

"Peter, what's wrong?"

Peter looked puzzled. "Who?"

"He's had a nasty knock on the head. We'll take care of him." They led Peter off.

Justin stood in the street watching Peter go. "Welks, what did you do to him?" He murmured, "What did you do to my lover?"

John burst into the press-free room. All NSYNC was already there.

"I don't believe this. I told him. I told all of you stay away from Reverend Welks. Stay as far away as you can. Welks is spoiling for a confrontation and what does Peter do? He walks right up to him. Does Peter have a death wish or something? He talked about this feeling of doom and he just calmly walks right into it. What an idiot!"

"John!" Chris barked.

John glared at Chris. Chris nodded at Justin with Lance and JC sitting on either side of him. Justin looked very distressed.

Seeing that they were already upset John switched off of the anger mode. "Sorry, guys. I apologize. It is just the shock."

"No, you're right," A voice came from behind John. Peter had entered the room with his head bandaged. "I am an idiot. I knew what Reverend Welks wanted but I couldn't help myself. I just wanted to talk to him. It happened so quick I don't remember much. I was hit on the back of the head," Peter touched the bandage and winced. "That's obvious. It's not much of an excuse but that's all I can say."

Chris tried to sound reassuring. "There was some influence on you during that contact with Welks while we projected. That must be the reason. Well, at least it is over."

John shook his head. "Oh, no it is not. Welks is pressing assault charges," John paused, "against Peter."

"That's bullshit," Chris snapped. He didn't wait for the rebuke. "I'm sorry, JC but it is."

Joey stood up. "I agree. Peter wouldn't hurt a fly. This is all a mistake."

"The charges have been filed with the police."

Peter's face fell. "They're going to arrest me?"

John shook his head. "I don't think it will come to that. We're cooperating." John put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "If it does come down to it we'll post bail. You won't have to spend any time in jail."

There was anguish in Peter's voice. "Jail?" He swayed and his legs buckled. Peter missed the chair and sank to the floor.

"Don't worry, Peter. Our best lawyers will work on the case and in a few days when the court day is set. . ."

"Court date?" Peter exclaimed. "You mean before a judge and jury." Peter started trembling.

Justin knelt next to Peter. "Can we talk about this later?"

"Don't worry. I'm sure a jury won't necessary. The judge will do the sentencing."

"I could get sentenced!" Peter held his head.

"I don't think it will come down to that. In the worst case it could probably be just some community time and a fine, say several thousand dollars."

"John," JC snapped. He nodded to Peter going to pieces on the floor. "You're not helping matters."

John decided to leave it. "Okay, we'll talk about it tomorrow. Come by about ten o'clock to talk to the lawyers."

"Lawyers, trials, assault charges." Peter wrapped himself up into a ball. "I was pushed into Welks. I didn't attack him. I didn't. I wouldn't."

John was at a loss for what to do, "Maybe you should take him home."

Chris started out of the room. "I'll get a stretcher."

"Stop it, Chris," JC said. "Just give him a while to recoup."

Peter was now sobbing softly. "I didn't do anything wrong. I just wanted to talk."

"What about a wheel chair?"

"Chris." Lance snapped.

John went to the door. "We'll take care of everything. Don't worry, Peter. This will turn out all right."

Peter didn't even look up. NSYNC knelt around him comforting him. John left the room.

John pulled out his cell phone. Well, Peter's feelings of dread had come true. Now all there was to do was to prove Peter wrong about the outcome. This was not going to be the downfall of NSYNC. John would make very sure of that.

"Hi, it's John, I know it's late but I need you to arrange for our lawyers to be in the boardroom tomorrow at ten thirty. I'll brief them then. Thank you." He put his phone away.

"Okay, Welks, if you think you can hurt one of the NSYNC family you have another thing coming." John grinned. "Paybacks can be a real bitch."

Lance looked at his watch. "We'd better get a move on. We can't be late for John."

Justin said it plain. "You really mean our lawyers."

Lance frowned. JC gave him a reassuring hug.

"Don't worry. It will all turn out all right. You`ll see." He gave Lance a peck on the cheek. JC started for the stairs. "I'll collect Peter."

JC knocked.

"Come in."

JC opened the door. "You ready?" JC stopped. There was a suitcase on the bed. Peter was packing. "What is all this?"

Peter went to the dresser. "I'm going to a hotel. That will show that I was acting on my own and they'll place all the blame on me and leave you out of it. I should have done this in the first place."

