Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Jun 18, 2001


Here it is, after sometime Part 6. I found myself bopping back and forth writing pieces for the later parts. It took some concentrating to finally buckle down on complete this part. It's almost been a month. Sorry about that. I hope you haven't forgotten.

On a personal note, in this weekend NSYNC will be here in concert. I will be going. I have never seen them live before. I have promised my friends that when some girl yells, "I love Lance!" or "I love JC!" that I won't leap at her saying "He's mine, -itch!" I also find it wonderfully ironic that it happens to be Gay Pride Weekend. "Come on guys. Be brave!" Oh, well. Onward!

This is a work of complete and utter fiction. It does not mean to imply and state as fact any knowledge of NSYNC's private or public lives. To the author's knowledge (limited though it may be) no one in NSYNC is gay. But we all want the best for the people we love, don't we. There will also be details describing gay sex. So if you are under age, find gay sex or just the thought of these guys doing each other objectionable. Stop reading now. Yes, now. Didn't you hear me? Do I have to type louder?

Anyone else, go for it. I hope you like it.

Peter sat in the lobby by the security office. Others from the crew were gathering waiting for the bus to the hotel. Hugh had been right, his mind was now clear. Peter was so self-conscious; he was acting like a paranoid on caffeine. Every movement caught his eye.

He had meticulously checked himself over for any evidence of his tryst with Hugh. There had been a few spatters of cum on his shoes from Hugh, but, thank goodness, there were no stains on his clothes. He knew no one could tell what had happened, but he still felt like a large flashing neon arrow was pointing at him for all to see.

"There you are. I was wondering where you'd got off to."

Peter wheeled around to see David emerging from the corridor. "I hope you weren't too disappointed."

"Of course not. What?"

"About the backstage tour. Anthony said they ran into some problems. There's always tomorrow though."

Peter relaxed. "The stadium tour took longer than I though. Then with the guy's arrival, I never made it back."

"I'll make sure that they take care of you tomorrow then." David smiled. He went into the office.

Peter took a deep breath. Relax.

The bus arrived. Peter clambered aboard for the ride to the hotel.

When they arrived at the hotel, everyone was ushered into a side room. There they were issued their room keys. The luggage had already been sent to their rooms. David handed Peter's room card to him personally.

Peter got to the elevators just a car arrived. He stepped in and pressed the button for his floor. Others of the crew filled the elevator. One floor after another, people got out and headed to their rooms. Finally, to his surprise, Peter was left alone in the elevator. He thought he was staying in a room with the crew. Maybe the crew still working at the arena had rooms on the higher floors.

The elevator doors opened. Peter stepped out and made his way to his room. He slid the card through the slot in the door, twisted the doorknob and entered the room.

There had to be a mistake. If the crew got rooms like this, he'd love to see what the guys had for rooms. In fact, it looked just like the room JC and Lance had the first time they met. There was a living room with a small dining table, and a bedroom adjoining with a bathroom. The only difference was a door on the far side of the living room. He opened the inside door revealing another door. It was locked. He shut the door again.

Peter looked at his watch. The guys should be back here in a little over an hour. He turned on the TV to pass the time while he waited.

Lance dropped backwards onto the bed.

"Ah, a real bed again."

"There's one thing I love about getting off the bus." JC crossed to where Lance lay on the bed. "Being alone at last with you." He leaned down and kissed Lance. He pushed his hips forward. Their crotches met. Lance turned away.

"JC, don't."

"What's wrong?"

Lance rolled over and stood up. "Not now, please."

JC looked dejected. "It's what your mother said, isn't it."

"I'm sorry. It's just..."

"You don't really believe that what we have between us is a sickness?"

Lance turned to JC. "No. Never! It's just I can't get her words out of my mind."

JC put his hand on Lance's shoulder. "I know what you're going through is hard. What your mother said hurt you. But I'm here for you. No matter what she or anybody else says about you, I love you, Lance Bass."

Lance took JC in his arms. "What would I do without you, JC?"

"Well, you wouldn't be going through this with your mother for one."

Lance rested his head on JC's shoulder. "The one that really bothers me, was what she said about breaking God's Law. This feels so right. I don't want to believe what we have is against God."

"Lance, all I know is from the moment we became lovers, my life has been filled with more happiness and joy than I could have hoped for. I thank that same God for you every day."

Lance looked up. "Thank you."

"Well, I don't know about you, but I am hungry." JC looked at the clock. "We have fifteen minutes to get ready. I suppose we should call Peter and let him know." JC picked up the phone by the bed.

"Oh, I'll tell him." Lance said. He motioned JC to put down the telephone. "Come with me. I have a surprise for you."

Lance went into the main room, opened the door in the wall and knocked on the inner door.

"Lance, what's this all about?"

Lance raised a finger to his lips. He knocked, again.

The door opened.

"Lance! JC! That explains it." Peter said. "I thought there was something strange about my room. It didn't seem like a room for the crew."

"Lance, you did this." JC stood looking accusingly.

"I thought that since he was staying here anyway, it might be nice to have him close. We enjoyed ourselves so much the last time."

"I knew you were lying back on the bus."

"A little white one. You don't mind, do you?"

JC smiled. "No." He turned to Peter. "We're going to dinner in fifteen minutes. We'll meet here."


"Are you kidding? With these guys?"

"Then I'm ready now."

"Well, we're not."

"Just knock when you're ready." Peter closed the door.

