Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Jan 23, 2005


Here it is part 53. This was going to be a long chapter. But I was skipping over the trial stuff so I have cut this off and made it part 53. And it has been a long time between chapters. But don't worry. The new part 54 is close to being done. 2 weeks at the very latest. So right now let me apologize for the cliffhanger ending. The trial will be in the next part which I again state is close to being finished already. Anywhooo,

This story:

Real life? Hell no

NSYNC gay? Not to the author's knowledge. See above answer.

Gay Sex? Hell yes, so if you are underage or object to descriptions

of gay sex stop reading now.

That said on with the story.

John was surprised as he entered his office to hear NSYNC singing.

"We all need somebody to lean on."

They were clapping and sing in harmony and almost dancing. Peter was singing along. Under the circumstances John loved to see them so happy. He applauded.

They fell silent. NSYNC sat down leaving Peter standing.

"That was great," John said. "What concert are you rehearsing for?"

Peter blushed a little. "Sorry, John. They were just cheering me up. You know, giving me courage."

John smiled. "Then I don't mind in the least. Come on, Peter, the lawyers are ready." John turned back to the door. There was a noisy scuffling behind him. He turned around to see everyone following Peter. "You guys can stay. They only want to question Peter."

Justin stepped forward. "But I saw what happened."

"Okay, Justin. You can come with. The rest of you. . ."

"We were all will him before." Chris added. "Except Joey."

"Before what?" John asked.

"Well, just before."

"Come on, guys. I know you care for Peter but this is just the lawyers wanting to know what happened with Reverend Welks. You all cant possibly know what happened. You werent there."

Chris looked up slyly, "How do you know that?"

John looked sharply at him. "Chris?"

"How do you know that what we know may or may not be of interest to our lawyers?"

John raised an eyebrow, "Chris? It there anything you are hiding?"

Chris crossed his arms defiantly. "I'm not saying anything without my lawyers."

John gave a long sigh, "Okay, okay, you all can come. But no jokes, Chris, this is serious business."

"Don't I know it, love," Chris said under his breath.

Peter gave a brief look up at John, "It's too bad really. Chris's jokes can sometimes break the darkest moods."

John patted Peter's shoulder. "They won't be needed. The lawyers just need to hear your side of things so they can assemble their defense."

Peter looked down, "That's what I am afraid of."

They were all sitting around the meeting table. The two lawyers were introduced as Will, the older of the two, and Ben the younger.

Will took up his pen. "Okay, Peter, tell us what happened in your own words."

"Who else's words. . .?"


"Sorry, force of habit." Chris waved his hand. "I'll be good."

Will started again. "What happened when you approached Reverend Welks?"

Peter grew nervous. He clasped and unclasped his hands. "I can't tell you."

Ben countered, "We're your lawyers. You must tell us."

"No, you don't understand. I can't tell you because I can't remember. I get vague images but not much more. I remember being at the party watching 98 Degrees perform and then the next thing I remember is them bandaging my head." Peter sat back in his chair very frustrated.

"I can help on that," Justin said. "When Peter didn't come back from the bathroom I went looking for him. I found him outside. He was walking very calming across the street. He asked the people blocking our view of Welks and his followers to let him through. Peter walked up to Welks who had his back to him. Peter said something and Welks turned. Then the crowd grew restless. Peter was pushed into Welks and then at the next moment pulled away. The crowd swelled blocking my view but it was then I saw a protesters sign drop fast toward Peter. It must have been that that cause Peter's head injury."

Ben looked up. "Just state what you saw and let us make the conclusions."

JC glanced at Chris.

Chris whispered to JC. "I wasn't going to say "concussions"."

Justin continued. "I wanted to get closer but more people blocked my way. It was only after the police whistles sounded that people broke up. It was then I saw them helping Reverend Welks away. He was bleeding. Then I saw Peter on the ground. But he managed to stand and the police led him inside to get medical attention."

"Thank you, Justin."

Justin looked at Peter then looked down. "There was something else." Justin hesitated then raised his head. "I called Peter's name. He saw me but. . . "

"But?" It was Peter looking slightly pale.

Justin looked at Peter but was speaking to the lawyers. "He didn't recognize me. He looked right at me but his expression was blank."

Peter embarrassed looked away.

"Did he say anything?"

"Just something about Welks wanting to talk to him, I mean, Peter. I was too shocked by his look to really listen."

Chris slapped the table. "I knew it. It must have been that contact with Welks's that influenced Peter's actions. He must have had some control over Peter."

Will leaned forward. "You had contact with Reverend Welks before the assault?"

Chris was embarrassed. "Well, yeah, we all sort of did. Peter got the worst. Oh, Joey wasn't there."

Ben asked. "But when?"

"During the party."

"But no one ever saw you . . ."

"Oh, no one could see us." Chris added.

John's frowned. "You didn't project did you?"

Chris didn't have to answer.

"Who knows what might have happened? Peter almost lost his life because of that. If someone found you in that state. . ."

"Relax, John," JC added. "We found a locked room so we wouldn't be disturbed."

"Well, I should think so." John finished.

"It was my fault. I thought of the idea." Lance began very sheepishly. "We projected to my folks' house after I came out to them. I was able to have them feel my love for them. It turned them around and helped them accept me as gay. I just thought maybe we could turn some of Welks's followers around." Lance bowed his head. "I'm sorry."

Even John couldn't see Lance like this. "Well, it was a good idea and no one got hurt."

Peter rubbed the back of his head. "I beg to differ."

Will waved his pen. "Could you explain? What is this projecting you're talking about?"

Chris looked from face to face and then sighed. He should have kept his mouth shut. But all the truth about that night had to be brought out. He began.

"Astral Projection. We all can do it, except Joey."

"Do you have to keep saying that?!" Joey snapped.

JC put his hand on Joey's. "Joey, sh."

