Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Dec 8, 2005


Part 59! At last!

It's been over three months! Straight (pardon the word) to the action.

This story is complete rubbish (meaning lies and untruth). The author knows nothing about the real lives to NSYNC or Backstreet Boys that's why he has to make this trash up. And of course NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys are not gay. The author only wants to make believe they are that way. (God, he SO needs a life!)

There will be descriptions of gay sex so if you are underage (shame on you for reading this!) or find gay sex offensive (what are you doing reading this anyway?!) Stop reading. All others read on. I hope you've remembered what has happened before.

In the pavilion the white and yellow rose motif was everywhere but not overpowering. The table cloths were all of white and yellow. The centerpieces on each table each held white and yellow roses. There were banners and bunting of white and yellow. The whole room matched wonderfully with the ceremony.

People were beginning to mill about, but JC's and Lance's mother stepped in. After all this was their area.

"Please, find some seats. The food will be ready in a few minutes. Please, there is coffee or punch."

There were wait staff going around with pitchers of coffee and of punch. There were pitchers of ice water on each of the tables. The mother's didn't want the guests to be thirsty.

JC's mother tapped Joey on the shoulder as he passed. "Wedding party up front, please."

Chris asked, "How are all these guests going to fit up front?"

"Okay, Chris, those who were involved with the service up front."

"I still don't see how? Isn't watching it still being involved?"

Lance's mother took Chris by the shoulder, "How about all people who like being a smartass and annoying people up front?"

Chris rubbed his hands together grinning. "This is great. I get a private table."

"I wish," Joey put in. He pushed Chris toward their table.

Peter was looking around. Justin had disappeared somewhere. There was a touch at his shoulder.

A man in his 70's said, "I loved your solo. It was so moving."

"Thank you." Peter still looked for Justin.

"I suppose being with NSYNC you are a professional singer?"

That snapped Peter out of his thoughts. "Me? No, we're just friends. I was very nervous up there but I wanted to do if for JC and Lance. I am glad it touched you."

A woman approached, "There you are Marvin. I think we should take a table over there."

"I was just saying to this singer how much I enjoyed him."

The lady looked at Peter. "That is no singer. It's Justin Timberlake's lover. I told you that."


The woman walked off. "I'll find us some seats."

The man leaned to Peter. "I know what she told me. It drives her mad thinking I don't listen to her but to tell the truth there isn't much to hear." He straightened up. "But I was moved by your singing because I could tell you were nervous but you still did it. Plus the words were very fitting. And I know you are more than just a lover to Justin." The man sighed. "I wish we could be that way again."

"Marvin! I have found our table."

"Coming, dear." He leaned to Peter again, "Stay lovers. It is so much better without the legal ties." He walked off.

Lance's mother saw Peter. "Bridal party is seated up in front." She pointed.

Peter smirked, "And the bride is. . ?"

She sighed, "Between you and Chris. Okay, those who participated in the ceremony please take your seats up front."

Peter couldn't help himself. He moved close.

"You mean I should take my seat and put it on the chair provided."

"Peter, you are such a hoot," She gave Peter a slight shove, "Go to your table. You're delaying this. We have a strict timetable."

They sat at a large round table at the front of the pavilion. JC`s and Lance's mothers still had the traditional wedding seating arrangements like for a bridal party. The chairs were placed only half way around the table so the guests could still see the guys.

Lance kept looking at the table by the door.

"You can't make them disappear just by staring at them."

"JC," slightly annoyed Lance nodded at the table covered with wrapped boxes. "I thought we told them not to."

JC leaned closer to Lance. "It's a wedding and some people like to give presents.

"But it was on the invitations that we preferred donations. What do we need that we don't already have?"

"Well, how about a toaster that doesn't think it's a crematorium."

Lance chuckled. "Okay, you've got me there."

JC gave Lance a nudge, "Consider it a show of their affection for us."

Lance squeezed JC's hand. "Okay, I can't be angry today anyway."

"That's my, Lance."

Lance grinned, "Your James."

Someone started tapping their knife against their glass. Soon everyone took up the beat. JC and Lance stood up. It was the traditional signal for the newlyweds to kiss.

Pastor Jessi stood up waving her hands.

"Oh, no you don't." She addressed the guests. "There is a new tradition that has been making its way around at weddings. I like it and you guests don't get off quite so easy. And being that most tableware at receptions nowadays are plastic it's better than the thunk, thunk, thunk. Anyway instead of clinking glasses, if you want the couple to kiss, you have to stand up and sing a few lines of a love song. You can do it singly or if you are shy and need group support you can do it with others." She wagged a finger, "And no one is to judge. This isn't Star Search. So if you want the newlyweds to show their love you have to serenade them with a love song." She narrowed her eyes menacingly and pointed heavenward. "Do what you will but I have powerful allies." She grinned. "And since the newlyweds are on their feet and raring to get into a lip lock, I'll start us off." She struck a pose and sang, " `Strange, dear but true, dear, when I'm close to you, dear, the stars leave the sky. So in love with you am I.' That's from Kiss me, Kate." She turned to JC and Lance, "So?"

Lance and JC kissed.

"Oh, that is sweet." Pastor Jesse said. "I hope you two have lots of Chapstick."

JC's mother waved her arms. "The food is ready." She nodded to the head table. "We'll start with the honored couple."

As they got their food Chris was grumbling. "I think the guests should eat first. It is only manners."

Joey retorted, "Hush your mouth. It is just deference to the happy couple and their friends."

Lance sighed, "Besides we have to meet all the guests. We need our strength."

JC also sighed, "The one drawback to weddings seeing all of our relatives again."

"But I'd think it would be positive." Peter said. "Obviously only the ones who were supportive of you two showed up."

Lance shook his head, "Oh, Peter still so naïve."

Peter looked hurt, "I am not."

Lance continued, "Take for instance my Aunt Gwen. She only came because her sister my Aunt Alice agreed to come. She doesn't really like gay people but what one sister does the other does. She makes sure her sister doesn't show her up. I feel so sorry for my Uncle Marvin. Aunt Gwen will say one thing at one time then change her mind the other. Anything to keep up appearances of two close sisters."

"Uncle Marvin?" Peter rubbed his chin. "I met him. He complimented me on my solo. His wife was so in charge. Now I see what he meant about me being more than a lover to Justin."

Lance put in. "All she sees is the sex but he knows that you care for each other beyond the sex."

Peter looked surprised "How did you know?"

Lance laughed, "She is my aunt. She has a real hang up about sex. It was a wonder they had kids."

Justin shrugged. "Well, some people don't like sex."

Joey gaped. "You have to be kidding."

"Or they have a lousy partner." Peter added. "Sounds like your aunt grew up very repressed."

"They're Baptists, remember?"

Chris patted Joey's shoulder. "Don't worry, Joey. The people who don't like sex aren't reproducing so they'll be instinct soon."

"Or they just get tired of sex," Justin added.

JC looked at Lance, "Not us." They kissed.

