Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Jan 19, 2007


Here we go with Part 65. On to the CYB stuff:

This story didn't and will never happen. I'm not saying anyone in this story is really gay (except Lance and this is NOT even his real life). There will be descriptions of gay sex so if you are offended by the mere thought of NSYNC or two guys getting it on. . . GET OVER IT! No, stop reading now! If you are under-aged leave this space immediately!

All others read on and I hope you will enjoy.

Lance said in a hoarse whisper, "Run, JC!"

JC grabbed Lance's elbow before he could start. "Stop, Lance. I am not going run from the likes of them." JC's voice was firm.

A voice came from behind them. "Oh, look I bet the two fags are going to kiss."

"Nah, they just want to hold hands."

"JC!" Lance protested through gritted teeth.

Lance was so scared. Lance remembered his dream all those months before when they were on tour. JC and he had been having a very romantic evening just like tonight. They had been out walking in the moonlight when the men stepped bin front of them. Lance was knocked to the ground but JC fought them off until suddenly the attackers were gone. After they had run off Lance saw the blood. He crawled near. Lance held JC in his arms. He shouted for help but no one was around. JC said Lance's name softly then . . . No! Peter proved to Lance it was a dream but now he wasn't so sure. It couldn't be really happening! Damn, it was almost dark. Why weren't the streetlights on yet!

JC sensed Lance's anxiety and said in an earnest low voice, "This isn't going to turn out to be like your dream. If they were the violent type they would have done something by now. Once we get to the next block there will be houses and we can get help."

"We should have taken the car." Lance hissed back.

"It was a nice night and the restaurant wasn't that far."

"It WAS a nice night."

JC put his hand on Lance's shoulder, "Nothing will happen, I promise. Just don't run. They'll expect that." In spite of his words JC increased their speed slightly.

"Ooh, aren't they SO in love? Give him a kiss."

Lance eyed the options. A long brick wall took up the whole block on the opposite of side of the street and a park with trees on the far side of it on the other.

"We could go across the park and hide in the trees."

"Haven't you seen any horror movies? That's that worst place we could go. We can't see where we are going and we'd trip and fall. Stick to the sidewalk. Come on, we're almost there."

"Where are all the cars?" Lance whispered. There were a few parked along side the street but no one was driving by. But JC was right there were a few houses on the next block with cars parked on the street. With the possibility of other people around at least it may act as a deterrent.

"I bet they both have real pretty mouths."

"Yeah, and I have something to put in them."

Lance imagined the guy grabbing his crouch.

Another voice behind them said, "There are only two of them. Someone will have to wait their turn."

"Don't look back, Lance. We'll make it."

Justin and Peter were kissing on the couch. Peter wondered if JC and Lance were doing the same. Of course, they were.

Suddenly Peter pulled back. Justin noticed his face was pale.

"What is it?"

Peter shook his head, "I don't know. I just suddenly feel such fear." The feeling grew more intense. A face emerged in Peter's mind, "It's Lance."

"Another premonition? You're odds haven't been too good lately."

Peter shook his head but the feeling didn't go away.

"It's not in the future. It's happening right now I can feel it."

"How can you know? They're too far away."

"I feel that Lance is frightened. It just seems it is from. . ." An image of dark figures pursuing Lance filled Peter's mind.

"Lance is in danger I assume JC is, too."

"How do you know its true? You've never been able to feel this before."

"I don't know. This is new to me but I just do. I have to help him, them."

"How? You don't know where they are."

"I have to try! If I am wrong than I am wrong. If I am right. . ."

"Okay, but I am coming with you."

Somehow Peter could follow the psychic trail from where the feeling of fear was coming from. This was too new and almost too easy. Maybe someone was helping focus the fear so Peter could follow it. Maybe the connection was so strong because of the experience Peter and Lance had at projecting and Lance's fear intensified the connection. Whatever it was Peter had never traveled so fast before. Usually he could make out objects but this time it was all a red blur. He had to help Lance so that what Bill did to him didn't happen to JC or Lance. Especially not on their honeymoon!

Through Justin's connection with Peter, Justin could sense what Peter was feeling. There was no doubting him now.

Then everything came into focus. They hovered over a dark street. They looked wildly about them.

Then Justin noticed two groups of figures a block apart.


Lance did trust JC. Even Peter's ticking attack on Lance had proved to Lance he could fight back. He would fight for JC. But could he do it in real life. Lance didn't want to have to prove it. He wanted JC and himself safe at all costs. He wanted them out of this situation and running seemed a very viable option.

JC knew how much Lance wanted to get break into a run. He too fought back the feeling. Violence was not on these guy's minds. They just loved to intimidate people. They got off on that.

JC and Lance got to the end of the block. They started across the street.

"Okay, a little faster now."

They both began to walk quicker.

"Hey, where are you going? That's not very friendly."

"Maybe they need to be taught some manners."

"They just want to get home and play bury the sausage."

"They don't have to go home for that. I got a sausage right here."


"Trust me."

As if by JC's command the streetlights flickered and flashed into life. The street was awash with white light.

"Thank, God," Lance thought.

"We're not afraid of a little light."

"That won't save you."

"Look, there's no one else around. You can't get away."

They reached the first house. JC tried the gate hoping he wouldn't be noticed. The gate was locked.


"The cars, Justin, rock the cars." Peter floated close and concentrated. The car nearest him rocked but nothing happened. "Use your mind, Justin. Concentrate."

"But I've never done this before!" Justin was desperate to help his friends.

"Just keep trying anything will help."

Justin centered his mind at the car. Nothing. Well, if he couldn't move the whole car. . . Justin floated inside and concentrated on the horn.

"Come on, I can do this."

The car gave a pathetic little 'beep'.

"Damn it!"

"Justin, you're not helping."

"I'm trying!"

The next few houses were dark. Lance looked desperately at JC.

"Okay, Lance, you win. Run!"

Unfortunately Lance took that moment to look behind them. His next step his foot struck an uneven concrete block from the sidewalk and he toppled into JC sending them both to the pavement.

Lance thought, "How cliché."

They turned to their pursuers to watch the inevitable.

Peter was so angry and frustrated. Justin could see Peter glowing red with anger.

One of the pursuers stopped and pointed in Peter's direction. "What's that?"

"Peter, they can see you!"

The sight of the strange red glow floating in mid-air was enough to stop them in their tracks.

Lance and JC lay on the ground confused that their pursuers had suddenly stopped. Lance turned his head.

