Lance Jc and Astral Fan

By moc.loa@1121eteP

Published on Aug 6, 2001


It's taken awhile, but here it is Part 9. Thanks to all that have responded. It is much appreciated. I've got my fingers crossed big time on this one. Onward!

This story is complete and utter fiction. (A cow story is udder fiction.) The author has no knowledge of the real life and sexuality of NSYNC and does not mean to imply anything with in this story is true to life. (I'll leave that for the tabloids.) There will also be descriptions of gay sex. If you find gay sex and/or NSYNC having sex objectionable or you are under 18, stop reading now. I mean that! I'll be watching.

"Another commercial!" Chris snapped. "Doesn't your news programs report any news?"

Peter just shrugged. "I don't usually watch the news."

"Relax." Joey responded. "It was a late story. They probably left it for last."

"You can't get more last than this. We've sat through political crap, sports, weather, and even gardening tips. Get to it!"

"They might keep it for the later broadcast." Justin offered.

John shook his head. "They were going to try to get it on the early broadcast as far as the local stations go. The national networks should have something on the late night shows."

The news anchorwoman's face appeared on the screen. Behind her was a picture of NSYNC.

Lance sat forward. "Here we go."

"Gees, I hate that picture. It makes me look fat."

"Joey, Sh!" Chris punched a button on the remote. The volume swelled.

"The musical group NSYNC is in town for their concert tomorrow. Their day today was anything but in sync."

Chris cringed. Everybody had to use that joke.

"An employee from the stadium staff began what was termed practical jokes on the band. This afternoon at an autograph signing a water balloon was thrown at the group. Their security wanted them to leave. But NYSNC, not wanting to disappoint their fans, found a safer area and continued signing autographs."

"It was then discovered that this same person had sabotaged the stage. A member of the tour group found the tampering and the stage has been repaired. There will be no interference with tomorrow's concert. However, the jokes soon took on a serious note as the perpetrator assaulted a member of NSYNC's tour group. It is being reported as a gay related attack. NSYNC contacted the press to make their thoughts on the attack known."

John's face filled the screen. "Nothing like this has ever happened before is NSYNC's history. NSYNC is totally opposed to any form of violence and we are deeply distressed that this attack occurred."

They then cut to Justin. "We felt we had to speak out because a person was attacked. Not just because he is gay."

JC was next. "My father always told me the most important thing is to respect people. That's what we try to do. Earn respect by respecting people. All people."

"It's just the way they are." Peter was saying. "Every fan could tell you, they are always totally themselves. When something upsets them, they go off. This was their idea to let people know what they felt. Since the attack they have been very supportive to me." Peter's voice broke. "These guys are something very special." JC put his arm around Peter.

"Ah, that was nice." Joey joked. "You should have kissed him."

"Shut up, I'm trying to listen." Chris snapped.

The anchorwoman was back.

"The guilt party is in police custody awaiting formal charges. The concert will go on as scheduled." The camera cut to include the other announcer. "Jim, are your two daughters going tomorrow?" she asked.

"Are you kidding? They've talked about nothing else for weeks. But, I have to say I will ease off teasing them about being NSYNC fans. Those guys impressed me by standing up for their friend. I think I owe my daughters an apology."

"Maybe you do, Jim. Now let's get a recap on the tomorrow's weather."

"That's it? They didn't show my gay bit." Chris switched off the TV.

Lance patted Chris's shoulder. "Welcome to comedy writing."

"What about the other broadcasts?" Chris asked.

John took on a patronizing attitude. "Don't worry, Chris. They're all being recorded. You can watch yourself in the morning."

"That gay bit was killer."

"Yes, Chris." JC replied. "You had them rolling on the floor."

"I'm just glad you cleared it with me first." John said. "I would have had a heart attack otherwise."

"I did." Peter looked at John. "I thought they were coming clean. They had me fooled."

Joey stood up. "Are we going to sit here all night critiquing ourselves? It's getting late and I'm..."

Everyone chimed in. "Hungry."

John got to his feet. "Come on. We don't want Joey fainting from lack of food. You'd have to carry him."

Justin slapped Joey on the back. "We do that every concert."


They sat at the same table in the back. Lance was delighted that they also had the same waiter. Peter had been so taken with him the last time. As he set down Peter's drink, Peter looked up at him and smiled. Then he turned his attention back to the table.

John raised his glass. "To a great group of guys." He gestured to Peter. "Present Company included. May tomorrow be a great day for us."

"And less eventful." Chris added.

"Only on the negative side." Lance said.

"I will definitely drink to that!" Peter raised his glass high.

They all drank.

Joey stood up. "I'd like to say something." They all turned to Joey. "Several months ago Peter entered our lives. Although I think he would say, "intruded". I must admit that at first I was weirded out by him, a person that can leave his body. It was so strange to me. Now, I'd like to apologize for what I thought. He has shown himself to be a kind, caring, humorous, and loving person."

Everyone was looking at him. Peter shifted nervously and felt himself blushing.

"At first he saved JC. This time he saved an autograph session, the concert and perhaps us as well. It seems he can do more out of his body than we do in ours," Joey chuckled. "Today Peter showed us he is also a man of courage and conviction."

"It's the other guy who is going to get the conviction."

"Thanks, Chris." Joey continued. "I would like to propose a toast to him and also suggest that tomorrow nights concert be dedicated to him." He raised his glass. "To Peter, our astral fan."

They all raised their glasses. "To Peter."

Peter blinked back the tears. Before he was too overcome with emotion, he raised his own glass. "To the guys I dearly love and without whom I wouldn't have been here in the first place. For fans everywhere, I thank you."

"Remember, Peter, you did your part for the fans, too." JC said.

John nodded. "You mean the autograph session."

JC smiled. "Not only that. For one fan in particular."

"What do you mean?" John asked.

Lance leaned forward. "The real reason Peter was there was to see if he could find any gay fans which as it turned out, there was one."

"We wrote a little extra with our signatures. You should have seen his reaction when we shook his hand and looked him right in the eye. It was so wonderful."

"You couldn't see it," Peter added. "But, he was positively glowing with delight. You really made his day."

John smiled at Peter. "You're sure you don't want a job with us? You've certainly proved yourself useful."

Peter shook his head. "No. Like I said, I'm like those TV detectives. Everywhere I go trouble follows."

Lance shook his head. "See, he's always too hard on himself."

A hand was suddenly on Peter's shoulder and a voice at his ear.

"Excuse me, sir."

Peter reacted with a start. He turned in his chair. His arms went up in a defensive move. He knocked the basket of rolls out of the waiter's hand. The rolls went flying. Joey and Chris ducked as they came raining down on the table.

Peter had gone pale.

"I am sorry, sir. I didn't mean to startle you."

Peter relaxed. "No, I'm sorry." Lance noticed Peter was trembling. Peter turned to the table. "I'm sorry. Bill grabbed me from behind. I never know he was there until..." Peter held his head in his hands.

The table fell silent. Joey picked up a roll off the table and took a bite. JC glared at him.

"What?" Joey said with his mouth full.

"Its okay." Chris rubbed Peter's back. "Instead of turnovers we all could have had a tossed salad."

JC turned his glare to Chris.

Peter started to shake like he was beginning to sob. He lifted his head. Peter was laughing.

"God bless you, Chris." Peter chuckled, slapping him on the back. "You always know just what to say."

