Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Apr 23, 2005


Here we go on Part 56.

Sorry it took so long but I had computer problems. Like it suddenly shutting down before I could save an hour's worth of work and then having to rewrite the whole thing. Not pretty. But hey it is done so on to the cover your butt stuff:

This story: More fictional than a politician's campaign promises.

Is this NSYNC's real life?: No way. They have better sense than to do anything my sick imagination can come up with.

Is NSYNC gay?: Not to my knowledge (Waahh!!!) That's for them not being gay and not about my knowledge.

Will there be Graphic Gay Sex?: You'd better believe it, buckaroo! And both pairings! Well, they've been celibate through the last chapter and they have been begging me. Well, this is really Chapter 55, Part 2. It got too long. No, Lance, I was NOT talking about JC. I'll shut up now. The boys are itching to get some action. So read on and let them get at it!

Debbie squeezed Joey's arm. "If you'd relax you'd have fun. It's just a bar."

Joey muttered, "Of all the sneaky underhanded. . ," Joey crossed his arms, "Using my own girlfriend against me."

"Oh, stop." She chastised Joey. "You're perfectly safe."

"That's easy for you to say. You're not on the menu."

"There are lesbians here, too."

"You're not butch enough."

"Joey, watch it," Chris warned.

Joey leaned across the table. "The guy over there has been undressing me with his eyes since we got here."

"Yeah and putting you in a much better outfit." Chris teased.

"Hey, my dress sense is high fashion."

"Only if you're high."

"Stop it you two." Debbie warned. "We're just here for a bit so the guys can dance. Speaking of which why don't we?"

"Will they let us on the dance floor? We're outsiders."

"Joey, what was gotten into you?"

"It's what they want to get into me I am worrying about."

Cindy shook her head. "You are completely safe, trust me. Let's dance."

"Okay, but I am not taking my shirt off."

Chris looked up and raised his hands. "Thank you, God!"

Cindy slapped Chris's shoulder. "Joey, this is a gay bar not a circuit party. Why are you so worried about gay people all of a sudden?"

"JC, Lance and Peter I can trust. I feel like a piece of meat in a butcher's shop window."

Debbie said, "Could it be that is how you look at women and now the shoe is on the other foot?"

"Ah, no way." A women walked by. "Ooh, Chris, that one's fine."

Joey got a shoulder slap.

"Ow, you're doing the same thing." Joey protested. "I see you checking out all the male muscles."

She replied. "But I use restraint."

Cindy laughed, "And you expect these two to hold themselves in check?"

Joey's girlfriend rolled her eyes. "Sorry, what was I thinking?"

Joey stood up. "Well, I don't have to sit here and listen to this.

"Oh, now you're insulted. How about all these gay men who you think will hit on you? To most of them you're probably not even their type. Did you even think of that?"

"What are they blind? I'm one gorgeous hunk of man flesh."

The girls shook their heads. "I give up. Maybe we should go and dance and leave the guys here fretting about their honor."

"I wouldn't bother." Lance and JC came back to the table. "The dance floor is packed."

"We could have got on the dance floor but with that crowd you'd go where the people go." Lance explained.

"We may have never been seen again. What's Joey's problem?"

"Homosexual panic." Cindy stood up. "I need the little girl's room."

Joey's girlfriend stood up too. "I'll go with you."

"Maybe while we're gone they can talk some sense into Joey." As they left the table, "I love gay bars. There is never a line in the women's rest room."

After they had left JC asked, "Joey, what's wrong with you? I know you're not comfortable with gay sex but I never thought being in a gay bar would freak you out so."

Joey leaned in, "I'm not freaked. I'm acting freaked."

"I don't get it."

"The last time we were out this guy made a crass remark about Debbie's, ah, anatomy. She was upset by it. I was comforting her and I put my foot in my mouth."

Chris clicked his tongue. "Again?"

"Well, I made the mistake of saying that on the bright side the guy was right."

They all shook their heads.

"Oh, Joey, Joey, Joey."

"So now I am playing paranoid so later I can apologize and say I now know what she must have felt like. I know what it is to be seen as a sex object."

Chris snorted, "In your dreams, Joey."

Lance patted JC's hand. "Isn't nice we don't have to play such games?"

Joey added. "I still think you two have the perfect combination. Equal libidos and sex drives. We have to go through so much to get a little action."

"I don't," Chris grinned, "Cindy can't get enough of the Kirkpatrick Love Machine."

"Ah, guys?" Peter stood by the table. "You straights have the run of the whole world so if you're going to talk straight stuff take it outside. This is gay territory and we don't want you muscling in on it."

"Ooh, sounds like you are heterophobic." Chris teased.

"Nah, we are very accepting and accommodating. Just don't show any public affection and you`ll be fine."

Chris nodded at a couple of men kissing. "And what about them?"

"And where else in public can they do that? This is our safe place." Peter watched the two men kissing.

JC changed the subject. "What took you guys so long? You were right behind us."

"Fans." Justin pointed at Peter,

Peter beamed, "I didn't know so many people followed the trial. They were so thrilled with the outcome."

"And they wanted to meet the man who brought down Reverend Welks." Justin added.

"And meet Justin." Peter grinned. "Some of the guys are so envious."

Justin grinned, "All of them are."

As they sat down Lance asked. "Do we order another drink or should we leave?"

Peter frowned. "I sort of wanted to dance. I mean I'm not that good at it. But it is my first night 'out' with Justin." Peter nodded to JC and Lance. "And I know you two wanted to dance, too."

Justin stood up. "Let me see what I can do."

"But Justin?"

"Hey even in a gay bar I have to have some clout, hm? I`ll talk to the DJ." Justin walked off.

Peter rubbed his chin. "He is up to something."

JC laughed. "You just figured that out? Justin is always up to something." JC winked at Peter.

They all turned to Chris.

He waved his hands. "No way. I'm not telling sex jokes in a gay bar or not at least until my girlfriend gets back."

Peter grinned. "I'm waiting for mine too."

"Justin is no girlfriend." Joey remarked.

Peter put his hand on his hip. "Oh, really, missy?" He snapped his fingers.

Joey stood up. "That does it I am out of here."

"I see Joey is still acting up." The girls returned.

"Sorry," Peter said. "I got too fey and sent Joey on his way."

Cindy grinned. "Peter, you really are enjoying yourself."

"You'd never believe. . ."

A voice came from next to Peter. "I'm sorry but it is you."

Peter turned to the young man standing by him. He shook Peter's hand.

"I read about the whole trial. You shot down that bastard Welks. Can I have your autograph?" He handed Peter a pen.


The paper Peter was given was an ad for Male Strippers Night at the bar. The guy flipped it over. Peter signed and handed back the pen.

"Thank you." He looked at the signature. "I met the guy that defeated the Reverend Welks and is Justin Timberlake's lover, hot damn!" He walked off.

Peter smiled. "See why I am enjoying myself?"

Chris smirked, "Did you sign your name? He called you 'the guy'."

"It's okay. I said I didn't mind staying on the sidelines."

"But he wanted to meet you. How can you stay on the sidelines with yourself?" Lance asked.

"Simple I'll just project. Then I can beside my body on the sidelines."

JC shook his head. "This is getting too confusing."

"I'm sorry, Justin," The DJ was saying. "It's against policy. Maybe on a slower night. We can't just clear the dance floor for everyone who wants to do something like this."

"I understand. I had to try. Thank you anyway."

