Lances Love

By moc.loa@61mhnaH

Published on Sep 9, 1999


Disclaimer: If you are not at least 18 or of legal age to view sexual content please leave now. If you are offended by homosexual experiences or acts this story is not for you. I am not implying that anyone of the group N'SYNC are gay or Bi sexual. This is strictly fictional, all of the characters are also fictional and for the entertainment of you, the readers. Let's Get It On.........

Lances Love

part 7

"Justin are you ready to go. I just got off the phone with JC and the guys are waiting on us to get back."

"Yeah I'm ready but are you ready to talk to Lance."

"I think I am ready. I am a bit scared but I can do this. What about you. Can you talk to JC and be honest to him and tell him what you have wanted to tell him for so long."

"The only way to tell is when we get there."

"Then we are there. Jamie we are leaving see you and Nicole about 6 that gives you 4 hours. Have fun till then."

"See ya later Crispy." Jamie yelled from her bedroom.

Me and Justin left Jamies and got into the car and started to drive towards my place. I was so nervous and I am pretty sure that it showed. I looked over at Justin and he looked like he was fighting aa battle against himself. I know what is all about but I also know that it is a very hard thing to do.

"Justin don't worry if you don't want to tell JC then it is ok I won't say anything to him."

"No Chris I do need to tell him you were right earlier. I definately need to tell JC now or never. I personally choose now over never. I need to know how he feels."

"Ok I will talk to Lance and you can talk to JC and then we will need to fill in prro Joey and Chris. I know that they are so clueless to what is going on."

"Well you are so right. I feel bad now that I think about it I mean they are my bestfriends. I think we will have to talk to them and apoligize about not telling them anything."

We finally got to my place and as me and Justin were getting out of the car we took a really big deep breathe. We walked very slowly to the door. We took one last deep breathe and I opened the door. As we walked into the living room we were greated by Joey and Chris who were totally relaxed and resting on the couches talking.

"Hey where did you guys go. I mean I woke up and JC and Lance were talking and the two of you were outa here." Joey said very curious.

"Yeah I think I should know about the two of ya'll. I mean I would like to know when one of my bestfriends hook up." Chris said as he looked at us and started to laugh. He laughed so hard that he fell off the couch and straight on the floor.

"What are you talking about." ME and Justin said very quickly and in unison.

"Is there something we should know." Chris said as his laughing stopped abrubtly by what me and Justin said.

"No, where is JC and Lance at?" I said to try to change the subject.

"They are on the back porch tanning." Joey said still looking very lost and confused.

"Thanks" Justin said as we walked to the backyard to talk to JC and Lance.

We walked out to see Lance and JC tanning by the pool. Me and Justin just stood back and looked at the two of them laying out. They looked so angel like to us. JC went to turn over and saw us standing there.

"Are ya'll gonna just stand there or are you going to say hello." JC said looking up at us from the lounge chair he was in. Lance rolled over when JC said this and he looked at me like something was killing him inside.

"Well hey then" I said as I flashed Lance a caring smile. With that Lance's look turned to a more happy one.

"JC can we talk. It is very important." Justin said to JC very scared of being rejected. JC on the other hand thought that it was just a ploy to get him away from Lance so me and him could talk.

"That's sounds like a good idea" JC said as he shot a wink in my general direction.

"Talk to ya'll guys later." I said as the two of them walked farther in the yard to the cazebo so Justin can finally tell JC how he feels. I took the now empty lounge chair next to Lance and just looked at him.

"So how are you" Lance said nervous and it showed in the way his sexy deep voice trembled.

"Lance, I don't want to beat around the bush. I really care for you and I will understand if you don't feel the same way. I just don't want to be led on again." I said very serious.

Lance answered my question the only way he could. He reached for the back of my neck and drew me close for a very long and passionate kiss. This kiss has so much more feeling behind it then the first. The feeling wasn't coming from me either. His tongue tasted so good as it explored all of my mouth. I was truelly in heaven as this angel kissed me the way I've only dreamed of. Lance pulled away from me but this time he did it with a smile.

"Does that answer your question."

"Well I think I need more convincing." I said as I smiled and moved in for another kiss.


"Justin that was so smooth the way you said you had to talk to me and that it was important so the two of them could talk." JC said as he sat down and relaxed.

"JC I do have something important to talk to you about." Justin said sitting down across from JC.

"Well then J, what is it."

"JC I like Chris have some major confessing to do. I fell in love with you way back when and now it is just driving me crazy. I want to be with you so bad JC. Please forgive me for not telling you this along time ago."

"Justin I never knew that you felt that way. I feel the same way but I just thought that you were straight. If I knew then we wouldn't of had to wait to do this."

"Do what?" Justin said with sheer confusion.