The three of them took the elevator to the roof restaurant. Peter was surprised there were no people with cameras. Lonnie and some of the bodyguards were sitting at a table at the front of the restaurant. Lonnie smiled and nodded in greeting.

They were shown to a table in back. Chris and Joey were already seated.

"Sorry, bodyguards have to sit at the table up front. It has a wider range of vision." Chris teased.

"I'm off duty." Peter replied.

"Then eat in your room like the rest of the staff." Chris stuck his nose in the air.

"Fine. I won't have to lower myself to your level then."

"Please, lower yourself into the chair." Lance said. "You and Chris can spar later."

Chris pointed to a chair. "Please take your seat and place it on the chair provided."

JC shook his head. "I knew we should have ordered room service."

They had just started to peruse the menus when Justin arrived.

"Sorry, I'm late. Some little twit decided to push all the buttons in the elevator. I got a floor by floor tour."

"I was here the whole time, I swear," said Chris.

"Unfortunately, Chris, you're not the only twit in the world." Justin sat down. "Hi, Peter."

Chris started laughing. Peter looked hurt.


"You could have at least paused between "not the only twit" and "Hi, Peter."" Peter smiled.

"That's not what I meant."

Lance leaned toward Justin. "Its not to late to choose another table. I wouldn't blame you."

"Good idea." Justin got up. "Nah, just kidding." He sat down. "Peter, how's your room? I hope we treat the crew well."

"Better than I expected," answered Peter winking at Lance. Justin caught the wink.

"I just hope your neighbors don't keep you up all night with their noises." JC elbowed Lance.

"That's okay, I'm always prepared." Peter dug in his pocket and produced a package of earplugs.

Lance elbowed JC back. "We didn't keep him up the last time and you know it."

"If you say so," added Peter

Justin pointed at them. "You have rooms next to each other?"

"Adjoining rooms, actually." Lance added. "I arranged it. We had such fun the last time, I thought it would be nice for Peter to be close."

Justin frowned.

"Don't worry." Chris said. "I can vouch for Peter. The only hanky panky going on will entail a real hanky."

"I make it a rule never to mess around with married couples." Chris started to open his mouth. Peter quickly added. "I never mess around with anyone, actually."

Chris shut his mouth. He looked a little crestfallen. Peter had beaten him to it.

"It is strictly platonic." Lance said. "We just dish the dirt. It was so nice to talk so freely with another..."

JC cleared his throat. He nodded to indicate they were in public. "...Like minded person." Lance finished.

Justin glanced between Lance, JC and Peter. He picked up a menu. Peter caught the look. He checked Justin's aura. Justin was jealous!

"Oh, before I forget, thanks again for the records." Chris said. "You have some racial taste in music."

"Yeah, thanks a lot." Joey sneered. "He makes us listen to them, too. Who's that guy that makes all that noise? The one who does the music with the cowbells and gun shots."

Peter grinned, "Spike Jones. He is an acquired taste."

"I think he's great." Chris puffed himself up.

"That's because you two are weird." Joey added. "I did like that close harmony group, the Mills Brothers. They were excellent."

"I thought you might. They're very much your style. Of course, it's only four-part harmony. I learned about them from my father. They were from his era. I even got to see them perform twice. My favorite song is "My Mother's Eyes".

The guys glanced at each other nervously. Lance turned to his menu.

Peter didn't notice. "I love the lines "God's gift from above. A real unselfish love I found in my dear mother's eyes." It gets me every time."

Chris coughed. Joey cleared his throat. JC shot Peter an icy glance. Justin brought his finger across his throat in a cut off gesture. He nodded at Lance.

Peter saw Lance was paying way too much attention to the menu.

Peter did the math. Lance had something bothering him plus "My Mother's Eyes" equaled problems between Lance and his mother. Peter could guess why. Peter had really put his foot into this one. He was at a loss for what to say next. Nothing came to him to save the moment.

No one said anything.

The waiter appeared. "You guys ready to order?" The mood broke. Peter had been rescued. Peter made a mental note to leave something extra the waiter.

Peter looked up. The waiter was strikingly handsome. His uniform hinted at the well-shaped body beneath. Peter's eyes followed him as he took the orders. He looked at Peter. Peter managed to sputter out his order. The waiter gathered up the menus and turned from the table

Peter realized he was staring. He returned his attention to the guys. Justin's glance turned back to meet his then turned away, again. Had Justin been checking the waiter out, too?

"Excuse me." JC brought his napkin toward Peter's mouth. "You have a little bit of drool there."

Lance raised his hand and pointed to Peter. "Excuse me. He would like to change his order. He'll take one waiter. Hold the dressing."

"Lance!" Peter blushed.

"You guys are awful." Joey said.

Lance pointed his thumb at Joey. "No breasts involved and he turns into Mr. Moral."

"At least I have the decency to keep my thoughts to myself."

"Yeah, right." Chris turned to Peter. "One time we had this waitress, Joey's eyeballs came springing out of his head and landed in the middle of the table. Very appetizing."

"Ha, ha," sneered Joey.

Chris was grinning. "It's a good thing Joey's not Bi, no one would be safe."

"Will you guys just shut up!" Justin snapped. The table fell silent.

JC decided to step in. "Justin's right. We are in public and we do have a guest. We should be behaving better."

Chris saluted. "Yes, captain."

"So what's on the schedule for tomorrow?" Peter asked.

