Lances Life

By Lukas Johnson

Published on Dec 29, 2000


Lance's Life Part 4 By Lukas Jonathan Johnson

Hey guys! Thanks for all the comments. I really appreciate them! As long as you keep commenting, I'll keep writing. Sorry that I have been out of the loop. As with everyone else in the world I have too much to do and am trying to get through my classes so I can get a degree someday! Still, I love this series that I am writing. It's kind of growing on me. If you have any questions or comments about my work drop me a line:

Disclaimer: As much as I wish it were true... this story is a complete work of fiction and is not intended to imply anything about Lance Bass or anyone in Nsync. We don't know if they are gay or not, and it is not up to us to determine that, so for now... who really cares. I do not know or represent this group in any means possible, though if they happen to be reading... :)

The characters in this series are actually based on people I know. The situations that the characters are in are based on some actual events that have happened in my life and in the lives of those around me. If you are curious about this, drop my line and I'll chat with you. My ICQ number is: 70961561.

Also, if you shouldn't be reading this...don't. Then again if you shouldn't be reading this why did you go through all the links to get to this story anyway? It almost seems stupid, but I guess I have to write that too.

Scene 4- The Meeting

It had taken a few months, but Lukas had finally finished. Counseling was a long and difficult process that had taken many hours of his life away, as well as Katherine's. Now it was finally over.

The counselor was a middle-aged guy. He was fairly good looking in a fatherly sort of way. He had a regular built body, dark hair and eyes and had a beard and mustache. Lukas noticed that there was hair at his neck that indicated a hairy chest. He wasn't sure what he thought about it, but it was almost intimidating. By chest hair? Lukas wondered if he was crazy, but maybe that was why he was there. He really looked up to him-almost as a father figure and it had helped him a lot through the last few months.

It was now his last session. Dr. MacArthur had felt that Lukas had done great and was now ready to go out into the world. It was time for Lukas to take what he had learned and apply it to his life. The doctor was very happy with him and hoped that he would succeed in his life with everything that he did.

Dr. MacArthur had never had a patient like Lukas before. He wasn't sure about him or his condition. Some people are just really fascinated and obsessed with celebrities that they seem them everywhere. In Lukas's case, he was seeing the Nsync member Lance Bass wherever he went; in dreams, in reality, everywhere he went and any situation he encountered. Dr. MacArthur did not feel that it was a healthy thing for Lukas to do, so he had spent countless hours convincing Lukas that it was just his imagination looking for the perfect man to help him with the distress of his loved one leaving him. The suicide attempt and the Lance sighting happened to occur in the same time period and the Doctor felt that Lukas just wanted someone to tie down to and connect with him. After a few long months, it had been successful; Lukas was finally "over" Lance Bass. What the doctor didn't know was that Lukas could not get over something like that...ever. Not anything...not Mel, not Robert, and not Lance...ever.

"What's new Lukas?"

"Well...I got cast for a play, like I told you before and my show opens this weekend." Lukas was excited. This was his chance to impress the talent scouts and actually become famous. Mel and him had rehearsed over and over again the script in hopes that they would perfect every scene and recited each line perfectly and practiced the perfect blocking that was set for them. They were ready to show off Lukas and wow people. Mel was the great friend always helping out with that kind of stuff even though she didn't get cast in this play. "Supposedly, there are supposed to be some talent scouts there to check things out. They are searching for young men and women to be cast in minor movie roles and TV appearances."

Dr. MacArthur smiled. He was thoroughly impressed with all of Lukas's work.

He had progressed from the sad, depressed young boy, to a motivated, goal-oriented young man. Things had changed back to the "old" Lukas...according to Mel. Almost as though Robert and Mel and Lance had never existed. "I'm glad to hear, Lukas. Good luck to you."

"Thanks, that means a lot to me."

