Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Sep 4, 2006


Here we go with Part 63. You're not here to listen to me drone on so onto the CYB stuff.

This is a story of complete BS not a word of it is true. Well, that "it" in paragraph 12 is but all else is drivel! To this author's knowledge limited at that is no one in NSYNC is gay. Oh, wait that's not correct anymore. Lance IS gay! But this is NOT a depiction of a real relationship in Lance's real life. (As much as we wish it was. Well, to our knowledge.) This is just the author's need to live vicariously through make believe couples. There will be graphic descriptions of gay sex so if you find such things objectionable what the hell are you doing here? Sorry, stop reading. The same goes if you are under age, I mean the stop reading part. Well, the "what the hell are you doing here?" could still fit.

Anywho, read on and I hope you enjoy.

Lance groaned and opened his eyes. He rubbed them lightly. Glancing at the little travel clock by the bed he noticed it was seven thirty. He also noticed JC was not in bed. Lance turned. JC was looking out window in all his naked glory. His posture showed his ass off to perfection.

"Now this hotel gets seven stars from me for the scenery alone."

JC didn't turn around. "Don't you mean the decor?"

"Nope, too close to "deck whore" and I want no misunderstandings. You've got something I want so I don't want to make you mad." Lance frowned. "JC, come away from the window someone might see you."

"It's early in the morning, we're on the second floor, the windowsill covers me to the waist and I am peeking through the curtains. Trust me, you are the only one seeing me naked." JC turned and walked from the window to the bed.

"Then I am truly blest."

"Morning, my loving husband," JC leaned down.

They kissed. Their hands met.

JC lightly coaxed Lance out of the bed. "Come on, the hike leaves at ten o'clock. We need to get go down for breakfast."

Much to JC's surprise Lance tightened his grip and pulled JC onto the bed. With the force of Lance's pull JC twisted and landed on his back. Lance quickly rolled on top of JC.

"Oh, I'll go down all right but it won't be for breakfast." Lance thought for a bit. "Maybe it is? Well, it's protein at any rate." He began kissing JC's neck.

"Not this time stud," JC pushed Lance back. "We only have another day up here and I want to see a glacier."

Frowning Lance rolled off of JC. "I'm already next to something cold as ice."

"Please, don't say that. Besides the way you were last night the fresh air did you good." JC sat on the edge of the bed.

"But I want you to do me good."

"Now, Lance," JC lay back down next to Lance. "Does it make sense to spend all this money then spend the whole trip in our room?"

Lance frowned. "Oh, thanks. You scored a bull's eye with that one. You know I like to get my money's worth." Lance turned his head pouting.

JC kissed Lance's cheek. "If we get our money's worth of the scenery today and I promise you you'll get your money's worth of me tonight."

"Money's worth? What was I saying about a deck whore?"

JC laughed and gave Lance another peck. "Come on, let's get dressed."

Peter entered the kitchen. Lynn was loading the dishwasher. Good he hadn't interrupted breakfast.

"Morning, . . ." Peter stopped. He still had problems calling Justin's mother 'Lynn' to her face.

She looked up, "Good morning, Peter, have you eaten?"


She eyed Peter, "A good breakfast?"

"I made myself an omelet, egg substitute of course, juice and toast."

Lynn smiled, "Good for you. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You'll wake up to good food every morning I'm here."

"All the food here is good. You're an excellent cook."

"Thank you. I take good care of my housemates."

"Housemates? I haven't even moved in yet."

"Oh, really?" There was a mother's knowing smile.

Peter felt nervous, "Ah, Justin?"

She smiled, "Feathering your love nest."

"Ah, love nest?"

"Sorry, the bedroom." She shrugged, "Just trying to be that cool mom."

Peter went and kissed her cheek, "You don't have to try. You are one very cool mom." Peter left the kitchen.

Justin's father voice was heard, "Honey? Where are my car keys?"

"On the table by the front door."

He came into the kitchen. "I can't find my wallet. I always leave it in my pants pocket."

She opened his suit coat and pulled the wallet from the inner pocket. "I always put it in your suit pocket when I wash your pants so you won't lose it."

"Well, that didn't work did it?"

Explaining wouldn't help. She gave him a kiss. "Have a good day."

"I'll try." He started out of the kitchen. He stopped, "Oh, honey, a suggestion; try a little less seasoning in my eggs next time. I feel like I dined on a salt lick." He smiled, "Have a good quiet day at home. Enjoy your soaps."

He left.

Lynn grabbed a dish towel not very gently, "I'll tell you Peter if you weren't gay I'd marry you in an instant but Justin wouldn't allow that. Well, he can have the sex I'll have the kindness." She shook her head as she wiped her hands on the towel, "Lynn Timberlake what kind of warped fantasy is that marrying your own son's lover? Well, at least we could get married." She threw the towel on the counter. "It's just not fair. My son deserves the same legal rights I have."

The phone interrupted her.


"Hi, honey, I forgot, I'm planning to be home for lunch but don't bother to cook anything. I'll pick something up."

"Then why come home for lunch?"

"Well, Justin will be gone and I thought you might be interested in a little afternoon delight."

"Ooh, how seventies. What brought this on?"

"Does it matter? Let's just say I am inspired."

"And you don't want them to have all the fun?"

"Okay, that too. See you at twelve. I love you."

"I love you, too." She hung up the phone. "Peter, I am definitely going to love having you live in this house."

Peter noticed the TV was on and Justin was no where to be seen.

"Typical." Peter switched off the TV.

"Hey, I was watching that."

"From the bedroom?"

"Damn, Peter, I thought it was Mom. Wait out there. I'm not ready yet." The bedroom door slammed shut.

Peter walked to the closed door. "Are you going to surprise me wearing a Speedo, again?"


"You're not trying on a thong? Ooh, I know something in spandex."

"No. It's not what I am wearing but it does have to do with clothes."

"You haven't been shopping for me again, have you?"

"No, it's not that. I know better. Just one more minute."

"No satin sheets?"


"You haven't installed a harness over the bed? You know about me and heights."

The door opened a crack and Justin peeked out.

"Is it all sex with you?"

"No, with me it's all sex with you. Do you blame me? So what's up? Oh, don't tell me 'close your eyes'." Peter shut his eyes and held out his hand.

"That would be so eerie if it wasn't so obvious." Justin took Peter's hand and led him into the bedroom. "Now stand right here. Open your eyes."

Peter was standing in front of one of the closet doors. "So?"

"Open it."

"Justin, I've seen your clothes."

"Humor me."

"You know me always joking."

"Open the damn door."

"Okay, okay," Peter opened the door. The closet was empty.

Justin was so excited. "It's ready for you."

"Gee, thanks Justin just what every gay man needs his own closet." Peter turned to Justin. "I'm not going back in you know."

"It's not for you it's for your clothes. That's your half of my, our closet."

"Well, there is room now that you're out, too."

Justin smirked.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Peter hugged Justin. "I am impressed. Thank you." He kissed Justin. "But where did you put your clothes?"

"The Guest room. There are two closets in there anyway. Oh, and one more thing," Justin nodded at the additional piece of furniture. "Your own dresser. I tried to clean out a couple of drawers for you but I have too much underwear and socks."

Peter smirked, "I love to see you in that underwear and I won't go into your socks' life."

"Oh, that was so bad!"

