Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Jul 7, 2006


Part 62. I know FINALLY! Well, I helped the folk's box and move at the end of April along with my own box and move then I had to buy a computer. Then since everything I write is on floppy disc and my new computer did have a floppy disc drive, etc, etc, ah, hell you're not interested in this drivel "Where is the story?" Okay, let's get the show on the road.

This is complete and utter fiction, don't know NSYNC or Backstreet Boys, not suggesting they are gay in real life (but here's hoping) yes, graphic gay sex so if you don't like; stop reading. Underage: go away! With that out of the way, on we go.

"Can't we take the car?"

JC shook his head, "Nope, there are no roads. It is six miles in accessible only by trail."

Lance grinned, "You mean this is our secluded chalet in the mountains?"


Lance so much wanted to take JC's hand but there were people about. "Wait a minute, six miles? We have to walk six miles carrying everything."

"Lance, will you trust me."

They entered the building and walked up to a counter.

"Good morning," The young woman behind the counter smiled. "Checking in?"

"Yes, JC Chasez and . . ."

"I know who you are. Just put your bags here. I will see to them. Go through that door. We will be leaving shortly."

"Someone is going to carry our things for us." Lance asked as they headed to the back door.

"Yes, Lance."

"I though slavery was abolished."

"They won't mind. In fact they are going to carry us as well."

Lance pushed open the door. "JC, is this some sick joke?" Lance froze after he saw the corral.


There was a line of saddled horses tied to the corral fence.

"Yes, Lance. They are taking us up to our chalet." JC leaned close, "Or do you want to free them from their bondage."

Lance wrinkled his nose, "I hate bondage," then he smiled, "But I love horseback riding." Lance glanced around quick to make sure no one was looking and gave JC's hand a squeeze. "Thank you, JC."

"Just take it easy. If you get sore it will put a damper on our sex tonight."

"Oh, damn, why did you have to mention that? I'll be wishing it's you not the horse."

JC laughed, "I doubt that or at least not for long."

A man dressed in a ranger's uniform waved his hand. "If you will step over to the fence we'll get you on your horses."

A man and a woman with a small boy were first. The ranger leaned down to the boy.

"Ever been on a horse before?"

"No, never."

Lance smiled. The boy was very excited.

The man lifted the boy onto a horse and began his instructions.

Another man was asking the husband about his experience with horses when the horse he had untied took off across the corral.

"Charlie, come back here."

The horse ignored the plea. No matter what the man tried the horse stayed stubbornly away from the group.

"Forget it," the other man said. "I'll saddle up another."

"Stubborn one, eh?" The husband asked.

"Not usually but the horse he always follows is in at the vet. They've been together since they were colts. Charlie just doesn't want to go anywhere without Ranger."

Lance smiled at JC. He could relate.

JC was eyeing a tan horse with a white mane. "Now that is a gorgeous animal." JC raised his hand to pet the horse, "May I?"

"Sure," The other man said.

JC rubbed the horse's neck. "You're a beauty."

"Have you ridden before?" The man asked.


"In a video shoot," Lance teased.

"Well, I wasn't the one who fell off. Plus I have been riding since."

The man said, "Then I'll give Ginger to you."

JC just grinned. Lance shook his head and leaned on the fence. JC riding a female just caught Lance as funny.

Lance was watching as the horses were assigned when he felt a nudge on his shoulder. It was a horse.

"Well, well, looks like Charlie changed his mind."

Lance turned and patted Charlie.

The man grabbed the reins before Charlie could go off again, "Or he took a fancy to you."

Lance caught JC's smirk.

Lance chuckled, "When I was a kid there was this feisty horse at bible camp. No one could or would ride him but me."

"Then Charlie here sensed your ease with horses. They can sense someone comfortable around them. You feel up to him?"

"Sure." Lance rubbed Charlie's nose. "He'll behave for me. Won't you, Charlie?"

After the man had moved on JC leaned close to Lance and whispered, "Forget about the reins and bridle for me."

"It never even entered my mind, you perv. Besides Charlie here is family."

"Now Lance, there is no way you could know that that horse is gay."

Lance just smiled. "That's why he came over. He misses his pal so he wanted the company. Obviously he didn't like 'that' family so he must like 'our' family."

"And how do you know the other horse was a male?" JC still whispered.

"With a name like 'Ranger'? Give me a break. Besides the ranger did say they were colts together."

"Okay, you know horses." JC frowned, "Figures you'd get the gay one."

"Now, JC, don't be jealous." Lance dropped to a whisper. "I'll ride you later."

Charlie gave a snort.

"Now who's jealous," JC grinned. "Sorry, Charlie."

Peter leaned back and let the hot water flow through his hair and down his body. This shower felt so good. Okay, it was more than just the shower.

"Mm, Justin."

Peter glanced down. Water streamed off Justin through his hair and down his face. Undaunted Justin swallowed Peter's cock to the base.

"Damn!" Peter stood up using his body to keep most of the shower off of Justin.

Justin pulled off and just stroked Peter.

"I won't drown."

Peter took Justin by the chin and coaxed him to stand. "I'm not taking any chances." They kissed.

Justin grinned. "What a way to go."

"That's an obituary I don't want to write." Peter's hand found Justin's hardon. "This is the only way I want you stiff."

Justin moaned. "Mm, gladly." Justin looked down and then back up at Peter.

Peter gave Justin a peck on the lips, "Be my guest."

Justin sank back to his knees. Soon Peter felt his cock slip into Justin's throat and heard that wonderful happy gulping sound as Justin sucked Peter off.

Peter looked down at Justin. It was difficult for Justin to look up at Peter with the water streaming down. Peter missed that. To see Justin's eyes while Justin sucked Peter was such a thrill. No, it was a connection. It made it more than just sex.

Justin's tongue hit a tender spot. A surge of pleasure washed through Peter.


Justin increased his effort. He knew he was doing well. Hell, they had learned to read each other. Even without Peter saying anything Justin could tell if he was making Peter feel good. His hands could feel Peter's body. Every twitch or tightening of muscle Justin would know. He felt Peter's hand on his shoulder. Justin also knew what that meant. He stood up. Peter embraced Justin and their tongues did their wrestling. What was once a simple blowjob Peter now interspersed with kissing. Justin didn't mind in fact he loved it. The oral sex was sex but the kissing showed the love.

"Justin, please let me." His hand stroked Justin's hard-on.

Justin brushed his hand across Peter's cheek. "We don't have the time."

"But I want to. . ."

"I know. Later."

Peter nodded and Justin knelt again. Justin swallowed Peter whole length. Peter threw his head back and gasped.

Justin was right they didn't have the time. He had to be at John's in a little over hour. It wasn't a long appointment so Peter could meet him after but right now he wanted to get his lover off. Justin's tongue and mouth went to work.

"That feels so good, Justin."

Peter couldn't help it. He thrust back fucking Justin's mouth. Justin relaxed and let Peter go with the flow. Then Justin grabbed Peter's ass and Justin pulled Peter to him and Peter's cock slipped into Justin's throat.


Justin pulled back. He stroked Peter's cock. Justin rubbed his chest. "Give me a pearl necklace." Then came that Justin Timberlake grin, "Come on, lover, cum on me."

Peter looked down at Justin rubbing his beautiful body in anticipation. The wave began to crest. He gave up and let his climax take him.

"Fuck, Justin, I'm. . !" Peter's voice pinched off into a groan.

Justin switched between looking up at Peter to see his bliss and watching Peter's cock shoot its white joy on his chest. Peter shook and jerked. After a few moments Peter's body relaxed. After a few more moments he helped Justin to his feet. More kissing and tongues.

"Damn, Justin. You do that so well."

"Nothing but the best for my lover."

Peter frowned. "Did you have to say but?"

"I know. I'd love to do you but we don't have the time."

"Justin, you deserve it."

Justin grinned. "I'm close already and I have an idea." Justin pulled Peter close. "Press your thighs together."

