Lanced a Lot

By Silenos69

Published on Mar 17, 2022



By: Silenos

This story is a work of fiction and involves teenagers in sexual situations. If that offends you, don't read it. If you are underage, don't read it (like that's going to happen). This story belongs solely to the author and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without permission of the author.

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Dear Reader: If you have not been following the story an explanation of where it came from is after the end of the chapter.

LANCED-A-LOT: Chapter 20

Before we knew it the wedding day was upon us. Ceres had again come through, and unexpectedly so had Bath. He had produced two leather vests with the cockerel badge painted on. they were for me and Shik. They were longer than most, hanging just below the groin. He explained they were for combat, not regular wear as they were very thick and heavy. They were a gift, he said, for the holders of secrets. I refused the gift and pressed a silver coin in his hand telling him neither Idris nor I would ever become beholden to anyone.

The Stable Twins had done their deed, at my request, and with the payment of suckling and milking of their bellends by Shik (hardly a punishment for any of the parties involved). I had thought Michael insatiable but Shik had rapidly proved himself almost as insatiable as Michael. I thought my carnal passions were greater than any others but the two of them put me to shame. He and Michael were also becoming glued together, more than just friends, they seemed to grow faster with every hour that passed. Michael and Shik both drew me aside, worried I might become jealous at their intimacy.

"I like to be fucked, sucked, played with and such by any and all, but when we do it together it is something different." Might have been the succinct quote if either had a way with words. They had become "lovers" like Idris and Gallant. I had no arguments as it did not keep them from jousting with the rest of us. Indeed, if anything, it enhanced things in the same way our masters love for one another did. The only visible difference was the same as our Masters in that at the end of festivities their need at each dawning for "their" time. Both were hesitant to speak of it. Regardless, we all played together deep into the night, and were exhausted during the day because of it. Thankfully Sprite joined us and I could cuddle and sleep with him while the others, well, had each other: only in our case it was out of friendship, though maybe not. He would often call me Gwydion, who he kept professing was just an intimate friend. I dismissed this as just curious because of my own fascination with the other boy and making his axquaintance, Though I must admit, at the same time, there was something extra special when I coupled with the boy.

The morning of the wedding arrived and we Squires were to take Idris and Gallant to bathe, when Shik insisted all make use of his arse while he planted himself in Michael. His argument was that it was all he had to give as a wedding gift. It was a gift he gave and received with a rapacious hunger received and taken by all. The boy's arse was simply running with come from Gallant, Idris and Sprite by my turn, and I licked up not only the dribbles of their deposits but the multiple ones excreted between Michael and he while Shik was multifucked. It was pretty amazing how much come Michael could produce and the restraint Shik had, not coming in Michael until I mounted him in the lovely, squishy, mess left inside him by my predecessors mounting him

The amount of come in him was tremendous no matter how much I had tried to lick him clean. I had been fucked and double fucked myself while waiting my turn and thrust in like a hungry bugger as I was in turn mounted by Idris who was hard again and somehow managed to make room in my hole for Gallant to mount me too. Two hard cocks are hard to beat if one like cocks up one's arse. Them going off together was more than I could take and I spent in Shik's lovely,perky, arse. Sending him in turn off again in turn setting Michael off while Sprite, who had decided to fuck my mouth at the time, gave me a lovely meal of his own milk. Thank goodness for the river and the "hole" or we'd have all been a stinky bunch at the wedding.

As an aside: After the first night of privilege sitting with us at supper, Shik had joined the other Pages in the serving. He proved quite adept at it and became one of the boys, and one of the boys' toys, illuminating the other Pages with his talents and knowledge. It was quite amusing to see him become the cock of the walk so rapidly. He wasted no time in teaching the others of the techniques and pleasures of the night. Though it became apparent to all that there was the same special spot for Michael, that Michael held for him. That was more than sex; it was love.

Idris and Gallant were dumbfounded when we returned from our swim and I brought out our new raiments. "Where did these come from?" Gasped Idris as if he'd just been handed the crown jewels.

"Why your purse of course. You told me to get these made for your wedding." I replied boldly, staring him right in the eye, hoping he would not call me a liar.

He paused a moment before saying "Oh, of course, I had forgotten. That explains why my purse has gone from light to empty. Thank you for reminding me." He leaned in and kissed me whispering "we'll talk of this later."

I just smiled.

