Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Feb 20, 2005


Damn, these parts just keep getting longer and longer. I had to split this one up was well. Oh, well. Better get to it.

This story is complete Bullshit. Not even a glimpse of real life in any word. NSYNC is NOT gay to this author's knowledge in real life. But in his fantasy Oh, baby! Oh, you can read that can't you. Sorry, no sex this time. Well, that just lost me 1/2 my readers, oh well.

Part 54

Joey was at the computer.

"Internet porn again? What would your girlfriend think?"

Joey didn't even look at Chris. "The same as yours and this is about as far from porn as you can get."

Chris leaned close. "Christian Universities? That's not going to help your sex life."

Joey raised his hand, "I'm not even going to let you start." He went back to work on the computer.

After a few moments of silence Chris gave in. "Okay, okay, no jokes. What are you doing?"

"Research. I'm looking into the background of the Great Reverend Welks."


"Just curious. I think Reverend Welks' reputation has grown bigger than the man. I want to find the facts."

"Surely, our lawyers would know that."

"They just looked into his legal cases."

"Why are you so worried about Welks all of a sudden?"

"Okay, I'm trying to cut him down to size."

"Plus you want to help and you're going crazy waiting around doing nothing."

"Hell, yes."

Chris grabbed a chair. "Then bring it on. This waiting is driving me sane."


Chris flashed Joey a look.

"Oh, got it." Joey turned back to the screen. "I've tried these two universities with no luck."

"Well, duh, Joey. Think of his employer."


"Because Mr. 700 Club has his own university."


Chris leaned close, "They recruit from their own ranks you know. If Welks showed promise he was probably signed on as an apprentice and was taken under the Chairman's right wing."

Joey clicked on the link. "Here we are. Maybe I should get a barf bag."

"Cute," Chris pointed. "Click there for alumni."

"What? No password or registration?"

"Hey, this is advertising for them. You too can be trained to be a God-fearing, Bible belching, Holier than Thou, talking about love and really preaching hate and intolerance religious figure." Chris threw his arms in the air, "Hallelujah!" Chris pointed again. "There is Welks's name."

Joey clicked. The screen filled with the information.

"Sweet Jesu-mmm."

Chris slapped his hand over Joey's mouth. "Don't say that name while we at this site. Save it to when you mean it." Chris removed his hand.

"Look at all the titles. This guy needs a phone book for a business card. How long was he in college? He must have started when he was seven years old."

"Scroll down. The latest stuff is on the bottom."

"We're at the bottom. There's no enrollment date."

"That's funny."

"Why? Maybe he changed his name."

Chris nodded. "That way no one could check his past. I bet he got a young girl pregnant or better yet it was a guy."

"Stop it, Chris. He probably had some horrid name like Jack Meehoff."

"Or Oral Roberts," Chris added. "Sounds like two gay guys named Bob."

"Then he changed his name to be more scholarly or spiritual like Father Flanagan, Pastor Nelson or Reverend Thompson."

"Well, check some others. See what info is there."

After a bit, "See most of the other all have registration dates. I think that is very suspicious."

"He might have transferred from another school. Did you think of that?"

"What are you on his side now?"

"I just don't want to get carried away on something we have no proof."

"I think we should mention this to our lawyers. They have the clout to dig deeper."

"Chris, this really isn't anything much to go on."

"Well then keep surfing. Maybe we'll find something else."

"I won't do it." Will slammed his hand down on the desk.

"You have to." Justin shot back. "I am the only one you have that saw what happened. Well, pretty much. I have to say what I know to defend Peter."

"Do you forget that Welks gets to cross examine? If he has the least hint of your relationship with Peter he can out you. Youll be under oath. Youd have to tell the truth."

Justin stood tall, "I am not ashamed of Peter or our relationship."

"Well, Welks doesn't feel the same. He'll make a mockery of your love. He'll turn anything you say against you. Do you want that?"

Justin slowly slumped. He shook his head.

Will felt Justins powerlessness. "But I will tell you this if I have to I will have you in that witness stand. I just think I can win this without it. I know Peter understands why I cant call you. But there are other worries."

"Other worries?"

Ben sat forward. "As we did our research we found out that others have been looking into the same records especially Peter's. His medical history and the police charges. Someone or some group are delving into NSYNC's history along with Peter's and I doubt it is for writing a glowing tribute. This whole case wasn't an accident. It was very carefully and meticulously planned."

Will sat on the edge of his desk. "That is why I don't want to call you as a witness until I am sure it is safe. I have an idea that might just work but it depends on the judge."

Ben smiled. "Well, we won out there."

"How?" asked Justin.

"If the Reverend Welks would have held out for two more days he would have had a more sympathetic judge. One who is more on his side. But he rushed this trial ahead. I don't think he is looking for a conviction. He's looking to use this trial as media springboard. Dirt is great in the tabloids but dirt found out during a trial is even better because it has the ring of truth. Don't worry. We know Welks's methods. Peter will be safe. We swear it."

They went into the outer room to find the rest of the group waiting.

"Justin here already?"

"Of course, Chris. He's looking out for his lover."

Ben walked over to Peter. "You feel up to this?"

"Well, I have no choice do I?" Peter saw the look of concern on Justin's face. He changed tact. "Well, it is a little like my first time on Space Mountain at Walt Disney World. You know you will end up safe but the in-between parts are a bit scary."

Will smiled. "Trust us. Come on."

As they left Chris leaned into Ben. "Did you get my E-Mail?"

"Yep, and we are checking into it. Thank you for the lead."

Chris beamed, "No problem."

Ben didn't have the heart to tell Chris that they knew about Welks's university days already. But he was impressed by their effort.

The sound of the gavel made Peter jump.

"That woke him up."

"Chris, sh."

JC patted Lance's knee. "I know what Chris meant."

"So do I. Peter has been in a funk all day."

"Do you blame him?"

Lance almost sneered, "Peter on trial is such a travesty."

"Look at him," Chris nodded to Welks. "He even has a bandage on his head. Who is he fooling?"

JC raised a finger to his lips. They needed to be quiet.

". . .court is now in session. The honorable. . ." blah, blah, blah.

The words were a blur. How many times had Peter heard them before in movies and on television? But this time it was happening to him. He was at that table in front with a lawyer on each side. The gavel strike had startled him. He pulled the world back into focus.

