Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Feb 3, 2006


Here it is Part 60. Justin, sorry, just in time for Valentine's Day. What a better way to celebrate but to revel in Lance and JC's honeymoon. Okay, if you have a lover fine celebrate that way if you must. (Damn, do I need a life!)

Anywho, on to the CYB* stuff. (*Cover your butt)

This story is pure BS. Not a word of it in any way shape of form resembles real life of any on the characters especially those based of real life people. Real people-fake lives- Get it?! To this author's limited knowledge no one in NSYNC or Backstreet boys is gay, was gay or is going to be gay in the future. (But we can hope.) There will be descriptions of gay sex. Hot, passionate, better read with one hand free gay sex. So if that is the sort of thing that offends you stop reading now! Or if you need to read with both hands, well you must do what you must do.

So with that said (or typed) on with the story. Recap- Lance and JC have just started off on their honeymoon and the reception has finally winding down.

"That was some party."

"Do you need me to follow you home?"

"No, Justin, I think after all this time I can find my way." Peter gave Justin a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks anyway."

"Are you sure? You'll be all alone in that big house."

"Ill set the alarm. Ill be all right."

"Are you sure, sure?" Justin pressed back, "I've heard of dishonest people looking for wedding announcements to find out what houses will be vacant as the couple goes on their honeymoon."

"Justin, are you trying to scare me?"

"Not really, I just want you to be safe." Justin made with his pleading puppy eyes. "Are you sure you don't want me to sleep over?"

"Justin, how long did I live by myself in my apartment. I will be fine." Peter started to walk away. He stopped and turned back smiling. "Why would I get any intruders? There is still a guard outside at night."

Justin nodded sadly. Peter walked back to Justin.

"We have lots of time to take advantage of the empty house." He gave Justin a peck on the lips.

"Okay," Justin sighed, "It is just that all this romance today and I have to go home alone." Justin's shoulders slumped. "But don't you worry, I am fine with it."

Peter chuckled, "Okay, Justin, you can sleep over."

Justin turned and waved half heartedly, "No, you're just saying that. I know when I am not wanted."

"Well, if you don't want to sleep over can you send this," Peter patted Justin's butt. "That is welcome anytime."

Justin turned around fast and grabbed Peter's hand. He grinned, "And this?" He placed Peter's hand on his crotch.

"Hm, that, too," Peter smirked.

"Am I only a sex toy to you?"

"Do I have to answer that?" Peter gave Justin a kiss. "Of course, you can sleep over. I was just teasing." Peter wrapped his arms around Justin. "Do you really think after all this I wanted to be alone? I want to go home, relax and slip into someone comfortable."

"You mean 'something' comfortable."

Peter squeezed Justin's ass. "I mean what I said."

"Good," Justin gave Peter a peck. "I just have to stop at home first. You know pick up a few things like the silk robes." Justin wiggled his eyebrows. "I'll be back before you can even think of being alone in that house."

Lance's hand slapped against the wall. His cheek was already against its smooth cool surface. Lance extended his thumb and began to suck on it. With his other hand he pulled up the ends of his shirt. First because Lance wanted JC to get a good look at his ass that JC was fucking so well and second, well he didn't want to get lube on his shirt.

"Oh, JC!"

JC leaned forward to kiss and nibble Lance's ears and neck. "James, I love you so much."

It was a sweet sentiment but to Lance it just felt strange. Such romantic words and there they were shirts up, pants and underwear down around their ankles bend over the sink in an airplane bathroom. Lance decided he'd let JC know he knew the situation.

"Fuck me, JC," Lance whispered. "Fuck me hard."

JC's hips obliged thrusting hard into Lance.

Lance sucked on his thumb to keep from whimpering. No one else on the plane must hear them. This was such a rush. They were having sex in the plane's restroom!

Lance was so surprised when JC was waiting outside the restroom door as Lance was about to leave and more surprised as JC urged him back into the room. JC's gentle but urgent kisses made Lance stop protesting and soon it was pants down and JC's wonderful cock in.

JC watched as Lance arched his back. He pushed away from the wall towards JC like he could get JC's cock to go even deeper. JC thrust back for all he was worth. This was so hot and they didn't have the time to waste.

Lance's whole body was trembling. JC was fucking him so good. He felt the stirrings. One hand found JC's ass willing him to go even faster and deeper. With the other hand Lance reached around and found JC's neck. Lance pulled JC close.

JC knew the code. When Lance turned his head JC was waiting. They kissed with passion.

The combination of JC's lips on his and JC's cock raking against Lance's insides were sending jolts of pure pleasure through Lance's body. Lance let go of JC and sucked on his thumb again to muffle his whimpers. JC was fucking him so good!

Lance's attempts to keep his cries down only turned JC on more. The muffle whimpers were rising in pitch so JC not only knew Lance loved every thrust of his cock into Lance's tight warm ass but Lance was beginning the climb to the peak. JC thrust back with deep long strokes. He reveled in the thrill of pushing Lance to climax.

Lance suddenly pulled away, "Oh, JC. I'm going to do it!" Lance said in a loud whisper.

"Cum for me, baby."

"You mean husband, oh god, JC!!"

Just before the climax hit Lance he had one of those strange little thoughts. "If I can just cum all in the sink there wouldn't be much to clean up." Then the climax blasted through him. 90 percent of Lance thrilled to the pleasure surging through his very nerves. 10 percent watched where the cum shot to. "Damn, I am a good shot!" Then Lance closed his eyes and just rode the waves of his cumming.

Lance's ass clamping down on JC's cock as he came was enough to make JC let go. The surge struck him and he exploded inside of his lover. He pulled Lance close. Lance's warm flesh magnified the sensations. JC's body pumped his love into Lance as Lance's body pumped his love into the sink. Okay, not really romantic but they were in a bathroom after all.

After a few moments they stood panting in each others arms. JC turned Lance around so they could kiss properly.

Lance wrapped his arms around JC and lay his head on JC`s shoulder. "That was wonderful."

JC let Lance relish the embrace for a bit. Finally he said, "We should get back to our seats."

Reluctantly they pulled up their pants and tucked in their shirts. Lance made sure the sink was clean.

"We're members of the mile high club now, right?" Lance said.

"Yep," JC gave Lance a peck. "I told you I'd take our sex lives higher and higher."

JC reached for the door. Lance stopped him.

"JC, what if someone is waiting?"

JC smiled. "Not to worry. I have that covered."

True to his word no one was outside. Lance was very relieved in more ways than one. They made their way back to their seats.

Lance flopped into his seat. "Whew, that was lucky."

"Lance," JC nodded to the rest of First Class. "There are only three other passengers here and most of the other passengers are asleep. The odds were for us."

"So that is why you risked having sex?"

"Sort of."

"We still could have been caught."

"Not really." JC said a little sheepishly.


The Steward came up with two glasses of orange juice. "For you. You must need it."

"Orange juice, thank you." Lance felt a little spent and welcomed the pick me up.

"Not just orange juice. Screwdrivers," The Steward almost giggled. "Sorry, I couldn't resist." He winked. "I thought of Harvey Wallbangers but they are SO passé." The Stewards gave them a look. "You are such a cute couple!" He retreated down the aisle.

"JC," Lance turned almost glaring at JC. "He knows."

"Well, he is family." JC took Lance's hand. "Look if someone gave you the opportunity to have sex with your newly wedded husband and offers to keep guard, what would you do? I already had my turn and I couldnt bear to think of you waiting all this time." JC gave his best forgive me' face. "I just wanted to make you happy."

Lance caved in, "Okay, JC, forgiven." He glanced around quick then kissed JC's cheek. "It was a new experience."

JC grinned, "Just you wait."

They settled back in their seats. Lance watched the Steward helping the other passengers. "Now I know why we got the extra packets of peanuts."