"So are your socks." Peter fanned his nose, "Phew!"

Justin slapped Peter's ass. "Stop that. I'm trying to be domestic and you're making jokes. Or are you just covering with jokes because you're nervous."

"All the Henny Youngman jokes in the world couldn't do anything for my nerves."

"Why? Don't you want to move in with me?"

Peter put his arms around Justin. "Are you kidding? It's a dream come true, pun intended. Being with you more of the time, spending quiet nights together just watching TV, having sex whenever we feel like it, hearing the relatives scream because we forgot they're visiting and maybe teaching your folks a thing or two. I'm ecstatic."

"Smart ass."

"Hey, it's a big step for me. I used to live alone, you know. But I am more good nervous than bad nervous."

Justin pulled Peter close, "I'm glad. Believe me I am nervous, too. Justin Timberlake is shacking up. I hope my fans are ready for that."

"The ones who want you happy are."

Justin relished the feeling of Peter in his arms. Soon they'd be living together and Peter would be there whenever he wanted him. Justin gave a pleasant sigh.

"I hate to break this up."

"I know I have to get to John's."

"But at least we're together."

"It must be so boring for you sitting in that recording booth or in the game room."

"Hey, I am watching the guy I love doing what he loves. Believe me, it has its perks."

"And it is nice seeing you there watching. I want to make it perfect just for you."

"And your fans."

"You forget, these are background vocals, my fans won't hear me."

"Oh, yeah? You'd be surprised. When you know what you are listening for it is easy to hear you."

"Thanks," Justin reluctantly stepped back. "I guess we'd better go."

"Thank you, Justin."


"For showing me I am going to fit in. That I have my own space."

"It's just a closet and some drawers."

"Yeah, but it is mine and in your room."

"Our room part of our house."

Peter trembled nervously, "Imagine I am shacking up with another guy. Who would have thought it?"

"Justin Timberlake and I get what I want." He patted Peter's butt.

"Oh, really? Well, I am allowing you to get what you want."

Justin wiggled his butt. "So you can get what you want." He grabbed his crotch, "And this."

Peter laughed and shook his head. "This can't last, you know. We both are being so selfish."

Justin sang, "What's wrong with being selfish?" He kissed Peter. "So who's driving? And I do mean the car."

"We can take mine. That way you can rest up."

"I'm just singing."

"Afterwards, I'm hoping to get a private encore."

"It IS always sex with you."

Peter turned Justin to the mirror on the wall and pointed to Justin's reflection. "What do you expect when I am lovers with that? Do you know how distracting it is going to be living with this hunk of a specimen of the male sex twenty-four seven?"

"Yes, I do." Justin turned to Peter and pulled him close. "I am just as distracted."

"But, Justin I. . ."

Justin placed his hand over Peter's mouth. "Stop that. You're damn sexy to me. That's all that matters, right?"

Peter nodded.

"Let's get going. The sooner I am finished the sooner we can get to the perks."

JC and Lance were sitting on a rock eating their lunch.

"This sandwich is delicious."

Lance nodded, "So is mine."

"You're not going to blame it on the altitude, the fresh air or that we've been hiking and we're hungry?"

"All valid points so why bother."

JC's eyes narrowed. "You're not just agreeing with me to keep me happy so I will keep you happy are you?"

"You happen to be right so I am agreeing with you. I have no motives behind it."

"Oh, I could make a Chris joke right now."

"Go ahead but it is so obvious."

"Then I won't," JC shook his head, "I think trying to keep both of us happy is mutually beneficial. We both want something from each other."

"Want, huh? Mine is an out and out need." Lance chewed for a bit.

JC waited for the next remark.

"So," Lance swallowed, "You just "want" me?"

JC had his response ready. "Yes, I WANT you to always be beside me so when I NEED you, you will be there. That's why I asked you to marry me, remember?"

Lance smiled. He put his hand on JC's knee. "You're such a charmer." He gave JC's knee a pat. He whispered. "If there weren't people around I'd kiss you." Lance suddenly shuddered.


"Just the breeze off the glacier."

"Do you want your coat?"

"No, I'm fine. Once we start moving again I'll be all right.

JC looked down into the valley far beneath them. "To think that piece of ice carved out all that. Not bad for an ice cube."

"It did take centuries. And I always thought of ice being white not blue."

"It's a big ass ice cube."

Lance glanced at the turquoise lake off to one side. "It does make the water very pretty though."

"Daddy," Little Timmy said. "Can you make me a fishing rod?"

"No fish in that lake, Timmy." The guide said, "The water's too cold for them."

"I could go ice fishing." Timmy grinned. "That's a joke."

There was a smattering of laughter.

Lance had to smile. Timmy was behaving so well. He was as good as his word. He stayed close to his parents. Of course, after what happened they didn't let him get too far off anyway. Lance finished his sandwich and started on the grapes.

"It is so beautiful here."

"Are you sure we shouldn't have stayed in bed?"

"No, this is magnificent scenery. I'm glad we came. I just need a little push this morning."

"Ho boy, that has two Chris jokes."

"JC, stop."

"I just thought you might be missing the guys."

"Not that much." Lance paused, "I wonder what Peter's doing."

"Waiting for Justin to get finish recording, what else?"

"Peter is so patient."

"I'd be too if I was waiting for you. So you'd better rest up. We start our own recording when we get back."

"It will be nice to hear your songs fleshed out as it were."

"You don't like just my voice?"

"JC that is one of those questions that never should be asked let alone answered."


"Brock-brock-brock. I need something later remember?"

"Okay, I withdraw the question."

"Thank you." Lance kissed the air.

Suddenly there was Timmy giggling at them.

"You want to kiss him don't you?"

Lance and JC found themselves at a loss for words.

"Ah, well," JC stammered.

"That's okay, my cousin Carl kisses his friend Jake all the time. Well, not when my dad's over. I think its better then kissing a yucky old girl." Timmy made a face.

"You may not think so when you're older." Lance explained.

"That what my dad says. I'm not sure though but he usually is right. You didn't want to kiss with people around, huh?"

"Yes, Timmy, some people don't like it."

"But you love each other right?"

"Yes, Timmy," Lance glanced at JC, "Very much.

"Are you married?"

"Well, sort of. We had a ceremony a few days ago."

"Then you're on your honeymoon!" Timmy said excitedly.

They looked around. "Yes, Timmy but don't talk so loud."

Timmy nodded and whispered, "I understand, you don't want people to hurt you if they found out. But it's your honeymoon you should be kissing all the time. I've been to weddings. That's all they do."

"Not all the time."

"Oh yes, they do. Everyone taps on dishes to get the couple to kiss. The wedding I was at they had them kissing all the time. It's a wonder they didn't catch something."

JC and Lance smiled.

Timmy's father approached, "Timmy, stop bothering them while they're eating."

"He's not bothering us."

"Guess what, Dad, they're on their honeymoon.


"Yeah, they're just like Cousin Carl and Jake they're afraid to kiss with people around."

"I should think so. Come on, Timmy, finish your lunch."

"But I ate it all."

"Then come sit with your mother and me."

"That's boring. Can't I walk around? I'm not hurting anybody."

"I know that," he reached for Timmy's arm.

"It's okay, he can stay here. We'll watch him."

"No, thank you."

"What's happening?" It was Timmy's mother.

"Nothing, Timmy was just bothering these two."

