Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Sep 10, 2005


Part 58 at last!

Okay, I'm very nervous about this part because well, the ceremony, ah, hell the wedding is finally here. (and didn't I dread it.) I got so many E-mails. "When's the wedding?" "I can't wait to for the wedding." Well, here it is. Now I am going to crouch behind my desk and cross all of my fingers. This will either fly or flop. You'll either cry or cringe. So on with the CYB stuff.

This story is complete fiction. Not a word of it is based of real life. (okay, third word down on paragraph 3 is real but the rest is pure BS.) This author has no knowledge of NSYNC or the Backstreet Boys sexual orientation. They must have one probably straight (wah!) but this story does NOT represent their real life just the author's lack of one. There will be descriptions of gay sex so if you are offended by that or underage or sneakily reading this when people aren't watching, shame on you! (Do you like it? -Nifty bitch slaps the author- Ow, sorry,) Stop reading now. All you others go ahead and enjoy. I can't watch.

"JC, hurry up. The commercial is almost over."

JC's voice came from the kitchen. "I can't hurry and open this potato chip bag. Do you want your chips in a bowl or all over the floor?" JC voice sounded strained, "Why do they have to glue these bags so blasted tight? Ah, there it's goes."


JC hurried from the kitchen with the bowl of chips. "You wanted the snack."

Lance smiled his best smile. "And it is appreciated."

As JC sat next to him Lance patted JC's hand then grabbed a few chips.

"I am such a slave for you."

"Sh." Lance sprayed a bit of potato chip crumbs. He nodded to the radio.

"We're back and we are talking to the man who single handedly brought down the great Reverend Welks. We owe you a very large thank you for that."

Peter's voice was heard. "First I didn't do it single-handedly. There were lots of people who helped."

"But you were the person who faced him. You got him to confess."

"Well, it wasn't totally me."

"That's what I heard. Did you really channel Welks's brother?"

"Well, it was Welks's brother but I think it came from Welks and not the other side."

"He brought himself down?"

"Well, there is the power of a guilty conscience."

"Welks didn't have a heart let alone a conscience."

"Doesn't his confession show a conscience?"

"He had wronged so many people. Maybe it was divine retribution stepping in. Did you think of that?"

"I can barely figure out what happened to me let alone what was behind it."

"You don't have an opinion?"

"Oh, I have lots of opinions but they are just that opinions."

"But you were there surely you know something for sure."

"All I know for sure is if I think about it too long it gives me a headache. I was there. It happened. Move on. To rationalize what happened would only drive a person mad."

Chris nudged Joey. "See, I told you he would get better."

"Sh!" Joey hissed. He leaned back to the radio.

"And speaking of mad, that scene when you left the courthouse. Welks's followers were mad and started a confrontation but you turned the tide."

"NSYNC did that. All I did was sing along. They really know how to work with an audience."

John nodded. "That's my guys." He shuffled the pieces of paper in front of him while still listening to the radio.

"Okay, back to the trial. This key witness shows up and then turns tail and leaves. Something about his parents?"

"Yeah, it was my lawyer's idea. When we found out who Welks's witness was he had my Mom and Dad flown in special. Darrin couldn't lie in front of his own parents."

"Wait. This special witness was your own brother?"

"Sordid, isn't it? I was always teased and hassled by him. I got the upper hand on him once and now he`d do anything to get revenge on me."

"Except lie in front of your parents."

"And that is what set Welks off. My brother didn't want to lose his family and Welks turned his back on his. That's when I was overwhelmed by Welks's mind."

"So you're psychic?"

"Oh, I can't see the future but sometimes I can sense things. All I know is one minute I was sitting at the table and the next I was standing in front of Welks and somehow I knew what to say. It was as if someone was feeding me lines."

"And you don't think it was God finally taking Welks to task?"

"I sensed earlier that Welks needed to talk and it had to be to an angel. So I think Welks wanted to make it up to his brother. I don't think he meant to do it in a courtroom full of people though."

The Interviewer chuckled. "And to think Welks's big terrible secret was he had a gay brother. Big deal."

"It was to him. He had earned clout in the religious right and any little thing could have ruined that."

"Which it did."

"No, it was when the Judge realized Welks was more interested at persecuting me and NSYNC than the assault charge that the tide turned. I assumed their little tête-à-tête in the judge's chambers led to the judge having Welks come clean."

"But you sure knocked him for a loop first. You may not have given the knock out punch but you had him reeling."

"Well, I am just glad it is over. It's difficult to see friends cross examined like that."

"But everyone was so behind you on this. It must have made you feel good."

"And very safe and cared for. Those guys are the greatest."

"Ah," Chris batted his eyes. "That is so sweet."

Joey raised his palm.

Chris didn`t want his mouth covered. "I'll be quiet."

"And it was at the trial that we found out that one of the guys really is the greatest as far as you are concerned. And that was a real shocker."

"It was to me too. I never expected Justin to come out like that. The lawyers were doing their best to keep the subject from coming up. Justin decided the news should come from him and not be dragged out of someone else."

"Hot damn, Justin actually admitted being lovers with Peter." Brian said. "I never believed he would tell."

The other kids gaped at Brian. "You knew about Justin and Peter?"

Brian looked proud. "Hey, I never out anybody."

"I wish Justin would come to Galixi."


"I'm working on it. I'm working on it."

The interviewer asked. "Has there been any backlash?"

"Some. But on the whole the fans have been supportive. Of course one very negative reply was from the father not the fan."

"I can imagine that. How can explain homosexuality to a little girl?"

"Justin's Bi-sexual, actually," Peter corrected. "Not that it matters now. But the guy didn't even try explaining. He just dumped everything on Justin. And the words he used. That really hurt Justin. I think disappointing a fan was bad enough to Justin without that kind of language."

The interviewer's voice showed a trace of anger. "Sometimes I think that Darwin was wrong or we're de-evolving."

"But there was an older lady that had heard the whole thing and she made Justin understand that what the man did was wrong. I think if he hadn't already left she would have fended him off with her cane."

"Now that I would have liked to see. So now I must ask the question on everybody's mind. . ."

"How did I end up with Justin Timberlake?"

"You know that one?" The interviewer chuckled.

Peter laughed. "Every time someone finds out they look at me and I can heard it in their minds, 'Him and Justin Timberlake?' Trust me every time I look in the mirror I think that same thing. Sorry, I should have said that. Justin doesn't like it when I run myself down."

"And now a lot of people envy you. So how did it happen?"

"Well, it was a combination of things. Partially Lance and JC's relationship, part of me being attacked. . ."

"It was a gay bashing. Call it what it was."

"Okay, it was just after I was gay bashed. Everywhere I turned Justin seemed to be there. He made sure I pressed charges. It was even his idea for NSYNC to go on TV to show how against violence they were. Justin was so appalled that this happened and happened while I was with NSYNC he just did everything he could to make it easier on me."

"Boy, did he ever."

Peter chuckled. "Okay, that was part of it, too. Justin was just discovering his bisexual feelings and his curiosity was growing about what two men do. He knew Lance and JC enjoyed themselves. Plus he knew that I could be trusted not to go running to the media. All the cards were in place and it just sort of happened."

"You mean Justin planned it all."

"And Justin Timberlake tends to get what he wants so he got me in the end. Oops, sorry."

Lance laughed. "He is so much like Chris."

JC smiled, "They just share the same sense of humor."

The interviewer continued. "Folks, I have to tell you Peter is a blusher. I find that so sexy. So anyway, you and Justin hooked up. What happened next?"

"We thought it was just a weekend fling but I messed that up. I got emotionally attached. I know people tend to fall in love with their first partner but. . ."

"Justin was your first?"

"Yes. Justin hates it when I tell that but it is the truth. That was the final reason Justin put his plan in motion. We could learn together."

"Now I think I am even a little envious. But wasn't that what Reverend Welks accused you of? That the gay bashing was a way for you to get to Justin?"

"Trust me, the last thing I wanted was Justin."

There was laughter.

"I mean, I never expected Justin and I. . ."

"We get you. I'd be a pushover for Justin, too."

Peter took a mock indignant tone in his voice. "I was NOT a pushover."

"You resisted?"

"I was scared stiff. Ah, sorry, I mean terrified."

"You were alone with Justin Timberlake and you resisted?"

"You've seen fans who have just met Justin react?"


"Well, I was doing more than just meeting Justin."

There was some snickering.

"That's meet with two E's." Peter added.

"Oh, we understand."

"Can we really get away talking like this on the radio?"

"This is the gay radio hour, trust me. Unless Justin would object being so candid."

"Oh, no, I cleared every possible topic with him before hand."

"Good, so back to doing more than meeting Justin."

"Well, as many people would do in my place I couldn't believe this was happening to me and with Justin and Justin, forgive me for this, he wanted to do it with me."

"Hm, sounds like you carried a lot of mental baggage."

"A twelve piece matching set. That is one of the wonderful things that came out of this. Justin really boosted my self esteem."

