Lance Who

By moc.loa@U2brenT

Published on Jan 4, 2002


Hi everyone.. Please let me know what you think of this story.. That will determine if I continue on with it...

Disclaimer: I do not know any of Nsync or do I know what there sexual preference is, nor do I care.. This store is purely fiction.. Made up in my warped little mind.. If you are to young to read this.. Or it is not allowed in the state that you live in.. then I suggest you look for another story.. If you are offended by gay material.. Then why are you here?.. You really need to pick another site..

On with the story .. I hope you like it.

Lance who?

Chapter 1

I went to the mall thinking that would brighten my mood.. I walked through the mall browsing.. I didn't find anything that I couldn't live without.. So I decided that I would go to the food court and sit and watch people like grandma and I use to do.. That was before she passed away.. Which was just a little over a month ago.. I stopped at Taco Time and ordered a diet coke.. I sat at a table close to the isle so that I could watch people come and go. I sat there for about a half hour until I became bored.. I got up and started walking towards the Bon thinking I would pick up something for mom.. Just a little something to try and cheer her up... The grandma that I mention was my moms mom.. She was a major influence and focus in our lives.. Hell her and my mom are the main role models and truly the only two people that I was extremely close too.. Don't get me wrong I do have three other brothers but they always seemed to be gone.. actually they seem like distant relatives not brothers.. So I really feel like I was raised as an only child.. Anyway, grandma passed away about a month ago and for the last month we both have been basket cases... the only thing im trying to do Is get through it one day at a time.. And hold onto what little sanity that I have left.. I seem to be coming to the mall more and more.. I guess im trying to hold onto what little I have left of grandma.. And I guess it makes me feel good that no one notices me or cares that im there. I can sit there and absorb everyone elses life.. Which makes mine seem a little bit better.

I got up and started walking to the Bon.. I stopped and looked through the window of a shop called "Natural things" it's a store that is filled with anything that is natural, or comes from the earth.. it's a really cool store.. I looked at a couple of the displays and decided it was time for me to get to the Bon and then head home.. As I was walking past the entrance I heard someone say.. Thank you very much.. This is a great store.. then I was broad sided.. I never knew what hit me.. I was on the ground faster than you can imagine.. As I went down I hit my face on the tile.. And my glasses went flying off my face.. I sat up and rubbed my knee which is where I hit first.. I then stood and looked for the source of the fall.. I saw a guy sitting on the floor a little stunned.. I offered my hand and helped him up.. "are you ok?" I asked.

"I think I am.. I don't think I hurt anything but my butt." and he started laughing. He then looked at me and I could see him turning white.. He muttered... "Your bleeding" before he passed out.. As he was falling I grabbed him and lowered him to the ground.. As I was standing above him the store clerks came rushing out..

A small framed brunet woman rushed to my side and said "Oh my god are you ok.. damn your bleeding, let me get the medical kit I will be right back"

The other clerk asked "Oh my god is he ok.. Is he hurt.. Should I call 911" I started laughing.. I couldn't help it.. And said "Hes fine... he passed out when he saw the blood." I looked at the clerk and asked "Could you get me some Kleenex please?"

"Sure.. Just one sec.. I will be right back."

I looked down and saw that the shirt and sweater I was wearing already had blood on them so I said "don't hurry.. Im sure my clothes are ruined anyway." I looked back down at the guy laying on the floor and heard

"Im sorry.. I guess I wasn't paying any attention.. I will pay for the clothes." he closed his eyes again and said "I can be a real klutz sometimes.. Are you hurt.. besides your nose that is?"

"Im sure I will be fine.. Are you ok.?. Would you like to sit up or stand possibly?"

"I think im fine" he said

"If your not please just say so.. I don't want you to pass out again.. I would rather you stay there." I pleaded..

"No really im fine." he said as he sat up "I just wasn't expecting all the blood, im sure as you can tell blood makes me a little squeamish."

I started laughing and said "I can understand that."

I helped him to his feet and looked him over.. Hmmm not too bad.. Hes cute.. Brownish blonde hair.. Stunning green eyes. And a nice body. Hmm boy next door category.. And just my type.. I kinda shook my head.. And brought myself back to reality.. When he said " are you sure your ok.. I feel so bad.. Damn your nose is still bleeding... here I have a hanker chief that you can have.."

I gladly excepted it and applied it to my nose.. And said "ive lost my glasses.. They went flying off when I hit the ground.. Do you think you could help me find them?"

"That's the least I could do." he said

"ok .. Ummmm im sorry but I don't know your name.. Mine is Brant." I said as I held out my hand.. He grabbed it and said "Im sorry I guess that fall on my head" he snickered and added "jarred me more than I thought, my name is James"

"Its nice to meet you James."

"its nice to meet you too Brant.. Too bad its not under different circumstances though."

I started laughing and said "I agree with that one."

He looked at me and said you agree with what.. "I fell on my head or different circumstances."

I cocked my head to one side and said "Well maybe a little of both." he smiled and said.. "I like you already." and started laughing.