The DJ turned to the bartender. "How about some ice water, Roy? It's hot in the booth tonight."

"Sure thing."

Justin hadn't taken a step when a young darkly handsome man walked up to him. Or rather he strutted up to Justin. He was nicely dressed and his clothes clung to all the right places.

"Hey, Justin, nice to see you man. So you're Bi, huh? That's cool. Nice to have more hot men to choose from."

"Sorry, I am in a relationship."

"And who isn't? But meatloaf day after day gets boring. If you ever want some variety. . ." He winked.

"Sorry, no. I am very happy. Excuse me."

"So that's him, eh?" He nodded to the table.

"Yes, that's him."

"He's kind of older than you, isn't he?"

"Trust me that doesn't matter."

"But someone younger would be more energetic." He nudged Justin.

Justin tried to keep polite. "That is not a problem."

The man shrugged, "Of course, if you don't mind doing all the work."

"Listen, I am sorry, I am not interested."

"Really? I could give you nine big reasons."

Justin almost laughed. The nerve of this guy.

"I am not a size queen."

"A lot of people I meet say that but they sure are afterwards. I break them in well."

"Oh? And what about you?"

"Me?" The guy asked with surprise. He puffed out his chest. "I'm a total top. I never bottom."

"Too bad. You're missing out."

He leered to Justin, "So are you."

"Oh, no I am not. I have care, tenderness and love besides very hot sex."

"You're just saying that. I can tell you're interested. People always are but they're just afraid to reach out a grab it." He gave a slight hip thrust. "It hurts at first but then oh, baby!"

"Well, if you took your time and showed some care for your partner it wouldn't hurt at all."

"But when that pain gives way to pleasure. . . They love that."

"You really believe that don't you?" Justin shook his head. He didn't want to go into this. "Excuse me, I have to get back."

The guy stopped him. "And I'll bet you look hot on your back. I can give it to you better than any old fart."

Justin felt the anger swell. "Peter is not an old fart. He is only ten years older than I am."

"In my book that is an old fart."

A hand touched Justin's shoulder. The DJ had heard enough. He glared at the guy. "Don't you get it? This deli is closed. Go peddle your prized meat somewhere else."

The guy backed away. "You're missing out on the best sex ever, man."

"Look, I have someone who loves me." Justin snapped back. "Not as Justin Timberlake just me and sex with him is 'oh, baby!' every time because we care for each other. So you can go slip you nine big reasons into some other poor ass who thinks that size is all that sex is about. I'll go back to my love and his wonderful warm hospitality. But if ever, and I think it very unlikely, decide to have sex with a big prick I'll look you up." Justin paused. He took a big breath. "Look, I'm sorry. You just hit a nerve."

"Well, fuck you! Oh, sorry, no not from me from Mr. Old Fart. He can have you. God, I have never met a gay guy on his period before. What a bitch."

The man snapped around and left.

"Sorry about that." The DJ said.

"Well, now that people know I am BI I guess I have to expect it. I just hate it when they put down Peter. They just don't understand that I do love him. I don't care if he is older. We love each other."

The DJ nodded. "Okay, you sold me. Give me a few minutes to get ready and you're on."


"Well, Peter is sort of a hero today. I'll give that as the excuse. We'll just fit you in there at the end, okay?"

Justin grinned, "Thanks."

"Besides it's nice to see real love between gay people. You don't see it much in here."

Justin smiled. "Maybe you just don't know where to look." He headed off.

A man approached the table. "Please, excuse me. I hate to interrupt your evening but I just learned that you and Peter were here. I'm the DJ. Do you mind if we do a little something? Your defeat of Reverend Welks, well, I'm sure the people would like to thank you. It won't take long."

Peter shrugged. "Okay."

"Good. If you'd come to the dance floor? All of you if you don't mind."

He led Peter off.

As they made their way through the crowd JC felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see Justin.

"JC, I need a quick word with you guys."

The music stopped. The crowd moaned their displeasure.

"Your attention, please. This will take only a moment. If you would clear the dance floor."

The crowd grumbling moved clear. Finally only NSYNC stood at the edge of the floor with Peter.

The DJ appeared with a mike. "Some of you may not know that we have the group NSYNC with us tonight."

There were a few cheers and whistles.

"What can I say about NSYNC? They have done so much for the gay cause. They stood up against gay bashing, Lance and JC came out not only was gay but as a couple." A spotlight illuminated them. "They're even going to have a commitment ceremony very soon."

There were more whistles and shouts.

"Lately we have even learned the Justin is in a relationship with another man."

The spotlight moved to Justin. More shouts and whistles.

"And what a man. I think we should show this man our thanks. He brought down the nemesis of all gay people, the great Reverend Welks."

Boos and hurrahs filled the air.

"So Peter, please, step forward."

Peter nervously walked up to the DJ.

"We usually save this for our Mr. Saloon contest but I think you deserve this." He put a blue silk sash with "Mr. Saloon" printed on it over Peter's shoulders. "We all owe you a deep sense of gratitude for what you did today."

The crowd roared and stomped their feet.

"You're a hero to all the queer world and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You really kicked ass!"

They applauded and shouted. Peter turned beet red. He made slight bow and gave a little wave. He hardly heard the music start. He sort of recognized it.

"I've been asked if we would allow a little demonstration in your honor. This is it."

The DJ walked off the dance floor. Peter heard Justin's voice.

"Can this be true? Tell me can this be real?"

They were playing the NSYNC song. But where was Justin? He was right in front with the others a moment ago. A spotlight hit the crowd. They parted. There was Justin with a mike singing.

"How can I put into words how I feel?"

He walked down the steps to the dance floor toward Peter.

"My life was complete. I thought I was whole." He took Peter's hand. "Why do I feel like I'm losing control?" He put his arm around Peter. "Never thought that love could feel like this and you changed my world with just one kiss."

Peter suddenly just felt it was right. He kissed Justin on the cheek. The crowd whistled and hooted.

"How can it be that right here with me? There's an angel." He pulled Peter to him. "It's a miracle"

Peter rested his head on Justin's shoulder. They were together and in public. Okay, it was a gay public but other people knew. Peter had wished once just for people to believe that he could have a lover and now he did have a lover and it was Justin Timberlake! Peter pushed all thoughts of people's envy or his own luck out of his mind. He just felt Justin's warm body next to his and listened to Justin singing to him. In public! Hot damn! Peter realized he had no control over his thoughts right now. Never mind, he just let the moment play out.

The rest of NSYNC joined them on the floor. Joey and Chris shared a mike as did JC and Lance.

"Your love is like a river, Peaceful and deep

Your soul is like a secret that I never could keep.

When I look into your eyes I know that it's true,

God must have spent a little more time on you."

JC stood in front of Lance with his hand on Lance's face. He looked Lance in the eyes and sang:

"In all of creations all things great and small

You are the one that surpasses them all.

More precious than any diamond or pearl.

They broke the mold when you came in this world.

He but his arm around Lance and pulled him close. Lance wrapped his arms around JC. They swayed to the music.

"And I'm trying hard to figure out

Just how I ever did without the warmth of your smile,

The heart of a child that's deep inside

Makes me purified.

As they sang Justin and Peter began to slow dance then JC and Lance joined them. They held hands with the mikes up so they could still sing into them.

"Your love is like a river,

Peaceful and deep.

Your soul is like a secret that I never could keep

When I look into your eyes I know that it's true,

God must have spent a little more time on you.

Never thought that love could feel like this

And you changed my world with just one kiss."