JC chuckled. "Lance, sometimes you are so blind to the obvious."

"Well, it is not my fault," Lance snapped. He leaned back and crossed his arms in fake anger, "You are SO distracting."

"Thank you, my James." JC leaned in for a kiss.

"Lance, please."

"But it is your name."

"I like Lance."

"But you call be Josh at times."

"It's your real name. JC was given to you on the Mickey Mouse Club because there already was a Josh. When I feel the real you I like to call you by your real name."

JC almost pouted, "Can't I call you James as a show of my love for you?"

Lance smiled and cuddled close, "JC, you can call me anything you like if you are showing your love for me."

JC grinned, "Okay, my little bitc. . ."

Lance's hand covered JC's lips. "Within reason, JC."

"I was kidding."


They settled back.

Even though, at this moment, Lance was well sated he thought, "Damn, when will this plane land!"

Peter had just finished changing when he heard a noise. He hurried to the landing.

"Its about time Ive been waiting."

Peter could see no one in the half dark. He should have turned on more lights, but why turn them on when you're just going to turn them off again. He walked down the steps. Peter looked in the kitchen.

"Justin? Did you bring the robes?"

A hand covered Peter's mouth. "No, but I did bring this and I aint opposed to using it."

Something hard pressed into Peter's back. Was it a gun? If Peter could have only gotten a look at the guy's aura Peter would have known if this guy would shoot him for sure.

"You cooperate and no one gets hurt. You savvy?"

Peter nodded his head.

Soon Peter was blindfolded and his hands were tied.

"So where's the loot."

`Loot'? Did anyone really talk like this?

"The money and the jewels."

"There aint, ah, sorry, there are no jewels kept in this house and any money that was here they took on their honeymoon."

"Honeymoon," Peter heard him spit, "Two guys aint no honeymoon."

"You'd better leave quick. I have a friend, ah, friends coming over soon."

`Ah, don't make me laugh. That's the oldest trick in the book."

Peter paused, "How did you get passed the guard outside?"

"I didn't see no guard."

"There is one. Look out the window."

"That's the second oldest trick."

"Fine, be that way, but you`ll be sorry."

There was a long pause, "Oh, goddamn it," Peter heard him walk to the window. "Well, I'll be. You aint a shitting me. Old Lady Luck must have been on my side comin' in."

"If you try leaving with anything you're sure to get caught."

"I aint never left a house empty handed yet. I've always got somethin' to make the trip worth it."

Peter was glad he left his wallet in his room.

"Say, you being here you must be one of these nancy fellahs, too."

Peter heart began to beat wildly.

"Well, well, I think I just thought of my compensation."

Peter could hear his footsteps getting closer. He wished he could see then again maybe it was better not to.

"I hear you guys are quite talented. I mean, a guy knows what feels good to another guy."

"I have a boyfriend. I'd never cheat on him."

Peter felt the cold metal of the gun barrel against his cheek. "Well, I've got a friend, too. I could have you suck on him but I wouldn't want to be around when he shoots his load." The voice got close to Peter's ear. "You treat me well and you just might be conscious when I leave. Do it for your boyfriend. You'd hate to have him single again wouldn't you?"

Peter reluctantly nodded.

"Now that's very neighborly of you." There was a rustle of clothes and a zipper.

Peter tried to make himself ready for the inevitable.

"Do a good job now."

With that a cock was pushed into Peter's mouth. Hands on the back of his head forced it deep. Peter tried to keep from choking.

"Damn, you guys are good at this. Keep it up," There was laugher, "I make a joke! Don't bother trying to laugh."

Peter had no control. The cock was pushed in and out of his mouth. At first Peter refused to use his tongue. Then he got the idea that as soon as this guy got off he would leave. Peter began doing everything in his power to cut this blow job short. Well, the finger up the ass was strictly out.

"I got to remember this." The guy moaned. "This is better than any cloth gag. It keeps you from talking and I enjoy it too."

Peter began to choke more and more. Then suddenly the cock pulled away.

"I can't go through with this."

Peter felt his hands being untied. This was his chance.

"Well, I can." Peter tore off the blindfold and tackled the guy. After a brief struggle Peter managed to get on the guy's back pinning him to the floor. He used the same rope to tie his hands.

Peter stood up. "Well, well, the worm has turned."

"You fucking bastard when I get free. . ."

"A real Harry Houdini," Peter started for the door. "Well, you have one minute to get free. I'm going for the guard."

"Wait, please!"

Peter looked down at the guy with the ski mask over his face.

"I have a family."

Peter snorted, "Talk about the oldest trick."

"I'm desperate. Please!" There was a pause. "I'll do anything."

Peter raised an eyebrow, "Anything?"

"Yes, goddamnit, anything."

Peter helped the guy to his knees. "Well, turnabout is fair play." Peter thought about Bill, Mike and Dr. Dan. He remembered all the people who had made fun of him or abused him. This was payback time. Peter undid his pants.

"I'll go easy on you at first. Let's see what kind of cocksucker you can be."

The guy leaned forward. Peter watched as he opened his mouth. He was inches away when Peter stepped back.

"Damn it!" Peter's shoulder's drooped. "I can't go through with this either."

He untied the guy's hands then flopped on the couch. "I am so fucking pathetic."

Justin pulled the ski mask off. "Don't you believe that. We're just not into forcing sex."

"But I knew it was you. It was just acting."

Justin sat down next to Peter, "Even your fantasies have morals. I couldn't do it because you've been through this. It stuck too close to home even if it was make believe."

"I knew it was make believe. I thought it would be so hot if you acted like you were forcing me to have sex with you. After all I do it willingly. But when you stopped I thought I could take over. All the people who had tormented me for being gay I imagined in you. Now I had the power. I was in control. But, damn Justin, it wasn't a turn on. I was just them in reverse."

Peter noticed a 6 inch piece of small pipe on the floor. He picked it up.

"This was your gun?"

"What did you expect? A real one? I had to improvise in a hurry."

Peter set the pipe on the table.

Peter looked at Justin. "I'm sorry. I know all we went through emotionally today, I don't feel in the mood now." Peter looked down.

Justin took Peter's hands. "I don't mind."


"Hey, I was the first to back off remember?"

Peter sighed. "When I lived in my apartment I always imagined a hunky burglar breaking in. Since there wasn't much to steal he settled on stealing my virginity. Then there would be mostly semi-rough but, oh, so hot sex. "

"That was before you had a lover." Justin kissed Peter's cheek. "And I bet he taught you things you never imagined."

Peter looked surprised. "Justin?"

"You never had sex before. Your imagination took that possibility out of your hands and put it in the hands of a stranger. You wanted sex so much that even a burglar could show you." Justin's hand found Peter's cheek. He turned Peter to look at him, "But he wasn't that forceful was he?"

"Not really. It would hurt a little but not for long. I'm sorry, Justin, I was just being foolish."

"You wanted your dream to come true."

"But I have you now. I should have forgotten that fantasy."

"Hell, no." Justin grinned, "Tell you what, I have an idea. You go and get one of your porn tapes and we'll reset the stage."


"Trust me. This time it will be different."

The burglar stood watching from the dark hallway. He could see the resident of the house by the light of the TV. He was sitting on the couch with his pants at his ankles jerking off. Every now and the free hand would slide over his chest and rub a nipple. There was a soft moan.

The burglar rubbed at his own crotch. He could hear from the TV male voices having sex but only male voices. It had to be a gay porn tape. So this guy was gay. This time there may be no loot but this was more to his liking. He stepped into the room.

"That looks like fun."

The man jumped to his feet trying to yanking up his pants.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?"

"Through the window," The burglar raised his hands. "But don't worry, you're safe. I'd never rob a gay brother. I've just been watching you."

