Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Jun 29, 2001


Disclaimer: This: Fiction. Characters: Fiction. Author's sex life: Fiction. This story based on Real life? No. Is NSYNC gay? Not to my knowledge. My knowledge? Very limited. Will there be Sex? Yes. Do you find sex objectionable? If Yes, Stop reading! Is it enjoyable reading? I hope so. If the author is wrong? Let me know. Do I know for sure? Read and find out.

Lance leaned down and kissed JC. JC's sleeping form began to stir. He opened his eyes. Lance pulled back.

"Hmm. You make a great alarm clock. If we could market it we could make a mint." He pulled Lance to him. JC rolled over pulling Lance onto the bed.

"JC, there's no time for this." Lance said when he had managed to break free.

"Don't you come with a snooze button." He poked Lance in the stomach then began to tickle him. "Twenty more minutes, please."

"JC, stop it." JC let Lance go. "I let you sleep as long as you could. We have to get ready for the autograph session. You'd better get up." Lance rolled off the bed.

JC grinned. "After that, I already am." He reached for Lance's arm and missed. "Come back here."

Lance stood looking sternly down at JC. "I'm not going to have you always be late." He extended his arm pointing toward the bathroom. "Hit the shower."

JC got out of bed. He saluted. "Yes, coach!" JC stopped at the bathroom door. He turned back to Lance. "Do I have to go in here alone?"

"Yes, I've already had a shower. Now march!"

JC pouted. "I guess it will have to be a cold one then. This morning started with such promise." JC reached out his hand. "Please, just hold my hand. I think I'm developing hydrophobia."

Lance shook his head. "JC, get a grip on yourself."

JC grinned. "What a good idea. I'll pull a Peter." He lifted his right hand. "Hi, handsome. Come here often." He walked away shutting the bathroom door behind him.

Peter whistled as he walked through the concourse. Something told him that today was going to be very eventful. He felt more was in store for him than just getting his tour of the stage. Anthony, as always, needed an hour or so before he'd be ready. Peter decided to use the time to find Craig.

Bill came into view pushing a broom and he didn't look very happy about it. Peter didn't want to have to deal with a homophobe in a bad mood. He turned on his heel. A door opened and Hugh stepped into view. He greeted Peter with his usual glee.

"Good morning. You are feeling happy today, I see."

"Yes, I am. Thank you."

"Good. I like to see people happy."

Peter leaned in to him a little. "While I think about it, thank you for yesterday."

Hugh waved his hand. "No problem. Glad to do it."

Bill stopped sweeping. He was leaning on his broom watching them.

"Have you seen Craig? He was going to finish my tour."

"He's not in yet. If I see Craig I'll tell him you're looking for him."

"Thanks. I'll be..." Peter thought for a moment.

"I would go down to the dressing rooms, if I were you."

Hugh walked away. Bill watched him as he passed. He started to make a gesture, but remembered Peter was watching. He went back to sweeping.

Peter continued his way back down the hall. He could feel Bill's gaze on the back of his neck. He quickened his pace. The further away he got from Bill the better he liked it. He headed for the dressing rooms.

JC smiled. It had happened again and it was again thanks to Peter. Each new revelation about his and Lance's love had come when they have astral projected with Peter. Lance admitting that JC was more important to Lance than his parent's acceptance had deeply touched JC. He had tried to show it to Lance last night as they made love. But now he didn't feel that that was enough. It was too bad that Lance had let him sleep. JC ached to hold Lance close and to feel Lance inside him again. He'd just have to wait. It was going to be hard in more ways than one.

The feel of the hot water cascading down his body and the soap lather on his skin wasn't helping. He loved the slippery feel of skin sliding on skin even if it was just his own. It was too bad Lance had already showered. JC was missing him. He ran his hands over his chest, down to his crotch and across his ass cheeks. JC closed his eyes and reveled in the pleasure of the touch of his hands.

