Lances Love

By moc.loa@61mhnaH

Published on Apr 30, 2000


Disclaimer: If you are not at least 18 or of legal age to view sexual content please leave now. If you are offended by homosexual experiences or acts this story is not for you. I am not implying that anyone of the group N'SYNC are gay or Bi sexual. This is strictly fictional, all of the characters are also fictional and for the entertainment of you, the readers.Let's Get It O n.........

Lances Love

Part 15

We ate our lunch fast, because we had a lot of things to do before tonight. Plans were made and it was going to be great. Lani and me decided to tell Mandi a little white lie. Lani is going to say that she rented the room for thier honeymoon. She nothing of me or N'sync. She is going to kill me after she hugs me to death. It will be great. When we finished dinner JC drove us back to the hotel. JC was in charge of getting the rest of the guys together and have them meet me at the hotel. Me and my baby had to get supplies. It would be great and fun too.

JC dropped us off at the hotel and we went up to my room to party proof it. When we finished Lance made a phone call to fill up the bar to it's fullest compacity. Then we sat on the couch and looked over the room service menu.


"May I speak to Jamie" JC said as he decided to make this a real party.

"This is Jamie"

"Hey, I got a new idea."

"OK what is it?"

"Well they hit it off. They are now back together and ingaged again. We are throwing a party tonight at his penthouse room. Some old friends of his that are living down here are coming."

"Who do we know who lives down there?"

"Lani and Mandi"

"OH MY GOD!!!!! SO what is this plan of yours."

Back at the hotel.................................

"I think that will be about it for the food. What do you think honey?" Lance said as he put the phone down.

"Anymore food we will all get fat."

"Well I want to make this a good party."

"It will be trust me you are here so it will be the best party ever for me at least." I said as I put my arms around Lance.

"Well I do need to go back to my place to clean up a bit. I will be back in about a hour and a half. I will bring some clothes for tomorrow because I don't plan on going back home till tomorrow." Lance finished with a smirk on his face.

"Is that so what if I wanted to have a little fun with that cute young bellboy?"

"I will kill him I got you back and no one will take you away from me."

"That's what I thought you'd say so I guess it will be me, you, and a bed tonight."

"Now that sounds great"

"OK I will see you later honey" We seperated with a long passionate kiss.

I have truelly found my happy spot. I know now for sure that I don't and can't live without Lance. He means the world to me. If I lost him I would die. At that thought I ran to my CD case and found the perfect cd for the two of us. PM DAWN:The bliss album, one song on it can explain and express the way I feel towards him number fifteen on the cd. I will die without you. I feel that sums up the way I feel and I know he feels the same way. I figure that we will have a rather long night so I think I should nap. While asleep I had a dream. I envisioned the wedding. Mine and Lances wedding. It was wonderous, flowers of white and blue every where. Lance in a tux with a smile on his face and tears of joy in his eyes. I never thought that this day was ever going to come. Everyone was there I even was able to track down my parents to invite them and to my surprise they were happy for me. My mother never took the news of me being gay very well. But she was so happy for me. It was the happiest day of my life. The day I would forever seal and vow my feelings for James Lansten Bass to make our souls one. When we finally got to the limo which was going to take us to the airport I was so giddy that we would have so much time alone. We got to the airport and boarded our plane to Ireland. But before the plane took off a bomb that was placed in the plane went off. I was barely concious and I saw the limp body of my newly wed huband. there was no breath left in his lungs. I cried the tears of a widow. I felt like my heart was on fire and I was going to die of a heart attack. I just made my vows of love to the only man who has ever stole my heart away from me. He carried it with him from the day I met him. How was I supposed to live without him in my life. Then I remember what the JC, Joey, Chris, And Justin gave us for a wedding present. They sang I'll die without you. I hear there voices ringing in my head as if they were right behind me singing. I wanted to die right then and then Isaw my way out a large shard of the plane. I can't live without James, I will not let you leave me here I will be there up in the heavens with you for the rest of eternity. With that I ended the pain that reaked from my heart by shoving the shard right into it. It was all over, all black, all alone, untill I hear his voice singing to me our song and I knew it was he for only he could meake me shutter with his voice. I was finally with him and nothing could ever change that now..And then there was sleep.

THREE HOURS LATER..........................

"UHHHHH Damn phone where the hell did I put you. There you are. Hello."

"May I speak to Christopher Parsons."

"This is he how may I help you."

"Yes sir I have some drastic news to tell you"

"OK what is it. Who is this"

"I am sorry My name is Johnathon Werton, I am a nurse at Orlando General Hospital. I was asked to give you a call."

"What the hell is going on here. And this better not be a prank call."

"Well sir I am afraid to say that your friend James Lansten Bass has been in a car accident. He is in critical condition at this point in time. I was asked by him when he first arrived to call you and I found the number in his pocket."

"What I have to see him."

"I am sorry sir but that is not possible right now I can give you a call when he stabilizes or when there is a change in his condition."

"I will be there in the waiting room in about thirty minutes"

I hung up the phone and ran to the elevator. I ran as fast as I could to the lobby and out the doors to where there was a limo for me. He was instructed to stay there all day and take me where ever I wanted to go. All I had to do was get across the driveway and to it and I would be there next to his side.



Well I hope that this makes up for the wait that I put all of you through. Thank you for all of the e-mails asking me to continue. ALL comments and suggestions welcome at

Next: Chapter 16

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