Ben shook his head, "Okay, we'll take the Astral Projection as is. What happened then?"

JC answered, "Well, we were pouring our thoughts and feelings onto the protesters."

Lance added, "We thought if they could feel what it is like to be gay they may understand a bit better. It was starting to work. Some on them started to put down their signs then Peter got too close to Reverend Welks."

Will dropped his pen to the table and sat back in his chair. "Got too close?"

"Yeah," Chris said. "Somehow he sensed Peter's presence. He actually started to pull Peter to him. That is very unusual and rare. Welks must have some type of psychic ability."

Will crossed his arms. "No doubt."

"He started yelling that there were angels there. Once the other people started to believe him we were in trouble."

Will snatched up his pen. "Welks told his people that he felt angels present?"

"Yes." Justin said. "That was when we had to get Peter out of there and get away ourselves."

Ben made some notes.

John asked, "Why did you have to leave?"

Chris answered, "Because if his people wanted to feel angels their combined thoughts would have held us there until their mental state relaxed enough to let us go."

Will waved his pen. "Well, if people heard Welks talking of angels your story can be proved, sort of."

"Welks was very distraught when we pulled Peter clear," Lance said. "He tried to leap up and grab him then he fell to his knees."

The lawyers jotted down more notes.

"Oh," Chris began, "He blamed Satan for sending the angels away. I heard him as we headed back."

"They couldn't have just overheard Welks." Joey said. "I met them as they came out of the room afterwards. They were nowhere near the front door."

"Okay, Joey," Will said. "We believe you."

"Peter, did you sense anything else from Reverend Welks?"

"Just that he wanted so much to talk to an angel. He had so many questions to ask. It was quite a jumble in his mind."

"Anything else?"

"Well, now that I think about it, there was something deep underneath. Something only an angel could have done for Welks. That's why he was so desperate to make contact."

"Astral Projection and angels. Are we to get no solid evidence?"

Will looked at Ben, "We're defending this case against the Reverend Welks. Do you think he's looking for solid evidence?"

"He's his own lawyer?" Peter gaped.

"He always is. He doesn't trust anyone else."

Peter's face fell.

Will noticed. "Now don't you worry, we've read up on Welks's tactics in court. He won't pull any surprises on us. Besides with all those photographers around that night someone must have a photo of what happened. That added to eyewitness's testimony this will be a very short case."

Justin was tempted to say that even as close as he was he couldn't see what happened but he bit his tongue. Peter was nervous enough as it was.

"Now let's go over this again. We want to make sure we have ever detail very clear."

It was another hour and a half before the lawyers finally left.

"I feel like such an idiot."

"I thought it went well," JC said. "You handled yourself well with the lawyers."

"But I couldn't tell them anything." Peter snapped angrily, "And I was in middle of the action."

JC looked in the rear view mirror. "You're trying too hard. I'm sure you will remember in time."

"If I have the time. You heard what the lawyers said. Welks always pushes for an early trial date and gets it."

"You'll never remember anything if you fret so." Lance was trying to help.

"Fret!" Peter snapped around. He was about to let Lance have it but those soft green doe's eyes stopped him. Peter sighed, "I'm sorry, Lance. You're right but relaxing is a bit difficult under these circumstances. I just wish I could remember."

Lance shrugged, "Maybe Hugh could do something to help you remember. He hasn't left yet."

Peter nodded. "It's worth a try. I feel so helpless."

"Relax," JC said. "Our lawyers are the best. They'll get you off."

Lance grinned, "Speaking of relaxing and getting off, Justin will help you do both."

"I doubt if we'll spend much time together until after the trial. With all eyes on me it will be safer."

"Isn't that a little unfair for Justin. You're going through a crisis and he wants to be there for you. Don't you want that?"

"Of course I want that but I don't want him to be found out either. I've messed things up enough. Then maybe again we should stay apart until this trial is over especially if it goes wrong. I don't want NSYNC to be blamed for what I did."

Lance shook Peter's arm and said sternly. "You didn't do anything. Will you just believe that? As for the affect on NSYNC, the Titanic has just left the harbor and you're jumping overboard already."

"Oh, nice analogy, Lance." JC added.

"Just go with the flow." Lance patted Peter's arm. "Justin and the rest of us will be there for you all during this." He lightly rapped on Peter's head. "Remember that!"

"I'll try." Peter looked down.

"I know how scared you are but we'll get through this. Okay?"

Peter looked up and managed a smile. "Okay." Peter's hand found Lance's. "Bless you, guys."

Lance smiled. "You already have."

"Many times over," JC added.

"Better?" Lance asked.

Peter nodded. "Better."

"Just wait."

Peter caught Lance's grin. A glance at the rear view mirror showed Peter JC was looking slightly annoyed.

As they turned the corner Peter was relieved that the sidewalk was empty of people. They were greeted at the gate by the security guard.

"Everything okay?" JC asked as the gate opened.

"Not a person has been around, sir. Oh, a package was delivered. I took the liberty of putting it inside."


JC drove to the garage and parked his jeep. They made their way up to the house.

As they entered Peter looked around. "I don't see any package."

JC headed for the kitchen. "Maybe he put it in here." Peter and Lance followed. "Nope, nothing.

"Maybe it's in the bedroom."

JC snapped around glaring at Lance.

Lance shrunk back, "Or not." He said sheepishly. Lance glanced at Peter. He hadn't heard. With a quick look at JC Lance began. "Why don't you go out by the pool and work on your crosswords? That will get you mind off things."

Peter thought for a moment. "That's not a bad idea. I'll just go change." Peter headed upstairs.

Lance and JC watched him go. When he was gone JC turned to Lance with his hands on his hips frowning.


Lance looked very contrite. "I'm sorry, it slipped out." He grinned, "You know I love this romantic stuff." He slipped his arms around JC.