Peter wanted to question but did as he was told.

Justin kissed Peter. Then Peter felt Justin hard cock slip between his legs.

"Oh, so tight." Justin kissed Peter again.

It was different but still strangely sexy.

Justin turned and whispered in Peter`s ear. "The Greeks used to do this. No penetration but still hot sex."

"Does it feel good?"

Justin nibbled Peter's ear. "It's so hot!"

Peter crossed his feet. Anything to make his thighs pressed tighter together for Justin.

Justin noticed the maneuver. "You want me to cum?"

"I want you to enjoy yourself."

"I am, Peter, I am."

Peter pulled up on his cock and balls giving Justin free access.

Justin wrapped his arms around Peter caressing and kissing him.

Peter was a bit worried that Justin was just going through the motions to get off but soon Peter knew he wasn't.

Between kisses, "Oh, Peter, I love this. I can hold you so close and still. . .oh, gawd!" Justin's hips thrust hard and faster. "Peter!"

Justin's body pressed hard against Peter's. He pulled Peter close. Peter could almost feel Justin's cock pulsing between his thighs. He wished he could look around and see Justin cum.

Justin stopped kissing. He was panting too hard. His head swayed and his eyes closed. "Oh, Pe. . ." Justin's head thudded into Peter's. It didn't really hurt but it meant that Justin's climax was totally in control of his body. Peter pressed his thighs together harder.

Justin managed one last thrust of his hips then pulled Peter so close to him. "So good." Justin panted.

"But it wasn't my ass."

Justin finally caught his breath and stood back. "But it was a new way to make love to you. That is what turned me on."

"Really?" Peter mentally kicked himself as he said it.

That Timberlake grin, "Do you doubt it?"

"Thank you, Justin, for this."

Justin kissed Peter's nose. "We can't have Lance and JC having all the fun."

"No, I mean it. You took the time even when you were rushed for time. I really do appreciate it."

In fact the idea of Peter naked in the shower had got Justin horny so he took advantage of the situation. But right now Peter didn't want to hear that. Justin pushed the wet hair off of Peter's face, "Hey, I love you, remember?"

They kissed.

Peter reluctantly pulled back. "You'd better get ready. I don't want you to be late."

Peter turned off the shower and they bother stepped out. As they toweled off Peter couldn't help to keep glancing at Justin's perfect ass.

"Don't worry, you can have it tonight."

Peter was surprised. "Justin?"

Justin pointed to the mirror. "I've always watched you in mirrors. You have no idea you're being seen." Justin kissed Peter. "I love that about you."

"You'd better get dressed."

"Spoiled sport but you are right."

They left the bathroom.

Peter was sitting in the lobby outside John's office waiting for Justin.

Nick rushed up to the secretary, "Has anyone seen Wade? He's over an hour late and he is never late."

The secretary`s voice was calming, "Relax, maybe he had a flat tire or something."

Nick started pacing, "I knew I shouldn't have let him drive home last night in his condition."

"What condition?"

"Maybe we should call the police."

"Give him some more time, Nick. Damn, you are jumpy this morning."

"Maybe I should go to his house."

"Nick, you'll probably just miss each other. He'll be here any minute or he would call."

Nick nodded, "Yeah, you're right. If he is able to call."

Peter decided he would help. He sat back and closed his eyes. Soon he was floating fast for Wade's home.

To Peter's surprise Wade was there. Then Peter noticed the phone was off the hook. Wade was sitting at his computer typing. He sat back rubbing his chin.

"That's crap."

He deleted a few sentences then started typing again.

Wade sighed, "That's better." Wade's aura showed he was not in a happy mood but he was determined.

Peter moved as close to the computer as he dared. He knew he couldn't be seen but he was taking no chances. After he read what was on the screen he was out of the house and racing back.

Wade hit "print" then noticed the clock.

"Damn, it's that late already? Why didn't they call?" He noticed the phone. "Shit. I forgot about that." He hung up the phone then picked it up and dialed.

The first thing Peter heard as he opened his eyes was Nick.

"That's it, I am calling the police."

The phone rang.

"Wright Enterprises. Oh, Wade," The secretary stressed it for Nick. "Where are you? Everyone's worried. Oh, I see. Maybe later then. I'll tell them. Thank you for calling." She hung up the phone.

Nick clung to her desk. "What is it?"

"Wade wasn't feeling well this morning. He slept later than he intended but he may be in later this afternoon."

Nick sighed with relief. "Then he is safe at home."

"Well, he is safe by a phone. I don't know where he called from."

Nick smirked, "Thank for the reassurance." Nick walked away.

Peter stood up and touched Nick's arm.

"Wade is at home and safe."

"How would you know?" Nick snapped.

"I have my means."

Nick's face softened, "Oh, sorry, Peter. Of course, you do."

"I heard the concern in your voice so I went and checked. He's fine," Peter leaned close, "But I think it is time to gather the troops."

"Well, Backstreet is in the rehearsal room."

"No, Nick, I mean everyone NYSNC as well."

"Why?" Nick's eyes narrowed. "What have you found out? Wait a minute. I thought your couldn't tell what you saw when you projected."

"There comes a time when the rules must be bent. Besides I told about when I saw Bill tampering with the stage before the NSYNC concert. We have to prevent this from happening."


"When we're all together, Nick."

"Peter, just one question, this is about Wade, right?"

Peter nodded.

"Then I have one more piece of the puzzle you need to know. I'd rather you not tell anyone but if it will help Wade." Nick paused. He gathered his nerve, "Wade stopped by my place last night."

JC watched as the trees went by. There was even a stream that flowed by the trail. It was a beautiful weather and wonderful scenery. Right now the mountains were blocked by the trees but as soon as they got higher up the trees would get sparser. JC turned to look behind him.

"Enjoying yourself?"

Lance nodded smiling. "There was a brief unpleasantness but that's over now."

JC looked worried, "What?"


JC got it, "Well, they are horses after all."

"I feel sorry for the hikers."

JC faced front again. "It's all nature, Lance."

Lance didn't mind. This was fun. The little boy ahead of them was giggling again. Lance remembered his first time on a horse and what a rush that was.

"Daddy, can we go faster?"

"No, Timmy."


One ranger answered, "The trail is too rough. You wouldn't want the horse to trip and fall would you?"

"I guess not." The boy seemed content with that for now.

The other ranger who had ridden on ahead came back.

"We should stop for a bit."

"Something wrong?" The father asked.

"I just spotted a grizzly crossing the trail a ways ahead. I just want to give him a chance to put some distance between us."

The little boy turned to his father.

"But don't worry," The ranger added. "We're in no danger. Bears will stay clear of a group like ours."

"But I want to see the bear," the boy pouted. "I'm not afraid."

"These are wild animals, Timmy," One ranger pointed out. "It's safer to stay well clear of them."

JC glanced back at Lance but Lance was busy looking around the forest.

Timmy said proudly. "I know how to tell the difference between a black or brown bear and a grizzly bear."

"How, Timmy?" The ranger asked.

"When you see a bear you run and climb a tree. If it is as black or brown bear he'll climb up the tree after you. If it is a grizzly he'll knock the tree down."

They all broke into laughter. Timmy wasn't impressed. He was very serious. "My grandfather told me that."

Timmy`s father said, "That's just one of grandfather's stories."

"Oh," Timmy looked disappointed.

One ranger grinned at Timmy, "You tell your grandfather that I liked his story."

Timmy grinned.

"I think we can move on now." One ranger said.

They started along the trail again.

JC glance once more back at Lance.

"Don't worry, JC, I am not worried."

"Just checking."

Lance whispered so only JC could hear. "Thank you for that."

They rode on.

A few hours later the two groups had gathered.

"Gees, Peter," Chris began as he sat down, "If I knew your Astral Projecting would affect me so much I would have told you to give it up."