"Well, since we got in early, we have the morning free. There is an autograph session at eleven. That should last until about two." JC said. "Then we go back to the stadium for a run through. Work some bugs out. Then I think we're free."

"I've never been to an autograph session before."

"I wouldn't bother. You'd be bored off you astral plain." JC took a drink from his water glass.

"I could be there in spirit at least," suggested Peter. "I could then leave whenever I wanted."

"Whatever for?" asked JC.

"Maybe I could point out the gay fans. You could sign something special. Freak 'em out."

Lance and JC exchanged a look. They grinned.

"We can discuss that later."

"You can tell if a person is... I mean, a person's sexual preference?" Justin asked.

"Sometimes. It depends upon the color of the aura, but the emotions help to verify it. Once out of the body, you can touch a person and feel that person's emotions. Sometimes when the person is in a highly emotional state, you can sense the emotions without actual contact."

Justin pondered the information.

"What about you, Peter? Do you have any plans?" Lance asked.

"I don't want to interfere with your morning off. I'll probably go back to the stadium. I still want to see the stage and I haven't finished the stadium tour, either. I know I could keep myself busy until you show up."

"Chris, they tell me that there are some antique shops around the hotel. How about you and I checking them out?" Joey asked.

"That would be super, man."

Joey groaned.

"We or at least I plan to sleep in." JC nudged Lance. "If I am allowed to."

"Fine with me. I could use the sleep, too."

"Who are they kidding?" Chris joked.

Before they could respond the food arrived.

All during the dinner Peter noticed JC's caring gazes at Lance and Lance glancing at Peter with sense of anticipation. The strangest of all was Justin. Peter caught him now and then looking thoughtfully at him. He would then quickly looked away.

Peter remembered Hugh's statement the he was to help his friends. There was definitely something afoot. Time alone would tell him what it was.

After dinner JC and Lance went back to Peter's room.

"So tell us, what's new with you?" Lance sat beside JC on the couch. Peter sat in the chair.

"Not much. Same old, same old."

"Something must have happened. It's been months."

"Well, I have joined the men's group at church. I have been to several of the meetings. They're a very nice group of men."

"Any romantic entanglements?"

"No. It's not that kind of group."

JC leaned against the back of the couch. "I suppose there's no need to ask how's the sex life. Still well in hand?"

"Yes." Peter blushed. "Well, actually..."

"You don't mean..."

Peter nodded.

Lance leaned forward. "Come on. Spill. Who, when, where and how far."

"Lance, please. This is personal."

"He didn't mind before. You don't mind, do you?"

Peter hesitated, "Its alright, I guess. I don't have anyone else to tell."

JC leaned in. "Okay. Who, when, where and how far."

His name was, is Hugh. It was this afternoon at the stadium, in a storage room. He went down on me."

"His first oral experience and thanks to us."


"He was there because of us, wasn't he? So how did it happen?"

"It was just after you went into the arena and I had noticed that Lance was bothered about something. Hugh seemed to just popped up from nowhere. He noticed I was worried and said he knew something to cheer me up. I was led to this storage room. The next thing I know the lights go out and my pants go down."

"Good for him. Didn't give you time to back out," said Lance. "Then what?"

"We cum and he goes."

"Not very romantic, but, its a start."

"Did he give you any reason why he did it?" JC asked.

"That's the weird part. He knew that it was my first time. He also said it would help clear my mind so I could help my friends."

Lance looked surprised. JC glanced at Lance.

Now, it was Peter's turn. He looked at Lance. "So, what's new with you?"

"Nothing," sputtered Lance.


JC smiled. "My words exactly."

Peter's expression softened. "I'm sorry for my remark about "My Mother's Eyes" at dinner. I didn't know it would upset you."

"Its all right. You couldn't have known about it."

"So, out with it. What's with your mother and you? I take it you came out to your parents and it didn't go very well."

"Why should I bother to tell him anything?" Lance said to JC. "He knows already."

"Just putting two and two together. I just don't know the details."

"She went into Baptist mode." JC said. "Its a sickness and against God's Laws. The whole denial and pray for healing thing."

Lance looked at the floor.

Peter shook his head. "I'm sorry, Lance. I don't know what I could do to help."

Lance didn't look up. "You said that when you are out of your body if you touched someone, you could feel their emotions, like love?"


Lance looked up, his eyes eager. "When you astral project, how far can you travel? How long does it take?"

"I'm afraid I don't really know. I suppose you could travel anywhere and at the speed of thought." Peter answered. "Why?"

Lance looked determined. "I want to travel home. I want to find out what my mother really feels about me."

JC was shocked. "Lance, you can't be serious!"

"I am very serious. I have to know if she hates me or still loves me."

Peter frowned. "Lance, I don't think that's a very good idea."

"How do you know?" Lance snapped. "You've never had to go through this!"

"You're right." Peter replied calmly. "My mother knew from an early age that she was raising a card carrying queer. She never had any regrets, did she? And I never doubted her love for me once, did I?"

Lance lowered his head. "I'm sorry, Peter. I shouldn't have said that. This whole thing is driving me crazy. Her words keep repeating in my head. I can't stop thinking about it. That's why I want to know for sure. Please, can you help me?"

JC looked at Peter. Surely he wouldn't agree to such a plan.

"Okay, I'll help you."

"What!" JC snapped.

