Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Nov 14, 2006


Here it is Chapter 64. No gushing from me just the CYBS (Cover Your Butt Stuff).

This is fiction. Totally BS. Nothing you read is meant to be real. NSYNC and Backstreet in this story is not real life. The author knows nothing of their real life. This is as I said before pure fiction. Backstreet and NSYNC are not gay ( except Lance and this is NOT a story of his real life.)

There will be descriptions of gay sex, hell the last scene is 8 pages long. So if reading about two gay men expressing their love is offensive to you please stop reading now.

So on with the story. . .

Lance approached the house. He floated through the window of Peter's room. The bed was still made. Lance floated downstairs. It didn't take long until he finally found the two of them asleep together naked on the living room rug. Good, they had taken advantage of having the house to themselves.

Peter was nudged from his sleep. He felt a presence. He glanced over at Justin lying naked next to him. Hadn't they'd been on the couch? Then the feelings in Peter's body reminded him. The couch had been very restrictive. Damn, Justin had been full of energy. Peter smiled as his body still tingled from the sex. He was SO lucky to have Justin.


Oops, he was forgetting something or rather someone. Peter thought about waking Justin but he looked so peaceful in his sleep. He projected clear of his body.

"Lance, how's the honeymoon? As if you have to say anything. Your glow says it all."

"It is so wonderful. We're having a great time. JC has been so nice to me."

"Where is JC?"

"Asleep. We're starting on my part of the honeymoon tomorrow and if he came with he might have sensed something. He wants it to be a surprise and so do I. What about you and Justin? Again as if I have to ask."

"We're just fine." Justin appeared next to Peter.

"Sorry, Justin," Peter apologized as usual, "You looked so beautiful I didn't want to disturb you."

"That's okay. I felt Lance's presence, too. And as you can see, Lance, we have taken full advantage of having your house to ourselves."

"I would hope so." Lance's aura flashed bright, "I have so much to tell and so little time."

"So connect," Peter said.

They all lightly touched.

Lance's memories flooded into them the romantic dinner in the private dining room, the hiking, Jimmy and the bear, their kiss on the glacier (That's JC and Lance not Jimmy and the bear) and JC wanting a family. As much as Lance tried to keep the sex out of his thoughts this was too important to what was happening to him. Peter and Justin got a little bit too much information but they understood why.

"Wow," Peter said as they parted. "I hope you survive the next week. You'll need a vacation after this honeymoon."

"Will you pass this on to the rest of the guys?"

Justin replied, "All accept the sex part. Chris still thinks were trying to convert him."

"Sorry about that but it is so much apart of what I'm going through with Josh."

Peter noticed the name change.

"That's what a honeymoon is for. I'm glad you're enjoying yourselves."

"The same goes for you and Peter."

"Ah, about that, Lance, I'm going to get an upholstery and rug cleaner in before you get back."

To bad Lance couldn't laugh. "You don't think JC and I have done our share of staining the rug?"

"Then it's needed." Peter replied, "Plus it will make me feel better."

"And ease the guilt that you've started moving your things out already."

Now Peter was glad he couldn't blush. "Damn, there are no secrets on the Astral Plain." Peter never thought that some of his thoughts would be transferred to Lance when they connected.

"I don't mind. Besides when JC and I get back we will be so full of ourselves."

"Ooh, if Chris was here."

"He has been around us so much he's here even when he isn't. I'd better get back to JC. Give everybody our love. Oh, and I want more details on Wade when we get back. That seems so intriguing." Lance floated off.

"How about that? We just received an Astral Postcard."

Justin lightly touched Peter. "While we're here. . ."

They quickly connected and began glowing a brilliant blue. It had been a long time since their last connection. They both relished feeling each others love so completely.

A few moments later Peter was wiping the cum off their stomachs.

Justin chuckled, "That is so mind blowing."

"And if you hadn't just cum and I wasn't so tired, I wouldn't mind blowing you."

Justin leaned over and kissed Peter. "I love you."

"I know, I just felt it."

"But I like saying it."

Peter smiled, "And I do like hearing it."

"Do you want to go to bed?"

"In a bit, I just want to hold you for a while."

"Fine by me."

"Oh and Justin?"


"I love you, too."

They kissed then just lay in each others embrace.

JC felt Lance snuggle up to him.

"How'd it go?"

"Sorry, did I wake you?"

"No, I was awake." JC rolled over to face Lance, "I missed you. It's strange your body was next to me but I knew you weren't really there."

"I'm sorry, no more projecting without you."

JC kissed Lance's forehead. "I did give you my permission."

"But you missed me."

"Lance, I miss you whenever you're not in the some room with me."

"I still won't go alone anymore. It must have been eerie for you."

"Well, I did worry a bit after what happened to Peter."

"That cinches it. We project together or not at all." Lance laid his head on JC's chest.

JC waited in silence.


"So what?"

"You didn't answer my question. How'd it go?"

"I got both Peter and Justin. They'll tell the guys everything except for the sex stuff. You know Chris would freak."

"You told them about the sex?"

"I didn't mean to but everything on this honeymoon is so wrapped up together a little bit slipped out."

JC patted Lance, "Its okay after all we've been through with Peter and Justin. We have had sex in the same hotel room before."

"And in the pool and in the game room."

"Maybe we should have invited them along."

Lance's head popped up. He turned to JC.

JC burst out laughing, "Okay, I was just kidding. You can put those green eyed daggers away now."

Lance lay back. After a few moments he started chuckling.

"I found them together asleep naked on the living room rug."

"Good, they're enjoying having the house to themselves." JC thought a moment. "Do you know any good rug cleaners?"

Lance laughed. "Peter's got that already covered."

"What the rug or the cleaner?"

Lance playfully slapped JC's chest, "The rug cleaner. He's getting the upholstery done, too."

"We should have them clean the pool table too."

"That was Joey spilling food. It wasn't from us."

"It's still dirty isn't it?"

"I'm sorry, I guess I was just thinking of the dirt we generate."

"Hey, that is NOT dirt. It's a reminder of all the times we made love."

"If you say so."

JC sat up. Lance slipped back onto the sheets.

"If I say so? If I say so! Cleaning ourselves up is one thing but the floor?! I was so proud that you never stopped after the peak of passion to clean up after us."

"I always waited until you were asleep."


Lance mentally kicked himself, "JC, it's our home. We have guests. It has to be clean. Think of Chris."

JC turned away, "Believe me I am NOT thinking of Chris. All those times we lay together afterwards and I thought you were thinking of how good I made you feel and how we loved each other and you were really thinking "JC, hurry up and go to sleep so I can clean up the floor!" He lay down with his back to Lance.

"What a hypocrite. I remember you cleaning up after we got it on a dresser. And that was immediately afterwards. I had to wait to cuddle while you cleaned."

"It would have ruined the varnish."

"Ditto for the carpet!" Lance flopped down with his back to JC.

"I suppose you'll be changing the sheets afterwards next."

The two auras were no longer blue. A darker color had replaced it. There were a few minutes of tense silence. Lance moved first.

"Please, JC, I'm sorry. I don't want to be angry on our honeymoon."

"Too late."

Lance lay back. He fought back the urge to cry. They'd had an argument on their honeymoon. It wasn't supposed to be this way. Lance was enjoying himself so. They loved each other so. Lance felt the blame building inside of him. It was all his fault. If he hadn't wanted to project home. . .

Then Lance felt the mattress give. He felt a soft kiss on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, love. This was stupid. I know the house has to be clean I just didn't know you cleaned up after."

Lance rolled over. "Now that is really stupid." Much to Lance's relief JC smiled.

"I just thought our love was so pure we were so to speak spotless."

"You really believed that?"

"Well, there was no trace in the morning. Yes, I believed that. What can I say? I was blinded by love."

"A spotless love?"