Oh, those lovely green eyes. Who could stay angry at those? "Okay, forgiven," JC gave Lance a kiss on the forehead. "So," JC nodded to the stairs. "Does that give you any idea of what you'd like to do now?"

"Yep," Lance stepped back. "Peter changing clothes reminds me there is a huge pile of laundry. I should get started." Lance gave JC a quick peck on the cheek then headed to the basement.

"Laundry?" JC stood shaking his head. "I lost out to laundry? We are so fucking domesticated." He shook a finger at himself. "JC, language!" He slapped his finger away. "Ah, screw you." JC sighed. "Might as well, Lance doesn't want to. He wants to do the freaking "laundry"." JC put his hand to his head. "Oh, god, I am turning into Chris." He shuffled off into the living room.

Peter stood before his bedroom door and grabbed the door knob. He paused. He looked back down the hall toward the kitchen.

"Why would he put the package in the bedroom?" He shook his head and opened the door. The most beautiful sight met his eyes.

Justin lay on the bed on his stomach facing away from Peter completely naked with a single red rose resting in the cleft between those soft white mounds of his ass cheeks. It was so tender and so sexy.

"I hope you took the precaution of removing the thorns." Peter went to the bed and picked up the rose.

Justin looked up. "Why? I am longing for a good hard prick."

Peter sat down on the bed. He didn't look at Justin. "How did you get here?"

"Chris and Joey brought me. I hid on the floor of the back seat just to be safe but no one was around."

Now Peter knew why JC had made some stops after they left John`s. It was to give Justin time to get in place.

"How are you going to get home?"

"Some of the parents are dropping by in the morning on some wedding pretext. I will go home with my mother."

"And if there are reporters and they see you?"

"Peter, who would think my own mother would pick me up after having a tryst with my male lover. It will be fine."

"Fine," Peter replied sharply. "We're sneaking around now more than ever. This was supposed to get better not worse." He threw the rose onto the end table.

"Okay, if this is a bad time, I'll go." Justin said softly. He got off the bed and grabbed his pants.

"This was a rash thing to do. What if someone saw you? You'd be outed."

"I don't care, Peter. I thought you might need me. That's why I did it. You looked so vulnerable with the lawyers." Justin shrugged, "But hey, you know best. You always have."

"Not anymore." Peter slowly reached for the rose. He fumbled with it. It slipped through his fingers and fell to the floor. Hesitatingly Peter leaned down. Another hand picked up the rose.

Justin handed Peter the flower. As Peter's hand took it he just stared at it. Justin resumed getting dressed. As Justin pulled on his shirt there came a soft trembling voice.

"Please stay."


"I'm trying so hard to be strong but I can't." Peter looked up. Tears were steaming down his cheeks. "Please, Justin, hold me."

Justin was at Peter's side in an instant. He pulled Peter to him. Soon Peter was sobbing on his shoulder.

"I've never even got a library fine. Justin, I am so scared and frightened. You are so wrong I never knew what was best. I've been such an arrogant fool. God has pulled me up sort to wake me up. That's what has happened. Oh, Justin I don't want to hurt you or lose you."

"And who says you will?" said Justin. "We got through Britney's planning and scheming. Do you think Reverend Welks is tougher than Britney?" Justin felt a slight tremble of a chuckle from Peter.

"No. Britney could be quite the bitch." Peter sat back ashamed. "I'm sorry, Justin. I know she is a friend."

"And she wants to be your friend now too, right?"

Peter nodded.

"So this isn't that different. We'll pull through. You'll see." Justin pulled back. "Just stop doubting yourself. And trust me this is all the Reverend Welks's doing so God has nothing to do with it. Welks is going to be sorry he tangled with us. Right?"

Peter gave a slight smile and nodded. Then his eyes moved taking in all of Justin's face. "I love you so much, Justin."

Justin smiled. "I know." He wiped the tears off of Peter's face. "So are you going to get naked or not?"

Peter looked down. "I don't think I am in the mood."

"Oh, great," Justin joked. "I get to have blue balls until the trial is over."

"I am sorry, Justin." Peter's hand slid to Justin's leg. "I get you off."

Justin stopped him. "Hey, I don't need pity sex. We do this together or not at all."

Peter frowned, "But Justin. . ."

"Come on, give he a smile."

"I can't."

Justin pulled Peter close. "Come on. Do it for the Timberlake."

"Not now."

"Oh, yeah?" Justin began to tickle Peter.

"Stop that." Peter giggled.

"No, not until you relent."

"Justin, please." Peter laughed fighting against Justin's fingers

Justin pushed Peter back onto the bed. He quickly pinned Peter. He lowered his face closer to Peter`s.

"Still not in the mood?"

Peter looked up into Justin's eyes. Damn he was sexy.

"No." He teased.

Justin kissed Peter's nose, his forehead, his cheeks and then lingered on his lips. "Now?"

"Hm, maybe."

Justin pulled Peter's legs apart and pressed hard against Peter's crotch. He thrust his hips rubbing against Peter. After a few moments Justin could feel Peter get hard. Justin pulled back grinning.

"And now?"

"Yes, Justin," Peter's face suddenly looked serious and frightened. "I need your strength and your love for me. Make the fear go away."

Justin rolled over and pulled Peter to him. "No one will ever come between us. Let me prove that to you."

Peter felt Justin's arms close warm and firm around him. Justin's lips pressed soft but sure against his own. The warmth of Justin's body surrounded him. Peter could feel Justin's own heart beat. He opened himself up and gave himself over to Justin's loving care and attention.

Lance looked up from folding clothes. "So you've come to help?"

JC walked over next to Lance. "Well, I wanted us to do something together. I guess this will have to do."

"JC, it's okay, you do your fair share of the laundry."

"Don't tell me, mom's dropping by tomorrow so you want to make sure everything is clean?"