"Hey," Chris snapped. "No one sang. Don't give them away for free."

"Chris," JC and Lance said together.

Chris frowned, "I know, 'Chris, shut-up`. Even at their wedding."

"No, Chris," Lance said chuckling, "You don't have to shut-up. Especially today."

"Oh, I get it," Chris nodded. "This is your day to kiss in front of people. They actually want to see two men kiss. So you're not giving it away for free, you`re just exercising your freedom to finally show your love in front of your relatives and friends."

JC replied, "That is very astute of you."

Chris grinned. "I have my moments."

Joey nudged Chris. He motioned with his plate. "Be astute just keep moving."

"Okay, Joey, I know better than to keep you from your food."

They moved on down the line.

After they had sat down and began eating Chris leaned in to Peter. "I suppose when Lance and JC are gone you and Justin will be doing the deed. Just call me and warn me."

Joey sneered, "Chris, will you stop teasing Peter about that."

Peter blushed. "Chris, I didn't know you would sense Justin and I doing it."

"Sense it?! I saw it."

Peter blushed. "Oh, my god, you saw us, ah, Justin being. . .?"

"I know I have seen Justin in various stages of undress but I never saw Justin from such an angle before and I hope never again. It took a few straight porno movies to get the image out of my mind."

Peter looked at his plate. "I am so sorry, Chris. Damn, there I am apologizing again. I didn't know it would happen, Chris, I swear I didn't know."

Chris patted Peter's shoulder. "Justin wanted people to know that he could ah, be the underdog, too?"

"Some people can't even imagine seeing me with Justin let alone me doing him so Justin wanted me to mentally show them. I didn't even know how. But soon the idea did appear in my mind. When the idea came so did I."

"That explains it." Chris said. "It was like the time at Disney Studios when we were up on the cat walk. You had that panic of the heights then you also had that vision of the future. We all sensed your vision because of your heightened senses. It was the same here."

"But Justin was just teasing me about fans not seeing him as being, well you know. I was the logical person to be the underdog. I would service Justin and not the other way `round."

Justin added, "And that is what I was trying to get you to show them. You're not my boy toy. You don't just service me. This is a relationship of equal roles."

"I am too old to be a boy toy."

"Justin wanted them to see that you share sex equally. That combined with your, ah, heightened senses sent it off into the astral plain."

"Oh, shit Chris, what did I do?" Peter was very embarrassed.

Lance smiled. "Not all of us saw it. JC and I just sensed it. It was probably only sensed by people who love you."

Peter blushed. "Oh, my god, my folks!"

"Nonsense," Chris laughed. "They're too far away. And I doubt if they could sense you."

Joey laughed. "I hope your brother saw it. If he hates you being with Justin it would really drive home the point very visibly."

Chris elbowed Joey, "Hey, I make the jokes."

"Not all of them," Joey grinned.

Peter put his fork down. "Damn, I feel like I did a porno. How many people saw or sensed what I was doing to Justin."

Justin patted Peter's hand. "I wanted them to know. Blame me."

"I can't just blame you. I wanted them to know too." Peter looked down, "Just not so vividly."

"Well, that radio show you were on did ask you back. They never had received so many calls from listeners."

"But it was after," Peter blushed, "the fact."

"So they sensed the truth."

Peter looked away. "I will only concentrate on Justin from now on."

JC said, "Peter, what harm did you do? A lot of people got off on the thought of you and Justin together."

"But what about Chris?"

Chris smiled at Peter, "Well, we know each other a little better. Although the sight of Justin's ass and you. . ."

"Please, Chris I am so sorry about that."

"Really, it's okay, I just didn't expect it to be thrust upon me."

Before Peter could retort Joey stood up and with a grand gesture sang, "Once you have found her, ah, him," He corrected himself, "Never let him go. Once you have found him never let him go." He got more exaggerated as he went up each note. He ended on a very strained falsetto.

People laughed and JC and Lance kissed.

Joey sat down. "Now that should change the subject."

Chris leaned close, "Sorry, Joey. Too gay again?"

"You should know but no. We are in public."

Chris smiled, "We're with relatives. That is not in public."

"Not completely," Lance chuckled. "But we should be change the subject." He elbowed JC. "Right, husband?"

"Yes, husband." JC elbowed Lance. "We don`t want to make our friends and family uneasy."

Joey was lifting his fork but he lifted his head. "Too late." Joey continued eating.

Lance pushed his plate away. "Okay, now for our duty. JC, you take that side of the room and I will take the other. We'll meet in the middle."

"But Lance. . ."

"Look your relatives are over there and mine are altogether over there. You talk to my relatives and I will talk to yours. We'll be done faster."

"And your relatives don't want to talk to you?"

"They said their say at the ceremony." Lance smiled. Those green eyes sparkled. "Trust me."


They headed off.

JC had just barely said a word with one of Lance's cousins when three people stood up and sang, "You're all I ever wanted. You're all I ever needed. So tell me what to do now `cause I want you back."

JC and Lance crossed the room to each other. They kissed. They then parted and went back to their relative corners.

A few minutes later came, "God must have spent a little more time on you."

Lance and JC started the walk to each other, a kiss, clapping, they separated again and they made they way back to either sides of the pavilion.

Five minutes later JC's mother stood up, "Every word I say are true. This I promise you."

The lovers made their trudge across the room.

JC sighed, "My own mother."

They kissed.

As the people clapped Lance whispered. "I can't believe they wait until we are so far apart to get us to come all the way across the room just to kiss."

Both of them looked from face to face. They nodded.

"Okay, from now on we go everywhere together."


JC asked, "And your son Nathan how is he?"

"He's just got a job in. . ."

A group started to sing. "I need love. We need love. We all really need love."

Lance sighed, "They like to use our own songs don't they?"

JC smiled. "I don't mind."

They kissed and the guests clapped.

JC turned back to his relative. "Sorry."

They were all looking away then they turned back. "Our son Nathan is doing fine." Nothing more was added.

After an awkward pause Lance finished. "Well, it is nice to see you again. Thanks for coming." He grabbed JC's elbow and walked off.

He leaned close to JC. "I thought they'd all be supportive."

"They are doing what they can do."

"They couldn't even look at us kissing." Lance hissed.

"And when have two men kissing in public been welcomed."

"But it is our wedding, ah ceremony, ah, damn. It's supposed to be about our love."

JC leaned a little on Lance, "They are trying their best. We're breaking new ground here."

"Oh, face the fact, JC, I was right. They're here because they felt like they needed to be here for family reasons. We don't enter into it."

"Oh, no?" JC smiled at Lance, "Even just that they are here? They may be uncomfortable but they are learning. There is no hatred here just unease." JC brushed Lance's chin, "I'll take that any day."

Lance noticed a commotion at the door. "What's happening?"

Their mothers were there talking to people. JC and Lance approached.

"JC, Lance, please go back to circulating. We`ll handle this."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong."

