Lanced a Lot

By Silenos69

Published on Apr 24, 2022



By: Silenos

This story is a work of fiction and involves teenagers in sexual situations. If that offends you, don't read it. If you are underage, don't read it (like that's going to happen). This story belongs solely to the author and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without permission of the author.

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Dear Reader: If you have not been following the story an explanation of where it came from is after the end of the chapter

LANCED-A-LOT: Chapter 29

Michael and Shik recovered from their fright and immediately attacked me in revenge, tickling me mercilessly on the dark stair. Gwydion and Sprite finally came down bearing a torch to see what the ruckus was about. They saw me laughing my head off as I was being tickled to death and started laughing themselves. That is until Gwydion realized what noise we were making and pulled the boys off me. Shushing the others to be quiet.

Amidst giggle farts we mad our way up the stairs to the pallet filled lair. "You mean nobody knows about this place?" I asked.

"Of course not, it hasn't been here until today. Nobody uses these towers, because there is nobody to use them so we have, er, taken over the floor of one for our own purposes" replied Gwydion. Just then we reached the chamber and Shik and Michael saw the layout.

They looked at each other, eyes gleaming and seemingly were instantly as naked as the rest of us. "Oh wow!" exclaimed Michael "talk about a den of sin!"

Gwydion chuckled "if you are not in for the sin, get gone ere we begin." He pulled me to him adding "I must taste you."

Fairly quickly we were in a circle on our sides on the floor, Gwydion suckling me with Michael on him (he had to sample the fresh meat), Sprite on him, Shik on Sprite and me on Shik. I have to say Gwydion really knew what he was doing sucking with gusto and first fondling my bollocks, then pushing a finger in my arse to hit my spot. It was too much and I erupted filling his mouth with my come. I had been following his lead with Shik by pushing a finger past his rose bud and was rewarded by a lance suddenly shoving deep in my throat as my that finger found his nut. As it turned out we had all done the same thing with each other's holes and I had set off a chain reaction.

Catching our breath Michael passed around a wineskin he had thought to bring along. We all relaxed and chatted, we were still sporting bones but there was something new here which was nice. We were had all been intimate and familiar with each other, but usually it was in a frenetic rushed way. The talk was about a lot of things except sex. Gwydion mentioned that he was going to use some spare timber to erect a wall with a door and lock on it so we could keep the place secret and to ourselves. I wondered how long the secret part would last.

Eventually Sprite reached out and began to stroke Gwydion and my lances, one in each hand, saying "You know what we did this morning? I need that again." Needing no encouragement Gwydion and I were quickly in position and Sprite's arse was welcoming our lances home. In the dim light of the room I swore the joining of our three bodies made us glow, but that could have just been the way I was feeling.

Mouth's agog at the sight us Shik and Michael grew hard again. "I need to be a part of that" grunted Michael who got on all fours in front of Sprite and took the boy's lance in his mouth to the hilt. Not to be left out Shik mounted him from behind. The feel of Gwydion's throbbing lance against mine inside the confines of Sprite's tight sheath was excruciatingly wonderful, beyond normal sex because of whatever the strange energy was that the three of us shared. Combined with the sight of Shik and Michael's coupling in a triad, the sight of Shik literally salivating as he pounded Michael's arse while trying to watch his shaft, our shafts and Michael's actions, it was not long before we all reached our moments. Shik was first giving one final thrust into the perky bottom he'd penetrated. The boy threw back his head and let out a mighty "Ungh!" as, eyes rolled back in his head, he seeded Michael.

Sprite, on seeing that cried out "Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!" I swear the glow I thought I had been seeing became and immense blaze as he emptied himself into Michael's mouth in turn setting Michael off hands free (from sucking or getting fucked?). His copious amounts of come shot high above his head landing over the floor and the pallets. The clenching of Sprite's hole and the feel of my cock against his made Gwydion's cock blast, and launched me so that our shots of milk blended deep in our lover's bowels. We all collapsed at that point, the intensity had been overwhelming. Each of us had not just come, we had all hit that height above the mere act of spending, a heavenly state of ecstasy that leaves one breathless and boneless. The power of it being hard to describe.