"Something like that. You never know where she is going to look and I don't want her to think we are neglecting the housework."

"Each other, yes. The housework, no."


"Nothing." JC found a pair of his underwear, "Oh, these are still warm. As a kid I used to love putting on clothes still warm from the dryer. And slipping between warm sheets. . ." JC watched Lance.

"That's because you grew up in a colder climate. Warm clothes would be too hot in Florida."

JC sighed. Another hint wasted.

The washer buzzed.

"Washer's done." Lance began unloading the wet clothes and putting them in the drier.

JC picked up the last pile of clothes on the floor and loaded the washer. Lance started the drier and turned to watch JC.

"That's the last load. Do we have anymore clothes to wash upstairs?"

JC was about to answer 'Only the clothes on my back' when he got an idea.

"Just these," JC pulled off his shirt.

"JC, what are you doing?"

"You wanted any clothes that need washing and these are the last." JC continued to undress.

"But you can't run around the house naked."

"Why not? At least when your mother comes over there wouldn't be a dirty sock in the house." JC put the last piece of clothing in the washer. He felt a little silly standing there naked but hopefully Lance would finally get the point.

"JC, put something on. Here you wanted to feel your underwear that was still warm."

"No, I'll have to take them off at bedtime and then we will have dirty clothes."

Lance sighed. "I'll go get your robe."

"Oh, no you will not." JC grabbed him by the arm. "Okay, hand over your dirty clothes." He fumbled with Lance's shirt.

"JC, don't you dare." Lance pulled free. He went to the washer and reached for the laundry soap. "I need to get this load going."

JC pressed up against Lance's back and whispered in Lance's ear. "I have another load that needs starting."

"JC," Lance started to protest but then JC's hands slid over Lance's chest. He rubbed at the nipples. JC nibbled Lance's ear.

Soon, "Oh, JC," then, "JC, not now." followed by another, "Mm, that does feel good."

JC smiled. It was a long a difficult battle but the tide was finally turning in his direction.

JC leaned close and said into Lance's ear. "When you're through filling the washer I want my turn."

Lance trembled at the feel of JC's warm breath on this ear. He poured in the soap, dropped the washer lid closed, pushed the button and turned around.

He wrapped his arms around JC and planted his lips firmly on JC's.

When they pulled back JC whispered. "And your dirty clothes?"

Lance grinned. JC helped Lance out of his clothes. Lance quickly dropped them into the washer and closed the lid. He turned back.

"Now we both can't go around the house naked."

"We'll just have to wait here until the clothes are dry. Can you think of anything to pass the time?"

JC kissed Lance. "I think I can come up with something."

Lance chuckled. "It's already up. I can feel it against me." Lance gently took hold of JC. "Let's see what I can do with this." Lance sank to his knees.

Soon JC tilted his head back. "Yeah, Lance, that's it."

Lance licked up the shaft and then around the soft mushroom head. He closed his lips tightly around JC's cock and slid it back into his mouth. It felt so hot in his mouth. Lance could almost swear he could feel the blood pulsing through JC's cock. He looked up. JC's head was tilted back. This only made Lance's blood rush faster. He swallowed JC again.

JC's hand rested lightly on Lance's head. Not to influence Lance in any way but it gave them another connection. JC moaned. Lance was hitting just the right places. From his timid beginnings Lance had become a really good cocksucker. Well, JC loved Lance's mouth and tongue. Lance had learned how to watch what set JC off and remember and repeat it. JC gasped. Lance was sucking on his balls. Damn, Lance was the best of. . . JC couldn't remember anyone else. He had sex before but Lance had eclipsed them all. JC didn't even want to remember. Lance was the one man for him. Oh, god! Lance let JC's cock slip into his throat. JC moaned with joy.

Lance thrilled to the sound of JC's moans because he was the cause and he loved to give pleasure to JC. In the beginning Lance hotly desired a kiss but now? Oh the joys of JC's body! Lance couldn't compose music like JC or Justin but he could make JC sing a hot sexy song of his own, their own. His lips, hands, fingers and tongue could create a symphony of lover's music from JC. And then there were the duets but not now. Lance took JC into his throat and felt JC tremble. He looked up to see JC gazing lovingly down at him.

JC gazed into those beautiful green eyes. Lance was so handsome even on his knees with JC's cock in his mouth. No, especially then. What did Peter say about hospitality? Lance was letting JC in. He was sharing his body with JC and how JC loved it. They both did. No part of the body was taboo. JC loved to feel so close and at one with Lance. How could people look at this as a sin? Man must never lay with another man like a woman. How cold and calculated. Then JC knew. The writers never knew that two men could really love each other. In Biblical days love didn't enter into a lot of marital and sexual matters. Love! And what Lance and JC had was all about love.

Lance felt JC's hands gently lift him up. JC's lips found his in a passionate kiss.

"Oh, Lance!" JC kissed Lance again.

After they separated, "JC?"

"Now I know what Welks is so afraid of. This," JC kissed Lance again, "Our love."

"You're thinking of Welks while I'm going down you?"

"No, Lance an epiphany. They're afraid of us because they don't want to know that we love. If our sex is just raw animal sex urge it is so easier to hate us. But if we prove we have an emotional bond between us it makes it harder."

"JC, do you have to get philosophical now? I'd like to get harder too."

JC ran his hand over Lance's face and cheek. "Oh, my dear sweet Lance, I'd be delighted to do that for you."

JC sank from Lance's sight. Then Lance's hands found JC's shoulders. "Oh, Josh, that feels so wonderful!" JC's enthusiasm was almost overwhelming. Lance looked down to see JC diving on and off his cock. JC looked up. Damn was that man sexy! JC was going to town and taking Lance with him.

Then JC felt a push against his shoulder. He stopped and looked up.