This time it was Justin who gave Peter a quick peck on the cheek. The crowd hooted and whistled again.

"How can it be that right here with me?

There's an angel.

It's a miracle.

Your love is like a river,

Peaceful and deep.

Your soul is like a secret that I never could keep

When I look into your eyes I know that its true,

God must have spent a little more time on you

God must have spent a little more time...

On you."

As they finished the DJ faded in the actual recording starting from the beginning. Since they were done singing Justin and JC held their lovers tight and danced slowly around the floor. Cindy and Debbie joined Joey and Chris but they danced a little off to the side. They left the middle of the floor for the Couples of the Hour.

Justin whispered into Peter's ear. "Do you like my surprise?"

Peter looked up with tears forming in his eyes. "Oh, yes, Justin."

"Show me."

Peter didn't hesitate. He smiled, "Just another first." Peter gave Justin a passionate kiss.

The crowd whooped and cheered.

Lance nudged JC. "We're not going to let them have all the fun, are we?"

JC grinned and the two kissed.

More cheers and applause.

The song ended and the two male couples parted. They turned and bowed to the crowd. They waved the others up and the whole group and their partners bowed.

Then came the voice of the DJ. "And now let's all dance with NSYNC!"

NSYNC's "I Need Love" thumped from the speakers. Soon they were surrounded on the dance floor.

Someone bumped into Joey. Debbie saw the uncomfortable look on Joey's face. Not only was he surrounded by gay men but they kept bumping into him. There was no help for it the dance floor was very crowded.

Joey leaned close to Debbie. "I'm sorry."


"About the other night, I'm sorry."

Debbie made a frown. "I can't hear you."

"I said I was sorry!"

The guy next to them turned. "Hey, no problem. I don't mind," He winked. "It sure it crowded tonight." He went back to dancing.

Joey was exasperated. Debbie held the urge to laugh. She took Joey's hand and they made their way off the dance floor. She had got Joey to say "I'm sorry" three times. A few more times and she would forgive him but right now she was having too much fun.

"Hey, Joey, how it going?" A man pulled Joey into a hug. "I haven't seen you in ages. I never thought I would see you in another gay bar. It was Chuck's thirtieth birthday right? You broke a lot of hearts that night. We all knew your you were straight but you took the attention well."

Joey nervously pointed to the dance floor. "Ah, we're with JC and Lance."

"Oh, that's right and Peter and Justin." He leaned in to Joey. "Are you planning any surprises for your fans?" He slapped Joey's shoulder. "I'm kidding. So this is the girlfriend. Very nice. You have good taste but what would I know of women. Well, I'd better get back. I had to stop and say hi." He hugged Joey again and Joey returned the hug. "Call sometime we can do lunch."


"You are so cute for a straight man." He tweaked Joey's nose. The man walked off. Joey saw Debbie looking at him.


"You didn't seem to mind that at all."

"We're friends."

Debbie glared at Joey. "But you hugged him."

The whole uncomfortable around gays act was up.

Joey could think of only one word. "Sorry."

"Ah, home sweet home." Lance fell back on the couch. "But what a day."

"You know Reverend Welks and his people won't like it. We defeated him and then celebrated in the most decadent manner."

Lance frowned. "We just danced and had a few drinks."

"Yeah, but at a gay bar. We were rubbing it in." JC sat next to Lance.

"We were with our people and it was fun." Lance snuggled close. "We got to dance together and kiss. That was worth it."

JC stretched out and had Lance do the same. "All in all it was a good day."

Lance gave a deep sigh.

"What is it?"

"Peter will be moving out."

"Not yet but I suppose he will."

"I'll miss him."

"He's not moving that far away. We'll still get to see him."

"I know. But it is like our child is leaving home."

"We'll be married soon. He may be a bit in the way."

Lance looked up surprised. "How so?"

"Back from our honeymoon there won't be a room where he won't find us going at it."

"Going at it." Lance smirked. "That sounds very romantic."

"You know what I mean. Besides don't you want him to live with Justin?"

"Sure I do but I've got used to him being here."

JC ran his fingers through Lance's hair. "I promise I'll make sure you won't miss him too much."


"By keeping you preoccupied."

"How?" Lance giggled.

"Hm," JC paused. "I think I can think of something. I know, writing all those thank you cards after the ceremony. I'm sure that will keep you busy."

"And what about you?" Lance asked with a stern tone in his voice.

"I have two more songs to finish up. We have a dead line for the new album remember. I`ll be busy."

Lance pushed JC off the couch. "A deadline on the album! You're helping with the thank you cards and that's that."

"I was kidding."

"You'd better be."

"Ow," JC rubbed his elbow. "That does it. I'm injured. No more writing for me."

Lance dropped from the couch. "Did I really hurt you? I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Where does it hurt?"

JC pulled up his sleeve. "Right here."

Lance kissed the spot.

JC pointed again, "And here."

Lance kissed JC's arm again.

"I think I bit my lip."

Lance kissed JC's lips. He pulled back. "Any more places hurt?"

"Well, not exactly hurt but they could use your attention."

"Oh, really." Lance sat back. "You think you deserve that after beating at those video games?"

"I was teasing."

"You were gloating. You like beating me at video games."

"Then why do you keep playing them?"

Lance smiled. "Because you ask me. I like doing lots of things even if I am bad at them as long as I do them with you."

JC brushed a finger against Lance's face. "Will you do one thing with me that you are really good at if I ask?"

Lance grinned. "You don't have to ask for that. It is my pleasure." Lance kissed JC with a passion. Moments later Lance pulled back.

"Hmmm, now that you do very well."

Lance sat up. "Good. I'll meet you downstairs." He stood up.

"Downstairs? Do you want to do it on the washer again?"

"No, silly, I want a rematch."

JC propped himself up on his elbows. "A rematch with sex?"

"No, with a video game."

"You want to play a video game now?"

"Sure, you're distracted. That might give me an edge."

"Oh, I'm distracted all right." JC got to his feet. "First it was laundry instead of sex. Now we almost got to sex and its video games."

"Just a quick one, JC. If you win the Bass Ass is yours all night long."

"And if you win?"

Lance went to JC and pulled him close. "If I win you have to fuck me all night long." Lance smiled. He knew dirty talk turned JC on and he wanted a slight advantage.

"But it's the same. . ."

Lance put a finger on JC's lips. "Do you want me or not?"

JC sighed, "Okay, Lance. Lead the way."

"Watch it, Lance, incoming from your right."

"JC, sh!"

"You're going to be surrounded."

"JC, I said quiet." Lance pressed the buttons. "Okay, right there."

"Lance, you're a sitting duck."

"Oh, yeah?" Lance rapidly pressed the fire button. The score started to go up.

"That was a direct hit. How come you're still in the game?"


"Hey, wait a minute that was a double score. That should have been only 10 points." JC watched as Lance's score grew and grew.

"I'm going to beat you." Lance teased.

"You're cheating."

"I am not. It's part of the game."

"What is?"

"The safety square. It activates only after you get the magic potion and then only for a few moments. When you're on it you can attack but the enemy's fire gets deflected."

"I didn't know that."

"You would have if you read up on the game." Lance was acting smug. "A little while longer and I have your score beat."

"Not if I can help it." JC bumped into Lance.

Lance pushed him away still pressing buttons. "Now who's cheating?"

"My reputation is at stake." JC reached for the controls.

Lance batted his hand away. "Don't forget your sex life is also on the line."