"JC, look," Lance pointed behind them, "That red glow." Lance remembered that same glow when Peter rescued JC from the falling palm tree.

Peter hadn't even been paying attention. He let his anger and his frustration out, "Doesn't anyone around here believe in having a fucking car alarm?!!!"

Everyone saw the red glow pulse. As the pulse moved away from the red glow the bushes and trees swayed as it passed as if from a strong gust of wind. It was heading right toward them. JC and Lance instinctively lay flat on the ground. They felt the pressure and felt Peter's anger as the wave passed over them.

Not realizing what was heading their way the three pursuers stood dumbly as Peter's anger wave slammed into them knocking them backwards and off their feet. They tumbled onto the sidewalk in a tangle of arms and legs.

"What the hell was that?!" One groaned.

JC got an idea. He stood up and raised both arms to the red glow in a pleading gesture.

"Don't hurt them." He spoke into the air, "Let them go. They've learned their lesson." He turned back to the men for their reaction.

"What is he talking about?"

The three men scrambled to their feet.

"Better yet who is he talking to?"

With Peter's outburst his red glow had faded. The three men had nothing to focus on. Then Peter got an idea.

The car in front of JC and Lance rocked then the next one closer to the three men rocked then another car even closer to them rocked. Finally a car alarm went off.

"Leave them be, please." JC shouted.

The three men stood puzzled as each car rocked but it meant only one thing. Whatever is was it was getting closer to them.

One man said, "I don't know what that is but I am not staying here to find out." He took off running. The other two soon followed his example.

JC helped Lance to his feet.

"You okay?"

"I am now." Lance brushed himself off.


"Who else?" Lance suddenly froze. He started to laugh, "And Justin. We mustn't forget Justin."

"You sense them?"

"Peter connected. I hear him in my mind."

Just then a car drove up and stopped with a squeal of tires.

Lance snapped, "Oh, great now a car shows up."

As the driver got out another car pulled up. It was a police car.

The first driver approached JC and Lance.

"You two hurt?"

"No, but they took off running." JC pointed down the road.

Even now you could still see the three men running. The police car started off in pursuit.

The first driver said, "I tried to get here earlier but when I saw the police car I had to stop. You're sure you both are okay."

"Yeah, sure we're. . ." JC finally looked into the driver's face. He gaped, "Hugh? How did you. . ?"

"I was on my way to a party and I sensed your need."

Lance smirked, "Oh, I see, 'I was just passing'?"

"Sort of. But I was too far away and on the freeway to do anything so I sort of sent for help."

Lance closed his eyes as he felt questions forming in his mind. "That is why I, I mean, Peter felt Lance's, I mean, my emotions?"

Hugh looked around. He spoke to the air. "Yes, Peter, I needed your help so I sort of rerouted and boosted Lance's feelings."

"But Hugh. . ?" Lance began.

Hugh smiled his usual smile, "I always sense when I am needed."

"But you don't live around here?"

Hugh asked, "Lance, how would you know?"

Lance pointed to the air.

"Oh, that was Peter's question. Well, like I said I was invited to a party. I had to drive 2 hours to get here but I think it was worth it. I didn't expect to run into the guests of honor."

Lance frowned, "That's right Ken and Howard are throwing us a party. I'm not much in a party mood just now."

JC gave Lance a hug, "We can't cancel now."

"Don't worry, once you've given your statements you'll feel better." Hugh nodded down the street.

A second police car has arrived from the other direction and the policemen had the three men spread-eagled on the police car.

"Lucky the police were around."

"Actually, JC they weren't here by accident. Those guys have been causing trouble all day. The police were following up several other complaints."

Lance nodded, "Well, that's that then. But I still doubt I am in the mood to party."

JC kissed Lance's forehead, "We'll see, Lance, we'll see."

Peter groaned with pleasure. "Oh, yes Justin, right there." He pressed back making Justin's cock sink even deeper into him. "Damn!"

Justin leaned close kissing Peter's neck and shoulders, "I thought you'd fuck me. You do deserve a reward. You helped save JC and Lance."

"You helped too," Peter moaned.

"You did the big part of it."

Peter pressed back against Justin, "Yeah, big."

Justin just smiled and thrust faster into Peter.

Peter gripped at the sheets, "Trust me Justin, oh, god!" Soon Peter began chuckling with pure pleasure, "I am getting my reward!"

"You should have seen their faces," Hugh said, "They were so confused. I think they broke a new speed record."

"Those bastards deserve it." Ken squeezed Lance's arm, "It's nice to turn the tables for a change."

Lance said softly, "It was Peter and Justin who helped."

"How?" Howard asked. "They weren't even there?"

Ken laughed, "If Hugh is involved I know better than to ask questions."

Howard nodded at JC and Lance, "Anyway, I should have known you two would know Hugh."

Ken smirked, "All the best gay men know Hugh."

"I am not that easy," Hugh snapped.

"Not easy, just loving."

"Lance?" JC asked. Lance hadn't said much since they had got back.

Lance sighed, "It just feels like we're gloating."

JC gave Lance a nudge, "They were breaking the law. Any respect on our part was then null and void."

"God, I have never been so scared."

Everyone looked at each other. If they didn't bring Lance around soon there wouldn't be much of a party.

JC put his hand on Lance's shoulder, "That was because you thought your dream was coming true but see here," JC spread his arms. "I am alive and well and not a scratch on me."

"You lie," Lance frowned. He pointed at JC's elbow, "You do have a scratches and it was my damn fault. What a klutz and how cliché! I trip and fall while being chased. Sounds like a cheap horror movie."

"But if we hadn't fallen we would have been hit by Peter's mental wave not those other guys. Your tripping was a blessing."

"It was?" Lance almost smiled.

JC smiled, "And I'll never forget the look on their faces when that mental wave hit them."

Lance chuckled in spite of himself. "Peter always said the look on Bill's face as he smashed into those shelves was too precious. Now I know what he meant. Okay, not a great Christian attitude but it was very satisfying."

"And they'll never know what hit them." Hugh added.

"It was the power of the fairy."

Hugh limped his wrist, "Ooh, fairy power."

They all laughed.

"No," Lance corrected, "Peter's fairy power. That's what Lonnie called it. 'All fairy's have magic powers and I know better than to mess with this one.'" Lance smiled, "I bet they'll think twice before they harass another gay man." Lance nudged JC, "That was some idea and some act you put on." Lance raised arms like JC had done, "Don't hurt them. They've learned their lesson." Lance winked, "What a ham." Lance took JC into his arms, "And I do love ham." He kissed JC.