"This isn't about me but I need all your help. We need a big majority on our side to help tip the scales."

"What are you talking about?" Joey asked.

Peter hesitated. He glanced at Nick. This was going to be harder than he thought. "Nick was worried when Wade didn't show up this morning so I projected to the house to see if Wade was there. He was and he was working on his computer."


"He was supposed to be rehearsing us," AJ added.

Joey slapped his hand over Chris's mouth. "Save it."

Chris mumbled a reply.

Peter continued, "I floated close to see what Wade was doing." Peter paused again.

Joey snatched his hand away from Chris mouth, "Yuck, you licked my hand."

"Needs must as the devil drives and speaking of yuck you need to wash your hands." Chris made a face then he turned to Peter. "Oh, come on, Peter. What could Wade had been doing on his computer that required all of us to be here?" Chris looked shocked, "It wasn't kinky porn was it? Damn, I could suggest some good websites."

Joey raised his hand toward Chris.

Chris cringed, "Okay, I'll be good."

"Peter, please," Nick stressed. "It must be important if you needed us all here. Tell us for Wade's sake if not for ours."

Peter paused then let it out. "Wade was working on his letter of resignation."

"He's going to quit?" Nick gasped.

"Did you read it right?" Kevin asked.

"I know what I saw. Wade was not very happy about it but he feels that this is something he must do."

"Why should Wade feel like he has to quit?"

Peter nodded at Backstreet, "I guess you guys can fill Joey in."

Chris patted Joey's stomach, "He's filling in too much already."

"Chris!" Justin snapped.

Chris bowed his head, "Sorry, gees do you have to fill in for JC?" Chris leaned to Peter, "Your boyfriend is a real bitch."

Justin glowered at Chris.

Nick explained, "This whole thing with the pictures disappearing, being watched while we were swimming and our gym bags being gone through. It was Wade."

"Well, we haven't heard Wade's side of the story yet," Peter added.

"But we did catch him looking at the sexy pictures of us," Brian said.

Joey snorted, "Why would Wade want to look at sexy pictures of you guys?"

Nick and Peter exchanged glances. No one said anything.

"Oh, come on," Justin laughed. "Wade is straight. I've met his girlfriends. Plus he gets very defensive and angry when people think that he is gay." Justin paused and let the fact sink in. "Oh, my god, then it's true."

"Shit," Chris crawled onto the sofa very defensive, "They've turned another one gay. Joey, we should get out of here."

Joey pulled Chris back into a sitting position. "So why is Wade quitting? Just because he is gay?"

"No," Peter tried to remember the exact words, "Non-professional behavior concerning a client or clients."

"What?" Both Kevin and Howie replied.

"He just borrowed some pictures and watched us swim. Big deal."

"What about going through our gym bags?"

AJ said, "Brian, Peter's right, we haven't heard Wades side of it yet. He may have just knocked the table over. Our imaginations added the pawing through our underwear."

"Maybe that's why Wade is resigning." Peter suggested, "The evidence is so damning that any explanation wouldn't be believed anyway. Or at least that is what Wade is thinking."

"He is not thinking," Chris snapped. "I see no reason why Wade should quit. I mean it's not like he was jerking off over those pictures."

Peter and Nick's eyes met. Luckily the conversation continued.

"So Wade was the one who borrowed those photos of us with our pants down?"

"It seems like it," Peter explained. "He was returning them but you had already gone."

"So he pretended to have found them when someone else had returned them. Well, devious."

Chris snorted, "The old 'instead of being caught red-handed pretend to be the first one at the scene'. How many times have we seen that one?"

"We can't let Wade quit over this. Right now he needs people around him. He just doesn't see that." Nick added, "He's just not thinking very straight right now."

They all turned to Chris.

Chris smirked, "That joke is too old and too obvious."

Kevin was firm, "We have to convince Wade that we understand and that there was nothing wrong with his behavior."

Peter sat back, "Now you know why I called all of you here. Wade will not be very easily convinced. We need a lot of power on our side."

"I'll say," AJ added.

Joey asked, "So Wade was lying about being straight?"

Nick replied, "No, Wade thought he had straightened himself out. He is not happy that these gay feelings have surfaced again. He feels guilty enough about that. Add to that his borrowing the pictures and spying on us swimming Wade must feel like a stalker. I think that is why he thinks he has to resign."

"And before John fires him," Brian put in, "That would finish Wade's career for good especially for this ever got out."

Kevin sat back. "Okay, maybe what Wade did could be seen as unprofessional but he still is our friend and as a friend I understand. There was really no harm done."

"We should tell Wade that. As a group he might listen to us."

Peter shook his head, "Justin, that plan is so simple it is bound to go wrong."

"Spectacularly wrong in Wade's present state." Nick said. "Yes, it is a great show of support but it could go either way with Wade. It's a great show of support but we have to out Wade to do it. I don't think Wade is comfortable with people knowing he's gay yet."

"So the Coming Out Party is out?"


Peter held his head in his hands. "Why can't this ever be easy?"

Justin rubbed Peter's back as a comforting gesture.

Brian said, "Hey, how about just one of us talking to Wade? At least initially."

"But who? And we have to catch Wade in the proper mood."

"Well, we do know one person who is a very good listener and can read people's moods."

The room became silent.

"Justin, I'm afraid to look up." Peter said softly, "Don't tell me everyone is looking in my direction."

Justin shrugged, "Then I can't say anything."

Peter gave a deep sigh, "Okay, I'll go." He looked up. "I don't know Wade that well but I will try."

"Wait a minute." Nick rubbed his chin in a thoughtful manner. "I think there's a way to combine both ideas."

"We're listening."

The trail had climbed out of the forest. Now the path was surrounded by tall grasses and bushes. Lance caught JC looking back again.

"I'm still here."

"Just checking out the scenery."

Lance blushed. He knew JC meant him.

They came to a halt.

One ranger pointed. "Up there, see those white shapes? Mountain Goats."

High up on the steep side of the mountain two shapes could be seen moving.

Little Timmy gasped, "I see them. They won't fall will they?"

"No, Timmy, they are much too sure footed for that."

"What do they eat up there? It's all rocky."

"They come down here for the grass. In fact. . ." The ranger got off his horse. He went to a bush beside the trail and pulled off something white then handed it to Timmy. "Here, Timmy, Mountain Goat wool. They're shedding their winter coat.

Timmy eagerly showed the wool around. "Gee, thanks. Isn't this cool?"

Timmy's mother pulled out a hanky. "Here wrap it up in this and put it in your pocket."

After a short while they began again.

Lance was the first to spot the peaks of the roof. "JC, I think I see the chalet." He pointed.

"Yep," One ranger said. "That is our destination. We should be there in a half hour."

The husband groaned and shifted on his horse, "It won't be too soon for me."

"A little saddle sore?" A ranger chuckled.

"A bit."

Lance watched JC. As he expected JC turned around.

"Don't worry, JC, I'm fine." He patted his horse's neck. "Charlie, here is a smooth ride."

Charlie snorted and shook his head.

JC turned forward again and whispered to himself. "Yes, Charlie, now I am the jealous one."

Peter tried to play non-chalant as Wade came into the game room.

"Hi, Peter, waiting for Justin as usual?"

"Yep, it's better than waiting at home and I really don't mind."

"Being that it is Justin makes up for it all?" Wade didn't even smile.

"Yeah." Peter watched as Wade's aura darkened. "Shouldn't you be rehearsing?"

"We're taking a break," Wade said walking to the vending machine. "I must be getting senile. I know I had three bottles of water left and I can't find one of them."

Peter thought, 'Try looking in Nick's locker.' It was their scheme to get Wade and Peter to meet by hiding Wade's water so he'd have to go and buy more.

"Excuse me, Wade. I know, we don't know each other well, but I can see something is bothering you. If you want to talk I'm a good listener."

"I don't want to talk about it!" Wade snapped then recovered himself. "Sorry, Peter thanks for the offer but I have everything covered. It will all be sorted out soon."