He already was clean, but he didn't care. His fingers closed around his stiffening cock. JC began sliding his cock through his fingers. A jolt of pleasure shot through him. He ran his other hand around his neck then lightly stroking the underside of his chin. The back and forward motion of his hips sped up. The surge of pleasure flowed across his body as JC slid his cock in and out of his fist. He pinched and played with his nipples, each time feeling a twinge of delight.

JC rinsed the soap from his other hand. He raised that hand to his face. His lips closed around his finger. He enjoyed the feel of his soft lips and the wet warmth of his mouth on his finger. JC began sucking on it.

His cock was throbbing. He rubbed his palm against the tip of his cock. His body shuttered. The sensation was too intense to do it for long. He returned to jacking himself off.

JC bent over. He took the finger out of his mouth and teased his asshole with it. This only got JC more excited. Slowly he worked his finger into his ass. JC let out a low moan. How he wished it was Lance! He matched the strokes on his cock with his finger in his ass. The pace got faster. JC's body was trembling with pleasure. This felt so good. The excitement was building.

He jacked and finger fucked himself faster. His breath came out in short moans. No time to stop and savor the feelings. On he went until his whole body tensed. JC could feel his heart pounding and the blood throbbing in his ears. With a couple more strokes the climax hit him. He shoved his finger as far up his ass as he could, bending it forward so it raked against his prostate. His cock erupted. Cum arced across the shower. JC could feel his ass clinch with each spurt. He kept jacking until the climax was spent. He pulled his finger out of his ass. He gently began caressing his chest and neck again, working the lather over his skin. His whole body tingling with pleasure.

JC relaxed. After a few moments he turned and washed the soap off. It was time he should get dressed. Lance would be mad if he was late.

The dressing room looked empty. There were racks of costumes in the middle of the room. Peter touched one of the sleeves of a more elaborately decorated one. The material seemed surprisingly heavy.

"They must sweat their butts off in this."

"We do."

Peter jumped. Justin stepped from behind the rack of costumes.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

Peter let go of the costume. "I'd talk to your tailor if I were you."

"Don't get me wrong. The costume designers do a great job. They're more concerned with mobility and look rather than sweat prevention."

"I'd hate to see your dry cleaning bill. Of course you could recoup some of the expense by selling off your used sweaty things." Peter stopped. "I'm sorry. That was tacky."

"Don't think that it hasn't been brought up."


Justin laughed. "Who else?"

Peter noticed something. "These are very puritan, aren't they. There's not one with a low neckline."

"We're not allowed to show any cleavage."

"Mores the pity." Peter grew embarrassed. "I'm sorry. That was out of place."

Justin patted Peter's shoulder. "Don't worry about it. It comes with the territory. Believe me, we know that there are guys looking at us, too. In fact, some of the guys treat us with more respect than the girls do. It's kind of nice." Justin began to feel awkward. He pulled his hand back.

Peter smiled at Justin's unease. "Didn't you have the morning off?"

"Yeah. I decided to come here."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. I'll leave."

"No. Please. It's okay. You're supposed to hang with NSYNC this weekend." Justin put his hands on his hips. "I am a member of the group, you know."

"I guess I have been playing favorites, haven't I?"

"I sort of noticed. I can understand it. It's the gay connection, right?"

"Sort of. I just felt that you and Joey were just weirded out by a guy who leaves his body. I guess I thought you were uncomfortable around me. I'm sorry."

"You did save JC and spent a night in their room." Justin tried to make it sound non-chalent.

"Justin, I didn't have sex with them."

"I know. They made that very clear." Justin couldn't mask the irritation in his voice.

"They never told you what happened that night, did they."

"Just that it was personal between you and them."

Peter was beginning to understand Justin's jealousy. Peter pointed to a chair. "I'll tell you my side of it, if you'd like."

Justin sat down. Peter took the chair opposite.

"After you and Joey left I apologized and told them why I had visited their room the night before. I had been so lonely and depressed that I wanted to know what it felt like to be loved by another man. So I went to their room to find out."

"Peter, you mean you have never...?"

"Nope. I have never been with another man." Sorry, Hugh.