As JC pulled back from the kiss, he asked carefully, "Better?"

Lance grinned, "This was a victory for the gays and we kicked ass! Let's party!"

Peter closed his eyes. Justin's cock hit that special spot.


Justin leaned forward and kissed Peter's neck. "Why such a negative word for such great pleasure?"

Peter chuckled, "You're learning."

Justin pulled out then thrust his cock back into Peter.

"If it feels good why not just moan or say 'yes'?"

"Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, Yes, YES!"

"Okay, I get your point. It's repetitive."

"If you don't like "damn" then fuck the "hell" out of me."

Justin didn't say anything. He just leaned close and kissed Peter's shoulders. Peter turned his head so they could kiss properly.

"It's better than 'Fuck the shit out of me'."

"Ew, gross!"

Peter laughed, "I agree." Peter leaned forward off of Justin then rolled onto his back.

"Not into dirty talk tonight?"

"I thought I would be but. . ."

"It's okay, Justin." Peter turned on his side then patted the bed behind him. "I'm adaptable."

Justin lay next to Peter and pushed his cock back into his lover.

After a few good thrusts, "Hm, Justin, that feels SO good!"

Justin kissed Peter's neck, "Now that one I like."

"Then don't stop."

"Never my love."

"So how did you get to know Hugh?" Ken asked.

JC glanced at Lance. Lance looked at JC that meant JC should answer.

"Through Peter really. It was after Peter was attacked we met Hugh. And he has been popping up ever since."

Ken laughed, "That's Hugh. One meeting and you have a friend for life."

"How did you meet Hugh?" Lance asked.

"It was when he was traveling with Trevor. They stayed a weekend here and like you say, he's appears and disappears at will. Sort of a Fairy Godfather."

Hugh leaned in as he passed by, "Flatterer," then he vanished among the guests.

Ken sighed, "He is one of a kind. It was tragic about Trevor but Hugh has more than made up for it. If I wasn't happily married I'd be a little jealous of all of Hugh's sexual freedom."

JC added, "But it is more than just the sex. Hugh really cares. That's what makes him so special."

"You have that right. He was Peter's first sexual experience and I am sure that opened the way for Justin." Lance blushed, "I mean, made Justin's seduction of Peter easier, not that it was easy. Then when we almost lost Peter he shows up in the nick of time and saves him."

JC added, "And speaking of Nick he helped sort that whole mess out, too. Some vacation for Hugh."

"But he likes helping people. That's why he does what he does."

"So," Lance leaned close, "For this party did he call you or did you call him?"

"Does it matter?" Hugh stood next to Ken. "I got the chance to meet you two again so I took it. Oh, by the way that was a very touching wedding, oops, ceremony. If I could have I would have cried."

Lance smiled, "I thought I felt your presence. I know Peter did."

Hugh shook his head, "Now I did nothing there but tell him to close his eyes. He did the rest."

"Always Mr. Humble."

Hugh sighed, "Everybody thinks I have such great powers but they would be nothing if there wasn't someone else there to help me. So everyone involved deserves the credit. I don't do these things alone."

"Hugh. . ?" Lance began.

"Lance, don't start," JC warned.

"But. . ."

Hugh laughed, "Don't worry, Lance, I not going to play the confirmed old bachelor forever. There is something so warm and comforting about being a stable relationship. I just haven't found him yet. Well, maybe we're just not ready to settle in yet."

"Really?" Lance beamed, "Do we know him?"

JC took Lance's shoulders and spun him around, "Come on, Lance, time to mingle. Excuse us, please." With Lance protesting JC led Lance away.

Ken sighed, "They are such a cute couple." He nudged Hugh, "And don't worry. I won't tell them you're on our E-mail newsletter list. Your reputation is safe."

Hugh chuckled, "It's a wonder that all the gays in Minnesota don't know you have JC and Lance staying here."

Ken grinned, "Who says they don't? It was quite a job to cut down the guest list."

"I'm amazed that you didn't have a party planned every night they are here."

"Well, if Howard had his way."

"Did I hear my name?" Howard stepped up. He put his arms around Ken's waist and kissed his cheek, "Speaking ill of your husband?"

"No way, I know better. I was just mentioning your party ideas."

"Well, they are on their honeymoon. We must allow them some alone time. I remember how ours was. The parties were fun but the parties for two were even better."

"Rowr," Ken bit at the air.

Howard grinned, "We have to have gay newlyweds staying here more often. Young love is such a good inspiration." He gave Ken a kiss.

"All love is great inspiration," Hugh corrected.

Ken shrugged, "Well, I guess it will have to be just gay love for us. After all we can relate." He glanced at the few females about the room. He shuddered, "I don't know how straights do it or lesbians for that matter. It's like eating a corndog without the dog or the stick."

Hugh put his hand on Ken's shoulder, "Now, Ken, be tolerant. Maybe if we stopped being bothered by what they do and just know why they do it the world will be a little better."

"The 'Why' is simple," Howard said, "It feels good."

Ken was giving him a cold look.

"But add the emotion of love to it and it feels even better," Howard quickly added.

Ken smiled and nodded. Howard gave a slight sigh of relief. One thing about being in a relationship even one as long as theirs had been, you still have to be on your toes.

Justin pushed himself up on his toes. He became a pile driver. Peter was practically standing on his head. His feet almost reached the bed behind him. Every inch of Justin's cock was plunging in and out of Peter's ass.

"Oh, god, Justin, yes!"

Justin could see by the look on Peter's face he was thoroughly enjoying this. Justin slammed his cock into his willing lover. Peter's whimpers were rising in pitch and speeding up. Peter was getting close. Justin slowed to long deep strokes.

"Justin, I'm getting. . ." With all the pleasure surging through Peter, he managed to open his eyes. A few more strokes of his hand on his cock and he'd blow but then he saw that his cock was pointing right at his face. That did it. Peter closed his eyes as he let the damn burst.

Justin heard Peter let out a cry then his cock exploded, shot after shot of white tendril splattered on Peter's face. That sight matched with Peter's ass clamping around Justin's cock pushed Justin to join Peter in climax. He thudded one more time into Peter and he shot his load into Peter's wonderful tight ass.

As Justin's climax abated he moved back down to his knees. He let Peter stretch out flat. Then he noticed Peter was still stroking his cock and it was still shooting out white. Finally with a groan both the stroking and the spurting stopped. Peter lay there panting for breath.

"Damn, lover." Justin leaned down to lick Peter's face clean. He grabbed some tissues and finished the job. He looked back to see Peter chuckling.