Peter leaned forward. "But, Lance, you must know one thing. When you connect with your mother you will get all of her emotions not just the one you're looking for. Emotions from her childhood, her marriage, what she really feels about your father, their having sex together and what she really thought about all those Mother's Day presents you got her. You may learn more than you wish to know just to satisfy this one need of yours. Are you still willing to do this?"

Lance shook his head. "I have to do something. Maybe just seeing her. Can we at least try?"

Peter stood up. "Yes, we can try. I just wanted you to know what you might be letting yourself in for."

Lance nodded.

"How come you didn't ask Chris?"

"Chris projects to get some time alone. He doesn't really like to have company. Besides we've been too busy."

"JC, you will be coming, too?"

"Of course."

"Then we'll do it just like last time. You change and I'll meet you."

Lance hurried through the door into their room.

JC looked sternly at Peter. "I hope you know what you are doing. If this hurts Lance in any way."

"JC, can you look Lance in those green eyes of his and tell him not to go through with this?"

JC shook his head. He knew he couldn't do that either.

Peter took him by the shoulders. "Lance will keep obsessing on this until he finds out one way or the other. Don't we owe it to him to give him a chance?"


"Don't worry, your love for each other is very strong. It will last through even this."

JC managed a little smile. "Its deja vu, isn't it. Someone using astral projecting to find out about love."

"Except its now him instead of me. This time he doesn't have to do it alone. I'm sure it will work out the same."

JC turned. "I'd better get ready." He shut the door behind him.

Peter turned off the light and headed for the bedroom.

"Here we go, again."

Lance didn't need much coaxing this time. Peter had barely begun with the "Come up. Relax. Come up." before Lance floated free of his body.

"Lance, you'll be doing this on your own soon."

Peter then concentrated on JC. "Come up, JC. Relax. Let go." This time JC responded to him. Soon all three of them floated about the room.

"What do we do now?" asked Lance.

"Since I don't know where we are going, we should join together."

The three Shapes touched.

Peter felt Lance's distress and JC's want to comfort him.

"Lance, concentrate on where your parents live. Pretend you're above it looking at it like a map. JC, you must know where they live. Both of you think where you wish to go."

Peter began to see an image of house. The room around them blurred. Peter felt himself being pulled along with JC and Lance. Lights started to flash past them like a view from a car window at night only faster. There was a sense of objects passing by them. Trees, roads, houses and buildings. Indistinct, but recognizable. After a few minutes the flashing slowed. The area around them sharpened into a sidewalk before a two-story house.

"We did it! We're here!" Lance was ecstatic.

The house was dark.

"It looks deserted."

"No, they're asleep by now." Lance floated to the house and through the door. JC and Peter followed.

They stopped at the foot of a stairway leading to the second floor.

"The master bedroom is on the upper floor." Lance explained.

"We'll stay here until you're ready to go."

Lance floated up the stairs.

His parents were sound asleep. Lance always felt strange in his parent's room like he was trespassing. It was even stronger now being that they were actually there. He floated to the bed. All he had to do was to reach out and touch his mother's shoulder. He would know for sure if she still loved him or not. Just reach out. A mere foot away was the answer that would lead to his joy or his misery.

He couldn't do it. Peter was right. There were things he didn't want to know. Time would tell. He would have to be patient.

Lance's mind began to bring up memories of his parents. The family picnics and vacations, the happy faces laughing and playing together. Memories that reminded him of how much he loved his parents. Lance wanted to hold them, to share his love of them with them.

Suddenly he became aware of a blue glow about the room. He soon realized that it was coming from him. These thoughts of his love for his parents were effecting him like JC's love had before. Lance hovered above them. The blue glow from him began to cascade off of him, billowing onto the sleeping figures below him. The figures seemed to absorb the blue haze. Slowly the color flow subsided. Lance floated back. He hoped that they knew now important they were to him. It was up to them now.

"Mom, Dad, I love you. Please, don't make me choose." Lance thought.

His mother shifted in her sleep. He heard her murmur something. Was it his name?

Lance took one last look at the sleeping forms then floated out of the room.

Lance found JC and Peter in the living room looking at the framed pictures on the shelves.

JC noticed Lance's return.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm through here. We can go now."

"Did you find out?"

"No, I couldn't do it. It's all right though. I think I let them sense how much I love them. Time will tell if they'll come around. Let's go back."

"It's still early yet. Would you be up to some gay positive experiences?" Peter asked.

"I certainly could use it." Lance responded.

"I know of a place where you have never been and would like to go, but would be afraid to be seen there. In this state, it doesn't matter. It's going to be quite the change from here, however."

JC and Lance touched Peter. "Lead on McDuff."

The first thing they grew aware of was the music, the flashing lights and the bodies gyrating to the beat.

"Peter, you are totally twisted." Lance looked around him.

"I couldn't agree more. But, you'll have to admit he was right." JC was actually delighted. "So this is a gay bar."

"This is the dance club part. Upstairs is the drag show. Downstairs is the leather bar. The strippers are through there."

"You've been here before?" JC asked.

"Once or twice. I was here once for lunch and once for a show upstairs. That was before the drag shows started. This is new to me, too." They looked around the room.

The room was awash with colors. Not just from the lights, the mental energies of the dancers were visible to them.

"It's like an astral Aurora Borealis. This is amazing." Peter remarked.

Lance and JC were too busy watching the dance floor. So many men were dancing together, bodies twisting and hips thrusting. Some of the men were shirtless. They could feel the sense of exhilaration and freedom. The energy in the room was almost over whelming.