Justin seemed puzzled by this. "I'm sorry. Please, go on."

"With Chris's encouragement, I told them things that I had never told anyone before not even to me. Chris knew that I had to get it out of my system. I felt so alone and miserable, I broke down. As they comforted me JC and Lance pointed out that I wasn't alone. Then they sang "This I Promise You" to me. They held me in their arms and JC sang right to me. It was a wonderful moment. There were two parts missing, but I didn't notice.""

Justin smiled. "I don't suppose you would under the circumstances."

"Afterwards, at Chris's suggestion, I helped JC and Lance to astral project. During it they connected. You know, felt each other's emotions. They said they could physically feel their love for each other. I got their profound thanks for the experience. In the morning, we just chatted about this and that. It was the first time any of us could talk so freely about being gay."

Justin nodded his head. "Thank you for telling me. It makes sense to me now." Justin looked at Peter. "I'm afraid I was jealous of you. We have been together for years. Then you show up and JC and Lance instantly become your confidant. They tell you things they never tell us. What do you have that we don't?"

"An understanding of what it is to be gay."

"But, surely we understand them."

"Justin, when you guys have dates, you talk and joke about it afterwards. Don't you?"

"Yeah. Sure."

"But, JC and Lance don't have then same option."

"They can tell us anything."

"Really? Could Lance tell you how good it feels to hold JC in his arms, the sweetness of his kiss? What it is like to be together naked in bed? The amazing things Lance can do with his tongue."

Justin looked away.

"See? It's not your fault. There are things that are outside of your comfort zone that's all. Lance and JC know that. I'm sure they don't blame you at all. You never know. You might get to the point where the idea of two guys having sex isn't as repelling to you as it is now."

"It may happen sooner than you think."

Justin sat there with his head down.

"Justin?" Peter said quietly.

Justin looked up. He could tell by Peter's expression that he cared about what was happening. Justin decided to let it out.

"I've been having this crazy dream. I'm making out with this girl and she turns into a guy. But, I don't stop. Its like I don't care that it's a guy."

"Do you get aroused during the dream?"

"At the beginning during the girl part. Later, I don't know. As soon as I see it's a guy, I wake up."

"When did the dreams start?"

"About two weeks ago. But, I think it really started back when JC and Lance got together. I couldn't look at them at first. But slowly as I saw how happy they were together, it became easier. After awhile I actually enjoyed seeing them hugging each other. Maybe I was even a little envious."

"That's understandable. I see couples all the time and wished I had the happiness they seem to have."

"It changed two weeks ago, I had a room next to JC and Lance." Justin shifted nervously. "I could hear them going at it. You know, moans and stuff." Justin looked down. "It sort of turned me on. It's sick, isn't it? I mean they're my friends."

"Its not sick. You heard two people enjoying themselves having sex. Lots of people would have reacted the same." That didn't help. Peter continued. "If it was Joey and a girl friend would you have felt different?

"Yes, of course."

"Just because it was two guys doesn't necessarily mean you're gay."

"I came twice while they were at it."

"Oh." So much for "sort of" turned on.

Peter thought a bit. "Well, you have had sex with girls before?"

Justin nodded.

"And you've enjoyed it?"

"Yes, very much."

"Well, the answer could be very simple. You could be bisexual."

Justin jumped to his feet. "No. I am not that!"

Peter was surprise by the force of the statement.

"I don't want to be one of those people who just can't seem to make up their minds. Playing around a bit over here, then playing around a bit over there. I want to be certain of who I'm attracted to. I don't want to be so wishy-washy."

"Justin, you've got it all wrong."

"How should you know? You're gay. You know for sure."

"Justin, I hate to say it, but you're thinking in stereotypes."

Justin gaped at Peter.

"Can I tell you my opinion?" He gestured for Justin to sit down.

Justin returned to the chair.

"I like to think that we were created with an endless ability to love. That every possibility could be played out. But when we're born and as we grow older, we start to realize guidelines for ourselves. This person I could love, but this one I couldn't. If you look at it for a different angle, being straight or gay we set limits on who we are going to love. Bisexuals have set no such limits."