"Now that was some reward."

Justin cuddled close, "I think you just make Old Faithful very jealous."

"He comes more than I do but I appreciate the reference." Peter pulled Justin close. "That was really great, lover."

"Believe me I could tell." Justin brushed Peter's cheek, "Remind me we need a change of sheets if you keep doing that."

"Gladly if you keep doing what you were doing."

"Hm, better make that two changes of sheets."

"Or we could just have the bed laminated."

"Nah, in hot weather we'd stick to it."

They lay there is silence basking in the afterglow.



"Are you going to miss it here?"

Peter kissed Justin's forehead, "I will be happy where ever you are. Besides it will be in our own bed."

"This will still be your bedroom no matter who sleeps in it. I'm sure JC and Lance will think the same."

"Well, maybe they'll let us use it from time to time."

"I'm sure they would like that." Justin sighed, "Just think, a few more days."

"Yep, a few more days and I'll be officially shacked up with Justin Timberlake," Peter paused, "and company." Peter started to chuckle. "I am going to have to join a gym."

"I won't tire you out that much will I?"

"No, I mean your mother's cooking. If I'm not careful my love handles will get love handles."

"I wish you'd stop," Justin sound a little cross, "I tell you and tell you I like you just the way you are."

"Well, look at it as preventative maintenance. I'd like to keep me just as I am for you. Okay? I'm not used to your mother's cooking. I may gain some weight."

Justin snuggled back. "Okay," Justin yawned.

Peter gave Justin a squeeze, "I love you, Justin."

"I love you, too," dissolved into a mumble as Justin fell asleep.

Most everybody had left.

"I hope that little incident isn't going to spoil your idea of our city."

"Howard, will you please leave it!" Ken snapped.

"We suggested the restaurant and we suggested walking. It is all our fault."

JC corrected Howard, "We thought of the walking to the restaurant, thank you. It was a nice night. You just told us how to get there. I wish you'd just leave it. Hindsight is always twenty-twenty."

Lance shook his head, "You have apologized and apologized, believe us we won't hold what happened against any of you or your city. Between the museums, the mansions, the harbor tour, the zoo and the aquarium we've had a wonderful time here."

Howard sighed, "I am so glad. I wanted everything to go right. You deserve it after all you have done." Howard pulled Lance into a hug. "After all both of you have done." He in turn hugged JC.

"But what about all you two have done?" asked Lance. "You were the front runners. You and other gay couples like you gave us the chance to come out and be accepted. You set the groundwork. We couldn't have come out so easily without what you and people like you did."

Ken laughed, "Coming out is never easy."

Hugh laughed, "Sometimes it is but we make it hard. The human mind can be a real bitch. What we fear can be just an illusion and sometimes what we feel others will think is totally wrong. It's life."

"It was hard on my family but they came around," Lance smiled. "Maybe there is hope."

"There is always hope." Hugh said. He looked at his watch, "I should be going."

Ken shook his head, "A two hour drive this late, no way."

Howard replied, "You can stay here free of charge,"

"I wouldn't think of it."

"Please, Hugh as a favor for us?" Howard said.

There was the usual Hugh smile, "For you, anything."

"Good." Ken slapped Hugh's back. "I have a nice room."

"The Colonial one, please."


"It's where Trevor and I stayed before."

Lance was surprised. Hugh's voice caught.

"It would be nice to sleep there again."

"Hugh?" Lance asked.

Hugh chuckled. "I know Trevor is gone but we can remember the pleasant times can't we?"

JC and Lance both hugged Hugh.

"With you the past and the present are the same."

Lance held Hugh close. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost JC."

Hugh smiled his usual smile. "Don't worry about that."

Lance smiled, "I know. Peter told us." Lance looked into JC's eyes, "We live out our lives always together."

Hugh looked surprised.

JC put a finger to his lips. "Sh, it is a secret."

"Peter told you?" Hugh gaped.

"We sort of made him. And it is nice to know," Lance winked, "Even if it never happens."

Hugh laughed, "Just like your dream?"

Lance frowned, "I guess."

Hugh put his hand on Lance's shoulder. "Please believe me, the Astral Plain doesn't tell everything in black and white. Sometimes it is dead wrong." Hugh smiled. "Mankind isn't supposed to know the future. We'd fuck that up for sure. When someone is sure of something happening he loses all choice. Sometimes we need that choice to make it happen."

JC laughed, "Don't worry," JC took Lance's hand and squeezed it, "We know that we have to do to make that vision come true. We'll fight hard to make sure we stay together not just trust to fate. Thanks to you and Peter."

"No," Hugh said, "Thanks to you. You know what your fans think," Hugh paused, "No, you know yourselves. That is what the fans want. Be true to yourselves and the fans will be with you."

JC nodded. "I always say that."

Hugh squeezed JC's shoulder. "And that's why they love you. Peter included."

"He's very special."

Hugh nodded. "Yes, he is."

They lay quiet in bed. JC knew something was bothering Lance. They both were naked but there had been no attempt to start making love.

"Hugh won't be listening."

"I know, JC. I guess I'm just not in the mood right now."

JC was staring at the ceiling, "Lance, please tell me the truth."

Lance propped himself up on his elbow. "Always!"

"Did you think I was endangering us tonight?

Lance thought long and hard, "No, I knew you knew how those guys would act."


"I know I was scared. I wanted to run but you didn't want to."

"And you wouldn't leave me," JC turned Lance. "I am so sorry. I guess my pride got in the way."

Lance looked at JC, "Don't say that! You were right. I was foolish."

JC rolled away. "No, I was the foolish one. I trusted you'd trust me. Maybe I went too far."

"You knew what to do. It's over now." Lance kissed JC. "And I still love you and trust you. You were very confident back there."

"Thank you, but I was so scared."

"Not as scared as I was."

"Maybe not but I wanted us to make a brave show but I could have been very wrong. We could have both been hurt."

"Josh, remember what Peter showed me. In the right circumstances we'd both fight for each other. I think we could have beaten all three of those guys off. Or at least given them a good fight. I trust you with my life."

JC nodded his head, "I am sorry." JC sighed, "I guess now I'm not in the mood."

Lance grinned. He sat up against the headboard. "JC," He patted his chest. "Lay against me."



"Lance, I don't know what . . ."

"Trust me like I trusted you."

JC sat up then lay back against Lance.

Lance's hand began to caress JC's body. "I may not feel up to sex but I want you to feel good."