Welks was talking. "And I tend to prove that the defendant did attack my person on the night in question."

The judge seemed bored. "Call your first witness."

Will stood up. "Please, your honor I have a question to pose to the prosecutor before we begin with the trial."

"If the prosecutor has no objections?"

Welks replied, "I have none, your honor."


"If I may Reverend Welks I see that you have a new injury I hope it is not serious."

The Reverend Welks touched the bandage on his temple. "Oh, nothing really. It will heal."

"I just wanted to point out," Will continued, "That according to the medical records that your honor has a copy of, Welks' wounds on that night required no bandage. I make mention of it only to make sure that this new wound is not thought to have been acquired on the night in question."

"I am so sorry, your honor," Welks almost bowed, "I was teaching a boy at the shelter to play catch and his aim was a bit erratic. I never would have thought that it could be misconstrued as happening that night. My apologizes to the court."

The judge sat back in his chair. "Proceed with your first witness."

Welks barely held in check a glare at the defending consul.

"That got him."

"Quiet, Ben. That was just small potatoes. We need to keep on our toes."

"He approached you," The witness glanced up at the judge. He remembered that he was to be specific. "Sorry, he approached the Reverend Welks, your honor." The witness pointed to Peter, "I saw him raise his fist. Then he hit you."

"And you are sure you saw this."


Welks smiled. "No further questions, your honor."


Will stood up, "You saw Peter raise his fist?"


"And then you saw my client strike Reverend Welks?"

The witness paused slightly. "Yes, he hit Reverend Welks."

"You saw my client strike Reverend Welks?"

The witness paused again, "Yes, he hit Reverend Welks."

"You are sure it was my client that hit Reverend Welks."

The witness glanced around a bit. "He hit Reverend Welks."

Reverend Welks stood up. "How many times need the witness say what he saw?"

"Just making sure of his testimony," Will sat down. "No further questions, your honor."

Peter looked surprised. Surely the witness was lying

Will saw the look and leaned over to Peter. "We need a bit more proof."

The next two witnesses told the same story and each time Will had them repeat and repeat it.

As the next witness was called Will leaned to Peter, "If this one says the same thing we've got him."

"He attacked Reverend Welks so I tried to help. My sign slipped and caught the defendant against the back of his head. It was an accident. I didn't mean to hit him with the sign. I just wanted to pull him off you," He glanced at the Judge, "Sorry, off Reverend Welks."

Welks looked apologetic. "I am sure you didn't mean any real harm to the defendant. You just got caught up in the rush."

"Yes, sir, that's right. I'm not a violent person. I was deeply distressed when I saw Peter fall. I'm just glad it wasn't serious."

Welks turned and almost smiled, "Your witness." He walked back to sit down.

Will stood up. "You are sure you saw my client hit Reverend Welks."

Welks turned. "How many times do they have to repeat this, your honor? The witness is under oath."

Will added, "Your pardon, your honor. After the witness replies I will make my reasons known."

The judge nodded. "Very well." He turned to the witness, "Answer the question."

The witness replied. "The defendant raised his fist. Then he hit Reverend Welks."

"Thank you." Will walked to the bench. "Your honor, I would like the transcripts of all the witnesses' answers to that question read again."

Welks was on his feet. "Do we need to hear this over and over? Isn't once enough?"

"I have a point, your honor."

The judged sighed, "The clerk will read the witnesses' responses."

Welks sat down angrily.

The clerk read the witnesses statements aloud.

After he was done Welks snapped. "I hope you are happy."

Will replied. "Now your honor, I will make my point. It is all a matter of punctuation and the pronoun 'he' and 'him'."

"Do we get a basic grammar lesson now?" Welks sneered.

"If the prosecutor will let me finish?" Will started pacing. "In each case when the witness said they saw my client raise his fist they named him by name. But when they said who actually struck Reverend Welks it was always 'him' and `he'". My client wasn't mentioned."

Welks leaned on the table. "His client is a male and therefore a "him". I don't see what good this is doing us."

"If I may demonstrate?" Will walked over to Peter. "Peter, raise your fist." Peter did as he was told. "Now Ben hit Peter lightly on the shoulder." Ben did as he was instructed. Will turned back to the judge. "That is my point."

Welks sneered. "This is silly. I think the consul should stop wasting the court's time with such nonsense."

"Oh, it's not nonsense. It is vital to understand the witnesses' testimony." Will walked up to the bench. "Your honor, I can now say I just saw my client raise his fist then I saw him," Will pointed at Ben, "hit him. That was one statement but it included two people. One raised his fist and one did the hitting. I believe none of the witnesses saw my client assault Reverend Welks. They just want to infer it with a carefully worded statement."

Welks stood up. "I object to this reasoning. The consul is wasting our time."

Will turned back to the witness. "One last time, did you see my client hit Reverend Welks? And be specific."

"I saw him. . ."

Will drew close to the witness his voice loud and firm. "No, not 'him', use my clients name! You are under oath. Did you see my client actually hit Reverend Welks?" Will pointed at Peter. "It was Peter and no one else?"

The witness was struggling.

"Did you see him attack Welks? Say his name!"

The witness didn't know what to say. He looked at Welks then away. Finally he burst out. "Well, if he didn't who did?"

Will slapped the rail. "Thank you."

"Objection over ruled, Mr. Welks."

Will stood in front of the bench. "Your honor, I maintain that none of the witnesses actually saw my client hit the Reverend Welks. Not one in their testimony accused my client specifically. They used a pronoun that could have meant any male person. No further questions for this witness your honor."

The judge looked stern, "Before the witness steps down does he understand the meaning of perjury?"

The witness was worried. "Please, your honor. We didn't lie. A few of us got together. It had to be Peter that attacked Reverend Welks but no one saw the attack. But we knew we would be under oath. We're God fearing people, your honor. We know better that to take God's name in vain. So someone came up with using "he" and "him" for the attacker part. There were no ladies around at the time so it had to be a male. So in any event we weren't lying." He turned to Peter with almost a sneer. "It had to be Peter who did it. No one else was close enough to have done it."

The judge looked sternly at the witness. "That's what this trial is to prove. But even though in your mind you weren't lying you were impeding justice or at least giving false witness. What if Peter is innocent?" asked the judge. "You'd have played a part in condemning an innocent man. Just remember that. The witness may step down."