Peter was surprised when JC grabbed the clothes he was carrying and threw them back into the drawer. He slammed the drawer shut.

"You are not going anywhere and that is final!"

"But JC. . ."

"No buts. Don't you see you are playing right into his hands? Divide and conquer that's his ploy and you're all set to do it!"

"This is not Welks' idea it is mine!" Peter reopened the drawer and took his clothes.

"You want this to look like we threw you out?"

Peter placed his clothes in the suitcase. "If it deflect Welks' attack from you so be it."

"There is only one thing that is getting thrown out." JC picked up the suitcase threw it into the closet and slammed the door. He stood there defiantly. "You are not going anywhere."

Lance and Justin came running into the room.

"What the hell is happening in here?"

"Peter wants to move to a hotel."

Lance looked hurt. "But why? Aren't you happy here?"

"He thinks he can draw Reverend Welks' fire away from us."

"I have to do something. I don't want you guys or your careers to be hurt by what I did. Distancing myself from you is the only way."

Peter was surprised as Justin started laughing. "It is way too late for that, Peter. What Justin Timberlake gets, he keeps. You can never get away from me."

JC calmed himself. He put his hands on Peter's shoulders. "You've signed contract with NSYNC for life and there is no escape clause. Like it or not you are stuck with us. All of us."

"But what if I did attack Welks first?"

JC shook his head. "Nope, never could have happened. We know you too well."

"What if I was under his power?"

Lance stepped forward. "Then we will really be beside you. You wouldn't give up on Nick even when everyone and everything was against him and you proved yourself right. You helped us to stand up for Nick. Do you think we'd do any less now for you?"

Peter slowly nodded. "I guess."

Justin pulled Peter into a hug. "Relax. We've been in court before and we won out. Our fans were with us all the way and showed their support. That really gave us courage to see it through."

"But I don't have any fans."

Lance laughed. "Oh, Peter, you are so wrong. You'll see. You have a great many fans as well as friends."

JC patted Peter's shoulder. "Come on. We should get going."

"Guys," Peter started to tremble. "I'm so scared."

Justin smiled. "I know. But we will be with you, us and your fans. Just you wait, Peter. That shadow of doom you felt will not come true, you'll see. I can be right about some things, too."

"Thank you for your support, guys. I'm going to need it."

Justin put his arm around Peter. "I'm here whenever you need me." He kissed Peter's cheek.

They left the bedroom.

Lance started to hum and then broke into his wonderful bass voice:

"Sometimes in our lives we all have pain

We all have sorrow

But if we are wise

We know that there's always tomorrow."

Justin and JC joined him. They walked with little bouncing steps to the rhythm.

"Lean on me, when you're not strong

And I'll be your friend

I'll help you carry on

For it won't be long

'Til I'm gonna need

Somebody to lean on

Justin tickled Peter to get him to smile. He kept bumping into him playfully.

"Please swallow your pride

If I have things you need to borrow

For no one can fill those of your needs

That you don't let show

Lean on me, when you're not strong

And I'll be your friend

I'll help you carry on

For it won't be long

'Til I'm gonna need

Somebody to lean on

If there is a load you have to bear

That you can't carry

I'm right up the road

I'll share your load

If you just call me"

They started clapping in rhythm.

"So just call on me brother, when you need a hand

We all need somebody to lean on

I just might have a problem that you'd understand

We all need somebody to lean on"

They got to the living room.

"Peter, take it."

In a soft voice Peter sang, "We all need somebody to lean on."


Peter put more force into it. "We all need somebody to lean on."

"Put your heart into it. Make me believe it."

"We all need somebody to lean on!"

"That's better."

They all joined in in harmony.

"We all need somebody to lean on."

Justin was relieved to see Peter smiled as he sang. Good it had worked.

Singing their hearts out they locked up the house. They were still singing as they drove out of the driveway.

For the first time since his encounter with Reverend Welks felt his heart lighten. If the Reverend Welks could see them now driving to a meeting with NSYNC's lawyers singing. It certainly wouldn't be what he would have planned or even imagined. If he wanted to break their spirits it hadn't worked. He would be so pissed.

Peter smiled to himself. "Good."

End part 52

Well, we've come down to the end of another one and a long one at that. I had wished to get to the trial in this part but the characters would go on so. Oh, well. That leaves more for the second part.

As always I'd love to hear any thoughts or opinions.

Until next time, thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 54

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