Even after all of these months, Lukas had felt that Dr. MacArthur hadn't really been helping. Sure he had been great to talk to, but he felt that it was all just a joke. Like if he had just a crush on a celebrity that had to be filled by the loss of two loved ones. Of course, it was more complicated than that, especially with Lance popping up all over the place. The strange thing that kept pounding into his head was that Lance hadn't appeared since the night he tried to kill himself. It was strange, yet that was the basis for why Dr. MacArthur believed what he did. Lukas sighed. He couldn't believe that Robert had just left so suddenly. Lukas had not heard one thing from him since he had left, not even after the suicide attempt. Lukas had no idea where Robert was, how he was, or even if he needed anything. Even after all the pain that he had gone through, he still loved him with all of his heart. Feelings just didn't go away, just because Dr. MacArthur said they had to or anybody said. It was more than that; he knew that Robert had loved him back with the same intensity. They were soul mates, all signs had pointed that way. It was just meant to be, but it wasn't. Something happened to make him go away. He would always have a place in his heart for the man that he loved...his Robert. He missed his laugh his personality, and missed the intimacy too. Lukas hadn't fucked anyone since the night Robert had left and he was pretty frustrated.

"How do you feel?" the doctor asked.

Lukas paused, thinking about the awkward question. Lots of people have been asking him how he felt since he tried to kill himself. Every time he would answer the same: fine... He didn't know if he was fine, he just needed an answer so people would stop staring at him, to break the silence, anything to stop from answering the real horrid answer: not sure...

"Fine. I'm just thinking about how Robert and I had first met. We had so much in common, and cared so much about each other. He wanted ME, not just my body, or my looks. He wanted my person and we didn't even have sex the first night we stayed together!" Lukas paused again. "I miss everything about him."

Dr. MacArthur raised his eyebrows and scrunched his forehead. "I thought we were through with this?"

"I am!"

"Are you having problems in your personal life, Lukas?"

Lukas looked right into the doctor's eyes. "You mean sex?"

Dr. MacArthur smiled. "How is it?"

Lukas sighed. "Shitty. I haven't met anyone like Robert."

"Hmmm." The doctor scratched his beard. "Maybe that's the problem."

"What?!" Lukas was confused. Why would he have a problem with finding a guy? "Look, you know I'm gay, why would that pose a problem?"

"No, Lukas. You don't need to find anyone like Robert. You need to find someone that will make you a happy individual. Love, passion, sex, personality is stuff that you are full of and ready to offer, don't let it go to waste." The doctor stopped.

Lukas was a little uncomfortable with that last part. Almost as though the doctor... Lukas shook that idea from his head; the thought was just absurd to think that the doctor would want down his pants...but he was pretty cute for an older guy...Lukas shook his head to himself.

"How are the dreams?"

Silence filled the room. Dr. MacArthur had to have known that he had stopped having the dreams...or maybe not. So much has happened in the last few months, that even Lukas's head was spinning. "I stopped having them the day it happened." Lukas stopped and looked at his scars. "I have not had one dream or occurrence of Lance Bass since I woke up in the hospital."

"Hmmmm." Dr. MacArthur wrote some things down in a notepad.

"Why do you think that it happened?" Lukas asked the dreaded question hoping for an answer.

"I think you know the answer, Lukas." The doctor said. "You took something you idolized and tried to make it real in your life. Almost as though you are trying to mix your daydreams and reality together. It just caused you stress and Lance was just a guy you thought of to take place of the one that left. It happens a lot, not a lot to men, but it happens still."

Lukas thought about it, he had heard it before, but really thought this time. What did it mean? So he asked out loud.

"Lance is a figment of your imagination. Made up of your friend Mel and others. He has many qualities in you dreams that you describe Mel having when she was alive. He is also Robert, the man you love and want to be with. In essence, your mind created the perfect person to combine different personalities and make you feel like they were still there as the body of a pop star."

Lukas laughed. The sound of an alarm cut him off signaling the end of the session...Lukas's last "required" session.

"Well..." Dr. MacArthur had nothing to say. "If you want to come back, you are always welcome."

"Thanks for all, doc." Lukas said extending his hand. "I'll be back to chat, but not as often." He winked at him.

Dr. MacArthur took his hand in his. "The pleasure is mine, now go out into that world and make a difference and if you ever need anything, anything at all give me a call...and I'll be at your show."

"Thanks." Lukas smiled and walked out the door for what he had hoped would be the last time. It was as though a hug weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He strolled down the hall and out the door to where Katherine was waiting for him.

Katherine smiled.

