Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Apr 12, 2006


Here we go with Part 61. You didn't come here to read this preamble drivel so on we go.

This story is complete BS. Not a drop of truth in it. This author has no knowledge of NSYNC's or the Backstreet Boy's real lives. To this author's knowledge NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys are not gay. (Waah!) This is only the author's imagination at work here so don't believe a comma of it.

There will be graphic descriptions of gay sex so if you are offended by such topics stop reading now. If you are offended by the idea of anyone from NSYNC or the Backstreet Boys doing it mano-a-mano again don't read this. Oh, yes, I almost forgot. If you are underage, stop reading or I will tell your Mommy and Daddy! (That they have one sneaky child.) But as I expect you are more than willing and eager to get started with this next part read on!

"You want me to take photos of you guys naked?" Peter gaped.

"Not really naked," Brian glared at Nick, "As much as SOME people want to. We will be wearing Speedos and then with proper draping it can look like we were naked."

"Why do we have to do it at all?" Howie asked, "Can't we just say we have naked pictures?"

Kevin answered, "Because we want to catch this person ah, responding to the pictures. They have to be the real thing."

"But why me?" A small voice inside Peter was screaming 'Why ask? Just do it!' Another voice said, 'Think of Justin.' 'You're no fun.' Brian's voice cut Peter's internal debate short.

"Our photographer has to log in every frame of film he shoots so he is out. We just want to bait a trap not really have the photos published."

"Not on paper but these kind of photos usually end up on the Internet no matter how careful you are."

"We'll chance it," Nick said.

"Yeah, you just want the free advertising." Brian teased.

"Well, okay," Peter nodded, "I'd do it if you want."

"Actually," Kevin began, "we need your other gifts, too."


"You can keep an eye on whoever gets to the photos better than anyone of us."

"How long is this supposed to take?" Peter's doubts were growing. "I can't spend all day out of my body."

"It shouldn't take long," Nick grinned, "I mean, the chance of see us all naked. Who wouldn't jump at the chance?"

Brian and AJ held up their hands.

Howie gave a glance at Kevin and raised his hand. "I'm sort of protective of Kevin just now."

Kevin smiled at Howie, "Thanks, lover." He kissed the air.

Peter pointed at Kevin and Howie. "So everyone knows about you two."

"They can't hide anything from us," Brian said, "Now back on the topic. What are we going to do once we find out who is stalking us?"

Peter held a hand up, "Wait a minute, stalking you? Where do you get that?"

AJ puffed out his chest, "Just look at the evidence."

Peter counted on his fingers. "One, photos of you with your pants down seemed to vanish then reappear."


"Then you have the sense that someone was watching you as you swam in the pool."


"And lastly there was the possibility of someone going through your gym bags."


"And that's the story so far?" Peter asked.

"Yep, so far."

Peter chuckled, "And that adds up to a stalker?"

"All the evidence I had of my stalker was a car driving off," Kevin said to Peter, "And look what almost happened to you."

"Okay, okay, whatever you want me to do. This is your party."

"Good." Brian said. "Meet back here tomorrow after lunch and we'll set our plot in motion."

"What about John?" Peter asked.

"John is away for a few days. This will all be over before he gets back." Nick added. He rubbed his hands together. "I think we just have a secret admirer who is too shy to show himself."

"Or herself." AJ put in.

Kevin shook his head. "I, for one like the unpopular theory of another group playing a prank on us."

"Anyway, tomorrow we should get to the bottom of this."

"Oh, I do hope so," Peter thought.

Backstreet began to leave the room.

Kevin stepped up to Peter, "Having second thoughts?"

"Thirds and fourths, too. I am just glad Justin is busy the next few nights. How can I explain that I am to take naked photos of the Backstreet Boys as a trap to lure a supposed stalker to reveal her or himself and float about the room out of my body until they do?" Peter shook his head. "Sounds like a bad spy novel."

"I have my money on the secretary."

"Nonsense, Howie," Peter said, "I tested her. I mentioned you guys swimming and she said she wouldn't look. She is a `professional'."

"Oh, bull," put in Kevin. "During rehearsals she is always telling us to shake our booties."

"I don't know," Peter shook his head, "This is happening at John's and it shouldn't be happening at John's."

"That's why I like the group prank idea." Kevin said.

Peter frowned. "I have a strong feeling of dread."

"Oh, no, not that again!"

Peter looked sheepish, "Oh, you heard about that?"

"That?" Howie snorted, "You mean about those."

"Okay, I am in a slump."

Kevin patted Peter's shoulder, "Come on, it will be all right."

They left the room.

Lance and JC were changing for dinner. JC had on his shirt but not his pants. He was leaned on the window sill.

"Just look at that scenery."

Lance eyed JC's body. "Tell me about it." He patted JC's butt.

"No, out there. Look at those peaks."

"And look at those cheeks."

"Those majestic mountains."

"Those majestic mounds."

"So big and rugged."

"So perfect and round."

JC batted Lance's hand away. "Stop that."

Lance pouted, "But we're on our honeymoon."

JC couldn't stand to see Lance pout. He turned and kissed Lance and took Lance`s hand and put it back on his ass. "And this moon is open for your view tonight."


"Come on. We'll be late for dinner."

"Butt JC," Lance smiled at his joke.

"We have two full weeks. We can't have sex the whole time."

"I'm willing to try."

"Please, Lance," JC kissed him again, "For me. After dinner I am at your whim." JC took Lance into his arms. "I seem to remember something about sucking my balls dry as raisins."

"I'd like to try."

"I'd like you to. Now let's get dressed."

A middle aged man and a much younger woman were sitting at a booth.

"You ordered champagne?" She almost giggled.

"Oh, course," The man took her hand, "Only the best for my love."

The waiter approached. Their hands separated.

The waiter bowed. "I am sorry, sir, but our cellar is out of the champagne that you ordered," He produced a wine list. "If there is another label you would like?"

The man perused the list when another waiter caught his eye. He was carrying a bottle of champagne. The waiter paused at a curtained off room, said something then disappeared through the curtain.

"There is a bottle of the champagne I ordered."

"Yes, sir, but I am afraid it was the last bottle." Before the man could protest the waiter explained. "That bottle was set aside once their reservations were made, sir. It is the Honeymoon Dining Package. That is also why the private dining room, sir."

"Honeymoon," The man grinned at his companion, "If it's for lovers then I don't mind." He was going to mention his honeymoon but this was not the time not with his present dinner company. "We'll have the Mumm's Brut then."

"Yes, sir. Sorry, of the inconvenience, sir." The waiter headed to the kitchen.

When the other waiter left the curtained off room the man got up from the table. "Honeymooners, eh, maybe they'll trade bottles." He kissed his young lover's hand. "Only the best for you, my dear."

She giggled and blushed.

The man went to the curtains closing off the private dining room. He got his spiel ready. He wasn't a top salesman for nothing.

He pulled open the curtains. "Excuse m. . ." He didn't finish the word.

The man stepped back and let the curtains fall back. He became very flustered. He made his way back to the table.

The waiter noticed his agitated state and approached him.

"Something wrong, sir."

He stammered, "Do you know what is happening in that room?" He pointed to the curtain.

"Yes, they are on their honeymoon."

"But it's two men."

"Yes, sir."


"I believe that is normal when one is on a honeymoon."

The man's voice grew with his anger. "Two men cannot be on a honeymoon. Two men can't even get married."

"Well, they paid for the Honeymoon Dining Package so they are getting what they paid for."

"But it is two men!"

The manager heard the raised voices and hurried over.

"Is there a problem here?"

"Yes, there is a problem here. There are two men doing heaven knows what together in that room."

The manager looked questioning at the waiter.