JC leaned in and kissed Justin softly to start and then more heavy. Justin was in total bliss as his dream came true. The guy he idolized and looked up to and secretly loved was kissing him. Justin reached out to grab JC to make sure he wasn't dreaming. He wasn't JC was really there and kissing him and he just pulled JC closer to him.

JC pulled away and said"That, we wouldn't have to of waited to do that." JC was out of breath as he said this. JC pulled Justin into a hug as tears started to appear in his beautiful eyes. Justin heard the cries as JC held him.

"What's wrong, I am here I will always be here for you and I hope you know that. I have you know after wanting you for so long and I will never ever let you go as long as I am alive." Justin said in JC's ear as he tightened his grip around him.


"What the hell do you think is going on." Joey said as he helped Chris off the floor.

"I don't know but I got a good idea what just might be happening." Chris said as he sat back down on the coach.

"Well fill me in here. Because I am totally in the dark here and I don't like it."

"Well you know how Justin and JC have been acting wierd around each other for about the past month or so."

"Yeah" Joey said still toatlly confused and not really getting what Chris was hinting at.

"Well I think they have finally hooked up. And as far as Crispy and Lance I heard them talking earlier and I know why he left this morning. He admitted he was gay and had feelings for Lance and something happened between the two of them." Chris said trying to fill Joey in on what he thought was going on.

"Whatever man they are not gay. Crispy maybe but the guys, no way. They are as straight as you and me." Joey said as he walked to the sliding door. He saw Me and Lance embracing each other with our lips. He looked out farther and saw Justin and JC hugging each other. As I thought Justin and JC aren't gay. But that thought was sort of interupted as he saw them pull away and go back together but this time with they're lips. "Well I guess we are so gay Chris."

Chris not understanding the statement jumped up and walked over to the door and saw what Joey was talking about. "Well at least they can be happy now and not have to hide a damn thing. It is going to take some getting used to. Seeing them kiss like that. I mean I just had suspicions but I never put any real facts behind it untill now." Chris confessed to Joey.

BACK OUTSIDE...........

"It looks like we aren't the only happy couple now." I said as Lances head turned to see Justin and JC kissing.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!, I had no idea. You knew didn't you. You son of a bitch you knew and didn't say anything to me." Lance said looking hurt.

"Hey listen you didn't give me much of a chance to say anything. Besides I am your son of a bitch. But you should be happy for them. I talked to Justin and he told me he had a thing for JC and I just encouraged him a little." I said as I gave Lance another quick kiss.

` "Well JC told me he had a thing for Justin earlier today after ya'll left. But I had no idea about Justin. And yes I am very happy for them. Now I don't any compitetion for you." Lance said as he started to giggle.

"No one has anything on you. I love you, at least I think I do. I can't be sure until I get to know you better. I just don't want to say it because I got carried away in the moment." I said to Lance and almost got lost in his deep green eyes. I turned my head to see Joey and Chris staring at JC and Justin.

I stood up very slowlly and walked to the door and jumped out in front of it. "BOO". Joey and Chris fell over each other and onto the floor. JC and Justin broke their embrace when they heard me. They started to walk over to see what just went on. "You seem to like the floor don't you Chris. Lance sweetie remind me to get Chris some carpet just like this for his birthday ok."

"Sure thing. I will remind you in a few weeks before hand." Lance said right before he burst out laughing.

"What did I miss." Justin said as he ran up behind me and tripped and ran into me. He not only ran into me but also knocked me over and onto Chris and Joey.

"DOGPILE!!!!!!" JC screamed as they all jumped ontop of us.

"Hey heffers get off of me. Before you break something Lance might want to use tonight." I barely got out because I was in the middle of the pile.

JC and Justin started laughing as Lance said "Get up off my man. He is right I don't want damaged goods."

I helped Joey and Chris up off the floor. We all sat down in the living room and just tried to catch our breaths. We had a good little work there for a minute. I mean I didn't mind Lance being on top of me and all. I know what he is packing so I know when the time is righ twe can have some fun. In fact he has seen me naked to so oh well no mystery there no is there. Everyone was red and flushed.

"Who wants some water to cool them off." I said as I stood up.

"I do" JC said still panting.

"Hey JUustin will you come help me for a minute."

"Yeah no problem"

We walked into the kitchen when i got a huge smile on my face. It was one of those smiles that when people see it they know something is cooking in your brain.

"What do you have in mind." Justin asked when he looked at my grin.

"Well JC wants water and well the pool is full of it. Catch my drift, so do you wanna help me."

"Let's do it."

We walked back into the living room. JC Looked over at us and noticed that we had no glasses. "Where's my water."

With that me and Justin grabbed JC and carried him out back. We got to the pools edge and started to swing him. "Here's your water." I said as me and Justin let go of him. He went into the water with a very big splash.


I hope all you readers enjoyed it. I am waiting to hear your comments. BE them good or bad it doesn't matter they are still important to me. Any ideas or suggestions are also welcome. Thank you for reading my story.


Next: Chapter 8

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