She was just so proud of her best friend. Despite all the problems that he had in his life, Lukas seemed to be so together and full of life. She had to admit, the last few months were tough, but they had made it through everything. She was just so thankful that Dr. MacArthur had helped so much and had actually been involved in making a difference, whereas other psychologists just sat there and scratched their chin. Katherine felt so free and so full of life... it can now go back to normal without the visits.

"Luke!" Katherine threw her arms around her friend. "How do you feel?"

"Great!" Lukas said. "I am so glad that it's over. Dr. MacArthur thinks that everything will be fine and that I'll be great."

Katherine became more serious. "What did he say about your man?"

Lukas laughed. "My man, huh?" He saw that Katherine had suddenly become more serious. "Well, he said that since I am 'better' it probably wouldn't be coming back. He said that Lance was just my imagination coming up with the perfect man to fix everything. But he also said that I needed to get laid."

"What?!" Katherine began to laugh. "Well, that's good to hear then! Let's get going."

Katherine escorted Lukas to her Mazda and opened the door for him. As soon as she shut the door, someone grabbed her from behind. Feeling fearful for her life, she screamed and kicked her leg back in an attempt to subdue her attacker. She heard a thud and knew that she had sent him flying. Feeling accomplished she turned around....and then felt like a fool.

On the ground in front of her was a guy with light blonde hair, cut short, almost military with some bangs, perfectly cut and combed to make him look great. Piercing blue eyes, the kind that could make things stop and freeze in the moment. A body that revealed hours of work in the gym, and a nice ass (which he was on) and strong legs made her gasp. It was the guy she recognized from her job, the cute one that she chatted with. Katherine never forgot a face.

He looked up at her with his blue eyes shining. He had a look of surprise on his face, almost as though he thought that the girl in front of him was a lunatic. Hell, they were leaving the psychologist's office, who knew what he thought of her!

"Sorry," He apologized. "I thought that you would have recognized me."

"I do," Katherine said. "I'm sorry." She held out her hand and he grabbed it and pulled himself up.

"Jason." He said. "Remember?"

"Yeah, I'm so sorry." Katherine scratched her head. She felt like a complete idiot. "You had the bitchy girlfriend."

"Yeah," He said. "Used to, she's been committed since... a while." He stopped.

"She's finally getting help, but that's a long story. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I just picked up my friend, Lukas, my friend." She emphasized "friend" and saw Jason flash a smile. God he was hot! She pointed to the car where a curious Lukas was staring at the both of them with a smile on his face.

"Oh?" Jason smiled. "Well... I should be going, since I have an appointment. But would you like to go out later?"

Katherine about shit her pants. "Sure!" She said. "See you later."

They exchanged information and went their separate ways. Katherine got back into the car and was immediately grilled by Lukas who had a big smile on his face. He was curious as to who this new guy was.

"Fuck!" He said. "That guy was hot. Where did you meet him?"

"Well..." Katherine began. "I met him on a dull night at work..."

Lance laid back on a couch in Nsync's private dressing room. They had just finished a show in Portland and they were very tired. The boys dispersed themselves to different areas of the arena. Chris and Joey had gone to sign autographs and "pick up chicks" and JC had gone to use the phone and went to the bus for privacy and Justin had walked in behind Lance.

"Hey buddy," Justin fell back onto the couch next to Lance. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok." Lance said. "I'm just tired."

Justin looked worried. "Sit up and turn around. Let me give you a neck and shoulder massage. Then tell me what's up."

Lance sat on the couch with his legs hung over the side of the couch with his back facing Justin. The first thing Justin did was pull Lance's shirt off. His warm hands then explored his backside and up his spine to his neck.

Lance moaned softly and Justin's hands kneaded the skin and muscles there.

"Tell me what's up." It was not a command, but a concerned friend wanting to reach out. Justin was a great friend.

"I've stopped having dreams about him."

"What?" Justin was confused. "Who?"

"You know, Luke. The guy in my imagination" Lance stopped. Justin did as well. "No, no, don't stop."

"Tell me more," Justin demanded.

"Ever since the night I went to the hospital, it all changed. I think about him all the time, yet I never dream of him ever. I think something bad happened to him." Lance thought about it. "It was weird, it was like I know he was there, but what if he was there with me."

"Don't worry about it, bud." Justin said. Lance sighed. Justin began to rub harder. Lance let out a moan. "We need to find you a real man."