"Well, if you can come up with solutions like you can come up with dance moves everything should come out all right."

Wade winced slightly at the words "come out". Peter pressed on.

"I still thank you for helping Lance and me with those dance steps. You were right there wasn't a dry fly in the house."

Wade's aura flickered even darker. "Don't mention it."

Were those words too close to the truth? Something was affecting Wade.

He steadied himself. "I was free and I was glad to help. You two certainly looked. . ." Wade voice caught. He cleared his throat and faked a smile, "Anytime, I'm glad it worked out."

Peter could tell Wade was mentally struggling with something. He's used to teaching dance moves. Why should this memory be affecting him so? Then Peter got it.

"Oh, my god, Wade was that when it started? Was it Lance's and my fault?"

"When what started?" Wade asked, "Why would I blame you two for anything?" His aura flickered lighter.

That aura showed Peter he was right. "It was during teaching us those sexy dance steps that the feelings began again."

"What feelings?" Wade almost snapped.

"By the sound of your voice you know what feelings. I am sorry, Wade. I didn't know we had anything to do with this."

"Well, you know everything else," Wade angrily turned his back. Wade paused then sighed, "Nothing gets by you does it?"

"Well, I did have a little help."

Wade turned back angry, "Nick told you?"

"No, I was the one posted to watch over those sexy pictures of Backstreet."

"So you're a spy now. Did you enjoy the show?" Wade snapped.

Peter ignored the barb, "I can't stay in a room where people want privacy. Trust me, I didn't see anything. I left the room and headed back but I couldn't tell them who it was. There's a rule about projecting and telling."

Wade looked puzzled. "Then how?"

"Nick was too anxious to find out who it was. I tried to stop him."

Wade's voice was sharp, "Stop him? They wanted to catch me."

"Nick thought it just was an admirer but I saw you weren't happy about what you were doing. I tried to explain the seriousness of it but Nick was too excited to listen. He didn't realize your pain until it was too late." Peter dared a touch on Wade's arm. "Nick is very sorry about it."

Wade nodded, "Yeah, he has told me," Wade managed a little chuckle, "And told me and told me."

"Do you believe him?"

"Yeah, I do. I just had to think this through myself."

"I guess you know best." Peter deliberately wanted to sound patronizing.

Anger returned to Wade's voice, "What does that mean?"

"Wade, you have friends around you who want to help you. Why do it all on your own? I mean, I had to deal with being gay by myself. I would have loved to have had people supporting me."

"I don't want support for being gay. I don't want to be gay."

"Wade, they'll take you either way. They're your friends. They just want what is best for you."

Wade seemed to waver a bit. "Yeah, friends but after what I did?" Wade slumped into a chair. "I behaved like an old pervert, stealing photos and spying on Backstreet swimming."

"You didn't steal those photos of Backstreet with their pants down. You just borrowed them. And what harm is it watching the guys swim? Hell, even I did that. Besides you work and belong here. You weren't trespassing on their private lives." Peter paused. "Wade, I know I may be overstepping my bounds but would you tell me about the gym bags?"

Wade paled, "I didn't go through them, I swear! I bumped into the table and they fell on the floor. They were open so the clothes spilled out." Wade became very nervous. "I didn't even want to touch the clothes. I didn't know what affect it would have on me but I couldn't just leave them on the floor. I just closed my eyes and stuffed everything back in the bags as quick as I could then left." Wade was very agitated.

"Wade, it's all right."

"All right?!" Wade exploded, "I touched their clothes. Do you know what they'll think if they found out? They'd never believe it was an accident. They'll think I did it on purpose as some sort of sick thrill! I couldn't get that thought out of my mind. I was so scared. I ran to the bathroom and threw up." Wade buried his face in his hands. "Why did these feelings have to come back? Why can't I go back to the way I was? I've lost everything."

"Now that is definitely not true."

Wade's head popped up. Nick stood by the door.

"You still have your friends." Nick smiled. "And we don't give up easily on another friend."

Wade paled, "You heard?"

"We all heard."


Backstreet and the three members of NSYNC filed into the room.

Wade tried to sink further into the chair. "You all know?"

"Yes, and we don't care."

"But after what I did?"

"Did what?" Kevin said, "You borrowed some photos of us with our pants down. Big deal. You did return them. We would have let you look at them if you had asked anyway."

"But I spied on you?"

"So what?" Brian replied, "We have people watching us from afar all the time we are in public."

"But the. . ."

AJ interrupted, "You just explained about the gyms bags. Now we know the truth. Our imaginations got the better of us. We are the ones who should be sorry thinking so little of you. Consider the case closed."

Much to their surprise Wade got up angry. "But you don't know what else I did."

"Wade," Nick warned.

Wade pointed, "Nick knows. He caught me red handed." Wade gave an ironic chuckle.

Nick tried to stop him. "Wade, don't."

"Those last photos I did more than borrow them. I jacked off to them. See there, I am a pervert."

"You jacked off to those guys?" Chris pointed at Backstreet and shook his head. "You do need help."

Joey elbowed Chris.

"And there is still more."

Nick's stomach sank. Wade was so intend on self destruction. "Wade, stop this."

"Last night I showed up at Nick's house and before he knew what was happening I forced myself on Nick. I sucked Nick off. I couldn't help myself. I am so sick!"

"Wade!" Nick almost screamed it.

Wade jumped then seeing the look on Nick's face fell silent.

"Last night I did know what was happening. You didn't force yourself on me. I went with it and I enjoyed it."

"But. . ."

"And you had been drinking. You weren't yourself."

Chris looked serious, "I think for the first time in a long time Wade really was himself."

Nick continued, "And you didn't jerk off to those pictures. When I caught you you said 'Why did it have to be you?' You were ashamed to have me find you because you have feelings for me? You jerked off to my picture. Am I right?"

Wade looked from face to face. So many people around him but they knew already.

Wade looked at the floor. "I tried so hard not to but the feelings kept coming back. I just couldn't fight them anymore. I am so sorry, Nick."

Nick put his hand on Wade's shoulder. "Don't be sorry. I am flattered. I like you, too."

"Even after all I've done?"

"Especially after all you have done." Nick patted Wade's shoulder. "I've never had such a handsome stalker before."

Wade looked up on the word 'handsome'.

Chris leaned to Joey and mimed jerking off. "'Hand' some is right."

Wade couldn't believe the reactions around him. They were supposed to be angry at him and yell and scream. "Nick?"

"Maybe we could get together some night and talk. Would you like that?"

Wade nodded. "I guess."

"And besides," Nick leaned close and whispered. "I still owe you one."

Joey slapped his hands over his ears and began humming.

"It was sick and I was drunk. I couldn't help myself."

"Yes, you did help yourself."


"I mean, it helped Wade."

They just glared at Chris.

"Fine be that way." Pouting Chris crossed his arms and turned his back.

Nick raised his hand. "I promise we'll just talk if you want. This is just about what you are comfortable with. If you want to only talk about women that's fine, too."

Wade looked hopeful. "Do you mean that?"

"Of course, I mean it. We're friends well, I guess more than 'just' friends."

Wade couldn't help himself. He threw his arms around Nick.

"Thank you, Nick. I am so relieved."

When he stepped back Nick said. "So you'll forget about resigning?"

Wade's jaw dropped. "How did you know about that? I just left the letter for John."

They all turned to Peter.

Peter shifted nervously. "Ah, about that, well, that is my fault."

Wade's brow furrowed. "What did you say about projecting and not telling?"

"Well, this was sort of an emergency." Peter stammered. "And I didn't tell about anything you did. It was what I read."

"That's the second time you spied on me!" Wade was getting angry again.

"He did it for me," Nick stepped in. "I was worried when you didn't show up this morning so he went to check on you. I didn't ask him. He just wanted to reassure me."