"Watching me?" It was disbelief. The man still stood with his pants half up. His mood changed "Well, just get out of here before I call the police."

"Why, do you want on orgy? There are some hot gay cops in this neighborhood." He stepped closer to the man by the couch. Now he could see the TV.

The man nervously eyed the stranger dressed all in black.

"Hm, those guys are hot. You like watching those videos?"

The man shyly nodded.

"It can't take the place of real sex though, right?"

The man didn't answer. He blushed a bit.

"It's been a long time then?" He moved closer.

"Yeah, I mean, no, I mean, never, I. . ."

"You're telling me you've never. . ? Well, this is a lucky night for both of us." He reached out to touch the man.

"Stop. Please go." The man straightened up, "No, just go!"

"Oh, I know, you don't have sex with strangers, right?"

"I don't have. . ." He paused. "You're trespassing. I can have you arrested."

"Maybe this will change your mind." The burglar undid his pants and let the man have a good look at his family jewels.

The man just gaped. The burglar chuckled. He pulled up his shirt exposing his tight torso.

"So now are you interested?"

The man just stared.

"What's your name?"

The man pried his eyes of the burglar's crotch, "Ah, Peter."

"I take that is your name and not just what is foremost on your mind. You can call me Justin."

Peter was back to staring again.

"Go ahead, touch it. You know you want to."

Peter hesitated.

"It doesn't bite. It does spit but only when properly motivated."

Peter slowly lifted his hand. Justin took his wrist and moved Peter's hand to Justin's cock. Fingers wrapped around it.

"See, that isn't so bad."

Peter nodded his head.

"Lick your hand. You'll need a little lube."

Peter followed the instructions. His hand returned to the burglar's cock.

"Stroke it, easy now. That's it nice and slow." The burglar leaned close. "That feels good by the way."

Peter looked up smiling. But the smiled vanished at the closeness of the burglar's face to his. Peter blushed red.

The burglar leaned even closer, "Have you ever kissed another man before?"

Peter shook his head.

The burglar rolled his ski mask up over his nose. "Now's your chance."

Peter leaned close. Justin felt Peter's lips gently touch his then pull back.

"You should press a little harder and open you mouth a little."

Peter pressed his lips back against Justin's.

"Mm, much better. You'll be a real good kisser in time."

Peter caught the real compliment in Justin's eyes.

"Damn, I finally get to kiss another. . ." Peter couldn't wait to finish the sentence. He pressed back with more fervor. He took the back of Justin's head and pressed him harder to his lips.

After a few moments they parted.

"Oh, damn," Peter panted.

The burglar took Peter's chin. "You have a nice mouth. I want those nice lips on this." He shook his cock.

Peter felt the burglar's hands on his shoulders. He was gently but firmly pushed to his knees. The hard cock bobbed inches from his face. He leaned forward and kissed the mushroom head. Then slowly he opened his mouth a little. He got just passed the mushroom head then stopped and pulled back.

Justin almost smiled. Peter was really playing into this. Even that first time Peter wasn't being this timid.

"Come on, suck it. You can do it."

With agonizing slowness Peter was allowing the cock to go deeper and deeper into his mouth. After a few moments Peter began to speed up.

"That's better. Use your tongue."

Peter rubbed his tongue against the sensitive skin.

"Oh yeah, that feels good."

Peter wrapped his fingers around the shaft jerking the cock while he worked it with his mouth.

"That's it. Man, you learn fast."

Peter pulled off to catch his breath. He grinned up at the burglar. "Damn, you have a big cock."

The burglar smiled. "See how much of it you can take in your mouth."

Peter just stroked the cock. "I don't know, it's awfully big."

The burglar placed a hand on the back of Peter's head firmly coaxing him onto his cock. "Try." He pushed his cock into Peter's mouth.

Justin knew Peter could do this but he was getting into the act as well. He watched as Peter took about half of his cock in his mouth then stopped and pulled back.

"Not bad, a little farther now."

Peter mouth enclosed around Justin's girth again this time making it a little further down the shaft.

Justin was so turned on. He kept wishing Peter would take it all. It always felt so wonderful having Peter swallow his whole cock. Maybe it was the teasing as Peter took little attempts at what Justin knew Peter was fully capable of.

Peter pulled back panting. "It's too big."

"You can do it. I know that you can." He ran his hand over Peter's chin. "It feels so wonderful when they deep throat my cock."

Peter looked up, 'They?' he thought. Justin's glance assured Peter that it was just a line.

"Try again." Justin's hand pushed Peter forward. Peter was almost at the pubic hair when he stopped.

"Here let me help you." Justin thrust with his hips and with his hand on the back Peter's head pulled him onto his cock.

Peter's nose was buried in Justin's crotch. He choked but Justin held him to his crotch briefly then let him go. Peter pulled back coughing.

"See, you did it. Try again. It will get easier and easier."

Peter plunged back on the burglar's cock. He was almost at the hilt when he hesitated then he moved forward swallowing the whole length. He pulled back and swallowed the cock again. Then with a grunt of determination Peter took the burglar's cock deep into his throat again but held it.

Peter's throat closed around his cock. The burglar threw his head back. "Oh, fuck!"

Still Peter held the cock in his throat without choking. Finally Peter pulled back. He kept stroking the cock. Peter looked up grinning.

"I did it. I did it!"

"You sure did. What a great cocksucker you're turning into." The burglar leaned down and gave Peter a kiss. When he stood back up he said, "Don't stop now."

Peter turned back eager then stopped. He looked up nervous, "Ah," he paused.

"I'll warn you when I am about to cum."

Peter nodded then went back to sucking the cock with growing enthusiasm.

"Caress my chest."

Peter's hand slipped up under the black shirt the burglar was wearing. His hand slid over the tight stomach up the well detailed pecs. Peter rubbed hard on the nipples. The burglar moaned with pleasure.

Peter pulled off now and then to lick the balls and suck them into his mouth kneading them with his tongue before plunging back on the shaft. He knew he was giving pleasure but what was more he liked, no loved doing it. The feel of the cock in his mouth and throat, his tongue flicking and licking felt so good to him, too.

"Damn, you're really getting into this."

Peter pulled off still stroking the cock.

"I love sucking your dick. I always wondered if I could it but damn!" Peter swallowed the cock completely.

"Yeah, suck my cock!"

The stirrings in Justin's body pulled him out of his play acting. Peter was making the happiest slurping and gobbling sounds. Then there were those deep moans as he took the cock into his throat. Peter's hand and lips stroked Justin's cock non-stop. Peter was thoroughly enjoying himself. Justin couldn't hold up any longer under Peter's zest.

"I'm getting close. Either stop or take it."

Peter plunged back with even more enthusiasm.

"Okay, you've got it. I'm going to cum!"

This time Peter pulled back. He opened his mouth and extended his tongue. Justin took over stroking his cock.

"Oh, shit!" Justin shot off. He managed to look down. This time he actually saw his cum spurting into Peter's open mouth. Peter's face flushed and his tongue darted around to catch any drop. That was too much for Justin. Peter swallowing was one thing but this time he watched his cum go into Peter's willing mouth. Justin closed his eyes as the climax washed through him.

After a few moments it subsided. Peter took the cock into his mouth again milking every last drop he could.

The burglar finally pushed him back. "Whoa, that's it. I am spent."

He pulled Peter to his feet and they kissed for some minutes.

"What a wonder I have found. You'll make a guy very happy someday."

Peter again saw the truth in Justin's eyes. They kissed again.

The burglar finally pushed Peter back. "Okay, fair is fair. You blew me so good now it is your turn." He sank to his knees.

"But. . ." Peter started to protest.

"You're only used to your hand. You are in for a mind blower." He chuckled, "I made a funny."

"But you don't have to. If you want to go on and . . ." Peter felt the burglar's soft lips close over his cock and soon his cock slipped in the warm wet regions of the burglar's mouth. Peter's mouth fell open. "Oh, fuck!"