"Lance, if you don't want to then I don't want . . ."

Lance's hand slipped down to JC's crotch.


"Pretend you're in the shower but with no water."

"But. . ."

"There's too much on your mind. You'll never get to sleep that way. Let me help, please?"

"But you're not in the mood."

"Not my body but I could lend a hand." Lance could feel JC getting hard already. "Besides someone I respect very much said that jerking off isn't sex. So I am covered." He rubbed the head of JC's cock.

JC's body fell back against Lance, "If you. . . oh, god . . . want too."

Lance settled in to jerk his lover off.

Lance spit on his hand then continued to stroke JC.

Lance nuzzled JC's neck, "You like that?"

JC just nodded.

Lance squeezed JC's cock tighter as he stroked.

"Is that better?"

"Yes," JC panted, "Don't stop, please don't stop."

"Never, lover."

"I miss the feel of your lips."

Lance turned JC's head so they could kiss, a long passionate kiss.

Lance pulled back, "There."

"I mean on. . ."

Lance's finger found JC's lips. "I'm not in the mood, remember."

JC nodded.

Damn, Lance's hand was making his cock feel SO good. JC shuddered as Lance rubbed over the head then back down along the shaft to the base. He even caressed his balls before stroking back up the hard shaft.

JC opened he mouth and moaned. Lance was doing his usual magic. Lance's fingers were hitting just the right places. Lance's mouth and ass on JC's cock were wonderful but Lance's fingers touched his cock in so many more places that sent JC into ecstasy.

"Oh, god!" Lance's other hand was pinching JC's nipple as his other hand stroked JC. "Oh, lover!"

Lance began to like just stroking JC off. He had his Josh in his arms and the warmth of his body against his. They could kiss and to give his Josh such pleasure all it took was just a movement of Lance's fingers.

"Ah, Josh, sweetie could you rise up for a second?"

JC lifted himself up.

"Good, now you can sit back."

JC sat back and smiled to himself. He could feel Lance's hardon against his ass.

"Better?" JC chuckled.

"Yeah, I just had to change position. I got a cramp."

"Yeah, I can feel that cramp against my ass." JC pushed his hips back against Lance. JC kissed Lance. "So much for not being in the mood."

"I'm not in the mood. What can I say the penis has a mind of it's own."

JC rubbed back against Lance, "Then I guess I don't mind."

Lance stroked JC's cock rapidly. JC's head dropped back to Lance's shoulder.

"Sweet, jesus! Now I really don't mind."

"Come on, Josh do it. Show me that even just my hand can give you pleasure."

JC turned slightly, "Just seeing you gives me pleasure." JC leaned heavily on Lance, "Don't stop, please."

Besides Lance's wonderful handy work on his cock sending surges of pleasure through his body, JC also had emotions that turned him on. Lance was doing this for JC to help him sleep. But the real turn on was Lance still trusted him. That above all else meant the world to JC.

JC moved his hips a little. His ass rubbed against Lance's hard cock. JC suddenly wanted to feel Lance's hot cum against his ass. He unwittingly said his thoughts aloud.

"Yeah, do it."


The thoughts and feelings were too much for JC. His climax was waiting and JC let it loose.

"I love you, Lance!" JC's voice rose in volume and passion. "Don't stop! I'm. . !"

JC pressed back hard into Lance's arms. Lance felt JC's cock throb and pulse as his Josh came.

"Oh, Lance!"

JC was caught up in the rush of his own orgasm but he didn't miss the throb and pulse against his ass as Lance shot off. The feeling of hot cum on his ass added to JC's climax. JC pushed back rubbing against Lance. There was a very satisfied groan next to JC's ear.

A few moments passed as their climaxes waned. Lance reached for the tissues. They cleaned themselves off. Once the tissues were disposed of JC kissed Lance.

"If that is what your like when you are not in the mood then I am very lucky."

Lance gave JC a quick kiss. "What can I do? You're such a turn on. Even when I am not in the mood seeing you in such a state gets me in the mood."

"You started it."

"And you finished it." Lance snuggled close to JC. "Oh, Josh, we are so good together."

Josh kissed Lance's forehead. "I still am sorry for tonight."

Lance rolled over and held his Josh close. "No, look at us. Those three guys would've hated how this night turned out." Lance looked up at his Josh. "It truly was our gay victory."

Josh kissed Lance long and passionate.

When they pulled back, "It's too bad it has to end soon."

"Not in my love for you,' said Josh.

"No, the honeymoon." Lance lay close, "To tell you the truth I can't wait be in our own home again and in our own bed."

Josh kissed Lance again. "Amen to that."

They held each other close and soon they fell asleep in each other's arms.


Chris's eyes snapped open, "What?"

Joey shook his head, "It's your turn."

"Oh, oh, yeah." Chris, groggy reached for the dice.

"Late night last night, Chris?" Justin winked.

"The last three nights," Joey added.

Peter said, "I take it the crisis with Cindy is over?"

"For now," Chris rolled the dice and moved his game piece. "I'm a straight male. She'll be mad at me again soon. It's in a man's freaking DNA. We try to say the right thing but the females just hear it wrong then bam, blue balls time again."

Joey nodded. "I still think you gay guys have it easy. You never have to get the "do these pants make me look fat?' line."

"Oh, really?" Peter said, "How about am I too big for you?"

Joey slapped his hands over his ears, "Don't go there, please."

Peter's fist hit the table. He stood up and said in an angry voice. "Okay, that's it, I've had it and if JC and Lance were here too they would agree with me."

Joey and Chris both looked surprised at Peter sudden outburst.

Peter point at both of them, "You joke about sex and when we make any gay sex reference you act all offended. Either be tolerant, skip the sex jokes or get out." Peter pointed to the door.

"This isn't your house." Chris protested weakly.

"It is until Lance and JC get back."

"Justin?" Joey was looking for support.

"Sorry, guys, I'm on Peter's side."

"You would be," Chris accused.

Joey pleaded, "But we're just joking that we're offended."

"And it's getting really old." Peter sat down.

"Okay, okay," Chris made a calming gesture. "We'll stop with the 'don't go there' stuff. Agreed, Joey?"

"Okay, but if you go into too much detail I really will be put off."

Peter nodded at Justin, "Okay, agreed. We keep the details at a minimum and you stop acting repulsed."


They all shook hands.

Chris wrinkled his nose, "I hope you washed those hands first. I can just imagine where they have been."


Peter chuckled, "Justin, now, now. We were supposed to rein in the details not Chris and Joey."