JC pushed passed. Once outside he saw the group of fans standing at the edge of the parking lot with large bed sheets on posts. When he saw nothing else he started back in side. Then he saw a flash of sign behind the fans. He turned to his mother.

She snapped, "Stupid protesters picketing a wedding, ah, ceremony. I am sorry you had to see this."

As Lance stepped up to see JC said. "And fans are blocking them from us like before."

"You have such great fans."

JC nodded, "Yes, we do." He paused. He looked along the wall of the pavilion. There were large wooden doors spaced regularly along the side of the building. JC turned to his mother. "Have them open the doors."


"It's a warm day. Let's let some fresh air in."

"But they can see in." Lance's mother added.

Lance got what JC was about. "So let them. Maybe they will see the truth." Lance cocked his head, "Mom, I think we missed a few people on that invitation list."

Lance's mother smiled, "Go ahead, dear. There is even some food left over."

Lance took hold of JC's hand. Lance nodded across the parking lot, "Do you fancy a few more guests?"

"I only fancy you but I get your meaning."

Together they walked across the parking lot.

"Wouldn't you know, Brian Wilson is leading the way."

One of the fans with a sheet on a post was Brian.

Brian said, "This is your day. I, we didn't want it soured by the likes of them." Brian nodded over his shoulder.

Lance smiled. "Forget them. Come. Come to the party."

"You mean us?"

JC grinned, "Sure why not? This is for family and friends."

"But what about them?" Brian again nodded at the protesters.

"They're invited too if they want." JC raised his voice, "All people are welcome. If they don't want to, let them stand here." JC smiled. "Inside is a celebration of love." JC didn't say anything else.

"You mean that?" Brian asked.

"Even the neigh Sayers can't dampen our spirits today. Please, come in. There is even some food left over."

JC and Lance ushered their fans into the pavilion.

JC and Lance returned to talking to their relatives.

"Excuse us."

Lance turned around. "Uncle Marvin, Aunt Gwen."

Aunt Gwen elbowed her husband. He blurted out. "We have to get going. It was a wonderful service and a great reception."

"You're not staying for the dancing?"

Aunt Gwen looked at her fingernails. "We have another engagement to go to."

"You can come back. The party runs until midnight."

Uncle Marvin glanced hopefully at his wife.

Her voice was sharp. "No, I'm afraid that is out of the question."

"Are you sure Aunt Gwen?"

"We must leave now. Come on, Marvin." Aunt Gwen strode off.

Uncle Marvin acted nervous but he didn`t want to be rude. "Best wishes to both of you. Goodbye." He shook their hands. "I'd like to stay. I enjoy a dance."


"Coming, Dear." He turned on his heel and was gone.

Soon another relative came up to the pair.

"You're leaving, too?" Lance asked, "I'm sorry we never got the chance to talk. We're almost up to you."

"Sorry, something came up." A quick hand shake and they were gone.

Soon more relatives came up to say their farewells.

Lance could understand it. If they were as tired as he was. Plus it was the general rule once one relative left the exodus started.

Finally JC and Lance had to sit down and rest their feet. Lance's mother came over.

"Poor dears, you must be tired. You rest a bit."

Lance`s father walked up in a huff. "I don't believe it. Just because there were rumors of reporters."

Lance's mother waved a warning, "Sh!"

"I mean really. This isn't a big enough event for reporters so even if they did show up big deal. They are family, you know, but fine let them go."

Lance's mother turned and gave a big fake smile at Lance, "So did you like the food. The potatoes were a little salty but. . ."

Lance raised an eyebrow, "Mom?"

JC's eyes narrowed. "What are you talking about?"

"It's just silly talk."

Lance looked around. He then realized that most of his relatives were the ones that had left.

"I know Baptists are strict but surely they could stay for some dancing."

Both parents said nothing but looked very guilty.

Lance noticed Brian and his friends sitting at a table eating.

"They're not upset about the gates crashers?"

"Not those anyway," Lance's father answered.

Lance slowly turned and gazed out the large doors in the wall that had been opened. The small group of protesters could easily been seen.

Lance's mother looked sheepish. "Maybe we shouldn't have opened those doors. Out of sight. . ."

JC gaped, "You mean they left because of the pickets?"

"Some Baptists are very conservative." Lance explained. "It is one thing to come to a ceremony like this. It is another for another conservative religious group to see you at one." Lance shrugged. "Well, they came and they stayed as long as they could. It's progress."

"It's rude," Lance's father added.

"Well," JC said, "You'd never expect a protest at a wedding reception or to be singled out by attending one. I sort of understand why they left."

"Well, I don't." Lance's mother crossed her arms.

"You did once," Lance put in. He got up and hugged his mother. "Not all our relatives are as adaptable as you."

She smiled. "Thank you, Lance." She patted Lance's cheek. "Oh, well, they're going to miss a fantastic dance."

JC hugged Lance's parents. "Now that's the attitude."

"Excuse me," It was Brian. "I sort of over heard. We can go back outside."

"Nonsense," JC chuckled, "Ignore them. I want you and your friends to have a great time."

"Ah, about that. . ." Brian nervously looked at the floor.

JC got it. "Call anyone you want."

Brian beamed. 'Really?"

"The more the merrier."

Lance's mother put in. "Just try to limit it to about 20 or so."

"Oh, it will be easily under that." Brian almost ran off.

Lance's father smiled. "It's going to mean so much to them to be here. Now I see why you do this. Your fans are so great."

"They're the best fans in the world."

The protesters outside watched at the guests left. They felt a surge of pride. They had frightened them off or at least had them uneasy about attending this function. Over the next few hours they felt their triumph growing. That is until the cars starting arriving. Soon the pavilion was full of people dancing and laughing. No one even noticed the small group with signs outside. The sun hadn't even gone down before they gave up and went home. Relatives were one thing but good friends were another.

Cindy Chris's girlfriend sighed. "It must have been a very beautiful ceremony."

"Yeah," Chris replied, "You would have cried your eyes out."

Joey's girlfriend, Debbie nodded. "I wish we could have been there."

"Well, they had to draw the line somewhere." Joey explained. "It was an outdoor service but we still couldn't fit everybody who wanted to come."

"That's okay," Cindy said, "This is going to be a blast anyway."

Lance and JC walked close by.

"Oh, the happy couple," Cindy started tapping on her glass. "Come on, show us a kiss."

Chris grabbed her hand. "Sorry, new rules. I forgot to brief you. You have to do this. Joey?"

Joey gave a loud whistle. The room grew quiet.

"Thanks," Chris thought for a moment. "I know." He sang, "Oh, I wish I were an Oscar Mayer wiener. That is what I truly want to be. For if I was an Oscar Mayer wiener everyone would be in love with me." Chris bowed.

"You're supposed to sing a love song," Joey snapped.

"The word 'Love' was in it." Chris protested. "If there is another definition of a love song, I don't want to hear it." He turned away.

Lance and JC walked up on both sides of Chris. "Okay, Chris, you'll get your kiss."