They floated to an adjoining room. This was the main bar area. The energies were lesser here, though still obvious. Men sat or stood about the bar. Some held hands or leaned in for a kiss.

"JC, look." Lance indicated a couple at a table in the corner. They were radiating a bright blue glow. "Lovers."

JC scanned the people. "I'd have thought there would be more of them here." Most of the men's aura colors were darker. Very few had the bright blue of love.

"This is a bar after all. It is getting late. The lover's are probably off being romantic. I guess this late there's more lust in the air than love." Peter suggested.

Peter began to sense faint whisperings. He turned. "Don't look now guys, but we're not alone."

JC and Lance turned. There was two other Shapes hovering in the corner.

"I thought I sensed other voices. What should we do?" Lance asked.

"I doubt if we're in any danger." Peter answered. He had never encountered other travelers before.

The other Shapes noticed them. They floated closer.

"Nice to see others here. You new to this?" One asked.

"In a way. It's their second time. I'm sort of showing them around. We've never been to a gay bar before." Peter replied.

"And we're not much of the cruising type." Lance added.

"I totally agree. This way is so much easier on the ego."

"We're a bit too old for this now. But it is nice to come back and visit the old haunts now and then."

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we were just leaving."

"Enjoy, what's left of evening." They disappeared through the wall.

"Well, that's a first. I've never met anyone while out of the body."

"They seemed nice enough."

"JC, I think I'd like to get back. It's getting late."

The three of them glided through the wall and headed back across the city.

Peter noticed the stadium off to his left. Maybe Craig or Hugh would be working the late shift. Then perhaps he could manage a quick peek at the stage.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow. There's something I want to check out."

Peter checked out the security office. No one was around. The night watchman was sitting at the desk talking on the phone. He was ignoring the monitor changing every few seconds showing different areas of the arena.

"They'll be leaving Sunday. We'll have to steam blast the place to get their muck off the walls. I don't know what those girls see in them. They're just a bunch of prancing queers so full of themselves. Like I was just telling my son Bill, they need to be taught a little humility.

Why today, I get this big lecture on how to make sure no one gets in. I need to be extra alert. I've done this job since he was in diapers. I don't need no traveling fruit to tell me how to do my job.

It will be better after Sunday. This place will go back to what it was built for. Sports. Real men doing what God had intended. Men proving themselves in athletic competition. No fags in football and baseball, they just can't cut it."

Peter quickly floated off. Bill had been taught well. Like father, like son.

Peter floated toward the stage. A few work lights illuminated it. A figure stepped from the shadows. He starting working on the flying harnesses which hung down from the scaffolding.

Peter kept his distance. They were still working on the stage. Damn, was he ever going to get to see the stage? He decided to look around for Hugh or Craig.

He did a half circuit of the hallways. He floated to one of the entrances to the arena to check the stage again. This time the man was working under the front right corner of the stage. The man started to whistle through his teeth. Peter's father did that, too. It always drove Peter crazy!

Peter continued his search. There was no sign of anyone except the night watchman, outside of the stage area. He gave the stage one last check.

Peter watched from behind as the man hoisted himself back up on stage. He seemed to be looking for something. He walked over to one of the spotlights surrounded by a metal protector at the front of the stage and dropped something into it. There were seven clanks as the objects hit the bottom of the light. The eighth caused a sound like glass cracking.

"Oops!" The man said out loud. He seemed to chuckle slightly and walked off the stage.

"Probably going to get a replacement bulb." Peter thought. It still seemed strange. Why did he drop them in there in the first place?

Peter gave up. The stage would have to wait until tomorrow. He floated down the corridor and headed back to the hotel.

Lance opened his eyes. JC lay facing him. JC looked so beautiful when he was asleep. He gently ran his fingers across JC's cheek. JC shifted and opened his eyes.

"Hello, beautiful." Lance said.

JC smiled. "And I opened my eyes and beheld an angel."


"How do you feel? Did you find out what you needed to?"

"Yeah. Not what I intended to, but it was definitely worth it." Lance smiled. "There I was thinking about all the things we used to do as a family and how important my parent's love and approval was to me. When it suddenly occurred to me, something I never realized before. There was something more important to me. If I had to choose between it and my parent's acceptance, they would lose."

"What's that?" asked JC.

Lance caressed JC's cheek again. "You."

A tear formed in JC's eye. "Lance, I..."

Lance cut him off with a passionate kiss. They held each other close. After a few moments they separated.

"Definitely worth it." JC smiled.

Lance grinned. "You know what I'd like to do right now?"

"No, what?"

"Something we've never done together before."

JC grinned devilishly. "Hmm, sounds kinky."

Lance got out of bed. "I want to dance with you."

"Don't you get enough of that already?"

"No. I mean like the men we saw at the bar. Just us, together."

"There's no music." JC sat up in bed.

"We should be able to find some kind of music channel on the TV." Lance crossed to JC's side of the bed. He took JC's hand. "Come on. Humor me."

They went into the other room. Lance turn on the TV. After some flipping through channels, he found a video with a good beat. Facing each other, they began to move to the music.

They didn't know why they both felt a little self-conscious, but slowly they began to relax and get into it.

They'd seen each other dance before, but now wearing only shorts and being just the two of them, it was wonderfully sexy watching each other's bodies moving in time to the music.

The video ended. The next one was a slow number. JC took Lance into his arms. They swayed slowly to the music.