The burglar pulled back, "Later, after I get you off."

Peter's whole body shook. "Damn, this is so much better than just my hand!"

The burglar only smiled and sucked Peter faster.

Peter's whole body trembled. One of burglar's hands reached up and rubbed Peter's chest tweaking a nipple.

"Oh, god!"

The other reached around Peter and squeezed Peter's ass.

Peter wrapped his arms around his head. "A guy is sucking me off. I am getting my first blow job!" He almost yelled it.

The burglar pulled off Peter's cock but kept stroking it. "Take it easy guy or else you'll end this too. . ."

"I'm cumming! Oh, god I am cumming!"

Peter's body convulsed. The burglar kept stroking as Peter's cock shot off. Peter shook and twisted. Cum shot everywhere.

"Oh, god! Oh, god. Oh, god."

Finally the climax passed. Peter managed a few steps backward and collapsed on the couch.

"Oh, damn! Whew, that was incredible." Peter pulled his pants off from around his ankles.

"It would have been if you lasted longer." Justin hissed.

"It was anyway. I barely made it through your blow job without cumming." Peter whispered back, "You know how much I love to suck you off." Peter regained his composure. "Oh, I am so sorry. I stained your shirt."

The burglar looked down on his cum spattered shirt. "You can make up for it. Show me your virgin ass."

"Aren't you going to undress?"

"In this darkness black hides me. All you will see of me in my mouth and my cock. Let me see your hot ass."

Peter very hesitantly knelt before the couch and lay on his stomach. It was a bit intimidating with Peter being naked and the burglar fully dressed all be it with certain important parts being exposed.

The burglar found the lube Peter had been jacking off with. He parted Peter's round globes of ass and squirted some on Peter's crack. Peter trembled.

"It's cold."

"Don't worry. We'll soon heat things up."

Peter felt the burglar's finger spread the lube around his asshole. He clutched the cushions in anticipation. The cock head pressed against Peter's asshole.

"Go slowly."

Peter felt a kiss on his neck. "Relax. You can do this. If your mouth can take my cock so can your ass."

"Ow," Peter tensed up.

The burglar didn't want to give Peter time to back out. Well, Peter didn't really have that option. He pressed in further. The sphincter slowly gave way to the cock pressing urgently in.

"Oh, damn." Peter's grip tightened on the cushions. "It hurts."

Another kiss on Peter's neck, "At first. Just relax. You can do it." The cock slipped in deeper. "Damn, what a tight ass."

"Stop, you're too big."

"Relax, it will be fine. Take deep breathes. You can do this. You're a real trooper."

"Ow, ow, oh, damn!"

Justin almost stopped. Peter was putting on such a show Justin almost believed it but he had grown to know if Peter was in any pain. There was a slight discomfort but nothing that would last. Justin fell back into character.

"I'm almost all the way in. You can do it, I know. It will feel so good trust me."

Peter groaned. "Shit, you're stretching my hole. It's going too deep. Please stop."

"You can take it," Another kiss Peter's shoulders. The burglar grunted. "There I am all the way in." He started to pull out. "Now the fun begins."

"I've changed my mind."

"Like you have any option. I am going to fuck the hell out of your virgin ass. You're going to just love this."

The burglar thrust back.

"Oh, fuck!" Peter almost screamed.

"Take it. I know you can."

"It hurts." Peter gripped the couch. "Shit!"

"Not for long." The burglar reached around and started jerking Peter's cock. "Turn your head."

Peter did and they kissed even though Peter was hesitant.

"I am not trying to hurt you I want you to feel wonderful. Thrust me."

"Your cock is so big." Peter fell back to the couch.

"It wouldn't hurt if you just relaxed."

"How can I relax with that monster up my butt?!"

"Okay, I'll use more lube."

Peter felt the cold lube.


"Yeah, the pain is easing."


Peter felt the hot breath on his neck. "I'm going to fuck you so good." There were more kisses on his shoulders and neck then two hands caressing Peter's chest.

Peter just groaned and laid his face on the couch.

The burglar started a slow rhythm pushing in but not all the way. When the Peter wanted it deeper he was going to able to oblige. After a few moments he saw Peter begin to relax. A soft moan came out of his lips.

"That's it. Enjoy it." The burglars thrust back a little harder.

Then there came an soft, "Oh, wow", from Peter.

The burglar smiled. He leaned close. "See what I mean?"

Peter turned for a kiss. The burglar's lips made Peter give a muffled moan. They pulled apart.

"It's starting to feel. . . oh, wow!"

The burglar chuckled. "Just you wait." He thrust back faster with his hips.

"Oh, god!" Peter's arms reached out clutching the cushions. "That does feel good."

"Do you want me to stop now?"

"No, keep going. "

"You've got it." The burglar shoved his cock faster to Peter's ass.

Peter finally relaxed spreading his arms out. "That feels SO good."

The burglar chuckled, "I told you so."'

Peter moaned. "I've got a man`s cock up my ass. I'm getting fucked and I like it. No, I love it!"

"Did I teach you well?"

Peter paused. "Fuck me."

"You mean that?"

"I said fuck me," Peter's voice raised in volume. "Fuck me! Fuck me!! Fuck me!!!"

"Ah, Peter?" Justin whispered dropping character.

"We`re alone in this house, remember?"

Justin didn't even pause. He shouted, "Take my big cock you little whore!"

"Justin, loud not demeaning."

"Oh, sorry," Back in character. "Take my cock up that ass." Justin whispered, "Better?"


"I'm going to give it to you good!"

"You are, you are, fuck me! Shove that cock up my hole!"

The room filed with the sound of their bodies slapping together.

Peter's hands slapped the couch. He wasn't play acting this. Justin was fucking him so good. This little scene had both of them caught up. Peter pushed up from the couch. He arched his back pushing back to Justin.

"Deeper, fuck me deeper. I want to feel all of your cock."

"That's it be my butt boy. Let me fuck that tight virgin ass." Justin thrust back for all he was worth.

"You like my ass?"

"Shit yeah, god, you are so tight. You're making my cock feel so good."

"Oh, god," Peter's voice gave a high pitched squeak. "Give me that cock. Keep fucking me!"

Justin grabbed Peter and pulled him back. Peter's arms waved in the air uncertain of what they should do. Justin lay back on his knees. Peter was almost sitting on Justin cock. Each thrust made his body shake and tremble.

Justin's body was getting tired but Justin didn't know it. The lust and pure pleasure over whelmed any other feeling. Peter was so into this and Justin was too.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" Peter said loudly every time he bounced. It was almost a chant.

Before it became too annoying Justin felt the stirrings.

"You tight ass is going to make me cum."

"I am going to beat you to. . . I am going to cum while being fucked. I'm cumming with a guy`s dick up my ass!" Peter shouted. "Ah, fuck!!" Peter's cock shot off. His body convulsed.

Justin held Peter to him. He watched the white spray out of Peter's cock. Peter leaned heavily against Justin was his climax thundered through him. After some moments the waved receded. Peter relaxed.

"Oh, damn, oh, damn." Peter panted moving to his knees.

"I'm cumming!" Justin shouted. He thudded into Peter pushing his cock as far into Peter as he could. It felt like his whole body tightened as Justin pumped his load into Peter's ass. Justin leaned forward pulled Peter tighter against him. Peter's warm body felt so great against him as his climax began to taper off from the mind blowing peak.

Peter was the first to turn his head. They kissed letting their lips tell of their passion then they pulled apart.

"I should get going." The burglar stood up and pulled up his pants.

"Don't I get to see the face of the man who changed my life?"

"Don't over exaggerate. I was just your first fuck."

Peter dropped the act, "I bet that is what you thought after that first night." Peter stood up and took the ski mask off of Justin. "Do you know how much just now I wished I could see your face?"