JC nodded.

He looked so embarrassed and so dishearten Lance couldn't help himself. He kissed JC.

"That is so sweet."

JC shrugged, "I never thought of questioning it."

Lance took JC in his arms. "Then I am sorry to have disillusioned you."

JC was silent for a moment. After the disagreement Lance's arms around him felt so nice.

JC said, "We should trade off. You shouldn't have to deal with every mess."

"Mess? Mess?! You hated it when I called it 'dirt'."

"You know what I mean."

Lance gave JC a squeeze. "I don't mind. I always think of what happened to cause it as I clean. That makes it more enjoyable."

"Gees, Lance, if I thought about what caused it I'd want an encore."

"I do. It's a never ending business but I don't mind. Like you said it is caused by love."

JC rose up and gave Lance a kiss. "I really do love you, Lance Bass."

"I know. I wouldn't do such things if I didn't."

JC lay back against Lance. "Damn, I am so lucky."

Lance said under his breath, "You'd better believe it."

JC grinned, "I do, Lance, I do."

"Okay, who was naked Lance or the lost boy?"

"No one was naked, Chris. Lance was out searching and found the lost boy and then came this bear."

"A bare what?"

John waved his hand, "Ignore Chris. Continue."

Justin did, "So Lance stayed with the boy until he was found but with his connecting with the boy the boy thought Lance was an angel."

"I can see that," Chris said, "He is the most laid back of the group."

They all waited.

"He's probably getting laid back as we speak."

John sighed annoyed, "Anything else?"

Peter decided to get Chris back, "Well, actually it is JC who was on his back the most."

Chris slapped his hands over his ears. "I don't want to know that!"

Joey swatted Chris with a pillow. "Then stop joking about it. Gees, what a hypocrite!"

"Doesn't anyone get that I am just joking? A joke's a joke. I don't mean anything by it."

Peter went on, "But on the whole they are having a wonderful time."

"I'll bet," Chris frowned, "Lucky bastards."

John looked at Chris, "Having woman problems?"

"Yeah," Joey said.

Chris added, "Like I said, some people just can't take a joke."

"Debbie takes you." Joey smirked.

"Not anymore. And thank you for reminding me."

"I'm sure you can patch things up," John remarked.

"Send her some flowers." Peter put in.

"Hey, this Kirkpatrick doesn't do flowers. Not my style. No humor in flowers."

"That's the point. She'll probably faint from the shock," Joey said. "Then while she is unconscious. . ."

John was shocked, "Joey, Chris is bad enough already don't encourage. . ."

Chris beamed, "Say, that's not bad. It could work. Then when she comes to," Chris grinned at his joke, "she'll realize what she is missing and all will be forgiven. Sex heals all wounds."

Peter slapped his hands over his ears, "Chris, please, I just ate."

"Now you know how I feel."

Peter looked repulsed, "Chris, I know how and what you feel. No thank you."

Chris smiled, "You don't know what you're missing."

Peter pointed, "Right back attacha."

John straightened up, "Okay, moving on." He picked up a letter. "I was going to wait until JC and Lance came. . ," John glanced at Chris, "Ah, returned but they're looking for an answer and I am too thrilled to hold this back." He waved the letter, "This is from the sponsors of the Orlando Gay Pride Festival."

Peter blurted out, "They want JC and Lance as Grand Marshals?"

"Not quite, they asked for you, Peter."

Chris's jaw dropped. "What?"


Justin squeezed Peter's knee, "Of course, after what you did to Welks do you doubt it?"

Peter blushed. "Sorry, force of habit."

Chris looked surprised at John, "They went through you for just Peter?"

John replied, "Oh, no JC and Lance, too."

Again Chris was, "What about Justin?"

"Oh, and Justin, too. They want the two couples to be the Grand Marshals."

"Wait a minute," Chris said, "We're a group. Why didn't they ask for all of us?"

Joey swatted Chris's shoulder, "They're the gay ones and this IS a Gay Pride Festival."

"But they're breaking up our group."

John barely hid his smile. "Actually they're not. They want all of you. I just wanted to make sure Chris was game for it."

Again Chris was surprised, "What?"

John smiled, "Something wrong, Chris?"

"I didn't say I'd actually go. I just want to be asked."

Joey hit Chris with the pillow again. "I say it again, hypocrite."

"I have to give an answer before JC and Lance are back so what do you think? Well, Peter?"

Peter blurted out, "Fuck yeah!" He blushed and covered his mouth, "Sorry."

Justin looked at John, "That's our official answer, 'fuck yeah'."

"Wait a minute," Chris raised his hand, "I am not to be in any gay parade where our answer has a 'fuck' in it. I am straight, remember?"

John almost chuckled, "Don't worry, Chris. There will be two of you per car. You and Joey can have your girlfriends with you so everyone can see you're straight."

Chris thought a moment, "Debbie will love that. She is SO into gays."

"Do you have something to tell us, Chris?" Joey smirked.

"I mean gay causes. This will be better than the flowers."

John looked from face to face, "So this is a yes?"

Joey covered Chris's mouth with his hand and nodded, "Yes, we want to show our support. I think Lance and JC are going to be so proud. Right, Chris?" Joey forced Chris to nod.

Chris batted away Joey's hand. "Okay, okay, I can talk for myself. Of course, we'll be there. I'm proud of my gay boyband bros."

"Why limit it to just JC and Lance?" Justin nodded to Peter.

Peter was wiping tears away already.

"I never thought. . . I mean I have marched in gay pride parades before but to be so honored. . . I mean Grand Marshal!"

Justin kissed Peter's cheek, "You deserve it."

John added, "You all deserve it. Good, I'll get back to them with the answer."

Chris raised his hand.

John was leery, "Yes, Chris."

"Do we get our pick of cars?"

Joey replied, "You get to pick if you ride in the backseat or in the trunk."

"Now, Joey. I don't know, Chris. Is it important?"

Chris opened his mouth then stopped. "Nah," He shook his head.


Joey patted Chris's shoulder, "Way to back down. Good for you."

Chris shrugged. "I just couldn't think of a joke."

It had been a short flight. JC smiled at the thought that they had both chosen destinations so close. But then they boarded another plane for the last leg of the journey. JC tried hard not pay attention to where they were going but it was pointless.

"We'll be landing in Duluth in fifteen minutes."

Lance looked disappointed.

JC cupped his ear, "What was that? I didn't hear properly."

"Thanks, JC but I know you heard."

"All I know is the city. What you have in mind except for the sex part, I haven't the foggiest."

Lance just beamed.

"Right at this corner," JC was reading the directions as Lance drove, "Now look for number twelve eleven. There it is."

Lance turned into a driveway of a quaint two story house.

"This isn't a hotel. This is someone's house. Are you sure the address is right?"

"Absolutely," Lance parked in one of the parking spots along side of the house.

They grabbed a suitcase and headed for the door. Lance just pushed right in.

"Shouldn't we knock?"

"We're expected." Lance entered the house.

JC was a bit nervous. This had to be someone's house. Who ever it was must have restored the house. The hard wood floors creaked as they walked.

Lance walked to a table next to ornate staircase to the second floor. There was a guest book and a bell. Lance rang the bell.

JC glanced at the living room. All around the room were chairs and couches. How many people live here? Why were there parking spots along the driveway? JC noticed a display of travel brochures. Then it dawned on JC.

"I get it now," JC said, "This is a bed and breakfast."

An older man appeared from the kitchen wiping his hands on his apron. "The only bed and breakfast that serves the best Eggs Benedict in the whole state, if I do say so myself. Welcome," He extended his hand, "Name's Ken. Just sign the book and I will show you your room. Howard!" He shouted off.

Another older man appeared at the top of the steps. He was wearing rubber gloves. "What? I'm just finishing the bathroom."

"Our guests have arrived."