"Ok James, you check north of the door and I will check south.. Hopefully we will find them." I saw him take a few steps and then a few more and heard the crunch.. I turned and looked at him and saw fear in his eyes.. I couldn't help but laugh.. I walked up to him and said "I guess you found them" and started laughing even harder.

"OH god, Brant I am so sorry." which made me laugh even harder..

"Don't worry about it James, shit happens.. And I guess its going to happen today.. I have another pair at home.. Plus I only wear them for reading.. so really its not that big of a deal" I looked at my watch and was shocked at the time.. I looked at James and said "im sorry but Ive got to go.. Im already late."

"Brant you cant.. I feel really bad.. Let me atleast pay for the clothes.. And the new glasses." He opened his wallet and you could tell by the look on his face that he realized that he didn't have much money on him..

I smiled and said "James.. Its not a big deal.. Really."

"Yes it is.. It was totally my fault.. And I need to make it right.. Let me give you my card. you can call me and I will get the money too you." he Looked through his pockets and his wallet again and didn't have a card.. I started laughing and said.. "how about if I give you my home number, my cell number.. And my work number.. Call me and we can settle this later." I grabbed his hand and wrote all three number on the back of his hand..

"that sounds good.. Thanks Brant for being so nice about this whole thing."

"No problem James, you have a good afternoon and be careful ok?"

He started laughing and said "I will try."

Just as I was turning to walk away the store clerk came running out with the first aid kit.. Out of breath she said "sorry it took me so long I couldn't find it."

"Its ok really, im fine" I said

I turned back to James and said.. "Bye James.. I will clean your hanker chief and get it back to you."

"Don't worry about it Brant.. Its yours .. You can keep it."

The store clerk looked at me and said "You have one of Lances hanker chiefs? Oh my god you could sale that on e-bay and make a fortune."

I looked at her and then at James and said the only thing that came to mind which was "What?... I thought your name was James?"

"He turned a little red and said "My name is James.. Its James Bass.. Almost everyone knows me as Lance except my close friends call me James."

Im sure I looked like a complete idiot I had no clue what to say.. Why would everyone call him Lance and his friends call him James. So I said what I was feeling which was "What?? I don't get it.?"

He smiled and said "You have no clue who I am do you?"

"Should I"

"Ok let me ask you this.. What kind of music do you listen too?"

"Most of the time I listen to country, sometimes I listen to older rock.. But im sorry, I don't understand what this has to do with why you use two names?"

The store clerk said "you don't know who Lance Bass is.. Lance Bass from Nsync ?"

I looked at her and said "I know of them.. But I don't know who they are.. They sing Pop music and I really don't listen to it." I looked over at James and said "Your one of the guys from Nsync ?"

"Yes I am" was all that he said.

I shrugged my shoulders and said "Oh ok."

"Brant... Lance is my stage name.... All the fans know me as friends and family call me James."

"Oh ok.. I get it.. Sorry I had no clue." I sat there thinking.. This is really freaky.. Lance... James.. Mr. Bass.. Hmmm.. Its all very confusing.

James pulled me out of my thoughts when he said "Brant just call me James ok? don't even think about the name Lance."

"Ok.. I think I can do that .. Ok ive gotta run.. You take care and I will talk to you later James."

He smiled and said "Ok.. Bye Brant.. I will talk to you soon."

"Sounds good.. Bye." and with that I walked away. Heading for the exit that my car was parked at. I walked out of the exit and got in my car.. When my cell phone started ringing. I grabbed it from its case and flipped it open and said "hello"

I heard.. "Can I speak to Brant please.."

"This is Brant."

"Hi Brant.. This is James.. I hope its not a bad time." I started laughing and said "James I just left, I havent even started my car yet."

"Really?" he said kind of excited

"Yes really... actually I just got in it." and giggled

"I was wondering if you wanted to go get something to eat tonight?.. If your busy I understand.. But if your not I would love to take you out and make up for the disaster today."

"Well.. I .... Ummmm.." I stuttered

I heard him sigh and say "if it's a bad time I will understand... its not a big deal."

"No James its not that at all.. I just need to head home and change and check on mom..but im free after that."

"Cool.. that's great.. Do you want to meet somewhere or come to the hotel were staying in.. or would it be ok if I just went with you?"

"You can tag along if you would like.. Its gonna be boring.. But your more than welcome to come along."

He said "Cool" and with that someone knocked on the window.. I looked up and he was standing next to the car.. I rolled down the window and said "are you stalking me?"

He started laughing and said "Only if you want me too."

I looked at him and said "Mr. Bass are you hitting on me?"

He stammered.. "Ummm Nooo.. I ummmm was just fooling around.. Sorry."

"James its fine really.. I was just asking.. I wouldn't mind it if you were after all you are sexy as hell"

Ok that's the end of Chap 1

Please email me and tell me what you think.. Should I continue on or just give up.. My email addy is

Thanks for reading.

Take Care


Next: Chapter 2

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