The witness returned to his seat.

Welks stood up. "Your honor, I wish to put in a plea for the people of my congregation. They acted from their hearts not their heads."

"I am considering, Mr. Welks, and the word is perjury all be it unintended."

Will put in, "Your honor, I am sure. . ."

"Please, consul. This is my decision. Mr. Welks, can you produce any witnesses that will precisely identify the defendant in the assault?"

Welks looked somewhat dejected. "Not at this time, your honor."

"Do you have anymore witnesses to call?"

"Not at this time, your honor."

"Very well, we will then move on to hear from the defense."

"Your honor," Will began, "Since it seems that Reverend Welks has not produced any witnesses to prove his side of the case I move that the charges should be dropped."

"Your point is taken." The judge thought a bit. "Under the circumstances. . ."

Reverend Welks stood up. "Does the defense have any witnesses that can attest to seeing the assault?"

The judge had an edge to his voice. "Mr. Welks, if you will let me finish."

"Sorry, your honor." Welks sat down.

The judge sat back. "I feel it is fair in this case to hear both sides. Mr. Welks has yet to prove his case but the defense hasn't proven him wrong. So to ask Mr. Welks' question, does the consul have any witnesses that can attest to seeing the assault?"

Will stood up. "Not at this time, your honor. We have not found anyone to come forward that had witnessed the assault. They saw everything leading up to it and after it but not the act itself. But I do have witnesses that will attest to Peter's character and that such violence is beyond his nature."

The judge sat back. "Then proceed."

"I call Johnny Wright to the stand."

"I didn't meet Peter that first time when he saved JC but I did when the tour returned. It was then that Peter had discovered the sabotage to the stage. I made it a point to join NSYNC and Peter for dinner. Lance and JC had taken a shine to Peter. I wanted to get to know him better. Well, I was their manager."

"And what did you think of Peter?"

"I've never met anyone quite like him. He was very shy and lonely but very honest. He answered every question I asked him. He was a little embarrassed and some of the answers were more personal than I meant but he answered everyone. I soon realized that he posed no threat to the guys. In fact he proved to be quite the opposite."

"How so?"

"Well, we made him a temporary member of the crew. His abilities really helped at the concerts. He helped out pointing out people that were getting a little out of control. He even saved a girl from getting seriously injured in falling as she climbed on the stage. Peter has been a real asset."

"Mr. Wright, have you ever know Peter to be violent?"

"Only once. That was when he was being gay bashed, ah, attacked. Peter fought back to get away from his attacker. That is the only time I have known Peter to be violent." John paused. "Wait, there was another. No, Peter didn't even touch him then."

"Mr. Wright?"

"Peter was home visiting his mother after her surgery. His brother came home to steal from his parents. Peter threw him out of the house but I wasn`t there. I was just told about that."

"These were the only two occasions that you know about when Peter used force?"


"Did they seem justified to you?"

"Yes, in both cases Peter was protecting something. The first it was himself and the next was his parents."

"And to the best of your knowledge do you think Peter could have attacked the Reverend Welks?"

"No, I don't think Peter could have done that. Violence it repugnant to him."

"Thank you, Mr. Wright. Your witness." Will went and sat down.

Welks smiling walked to the witness stand.

"Mr. Wright, you just said that violence was repugnant to Peter."


"Yet you just described two instances where Peter was violent or should I say used force. Sounds like it wasn`t all that repugnant to him."

"Well, in the first case Peter was attacked. It was self defense."

"And the last one when he was at his parent's home?"

"His brother was stealing from his parents. He was defending his mother."

"How noble of him."

"I'm afraid I can only tell you what I was told. I wasn't there."

"So you only have Peter's word for what happened."

"No, Justin was there. He witnessed it."

Welks's turned. "Justin was there. Why Justin?"

Alarms went off in John's head. He chose his answer carefully. "Peter is friends with all of NYSNC. We thought Peter might need help with his mother and we wanted someone to be with him. Justin was free. Any of the others would have gone but in this case it was Justin."

"How do you know these things?"

"The guys tell me everything. They keep no secrets from me."

"I see. Could there be another reason Justin went with Peter, a more personal one?"

"They're all friends. We've all become quite fond of Peter."

Welks tried again. "Could there be a closer connection between Peter and Justin?"

Again John chose his words carefully. "Justin wanted to be there to help Peter if he needed it. As for the others," John paused, "Wait, I do remember. Lance and JC met them later."

"Lance and JC flew out later? Surely Peter didn't need the help of three people."

"They weren't there to help Peter. They were there to watch Peter's send off."

"His send off?"

"Since Peter was going to live in Orlando he had that Sunday to say goodbye to his friends at his church."

Welks snapped around, "His church?"

"Yes. They have a sending off ceremony. Lance and JC wanted to be there for it. I heard it was very moving."

"I'm sure. But that weekend Justin and Peter were alone in the house with Peter's mother who was still under medication after her surgery were they not?"

"No. They had barely got back from the hospital when Peter's brother showed up. Right after Peter's brother, ah, left, Peter's father came home. He had transferred to an army base near their house so he could look after Peter's mother since Peter was moving away. So I guess Peter's parents were with them all weekend."

Welks seemed to be thinking hard. "You mentioned Peter's abilities. Can you elaborate?"

John hesitated but he was under oath. He replied, "Peter was certain mental gifts. Aura reading is a big one. That is how he could tell if the people at the concerts were getting too wild. He even pointed out this one girl to security and when she rushed the stage security was waiting. He helped protect NSYNC on many occasions."

Welks frowned. "I see." He paused. "What did you think about having an out gay man being with JC and Lance?"

"It was good for them. They had someone they could relate and talk to."

"And this ceremony idea and their coming out did that happened before or after Peter's arrival?"


"And do you think Peter had anything to do with it?"

"Maybe, Lance and JC had never spent much time with an out gay man before. Peter may have been an example to them."

"So since Peter has been around he has had quite the impact on NYSNC and the people around them."

"Oh, yes, definitely."

Welks smiled. "Thank you, No further questions."

Welks walked back to his seat. He gestured to a younger man sitting behind the rail. He leaned in and they whispered for a while then the young man left.

"Does the defense have more witnesses?"