The waiter replied to the unspoken question, "Between a kiss and holding hands I have seen no inappropriate behavior, sir."

The manager turned back to the man as if that answered everything.

The man snapped, "Inappropriate? Who knows what else they will be doing back there."

The manager's voice was firm, "If they go beyond what is decent they will be asked to leave as I would do to any other customer male or female."

"But in a public restaurant!"

"Sir, they are not technically in public. They are in a private dining room hence the closed curtains. So in a way you interrupted their privacy, sir."

"You approve of this?"

"Sir, they paid for their dinner like anyone else does. No one else is complaining."

"No one else knows what is happening in there."

"The two gentlemen wanted to be discrete. Other couples hold hands and kiss in this restaurant and no one bats an eye. They deserve the same freedom."

"But they are two men! How do you even know they are married?"

"They both have wedding rings, sir." The waiter replied to the man. "As you and your . . ." The waiter stopped. Only the man was wearing a wedding ring.

The manager stepped in and said to the waiter. "Clearly, Toby, madam is having her ring cleaned or refitted. Go back to your serving. I have this in hand."

The waiter walked off as the manager maneuvered the man to sit down.

"Please, sir, they have the same right to be here as you do. Please, enjoy your meals." The manager started away from the table.

The man reluctantly sat down. "I don't know if I can now."

The waiter brought the champagne.

"Two glasses?" the waiter asked.

"Of course," The man answered taking his companion's hand.

The manager stopped and returned to the table, "Excuse me, sir," he bowed slightly. "May I see madam's ID?"


"May I see your companion's ID if she is to be drinking the champagne."

The girl blushed. "I don't have one." She indicated the man. "He drove."

"I am sorry," The manager bowed again. "No ID, no wine." The manager waved and the waiter took the champagne away. "If you can produce the ID we will be happy to serve the wine."

The man smiled, "You have my assurance that my dinner companion is well over the legal age." He patted her hand. "I will vouch for her.

"I am sorry, sir I do not doubt your word but I require proof."

The man was getting mad, "She is my guest."

"Guest or not I still require an ID."

The man stood up. "This is outrageous!" The man roared.

All heads turned to the table.

"I am sorry, sir, it is the law. She must be over twenty-one."

"It is the law?!" The man took his companion's hand. "Come on, we are leaving. Everyday decent people are held to the letter of the law and others are not." He nodded at the curtain.

At that moment JC stuck his head out of the curtain.

"This restaurant has a strange idea of what is decent and what is inappropriate!"

The man stormed off dragging his young companion after him.

"Aren't we going to eat first?" She asked as they disappeared.

Seeing JC the manager walked to the curtain.

JC asked, "Something wrong?"

"Nothing, sir, nothing at all. It need not concern you. Is everything to your liking?"

"Yes, thank you very much."

"Good. Please, enjoy your evening."

The curtains closed.

The manager motioned the waiter over.

He nodded to the curtain. "They are to know nothing about this, understand."

"Yes, sir."

"Clear booth twelve, please."

"Yes, sir." The waiter turned to the table muttering under his breath, "Appropriate behavior, she was young enough to be his daughter."

"Toby!" The manager reprimanded. "They were customers."

The waiter bowed his head, "Yes, sir, sorry, sir."

The manager leaned close and whispered softly. "Wash the booth down well. Infidelity mixed with hypocrisy can leave stains."

The waiter smiled. "Yes, sir."

JC sat down again.

Lance asked, "What were the raised voices about?"

"I don't know. A man and what looked like his daughter just stormed out."

"Probably found out that when you order the rainbow trout you get it head and all."

"I doubt that but the manager was involved."

"Well, he, ah, they've been very nice to us," Lance's hand found JC's, "And about us. I mean the Honeymoon Package for two gay men."

"Oh, come on Lance, give me some credit. I checked the internet on gay friendly resorts and restaurants. I don't like flying blind on our honeymoon."

"Then you knew?"

"I did a lot of planning. I wanted it to be as perfect as I could make it."

"It is so far." Lance nudged JC. "I'm keeping my official decision until tonight."

JC leaned close to Lance, "You will have my personal attention."

Lance leaned closer for a kiss, "Your attention and another thing at attention."

A voice from outside the curtain interrupted, "Your salads, sirs."

Lance pulled back but JC pulled him close again, "Gay friendly, remember that."

Lance smiled, "I have a lot of public behavior to unlearn."

"Lance, this isn't really in public."

"I suppose we should leave a big tip for the waiter."

JC grinned at Lance, "Not as big as the tip you will give to me later, I hope."

Lance gave JC a kiss, "You always get the bigger tip."


"Ahem," The voice again.

"Sorry, you can bring in the salads."

JC and Lance's eyes met. The waiter set down their salads and left but they took little notice.

JC tore his eyes away from Lance and grabbed his fork. He had one thought, "Hot damn, I am on my honeymoon with my love! We're two men kissing and the restaurant staff doesn't care."


JC looked up to Lance raising his glass.

"To us, my love and husband."

"To us, love."

They drank.

The door to their room had barely shut when JC felt Lance's arms close around him and Lance nuzzling his neck.

"Hey, we just ate."

"So?" Lance went back to kissing JC's neck.

"We have to wait an hour." JC teased.

"That's swimming," more kissing.

"I don't know, you are going to do some lapping and sometimes I swear you'll never come up for air."

"I wouldn't mind drowning that way."

"I'd mind." JC turned around. "It would completely put me off of sex."

"I would be gone. I'd hope so."

"I get it, no one after you, eh?"

Lance looked sternly at JC. "We're just married and you're talking of my replacement?"

JC knew better that to continue. "No one can replace you, my love."

"Good, so prove it." Lance smiled and kissed JC.

JC pulled back. "Please, Lance. Can't we just cuddle?"

"Cuddle? On our honeymoon?"

"Lance, being on a honeymoon is a time for the two lovers to be together, talk and just enjoy each other's company."

Lance turned away. "We could have stayed home."

JC took Lance`s hand. "But we would have been interrupted. We'd have appointments and meetings. We have set the world aside and it is just us." JC squeezed Lance's hand. "Just us."

Lance looked into JC's deep blue eyes. He hugged JC. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'd love to spend the whole two weeks just having sex with you but as you said "We could have stayed home" to do that. This is meant to be different. We drove most of the night, slept late and then went for a long hike."

"That waterfall was beautiful. It was so worth the hike." Lance smiled. "And I did enjoy dinner." He knew what JC was trying to say. "Okay, let's just cuddle. I'll let you digest and then later I'll ravish you."

JC smiled. "You are such a tease."

Lance started to take off his shirt.

"Ah-ah, clothes on is less temptation."

"We are on our honeymoon, right?"

JC took Lance into his arms. "Yes, and I will more than prove it later. Indulge me. Next week I will do anything you want. I'll run around completely stark naked 24-7 if you want me to."

"That won't be necessary. You can have Saturday afternoon off."

"Thanks." JC kissed Lance's nose.

They lay down on the bed next to each other. Lance put his head on JC's chest. JC put his arm around Lance's shoulders. A few minutes later and they were both asleep.

Peter now knew how empty the house was. He had had a swim, naked of course but it wasn't the same. A try at the video games but Peter, not into S&M still got his ass whipped. As he lay in bed doing crosswords he could almost hear the silence of the house. Without JC and Lance this was just a house not a home. He set the crosswords aside and lay back and failed to fall asleep.


He felt a presence.


Peter concentrated and soon was floating above his body. Who he saw surprised him.


"I though about sending a postcard but this was so much cheaper and faster."

"You should be with JC."

"I am. We had a remarkable dinner. JC found this gay friendly restaurant. We had a private dinning room with curtains. We held hands and kissed and the waiters didn't even care. Well, they didn't show that they did. It was so romantic."