With that Justin wrapped his arms around Lance's body and hugged him close. He ran his hands from his neck all the way down to Lance's crotch. Justin rubbed the bulge that he found there making Lance squirm.

"You think so?" Lance asked.

Justin turned Lance around and kissed him on the lips taking in the masculine scent of his tired body. Lance kissed him back with the same intensity. He kissed him hard and passionately using his tongue to explore his friend's mouth, running it expertly down the depths. Justin began to pant and started to unbutton his pants. Lance sat up and stopped him.

"We can't do anything here." He was breathing hard and extremely horny.

"I'm so sorry Lance." Justin couldn't believe what he had just tried to do.

"No, Justin. I want it too."

Justin looked up at Lance and saw deep into his eyes. Lance was frustrated and he could see it in his eyes. He looked so sexy. He needed something... bad. "When are you going to take me up on my offer, Lance? It still holds."

Lance smiled. "I almost forgot about that."

JC burst into the room. "There you guys are! We were worried."

Lance quickly threw his shirt on. "I was about to hit the shower."

"Yeah," JC said. "It looks like you can use some cooling down." JC pointed to Lance's pants where a huge tent was. JC winked. "Don't worry, guys. I won't tell a soul."

Justin breathed a sigh of relief. "What are you doing?"

JC smiled. "You mean, who?" Justin shrugged. "I just found a hot guy, that said he'd let me do him. He is so hot. God, it's almost a definite when you see a guy at our concert. He'll do anything and not say anything!"

"Good going, JC." Justin said. "Be careful."

"You guys do the same." JC turned. "Oh, hurry up too, they'll be waiting on the bus for you guys to done." Then he was gone.

"So..." Justin said. "You're headed to the shower?"

"Yeah," Lance said. "I need it."

"Me too." Justin said. "I need to get off can watch... or join."

Lance smiled. "Come on, we'll have to hurry."

Later that night Lance lay back in the bed that he was sharing with Justin. It had been an eventless night. After their shower, Justin and Lance went to the bus and found that JC was there. Apparently, the boy that JC had found didn't want to go through with letting JC fuck him, so he was in a rotten mood. Chris and Joey had begun drinking early and they were a little buzzed. So when they pulled up to their hotel Lance just wanted to get away from everyone, so he stayed in his room. Justin went to go work out, Chris and Joey went to the bars, and who only knew where JC could be. Lance just wanted to kick back and relax. He had a big weekend in front of him. His Talent Search Company had been investigating University Programs across the US for theatre and drama, hoping that they would find some great people to take back. It mostly was a program where Lance just placed people into either music, or movies or television so people can fulfill their dreams. He had already helped lots of people and it felt great.

Justin came into the room wearing only a pair of gym shorts. "What's up, bud?"

"You're going to get attacked by every girl in this hotel if you go around like that again." Lance lectured. "Put your clothes on. Oh... I am just thinking about tomorrow night."

"What's up tomorrow night?"

"I have to go hit Washington State U and U Idaho for my Company." Lance didn't feel too excited. "Maybe I'll send someone else. I'm really not in the mood. I'm tired. I just haven't been having good luck with this thing. Not in acting anyway."

"Do you want me to go with you?" Justin asked.

"You really want to?"

"Sure, I'd love to. Don't give up."

"It's harder, Just." Lance said. "These college kids don't give a shit about anything but themselves and it makes it difficult to recruit anyone. It's also hard to find talent, some of those universities are really bad."

"Don't worry, I've told you lots of times, that I am always going to be here for you."

"I know. Thanks."

Lance looked up at Justin who was about to put his shirt back on. He looked so good without a shirt. He licked his lips and walked up to Justin. "On second thought, leave that shirt off."

Justin looked surprised. "I don't want to make you do anything that you don't want to do."

"You don't have to worry about that."

Lance pushed Justin down to the bed. Lance sat on his lap facing him and looked him right in the eyes. "I really love you Justin. I am so glad that you are my best friend." He kissed him on the lips softly at first and then more aggressive, almost as though he needed it to survive. It sent an electrical charge throughout their bodies. Justin moaned urging him to go on.

