Lanced a Lot

By Silenos69

Published on Jan 30, 2022



By: Silenos

This story is a work of fiction and involves teenagers in sexual situations. If that offends you, don't read it. If you are underage, don't read it (like that's going to happen). This story belongs solely to the author and may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without permission of the author.

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READER: If you have been following this tale you do not need the introduction to it. If not, I have moved it to the end so new readers can find where the tale came from.

LANCED-A-LOT: Chapter: 7

Leaving his guard outside, Castlemount, every corpulent pound of him, burst through the door of the room, scowling and scanning all of us suspiciously before cutting right to the chase demanding "Well?"

There was a rather pregnant pause before Gallant responded, "I have put forward the proposal to Sir Idris and he has agreed." Castlemount beamed, only to be drawn up short by Idris.

"In principle," Idris may look like a big blond fool, but I was learning he could be quite canny. "I must see the lands first and, of course, meet the maid in question."

Castlemount harrumphed, quite plainly taken aback, "Oh course, of course. Gallant will show you the land tomorrow. Lillian you shall meet tonight when I shall announce the wedding contract and all will be made right."

Gallant coughed, "Um, Sir Castlemount, I pray you will not announce the wedding until tomorrow. Perhaps announce the courtship tonight, if only so it will seem more politic and cause fewer tongues to wag." The two began to badger each other giving me the opportunity to whisper in Idris' ear. At first he balked but then agreed, after pausing to consider me while looking me directly in the eye, as if thinking, then winking before turning to Gallant and Castlemount still in heated debate.

"My Lords," Idris addressed them loudly yet without shouting. "Sir Castlemount," they had fallen silent at the stern tone of his voice and the controlled volume he had used. "I do not wish to cause a problem between your families. I beg only these favors to make all happy.

"Firstly, we must keep the barbarian Norman masters happy and do everything according to their propriety. Which means I agree in principle until I have seen the lands, met the woman and a scribe has set this all down on vellum. I believe our Norman friends trust in `their' church to hold records in writing, so perhaps the Christians have a monk or priest who could write it all down tomorrow and make it all right by their standards. We must remember that while our words are our bonds, these devilish Normans care not for the honor of words unless they be set down on vellum or parchment." I was agog. My lord and master certainly had the gift of the gob, especially after only a few whispered red words. Perhaps I would have to rethink him.

"Written down!?" Exclaimed Castlemount, "My word is my bond when sworn in front of honorable men, what need have I of vellum?" the man seemed a bit apoplectic at the suggestion. Which was when Gallant stepped in having readily caught on.

"Verily, Idris makes a good point. Like it or not, the Normans are our masters, but before they claim all our lands we must set it down on vellum as according to their standards. Mayhap, on laying out the boundaries of the land we deed to Idris we should lay out the greater boundaries of our own. When they then come to call, seeking to steal from us, we will have it written and by their Christian priests, who they hold so high, we own our lands from here to there and it cannot be argued.

"As for tonight, let us simply welcome the Knight who rid us of the bandits in the forest. Tomorrow we can announce the wedding, but it will give me time to bring the knights from my father's home here so they can be witness to the signing in Norman fashion, but also to the traditions of our own kind."

Castlemount continued to gurgle out grumbles but grudgingly agreed with Gallant deciding "It shall be as you say. We must protect the honor of our word, if the Norman's need Vellum then so be it, for we cannot ignore the power of their swords. We must do all we can to live by their rules, while holding to our traditions."

He did not beam but the rest of us did. Which was where Idris stepped in asking "M'Lord, if I may ask again for a favor. I would like blankets so my squire might sleep at the foot of my bed."

"Hunh, what? Can't he sleep with everyone else in the barracks or barns?" He was thrown off, "they are good enough for everyone else."

"As I have said before, but perhaps not specifically enough, as much as I appreciate guards and courtesy, and walls, and protections. I have learnt that trust and loyalty are my best protections when I sleep. Therefore; my Squire sleeps at the foot of my bed always."

"I agree, I would like to have the same arrangement for my squire. I would, after all, have the boy dead before me if faced with usurpers and assassins in the night. Mayhap we could make this a fashion?" interjected Gallant.

Michael's bulge grew, not unnoticed by Castlemount who took a moment to consider before saying "Quite right. My men are all honorable, but one needs to trust someone very CLOSELY when one dreams. I may well institute the same with my squires. Though, if I could, may I borrow your squire for tonight to show me how this would all work." Those words made the lamp get lit in my head as I observed Castlemount speaking while trying not to stare at the damp spot atop the on Michael's hose; made more prominent by an obvious swelling in his loins. It appeared to me his Lordship had a penchant for prick. I would have to pay closer attention to the other squires and the page boys in this place.

"I think you will be pleased my lords," Idris spoke up, sensing what I had. "There are additional benefits as well. I find a squire warms the bed on cold nights far better than a dog, and usually without the fleas."

Gallant guffawed clapping Michael on the shoulder, "I am sure young Michael here will be pleased to show you how it all works M'Lord."

"Indeed I will sir." Agreed the boy, not very subtly squeezing his crotch.

"Yes, yes, very good." Harrumphed Castlemount again, "You show Sir Idris his promised lands, summon the knights back, and tomorrow we shall announce the wedding."

"Um, one last thing Sir," Idris asked "if I am to meet my betrothed tonight, does she know I am to be her husband?"