Peter put his hand on Justin's shoulder. "Justin, if you are bisexual, in my opinion, you have that gift of unlimited love. Look at it as a freedom not as an ambiguity."

Justin put his hand on top of Peter's hand. "Thank you."

"No problem. I'm hope I have helped."

"You know what really would help?" Justin began grinning impishly. "If I could have sex with another man. It would remove all doubt."

"Don't even go there, Justin."

Justin stood up and teasingly approached Peter. "Why not?"

Peter got out of the chair and started to back away from Justin.

"Well, I'm not exactly the best person to come to for your first time."

"Surely, you know what to do?"

Peter nodded. Would Justin even now what gay porn was?

"What about the age difference? What would the guys think?"

Justin had Peter backed against the costume rack.

"Don't know. Don't care." Peter was disappearing in between the costumes. "Please. It would help the confusion."

"Ah!" Peter put his hand up. "That's the big one." Peter moved forward. Justin began to retreat. "I may not be the smartest, but one thing I do know. When someone is confused about their sexuality having sex with them is the worst thing you could do."


"The penis is a fickle organ. Rub it the right way and it responds. That makes people think that they respond that way to. Justin let your heart and your mind show you what you want not your penis."

"You're no fun." Justin sat back down in the chair laughing. "I was just kidding, anyway." He peeked at Peter. "You're sure?"

Peter leered at Justin. "Well, we still have two days if your confusion clears before then." They broke into laughter.

The door opened. Craig peered around the door.

"There you are. Hugh said you were looking for me." Craig saw Justin. "Oh, are you busy?"

"No, we were just chatting." Craig came into the room. "Justin this is Craig. He works for the stadium's security."

They shook hands.

"I was killing time before Anthony could show me the stage."

"Say, do you'd think he'd mind if I tagged along. I've never seen the stage before just the audience."

"There really isn't much to see," added Justin. "But I'm sure Anthony won't mind."

"Come on. It's almost time." They headed for the door. Peter looked back at Justin. Justin smiled and waved him on. Peter shut the door behind him.

Lance was humming as he busied himself with the breakfast cart. JC walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around him.

"My, we are chipper this morning." JC pressed his cheek against Lance.

"I feel so much better after last night." Lance turned around and handed a plate of food to JC. "You'd better eat up. We have to be downstairs in twenty minutes."

They both sat down at the table.

Lance took JC's hand. "I'm sorry I got so obsessed about my parents. I must of put you through hell."

"It wasn't quite that bad. I'm just glad you're feeling better about it. I wasn't to sure it would work out this way last night."

Lance released JC's hand so he could eat. "By the way, our neighbor dropped by this morning before he went to the stadium. Peter said he would try to get to the autograph signing today."

"Even after I told him he would be bored."

"Like he said, he will be there in "spirit". He wants to see if he can tell the gay fans and communicate that to us so we can do something special."

"Like what? Sign "hugs and kisses"?"

"No, something more like shaking their hand and looking them in the eyes a little longer. I think it would be kind of nice for them. There can't be that many of them."

"I doubt if it is going to work. But if he wants to try."

Lance grinned. "Besides, you will probably feel safer with him there anyway."

"Why? Because he saved me before?"

"Yes and in the same spot."

"You don't mean?"

"Yep, it's at the same mall and the same atrium."

JC cringed in mock terror. "No! Not there! I can't go back there."

"I promise you no palm trees this time."

There was a knock on the door. Lance started to get up. JC stopped him with a gesture.

"Come in!"

Joey and Chris did just that.

"You guys almost ready?"

Lance looked at his watch.

"We still have ten minutes. JC hasn't finished his breakfast, yet."

"Justin will be back from the stadium in five minutes. I just thought it would be nice if we were early for a change." Chris said.

Joey grabbed a strawberry from the breakfast cart. "It doesn't matter to me. I can wait." He popped it into his mouth.

JC looked puzzled. "Did you say Justin was at the stadium?"