Peter continued, "I know how important work is to you so I guess I was just curious what was more serious to keep you from that work. So I peeked over your shoulder. I knew why you were resigning and I felt that you needed to be stopped."

Wade turned angry to Nick. "You told him about last night!"

"Only after he came back," Nick put in. "Peter was concerned about you and I thought he should know."

Wade shot back, "How many more people do you think should know?"

"Ah, Wade?" AJ said softly.

Wade turned to face him.

"Ah, you just told all of us what happened last night."

Wade's anger abated. He blushed, "Oh, I guess I did."

Joey motioned between Chris and himself, "And we'd prefer it if it wasn't mentioned again."

Chris nodded.

Something finally dawned to Wade.

"Wait a minute. You set me up. You took my bottles of water so I'd come here and meet Peter."

"Yep," Kevin answered. "We couldn't let you resign over this. You're too important to us. We knew if we all showed up at once that could frighten you off so we sort of had Peter coax you into it."

Howie put his hand on Wade's shoulder. "We care about you, guy. There was no real harm done and we didn't want to see you hurt your career over this. Okay?"

Wade nodded. "I'm still not sure about being gay."

Chris leaned to Joey, "Nick is."

"Sh!" Joey hissed back.

"Look," Peter said, "There are support groups and therapists to help you either way."

Nick looked seriously at Wade. "Whatever makes you happy, Wade, that's what we want for you." Nick looked at the ceiling, "Now if you don't want me as your boyfriend."

"Boyfriend!" Wade burst out laughing.

"Well, yeah," Nick looked hurt.

"One blowjob and we're boyfriends?"

"I thought you had feelings for me?"

Wade still laughed, "I do, but you're the Blond Sex God. All those one night stands and never a hint of a commitment but after one blowjob. . . "

Joey and Chris slapped their hands to his ears, "Will you stop saying that!"

Wade shook his head laughing, "Nick, this is so not like you."

Nick shot back, "Well, last night was not like you either."

Chris tapped Joey's shoulder. "Come on, we did our good deed now let's get while the gettings good. Besides it will only be mano-a-mano talk from now on."

Brian nodded. "Come on, guys let's leave these two alone to talk."

They started to leave the room.

Kevin turned back, "Remember, Wade," Kevin raised his hand to his ear like a telephone receiver, "Anytime."

Wade smiled. "Got it."

"And the letter?" Justin asked.

"I'll take it back."

"And tear it up?" Justin added.

"No, I'll wait until after I talk to John, just in case."

AJ said, "You won't need it, trust me. Not when he hears our side of it"

Justin put his arm around Peter. "How about lunch?"

"Great." Peter replied. "I need the nourishment. I`m spent."

They left the room.

Nick just stood there looking at Wade.

After some time Wade raised his arms then dropped them to his side. "So that's that. I am gay."

"Maybe not," Nick moved closer. "You could be BI like me."

Wade chuckled. "Thanks for the loophole but you weren't on my last date."

"That's right you told me about that."

Wade looked at the floor.

"Gay isn't so bad."

Wade didn't look up. "But most of my life I stressed that I was straight. People will think I was lying the whole time."

Nick bent down and looked up into Wade's face. "Ahem."

Wade looked up and managed a faint smile. "Okay, maybe I was even to myself." He looked down again. "I think I will make a lousy gay man."

"You did all right last night."

Wade cringed.


"Nick, I think we should end this."

"This?! What is this? One blowjob."

Again Wade cringed.

"Hey, those were your words."

"I used them so you guys would get mad at me but that didn't work."

"Wade, you're a friend. You're going through a real difficult time right now. We understand that."

"You just want me gay so you can return the favor."

Nick wanted to touch Wade but this was the wrong moment. "I want you to be whatever you are for yourself. The whole return the favor was just a joke."

Wade chuckled, "The hell it was."

"Okay, there was some truth in it. But when someone does something wonderful for me I like to return the favor."

Wade was surprised, "It was `wonderful'?

"You were trying so hard and learning so fast. I was hoping you were coming to terms with your gay side."

"Oh, I came all right but it wasn't to terms with being gay." Wade buried his head in his hands. "This is just so confusing."

Nick moved next to Wade and ventured a hand on his shoulder. "We'll help you. All of us will. Peter is right there are support groups and therapists. We'll help you make sense out of this, we promise."

Wade looked at Nick and his eyes narrowed, "Despite your bias?"

Nick raised his hand. "I promise that even if you show up at my home drunk, naked with lube and condoms I will not take advantage of you."

Wade just looked at Nick.

"Just don't make me prove it, okay?"

Wade smiled, "Okay."

"Are you really going to tell John everything?"

"I am under his employ. I think he should know how I behaved."

"We still don't think you did anything wrong."

"That's for John to decide." Wade stood up, "Thank the guys for me will you? I'd like to but there are always other people around and I'd rather not be overheard. . ."

"You're thanking us?"

"The final consensus isn't in yet but I think you guys did good today. One way or other I think I will be grateful for this."

Nick patted Wade on the back, "That's what friends are for."

The horses came to a stop at the chalet. The man got off his horse and took a few limping steps.


The woman said, "Sorry, dear, I thought you'd enjoy it."

"I didn't know it had been so long."

JC slipped from his saddle to find Lance was already on solid ground. Lance was patting Charlie's neck. "Don't worry," he whispered, "Your friend will be back before you know it and thank you." Lance kissed Charlie's nose. "It was a wonderful ride."

There was a snort and a pawing of front hooves.

JC just stood there.

Lance saw JC's look. "Now don't get jealous. He was just doing his job."

"I know, but you just kissed another gay male all be it he is a horse."

"Sssh!" Lance urgently hissed.

"Will you relax."

"They don't know." Lance nodded his head at the other family,

"We're out now, remember?"

"Not to them."

"I thought we were over this."

"They have children." Lance whispered back.

"So to our fans we can be completely out to but the public. . ?"

"JC, you know what I mean."

"They are just a family."

"A family that might have to explain to their little boy what `gay' is."

"Lance, they don't have to know that much. Should I just say we're on vacation?"

"No. Yes. But JC we're not in the city. We are in the wilderness. They don't understand such things here."

"Are you kidding? Those frontier men and cowboys, I bet they ended up in each others arms a lot more then history states. All alone the wilderness what else could they do?"

"JC, please there is a child present."

Timmy was eagerly showing a chalet staff member his mountain goat wool.

"The ranger gave this to me. I've collected more once we stopped. And there was a grizzly bear. I wish I could have seen it. I`m not afraid of bears I've seen them in the zoo a lot."

"Come on, Timmy," his father said, "We need to check in."

The mother added, "I'll go to get the camera."

After her husband and Timmy were inside she approached JC and Lance.

"I know you're on your honeymoon but would you mind signing something?"

Lance got the 'I told you so' look from JC. "Sure, no problem."

She dug for a piece of paper. "The idea of a honeymoon is so sweet. What a beautiful place to spend it." She found a Park Brochure and a pen and handed them to JC.

"And your name is?"

"Eileen but it's not for me. It's for my co-worker. Sign it to Grace. She'll just die."

"She's a fan?"

"'Fan' is putting it mildly. You should see her cubicle. Your pictures are everywhere. Every month she switches the NSYNC doll hanging from her desk lamp. She is always playing your CD's on her computer. We kid her about a grandmother of her age crazy for a boyband."

"We have fans of all ages." JC explained. He handed the brochure to Lance to sign.

"Well, it must keep her young. Anyway, I hated to intrude but I couldn't pass up the chance. I hope you enjoy the rest of your honeymoon." She winked then blushed, "I'm sorry. That was sort of personal."

JC smiled, "That's okay. We're sort of new at this."

Lance just had to know, "I hope we didn't say anything wrong around Timmy."

"Timmy? Oh, he'd be fine with it. He has two cousins who are gay. Now my husband. . ." She shook her head, "He played too much sport when he was growing up if you ask me. He's got that macho male image in his head. He's not mean about it but he does say some stupid things. Please don't take him too seriously," She leaned close, "He's a straight male. He can't help it."