"It was acting."

"The lines, yes, the sex, no." Peter took Justin into his arms. "I love you, Justin."

Justin grinned, "Me or the burglar."

Peter pulled back and brushed Justin's cheek, "You stole my heart, you know, that first night."

"Is that why you. . ?"

Peter smiled, `No. This was just a fantasy."

"Was I good?"

"You always are," Peter pulled Justin to his lips.

After they parted, "Do I look good in black?"

"Justin, you are sexy in anything and especially without anything."

Justin beamed. "Thanks."

"Mm, let me show you my thanks." They kissed again.

"Damn, I am exhausted." Justin dramatically dropped to his knees.

"Oo, while you're down there."

"No way, Peter, I'm too tired to even blow." Justin fell flat on the floor his arms out stretched.

Peter knelt down and patted Justin's ass. "Is this tired? I'll do all the work. You wouldn't have to move a muscle."

Justin rolled over. "Aren't you tired after all that shouting?"

"Yeah, I guess but you are so tempting." Peter lay on the floor next to Justin. "Oh, and I like your take on my fantasy better than mine."

"I liked the idea of instruction rather than total forced sex. I don't think I could do that to you even in pretend. You've been through so much."

Peter raised himself up on his elbow and gazed down at Justin. "But you have made up for it." He gave Justin a kiss.

Justin smiled. "It's a tough job but a man's got to do what a man's got to do."

"And you can do this man anytime you want to."

"Oh, bull. There were plenty of times you didn't want to."

"Yeah, there were in public and we could have got caught. I do have to think about your reputation. What would your fans think?"

"I don't give a damn what my fans think.


"You're not buying that one?"

"I know better."

"Okay, we're tied.

"And I am tired." Peter got up. "Bedtime." He helped Justin to his feet.

"Do you want to pretend to deflower me next time?"

"Do you want me too?"

Justin shrugged, "I don't know. You were just so into it."

Peter patted Justin's butt. "It was fun pretending it was my first time but having the knowledge and experience to be a complete whore about it."

"Oh, then I am definitely getting my turn." Justin's hand found Peter's ass. "I want to play all coy and nervous and then really get into it and scream at you to fuck the shit out of me."

Peter wrinkled his nose. "Oh, gross!"

"You're thinking too literal."

"I can't help the way my mind thinks."

They headed up the stairs.

"But I love the way your mind thinks. Thank you, Justin. That was so hot."

Justin gave Peter a kiss. "My pleasure."

"Oh, Justin, wait. You go to the bedroom. I'll be right up." Peter disappeared down the stairs.

Justin waited a few minutes but when Peter didn't come back he went down stairs.

"Do you have to do that now?"

Peter was on his knees in front of the couch scrubbing with a rag. "It will be dry by morning."

"And there aren't any other cum stains in this house?"

"That's not the point. We should clean up after ourselves."

"It's your cum."

"This time."

"You can't see a thing. It's probably why they chose that color carpet."

"Do you really want to leave stains?" Peter didn't look up. "You've known Lance longer than I have."

"You're right. Do you need any help?"

Peter stood up, "Nope, just finished."

Justin grinned his Timberlake grin. "How about tomorrow we get a black light and check out the house?"

"What and where JC and Lance do it is their own affair."

"Cute, Chris."

"I just don't want to add ours to it."

"Why not? Play with their minds. They will be standing with the black light going, JC, when did we do it on the chest of drawers?' I don't think we ever did, Lance.' 'Then who did?'"

"Now who's being cute?"

Justin took the rag from Peter's hand and threw it into the kitchen. "Come on, time we were in bed. I want you in my arms before the afterglow wears off."

They headed up stairs.

Lance could just make them out in the dark. "Ooh, JC, mountains!"

"I thought it would be a change of pace. The only mountains we have in Orlando are at Walt Disney World and they're not really mountains."

"I have to say I am a bit in the dark."

"It is nighttime."

"Smartass. I mean when we landed in Missoula, Montana. I have no idea where we are going."

"Do you want to know? We'll be there in 3 hours."

"Nah, I can wait."

"It could take longer if you want to pull over to have a couple of quickies."

"In Montana! Gay sex probably carries life in prison."

"Montana struck down their sodomy laws in 1972. I checked."

"You checked? What for?"

"I like to know what states we're breaking the law in."

Lance chuckled. "I can see our faces on a wanted poster. 'Wanted for sodomy'. I bet the police get their man in the end."

JC groaned. "I didn't think we brought Chris along."


JC didn't want Lance to feel bad. "Well, those posters would make it real easy for gay people to get a date."

"A prison term for Gay Sex is stupid anyway. They put you in prison where gay sex is the only sex you can have."

"Think of them like gay resorts with a sort of vertical bars motif and the check out times are very restrictive and strict."

"That's okay, I look horrible in stripes." Lance paused, "Do you want me to drive for awhile?"

"You said yourself you don't know where we ware going."

"But you can still navigate unless you're planning to sleep."

"Please, Lance, I guess since this is my idea I'd just like to deliver you there myself. This way you can just watch the scenery go by."

"Big deal, it's dark outside."

"You'll see plenty in the morning."

"Oh, JC, I have seen all parts of your body lots of times."

"I didn't mean me."

"Too bad, because that is something I want to see plenty of during our honeymoon."

"Oh, you will Lance, you will." JC patted Lance's knee, "You will allow me the same privilege?"

"The only way you will see me more is if we were going to a nudist camp so I would be naked all the time."

"No way, Lance. I am the only one who gets see you naked."

Lance opened his mouth.

"And your mother doesn't count and I mean from now on. I don't like the thought of other men ogling you. You're my own personal treasure that only I will know the total beauty of."

"Mm, Josh if you keep talking like that we will have to pull over."

"Well, this is our honeymoon. Aren't I supposed to romantically wax poetic?"

Lance leaned over and kissed JC's cheek. "I like this already."

They drove on into the mountains.

"Here we are, Lance."

"Can I open my eyes?"

"Why would you shut them? I know you've read the road signs."

"Okay, I wanted to pretend I was surprised which I still can." Lance saw the sign at the park entrance. "Glacier National Park, I never would have guessed this."

"Well, we have mountains without going to Europe, hiking through nature without the camping, and a secluded chalet without the snow and the cold. How's that for a start?"

"Not bad."

They drove deeper into the park. They came around a curve.

"And there is where we stay first."

"Oh, my god, JC, it's beautiful."

"Wait until you see it by day."

Before them was a building looking like huge Swiss Chalet. It was four to five stories high with long balconies running along the sides.

"This is secluded?"

"That comes later. This is just a little place to stay before that one."

"Little? You call this little?"

"I'm joking, Lance."

They parked the car, grabbed their luggage and entered the hotel. They made their way to the front desk.

"Oh, my. . !"

The lobby was huge. It was open to the roof. Large wooden pillars stretched up to the ceiling.

"Actual trees," JC said nodding to the pillars.

"It would take three people just to get their arms around those." Lance gaped in awe.

"Wait until you see the view by day," The desk clerk added indicating the large windows at one side of the lobby. "The lake and the mountains and the blue sky, it's breathtaking."

"I'll bet," Lance added as he looked around in awe. He really felt like he was in Switzerland.

Soon they were led to a very comfortable looking room. They didn't even open the suitcases. In no time they were under a soft down comforter snuggling.

"Thank you for this, JC."

"Nothing has happened yet."

"Are you kidding? We've made love twice, once on an airplane no less. Then this hotel are so beyond what I was expecting."

"Good," JC kissed Lance's nose. "I like to be more than you expected."

"You are, Josh, you really are."

"So are you, Lance, now let's get some sleep."

Lance rolled onto his side and JC spooned up against Lance.