There was a snicker.

"All of NSYNC did."

Another snicker.

"Not in that way. They all have been very helpful to me. I owe them a lot. Not just Justin."

The interviewer could tell Peter was serious. "Sorry. So do you plan to buy a house together?"

"Well, I am living with JC and Lance right now. But I think after they return from their honeymoon I will move in with Justin. Now that he is out it shouldn't be a problem."

"He shares the house with his parents doesn't he? Isn't that a problem?"

"No way, Lynn is so cool. Both parents are. They have their side of the house and we will have ours."

"But aren't you afraid of them seeing you at it?"

"Why? The day Justin came out to his parents Lynn invited me over for dinner AND breakfast. And once Justin and I had a little tryst out by the pool one night and awoke the next morning with a blanket over us and not from modesty from the cool air."

"She was taking good care of her son."

"She was taking good care of both of us. She told me I was good for Justin and she realized how much Justin cares for me. She is one cool mom."

"Okay, now I refuse to believe those rumors that you plotted and planned to get Justin. No one, and I don't care how clever, may be able to worm their way into a person's affection's but also having that person's parents accept and even arrange little romantic get togethers? No one could manipulate that many people. It has to be a natural charm or they just have to be a good person. And I have to say even just talking here with you, Peter has proven that to me. Justin is very lucky."

"We both are."

"Now I have to ask and I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but there were rumors. . . I mean you are lovers now, but Justin did have a reputation for being sort of. . .well the reports of some short words with fans and. . ."

"You mean Justin's ego?"

The interviewer hesitated. "Yes."

Peter laughed. "All that was in the past. Oh, and it was for the most part true. But with everyone telling Justin how talented he was and how far he would go with or without NSYNC. I can kind of see how that happened. Even his parents commented on it."

"So what happened?"

"We happened. Well, Justin and I. He had had everything planned for except for the sex."

"The sex?"

"When I finally decided to give in to Justin. . . Don't say it."

"I wouldn't dare. Go on."

"I wanted to make Justin's first time everything I hoped mine would have been."

"But this was your first time, too. Surely yours would be the same."

"But it wasn't the same. I concentrated on Justin. I mean making it special for him. He was a bit impatient at times but I think it went well."

"You are kidding right?"

"Okay, I had a real good time, too."

"That's better. But what has this got to do with his ego?"

"Well, there are certain words for what two men do in bed. And most are not pleasant words. In fact most are used as an insult. Justin had to face those words and what he wanted to do."

"You're losing me."

"Take the slang word for, ah, oral pleasuring as far as men are concerned."

"Ah, gotcha."

"Well, Justin must have known that word now meant him. He had to get passed that word or accept it to go on. Most of what he was doing had words that were used to insult and degrade. But what he was doing was giving pleasure. That was a big gulf to cross."

"But obviously he crossed it."

"Yep, and he left his ego behind. His ego couldn't accept those words or what he was doing. I'm afraid that after his first male experience his ego was quite deflated."

"All it takes to deflate an ego is a little prick."

"I beg you pardon."

"Nothing personal."

Peter laughed. "It's okay. I've heard that joke before."

"And what about you, what brought you to NSYNC?"

"Well, I saw their concert on Disney and I was hooked. I was so taken by their enthusiasm and energy. I was immediately taken by Lance and JC."

"Not Justin?"

"Like I said I didn't even think about Justin then. There was this fan website that sort of speculated that JC and Lance were a couple. I immediately loved the idea. So when I got the chance I. . ." Peter paused.

"You did what?"

"I, ah, went to the mall where there were appearing. It was a photo shoot you know. And then fate stepped in and I got to rescue JC. After that I got to meet them and the rest you know."

"It seems a bit supernatural."

"Oh, it was never that. The Reverend Welks would love it if it was."

"Then I am sorry I said it. You traveled with NSYNC after that."

"Oh, no. That first time it was just day with JC and Lance. It was only after they came back to town that I spent more time with them. They made me an honorary bodyguard so I could stay close by them. It was a dream come true."

"And Justin?"

"He sort of kept his distance. Well, at first. I was more interested in JC and Lance and they were glad of having a gay man to talk to."

"And you just talked?"

"Yes," Peter's voice was stern. "They are in a committed relationship."


"It was the gay bashing that did it all."

"The gay bashing?"

"Yes, after that Justin was so caring and so supportive. I don't think we would have hooked up if it wasn't for that. He sort of felt sorry for me. Then the stadium did that last bit."

"The stadium?"

"They gave me compensation for the attack. I didn't sue them and they were very grateful. But that money gave me the chance to do what I never thought I could do."

"And that was?"

"Follow Justin. I had an apartment and a job. Justin wanted me to go with them but I knew I couldn't afford it. Not without Justin supporting me. Now I could support myself and be with Justin. I called John Wright their manager and he arranged the whole thing. I flew down to where they were performing. I missed the concert so I waited on their bus. Justin's expression when he saw me made it all worth it. I've been with him ever since. All the guys have been so wonderful even management." Peter sniffed. "I never thought this would ever happen to me but it has. And everyone has been so wonderful. Even some of the fans have understood. That was a big fear. I don't want to come between Justin and his fans. I'm very content staying on the sidelines. Justin's fans are so important to him."

"Even next to you?"

"Sometimes. I don't mind. It comes with the territory."

JC looked surprised. "Hey, that's my line."

Lance patted JC's knee. "You taught him well."

JC grinned, "Thanks."

"Well, I see by the clock it is time to wrap this up. So before you go can you give us any, ah, detail on being lovers with Justin Timberlake? Some how the idea of Timber and Lake sets my imagination reeling."

"He's as talented singing and dancing as he is romancing. That is all I will say."

"Are you saying he is a big talent?"

"He's talented enough for me."

"Okay, okay. We'll leave some mystery. Well, thank you Peter for talking to us."

"No problem. Thank you for asking me."

"We'll be right back.

A commercial started.

JC got up and switched off the radio.

"It is so nice Peter has got his fifteen minutes of fame."

"You know he doesn't want that."

"I know. But it will be good for Justin and him. How can people accept him as Justin's lover if they don't know him?"

"The public don't always have to know a lover to accept them. It happens all the time to, ah, celebrities. Their private life is just that, private."

"But if Peter is going to be seen with Justin the public needs to know who he is."

JC walked over to Lance and put his hand on his shoulder. "And you want the world to know Peter as we know him."

"He's so shut up in himself. He needs to grow and bloom. He always says that he's happy to stay in the sidelines. In the shade is more like it. Nothing to taint Justins limelight. Damn it, hes a part of Justin now. It`s time he realized that."

JC squeezed Lance's hand. "I think he does. That interview was sort of personal. He really told more of the truth than I thought he would."

"Well, if Justin had popped my cherry I'd be boasting too."

JC sat down next to Lance. "But it wasn't Justin, it was me."

Lance took JC's hands. "I know and I will never forget that. It was the greatest day of my life."

"And tomorrow?"

"The second."

JC frowned.

"Maybe the first. I can't say until it is over. But one was done only with you and one will be done in front of our family and our friends. They really can't be compared."

JC chuckled, "I could do you in front of them. We'd truly be together as one."

"And our mothers would have heart attacks. I don't think they really think about what we do in bed."

"That's okay, I can't think about my parents having sex either."

Lance shuddered. "What son or daughter can?"

JC looked into Lance's eyes. "Just think tomorrow is the day."

"I know. I am so nervous. I hope I get through the rehearsal all right."

JC sat back and sighed. "Our mothers are not going to like the rehearsal."

"So what? This is our ceremony. If we want their true reaction we can't show them everything."

"They are still not going to like it."

"So. For the first time in my life I have the upper hand. Mom will just have to deal with it."

"Oo, Lance so forceful."

Lance smiled, "Not really, but I want everything to go just right."

JC patted Lance's hand. "It will, Lance. It will."

Peter gave Justin a nudge. "You could have chimed in at anytime after all you were sitting right there."

"Nope, this was your show. I didn't want to steal the limelight. You did wonderful by the way." Justin leaned over for a kiss.

"Just drive, please."

"I don't know. I'll be distracted until I get my kiss."

"Okay," Peter gave Justin a quick peck, "Now eyes on the road."

"Yes, sir."

"Where to now?"

"John's place. You have two more interviews to do."

Peter sighed.

"Its hard work isn't it?"

"I never knew how you guys made it through all those meet and greets. The same questions over and over."

"Just two more and you'll be through for today. Then we have a few hours before the wedding rehearsal. Sorry, ceremony rehearsal."

There was silence for a bit.

"Justin, it was okay saying that I'm going to move in with you wasn't it?"

"Why not? It is the truth." Justin turned his head to look at Peter. "Isn't it?"

"Of course. Just think of me sleeping in Justin Timberlake's bed."

"Hey, it's your bed, too, you know. And you'll be doing more than just sleeping in it."

"Yeah, I know. Making it, washing the sheets, vacuuming under it."