"Yes, your honor, but if I may ask for a ruling?"

"But you have only called one witness."

"Yes, your honor, I am thinking of the other witnesses I wish to call. I don`t want them to be compromised in any way."


"The assault happened outside a party showing support for two gay men. The accused is also a gay man. The court is fully aware of Reverend Welks' stand on homosexuality."


"I am afraid that more than my client's character will be dragged into this. Therefore I would like your ruling on if the private sex life of my client and that of my witnesses will be permissible evidence."

Justin looked at Welks. He seemed anxious.

The judge thought for awhile then sat forward. "This is a case of physical assault not sexual assault. I don't see why sex should enter into it. It is the accuser's character we are looking into not his bed manner. I hereby rule that the private sexual lives of both the accused and the consul's witnesses will not be heard as evidence."

Welks leapt to his feet. "But your honor, the accused is gay. Sex is the one driving matter in their life, his life. You're cutting off the one means that motivates everything that homosexuals do. It's like telling a fish not to swim."

The judge grew stern. "Mr. Welks, this is not the dark ages. Stereotypes do not belong in a court of law. You are a lawyer and I would like you to remember that. My ruling stands."

Welks dropped back into his chair.

"Ooh, that's got him."

"Chris, be quiet."

The judge sighed and looked at his watch. "Since we got a late start and it is getting late, let's take this up in the morning." He took up the gavel. "This court is adjourned until nine o'clock tomorrow morning." There was a loud bang of the gavel. The judge departed.

Peter gave a visible sigh of relief.

"That wasn't so bad."

Peter rolled his eyes. "You don't have a front row seat, Chris. I thought I'd die of a heart attack."

Peter felt a hand on his. "Please, don't do that."

Peter smiled at Justin. "You were the only thing that kept me going."

They leaned close then stopped.

Joey waved his hand and looked away. "Just kiss already." After the two lovers parted, "Well, that's over."

"I don't think so," JC came downstairs. "Look at this." He grabbed the remote and switched on the TV.

"It was appalling!" It was Welks`s assistant. "They treated our witnesses like dirt. The consul badgered them and forced them to repeat and repeat their statements. It was as if he was making good Christian people out to be liars."

"Hey, they were."

Lance hissed. "Joey, sh!"

Welks's face filled the screen. "I am not giving up yet. Justice will be done. God is on our side."

"They always say that. Hell, both sides say that."

"Chris, Joey, shut up!"

"I didn't say anything." Joey protested, "That was Chris."


It was Welks's assistant again. "They even got a ruling that their sex lives aren't admissible in court."

Welks just smiled. "Don't worry, God will win out. Even if I can't bring out their decadent behavior God's truth will prevail." Then Welks frowned. "It is too bad such a wholesome family oriented group like NSYNC had to be corrupted by this person. But soon all will be revealed. The world will know the truth in the end."

"Gay sex always does." Chris looked around. No one was listening. "Hey, that was a joke."

"I know," JC said sadly. "It was a good one." He pointed at the TV. "Unfortunately, what Reverend Welks said was also a joke but I don't think it is at all funny."

They were heading down the hall to the court room.

Ben leaned over to Peter. "Ready to face your public?"

"My what?"

Ben nodded down the hall. Peter saw two men enter the courtroom.

"Reporters. The publicity has started."

Lance saw Peter pale a bit. "Don't worry, Peter, you've got people on your side."

Peter managed a smile. "I know. I'm glad you guys are here."

Joey smirked, "And where else would we be."

Chris opened the door and held it open for them. "Once more into the breech, dear friends, once more."

Will walked passed Chris. "You surprise me. I didn't think you'd be so well read."

Joey laughed. "It was a question in one of those trivia games and it cost Chris the win."

Chris frowned. "So I don't read much. Sue me."

Ben smiled. "We can arrange that."

Chris slapped his hand over his mouth. There was a muffled, "Never mind."

The first thing Peter noticed was the people. It had just been the guys before. Then he recognized them. It was all the guys' mothers and Lance and Justin's fathers. They stood up as he entered.

Lynn smiled warmly. "Just wanted to show our support." She gave Peter a hug. "It's not just the guys who are behind you on this."

Peter tried to keep his voice from cracking. "Thank you. I appreciate it." He made his way to the front.


He turned. It was Britney.

"You, too."


"Showing your support of Peter."

"I had little choice." She waved a piece of paper. "I got served to me last night."

Justin went up to Will. "Why would you subpoena Britney? You just had to ask."

"He didn't." Britney explained.

Justin looked puzzled. "Reverend Welks did?"

Britney nodded.

Will shook his head. "The guy is relentless. Sex lives are out but an old girlfriend can say why you broke up."

"But we weren't a couple."

"Justin, will it matter?"

"But Britney has nothing to do with the case."

"Well, she does know Peter." Will patted Justin's shoulder. "Don't worry, I'll think of something."

Will stood by the witness stand. "And the gay bashing event is the only time you know of that Peter has ever willfully hit anyone?"

Lance answered. "Yes, Bill called us fags and that got Peter angry. I guess you could say Peter was defending our honor."

"I object, your honor," Welks stood up. "These witnesses have only repeated what they have heard. None of them were at the scene of the gay bashing, sorry, the assault."

Will turned to the bench. "Your honor, these remarks match the defendant's own sworn statement. This statement figured in the guilty charge for the accused in that case. Surely what is good for one court is good for another?"

"Objection overruled. Proceed."

"The telecast after that, whose idea was that?"

"Well, Justin thought of it but we all agreed. John made the arrangements."

"Did Peter have anything to do with that decision?"

"No, he was out of the room. But he was brave enough to actually make a statement on the air. Peter was very shy back then. He almost didn't press charges because he was intimidated by Bill. We were all proud of him."

"Peter was intimidated by Bill?"


"And Peter still did what he did?"

"Yes, he didn't want Bill to do to anyone else what he did to Peter and tried to do to us."

"Thank you. No further questions." Will went back and sat down.

Wells stood up.

"You said that Peter fought back because he was defending your honor."

"Yes, he knew all too well what it was like being called a fag. He hated it when we were called that."

"So Peter was protective if you were called anything negative?"

"At that time, yes. But he was under attack."

"Would you say that the signs my people carried the night in question may have been seen as negative to you?"

"Sort of."