Chris frowned, "Damn, you blew my new ploy."

"And I hope that is all you are going to blow," Joey added.

Peter sat back, "I give up. I don't know how JC does it."

"One hundred ways," Chris said, "One hundred and two without Lance." He thought for a bit, "Make that one hundred and four."

"Justin," Peter said wearily, "Take your turn so we can get this torture over with."

Joey cocked his head, "Was that a car I heard?"

"I wasn't expecting anyone."

"Maybe it's John."

"Or the neighbors come to complain about hearing you two having sex out by the pool."

Justin sighed, "A neighbor wouldn't have to drive, Chris."

"Ah-ha," Chris pointed his finger in triumph, "You are having sex by the pool. I knew it!"

Both Peter and Justin lay their heads down on the table and rolled them from side to side.

At that moment the front door opened.

"Home, sweet home," Lance set down his luggage.

"You're home early. We weren't expecting you until tomorrow night."

JC came in behind Lance, "We missed your smiling faces and your loving demeanors."

Peter gaped, "You have GOT to be kidding."

Chris got up and went to the door, "What they are trying to say is they missed me." He grabbed Lance, "Give us a kiss." He puckered his lips.

"Sorry, Chris," replied Lance, "I just had my lips sanitized."

Chris looked disappointed, "Two seconds back and I get insulted already."

JC eyed the table, "And you probably deserve it if we know you."

"And you do know him," Peter and Justin said together.

The three of them got up to give Lance and JC welcoming hugs.

"Why you back so early?" Joey asked.

Peter put up his hand, "Wait. How about the rest of the luggage?"

"Right here," said the cabbie as he set them down.

JC paid the cabbie and he left.

They helped haul the luggage up to their bedroom then they all gathered in the living room.

"Sit, sit, sit."

"Are you sure you can?" asked Chris. "After all the Roto-Rootering you two have been doing?"

Peter and Justin rolled their eyes.

"I think I liked it better when they were acting offended." Peter said.

Chris looked innocent, "What?"

JC asked, "What?"

Justin shook his head, "It's a long story."

Lance chuckled, "Believe it or not, Chris you were missed."

Chris beamed.

"Okay, now?"

Peter nodded.

Joey, continued, "Why are you back early?"

"Well, the weather turned bad." Lance explained, "Nothing but cold and rain for the next few days so we decided to come home early."

Chris was surprised, "But that's perfect sex weather. You have nothing else you can do. Are you sure you're not ill? You didn't have a fight did you?"

JC laughed, "No, we're not ill and we didn't have a fight. Believe it or not, Chris sex twice a day for two weeks can be very tiring."

Chris raised his hand, "I'd like to try it."

Joey swatted Chris's shoulder, "You're doing good so far."

"Only so far. We'll see."

Lance smiled, "Well, you and Cindy are going well. Any other news?"

"Why didn't you call us and tell us you were at the airport?" Justin asked, "You didn't have to take a cab."

"We knew it was game night," JC said, "And we didn't want to interfere with Chris's losing."

Chris frowned, "You got that right, stupid game."

Joey patted Chris's shoulder in a comforting gesture. "You should get used to it by now."

Chris stuck his tongue out at him.

"Lance," Peter began, "Your coming home early wasn't because of, you know."

Lance shook his head, "Do it wasn't because of those thugs."

"Thugs?" asked Joey.

"It's a long story. Why don't we save it for John's tomorrow? That way we don't have to repeat the stories."

"We have a meeting with John?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry," JC said, "We called him when we landed. We thought he should know."

Chris sat back, "Okay, this is strange, you two come back early from your honeymoon and call our manager and get a meeting set for tomorrow? Are you two all sexed out?"

Lance winked at JC, "We just want to get back to doing what we love doing after the sex."

JC pointed, "Don't say it, Chris."

Chris pouted.

Lance smiled, "Now I know we're home."

"Those bastards." John sat back in his chair. "Just when you think the world is changing people like that show up and make you feel Darwin was wrong." John shook his head, "But nothing happened thanks to Peter and Justin here."

"And Hugh," Peter added.

"And Hugh. Well, I hope it didn't ruin your honeymoon."

JC and Lance glanced at each other rolled their eyes and said together. "It didn't ruin our honeymoon."

"Oh, I guess you heard that before."

"Many, many, many times." Lance explained. "The people of Duluth took it quite personal. We were very touched." Lance put his hand on JC's knee. "And I was very proud of JC. He was so brave. I think we taught those three a lesson. With Peter's, Justin's and Hugh's help of course."

John chuckled, "You're right though, I wish I could have seen their faces. Anyway, I'm sure the other news will more than make up for that."

"What other news?" JC asked.

John looked at Peter, "You didn't tell them?"

"And boy was it a struggle to stay quiet but I thought it best to come from you."

"Very well," John sat forward and leaned his elbows on the desk. "The Orlando Gay Pride Committee contacted us a few weeks ago. You were away but they needed an answer. I hope you don't mind."

"They want us to perform? Sure!"

"Not just perform, JC." John paused, "I hope you won't mind being Grand Marshals of this year's Gay Pride festival."

"Grand Marshals?" Lance gaped, "Both of us?"

"All of us! Even me." Peter added excitedly.

John explained, "Since you are the best known gays in all Orlando it was only fitting that they chose you. To be fair they want all of NSYNC and Peter."

Lance grinned, "Well, of course, Peter after what he did to Welk's."

Chris raised his hand, "Has my 'Straight but not Narrow' T-shirt arrived yet? I'm not going without it."

Joey gave Chris a shove, "What a hypocrite. You've been enjoying the benefits of this gig for three days now."


Justin laughed, "Three late nights in a row. You told Cindy, didn't you?"

Chris looked sheepish, "I may have. What can I do my girlfriend is into gay issues?"

Peter smiled devilishly, "So Chris, you can thank the gays for your increased sex life."

"Don't put it like that!"

They all laughed.

"Just kidding, Chris."

"Hey, jokes like that can come back to haunt you."

"Don't worry, Chris," Lance said, "I'm sure the whole gay world is more that happy for you to remain straight."

"Good." Chris thought for a moment. They all knew what was coming, "Hey, don't they think I'd make a good gay man?"

JC cut Chris off, "Next topic, John, please."

"Okay, the recording schedule." John looked at Peter.

Peter stood up, "I guess that is my clue to beat it and don't say it Chris."

Chris frowned, "Trust me, this will be so boring I'd rather be out there with you."

They all started laughing.

Chris protested, "I didn't mean it that way!"