Justin gave Peter a playful push. "More than just that silly."

"More than that? I'll be too tired for any sex."

"Oh, I'll revive you." Justin smiled. "I can't wait to have your sexy body all to myself in our home."

Peter looked out the window with a sad sigh. "Whatever you say."

"Hey," Justin put his hand on Peter's knee. "You're sexy to me, okay."

Peter gave Justin a smile. "I know. I guess talking about the old days has me back to my old thoughts again. I'm sorry. I know better." Peter leaned over to give Justin another kiss on the cheek but Justin turned so their lips met. Then Justin turned back.

"Now that kiss was better."

"You tricked me."

"Never," Justin's hand slid up Peter's leg. "But I wouldn't mind a trick."

"Justin, you're driving."

"I'll pull over and we can switch."

"There isn't time and remember last time you tried we were almost caught."

"That's where the excitement comes in."

"There is plenty of excitement when we're not in public isn't there?"

"Okay, have it your way." Justin gave Peter's crotch a squeeze but he didn't remove his hand.


"I just want to get you ready for later. With the ceremony so close romance in thick in the air and I can feel it getting thicker already."

Peter reluctantly took Justin by the wrist and removed his hand.

"Please, Justin. I can't do the interview with a woody."

"They'll see how much you love me."

"Or how much you see in me."

"Hm, but I really like to see that in me."

"Do you mean that?"

"Yep and I'll prove it . . . later."

Peter slumped back against the seat. He adjusted himself. "Damn, I hope those interviews go fast. Could you drive a little faster?"

Justin was surprised. "You're asking me to speed? I'm shocked. I wouldn't dream of it. As you taught me 'Safety First'."

"Justin Timberlake, you are one fucking tease."

Justin grinned, "I know."

"It's over," Peter leaned against the wall. "I never knew interviews could be so exhausting."

"Come on," Justin took Peter's shoulder. "You need some refreshment. I'm buying."

Peter followed Justin down the hall to John's game room.

As they got close John's secretary came out of the room. She saw Peter.

"All done for the day?" she asked.

"Yes, finally."

"Good, you have a few more interviews in the works probably in the next few days."

Peter frowned.

She smiled, "Don't worry, these will be telephone interviews. Those are always shorter. I'll let you know when I have the details."

Justin nudged Peter, "Oh, the price of fame."

"I don't want any fame."

The secretary chuckled. "Then you chose the wrong boyfriend. See you two later." She headed off.

Justin led Peter into the game room. The room was darker than normal. The curtains on the windows and door looking out to the backyard were closed. Peter flopped onto the couch as Justin went to the vending machine. Soon Justin returned with two bottles. He handed one to Peter.

"Thank you, Justin. I need this."

"Nothing is too good for my lover."

They were interrupted by sounds of laughing and splashing.

"What's that?"

Justin answered, "Someone is using the pool."

Peter was on his feet, "Half naked men now that will perk me up."

"How do you know their male?"

Then a male voice yelled out, "Banzi!" followed by a splash.

"You know everything don't you?"

"No, Justin, just a good guesser." Peter parted the curtains for a peek.

"Oh, no you don't. No lover of mine is going to be caught peeking at other men." Justin went to pull the curtains. "We're going to ogle them in plain sight."

Suddenly a hand appeared. Peter was grabbed by the wrist and pulled through the curtains.

"Now we have you! Peter, it's you," came a surprised voice.

The curtains parted then Justin stepped through the door.

"It's both of us."

AJ let go of Peter, "Well, well, we have two Peeping Toms."

"Peeping Toms?" Peter said. "We just got here."

"Yeah, yeah," Brian raised his leg. "Pull the other one."

Justin said, "Peter is telling the truth, we just got here."

Howie explained. "Well, AJ thinks there was someone watching us through the curtain off and on since we started swimming."

"Well, it wasn't either of us. Peter has been doing interviews all afternoon. He just finished so we came down to get something to drink."

Kevin pointed his thumb at Justin. "He is probably just lying to cover up for his lover."

"Or both of them," Howie smirked.

Peter looked at Justin, "We met John's secretary leaving this room. Maybe it was her."

Kevin asked, "Why would she be peeking at us? She could just sit down and watch."

"But the curtains were pulled. It would have been obvious that she wanted to watch us if she opened them."

"Not really, Brian, she could have just wanted some more light in the room."

"She could have turned on the lights."

"But she is so much older," Brian wrinkled his nose.

"So what," AJ added. "The older women know what they want and how to get it. And we younger bucks don't tire as easily."

"But why peek at us?"

"Oh, Nick, don't be so blond," AJ gave Nick a push and Nick fell into the pool.

Nick surfaced and shook the water from his hair. "I mean she doesn't strike me as the ogling type. Why start now?" Nick climbed out of the pool.

"It could be very simple," Peter began, "Maybe John wanted her to check on you. Make sure you weren't roughhousing too much. He does have an investment in you, you know."

Kevin thought about it. "Peter could be right. She wouldn't want us to notice she was spying on us."

"Well, that's settled. Back to the pool," Brian lunged at Kevin.

Kevin simply stepped aside and with a sideways push Brian was propelled into the pool.

AJ wasn't giving up. "I still say she was looking at us an awful long time."

Peter smiled. "I don't blame her, such fine male specimens." He looked from bare chest to bare chest. "This would be a good stage look for you." Peter gesture with his hand highlighting the imaginary marquee. "The Bare Backstreet Boys."

Kevin shook his head. "Not with the reputation Barebacking has these days."

"I didn't mean that." Peter blushed a bit.

"Come on, Kev," Howie grabbed Kevin's hand and jumped into the pool pulling Kevin with him.

"Any more problems with disappearing photos?" Peter asked Nick before he went into the pool.

"Nope. That was a one time deal. Although with AJ's idea of someone secretly watching us through the curtains I thought it might be the same person."

"At John's?" Justin was shocked, "You must be joking."

"Hey, that's an idea." Nick rubbed his chin. "Hey, Brian, didn't John say he wanted to see those photo shoot proofs the other day?"

Brian answered from the pool, "Now that you mention it, but we got them first."

"So if John sent his secretary to the photographer to get the proofs he would have sent her to us. And if we were busy rehearsing she might have just helped herself then returned the photos later. That would explain everything."

Brian swam to the edge of the pool, "I guess. John's secretary is around enough we might not have noticed her."

They might not have noticed John's secretary but Justin noticed Peter noticing all of Backstreet. His eyes flitted from one bare chest to one clinging swimsuit to another. Justin couldn't blame him. Nick was standing there in his wet trunks with a bulge hinting at what was underneath.

Justin put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "Excuse us, Sherlock, we have to get going. Enjoy your swim." Justin pulled Peter with him through the door.

Peter waved, "Bye guys."

They were gone.

"Justin strikes me as being a little protective of Peter."

Kevin gave Nick a slight splash. "I don't blame him."

Nick shook off his reverie. "Banzi!" Nick did a cannonball into the pool.

"JC, what are you doing here?"

"Visiting my mother. Why? Shouldn't I?"

"You should be getting ready for the rehearsal."

"That's not for four hours yet. Besides I have an ulterior motive."

"I knew it. Something's wrong."

"Nothing is wrong. I just thought you might need a break. We thought we'd take you to lunch."

"Lunch, are you crazy? I'm sorry, JC, but we just don't have the time. We'll do what we usually do and grab a quick sandwich."

"Which of course I have to make," JC's father put in. He got a glare from his wife. "Which I don't mind doing in the least."

JC's mother kissed JC's forehead. "Thanks for the thought. You and Lance go and enjoy yourselves. We'll see you later."

JC shrugged, "Okay." He left.

When he got to the car, "Well?"

"You were right, Lance. They're too busy." JC smiled, "But I did get some 'what a thoughtful son' points."

"Well, that is all that matters."

"It's going to be mighty dull around here after the wedding."

"We can have them arrange the 'Thank You' cards. We can sign them when we get back."

"That's not a bad idea. Where to for Lunch?"

"Somewhere quiet."

"I know the perfect place."

When JC pulled into the drive through Lance was a very puzzled. But Lance could see that JC had a plan so he just sat quietly and waited. After they got the food JC drove for a few blocks. He pulled into a small parking lot by a park.

"Grab the food. I'll bring the drinks."

They walked down a path until they found a park bench in the shade.

"How about here?"

"You're right JC, this is perfect."

They sat down.

Lance looked up. "I hope the weather holds until tomorrow."

"It will, Lance, have no fear."

After checking that no one was around Lance leaned over and gave JC a kiss.

"What was that for?"

"No reason. Yes, reason. Thank you for this."

"It's just lunch."

"No, this is 'keep Lance occupied so Lance will not have time to be nervous'."

"It is also 'if Lance isn't nervous than JC won't be nervous'. See I am being very selfish here."

"Then I appreciate you being selfish." Lance raised his paper cup. "To the ceremony."

"To the wedding."