"Oh, sorry," He came down the stairs pulling off the gloves. "Welcome, we are so pleased you're staying with us." He stopped by the other man, "We read all about your ceremony in the local gay paper." He put his arm around the other man's waist, "We had our ceremony twenty two years ago and we couldn't be happier."

"They'd be happier if you'd help them with their bags."

"Oh, sorry, are there more in the car?"

"A few."

"I'm on it." He head off through the front door. He stopped, "Is the car open?"

Lance handed him a key, "For the trunk."


"Let me show you to your room. Oh, first," He gestured to the living room, "The sitting room. There's TV, books and music if you want them. The kitchen is through there if you need to put anything in the refrigerator." He headed up the stairs. "We've put you in the blue room. It's Howard's favorite of course he decorated it himself."

At the top of the stairs they proceeded down a long hall. The other bedroom doors were open and they saw each room had a different decorating style and color.

"Here we are."

They stepped into the room.

"My, it's beautiful. JC, look at the bed. I've never slept in a canopy bed before."

"Feel free to pull the drapes around the bed if you want a little extra privacy." Ken walked to the window and parted the curtains. "There's a nice view of Lake Superior. And you've come at the perfect time. At night you can see the moon from the bed. If you're not busy looking at something else that is."

Lance blushed slightly.

"Actually, you don't have to worry about bothering anyone. Howard and I are usually through with our puttering about noon then we clear out. We live next door. The phone number is by the phone if you need anything. It's a slow time for us. So until Friday you have the whole house to yourselves. Oh, the bathrooms. Follow me."

They went down the hall.

"We actually have two bathrooms. A bathroom and a real bath room. Here's the one.

"Wow, a pull chain toilet."

"Yeah, we thought it would be quaint. Modern plumbing but old fashion looks. Now next door is the bath room."

In this room there was a shower stall on one side of the room and an old fashion lion foot bath tub on the other.

"We call that a tub for two. That's why the other bathroom. We couldn't have our guests doing a dance in the hall waiting to go while other people lingered in the bath tub or shower."

"Very thoughtful," JC said.

Lance grinned and gave JC a slight nudge, "You should know."

"So you like to play soap up the spouse, too?"

Lance blushed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean soap actually up. . ."

"It's okay." Lance blurted out.

"Embarrassing our guests already?" Howard was standing in the hall with the bags.

"Just put their luggage in the room please." Ken turned back. "The backyard is all fenced in so if you get the urge to lie in the sun au natural go ahead. I promise you we won't look . . . much."

Howard reappeared, "Ken, you'll make us out to be dirty old men."

"Well, we may be older but they know we're not dirty." Ken winked and nudged JC. "You will notice we only buy soap on a rope. It keeps the soap from getting ah, lost. Plus if you want to add a little bondage. . ."

"Honey, please, this is a bed and breakfast not one of those gay clothing optional resorts."

"Well, it could be."

"We cater to the straights as well, you know."

Ken glanced up and down the hall, "Where? I don't see any."

"Come on. I'm sure our guests want to unpack, I have to finish the bathroom and you still have some baking to do." Howard ushered Ken down the hall. "I hope you enjoy your stay." They disappeared into the bathroom.

Ken's voice was heard. "They're even hotter in person. Whoof! What I wouldn't give to be a fly on their wall. Ow!"

"Behave yourself."

"Sorry, love." Ken appeared, gave a little wave and disappeared down what must have been the back stairway.

Lance quickly went to their room and grabbed a suitcase. He was trying not to look at JC.

JC leaned against the door. "A gay bed and breakfast, I should have known."

"Well, you said the gay resort was out of the question so I thought this would be best. I wanted to do something with other gay people around."

JC slid his arms around Lance. "I don't mind. This is cozy." JC looked around. "It reminds me of my grandmother's old house squeaky floor and all."

Lance looked up a little pale. "Squeaky floor?"

JC laughed. He sat on the bed and bounced. "See? No noise."

Lance sighed with relief. "That's a relief."

"Why?" JC took Lance's hand and pulled him to the bed. "No one will be around but us."

"After noon, remember."

"So we'll just not use the bed. But they know we are on our honeymoon. It will be expected and they understand. Maybe we can inspire them."

"I'm inspired already. Twenty two years they have been together."

JC took Lance's other hand, "We'll make that and beyond."

Lance smiled and nodded his head.

JC stood up and kissed Lance. "A gay bed and breakfast in Duluth, you must have really done your homework."

"Ah," Lance grew embarrassed, "It wasn't really too much homework. I sort of heard about it that's all then I looked on the internet."

"Well, I like it."

Lance smiled, "So do I. Like you said it's cozy."

"We'll have to give Peter a hug of thanks when we get back."

Lance's mouth fell open. "How did you . . ?"

"I was there when Peter told about coming up here for a concert for those two gay performers Peter's likes. I can't remember their names someone and Phillips. Anyway, he stayed here because it was listed as a sponsor for the concert. Then he found out the artists were staying here, too. Turned out they were the only three staying here. And when the artist's arrived and called Peter by name he was so surprised and delighted."

"How did you know about that?"

"It was game night when Peter talked about it. I was there."

"Then this wasn't a surprise you bitch." Lance tackled JC onto the bed.

"Wait, wait," JC fought back, "I only knew of the place I never knew we were staying here."

"But when they announced the city on the plane. . ."

"There are plenty of hotels in Duluth. I didn't remember about the bed and breakfast until we got here, I swear."

Lance pinned JC. "Are you sure?"

"I promise, roll me over and fuck me dry."

"Don't tempt me," Lance pushed JC into the bed then stood up. "You really were surprised?"

"Yes, baby, now. . ." JC rolled over and pulled down the back of his pants. "Go to it."

"No way, JC. It would hurt too much." Lance gave JC's butt a pat. "Besides this is my part of the honeymoon so I get the attention."

"Give me a minute and I will be at attention."

"Later, JC, they're still downstairs." Lance pulled up JC's pants then leaned down to kiss him. "Now let's finish unpacking then hit the town. Later we can hit the sheets."

"What a tease." JC sighed, "Okay, if I must." JC helped Lance unpack.

Nick walked up, "Well, I never thought I'd ever see you at one of these celebrity do's." He patted Peter on the back. "Glad to see you could make it."

Justin put his arm around Peter. "I finally convinced him he belongs at my side."

Peter glanced around and felt himself blushing. People were looking.

"Hold it right there," there was flash. "Lean in together a little more."

Justin leaned closer to Peter.

"Smile," another flash, 'perfect. Thanks." The photographer disappeared.

Justin nudged Peter, "You're blushing. What kind of out proud gay man are you?"

"One who's not used to being hugged by his lover in public and being photographed doing it."

"Don't worry, that one's not going to be on the front cover of any tabloid."

"Well, well, well, I don't believe it." It was Kevin, "Justin is here AND with Peter." Kevin looked Peter over, "I don't see any handcuffs or a leash."

"Don't you start," Peter felt himself blushing more. "Nick has already been dogging my case."

Nick felt in a playful mood, "I don't know why it took so long. You are such a cute couple." He turned to Kevin, "Don't they look cute together?"

Justin pulled Peter close, "I think so."

"Ooh, you're so sweet I could just kiss you both."

Kevin put a hand out to stop Nick. "Leave it." He saw Peter was very red in the face. "And we should cut Peter some slack or this will be the last function Peter will be at."

"It won't be the last," Peter said, "It just takes a little getting used to."

Justin squeezed Peter's shoulder, "You've been on the sidelines too long."

"I just didn't want to interfere with your fame or your fans."

"But they know we're a couple now. We should be seen as a couple."

Peter chuckled slightly, "I gave Lance and JC so much grief about unlearning all that 'be careful we're out in public' behavior. It figures now I have to."