"JC, not so fast."

JC stood up and took Lance in his arms. "I'm sorry. I was getting carried away. Remember at Peter`s church the sermon about us being sexual beings as well as spiritual beings."


"This isn't sin and we are not breaking God's law. We are obeying it. God made us as sexual beings and we have that divine gift that puts our sex above sin."

"What's that?"

JC caressed Lance's face. "We love each other. God would be so proud."

"Are you saying he is watching us?"

"Why not? He is everywhere."

"Thanks. I think I am now out of the mood." Lance turned away.

"Oh, no you're not," JC pulled him back. "God is no voyeur but he likes to see us in love."

"But the sex?"

"Lance, he designed and created us. He wrote the manual. Don't you think he knows how the human body works?"

"But, JC, what we do. The ass isn`t really meant for. . ."

JC cut him off. "Hey, it feels good doesn't it?"

Lance beamed, "And how!" Lance voice softened. "I love it when you do me."

"So how do we know that wasn't intended?"

"JC, I somehow doubt that when God created the asshole. . ."

JC placed his finger over Lance's lips. "Sh," JC whispered looking around them. "He may be listening."

Lance smirked. "Like he has to listen, he knows JC."

JC went on. "So he knows the body has a numerous ways of feeling pleasure. What's the harm? We're both adults and we're not hurting anyone."

"I should say not. You know I can't stand pain."

"Lance, let's show him what a good job he did on us, okay?"

Lance suddenly smiled. "Sort of a thank you?"

"You betcha."

Lance wrapped his arms around JC. "Oh, how I thank him for you. I love you so much, Josh."

They kissed and kissed and kissed. When they pulled back. . .

"Lance, please do me."

Lance gave JC a quick peck. "Anytime, lover."

JC paused then sighed, "Damn, the lube is upstairs."

"Excuse me," Lance stepped aside and moved two boxes on a shelf. He turned back with a tube of lube.


"When we first moved in and we were having sex everywhere I just thought it would nice if I kept some close so to not spoil the mood."

JC kissed Lance. "I knew there was a reason I loved you. Get me ready for you."

JC put his hands on the washer, put his feet apart and waited for the cold feel of lube.

Lance however had other ideas. Those perfect round mounds of JC's ass were so beautiful Lance couldn't help himself. He knelt down gently separated the cheeks and buried his tongue into JC as far as he could press it.

"Oh, damn, Lance, I didn't expect this."

Lance pried himself away. "You like?"

"Shit yeah! Oh, sorry. Fuck yeah!" JC reached around and coaxed Lance back to his ass not that Lance had to be coaxed.

Lance licked and prodded for all he was worth. JC's ass was so hot. He rubbed and kneaded JC's ass cheeks. JC moaned in agreement. Lance suddenly had a thought and couldn't help himself.

"Do you think God thought of this?"

"I don't know but I am in heaven or at least getting there. Eat my ass."

Lance plunged back between his two favorite pillows. JC pushed back trying to get Lance's tongue even deeper. Damn, this was getting JC even hotter. His need for Lance grew with his passion. He finally turned around. He saw Lance begin to pout.

"I am sorry, Lance, but I need you so bad. Fuck me."

"I thought we were showing our love."

JC caressed Lance's cheek. "We are. And right now I would LOVE for you to fuck me."

"But JC, you said. . ."

JC took Lance gently but firmly by the wrist. He squeezed some lube onto Lance's finger. He then turned and pressed the finger to his ass. Slowly working the lube around his asshole then JC slid Lance's finger into him.

Lance watched as JC's whole body convulsed. His ass clamped and clamped again and again around his finger. "Hot damn, Lance!"

Lance was instantly hard and raring to go. JC's lust almost overwhelmed him. He lubed himself up.

"Okay, JC hold tight, I'm coming."

Two jokes that JC didn't even try for he wanted Lance so bad.

Lance had barely positioned himself before JC pushed back and impaled himself onto Lance's cock.

JC's head snapped back. "Oh, fuck yeah! Fuck me, baby! I need you SO bad." There was an urgent tremolo to JC's voice.

This was no slow started. Lance was soon thrusting into JC with all his might and JC was pressing back harder and harder.

JC head swung back and forth. "Oh, Lance. Fuck me! Yeah, that's it!"

Then the washer shook. It had started the spin cycle. JC could feel it as he clung to it. He got an idea.

He slowly turned causing Lance to pull out. They kissed long and passionate. Then JC pulled back smiling.

He patted the washer. "Sit down."

"But JC?"

"It will hold. Sit down."

Lance boosted himself up and sat down on the washer. He watched nervous as JC climbed up and knelt straddling him. JC sat back and Lance's cock slid back into him.

"That cock of yours, Lance!"

A few bounces from JC and Lance forgot about the washer collapsing. Fuck it, they'd buy a new one.

"The vibrations are kind of strange." Lance finally said, "But nice."

"I thought. . . oh god. . . you'd. . . oh, fuck. . . like it. Oh, Lance, fuck me!"

Lance thrust up with his hips trying to match JC's rhythm. JC kept his eyes closed in such joy and bliss. Lance felt the vibrations stop. The spin cycle was over. Then came the sound of water. The washer was filling for the rinse cycle.

JC barely noticed the change of cycles. Lance was fucking him so good. He could feel the first stirrings of his climax. No, he must wait. Soon. He had to wait for the washer to fill.

"Oh, JC, this is so good."

Just then the washer stopped. The timer clicked for a few seconds then the next cycle kicked in. The whole washer shook as the agitator started in motion rinsing the clothes.

Because Lance was sitting on top the vibrations caught him right on his ass then went straight up through his body.

"Oh, JC, I. . . Oh my god!"

JC laughed in both bliss and understanding. "I thought you might like that."