"JC, if we got all the rights and privileges that straight people automatically get when they get married, I'd call it a wedding. This is more like 'Wedding Lite', all the emotions with 98% less legal benefits."

"We'll talk to the lawyers. They will work something out. We'll look out for each other. So is it still a wedding?"

"Commitment Ceremony."

JC wrinkled his nose. "How romantic. I'd better buy a ball and chain or a straitjacket. How about just between us?"

Lance nodded. "Okay, just between us it is a wedding."

"Good," JC raised his cup. "To the wedding."

There was a soft thud of the paper cups meeting.

Lance took a sip from the straw. "I still think I am the bride."

JC shook a French fry at Lance, "Stop that."

Lance quickly bit off the fry. "Thanks, JC."

JC protected his bag of fries. "Everything I have is yours AFTER tomorrow."

Lance smiled, "Just practicing." Lance wiggled his eye brows. "If I don't get everything you have until tomorrow can I 'borrow' a piece of you tonight?"

"You already have that but I am kind of attached to it. Is that going to be a deposit or a withdrawal?"

"You'll have to wait until tonight to see what kind of mood I am in."

"To see if I'm in or you're in."

"Yep," Lance unwrapped his hamburger. "I wonder why they don't sell hot dogs anymore."

"I wouldn't allow it anyway."


"I'm only thinking of your reputation. No gay man can eat a hot dog without looking like a slut."

"And you want to keep my talents a secret."

"Our private life is private included what we do with our privates in private."

Lance patted JC's knee. "You're always looking out for me."

"We look out for each other."

"JC, I love you."

JC kissed the air. "Same here."

They settled down to finish their lunch.

Peter stood in front of the closet. "I don't think I have anything here to wear. I might have to stop at home first."

Justin was lying on the bed. "I thought this was your home."

"I haven't moved in yet."

"Look at it that their house is just storage for now. You can still sleep here."

"I'd like to tonight. JC and Lance could use the alone time I am sure. But after the wedding I am the official house sitter."

"Can your boyfriend come over and help you with your homework?"

Peter blew Justin a kiss. "You better believe it. Now back to my dilemma. I trust your judgment when it comes to fashion."

"You must have something here." Justin got off the bed.

"I don't know. What do you wear to a ceremony rehearsal?"

"I think what you have on is fine."

"But we're going out to dinner afterwards, right? It should be something dressy."

"You don't have any dressies just pants."

"That was really bad, Justin."

Justin walked up behind Peter and wrapped his arms around him. "I enjoy being bad." He nuzzled Peter's neck.

"Well, I guess I am to blame for your new sense of humor."

"Please, don't apologize."

"I know I am always apologizing." Peter giggled and pushed back against Justin. "Stop that."

"Why?" Justin went back to nuzzling.

"Justin, I guess I have to do it again."

Justin pulled back, "Do what?"


Justin let out a slightly annoyed sigh, "What for now?"

"John's pool. I must have made a fool of myself drooling over Backstreet like that."

"They're all hot looking guys I don't blame you."

"I shouldn't be ogling guys in front of my lover."

"Why? I was ogling right along with you. Besides being gay you have to check out every shirtless guy you see. It's in the Gay Man's Rule Book."

"But you're BI."

"Ever since we hooked up I find guys are a lot hotter."

Peter pushed away, "Should I be jealous or at least be on my toes?"

Justin pulled Peter back to him, "I'd rather you'd be on your back."

Peter laughed as Justin attacked Peter's neck. "If it's going to affect you like this I think we should have our own pool party. Men only of course."

"Backstreet didn't do this. You did."


"You made me so proud of you today. Let me show you." Justin began fumbling with Peter's shirt.

Peter stepped back and pulled off his shirt. "I can't imagine those interviews getting you all worked up."

Justin began kissing Peter's chest. "It was all your talk about our love. I could hear the love in your voice. That's what got to me."

Peter hands pushed back slightly on Justin. Justin raised his head and Peter leaned down for a kiss. After they pulled back Peter smiled.

"I love you too, remember." Peter helped Justin remove his shirt. Peter stood back. "Damn, Justin you have one hot sexy body." Peter began kissing Justin's chest. He sucked hard on a nipple.

"Fuck, Peter that feels good."

Peter grinned, "Just you wait." Peter sank to his knees.

Justin pulled Peter back to his feet. "Not so fast sailor. I want some serious smooching time before you blow me down."

Peter gave a phony frown, "I guess I can wait."

"Good," Justin put his hand on the back of Peter's neck and pulled him to his lips.

They fumbled out of the rest of their clothes and still kissed fell onto the bed. Justin rolled so Peter was under him. They kissed and kissed and kissed. Finally after a time Peter pushed Justin away panted.

"A moment, Justin. I need to get my breath."

Justin rolled off of Peter onto his side. Justin almost frowned.

"I'm. . ." Justin left it at that.

"Boy, I'm going to have to call John and arrange more interviews if they are going to set you off like this."

Justin smiled but it wasn't a Justin smile. Peter could tell something was bothering Justin but he didn't want to bring it out now.

Peter kissed Justin's neck then lower to his chest. He licked one nipple while rubbing the other. Justin moaned. Peter wanted him in a better mood. His hand found Justin's cock and he began stroking it never stopping licking his nipples. Soon Justin was moaning like anything. Peter slid his tongue down Justin's torso to his stomach. He licked and kissed Justin's naval. Peter's other hand kneaded Justin's balls. Justin closed his eyes. Peter knew he was ready.

"Permission to blow you down, sir."

Justin didn't open his eyes, "Oh, aye, aye, aye-yah-yi!" Justin felt the length of his cock slide between Peter's soft warm lips and the head of his cock slip into Peter's throat. "Oh, Peter!"

Peter happily swallowed Justin's hard cock all the way to the base and back out to run his tongue around the tip before repeating the process. Justin was soon moaning ecstatically. His head rolled around on the pillow letting out little gasps and groans.

Every now and then Peter heard his name amongst the gasps and groans. This only make Peter double his efforts. He paused every few minutes to get a kiss from Justin and catch his breath then he'd dive onto Justin cock again.

Peter maneuvered around until he was between Justin's legs. This was his favorite position. He could look up Justin's sexy body passed the ABS, to the well formed pecs with the brown nipples standing out from the body. Peter enjoyed running his hands over Justin's sexy body. Justin didn't seem to mind either. But then was the best part, Justin's face flushed with pleasure and if Peter timed it right Justin's blue eyes looking down at him slightly glazed from the ecstasy he was feeling. Peter would swallow Justins cock completely then and Justins head would fall back on the pillow. That turned Peter on even more. He would speed up and lick every part of Justin's sensitive flesh with his tongue. Now was no exception.

Justin reached down and placed his hands of Peter's head. This was feeling so great he had to have a physical connection with Peter not just his mouth and tongue. Oh, and what a mouth and tongue! He felt Peter's lips tighten around his shaft and his cock slid deep into Peter's mouth.


Peter started to lightly pull on Justin's balls. Pleasure shot through every nerve. Justin thought, "Please, Peter, don't play with my ass. I'll lose it and it is feeling so good I want it to last."

Peter took to licking up and down the side of his cock. Justin managed to look. Peter was giving his "Do you like this? I don't really have to ask because I know you like this" look. Justin slid one hand down to caress Peter's cheek. Peter's mouth latched on Justin's thumb sucking wildly. Soon Peter stopped sucking the thumb and looked up at Justin grinned. He turned back and licked the mushroom head a few more times. Justin shook and trembled. Then those wonderful lips encircled his girth and Justin felt his cock enveloped by Peter's hot mouth.

Justin fell back on the pillow. "Oh, god!"

Between Peter's mouth, lips, throat and hand Justin felt his passion begin to peak. He clutched at the sheets.

"Peter, I . . .Oh, fuck!"

The climb to the climax had started. There was no turning back now. Justin bucked his hips driving his cock deep into Peter's mouth. Peter choked but recovered.

"I'm sorry, Pete. . . oh, fuck. Oh, Fuck!" every nerve screamed out as Justin shot off. The climax blasted through Justin's body. Peter's mouth swallowed Justin again sending pulses of pleasure through the sensitive flesh. Justin convulsed on the bed. Peter didn't stop sucking and more pulses ripped through Justin's body. Finally the climax lessened. Justin lay there panting trying to catch his breath. Peter pulled off of Justin's cock. Justin relaxed.

"Peter, you are so. . ."

Justin looked down in time to see Peter roll unto his back and stroking his dick white cum shot unto his stomach. Peter moaned softly, his mouth opening and closing but no words came out. After a time Peter lay back.

A hand reached up to Justin. "Tissues, please."

"Just use the sheets."

"You have me washing them already?"

Justin handed down the tissues.

"Thanks, love."

Peter cleaned himself off then moved up the bed, threw the tissues away and turned back to Justin. They kissed.

"Damn, Peter you are the best cock sucker ever."

"And you're not going to find out otherwise."