The wedding was attended by Mandragora, Castlemount, Marjorie, Myself, Gallant, Shik and, of course Idris and Lillian. The old monk was quick about it in the Christian Chapel and wrote it down in his register. That was to satisfy the Normans. I had to wipe it out and re-enter it as Lord Mountview instead of Sir Idris. Thankfully vellum allows one to wash away the ink if it is still wet and if you are quick; though it did stain my new tunic.

The real wedding was attended in the "Great Hall" and was attended by all of the Knights, their squires and the various hangers on of prominence in the town. Even Maq was there, though there was no sign of Gwydion. There was not so much a ceremony as a declaration of the marriage by Castlemount and the showing of a copy of the contract, which I had made from the original with signatures, was the monk's to keep. That old befuddled fart kept all documents as the Norman's considered what the church held to be sanctified in some fashion. I have nothing against Christian's or any man's choice of God.

Personally, I couldn't see it. One God? A silly notion. Certainly there must be spirits of some sort, possibly even faeries, and even a hierarchy among them, but one God? No, it made no sense. All my life in our travels Da and Brother John had made it a point to pay homage to the local God or Gods leaving a copper with their prayers. They knew full well I would recover them and any other offerings left by others after the fall of night. Wherever we were the villagers or townspeople would note it in the morning and say the local God had taken his tribute and luck was on them. It cheered them up and made them give more for our shows, though it always resulted in frowns from the keeper of the deity who could not refute it as a small boy (me) was always there at cock-crow to discover and announce the miracle to the locals at the top of his lungs. You don't get rich from that scam, but you do eat for a few days. Then again, the Norman's ruled and if you want to keep your head you go with what the High King says. All one can do is shrug and go with where the power lies. AND I DO MEAN LIE.

Gallant stood up and announced his father's gift to Idris of the land on the other side of the ford, it being three acres wide and running from three acres above down to the sea. He too unveiled a copy, me having made it and the original, for all to see of the document bequeathing the lands. The actual Lord Gallant had no knowledge of this. I had learned that Gallant really controlled the estate and his father was in poor health trying to hold on for his son's marriage. I noted a certain stirring and grumbling amongst the merchants attending. They understood it would become yet another cost to their business.

I was pleased to see Agatha, the Smith and Thomas in attendance and went to have words with them before the evening went on too long and became too drunken. Agatha told me she was to remain as a "woman" in waiting for Lillian at Mandragora's request; mid-wifery being an off-shoot of healing and supposed witchery talents. She also slipped me a vial whispering "for the morning sheets."

Thomas informed me that he and the Smith (who I found out was named John of all things!) were lodging in the castle barn at the invitation of the twins and did I think they might...? I squeezed his semi stiff lance under cover of our tunics and gave him a smile and a nod which made him grin and nod enthusiastically at John Smith, who lit up and beamed. I then had words with the man himself. His wife had died the day after we left and he was not sure how long he could hold on as business was very slow. One part of my dreams came to me and I introduced John to Maq as a man possibly coming to Mountview to be the Smith for the new town. The two sized each other up and seemed to like what they saw falling quickly into deep conversation. Was there more to be thought of how quickly they glued themselves together? Time would tell.

For all the marriage ceremony and celebration it was really no more than an excuse for a yet another "drunk night in the barn". There was the moment that Idris took Lillian by the hand and led her from that room to his. We were attended by none other than the Captain, a guard, Agatha, and all the other ladies in the room. The guard, and a few of the ladies would remain outside the room all night. That was when the show really began. Proof was needed in the morning of the taking of the maidenhead which was my job with the help of Agatha.

I went on to Gallant's door where I was soon joined by him and Michael and later joined by Shik who'd had table duties. We stepped through the door to Idris' room where he and Lillian were engaged in worried whispers. I had not told them of my plan for fear they would be overcome with stage fright. There worries turned to giggles when they heard it and they lit into it with dreadfully broad acting and overly loud and enunciated voices. Michael had to provide us all with bed pillows from both rooms to stifle our laughter.

"Oh, My Lord! It is so big!" Exclaimed Lillian to begin.

"The better to fill you my love." Proclaimed Idris and it went from there.

"Why is it dripping My Lord?"

"To ease its entrance into your passage my sweet. But you are virgin my love, let me wet you with my tongue to prepare you for the entry of my lance."

"You are going to put that BIG THING in me!" Lillian howled while trying to stifle her laughter in a cushion.

"Of course my love, that is the way it is done. Has no one told you?"

"No my Lord, we are chaste women and with the loss of our dear mother no one has been there to guide us. All we were told was on our wedding night to close our eyes and think like Christians." The really significant thing she did manage to slip in was that the "wise woman" had told her she was fertile and it was an auspicious date to conceive.