The tension broke and everyone relaxed.

Peter turned to the waiter. "Here, let me help you."

"No, that's okay. There's only one more." He bent down and reached under a vacant chair to retrieve the last roll.

Peter was treated to a wonderful view. The waiter straightened up. "No, harm done. I'll just bring some more."

"I'd wear a cow bell next time." Chris suggested.

Peter turned back from the waiter into Justin's gaze. Justin wiggled his eyebrows and winked at Peter.

"Mm, great buns." Joey said taking another bite of the roll.

Peter and Justin broke into laughter.

Joey looked confused. "What?"

"So, Peter," John said. "Tell me about your first time."

"He can't." Chris interrupted. "It hasn't happened yet."

John ignored Chris. "The first time you astral projected. How did you learn to do it?"

Joey leaned over to Chris. "What do you mean it hasn't happened?"

Chris whispered into Joey's ear.

"It was really by accident." Peter replied. "I was..."

"You're kidding me!" Joey exclaimed sitting back from Chris. Everyone looked at him. Joey was embarrassed. He scanned the table and pointed to the empty basket. "We're out of rolls!" He turned to Peter, smiling. "I'm sorry."

Peter continued. "I was trying to wake up from one of my morning nightmares."

"You have scheduled nightmares?" John asked.

"Mornings are usually when I get the dreams. They play on my phobias like my fear of heights. So I after a time when I was having these dreams I learned how to wake up. Sort of by pulling back mentally. That morning I was having the tickle dream. Even though I had woke up earlier, when I fell asleep again, I was back to when I had left the dream."

"Excuse me, again. Tickle dream?"

"I am very ticklish and I get these dreams that there are bugs or snakes crawling over my stomach."

Justin shuddered. "Snakes."

"After a time the creatures causing the tickling became less of a dread than the tickling itself. Now it's just invisible things constantly tickling me. I was trying to wake up. I kept thinking to myself. "Come up. Get away. Come up." It didn't seem to be working, so I really concentrated. I pulled back too far. The next thing I knew I was looking down at myself in bed."

"That is really freaky. Believe me." JC added.

"I soon realized that my body was still breathing. Then I knew what had happened. I floated about the room a bit before rejoining my body. It was several days before I intentionally tried it. I still didn't go to far from home. My third try was when I went to you're concert and "intruded" into Lance and JC's room." Peter winked at Joey.

"A lucky day for us all." John said.

"Actually the next day was luckier for some of us." JC added.

"When did you become an NSYNC fan?" John asked.

"Since the concert on Disney. At first when I saw the ads I thought, "Oh, great another young guy group with girls screaming at them. But, after catching bits and pieces of the concert, I finally watched the whole thing. I was hooked."

"What about the guys did it for you?"

"Besides them being such yummy eye candy?" Peter teased.

Joey choked. "What? You mean Chris? Back then? That was during his octopus hair stage."

"Don't get me started about changing hairstyles." Chris retorted.

"To be brutally honest, I only had eyes for three of you."

"And I can guess who. Well, it's your loss." Joey smacked his forehead with his hand. "What am I saying?"

"As I was saying." Peter continued. "First it was their voices. I grew up with close harmony singing, The Mill's Brothers and barbershop quartets. It was their enthusiasm that really drew me. I could tell they really enjoyed what they were doing. They kind of reminded me of the Monkees. Always joking around, but very serious about their music."

"Who?" asked Justin.

"The name I would have called the group it is wasn't already taken." John joked.

The waiter approached the table with a large tray. He opened a small stand and set the tray on it. Picking up two plates, he turned toward the table. Chris grabbed Peter's arm and held it down.

"Its safe, I've got him."

The waiter distributed the food. He turned to Peter when he had finished.

"I been on shift since five o'clock, but one of the waiters told me about you. You're the guy from the news broadcast."

Peter nodded.

"I am so sorry. No wonder you reacted like that. Gay bashing can really mess you up mentally."

"You mean you've been...?" asked Peter.

"No. But my kid brother was by a school bully. Luckily it wasn't too bad, but it took sometime before he could even stand to be touched. He's all right now." The waiter turned to NSYNC. "I think you guys letting the public know how you felt is terrific. I know gay issues can be a career killer, so I don't take what you did lightly. I can't wait to tell my brother. He's a sort of a fan of yours. He'll be so proud."

"Tell you what." John said. "I'll get a picture for the guys to sign for your brother."

"You'd do that? My brother will be so thrilled."

JC smiled. "Our pleasure." He winked at Lance. "Anything for a fan."

"Excuse me, I have other tables. Thank you." The waiter went off.

"Well, the publicity has started." John said. "And if this is any indication tomorrow maybe more eventfully than expected."

"What's on the schedule for tomorrow?" Peter asked.

"A radio show in the morning, lunch and then a radio show in the afternoon. Then a few hours rest and on to the stadium for the sound check, the "Meet and Greet" and then the concert. Do you think you can handle that, Peter?"

"How early in the morning? What's the departure time?"

"A quarter to nine." John replied.

Peter was relieved. "No problem."

"And I want you guys fully rested." John said sternly. "No late night tonight. Understood?"

They all nodded. John knew it was futile, but he said it anyway. It was part of the game.

"So lets eat up and then back to your rooms."

JC climbed into bed. Lance lay on his back with his hands under his head. He was staring at the ceiling. JC cuddled close. He kissed Lance's neck.

"A penny for them."

"Excuse me." Lance replied.

"A penny for your thoughts. You are so deep in thought."

"Oh." answered Lance. "I'm thinking about our problem."

"I didn't know we had one."

"What Joey said. What are we to do about Peter?"

JC reached down and put his hand on Lance's crotch.

"There is only one peter on my mind just now."

"Please, JC. This is important."

"And this isn't?"

"There's no time for thoughts of sex now. I'm thinking how to get Peter...ah... a little nooky."

JC shook his head. "Sometimes Lance, you are inconceivable. "

"Thanks. Now what about Peter?"

"I haven't a notion." JC paused. He looked warily at Lance. "We're completely out of the picture, right? I'm not sharing you with anybody."

"Of course. Peter said he does mess with couples anyway."

JC gave up. He rolled over and pulled the sheets around him.

"There must be someway. If only I could think of it."

"Well, at least someone will be lucky." JC grunted.

"He will be, won't he." Lance looked over at JC. "You're not going to sleep are you?"

"There no need for me to be up." JC snapped.

"Fine, I will do it by myself than."

"Why not? I did this morning."

"We didn't know about this this morning."

"Lance!" JC rolled over and faced Lance. Those green eyes gazing at him stopped his anger. He changed his words. "Lance, sleep on it."

"I guess your right. Thank you, JC." Lance kissed his cheek. "I love you."

"I love you, too." JC rolled back.

Lance lay down his mind still working. He shifted a bit. Their backs touched.

JC couldn't stay mad at Lance. He was trying to help. Lance shifted around again. JC felt Lance spoon up against him.

"Good night, JC."

"'Night, Lance." JC smiled and closed his eyes.

Justin rolled onto his side. He adjusted the pillows and lay down again. It still wasn't comfortable. Why did he bother? Sleep was not on his mind.

Joey was probably down in the hotel bar chatting up the ladies. Chris was doing who knows what. Lance and JC were no doubt enjoying each other. Here he was alone.