Lance and JC leaned in to Chris and each kissed a cheek.

"Yuck!" Chris wiped his face. "She wanted the kiss not me. I mean, Cindy wanted to see you two kiss."

"Okay, my pleasure." JC took hold of Lance and dipped him all the while kissing him. They held the kiss for several moments.

"Ah, that is sweet."

Chris grabbed a napkin, "You would think so." He scrubbed at his cheek. "I need some alcohol."

Cindy pointed. "There's the bar."

Chris rubbed harder on his cheek. "I mean for disinfectant."

JC and Lance stood up.

"That is so romantic," Debbie added.

Chris looked accusingly at Cindy. "Are you two in cahoots with them?" He gestured at Lance and JC. "I swear these gay guys are trying to turn Joey and me gay and you're helping them."

She stood up, "Nonsense," She took Chris's hand and kissed him.

"Finally," Joey said, "Some good old fashioned hetero lip action. It's been kind of one sided around here today."

"Well, duh," Debbie put in.

Joey asked her, "Are you going to keep me on the straight path?"

"You bet I am," Joey got a kiss, too.

"Ugh," Lance gave a fake shutter, "I don't how they can do that."

"Come on," JC chuckled. "We have people to meet. Enjoy yourselves. The band should start in a few minutes.

JC and Lance walked off.

The band was ready to start.

One singer went to the mike. "Since this is the first dance can we have the honored couple on the dance floor please?"

Lance and JC walked to the middle of the dance floor.

"This is from Jefferson Starship and dedicated to you two."

The band started to play and the lead man and woman began to sing the duet. JC and Lance took each other in their arms and danced.

"Lookin' in your eyes I see a paradise

This world that I've found is too good to be true

Standin' here beside ya, want so much to give you

This love in my heart that I'm feelin' for you

Let 'em say we're crazy, I don't care about that

Put your hand in my hand, baby, don't ever look back

Let the world around us just fall apart

Baby, we can make it if we're heart-to-heart

And we can build this dream together

Standing strong forever

Nothing's gonna stop us now

And if this world runs out of lovers

We'll still have each other

Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us now

I'm so glad I found you, I'm not gonna lose you

Whatever it takes, I will stay here with you

Take you to the good times, see you through the bad times

Whatever it takes is what I'm gonna do

Let 'em say we're crazy, what do they know?

Put your arms around me, baby, don't ever let go

Let the world around us just fall apart

Baby, we can make it if we're heart-to-heart

And we can build this dream together

Standing strong forever

Nothing's gonna stop us now

And if this world runs out of lovers

We'll still have each other

Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us, ooh

All that I need is you

All that I ever need

All that I want to do

Is hold you forever, forever and ever

And we can build this dream together

Standing strong forever

Nothing's gonna stop us now

And if this world runs out of lovers

We'll still have each other

Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us

Build this dream together

Standing strong forever

Nothing's gonna stop us now

And if this world runs out of lovers

We'll still have each other

Nothing's gonna stop us now

And we can build this dream together

Standing strong forever

Nothing's gonna stop us now

And if this world runs out of lovers

We'll still have each other

Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us now.

After they clapped JC and Lance waved the people onto the dance floor.

As they danced to the next number JC said to Lance, "I know this is a redundant question but it is a mandatory one, 'Are you happy, Lance?'"

"Happy?" Lance looked down. "Can't you see? My feet are not even on the ground."

"You're lucky. After 5 hours I can barely raise mine off the ground."

"We could sit down."

"Nah, I am sort of joking. I'm tired only if I think about it. But it is a blissful sort of tired."

Lance grinned, "I can get your mind off being tired." Lance pressed close and placed his hand to the front of JC's pants.

JC pulled back, "Now, Lance, behave. Kissing is one think making out in front of people is another."

"We can take a walk the woods."

"We have guests. Besides I've seem several couples disappear that direction already."

Lance looked shocked, "You're kidding."

JC smiled, "It's our fault. The love in this room is overpowering them."

"Like Justin and Peter?"

"Something like that."

"So no quickie?"

"I'd be afraid of stains on our tuxes. Besides we only have a couple more hours before we have to leave for the airport."

"Hm," Lance lay his head on JC, "And then all those days of being only with you."

"Nights yes, days I am not so sure of."

"So now I know you didn't book us on a deserted island."

"Well, we do need a cute cabana boy to clean and cook for us."

"Okay, I give up. I can wait."

"Not for much longer, Lance."

"Hm, I don't mind. I like dancing with you."

"This is nice."

Lance started chuckling.


"You know at every wedding reception I've been to I've seen two women dancing together. It's about time we men get a chance."

"You never know, Lance. Maybe we're turning the tide."

"Well, at least we're getting our feet wet." Lance looked at JC. "I love waves washing against me feet." He kept looking at JC.

"Lance," JC chuckled. "I'm not telling you where we're going. You'll have to just wait."

"Oh, rats."

JC gave Lance a kiss. "I'm not being mean I want it to be a surprise. Like you do."

"Okay, truce." Lance laid his head back on JC. "It doesn't really matter as long as I am with you."


Lance chuckled, "Okay, but having you there will make anything much better."

"Now that I agree with."

They kissed then continued dancing.

Peter turned to see a member of 98 Degrees, "Justin."

"I'd like you to meet Emily, my girlfriend."

Peter shook her hand. "It's nice to meet you. So you like 98 Degrees?"

She nudged Justin, "Well, at least one of them."

"So do I," Peter caught himself. "I mean their music."

"Nonsense," Justin smiled. "I am the thin guy of the group. The rest of the guys are 100% beefcake."

"But you have such a good voice," Peter added. "When I was young we had a record of the Robert Shaw Chorale doing sea chanties, you know sailors songs. I loved listening to them. And Thurl Ravenscroft, he did the singing in the "Grinch". I love the male bass voices." Peter glanced at Justin's girlfriend. "Oh, I am sorry."

She took Justin's arm, "Don't be, I totally agree with you. Muscles are one thing voice is another. Of course, you do have another Justin."

"Not in the same league. His voice is much higher and his body. . ." Peter stopped himself, "Not that your body is bad. At least your girl friend must like it. Oh, damn."

Justin's Nick walked up before Peter could get his foot any deeper into his mouth.

"Have you seen Drew and Jeff?"

"Not for a while." Justin answered.

Peter stepped forward, "Nick, it's nice to see you again," They shook hands.


Peter pried his eyes of Nick's chest. He looked up in to those blue eyes and dimples. Peter's brain elbowed him 'say something!'

"Where's your girlfriend, Jessica?"

"Around somewhere. I need to find my brother and Jeff."

"Well, there are no rooms for them to be alone so they must be outside."

Nick gave Peter's shoulder a friendly slap. "Thanks." He headed off.

"He really doesn't think that Jeff and Drew. . ." Peter stopped. There was a woman present.

She surprised Peter. "You never know with those two. They came without girlfriends." She burst out laughing. "Hey, I made a joke."