They all chuckled.

"We'll cut him so slack." Lance handed the brochure back to the woman.

"Good. I'd better get back. Hope you enjoy your stay." She grabbed the camera and headed inside.

JC watched Lance.

"Don't worry, JC, he won't spoil our stay."


"Maybe we can bring him around."

"Don't bother trying. I want all your effort to be on me, okay?"

Lance smiled, "Don't ever doubt that."

"Good, let's find out where our room is."

The family was standing before a large map on the wall. A ranger was pointing out the trails.

"There a lot of shorter trails if you want to go off on your own. I'm leading a group up to the glacier tomorrow. You welcome to come along."

"Will there be bears?" Timmy asked.

"Well, we try to keep them away but maybe you can see them in the forest below us."

"Can we go now?"

"No, Timmy, it's a long walk. It will be dark before you'd get back."

"I'm not afraid of the dark." Timmy said proudly.

"Really," The ranger smiled, "Well, I am, especially in the mountains. You have to be able to see where you are walking or you could lose the trail and get lost."

"I wouldn't do that. I have good eye sight even in the dark."

"Now, Timmy," his father knelt next to him. "We'll take that hike first thing in the morning, okay."

Timmy was very disappointed. "Oh, okay."


JC and Lance stepped up, "Mind if we join you?"

The ranger nodded, "Everyone is welcome."

"Are you sure you're ready for it? It's a long walk." The father said, "No one will carry you back if you get tired."

Lance bristled a bit. JC stepped in before Lance could reply.

"After dancing and singing on stage for two hours without a break I think we can handle the hike."

"Besides I'd like to see someone get through Hell Week when we go through the entire concert four to five times a day for a week."

"Yeah, must be rough. How long ago was your last concert?"

The wife interrupted, "Let's get our stuff to our room. See you tomorrow."

She gave Lance and JC an 'I told you so' nod at her husband as the family headed off.

After a time they stopped kissing. Lance looked around him.

Lance sighed. "It sure is beautiful here."

"Doubly beautiful with you here."


"I am not, it's the truth."

"Then thank you. Maybe we should get back."

JC glanced around, "We have time yet," His hand slid to Lance's crotch.

"JC, no," Lance looked around, "Someone will see."

"There's no one around."

"You never know. What if little Timmy sees us?"

"We'll hear anyone coming along the path."

"Yeah, and they can hear us coming on the path. What about someone with binoculars?"

JC pulled his hand back, "Okay, forget it. You're too worked up."

"I should think so." Lance softened his reply, "I'm sorry, JC."

"Don't be. You're right, we could get caught. You just drive me crazy."

"It's the fresh air."

"Could be."

"Come on," Lance gave JC a kiss. "Let's get back. Then I will drive you like crazy."

JC grinned, "Race you back."

"Oh, no you don't. Save you breath and stamina for later."

"Damn, you're a tease."

When they got back the lobby was in a furor. The ranger stood at the map pointing out trails to other rangers and guests. It looked like he was setting up search teams.

"You take the north trails and you take the west. Hopefully he will stay on the trails. We're working on a list of cell phone numbers so we can stay in touch."

"Surely there are not that many trails?"

"But each of them fork off and I want the teams to be of at least two people. The more eyes the better."

"Something wrong?" JC asked.

"Timmy is gone."

"Those damn bears of his," His father snapped. "We were in here planning our hikes over then next few days. He got bored and wanted to go back to the room. Well, he didn't stay there." He handed a note to JC.

"Gone looking for bears. I promise to be back soon. Don't worry." JC handed the note back. "Need any more help?"

"What can you two do?" There was a slight edge to the father's voice.

"Two more bodies and four more eyes." The ranger said, "If we're going to find Timmy before it gets dark we need all the help we can."

The father nodded, "Yes, you're right of course, I'm sorry."

"We'll find him. He couldn't have gone far."

They hadn't walked far down the trail when Lance turned to JC and took him by the hand. Lance led JC off the path to a small grove.

"This is the perfect place. Now we can search faster than they can."

"Lance, this isn't our bedroom. This is the wild country. Our bodies will be unprotected."

"There is a little boy lost. Maybe we can find him. JC, we have an advantage why not use it?"

"And if some animal finds our bodies? We have no defense."

"I don't care. We have to find Timmy."

"Lance, every trail is being searched."

"But we can do it faster out of our bodies. If we find him we can call the people searching that trail and say he is there."

"And how are we going to explain that?"

"A little boy is lost. Who cares? You'd rather not try because we have to explain how we found him? JC, we came out to help people. Now we can and it's not because we're gay."

Lance didn't have to use those green eyes on JC. He knew the truth.

JC sighed, "Okay, we'll do it your way."

They lay down and soon they were floating off down the trail.

They came to a fork in the trail.

"I guess we have to split up."

"Lance, touch me."

"Now, JC?"

"We'll be connected then we can sense if you or I find him".

They blazed bright blue as they touched.

"We'll find him, Lance. I know it."

They separated and went on searching.

Almost an hour had passed. The sun dipped lower to the horizon. Time was running out. Most of the trails Lance and JC had covered even to lengths Timmy could never have traveled. But still there was no sign. How had little Timmy gone so far? Then Lance remembered his nieces and nephews. They were such balls of energy they were all over the place. Timmy had to be found. Somewhere deep in Lance's very soul a child was in need and alone. Lance had no choice but to go on. He continued along the path.

JC soon overtook Timmy's father and a ranger. Please let Timmy be found here. If Timmy could be found by a parent it would be so reassuring.

JC followed the trail around a curve and almost missed the form crouching to one side of the path. There sitting with his knees pulled up against him was Timmy crying. JC noticed both of Timmy's knees were bleeding slightly. He must have tripped.

JC quickly concentrated. Just a quickly Lance arrived.

When Lance saw Timmy's state his heart went out the boy.

JC filled Lance in, "Timmy's father and a ranger are searching this trail. They'll find him soon."

"Just to make sure you go back and call them. I'll stay here."

"Why?" JC asked.

"Maybe I can comfort Timmy or at least watch over him."

"And how do I explain I know where Timmy is?"

"Say you can see him from a trail above. Just go."

JC floated off. Lance turned his attention to Timmy. He floated over him letting his blue light surround Timmy but Timmy kept on crying. Lance touched Timmy lightly. The little boy's anguish flooded into Lance.

"Sh, it's okay."

Nothing. Lance continued probing. He HAD to make contact. He had to comfort the crying Timmy.

Lance tried again. He felt a connection. "It's all right."

Timmy didn't look up. "My knees hurt. I'm bleeding."

"I know but people will be here soon."

"I want my Mommy and Daddy." Timmy sniffed.

"It won't be long. They're on their way to you right now."

"I hope so." Timmy suddenly looked up and around.

"Where are you?"

"You can't see me, Timmy but I am here."

"I can hear you in my mind. Are you an angel?"

"Something like that. I'll watch over you until your father and the ranger get here."

Timmy stared at the ground, "I'm sorry, I should have waited for tomorrow but I was so excited. I want to see a bear. I should have listened to my parents." Timmy paused. "Am I going to hell?"

"No, Timmy. You are a good boy and God loves you. He doesn't send people he loves to hell."

Timmy looked up again, "Did he send you to find me?"

Lance thought for a bit. Well, he really didn't know for sure but. . .

"Yes, Timmy he did."

Timmy smiled and laid his head back on his knees. "I'm glad." He started to cry again, "I am so sorry, Mommy. I am so sorry, Daddy."

"They know, Timmy."

"I'll be good from now on I promise. Tell God I promise."

There was a rustling in the bushes. Timmy looked up as a large black bear walked across the path a few yards away them. It turned and looked at Timmy. It gave a small growl.

Timmy just looked dumbly at the bear.