"And so is your ass." JC gave Lance's butt as swat.

"Ow, stop that!"

"That was a gentle hit."

"Play fair."

"Not if you're going to win." JC began tickling Lance.

Lance held onto the controls as long as he could. Finally he had to ward JC off. Lance let go of the controls and pushed back against JC. JC stopped tickling.

Lance watched as the screen brightened from the bolts of the enemy's attack. Then the screen flashed the game was over.

JC peered at the screen. "Damn, you still beat me by 10 points. I admit it, Lance, you won."

Lance spun around angry. "JC, why do you have to be so goddamn competitive?" Lance stormed out of the room.

"Lance." JC called after. He sighed, "Damn it."

The bathroom door was closed as JC entered the bedroom. Soon Lance emerged. He was wearing pajamas. JC was in trouble big time. Lance sat down on his side of the bed.

JC began, "I'm going to call them in the morning and have that damn thing taken away. It's not worth it."

"It's not the video game, JC, it is you."

"I was just having fun. I didn't know winning was so important to you."

"It wasn't the winning. I read up on the game so I knew what I was doing. I wanted to show I had used my brain to beat you at the game. But as soon as it looked like I was going to win you did everything to make sure I wouldn't. You just can't stand to lose at video games. Not even once. Not even to the man you love."

JC winced. He decided to point out, "You did win."

Lance glared daggers.

JC shrugged. "You said you didn't want me to just let you win."

"That was your playing not mine."

"Look, I apologize for being smug about me always winning. I thought you were having fun."

"It's not about an apology. I was making a point. I wanted to show you that I could be good at video games if I knew what I was doing."

"But I was impressed with how well you were doing. I'm sorry I was a jerk about it."

Lance climbed into bed but didn't say a word.

"I'm still having the games removed. It would be too painful of a reminder." JC grabbed a pillow. "I'll go down and sleep on the couch."

Lance didn't respond. JC headed for the door. JC looked back from door. Nothing. He turned to the hallway.

"You could use the other spare room. It would be more comfortable than the couch."

"Nah, I deserve it." JC slunked down the hall.

JC hadn't been on the couch long when he heard Lance's voice.

"Okay, enough with the guilt. Come to bed."

JC rolled onto his side. "Nope, I am doing penance. I got my lover mad so I have to pay the price."

"And if your lover forgives you?"

"I don't forgive me."

"But I won."

"Not by as much as you should have thanks to me."

Lance stood next to the couch. "But the bet. You're supposed to do me all night."

"Maybe tomorrow."

Lance tried a different tack. "But, JC, you owe me a fuck."

"Oh, I fucked up all right."

"Okay, that does it." Lance grabbed JC's ankles. "You're coming to bed if I have to drag you."

JC gripped the arm of the couch.

"No way. I'm taking my punishment."

Lance pulled harder. "JC, let go."

"No, you let go."

"I want you in bed."

JC's hand's slipped. Lance pulled him off the couch. JC fell to the floor with a thud.


Lance was as his side in an instant.

"Did I hurt you again?"

JC started to laugh. "Déjà vu, huh?"

"Yeah," Lance chuckled. "I guess we've been here before. So where does it hurt this time."

JC rubbed his butt. "You'll get to kiss it later but I think I bit my lip again."

"Okay," Lance kissed JC.

JC wrapped his arms around Lance and pulled him on top of him.

"I'm not letting you get away from me this time."

"No video game, JC. I want to push your buttons."

"Hm, and play with my joystick?"

Lance's hand found JC's crotch. "You bet."

They kissed again.

JC pulled back. "And Lance, when you play me you always get the highest score. It's a record breaker every time."

Lance smiled. "Now that was the right answer."

JC rolled them both over. His hand pressed against Lance's crotch. "And for my prize I don't want what's in the box or behind the curtain. I want what is behind this fly."

"Oh, you're going right to the grand prize?"

JC bent down and kissed Lance's crotch. "Mmm, the grandest. Not quite now but it soon will be."

Lance looked down and watched JC kissing his crotch. He really couldn't feel much but just the sight of it got him excited.

As JC ran his hands up and down Lance's legs the fabric parted just a little giving JC tantalizing glimpses of Lance's joy department. Then soon the fabric was pushed out from Lance's body. The object strained against the fabric. JC reached and undid the snaps and Lance's cock sprang up free. JC licked his hand then wrapped his fingers around it. He stroked it gently.

Lance's head fell back to the floor. "Oh, Josh."

JC kept on stroking. He bent down and licked Lance's balls. One by one he took each ball into his mouth. He could feel Lance tremble. JC then licked up the underside of the shaft. Up to the mushroom head then down again. Then JC kissed his way up the underside of the cock.

"Please, Josh." Lance begged.

JC looked up at Lance. Lance was trembling with anticipation. With a smile and a twinkle in his blue eyes JC leaned forward and welcomed Lance's cock into his mouth.

Lance gasped, "Yes!"

JC slid his lips up and down Lance's shaft. He could feel it growing harder and that turned him on the more.

Lance unsnapped the last snap. "JC, help me take the pajama bottoms off."

JC stopped and looked up. "No, tease me by just barely showing your body. Let me please you but not see all of you. Be mysterious."

"But you know what I look like intimately."

JC sighed. "Just go with the flow, Lance. Okay, you're still pissed at me and you are withholding your beautiful self from me. You are teasing me as punishment."

Lance grinned. "Now that kind of punishment I can do." He snapped the top snap of his pajama pants. "Suck me, JC."

JC obliged all too willingly. Up and down Lance's hard shaft. He could feel the soft mushroom head slip into his throat. Whether in his mouth or his ass, JC loved Lance's cock inside him. JC pressed his tongue against Lance's cock as he pulled back then swirled it around the cock head. Lance shook and trembled. JC tightened his lips and slid Lance's cock deep into his mouth.


JC took to stroking the cock with his hand as well as his mouth. Lance gave off the most happiest of moans.

Lance managed to raise his head. He watched JC's efforts. JC glanced up at him. Oh, how those blues eyes sparkled. JC was having as much fun as Lance was. Lance reached down to touch JC's cheek. He moved up to Lance so they could kiss.

"JC, I love you sucking my cock and I really love you."

JC grinned. "And I love doing it. You make my life so worthwhile." They kissed again. "Let me show you."

JC moved back down Lance's body.

"Oh, my, Josh!" Lance felt his cock slip into JC's throat. Such a surge of pleasure rushed through his body. Then JC's soft lips slid along the length of his shaft only to press firmer and slide down again until Lance's cock was back in JC's throat.

JC felt Lance's hand on his cheek. He pulled back and looked up. Lance was so flushed with joy. JC took to flicking his tongue just under the head of Lance's cock. Lance gave a loud gasp and closed his eyes. JC licked down the underside of Lance's cock then starting kneading Lance's balls with his tongue and lips. He could feel Lance trembling. JC looked up. Lance's beautiful green eyes gazed down at him. He could tell Lance was enjoying JC's effort. Back up again so JC could swirl his tongue around the sensitive mushroom head. Once more JC's swallowed Lance's cock until JC buried his nose in Lance's pubic hair. He held it and held it. Finally to keep from choking he pulled off.

Lance gasped, "You keep that up and I'll cum soon."

JC took to stroking Lance off. "Good. Then we can move on to the entrée."

Lance felt JC's fingers tighten as they stroked him. Lance's body shook.