Lance's aura was glowing so blue.

"I can see that."

"We got back to the room and JC wanted to cuddle and, ah, well, we fell asleep."

Peter was glad he couldn't laugh.

"Well, we got in late and drove most of the night and then had a good long hike today."

"I understand."

"Oh, Peter" Lance glowed. "It is so wonderful. JC has planned everything. I am so happy. "

"You'd better get back."

"Is JC going to wake up?"

"You know that more than me. But maybe when you get back you can wake JC, ah, up."

"Where is Justin?"

"Busy, but I don't mind."

"You are going to take advantage of being alone in this house?"

Lance saw Peter's aura glow blue. "You bet I will. Give JC my love. Ah, on second thought don't, he'll know you were here."

"I will. I tell JC everything." Lance started to go. He stopped. "Just wait until your honeymoon."


"Well, yours and Justin's."

"Lance, we haven't. . . I don't think Justin would. . ."

"You'll see." Lance floated off.

Lance arrived back and was relieved to find JC still sleeping. He rejoined his body and then leaned over to kiss JC.

JC stirred. "You're back."

Lance blushed. "Sorry."

"I tried to wake you a few minutes ago."

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to see Peter. After all he is all alone in that big house."

"Our home," JC corrected.

"But not his. Well, not for much longer."

"I hope you interrupted something."

"Nope, Peter was alone. You know Justin's schedule."

JC pulled Lance close. "So did you brag too much?"

"Nah, I just said I was having a wonderful time."

"Yeah, right. We fell asleep."

"It was the fresh air and the long hike not to mention the champagne." Lance nestled close to JC. "But now if you're not so tired." Lance kissed JC's hand.

"Not so tired? I am raring to go." JC bounced out of bed with a flourish.

Lance smirked, "How romantic."

"Lance, we've been together more than a year. We have seen, prodded and licked every part of each others body. We're used to it. Where is the mystery?"

Lance slid off the bed. "I like the familiarity. I like knowing every pore and line and muscle of your body. It's comfortable now."

"Comfortable," JC shook his head. "Not hot."

"Yeah, hot. I love kissing your skin."

"Really?" JC unbuttoned his cuff. "Like here?"

Lance kissed JC wrist, "Yeah, here."

JC undid the other cuff. "And here?"

"Very much here." Another kiss.

JC pulled up his sleeve. "And this elbow?"

Lance kissed it. "You have a very sexy elbow."

JC bared the other.

"Two very sexy elbows."

"All the time you are waiting for me to take off my pants so you can get to the meat of the deal." JC reached for the belt buckle.

Lance grabbed JC's hands. "Whatever you want to bare I will kiss. I always save the best for last."

"Okay, Lance, I'll ante in on that bet." JC loosened his top shirt button. He pulled his shirt down at the neck.

Lance was right there kissing gently any flesh he could see.

JC shuddered as the thrill went through him. That was a bad spot for Lance to start. JC pulled off his sock.

"Oh, goody," Lance was on his knees kissing and licking JC's foot. He sucked happily on JC's toes.

JC giggled. "That tickles."

JC lifted his pants leg and Lance followed the exposed skin up to JC's knee.

Lance looked up with those wonderful green eyes, "Next?"

JC obliged by baring his other foot and leg and Lance obliged with more licking and kissing. He sucked on JC's toes and didn't mind. This was kind of fun and hot at the same time.

JC pulled his shirt up and turned his back to Lance. Lance kissed the small of JC's back. Then he succumbed to temptation and squeezed JC's ass.

"Hey, no ass grabbing."

"I said I'd kiss your bare skin I didn't say what I would do with my hands."

Lance kissed and licked up JC's back. His hands slid around and caressed JC's chest. JC let out a little moan. This was quite the turn on.

With nothing else left JC pulled off his shirt. Lance turned him around and kissed JC's throat then started down JC's torso. His lips latched onto JC's nipple sucking gently then Lance's tongue licked at it.

"Hm, that's good."

Lance moved to the other nipple. He got another groan from JC.

"Okay, there's only one place left."

JC reach for his pants and unfastened them. Lance helped JC out of his pants. Lance was at crotch level but he fought the temptation.

"Oops, I forgot a spot." Lance stood up and kissed JC's lips. "Now these I like kissing."

"And after?"

"I am not through here yet." Lance pressed his lips against JC's. His hand found JC's crotch and began rubbing."

"Mmmm," JC moaned.

Lance could feel JC getting hard.

JC pulled back. "Hold that thought." JC bent and pulled off his underwear. "Now you can go back to your kissing my exposed skin."

Lance didn't even smile. "I said I'm not through up here yet." He kissed JC again and again. Lance started stroking JC. He knew what JC wanted him to do but Lance had his own idea. Lance twisted his hand around JC's cock.

"Oh, Lance." JC managed between Lance's kisses.

Lance stroked the entire length of JC's cock from the base to the head.

"Lance," JC moaned. "Your clothes," JC felt awkward standing naked while Lance was still dressed. Besides he wanted Lance naked.

Lance nibbled JC's ear. "You want me to stop this?" Lance rubbed his palm over the mushroom head of JC's cock.

JC closed his eyes and moaned. "No, ah, yes."

"Sh, JC, let me try something new."

"I want to feel your mouth."

"You have it." Lance kissed JC letting his tongue entwine with JC's.

"Your mouth on my cock, I want you to suck me off."

"All in good time," Lance stroked a little faster.

"But, Lance. . ."

"Sh," Lance whispered in JC's ear. "Pretend you're in the shower."

JC now knew Lance was going to just jack him off. JC didn't really mind.

"I always thought about asking you to just jack me off. You do it so well while you are fucking me."

"Then it is agreed." Lance moved behind JC. He chuckled. "This is not going to be a game of golf. Here the more strokes the better." Lance whispered in JC's ear. "Isn't this different from me sucking you? You can feel my warm body against yours. I can kiss your neck," He did so, "Your shoulders and nibble your ear. Do you like this?" Lance grabbed the lube and squeezed some in his hand. He went back to stroking JC.

JC drew a sharp breath, "That feels so good, Lance."

Lance could feel JC's hard cock almost throbbing in his hand. He kissed the back of JC's neck. Lance felt a shudder go through JC.

"You're feeling something." Lance whispered close again, "This is for you, Josh. I want you to do nothing just enjoy my attention to your cock and my kisses, and my other hand." Lance caressed JC's chest and rubbed hard on his nipples. "You gave up your little one on one sessions in the shower for me. I want to do this for you. I know jacking off isn't really sex."

JC ran his hands up and down Lance's arms. "Not really sex? Are you joking? When I do it in the shower it is just sex but with you here doing it to me. . ." JC groaned loudly, "It's making love. This is so hot!" JC leaned his head back on Lance, "Oh, Lance, I am feeling so good but what about you?"

Lance nuzzled JC's neck. "I'm feeling good too. Feel it?"

JC felt something rubbing on his ass but it wasn't clothes. Somehow during this Lance had managed to pull down his pants and underwear with one hand. He was rubbing his hard cock against JC's ass. Then it slipped into the cleft in JC's ass cheeks. No penetration just rubbing. It was total role reversal. JC now wanted Lance inside him so bad.

"Put it in, Lance, please."

"Later. I want to get off this way. Your ass is so tempting. It's a turn on to resist it."

JC pushed back against Lance, "You're teasing me, please Lance."

Lance turned and began caressing JC's ass with his one hand while still stroking JC's cock all the way up the shaft and back down to the very base. He sped up his strokes. He couldn't stand the thought of teasing JC but he wanted to get JC off with just his hand.

"Patience, Josh. I'll do you all night after I get you off." Lance knelt and rained kisses on the soft white mounds of JC's ass.