"Don't move."

"It's a bear." Timmy said in awe.

"Sh, Timmy. Don't worry, I won't let it harm you."

Lance mind raced. How could he even stop the bear? There was only thing Lance could think of. Maybe if he touched the bear, an astral connection. Would the bear understand and leave Timmy alone? The idea of Timmy's mother searching for him filled Lance's mind. A parent searching for a child might be something the bear might understand. Lance readied for the contact. The bear approached a little closer then stopped. It seemed to be looked at where Lance was floating. Could the bear see Lance? One more glance at Timmy then it let out another soft growl then disappeared into the bushes.

"See, you're safe," Lance let Timmy know. Lance on the other hand was very relieved.

Then there was the sound of feet approaching. Maybe that's what chased the bear off.

"Timmy!" his father rushed to him and took the boy in his arms.

"I'm so sorry, Daddy." Timmy cried on his father's shoulder.

"You had us so scared."

"I was okay until I fell and hurt myself."

The ranger gave a quick look at Timmy's knees.

"Nothing too serious just two scraped knees." The ranger took off his knapsack and searched for the first aid kit.

Timmy's father set Timmy on the ground as the ranger treated Timmy's knees.

Now that the crisis was over as far as Timmy was concerned he let his excitement out.

"Dad, I saw a bear. It stood right down there. It must have heard you coming and went off into the bushes. It was a big black bear."

"Timmy, that bear could have hurt you."

"No, Dad, it couldn't have. The angel wouldn't let it."

"An angel?"

"Yeah, I was sitting here crying and an angel came to me to protect me. It was the angel who found me and told me you were coming for me."

"You really met an angel?"

"Yeah, it made me feel so much better. I wasn't afraid any more. He told me you and the ranger were coming to find me and the angel was right."

Timmy's father looked at the ranger.

"Who's to say what happened? Being alone and afraid affects the mind is strange ways."

"But I am not lying. There was an angel. It talked to me in my mind. Don't worry, Dad, I promised the angel I'd be good from now on. He said he would protect me from the bear"

"Timmy, this is only your imagination. There was no angel and there was no bear."

"There it is!" Timmy pointed up the trail.

The black bear was farther off than before but was looking back at the group.

"Nobody move," hissed the ranger.

The bear seemed to nod its head then headed off into the grass.

"See it was checking up on me. It was a mother bear wasn't it?"

"Yes, Timmy, it was." The ranger replied. "Come on, let's get you back. It will be getting dark soon."

"I was protected by an angel. It even talked to me."

"Please, Timmy," his father said, "You can tell your story when we get back."

JC was waiting. Finally after what seemed like ages Lance stirred and sat up.

"Crisis over?"

"Yeah, father and son are reunited."

JC helped Lance to his feet. "I have to admit that was a great idea of yours."

"Oh, they would have found Timmy eventually."

"Stop being humble. You deserve a hero's welcome."

"Oh, stop, you helped, too. Are you ready to face the music?"

JC chuckled, "I don't think people are going to be thinking logically for a while."

They started back down the trail.

"Speaking of logic I have a question."


"JC, there was this bear."

"Timmy must be happy." JC stopped in his tracks, "Wait, a real bear. Damn, Lance what did you do?"

"Well, nothing really. I mean I didn't have to do anything. It just sort of surveyed the situation then walked off. But JC, it seemed like it saw me. It definitely was looking in my direction before it went off."

"Who's to say? Animals see and sense things we humans can't. Some animals can sense the change in the weather and not to mention their sense of smell."

"It just was sort of eerie."

"Well, there are more things in heaven and earth."

"Oh, about heaven," Lance paused, "Timmy thinks I am an angel."

"So do I."

"No, I mean he thinks he was found by a real angel. I guess I sort of lied to him."

JC stopped and took Lance's shoulders. "After what you just did? Lance, you are an angel, a real angel. Never doubt that."

"But it was just Astral Projection."

"Look at it this way, Lance maybe the other angels are just God Astral Projecting. Besides everyone wanted Timmy to be found and comforted. You did what everyone wanted. I'd call that being an angel."

"I just hope Timmy doesn't become a minister because of me."

JC laughed, "I doubt it. Come on, everyone will be back before we are."

As they got to the chalet they heard: "Timmy!

Timmy's mother rushed to his side. "Don't ever do that again. Who knows what could have happened."

"Don't cry Momma, I was looked after by an angel."


"He even kept a bear away from me but I wasn't a bit afraid. It was a momma bear and she heard me crying. She wanted to help."

JC and Lance met the rescue party in the lobby.

Lance asked, "There he is. Is he all right?"

"Just two scraped knees."

With the new audience Timmy gushed again, "I got to see a bear twice and I was found by an angel."

"An angel? Aren't you lucky?"

Timmy's eyes stared at Lance's face. "Do you believe in angels?"

"Of course, I do."

"Because somehow you remind me of that angel."

"Me?" Lance tried to act non-chalant.

"How could he?" Timmy's father said, "He was out searching, too."

"I don't know. I guess I was wrong."

Lance leaned close, "Timmy, sometimes angels take the form of people we know. It is easier on us."

"But it is more than that." Timmy shook his head. "I can't describe it."

"Timmy, maybe you'll know better after some rest."

"Maybe." Timmy started back to their room. He stopped, "But I did see a bear. She was looking out for me I know that. I've always loved bears."

"Come on, Timmy." His mother picked him up in her arms. "You can tell your story later. You need some rest."

As she walked off Timmy's father turned to JC and Lance.

"Look, I am sorry how I treated you two. I guess I am prejudiced about people like you."

"It's okay," JC said. "You're not the first."

"I was rough on you and then you helped find Timmy." He looked puzzled. "How did you by the way? The trail you were on . . ."

Lance interrupted, "Does it matter now?"

"No, I guess not. But I wanted to apologize for my behavior. You are very good and caring people." He started to walk away then stopped, "I may never think the same of pop stars after this." He turned and walked away.

They both burst out laughing.

"I forgot we're still "pop stars"."

"Gees, homophobia is such a big fear we forgot all about fame-aphobia."

"You never can tell what people are thinking."

"Well, I am thinking we should go back to our room and rest before dinner."

"Good idea."

When door of the room closed JC took Lance into his arms.

"Come here, my little angel," and they kissed.

JC moaned. He clutched at the bed sheets. He looked up to see Lance's wonderful green eyes looking up at him.

Lance ran his tongue down the underside of JC's cock. JC gasped. Lance took JC's balls in his mouth one by one and sucked on them.

JC`s head fell back on the pillow. "Oh, Lance."

Lance ran his tongue up JC's length, swirled his tongue around the mushroom head then swallowed JC whole.

JC couldn't help it his hips pushed up driving his cock deeper into Lance's mouth. Lance moaned happily.

This part of the honeymoon JC wanted everything to center around Lance but after Timmy JC had relented. He knew Lance wanted children. JC was still unsure but he knew what Lance went though in this Timmy crisis. He couldn't tell Lance but with their connection JC had felt every feeling Lance had had during their searching and finding of Timmy. Lance was so good with children. A wave of pure joy surged though JC interrupting his thoughts. Lance had other talents than relating well with children.

JC closed his eyes, "So good!"

Lance was sucking his lover's dick and loving it. Lance felt the hard warmth of JC's hard cock in his mouth. He could almost feel the blood pulsing through the veins making JC even harder and this turned Lance on all the more. Lance stopped jerking himself. He'd cum if he didn't. Lance knew that JC wanted this part of the honeymoon to be just about Lance. Okay, he was enjoying being top man for all those nights but Lance was feeling the urge. He wanted JC so bad so he had to arrange things so JC would at last give in and fuck Lance as he so badly wanted him to.

Lance pulled off and just jerked JC's cock. He looked up into JC's oh, so blue eyes. JC reached down and caressed Lance's cheek. Lance swallowed JC again. JC's head fell back on the pillow. JC's hand found his nipples and squeezed them. He moaned in sure pleasure.