The banter went on for a long time until they got to the actual sex enactment. Lillian and Idris were even worse than a Comedia del Arte troupe.

"Ow!" She squealed as he claimed to be penetrating her. "Oh please My Lord, it hurts, Oh! Ow! Oh! Oh! Ooooooooooooooh."

"Feel my manly lance!"

"Give it to me! Harder! Harder! Your lance has pierced my armor now fill me with its seed!"

They went on for hours, pretending to have round after round of bestial sex. It was hilarious, but the energy finally wore out. We finally left Lillian to rest and squeezed in to Gallant's bed to sleep. As randy as we might have been we could not risk the sounds of lovemaking coming from Gallant's quarters. In the morning at cock crow we stumbled in to Idris' room and woke the woman. She really was beautiful if you like that sort of thing.

They pretended a very passionate eye-opener and I pulled out the vial Agatha had given to me and poured it on to the sheets, it was chicken blood. Proof the maidenhead had been taken. Then in whispers we argued she must disrobe and cloak herself in a blanket to see Idris out the door. This also allowed us to suitably wrinkle her garments and muss her hair so she looked like she had been willingly ravaged. We would repeat the performance every night until Idris and I departed for Wales. After the first night it became somewhat tiring and boring as the novelty had worn off.

That morning, however, I emerged from Gallant's room into the hall to find the guard and the ladies all tittering and gossiping, having been wakened by the noises from beyond the door. Agatha was there and winked at me when I approached. She was wearing an actual gown, obviously borrowed as it did not fit properly, but she was scrubbed and looked to have lost 20 years and was quite fetching for an older woman. Thankfully no one seemed to question me coming out of Gallant's room. It all seemed to be a wink and a nudge at theatricality. Everyone knew the truth, but all were there to verify the lie.

"Has my master risen?" I asked and the guard grinned.

"Many times, but I am not sure he is awake yet." The man joked. I pushed him aside and pounded on the door.

"Wake up M'Lord!" I yelled. "T'is time to attend your duties of the day!" There was faux grumbling from behind the door. After a minute it opened to reveal a bleary eyed Idris with an equally bleary Lillian clinging to his arm clad only in the blanket we had insisted she wear instead of a gown. He kissed her passionately, or what passed for passionate, then threw himself into the hallway.

"Come along Jack, the day grows long and there is much to do." He said, and we set off.

Behind us I heard Lillian invite the women in to help her dress. Followed shortly by Agatha's voice proclaiming loudly for all the world to hear "The maidenhead has been taken, here is the proof." No doubt she had gone straight to the sheets. She knew her role and was playing it well.

Idris gave me a smile and a shoulder hug saying "What would I do without you Bug?" Happy he was now a Lord and a married man with a child on the way; albeit not his. "Things couldn't be better, But you and I need to speak of money." All said with a smile should anyone be listening.

"Perhaps a walk in the pleasure garden before breakfast Sire?" I suggested and so it was. I told him I had a small purse, though not where I had come by it, and that was where the new garments came from. He asked exactly how much was in the purse and I told him, which caused him to stagger. We had entered the gardens by then so thankfully there was no one there to bear witness.

I confessed my plans for him as they had come to me in my dreams, even telling him how I would enhance his coffers with my skills. He listened intently and rather than being outraged shook his head and kissed me saying "it is an evil world and you are very smart my Bug. What did I ever do to deserve you?"

I was quite shocked by that until he brought me back to earth asking "what can you do with that pretty mouth to relieve your Lord's loins? They have been quite exasperated with no release since yesterday." I laughed as I buried my head under his tunic, happy to show him my talents; at least the ones he would most appreciate.

This tale came to me from a wealthy friend who found it bound in his family's extensive bookshelves. Nobody could read it as it was in a strange hand and written in a mix of the common tongue and Norman French of its day. His family has lived in the same place, if not home, for centuries and are what one might consider landed gentry. My friend brought it to me in hopes I might be able to transcribe it into the English of our own time as that sort of thing is what I do. I have updated it only in that I have made such things as measurements, expressions, and such understandable by our reckoning today. What I found in my labors was quite startling. It would be wise for the reader to remember that mores were different then, and that the perception of "age" was as well. Average life expectancy was about 33 years, and people were smaller too, the average height being about 5'7". Insofar as I can tell these pages were written after the Norman conquest, but not by much. England, Scotland, Wales and Cornwall were all very much their own kingdoms, with petty kingdoms within, and Vikings could still be something of a nuisance in some parts even though history says their terror ended in exactly 1066.

Next: Chapter 21

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