"And couldn't Peter have been seen as protecting you from me just like he did for Bill."

"Yours wasn't a physical attack. Peter knows you are entitled to your opinion even if he doesn't agree with it. He knew that we weren't terribly upset by your being there so he had no cause to protect us from you." Lance almost smiled at the look of disappointment on Welks's face.

Welks continued. "This gay bashing incident happened in a locker room?"


"What was Peter doing in the locker room in the first place?"

"He was looking for Craig. He works for the stadium security."

"A locker room seems a rather strange place to look for person. This man Peter was looking for in this locker room wasn't he also gay?"

Lance felt his dread rise. "Yes."

"Two gay men in an empty locker room? Weren't there rumors of a possible sex liaison?"

"They were just rumors."

"Yes or no."

"Yes, there were."

"And didn't this Bill state that Peter had made an unwanted advance on him? Didn't he say that Peter grabbed him?"

"Peter didn't."

"Yes or no, didn't he say Peter grabbed his crotch?"

Lance was trapped. "Yes, he did."

"Could it be that Peter was intimidated by Bill because Bill could tell what really happened? That Peter had made an unwanted sexual advance to him and it was Bill who was fighting off Peter not visa versa?"

Will was on his feet. "Objection, your honor. This is pure supposition on the prosecutor's part."

"Objection sustained."

Welks turned and slightly waved his hand. "Question withdrawn." Wells turned, "No more questions your honor." Smiling Welks sat down.

"Well, Peter has changed since he has been with us." JC replied. "He was so shy and withdrawn. It is nice to see him more outgoing than he was."

Will turned to Peter. "So being with NSYNC has influenced Peter. Has he influenced you?"

"As a friend, yes."

"Now about your coming out and the wedding?"

JC eyed Welks. "We prefer "ceremony". Our coming out was Lance and my idea. In fact at the time of the news broadcast after Peter's assault we talked about coming out to show support and it was Peter who objected. He wanted us to come out when we were ready not to make it a political statement. We agreed. Lance and I made the public aware of us when we finally got our head around the possible reactions. As for the ceremony, I proposed to Lance. That was my idea. I wanted to show Lance how much I loved him. The guys may have planned our anniversary party but the rest was all me."

"No one else knew of your plan?"

"I wanted it to be a complete surprise so I told no one."

"You can't trust the guys to keep a secret?"

"Well, we spend a lot of time together and sometimes things slip out unintentionally. I wasn't taking any chances."

"So would you say Peter had any affect on you and Lance?"

"As much as the others guys were. You know, showing support and being totally behind what we were doing. But even without knowing Peter Lance and I would have come out and would be having a ceremony. It would have happened anyway." JC paused, "Although Peter did show us how to connect and really feel the love we had for each other. But the feelings were already there. He just showed us how to share them."

"I see. Now as far as the party on the night in question, you all knew that Reverend Welks and his group would be there?"

"Oh, yes, John informed us of the fact."

"Did Peter know?"

"Sure, he was there when we were told."

"Did Peter seem concerned about Reverend Welks being there?"

"Not anymore than we were. But we had dealt with people of Reverend Welks's beliefs before. They are free to believe what they want as much as we are."

"Peter was not angry or upset about the protesters?"

"No, he knew they had a right to make their feelings known."

"Do you think that Peter would have attacked Reverend Welks?"

"No way. And especially in front of a group of people. Peter doesn't do well in crowds."

"No further questions." Will went back to his seat.

JC readied himself for Welks's turn.

Welks stood up. "Mr. Chaisezz."

"It's Cha-zay or JC."

Welks put on a fake smile. "Ah, yes, Mr. Chasez, the defendant resides in the same house with you and Lance does he not?"


"Did you give any thought of how this might be taken by other people? I mean three gay men in one house."

JC was indignant. "We share a house not each other."

"Mr. Welks," the judge interrupted. "I trust this line of questioning isn't going to get any closer to my ruling?"

"No, your honor. Mr. Chasez, how has the defendant been as a houseguest?"

"Just fine. Peter is very considerate and understanding. We've had no problems with him."

"No problems?" Welks walked back to his table.

"No not one."

Welks picked up a piece of paper. "But how about that night that led to a criminal charge? There was drugs and sex involved."

"That was not of Peter's doing. People we never invited drugged Peter and tried to have sex him."

"In all of the time that you and Lance lived together had anything like this ever happened under you roof before?"

"No never."

"And do you think it likely that it ever would happen?"

"I don't think so. We're not into drugs and that kind of partying."

"But this did happen under your roof."

"They were going after Peter."

"So this only happened because of Peter's presence in your house."

"Well, yes but. . ." JC tried to explain.

Welks quickly turned away. "No further questions."

There was a break for lunch. As they regrouped Justin came over to Peter.

"Will's going to call me to the stand."

"Justin are you sure? When I think of what Welks could do. . ."

Justin smiled. "I am the only one they have who saw part of what happened. I have to do this. And Will assures me that if it goes astray he will object. "

Peter looked up at Justin. "I trust Will and I trust you. Just be careful. I'd hate to have you dragged out like this. Oh, what about Britney?"

"We were never lovers but she can't testify to my sex life either. Will and Ben have their arguments under control. If Britney is called Will will make sure that our friendship is the only thing she will be able to talk about. Okay?"

Peter smiled. "Okay. But I will still be worried."

Justin flashed his Timberlake smile. "I'm going to make it all up to you." Justin paused. "After."

Peter sighed. "I can't wait."

Ben opened the door. "Time to be getting back."

They all returned to the courtroom.

Will stood up. "I call Justin Timberlake to the stand."

Peter's heart still sped up. Their relationship should be safe but there still was doubt. But Peter couldn't help feel touched that Justin was brave enough to testified.

Justin was sworn in and as he sat down he glanced around the court at Reverend Welks and the people sitting behind him, the handful of reporters, their parents, their lawyers, he lingered on Britney then back to Welks and then finally on Peter. Will's voice cut through his train of thought.

"Justin, what can you tell us about Peter?"

Justin didn't hesitate. "I love him."

Peter waited for the usual Timberlake smile. It didn't happen. He just looked very calmly at Peter.

Will turned, "Yes, we know you are great friends."

"No," Justin said, "I mean I really love him."

There was a murmur in the courtroom.