Justin bumped into Peter. "I'll give you all the help you need."

"Oh, Peter, Justin," There was a flash. "Great. Justin, can you put your arm around Peter again? Wonderful." Flash. "So has life settled down since the trial?"

"Are you kidding?" Peter smiled. "With Justin life never settles down."

Justin added, "When JC and Lance get back will start recording the next album."

"Hoping it will do as well as the last one?"

"We're just hoping the fans will like it."

"I heard that you've done some of the writing."

"Yeah, JC and I have done some songs. We got the chance to make this our album and we jumped at it."

Peter added, "We'll have to wait and see how good their aim is."

"Oh, yeah, funny. How about all four of you?"

Kevin and Nick joined Peter and Justin.

"Smile," The flash went off. "Thanks." He was gone.

Peter stood blinking. "I don't know how you do it. Those flashes are annoying."

"As JC would say, it comes with the territory."

"But this is your territory. I'm used to the shadows remember."

"Not anymore."

Kevin nudged Nick, "Come on, we need to mingle."

As they walked off Nick said, "We need to talk sometime maybe later if we find a quiet spot."

"Sure no problem," Peter replied.

Nick and Kevin headed off.

Justin leaned over, "And who said Nick wanted to talk to you?"

"He was looking right at me."

"Don't be so sure."

Peter put his hand on Justin's shoulder, "Just remember what happened the last time Nick talked to you and don't repeat it."

"Oh, that's perfect," A female photographer took a picture, "Peter, put your arm around Justin, great," Another photo. "This is for the gay media any chance of a kiss?"

Peter blushed.

"Ah, no," Justin said. "Not in public, sorry."

"Well, the hug will do, thanks," She vanished like the others.

There seemed to be a momentary lull.

"You okay?" Justin asked. "Do you want to sit down?"

"No, I'm fine. A bit flustered but fine."


"I just thought they'd want photos of you and maybe a few with you and me but I wasn't expecting all the embracing."

"Just goes to show how much of a couple they want us to be."

"Well, things are definitely looking up if the media wants to show two gay men embracing."

"Not 'two gay men', a loving couple who happen to be two men. Ah, the kiss was out, wasn't it? I didn't ask you but by your blush I figured no."

"You were right. It would sort of be like we were flaunting it." Peter took Justin's hand and lowered his voice to a whisper. "But at the right time I'd love to kiss you in public."

"Justin, turn this way please."

Peter stepped away.

"Don't worry, Peter, we'll want some of the two of you together."

Peter closed his eyes as the cameras flashed. That was still annoying.

All that night Peter was rarely without Justin. Not that Peter minded. A lot of the people he didn't know but Justin would introduce him. Many already knew Peter's name and that thrilled Peter so and made Justin even prouder. Justin at first it was "this is Peter" but as Justin got more comfortable with the idea of Peter being with him in public (and okay the two drinks helped) Justin got more "hands on" as it were. He'd put his arm around Peter, "This is Peter" and give Peter a squeeze. Once Justin even kissed the air at Peter. Again Peter didn't really mind but Peter could see other people uncomfortable with the growing displays of affection. He thought Justin seeing him blushing more and more would drive home the point but Justin just hugged him saying, "Isn't he adorable?" But as the party wore on and the introductions were over Justin spent more time talking that hugging. Peter relaxed.

Towards the end of the evening spotting Peter alone Nick approached him.

"Still here?" Nick looked at his watch, "I thought you'd just say 'hello' and run."

"Justin is having way too much fun for that."

"And you?"

"I think I have forgotten more names than I was introduced to."

Nick laughed, "Tell me about it. Everybody expects you to remember their name even if you meet them for a second. How about you? Are you having fun?"

"Yeah, I've met a lot of nice and famous people."

"You're the talk of the party."

"Really?" Peter blushed.

"You're the one that stole Justin from Britney."

Peter wasn't happy, "Oh, that's just great."

"Nah, just kidding but you have made quite the splash."

"I should have seen with Justin more."

"He is making up for it."

"I know. Was it too in your face? I could tell we were making the straights uncomfortable."

"Fuck 'em, Peter. You have a right to here same as them. And I have seen some straight couples on each other more than Justin was. If these people can't stand to see two gay men embracing they're in the wrong job."

"Thanks, Nick."

"No problem. Say I wanted to ask about Wade. How's he doing?"

"You should know, aren't you still rehearsing?"

"But he doesn't say much plus once the rehearsal is over he is out the door. Some appointment or something."

"Oh, he must be seeing a therapist."


"Yeah, he got a whole list from Galaxi when he was there."


"It's a place for GLBT youth to go for support and hang out and socialize. Justin asked Wade to come with to give the kids a dance lesson. Wade got more of a lesson from the kids. If anyone can cut through the bullshit those kids can."

"So Wade's okay with being gay?"

"What else can he do? He told me he can't go back. He has to go forward."

Nick was deep in thought, "Good. Then there is still a chance."


Nick snapped out of it, "Oh, sorry, I was miles away."

"Just go easy on him, okay? He's new to this."



"How did you know?"

"I was there remember. You promised him a date just to talk." Peter smirked.

Nick was defensive, "I meant that. I have given up putting notches on my bed post."

"Oh, yeah, I believe that."

"Besides Wade is different."

"Yeah, he'll be a virgin."

"Oh, my god that's right. I've got to take this very, very slow." Nick started to walk off. "I mustn't rush this. I have to think of Wade."

Justin walked up. "Hi, Nick."

"Oh, bye. Have a good night." Nick walked off.

"I said 'hi' not 'bye'."

"Does it matter?"

"No, I guess I am ready to go home. Did you enjoy yourself?"

"Sure, I met some real nice people. And I still can't get over that some of them actually knew me."

"You're worth knowing and I do mean also in the biblical sense," Justin gave Peter a quick kiss.

Peter looked around blushing.


"No one was looking. Besides I want Nick to be right. I am starting on making this a real good night." Justin patted Peter's butt. "Come on, let's go home."

"Oh, fuck!"

Justin grinned down at Peter, "Feeling good?"

"Damn, Justin, you know I love all of you but right now. . . oh, god, your ass!"

Justin tightened his ass muscles as he bounced on Peter's cock. Peter groaned in reply and Justin loved Peter's expression of pure bliss. He leaned down so they could kiss.

Justin whispered in Peter's ear, "You like fucking that Timberlake ass?"

"I like sex with just Justin."

Justin sat up, "Nope, Timberlake is in the mood for a good fuck. Justin is away. So do you like fucking my ass or what?" Justin pulled up almost completely off Peter's cock then plunged back again to the base. Peter blushed with pleasure.

"Oh, god, yes!

"And I love your cock up my ass."

"I imagined I'd only get to be a bottom."

"I hate to point this out but I am on top of you, you are on the bottom."

"But I'm the one doing the fucking." Peter smiled thrusting back as hard as he could."

Justin tipped his head back and moaned, "Thank you for teaching me this, Peter. It feels SO good."

Peter pulled slightly on Justin's arm. Justin leaned down so they could kiss, again. The kiss muffled both of their moans.

When they pulled back Peter looked deep into Justin's eyes. He brushed his fingers across Justin's cheek. "Thank you for this, Justin. Before you I thought. . .

Justin pressed a finger to Peter's lips. "Sh." He wished Peter would stop thinking about the past. They were lovers now. They were in love. But tonight was so special. Well, Justin was so stoked for being able to show Peter off and now he was so horny.

Justin sat back up. Peter's cock slipped deep into him.

"No need for thanks," Justin moaned, "It is my pleasure." Justin tipped his head back and closed his eyes with pleasure, "We're so good together."

Peter grinned. Justin bounced faster. Peter's head fell back to the pillow.

Justin let out a long moan, "F-u-c-k m-e."