"This was a wonderful idea, Lance."

Lance lay his head on JC's shoulder. "I'm glad Peter showed us that gay bar."

"This is so romantic. I think I could hold you like this forever."

"Did you feel the sense of freedom in the room as they danced?" Lance paused. "JC, do you think that we ever will be so free?"

"I promise you, Lance. Someday we will do this in public. I'd love to show you off."

"It must be wonderful to be out."

JC pulled back. "Lance, you are already."


"Well, hanging out would be more accurate. Look down."

Lance's penis was sticking out of his shorts. Lance reached to put it back. JC grabbed his hand.

"Leave it. It probably could use a breath of fresh air."

JC leaned in and kissed Lance. JC pulled back, grinning.

"I don't think it's breathing. Quick, it needs CPR." JC dropped to his knees. He rapped his fingers around Lance's stiffening cock. "JC, you don't know CPR." JC looked up at Lance. "Cock Pumping Rhythm." He took Lance's cock into his mouth.

Lance leaned his head back as he felt JC's lips close around his cock. JC began slowly to move his lips up and down along Lance's hardening shaft. He flicked his tongue against the sensitive under side of the cock head.

"Oh, yes, JC. You do that so good."

Without missing a stroke, JC pulled back off of Lance's cock, pulled Lance's shorts down and swallowed the cock again to its hilt. Lance's body shook with pleasure.

Lance lifted his feet and kicked his shorts off completely. He took JC's head gently in his hands following each forward and back motion.

JC stopped briefly to lick his hand. So lubed, he began stroking his own hardon that stuck out the front of his shorts. JC took hold of the base of Lance's cock with his other hand and matched the rhythm of his mouth.

Lance was beginning to let out little moans of delight. His hips started to thrust in time to JC's rhythm. JC let his hand jack Lance off. He lowered his head and started licking Lance's balls. Flicking his tongue rapidly, he crossed between one ball then the other. Then he sucked one ball into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue.

Lance let out a groan. "Yeah, suck my balls."

JC released the one from his mouth and sucked in the other. Lance's cock was beginning to throb in JC's hand as he jacked it. He took the cock back into his mouth. He increased his speed up and down the shaft.

Lance's moans were becoming whimpers getting louder and louder. This encouraged JC on. He tightened his grip at the base of the cock and pressed his tongue harder against underside of Lance's dick.

Lance was playing with his nipples. Pitching them and rubbing them. He looked down at JC.

JC looked up of him with those beautiful blues eyes. Lance's cock was sliding between those wonderful sexy lips. Lance felt his excitement grow.

"Suck me, JC. Make me cum."

JC was giving Lance his all and loving every moment of it. He was making muffled moans as Lance's cock entered his mouth. He continued jacking himself off. Just enough to give himself pleasure, but not enough to make him cum. That he was saving for Lance.

Lance's whole body started to shake. He closed his eyes.

"Oh, god JC. You're going to make me cum!"

JC stopped sucking. He continued to jack Lance off with his hand. Lance looked down surprised. JC usually let him cum in his mouth.

JC looked up and grinned. "I want you to cum on me."

The idea really turned Lance on. It pushed him over the edge.

"JC, I'm cumming! Yes!"

Cum erupted from his cock. It spattered on JC's chest and face. Lance's body shook with each spurt. JC kept jacking Lance's cock as it bathed him in cum. The volleys subsided. JC milked every last drop of cum from Lance's cock.

Lance's body relaxed. He looked down at JC's cum splattered face and chest. JC was grinning up at him.

"Was that good for you?"

He helped JC to his feet. They kissed. Lance then leaned down and started licking his cum off of JC's face. When he had finished, he kissed JC, again.

"You're cum tastes better than mine."

"Oh, really?" JC licked his lips. "We'll just have to see about that, won't we."

"Allow me," replied Lance as he slipped to his knees. He pulled JC's shorts down and JC stepped out of them. Lance dropped them to the floor.

Lance looked up at JC with those sparkling green eyes and smiled. With one smooth motion, he enveloped JC's cock with his warm wet mouth.

JC inhaled sharply. That first contact always felt so good. Lance slowly pulled back, then swallowed the cock again. Gently increasing in speed and pressure. He let JC's cock slip into his throat. It felt so good to suck JC's cock. JC responded by groaning louder.

Lance grabbed JC's dick with his hand and began stroking it. He licked and nibbled at JC's balls. JC closed his eyes. His mouth opened, but no sound came out. Lance poked his tongue passed the ball sack as far as he could get it. He pressed it hard upward against JC.

"Oh, Lance!"

But Lance didn't stop there. He turned JC around. One look at those round white ass cheeks and Lance couldn't help himself. Not that he wanted to stop. This was just what he wanted to do. He buried his face between those sweet round cheeks. With his tongue, he flicked around JC puckered asshole.

"Oh, Lance. Yeah. That's it. Eat that ass!"

Lance needed no encouragement. He stuck his tongue as far up as he could get it, the entire time still jacking JC's dick. He spread JC ass cheeks with the other hand as his tongue continued its probing. JC was beginning to tremble. His body shook with each push of Lance's tongue. His moans were getting louder and closer together. Lance pried himself away from JC's ass. He twisted around and pushed through JC's legs. He took the cock back into his mouth. He cupped JC's ass cheeks with his hands, pulling him forward with every downward stroke. JC began to fuck Lance's face. Lance's throaty moans only showed how much he loved it. He pushed back willingly on each thrust, taking the cock into his throat.