"Use your tongue," JC pleaded.

Lance did but he just licked JC's ass cheeks in long tender strokes.

JC gave up. He'd let Lance do what Lance wanted. It was feeling so good and it was strange just to feel Lance rather than see him. JC closed his eyes and savored the pleasure Lance was giving him. Lance's fingers pressed on the spot just under the head of JC's cock sending a surge of pleasure. JC gasped.

Lance stood up and pressed his body hard against JCs back. His massaged his cock against JCs ass, one hand still stroking and twisting on JC's cock and the other caressing JC's body.

JC turned his head so they could kiss.

Lance changed to a rapid pace. His hand squelched with the lube as his fingers slid along JC's sensitive hard flesh.

"Oh, damn," JC leaned back against Lance. "Jack me off, Lance. I want to cum so bad."

"As you wish, Josh." Lance kissed JC`s back, shoulders, neck and ears then started over. He saw the goose-bumps ripple out across JC's skin.

JC's moaning grew louder. His breath was rapid. Lance felt JC begin to tense up. Lance tightened his hand on JC's hardon.

"Oh, oh, I'm going to, ah . . . I'm cumming!!"

JC pressed back hard against Lance, his body shook in Lance's embrace. Lance felt JC's cock pulse and jerk as JC came. JC gasped and moaned. Slowly JC relaxed against Lance. His climax waned but he was still panting hard.

Lance stopped stroking. He looked at his hand.

"Look, JC you gave me a pearl rope for my fingers."

"Sorry," JC took Lance's hand and licked the fingers clean. "Better?"

"Not yet."

JC grinned. He knew what to do. He pressed his ass hard against Lance's crotch and then gyrated his hips. JC was giving Lance's cock the old bump and grind.


"Yes," Lance gasped. "Oh, yes."

JC felt Lance's hard cock rubbing up and down his ass. He moved his ass up and down faster.

Lance's hands found JC's waist. He watched his cock sliding between JC's perfect ass cheeks.

"Is that hot?"

"Yes, Josh, oh, yes!"

"Time to end this," JC thought. He said to Lance, "Cum on my ass. Let me feel your hot cum so you can go on to fuck me."

The dirty talk did it. Lance felt the stirrings swell within him. Soon every nerve fiber screamed with joy.

"Oh, JC!" Lance's hips pressed hard against JC. Lance watched at the tendrils of white shot out and splashed on JC's back and ass.

JC tried to look over his shoulder, "Oh, your cum feels so hot on my skin." JC bucked his hips causing Lance's cock to slide a few more times between his cheeks.

Then climax spent Lance wrapped his arms around JC pull his body to him. JC turned his head so they could kiss. When they parted Lance moved so they were face to face.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?"

JC kissed Lance. "No, it was a little different but I enjoyed that."

Lance smiled. "Good."

JC gave Lance a peck then stood back. He took Lance`s hand. "I'll get a washcloth so we can clean up a bit. Then I will get you up again and then. . ."

Lance grinned. "Your ass is mine."

JC patted Lance's cheek. "And I'm not going to let you stop until I am completely satisfied. You up to that?"

"Not right now," Lance leered, "But I will be, I will be."

JC walked to the bathroom as Lance removed the rest of his clothes. Lance glanced up to a wonderful sight.

"Lover, you have a gorgeous hot ass."

JC looked over his shoulder. "Flatterer." He wiggled his butt then disappeared into the bathroom.

That Chasez ass was all his. Lance was getting hard already just thinking about it.

Lance ran his fingers through JC's hair. JC looked up at him with those sparkling blues eyes and smiled. Lance watched as JC's tongue flicked at the tip of Lance's cock, licked around the mushroom head then the shaft was engulfed by JC's warm, wet, so marvelous and talented mouth.

Lance was enjoying a mouth on his cock. No, it was JC's mouth that added to the enjoyment. No, better yet it was a mouth, JC's mouth and Lance's love for JC, well, their love for each other. Each added a little more thrill to the sex. Lance slid his hands behind his head and watched JC. True the sight of his cock entering either place in JC was a turn on but watching JC doing everything he could to give Lance pleasure was more of a turn on. No, it made the sex that more special. JC seemed to sense Lance's thoughts because he reached up to rub a nipple.

Lance moaned, "I love you so much, Josh."

JC pulled back. He kept stroking Lance. "I am a good cocksucker then?"

"Not just your mouth and what you can do with it. I love all of you."

"Good," JC moved up so they could kiss, "Because your love gives me such motivation."

Lance smiled, "Hm, don't I know it. You always make me feel so good." They kissed again.

JC winked, "And I love to make you feel good." JC looked down at his hand stroking Lance. "Damn, I love sucking your dick." JC moved down and swallowed Lance again. Pulling back he pressed his tongue hard against the underside of Lance's cock as he again let Lance's length into his mouth. JC felt Lance's body shake. Good he was hitting all the right places.

Lance found himself gripping the sheets, "Oh, Josh," He moaned, his head rolling back and forth on the pillow.

The same thoughts went through JC's mind. He didn't just like oral sex he loved it only with Lance because he, no they loved each other. JC buried his nose in Lance's pubic hair. Lance's whole body shuddered. Damn, JC loved that most of all. JC loved making Lance feel good and he loved to get Lance off. And there was one more thing he wanted so much at least tonight. He wanted Lance to fuck him. But they hadn't got to that selection of the agenda yet. JC sucked on Lance's balls.

With this last surge of pleasure rushing through him Lance couldn't wait any longer. He had to return the favor to JC.

"Hey, JC, swing those sweet cheeks of yours up here. I have my own motivation to you know. And I have promised you some raisins."

JC kicked around so they were head to toe. Both eagerly swallowed each other. Soon the room filled with the sounds of slurping and some very happy moans.

There were times that 69'ing was almost too much. Trying to concentrate on what you were doing as wave after wave of pleasure surged through you from what your lover was doing was difficult. It was far simpler just to take turns. But Lance did like this. He couldn't see JC but he could feel from how JC's body shook or a moan if he was doing everything right. There was only one thing in front of Lance and he thrilled to sucking JC's cock as much as JC thrilled to have him do it.

After some minutes JC lifted up from Lance. There was one thing he wanted and he wanted to get Lance on the same page. He had to get Lance's mind off the 'raisins'. JC moved his legs forward and lowered himself back to Lance.

Lance didn't mind. He parted JC's ass cheeks and buried his tongue in his lover's ass.

"Oh, Lance, that's it. Get me ready."

Lance was very willing to do as he was told. His tongue licked and prodded.

Finally JC sat up. Lance was tonguing his ass so good he had to relish just that feeling. He reached down and still stroked Lance's cock. Suddenly into JCs mind came sit on my face and let my lips embrace you'. He shook his head and the Monty Python song vanished. Lance's tongue hit just the right place to banish it for good. JC gasped.

Lance was really going to town. His hands parted the soft round cheeks so his tongue could probe deeper into JC. Again he couldn't see JC but he could feel JC's body react to what Lance was doing.

After a few minutes Lance pushed JC away.


Lance moved out from under JC. "You've been more than patient. I want to give you want you want."

The bottle of lube was in Lance's hand before he knew it. JC lay on the bed with his head down but his butt raised high. "Please, Lance."

Soon Lance sank slowly into JC.

A low long contented moan escaped JC's mouth. "Oh, yeah." JC's body spread out flat onto the bed. "That's it."

Lance had to lower himself and reenter JC. Again there was the long low so contented moan. Lance started a slow rhythm.

JC's hands moved about on the sheets. "That feels SO good."

Lance lowered himself so he was just above JC's back. JC could feel the heat from Lance's body.