JC grinned. What did they say about having a person in the palm of your hand? He stopped stroking and swallowed Lance again.

"Oh, fuck JC, you're going to make me. . ." Lance's voice rose in a ecstatic shout. "Oh, Josh, oh, oh!"

Lance bucked with his hips forcing his cock deep into JC's mouth. JC relaxed and took it easily. He pressed his lips firmly against Lance's sensitive flesh. Then there was one last big thrust.

"Josh! Oh, Josh, I`m. . ."

Hot fluid burst into JC's mouth. He swallowed as more followed.

Lance shook and twisted. The climax surged through every nerve and muscle. Lance's head fell back as a loud moan of pleasure escaped his lips. Slowly the climax waned. But JC kept licking and sucking. Each time another wave shot through Lance. Finally Lance put his hand on JC's shoulder.

JC knew that signal. It was getting too much for Lance. His cock was extra sensitive after a climax. JC sat back. He looked up at Lance and grinned.

This time Lance moved down to kiss JC. He pulled him close and their tongues did a passionate tango together.

Suddenly JC found himself pushed back onto the floor. It seemed like five hands were undressing him.


Lance tugged on JC's clothes until his pants and his underwear were off.

"Keep your shirt on there isn't time."

Before JC knew it Lance had swallowed his cock whole. Lance was gulping and slurping so happily but also with too much gusto.

"Lance. Lance! LANCE!!!"

Lance finally looked up. He stroked JC's cock with his hand.


"Not so fast. I'll cum too soon."

"But it is your turn."

JC took Lance cheek and pulled him up do they were eye to eye. He gave Lance a quick kiss.

"Did you forget the bet? I was to do you all night."


"So why waste a load down your throat when I can cum in your ass."

Lance grinned. "Really?" He frowned. "You don't mind? I mean it has always been fifty-fifty."

"But you won the bet. The Bass Ass gets all my attention tonight."

In a smooth motion Lance turned away from JC, knelt and lay his stomach down on the couch. With a quick kick his pajama bottoms flew across the room.

"I don't want anything to hinder you, JC." Lance pulled his pajama top up slightly. "Okay, JC pay up."

The sight of Lance's white round ass cheeks were enough for JC. He gently pulled aside those firm round orbs and stuck his tongue as far into Lance as he could go.

Lance's hand slapped the couch. A loud moan escaped his lips. So encouraged JC probed and licked Lance's asshole. Lance was soon trembling and moaning happily.

JC massaged the cheeks as he attacked Lance's puckered opening but suddenly Lance turned to JC.

"I thought you were going to fuck me all night?"

"Lance, its called tongue fucking."

"Oh," Lance turned away and then back again. "How much longer?"

"Aren't you enjoying this?"

"Well, yes, but I enjoy your cock much more."

"Okay," JC sighed, "What ever my lover wants."

"Don't get me wrong, JC. I love when to tongue me. But I'm just not in a slow sex mode tonight."

JC grinned. He leaned down to Lance. "You mean you just want to be fucked?" JC pressed the head of his cock against Lance's asshole.

Lance pressed back hard against JC. "Oh, god, yes!!! Please, JC. I need you so bad!"

JC reached under the couch for one of the bottles of lube they had hidden around the house. He lubed up and pressed slowly into Lance.

Lance's moans were tentative at first but the deeper JC pressed the louder and more ecstatic they became. Then after a few full thrusts Lance pressed back hard against JC.

"Oh, fuck! Fuck me, Josh. I need you so bad!"

JC obliged thrusting into Lance hard and deep but not fast. He wanted Lance to really enjoy this and he had to admit it was his way of apologizing for earlier.

Lance rolled his head back and forth on the couch. He was in complete bliss. JC's cock was working its magic and hitting just the right places that Lance loved. JC' cock raked against the prostate sending waves of pleasure coursing though Lance.

"Oh, Josh, give me your cock. Fuck me!"

Peter glanced over at the "Mr. Saloon" sash that was lying on the table by the couch. He let out a heartfelt sigh. "What started out as a possible horrible day has turned into very nearly the best day of my life."

"Very nearly?" Justin asked.

"I'm sure you can come up with better."

"Mm, I'd like to try."

"Mm, I want to let you try."

They lay on the floor watching the flames crackle. Peter also liked the reflection of the firelight on Justin's naked body.

Peter said, "You know I never knew why people had fireplaces in hot climates."

"It does get cold here every once and a while. Besides we like to fuck in front of the fire the same as other people."

Peter propped himself up on his elbow. "I've never fucked in front of a fire before."

Justin laughed. "Big surprise."

Peter gave Justin a soft slap. "I mean we haven't got that far yet."

"Oh, and you think it will be your turn?"

"I was hoping we'd both get a turn."

"I suppose that can be arranged."

"Arranged? Are you choreographing our sex now?"

"You know what I meant." Justin put a hand to Peter's neck. "You have a hot ass."

"Well, this close to the fire yes."

Justin laughed. "Not just that." Justin rubbed his hand over Peter's chest. "Would you mind if you fuck me first?"

"Now that is a dumb question. I get hard just thinking about it."

"Then I won't keep you waiting." Justin rolled onto his stomach. "Get me ready.

Even by firelight those tight round orbs that were Justin's ass were too tempting. Peter moved forward and buried his face in Justin's crack.

"Oh, fuck!" Justin gasped. He anticipated Peters response. Justin didnt want any interruption. "Yes, I know that comes later just don't stop. Use that talented tongue of yours."

Peter pressed in deeper. Justin's ass closed tight and warm around his tongue but it was loosening up under his probing. Peter began to stretch it out with his fingers and his tongue.

Justin's hands moved around on the carpet. "Damn, that feels so good. Open me up. Get me ready for your dick."

As Justin's puckered opening winked back at him Peter felt his hard-on raging. He wanted Justin so bad. Then he wanted Justin to fuck him. He was still so proud of Justin's coming out he wanted to show him how much it meant to him.

After a few minutes Justin's hand grasped Peter's wrist.

"No more teasing. Fuck me," Justin whispered.

It may have been whispered but there was an urgency to it.

As Peter lubed himself and Justin up, he leaned down and planted kisses in the small of Justin's back.

"Oh, god, Peter, please." Justin pushed his hips up. He looked like a cat stretching.

Peter positioned himself over Justin. He pressed into Justin.

"Ah, ah, ah, aah, Aaaaahhh, Ohhhh Fuck!!!!!! That is what I wanted!"

Peter leaned down, "Justin, your parents will hear."

"Oh, fuck them. Just fuck me!"

Peter trust with his hips. Justin groaned and lay flat on the floor.

"Damn, you fuck me good."

Peter kissed Justin's neck and shoulders. Justin turned his head around and they managed a kiss.

"Fuck me harder, Peter. Fuck me hard!"

Peter increased his rhythm.

Justin started pounding his palms on the carpet. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"Good thing no one lives below us."

"I don't care just fuck me, Peter, harder please!"

"Justin, what was gotten in to you? Wait, let me rephrase that."

Justin twisted around. Peter pulled out as Justin sat up.

"Let me show you. Lay on your back."

Peter did as he was told. Justin quickly straddled him and lowered himself back onto Peter's cock.

Justin's head tipped back. "Oh, god yeah! I love you in me."

As Justin bounced Peter ran his hands over Justin's beautiful body. He played with Justin's nipples.

"Sh," Justin cocked his head. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"All those gay men out there jacking off to what we are doing."

"How do they know what we are doing?"