"I mean, compared to. . ." Justin thought better of it. "You sure enjoy yourself enough. You almost always cum when you're sucking me."

"I get hot when you get hot."

"You get pleasure by giving me pleasure, right?"

"Mm, and how." Peter leaned to Justin for a kiss but Justin hesitated.

"Justin will you tell me what is bothering you?"


Peter looked sternly at Justin. "I have the gift of aura reading you know that. I am leaving this up to you. If I have to use my gifts I will."

Justin put his hands up. "Okay, okay, I should have known better. I just hoped it was dead and buried but the interviews dug it up again."

Peter looked concerned, "What?"

"How I treated you that first time." Justin hung his head.

Peter put his hand on Justin`s face, "Justin, what do you mean how you treated me that first time. I am so grateful for that."

"Peter, I seduced you for the sex. That was it. Okay, I figured out some mutual benefits but it was really only about the sex. Then you spin the story making me so romantic, thoughtful and caring. It wasn't how it was. It was just about a fuck." Justin looked down.

Peter raised Justin's head. "Don't you remember the next morning at breakfast you got so mad that we were joking about it you rushed out of the room? You were mad because we were treating it like it was all about the sex. You wanted it to be more than that at least after the fact."

"You treated me so well."

"I know, you've told me. Justin, you may have entered my room thinking with your dick but sometime that night your heart took over. That's why I remember it like I do. You don't give yourself enough credit about that so I do it for you. Every time I talk about that first time it is how I remember it. Im not just making that up. I sensed that after awhile it wasnt just sex to you. I may have a wild imagination but not that night. We both knew how much it meant to each other. Didn`t we?"

"I'm sorry."

"Hey," Peter smiled and chucked Justin's chin. "Apologizing is my thing." He pulled Justin to him. "I guess these interviews have dredged up a lot of things we thought we were over."

"You were right what you said in the radio interview. These things are over and done with it's time to move on."

"Good," Peter's hand slid down to Justin's ass and gave it a pat, "Because I'm dying to bury my face between your perfect butt cheeks."

Justin grinned, "Do you mean this?" Justin rolled onto his stomach. He clinched his ass muscles and dimples appeared in each cheek.

Peter was a sucker for dimples even on those cheeks. Justin's ass was so smooth and perfectly round.

"For all you do this butt's for you." Justin suddenly sensed a change of mood. He looked up. There were tears in Peter's eyes. Justin was a bit alarmed, "Peter?"

Peter's voice trembled, "You are so beautiful. How did I ever end up with Justin Timberlake as my lover?"

Justin sat up and took Peter's hands and kissed his fingers. "You let me see the real you. I tried to use you just for sex and with your care and soft touch you won me over."

"Then I convinced you you were BI." Peter looked a little sad.

"No, you made me glad I was." Justin put his hand on Peter's cheek. "No woman could love me like you do. Stop thinking about it," Justin kissed Peter's hands again. "Move on."

Peter wiped the tears away and suddenly smiled. "You mean move down."

Justin flopped back on his stomach and wiggled his ass. "Come get your just desserts."

"Desserts? This is just the appetizer."

Peter kissed the back of Justin's neck then kissed his way all along Justin's spine. He stopped and placed several kisses at the small of Justin's back.

"You're humming again. You are some hummer."

"I love to do both. It's a song by Erasure. Something about placing a kiss in the small of a lover's back. It sounds so sexy."

Justin moaned. "It is. It's from 'You Surround Me'. Damn, this is in Lance's range I'll just say the lines.

Don't ever let me take you for granted

You've got your finger on the pulse of my soul

Let me place a kiss in the small of your back

Love and protect you from the evils of this world."

Peter added, "And the sexy chorus." Peter continued kissing Justin as he spoke the lines.

"You gotta shake me down

Bring me round to my senses

Till I'm lost and found

And you surround me with your senses"

Justin moaned. "That's the way we make love, Peter. Surround me."

One look at Justin's perky ass and Peter didn't hesitate. He buried his face between Justin's ass cheeks.

Justin's hands clamped on the pillow, "Oh, god yeah!"

If he thought about it a tongue up someone's ass? But Peter didn't think about it. Well, not really. He may have his tongue up some guy's ass but the guy, Justin, was loving it. Hell, Peter loved every part of Justin's body. There was not a bit of it Peter hadn't licked and sucked at some time. But it was Justin's reaction that spurred Peter on. Every new sensation he could give to Justin anything that delighted Justin. He pressed his tongue into Justin's puckered opening. Peter heard Justin's hand beat on the pillows.


Peter rubbed his hands over Justin's body along his back, over his sides, and down his legs. Peter couldn't reach Justin's arms. He wanted Justin to feel him all over. He wanted to be as connected to Justin as he could. Then Peter just gently kneaded Justin's ass cheeks. They were so beautiful. If Peter could have slept between them he could have. He flicked his tongue over Justin's ass hole.

Justin let out a gasp. To think someone, hell a man was licking his ass and Justin was going through the roof. Peter had shown him this. Peter had shown him a lot. They had learned together. All of the body was a sexual organ. Every part of the body could give pleasure. Peter's tongue hit the right place and Justin wrapped his arms tighter around the pillow.

"Tongue me, Peter, deeper."

Peter gladly obliged.

Justin moaned happily. Peter was so good. What a lover he had become. Well, Justin had learned too.

"Eat my ass."

Justin was getting more and more turned on. He wanted to make this last but he had a plan. Peter might not like it at first but Justin had a plan.

As Peter licked and poked his tongue all around Justin's ass he was surprised by the feel of something hard and plastic bumping his shoulder. He looked up. It was a bottle of lube in Justin`s hand.

"Finish this."


"You've got me ready now finish this."

Peter wanted to protest. He wanted Justin to fuck him.


That voice was so pleading and eager Peter couldn't turn it down.

"Okay." He took the bottle of lube. He lubed up himself and Justin. Peter positioned himself over Justin. Justin helped direct Peter's cock to his asshole. Peter pressed forward. He could feel the sphincter resist than give way. Peter slowly pushed his cock into Justin. All the way in Peter pulled out then started a rhythm.

"Oh, fuck, yeah!"

Peter started slow but soon Justin was pushing back meeting Peter rhythm for rhythm. Peter took the hint and increased his speed.

"Yeah, Peter, do me."

Peter leaned forward. He was inches over Justin's body. He could feel the heat coming from Justin. He nibbled Justin's ear.

"Kiss me."

Peter tilted his head so they could kiss. Peter's hands were next to Justin's. Justin wrapped his hands over Peter's. "Fuck me, please fuck me."

"Justin. . ."


Peter did his best. The bed creaked and groaned. Justin's grip on Peter's hands was almost painful. Justin was moaning. Little staccato `ohs' left his lips. Then Justin let go of one of Peter's hands and touched Peter on his side. Peter knew the code. He pulled out and sat up.

Justin quickly maneuvered Peter onto his back. Justin then straddled him with his back to Peter and soon was ecstatically bouncing on Peter's cock.

"Damn, I love your cock."

Peter wanted so much to see Justin's face but kept quiet for now. This was the position Justin wanted.

"Look, Peter. See the truth."


"Your cock is in my ass. Your cock is in Justin Timberlake's ass. You are the only one. This ass is yours and yours alone, Peter."

Peter found himself staring at Justin's ass. Those beautiful cheeks with his cock sliding between them deep into Justin, deep into Justin Timberlake. No, they had been through this before."

"This is just Justin's ass. My lover`s."

"No," Justin managed to spin around on Peter's cock to face him without missing a stroke or pulling out.

"This is what they are thinking of all those gay fans who heard you today. What do they do in bed?' Who fucks who?' Show them Peter. Show them that Justin Timberlake loves to get fucked."


"Fuck me, Peter. Fuck me and show them how great a lover you are. Show them why I love you so much."

"Justin, I can't project while I am. . ."

"Just concentrate. I'm sure they will feel it. Please try."

Peter looked down. His cock was plunging into Justin's ass and Justin's hard cock was slapping against Peter's stomach as he bounced. Then Justin pulled up on his cock and balls.

"See Peter, can you see your cock better. You're fucking me and I love it. They're thinking of it, Peter. Some can barely dare. Justin would never let himself be fucked. Prove them wrong, Peter. Show them the truth. Show them what you taught me."

Peter thrust back with his hips. Justin's head fell back.

"Do me, Peter, do me!"

Having Justin for a lover was heady enough, but other people fantasying about it? Of course, Peter would always be the bottom. It was natural. But this was the reality.

"Justin. This is so hot."

"Show them, Peter. Let them know."

Suddenly Peter had this image of the bedroom walls vanishing. Gay guys and some women were watching awestruck that Justin was being fucked. Peter laughed in his mind, `and it's me. Justin Timberlake is being fucked by me! He's my lover!'

But through the fantasy Peter once again noticed Justin's body. He had kissed and licked every inch of that body, that hot sexy body. Justin was his. Justin Timberlake was his. They were in love and making love. And after today people really knew it. That thought click the switch into place.