Well, it could be worse. He could be Peter.

Justin hated himself for even thinking that. Everything had made so much sense after their talk this morning. Peter had really helped him. He wished there were something he could do to help Peter. Justin rolled onto his back. An idea began to form in his mind. He stared at the ceiling. He tried to think of every possible response and outcome. After several minutes he decided. He had come up with what looked like a "Win, Win" situation. Justin rolled over. The clock showed ten forty-five. He reached for the phone and dialed.

"Hi. It's Justin. Am I disturbing you? Would you mind if I stopped by? It shouldn't take long. Thanks. I'll be right there."

He hung up the phone. Justin got out of bed and hurriedly got dressed.

"I hope its not too late."

"No, please, come in." Justin stepped into the room looking slightly nervous. Peter shut the door.

"Its just I wanted to talk to you. Ask you something, really. Something you could do for me. A favor."

"It's all right. Sit down." Peter sat on the couch. Justin sat down next to him.

"I was really proud of you today. I mean the TV spot and all. To let the world know your gay, that took courage. I doubt if I would have been able to do that. I'm not even sure if I can tell the guys that I'm BI."

"You've excepted that then."

"Talking to you really helped. I find the idea of having sex with another guy kind of intriguing now. I mean JC and Lance definitely enjoy themselves."

"What did you want to ask me?"

"I need your help again. I'm running out of time. The concert is tomorrow and Sunday afternoon we'll be leaving."

Peter tensed as he waited for the shoe to drop.

Justin took a deep breath. "There's this guy with us on the tour."

Peter relaxed. It wasn't him. "That was fast." Justin glared at him. "I'm sorry. Go on."

"He's been real nice to me and I know he's interested. Now after this morning there is the possibility..." Justin seemed to get his mind set. "I want him to be the first. But, I've never done it before. I want it to be the best I can for him." He looked at Peter. "Will you show me what to do?"


"I want you to teach me how two men make love so I can do it properly with him."

"Justin, you don't need a hands on lesson. Just do what you've done before. It's about the same. Men are just flatter in one area, one thing has been turned inside out and one spot that you probably ignored you have to pay more attention to."

Justin smirked at Peter.

"Okay, it is different. But, remember you have the same equipment as the person you're making love to. What feels good to you should feel good to him."

"Are you sure?"

"Just go with the flow. You didn't need a lesson for the first time you made it with a girl, did you?"


"Did she enjoy it?"

"Yes. Well, she seemed to."

"There you are. I'm sure you'll do fine." Peter squeezed Justin's knee. "I think he'll be touched that you'd want to do this with him."

"You mean that? He could be intimidated because I'm Justin Timberlake"

"I know that you are more of a person than just "Justin of NSYNC". If you really know each other and you trust him, I think it's wonderful."

"Good." A grin spread across Justin's face. "Because he's you."

Peter sat back surprised. "Justin?"

"You see, that is my dilemma. I need you to teach me how men do it, so I can make love with you."

"You want to have sex with me? Why?"

Justin frowned. "Why would you even ask that question? Do you think no one would want to?" He leaned toward Peter. "I do."

Peter turned away. His mind was a confusion of thoughts. He didn't look up. "I can't, Justin. I'm sorry."

Justin looked down. "No, I'm sorry." He barely hid his disappointment. "It was a daft idea." Justin got up. "I didn't mean to embarrass you. I'd better go." Justin started for the door.

"Justin, I am flattered, but somehow... I can't explain it." Peter tried to leave Justin with something. "What would the guys think?"

Justin turned. "You know this has nothing to do with the guys." There was an angry tone to his voice. "You have a lot of excuses for not being with someone, but you haven't one good reason for being alone."

Justin saw his words hit home. Peter hung his head.

"That's from one of your records you gave Chris. The musical "Company", I think." Justin almost laughed. "How ironic." Justin opened the door. He stopped.

"You know the one big reason I asked you to have sex with me? I found something that is very difficult to find when one is so well known and everyone professes to love you. I knew I could really trust you."

An image flashed into Peter's mind. Justin was in bed with and another man. Justin was in pain. The man was totally impervious to the fact. All the man kept saying was "I can't believe I'm fucking Justin Timberlake."

Peter's mind shifted gears. His perspective did a mental one hundred and eighty-degree turn. "Damn it, forget about yourself. Do it for Justin. He trusts you! You could make his first time with a man everything you wished yours would be."

Peter looked up. Justin was gone. "Justin, wait!" He found himself rushing to the door.

He opened the door. "Jus..."

Justin stood in the doorway looking at his watch. He looked up at Peter with his sparkling blue eyes and his impish grin. "Almost five seconds." He stepped past Peter back into the room. "You had me worried."

"You set me up."

"You said "no" to Plan A, so I tried Plan B. Anyway to get you to say "yes"." He looked Peter in the eyes. "You are saying "yes", aren't you?"

Justin could almost see the wheels turning. Peter's mind was in gear again. If he didn't act fast the tide could turn again. "Please, I thought it would be nice to do it together being we're, you know, first timers." Justin placed his hand on Peter's face. "You've done so much for us... me. I wanted to do something nice for you. You are a fan, remember?"

Peter stood there uncertain what to do.

Justin suddenly sensed it. As he looked at Peter he saw not a man barely a decade older than him, but a shy timid youth so frightened of the world and yet desiring to experience it. A gay youth who watches such beauty and love past him by, but who is to afraid to reach out and touch it for himself as if he were unworthy of it. Justin wanted so much to help Peter and now he knew he could.

Justin gently took Peter into his arms. He could feel Peter trembling.

"Justin, I'm afraid..."

"Peter, you promised." Justin said sternly.

Peter looked up. "What?"

"You promised Hugh that you would stop being afraid and trust us. Trust me."

So this is what Hugh had meant. Justin was trying to help him. Peter smiled weakly. "I read once that sex is the ultimate hospitality. I can't even get people to come for a visit."

"I'm here now." Justin took Peter by the chin and leaned in. Peter started to pull back, but Justin held him firm. He kissed Peter. After a few moments, he pulled back.

Peter tried to protest. "Jus..." Justin's lips silenced him. He held the kiss longer. Justin felt the tension leave Peter's body. Their lips parted.

Peter stood there. His eyes were closed and his lips pursed, waiting. Good. Plan C wouldn't be needed.

Peter waited for Justin to kiss him again. And he waited. He opened his eyes. Justin was just standing there, smiling.

"Do I have to do everything?"

Peter knew what Justin wanted him to do. He tried to clear his mind of all doubts and concentrate on one thought. He really wanted to do this. It took all his strength and willpower to start to lean forward.

Justin could sense Peter's effort. In his heart he urged Peter on. He couldn't hear them, but he knew all of the walls and barriers that Peter had built around him were collapsing one by one. By this one simple movement, Peter was breaking free. For the first time he was reaching out from himself.

Their lips touched. A thrill shot through Peter's body. He pressed his lips against Justin's. Wrapping his arms around Justin, Peter tried to pull him even closer. Justin finally pushed free.

"Okay! Okay. Any closer and I'll be in back of you."

Peter blushed. "I'm sorry." He loosened his hold on Justin.

"You did it. You actually kissed another man. It wasn't the other way round."

Peter smiled. "And you got me to run after you, too."