"Their imagination." Justin tilted his head back. "Mm, I hope they are seeing how much I am enjoying this."

"Some probably can't see you being a bottom. I'm not sure if they even see you sucking cock."

"Then they have no imagination at all. I love doing all of that." Justin looked down into Peter's eyes, "And only with you." Justin leaned down.

Peter met him half way and pulled Justin to his lips. It was some time before Peter let Justin go.

"Keep fucking me." Justine leaned back. "Damn, that makes you go even deeper. Fuck!"

Whatever had set Justin off Peter was not complaining. He was fucking this hot hunk of a man. Peter felt his passions begin to grow.

"Slower, Justin, I'm getting close."

"Then I'd better show you now." Justin managed to turn around without missing a stroke. "Look at this."

Peter's eyes raked up Justin's back. "You are so beautiful."

"No, this," Justin patted his ass. "This. The most wonderful thing you ever did for me. You taught me about my hospitality. Sharing it with you feels so good! It will always be yours and yours alone."

"Well, there was Kevin."

"Not anymore. I am only for you. The Timberlake ass is yours alone. I love you so much, Peter."

"Justin, please turn around. I have to kiss you."

"In a moment. I want to always remember this sight."

Peter watched as his cock slid in and out of Justin perfect ass. He caressed Justin's back with his hands. This wonderful body and the man inside it was his alone. Forever! Peter's climax was on his before he knew.

"Oh, Justin. I'm going to. . ."

Justin quickly got off of Peter and knelt on all fours.

"Cum on me, Peter. Cum on my hot ass."

Peter barely had time to get up on his knees. A few strokes of his cock and white splattered on Justin's backside.

"Fuck, your cum is so hot. It feels good on my skin."

There was so much fighting for Peter's brain, the romantic fireplace, Justin's ass spattered with Peter's own cum, Justin's claim to be Peter's only and, fuck, a powerful climax pulsing through his body. As it subsided Peter sat back on his legs.

"Hot damn. That has to be one of the best. . ."

Justin's lips cut him off. After a while Justin pulled back from the kiss.

"Not the best yet. I get to fuck you now."

Peter lay down on his side.

"Give me a minute. I need to catch my breath."

"Don't worry, Peter. You can rest and I can fuck at the same time."

Justin spooned up against Peter's back. Peter felt the cold lube and then Justin's cock pressing in.

"You are so accommodating, Justin. I. . .I. . . I. . .Damn, I don't think I've felt you so deep!"

Justin put his arm around Peter. "Lean back on me. Relax," Justin nibbled Peter's ear. "Let me do the driving." Justin whispered.

"Twice around the park please." Peter moaned.

"More than just the park," Justin thrust with his hips. "I'm going to take you around the world."

"Oh, Justin," Peter gasped, "Anywhere, just please don't stop."

"Whatever my lover wants." Justin thrust into Peter harder and faster.

Peter's hand found Justin's ass and he pressed Justin to him. "I want. I want!"

Justin smiled. "My fans all know what we are doing. No secrets anymore."

So that was it. Since the fans knew about him and Justin he could give himself totally to Peter. No more self doubt.

"Okay, but I want the typical Timberlake performance. Your fans are expecting that."

"You've got it." Justin's hips went into over drive.

"Yes, fuck me, Justin!"

"All night if necessary, lover."

Peter only hoped he would survive. Well, what a way to go.

Justin held Peter tight against him. He caressed Peter's chest and body. He thrust hard with his hips his cock sinking deeply into Peter's willing ass.

Peter's head reeled. He couldn't see Justin but just feel his cock fucking him and Justin's hands on his body. Justin's cock plunged in deep raking against his insides sending surges of pure pleasure coursing through his every nerve.

"Damn, Justin, you make me feel so good!"

Justin kissed Peter's neck. "It's going to get much better."

Then he felt Justin's hand wrap around his cock and begin to stroke him.

Peter's loud moan sent a thrill through Justin. How many months before had Justin never believed that he would be fucking another man or even stroking him off? He was now doing both and relishing it. How could this be wrong? This didn't feel unnatural. Peter's warm alive body pressed against his. He was showing Peter his love for him. `It's against God's laws.' Who really knew? What mere mortal could be so sure of the infinite? Peter once said that when we get to heaven we all will be in for a shock

A surge of pleasure blasted through Justin. This was it. This was what made humans special. Love and sex even between two people of the same sex. God's gift of human sexuality.

Justin kissed Peter's cheek and Peter did just what Justin had hoped he would do. He turned his head so they could kiss.

Justin broke the kiss. "Oh, God!"

"I hope you enjoying yourself and not praying."

Justin thought `what the hell.' He said aloud, "Thank you, God for this man I hold in my arms. Thank you for the love we share and thank you for his fucking tight ass."

"Justin! Don`t be irreligious."

"Why is it irreligious? God knows everything so why not be truthful."

How could you argue when your lover was making you feel so good? But Justin's prayer did touch Peter but Justin's cock touching his insides was more on Peter's mind.

"Justin, I getting close."

Justin nuzzled Peter's neck. "Then shoot, lover."

"But the carpet."

"You never worried about the carpet before."

"We were in hotels. But there was when we were in your car."

"Fuck the carpet. We'll clean it up later. Shoot, Peter. Show me how much you like me fucking you." Justin thrust hard with his hips.

"Justin! Ah, fu. . !" Peter's voice pinched off.

Justin peered over Peter's shoulder. Ropes of white catapulted from Peter's cock. They shot everywhere.

Justin laughed. "Holy shit, Peter."

Peter convulsed in Justin's arms. He shook and trembled. After some moments Peter's body relaxed. Justin stopped stroking him.

Peter was panting. "Oh, wow."

Justin gave Peter a kiss. "Was that okay?"

"That was so beyond just okay but you knew that." Peter pushed back. "Keep fucking me. I want you to cum."

"After that show I'm not that far behind."

Peter decided to forget the 'behind' jokes. He clinched his ass muscles.

"Damn, even tighter. Fuck, you're going to make me shoot."

"Show me, Justin."

Justin pulled out and Peter rolled onto his back. A few strokes and Justin literally exploded.

Peter's eyes moved from the volley of cum spraying all over him to Justin's beautiful body with muscles tight in the throws of cumming then to Justin's face flushed with pleasure.

Each stroke of his cock caused Justin waves of pure joy. The climax blasted through him. As the surges abated Justin slowed his stroking and opened his eyes.

"Damn, Peter. Was that all me?"

Peter grinned, "Yep," He rubbed the cum with his hand. "I got the Timberlake performance all right."

"I'll get a towel."

Justin soon returned and cleaned off his lover and then the carpet.

Peter gentle took the towel out of his hand. "Later."

"But the carpet?" Justin teased.

Peter pushed Justin back against the couch. He snuggled up to Justin's chest. "I want to enjoy the afterglow. The carpet can wait its own damn turn."

Justin wrapped his arms around Peter. "You're right I like this better."

Peter sighed a happy sigh. "Thank you, Justin that was terrific."

"Mm, so were you."

"You know, I think I still have my doubts about us."

"What?" Justin said surprised. "I showed you how it is going to be just you and me forever."

"I know. I'm sorry. You will just have to show me again and again and again until I finally believe it."

Justin chuckled. "What a can of worms I opened up." Justin sighed. "Well, if I have to."

Peter turned and looked into Justin's eyes. "Oh, you have to." He smiled. "I love you so much, Justin."