"You're on your own, John. I'm outta here." Peter left the office.

"Peter, being patient as usual?"

Peter looked up to see Wade enter the room.

"All good things come to those who wait."

Wade faked a smile, "That's cute. I suppose you mean Justin." Wade's smiled vanished.

Peter knew that Wade was there for a purpose. He decided to test the water.

"I'd ask what's wrong but I don't want to intrude."

"Please, ask away. I wish someone would," There was an edge to Wade's voice. "Okay, I saw you in here and I. . ." Wade paused. He sat next to Peter. "Please, you've been so helpful so far."

"What happened?"

"It's what didn't happen." Wade looked up at Peter. "I had that date with Nick last night at his house."

Peter smiled, "Lucky you."

"No, I wasn't," Wade snapped. He calmed himself, "Okay, I know he promised we'd both just talk but. . ."


"It was so nice just to talk to him, you know about a lot of things I never got a chance to and about being gay. He told me a lot of things about himself I didn't know. It was so warm and intimate that I braved. . ." Wade stopped and looked at the floor.

"You kissed Nick?"

Wade laughed, "I asked him if I could. Me asking Nick Carter for a kiss?"


For the first time Wade smiled, "It was so wonderful. His lips were so soft and warm. It seems like we kissed for hours."


Wade frowned, "I wanted to go on. I wanted to see Nick naked. I wanted to kiss his entire body. I wanted him to. . ." Wade stopped again.

With his talk with Nick, Peter guessed what happened.

"And Nick didn't go further than the kissing."

"Not even a fucking hand job. He stops kissing me, stands up and turns away and says, 'I think that's enough for tonight.'" Wade stood up and faced away from Peter, "Am I so unattractive?"

"You have got to be kidding."

"But why didn't he want to have sex with me?"

Peter got up and put his hand on Wade's shoulder. "He didn't want to rush it."

"Rush it?! I've already given him a blow job."

Peter shook his head, "Wade, such words. That was an impulse, a need, Nick wants more than that."

"But I wanted him to fuck me SO bad."

Peter turned Wade to face him, "No, Wade, Nick would never do that."

"He does all of the time."

"Wade, you're different."

"Thanks a lot." Wade sneered.

"To Nick. He told me himself that is wants to take it slow."

"But why?"

"For you. He knows what you are going through. After all those years of fear and dread you finally came to grips and admitted you were gay. You've just got over your fear of water. It's a bit early to swim the channel." Peter gave his most reassuring smile, "He wants to make sure you are ready and comfortable."

"Nick never waited before. I don't care if it is a one-night stand. I wanted him to have sex with me."

Peter paused, "Maybe what you can give Nick is something worth waiting for."

Wade looked surprised, "Me?"

"You're new to being gay. He doesn't want to frighten you away."

"Him? Nick Carter?"

Peter squeezed Wade's arm, "He is more than Nick Carter and so are you. I know I keep saying this. . ."

"Yeah, that sex with emotions is much better sex."

"You knew?"

"Everyone knows."

"Oh." Peter had been repeating himself again. He returned to the subject, "Wade, maybe Nick really wants something out of this. I know when I had my first real sex it was for Justin. Maybe Nick wants something special in your case. I don't know I am just guessing."

Wade smirked, "You just guessing, I don't believe it."

"Wade, please I know Nick wants to take it slow, trust him."

Wade thought for a moment, "I do, Peter I do." Wade sighed, "Maybe I am rushing this. But will Nick know when I am ready?"

"He cares a great deal about you. When he does think it's time it won't be just sex." Peter looked into Wade's eyes, "I believe you two will be making love."

Wade's eyes went wide. "You think he has feelings for me?"

"Think about how he's acting," Peter shrugged, "That's just my opinion."

"Just your opinion?" Wade chuckled and gave Peter a hug, "Thank you so much," Sporting a huge smile, Wade left the room.

"Very well done."

Peter turned, "Nick!"

He must have entered by the other door.

"I couldn't have explained it better."

"Nick, I am so sorry."

"Why? Last night when Wade wanted to go further I was so tempted. He learned so well on his first attempt but for this first time I wanted to wait. I know I should have explained things but with Wade there I may have given in. I just had to get him out of the house out of temptation's way."

"Maybe he is. . ." Peter stopped.

"A new lover for me? He is so handsome and gorgeous."

"Hm, gorgeous."

Nick frowned, "I don't want to lose him."

Peter smiled, "You're doing well enough."

"But you explained it to him. Will he stay?"

"My explaining isn't what he wants to hear. Talk to him, Nick. Tell him how you feel."

"I'm scared."

"Nick Carter scared?!"

"Wade has become so special to me. I know I could lose my Love God status but it's more than just sex."

"Then tell him." Peter put his hand on Nick's shoulder. "I wish you the best."

"Thanks." Nick started to leave.

"And Nick."

He looked back.

"Be yourself."

Nick smiled, "I think this is one of those important times in my life when I am." He left the room.

Justin poked his head in the door, "You ready to go?"

"Yep," Peter sighed, "More than ready."

"I don't know what you do to pass the time."

Peter smiled, "Oh, I manage to find things to keep me busy."

Justin glanced back into the room. He could see nothing that Peter could have been doing. "Oh, if you say so." Justin shook his head as they left.

Peter set the box down on the kitchen table.

"Well, I guess that's everything." He pulled keys out of his pocket. "You should have these back."

JC waved him off. "We all have keys to each other's homes. Keep 'em in case of an emergency."

Lance got up and walked to Peter, "Like if you want to use the pool."

"We have a pool."

"But if you two want to do more than swim and the folks are home," Lance winked, "Feel free to drop by anytime." He gave Peter a hug.

Peter blinked back the tears, "I'm going to miss you guys."

Lance stood back, "Don't you start or I'll be crying, too." Lance steadied himself, "Besides you're only moving across town not out of state."

JC added. "There's always game night and with the recording sessions we'll still be seeing each other almost everyday."

Lance smiled, "You'll always have a room if you need it."

Justin said, "And I am going to make sure he doesn't need it."

"Well, if you want to use it for old time's sake feel free."

Peter walked over to hug JC. "You opened your home to me. I'll never forget that. Thank you both."

"No need for thanks. You gave us a lot, too."

Peter went back and picked up the box.

"Okay, Justin, I guess we can get going."

As they pulled out of the driveway Peter gave the home one more look.

"You, okay?"


"My house will feel like your home in no time."

"I know."

"Come on. Oh, and I have some stops to make."