"Oh, fuck, Justin, I'm going to cum!"

Justin pulled off of Peter, "Show me."

Peter took to stroking his cock. "Oh, Justin!"

"Shoot for me."

"Oh, Justin!" The white tendrils spurted from Peter's cock. They splattered on Peter's stomach and chest. A few even reached his neck and face. Peter gasped as the climax took him.

This pushed Justin to the edge. Soon his own cum was splattering with Peter's.

Peter had this mixed bag of feeling his own climax while watching Justin go through his and being turned on about that. After a time Peter relaxed and soon Justin collapsed on top of him.

Justin softly chuckled. "That was great."

"You really think all those people are fantasying about us?"

That Timberlake smile. "Do you doubt it?"

"And they can't see me fucking you?"

"Some can't but the ones who really know do."

Peter held Justin close, "That was one hot thought."

"Thanks, I hoped it would be."

"You planned this?"

"I told you about it in the car. I wanted to see you in me. I guess after all the interviews I wanted to make sure you were all mine not the publics."

"Don't ever doubt that, Justin. You can have your public. I have my Justin."

"No, Peter that was what I was trying to show you. We have each other then there is the public. Okay?"

"You mean that?"

"You mean more to me than my fans. They may seem to come first but you will always come first." Justin rubbed his knuckles on Peter's head. "You got that."

"Well, accept when I suck you off then you come first."

"Peter!" Justin pretended to be angry.

They wrestled for a bit then they stopped looking into each other's eyes.

Justin saw a tear begin to form.

"I love you, Justin. I never thought. . ."

"Neither did I." Justin gave Peter a kiss. "Thank you."

Then they kissed and kissed and kissed.

Mr. Wilson knocked on the bathroom door. "Brian, we should get going."

"I'll be right there, Dad."

Mr. Wilson smiled, "The old traditions never die." He walked away.

Brian was stroking his cock. Damn, of all the times to get horny. The thought of Peter talking about Justin as his lover on the radio was finally too much. Justin was so hot. Imagine have sex with Justin Timberlake. Imagine looking up and seeing that hot body over you as he fucked you. Wait, imagine looking down at Justin's hot body as your cock went in and out of Justin's. . . The thought was too much. "Peter, you lucky little, oh shit!" Brian leaned his head back as his cock shot off.

Hugh was still panting as he did up his pants. "Damn, Peter. You are learning." He grabbed a tissue and cleaned the cum off his desk. "I'm glad I was alone and I was open to you. Thanks for sharing. Lucky, so lucky."

"Damn," JC adjusted himself. "This wedding has really set me off. I almost can't wait to get you alone tonight."

Lance shifted a bit in his seat, "JC, I don't know about the wedding but I was thinking about Peter talking about Justin so openly on the radio. Everyone knows they are lovers now. Damn, I am suddenly horny."

"Lance, you don't think. . ."

Lance started laughing, "I think they found something to keep themselves occupied. But it must have been a big turn on for Peter if we sensed it."

"With Justin do you doubt it?"

"Oh, I don't know. I think we would give him a run for his money."

Chris was heading for the door.

"Where are you going?"


"You're in a hurry. A date?"

"Yeah, with the video rental place. I need a straight porn movie fast and don't ask why."

Joey thought for a bit. "Rent two."

Chris nodded and closed the door behind him.

"Some rehearsal."

JC's voice was stern, "Mom, don't start."

"We didn't even run through the complete ceremony."

"Everybody ran through what they needed to run through."

"Yeah, you stand here then something happens and then you sit down. What kind of rehearsal is that?"

"It's a rehearsal that lets the people participate in the ceremony without giving the emotional surprises away."

Lance's mother looked pale. "Surprises? I'm not sure I like the sound of that."

"Relax, Mother," Lance gave her a peck on the cheek. "Everything will go fine. We just don't want to give everything that will happen away."

"Secrets and more secrets. I'm going to be a nervous wreck by tomorrow."

"You worry about the reception. The ceremony is in good hands."

"I just wished I could give you away."

Lance looked stern, "Now, Mother, you kept telling us there was no bride."

"But all I do is walk down the aisle and sit down? I don't even get to give you so much as a handshake." Lance's mother looked away.

Lance put his hands on his mother's shoulders. "Trust us, Mother. Everyone in the family will be a part of the service. You will not just sit down. But we want to leave that for the day."

JC added, "We want your reaction to be genuine."

"And when haven't I ever been genuine?"

JC chuckled. "We just want you to react to the situation. We've heard horror stories of parents trying to one up each other at a wedding. So this way there is no planning or posing just our mothers being their own sweet selves."

"Well, since you put it that way."

"Good. Now let's join the others for dinner."

They were waiting those last few minutes.

Peter looked out through the doors of the pavilion. Row after row of people sat facing away toward a small lake. Before them was a platform with a few steps leading to a small altar like table. To one side was an electronic keyboard and its player. At times it would sound like a pipe organ or piano or even a full orchestra.

There were baskets of yellow and white roses at the end of each row of chairs. The sun was shining glinting off the water of the lake. The sky had a few white cotton ball clouds. There even was a slight breeze. It was so perfect.

Chris sighed. "I should have brought a hacky sack."

"This is not that type of performance," Justin said. "We may be up there but this is just Lance and JC's show."

Lance sounded hurt, "Show?"

"Sorry, this is no show. This is very serious ceremony."

"Then I am out of here," Chris stood up.

"You're not going anywhere, Chris." JC pointed. "Sit down. You'll get your chance."

Peter almost couldn't take his eyes off of Lance and JC. This was really happening.

Lance caught Peter's look. "What are you thinking about?"

"The first time we met. You were so worried people would find out you're gay and to think it would all end up with you two. . ." Peter's voice caught.

JC smiled warmly, "Not bad, huh?"

Chris nodded to JC. "About time you're making Lance legitimate. He's not pregnant is he?"

JC smirked. "No."

Chris turned to Lance. "Wearing white? You're not fooling us you know."

The minister stood at the door chuckling, "If the old tradition of wearing white held true white wedding gowns would be very rare. I'd rather think of white as symbolizing the purity of the love and the ceremony not the body." She brushed off her robe, "We clergy wear white for the purity of God's love. It certainly doesn't mean our sexual status."

"But you are when it comes to men, right?"

"Chris!" It came as a chorus.

JC was incensed, "I am so sorry, Pastor Williams."

She just laughed, "Jessi, JC, please. And yes, Chris, it has only been women for me. I never wanted a try at heterosexuality." She looked right at Chris, "Straight men are so ugh," She shook with fake revulsion.

Joey gave Chris a friendly push. "Well, at least Chris is."

"Well, I should take my place." Pastor Jessi stopped at the door. She turned. "Chris, you will behave yourself?"

"Yes," Chris said. He crossed his arms "Everyone is picking on me."

"And well deserved." The pastor left.

John watched as she walked up the aisle and took her seat off to the side of the altar area.

"You ready to do this?" John asked.

They scrambled to their feet.

Peter adjusted his tux as the others did.

"We're ready."

There was a wave of a hand. The keyboardist saw it. He started playing a march.

Peter took hold of the pole he was to carry. He found himself blinking back tears. He felt a nudge. It was Chris.

"Crying already?"

"Sorry. I'll pull myself together. I can do this."

Chris winked, "Just another first."

Peter snapped around and glared at Justin.

Justin gave his best Justin grin. "Chris, I told you that would bring Peter around."

Peter couldn't help but laugh.

"Now." John said and they stepped forward.

Down the aisle came Justin then Joey and Chris then John and Peter. They carried poles with wide long white banners attached. These banners brushed the ground as they walked. The banners touched together forming a sort of an arrow shape in the middle of the carriers. They marched slowly and solemnly down the aisle.

Peter fought to keep his tears in check. He concentrated on the people. So many people and so many he recognized. Peter was too caught up in what was happening to be nervous.

As they reached the front they split left and right and fanned out and formed a line across the front of the chairs. The long white banner wall moved slightly in the breeze. Then they took a few steps away from the aisle. The banner wall parted in the middle. Standing there were Lance and JC in their white tuxedos. As the others placed the banner poles in their holding stands along the sides of the altar area, Lance and JC made welcoming nods to the crowd.

There were murmurs. This was not the usual way for a wedding.

When the banners were freely standing along the side of the altar area each one of the guys approached JC and then Lance.

Chris was the first to hug JC. Joey and Justin came next.

John was next to hug JC after Justin. JC and Lance had never seen John look so proud. He whispered a "Bless you" to each of them in turn.

After John had walked to Lance, JC looked up to see Peter. He took Peter by both hands. He kissed Peter softly on the cheek then wrapped his arms around him. It was such a warm and affectionate hug. Peter pulled back and looked at JC. Such love shown from JC's blue eyes and his aura matched. Peter had never seen JC prouder or happier.

Peter then turned to Lance. A few steps and Lance swept Peter into his arms.