They stood with their arms around each other. Peter was enjoying the feel of Justin's warm body against his. All doubt was gone from Peter's mind. He felt strangely calm and excited. This was really going to happen.

"Peter?" Justin asked. "What are you humming?"

Peter straightened up. "Sorry, I didn't realize I was."

"I sort of recognize it."

"It's from "The Phantom of the Opera."

"That must be very romantic." Justin kidded.

"I always thought it would be very fitting for my first time."

Justin seized the opportunity. "Remind me of the words."

"You have come here in pursuit of your deepest urge.

In pursuit of that wish, which 'til now has been silent..."

"That sounds like me after this morning." Justin said. "I think I remember the rest." Justin started singing.

"I have brought you, that our passions may fuse and merge.

In your mind you've already succumbed to me,

Dropped all defenses, completely succumbed to me.

Now you are here with me. No second thoughts, you've decided.

Past the point of no return. No backward glances.

The games we've played 'til now are at an end.

Past all thought of "if" or "when". No point resisting.

Abandon thought and let the dream descend.

What raging fire shall flood the soul?

What rich desire unlocks its door?

What sweet seduction lies before us?'

"Past the point of no return, the final threshold.

What warm unspoken secrets will we learn

beyond the point of no return?"

Peter started the next verse. Justin was surprised at Peter's voice and with his passion as he sang the words.

"You have brought me to the moment where words run dry,

to that moment where speech disappears into silence.

I have come here hardly knowing the reasons why.

In my mind I've already imagined our bodies entwining

defenseless and silent.

And now I am here with you. No second thoughts. I've decided.

Past the point of no return. No going back now.

Our passion play has now at last begun.

Past all thought of right or wrong. One final question.

How long should we two wait before we're one?

When will the blood begin to race,

the sleeping bud burst into bloom?

When will the flames at last consume us?"

Justin joined Peter.

"Past the point of no return. The final threshold.

The bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn.

We've past the point of no return."

Justin frowned. "It sounds rather threateningly final, doesn't it?"

"I like to think of it as when a bird learns to fly or a butterfly leaving its cocoon. An irreversible act of release and freedom."

"I like that better."

Peter started to chuckle.


"I just remembered an old joke. Virginity is like a balloon. One prick and its all over."

"You say the most romantic things."

Peter looked into Justin's eyes. "Do you really want to do this? With me?"

Peter really didn't have to ask. He could tell by Justin's aura that he was more than interested. But, even now he couldn't believe what was about to happen and to him.

Justin smiled. "I think it is time to find out what this man to man sex thing is all about. We can find out together."

"I'd be a fool to say "no" to Justin Timberlake. But you knew that didn't you?"

Justin laughed.

Peter cocked his head. He looked at Justin warily. "This has nothing to do with getting a piece of virgin ass, is it?"

Justin grinned and tapped Peter on the nose with his finger. "I could ask you the same thing."

Peter was embarrassed. "Justin, I've never even thought that you... That I'd..."

"We haven't even started yet. Let's not limit ourselves already. Okay?"

Justin motioned toward the bedroom.

"Shall we?"

Peter nodded. "Do you want to be Kirk or Picard?"


"The captains of the Enterprise."

"I know that. What's that got to do with anything?"

"Because you are about to bravely go where no man has gone before."

Justin took Peter's hand. "Come on. It's time we got beamed up."

"Ready thrusters."

They walked into the bedroom.

Peter pulled his hand free of Justin's. "First things first." He went to his suitcase and began to rummage around. "These things need to be done properly. Aha! Here we are." Peter turned back to Justin holding a bottle of lube and some condoms.

Justin dug into his pocket and produced the same things.

"Good, might as well use yours. They're probably newer." Peter tossed his back into the suitcase. Justin placed his items on the table by the bed. He turned to Peter.

"What are you doing with condoms? I didn't think you were so optimistic." "It's not that. They help keep the toys clean."


Peter blushed. "A dildo actually."

Justin smiled. "Then you have me at an advantage. You've been practicing." He took Peter into his arms. "Do you have it here? I want to see if I'll be adequate."

"No. I left it at home." Peter caressed Justin's face. "And you are far more than just "adequate"."

Peter hesitated, then leaned forward. Their lips met. Justin pressed back. They opened their lips and let their tongues mingle about in each other mouths. Peter held Justin tighter as he delighted with the feel of Justin's tongue flicking around his. He reached up to undo Justin's shirt buttons. Justin stopped him.

He stepped back from Peter. Justin slowly began to unbutton his shirt. Once unbuttoned, he turned his attention to removing his shoes, his socks and then his belt. With equal deliberation, he unbuttoned his pants, unzipped then and pulled them off. Only when he stood there in his underwear did he slowly pull off his shirt.

Peter's heart was pounding as each bit of Justin's body was revealed. He was so beautiful. Justin stepped toward Peter. Peter raised his hand to caress Justin's chest, but Justin again stopped him.

He began to unbutton Peter's shirt. Then in the same order, he slowly undressed him. Shoes, socks, pants and then he started to open Peter's shirt. Peter's grabbed Justin's hands, stopping him. He looked apprehensive.

Justin smiled. "You look fine. Trust me. It doesn't matter." He kissed Peter. Peter relaxed. Justin slipped off his shirt. He caressed Peter's chest.

Justin then took Peter's hands and placed them on his chest. Together they ran their hands over each other's bodies.

Peter reveled in each touch of Justin's hands and the feeling of Justin's warm skin under his hands. He gently rubbed Justin's nipples. Justin closed his eyes at the twinge of pleasure. Justin played with Peter's nipples in return.

Peter caressed Justin's shoulders and arms. He moved to his stomach and started down. Justin grabbed his hand. Their eyes met. They kissed again.

Justin pushed his hips forward so their crotches touched. Peter moved his hips so their crotches rubbed together. He could feel Justin's hardon through the layers of their underwear.

Justin felt a surge of excitement at Peter's hard cock rubbing on his, the fabric the only thing between them.

Peter pulled back. He started kissing Justin's neck then made his way down his chest licking and nibbling at the nipples. Down the chest to the navel swirling his tongue around in it. Peter went lower still kissing Justin's stomach. He reached for the band of Justin's underwear. Justin didn't stop him. He went to his knees. Slowly he pulled down on waistband kissing the skin as it was exposed. Peter made his way around the pubic hairline across the stomach and down each thigh. Justin's cock strained against the elastic forcing it down. This looked very uncomfortable. Peter pulled and Justin's cock sprung free.

Peter's eyes went wide. "Justin, you can never be "inadequate"." He gently took hold of the shaft. "It's a good thing that I did practice."

Justin grinned. "You like?"

"You just said a mouthful."

Peter looked at it, his first cock. He started to lick the head, around the sides and flicking at the underside. Justin inhaled loudly. Peter continued licking up and down the sides. He lifted the cock to suck and nibble Justin's balls. Kneading them back and forth with his tongue. Then up the underside again to twirl around the head. Peter pulled back. He gazed up to see Justin looking down at him trembling with anticipation.

Peter turned back. He opened his mouth and slid Justin's cock into to his mouth. Slowly up and down, further and further along the shaft. Then the head slipped into his throat as he buried his nose into Justin's crotch. Justin rolled his head back and gasped.