"I was not. They said so."

"Timmy," His father warned.

Timmy looked down, "I'm sorry. I know I promised the angel I'd be good."

Timmy's mother said, "He can stay if he wants. We can still keep an eye on him."

The father spoke through clinched teeth, "Honey."

She poked a finger at his chest, "Stop being an old worry wart. You know better. Timmy is in no danger. Besides those two helped find him. Well?"

The father backed down, "Okay, Timmy can stay."


The father saw the look his wife was giving him. He turned to JC and Lance, "I'm sorry, I had a strict religious upbringing. I'm trying I really am."

"We understand. Besides we are strangers."

Under his breath, "You're strange all right. Ow!" he held his arm where he just got pinched. There was a sterner look from his wife. "Sorry about that, too."

"Let's get going, people," The ranger stood up. "Be sure to gather up all trash. Must keep the park clean."

Timmy's family walked away. They picked up their lunch things.

"You know, JC. I am SO glad that we are gay."


"We could have ended up with wives."

JC chuckled. "I think she is a wonderful wife and mother."

"Yeah, but at least you don't pinch."

"Only love pinches, Lance only love pinches."

JC caught Lance looking over at Timmy.

"And you'd make a wonderful parent, too."

Lance blushed.

"I mean it."

"We've never talked seriously about having kids."

JC smiled, "We will, Lance. We will. I have it on the agenda. I know you want a family and I would like to keep this adoption thing going."


"Sure," JC took Lance's hand, "but let's get through our honeymoon first."

Timmy who had been watching pulled on his father's hand. "Dad, no one else is watching. Please."

His father looked around. He looked back at JC and Lance, "Go ahead and kiss him but make it quick."

They didn't need a second hint.

Timmy smiled, "That wasn't so bad was it?"

His father snorted only to get another glare from his wife. "No, Timmy, it wasn't." He looked back at his wife.

She nodded approvingly.

He pointed at her, "But Cousin Carl and Jake still make me uneasy."

She smiled, "We'll work on that."

JC grinned at Lance. "See what a good influence you had on Timmy. I think we just found our youngest ally."

Lance smiled and nodded.

They got ready to continue their hike.

"Thank you." Brian Wilson gave Peter a kiss on the cheek. "Ah, Justin won`t mind that?"

"Not from you. But why thank me?"

"Justin is here at Galaxi! My friends are so excited."

"He's just Justin."

"You have GOT to be kidding."

"You're friends got to be with Justin at Lance and JC's reception."

"Not all of them. And it's not the same. He is here," Brian raised his hands gesturing to the room. "In our space. In our safe space. This may not be a gay bar but its close."

Peter watched as Justin talked to the kids sitting in a circle. "I think Justin likes it here."

Brian hugged Peter's arm, "I do. Thanks to you."

"Watch it, Joe will get jealous."

"Never. We're just friends."

Peter nodded his head knowing better. They're friendship was getting close. Soon maybe they'd be. . .

"Why don't you sit with him?"

"This is Justin's gig."

"But you're his lover?"

"Yea, but these are his fans."

"But you're a part of him now."

"Only the private part."

Brian snickered.

"Don't you start. We get enough from Chris." Peter took Brian's shoulder. "We're in a relationship but we both need our own time."

"Bull, most couples don't need alone time."

"Most couples aren't lovers with celebrities. They have their deal with their public. I allow that."

"Are you happy?"

Peter grinned, "I am far for happy. I am ecstatic. Justin Timberlake and me? Who wouldn't be?"

"Welks for one."

"Brian, he's gone."

"There will be more."

Peter shrugged, "For a while. They'll fight and fight but they are fighting a losing battle."

"Then you think gay people will be finally accepted?"

"They are now for the most part. People just don't hear about that." Peter turned, "Look at you. How about your story? Would you have believed it?"

"Never in a million years, but you helped me, Peter."

"A lot of people helped you." Peter repeated Brian's gesture to the room. "Most of them here."

"Thanks to you."

"That I will take credit for."

Brian sighed. "Will we ever win?"

"It's not a question of winning. That's what the opposition wants people to think that they are fighting a war. It's not. It's a matter of acceptance. When a gay person puts a face onto the word 'gay' things change. When your father saw you as a proud gay man, he changed. If we can take that word and humanize it the opposition will lose its members. It is easy to hate the word gay. It is more difficult to hate a person you know who is gay. Look at JC and Lance. Look at Justin and me."

"And me."

Peter gave Brian a squeeze. "And you. It will be slow but we will get there. For every step forward a few steps back, but we'll get there."

Justin stood up, "No, not me."

"Please, Justin," Everyone begged, "Please, teach us some dance moves?"

"Why ask me?" Justin glanced to the door. "Why not asked my teacher?" He pointed toward the door. "Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce one of the world's greatest choreographers."

Peter turned to the door. His mouth dropped open, "Wade!"

"Wade Robson is here, too? Oh, my god, excuse me, Peter." Brian joined his friends.

After Wade was introduced and he started the dance lesson, Justin walked over to Peter.

"You little fox, how did you get Wade to come to Galaxi?"

Justin smiled his Justin smile. "I told him they'd love to learn how to dance like NSYNC and he agreed."

"Did you tell him this is a group for gay kids?"

"Of course, I wouldn't want to lead him on."

"Maybe this will do him good. He can see young people who are happy being gay."

Justin clicked his tongue.

"That's why you invited him!"

Justin nodded, "You're not the only plotting and planning one you know."

Peter gave Justin a hug. "Well devious. That was a great idea."


They stood and watched the lesson hopefully.

Wade had taught them a few moves and now had them thoroughly enrapt with his stories of all the celebrities Wade had worked with.

"Do you know if any of the other boyband members are gay?"

Wade laughed. "I couldn't tell you if I did. It's against my Professional Integrity. You," Wade pointed to a boy with his hand up.

"Do choreographers make a lot of money?"

The whole group groaned.

"Oh, can it, Ryan."

"You don't even know if Wade's gay."

"Of course, he is," Ryan snapped back.

"That's a stereotype, Ryan, just because he dances."

Wade thought a moment, "Would it make any difference to you if I was? Gay, I mean."

"Shit, yeah," One boy said, "Never enough gay role models."

"I'm a role model? I just teach dance moves."

"But look at all the famous people you work with. They respect your work. Isn't that a good role model? Knowing that you were gay and they still respect you is a bonus. What's not to look up to?"

"May I ask you all a question for once?"

"Sure." They all said.

"If they found a pill that would make you straight would you use it?"

"Hell, no."

"Ah-ugh, no way."

"So you like being gay?" Wade asked.

"It's a pain in the ass sometimes."

"Use more lube."

"Shut-up, Dave. As I was saying, I mean there are some negative things that happen but, hey, God made me this way. Why should I argue with him?"

A girl raised her hand. "I have a few bones to pick."

"You would."

Brian spoke up before more ribbing could start, "I like being gay. I like being into guys." He pointed, "Don't say it, Dave. I mean, it's my very nature. I haven't known anything else. I like guys and I don't think I'd ever want to give them up. Me being gay is a very comfortable fit."

"See, he uses enough lube."


Dave whispered, "Someone's got sand up their butt."

Soon all of them were hurling insults and talking all at once. The counselors were trying to quiet the kids down just added to the noise.

Peter and Justin were watching Wade. He was thinking very hard about something then he seemed to make up his mind.