Lance reached up and rubbed JC's chest and body. If I get him so excited he won't protest.' Lance thought. He doubled his efforts. He wanted JC to cum just as he had done earlier thanks to JCs wonderful lips, mouth and tongue. Lance felt JC's muscles tighten. He was pushing JC to the peak. Lance closed his lips tighter around JC's cock. He pressed his tongue hard against JC's sensitive flesh as he took the cock deep into his mouth. Come on, JC. CUM!

JC's hips pushed his cock deep into Lance's mouth.

"Oh, Lance. I'm. . ."

Lance braced himself as one more thrust and JC shot off.

JC's body trembled and shook as his climax ripped through him. Whether it was the mountain altitude or the fresh air or just what Lance had gone through to find Timmy, JC's climax was all of that combined. The waves of joy crashed through every nerve.

Lance took to stroking JC cock. It was easier on JC. Finally JC's hand pushed Lance's away. He pulled Lance up for a kiss.

"Wonderful, so wonderful." JC glanced down Lance's naked back. His ass was rolling back and forth. That meant only one thing. There was an itch that Lance needed scratching. Well, he had tried to make Lance top man all week but at least it had lasted this far. JC couldn't be too disappointed. "What does my hero want to do now?" JC already knew the answer but it was wiser to get Lance into the decision.

Lance was so eager, "My turn now?"

"I sucked you off already."

"No, not that." Lance lay on JC's chest. "I appreciate what you've been doing all week but JC, I miss you doing me."

JC took Lance`s chin and brought him up so they could kiss. "I need a little time to recoup."


"But you're still hard. How about if you do me for a while then I'll do you, okay?"

Lance beamed. "Okay!"

Soon JC was bouncing in pure bliss on Lance's cock. Each deep thrust into him sent surges of joy throughout JC's body.

"Damn, Lance, you make me feel SO good."

As much as Lance loved JC riding his cock he wanted to feel what JC was feeling. He'd got to do Josh every night since they had arrived and Lance was really enjoying it but he wanted his turn. Lance looked up. JC's eyes were closed and his face flushed with pleasure. Lance almost hated to interfere but he wanted Josh so bad.


JC didn't hear. He was enjoying himself so.


JC looked down at Lance,


JC saw the look in Lance's eyes those wonderful oh, so green eyes. Time to switch riders.

JC got off of Lance's cock. "Sorry, it felt so wonderful."

"I'd like to feel wonderful, too." Lance spun and belly flopped on the bed.


"I know what you look like. I just want to feel you. At the beginning at least," Lance added.

JC lubed up. Lance was already trembling with anticipation. JC's lubed fingers touched Lance's asshole. Lance's whole body jumped like an electric shock.

"Take it easy, lover. You'll cum before I've even started yet."

"I'm sorry," Lance moaned, "I need you SO bad."

JC slowly entered Lance.

"Oh, Josh! That's what I want!"

JC leaned forward and kissed Lance's neck. "You love me inside you?"

"Oh, gawd yeah!"

"Then we are together. Lance, my love, I promise this will never end."

JC's cock raked against Lance's insides sending surges of pure pleasure through every nerve.

"Oh, Josh!!"

JC sat up and watched his cock plunge in and out of Lance, his lover. JC had planned to let Lance be the top man but damn he did miss this. Lance's perfect round white ass accepting his cock deep inside. JC leaned close.

"I love you, Lance."

"Oh, Josh!"

"My hero." JC kissed Lance's back and neck, "My angel."

"You're making love to an angel?"

"No, I am making love to my lover who just happens to be an angel."

"Oh, my I'm. . . Oh, Josh!" Lance managed to get to his knees. "Oh, fuck!!!"

JC pulled Lance's body up next his. Lance's ass clamped around JC's cock as Lance came. He leaned his head back on JC's shoulder as his body trembled and shook.

JC continued his thrusting. Each deep thrust caused Lance to shudder. Slowly after a time Lance relaxed. He turned so they could kiss properly.

"I told you." JC looked disappointed.

"Don't worry, lover," Lance kissed JC's nose. He flopped onto his back and raised his legs, "This horse isn't spent yet. Keep riding."

With the sight of Lance so eagerly and willingly offering himself to JC there was no hint of a debate. Soon JC was back to thrusting his cock deep inside his lover.

After a time JC slowed down. He wanted this to last as long as Lance wanted it to. They took the time to kiss and caress each other very tenderly. JC was making this more than just a fuck and Lance enjoyed it all the more.

Sensing Lance's legs might be getting tired JC took Lance's legs, placed them together then moved them off to one side. Lance rolled onto his side and JC lay behind him. Without missing a stroke JC keep up his rhythm on Lance's ass.

The shear pleasure flowing throughout Lance's very nerves was so wonderful. JC's cock was hitting all the right places sending surges of joy through every fiber of Lance's body.

Lances hand found JCs ass. He pulled JC to him as if he could get JC even deeper inside him. "Yes, Josh, yes, don't stop."

"Not until you pop." JC's hand found Lance's now hard cock and stroked it. He kissed and licked Lance's shoulder and neck. "My angel."

After some minutes Lance could feel the build up. He didn't even try to keep it back.

"Josh, I'm getting close."

JC sped up thrusting deep into Lance. He felt Lance clinch his ass muscle.

"Damn, lover."

"Together." Lance gasped.

"You've got it."

JC pulled out of Lance and got to his knees. Lance rolled onto his back. JC then straddled Lance's legs. He looked down at his naked lover, stroking his hard cock and getting ready to cum.

Lance looked up at JC's beautiful body even more beautiful as JC went into ecstasy. His eyes closed his head fell back and his lips opened.

"I'm going to cum. Oh, lover," JC's voice rose in pitch. "I'm cumming!"

Lance thrilled to the sight of JC's climax. The cum splattered on his body pushed Lance over the edge.

"Josh!" Lance's cum arched into the air as JC's was doing. Their cum crisscrossed Lance's stomach and chest.

JC's climax waned first but JC still thrilled at the sight of Lance jacking the cum out of his cock.

"Shoot it, lover."

Lance's stroking slowed. Soon his hand fell to the bed. Lance just lay there panting with his eyes closed.

"Oh, wow." he panted.

JC leaned down and licked Lance's stomach and chest. Soon he felt a nudge. He took the washcloth from Lance and cleaned his lover off.

JC tossed the washcloth to the night stand then attacked Lance with kisses. After a time they lay side by side.

"Thanks, Josh. I needed that."

"Nothing is too good for my angel."

"JC, please, I don`t want to be your angel. I want to be your lover and husband."


"Remind me to buy some postcards tomorrow."

"There's a computer in the lobby. We can save time by sending E-mails."

"That's not very personal."

"Or we can just project home."

"That won't work for our parents you know."

"Oh, you're right."

"Besides, I like the idea of just you and me together. That time I projected home and saw Peter it took me quite awhile to get back in honeymoon mode."

JC snuggled close, "Well, we can't have that."

Lance turned to JC. "I love you, Josh."

"I love you, too." They kissed tenderly. "Now we have a few minutes to rest before supper."

Lance nestled close. "Good, I am so hungry I could eat a horse."

"I'll warn Charlie."

"JC," It was Lance's warning voice. "If you pull a Chris we'll be eating at separate tables."

"I promise. There was no sexual innuendo intended."

"Good." There was a pause. "JC?"

"This question had better have nothing to do with oral sex in the animal kingdom."

"I was just wondering," Lance said in a pouty voice. Then he smiled. "Who's jealous now, Charlie?" and Lance snuggled close to JC and closed his eyes.

End Part 62

I know, I know I'm working on the next part already. I promise this won't become a quarterly installment story. I hope it was worth the wait. As always I'd love some feedback short of "Write faster!". E-mail me at or

Next: Chapter 64

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