Oh, the feeling of a warm cock in his mouth! The musky smell and the salty taste were only turning him on more. Peter moved up and down the throbbing shaft. He tightened his lips around the cock pressing his tongue harder against the sensitive underside of the shaft.

"Oh, that feels so good." Justin groaned.

Peter started. He had almost forgotten that there was a person attached to this cock. He continued letting the cock slid in and out of his mouth. He let his hand follow his lip's movement up and down the cock. Peter looked up now and then to see Justin's reactions. Justin would smile down and him then close his eyes as a new wave of pleasure hit him.

He ran his hands over Justin's ass cheeks. Gently pulling Justin forward with every down movement of Peter's lips. Justin was moaning happily. Peter reached through Justin's legs with one hand. He extended his index finger and pressed it against Justin's asshole. Justin whole body jerked. Peter stopped.

"I'm sorry. I didn't expect that." Justin said apologetically.

"I'll stop."

"No, keep going."

"Justin, I only want to do what you feel comfortable with."

"I promise you I'll tell you when."

Peter took the opportunity to wet his index finger in his mouth. He then resumed his rhythm. Teasing he rubbed his finger against Justin's asshole. Just around the opening with a slight pressure, but never quite in.

Justin was beginning to writhe with pleasure.

"Yes. Don't stop. You do that so good!"

His excitement to growing. Peter could feel the cock throbbing in his mouth. Justin's hips thrust forward matching Peter's rhythm. Peter kept sucking. He didn't want to stop. Justin's moaning encouraging him on. He could feel Justin's muscles begin to tense. Peter wished it would never end. Then he knew it would end and he remembered how. Should he continue or pull out? Could he take it or not? What should he do? Justin made his decision for him.

"Oh, my god. Peter, yes. I'm cumming. Yes!" His hips thrust his cock into Peter's mouth. Volley after volley of cum shot down Peter's throat. Peter forced himself to relax. The cock continued to erupt causing loud gasping from Justin. Justin's whole body shook. The climax subsided. The cum shots lessened. Justin's gasps grew slower. Peter relaxed as Justin did. He had done it without choking.

Justin pulled his cock out of Peter's mouth. He helped Peter stand. Justin's face was still flush from pleasure. Peter looked into those beautiful blues eyes as they got closer. Justin kissed him holding the back of his head and pressing him closer. He pulled back.

"That was incredible. I've can't remember anyone better." He caressed Peter's cheek. "You are a hidden wonder, Peter."

Peter blushed. "I've watched lots of movies."

"You can learn technique, but not passion. That comes from you." Justin smiled. "Let's see how well I've learned." Justin looked down. There was a spot on the front of Peter's underwear.

"Did you cum?"

Peter looked embarrassed. "A few minutes ago. I was so into what I was doing. It happened so fast. But don't worry." Peter grinned devilishly. "With you, I will manage. I have a lot of time to make up for."

Justin noticed the growing bulge in the front of Peter's underwear.

"I'm ready if you are."

Justin grinned. He sank to his knees.

It was Peter's turn to stop him.

"Justin, do you always dive for the crotch?"

Justin understood and stood up, again. He kissed and licked his way down starting at Peter's neck down to his belt line. He took hold of his underwear and with a quick tug, pulled them off. Peter junior stood erect before him. But unlike his dreams, Justin didn't just take in into his mouth. He managed to wrap his hand around it and stroke it. He still hesitated. There were girls that had no problem with it. Peter didn't. Why did he? Then a word entered his mind. "Cocksucker". No, he didn't care. He steeled himself. One more look and he plunged onto Peter's cock. Taking it all the way down and then up again. He didn't care. He was going to do this.

"Justin." He stopped and looked up. "Lay down on the bed." He stood up and went to the bed. Justin lay down on his side.

Peter looked at him. "Don't force it. Do it because you want to. Repay pleasure for pleasure." Peter lay down next to him, but the opposite direction. Peter took Justin's cock again into his mouth causing a surge of pleasure to past through Justin.

He looked at Peter's cock bobbing inches away from him. Another wave of pleasure hit him. What Peter was doing felt so good. He wanted to make Peter feel good, too. He tried a few licks of the tongue on the cock head. Then wrapping his lips around the tip. Justin could hear Peter moan. Something snapped inside him. "Cocksucker?" Yes! It meant he was giving another man pleasure.

He swallowed Peter's cock with enthusiasm. No more fear of words.

Downward and upward along the shaft, he twirled his tongue. Peter's body shuddered. Justin tongue flicked and poked and pressed. Each time he was sensing Peter's reaction. Wrapping his hand around Peter's ass cheeks, he pressed him to him. Suddenly, he couldn't get enough. The warm flesh in his mouth, throbbing with his every effort. Justin began to make gulping noises. He kept on sucking with abandon. His own cock growing harder in Peter's mouth. Nothing had ever felt so wonderful. Peter's moans began to get louder. Justin's muffled groans increased.

Peter let Justin's cock slip from his mouth. He moved Justin's leg closer to his body. Gently Peter parted Justin's ass cheeks. He planted his tongue on the puckered opening.

Justin almost went through the roof. He had never felt anything like it. And it felt so good! He pulled off Peter's cock for a moment.

"Oh, yes, that feels great! Don't stop!" He swallowed Peter's cock again. Every sensation he got from Peter, he tried to repay. Heads bobbing and tongues flicking, their passions grew. Justin felt his own excitement growing, but he held off. Keep it for what would happen next. But, he doubled his effort on Peter's cock. Justin sucked at the cock like a hungry baby, sucking, nibbling and tonguing with enthusiasm.

Then he felt Peter's body stiffen. He moans growing into load whimpers. Peter pulled back.

"Yes, Justin. I'm getting close. You're going to make me cum!"

Justin took Peter's cock into his mouth to its hilt. Back to the tip and down again. Peter's body went rigid. A cry escaped from his lips. Hot liquid filled Justin's mouth. He swallowed quickly as more followed. The cock pulsed in his mouth. Peter's hips driving it deeper. The liquid abated. Peter's body relaxed. Soon he let the cock slip from his mouth.

Peter twisted his body around so they were face to face. He kissed Justin with passion.

"A little timid at first, but then "Oh, baby!"

Justin smiled. "Can we go on, now?"


"Your tongue felt so great. I bet your cock would feel even better."

"Are you sure?"

"We can try."

"Okay, but if it hurts too much I'll stop." Peter reached for the bottle of lube and the condoms.

Justin lay on his back. He raised his legs in the air. Soon he would know what JC and Lance enjoyed so much.

Peter applied a good amount of lube to his finger. He gently placed it against Justin's puckered hole. Justin flinched.

"Its cold."

Peter began to work his finger into Justin. Slowly in round motions, he inserted his finger into Justin's ass. The muscles were clamped tight around his finger.

"Justin, try to relax." Peter continued to massage Justin's hole. By degrees very slowly the muscles began to relax.

"Oh, that feels good."

Peter doubted the sincerity of the words. He continued. Another finger slipped in. Justin shuttered.

Peter watched Justin very closely. He wasn't in pain, but he still wasn't comfortable. The muscles still weren't relaxing.

Peter leaned down and started to lick Justin's balls. Justin let out a gasp. Peter took Justin's cock into his mouth again. He matched his lip's movements with his fingers. Up and down. In and out. The pleasure served as a distraction. Justin started to relax. Peter applied more lube to his fingers.