"So you know?"

Justin answered Peter, "Everyone who knows them knows."

"Well," Peter added, "At least they have a healthy sex life."

"Healthy, yes, tactful, no." Justin replied.

"But, oh, do we envy them. Two hot studs doing the nasty." She shook her hand, "Rowr."

Peter looked surprised at Emily then burst out laughing.

Justin soon followed. "It's all those muscles. Little blood left for the brain."

Emily took Justin's hand. "That's what I like you about you, your brain."

"Thanks, I think."

"No, Justin. You are so kind and caring. You have all the character you don't need muscles."

Justin smiled. "That's what I have always thought. Who needs muscles?"

Peter rolled his eyes and turned away.

"Drew! Jeff, where are you off to?"

"Just a walk in the woods, bro," answered Drew.

"With a party going on?"

"Just wanted some fresh air," Jeff replied, "Nothing else."

"Okay," Nick said, "I'm sorry. Be back soon. I think the worst when you two are away but after that poison ivy incident I should have nothing to fear. Just remember that anything you do can reflect on JC and Lance. It is their party after all. Remember that."

Jeff clicked his tongue. "We were just going for a walk."

"I know, I said I was sorry," Nick turned and went back inside.

"I forgot about the poison ivy," said Drew.

"We itched for days," added Jeff.

"Do you want to check out the female guests instead?"

"I think that may be wiser. It is after dark and we won't see what we are doing."

"You've never needed light before." Drew grinned.

Jeff pulled Drew close, "I can slip my screwdriver into the slot of your screw anytime."

"Hm, so can I."

"Hey, that is only some of the time."

"Hey," Drew took Jeff's chin, "We're just fuck buddies. No offense meant."

"Of course, buddies." Jeff chucked Drew's chin, "Let's check out the female action."

They went back inside.

Justin and Peter were dancing.

"I do love a waltz."

Justin smiled. "Well, you taught us. Besides they choose the music because they knew there would be older people here."

Peter frowned. "I'll try not to take that too personal."

"You are a young pup compared to them."

Peter smiled. "Thank you."

"If not in body at least in mind."

"Bitch," Peter whispered.

"But I love you just the same."

"Forgiven." Peter wanted to lay his head on Justin's shoulder but thought better of it.

A hand appeared on Justin's shoulder.

"May I cut in?" Britney asked.

Justin looked at Peter.

Peter shrugged. "Sure."

Both Peter and Justin were surprised as Britney took Peter's hands and waltzed off.

"Oh, damn, now I have to lead."

Britney chuckled, "Oh, stop, you dance very well leading or not." Britney saw the beads of sweat appear on Peter's forehead. "Still not comfortable around me."

"I know there is a truce but yes, I am nervous. You and Justin were. . ."

Britney raised her hand. "Sh. I have conceded. The best girl has won."

Peter camped it up, "That's girlfriend to you, Missy."

Britney laughed. "Okay, girlfriend." Britney paused. She looked up into Peter`s face, "and are you mine?"

Peter saw the truth in her words. "Okay, girlfriends."

"Good. We need to talk. How about out there?"

There was a door leading to an outdoor patio. It was an open area without people around.


They stepped out into the air. Peter started to chuckle.

"All those fairy tales when the newly met couple dance and then go outside to be romantic and here I am with a woman. This is just not the way I thought it would be."

"I'll send Justin out later."

"Nah, this is JC and Lance's night. We'll have our moment after." Peter took a breath. "This isn't about Justin, is it?"

"No, this is about you."


Britney looked very serious. "Yes, you are Justin's lover now. That comes with some responsibility to his fans."

"I don't want to come between Justin and his fans. I am very contented to be. . ."

"On the sidelines," Britney finished, "I know, but I don't approve of what you are doing."

Peter turned, "What does it have to do with you? Didn't you once say I was bad for Justin's image?"

"Justin's out now so you are a given, but you can still be bad for Justin if you don't change."

"Justin likes me the way I am."

"Oh, don`t be so sure. In any case the fans want to see someone who is worthy of Justin."

"What?" Peter was starting to get mad. "Justin loves me the way I am. I don't care what the fans think."

"Well you should. I heard your radio interview. Peter, you're not on the sidelines you're in the shadows and you don't deserve to be."

This sent Peter's brain reeling. "What are you talking about?"

"This thing with Welks, you down played your role in that. Peter, you were at the core of what happened. You deserve the credit."

Peter was trying to get his thoughts together. This turn in Britney was confusing.

"And I've done some other checking. Take for example your part with the Wilson family. You helped both the son and the father come to grips with being gay not to mention finding the son when he ran away. I also found out about Kevin's depression and you finding the little girl's stuffed rabbit."

Peter began to feel embarrassed. "Who told you?"

"NSYNC, of course then I checked in with Backstreet and John."

"I'm sorry, Britney but why are you being so nice? I mean I know you realized how much Justin cares for me when you saw him sobbing. This is just too unexpected."

Britney turned and stepped a bit away. "Peter, this was more than me seeing Justin breakdown when you were in the coma. Maybe it was even more than having Justin read me the riot act. I made up my mind that I was to take care of Justin and see after his career if he wouldn't. I always thought I could protect Justin. I even did everything I could to protect Justin from you." Britney clutched her hands. "Then the subpoena came. I didn't know it at the time but Welks wanted to use me to get to Justin. I was completely in his power. For the first time I was a danger to Justin and his career and there was nothing I could do about it. I have never felt so helpless in my life. I realized then I couldn't protect Justin as well as I thought. You and the lawyers protected Justin very well. Now I was the danger. All the hazards to Justin's career I had ever feared from the outside were now transferred to me." Britney`s hands fell to her side. "If Justin hadn't come out I would have been forced to out him. Welks would have won. In all my grand schemes of protecting Justin I would have been the one who would have destroyed him and his career." Britney fell silent.

Peter went over and placed a hand on Britney's shoulder.

After a moment she continued. "Lately I did something I should have done a long time ago. I found out about you. The things you've done since you have been with NSYNC. I was forced to admit that I have been seeing you more as a rival than a person. And there was one more big thing I had to do that was very difficult." Britney turned and took Peter's hand. "Peter, you are worthy of Justin. And everything that Justin has done after he met you proves it." Britney smiled, "But you're no slouch in your own right. You are so caring and helpful. Stop being so wishy-washy and take credit for all you do. You mean so much to Justin and the others. You have a large caring heart. Show the fans that. Show the fans the whole man that Justin Timberlake fell in love with."

"But I love just Justin."

"Peter, Justin Timberlake comes with the deal. You have to deal with that was well."

Peter looked at the floor and nodded.

"Show them what we all know. You are a man that even I have come to respect."


"Give me a break will you. I'm not that much of a bitch. Well, I can be." "You were looking out for Justin."

"I know, but my best judgment was blinded by my ambition. Although nothing I could do could dent your armor."

"That's not true. You had me black and blue a few times. You are a very formidable woman."