"Yeah, why?" Chris answered.

"We get the morning off and he goes to work. You'd think he could have found something better to do."

"Justin could have used some fun time. He's been like a snapping turtle lately." Chris reached for a strawberry. Joey slapped his hand away.

Chris pointed to the window. "Look Joey, Superman!"

Joey turned. Chris snatched a strawberry.

Chris laughed. "Joey, you are so easy."

Lance thought it better to stop this before it escalated. "How did your antique hunting go?" He asked.

"I found a couple of nice things. Chris was getting bored though. They didn't have any records." He reached for another strawberry. "So being back early was sort of an accident."

Chris rolled his eyes. "Why did you have to tell them that? You spoil everything."

JC wiped his mouth with the napkin and dropped it on his plate. "I'm through if you want to get going." He and Lance stood up.

Joey took another strawberry. "One for the road."

The four of them headed for the door.

As they made their way to down the hall, Lance held JC back.

"You thought it was odd the Justin went to the stadium?"

"Yeah, I know he's dedicated, but he likes having time off as much as the rest of us."

"You don't think it is a coincidence that Justin is acting moody and he decides to use his free time by going to stadium. Isn't that where Peter is?"

JC shook his head. "Justin isn't very comfortable around Peter. They hardly even speak together unless we're all there."

"Yeah, but they say if there is something bothering you the best person to tell it to is a stranger. We know that Peter can be trusted. Maybe Justin felt that, too."

"And he wouldn't talk to us first?"

"We didn't tell the guys we were gay until we got together."

JC stopped. "You not saying you think Justin is gay?"

"No." They continued down the hall. "But Justin seems to snap when we're joking about sex."

JC put his hands up. "Lance, I'm not going to let you do this. This is pure imagination. Maybe Justin just wanted to get to know Peter better. You know he can't stand being left out. If there is another reason, we'll find out soon enough. Let's drop it. Okay?"

Lance shrugged. "Okay." JC was right. He was making too much of this. His mind dismissed the thought. But in the back of his mind still lay the nagging doubt.

Peter was deep in thought as they walked. Craig waved his hand in front of Peter's face.

"Hello? Anybody in there?"

Peter snapped out of it. "I'm sorry. I went away for a moment. I'm back now."

"Such heavy thinking first thing in the morning, you'll wear yourself out."

"That's just it. I've had some heavy issues thrown at he and for once in my life I seem to have the right answers. That's never happened before. Hugh was right after all."

Craig stopped Peter. "You've been with Hugh?"

Peter blushed. "Yeah. He kind of surprised me."

Craig laughed. "Yep, that's Hugh. Little Hoover certainly knows how to make people happy." Craig winked. "Now, you should know why we call him that."

"It's a combination of Hoover Dam and Hoover Vacuums, isn't it? He's a damn good sucker."

Craig slapped Peter on the back. "You've got it. He's very proud of the fact, too."

"And you don't mind? I mean, during work?"

"He doesn't do it that often and he is wonderfully discreet. Besides it's great for morale. Can you think of a better employee incentive plan?"

"Somehow I can't see Bill going for it."

"Well, it's his loss, isn't it?"

"I don't think even Hugh can make Bill happy." Peter shuttered. "Bill gives me the willies."

"You should hear him whistle."

As they approached the stage Peter could see that Anthony was waiting.

"You ready for your tour?"

"Since yesterday."

Anthony frowned, then broke into a smile.

"Well, I must admit you have been patient. Come on."

Anthony showed them everything. The sound system, the sound mixer, the trap doors, the moving walkways, the lighting, the flying rigs and the holders for the pyrotechnics.

Peter stood in the middle of the stage looking up at the scaffolding.

"I must admit. It is very impressive. I have done some of those 3-D jigsaw puzzles. You have quite a doozy here."

"We deal with it because we have to. We can put it all up in less than a day. It's just the technical problems that take longer. But we've got most of those licked."

"Is that why you had someone working last night?"

Anthony looked puzzled. "No one worked last night."