Justin looked up. "Please, I want you."

Peter had his doubts, but he trusted Justin. He opened the condom pack and rolled it onto his cock. Then he applied as much lube as he felt necessary. He lay on his back.

"Justin, squat over me. That way you have control over how fast and how far it goes in."

Justin did as he was told. He positioned Peter's cock at his hole and lowered himself down.

Peter felt the cock head straining against the sphincter. Finally it started to slide past and into Justin.

Justin grit his teeth. It hurt, but not too badly. He wanted to continue. Lower still. The pain increased.

"Little by little. Up and down, not all at once. Get used to it gradually."

Justin moved up then slowly down again. It was better this time. He let the cock farther into him. The pain started again.

Peter could feel Justin was tensing up. .

"Relax! Until you learn to relax, there will be pain."

Justin moved up again. If JC and Lance could do this, so could he. He decided to bite the bullet. It couldn't get much worse. Letting go with his support he let Peter's cock slide completely into him. Pain shot through his body. He cried out. God, it hurt!

Suddenly the room spun. He lost his balance. Justin felt himself falling. He hit the bed on his side. The pain was subsiding.

"Are you all right?" Peter was looking down on him.

"What happened?"

"That was a stupid thing to do. You caused yourself more pain than was necessary. There was nothing else for me to do. I had to stop your pain." Justin looked puzzled. "I moved you."

"I'm sorry. I want so much to know what JC and Lance enjoy. I never will. How can they endure the pain?"

"If you'd learn to relax it won't hurt so much. In fact it doesn't hurt at all if done properly with proper preparation. Here let me show you."

Peter grabbed the bottle of lube. He got on all fours and began to lube his asshole. Slowly he began working one finger into himself. Justin watched. Peter added another finger. Slow round movements.

"Please, let me." Justin poured some lube on his fingers. He followed Peter's example. The feel of Peter's ass squeezing around his fingers felt strangely sexy. If it felt this good to his fingers. He could feel his cock stiffening. As he moved his fingers he could feel Peter's muscles relaxing.

"Yes, Justin. That's it. Get me ready. Use more lube. Spread it deeper."

Justin obeyed. He noticed the sphincter wasn't as tight around his fingers as before. It was almost like a tunnel was opening.

Peter looked over his shoulder. "I'm ready if you want to."

Justin needed no more encouragement. He placed the condom on and lubed it up good.

"Remember, in and out. Short strokes at first until it's all the way in."

Justin positioned himself behind Peter. He pressed his cock head against Peter's sphincter and slowly pushed it in. As soon as the head was in, he pulled back and started again. Further and further into Peter's warm tight insides.

Peter was beginning to feel some discomfort. Justin was larger that the dildo he had practiced with. Still the pain was minimal. Farther and farther in. Just when Peter thought he couldn't take it anymore, he felt Justin's balls against his ass.

Justin sensed that he should stop and let Peter get used to the feeling. After a few moments Peter relaxed more.

"It's alright. Do it."

Justin pulled back then slowly forward. Peter ass felt wonderful around his cock, so tight and warm. All the way in and back again, steadily increasing in speed.

Peter was surprise by the feeling. No dildo could have done this. Justin's cock hit places that sent surges of delight through his body. He could hear the slapping sound as Justin's ball hit his ass. Peter began to push backward urging Justin's cock into him.

Justin tapped him on his side. "Peter roll over. I want to see your face."

Peter rolled over and lifted his legs. Justin pushed his cock back into Peter. He watched as waves of pleasure flushed Peter's face. The rhythm increased. Peter began to tighten his ass muscles as Justin pulled out.

"Oh, god. That feels great. Peter, you are so good."

Justin closed his eyes concentrating on the shear pleasure. This was different from the girls, tighter more rougher. At least he knew one aspect of what JC and Lance were enjoying.

He opened his eyes and looked down at Peter. There were tears running down his cheeks. Justin stopped.

"Am I hurting you?"

"No." Peter said. He caressed Justin's face with his hand. "It feels so wonderful. I thought that this would never ever happen to me."

Justin leaned down. Their lips locked onto each other. Their tongues wrestling wildly. After a few moments they parted. Peter was looking Justin directly in the eyes.

"Justin?" He said softly.

Justin cringed inwardly. This was when they all said it. Please, Peter not the "L" word. He cared about Peter, but this was about sex, not love.

"Justin?" Peter's face took on a devilish grin. In a whisper he said, "Fuck me!"

Justin mirrored Peter's grin. He increased the speed and force of his trusts.

Peter started jerking his dick. He head lolled about on the pillow. Moans started to begun whimpers, louder and louder. Justin was grunting with every thrust. Peter looked up at him encouraging him on.

"Yes, Justin. Do it. You make me feel so good!"

The sound of their bodies slapping together filled the room.

Peter grabbed Justin's ass cheeks with his one free hand trying to force him on while he jacked himself off. Then Peter raised his hand and gauging a minimal strength brought to back to Justin's ass with a smack. The stinging shot through Justin's body.

"Ow, that hurt!" Justin realized that it hadn't been a hard blow.

"I know."

Justin's excitement grew. "Don't you dare do that it, again." He grinned back.


The mingling of pain and pleasure somehow turned Justin on more.

Smack. Smack.

Justin threw everything he had into his trusts into Peter. Both were growing in excitement. It wouldn't be too much longer now.

Justin again leaned down and their mouths locked together. Both were breathing heavy. Wave upon wave of pleasure washed over them. Peter twisted his head away.

"Oh, yes, Justin. Fuck me! Oh, god, yes. Don't stop. I'm getting close."

Justin started long strokes. All the way in than all the way out. Justin could feel the climax approaching.

Suddenly Peter's body tensed.

"Oh, my. Oh, god! Yes. Yes! Justin, I'm going to cum! Oh, fuck!" Peter's body almost doubled up. His cock erupted. Cum splattered on his stomach and chest. Never had a climax been so intense. His mouth moved, but no sound came out. His body shook as he jerked his cock. He writhed about as the climax passed through him. Slowly it abated. His body still twitching, Peter relaxed.

At the same time Justin hit his climax. He thrust his cock into Peter. Justin's cum flooded the condom. His whole body lurched at each shot of cum. Justin's head jerked back. Surge after surge of pleasure went through him. Justin managed a slight additional thrust causing another wave of delight. The feelings slowly lessened. He breathed more normal.

He opened his eyes. Peter was smiling up at him.

"Was that okay?" Justin asked laughing.

"Wow. I never felt anything like it. No wonder Lance is so loud."

Justin lay down at Peter's side.

"Thank you for my first time." Peter traced imaginary images on Justin's chest with his finger.

Justin laughed. "My pleasure."

Justin pulled off the condom. "I never know what to do with these. Flush 'em or toss them.

"Just wrap it up in a tissue and throw it into the waste basket."

"But the cleaning staff?"

"I'm sure they've found much worse."

After the dispatch Justin lay next to Peter.

"Now, I want to be able to thank you."


"I want to try again. Please."

Peter looked doubtful. "Okay. But try to relax this time."

"After that I am more relaxed than I have ever been."

"Roll over."

Justin rolled onto his stomach.

"Now, I'm going to make sure you're very relaxed." Peter buried his tongue into Justin's ass. Justin gasped with pleasure.