Okay, if Justin was in Timberlake mood, "Ride my cock, Timberlake." Peter thrust with his hips. "Take it, Bi. . ." Peter caught Justin's look.

Justin stopped bouncing, "You say the B word and this ride is over."

Peter blushed, "Sorry." Damn, even during sex he was apologizing.

Justin couldn't take Peter's sorry look for long. He burst out laughing and slapped Peter's chest.

"I'm kidding. Tonight I'm your bitch so fuck me like one."

Justin began bouncing again while Peter thrust away. Peter ran his hands up Justin's torso.

"You're such a beautiful bitch."

Peter was getting romantic and Justin wasn't quite in that mood.

"Fuck your bitch. Cum in my tight bitch ass!"

"Justin, please." Peter looked distressed.

"Too much?" Justin could see by Peter's look that it was. "Okay, no more B word."


"Don't say it. Show me."

"Okay," Peter sat up and took Justin in his arms. He twisted until his legs were over the edge of the bed. Then he managed to stand up still holding Justin. He turned and lay Justin down on the bed. Peter grabbed a pillow and lifting Justin's hips and slid it under Justin.

"Now I will show you my thanks." Peter fucked Justin for all he was worth.

Justin was soon writhing on the bed. He took to stroking his hard cock.

"Oh, fuck, Peter, that's it! That feels SO good! Don't stop! Fuck me!!"

Peter's mind left Justin giving him a sex life. What was important was here and now. He looked down to see his cock slide totally into Justin. Damn this was so hot. But Justin's reactions spurred Peter on. He wanted to push Justin to the edge. He was doing this. He was fucking. . . No, he was making love to Justin not Timberlake. Whatever Timberlake wanted was what Peter would seem to give but in Peter's mind he and Justin were making love.

"Right there, Peter, right there!"

Justin's dirty talk used to turn Peter on. Peter ignored it now. This was for Justin even if he didn't know it.

"Oh, my god, Peter I'm getting close."

Peter had the urge to say something but didn't. Justin was in his Timberlake mood and Peter was in Justin mode. Soon it would be over. If Peter could keep it anonymous they both would be satisfied.

"Cum for me." Peter said softly. He knew Justin would take in differently.

Justin stroked his cock. "Fuck me, Peter, fuck me. . . Oh, f-u-c-k!!!!!!"

Justin arched his back. Cum erupted and splattered everywhere on Justin's torso. His body twitched and shook. Justin's head rolled about on the pillow.

The sight of his lover in so much pleasure started Peter's own stirrings.

"Justin, I'm close too."

Justin was too much into his own climax to hear. "Oh, fuck, oh fuck!" His cock continued to shoot.

"Justin, I love. . !"

Peter's cock shot off in Justin's ass. Peter wanted so much to kiss Justin but Justin's head didn`t stop rolling back and forth on the pillow. Trying to make lip lock would have meant banging heads together. It didn't really matter. This was the moment an intense total bliss for them both.

Peter gasped as the climax washed over him. He looked down at Justin's face as the waves and waves of pleasure surged through him. Slowly he relaxed.

He felt Justin's pull on his arms. He leaned down so they could kiss.

"Damn, Peter that was wonderful."

"Is Timberlake sated?"

"Timberlake and Justin, too."

After they cleaned up they climbed into bed.

"My head is still spinning. Damn, Peter you do me so good."

Peter lay on his back. He turned on his side facing Justin, "I always want to do well for you," He paused, "Justin."

"You hate Timberlake don't you?"

`No, I don't. It's just after tonight I thought it would be Justin."

"But you let people see me with you. I got to show you off!"

Peter looked away, "Why?"

"Because I love you."

"But why `show me off"? I know you're not ashamed of me but why put me in front of everyone's face?"

Justin frowned, "I didn't think I was doing that. Maybe I was."

Peter turned back and laid an arm across Justin's chest, "I don't mind being seen with you. Just let it be what it is. We're a couple and leave it at that."

"You're in the sidelines again?"

"No, I guess I mean don't flaunt it. You're a big celebrity, I know you don't like the term but you are. But you are also in love with another man. Let's just be there at these parties together as a couple but not "hey, look at my gay lover" okay?"

Justin lay back, "I never saw it as that."

"Some might." Peter sighed. He rolled onto his back. "And it could be only my imagination. You know more of the world that I do."

Justin put his head on Peter's bare chest, "We both know different things. That is why I think we are so good together."

Peter ran his fingers through Justin's hair. "I am. . ." He stopped. No apologizes, "I should have been by your side in public before now. I was so foolish and scared."

Justin looked up, "That's over isn't it?"

"Yeah, the public need to see us, no, not "need" ought to see us as a couple. We love each other. I don't mind people seeing that."

Justin lay back and licked Peter's nipple, "And how happy you have made me and how I wish everyone could be this happy."

"Justin, if they can see that we can change the world."

Justin sighed tired, "Amen."

He laid there on his lover's chest his body still tingling from the sex and fell to sleep.

Peter kissed Justin's head, "Amen indeed." He joined Justin in sleep.

Lance was still in the shower when JC snuck downstairs. Ken was busy dusting.

"Morning, sleep well?" Ken winked.

"Yes, thank you."

JC seemed nervous.

"Anything I can do for you?"

"Yes, this is a bit Eighties but if you could help me out I'd be SO grateful."

"Sure, no problem. What is it?"

"Well, while Lance and I are out. . . "

Lance walked into the bedroom, "That was fun. I've never been in a light house before. And that harbor tour, those freighters are so huge. I. . ." Lance stopped.

There was a new mirror on the wall.

"What is that doing here?"

"It's a mirror, Lance, you see yourself in it."

Lance bent down. "But it's too low. I have to stoop to see my face."

"Well, it's not for seeing yourself when you're standing there." JC flopped on the bed. "Come here."


JC patted the bed next to him. "Come lie here next to me. You'll understand."

Lance was confused but crawled onto the bed next to JC.

"Now look at the mirror."

Lance could see themselves and the whole bed very clearly.

"Oh, I get it. I can see myself when I wake up in the morning." Lance made a face.

"I was hoping you'd see yourself right now after I get you up."

Lance lay back, "JC, I still don't know what. . ." Lance stopped again. He pointed, "There's another mirror over the bed."

"Not just there," JC pulled open the drape at the head of the bed. "One here," JC pointed to the other wall, "and one there. We've got them in surround sound, baby."

"Why?" Lance squeaked.

"Oh, Lance, how soon they forget." JC rolled over on top of Lance and started dry humping him. "Look over my shoulder."

Lance did as he asked, "So?"

"You can see my backfield in motion."

Lance still looked puzzled.

"This is better than videotape. It can't be copied onto the internet and you get real time feedback."

"Do you mean. . ?"

"Yep, now you can see all of you and me as we make love. You used to want to."

"Oh, JC!" Lance gave JC a passionate kiss.

JC didn't stop rubbing against Lance. He wanted to make sure Lance wanted to do this now and besides Ken would have to take the mirrors down some time.

Lance pulled back with a blush to his cheeks. He was hard already thanks to JC.

"What made you think of it now?"

"Last night I saw myself in the mirror on the dresser and I got the idea. I wanted to make my lover happy."

"Oh, Josh, do me right now."

JC pressed hard against Lance's crotch. "That's what I had in mind."

Lance pushed JC off him, got off the bed and started pulling his clothes off.

"No romantic start?" JC teased.

"Are you kidding? I finally get to see what that fabulous Chasez ass looks like while you're fucking me. Get undressed JC, I can't wait."

"Easy does it, Lance," JC got off the bed. "You know what happens when you get too worked up about sex."

Lance suddenly went rigid. "Damn, too late." When Lance relaxed he was embarrassed. "I'm sorry, JC."

JC laughed. "You are so excitable." He took Lance into his arms, "I love that about you. Now if we could continue at a more reasonable speed?"