Lance let himself have one last thought. "Gawddamn, I'm on my honeymoon!" Lance slipped into sleep grinning.

JC looked down at Lance's beautiful sleeping face and thought how lucky he was to have such a wonderful lover. He almost hated to wake Lance. JC leaned down and kissed Lance's cheek.



"Lover, wake up."

There was another, "Mm?"

"I want to show you something."


Okay, JC would say it. "Husband?"

Lance's eyes slowly opened. He stretched. "What is it?"

"Come look." JC held out his hand to help Lance out of the bed.

Lance took JC's hand. "Damn, I thought you woke me for sex."


JC walked Lance to the window. "Ta-da!" JC pulled the curtain.

Lance was momentarily blinded by the light then his eyes adjusted. "Oh, my!"

The chalet was at the end off a long narrow lake. The water of an almost turquoise blue had hardly a ripple reflecting the landscape. There were mountains on each side and a ridge of mountains directly at the end of the lake. The sun was just peaking over the top of one of the mountains. The sky was a combination of yellow and blue. There were a few white clouds just to set off the sky nicely.

JC stood next to Lance and put his arm around Lance's waist.


"It is so beautiful," Lance kissed JC. "You have such good taste."

"I married you didn't I?"

"Cliché, JC, very cliché."

"Okay, how about this morning I can see two of God's greatest works. Out there and standing next to me."

Lance's blinked back tear, "Thank you, JC."

They had a tender kiss.

JC sighed, "We have a few more hours we can sleep."

"After all this?"

"Well, I know something that will help you sleep." JC looked non-chalant at the ceiling.

Lance grinned. "Let's get naked." He stripped off his shorts.

"Naked?" JC shook his hand, "That's too crude. This morning I prefer 'Au Natural'." JC dropped his shorts to the floor and climbed in the bed next to Lance.

"And we're not going to have 'sex'?"

"We are going to do the Rhapsody of Rapture written for Mouth and Tongue in three movements, the Largo Deep Throato, the Allegro Ecstasy Accellerando and finishing with the Orgasm Explososioso."

"That's Rhapsody number 68, right?"


"I do you and you owe me one."

"69, definitely. It is to help both of us sleep after all."

Lance pulled JC close. "Do we have to be so classy?"

"Why, what do you want to do?"

Lance grinned, "Suck the cum out of you until your balls shrivel up like two raisins."

JC looked shocked but then he smiled. "That's an after dinner special if I ever heard of it."

"Okay," Lance pouted a little. "We'll do classy." Lance noticed JC was hard already, "Looks like the conductor has raised his baton." Lance kissed JC. "I can't wait for that downbeat." He moved until they were head to toe. "Maestro?" Lance felt JC's mouth engulf his cock. "Oh, damn, I want an encore already." Lance licked his lips then opened up his mouth and welcomed in JC's hard cock.

The Rhapsody lasted twenty minutes and followed JC's description to the letter. Of course, the slurping wasn't written. It was all ad lib but it added to the composition. Lance's whimpering enhanced JC's moaning. Then they got to the final crescendo. Tongues and lips working just as expertly as the fingers of any violin virtuoso playing Mozart. Their heart beats were the percussion and their nerves trilled like woodwinds. Finally the last notes were played and the last chord slowly faded. They lay back. No bows no encore, they didn't need it.

Lance lay his head on JC's bare chest. "I wish I had trouble sleeping all the time. This is so much better than a sleeping pill.

"Much more enjoyable." JC ran his fingers though Lance's hair. "But it wouldn't work with single people."

"Oh, yeah." Lance just lay there silent then softly, "I love you, Josh."

"Sleep, my James, sleep."

They both closed their eyes and let sleep take them.

"Hurry up, Peter. You don't want to be late."

Peter came down the stairs. "Three more interviews. You'd think they'd get tired of me by now."

"That's the cost of being lovers with Justin Timberlake."

Peter smiled and kissed Justin's cheek. "Thank you for that."


"You said 'lovers with Justin Timberlake' rather than Justin Timberlake's lover."

"I don't own you. We're in this together equally." Justin's expression changed. "No matter what they think," he snapped.

Peter took Justin into his arms, "Let them think whatever they want to. We know the truth."

"You're right," Justin gave Peter a kiss then a hug.

"Ah, Justin, who are `they'?"

Justin pulled back, "Just some fans."

"Really? Just fans?"

"Yeah, young fans, real young fans," Justin stressed, "I guess they want to replace you. They think you are too old for me."

"Well, a younger lover would help your image."

Justin was surprised, "How?"

"All your young gay male fans can see themselves in his place. I doubt if they can relate to an old fogy. I can see why they think you can do better than me."

"Well, fuck them!"

"Justin, that's what they want."

"You are not an old fogy and I don't want anyone but you. I don`t care what they write or think. I love you and only you." Justin pulled Peter to him. Then Justin felt Peter's body shake like he was trying top control his laughter. Justin moved back and looked into Peter's face.

"You did that deliberately."

Peter burst out laughing, "And you were teasing me. I think we are even."

Justin hugged Peter, "Yes, we are very even."

"Ah, Justin?"


"I'll be late."

Justin stepped back. "Oh, yeah, sorry. We should get going." Justin looked into Peter's face. "Will you be all right tonight?"

"I have the interview in an hour, a lunch interview and one in the afternoon. I will come home cook myself a nice dinner, play some video games or maybe take a swim. I'll do crosswords, watch TV then go to bed." Peter took Justin's hands, "I will be fine."

"I wish I wasn't busy tonight."

"So do I but you have you obligations. I understand. We have lots of nights left before JC and Lance come back."

Justin kissed Peter's cheek, "We'd better get going."

They went out the door, Peter set the alarm, locked the house and then they both drove off in different directions.

John walked into the game room. He spoke to his secretary out in the hall, "I'm just getting something to drink before I go to the meeting." He went up to the vending machine. It was then he noticed Peter sitting out by the pool doing his usual crossword puzzles. John got a bottle from the vending machine and went out to the pool.

"How are the interviews going?"

Peter snapped around. "Oh, hi, John. This morning's was fine. The same questions of how we met, how our families are dealing with it, how NYSNC feels about it and what management feels about us." Peter shrugged, "same stuff."

"Peter, you know how management feels."

Peter smiled. "I know and I am very grateful."

"No probing into the intimate stuff?"

"Oh, I can dodge around that. I must think of Justin."

"And don't leave yourself out of that. This has to do with both of you, you know."

Peter nodded, "I know."

"So you have the J4 magazine interview next?"

"Yep, and it includes lunch. That is a new angle."

"They insisted on it and it does help the interviewee relax."

"Well, I am not that nervous about it."

"Good. If you have any problems or concerns don't hesitate to come to me."

"Thanks, John."

He patted Peter's shoulder and went off to his meeting.

John's secretary appeared at the door.

"Peter, you'd better get going if you don't want to be late for your lunch date."

Peter got out of his chair. "Don't you start, this is not a date."

She laughed. "I know, I couldn't resist." She looked around. "It's a nice day, you should have used the pool."

"Me? I was out sunning once and this plane flew over. The pilot was blinded by the glare. I have a contract with the EPA now."

She pointed warningly, "Justin wouldn't like hearing you say that. Besides you'd look good in swimming trucks." She was embarrassed, "Sorry, that was meant as a compliment not a come on."

Peter smiled, "I know. It's one of life's little jokes. I am gay and I only get compliments from females. Oh, well, I do have Justin. But between you and me I bet that pool is a real perk. John manages some real cute guys."

"I wouldn't notice. This is my job and I try to maintain a professional attitude."

Peter decided to leave it. "Well, I wish I could." Peter shook his hand. "Backstreet was out there the other day. Woof."

The secretary motioned to the door, "You don't want to keep your interviewer waiting."