Justin didn't care. He hoped his voice wouldn't crack. "I love Peter more than anyone I could ever think possible."

Peter couldn't believe what he was hearing. Justin was coming out. He was confessing his love publicly.

Justin could first see the confusion in Peter's face but then as what was happening set in he saw Peter blush.

Will looked questioning at Justin. He said softly. "You don't have to do this."

The judge leaned forward. "Will the witness please clarify his statement?"

Justin looked up at the judge. "Peter and I are lovers."

The murmuring rose into a rumble of shocked whispering. Reporters reached for their pens.

Justin almost laughed at the dumbstruck look on the Reverend Welks's face. Justin thought, 'I beat you to it, you bastard!'

The gavel rapped several times. "Will the court please be silent?" He turned to Will, "Surely the witness is aware of my ruling that private sex lives are not to be admissible evidence?"

"Please, you honor," Justin explained. "I'm not talking sex I am talking love, the emotion." His eyes found Peter's again. "As strong and clear as I have ever felt or wish to feel." Justin looked back at the judge. "That is why the consul asked for the ruling. He was afraid our relationship would come out." Justin almost smiled as he saw Chris clamp his mouth shut to keep from blurting out a joke.

"But it would have sooner or later." Justin caught Reverend Welks's gaze. He nodded slightly to Britney. "One way or the other. I decided I wanted it to come from me not wrenched from some other witness. I owe it to my fans, I owe it to Peter and I owe it to myself." Justin turned back to Peter. "I always told Peter that I wasn't ashamed of him and our love and that is true. I am more ashamed of me. I was so afraid what my public would think of Justin Timberlake in love with a guy. But after the shock is over and they really get to know Peter, I'd hope they would not only learn to like Peter but see how lucky I am to have such a person in love with me."

Justin looked at Will.

"You're gay?"

"No, Bisexual, well considering, I'd be considered gay."

Will gestured for Justin to continue.

"First I like to say don't blame Peter for anything. This was just another weekend fling. I walked into this eyes wide open and having thought of all the outcomes. Peter being so kind and caring to me wasn't one of them. We were even both afraid the other would say that word "love". But it did happen. It surprised us both." Justin sat up, "Peter has never asked anything of me and I have never lavished anything on him. He wouldn't want that. Just being near me is enough for him even if it is standing on the sidelines." Once more their eyes met, "He is so important in my life. I love him so mu. . ."Justin's voice caught. He paused. "Sorry." He finally waved his hand to tell Will to go on.

"On the night in question where were you when the assault happened"

"On the sidewalk in front of the hotel. I saw Peter crossing the street."

"What did you see happen?"

"When Peter got across the street he must have asked the people blocking Welks to move. They made way for him. Peter went up to Welks. Reverend Welks had his back to Peter. Peter said something and Welks turned to face him. Peter then said something else I didn't hear but the crowd suddenly moved. Peter was pushed into Reverend Welks then he was pulled away from him. Then the crowd closed around them blocking my view. I saw one of the protesters signs fall in Peter's direction. I didn't see anything else until the police whistles made the people pull back. Then I saw Reverend Welks being lead off. His face was bleeding." Justin tried to keep his voice calm. He remembered Joey's explanation of how the wounds could have been caused. "Then I saw a policeman help Peter off the ground. They lead them both off for medical attention."

"So you didn't see the attack on Reverend Welks?"

"No, there were too many people in the way."

"Did Peter look like he was ready to attack Reverend Welks?"

"No, he was walking very calmly."

"You said that Peter said something and Reverend Welks turned to face him."


"After that Peter said something else and the crowd pushed him into Reverend Welks."

"Yes. Then they pulled him away from Reverend Welks. Then they surged around them blocking my view."

"Interesting that at the time of the assault no one saw it almost as if it was orchestrated and carefully timed out so there would be no witnesses."

Welks stood up. "Objection."

Will waved his hand. "I withdraw the statement, your honor."

Will looked at Justin and smiled. "No further questions, your honor." Will went back and sat down.

They all watched tensely as Reverend Welks stood up and surprised everybody.

"No questions, your honor."

Justin walked away from the witness stand. As he came by the table Peter wanted to jump up and hug Justin. Instead Peter held his hand over his heart and bow slightly. Justin just smiled that wonderful Timberlake smile. As he walked back to his seat his mother hugged and kissed him. His father gave Justin a hug then they sat down together with Justin in between his parents.

None of this was lost on the people and reporters in courtroom or on Reverend Welks. He stood up.

"A very touching and tender confession. I can see that Mr. Timberlake is a very good in front of an audience. But why should this court be interested in this relationship with the defendant? All it proves that someone loves the defendant. If being in a relationship with someone like Justin Timberlake makes the defendant less likely to have caused the assault. . ?"

Will was on his feet. "I object, your honor. The Reverend Welks subpoenaed Britney Spears to be here. He knew very well of the relationship but wanted to expose it himself through her. This play acting on the prosecutor's part. . ."

Welks turned to Will. "You have no idea what I was intending. You honor, the consul is drawing conclusions. . ."

The gavel resounded through the court room.

"Gentlemen, please! Try to maintain a professional decorum!"

"I am sorry, your honor." Will sat down.

Welks bowed slightly.

The judge continued. "This is a court of law. This is where the truth is to be revealed one way or another. But it is this court's mindset that it is more honorable for that truth to be revealed through honesty rather than through trickery. The court is also aware of the resolve and courage it took for witness to make that statement and of the consequences of what he has just said might cause him in the not so distant future." The judge's face softened. "The influence behind it," The judge glanced at Peter, "is very obvious." The judge turned back to Welks. "In this court's mind the defense has proven it`s case. If the prosecutor has any last words now is the time."

"I do, your honor. Surely this is another example of the defendant's manipulation of. . ."

"Mr. Welks, must I remind you that the charge is assault not manipulation and it has to do with you not NSYNC. The defense has shown the defendant's character. Your talk of plots is, to my mind, off the point."

"But, your honor, I am beginning to believe Peter is guilty of insinuating himself into NSYNC ranks by showing a false character."

Welks's assistant hurried into the courtroom. He stood by the prosecutor's table.

The judge pointed out. "I have heard no witness to even suggest such a thing."