Peter poked and prodded Justin with his tongue. Swirling about his hole then pushing it in as far as he could. Justin was grasping at the sheets. He buried his face in the pillow to mute his gasps. When he turned his head to breathe Peter would hear: "Oh, god yes. Oh. Oh, Yes. Oh, don't stop." Then the voice was muffled again.

This time Justin was responding well. Soon Peter switched to his finger. Then he added another. Justin was opening up well. Peter used his other hand to caress Justin's back and ass cheeks. After a few more minutes, Peter felt the sphincter loosen. Justin was whimpering louder by then. The "Ohs" had changed to "please".

Peter donned a condom and lubed it up.

"Relax. Don't be afraid." Justin got the reference. He could feel the head of Peter's cock at his asshole. He forced himself not to tense up to stay relaxed.

Slowly Peter pushed his cock into Justin. A little way in Justin twitched. Peter pulled back and started again. Farther in until he got another reaction. Again back out then in again. Peter applied a little bit of lube at each withdrawal hoping that the next thrust in would be more comfortable. Then his was all the way in. He leaned down to Justin.

"That's it. It's in."

"Really?" Justin said hoarsely.

Peter nudged Justin's shoulder with his chin.

"Smart ass."

"Yes, it does." Justin groaned. Justin turned his head so that they could kiss.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Just start slowly."

Very slowly Peter started the rhythm. Long slow strokes.

After a few moments the discomfort and the strangeness of sensations were abating. A feeling a pleasure took their place. Justin began to whimper again.

"Oh, yeah. That's starting to feel good. Keep going."

Peter pulled back on Justin until his was on all fours. He reached around and started to jack his cock. Still he kept the slow pace. Justin was getting used to the new sensation. There was very little pain any more. He looked over his shoulder.

"Peter, I want to watch you fuck me."

Peter pulled out and Justin turned onto his back. Justin suddenly missed the feeling of Peter's cock in him.

"Please, I want you."

Peter's cock slid back inside him. Justin was beginning to like it.

Peter picked up the pace. Suddenly he felt Justin's body totally relax. There was no more pain, only pleasure.

"Oh, fuck! This feels great!" Justin reached up and caressed Peter's body. "Don't stop. Don't you dare stop."

That was the last thing from Peter's mind. Justin was really enjoying himself. And this was turning Peter on. The one thing his loved the most from the gay porn movies was the look of pleasure on the actors' faces. Now here was Justin flush with pleasure and he was the cause.

"Fuck me faster. Give me that cock!"

His thrusts increased in speed and power. Justin was loving every moment of it.

"Fuck me, damn it! Fuck me!"

Well, it seemed that Lance wasn't the only one in the group. Peter had gotten his wish. The more Justin vocalized the more turned on Peter became.

"Yeah, that's it. Plow that ass!"

Peter loved the sound of their bodies slapping together. He could feel his excitement rising. Justin took anything that he could give him. He was a fast learner. Justin started to jack his cock with one hand. The other Peter didn't know what he was doing with until there was a smack and a sting of pain shot through him from his ass.

Justin grinned at the look of surprise on Peter's face.

"You taught me that. Keep it up or you will get another."

Peter intentionally slowed down. A slight ass slapping turned him on. Smack. Justin felt a surge of excitement go through him. Peter grinned down at him. Smack.

"Fuck me!" Smack. "I said fuck me!" Smack.

"Okay, you asked for it." Peter started trusting for all his was worth. All the way out and plunging back in. Justin threw his head back.

"Oh, yeah. That's it. Give it to me! Yeah!"

Peter couldn't keep this up for long, but he didn't need to. Justin was arching his back jacking his cock rapidly. He was getting close. This pushed Peter closer to the edge. Peter leaned down and they locked lips. Their breathing was rapid. Their bodies started to tense. Peter pulled back.

Justin was writhing on the bed.

"That's it Fuck me. Make me cum."

With the waves of pleasure from his jacking his cock and Peter's cock raking his insides all surging through his body, he couldn't hold out any more.

"Oh! Oh, yes. I'm going to cum! Oh, Peter, I cumming!

One more thrust from Peter's cock was all it took. Cum exploded from his cock with a feeling more intense than he had even felt before. Hot white liquid splattered onto his body. He shook and trembled. Feelings of pleasure and delight surged through him. His body convulsed twice more then he began to relax. The climax was spent. He opened his eyes in time to see Peter mouth fall open.

"Oh, yesssss!"

He plunged his cock into Justin's ass. Justin could still feel the muscles of Peter's cock constrict with each shot of cum. Peter's head tilted back. His mouth letting out little gasps. He lurched forward at each wave hit him. After a few moments they slowed. Finally the climax was spent. He collapsed on top of Justin.

"Oh, wow. That was fantastic!" Peter moaned.

Justin was starting to breathe normal. "Now I know why JC and Lance enjoy themselves so much. Fuck that was hot."

"You did it. I knew you could if you just relaxed."

"But, you helped me. You're a good teacher for never having done it before."

"I have lots of years to imagine."

"So tell me, what was it like to fuck Justin Timberlake?"

"Who?" Peter grinned. "Never hear of him."

"Thanks. You, however, were fantastic." Justin pulled Peter to him and kissed him. After a few moments they parted.

Peter moved to the side of the bed and disposed of the condom.

Justin rolled onto his back. He put his hands under his head. "You know, I'm not quite sure what is better, having sex with a man or a woman. Sex with a man is much more intimate.

"That's because you've never been fucked by a woman."

"Now there's an idea. We're getting into it and I hand her a dildo and say "Here strap this on and give me your best!""

"I can hear her running screaming unto the night."

Justin propped himself up on his elbow. "I think I need another sample."

Peter stretched out under the sheets. "Sorry, Justin. I'm exhausted."

"In the morning?" Justin looked hopeful.


"Good." Justin nestled close and lay his head on Peter's chest. "Peter?" He said softly.

It was Peter's time to cringe. No please not the "L" word.

Justin raised his head. "Thank you for trusting me. I'll never forget this."

Peter laughed. "My... Our pleasure."

Justin lay down again. Peter put his arm around his shoulder.

This day had certainly ended well. Hugh would be proud of him. Even JC and Lance would be...Oh, my god! He couldn't tell them. Well, he couldn't really tell anyone. Who would believe him? This was their secret.

Relishing the warmth of Justin against him. Peter closed his eyes. Who cared? It was a night he wouldn't ever forget. Their bodies lying together, they both drifted off to sleep

"I've got it!"

JC groaned. This had better be good. Lance had interfered with his hobby.

He rolled over. "What is it?"

Lance was grinning. "I know what we can do to help Peter. It's so simple. We can do it."

"Okay, hit me with it."

"I was thinking, Peter is probably sore after his attack, right?"

"No doubt."

"Well, what do you do to someone that is in pain to easy that pain?"

"Take two aspirin and call me in the morning."

"It is morning."

JC's mind was still foggy. "I give up, what do you do?"

"A massage! We can give him a massage. We still have that baby oil, don't we?"

"It should be in the drawer." JC's mind was slowly beginning to work. "Both of us are going to do this?"

"I think he would like it more. Besides, We can keep an eye on each other in case it goes too far."

"How far do you think it can go?"

"Well, he's bound to get aroused. But, we'll just massage that, too. Then bingo, our problems are solved. No sex involved."

"Jerking him off is not sex?"