"Like it! It's wonderful!" The vibrations both tickled and stimulated. Lance was almost squirming on top of the washer. Fucking JC was great enough but this added sensation.

"Oh, god, Josh, how do you think of such things?" Lance panted.

"Just trying to keep my lover happy."

Lance closed his eyes. "I am more than just happy." His cock plunged in deep.

JC snapped his head back. "Fuck you feel great inside me!"

Lance's whimpers were getting louder. JC knew he was getting close.

Lance couldn't believe vibrations from the washer would feel so good. But sitting on the washer they were stimulating his vulnerable spot. Ass play always sent Lance wild and the tickling vibrations were starting to drive him crazy.

"Oh, Josh. Oh, Josh!"

JC smiled. The washer was having the desired affect.

Lance managed to open his eyes. JC's blue ones were gazing steadily at him. Oh, those eyes especially during sex.

"Oh, Josh, I think. . ."

"Do it lover."

A few more thrusts then came one last one. Lance's cock shoved in deep into JC. Lance's mouth opened but just a strangled groan escaped.

JC watched Lance twist and tremble beneath him.

"Oh, Josh, Oh, Josh."

JC gave a few more bounces to stroke Lance's cock and add to Lance's climax then he stopped fighting the inevitable. A few strokes on his cock and he was shooting his load all over his lover's chest. After a few moments they leaned in to kiss still panting slightly.

After they pulled back, "Oh, Josh, that was wonderful."

The timer on the washer clicked again and the agitation stopped. The water started to drain from the washer.

JC gave Lance a peck. "I guess that is the end of our fun." He got down off the washer then helped Lance down on his feet.

Lance hugged JC. "I have the most ingenious lover in the world."

"Lance, believe me other people have had sex on appliances before. I mean that's why so many people object to all the sex on the TV. They keep falling off."

Lance smirked. "That was Monty Python."

JC looked a little sheepish and nodded.

Lance grinned, "I don't care. I think I will be looking forward to laundry day from now on."

They kissed again.

The washer continued though its cycle without even noticing it no longer had passengers.

"So much for your clean clothes."

"I'd rather do more laundry than get caught naked. Well, except with you."

As they dressed JC cocked his head. "Do you hear that? I think the house is haunted."

Lance laughed. "That's just Justin and Peter. You're hearing them through the clothes chute."

"That's half way down the hall!"

"Well, considering how bad Peter has been feeling I think a little added noise on his part is justified."

JC walked over to the clothes chute. "He's being justified all right."

The cries grew louder.

Lance stood next to JC. "It's a good thing we're not on tour. Justin would hardly be able to sing after this."

Still the cries grew louder.

"I hope they closed the windows or the homicide squad will show up any minute now."

Lance grinned, "You mean 'homo'cide squad, don't you?"

Finally the two voices peaked, held for a few seconds then quickly faded. The house fell silent again.

"Boy, that was something. They were almost in harmony."

Lance patted JC's arm. "They are in harmony."

JC wrapped his arms around Lance. "Another idea of yours completed to perfection."

Lance smiled. "Thanks, I try."

"Although when you chose to do the laundry over doing me. . ."

Lance blushed. "Is that what you meant in the kitchen? I'm sorry, JC. I missed it."

JC smiled. "I should have known. When your mind is on other lovers I have to learn to be patient."

"Am I that bad?"

JC pulled Lance close. "No, you're that good."

The door bell rang.

JC sighed. "Mood breaker. I'll get it." JC reluctantly went upstairs.

In a few minutes he returned.

"Who was it?" Lance asked with his back to the door folding clothes.

"I take it all back. Our love still comes first."

Lance turned. JC was holding a bouquet of flowers.

"My little romantic lover," JC went and kissed Lance. "Thank you. This is so sweet."

"Well, we can't let Peter be the only one ordering flowers. Besides it has been so long since I have."

"Ooh, I could do you right here."

Lance pushed JC back. "Later. Tonight. I should get dinner ready."

JC frowned, "I take it back. Now I lose out to dinner?"

Lance chucked JC's chin. "You are going to need your nourishment."

JC grinned. "Meet you on the dishwasher at eleven."

Lance laughed. "It's too small we'll fall off."

"The treadmill then."

"That needs extra energy I want you to use on me."

JC frowned. "Okay, I guess it will have to be the bed."


"Oh, I know, I'll bring the egg beater." JC mused. "Should it be the hand operated one or the electric? The electric has more speeds."

Lance placed his hand over JC's mouth. "JC, enough with the appliances. You don't need them."

JC grinned with pride.

"Come on, help me cook dinner."

They headed upstairs.

There was a soft knock on the door. Justin got out of bed to answer it. It was JC.

"Dinner's ready if you're interested."

"We should be down in a few minutes."

JC smirked.

"Make that 'downstairs' in a few."

"I didn't say anything."

"Yeah, but we all feel Chris's influence." Justin closed the door. He turned back to the bed.

Peter was sleeping so peacefully it seemed a shame to wake him. Peter was even smiling. That did Justin's heart so good to see. This whole lawsuit was hard on Peter. Someone was charging him with being willfully violent plus the thought of Welks influence to prove Peter guilty scared Peter so. And his wild imagination wasn't helping him any. Well, maybe Peter will be better now.

Peter had let Justin take charge and Justin did. All during sex Justin kept his body as close as he could to Peter's. He held Peter in his arms and kissed him whenever possible. He felt Peter relax into the safety of Justin's presence so when Peter began to really get turned on and got more vocal Justin encouraged it. He matched Peter level for level and that turned both of them on. Soon they were given over totally to the freedom of screaming their heads off. So when it was over it was a release in more ways then one. Peter's fears and anxieties were relaxed and Justin had reinforced his love and care for Peter.

Justin slowly approached the bed. Well, he shouldn't put it off any longer. But before Justin could do anything suddenly Peter sat up in bed.