"You mean spoiled."

"I don't believe that."

Britney frowned, "See that is one maddening thing about you, you are so fucking understanding." She lightly slapped Peter's shoulder. "You're like those blow-up standing punching bags. You knock them down and they pop up for more. You really made the battle no fun, I hope you know. No claws or hair pulling. Now that is a fight."

Peter shrugged, "What can I say, I'm a sissy boy. But there was once that I thought you had won. That party with Justin showing so much cleavage."

Britney chuckled, "He looked so sexy."

"Yes, he did. I'm sure you looked like the perfect couple."

"I thought it was my greatest triumph," Britney looked down, "And that is where I lost him. You took care of him when he was sick while I stayed to party."

"Well, celebrity never thinks about someone getting ill. It's always perfect health, perfect clothes and perfect decorations."

Britney suddenly looked up, "Peter, are you and Justin . . ?"

"We have safe sex. Justin has now tested clean so we don't have to bother anymore."

Britney smiled. "I'm glad. So now you can really feel one another."

Peter blushed, "Please, Britney, it can't be easy for you."

"Like I said, the best person won. You may be even better for Justin than I am, was. I was always pushing. I'd have probably pushed him away for good."

"But you meant well. You were just too impatient."

"Meaning what?"

"Look the next album JC and Justin are producing and writing. Justin has never done that before. It's a new experience but he will learn from it. Then maybe, who knows. As much as I'd like to think it, NYSNC may not last forever." Peter turned to Britney. "With the experience of producing this next album Justin may feel more confident if the other guys weren't around for an album, if you see what I mean."

Britney was shocked. "Then you agree with me about Justin going solo?"

"About the ends not the means." Peter turned around and looked at the sky. "I'd like Justin to make that choice on his own when he is ready. Sort of like his coming out. That surprised even me but he made that decision." Peter turned back to Britney. "Do you see that? Justin will succeed going solo only if he has the knowledge to do so. Right now he doesnt, but in time. He mustnt be rushed into it."

Britney nodded. "I was wrong. You do see what Justin can become."

"When he is ready."

"And what about you?"


Britney looked serious. "When you are involved in something like the trial of Reverend Welks take the credit. Do it humbly if you have to, but stop down playing it. You can't have the fan's thinking that Justin's lover can't handle a little gratitude now and then. Be proud of the things you have done and show them that."

"But I don't want to be like Justin was and have people think that I. . ."

"Have an ego?!" Britney laughed. "Trust me, Peter, you can never have an ego problem."

Peter almost looked hurt.

"It's against your very nature. Besides Justin would never allow you to get that way." She brushed off imaginary dust Peter's shoulder. "Show the fans you are proud of all you've done. Justin is."

"I never thought of that. When I downplay my role to it must look like I am sort of downplaying Justin's pride in me."

"Exactly. Will you try?"

"Yeah, for Justin and for you."


"You do look out for Justin and you are very close friends."

Britney pressed up against Peter and kissed his cheek. She pulled back. "Anything?"


"Damn. There goes the threesome idea."

As Peter and Britney walked back into the pavilion Britney put her arm around Peter.

"I'm glad we worked things out."

"Hold it."

Peter and Britney looked up at the photographer. The flash went off.

"I want a copy of that one." Britney smiled.

Peter nudged her. "For your dart board?"

"Peter, stop that."

Justin was passing and skidded to a stop, "Okay, why am I nervous about this?"

Britney laughed. "I'm not trying to steal him away. We've just talked things over."

"Yep," Peter smirked. "She buried the hatchet." He showed his back to Justin. "You can't see the handle anymore can you?"

Britney gave Peter a slight slap on the shoulder.

"Okay, okay," Peter smiled, "We're officially girlfriends."

"Well, I for one am very relieved." Justin kissed Britney's cheek.

"Ahem," Peter glared at Justin.

"And one for you too," He kissed Peter.

"That's better."

Chris walked by with his girlfriend in tow. "Come on. This is a dance so dance."

They followed Chris onto the dance floor.

Howie walked up to the table where JC and Lance were sitting.

He extended his hand. "I haven't been able to say congratulations. I'm so happy for you two."

Lance stood up, "A handshake? That will never due." He hugged Howie. "That is much better."

JC got up and hugged Howie. "Thanks for the warm wishes." JC glanced at Lance waiting. He didn't have to wait long.

"So how are you and Kevin doing?"

"Fine, just fine."

Lance frowned, "Just 'fine'?"

"Well, it is compared to you two, out, engaged and now married? You have us so beat."

"You'll get there."

Howie nodded and smiled. "Yeah, I know. It really is nice. Who could knock being Kevin's lover and it is better than dating."

Lance looked more worried.

Howie noticed and laughed. "Okay, it's been wonderful and the sex is so hot. Better?"

Lance smiled, "Better. You do mean that?"

"Yes," Howie chuckled. "It's been better than even I thought it might be. We're a good match."

Lance gave Howie a pat on the back, "Great, you certainly deserve it."

Just at that moment Kevin approached.

"I was just greeting the happy couple." Howie explained.

"Well, one of them at least," Kevin teased as he put his arm around Howie. "Come on, I am not going to miss the opportunity to dance with you." He turned to JC and Lance. "If you will excuse us?"

Lance beamed, "Go right ahead. Enjoy yourselves."

"But Kevin, they all will know we're a couple."

"Nonsense, everybody is dancing with everybody. And if they do guess big deal. There is no press here just friends. Unless you don't want to?"

"Of course, I do. I guess I am just nervous."

"Come on," Kevin took Howie's hand, "I'll give you courage."

They walked out to the dance floor.

JC thought, "Four, three, two, one."

"Do you think Howie and Kevin will get married?"

JC smiled to himself. "As much as Peter and Justin."

Lance wrinkled his nose. "Justin doesn't strike me as the marrying kind."

"Well, you asked. But if they had any kind of panache they would."

"You had the good taste to ask me."

"What can I say? You won me over I had to."

They kissed.

"Do you want to dance?"

JC sighed, "Give me a minute."

"Okay, but we should leave soon if we're going to get to the airport."

"I have everything under control. We'll have plenty of time."

Nick Carter was watching the dancers when he spotted Peter and a younger boy coming off the dance floor.

"I'm sorry, Brian, this old fart has to sit down for a while. You tire me out."

"Fine, go and rest those old bones. I still have my dance on."

"Go ahead, enjoy yourself."

Brian disappeared back in the crowd of dancers. As Peter sat at a table Nick came over.

"Nick, nice to see you. How are you doing?"

"Fine, just fine. A friend of yours?"

"Yeah, Brian Wilson. I'm mentoring him."

"Is that what they are calling it now? Justin doesn't mind you with a younger man?"

"He's dancing with the rest of them. Brian called his friends from Galaxy. They're having a blast. Ah, you here with anybody?" Peter wiggled his eyebrows.

"Yeah, she's around somewhere.


"I'm taking Hugh's advice and playing the field."