Lance nodded smiling, "Okay. I can really dwell on what I see that way." They continued to get undressed.

Howard smiled at Ken. "Do you think they're doing it?"

"They're on their honeymoon of course they are doing it."

"I mean the mirrors. To think JC would ask for them."

"He asked for the mirrors from the dressers. He didn't know that you had those lighter mirrors." Ken sighed, "Back then it was you and your mirrors. I swear you liked watching us have sex more than just the physical side of sex."

Howard didn't want to go there. . . again. "I told you not to throw them away that they might come in handy again. Now the younger generation gets to use them."

"You always did want a totally gay cliental didn't you?"

"Well, we are gay. I like sharing the house with like minded people. No one even knew that that canopy above the bed was covering a mirror."

"Is that why you gave them that room?"

"No, after our wedding that was our first bedroom. It just seemed right. What those two are doing is so wonderful. A famous out gay couple." Ken took Howard in his arms. "What it was like when we came out as a gay couple all those years ago has changed. Okay, they are better looking but they are out there and the public love and accept them. And damn they are so hot."

"Stop it."

"I don't want to have sex with them I'm just like looking. Is it my imagination or are the young guys getting cuter and cuter? Must be all those chemicals in the water."

"I think you're still cute."

"Oh, please, you don't have to flatter me."

"I'm not I mean it. You're as handsome as the first day I blew you."

"Now that's romantic."

"We met at a bathhouse, how romantic is that? It's what happened after."

They kissed.

Ken pulled back and glanced out the window to JC and Lance's window. He sighed, "I do envy them so young and spry. We used to go at it all night long and sometimes until noon."

"Hey, don't put me out to pasture yet. Wait, considering what those horses do in that pasture I've changed my mind." He squeezed Ken's butt.

"Feeling frisky?"

"No, I am feeling you. Do you want me to stop?"

"Not until you pop."

"Not until we both pop. Put on your track shoes, honey I'm planning a marathon." Howard kissed Ken.

When JC and Lance were naked they held each other kissing.

"Oh, Lance."

"I get to see what I've wanted to see for so long."

"Well, I am only so long but you see that up close and personal all the time."

After that remark Lance wanted to slap it but he only squeezed JC's butt. "I mean to see this in action," Lance paused and glanced in the mirror on the wall along side him. It showed the whole side of the bed. "And I get to see you doing me from another angle. Damn, JC this is going to be so hot."

Lance looked into the mirror behind JC. He could see JC's back and his ass. He'd seen them before but not while he was kissing JC. Lance could see as he squeezed those delectable cheeks.

"Damn, JC, I can see what I feel."

JC grinned, "You like looking at my ass?"

"Yes, Josh I do. It is so sweet and round."

It was Josh already.

"What do you want to do with it?"

"I want to see what it looks like when you do me. Please, Josh."

JC ran his hand across Lance's cheek, "Soon, we'll get there. I want to suck you first. Do you mind?"

"Of course not."

JC kissed Lance.

"Oh, Josh, I love you so much."

JC could tell Lance was very excited.

"Let me show you how much I love you."

JC tongued his way down Lance's torso. He dwelled on Lance's nipples sucking and licking them until they were firm then JC descended lower.

Lance was already trembling by the time JC was on his knees. He gently started stroking Lance.

"Relax, Lance, you'll cum too soon."

"I'm sorry, JC this is so hot."

"It's just oral sex."

"But Josh, look," Lance pointed at the mirror.

"I've seen your cock before."

"But from that angle?"

"I am more interested on what I am doing not what I look like."

"But I can see your face not just you head."

"Speaking of head," JC took Lance's cock into his mouth.

Lance closed his eyes and tipped his head back, "Oh, Josh!"

JC looked up and would have smiled if he could. So what he was doing was more important than the mirrors. Good. JC buried his nose in Lance's pubic hair.

"Damn! You're so good."

Lance looked into the mirrors. He could see JC from the side not just from above. He could see JC's profile as his lips slid along the length of his cock. At the best of times the feeling was enough but it was a turn on to see JC from this new angle.

"Slow down, JC, I'll cum too soon."

JC pulled off. His hand stroked Lance, "Cum as many times as you have to but I am doing this." JC plunged back onto Lance's hard cock.

"Oh, Josh!" Lance closed his eyes then thinking better of it and opened them. He had a new view of JC sucking him and damn it was so hot.

Then Lance had an idea, "Josh, together?"

JC took to stroking Lance. "Tired of me already?"

"No, I'm getting close and I want to save it."

JC stood up. He ran his fingers across Lance's chin. "And you need a distraction? Can I at least see what you saw?"

Lance was confused at first then he got the reference. He grinned.

"Sure!" Lance sank to his knees.

He took JC's cock in his hand. One look up at JC and Lance leaned forward. Lance glanced sideways to get a glimpse of himself as he took JC's cock into his mouth. He saw the whole length disappear between his lips. Lance didn't dare touch himself he was that turned on.

JC moaned. "That's it, Lance."

Lance turned his attention back to what he was doing. He pressed his tongue against JC's cock as he pulled back. He felt JC's body tremble. Lance began to stroke it with his hand and his mouth. Lance ran his tongue over the mushroom head. JC was soon purring with delight. Lance was so thrilled at JC's reaction he almost forgot about the mirrors.

JC however found himself looking at Lance in the mirrors. Lance was right. Seeing Lance from the side was different and a turn on. More over, it did strike him as slightly vain but JC looked at his own body. His ass did look good. But JC did realize something. He could see Lance in all of his naked glory from every side and very much Lance's back that let down to his greatest asset.

"Lance, you look so beautiful."

Lance looked up and grinned. "I look good with a cock in my mouth?"

JC took Lance's chin and leaned down, "No, just mine." They kissed.

"We both look beautiful when we make love. I just knew it. Now we'll know for sure." Lance swallowed JC's cock again.

JC's cock slipped into Lance's throat, "Damn!"

Lance would glance over now and then but it wasn't easy getting a good view. But one thing he did see was his face blushing from the shear pleasure of pleasuring JC. He felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Lance! I`ve called your name several times."

"Sorry, I got caught up."

"It's okay. Time for your suggestion."

"Tired of me already?" Lance teased.

"Like you I need a distraction. You're just too good."

Lance stood up grinning. They kissed for a few minutes. Then they climbed onto the bed then flipped around until they were toe to head. JC nudged Lance and Lance rolled over JC. Lance took JC's hard cock into his mouth while JC deep throated Lance.

Lance kept glancing out of the corner of his eye. Damn the sight of JC sucking his cock as he sucked JC's was so hot. He finally got to see it.

As much as he hated to admit it JC was glancing at the mirrors, too. Again it wasn't an easy view but what he could see really turned JC on. He could see all along Lance's naked body. As he was concentrating on Lance's cock he could see Lance's pert ass above him. JC reached up and fondled Lance's ass as JC sucked Lance. Lance moaned in response.

Even as JC sucked him Lance couldn't get the idea of seeing JC fuck him from a different angle out of his mind. Okay, the glimpses he got from seeing what JC was doing to him was great but Lance also saw his own body and damn if it didn't look beautiful next to Josh's. The combination was pushing Lance to the limit. He pulled off JC.

"I'm getting close."

JC didn't stop but increased his speed and pressure with his tongue, hand and lips. He wanted Lance to cum.

Lance wanted nothing more than to return the favor. He swallowed JC again and with JC increased his speed and pressure.

Lance's whimpers increased to a high pitch. JC relaxed and waited to the flood.

Lance never stopped sucking JC, "Mmmmmmm!!!!!!!!"