"Excuse me, please, your honor." Welks went and whispered to his assistant. He turned back to the bench. "I have just heard that a new witness has come forth. I think I can prove my suspicions of Peter now. But he has just arrived and I need so time to talk with him."

The judged sigh, "Very well. This court is in recess until tomorrow morning." The gavel sounded.

Welks went hurrying out of the courtroom.

Will sat at his desk while Ben paced. "I would give my eye teeth to know who this witness is. Oh, to be a fly on Welks`s wall."

Peter stood up. "Nothing simpler. Do you have a place to lie down?"

"Oh, no," Chris said. "Leave this to me."

"But you might not recognize him."

"So, I'll listen."

Will pointed to a door. "There's a day bed through there."

Chris smirked at the lawyer.

"Don't say it." Will quickly said, "We do work long hours you know."

Chris shrugged. "I knew that. Where is Welks's office?"

"It's on the third floor, second office from the end of the hall on the right."

"'On the right' it would be wouldn't it? I'll be back in a mo or should I say homo."

"Just go."

Chris went through the door.

Joey sighed. "Everybody gets Chris so fast. Why can't I do that?" Joey found everyone glaring at him. "Okay, you're right. I take it back."

Chris floated into the room. Welks suddenly seem to scan the room. Did he sense Chris?

"You are willing to do this?"

A man sat with his back to Chris. "Yes. He has been the thorn in my side long enough." He looked up. "Sorry, bad reference."

Welks smiled. "No, the analogy is fitting. Christ wore a crown of thorns as humiliation. But he overcame such taunts. Peter on the other hand has risen too high. His thorns will be his eternal torment." Welks turned back to the man, "You have no qualm about changing you words in court for the glory of God's truth?"

"Bring it on. My family will never know. Peter has fallen into a honey pot while I still struggle to keep my head above water. He will help his mother and father. But what about me?"

"Don't worry, you will be well compensated." Welks smiled. "Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers so it has always been through history. The Bible tells all."

A few minutes later Chris returned. "Well, well, well, it seems Peter is going to have a family reunion. I heard them talking. Peter, Welks's star witness is your brother."

"Oh, shit!" Peter blushed, "Sorry." Peter began pacing. "This is his chance to get back at me for throwing him out of the house. Well, perjury is going to be the soup of the day tomorrow. It's going to be my word against his. I'm doomed."

Ben smiled and patted Peter's shoulder. "Don't worry. Chris gave me an idea."

"Really?" Chris was pleased.

Joey grumbled, "Now we ARE doomed."

"But we only have twelve hours."

Ben looked at Peter. "It will be enough. Welks's star witness is about to supernova."

Peter didn't look certain.

"Hey, trust your lawyers."

Peter saw Ben's confidence. He nodded.

Ben picked up his papers. "Now I have to get to work."

For a change Chris was serious. "You okay, Justin?"

"Yeah," Justin smiled. "I feel like a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulders." He nudged Peter, "I should have come out long ago."

"Bull!" They all said together.

"You're waiting for the aftershock now."

"Lance and JC did just fine." Justin added.

"But they're not Justin Timberlake." Joey said.

"You mean I am different from all of you?" Justin asked

They all nodded.

JC added, "In a small way when it comes to the fans."

Peter took Justin's hand. "Well, I for one was very proud and touched. Even the judge agreed. You really pulled the rug out from under Reverend Welks."

For the first time Justin looked worried, "And after the trial is over?"

Joey patted Justin's shoulder. "We'll all be here for you. This will blow over."

They all looked at Chris.

He clicked his tongue. "Duh, way too obvious. Isn't it time for the news yet."

"I don't want to watch," Peter sighed.

"Why not? We kicked butt today."

"Come on, Peter," Justin managed a smile, "We'll find out sooner or later."

"Okay," Peter turned to the TV. "I hope this TV set comes with an air bag."

Joey pointed with his thumb. "There's always Chris."

"Thanks a lot!"

"You're welcome a lot."

"Sh!" Lance hissed. "The news is starting."

"Have I missed anything?"

They turned as John entered.

"It's just started." JC answered.

"Your own TV on the fritz?" Chris chided.

"I want to see this with my guys." John put his hand on Justin's shoulder. "This is too important for me to not be here."

"Yeah and you could be managing birthday party magicians after this."

"Chris, that is not funny," Snapped Lance.

John gave Chris a playful slap. "Ignore him. I am not at all afraid. NYSNC fans are not that fickle."

Chris raised his hand. "Can Joey and I have a press conference stating that we are still one hundred percent straight? So the girls who are disappointed in losing Justin can come over to our side. It is a dirty job but someone will have to do it."

Peter didn't look up. "Trust me, Chris, once you've set your sights on Justin Timberlake, Chris Kirkpatrick is not the second option."

"That's easy for you to say. You got him."

Peter smiled at Justin. "I know."

Lance sat forward. "Here it is."

"Today the trial of the assault of Reverend Welks took an unforeseen turn. After other NSYNC members testified of the friendship and trust they had in the defendant, Justin Timberlake surprised the court by emotionally confessing he is in a gay relationship with defendant. The confession although unexpected did impress the judge. It was also suggested that this relationship was to be forcibly brought out by the prosecution but Justin wanted to it to come from him. How this news will affect his fans is unknown. We did manage to get a few words from friend and supposedly romantic partner Britney Spears."

Britney's face filled the screen. "Yes, those of us who are close to Justin have known for sometime. I just don't like the circumstances in which Justin had to tell his public. I mean, I was subpoenaed by the prosecution and I know it was to get me to tell what I knew about Justin and Peter."

"Do you like Peter?"

"Of course, I do. Well, once I got to know him. And I am very happy for Justin. When Peter had his accident and was in a coma I found out just how much Justin cares for Peter. It was a difficult time for Justin and I was glad to be there for him. And to tell you the truth I wish Peter was BI like Justin. That way I might get a crack at him. He is quite the catch."

"So you approve?"

"Justin is happy. That's all that I care about. I just hope I can find someone with just half the love those two share."

"Well, Britney seems to approve. Time will tell what the majority of fans will think. Back to the studio."

"Thanks, Bob."

The TV was turned off.

Chris sat back, "That wasn't so bad."

That evening when the six of them watched the ten o'clock news they were proved wrong.