"I was here. There was someone working on the stage."

"How could you have been here last night? They wouldn't have let you in."

Peter smiled. "I have my means."

"Oh, that projection thing. Well, all the crew were accounted for back at the hotel."

"There was someone here. I swear it."

Anthony shook his head. "It must have been a guard checking the stage."

Peter let it go. "Yeah, I suppose so."

"You could have dreamt it, too." Anthony tapped Peter's bodyguard tag. "You're letting that tag go to your head."

"You're probably right. I'm sorry. Thanks for the tour." He shook Anthony's hand.

"Glad to do it." Anthony walked off.

Craig eyed Peter curiously. "You did see someone here last night."

Peter nodded. He walked over to a light at the front of the stage. There was a metal cylinder around it. Peter tried to reach inside, but it was too narrow.

"Whoever it was dropped something into there."

Craig knelt down and began looking for a way to remove the metal sleeve.

"What are you two doing?" Anthony was heading toward them.

"Checking his story." Craig twisted the casing and it came free.

"I'm not going to let you destroy this stage, security or no."

Peter tried again. "There was someone here last night. He dropped something into that light. I heard the glass crack."

Anthony was getting mad. "I've tried to be polite."

Craig shook the metal casing. It rattled. He dumped the contents into his hand.

"I want you two off this stage now!"

"We're just leaving." Craig set the light down and stood up. "Anthony, I have a parting gift."

Anthony was puzzled, but put out his hand.

Craig smiled. "With all due respect," Craig dropped eight metal hexagon shapes into his palm. "Nuts to you." He motioned to Peter. They started to walk away.

Anthony stared with astonishment at the nuts in his hand.


They turned back. Anthony looked rather sheepish. He grew stern again.

"Show me where you saw this person working."

Peter walked to the side of the stage.

"He come up from under here."

As Peter neared the edge the stage floor it began to sag under his weight. The flat surface began to tilt downward. Peter started sliding toward the edge of the stage. Craig grabbed him and pulled him back.

Anthony lowered himself down from the stage and disappeared under it. After a few minutes, he scrambled back on stage.

"Well, we now know where these nuts belong. Did you see him anywhere else?"

"The flying harnesses were down. He was working at them when I got here."

Anthony yelled off stage. "Jim!"

A man appeared. "Lower the flying rigs. Then call the hotel. Locate as many of the crew as you can find and get them back here. We'll need to go over everything with a fine-tooth comb. There's been some tampering." The man left.

Anthony went over to Peter looking embarrassed. "Peter, I..."

Peter stopped him with a raise of his hand.

"You have things to do. I'd better get out of your way."

Anthony squeezed Peter's shoulder.

"Thank you. And thank you!"

Craig looked at Anthony. "We'll find out who did this, I promise you. Come on, Peter. I don't think you have seen my office, yet."

"So, JC, did you get to indulge in your hobby?" Justin winked at Chris sitting across from him in the limo.

"Yes, I did. I feel great." Justin seemed to be back to his old self.

Chris smiled. "Did you say hobby or hubby?"

"He means sleep." JC said.

"How was the stadium?" Lance asked. JC gave Lance a sharp look.

"Oh, it was fine. I got a lot accomplished."

"Surely, you could have thought of something better to do with your time off?" Lance wasn't giving up.

"I suppose I could have."

"Did you see Peter while you were there?" JC gave a heavy sigh. He wished Lance would just let it drop.

Justin knew where Lance was going with this questioning. "Yes. As a matter of fact that was why I went there, since you wanted to know."

Lance tried to look innocent. "What?"

JC shook his head. "Lance, you are as subtle as a pile driver."

"I was just making conversation."

Justin laughed. "It's alright. It's really kind of stupid. After that night he spent with you, I have to admit, I was jealous. We've been so close over all these years then along comes this new guy and in one night bang, instant confidant. You told him stuff you never told us. Then on top of all that what happened that night was top secret.

Now he's back and in a room next to yours, which you arranged. What was I to think?"