Lance shot his load into JC's eager mouth. JC swallowed as more came. Lance's hips bucked forcing Lance's cock deeper into JC's mouth but he didn't choke or gag. His lover was at the peak of ecstasy and JC loved it but that started the stirrings in him. He wanted to cry out but with Lance's cock in his mouth is was impossible.


Lance was still in the last throws of his climax but pulled off to watch JC's cock shoot off. He licked at the cock as its white pleasure pumped forth. He never thought he'd like this gooey stuff but this was from his man who he loved and that made it precious.

After a few moments both of them relaxed.

"Damn, Josh that was so hot."

JC twisted around so they could embrace. "Yeah, and you were right the mirrors did add to it." Then JC added, "And no we are not redecorating our bedroom."

Lance laid his head on JC's chest, "Yeah, your right. It's like the butt plug. Fun at first then `yawn'."

"So you want to go on?"

"In a minute," Lance paused, "or two. I'd like to be held for a while. Like I said that was so hot and I want to be ready for the next bit."

"What's so important about seeing my ass as I ah, do you?"

"It's you, Josh. I love your ass. Well, I do mean all of you but I just want to see want I have never seen before. I wish I could see your whole body from every angle when we make love. I love you that much."

JC leaned down and they kissed. "That is the right answer."

Lance chuckled and laid back on JC. "Is that vanity?"

"No, Lance it is love. I didn't understand it at first but now I know. You didn't want to see just yourself or just me as we have sex. You want to see both of us, right?"

"I thought it was just to see you but I was wrong. To see you giving me such pleasure and getting to see me doing the same to you. . ." Lance's voice caught, "Oh, Josh, we are so blessed."

JC glanced at the ceiling, "Do you think he is watching?"

"No, but he knows. After all he created us," Lance took JC arm and stretched across his chest, "And I thank him for you every day."

"So do I for you." JC kissed Lance's nose, "Ready."

"In a bit. This is so nice."

JC smiled. So the mirrors were only a small bit of this.

After a bit Lance rolled onto his stomach. "That was a nice rest." Lance wiggled his ass. "Should we go on?"

Lance's pert round ass was so desirable JC didn't hesitate. Quickly he moved down and parted Lance's beautiful cheeks and plunged his tongue between them.

"Oh, god!"

Lance was in so much pleasure JC didn't even think of the mirrors but Lance did. For the first time he could see Josh's face buried between his ass cheeks. The sight was a real turn on.

"It feels so good, Josh. Eat that ass."

JC pulled back. "Lance?"

"Sorry, too graphic?"

"No, just too, well, I don't mind."

"Josh, look. You can see yourself eating my ass."


"I know you can't see well but even a glimpse."

JC returned to Lance`s ass. He didn't care how he looked. He was pleasuring his lover. JC pressed his tongue in Lance was far as it would go.

Lances hands soon beat on the bed, "Yes, Josh, yes!"

Damn, Lance loved ass play.

JC rimmed Lance for all he was worth. He knew just the spot to probe that sent Lance through the roof.

"Oh, Josh!"

A surge of joy flooded thought Lance as JC's tongue hit the spot. Lance's eyes closed with pleasure. Lance forced them open again. He had to watch JC tonguing his ass. He could only feel it before. He could see JC's hands kneading his cheeks and he sank his tongue in deep.


JC felt Lance's hand on his head gently pushing JC to him. JC understood. Keep going and deeper. Lance even pressed back against JC. JC had to give his tongue a rest. He kissed Lance's ass cheeks.

"You have a beautiful butt."

"And you do beautiful things to it."

JC moved up so they could kiss.

"Ready yet?"

"In a few, I love how you're making me feel but I am also enjoying the view."

JC went back to working on Lance's ass. The first touch of his tongue and Lance's whole body shook. JC slid his hands up Lance's naked back. What a beautiful lover JC had.

Lance was going through the roof. Between JC's tongue and his hands gently caressing him Lance was in so much pleasure. But another need was growing.

JC loved what he was doing and against his wishes he was trying to look in the mirrors. He didn't get a good view but it was close. To see himself between Lance's white round cheeks was hot.

Soon JC felt a tap on his arm. It was Lance with the bottle of lube.

"Josh, please," Lance begged.

So much for the ass play. Lance wanted it bad and JC knew it but he played it slow. He kissed Lance's back and shoulders. He leaned down to Lance and they kissed.

Lance parted his ass cheeks. "Please, do me good, Josh."

Lance was willing and JC was more than eager. When everything was well lubed JC slowly pushed his cock into his lover. He kissed Lance's neck and shoulders.

"Oh, oh, oh! Yes, Josh! That's it!"

The feeling of Josh's cock inside him, Lance wanted nothing more. Even after that first time Lance had grown to love it.

Then the thought of the mirrors, Lance hesitated. Would it be what he had hoped? Would it be a turn on? After moments of Josh's cock hitting just the right places Lance turned his head. He looked into the mirrors. What he saw almost made Lance cum at that instant. He could actually see Josh entering him. JC's cock fucking his ass. Lance bit the pillow. No, not now. It was too soon.

Josh leaned down. "Do you like what you see?"

Somehow JC knew.

"Oh, yes, Josh! I can see you do me."

"But that's not important is it? It is what we feel."

"What I am feeling is so wonderful! Fuck me, Josh."

"I have so many times. This is no different."

Lance could see all of Josh's body so naked and so beautiful.

"But I can see you, it, your cock, oh, Josh I can see all of you!"

JC pulled out and nudged Lance at his side. Lance rolled over onto his back. Their eyes met.

"If you must see everything, my eyes, my body and my cock, everything that I can use you to give you such pleasure you should be able to see it all."

Lance willingly raised his legs. His asshole winked in anticipation.

JC positioned himself and his cock sank deep into Lance.

"Oh, fuck!"

"See what you want to see. See what you always knew. See how I give my husband my love."

At that moment Lance closed his eyes. It was about the pleasure Josh was giving him more than seeing it.

"I'm a fool."

"No, Lance, you wanted to see so see."

Lance opened his eyes and they locked on Josh`s "But it is more than that."

"Now that you know that, look and see."

Lance looked into the mirrors at Josh's beautiful body naked and trim. He reached down and took Josh's ass cheeks in his hands. He could see what before he could only feel.

"Oh, Josh, you are so beautiful!"

Josh leaned down so they could kiss.

As JC pulled back he too glanced to the mirrors. He saw the length of Lance's body and he had to admit, Lance' beautiful ass cheeks welcoming his cock in so warmly. Lance on his back looked so sexy.

"Oh, my Lance." Josh kissed him. The mirrors were having their effect.

"Fuck me, Josh, fuck me!!!"

Josh's finger found Lance's lips, "Sh."

Lance understood. No dirty talk. But the mirrors? Then he understood. This wasn't kink this was a new view of them as lovers.

Lance blushed, "Oh Josh!" He closed his arms around his lover pulling him close.

Josh whispered in Lance's ear. "I love to see you cum. Let me make you."

"Do it!"

Josh sped up his thrusting. Lance was soon grabbing about at the sheets.

"Oh, yes! Fuck me, Josh!"

Josh didn't mind the language. His lover was in ecstasy and he was the cause.

Lance looked over at the mirrors. He ran his hands up Josh's naked body. But the sight of Josh's cock actually entering him was so much of a turn on.

Josh thrust back hard and fast into Lance. Lance wanted this and Josh was more than willing to oblige but he was also tempted to look into the mirrors. Josh could look down to see his cock entering Lance but now through the mirrors he could also see the side view. Then Josh looked forward into the mirror at the head of the bed. His own pleasured expression met him. It showed him how much he loved having sex with Lance. Lance tightened his ass muscles sending a wave of bliss through Josh. To see his own face blushed with the pleasure that Lance was giving him and Josh was feeling. . .

"Damn, Lance you are so good!"

Lance's hand reached up and found Josh's cheek. "We're good together."

