Lances Love

By moc.loa@61mhnaH

Published on Jul 27, 1999


Disclaimer: If you are not at least 18 or of legal age to view sexual content please leave now. If you are offended by homosexual experiences or acts this story is not for you. I am not implying that anyone of the group N'SYNC are gay or Bi sexual. This is strictly fictional, all of the characters are also fictional and for the entertainment of you, the readers. Let's Get It On.........

Lances' Love

Part 2

"I am so sorry I mean I didn't know you were in here." Lance said as he picked up his towel and went back into his room. I was shocked to see Lance walk in but I liked what I saw. Lance has a very nice body tight stomach, smooth chest, and a very nice dick. I got out of the shower, dried off, and put my robe on when I went into Lance's room.

"I am so sorry I didn't know that you were in the shower. I really should've knocked before just barging in like that." Lance said as his towel around his waste seemed to tent up just by talking about the experience.

"Oh don't worry about it I just came in here to let you know that the shower is free and all yours." I said as I walked back into my room through the bathroom. I started to get dressed in a pair of CK jeans and a white t-shirt. I finally found my shoes and put them on as I heard the shower stop. I decided before to go check on the other guys before I finished getting ready. The other two showers were still going. I figured that it would stil be a little while till they were all ready. As I started to walk into my room I haerd JC.

"Hey Crispy"

"Oh hey someone else is ready other than just me."

"I am usually the one who gets ready first out the group. You get used to waiting. I just wanted to thank you for putting us up here in this fabulous house of yours. I mean it is so huge and you live here by yourself." JC asked kinda asking a question but not quite a full one.

"Well it is a house that my Grandfather bought when he was still alive. and then I had some inheritence from both of them. Unfortunetely I do live alone that is why I asked ya'll to stay here I don't like living alone." I said in response to his question.

"You must have been really close to you grandpa if he left you this great house."

"Actually no, I never met the man. I mean I was born after his death. But he told my parents that the last child they had when he turned 18 would get the house. I never knew about the house untill for my 18 birthday I got one of those oldtyme pictures of it. I asked what is this about and they told me it was mine. It was one hell of a birthday gift."

"That's for real, but it is great, I love the old and new look that you have managed to keep most of the orignal style."

"Well I do have to say this I have got to get Lance out of the bathroom so I can do my hair and all of my personal stuff. If you would JC could you possible hurry the guys up we will be leaving in about 25 minutes. I don't want to make the girls wait for us to late." I said as I cought a good look into JC's eyes they are definately gorgious they can almost butter. But when I realized I was staring I turned around to go bak in my room.

I knocked on the bathroom door before opening it. After a few moments of no answer I decided it was safe to enter. I wiped the mirror off so I could do my hair. Put on some deoderant, then some colonge, finally I was starting to brush my teeth. Lance walks in so he can finish getting ready as well. I love the fact that he was standing next to me in the big mirror. I didn't have to move my eyes to stare at him. When I finished brushing my teeth I just left the bathroom. As I reached the door that leads into my room I stopped and turned around telling Lance we would be leaving in about 15 minutes. As I walked out into the hallway there were no longer showers running which was a good sign. Just then I heard alot of laughter coming from JC's room. I walk in and there they are almost all of them. Joey's sitting on the recliner, Chris is sitting in the bay window looking at the view of the suburbs, and JC was leaning against the wall near the closet.

"Where is Justin?"

"He is still doing his hair, what else would he be doing right when we need to leave."Chris said because the two of them shared a bathroom.

"What are ya'll talking about?" Justin said as he walked in the room.

Lance sneaked up behind Justin and just started to tickle his side. Justin seemed like he was a bucking bronco the way he was trying to avoid Lance's hands. Lance finally stopped when him and Justin fell to the ground with a very loud thud. Everyone laughed so hard because they landed in a unusual position.

"Ok we have got to go know," I said as stepping over the two on the floor. I stopped right at the door so when Lance went to get up I could see his nice ass a little better.

"Crispy what are you staring at? I thought you wanted to get going, so get going." JC said with a touch of anger in it at least it seemed that way.

Halfway down the hall I stopped to ask JC "How in the hell are we supposed to get there I have no car??"

"That is so easy I called and rented a explorer for us for the next week at least." He said as he passed by me and towards the door.

"Where do you think you are going with those keys?" I said to JC as he was playing with them.

"I am going to drive what do you expect."

"I am no back seat driver or a passenger side navigator. If ya'll wanna get there I am driving."

"You wanna drive go ahead and drive it is all yours. I didn't want to drive anyway." JC said as he started to pout.

"you can drive home if you can remember how to get back ok." I said as his frown turned up side down.

"Cool I will remember everything, SHOT GUN." JC yelled as I locked the door.

The traffic wasn't that bad at all it only took us about 5 minutes to get there. We got there before the girls did but that didn't surprise me one bit. So we just parked there in the parking lot. I turned on the radio to 97.5 WABB to hear the top 8 at 8. The number 8 song is Stiches by Orgy.Everyone was quite and that kinda scared me. SO for a laugh I put thier cd in and it started to play.