"Oh, Peter." Lance said in a soft rapturous voice.

Peter whispered, "You look so handsome."

Lance stepped back. There was the same love and happiness shining from his green eyes. There was a slight blush to Lance's cheeks that was so becoming. Lance placed his hand on Peter's cheek then Peter made his way over to the side where the other guys were sitting. John had gone to sit down in the second row.

Lance and JC then stood facing down the aisle. At a nod JC's sister and brother, Heather and Tyler started down the aisle. Tyler gave JC a hug then JC with a gesture presented Lance to him. Lance got a hug and Tyler went and stood at the farthest chair in the front row. Heather followed suit but gave Lance a kiss on the cheek before she went and stood next to Tyler.

Next down the aisle was Lance's sister with her husband. The ritual was reversed, they hugged Lance then Lance presented JC to them. Then they went and stood in front of the chairs at the other side of the aisle.

Then JC's parents came down the aisle. JC went a little way down the aisle to meet them. After the hugs from his parents JC offered his arm and his mother took it. He led them both back to where Lance was standing. As before JC presented Lance to his parents. Lance made a slight bow. Both parents had their turn hugging Lance then they joined the rest of the Chasez family standing in front.

As Lance's parents come down the aisle Peter watched both grooms intently. It seemed so silly to present their lovers to the family after all they'd been together for a whole year. But as Lance walked down the aisle to greet his parents and he got his hugs and a kiss from his mother before she took Lance's arm, Peter understood. This was the official family approval. Peter remembered Lance's coming out and his parent's negative reaction. Now here they were showing their approval of not only their gay son but of his lover as well.

Lance wiped away a tear was he led his parents to meet JC. He too must have realized how far they had come as a family.

Peter watched as Lance's parents both hugged JC. It was a nice touch. Soon the parents joined the rest of the family

At that time Tyler and Stacie's husband both turned to the basket of roses at the end of their rows and pulled out a flower. They then passed it down the row from family member to family member toward the aisle. The mothers soon each held a rose. The rose was then handed to JC and to Lance by their mothers. JC's was a yellow rose and Lance's was white.

This was their cue. The rest of NSYNC and Peter walked over to the keyboard and grabbed some mikes.

The families as one sat down.

JC turned to Lance.

The Keyboardist started to play. Justin, Joey, Chris and Peter began to sing in close harmony.

My days are brighter than morning air

Evergreen pine and autumn blue

But all my days are twice as fair

If I could share my days with you

(JC and Lance took each others hand. They turned to the altar.)

My nights are warmer than fire coals

Incense and stars and smoke bamboo

(JC and Lance started to the altar. The minister rose from her chair and walked to the middle of the altar and faced JC and Lance.)

But nights were warm beyond compare

If I could share my nights with you

(There were two vases a distance apart on the altar. JC and Lance placed their rose in the vase closest to them. Lance and JC turned back to look at each other.)

To dance in my dreams

To shine when I need the sun

With you to hold me when dreams are done

And oh my dearest love

If you will take my love

(They took hold of their hands)

Then all my dreams are truly begun

(JC saw Lance was already fighting back the tears. He squeezed Lance's hand. Lance saw how proud JC looked. He blinked a bit then stood up straight. No tears for now, this was for JC.)

And time weaves ribbons of memory

To sweeten life when youth is through

But I would need no memories there

If I could share my life with you

(They let go of their hands and turned to the minister.))

The minister spread out her hands and began, "Holy one, fill this place with your spirit and your blessed love. Make your presence known in the hearts and minds of all gathered here. In your holy name, Amen." She dropped his hands and smiled, "Family and friends, I welcome you to this joyous occasion. These two people are here today to pledge a lifetime commitment to each other in front of their God, their family and their friends. We will begin by singing the opening hymn printed in your bulletins."

They had just started singing "Surely the Presence of Our God is in This Place" when suddenly they could make out a noise. It quickly grew louder.

"Oh, sweet Jesus."

"Joey!" Justin hissed.

Joey nodded to the sky. "A freaking helicopter, I don't believe it. Some photographers will do anything for a scoop."

Chris dug into his pockets. "Maybe I have my sling shot. Anyone got a stone?" Chris mimed shooting at the helicopter.

"Chris," Joey warned. "People will see."

Chris could see the people whispering to each other and looking annoyed up at the encroachers "They're thinking the same thing. I hope the photos turn out all blurry."

"Say, Chris," Peter was thinking. "Remember Joey and that sex video tape."

"I'd rather not." Chris shuddered.

"I mean what we found out happened to video tapes when we projected close to them. Joey was so depressed that his got ruined." Peter looked up at the helicopter.

Slowly Chris grinned. "I get you. Well, devious. I'll be right back."

"Do you need any help?" Peter asked.

"You'd better stay here. You're on soon." Chris sat back in his chair and closed his eyes.

"On soon?" asked Justin, "Are you saying something?"

Peter just smiled. "You'll see."

Chris reached the helicopter in no time. There was a pilot and one man looking at a monitor. He was pressing a button.

"That should be a good one. Can you get any closer?"

"I shouldn't be this close to begin with. We're coming up in a residential area."

"You're being well paid." The man clicked the button again. "This is sweet. These photos will really sell."

"Why? It's just a celebrity wedding."

"Don't you read? This is a "gay" ceremony with those two singers from NSYNC."

"Oh, so the fans will buy them."

"Fans, shmans I'm talking tabloids. Circle around again."

"This is the last pass. I could get grounded for this."

"You sound like a teenager. Try to get right over the altar. Great. These will be wonderful."

"Why would a tabloid buy photos of a simple wedding?"

"Simple now, but just you wait until they are doctored up a bit add a couple of shirtless guests, people having sex in the bushes."

"You have to be kidding."

"Hey, if the tabloids don't want them the Religious Right will. It will be good anti-gay propaganda."

Chris had heard enough. He floated through the mounted camera several trying to give off as much glow as he could. Then he floated through anything that looked like it held film.

"That should do it." Chris thought, "I'd like to see his face when he tries to develop those photos." Chris floated back to his body.

"Don't look up," JC whispered.

"We could wave. Show them we don't care."

"Ignore them."

They got to lyric 'I can hear the brush of angel's wings' a chuckled rippled through the crowd. JC and Lance glanced at Pastor Jessi as the helicopter finally flew off. After the last line was finished she looked out at the crowd.

"Angel's wings are not as quiet as they once were." The chuckle grew. "But I know that Lance and JC welcome all to this gathering even the uninvited so blessings to our visitors on high."

After the laughter stopped Pastor Jessi smiled at Peter then nodded.

Justin watched Peter walk over to the keyboard and picked up a mike. Justin was more surprised as the keyboardist began to play.

"Peter is singing? Solo?!"

Chris grinned back. "He wanted to do this especially for JC and Lance. I told you guys he is improving."

Peter's nerve finally went. All the brave talk was for nothing. This was the moment of truth. The blood was pounding in Peter's ears. He tried to keep his hands from shaking. Peter tried to look on these people as friends and family not strangers.

Then Peter heard a familiar voice inside his head. "You can do this."

"So many people." Peter thought.

"This is for Lance and JC."

"I'm very nervous."

"Then close your eyes."

One glance at JC and Lance looking over at him with surprised expressions on their faces and Peter mustered his resolve. This was to be his gift to them. Peter closed his eyes and began to sing.

There's a place for us

Somewhere a place for us

Peace and quiet and open air

Wait for us somewhere

There's a time for us

Some day a time for us

Time together with time to spare

Time to learn time to care

Some day


We'll find a new way of living

We'll find a way of forgiving


The voice again in Peter`s mind. "Open your eyes. Mean what you are singing."

Peter opened his eyes. Everyone was looking at him but he could see they were affected by what he was singing. He continued with a little more feeling.

There's a place for us

A time and place for us

Hold my hand and we're halfway there

Hold my hand and I'll take you there


Some day


(Peter finished the last note and the melody changed keys. The keyboardist brought the volume down and segued into another song.)

You have a love, and it's all that you have.

Right or wrong, what else can you do?

(Peter looked at JC and Lance hoping he wouldn't lose it. He concentrated on the words and their meaning to JC and Lance.)

You love him; you're his,

And everything he is

You are, too.

You have a love, and it's all that you need,

Right or wrong, and he needs you, too.

You love him, you're one;

There's nothing to be done,

Not a thing you can do

But hold him, hold him forever,

Be with him now, tomorrow

And all of your life! (Chris walked up beside Peter and began to sing harmony. Peter gave the last bit all that he had.)

When love comes so strong,

There is no right or wrong

Your love is your life.

They held the last note and the keyboardist finished with a flourish. Peter gave a little bow to Lance and JC who both seemed to be blinking back tears. Peter and Chris went back and sat down in their seats. Justin squeezed Peter's knee.

"That was wonderful," Justin whispered, "I am so proud of you. You certainly surprised me."

"You're not the only one." Peter gave a huge sigh of relief. He looked up at no place in particular, "Thanks, Hugh."