"I'm gay."

No one else was paying attention.

Justin gave a loud whistle and the room grew quiet.

He nodded at Wade, "You guys have history being made here and you're missing it."


"You said something?" A girl asked.

Peter thought, "A very BIG something."

Wade hesitated. He almost smiled, "I AM gay."


"Well, I thought I had straightened myself out but I guess the gay won out."

"Straightened yourself out? Why the hell would you do that?"

"Michael, please." A counselor said.

Ryan piped in, "I'm with Mike why play straight? It's such a waste of time and effort."

Wade nodded, "Tell me about it."

"You really didn't like being gay?"

"I guess I didn't like the idea of everybody expecting that I was gay just because I dance."

"See, Ryan." He got a slug on the shoulder from the girl next to him, "See what those stereotypes do to people?"

"But he IS gay." Ryan protested.

"Well, he tried not to be."

Ryan shook his head, "Man that must have been rough. I mean, being gay is tough enough without trying to act straight on top of that." He wrinkled his nose, "How did you do handle the sex stuff? I mean, sex with a woman is SO beyond me."

"Not me," One girl said and they all laughed.

"Well, at first it was easy. It wasn't until lately it got real hard," Wade noticed Dave opening his mouth, "I mean, difficult."

"When did you finally decide you were gay or at least to stay gay?"

Wade looked at the ceiling, "Oh, I'd say about 30 seconds ago."

"Really? You came out to us?"

"Well, you deserve it. You helped me understand." The doubt flooded Wade's mind. "Wait, I don`t think I am sure."

"Sure of what? Do you like dick or not?"

"Dave, please." The counselor said.

Wade stared off into air. "I want those things but I don't want to want those things. It`s not natural."

Ryan snorted, "Who the fuck knows what is natural?" He waved to the counselor. "I am sorry but the language fits. Wade, what is wrong with you?"

Wade held his head in his hands. "I am so. . . I shouldn't feel this way. What I did was wrong!"

"Oh, fuck you."


"Hey, this is tough love time. Wade, wake up to what is inside you in your every blood cell and brain cell. In your," Brian glance at the counselor and changed the word, "Freaking DNA. I went through this whole thing with my father. Except he slept with men and still refused to admit he was gay. Face it, Wade you are gay." Then Brian smiled, "Just like the rest of us. Stop fighting it. It is a lot easier if you do."

"I'm scared."

"And you don't think we are?"

Wade looked up. These young kids knew more than he did.

"But you seem so happy."

"Happy yes, but the scared is just below the surface. It lessens but never really goes away."

"But what I did."

"Damn it, Wade pull yourself out of it," A girl said, "Look I don't know what you did but did you enjoy it?"

Wade just stared at her.

She smiled, "Did you?"

"Yes," Wade said softly.

"Did you cum?"


"How else do I explain it? Did you?"


"Did he?"

Wade paused. "Yes."

"Then it was one hundred percent successful. That's all the answers you need."

"But I had been drinking."

"Good for you. It may never have happened at all and that would have been a shame."

"A shame?" Wade asked.

"Look, were you happy playing straight?"

Wade shook his head, "No, it became impossible."

"So where does that leave you now? What choice do you have?"

Wade bowed his head.

Brian added, "More to the point, you enjoyed the sex. Wade, think back were you happy then?"

"I wanted it so bad."

"And. . ."

"I didn't want it to end. It was such a joy to finally be having sex with a guy."

Ryan slapped the floor. "Case closed."

"Wade, if I may," Ruth pointed at Wade's chest. "Trust what is in your heart," She pointed to Wade's crotch, "Enjoy what this is telling you." Then at Wade's head, "And tell those Negative Feelings and Doubts in your head to fuck off. You should be fucked by another man not your own head."

"Judging by the language I think we've dwelt long enough on this," said one of the counselors. "He is our guest.

"No, please," Wade said. "They're helping."

"I have an idea to get you back to straight."

Everyone cringed. It was Dave.

"Have all the gay sex you can twenty-four seven until you get tired of it. Then it will be easier to go back to straight."

Wade laughed, "And if I find out I like gay sex too much?"

Dave just grinned.

"I see. I should give being gay a chance before I try to change?"

"Sure, but I doubt that will happen. Once you're gay you're got."

"I volunteer to help him."

"Ryan, leave it!"

Brian leaned to Wade, "He's always looking for a daddy."

"A father?"

"No, a "Daddy"."

"Oh," Wade nodded. "Sorry, not interested."

Ryan frowned, "Rats."

"Well, if there are no more questions for our guest, we should move on to the games."

Ruth raised her hand. "I have one last question. Wade, are you going to be all right?"

Wade smiled. "Yeah, I think so. But if any of you know a good therapist?"

Wade ended up with a list of 6 names.

Wade walked up to Justin and Peter.

"Are you all right?"

"That's the question of the night. Yeah, I think so. Those kids are wiser than their years."

Peter nodded, "Kids don't take any slack. They call it as they see it."

"I'll say. I never thought being gay was 'loving dick'. But their frankness helped. Thank you, Justin. It was fun and enlightening."

Justin gestured to Peter, "We both have learned a lot from these kids."

Wade sighed, "They're our future. I think it is in good hands."

"Do you want to go or hang out a bit?"

"Oh, definitely hang out. I feel three years younger."

Peter leaned close, "Just don't dance. You'll feel twenty years older. These kids know how to move."

Wade chuckled, "I believe it. I think they taught me more than I taught them."

Peter asked, "You do mean the dancing?"

"Yeah, that and the other." Wade held up the list of therapists names. "I'm going to get through this one way or another. I can't go back so I have to move forward and for that I am going to need a little help."

"We're here for you guy."

Wade smiled, "I know and believe me it helps. Come on, I have a desire to kick someone's ass at foosball."

"It's going to be the other way around, you know."

"Sh, don't rain on the dream. Come on."

Justin was lying on his side idly running his fingers across Peter's bare chest.

"Peter, about Wade."


"Do you think it would help if we showed him how hot gay sex is?"

Peter sat up and gaped at Justin incredulously, "After what nearly happened with Nick? You have to be fucking kidding me!"

Justin burst out laughing and rolled out of the bed onto the floor. It took some time before he finally made it to his knees he was laughing so hard.

He pointed at Peter, "Your face. . . the look on . . ." Justin could barely speak for laughter.

Peter's stern look did nothing to stop Justin's hysterics.

"So you think that's funny do you?"

Justin managed a big breath. "That look on your face was classic. Now that was a "if looks could kill" face."

"Well, you're not dead."

Justin caught his breath. "I'm sorry, Peter, I was thinking about Wade and I got this thought and it was just too good not to bring up." Justin started to crawl back into bed.

Peter was thinking, "Wade is good looking. Well, maybe half the idea is good. After all I trained you well. I could teach Wade a thing or two. Plus it would give him confidence."

"What about me?"

"What about you?"

"You're not going without me are you?"

"Justin, Wade's just come out. I think a threesome would be a bit much right now."

"We did it with Kevin."

"Justin, Wade is not like Kevin."

"Why? They both don't know what good sex is all about."

"I think this is slightly different. Of course, Kevin was your idea."

"You're not doing it without me. That would be cheating."

"It's just teaching Wade technique it's really not sex."