Justin grinned, "I know."


"And what?"

Peter cocked his head. "Justin."

"Oh, I am sorry. I love you, too. Better?"

Peter slumped back against Justin's bare chest. "I guess it will have to do."

Justin gave Peter a squeeze and kissed his head. "I do love you, Peter, very much."

Peter snuggled in. "Now that is better."

They settled down to watch the flames crackle in the fireplace.

Lance squeezed the cushions with his hands then he would stretch his hands wide out across the couch. Soon he was clutching the cushions again. JC was fucking him so good and slow. Lance couldn't stay still for long.

"Josh, you do me so good. I love to feel you inside me."

"You make me want to do my best. I want to make you happy." JC caressed Lance's chest with one hand and began to stroke Lance's off with the other.

Lance fought the urge to pull the pajama top off. He wanted to feel JC's hands on his back. But JC wanted it on and it did feel different and kind of sexy. Lance pushed back from the couch. He stood on his knees and pushed back against JC's warm body.

"I am happy, Josh." Lance turned his head so they could kiss.

JC keep up his rhythm. If he was going to last the night he had to take it slow.

Lance pulled back from the kiss and belly flopped back onto the couch. "I have the best lover ever."

JC chuckled. "I am only the best lover because I have the best partner to work with."

"Yeah and I want that partner deeper!"

"Not my cock, Lance. You."

"Your cock ain't so bad either. Josh, you have the perfect cock, you have the perfect ass. Let's face it, you're just perfect." Lance moaned as JC's cock slid its length into his ass.

"I am not perfect if you will remember earlier."

Lance sat up again. "Don't bring that up now. I forgive you. It was a misunderstanding. Just fuck me."

JC thrust faster into Lance.

"Oh, Josh, that's it." Lance fell back to the couch.

JC looked down and watched is cock sink between Lance's white round cheeks. He felt his balls slapping against Lance's ass. The sight always turned him on.

Lance pushed back against JC trying to force him in deeper. That meant that Lance was rounding third and heading for home. JC leaned down and kissed Lance's neck. He wanted to kiss his shoulders but the pajama top covered Lance. Well, JC deserved the limitation.

"You like?"

"No, I love." Lance's hand reached back to find JC's ass. He pulled him closer. "Fuck me, Josh."

Lance began to whimper. He just clutched the cushions now. The end was in sight.

JC touched Lance's shoulder. "Love, I want to see you."

JC's cock sank in deep. "Yeah, Josh, so do I."

JC pulled out and Lance got on the couch on his back but he sat with his head on the arm rest.

"But Lance."

Lance patted the couch cushion. "Easier on the knees, lover." Lance raised his legs.

JC climbed onto the couch and positioned himself.

The low bass moan Lance gave as JC pushed back into his ass sent JC's blood racing. Now they could look into each other's eyes.

They looked from eyes, to face to chest to cocks, one being stroked by hand and the other plunging deep into the other's ass.

JC leaned down and rubbed Lance's nipple through the fabric. Lance's whole body shuddered and twitched. JC then licked up Lance's neck and soon they were in a passionate kiss.

Lance was sorry now that he let JC keep his shirt on. He wanted to see JC's wonderful chest. But he could still see the nipples protruding through the tight fabric. Damn, even that was sexy. Who cared? JC was fucking him so well!

JC felt Lance's hands wrap around his back. Lance's legs crossed over his back holding him to Lance. This was the home stretch. JC thrust back into Lance faster and harder. Lance's head snapped back and forth.

"Josh, oh, Josh, oh!" Lance closed his eyes in bliss.

"Come on, love, let me see it." JC whispered.

Lance rolled about as much as he could. Wave upon wave for sure pleasure surged through him. JC's cock was hitting all the right places. He felt JC's lips on his cheek then JC's hot breath at his ear.

"I'm getting close, too. Together, Lance?"

Lance opened his eyes. He could see JC flushed with pleasure. He could almost sense JC's balls full and ready to burst. Lance placed his hands on JC's neck. The passion in him grew to the inevitable peak.

"Oh, Josh, I lov. . ."Lance's mouth fell open wide and great loud bass groan filled the air.

JC managed one more thrust and then he peaked as well.


JC's cock pumped his love into Lance's ass while Lance covered his belly with his. The pair tried to keep looking at each other's face in shear bliss but at time the feelings flooding through them made them close their eyes in ecstasy.

Finally Lance stopped stroking his cock. JC almost fell on top of him. Both were breathing hard.

JC managed to prop himself up on his arm. His eyes found Lance's. They both smiled then kissed with a passion.

Lance moved over slightly so JC could lie along side.

"Oh, I forgot the washcloth."

"Don't bother." Lance wiped himself off with his pajama top. "Pajamas do come in handy."

JC looked stunned. "Lance, I don't believe you just did that."

"The mother of necessity. Now once you have rested. . ."

"You did really mean all night?" JC said still panting slightly.

"We'll see." He teased. Lance got off the couch. "Let's go to bed. It gives us more play space."

As he started for the stairs JC followed him. Then Lance stopped.

"Yuck." He pulled off his pajama top. "Wet spot. Maybe there was I reason I stopped wearing these."

JC hugged Lance from the back. "I like seeing all of you."

Lance smirked at him.

"Okay, almost all of you. I like to sleep next to you skin to skin."

"Well, they'll be not much sleeping tonight."

"I just need a little rest."

"You?" Lance bent over and spoke to JC's crotch. "And how about you my little man?" He touched JC's penis. "Are you up for another round?"

As if to answer JC's cock twitched.

"See he is ready." Lance waved his hand. "Go ahead and sleep, JC. Your little man can do it all by himself."

"Oh, yeah? Who does the thrusting?"

"I'll sit on top. You're not needed."

"Oh, I'll show you who is not needed." JC had a tinge of fake anger. "Lance, you're the one who is going to need sleep. You are going to be quite exhausted after the fucking I am going to give you."

"Promises. Promises."

JC pulled off the shirt he was still wearing. He held his arms out to his side leaned back and let out a yell, "Stella!" He took several strong steps toward Lance.

Lance backed toward the stairs. "I've always relied on the kindness of strangers."

JC almost sneered. "I am no stranger and you are about to get the fuck of your life."

Lance stepped back a little nervous. "JC, please."

JC strode toward Lance. Lance retreated faster up the stairs. "JC!"

"Just wait until I get my hands on you."

"Just your hands?" Lance asked as he tossed the pajama top into the clothes chute. JC was still approaching with a firm stride. Lance almost giggled as he ran to the bedroom door and stopped.

At the bedroom door JC moved close. He pointed. "On the bed, bitch!"

Lance put on a brave face. "Are you man enough?"

JC gave Lance a gently but firm push into the bedroom and closed the door behind them.

"JC, please. I didn't mean it that way, JC. Oh, so forceful. What a man you are." There was a pause. "JC, oh, JC. Oh, my JC, I. . .Oooooooohhhhhhhhhhh, my gooooodddddddd. Ohhhhhhhhhh, Josh, Fuck me!!! Yeah!!!"

The security guard glanced up at the bedroom window. "Lucky bastards." He went back to his rounds.

JC was laughing. "Justin, you got a gay bar to play a slow dance. That has to be a first."

"And I am not quite happy about that," John said. "Not the dancing but going to a gay bar. But there haven't been any repercussions."

"Sorry, John," JC said. "We should have run it passed you first."