Lance removed his shirt revealing his nicely developed chest. Justin bulge got bigger and bigger by the minute as he watched Lance. He wanted Lance to have the best experience of his life tonight, make him feel as though he was doing the right thing. He didn't want to rush things though. Lance got off Justin and pushed him down onto the bed. He started at his nipples and began to suck and nibble on them resulting in moans from Justin. Lance then used his tongue to move his way down to his navel. He licked and kissed his stomach, causing louder moans. Apparently Lance had found Justin's most sensitive spot...or so he thought.

Justin's shorts came off. He had no underwear on underneath, just a big cock that stood straight up from a light colored bush and huge sperm-filled balls. Justin breath came faster as Lance paused in front of this treasure.

"Lance, you don't have to." He whispered softly.

"I want to please you." Lance responded and took the head of Justin's cock in his mouth. Justin began squirming and moaning louder than before. Lance smiled to himself, so this was the sensitive part that nobody gets to without permission. He began to lick and suck running his tongue under the most sensitive line on the head of the cock. Lance then relaxed his throat and took all of Justin's glory down his mouth. Lance found himself nose deep in Justin's bush. Then he moved up and down. Justin couldn't handle it, he screamed loudly and emptied his balls out into Lance's mouth. Without warning Lance felt hot fluid shoot at the back of his throat. He swallowed what he could and let the rest drip down his chin.

Justin could not believe what had just happened. He looked up at Lance and kissed him deeply. Tasting the cum in his mouth and licking it off his chin. It had to be the best blowjob that he had ever had. Lance broke the kiss. "Wow, that was intense."

"I didn't mean to shoot down your throat, but it felt-"

Justin was interrupted by another kiss. "Don't worry, Justin. I wanted it. It was great."

"I want you to fuck me."

"Whoa, Justin." Lance stopped him. "I don't think I'm ready for that."

"Don't worry man, there's nothing to it, it's just like fucking a girl." Justin said. "I know you want to do it. It feels so good, so hot and tight."

"I've never fucked a girl, Justin." Lance said shyly. "I never fucked anyone."

"Oh..." Justin stopped. "I just thought..."

There was an awkward pause.

"Do you have lube?"

Justin smiled and kissed Lance. "Don't worry about a thing. I have rubbers too. I'm always safe with everyone."

"I really appreciate that, man." Lance said.

Justin sat up and pulled Lance's pants off. His cock of course sprung up and was ready for action. Justin rolled the condom onto Lance's stiff cock.

"I think you're ready. Get me ready."

Justin handed the lube to Lance. Lance squirted some onto his hand. Justin lay face down on the bed with his legs spread. Lance thought that he was hot and was ready to shoot right there, but he wanted it to last. He applied the lube to Justin's hole and began to move it around there. He then entered the tight hole with one finger. Justin moaned. He began to finger fuck Justin slowly and then quicker, he added another finger and did the same. The he added a third finger and began exploring. Lance's finger's hit Justin's prostate and he moaned loudly calling out his name. Lance grabbed some more lube and applied it to his hard cock.

"I'm ready, Lance." Justin rolled over and lifted his legs onto Lance's shoulders. "I want to see your face as you fuck me."

Lance was so turned on. He couldn't believe that his best friend was letting him do this. He pointed his cock at Justin's hole and slowly let the head enter. Justin was wincing with pain, so he stopped. Justin urged him on. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Keep going." Justin urged. "I want it."

Lance went until he was all the way in. It felt great. Justin was moaning, he took that as a hint. Lance kissed Justin on the lips and slowly began moving in and out. With every entry his movement became more intense until he was moving like an animal. Both boys were moaning and groaning and screaming.

"I'm going to shoot." Lance panted. Justin clamped his ass muscles around Lance's cock as Lance shot into him. Neither one knew how long Lance shot, but it was a long time. Lance fell onto Justin's chest, spent. Justin wrapped his legs around his friend and kissed him on the lips.

"Bud, that was one great fuck." Justin said and kissed him again.

Lance felt no remorse, he agreed. He felt great. He kissed his friend back. There was no weirdness or hurt feelings. They both knew that it would be all right.

"Can I sleep like this?" Lance asked.

Justin wrapped his strong arms around his friend. "Good night, my friend."

They both fell asleep without realizing that JC had been standing in the adjoined bathroom watching the entire thing with a smile on his face.

"Oh my god!" Katherine was running around like a lunatic. She was desperately running around trying to find something to wear for her date.