They left the room.

Peter was ushered to his table and was surprised to find a girl in her late teens waiting for him. He was about to ask where her mother was when he noticed she had been writing on a notepad and had a tape recorder next to her.

"Peter, glad to meet you," She shook Peter's hand. "I'm Michelle. Please sit down." She indicated the chair.

"I must say you are the youngest interviewer I've ever had. I know J4 is a teen magazine but I never knew they employed teens to write the stories."

"I'll be frank. That was sort of a bluff. I work on an internet magazine. Have you ever heard of website"

Peter shook his head. "Sorry, no."

She looked slight disappointed. "It is the largest fan-based Justin Timberlake website on the internet. I write for the bi-monthly newsletter we send out."

"How fitting," Peter smiled.

With a slight glare Michelle continued, "We call it 'J4Ever'. I just left off the 'ever' on the interview request. I wanted to get an interview with you and I figured a reporter from J4 had a better chance. If you want to call off the interview now I fully understand."

"I see no reason to call it off. Hell, I'll talk to anybody. I'm easy."

Peter got a cold look.

"I mean, since you wanted so much to interview me and I am here, why not. Besides I know how much you fans mean to Justin."

"Excellent. Shall we order first?"

After they had placed their orders she began. "I have gathered questions submitted from the members of our website. I arranged them to the top twenty they most wanted me to ask."

"Oh, I see," Peter nodded teasingly, "You fans are trying to find out if I am worth of Justin."

"Well, not really but it could seem that way."

Peter leaned forward, "Go ahead, I'm game."

Michelle looked at some papers. "First, what do you feel about the age difference and has that been a problem?"

"Oh, a tough one first. I was hoping it would be is Justin a good kisser."

Peter got another cold glare.

"Sorry, about the age difference. Yes, at first it did bother me. I wondered what the rest of NSYNC and management would think. At the time I was their guest and it smacked of the traveling salesman and the farmer's daughter. But obviously Justin was okay with it. I guess that is the only thing that matters." Peter paused, "Of course, most of the people who meet me immediately think that I am the older man who tricked his way into Justin's affections to use and exploit him. Justin's parents thought the same way when they first heard about Justin and me but once they got to know me and we got the chance to talk it was okay. They came to understand how much we care about each other."

There was doubt in Michelle's eyes. "How long had Justin knew he was BI before you came along?"

Peter chuckled, "You mean did I influence Justin's knowledge that he was BI. The answer is yes. Justin was having dreams about men and women and they were freaking him out. He had to tell someone and it couldn't be the guys. He thought they would just tease him. Justin knew that Lance and JC trusted me so he arranged a time when we could talk alone." Peter took a drink of ice tea. "I was very touched that Justin trusted me with such a personal issue. I barely knew him at the time. I spent most of my time with JC and Lance. I thought the others were a little put off having another gay man around."

"So you helped Justin realize he was BI?"

"I helped him come to grips with it. It really freaked him out. He said he'd rather be gay. Being Bisexual seemed so wishy-washy to him. I told him that Gay people and Straight people are only attracted to one sex. Being BI he had the gift of loving both sexes. What he thought was a lack of decision I looked on as a freedom. He felt a lot better about himself after that."

"How long after this talk did you two finally hook up?"

These were some very pointed questions but Peter took a page from NSYNC and their meet and greets. He would get through this as politely as possible.

"It was right after I got gay bashed."

Michelle winced. "I forgot about that."

"Justin was so supportive. I think it was because I was a fan and a guest of NSYNC. It was supposed to be fun for me and the bashing happened. You know how Justin feels about his fans. It was his idea to appear on the TV news. All the guys were distressed and they wanted the public to know how against violence they were."

Michelle nodded slightly. "I have both anti-violence buttons at home."

"NYSNC were so great about that. What other band would have gone so far to make their thoughts known? They really helped me over it."

"And Justin?"

Peter smiled. "Well, Justin wanted to cheer me up and I could show him something he didn't know. So one night Justin appeared at my door."

Michelle sighed, "You are so lucky."

"Tell me about that. But Justin didn't have an easy job. I didn't just give in."

"You're kidding me," Michelle gaped.

"Hey, I was a guest, Justin was younger, it was my first time and he was Justin Timberlake."

"You had doubts?"

"Not doubts, full blown anxieties but Justin wouldn't give up easily so he got me in the end." Peter blushed, "I'm so sorry."

For the first time Michelle laughed. "That's all right. So was it love at first sight?"

"No, that developed after. We thought this was just a weekend fling. Well, maybe we just hoped it was. To be in love would be very complicated."

"You seem to manage."

"It hasn't been easy."

"How about your parents?"

"I didn't tell Mom at first when I went off with NSYNC. She just wouldn't have understood. Being that Justin was younger she just knew that he would throw me over for someone more his age."

Under her breath Michelle said, "He'd never do that."

Peter tried to keep from smiling, he was making progress.

"When she did meet Justin he won her over. Even my military Father seemed to like him."

Michelle snapped back into assertive mode. "And the rest of the parents?"

"Well, you must have read the NSYNC website. I wrote all about my meeting with the MSYNC families. They were quite understanding and accepting."

"You wrote that?"

"I write for a different NSYNC website. It's probably not as big as yours."

"Are you kidding?" Michelle shook her head, "Sorry."

"Next question."

"How did Britney feel about you?"

"Ho, boy, now that is a question."

"She was against you?" Michelle almost grinned.

"At first."

"There were plots?"

"Oh, yes."


"I won't say. It would reflect badly on those involved."

"But the fans would like to know."

Peter looked hard at Michelle. "Who's fans? Justin's or Britney's? Besides it doesn't matter. The feud is over. She accepts Justin and me now."

Michelle sat back in her chair. "I bet it wasn't easy."

"No, it wasn't. Britney had very concrete ideas of what she wanted Justin to be and how she fit into the picture. I messed everything up. I was a danger to Justin and his career in her eyes." Peter looked directly at Michelle. "I am sure you know what I am talking about."

Michelle just nodded. "Then what did you do to change her mind?"

"Justin did. He convinced her beyond anything I could have done."

"What could he have done to have her accept you?"

"Excuse me, but that is rather personal."

"But my readers will want to know."

"There are some things fans dont need to know. Justins private life is just that, private. I'm sorry but I think I should leave. This is not an interview this is an inquiry." Peter stood up.

Michelle voice was firm. "But we want to know how this happened. How did the likes of you end up with Justin Timberlake?"

"We fell in love," Peter said softly. "It is a simple as that. But there are so many people with their own fantasies and hopes about Justin that they can't see that. 'Justin Timberlake does not fall in love with a gay guy.' Well, I am very sorry to inform you but he did. Good day."

"Peter, it is you!"

Peter turned to a young man who was suddenly hugging him.

"I thought it might be. Is it true Justin is coming to Galaxi?"

"Yes, Shawn, Justin was cleared the Saturday after next."

"I can't wait! I missed out on the wedding so I finally get to met him." He was hugging Peter again. "JC and Lance were awesome to meet but Justin? I can't believe that Justin is taking time to visit us gay kids. It was so great that you brought Brian to Galaxi." Shawn turned to Michelle, "Galaxi is a social center for gay and lesbian youth." He turned back to Peter, "We never would have met NSYNC if it wasn't for you. Bless you, Peter."

Peter was surprised by a kiss on the cheek. Peter turned beet red.

Shawn turned to Michelle. "This guy is so great. Brian is so happy, his father, too thanks to Peter. He thinks more about others than himself." He pointed to the note pad, "You can quote me. I have to get going. Bye, Peter." He left very excited, "I'm going to meet Justin Timberlake, goddamm!"

"Brian and his father?" Michelle asked.

"I helped them come to terms with being gay. You can add them to the list of people I recruited into being gay starting with Justin's name."