"But with a female?" Peter joked.

"It is one of my options, remember?"

"It's not just because. . ."

"Of what happened? Nah. I'm just doing what I know best. It's simpler for now."

"And you want to put Hugh into some mental distance?"

"How do you know? I thought he only. . ."

"He did. But I know Hugh and have heard stories. He must be very thorough."

Nick sighed, "He was, baby, he was."

Peter laughed. "So you will be having a good night."

"Not necessarily. I may say 'no' tonight."

"Really, that is a change."

"Just because I am Nick Carter doesn't mean I have sex with everybody I date. I give them as much of me as I want to."

"Good for you."

"I just hope she understands."

"Nick, you're a sex god. As a sex god you do have the power to grant favors to whomever you wish. But I suppose you do have to worry about the media."

"Are you kidding? Girls who sleep with me don't run to the media they run to their friends. Either way they no one believes them."

"Then you are lucky."

"Nick, you little bastard!"

Peter looked up. AJ came over to the table,

"You made such light of what happened yet you run to see Peter. I knew you believed me."

"I am just talking to Peter," Nick stressed, "And I haven't told him anything."

"Really?" AJ looked surprised. "Not even that someone was rummaging through Brian's underwear and Peter could have been right. It could have been John's secretary."

"AJ, leave it, please!"

Peter wanted to ask what happened but he didn't want to go against Nick. AJ however was too excited.

"We get back from rehearsing and there are all our gym bags on the floor and guess who was the last person in the room. John's secretary."

"AJ, this is pure speculation."

"Well, Brian knew his gym bag has been rifled."

"How?" Peter wished he hadn't said anything as Nick glared at him.

"His underwear. It was all messed up."

"Well, if the gym bags had fallen on the floor."

"But someone must have put the clothes back badly in Brian's case."


AJ was smirking. Nick shook his head.

"Go ahead and tell him."

"Nick folds his underwear." He almost snickered.


"In thirds?"

Peter was beginning to agree with Nick. "I don't see what this has to do with anything."

"We all put our gym bags on the table. Somehow it got tipped over and Brian's bag gets a royal going though. His clothes were all messed up."

"It could have fallen over and the others didn`t." Peter was unconvinced. "Whoever put them back didn't know Brian's neatness."

"When we were rehearsing John`s secretary was the last person we saw close to that room."

"What are you three talking about?" Justin asked as he approached the table.

"Brian's underwear." AJ smiled.

"Enough of dancing?" Peter asked.

Justin sighed and flopped down in a chair. "Those kids can wear a person out."

"About Brian's underwear," AJ added.

There was a loud chord from the band.

"Attention please. The happy couple are about to leave. Let's give them a good send off."

Nick was relieved.

AJ was annoyed. "We'll have to talk about this later."

"Are you still rehearsing?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, for a few more days."

"I have two phone interviews I have to do at John's. Maybe we can arrange a time and I can hear about the details then."

Joey and Chris came up. "Everyone outside. We have to see the happy couple off. Well, drive off, I mean leave." Chris shook his head. "In the right text every word is sort of sex related."

They headed for the door.

Nick took Peter aside. "You really don't have to do this. AJ's imagination is playing up again."

"Well, then talking about it might convince him otherwise."

"But this is John's place. I can't think of someone stalking us."

Peter took Nick's arm, "Then there is nothing to fear, is there. Whomever it is, if there is a person that is they are probably harmless. Just someone infatuated with you guys. I for one don't blame them. Or it could just be a practical joke. You know one of the younger groups."

Nick thought for a while. "I never thought of that."

"I didn't either, but with you and NSYNC under the same roof?"

Nick chuckled. "A practical joke does seem like the answer."

"Like you said this is John's place. No one else could get in. Not on a regular basis."

Nick sighed, "I am relieved."

"Then you did believe AJ."

Nick looked sheepish, "Somewhat, but of we can find out who is behind this I am going to pay them back so bad."

"Then I am so glad it is not me."

Nick narrowed his eyes. "I'm not so sure about that, Pete."

The cheering began to grow.

"Lance and JC are leaving, hurry!"

Lance entered their bedroom. JC followed.

"Hurry up, JC, the limo is waiting."

"He's loading the luggage."

"That too." Lance pulled off his tux coat. "To think we're going on our honeymoon." Lance removed his shirt. "I sorry, JC but I never would have believed it." Lance sat on the bed and removed his shoes and pants. "We're married. Well, sort of. When my sister got married I envied her. Going off with the man she loved and having lots of hot passionate sex." After removing his socks Lance stood up. "Now it's my turn."

JC's arms closed around Lance from behind. Lance could feel JC's skin warm against his.

JC had undressed very quickly.

Lance chuckled. "JC."

JC kissed Lance's neck and back.

He lightly slapped JC's hands. "Hand's off until later." Lance was turned around.

He was met with a passionate kiss from JC. JC's tongue pressed against Lance's lips.

Lance pushed back. "The chauffeur in waiting."

JC turned Lance's hand over and kissed the palm. "That's his job."

"We'll be late for our flight." Lance was grasping at straws. In truth his heart was pounding.

JC pulled Lance to him pressing hard against Lance's body.

"JC, please." Lance caught JC's look.

JC looked deep into Lance's eyes. "James." JC kissed Lance again. "Husband."

Lance saw the need in JC. What was more he felt the passion. Ever since JC had proposed he had dreamt of this moment. Not the honeymoon but this moment. Today they had made a vow, a spiritual vow. Now JC wanted to seal that with a physical vow. The physical covenant of their love for each other. JC's passion was taking control. Lance saw it in JC's eyes. Lance's passion began to match JC's.

JC's lips parted. "Plea. . "

Lance put his finger to JC's lips silencing him. "No begging," Lance smiled. He put his hand on JC`s cheek. "I do this willingly, husband." He kissed JC.

The passion of JC's kiss was almost overwhelming. JC's hands were every where caressing his lover. Lance couldn't remember JC in such a state. In no time Lance's underwear was off then JC laid Lance back onto the bed. Soon Lance felt his cock slip into JC's mouth and throat.

JC's noises alone turned Lance on. It reminded him of someone who hadn't eaten in a long time and then was shown a huge table of the most delicious food. JC was making the satisfying groans and moans of someone wanting more. Someone who was enjoying pleasure pure and simple. Lance looked up and saw JC looking up at him. Lance groaned happily and JC doubled his effort.

JC let everything that was pent up inside him loose. All day he had wanted Lance so bad. This day was a celebration of the spiritual/ emotional side of their relationship. How many times today did JC wish he could take Lance aside and just ravish him? JC wanted Lance so bad. Never had sucking Lance's cock felt so wonderful. JC wanted Lance to shoot down his throat. He wanted to feel Lance deep inside of him. Oh, hell, he wanted to feel Lance period.