He whispered into JC's ear, "You like that, lover?"

"I love that. Do me good."

"You've got it." Lance thrust his cock deep into JC.

The moan and the shudder that went through JC's body thrilled Lance. Okay, his cock in JC's ass felt wonderful but seeing JC's reaction to it only added to it. Lance reach out and found JC's hands. Their fingers meshed together another form of physical contact just as sexual.

"Oh, Lance."

Lance leaned close and they kissed. Lance's hips dropped down as he thrust forward that made his cock go deep into JC. JC groaned and pushed back against Lance. He wanted Lance even deeper. Lance could relate. Lance kissed JC's neck and back.


A contented moan was JC's only reply.

Lance thrust back with more force. He felt JC's hands grip his tighter.

"Mm, so good."

"Oh, Josh." Lance whispered as the pleasure of his cock in JC's ass surged through him.

"Lover," JC whispered, "No husband. Show your newly wedded husband how much you love doing him."

Lance pulled out and rolled onto the bed.

"You keep that up and I'll cum too soon."

JC grinned. "Why? Does the word "husband" turn you on?"

"Are you kidding?"

JC laughed, "And I thought I was the one that was so turned on."

Lance's hand caressed JC's back. "I've am top man two nights in a row. I've never seen you like this before."

"I've never been married before." JC's blue eyes looked into Lance's. "I wanted you to be with me forever. That's why I proposed. Now I want you to physically show me your answer."

"I did before we left."

"Ah-ugh, our honeymoon hadn`t officially begun yet." JC's hand found Lance's cheek. "I know we switch off now and then but right now I need you to fuck me."

Lance made face.

"Sorry, do me. I need to feel you inside me. Just like my love for you."


JC's hand caressed Lance's cheek. "No Josh, your Josh." JC's blue eyes pleaded. "Please, James?"

Lance gave JC a kiss, "Okay, but I have an idea." He reached over and switched off the light.

JC was leaning again on the window sill gazed at the scene outside their window. The moon was casting its silver reflection on the calm waters of the lake and the stars. . .

"Look at all those stars. You can't see this many in the city."

Lance moaned. "I think I am seeing stars already." He didn't stop thrusting his cock into JC's ass.

"I mean out there." JC reached back to squeeze Lance's ass, "I imagine heaven to be like this. A view like this and with me. . ," JC gasped, "Oh, Lance!"

"And you want me to concentrate on the view out there?"

"The lights are off, you can't see me."

"I can see enough." Lance leaned down and kissed the back of JC's neck. "I can just see the naked body of my lover by moonlight but I can really feel the affect of his hot tight ass on my . . ."

"Lance, please. Don't spoil the mood."

To answer Lance gave a few hard fast thrusts into JC.

JC's head dropped, "Oh, damn, Lance, right there!"

Lance thrust back hard into JC, "There?"

"Oh, god, yes! That feels so GOOD!"

Lance gave JC all he was worth pulling his cock almost completely out then plunging it all the way back in. JC moaned and gasped. Lance had just starting stroking JC when JC stood up.

"Sorry, Lance, my legs are getting weak. You're wearing me out." He turned and kissed Lance. "Back to the bed."

They had started back when Lance stumbled in the dark.

"We should have picked up our clothes."

"Don't you dare," JC switched on the lamp. He belly-flopped onto the bed and parted his ass cheeks with his hands. "Now do you want to pick up the clothes or pick up where you left off?" JC glanced over his shoulder. "Or are your legs tired, too?"

"I think I can manage awhile longer." Lance stepped over the clothes. Lance moved close and with one motion of his hips his cock sank back into JC.

The sheets muffled JC's groan of pure pleasure. Lance fell back into rhythm.

Soon JC was grasping the sheets with his hands as Lance's cock plunged in and out of his ass.

"Yes, yes!"

Lance was getting so turned on by JC's reactions. He wanted to last as long as he could for JC's sake but it was getting difficult.


From just the tone of Lance's voice JC knew.

"Lance, stop a minute. I'm getting close, too. Let's take a breather. I want to make this last."


JC turned around and took Lance into his arms. "I read somewhere that the best orgasms are the ones you build up to." JC rolled onto the bed. He patted the space next to him.

Lance shook his head, "Okay, but last time we fell asleep." Lance got on the bed and snuggled close to JC.

"Not this time. That will not allow it." JC pointed at his erection.

"Not if we rest."

"Do you really believe that, Lance?" JC caressed Lance's body then a light stroke to his cock. "My James?"

Lance looked into JC's eyes. He saw the love and the desire. Lance ran his hands over JC's chest rubbing hard on a nipple. JC sighed with joy. They kept caressing each other.

"Ever since my rescue by Peter I have dreamed of this. I always did you in those early days in our relationship."

"I didn't mind."

"And I didn't realize." JC kissed Lance's nose. "But when I finally ah, opened up and found out what it felt like I wanted a whole weekend when I could be your, and forgive me for this, your butt boy."


"I wanted to offer myself to you for as long as you wanted to. Lance, I own you so much for those first times when I only topped. I like to bottom now, no I love it. This is our honeymoon and I find I want you do me so bad. Sorry I mean do me so good that I want it bad. Oh, damn, do you know what I mean?"

Lance smiled and gazed into JC's eyes. "You don't have to make up for anything. I loved it when you did me. Then that night you offered yourself to me. I will never forget that night. It was like the first time we kissed."

JC pulled Lance close. "I remember a lot of first times. They were all the more memorable because they were with you."

Lance moved up and kissed JC. "You know I thought the greatest moment in my life was when I became a member of NYSNC. I couldn't imagine a greater blessing could happen in my life. I was so wrong. Just look at us."

"NYSNC and beyond."

Lance started chuckling.


"I just remembered my mother was against me joining NSYNC. Justin's mother had talked her into it. Then when I told Mom was gay and then about us."

JC kissed Lance's forehead. "But she came around on all those issues."


JC saw the love and need in Lance's eyes. JC handed Lance the bottle of lube and lifted his legs.

"Come to me, my love."

Lance grinned. "Come? Not yet. We have a long way to go yet."

JC felt the length of Lance's cock sink deep into him. "Oh, fu. . ."

"JC," Lance warned.

"Fu. . .ah. . .fantastic."

Lance leaned down and kissed JC. "Much better."

He looked down to see his cock slid in and out of JC's ass. Damn, that turned Lance on. JC's tightened his ass muscles.

"Damn, JC." Lance moaned. He caught JC's slight smile. They did so much for each other. Lance thrust back driving his cock as deep as he could.

JC gasped as Lance's cock hit all the right places. This felt so great. JC wished Lance could fuck him forever. He really was enjoying their honeymoon.

Lance look down at JC his face flushed with pleasure. At times their eyes would meet and lock and other times JC would close his eyes and little oh's and yes's' would come from his lips. JC's oh so soft and sexy lips. Sometimes Lance would run his hands across JC's chest and body or suck on JC's toes. Lance tried to concentrate on JC. This was his favorite position to cum because he could see JC's face and hold him close and kiss. But that was a ways off yet. JC was so into being the bottom that Lance wanted to go on until JC was satisfied.

Between surges of pleasure Lance's cock in and out of his ass was causing to him JC would look up at Lance his face flushed with the pleasure JC's ass was giving him, that beautiful body and those gorgeous green eyes. JC could look into those eyes forever. . .sweet jesus! Lance's cock hit the spot that time.

After a few minutes JC took Lance into his arms and pulled him close.

"Sit back."

Lance sat back pulling JC up with him.

"Lay back."

With a little careful maneuvering JC was now straddling Lance. He bounced up and down in pure ecstasy. Lance looked up at JC's beautiful body above him. He ran his hands over JC's warm flesh. Maybe not a perfectly shaped body but Lance loved it so plus the man inside it.