Lukas sat back and smiled. Since he had left the hospital, he and Katherine had moved in together and found out that they were the best roommates ever. They got along well and kept each other company...especially through everything that they have been through. So now, it was entertaining for Lukas to sit back and watch Katherine go crazy.

"Should I make myself scarce tonight?" Lukas asked. "I don't want to interrupt anything that can happen."

"No!" Katherine glared. "It's not like that. I actually like this guy."

"You've met him once."

"But I have a feeling..." Katherine began, but Lukas tuned it out. He got tired of Katherine going on and on about boys. He finally just gave up on the idea of guys altogether. He figured that if it was meant to happen, it would, but he was not in any hurry looking for one.

"Why is it that your clothes is the last thing you do?" Lukas asked. "I'll never understand! Why do everything, but clothes? I don't get it!" Katherine's hair was perfectly styled and shaped. Her makeup was applied perfectly and expertly and her nails done as though it was from a salon. It was outrageous!

"It's just me!" Katherine said. "Oh, how's this?" She picked up a short black dress.

"I guess..." Lukas began. Just then the doorbell rang. "It'll have to work."

Katherine ran to the bathroom leaving Lukas to answer the door. So he casually strolled to the door and opened it. On the other side was a god, which Lukas couldn't believe. Where did she pick him up? He wanted some of that!

"Hi, I'm Lukas." Lukas extended his hand. The god extended his hand and grasped it tightly.

"I'm Jason. I'm here to pick up Kat."

"Kat?" Lukas smiled. "Come on in."

Just as Jason walked in the door, Katherine appeared sporting her short black dress. "Hey, I'm glad the two of you met."

"Ready to go?" Jason asked.


"I want you home at midnight," Lukas said in a fatherly tone. "Or else."

Katherine smiled. "Yes, dad. Maybe..."

With that, they walked out the door and into the night. Lukas plopped down on the couch, alone for the first time in a long time. He turned on the TV and watched the news and then saw a highlight of the Nsync concert in Portland. There was a news clip about the concert being sold out and then a report with Lance, which caught Lukas's attention. He stayed up to watch the program and then fell asleep dreaming of his Lance. What Lukas didn't know was that his dream man was on his way to him in a very short amount of time.

Lance woke up with a start. He sat up in bed in a cold sweat. The dream was just too much for him. He couldn't handle it. He looked over at Justin who was motionless next to him. He hadn't heard a thing. The dream, he had a dream. It wasn't like the other dreams that he had, but more realistic. Almost as though, he were looking into a crystal ball and watching the entire thing happen.

Lance fell back onto the mattress. He didn't understand what was going on. He thought that the dreams had gone away completely. What was going on? Why was this guy on his mind? He felt so confused. He felt so guilty. For fucking Justin? He shook his head at the thought. Justin was great, there was no reason to feel guilty about that.

Luke's face just flashed in his mind over and over again. Handsome face looking sadly down at what he was seeing...Lance and Justin together, happy. He reached his hand out as if a plea to help him. He mouthed something that Lance couldn't read. Then his face disappeared as quickly as it had come in. Weird shit was definitely going on.

He snuggled up next to Justin, wanting to feel protected and safe. His strong, hard body felt like a good thing to hold on to. Lance put his hand on his chest...and quickly pulled it back. He pulled his hand up and was covered in blood. He looked over at Justin, who had a lifeless look on his face and his throat sliced open.

Lance screamed and screamed at the top of his lungs, afraid of what he just saw. Justin woke up with a start and comforted his crying friend. Lance placed his face in Justin's neck and sobbed. Justin wrapped his strong, supportive arms around Lance's quivering body and let him cry.

JC ran into the room from the bathroom. "What the fuck is going on!"

Justin stroked Lance's hair as though he were a small child. "Just a bad dream, JC."

"I don't believe you." JC said. "Why are you both naked?"

Justin remained quiet and Lance continued to sob quietly. He paid no attention to JC's jealousy and continued to comfort his sad, scared friend.

"Come on guys, what the fuck!" JC couldn't take it anymore. "What the hell is going on?"

The quiet voice of Chris came up behind JC as he put a hand on his shoulder.

"Just lay off, JC. Let them be."