Justin sat on the bed and crossed his arms. "The hell it isn't. I can't believe you are seriously thinking of having sex with Wade."

"And I can't believe you seriously think I am serious." Peter began chuckling.

Justin dropped his guard. "You bastard, you got me."

Peter put his arms around Justin, "You're damn right I got you. Best thing the world has very giving me and I intend to keep you. And that means only sex between us."

"There is a way." Justin said almost eagerly.


"A way to have sex that isn't really between us. Well, it IS between us but not really us, see?"

"Now I am totally confused. I thought we said no one else."

"But it isn't anyone else. Oh, hell I'll just show you." Justin went to a drawer. He reached in and held something up, "Here."

Peter was surprised and sort of amused, "A double headed dildo? What do we need that for?"

"So we can fuck each other."

"We do that now."

"Not at the same time."

Peter found himself chuckling. "Why?"

Justin looked hurt, "I thought it would be a turn on. You have a dildo."

"But I don't use it. I have you."

"Liar," Justin grinned. "Last week when I was gone those two nights and you were here alone you used it."

"How do you know?"

"You should never have taught me to Astral Project."

"But you couldn't have been in the room."

"We're lovers remember. That doesn't apply anymore." Justin raised his hand, "Don't worry, I don't mind. In fact I got off on it when I got back. That's why I bought this. I wanted to join you."

Peter saw the look on Justin's face. "Okay, we'll try it but I am going to feel a little silly."

That Timberlake grin, "No, you're not. You're going to feel one great fuck and so am I."

"Does that thing come with a safety line? If we lose that up one of us it will be quite embarrassing trip to the emergency room."

Justin held up the dildo. "I know you're amazing but I don't think either one of us could accommodate the whole thing."

"Did it come with instructions?"

"Instructions?" Justin smirked. Peter was stalling. "Yeah I asked the cashier for the owner's manual and she said 'shove it up your ass'. Simple isn't it. Listen, if you don't want to do this we won't."

"I'll do it, Justin, after all it is for you but it's just that. . ."

"Come on, Peter, just say it."

"It's just that I only use my dildo when you're not here and well, you here."

"I know you want the real thing so do I but imagine our ass cheeks pressing together as we fuck ourselves silly, sorry, bad word."

"I don't know, Justin. It's pretty big. I don't think either of us could accommodate even half of this."

"Or better yet, imagine we're in bed with a pair of hot male models, wait make that twin male models like you see in fashion magazines."

"Like the Carlson Twins?"

"Yeah, like them, ah, who?"

"They're Abercrombie & Finch Models."

"Perfect. Imagine they're kneeling back to back fucking both of us matching each others thrust into you and then me. Wouldn't that be hot?"

"I guess."

"Forget it then."

"No, I said I'll do it and I will. It's just so out of the blue."

Justin grinned, "And up your butt."

"Justin, that's not helping."

"Tell you what," Justin leaned close. "I'll start by just fucking you with it. Then when you get into it I'll add myself. Or if you want the other way around."

Peter tucked Justin's chin. "Let's just go with the flow. I'd hate to have the sex planned."

"Okay." Justin crawled on the bed up to Peter. He licked Peter's ear then whispered, "Should we go straight, sorry, to the fucking or do you want a blow job first?"

Peter sighed. Justin was hoping the dirty talk would turn Peter on.

"Just use that talented mouth of yours to get me all hot and bothered and we'll go from there."

That Timberlake grin, "Deal."

Justin began kissing Peter's mouth and neck then started his slow descent down Peter's body. When he got to Peters stomach he pulled back the sheet.

Justin looked up grinning. "You certainly rose to the occasion."

"It's funny, every time a hunky young man gets naked in my bed and starts kissing me that happens. It must be an allergic reaction."

"Hm, sure is swelling up. Is it dangerous?"

"Nah, just like a blister just drain it and it goes down."

"Drain it, huh. Sounds simple."

"But sometimes it takes several drainings before it goes away."

"I'm game for that." Justin turned back, opened his lips and took Peter's cock into his mouth.

A wave of pleasure swept through JC. He forced himself to open his eyes. He looked down. Lance's beautiful green eyes met his. He seemed to smile then took JC's cock deep into his mouth again.

"Oh, Lance!" JC tipped his head back and enjoyed Lance's lips and tongue on his cock.

Lance slipped a hand under JC's shirt to rub his nipples. JC reached down to pull off his shirt but Lance caught his hand. JC got the gesture. Keep the clothes on. It added to the sense of urgency. Without a word JC let go of his shirt and gently took Lance's head in his hands.

It was urgent. The door to their room had barely closed when JC found Lance kissing him passionately. Then just as quickly Lance was on his knees almost tearing open JC's pants. Maybe JC had underestimated Lance's need this morning, maybe it was the fresh air and exercise or maybe it was that other people knew they were on their honeymoon and they were accepting of the idea. That would have set Lance off in love mode big time. Maybe it was Timmy teaching own his father to be tolerant.

"Damn!" Lance's tongue swirled around the head of his cock. Fuck it. What ever had set Lance off JC was enjoying the backlash. And how!

JC gently pushed Lance's head away from him and leaned down for a kiss. He was greeted by another passionate kiss.

As they parted JC saw tears forming in Lance's eyes.

"Josh, I love you so much."

JC just smiled and caressed Lance's cheek. He knew Lance was making a statement and didn't need a reply. This time JC kissed Lance and he returned the passion. JC wiped a tear from Lance's cheek. Lance smiled then dove back on JC's cock.

Now JC got it. It was the family idea. Lance had barely mentioned it before maybe he was too scared. But now that his wishes for having a family were known and validated Lance's love for JC was overflowing.

JC leaned down and rubbed Lance's chest through his shirt. Lance moaned but didn't break from his rhythm. JC wanted to see Lance's beautiful body but the tease was an added turn on.

Lance took JC's cock into his throat and held it.

"Oh, f. . .!" JC bit his lip before he said the word. He didn't know what kind of mood Lance was in and dirty talk might turn him off.

Lance felt JC's body tremble with pleasure and Lance thrilled to JC's reaction. As slowly as he could Lance pulled back pressing hard on the cock with his lips, tongue and his hand. JC's body shook. Good, Lance wanted to give JC all the pleasure he could. JC wanted a family! They'd joked about it or mentioned it in passing but now Lance knew for sure. His mother would be delighted. Lance wanted to show JC just how delighted he was, too.

Lance turned JC around and still stroking JC's cock buried his face between JC's perfect round ass cheeks.

"Sweet jesus that feels good!"

Lance stuck his tongue as far in as he could into JC's puckered opening. Lance could almost feel the surges of joy flowing through JC's body. He doubled his efforts.

Lance was going wild and JC was NOT complaining. Between Lance's talented tongue up his ass and Lance's talented fingers stroking his dick JC was in pure bliss. A few minutes ago JC just wanted to lie down and rest now he was at full attention and he didn't mean his cock. Lance's tongue hit the spot again and JC gasped.

Lance's tongue started getting tired so Lance just kissed and caressed JC's ass. To distract JC, Lance concentrated his other hand on the head of JC's cock. JC's body leaned back.

"Oh, Lance, I'm getting close."

"On my face! Please, Josh!"

JC turned around. Lance was looked up at him with those green eyes sparkling with excitement. The site of Lance eager for the inevitable pushed JC passed the point of no return. JC took over stroking his cock.