"None of that now this is our vacation" Justin almost moaned from the backseat.

"Turn that off and put something good in." Chris said loudly wich made me flinch due to the fact that he was sitting right behind me.

"I happen to like this so do you have a problem with that." I said turning around in my seat to look at everyone. But actually to look at Lance.

We all started to argue about what music to listen to when the girls finally showed up and were looking around for us. I thought that it was funny that they were looking so hard and we were only across the parking lot looking straight at them.

"I think we should flag them down what do ya'll think." I said still looking at Lance.

"Well that is why we were waiting here,"Joey said very valley girl like.

"You so crazy I think I want to have your baby." I said as we just started to laugh so hard and loud it drew the girls to us.

"Hey, were ya'll going to ever invite us to ya'lls little party." Mellisa said as she shoved her head in through the window.

"Sorry bout that we were just chill'n and talk'n wait'n for ya'll to get here, you are late. Is that going to start to be a habit."

"Hey now that is not funny you can blame the princess over there, she took forever to get ready. I swear that she had to try on every outfit at least three times each. Then she finally decided on the very first one she tried on." Mellissa said as she was pointing to Michelle.

"That's smooth babe" I said leaning out the window looking towards Michelle."Let's get going ya'll can follow me there."

I waited till they got in thier car for me to pull off. At least the drive there was not so quite due to the radio playing all sorts of music. We were all singing along with the music. It was so much fun just to be with the guys and cruisin around. I started to just play around and goof off.

"Are you sure you wanna go to a karoke bar with a voice like that I mean come on your gonna make a fool out of yourself at least compared to us that is." Justin said and he actually sounded serious about it to.

"Justin" Lance and JC said very upset that Justin said that to me.

"Just wait you little three stooges wanna be." I said trying to ease Lance and JC's minds.

When we got to the bar it was actually almost empty. It usually has about 10 people hanging around outside. There was no one outside just chill'n or anything. We walked to the entrance and I was just about to walk.

"Wait Crispy, I have one question, how am I going to get in there it is a bar." Justin said.

"I have been going here since I was 16 and I am now 19 so I know the owner and she is pretty cool about it. She just doesn't let us drink. Even if I show up with someone who is of age to drink they can't. I mean she doesn't have the time to keep a eye on me at all times so no one drinks."

We all walked in I said hello to the Denise and Nathan who are the owners. Then I walked up and handed some M&M's to Lisa who is the waitress. She told me one night she loved them so I usually bring her some. We sat down at my usual table. It is directly across from the stage. The only seperating it is the dance floor. I grabbed one of the note books and started to flip through the pages. I filled out some pieces of paper to turn in to the DJ who was playing the music so I could sing.

"What was that all about?" Lance said as I sat back down.

"Well I just turned in my usual songs which I always sing when I show up. You know alittle of this alittle of that."

"Chri-Crispy will you go up there and sing with me I am kinda scared. I have never done this in my life. Please it was your idea to come here anyway." Mellissa said with the sad puppy dog face.

"Fine, Fine I will go. I hate the puppy dog face."

"OK for the first time tonight but certainly not his last Chris get on up here. Dazzle us with your vocal stylings which tantalize the ears. Come on up here now don't act shy." Tyler said as he motioned for me to come and take the mike.

I walked up to the stage grabbed the mike and just started to let the music take over my body. "We don't even talk any more, We don't even know what we argue about........."

"And that was Chris singing one of my favorites Water Runs Dry by Boyz II Men. I think Boyz II Men just might have a run for there money." Tyler said while he clapped. Everyone was clapping, especially all my friends. I walked back to the table and the guys were in shock that I could sound like that.

"I am so sorry I had no idea you could sound like that I mean that was so awesome." Justin said as I sat down inbetween Lance and Mellissa.

"That was good I mean real good." JC said as he shot me a smile which made me blush.

"Yeah man that was, there just is no words for what you just did to us." Lance said as he patted my back.

"The whole thing in the car was just so you could make us eat our own words later wasn't it" Chris said.

"Well if you must know..Yes it was, I thought what your faces would look like but I knew I wanted to see shocked so I had to plan just a little." I confessed.

"I am not going up now" Mellissa said.

"yes you are even if I have to drag you up there, pick a song. Besides I did tell you that I was going to go up there with you. Come on I can tell everyone at work what a chicken you are." I said while grabbing the book from Joey and put it infront of Mellissa.

"How about I Love Rock-N-Roll by Joan Jett. I like that song plus I think I can do it." Mellissa said as I filled out the slip. I stood up and took the slip to Tyler.

"Hey Tyler, My friend is scared to come up here so if you could do me a favor and let her sing next. She also wants me to sing so lets just say that my mike is going to malfunction so she can sing it by herself."

"Sure man she will be next. You do know that you are sneaky and underhanded. And that if she finds out that you planned this out that she will be mad." Tyler said as he shuffled around the discs to find Joan Jett.

"Yes I know on both accounts but it is the only way she will get up here."

"Mellissa come on up, I was told that Mellissa is a Karoke VIRGIN. Let's give her a prehand of applause for the lovely and talented and the Virgin Mellissa." Tyler said as Michelle finally got Mellissa to stand. Tyler always liked to do intros if at all possible.