Castlemount looked a bit startled "Oh, yes, I suppose I should tell her." With that he spun around and exited the room, closing the door behind him. For a moment the four of us stood in stunned silence.

"Well, that's that then. My fate is now sealed." Idris did not exactly appear thrilled.

"Michael, why don't you show, um, what is your name again boy?" Gallant looked at me.


"Yes, show Jack the lay of the land, you know the town and where things are and well, the town. I would stay here and help my old friend take in this change in his fortunes."

"Very good Sir," agreed Michael taking me by the hand and leading me out with a giggle. Once beyond the door he whispered "I'm sure your lord will be `taking in' more than just his change in fortune."

"Indeed," I snickered back. "I know he will be most happy to `take it' in.".

Michael, as it turned out, was jolly company and I felt we would become fast friends; if not more. He showed me around the inside of the castle itself first, which was wholly unremarkable, then the town. It was not very big but did hold two tavern-inns, a smithy, barns, a small square for market days, and assorted tradesmen of the necessary type to build a castle. We happened across a weaver woman's house where the old creature greeted us. On finding out she was a seamstress as well I ordered some garments for me (hose, and some tunics) and new more fitting garments for Idris, all with his badge of a cock in yellow cloth to be sewn upon them. Surreptitiously I had slipped some silver from my purse and handed it over to the woman who said all would be ready in a few days time. They wouldn't be the finest raiments in the land, but they would be better than what we had.

As we left Michael, who's eyes had bugged at the sight of the silver, nudged me whispering "where'd you get the money?"

"Idris may be poor, but he is not completely penniless and if he is to wed he should be properly attired." Was all I said before asking, "with the river here is there someplace we could bathe? I feel crusty from our travels."

"You wish to bathe?" Michael grew excited, "by all means, there is a small place hidden behind the church where the men and boys go, and where the river is slow as well as not too deep. The town women use it for washing once a week, but otherwise it is usually empty except on hot days." He kept going, and did not stop as we had progressed from a "what was where" conversation to a gossip one. Michael, as delightful as he was, was a bit on the flighty side. By the time we arrived at the church/chapel, for one could not really call it more than a chapel, even though they called it a church, I was well informed about who slept with who and the shenanigans throughout the town. That is, all the dirt except about him. The really interesting things he imparted were that the host of knights, then currently at Gallant's father's stronghold, actually only numbered three. They too were lesser sons. They also were aligned to Gallant for their attraction to boys and men.

"Does it surprise you?" Michael asked. "I too prefer men and boys to the female sex. Are you offended?"

I stopped and laughed, "Michael, you smelt me long before you asked. Therefore; why are you asking?" He snorted a laugh back at me. "The female sex is all well and good by me, but I have no care for them other than what a chivalrous man should."

His pretty face clouded over. "I have secrets Jack. Some well known, and others my own. Can I trust you with them?"

Secrets well known, but unknown? What was that? We had just drawn up before the Chapelish Church. He took my hand and paced it on his ornaments of manhood. His lance must have been six inches fiercely strong, but the startling part was when he drew my hand down, as I massaged and comforted his sex, to feel his eggs. All three or them! I had encountered many men of length and girth but never one before with three balls.

"I am useless as a squire," Michael admitted. "Better suited to a lady's rooms than a man's or a fight. The only reason Gallant keeps me is what these three orbs produce. I would rather feel silk, I did once have you ever?, than hold a lance or a sword. I shall never be a knight, I've not the inclination nor the bombast for it. But I shall never be the maid I desire to be. Does that make sense?"

The poor boy's tears began to flow. I had learnt as a travelling child to accept all the strange wanton creatures that came my way. The more misunderstood and damaged they were by their confusions the better they might be as allies, and who was I (of all people) to judge them anyway?

I ran my hand up and down his very hard six inch shaft, leaning into his neck to kiss it saying "Michael, before we speak further of that, perhaps we should take care of this?" I squeezed his bellend and he gasped his yes. I dropped to my knees and pulled down his hose, right there in the empty road. He had a thick bush and was clothed so I had no sense of his body, or how he looked, I was just desperate for a hard cock. Quiet road, or private room, made no difference. I needed him then and there.

There were stories from the east which spoke of men like me. They told of our need to inhale the musk of another man, to capture his seed, to let other men breed them without question of who they were or what their station was. I sensed Michael was much as I, and knew how desperate I was to take his milk when he was such a servant to lust himself.

This tale came to me from a wealthy friend who found it bound in his family's extensive bookshelves. Nobody could read it as it was in a strange hand and written in a mix of the common tongue and Norman French of its day. His family has lived in the same place, if not home, for centuries and are what one might consider landed gentry. My friend brought it to me in hopes I might be able to transcribe it into the English of our own time as that sort of thing is what I do. I have updated it only in that I have made such things as measurements, expressions, and such understandable by our reckoning today. What I found in my labors was quite startling. It would be wise for the reader to remember that mores were different then, and that the perception of "age" was as well. Average life expectancy was about 33 years, and people were smaller too, the average height being about 5'7". Insofar as I can tell these pages were written after the Norman conquest, but not by much. England, Scotland, Wales and Cornwall were all very much their own kingdoms, with petty kingdoms within, and Vikings could still be something of a nuisance in some parts even though history says their terror ended in exactly 1066.

Next: Chapter 8

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