For awhile we lay there breathless when Sprite, surprisingly the first one to rise, got up and fetched a bucket and rags from the corner. He plopped down next to me as I was closest and began to gently clean the come, sweat and grime from my body. I looked and him and we exchanged tender smiles. I sat up, took a wet rag and began to do the same to Gwydion. He in turn started in on Shik, who started on Michael. No words were spoken, no jokes told and no farts issued, it was a quietly beautiful moment of intimacy wholly separate from our raucous coupling of minutes before. We were all smiling, periodically exchanging the odd tender kiss.

Finally Gwydion spoke in a whisper "we all need to be getting back." Four heads nodded in agreement. We dressed and, dousing the candles, took the torch and headed out. At the door to the tower we hugged and kissed goodnight, promising to meet the following day at dawn to swim and really wash off the night's rather odorous remnants. Gwydion pulled me to one side before heading off to wherever he and his father lived.

"Was it just me, or when we were in Sprite, was there a light and then a flame?" he asked in a hushed voice.

"So it wasn't just me," I hissed back. "Do you think the others saw it too?"

He shrugged and leaned in to kiss me goodnight. Mistake! Our hands were all over each other and Michael had to separate us grumbling "Save it for the morning boys, we must get back." Reluctantly we had to agree.

On slipping back into Robin's chambers we found Idris lying crosswise across the bed with crossed eyes and his tongue hanging out and a panting Robin on top of him. Someone had been having fun. "Welcome back boys, where have you been?"

"I hope you were quiet and did not disturb Lillian." I admonished.

Robin giggled "we tried but couldn't keep it quiet enough. Then we heard her laughing and she joined in."

"She joined in!?" Shik, Michael and I all exclaimed at once.

Robin snorted a laugh "not like you think. She began howling and moaning about what a glorious way it was to wake in the middle of the night with her lord and lover taking her at such an unseemly hour and how much she loved it and wanted more. She was covering our noise for us. The lady is a good sport."

"Ngh." Idris, still dazed from being fucked silly, grunted in agreement as Robin sniffed the air.

"Smells like we weren't the only ones who had fun." Smirked the man. "Where have you lot been, and should I ask with who?"

"Tomorrow, for now I think a night's rest is in order." I whispered. Robin nodded in agreement, pulling Idris around next to him to spoon and sleep. We boys, pallets side by side, disrobed and bundled together with Shik in the middle.

As we were about to doze off Michael hissed. "You, Gwydion and Sprite really have something special, I could swear the three of you were glowing in the dark tonight."

"You saw it too?" Piped up Shik.

Maybe there was some magic happening after all and it was not our imaginations. "Sssh boys, sleep now." I said, and we did.

This tale came to me from a wealthy friend who found it bound in his family's extensive bookshelves. Nobody could read it as it was in a strange hand and written in a mix of the common tongue and Norman French of its day. His family has lived in the same place, if not home, for centuries and are what one might consider landed gentry. My friend brought it to me in hopes I might be able to transcribe it into the English of our own time as that sort of thing is what I do. I have updated it only in that I have made such things as measurements, expressions, and such understandable by our reckoning today. What I found in my labors was quite startling. It would be wise for the reader to remember that mores were different then, and that the perception of "age" was as well. Average life expectancy was about 33 years, and people were smaller too, the average height being about 5'7". Insofar as I can tell these pages were written after the Norman conquest, but not by much. England, Scotland, Wales and Cor. I have eliminated anachronism and tried to make it common speech so much as is possible Cornwall, Wales and Scotland were all very much their own kingdoms, with petty kingdoms within, and Vikings could still be something of a nuisance in some parts even though history says their terror ended in exactly 1066. . I have eliminated anachronism and tried to make it common speech so much as is possible. EG: these, and thous are replaced with you, me and us. Medieval English can be very confusing and I apologize if I have gone too far in the transliteration.

Next: Chapter 30

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