JC breath was getting faster. He stopped thrusting and let Lance take over. Faster and faster Lance swallowed JC's prick. He reached up to tweak JC's nipples.

"Yeah, Lance. Do it. I'm getting close."

Lance responded with vigor. His mouth and tongue covering every inch of the cock faster and faster. He began stroking JC's dick with his hand. He backed off of JC's cock.

Lance looked up. "My turn. Cum on me, JC. Shoot that load."

JC let out a low groan that quickly escalated to a loud cry. He locked his knees to keep from falling on top of Lance. JC felt his cock explode. He sprayed Lance with cum over his chest and face. Shot after shot. JC's body shuddered. Lance felt the hot blobs of cum hit his skin. Short gasps escaped JC's lips. The spurts stopped. JC breathed easier.

Lance got to his feet. He wiped some cum off of his chest then licked it off his finger.

JC leaned down and used his tongue to clean his cum off of Lance.

"See, yours does taste better," said Lance.

"Oh, I don't know. I think I need another sample of yours to know for sure." JC grinned.

"That can be arranged. One must keep the customer satisfied." Lance took JC by the hand and pulled him into the bedroom.

They had scarcely entered the bedroom when Lance excused himself.

"I'll be right back." He went into the bathroom.

JC heard the water running. After a few moments Lance emerged carrying a towel and a wet washcloth.

"Now its your turn. Here. Let me." Lance began to wash off JC's face and chest.

"I was wondering how long you would last before you ran for the soap."

"I'm sorry. I just can't stand being sticky." Lance dried JC.

"It was my idea to have you cum on me. You didn't have to do it too."

"Are you kidding? It was so hot! I just didn't think of the aftermath. I'm sorry if it breaks the mood."

"I don't mind. I feel like a sultan with a cute boy servant bathing me."

Lance bowed. "Oh, most venerable Master, what is thy bidding?"

JC spun Lance around and bent him over. He gently rubbed his hands over Lance's beautiful white and round ass cheeks.

"How about a excursion into your cave of wonders?"

"You're not looking for the magic lamp are you?" Lance was looking over his shoulder.

JC moved his hips so his already hardening cock wobbled in the air.

"This is better than any lamp. Rub it well and see what emerges."

Lance straightened up, wrapped his arms around JC and kissed him. JC was surprised but the sudden romantic nature of the embrace. When Lance pulled back he said, "And it has granted me more pleasure than I could ever have wished for." He caressed JC's cheek. "You are more than I would have dared wish for. I love you, Joshua Chasez."

They kissed passionately. Their tongues darting in and out of their mouths.

Lance took JC's hands and placed them back on his ass cheeks.

Lance smiled. "Now, how about that cave of wonders?" Lance bent over. "You know the magic words?"

JC grinned. "Open, says me!"

Lance laughed. "That'll work." He spread his ass cheeks.

Without further encouragement JC was on his knees. He buried his tongue into Lance's ass. Lance let out a loud cry. JC swirled his tongue over Lance's ass. He pushed it in as far as he could. Lance bucked backwards against it. He started to whimper.

JC licked his way from Lance's ass down to his balls, then back again. Lance shuddered at the sensation.

"JC, that feels wonderful."

He could feel Lance's ass muscles begin to relax. The whimpering grew louder. A few more moments of flicking and licking and Lance could take no more.

"Please, I want you in me."

JC reached for the drawer with the bottle of lube.

"Lance, put you head down as far as you can. Keep your butt in the air."

Lance obeyed. Not knowing what JC was going to do turned him on.

JC opened the bottle and dribbled the lube directly onto Lance's asshole. Lance's body shuttered at the feel of the cold liquid. He began working it into Lance's asshole with his fingers. Lance let out a low moan. Working his fingers around Lance's ass, JC loosened Lance's sphincter. The whimpering grew louder.

"Please, JC. Stop teasing me. I want you."

JC stood up. He applied a generous amount of lube to his cock. Then, after positioning himself behind Lance, slowly slid his cock into Lance's tight warm ass.

"Oh, yeah, that's what I want." Lance moaned.

JC began the rhythm. In than out, farther and farther into Lance until his cock was all the way in. Lance used his hands to prop himself against the side of the bed and arched his back. JC felt so good inside him. He felt a wave of pleasure as JC's cock rubbed against his insides. The thrusting sped up. Lance moans became louder.

JC could feel his balls slapping against Lance's ass. He got a surge of delight as Lance's ass clamped around his cock.

"Lance, you feel so good."

"You make me feel good, too. Don't stop." Lance began jacking his dick. He pushed back against JC trying to make his cock go deeper into him. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the feeling of JC's cock sliding in and out of him.

Unnoticed by Lance, JC had taken the bottle of lube, put some on his finger and was working a finger in his own ass while he fucked Lance. JC caressed Lance's back and shoulders with his other hand. JC lubed his hand and grabbed Lance's cock. He took over jacking Lance off. Lance stood up so they could kiss.

JC decided he was ready and pulled out of Lance. He motioned for Lance to lay on his back. Lance lay on the floor and raised his legs. JC gently pushed them down again. Before Lance knew what was happening, JC was astride him, lowering himself onto his cock. With one smooth motion, Lance's cock slid into JC to its hilt.

JC's head snapped back. "Oh, fuck!"

Lance looked worried. "JC, stop if it hurts."