JC's body went rigid. "I'm cumming, oh god, I'm cumming!!"

Lance opened his mouth as white shot from JC's cock. The spattering of the hot liquid sent a thrill through Lance. This was his reward.

JC's body shuddered and shook. He managed a glance at Lance seeing his cum hit his lover's face and Lance blush at the thrill of its touch. JC closed his eyes and enjoyed the pure joy surging through him.

"Oh, Josh!" Lance gasped, "I'm cumming, too!"

JC broke from his rapture and looked down as Lance's cock shot off. The blush of joy on Lance's face was such a delight to see. Lance's body convulsed a couple of times then Lance relaxed. He looked up at JC smiling.

JC leaned down and kissed Lance. When he pulled back he tapped Lance's nose.

"Stay put. I'll get the wash cloth."

JC pulled up his pants half way and hopped to the bathroom.

Lance was still laughing on the floor as JC hopped back. He cleaned off his laughing lover.

"I didn't want to get undressed in case it spoiled the mood."

"And that didn't?"

"Well, we didn't get to the "take the clothes off' stage and I didn't know what you had in mind so I thought this was best."

"Always thinking of me? What a considerate lover I have."

They went back to kissing.

They were sixty-nining.

Peter pulled off Justin's cock. "If you want to do this. . ."

Justin pulled off Peter as well. "Now? You haven't cum yet."

"Well, if this is to be so great I am saving myself."

Justin twisted around until he was facing Peter.

"This is just a fuck. I mean I should be the one who gives you. . ."

Peter placed his hand over Justin's mouth. "I know. You're just so excited about this."

"You seem to enjoy yourself."

"That doesn't mean you will."

"I'll try."

How could Peter explain that sex with the dildo was only exciting because Peter imagined that it was Justin? Justin had confused the prop with the motivation but Justin wanted this and Peter was sort of game. Maybe it would be hot thinking what he was feeling what Justin was feeling.

Justin grabbed the lube and turned his attention to Peter's ass. He rubbed the lube around and then into Peter.

"You have a pretty asshole."

Peter couldn't help but chuckle. "Now that's something I never thought anyone would say."

"I mean it, it's so accepting and warm and so very tight." Justin grinned as his finger sank in deep.

"Justin, I am already ready for this you don't have to flatter me."

"I am not," Justin almost pouted. "I mean it."

Peter touched Justin's shoulder. Justin knew that signal. They leaned close to kiss. They pulled back.

"I'm sorry. I just never expected anyone to like my body let alone. . ."

This time it was Justin's fingers that touched Peter's lips.

"Sh." They kissed again.

Peter's eyes caught Justin's. Peter nodded. Justin lubed up the dildo and positioned it against Peter's asshole. Slowly he pressed it in. It sank in a little ways and Peter's hand found Justin's arm.

"A little more lube."

Justin applied more lube and tried again. It slipped in easier.



Justin added more lube. The dildo slipped into Peter. Peter gasped.


"Oh, yes."

Justin grinned, "Just you wait."

Justin slowly started moving the dildo out then into Peter's ass.



Justin watched as the dildo slipped in farther. It was almost halfway when Peter's hand grabbed Justin's. He stopped.

"That's a bit too deep."

"Too deep?" Justin grinned.

"You have to do it too, you know."

Justin realized Peter was right. "Sorry."

"Let me get used to it slowly."

Justin began a slow rhythm.

Peter had to admit it did feel good and knowing Justin was doing it and watching it was a turn on.

"Feel good?"

Peter laid his head back and moaned. "Yes."

Justin increased his rhythm. He watched as Peter's face blushed with pleasure. He must be doing something right. Justin began to wish to know what Peter was feeling but one look at Peter on his back and Justin was puzzled.

"How are we going to do this? On our backs we can't get much of a thrusting action."

"You get a need for a sex toy and you don't think it through?"

"Hey, I am used to other people doing my choreography."

"Okay, I will. Un-impale me, please."

Justin pulled out the dildo. Peter put out his hand and Justin handed it to Peter.

"Get on your hands and knees."

Justin did as Peter said. He was strangely excited.

Peter worked some lube into Justin.

"It's my first time, be gentle."

Peter smacked Justin's butt with the dildo, "Smartass."

"It is now."

"Smart talk and I have control of the dildo? I see an embarrassing trip to the emergency room in your future."

"I'll be good."

Justin didn't see Peter smile, "So will I," Peter pressed the dildo into Justin. A little bit in and then he'd pull it back. He let Justin get used to the feeling. Little by little it sank deep into Justin.

"You okay?"


A little bit more. Almost at the half way point.

Justin's body shuddered. Peter stopped.

"Damn, that thing IS big."

"I guess we both have our limits."

"Hey, I didn't say I was done yet. Let me get used to it."

"Okay," Peter started a slow rhythm.

Peter had to admit watching the dildo go in and out of Justin was a bit of a turn on. Again, it wasn't his cock but still he was controlling the fucking. After a few minutes Justin relaxed.

"Damn, that's not bad at all. It's deeper than you've ever gone." Justin suddenly realized what he just said. He quickly added, "Not that you need to. It's nice to know I can do it but you are more than enough to keep me happy."

"He bobbles the ball but recovers. Ready for tandem?"

Peter knelt behind Justin butt to butt. He took the dildo with one hand at the midpoint. That way he wouldn't just push it deeper into Justin.

Justin glanced at the mirror and watched with excitement as the dildo went into Peter. Once in Peter moved the dildo back and forth with his hand into him then back into Justin.

"That does feel good."

"Yeah, it does." It was a bit uncomfortable for Peter holding his arm behind him like that.

"Let go, see what happens."

Peter removed his hand. Justin pressed back. The dildo went deeper into him causing a little pain but not too bad.

Peter was experiencing the same thing. He knew what Justin wanted and he was trying to make it happen.

"Maybe this thing is just too big." Justin tried to hide the disappointment.

"Don't stop yet. We just need to get used to it."

It took some time but finally their asses touched.

"Oh, my god, we did it! Now let's just fuck each other."

The problem was the dildo had a mind of its own. With no one to control it there was no sense of thrusting at all. Then Peter got the idea. He pushed back on the dildo forcing it out then Justin's ass pushing back on it thrust it back into Peter.

"We're doing it, we're doing it! We're both fucking ourselves!"

Justin was so thrilled and turned on. The feel of their asses bumping into each other was such a rush. They could take that whole dildo. Damn!

"Fuck, yeah. Fuck me! Fuck you! Fuck us!"

The only unfortunate thing was maintaining this position and Peter knew soon they'd both get tired. But they continued on for many minutes with the dildo sliding in and out of each other's ass.

Justin's moans were dying down. Peter sensed that this was not working anymore. Peter knew it himself all too well but he kept at it for Justin's sake. He decided to take things into his own hands as it were.

Peter pulled off and rolled on his back. Justin looked surprised but when Peter handed Justin the bottle of lube then raised his legs Justin knew. Peter's asshole winked at Justin. Damn, how now Justin wanted Peter.

Just to drive home the idea Peter said in his best pleading voice. "Please, Justin. I need to feel YOU."

In no time Justin was lubed up and sliding deep into Peter's ass.

Peter's head fell back on the bed. "Oh, yeah, nothing feels like you, Justin!"

Justin was soon fucking Peter for all he was worth.