The room filled with silence. Chris's voice seemed to have calmed everything down. Lance had even stopped crying, but Justin's arms still held him close.

"Let's just sit back and talk. I think we all need to have a long conversation with each other about what is going on here." Chris spoke to them all. "I think we need to call an emergency meeting or everything will get out of control."

Joey walked into the room in his superman pajamas rubbing his sleepy eyes. "Ok guys, first the sex, now the screaming, what's going on?"

"Have a seat Joey." JC said. "It's going to be a long night"

Lukas woke up. He had just had the strangest dream. He had just watched his boy Lance fuck Justin Timberlake! It was weird. Lukas thought to himself, man, I need to get laid. He was about to get up and go to his room and jerk off when he heard noises outside. He slowly crept to the door and looked out the peephole. It was Katherine and Jason in a hot passionate embrace! He had her pushed up to the door and his hands all over her body; groping and touching her everywhere. Lukas backed off and sat back on the couch. He looked at the clock and noticed the time, it was way late! 2 am! He decided that now was the time to crank up the tv, so he did.

Katherine came in the door a few minutes later, looking a little messed up.

"Have a good nite?" Lukas asked.

"It was so good, Lukas." Katherine said. "He is the one!"

"I am so glad to hear that!" Lukas said. "You're coming to my show tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah," Katherine said. "Jason's coming with me!"

"Great," Lukas said. "I am so happy to hear that!" Lukas wrapped his arms around his friend. "Now, get to bed, so we can have a great day and you can tell me about your night tomorrow after the show.."

"Ok, " Katherine said. "But how was your nite?"

"I had the strangest dream." Lukas said. "I was watching Lance fuck Justin. Like it was some porno."

Katherine laughed. "That sucks. Your man better not be cheating."

Lukas smiled. "It was weird, just because I was sitting there just watching them. Like I was there, but I'll tell you more later."

"Boy, you need to get laid." Katherine laughed hysterically.

"Tell me about it." Lukas smiled and escorted Katherine to her room.

Lance sat in silence as Justin drove. They were headed to the middle of nowhere to look for talent. It was one of the last hopeless causes that Lance could think of to get some fresh young actors that actually had talent...those that actually performed. Their journey had mostly been silent. It had been a rough night. Lance had not a lot to say, he was waiting for Justin to say something-anything to stop the awkward silence.

"I didn't know he would get so jealous." Justin said out of nowhere.

"How long had you guys been together?" Lance asked. "Why are you here?"

"I'm here because I love you Lance." Justin said. "You are my best friend."

Lance laughed. "Oh am I? Let's are you my friend? You've been fucking JC for all this time, god knows how long and during this time you feel the need that you have to make me like you. During all of this time you think that I am just a psychopath chasing after something that doesn't exist. Then you had to tell all the guys about it too. Now they think I need help During this you use me for-I have no idea!"

Justin stared straight ahead

"Don't just sit there, asshole."Lance shouted. "You hurt me! Truth hurts! You lied to me!"

"Fuck this!" Justin said. He pulled the car off to the side of the road. His face was flushed and his knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel so tight.

Lance was suddenly afraid. He knew how Justin got sometime and he could get violent. Right now he didn't know what he was going to do. Lance didn't care; he was so upset, but he was ready to fight him. He thought that Justin was going to swing at him, but instead he brought his head in close to his and kissed him. Lance was surprised and horny at the same time. He started kissing Justin back with more intensity, but then he was stopped.

"Lance, I love you." Justin stopped. "I care so much for you, more than a brother, lover, friend...whatever. I care so much for you that I would do anything for you. Include getting you help. This Luke things has gone way to far-you see him everywhere, its not healthy. He exists only in your mind. It's crazy."

"I don't understand." Lance said. "I'm not crazy."

"First of all," Justin said. "JC and I are not together. We just fuck. We get so horny all the time with all the girls wanting to get on us. That we do each other to get out our sexual frustrations. I didn't do that with you, Lance. I offered you to come to me, I never did anything that you didn't want because I care about you." Justin sighed. "I love you. Maybe more than I probably should." Justin held his hand.

"What are you saying, Justin?"

"When you first told me about those dreams, I was a little intrigued. I just thought it was stress or something. Then you really started believing them, as if they were real and it was scaring me. Ending up in the hospital really scared me, Lance. It did."