"Justin," Peter exclaimed loudly. "I can remember some of what happened!"

"It had to be Welks's influence. The last man I wanted to talk to was him but I found myself walking towards him."

The lawyers shifted in their chairs.

Peter continued, "Somehow after that first contact I had a growing feeling that Welks needed to talk to me. That this was important to him."

Justin added. "That's what Peter said to me as the police led him away."

Will made a note.

Ben was looking doubtful. There was a knock on the door.

It was John's secretary. "That man you told me about is here to see you."

"Great send him in."

Peter felt more than a little relieved as Hugh entered the room.

"I was summoned?" Hugh had his usual smile.

Peter went up to him. "Oh, Hugh I, ah, we, ah, I really could use your help."

Hugh put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "I know. I know. John told me everything. Well, not everything but that is why I am here."

"Who is he?" Ben asked.

Lance explained. "He's going to see if he can free Peter's memories."


"I'm going to hypnotize him of course."

Ben threw his pen to the table. "Oh, for Christ's sake. This is a case from the twilight zone."

"Ben, these are our clients." Will said sternly. "What they say goes."

"But we can't prove anything. None of this will be taken as evidence in court." He folded his arms. "I don't even believe it."

"Look, you maybe a little new at this," John leaned on the table at Ben. "But you are one of our lawyers. You are to take what we tell you and assemble a viable case around it. We are to tell you everything that we know to be fact which is what we are doing. I know these things sound far fetched but they are real. I know this first hand. And more important is this weasel Welks is going after an innocent man." John looked at Peter. "Not one of us wants anything bad to happen to Peter. I'd even cut off my right arm if it was to save Peter." He turned back to the lawyers and gestured at NSYNC. "All of us would. So if this case is beyond you we'll find a different lawyer to take it. It is up to you."

Peter was still reeling from hearing John's support of him when he felt a nudge. It was Joey.

Joey whispered, "Remember?" He made a pushing gesture. "Move, damn you move. JC's rescue and you did it again with Bill." He nodded at the younger lawyer.

Peter got what Joey was thinking but should he do it? Joey just grinned back at him. Peter glanced to NYSNC. Justin winked. JC and Lance nodded. Chris looked up at the ceiling and started whistling. Peter looked at John. John shrugged.

Ben started putting his papers in order. "Well, I don't know what I can do here. I`m sorry, I guess I should leave."

Peter spun to face him. "Let help you, please." Peter concentrated.

Ben's chair began to move away from the table taking Ben with it. Ben looked around wildly as he got further from the table. There seemed to be no reason for this. This was silly the chair was on carpeting but still it moved. There was a slight thud as the chair stopped against the wall.

"Oh, your papers." Hugh smiled slightly. They flew from the table and into Ben's arms. The pen floated into Ben's hand.

Ben stared at the papers and the pen in his hand wide eyed then, "Ah!" he dropped them to the floor. He almost crawled up into the chair. Then he remembered how he had got there and he leapt from the chair then stared at it almost cringing.

Will tried to keep from laughing as did everyone in the room. "Now do you believe?"

"But. . .But. . ."

Will explained. "It has nothing to do with the supernatural. It is just their mental powers or should I say gifts. Are you staying? I could really use your help."

Ben prodded the chair a few times.

"It's all right," Peter said. "I won't make it move again."

Will pointed to the vacant space beside him. "You're a lawyer. We're trained to take on the devil himself. It's just a chair."

Ben pulled the chair back up to the table and retrieved his papers. "With powers like this we could take Welks down easily."

"Ah-ah," Will replied, "Welks will turn anything out of the ordinary and blame it on Satan. We have to keep things rational and legal. "

Ben sat down, "Sorry." He glanced around the table. "Oh and I apologize to all of you and to you, Peter." He bowed slightly. "You proved your point. I should have believed you. You shouldn't have had to prove it. That is my job. "

Justin saw Peter was a bit exhausted. He reached for the pitcher of ice water and poured Peter a glass.

"Thanks, Justin." Peter took the glass and drank. "That really takes it out of me. John, the next time you want me to move an occupied chair make sure the floor isn't carpeted."

Ben glared up at John.

"We all wanted Peter to do it," Justin confessed. "We needed you to believe us for Peter's sake."

Ben looked from one to the other. "Okay, you've convinced me. Where to now?"

"To me," Hugh moved to Peter, "So, shall we see what real evidence we can come up with?"

Peter had his eyes closed and fidgeted in the chair. "I don't remember much from the original contact. I felt Welks's mind but it was all a jumble. Part of it was things he wanted to ask an angel and another part more deeper. I don't know any more."

Hugh could see Peter's stress. "Okay, leave that for now. Go to later on during the party, did you feel Welks's influence?"

"Sort of."

"Sort of?"

"I can't explain it. It just seemed to get stronger and stronger."

"When did you first become aware of it?"

"I don't know."

Justin whispered. "Ask about 98 Degrees performing."

Hugh leaned close. "Did you feel anything while 98 Degrees preformed?"

"I just wondered how Nick and Drew got along that was all."

"And then?"

Peter squirmed, "I felt the connection getting stronger. I knew he wanted to talk. He needed to talk. I found myself drawn to him. It was very important."

"Peter, do you know what Welks needed to talk to you about?"


"Do you remember walking towards Reverend Welks?"

"Yes, I didn't want to but I couldn't stop myself. It was if. . .

As if. . ."

Hugh said gently, "Take your time."

"I don't know. It was like I wasn't in control."

Everyone glanced at each other.

"Do you know who was?"

"No. All I know was after a while I felt like I was an eyewitness to what I was doing but I wasn't doing it."

"And when you approached Welks, did you know what you wanted to say to him?"

"No, I was just going to introduce myself when," Peter paused. "Something else came out entirely."

"What did you say?" Hugh asked.