"Yes, Justin, give it to me. It feels so good." Peter's voice shook at each thrust Justin gave him.

Justin was so turned on. This was sex not some latex toy. There was no connection the other way even if they were literally connected by a dildo.

Justin looked at Peter's face flushed with pleasure. His eyes were closed, his mouth was opened gasping and his head rolled back and forth. Then Peter's eyes opened and locked on Justin's. With this sight before him Justin's climax was on him before he knew.

"I'm gonna . . . oh, fuck!" Justin thudded into Peter.

Peter wrapped his arms around Justin and pulled him close. Justin managed a few stuttering thrusts as his climax blasted through him.

He gave out a long drawn out "Gawd!"

Peter thrilled to Justin's hot breath against his chest.

Then Justin relaxed. He let his body rest on Peter's. He caught his breath enough so they could kiss.

Justin rolled off of Peter. He gave an exhausted but content, "Damn!" Without another word Justin picked up the dildo and threw it across the room into the wastebasket.

"Two points."

"Hey, basketball is my thing." Justin shook his head, "That thing sure wasn't."

"Well, it was worth a try."

"Nah, it was a bad idea all around." Justin patted Peter's chest, "Prove it to me."


"Prove it to me." Justin rolled on his back and like Peter lifted his legs. "Prove to me how wrong I was."

Peter grinned, "With pleasure."

In no time Peter slid deep into Justin's ass.

Justin gave a drawn out long, "Oh, fuck," it dissolving into a chuckle. "You're right there is no replacement for this!"

As much as Peter loved being the bottom these times as top were equally wonderful. Looking down into Justin's blue eyes and see that hot handsome body flushed with pleasure and okay, Peter's cock sliding in and out of Justin's tight ass was a BIG turn on.

Justin's hands slapped onto Peter's thighs trying to pull Peter even closer and make his cock go even deeper.

Justin moaned. "Fuck me. Don't stop!" Like Peter before his voice vibrated from each of Peter's thrusts. Peter was giving it to him hard and fast and Justin loved it.

Peter couldn't go any faster so he lengthened his thrusts pulling almost all the way out before plunging back to the hilt.

"Oh, damn!" Justin's body rolled about on the bed. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the pleasure flowing through him. Peter's cock was hitting all the right places.

Justin thought, "Damn, how Justin Timberlake loves to get fucked! Sorry, girls but it's true."

Justin opened his eyes. Peter's were looking down into his. He lifted his head a little. Peter met him half way for the kiss.

Peter had barely pulled back from the kiss when, "I'm getting close."

"Show me, Peter. Shoot on me."

That thought alone pushed Peter to the edge. He pulled out of Justin and began stroking his cock.

Peter let out a loud groan as his cock shot off splattering his lover with its discharge.

Justin watched as the climax flooded through his lover. The look of pure bliss on Peter's face turned Justin on so much.

Peter's climax had just begun to wane when Justin gasped. "I'm cumming, again!"

Peter watched as Justin's cum mingled with his. Justin's body doubled up and shook as he stroked his cock.

Soon he lay back and relaxed. Peter lay on Justin as they kissed.

"Now that is more like it," Justin panted.

"So much for modern technology."

Justin ran his fingers across Peter's cheek. "Some things just can't be improved upon."

"Well, yes they can."

"Stop it, Peter."

"Sorry." Peter let Justin pull him close, "Force of habit."

"And one habit I hate. Do you hear me? I hate it. I love you just the way you are."

"Thank you, Justin. I know. I'm just joking really."

"Leave the jokes for Chris, okay?"

"Those I will. The others . . ."

"Okay, you can keep the others."

Peter gave Justin a kiss, "Good."

They snuggled together on the bed basking in the afterglow.


"Yes," Peter said sleepily.

"Why when you use the dildo it is a turn on but when we do it isn't?"

Peter rolled on his side and looked at Justin, "Because I want that dildo to be you. That's the turn on. When you are here, well it's just unnecessary."

"I'm sorry."

Peter brushed Justin's cheek, "Don't be. I was getting into it for awhile but it just didn't do me like you do."

"Yeah, it wasn't the fuck I had imagined and it is SO much more work." Justin snuggled close. "Does it really feel like me?"

"Nope. But if I can't have you I can imagine."

"I need to change my schedule. It's not fair to you."

"Hey, I knew what I was doing when I agreed to do be with you. I knew what may happen. You have your public."

"But I also have my lover."

"Justin, you are so many things to so many people. I don't want to interfere with that."

"You're a part of me now."

"Only the private part. Justin, please think of your fans. I'll be pleased with what I get."

Justin kissed Peter. "But you are my biggest fan. Don't take that too literally. I want to show you off."

"Then show me off."

"How? You never want to go to any of the. . ." Justin stopped. He raised his head. "Are you changing your mind?"

"Well, we are lovers I guess I should be seen at your side more. If that means facing the paparazzi and the fans I guess I'd better get used to it."

"Really?" Justin was excited.

"Just another first," Peter smiled.

Justin snuggled into Peter's arm. "I finally get to show you off. This has been a good night after all."

"Oh, Lance!" JC clutched at the sheets. "That feels SO good! Don't stop!"

"Don't worry, Josh." Lance looked down to see his cock disappearing into JC willing ass. He ran one hand up under JC's shirt to caress his back the other caressed JC's beautiful ass cheeks. Lance moved his feet slightly making sure he didn't step on JC's pants which were still around his ankles.

After the kissing JC complained he was tired from the hiking and the hopping and fell face first onto the bed. The sight of JC's beautiful bare butt was too much of a temptation. Without even attempting to undress JC had got Lance to do just what he wanted and now Lance was fucking him SO well.

JC pushed up slightly. Damn, Lance's cock hit just the right place sending a surge of pleasure through his body.

"Right there, Lance. Give it to me!"

Lance leaned down to kiss JC's neck and ears. JC turned his head so he could get a kiss.


"Oohh, yeah."

Lance smiled and stood back up. He then started thrusting even harder into JC.

"Oh, fuck! Sorry."

"Don't be." Lance thrust back into JC. "I want you to feel good."

"I am. I am!"

Their bodies slapped together. The bed springs creaked and groaned. JC groaned and moaned louder. Lance was panting hard but kept up the hard pounding rhythm.

JC pulled at the sheets. He found himself chuckling it felt so good. Lance's cock plunged deep hitting that right spot. A surge washed through JC's every nerve.

"Oh, god. Oh, god!"

That did it. Lance pulled JC into his arms. "JC, flip on your back."

JC turned around bumping Lance. Lance lost his balance. With his pants around his ankles Lance couldn't steady himself. He began to fall over. JC caught him.

"Whoa, stud. Don't hurt yourself. You're not through with me yet."

JC reached down and pulled off his pants. Lance did the same. Quickly they both pulled off their shirts. Then JC lay down on the bed and raised his legs. Lance's passion took over where they had left.

Now JC's cries were muffled by Lance's lips. Their arms held each other close. Lance was still pounding JC's ass. Both were in complete bliss.

Finally after many minutes the trip to the peak had begun.


"Yeah, me, too." JC started stroking his cock.

Lance didn't let up on his rhythm. He knew full well a good fucking leads to a great orgasm.

"I love you, I . . . oh, LANCE!" JC cock literally exploded. Cum was everywhere on his stomach, chest and face. JC's body shook and shuddered. That blush of pleasure thrilled Lance so much he felt his own body go tense.