"I Love Rock-N-Roll put another dime in the juke...." Is as far as I went but Mellissa didn't seem to notice. She just went on with the song which made me very happy.

The house roared with cheers for Mellissa as she finished the song. She stammered back to her seat and sat down and was shocked that she actually had got up there and did that.

"It wasn't that bad now was it."

"You didn't sing with me. You promised you would sing with me and you didn't."

"One I promised I would get up there with you which I did. Second the microphone messed up."

"Fine if that is what you want to believe. But I personally don't believe you."

"I love my Lissa though. Will you please forgive me I am so sorry."

"I forgive you because I want you to help me out at work."

The night seemed to go by so fast. We all ended up singing. by the time 1 came around we were all very tired and needed to get some sleep. We said our goodbyes to the girls as they drove off. We were all so hungry and the guys asked me where could we get some food this late at night. I had one simple answer Waffle House. We went to the one that I often frequent. As I walk in I am greated by my ex-girlfriend Jamie.

"Chris, it's been a whole week and you haven't come in and I was actually getting worried." Jamie said as she wrapped her arms around me.

"I do have a life other than here and work you know. Oh Jamie these are my friends Joey, Justin, Chris, Lance, and JC. Guys this is Jamie."

Hello was basically all that was said from anyone. Jamie took our order and it was all on one ticket. I mean we ordered alot of food and I was hoping that I had enough money for it. It took about half a hour for our entire order to get to us. I pulled Jamie aside to talk for a minute.

"Hey sweetie, How much is the bill?"

"Well it comes to a total of damn that's a big check. I mean it is only $135.86." Jamie said shocked at the total.

"What that is alot of money shit that sucks so bad. I will have no money left for this week after this. Oh yeah I am going to go ahead and give you a tip." My devilish grin was starting to form.

"really thank you" Jamie said unknowingly.

"Yeah don't expect money from me for a while."

"I'll take this" JC said as he grabbed the ticket out of my hand.

"What are you doing" I said as I spun around. I was so close to JC I could've kissed him and the thought did cross my mind. He didn't move one bit I think he wanted me to kiss him. oh what am I thinking he is straight they are all straight.

"You are giving us a place to stay and well I thought we could all take turns paying for different things." JC said as he put his arm around me as we walked back to the table.

I have never seen food go so fast. I knew that we were hungry but it was pratically inhaled. Jamie had to come back over about every 5minutes because we would need a refill or to pick up the totally nasty plates. JC got up to go ahead and pay the bill.

"Crispy how do you know the waitress??" Lance said with that little bit of curiosity in his voice.

"Well one she is one of my ex's. She is also a real good friend because we have been through alot. I was out of town for about three weeks and I came back into town and came straight here." I said as recalling the first time I met Jamie and how much fun we have had together.

"Why was this your first stop," Lance asked.

"Well I missed her a great deal if I don't hear from her after about a week I go crazy. I still have feelings for her just a little bit but it is all good though." I said glancing over at her.

"Hey how about we get home I think we all need some rest. Keys Please.."JC said as I tossed him the keys

"Oh yeah guys SHOT GUN" I yelled.

"Cool I am glad that you are up front with me." JC smiled towards me winking at me. WOW, it just hit me JC just might be interested in me but I really like Lance. I put in a tape and I push rewind so we could listen to it.I pushed play when it stopped rewinding.

"Chris that is you tonight" Lance said as he listened to the radio.

"Yeah I had tyler record us tonight. I thought that it would be a good way to remember tonight,"I said as I just sat there listening to the radio.

"Cool I want a copy of the tape to," JC said.

"Sure I got tapes at home and you can copy it for yourself tomorrow." I said looking t the rest of the guys. Justin had fallen asleep.

Well we got to the house and woke Justin up. We all went inside and said our goodnights to each other. I went into my room and got undressed down to my boxers. I went in the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I finished I poked my head into Lance's room and said goodnight again.

"Night I will see you in the morning. Thanks for taking us out tonight it was so much fun and nobody realized who we were." Lance said from his bed.

"Well it is because that is a diferent group of people than you are used to. Besides I bet you are glad that you didn't have to be a celebrity for a night." I said while squinting just barely making out Lances shape in the bed.

"That is true well night I have got to get some sleep."


I went back in my room and got into bed and in ten minutes I was asleep. JC couldn't sleep for once in his life. So he got up and went to talk to me. He walked in and I was asleep. So he just wanted to lay next to me because he just wanted to be near me. Since he met me he just could not get me out of his mind. JC did get in the bed right next to me and got under the sheet and got right up next to me. JC fell asleep in about 5 minutes or so. Lance got up to use the restroom and when finished he realized that the door to my room was not closed. He creeps in to see me sleep and when he looked in my bed he saw not only me but JC right next to me.....

To be Continued..........

All comments are welcome here. BE it good or bad your comments help shape the story so Email me please. I would like to just let you know one thing I was asked my name from one of the readers I am sorry I forgot to mention it my name is Lee. Email me at

Next: Chapter 3

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