"It doesn't hurt. It feels fantastic. I wanted you in me so bad." JC began to bounce up and down on Lance's cock.

It didn't take Lance long to switch from the pleasure of being fucked to doing the fucking. Lance was usually the more aggressive when it came to being fucked, but JC was giving him a run for his money. JC was loving every minute of it jacking his own cock with wild abandon.

JC caressed Lance's chest and played with his nipples. All the time JC was maintaining a steady and increasing rhythm. Their eyes met. JC leaned down and kissed Lance hungrily. Lance could feel JC passion. Their excitement increased.

"Yeah, fuck me, Lance. Give it to me." Lance began to thrust with his hips. Driving his cock into JC's ass. Lance felt JC's ass muscles tightening around his cock. JC was getting close and he was taking Lance along with him. JC leaned down, again.

"Lance, I love you so much. Can you feel it?"

Lance suddenly knew what had set JC off. It was his statement that JC was more important to him than his parents love and acceptance. This was JC's way of replying.

Lance looked into JC's eyes and placed his hand JC's cheek. JC pressed his face against Lance's hand. Lance continued thrusting his cock into JC matching JC's rhythm. JC moans at each thrust was getting louder and louder.

"That's it, Lance. Fuck the cum out of me!"

Lance could feel himself starting to go. JC raised up and Lance's cock slipped out of his ass. Lance grabbed it and started pumping it. Their eyes met and locked. Their muscles went rigid, their bodies shuddered and their cocks shot off together. Volley after volley of cum splattered on Lance. Dicks pumping and cum flying, they were awash with pleasure. Lance reveled in every touch of cum on his skin. Slowly the eruption subsided. Their breathing relaxed. They kissed again.

JC pulled back. He started to laugh. "Lance, you're a mess."

Lance looked sad. "You can't tell my cum from yours. How can you sample it again?"

JC ran his finger along Lance's chest. He licked the cum off his finger.

"Not bad." He repeated the procedure and held his finger before Lance. Lance took the finger into his mouth. He smiled.

"You're right."

JC struck a pose. "As with our love and our cum, it is better when together."

Lance suddenly sat up. "Ow! Ow!"

"What's wrong?"

"I think I got some in my eye."

JC grabbed the washcloth and dabbed at Lance's eye.

"It that better?"

"Yeah, thank you."

"Let's wash up and get ready for bed. We can sleep in tomorrow, remember?"

"Of course."

"And I mean that. We will sleep in the morning. Right?"

"After tonight, don't you doubt it!"

JC helped Lance up and the headed for the bathroom.

Justin had a girl in his arms. They were kissing madly. Their tongues wrestled with each other. He could smell her perfume. Her soft warm body pressed against his. His heart was beating wildly. He was getting so turned on. He pulled back from the kiss. He opened his eyes to gaze at the person in his arms. He found himself looking into the face of the waiter.

Justin woke with a start. It was that damn dream again. The dream always started with a girl and ended with a guy. The face kept changing, but it was always a male face.

He told himself to relax. It was this trouble with Lance. Maybe his jealously of Peter's closeness with JC and Lance added to it. As soon as Peter was gone and things got back to normal, the dreams would stop. He lay back down again. He was letting himself get worked up over nothing. He closed his eyes.

She was lying on her back. Justin licked and nibbled her nipples while kneading her breasts. He worked his way down past her navel. He pulled the sheets back to expose her crotch. An erect cock sprung up toward the ceiling. Justin looked up toward the face. The waiter grinned back at him. Without any further thought, Justin turned back and took the cock into his mouth.

Justin sat up in bed. His heart was beating wildly. He got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. Turning on the light, he went to the sink. Justin turned on the tap and splashed the cold water onto his face. He dried his face with a towel.

The dream was getting worse. This couldn't be happening to him. Damn JC and Lance. If they hadn't fallen in love... No. He couldn't blame them. Maybe they just had awakened something inside of him. Maybe he really was...

No! He couldn't be gay. He had had sex with girls before and he enjoyed it. Did that mean he was... No. Better to be gay.

Justin went back and sat on the edge of the bed. All this thinking just got him more confused. He needed to talk to someone about this. But whom could he talk to? Not the guys, they'd just raze him. There seemed to be only one person. But he didn't know him that well. Lance and JC seem to trust him. Justin had no choice. His doubts and this dream were driving crazy. He looked at the clock. It was six thirty in the morning.

He picked up the phone.

"Hello, Anthony. It's Justin. What time does the bus leave for the stadium? At nine o'clock. Are you heading over earlier? Could I hitch a ride with you? I couldn't think of anything to do so I thought I'd just hang around there. Check some more things out, if it's okay. Thanks. See you then." He hung up the phone.

Justin stood up and extended his hand. "Gees, Peter, what a coincidence?" Justin tried again. "Peter, nice to see you. Can we talk?" They all sounded lame. Who cared? All Justin hoped beyond all else was that Peter would be able to help him.

End Part 6

Here we are at the end of another one. Don't worry. Lots more to come. People, too. I hope you enjoyed this part. As always, I'd love to hear from you. E-Mail me at Any type of comments welcomed because:

A: I can handle it. B: Without criticism, no one can learn and improve. C: I just love getting E-Mail. D: He so hopeless and lonely that he needs E-mail to justify his pathetic little existence.

Helpful hint: Never leave your computer unattended when your mother is visiting.

Keep a lookout for Part 7.

Next: Chapter 7

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