JC leaned back. Lance felt his cock slip deeper inside his lover. JC closed his eyes, leaned his head back and gasped. Then his eyes snapped open locking on Lance. JC gave the most contented smile and leaned down so they could kiss.

"You are so good, my James."

"Oh, Josh."

There were a few minutes of passionate kissing then JC sat up again.

Lance almost smiled at the thwack, thwack of JC's hard cock and balls slapping against Lance as JC bounced on Lance's cock. Shouldn't that hurt? One look at JC and Lance knew better. Hell, even he knew better. He'd been in JC's place often enough.

Soon Lance could see that JC was getting tired. He tapped JC on the shoulder and JC lay down on the bed. Lance spooned up behind him. Lance entered JC again.

"This is much easier on both of us."

JC groaned in agreement.

Lance reached around to stroke JC. He could felt the slipperiness of the pre-cum. JC's hand reached around to find Lance's ass. Lance thrust back as hard as he could. JC moaned happily.

After a few minutes JC gasped, "Oh, James, I'm getting close. Don't stop!"

JC lifted his leg and managed to twist around slightly on his back. He wanted that eye contact. They both thrilled to watching each other's face as they came.

Lance began his usual whimpering. "Oh, Josh. Oh, Josh."

Lance's face was almost flushed red with pleasure. JC gave in and let the onrush start. He felt every nerve tingle and his muscles tensed as the climax grew close.

"Oh, yeah, James, I am going to cum." JC's head fell back. "Oh, Lance, I'm cumming!"

The wave surged though JC's body. He felt his cock pulse and throb as he came.

Lance pried his eyes from JC's look of full ecstasy to see the white tendrils shoot and splatter on JC's stomach. Several shots even landed on JC's face.

"Holy shit, JC." Lance laughed.

JC barely heard. He was overwhelmed by the shear pleasure ripping through his body.

This sight pushed Lance over the edge. He too felt the surge building. One last thrust into JC and his cock erupted.

"Oh, Josh!"

As JC's climax abated JC watched Lance's climax blast through his lover. His eyes were shut and choked cry escaped his mouth. Lance's body shook and trembled. Then Lance began to convulse his arm shook in mid air. JC began to get a little worried. Lance looked like he was being electrocuted.

But slowly Lance relaxed. His arm fell back to his body and he lay back panting hard.

"Are you okay?" JC asked.

Lance was still panting. It took him a few seconds before Lance managed a short laugh.

"Damn, that has to be the best yet. I swear I almost fainted." Lance grinned at JC. "They were right. What was the song about 'when you want to sock it to it'? It socked it to me all right. Damn!"

JC quickly cleaned himself off and then cuddled up to Lance.

"No bad for a start of a honeymoon?"

"It was almost the end. I have never cum like that before." Lance turned his head, "What about you? Are you 'satisfied'?"

JC smiled. "Yes. For now."

"I'd say," Lance laughed. "You were some geyser. You even shot on your face. You only do that when you are really turned on."

"Do you doubt that?" JC moved to get a kiss. "You do that to me."

"Even without the mystery?" Lance teased.

"Okay, I like the familiarity, too. You are still a hot sexy man. That's also why I married you."

"I love you, Josh."

"And I love you, my James."

"Damn, that was incredible."

"That's because that is what you are." JC got one more kiss before snuggling up to Lance.

No matter how hard they tried to stay basking in the afterglow soon they both fell asleep.

Backstreet was grouped together in the pool. Peter stood by the pool's edge with a camera.

Peter shook his head, "Swimming trunks! I should have known not to get my hopes up."

"Well, your Internet warning scared us," Brian replied, "Besides we didn't want you to get anything else up."

"Hey," Peter puffed out his chest, "I am a professional."

"Yeah, right," AJ snorted. "Just take the pictures."

"Peter, we believe you as much as we believe John's secretary."

"My money is still on her." Brian said. "She may be older but we're five hot young guys and it always is the quiet ones."

"Whoever it is we have to let them down easy," Howie said, "We mustn't break their heart too badly."

"Well, it doesn't matter to Nick. He'll do 'em either way."

"Screw you!" Nick splashed water at AJ.

"Remember that line." AJ splashed back.

"Hey, don't get water on the camera."

Nick pulled back his hand at the surface of the water facing Peter.

"That goes for the cameraman, too."

Nick dropped his hand, "You're no fun."

"You know you guys have done this before."


"How about instead of all of you in the pool I take individual shots? You could find out if there is a favorite or if they like more than one of you."

"Not a bad idea."

Peter thought for moment, "One crotch shot and one butt shot each should do it. Wet trunks are so sexy the way they cling."

AJ shook his head, "We had to get a gay photographer."

"This is supposed to be your trap," Peter tried to keep the irritation from his voice. He had never been comfortable about this. "Yesterday you wanted irresistible bait. You started at naked, then Speedos now swimming trunks. I simply suggest a sexy pose and you. . ." Peter set the camera down on the patio table. Very calmly Peter said, "When you make up your minds about what you want give me a call."

"Come on guys." Nick rallied, "Not a close-up shot of our butts just sort of like this." Nick boosted himself out of the pool. He stuck his butt out a little causing the wet fabric to pull tight around his ass. Then he turned to Peter and licked his top teeth.

Peter took the picture.

"And then something like this," Nick got out of the pool turned away and adjusted himself and his trunks. When he turned back he was showing a very nice package. Nick turned on his bedroom 'come hither' eyes.

Click. "Perfect." Peter smiled. "Next?"

Howie sighed, "Okay, let's just get this over with."

Later over the PA came, "Backstreet Boys, the photographer has been called away, the meeting on the proofs of your swimsuit shoot will be postponed one hour. Thank you for your patience."

"Do you think they all heard that?" Nick asked.

"Yep, now watch the stampede." Brian joked.

Howie shook his head, "That was so subtle, Nick. Couldn't we just let the rumor spread?"

"We don't have the time."

"Peter, are you ready?" Kevin asked.

"As ready as I will ever be."

Nick rubbed his hands together. "Soon we will find out who our secret admirer is."

"I thought you thought they were a stalker."

"We thought about it. Not at John's. Someone just is too shy to approach us. Well, we will approach them and they see we are nothing to be frightened of. To your post, Peter."

Peter sat down and concentrated. The sooner this was over the better.

Nick was right the bait was too tempting. The photos were not long unattended. Peter watched the figure enter the room. They locked the door then slowly crossed to where the pictures were. Around them their aura flickered and flashed. There was a real mental fight going on in this person. Slowly almost reluctantly a hand picked up the photos. Peter saw the person's face flush as the photos had their effect.

Suddenly the photos were slammed down on the table.

"No, I mustn't," was said though clinched teeth.

Peter watched the aura show the inner struggle.

The figure turned and walked back to the door. The hand was almost on the door handle when the fight was lost. A run back to the photos, one was picked up, a hand slid down the person's crotch, a zipper was pulled down and a heart felt but still painful sigh.

"So beautiful."

What this person was doing was not in total joy. This was a bodily need not a mental one. Like Mr. Wilson before this person would hate themselves after this.

The person moaned.

Peter wished he could help with this person's anguish but he was forced out of the room.

Peter stirred and sat up.

"You're back."

Peter nodded. It was obvious wasn't it?

"Did the person show up? Did you see who it was?"

Peter was a little put off by Nick's eagerness. This had turned serious.

"Yes, I saw them."

"Who was, ah is it?"

"I can't tell you."

"But Peter. . ."

"It's the rules. We are now supposed to tell the things we see while projecting."

"Well, what use are you then?"

"Nick, things have changed. This isn't just a prank anymore."