"All over the country people are protesting NYSNC. Some are holding NSYNC bonfires. CD, posters and photos are being burned. This latest news of another gay member of NSYNC is spreading like a flood."

An adult face filled the TV screen. "Lance and JC were one thing but Justin in a gay relationship is another. I can't allow my children to listen to their music. There are just too many questions to answer and I don't think these guys are role models anymore. It is a pity. But we all know who's to blame."

Peter sighed. "Yeah, me."

"Oh, good God!"

Peter was pelted by pillows and anything else the guys could grab. Even Justin joined in.

Chris glared at Peter. "Are you going to snap out of it or are we going to have to drown this mood out of you?" Chris nodded toward the pool.

Peter looked back almost angry. "I wasn't being negative. I was just repeating what the sentiment seemed to be. Let them blame me. It will give Justin a breather until they come around."

Chris nodded, "Damn right. It went well in court today. Welks has had to resort to scare tactics."

Joey snorted. "This is Welks's work or should I say the Religious Right's. They are staging this I know it. It is Welks's ploy. They're trying to make everyone believe that real fans are doing this. They're not, Peter. This is all a con."

"Have you seen the website?" Peter asked. "There is a lot of blame on me."

Justin put his hand on Peter's arm. "They may not be real fans. Welks does have a long reach."

"But they are all registered members." Peter said softly.

"Did you think they had never thought about getting their people to register as NSYNC fans before this all hit? Welks knows the power of the media. Throw a rumor out there enough and people will start to believe it. You'll see," Chris said. "As soon as the trial is over all this anti-NSYNC protests will stop."

Joey popped a few peanuts in his mouth. "This too shall pass."

"Oh, Joey!" they all groaned.


"I think that was one of my jokes." Chris said.

Joey shook his head. "Nah, you'd be more like, "This will all blow over" or "It will all be all right in the end". Your jokes are so gay these days."


Joey looked at Chris. "Eat your nuts."

JC switched off the TV. "Don't you two start."

Lance stretched. "Maybe we should go to bed."

JC nodded. "It will be an early morning."

Justin stood up. "Mom's going to make a special breakfast."

Chris groaned as he stretched. "I don't know why we couldn't stay out our own house."

"For the reporters," Joey said. "They'll see we're still together even though Justin is gay."

"Bi." Justin corrected.

Chris waved. "Good night."

"I mean, oh, never mind."

Peter was about to say something then closed his mouth.

JC sighed. "What is it, Peter?"

"No, I'm just being negative again."


"I just hope they don't think that spending the night at Justin's means an all night group orgy."

Chris wrinkled his nose. "No way! They should know I have better taste than that."

Joey started laughing. "I'd make that better "judgment". That taste thing can get you in trouble." Joey licked his lips.

"Thanks, now I'm going to have bad dreams about this."

JC gave Chris a playful shove. "Come on. We need some sleep."

They headed to their rooms.


"I'm sorry, Justin. I still have the trial on my mind. And I`m sorry it forced you out."

"You didn't do anything and I had to come out eventually." Justin took Peter in his arms. "If you could stop blaming yourself I could really use some support here."

"Oh, of course, Justin. I am proud of you." Peter pulled Justin close. "I will be here for you. I promise. Chris is right we will make it passed this." Peter laid his head on Justin. "Hm, this is nice."

"Shall we go to bed?"

"Yeah, I like to be in your bed."

"It could be yours now too you know."

"Oh, yeah."

"Still worried?"

"No, just not yet. Maybe after the wedding."

"Why not now?"

"Because of what you are going through. Better to give the fans time to get used to you then concentrate on us."

"Don't you want to?"

"Of course I do, Justin." Peter smiled up at Justin, "To wake up each day with you here with me. Who wouldn't?"

"Afraid of being in the spotlight with Justin Timberlake?"

Peter looked into Justin's face. "You can have the spotlight. I like being in the sidelines."

"But you don't have to be now. Everyone will soon know we are a couple."

Peter chuckled. "And when they see me standing there off camera they will still know that. You can be Justin Timberlake but they know we are together. We don't have to be side by side."


"All the time." Peter added.

Justin kissed Peter's forehead. "You are so understanding."

Peter pinched two finger tips together. "Or that far from just being a sissy boy who doesn`t fight back."

"You are no sissy boy."

"Thank you for that."

"Hey, Justin Timberlake does not sleep with sissy boys. You broke that image when you fought back against Bill."

Peter lay back on Justin. "And look what Reverend Welks made of that. I was a sex fiend. When I couldn't find Craig I came on to Bill."

Justin nudged Peter. "That's what Welks thinks he has done. You just wait. People won't believe Welks like they used to."

"But he is right. In all of those cases you only had my word for what happened."


Peter looked at Justin.

"You word has always been good enough for me." Justin kissed Peter. Then Justin smiled. "How about it? I promise I'll be quiet as a mouse. No one will know."

Peter laughed. "The hell they won't. You've been together for so long you have no secrets. They can always tell." Peter took Justin back in his arms and sighed. "After the trial is over. It will be so much better then. No more threat and we're no longer hiding our love. It will be so nice."

"But the reaction to my coming out has just started. It may not all be good times."

"But there`s still us. I'll always be here for you, Justin. I promise."

Justin let it go. He didn't want to debate it. He just held Peter.


The guys returned to the living room.

Joey stepped forward. "We never told you officially, Justin. We are all proud of you. None of us knew you were going to come out. We're here for you guy."

One by one they gave Justin a hug.

JC and Lance afterwards put a hand on Justin's shoulder. "Peter?"

Peter stepped close added his hand. JC nodded the time.

Together they said. "Welcome to being out."

Justin grinned, "Thank you."

"Just think. No more secrets, Justin."

"You and Peter can be seen in public."

"And move in together."

Peter blushed.

"Let's let things cool down a bit first."

They had one more group hug.

Joey stepped back. "We should get to bed."

"Don't worry about late night noises, guys," Justin said. "No sex tonight."

Chris and Joey looked puzzled.

Lance grinned. "They're saving themselves for tomorrow when the Great Reverend Welks gets a royal NSYNC screwing."

"That's a nice mental picture. " Chris looked up and put his hands in a praying gesture, "Please, God, no dreams for me tonight."

End Part 54. The next part is half way done already. As always any input is welcomed. or

Next: Chapter 56

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