"Because I thought you were going to say that he made you do it. You wanted to start your own talent industry and that was cool, it's been great, but I know it was to find him. I was getting a little jealous of a guy that didn't even exist and I thought that something was wrong." Justin stopped again. "But I support you through everything. I had to tell the guys because we can't keep secrets, it's not healthy between us."

Lance sighed. "I'm sorry, I didn't know I was causing you all of this."

Justin smiled. "I've wanted you for so long, but you don't want me like I want you. I will always love and care for you. I will even let you fuck me still as I want to you. That's why I'm here, I love you and will do everything with and for you."

Lance smiled back. "I'll still let you. I am so sorry I am chasing this dream. I don't even know why I am doing it! I am so confused."

Justin hugged Lance. "I am so sorry."

Lance hugged him back. "I love you too." He turned his face toward Justin and kissed him lightly on the lips, which Justin eagerly returned.

"We should hit the road," Lance said. "We have a long drive ahead of us, if we want to make it there on time."

Justin smiled. "Do we have time for a quickie? I haven't had the chance to nail you yet."

"Let's talk about that later."

Justin put the car in gear and off to nowhere they were headed.

Wearing their disguises, Justin and Lance entered the theatre with awe. For a crappy little town and university, it sure had a nice theatre. It was filled with seats and hundreds of people were inside. There were beautiful lights up everywhere and the sets were done so professionally, that even Lance wasn't sure if students had painted them or not. There sure was talent here, Lance could smell it, but he wasn't sure what it was.

He and Justin took their seats in the front row and waited for the show to begin. The lights dimmed and Justin grabbed Lance's hand in the dark and began to stroke it softly. Lance sat back and smiled. Then the stage lights went on and the curtain went up.

A figure came out stage left in a costume that left little to the imagination: perfect body, toned and taught and Lance could see the shape of his package in his tight costume. It was a play not known to Lance, but it was breath taking. The masked figure danced around for a while expressing a feeling of love that Lance interpreted and then he came to a stop right in front of Lance. He took his mask off and bowed. The audience cheered. Lance's heart stopped cold in his chest. He griped Justin's hand tightly and couldn't breathe. Lance looked straight into the eyes, familiar eyes, friendly dark eyes, dark hair and handsome features. The eyes stared back, knowing his secret. Lance quickly let Justin's hand go, no one else seemed to notice. The audience was to busy applauding the great performance. Lance couldn't clap... he kept staring. Justin noticed and looked to Lance for what was going on. The two strangers meeting for the first time, eye to eye, were not sure what to do.

Lukas stared into the eyes that he had seen in his dreams hundreds of times, thousands of times. He couldn't believe it. It was his best dream or his worst nightmare. He stared like a fool not sure what to do, but the show must go on, so he ran back off stage and sat in the back crying his eyes out not sure what to do, while the show went on to scene 2.

Katherine sat back in her seat, shocked at what she had just witnessed. No, Lukas did not make any mistakes, but she saw where his eyes were, saw his face turn white and his eyes like death, what he had seen had scared him, like a bad nightmare. Katherine had followed his eyes into the eyes of a guest, an audience member. No, not Robert, but a mystery man in a hat and trench coat. How funny. Who in their right mind would wear that?

Not only that, but the person next to him was wearing one as well.

"What's the matter," Jason asked.

Katherine said nothing, but looked into the faces of the two men...boys... they were younger. Suddenly Lukas ran backstage, which surprised Katherine. She knew he loved the audience attention.

She watched the two boys look at each other in shock. Suddenly she knew who the boys were and she left Jason and the show and ran out of the theatre looking for Lukas.

Lukas curled himself up in a ball. He wouldn't be on for another act. He was so scared. He felt arms around him and comforting words. It was Katherine.

He suddenly knew that everything would be all right.

A voice caught their attention. "Who are you people?"

They looked up at a man in a trench coat. He lifted his hat to reveal bright green eyes and a handsome face with a perfect smile.

Then he spoke again. "Lukas, I knew I'd find you."

Lukas and Katherine looked at each other in shock waiting for what would happen next.

"Don't be surprised or scared, Lukas." He said "I've been waiting for this moment-to meet you-- for a long time."

...To be continued.

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