"Please, JC, I prefer "hand job". What do you think?"

"I think I'll go back to sleep."

"Please. We can do this. It is for Peter."

JC looked at Lance. He knew immediately that he shouldn't have. There were those pleading green eyes. Well, it really wasn't sex. And it was for Peter.

"When should we do this?"

"No time like the present."

"Lance its five o'clock in the morning. He's asleep."

"Wouldn't it be a nice way to wake up? Also he won't have time to protest. Then he can get a few more hours sleep after we're done."

JC pulled back the sheets. "I will probably regret this. Get the baby oil."

Lance bounded out of bed. He was practically shaking with excitement.

"Won't Peter be so surprised!"

Peter opened his eyes. He looked around the room. He was alone. Had it been all a dream? If it was it was the most vivid dream he had ever had. The sensations within his body told him it had been no dream. As if to prove it, the bathroom door opened and Justin stepped naked into the room.

Peter smiled. "Good morning."

Justin walked to the bed. "Yes, it certainly is." He climbed into bed. Justin moved close to Peter and kissed him. "Morning, stud."

"Do I look like a two by four?"

Justin moved his hips forward until their crotches met. "Now we have two by four."

Peter laughed. "You're catching on."

"How about another lesson?"

Peter could feel Justin's cock getting hard again.

"Maybe you should switch off. You're supposed to be BI you know. We mustn't let the pendulum stay on one side to long."

"Yes, but this morning gay is the sway." Justin pushed Peter onto his back. He got up and straddled him. Justin leaned down and kissed Peter. He sat up.

"Aren't you going to open your morning male?"

"Peter! Justin! What is going on here?"

They turned. JC and Lance stood in the doorway.

Peter knew he was supposed to feel embarrassed or guilty or something like that. But the situation hit him as being so absurd.

Justin looked down at Peter. "Are you sure you showed me right? They don't seem to recognize it." They looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"I guess I screwed up." Peter laughed.

"You would have if they haven't interrupted."

"This is not funny!" JC snapped. "Peter how could you take advantage of us, ah Justin like this."

Justin leaped out of bed and faced JC. "JC get out of your big brother mode. It's not his fault. I talked him into this. He had no part in it."

"Oh, yes he did and I bet he enjoyed it. "

JC turned to glare at Lance. Lance retreated a step.

Peter reached to the floor and picked up Justin's underwear. "Justin." He threw his underwear to him. "Here. Its not polite to point," he chuckled. Justin put on his underwear covering his hardon.

"I suppose that you're going to tell us you're gay." JC sneered.

"No. I'm..." Justin stammered. "That is..." Justin couldn't say it, not in JC's present mood. He turned to Peter.

Peter couldn't resist. "He's BI. BI. BI." He sang.

Justin started laughing.

"Are these two drunk?" JC asked Lance.

"He's asking someone who, after living some thirty odd years, has had sex for the first time if he's drunk? JC, I'm euphoric!"

"I'm still waiting for an explanation." JC said coldly. "Peter shows up and you're suddenly bisexual?"

"It wasn't Peter that did it. It was you two!" Justin shot back. JC was caught by surprise.

"Us?" Lance said.

"Ever since you two got together something awoke inside me. I was happy for you, but I was also envious. All Peter did was to help me figure it out for myself."

"And this is how you thank him?"

Peter put on his underwear and got out of the bed. "Justin, don't let him bait you with his high moral attitude. He doesn't deserve it."

"What?" JC snapped.

Peter went and stood in front of JC. "You're good at that aren't you. Baiting people. I bet you're a real master baiter." He and Justin burst into laughter. Lance started to chuckle. One look from JC silenced him.

"What is so funny? This is serious!"

"Why? Isn't Justin old enough to know what he is doing?"

"Not when he is taken advantage of by an older man."

"Me? Take advantage of him?" Peter laughed. "It keeps getting better." Peter looked JC in the eye. "You want to know what's funny? I'll tell you. For the first time in my life someone actually want to have sex with me." Peter looked at Justin. "Someone beyond my wildest dreams. We explored this wonderful experience together. And what happened? We got caught. Calculate the odds on that, I dare you. And who catches us? Justin's big brother and spouse. He then accuses me of taking advantage of the poor boy. Me! Someone who if he found a naked man in his bed would sleep on the floor." Peter walked over the Justin and put his arm around his shoulder.

"Justin, this is the kicker, something which you may have not noticed yet. Look at JC standing there in justified righteous indignation. But he has not explained why he and Lance have entered my room so early in the morning, without knocking, dressing only in their shorts and carrying a bottle of baby oil!"

Justin looked surprised at JC. Peter was right.

JC's pompous attitude came crashing down. JC sheepishly tried to hide the bottle.

Justin grew angry. "JC, you hypocrite!"

JC was speechless.

"We weren't going to have sex with him." Lance said. "We were just going to give him a massage. We thought he might be still sore after the attack."

"First sex with Justin and now an erotic full body massage by JC and Lance. I can't wait to see what Joey and Chris have in store for me." Peter paused. "Actually I don't want to know."

Lance put his hand on JC's shoulder. "What does it matter now? He's right, it was Justin's decision."

JC nodded. "Justin, I'm sorry. Peter, I apologize. It was such a shock."

"You're telling me?" Peter said.

Lance smiled at JC. "Well, it turned out for the best. We got Peter laid."

Peter froze. "What?"

Justin and JC looked angrily at Lance.

"Peter, it's not like that." Justin said.

Peter raised his hand. Justin fell silent. "What was that, Lance?"

Lance looked down. "It was Chris's idea. You were different since the attack. Chris thought that if you had a pleasant experience with another man, it would help get you over the bad experience."

"So you decided to get someone to have sex with me?"

Lance nodded. "Joey kind of suggested it."

"Yes, he would have." Peter walked to JC and Lance. He looked up at them. There was anger in his eyes. Suddenly he smiled and slapped them on the shoulders. "Well, its about time someone thought of it. I've been doing a such a lousy job."

"You don't mind?"

"I should, but I don't." Peter looked at Justin. "Besides, I know Justin's reasons were far deeper than that."

Justin was relieved. "I wouldn't do that to you."

Peter hugged Justin. "I know." He tapped Justin's nose. "You forget, I could tell what you were feeling."

Justin kissed him.

JC and Lance fidgeted nervously. They finally separated.

"Tell you what." Lance said. "I think we have a lot to talk about."

Peter smiled. "The usual?"

"Sure. In one hour in our room, we'll talk over breakfast."

"And I suggest we should at least put on a tie." JC joked.

"Gees, we look like a rejected Calvin Klein ad." Lance said.

Justin pulled Peter back to the bed.

"One hour. That doesn't give us much time."


"Okay, JC." Justin started to gather up his clothes.

Justin turned back to Peter. "Big brothers are a real bitch."

End of Part 9

I really had to debate this part. Some of the readers suggested NSYNC/Peter sex. So I gave it a shot. (I think I was beginning to feel sorry for him.) I think it worked. Let me know what you thought either way. I can be E-mailed at And for those of you who are JC and Lance fans, don't worry. They'll have their opportunity in the next part. This part got a little long, so I had to delay it.

Again I would like to thank all those who responded. Its nice to know that people is reading and enjoying (hopefully) this story. Time to start work on to part 10.

Next: Chapter 10

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