"Oh, Josh!" One last thrust and Lance's cock erupted inside JC. Pure pleasure surged through Lance's body. Lance gave a little thrust and an intense wave followed the other. The moan pinched off as Lance's whole body went rigid. Then the waves passed and Lance's relaxed.

Still panting Lance opened his eyes.

"Damn, JC you're a mess."

JC was laughing. "Yeah, but it is a good mess. Damn, that was great."

Lance gingerly leaned down for a kiss.

"You're to blame, you know."

Lance grinned, "Yeah, I know. I don't think a washcloth will do much good."

JC sat up. "Okay, I'll take a quick shower."

"Need any help?"

JC got off the bed and gave Lance a kiss. "Thanks, but I think you helped enough. Just stay and rest. You should be tired. I won't be long." JC gave Lance a peck then walked off into the bathroom.

Lance waited until the water started then snuck off into the bathroom.

Within a few minutes Lance's voice was heard, "Yes, Josh, yes. Do me good. Oh, Josh! YES!"

Luckily the room next to theirs was unoccupied.

End Part 63.

Author's Note: Nah, keep going.

The sound of their two bodies slapping together almost drowned out the sound of the shower.

"Please, Josh, harder, faster!"

"You have such a pretty ass."

"You're doing that ass SO good! Don't stop, Josh."

JC gave Lance his all. As with the oral sex earlier Lance was showing JC his love. Lance had done JC so good now it was JC's turn. Lance was whimpering already. His normal bass voice was getting up into Chris's range. Lance was really into this.

Lance arched his back. JC's cock was feeling SO good. He stood there with eyes closed just enjoying the sensations flooding through his body. Already he felt the beginning of the end. He fought it back. No, not yet. This was too good to end so quickly. JC's cock sunk in deep.

"Oh, that's it!"

JC leaned in to kiss and lick Lance's neck and back. He reached around and stroked Lance's cock.

"Don't, I'll cum too soon."

JC nibbled Lance's ear. "I want you to." JC thrust all the way in then pulled out then plunged back.

"But I . . ." Lance gave up. This felt too good and there was a great ending he was heading for. They didn't call it climax for nothing.

Lance leaned back onto JC. "Your wish is my . . . oh, gawd!" His voice pinched off and Lance shot off.

JC held Lance tight as he body shook and trembled. He could feel the cum on his hand as he stroked Lance off. As JC's cock slipped in deep Lance's body shuddered. When Lance suddenly lurched forward JC stopped stroking. JC ran his hands up Lance's stomach and chest.

Lance relaxed. "Damn, that was good." Lance realized JC hadn't cum yet. He started bouncing back matching JC's rhythm. "Come on, stud. Do it."

JC needed no encouragement. The sight of his cock sinking between Lance's white round ass cheeks was enough.

"Okay, you wanted it? Take it!" JC gave one more thrust, his body tensed and he shot his load into Lance.

Lance twisted to get any glimpse of JC's face. He loved to watch JC expression as he came. But JC pulled Lance close and buried his face in Lance's neck.

"I. . . really . . .love. . . you," JC panted. At last he sighed, "My Lance."

JC relaxed against Lance. After a few moments he touched Lance's shoulder and Lance turned around so they could kiss. They kissed for minutes then just held each other. Finally after much time they shut the water off and climbed out of the shower. They took turns drying each other off then headed for bed.

JC lay there then started to laugh.


"Just a silly thought."


"It's nothing.


"Okay, okay, I just thought we didn't use any protection."

"We don't have to. You're got a clean bill of health and you were my first. You know that."

JC still chuckled, "So you still could get pregnant." JC burst out laughing. "You could father your own child."

"JC, that's stupid. Men can't give birth."

"I know," JC still chuckled. "I said it was a silly thought."

"Remember I did you first. You could be equally screwed." Lance smiled at his Chris joke.

"Hm, it would be worth it." He ran his fingers lightly across Lance's cheek. "But wouldn't it be nice. Did you ever think about it? I mean, if you could give birth."

"JC, I may act a bit effeminate but being a girl never crossed my mind."

"Not being a girl just being able to give birth."

Lance though for a bit, "It would have to be Cesarean. You know me and pain."

"Then you'd do it?"

"Nah, it would spoil my boyish figure."

"Now you're just joking."

"I thought we were going to wait to discuss a family after the honeymoon."

"This about giving birth not raising a child."

"What's the difference?"

"Sorry, never mind." JC lay back. "Like I said it was just a silly thought."

They lay there is silence.



"You're not the only one who thought about me giving birth."


"Other people have thought about it."

"How do you know?"

Lance paused.

JC lifted up on one elbow. "I repeat, how do you know?"

Lance blushed, "I read it."

"Read it? Where?"

"On this website. It was a really good story, too."

JC looked stern, "Lance, I warned you about reading slash fiction."

"I couldn't help it. I was curious. I was searching the net on "JC and Lance" and this site came up. There were lots of pictures of us together and some stories. Some stories I didn't care for but there was this one where we got married, I got pregnant and gave birth. Who would have ever thought about something like that? It was kind of sweet."

"You're not the only one who gets pregnant. I read one where Justin did."

"Justin?" Lance started laughing.

"Hey, I've read all kinds of pairings some even outside of NSYNC."

"Now that's just wrong."

When JC looked surprised Lance laughed, "Kidding." Lance cuddled next to JC. "To think what goes on in our fans' minds." Lance sat up. "Wait a minute. You've must have read some slash fiction, too."

"I'm only worried about what you read not me."


"Okay, I'm sorry. Nick mentioned a few works he's read and I got curious. Forgive me." JC did his best cute pouting look.

"How could I not forgive you?" Lance gave JC a peck. "I love you so much."

"And it's not that the honeymoon is less than half way over and you still "need" me?"

Lance slapped JC's chest, "Stop that. I'm serious."


Lance laid his head on JC's chest.

After a pause, "What about you, JC?

"About what?"

"Giving birth."

"Nah, I'm too skinny. I'd look like a toothpick that swallowed an olive and as for the breast feeding the poor kid would starve."

Lance kissed JC's chest. "I like your chest just as it is." Lance rubbed his hand over it. "It's so sexy."

"You're prejudiced."

"Damn right and selfish too. This chest is all mine and I plan to keep it that way. And the same goes with the rest of you. Finders keepers."

"Ditto for me."

Lance lifted is head, "Ditto? That's the best you can come up with? Ditto?"

JC smiled. "I am in such good hands," His hand found Lance's cheek, "My loving husband."

Lance smiled. He laid his head back on JC's chest.


"Yes, very."

"Just checking." JC relaxed ready for sleep.

Lance however was excited. In a few more days it would be his turn at the honeymoon. He was enjoying JC's plans but he couldn't wait to show JC's his. He smiled and let sleep take him. His last thought was "Soon."

End of Part 63 (for real)

Hoped you enjoyed it. Yep, I really was going to stop at Lance and JC in the shower but I decided I wanted to see Lance's shower scene. I don't think anyone will complain. I can't tell you what a rush it has been realizing that half of this story is now true. Lance, my gay brother IS doing the mattress mambo. Since this is Bassez I will say no more. As always you can reach me at or

Better start on the next part. Until then.

Next: Chapter 65

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