"We're sorry, Justin. I guess we never realized." Lance said.

"So I wanted to talk to Peter. Clear the air if you will. He was very understanding. And he told me his side of what happened that night, so you guys are off the hook."

JC gave Lance his "I told you so" look.

Joey leaned toward Justin. "So what happened that night?"

Justin smiled devilishly. "I'm sorry I can't tell you. Its top secret."

Joey frowned.

"I'm just kidding. I can tell you later if you really want to know."

"That's okay, probably just gay stuff anyway." Joey gave an exaggerated shutter.

"Well, if that's your attitude, I definitely won't tell you. You'd never have to lighten your hair again."

Chris shook his head. "It's always the quiet ones."

Lance looked exasperated. "Nothing happened! How many times do we have to tell you? Chris you were there."

"Only after the fact." Chris leaned toward Justin. "They had to use both beds."

"For the last time, we did not have sex with Peter!" Lance was getting red in the face.

JC put his hand on Lance's knee. "Calm down. They're trying to make you mad."

"It worked." Lance looked out the window.

"I'm sorry." Justin said. "We know that nothing happened."

"I won't tease you about the three of you having sex that night, again." Chris said.

Lance was relieved. "Thank you. We'd appreciate it."

"That's what this weekend is for, isn't it?"

Lance swatted Chris. "Damn it, Chris."

"Will you please change the subject?" Joey snapped.

"Oh, oh. You're freaking Joey out." Chris laughed. "And you're turning Justin on."

Lance cringed waiting for Justin to go off.

Justin just smiled. "I take it they didn't invite you then?" He looked at Lance. "I was to bring the maple syrup, wasn't it?"

Chris sat agape. It wasn't the reaction he expected.

"No, it was the chocolate sauce." JC winked. "We're in charge of the whipped cream and Peter's bringing the cherry." JC, Justin and Chris burst into laughter.

"JC!" Lance gave him a slap. He couldn't help laughing, too.

Joey sat there very confused. He looked out the window.

"We're here. Saved by the mall! Normal conversation is back."

Lance was glad Justin seemed back to normal. His talk with Peter must have helped. But then that nagging doubt popped back into his mind. Didn't Justin seem a little embarrassed when Chris mentioned that they were turning Justin on? No, it was just his imagination again.

Lance glanced at JC. JC was looked puzzled at Justin. He turned to Lance and raised an eyebrow. Maybe it wasn't his imagination after all.

"And you didn't see anyone else?"

"No. Bill's father at the desk and the guy on the stage."

"We always schedule at least two guards, especially when we have guests."

"If he was doing his rounds, I might have missed him."

"That's possible. If only you got a look at the guy."

"I'm sorry. I was keeping my distance. I didn't know if I could be seen or not. But he wasn't wearing a uniform. That much I know."

"Can you remember anything about him? Something he did or the way he acted?"

"He whistled through his teeth." Peter shuddered from the memory. "It drives me crazy."

Craig seemed to brighten up. "You're sure of the whistling?"


"Peter, you might have just made my day."

Craig went to work on his computer. "Everybody who comes or goes during the night shift is entered into an electronic log. Let's see if he paid a visit."


"Bill. He sometimes visits his father during his shift."

Peter remembered. "Wait a minute. While his father was on the phone he said he had just talked to his son."

The computer beeped. Craig broke into a grin. "Bingo! We've just put him at the scene of the crime." Craig became puzzled. "But that means he did it while his father was on duty. He was risking his father's job if he got caught."

"Could his father have wanted him to do it?"

"I doubt it. He was assigned the night shift do to difficulties with employee interaction. A few complains about inappropriate jokes, but nothing on this scale."

Peter looked thoughtful. "Could Bill have believed his father had wanted him it do it?"

Craig turned to Peter. "You remember something?"

"When his father was on the phone he said something about telling Bill that someone should teach them, NSYNC, a little humility."

"If Bill took him at his word he might have gone beyond what his father had intended."