"Oh, bull." Nick thought for a bit, "Maybe they're still there."

"Nick, no!"

Nick grinned, "They are. Good, I'll see them for myself." He started out of the room.

"Don't, Nick, you don't understand."

But Nick was gone down the corridor.

The door was locked but that didn't stop Nick. He took a master key out of his pocket. Nick's charm sometimes worked wonders. As quietly as he could he unlocked the door and slid into the room.

Nick looked across the darkened room. He could see the silhouette in front of the pictures. There was no mistaking that hand motion. The perpetrator was a male.

The hand motion sped up and the body tensed. Nick waited. There is nothing worse than being interrupted half way to an orgasm. The man shook and gasped then slowly relaxed. He stood there panting then the shoulders slumped, "Goddamnit," under his breath. Quickly he cleaned up.

Nick stopped waiting, "Why do it yourself when you can have the real thing?" Nick flipped on the lights.

The man turned around. At the sight of Nick the blood went out of his face.

Nick's smiled froze on his lips. The man was terrified.

"No, no! Not you."

Nick finally found his voice, "Wade?"

"This isn't what you think."

"It's all right, Wade, I don't mind."

"I mind, I didn't mean to I. . ." Wade's voice trembled with anguish. "Oh, why did it have to be you?!"

Wade was across the room, passed Nick and out the door in a flash.

Nick walked over to the photos. There was only one that was out of place and it was his. What had he done? Nick hurried to the door.

As Wade turned down the corridor the rest of Backstreet came around the corner.

Wade spun around, sped the other way down the hall then turned the corner out of sight.

"What was that all about?" AJ asked when they got to Nick. "Wade looked scared to death."

Brian's jaw dropped, "Do you mean it was Wade?"

Nick nodded sadly. This wasn't the way he expected it to turn out.

"But Wade is straight. He always says so."

"Maybe not anymore, Kevin." Howie noticed Nick was upset. "Nick, you okay?"

"No, I think I just made matters worse. Come on."

They followed Nick.

"Go ahead, say it," was the first thing out of Nick's mouth when he saw Peter.

"I wouldn't dream of it, Nick. We all make mistakes. I certainly have had more than my fair share."

AJ wanted answers, "Can someone please tell us what the hell is going on? Wade ran away from us like the police were after him. No, like a line dancing club hired him. Does this mean Wade is really gay?"

Nick said nothing so Peter began, "And he is not very happy about it. The last time I saw an aura like Wade's was Mr. Wilson's."


"Never mind. Let's just say Wade is fighting very hard against his gay feelings. Wade does not want to be gay."

"And I outed him," Nick's voice cracked. "He didn't want anyone to know he was gay and I outed him in front of all of us."

Peter tried to be comforting, "Nick, you didn't know."

"But you did. You tried to warn me. Now I've made matters worse."

Brian put a hand on Nick's shoulder, "It will be all right."

Nick's voice was firm. "We have to keep this a secret just between us. We can't tell anyone. Not until I straighten this thing out."

Brian suppressed a chuckle. Howie elbowed him.

"I have to talk to Wade. I have to make this right."

"If you need our help you know you have it."

"Thanks. I need to find Wade." Nick left the room.

"Wade just left. He was in a huge hurry."

Nick turned to the secretary, "Do you know if he will be attending the release party tonight?"

"I'll check." She worked on her computer. "It is on his calendar."

"Great." Nick walked off.

Nick would have to wait until tonight. He hoped Wade wouldn't change his mind.

Wade was at the release party but it turned out Wade was very good at evading Nick and Nick had a difficult time getting to be alone so he could approach Wade. He managed it once.


"I suppose everyone knows. I'm as good as fired." Wade snapped.

"I didn't tell anyone."

"But all of Backstreet knows."

"Only that you looked at the pictures, I didn't tell them anything else. I won't tell anyone, Wade."

Wade's voice crackled with anger, "My how big of you. Was this all a joke to humiliate me?"

"Wade, I didn't know it was going to be you or you're ah, reaction."

"Then let's never talk about this again." Wade walked off.

Nick wanted to continue but he was interrupted, "Hi, Nick, nice party."

It was some time later that Nick saw Wade go through a door into the service hallways. Nick excused himself and followed. Luckily the hallway was empty of people.


Wade stopped very annoyed, "What now?"

"I said I was sorry."

"Good. Apology accepted. Now please just drop it!"

"I can't, Wade. I want to help."

Wade turned, "Look, you deliberately set a trap which you wanted me to fall into and now you want to help me? If you really want to help me then please tell the whole fucking world just to go away and leave me alone."

Wade stormed off down the corridor.

Nick hung his head. Why didn't he listen to Peter? Now everything was worse. Nick gave one more look at Wade. He had stopped, glanced at door then entered.

Nick started back to the party. He really wasn't in a party mood. Well, Wade wasn't either. Wade's mood? Something pricked Nick's curiosity. He went back to the door where Wade had disappeared.

The door was simply marked 'stairs'. Nick relaxed a bit but then Nick saw the other words 'roof access'.

"Shit!" Nick pulled open the door and raced after Wade.

Nick felt like calling out but if Wade knew Nick was on his heels maybe he wouldn't even stop to think. Nick reluctantly slowed his pace. If Wade heard his footsteps he'd know someone was following him.

Finally Nick got to the door to the roof. He opened it then stopped. He should find something to keep the door from latching. He didn't want to spend the night stranded on the roof. Much to his surprise the door was already propped open.

Nick walked onto the roof. He spun around looking in all directions for a lone silhouette at the edge. There was nothing.

"Wade!" Nick called out, "Please, don't do this. I am so sorry." Anguish rang from Nick's voice. "Wade, please answer me for pity`s sake."

A voice came from low behind Nick, "What part of leave me alone don't you fucking understand?"

Then he could make out next to the metal shapes on the roof a huddled figure.

"Wade," Nick was very relieved. "You're safe."

"What did you expect? I wanted time alone." Wade's head popped up. "You didn't think that I would. . ? Oh, come on Nick, really! Can you get even more stereotypical? Just because I am not thrilled you found out that I was gay I would kill myself? Give me some credit will you."

"What could I think? I saw you go into a stairwell with roof access. Okay, I jumped to the wrong conclusion but you had me so worried."

Wade couldn't help to be touched. He relaxed a bit. "See? You did the jumping not me."

Nick sat down next to Wade. "I wish I could start this over again. I really messed up."

There was silence.

"Nick, what would you have done it I was about to jump?"

"I would have gone and stood next to you then suggest that we should jump together."

Wade looked up surprised.

Nick shrugged, "At least to gain time."

"You jump? Why? You're not gay."

Nick chuckled. "You have to spend less time on your choreography and rehearsing and more time with your dancer's lives."

"I still don't see it. You have a girlfriend, right?"

"Had," Nick simply said.

"I still don't. . ."

"She opened my mind and my body to man to man sex. Then it turns out it was all a plot for me to seduce Justin for her petty little revenge."


"She fucked me over in more ways than one. But she did help me realize that I am BI. I can at least thank her for that."

Wade looked up. "Then when you said 'you can have the real thing' you meant that?"

"Well, I was half joking."

Wade looked down again nodding his head. "It must be nice. All of your fans will think they have a chance with you."

"Hey, I'm not that easy."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

There was silence.

"Wade? Do you want to talk?"

"I said I wanted to be by myself. I have to think this out."

"I'm sorry. I thought I was going to help someone come out. I thought I could help show them the good things about being gay. I never expected this."

Wade sighed heavily, "Okay, okay, I knew I was gay since high school."

Nick was shocked. "But you always say you're straight."