John waved his hand. "Hey, this is your life. You don't have to get my approval on everything you do but I thought this might affect your fans. Since the whole group went it seems like it didn't made a ripple."

"Not even a ripple?" asked Joey.

"You're reputation is safe." Chris joked.

"And the other publicity?" Lance asked timidly.

"The negative responses on the website have all but stopped. There are no more protests and CD burnings. It seems this was all put on by Welks's people pretending to be real NSYNC fans. When Welks was defeated they stopped. There are a few stubborn ones but for the most part things are settling down thanks to Peter here."


"Yep, after what you did to Welks all the other pompous people out there took a look into their closets and saw they had skeletons, too. They're afraid you might expose them as well."

"But it was Welks not me."

"They don't know that and they'd rather not chance it. The enemy has retreated."

"And my fans?" Justin asked.

"A lot of them heard about the "fag" incident and are rallying around you. Welks helped you in that."

Lance let out a breath. "That is a relief."

John smiled. "The wedding, ah sorry, the ceremony should go off without much protest."

Peter was looking out the window.

"A penny for them."

"What?" Peter asked Justin.

"What are you thinking so hard about?"

"I know you'll think I'm being foolish but I just was wondering what will happen to the Reverend Welks."

"Fines, disbarment and perhaps some jail time?"

Welks continued packing. "Something like that. It depends on the judge."

"You may be lucky."

Welks turned, "May be?"

The Chairman brushed a fleck of dust off the bare desk top. "You know I would like to help but my hands are tied."

"Yeah," Welks went back to packing. "I just thought. . ."

"After all the years we've worked together I'd use my usual contacts to help you. Our lawyers are at your service but I am afraid I can't run the risk of being drawn into this. But remember the book of Job and take heart. I am sure God will be on your side."

"So I am on my own."

"I don't like it was much as you do. You've been very hard working and we have done great works in the Lord's name but now. . ." He shook his head.

"So I can expect no help from you at all after all these years of loyal service?"

"Loyal service doesn't enter into it. Look, not only did you admit what you did you did it in front of a courtroom full of people and in front of a judge no less. Now you're a lawyer, how do you defend against so many witnesses?"

"With all the contacts we have used before I can expect no help?"

The Chairman leaned on the desk. "There is nothing I can do."

"I know it's God's will." Welks nodded. His voice was tight, "But I gave up everything to be what you wanted. I did everything for you and now you just abandon me?"

The Chairman thumped his fist on the desk. "You mentioned my name! That is never to happen. I am to stay out of everything my people do. I am the captain of this ship and expect the crew to keep this ship afloat so I can steer her. Your little confession jeopardized everything we worked so hard for. Some people just won't understand why we do what we do. It is all for the glory of God but they might question our methods. That is why I had to let you go and that is why I can't help you as much as I would like to. You slipped up and you must pay for that mistake. This ship must be kept afloat at all costs. In a perfect world this never would have happened."

"Yeah, a perfect world."

"Look, once you've done your time I may be able to find a small parish somewhere where you can continue the fight. Our grassroots work is really paying off. You won't be on the front lines but you will still be in the battle. I'm sorry. That is all I can do." The Chairman turned to look at the empty shelves.

"Then maybe there is something I can do." Welks said under his breath.

The Chairman whipped around. "Is that a threat? Lots of people have tried to bring me down and they have failed. Some of them have even lost their reputations through the attempt. So don't even think about it. God is on my side and he's a mighty powerful ally. And I have some very powerful friends here on Earth." The Chairman relaxed. "But think of our friendship and all those years working together side by side. We did many great things for the glory of God. Don't turn your back against God now. Look, I'd like to help you but I can't risk it. You must understand that."

"I understand everything. I sort of expected this."

"Oh, and I am sorry about your brother but 'As you sow so shall you reap.' Of course the Bible does say we must love our enemies."

"Very wise," Welks said, "because I don't think you will ever be able to truly trust your friends. I should know."

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Just thinking aloud." Welks picked up the box he'd been packing. "Well, this is the last. I'll be going now." He walked to the door.

"May God go with you," The Chairman said.

"And may God be with you." Welks left.

The Chairman picked up the phone and dialed. "Tell Edwards his office is ready. He can move in at once." He hung up the phone smiling. "Out with the old and in with the new. The cycle begins again."

The Chairman's secretary was saying goodbye to Reverend Welks, "It's a shame after all the work that you did."

"Well, it is God's will."

The phone rang. She answered it.

"Maggie, I want Welks's name removed from the website and his photos taken down from the honor wall. Place them in storage until further notice."

"Yes, sir." She hung up the phone. "Sorry, you had to hear that."

"Oh, well, I don't blame him. The shiny pure image must be preserved."

"You're not going to have to spend time in jail are you?"

"It seemed like it at first but maybe not now or just a short time at least. It depends how the trial turns out. I'll be disbarred and there will be heavy fines and after that the individual law suits will start. I guess I will have to start over at the ground floor someplace whenever this is over if it ever is."

"I still think he should have helped you. If the shoe was on the other foot you would have. He's totally cutting out off."

Welks nodded. "Now I know how it feels." He shrugged. "Well, he is the Captain of the Ship and we're to keep the ship afloat so he can steer."

"We must show other people God's will. Praise God. He knows what is best."

"Well, I have to get going. I am meeting someone for lunch."

"A friend or colleague?"

"A long lost friend of the family. I only met him yesterday." Welks patted his pocket where his brother's photo was. "I have some catching up I want to do."

As Welks got to the door two men in suits entered.

Welks pointed. "His office is through there."

The two men went up to the secretary.

"Is he in?" One asked.

"Yes, but you need an appoint. . . "

Not stopping they went into the office.

"What is that all about?" The secretary asked.

Welks almost smiled. "The Captain of this Ship may be about to feel his feet getting wet."

"What do you mean?"

But Welks turned and was gone.

The Chairman rose to his feet as he saw the two men.

"Welcome, sirs. What can I do for you?"

One man handed the Chairman an envelope.

"What is this?"

"A subpoena."

"You didn't have to do this," The Chairmen chuckled, "I will testify willingly."

"This is not to testify. You've been implicated in the charges against the Reverend Welks."

The Chairman showed some anger. "Is this some kind of joke?"

"No, sir, the Reverend Welks was in your employ. As his employer you have some responsibility for his actions. Plus we have been told that some of what he did were your ideas and were with your approval."

"Who told you such lies?" The Chairman sneered. "You're not taking any stock in this garbage."

"We have a sworn statement." The other man added.

"Who dares lay charges against me?"

"The statement comes from the defendant himself."

"He wouldn't dare."

"Yes, he did, sir. He said that he knew that everyone he could count on would desert him and if that happened he'd have nothing more to lose."

"Seems he was right," The other man said. "I take it the Reverend Welks is now longer in your employ."

The Chairman was still in shock. "I had to fire him."

The man nodded. They turned to leave.

"Welks knows you so well." The man smiled at his joke. "See you in court, sir."

The door closed.

The Chairman looked at the envelope in his hand.

"Welks." He growled. He crumpled the envelope in his fist and slammed it to the desk top.

The Chairman raged. "Welks!!!"

End part 55

Well, we have come down to the end of another one. I hope you enjoyed it. I was going to wait until April 30th to put it out as a celebration of Astral Fans's 4 Year Anniversary! I've been writing this for 4 years! My how time flies. Well, I should get started on the next part. You readers are so insatiable! As always I can be reached at or Later readers!

Next: Chapter 58

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