"His father was very pissed off at the idea of "queers" contaminating the "real man's" arena. He even mentioned that some "fairy" from the tour had lectured him about how to do his job."

Craig scratched his chin. "If his father was that angry, Bill might have thought it was a suggestion and acted on it. There's only one thing to check on." His fingers flew over the keyboard.

"What's that?"

"The other guard." The computer beeped, again. "Here we go. He was late due to some family emergency. That explains that. Bill had at least an hour to work unnoticed."

"But how can you prove it. I doubt if astral projection lends itself to be a credible witness."

"You leave that to me. Tell me any details that you can remember. If we get him to believe that he has been found out, he may just admit it."

There was a knock on the door. It opened and a woman stuck her head in.

"Craig, there are two gentlemen from NSYNC here to see you."

"Send them in." Craig stood up. Peter got up to leave. "No. You might as well stay. You're apart of this, you know." Peter was behind the door as it opened.

David entered with a man Peter recognized from the Making of the Tour documentary.

"Craig, I don't know if you've met John, NSYNC's manager. John, this is Craig. He's with the stadium security." They shook hands.

Craig gestured for them to take a chair.

After they were seating, David asked. "What's this about someone sabotaging the stage?"

Craig sat back. "It's true. There was some tampering. I'm afraid it was one of our people. But, we know who it was. He will pay the consequences, I assure you."

John looked worried. "How did this happen?"

"I'm afraid his father is one of the night watchmen. We don't have all the details yet."

John looked at David. "Do we know the extend of the damage?"

"No, Anthony is still checking the stage. It doesn't look like anything major."

John sat back in the chair. "Thank god this was discovered before the concert. It could have been disastrous."

David looked at Craig. "I hear you were there to help uncover this sabotage."

"I'm afraid I can't take the credit for this. I just helped prove his story."

"Whose story?" John asked.

Craig gestured for Peter to step forward.

"The eyewitness. David, I believe you already met Peter."

David turned in the chair. His jaw dropped. "You? The bodyguard?"

Peter nodded.

John looked confused. "David, who is he? He looks familiar."

David shook off his surprise. "He's our special weekend guest. He is also the man whole rescued JC when we were here the last time."

John stood and shook Peter's hand. "Looks like we owe you another one. Thank you."

Peter shrugged. "Its okay."

"You wouldn't be looking for a job would you. We could use someone like you."

"No thank you. It would be like those TV detectives. Every time one of them shows up something bad happens. You'd think people after awhile would stop inviting them."

John laughed. "Well, I am glad you were there. Are you enjoying your weekend?"

"Yeah, the guys and the crew have been great. I'm looking forward to the concert."

"Good." John turned back to Craig. "Well, it seems things are in good hands. If you need our help, let us know."

Craig showed them to the door. "This should be cleared up by this afternoon." Craig shut the door.

Craig suddenly smiled at Peter. "I just realized it. You just saved my butt, too. If this tampering hadn't been discovered there would have been hell to pay. Especially if someone had gotten hurt." He crossed to Peter. Peter got ready for the hug. Craig planted his lips on Peter's.

After a few moments Craig pulled back. Peter was bright red.

"You really are sweet." Craig sighed. "Well, I'd better get things ready before Bill gets back from lunch." He sneered. "That should be in an hour and a half." Craig motioned to the chair. Peter sat down. "I need any details you can remember from last night." Craig picked up a pen. "With your help we could be rid of Bill by the six o'clock news."

A wave of dread flowed through Peter at those words. He began to feel uneasy about what they were about to do.

"Are you okay? You look pale."

"Just a little angst. It's nothing. I've never been an informer before."

"Trust me, you have nothing to worry about."

Peter managed a smile. He began to relate the details of his astral visit the night before.

END Part 7

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Any comments, I'd love to hear from you. E-mail at The responses have been dwindling. Okay I got one from the last chapter. I'm going to finish this anyway because I want to know how it ends. But I wouldn't mind a little encouragement. Any feedback short of telling me to shut up. Okay, I'll stop begging.

Watch for part 8.

Next: Chapter 8

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