Michelle was angry, "I have gay friends. I know gay men do not recruit people into being gay. Give me a break."

Peter paused, "I will if you will."


"Give me a break." Peter sighed, "I've already been through one trial that was enough. But at least there I was innocent until proven guilty." Peter looked pleadingly at Michelle. "What do you say?"

Michelle looked embarrassed, "I'm sorry, I guess I came into this with an agenda."

Peter smiled, "You think? But I understand where you're coming from. Being a fan of Justin I am somewhat of a shock."

Michelle smiled. "You think?" She crumpled up the paper with the questions and stood up. "Can we start over?" She held out her hand, "I'm Michelle, its good to meet you."

They sat down and the interview began again.

"Well, I guess that's all the questions I can think of."

Peter leaned forward. "How did I do?"

Michelle smiled. "I think you passed. We'll have to wait for the readers responses but I think you'll do fine."

"Good. Justin's family was easy compared to you, the fans I mean."

"I think this article will stop a lot of those rumors."

"Rumors?" Peter put his hand on his chest, "About me?" He tried to act innocent.

"This will help. Look I am sorry how we started out."

"Forget it. Its how it finished that is more important."

"Thanks for letting me interview you."

"Hey, Justin's fans are important to him. If they're important to him they're important to me. I hope they will get to know me a little better now."

Michelle gathered her pads and tape recorder. They both stood up ready to leave. As she was about to go she stopped.

"It's still your fault you know."

"About what?"

"Making all of us rethink our fantasies and our weddings. You stole our husband you lucky SOB. But you're looking out for Justin and his career and we fans appreciate that. I think Justin is in good hands."

Peter blushed. "Thanks."

"A blusher, that is so sweet and sexy." She started off than stopped. "Oh, Peter? Give Justin a kiss from me will you?"

"I'll give him a kiss for each of his fans. One at a time."

"But that. . ."

"Will take me a lifetime?" Peter finished for her. "That's what I am planning on."

Michelle smiled, "Thanks again."


Lance did up the laces to his boots. "So this is why you had me try on these hiking boots. I thought it was an odd fashion statement."

"I was trying to be well devious."

"You succeeded." Lance finished tying his laces and stood up. "There, how to I look?"

"Like a rugged outdoors man."

"Rugged? Me?"

"You're rugged enough for me."

"Thanks, I think."

"Oh, here," JC held out two plain brass bells on a leather cord. "One for you and one for me."

"What are these for?"

"Bear bells."

"I can see they're not decorated but I still don't know. . ."

"Not 'bare' bells. B-e-a-r bells. The bears hear the bells and keep their distance. It also keeps us from surprising them. A startled bear is not a good thing."

"Not to worry, if I see a bear the next thing you will hear is a sonic boom as I got the hell out of there." Lance moved close and slipped hand arms around JC, "Now seeing you bare is another matter."

JC struck a pose:

"The grizzly bear sleeps in his little bear skin.

He sleeps very well I am told.

Last night I slept in my little bare skin

And I caught a heck of a cold."


"Come on, we've got some sights to see." JC gave Lance a peck on the lips.

They left the room.

The sun was shining, it was just warm enough and the lake they were by was smooth as a mirror. They sat on a fallen log by a stream flowing out into the lake.

"This is so beautiful. You can see all the way to the bottom of that lake. I am so tempted to go for a swim."

"I wouldn't try. This is a glacier fed lake. You'd be a Lance-cicle in no time." JC put his hand on Lance's. "Well, it's not the Alps but I think they will do."

"We didn't have time to see much of the Alps I remember. We were so busy touring."

"Well, now you can just enjoy yourself."

"I am, JC." Lance closed his eyes and relished the warm sun shining on his face. He listened to the birds and the buzzing insects.

"Are you ready?"

"In a bit," Lance didn't open his eyes.

"We can't rest too long if we are to get to the falls and back before dinner."

"Okay, I just need a little pick me up." Lance reached into his pocket and pulled out a candy bar. "Ah, damn. I should have put it in the backpack. It melted."

"Here, allow me," JC took the candy bar and walked to the stream. He placed the candy in the water and weighted it down with a stone.

"JC, you don't know what's in that water."

"Lance, this is water melting from a glacier. It is just this much above freezing. Nothing can live in this water."

"But what about animals and stuff."

"Lance, the wrapper is still on and sealed. Relax, I have done this before."

"You've been here before?"

"I was here when I was a boy on a family vacation."

"That's how you knew of this place."

"We used to carry little cups that would fold up. We'd drink right from the streams. I don't think I'd like to try that now but back then it was so neat."

JC pulled the candy from the water and handed it to Lance.

Lance was surprised, "It's firm again. JC, you are a genius."

"Its how we got our pop cold for lunch when we were hiking. Well, are you ready for more walking?"

"Sure," Lance could make out the thundering of the falls up ahead. "Sounds like it shouldn't take long."

"It's farther away than it sounds. Come on."

Lance took JC's hand. "I am enjoying this, JC."

JC smiled. "Good. I hoped you would." He gave a quick glance around and then kissed Lance.

Lance held JC and the kiss then he just held JC.

There was the sound of voices coming up the trail.

"Spoil sports." Lance frowned stepping away from JC.

"Come on, Lance. After dinner I'll make up it up to you."

"Then we'd better start back. I'll need to save my strength."

"You'll do just fine." JC patted Lance's hand. "Come on."

They headed up the trail.

John was talking to his secretary when Peter walked in.

"Got your issue of J4 magazine preordered already?"

"Nope, that's not going to happen."

John looked worried, "Something go wrong on the interview? They did show up?"

"Oh, they showed up all right. It was just they were flying under false colors. She wasn't from J4 magazine. She was from Justin forever."

"You mean the website?" The secretary asked.

"You know it?" John put in.

"It's the biggest fan based website on the internet so they say. I check it out frequently. On company business of course," She added.

Peter kept from smiling. "Well, you just keep checking in. The interview will be posted soon. It was a tough sell but I think this interview will turn some of Justin's fans around. My face should disappear from Justin fan's dart boards very soon."

"Good, I hoped it would help," the secretary cover mouth but too late.

"Ahem," John looked accusingly at her. "You knew about this?"

"Well, it was a sort of lame attempt at making it seem like she was from J4 magazine. I just figured Peter needed more intimate exposure to Justin's fan base so I let it go."

John slowly smiled, "I know I can trust your judgment. It was a good call."

Her computer beeped.

She gave it a quick glance. "You have that recording session in five minutes."

"I'd better be off." John patted Peter's shoulder, "And you have your interview to get to." John headed off.

"I'm afraid they're not here yet."

"I'll be in the game room until then," Peter leaned close and winking, "Checking out who's using the pool."

"No one's using the pool. Backstreet is around but they are in the building somewhere."

"How do you know that?"

She puffed herself up, "I am a professional secretary. We know these things."

Peter smiled. "I don't doubt it." Peter walked off.

Peter was walking down the hall when he heard, "Psst, Peter."

An arm beckoned from a doorway.

When Peter entered the recording booth there was all of Backstreet.


"No, plotting," Brian whispered.

"Have you been spied on again?"

"We can't prove anything." AJ added.

"So we're going to set a trap." Howie said, "That way we will know for sure. Are you in? We could use your help."

"Sure," Peter whispered. "What's the bait?"

"Nude pictures of us." Nick said very matter-of-factly. "How good are you with a camera?"

Peter just gaped.

End Part 60.

I know "What a bastard!". Now you know why I hate cliff hangers but the thought of leaving you with the thought of Backstreet naked was too great to pass up. But don't you worry.

Again, I am open, receptive and very needy of feedback. (If you have the time that is. ) The addresses are or

Thanks for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it. Now on to part 61.

Later dudes and dudettes.

Next: Chapter 62

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