The lawyers sat forward.

Peter thought hard. "Why do you persecute me and my people?"

"Oh, my god."

"Lance, sh!"

"I just know why Peter set Welks's people off."


"Before he was the Apostle Paul he was Saul a very strong prosecutor of the early Christians. That is until Jesus in vision appeared before him. Jesus said those very words. Peter saying them would be taken as blasphemy, a gay man quoting Christ."

Hugh turned back to Peter, "Why did you say those words?"

"It is the truth. He does persecute my people because of," Peter paused. His face tensed as he tried hard to think.

Justin was afraid Peter might rupture a blood vessel.

"I can't." Peter gave a deep sigh and relaxed. "It's blocked. I wasn't with Welks long enough to find out."

"Then leave it. What happened after you spoke to Welks?"

"Welks turned around to face me. It was like he expected this meeting to happen and he had been dreading it. But he was surprised it was me. I could tell. Then I was pushed into him then pulled from him. Then there were people pushing and shoving. That was when I was hit on the back of the head. I was in a daze for some time. People talked to me. I sort of recognized them but my mind wouldn`t focus. I was too confused by what I saw."

The whole room sat forward.

"What did you see?"

"Welks, he seemed to snap out of his surprise at seeing me then he raised his hand to his brow." Peter frowned. "When he took his hand away he was bleeding. He did that twice. How could that happen? He just touched himself and he bled but that wasn`t the biggest surprise."


"Before I fell to the ground I saw them, his own people. They had turned against him." Peter bowed his head. "Turned against him," He mumbled, "Why did they do that?"

Hugh touched Peter's shoulder. "That's okay, clear your mind. Rest."

Peter lay back in his chair.

"What does it all mean?" Lance asked. "How could he touch himself and bleed?"

"It's an old pro wrestling trick." Joey started to explain. "You take small pieces of razor blade and tape them to your hand. You can then make quick shallow cuts that do no real harm and heal fast but they bleed like the devil. Good show for the audience."

Will nodded. "So Welks caused his own wounds."

"Not quite, "Chris said, "That line about his own people turning on him. What Peter saw," Chris bowed to Ben with a smirk, "And I am just guessing here, I'll leave the conclusions to you, is Welks's own people hit him to cause the bruises."

"So Peter didn't lay a hand on Welks. He arranged for his own assault."

Will finished writing. "Probably they had it planned out in advance. Unfortunately Peter was the one who stepped into the trap."

"But he's innocent. We just proved it."

Will shook his head. "Sorry, Lance. None of this is real evidence. We need witnesses."

Ben checked his notes. "I have several names to check out. Someone should be willing to testify."

"And we only have a few days." Will said.

"A few days?"

"Yes, Welks as usual has filed to push the trial date up. There are two openings. We have two to three days."

Lance said. "If you need our help let us know."

Will smiled at Lance. "We can handle it. It's better it you guys don't get involved. There will be less talk of prejudicing the witnesses."

"Oh," Lance frowned.

"But there is one thing that worries me," Ben looked at Hugh. "If Welks did have this influence over Peter what about the trial? Welks will be right there close. If Peter reacts to him?"

Hugh smiled. "Don't worry. I think I can create a block so Peter will be safe from any thoughts from the great Reverend Welks."

Will sat thinking. "Peter said that when he confronted him Welks was expecting it and he dreaded it. I would give anything to find out what that was."

Ben shrugged. "Maybe we should just let Peter be. Maybe this thing with Welks will kick in again and we can find some answers."

Justin stood up. "I object to using Peter this way. We don't know what Welks did to him and I don't like the thought of the likes of him having any power over Peter."

Hugh gestured softly for Justin to sit down. "Relax. Peter will be quite safe. Welks at the party was trying to stir up people. But Welks will be more subdued in court. With the legal system watching he has to be careful. But I agree Peter is our only way into find out this secret dread of Welks'."

"But. . ." Justin protested.

"Hey, you all will be there," Hugh patted Justin's shoulder. "Between all of us I am sure Peter will be safe with that much mental force."

"Except for me," Joey look down.

"Joey, you may not know how to project but your emotions send out as much protection as the rest. More perhaps with your family upbringing."

"When it comes to emotions we Fatones really kick ass."

They all laughed.

The lawyers stood up. "Well, we have work to do. Don't worry, Peter. There shouldn't be any problems."

"Okay, we have a problem." Ben sat down next to Will. "All the witnesses I could find didn't actually see the assault. Welks's people blocked their view." He dropped his papers to the table. "You have to admit Welks knows how to choreograph a scene."

"No photos?"

"Not a human or an electric eye caught the action."

"Surely there must have been a photographer close."

"If there was no one has come forward. Unless Welks bought them all off."

"I wouldn't put it passed him. But it really doesn't matter. We know Peter didn't hit Welks."

"It is still just his word for it."

Will glared up at Ben.

Ben put his hands up. "Hey, just highlighting the point. That's our job you know."

"You still don't believe him?"

"Hey, not after what I have been through. I believe him totally. Besides I have the medical record." Ben handed a sheet of paper to Will. "Welks's treatment consisted of some ointment on his wounds to stave off infection and an aspirin. Welks didn`t even need a Band-Aid. It seems Joey was right. Wounds that bled to make a good show then healed quickly. Even the bruises were slight. I guess good Christian people can't beat up on a Reverend even to frame a heathen."

"Good. So we know Welks caused his own assault. Now we have to be watchful for any witness that gives evidence to the contrary. You ready?"

Ben nodded. "Let's do this."

End part 53. Remember part 54 is mostly finished. At the VERY MOST it will be 2 weeks probably before that. I you want to give me what for I can be reached at Or if you have problems, like some people had of the last part, I can also be reached at

Next part soon I promise. Ooooh, what they do to Welks!.

Next: Chapter 55

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