"I straightened myself out, that's why." Wade explained. "Every time someone found out I was into dancing, bam, I was gay no questions asked. I got so fed up with people just assuming I was gay. I was but I didn`t want to be. Maybe I wanted to prove them wrong. So through therapy and support groups I cured myself of being gay."

Nick sadly shook his head.

"And it worked," Wade added. "All these years and I have had few problems. But lately. . ." Wade looked up. "This last date, she thought I was this great lover because I spent so much attention on her." Wade looked down again, "She didn't know that I was the problem. The things I had to think of just to get myself off. It was horrible. And she wants to see me again. I don't know what to do. I could never go through a night like that again."

Nick put his hand on Wade's shoulder and smiled a reassuring smile. "You do have it tough."

"Please, Nick. I have to think."

"Are you going to be all right?"

"Yeah," Wade nodded. "I promise I'll use the stairs."

Nick stood up. "If you ever need a shoulder or a willing ear, I do see both sides here."

Wade smiled. "Thanks, Nick."

Nick was awakened by someone pounding on his door. Angrily he grabbed his robe and went to the door.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?"

Wade immediately launched himself at Nick.

"Goddamn you, Nick, do you have any idea what you have done to me?" He jabbed his finger at Nick. Wade raged, "I can't get the image out of my mind."

Nick retreated. He could smell the alcohol on Wade's breath. "Wade, calm down."

"Calm down? All those years for nothing just wasted time. Well, now you are going to get it."

Nick was getting very nervous. He put his hands up. "Please, Wade, don't do anything you will regret."

"I am not going to regret this I am going to enjoy this for once in my life." Wade moved close to Nick.

Nick was very uneasy. "Wade?"

Wade whispered. "I am going to blow your brains out."

"Wade, no!" Nick's heart was in his mouth. He hadn't seen a gun.

Nick's pajama bottoms were yanked down and then Wade went down.

"Oh, that kind of blow. You had me scared there. . . oh, Wade!"

It became clear that Wade didn't know what he was doing. He'd lick the head of Nick's cock then the balls then kiss Nick's stomach. Nick knew there was so much Wade wanted to do but Wade was in a hurry, this was his first time and Nick suspected he had been drinking.

"Ouch, Wade! Watch your teeth."

"Sorry." Wade plunged back. Well, really Wade was only wading. Wade never took Nick's cock too deep.

Nick wanted to be encouraging. "That feels so good." Nick grimaced. Those damn teeth again. He pushed Wade back slightly. "Here let me show you."

"No, Nick, please. I want to do this."

Nick kept from rolling his eyes. "Okay, Wade. Just take your time and use your lips. I am enjoying this." Nick lied.

But soon Nick found he was enjoying this. Now Wade was taking his time and now he was gentle. No more teeth. Maybe Nick was teaching Wade.

"Hm, use your hand. Jack me off while you suck me."

Wade did so in the most gentle of manner.

Nick moaned. "Mmm, that is so good."

Wade finally pulled off and looked up at Nick. "Am I any good? Do you like this?"

Nick saw that the answer was so important to Wade. He brushed his hand against Wade's cheek. "Yes, I do. It feels good."

Wade smiled and took Nick's cock into his mouth again.

As the pure joy of having two warm lips around his cock and a nice wet mouth to welcome his cock in, Nick did have a brief second thought. Wade had jacked off to his photo but Wade hated himself after it. Was this any different? Could Nick let this go on? Then Nick decided on some positive re-enforcement.

Nicks caressed Wades face. "Wade, that is so good."

Wade looked up at Nick. He pulled back and just jacked Nick's cock. Wade smiled.

Nick whispered. "Keep going. I am enjoying this, ah, what you are doing."

Wade turned back and almost hesitated at the sight of Nick's cock so close to him. He seemed to muster himself then took Nick in as far as Wade could.

"Oh, Wade!" Nick refrained from `suck my dick'. This may be a turning point for Wade. No sex talk just how much he was enjoying what Wade was doing and Nick WAS enjoying it.

He had always liked Wade and, yes, now with his new BI eyes he had realized that he found Wade attractive. No, damn sexy. Anyone who could move his body like Wade. . . "Oh, damn!"

Wade's tongue hit just the right spot. In a matter of minutes Wade had gone from fumbling first-timer to a good cocksucker. Good not great but maybe with Nick's help.

"That is so good, Wade!"

Wade looked up but didn't stop sucking. Nick could see Wade was enjoying what he was doing. Not just himself but the pleasure he was giving to Nick. Nick wanted to pull Wade up for a kiss but maybe that was too soon.

Then Nick felt the first stirrings. It wasn't the best blowjob he had ever had but this was with Wade. He had never even dreamed about it as a possibility. This `straight' man pounding on his door and now had Nick's blood pounding through his veins.

"Wade, I'm going to . . ." Nick changed his mind, "You're going to make me cum."

Wade pulled off and stroked Nick's cock. Wade moved so he was clear of the discharge but he kept stroking Nick.

Nick watched Wade as the all too familiar surge flooded his body. He felt himself go tense and then the rush as his cock shot off.

Wade watched with almost fascination as Nick shot his load. Slowly Nick's climax stopped.

"Wade." Nick's tapped Wade's hand.

Wade stopped stroking. "Sorry."

"Don't be. You didn`t know." Nick helped Wade to his feet. "Thank you. That was wonderful."

"Really?" Wade had the most unbelieving look on his face.

"Yes," Nick turned Wade to face him, "It was." Nick leaned close and then daring to chance it pressed his lips against Wade's.

Wade seemed to resist at first then he pulled Nick to him. He opened his mouth to welcomed Nick's tongue to join his.

Nick was overjoyed. Maybe now Wade would see that being gay wasn't so bad.

Then before Nick knew it Wade had turned and was out the door.

"But Wade, you haven't. . ." Nick took a step in his bare feet. He wrinkled his nose and looked down. "Oh, I guess you did." Nick gave a little wave as Wade ran off, "Come again."

With a squeal of tires Wade drove off. Nick hoped in Wade's present state he'd get home safe. One way or the other, if Wade had really come to terms with being gay or if this was just an alcohol induced blowjob, Nick promised himself he would be there for Wade. Wade was a friend and colleague and Nick cared about him. Plus Wade was one up and Nick wanted to even the score.

Nick took another step in his bare feet.

"Yuck! Man, I hate it when guests just come and go." He went to get a towel to clean the floor.

Peter sensed that there was someone else in the room. He awoke with a start.

"Sh," came a well known voice, "It's just a burglar. But don't worry, I'm saving the rape until the morning."

"Justin? What are you doing here?"

"Getting naked." Justin finished stripping off his clothes. "Should I go?"

"No," Peter threw the sheets back. "I am delighted but how did you. . ?"

"After you moved in Lance gave me a key for 'emergencies' like this."

Peter laughed, "That Lance. If he is a thorough in his own relationship as he is with ours JC is very lucky."

"I assume that right about now they are both being very lucky." Justin climbed into bed next to Peter. "I couldn't stand thinking of you in this house all alone so I had to do something about it."

"Ah, Justin," Peter mentally kicked himself. He was about to apologize again.

"Sh, go back to sleep. I'm tired, too."

"Thank you, Justin."

Justin put his arms around Peter and pulled him close.

"Mm, I did miss this, I mean you." Justin's warm body felt so wonderful and comforting.

"Sh, sleep."

With Peter's head on Justin's chest there came a muffled, "I love you, Justin."

"I know. I love you, too. Now get some sleep. This burglar is going to ravish you in the morning."

"Mm, good." Peter muttered as he drifted off to sleep.

End Part 61

Well, we've come down to the end of another one. As always feedback is always appreciated (As long as it is not with a sound system.) Contact me through or

Better get on writing the next part. You readers are so insatiable.

Next: Chapter 63

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