It was quiet in the car. Justin made his stops but Peter didn't really notice. He was so at odds with moving. He was excited to be living with Justin but Lance and JC were his first friends and he missed not having them around all the time. Then there were Justin's parents. They were great but there wouldn't be the freedom of living with Lance and JC. Oh, Lynn was cool about it but somehow running around in your underwear was not on the cards any more. And no more running naked from the pool, maybe stopping to wrestle in the living room before racing each other to the bedroom and being most vocal in the throes of passion. Well, if Lynn could get Peter to feel that comfortable in that house, she would have accomplished something.

Well, he did have Justin. Peter smiled. That was saying something. Lance and JC were great friends but Justin was a great lover.

The car door shut breaking into Peter's thoughts.

"That's that," Justin leaned over for a kiss. "Now we can finally go home."

Peter smiled for Justin, "Home. Does this make it my third home or my second?"

"Why do you have to count? You finally have a home with me, isn't that enough?"

Peter moved close and snuggled up to Justin's arm. "More than enough."

They had a quick kiss.


Peter smiled. "Home, James."

"Put the box there."

"Justin, I should bring it upstairs."

"Later, let's go out and relax by the pool."

Peter followed Justin. "Lance talked about having sex by the pool and now you want us to relax by the pool. You people are obsessed with pools. What is it that makes pools so wonderful?"

A voice said, "Because they bring people together."

The whole pool area suddenly blazed with lights. There was a huge banner; "Welcome home, Peter." He saw that all of NSYNC was there as well as some of the parents and friends. He turned to Justin.

"Stops to make?" he said accusingly.

"Okay, a delay to get Lance and JC here."

"This is your home now." Justin's mother gave Peter a hug. "We're just driving home the point."

"Thank you, Lynn."

Justin's mother slapped Peter's shoulders, "You finally said my name."

"Sorry." Peter blushed.

"Don't be. This party is for you."

Lance swept Peter up into his arms. "This is your home now. You have Justin. I'll," Lance glanced at JC, "we'll always treasure the time we shared." Lance stood back, "But now it is time for you to settle in to your life with Justin."

Peter fought so hard for the tears to stay away but they wouldn't.

"Oh, Lance," Peter's eyes brimmed with tears, "to think that first night I didn't know that you and JC were together I'd later get to spend a night with you, then it was a weekend, then traveling along on the tour and then later actually to live in your home. I've been living every fan's fantasy. I have been so blessed."

Lance smiled, "You found your love just like Josh and me." Lance put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "I am so happy for you." Peter saw the tears glistening in Lance's eyes. Before he lost it Lance took two glasses of champagne. He handed one to Peter.

"To our love and our loves."

Peter turned to Justin. He also raised his glass.

Peter turned, "To NSYNC. The greatest group of guys I have ever known. And through them being themselves taught some of us to be more than ourselves. God bless you all!"

"God bless us all of us."

Everybody drank and began chatting. Peter had a thought.

"One moment, please." Peter said aloud, "Another toast to one who made this all possible the one who brought me to NSYNC. Joey!"

Joey grabbed Chris's arm before he could get away.

"Chris, I owe you so much."

"Talk to my accountant."

"That night of my astral visit you followed me home. You comforted me when I was so depressed. Then you arranged my meeting with NSYNC and with Lance and JC."

"Forget it." Chris pulled against Joey's hold but Joey didn't let go.

"And most of all lest we forget." Peter pointed his champagne glass at Chris. "Chris was the one who got NSYNC together in the first place."

Chris leaned down to bite Joey's hand holding him but Joey pushed him back.

"From such beginnings, Chris look at you now. You love to cover everything with a joke, but we all know," Peter raised his glass, "Without you NSYNC would never have happened. Without NSYNC Justin and I wouldn't have happened."

Peter walked close to Chris.

"You have a pride which you try to hide with your jokes." Peter sank to his knee. "May I, a mere mortal embrace the great Chris Kirkpatrick for one show of my thanks?

Chris put his nose in the air in a haughty gesture. He raised an index finger, "Once."

Peter stood up and pulled Chris into a hug.

"Thank you so much for changing my life," Peter whispered into Chris's ear.

As Peter stood back Chris took Peter's face by both hands. "Forgive me, Justin." He kissed Peter full on the lips. After some time Chris pulled back.

Peter and everyone were quite surprised.

Joey looked upset, "Well, it finally happened. They turned Chris gay."

Chris grinned, "Wah-woo! Finally, I got my snog!" Chris expression changed. He looked repulsed, "Oh, my god, Justin germs! I have to go wash my mouth."

They all burst out laughing after all that is what Chris wanted.

As everyone went off into chatting again Chris leaned close.

"You proved me right, Peter. I could sense the potential in you that first night. I am very proud of you."

"Thank you, Chris."

"Think nothing of it. Now excuse me," He made a face and wiped his lips. "I don't know how Justin does it."

"Like this," Justin grabbed Peter and swept him into a dip. "Oops," Justin wiped his sleeve across Peter's lips. "Lips that have kissed Chris's." Then he kissed Peter.

After a time Justin set Peter back on his feet.

Peter reeled. "Whoa, dizzy."

Justin just beamed.

Peter smiled, "I'm definitely going to like it here."

Justin brushed his fingers over Peter cheek, "Your first official shacking up night in the Timberlake bedroom. Well, I'd like to make it official."

"Justin, I. . ."

Justin held his finger to Peter's lips, "Sh, I understand. In the morning?"

Peter smiled. "Yes, please. Right now I am still so overwhelmed."

Justin smiled and held Pete close. "It's okay. We share the same bed after all."

Peter laid his head on Justin's bare chest. "Our bed" Peter thought.

"Peter, what are you thinking?"

Peter smiled. He could hear Justin's heart beating, "What was in the past is in the past. I feel like another chapter in my life is beginning."

Justin smiled. "Good."

"Yeah, good." Peter gave Justin a squeeze. "I love you, Justin."

"I know."

Peter playfully slapped Justin's chest.

Justin chuckled, "Okay, I love you, too."


Before Peter fell asleep he was wondering what this next chapter of his life would bring. He kissed Justin's bare chest and fell asleep, happy.

End of this chapter

Well, we've come down to the end of another one. I hope you liked it. (I wanted to say "enjoyed" but that might sound a bit high handed. Anywho, I'd love to hear what you thought. Okay, I'd love to "read" what you though. E-mail me at or

I have to get started on the next part. I have to keep my readers happy.


Next: Chapter 67

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