JC pressed as hard as he could against Lance's hard cock with his lips and tongue. He wanted to get Lance off. He wanted to show Lance the physical equivalent of everything they have vowed to today. JC took Lance as deep into his mouth as he could. God, how he wanted Lance to shoot. He wanted to taste Lance's love for him. JC swallowed Lance's cock again.

If getting his cock sucked wasn't pleasure enough it was watching JC doing it. JC's pink soft lips felt so good caressing Lance's sensitive flesh but then there were JC's oh so blues eyes twinkling with delight at the pleasure he was causing Lance.

JC pulled back to suck on Lance's balls first one then he other. He kneaded with his tongue. Lance moaned happily. Then JC ran his tongue up the underside of the shaft, licked around the mushroom head before taking Lance back into his throat. Damn, JC loved sucking Lance off especially today. With all the emotions they had been through today JC had never felt such a physical need for Lance. He wanted, no, he needed to gave Lance all the pleasure he could give.

Lance laid his head back on the bed and grasped at the sheets. JC was making him feel so good. Lance was so turned on by JC's passions that he felt his climax getting close.


JC didn't hear or didn't want to hear. He wanted to lead Lance to the peak.

Suddenly JC's rhythm on Lance's cock stuttered. JC's groans rose in pitch. They grew into an almost falsetto "Hm, hm, hm, hm!"

Lance didn't have to be told. JC was cumming. JC was cumming while sucking Lance off!

"Oh, Josh!" The idea pushed Lance passed the edge. Lance's hips pushed his cock deep into JC's mouth. His cock pumped it's cum into JC's waiting throat.

Two bodies shook and trembled. Slowly they relaxed. JC let Lance's cock slip from his mouth. He stood up and leaned down to kiss Lance. After some minutes of the two tongue tango they parted.

Lance ran his hand over JC's cheek. "You came while sucking me."

JC smiled. "Now I know why it sets you off."

"It's such a joy."

JC's hand began to stroke Lance's cock. He wanted Lance to stay hard. "Ready for more joy?" Lance could feel the lube on JC's hand. JC wanted more.

Lance just nodded.

JC applied more lube to his asshole then straddled Lance. He lowered himself down onto Lance.

There was a little resistance then Lance felt his cock slide into JC's warm tight insides.

JC tipped his head back. "Oh, James, yes!"

That name sent excitement racing through Lance. He thrust back for all he was worth. JC's head rolled about on his shoulders. His eyes were closed but his face flushed with pleasure.

Just when Lance was about to say something to attract JC's attention JC's eyes opened. They locked on Lance's. JC leaned down and their lips pressed together.

"Oh, lover!"

"Husband," Lance corrected.

JC took Lance into his arms. He lay his head was along side Lance's. "Hm, husband, don't stop. You feel so good." JC drew a breath as a plunge of Lance's cock into him sent a surge of pleasure rushing through JC's body.

Lance relished JC in his arms. His body was so warm holding him so close. Okay, and his cock was plunging so deep inside JC's wonderful tight ass.

They didn't say a word just ecstatic moans and groans. Lance forgot about the chauffeur and the airport. JC was in his arms and they were making love. This was all that he wanted. Well, okay, there was one other thing that Lance began to want.

After some time JC sat up still riding Lance's cock. His hard cock slapped against Lance's stomach as JC bounced. Lance's cock seemed to reach so deep inside of him. He had wanted so to feel this close to Lance all day. But this would mean one other thing for Lance. As much as JC would have loved to cum with Lance inside of him he had to think of Lance. Besides they had plenty of time later. This moment had to be meaningful for both of them. One glance at Lance's face and he knew. Those pleading green eyes never lied.

Lance's mouth opened. JC's finger was at his lips.

"No begging. I do this willingly." JC started to get off Lance.

Lance's hands took JC's. "No lover, ah, husband, ah, JC," After a moment of confusion Lance smiled. "No, Josh. This is your moment. See it through."

What JC had taken for Lance's pleading eyes was Lance realizing that this was JC finishing what they had begun today. As much as Lance wanted to switch off he wouldn't do it. This meant so much to JC. JC needed /wanted this connection. Lance wanted this to end this way for JC.

"But you like. . ." JC began.

"I know what I like. We have days to do what I like. You proposed. We're now married. You probably thought of this moment all day. Enjoy it. It's my wedding gift to you. Do you like it?"

JC leaned down and took Lance into his arms he held him as close as he could. "James, I do love you so." JC sat up and winked, "Husband."

Lance thrust up hard driving his cock deep in JC. JC shut his eyes and gasped. His face flushed with pleasure. Lance was turned on all the more watching JC in ecstasy and Lance was the cause.

JC leaned back down and held Lance close. They kissed. They held the kiss.

Lucky for them the climb to the brink had already started to happen. Otherwise they would have suffocated. JC finally pulled away. He kept his face next to Lance's.

Lance heard the sounds he knew so well. JC started stroking himself.

"Oh, oh, OH!"

Lance felt JC tense up. His body went rigid then shook and trembled. "Oh, James!"

JC's ass clamped around Lance's cock as JC came. He could feel JC's hot cum on his stomach. That was the end of Lance. One thrust of his hips and Lance's came as well. JC's breath was hot on Lance's ear. His groaning and moaning was loudly close. Lance pulled JC close to him. It was such a wonderful sensation coming in your lover's arms.

They lay together panting for some time. Then JC turned his head and they kissed and kissed and kissed.

"Ah, JC?" Lance finally managed to say.

"Yes, lover?"

"Our flight?"

JC sat up. "Of course," He looked at the clock. "We still have time."

"Ah, Josh?"


Lance smiled so warmly, "Thank you."

JC put his hand on Lance's face. "No, thank you. I was going to finish by doing you, you know."

"I know, I appreciate it but not tonight."

"You knew?"

Lance smiled. "No astral stuff. I just knew this was your moment. I can wait for mine."

"I knew I loved you for a reason." JC stood up. "We need to get ready. The chauffeur is waiting."

"Like you said it is his job."

JC kissed Lance, "Within limits."

They got cleaned up and then dressed.

"Boy, do I love you gay men."

"What?" Lance asked the chauffeur.

"I have done lots of weddings. I end up sitting hour after hour as the honored couple has sex before they leave. That's what the honeymoon is for, right?" He raised his hands, "But I am only the hired help. You at least can wait for the honeymoon. I appreciate that."

JC squeezed Lance's knee.

"Oh, and don't feel constrained. I am very liberal. Kiss away if you want to. I'm not looking."

Lance looked eager.

JC whispered. "There may be a camera."

Lance settled for lying close to JC. "Well, at least our photos will be out there not anyone else's."

"I still think we should have let the guys and Peter choose. The photos will be back from the photographer before we will."

"Oh, no, JC, it was our service. I want only the best photos to be posted for our fans."

"Okay, but they will have to wait."

Lance grinned. "I am sure they can." Lance sighed. "Honeymoon here we come."

End Part 59

Any input. Any, please contact me through or Sorry it took so long . I hope it was worth it.

Next: Chapter 61

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