The voice answered, "You're welcome."

"Now I can really enjoy the service."

Pastor Jessi addressed those gathered.

"This seems so new two men pledging themselves to each other. But my dear friends it is not new and it may surprise you it's even in the Bible. The soon to be King David himself fresh from his triumph over Goliath meets King Saul's son Jonathan. First Samuel, Eighteenth chapter: And it came to pass when David had made an end of speaking unto Saul that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David and Jonathan loved David as his own soul. And Saul took David that day and would let him go no more home to his father's house. Then Jonathan and David made a covenant because he loved David as his own soul. And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was upon him and gave it to David and his garments even to his sword and to his bow and to his girdle.' Now I am not suggesting that David and Jonathan had a gay relationship or that they even were gay. Jonathan bares himself literately to David. Nothing is between him and his love for David. There was nothing he wouldn't give to David. And Jonathan loved David as his own soul.'

Over the past few days I have come to know JC and Lance and I have to say those words ring just as true for them. They do love each other as their own soul. And that is why we are here today. Like David and Jonathan before them they wish to make a covenant to their love for each other as their own souls. And they do not take this covenant lightly. That is why they do so in front of everyone they hold dear and in front of their God. But unlike David and Jonathan they bring a more blessed side to this covenant. Intimacy. David and Jonathan could not have understood it. This blessing of God was not known in their ancient world. Men did not have long term intimate relationship with each other. Even in the supposed," She made quotes in the air with her fingers, "Glory days" of Greece there were strict rules to be obeyed. The relationship was of mentor and apprentice. The older man was never to be submissive to the younger. And as soon as the apprenticeship was over so was the relationship.

But that is no longer the case proven by these two wonderful people standing in front of us today. Some of you may ask why are they doing this? There are no legal benefits to be gained by this ceremony." She raised her hand, "Honey, don't even get me started on that. But that is a subject for another sermon at another time.

These two men are here to enter into a covenant of love in front of their God with all of you as witnesses because of the deep commitment they are willing to make. This is no trivial matter or a simple show. This is a deeply meant and deeply felt commitment. JC and Lance are here today to pledge a life long love for each other and all I can say to that is 'Amen'. Amen."

Pastor Jessi took a breath. "Have you two come here to enter into a life long covenant of your love to each other in front of God and your friends and family?"

Lance and JC answered together, "We have."

Pastor Jessi stepped back, "Then Lance you may begin."

Lance turned to face JC. He took JC's hands. "Joshua, like the food that nourishes me, like the water that quenches my thirst, like the air that I breathe, all of these things that sustain my life so is it with my love for you. I promise I will share all of my days with you no matter whether they are dark and cloudy or filled with sunshine. A world without you is too dark and lonely to think about. I promise I will be there in your need at a time of grief, fear, happiness and your desire for pleasure. Everything that I have or I can do is yours. I offer my presence to give you comfort, joy, solace and safety. I promise you I will spend the rest of my life beside you whatever may happen. I offer you my undying love if you will take it."

"Lance," JC paused. He smiled. "James, like the soaring mountains and the wide trackless reaches of the oceans, the vast plains and deep canyons, the tall trees and the birds on wing, every animal and bug and beast the roams the breadth of the Earth, such is my love for you. My love for you is music that sings forever in my heart and soul. I ask you to join me and make that music a duet. I can't offer you such sweeping vistas of the wonders of this Earth, but I can offer you my total heartfelt love for you. If the mountains should fall and the seas dry up and the birds and beasts vanish and the world becomes a desert, I will still love you. I swear that I will never leave you at a time of need. I promise we will share everything about our lives. I will hold you close when you are in fear, in grief or in a need for pleasure. All that I can give or have is for your asking. Now I have only one thing to ask of you. Will you take my offer of my love for you that we may spend the rest of our days together?"

Pastor Jessi smiled. "James Lansten Lance Bass, do you accept JC's offer of his love to you, freely and completely?"

Lance was trembling. He could feel himself blushing. "I do."

"And do you, Joshua Scott JC Chasez, freely and completely take the love offered to you by Lance?"

JC looked deep into Lance's green eyes. "I do."

Pastor Jessi held up a small silver tray, "A circle has no beginning and no ending. It is eternal. Let these rings be the symbol of the never-ending love you have accepted here today. The ring is also an ancient symbol of fertility," Pastor Jessi looked from JC to Lance. She shrugged, "Well, who knows that may come in useful someday." She smiled as she saw Lance relax enough to chuckle.

She held out the tray with the rings. Lance and JC both took a ring.

JC took Lance's trembling hand. "With this ring I accept your offer of your love and I in turn will love you for the rest of my days." JC slid the ring on Lance's finger.

Lance took JC's hand. A tear trembled in Lance's eye. Lance tried to keep his voice from cracking. "With this ring I seal the covenant that we've made here today. I accept your offer of love and commitment and I will love you for the rest of my life." He put the ring on JC's finger. The tear slid down Lance's cheek.

"The roses, please."

Lance and JC removed their roses from their separate vases. They held them out to Pastor Jessi. She moved JC's and Lance's hands together. Then she took a strand of silver ribbon and wrapped the two roses' stems together. Then she pulled out another vase from behind the altar. Gently taking the roses from JC and Lance she put the two roses wrapped together into the one vase.

Pastor Jessi raised her arms out. "What was once separate is now united. Two people have now become one. Before God, friends and family I declared this covenant sealed. What God has joined together let no man put asunder." Pastor Jessi leaned toward JC and Lance. "You may now make a blatant public display of your affection."

"What?" Lance was so full of emotion he was confused by the words.

Chris couldn't wait anymore, "Ah, just kiss him!" he shouted.

As the crowd laughed JC pressed his lips against Lance's. Lance let go of all control. Tears flowed down his cheeks. He pulled JC close to him. Such love enveloped them both. They stood back looking into each other's eyes not having to say a word. No words could have described it. Even JC wiped away a tear.

"Friends and family," Pastor Jessi spoke loudly, "Newly bonded in love may I present you a loving couple blessed in the eyes of God, Joshua Scott Chasez and James Lance Bass."

Everyone applauded.

"You Go-Girls!"

Lance and JC laughed. That Chris.

Pastor Jessi shook their hands. "Congratulations." She turned and walked down the aisle.

The rest of the guys and Peter walked up next. They all shook hands and gave hugs as a group.


"I'm so happy for you."

Chris was grinned. JC tried to look stern.

"Hey, I couldn't help myself. It was too perfect. Oh, and guys, don't worry about the helicopter. I think they'll find all of the photos are ruined."

Lance and JC looked confused.

"Remember Joey and the sex video tape. It was Peter's idea. I did the deed. So you're safe there."

Lance gave Chris another hug. "Then you're forgiven."

"That was quick thinking, Peter." JC said, "And thank you for the song. You're a soloist now?"

"My gift to you and that was a one time deal."

Lance hugged Peter, "Then it means that much more to us."

Chris gave one more look at Lance, "You sure you're not pregnant?"

Joey grabbed Chris's wrist. "Come on."

They all followed the pastor down the aisle. Next JC and Lance turned to Lance's family.

Lance's mother patted Lance's cheek, "that was beautiful, simply beautiful." She patted JC's shoulder. "You two will do well together."

After they got hugs and congratulations from the Bass family they turned to JC's family.

"Not bad," JC's mother hugged him. "I don't know why it had to be so secret but it was lovely."

JC's father was next. "Congratulations, both of you."

JC's mother and father headed down the aisle.

So row by row they greeted the guests as they left their seats.

The guests then gathered in front of the pavilion. They were all given little tied mesh bags of bird seed.

As JC and Lance finished greeting the guests they stood facing the small aisle left between the groups of guests. With a nod from JC he and Lance almost ran toward the entrance of the pavilion. They were showered with birdseed.

Lance felt something soft but heavier than birdseed hit his head.

Then came Joey's voice. "Chris, you're supposed to open the bag of birdseed first."

"Oh, that's no fun."

JC and Lance stopped at the door of the pavilion. They turned and waved at the guests. Then Lance took JC in his arms and gave him a long kiss. The crowd cheered. Then Lance and JC went back to waving.

"Do you know how long it will take to get all this bird seed out of our hair and clothes?" Lance whispered.

"Don't worry," JC whispered back. "I'll help you wash it all out of your hair tonight. Any other birdseed you find about your body I will personally remove with my tongue."

Lance grinned. "Mm, I can't wait."

JC gesture to the door, "Shall we to the party?"

"After you, husband."

"No, after you, my new hubby."

Lance finally just offered his arm. "Together?"

"Together," JC took Lance's arm and together they walked through the door and led the guests into the reception hall.

To Be Continued in Part 59

(Author peeks out from between his fingers) Are you finished? Did you like it? Did I let you down too badly? Oh, well, let me know the worst and the best or

Better start on the next part. You readers just can't get enough sometimes.

Next: Chapter 60

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