Lance let his hand fall back to the bed. Then Lance looked up. He had forgotten the mirrors above the bed. He could see all of Josh's naked back and those wonderful cheeks Lance wanted so much to see. They jiggled and dimpled as Josh thrust wildly into Lance.

The sight of Josh fucking Lance like crazy finally got to Lance. He felt the surges building.

"Oh, Josh!" Lance took to stroking his cock. "Don't stop! Fuck me!!"

Josh knew. "Do it. Show me."

All of a sudden against his will his climax blasted through him. "Josh!!!!"

Josh looked down as Lance splattered himself with his own joy. He gasped and moaned. His body shook and trembled. After sometime Lance relaxed. Josh leaned down so they could kiss.

JC took the washcloth and cleaned Lance off. They kissed again.


Lance pulled Josh close. "I got to see all of your oh so sexy body. You are so beautiful when we make love."

"Do I get to see?"

"Didn't you look?"

"Sure I did but not that. Since I have the chance I want to see what you look like when you do me."

"But Josh, this is my fantasy."

"Well, you have corrupted me." His hand caressed Lance's chin. "Do you want to see what it looks like when you fuck me?"

"Josh, please."

Josh laughed. "I told you no dirty language but you didn't stop."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It was what you were feeling. So what about it? Turnabout is fair play."

Lance lay against Josh. "I need to rest first."

Josh took Lance into his arms. "Okay, I can wait." He sighed, "This is nice though."

"We need to take time when we have sex. These rests are very nice."

"Sort of foreplay. I know what is about to come."

Lance giggled, "And who." Lance sat up surprised, "But you haven't!"

Josh urged Lance to lay back against him. "All in good time. All in good time."

They lay there in silence. Lance glanced up at the mirror above them. It was quite a sight the two of them naked lying close together. But Lance only had eyes for one thing.

"JC, you have one hot body."

JC chuckled, "So do you."

They lay there looking up at themselves looking down on themselves. When Lance looked at JC's face their eyes always met.

Lance finally chuckled, "We're here naked together and all you can look at is my eyes?"

"That's where I can see you. The rest is just your sexy hot body."

Lance grinned, "You say the sweetest things."

JC rolled onto his stomach. "Being in love with you it's easy." He gave Lance a kiss.

Lance lay back. He started to chuckle. "Trying to speed things along, Josh?"


"You're giving me inspiration."

"How so?"

Lance reached over and patted JC's butt. "This is why you rolled over. You wanted me to set my eyes on the prize."

JC nodded at Lance's crotch, "Hey, it worked and faster that I thought it would."

"I love you, remember? And besides you have one hot ass."

JC leaned close to Lance, "And what are you going to do about it?"

"Just this," Lance licked JC's nose.

With a quick kiss Lance moved down and soon buried his tongue in JC's ass.

Lance gave a few glances in the mirrors but then gave up. He concentrated on what he was doing to his lover. JC's moans told Lance he was getting it right.

Lance was really enjoying himself and JC's reactions when he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was the bottle of lube.

"But, JC I'm not done yet."

JC just held the bottle out.

Lance frowned, "Oh, that's right. That's what I did." Lance reluctantly pulled back and took the bottle.

"That's why we make such good lovers. We can change plans to accommodate the other's moods. Love is a lot of give and take." JC pushed back until he was on all fours. "So now you give and I'll take."

"But you give me such pleasure and I'll take that any day." Lance moved close to JC.

"Oh. . .Oh. . . OH!!!!. . . YES!!!!!!!!!"

Lance started a slow rhythm. JC pushed back matching Lance's thrusts.

Lance leaned down to kiss JC's neck and shoulders. JC turned his head so they could kiss.

"Yeah, Lance, that's it. Go me good."

"Always," Lance thrust back harder.

"Oh, fuck." JC glanced up at the mirror at the head of the bed. He could see Lance thrusting away. He could see his face blush with pleasure. Glancing sideways he could see Lance's cock sliding in and out of his ass.

"Damn, Lance this is SO hot."

"I thought you'd be a prude about the mirrors."

"No, Lance, you're right. I like seeing our whole bodies as we make love. You are so sexy."

Lance leaned down to whisper in JC's ear, "And you are SO hot." Lance rose to his knees. Soon Lance's body was slapping hard against JC.

Lance's cock raked against JC's insides then damn, it hit that spot. Pleasure surged through JC's nerves. A harder thrust cased a greater surge. Lance was fucking him SO good.

"That feels SO good, Lover."

"I mean it to." Lance reached down and began stroking JC's cock.

"Damn! You keep that up and I'll cum too soon."

"Too soon for you, not soon enough for me."

"But you're fucking me so good."

"I didn't say I wouldn't again. I'm ahead of you. I just want to even things up. This is only round one. I want to take full advantage of the mirrors since we have 'em." He thrust back even harder into JC.

"Oh, yeah!" JC felt Lance's free hand running over his naked body. The pleasures of Lance's cock and his hands were pushing JC to the edge. And okay, seeing Lance's cock actually fucking him was a bigger turn on than JC imagined.

Lance began kissing JC's neck and shoulders. A shudder went through JC. Lance was such great lover. Damn, Lance's hand was rubbing the head of JC's cock then it slid entirely to the base. Fingers teased his balls.

"Damn, Lance, I can't take much more."

"Then shoot, my love."

JC wanted to have Lance cum, too. He got an idea.

"It is so hot to see your cock in my ass. It feels so good but now I know what it looks like."

"You like see my cock fucking your ass?"

"Yes, Lance, yes it is so. . ." JC rose to his knees. He took over stroking his cock. Now Lance would know he was close. "Oh, Lance I'm going to cum. Fuck the cum out of me." One more thrust and that was that, "Oh, fuck, I'M CUMMING!!!!"

JC leaned back against Lance was his body tensed.

Lance looked over JC's shoulder as JC's cock shot off. JC gasped and groaned. His body shook and trembled. Lance put his arm around JC's chest to hold his lover firm. What a thrill so see JC climax. What a joy to know JC was in such pure bliss and thanks to Lance.

JC's body shook a few more times then slowly he relaxed.

"Damn," JC panted, "That was hot."

JC pushed back hard against Lance. Lance's cock drove in deep. JC increased his rhythm.

"Now it's your turn. Look in the mirrors Lance."

Lance glanced from mirror to mirror. It was always at JC's ass so round so perfect. Then in the mirror in front of them Lance saw JC's expression.

"Cum for me, lover, shoot in my ass."

That did it. Lance's climax reached its crescendo. One more thrust and Lance exploded inside JC.

JC watched Lance go through his climax in the mirror. The intense pleasure on Lance's face was a thrill to JC.

After a few moments as the climax waned Lance leaned back down to take JC in his arms.

"Thank you, Josh."

"No, thank you," JC paused, "For round one," he added.

Lance laughed and they fell on they sides. JC spun around so he could put his head on Lance's chest.

"Hm, more resting, this is so nice."

"What about dinner?"

"Screw dinner just screw me."

Lance chuckled, "Josh, we have to eat."

"This is a bed and breakfast. That's our only options. So now we are using the bed and then we'll have breakfast."

"Can you make it through the night without eating?"

"You watch me."

Lance smiled, "Now that I will do gladly."

JC looked up, "I love you, Lance."

Lance leaned down so they could kiss.

"And I love you, Josh."

Josh lay back on Lance.

"Damn, this is a great honeymoon."

End Part 64

Lots of sex this time around but I don't think you will mind. If you do let me know. If you don't let me know. If you don't care let me know. Ah, hell just write to me, I LOVE E-mails. It's just the responses are getting fewer and fewer and I get to wonder. . . anywho, I can be reached at or

Later oh so loyal readers, and if you are new Welcome, it's never too later to see fresh faces.

On to Part 65.

Next: Chapter 66

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