Lances Love

By moc.loa@61mhnaH

Published on Sep 15, 1999


Disclaimer: If you are not at least 18 or of legal age to view sexual content please leave now. If you are offended by homosexual experiences or acts this story is not for you. I am not implying that anyone of the group N'SYNC are gay or Bi sexual. This is strictly fictional, all of the characters are also fictional and for the entertainment of you, the readers. Let's Get It On.........

Lances Love

part 8

When me and Justin let JC go and he made a rather big splash for such a light weight person. I just stood back and laughed at my plan which worked out perfectly. Justin was laughing as well but all of a sudden he really started to topple over with laughter. I saw why he was laughing JC was in the deep end and his shorts were in the shallow end. This was so much better than I thought. Joey and Chris walked out and started to laugh when they saw JC's shorts floating and not on him. JC finally realized why we were laughing so hard and turned ten shades of red. Justin walked to the shallow end and reached out and grabbed JC's shorts.

He carried them to where JC was and said "If you want these back you will have to get out and get them."

"Oh is that so." JC said as he grabbed Justin and pulled him in as well. "How about you being a dear and bring them in here with me." JC was having a hard time swimming because he was laughing so hard. Justin came up and was shocked that JC would do that and then started to laugh because it was really funny. I fell back in one of the lounge chairs and just laughed total out of control.

"Crispy, how about we be the only ones dry." Joey wispered to me as he knelt beside me.

"Good idea, you take Chris and I've got Lance." I said with a very maliscious smile.

Chris and Lance were still standing pretty close to the edge laughing so it would be a whole lot easier. I looked at Joey and held up three fingers. He nodded as he realized what I was trying to say. THREE, TWO, ONE, and in they went with a very large splash. JC just looked at us and he knew that was coming.

"Yeah, we are the champions, the dry champions, and ya'll are all wet." Joey said as he turned to me and gave me a high five.

"Actually if you want to be correct there is only one supreme champion and it isn't you." Joey turned to face me and had a very confused look on his face. That is till I shoved him in the pool as well.

"Hows the water all." I said with a huge grin on my face. It was a really interesting thing that I was able to get them all so easy. I just sat down in the lounge chair again and laughed. All of a sudden the lounge chair was speeding towards the pool and I flew into it. When I came up I saw Jamie was the driver of the chair. Nicole was standing at the sliding door laughing.

"Oh look Nicole the boys are all wet. I thought we would be the ones wet before the end of the night." Jamie said laughing and winking in Nicoles direction.

"Now Jamie I don't think that was so nice to say about the boys here. I mean they did set us up to get Crispy really good. Besides they aren't the only ones who is wet or at least going to be." With that said Nicole charged towards Jamie. Jamie was falling into the pool when she grabbed Nicole and pulled her in as well.

"Now everyone is wet. Does that make this a orgy or something." Lance said as he swam over towards me. Everyone just looked at him and laughed.

"NO IT IS NOT, I will only warn ya'll once keep your hands off my man." I turned towards Lance and said,"And as for you, keep those hands to yourself or me ONLY or you could always lose them." Lance just answered me by a kiss that made me stop swimming and kissed him with all my passion and strength.

"Must you do that in front of us. Get a room please there are four straight people here." Joey said as he swam towards Nicole. Lance pulled back and just held me in his arms.

"There are, I can only count two." Nicole said as she turned towards Jamie and planted a very heated kiss. Joey just stopped in his tracks and was shocked at what he was seeing.

"OHHHHHHH yes there are four straight people here as much as Chris and Joey eat they easily equal two people each." Justin said as he swam to the shallow end of the pool to relax a bit.

"Nicole turn your head. What are you trying to do make my girlfriend go straight on me." Jamie said as JC went to swim towards Justin and realized he still didn't have any shorts on. JC turned about 50 shades of red this time due to the fact that it was a girl who said something. Justin just looked into his hand to find JC's shorts in his hand still. With that JC finally got to Justin and grabbed his shorts out of his hand so he could put them back on. Justin couldn't help himself, so he reahced out and pinched JC's butt.

"I am going to pay you back for this tonight. I swear you will regret this." JC said as he to pulled Justin into a kiss.

After a few more minutes everyone was sitting on the huge steps of the pool in the shallow end. We were all just sitting talking in our own little couples. I did feel bad for Joey and Chris to see everyone around them with someone else. I decided that I was going to change that.

"Will ya'll excuse me and Jamie for a minute I have to talk to her and make some phone calls." I said as I stood up and helped Jamie up. We were walking towards the sliding doors when we heard everyone saying"OHHHHHHHH"

Me and Jamie just kept going inspite of there little comment. We walked and I shut the sliding door and reached into the closet right next to the sliding doors and got us some towels to dry off with. When we finally dried off we went into the kitchen.

"What do we need to talk about? Who do you have to call?" Jamie inquired.

"I feel bad for Joey and Chris so I need your help to find some SSF's."

"Find what???"

"Single Straight Female's"


"That's one person but who else"

"Crispy I wasn't impling that we call Staci. I was thinking more along the lines of Heather, Dawn, Dawn, Erin, Regan, and anyone else you can think of."

"Damn for not really knowing you can sure spit out some names. Listen go into the computer room and call Heather, Dawn, Regan, and Staci. I will use this line and call Erin, Dawn, and I think I will try Mary." I said as Jamie left the room.

"Erin, hey babes. Listen I want you to come over for a huge party that I am throwing. You gotta come I have a really big surprise for you." I said into the phone as I was pasing the kitchen.

"Tell me, ohhhhhh come on and tell me what is it. What is the big surprise. You betta tell me or else." She said as she was really threatening me.

"Listen I ain't got time to go through all of this just be here by 8. Gotta go bye." I finally said as I hung up.

I know Erin hates surprises that is why I decided not to tell her. I love to piss her off. I also love to pick on her it is so much fun. I will have to pick on her when I see her tonight. But I have to call every one else.

"Is Dawn there."


"Dawn, hey what are you doing tonight."

"Hey Chris I am doing nothing tonight why do you ask."

"OK my house at 8 big party, You have got to be here it is going to be a blast I promise you. We will have so much fun I gotta go just please be here at 8 ok."

"Cool I will be there. Talk to ya then."

I hung up the phone and really was thinking on if I really wanted to call and invite Mary. Mary is pretty much a sister to me, but I am not sure how comfortable she will be around me and Lance. I do care about Lance very much but I love Mary so much. I want her to meet him because I do care for him.

"Mary I am so glad I caught you at home." I said very nervous but I hid it very well.

"Chris what's up and why are you so glad to talk to me." Mary asked very curiously.

"I am planning a major party tonight you have got to be here. I want you to meet someone very special to me. I need you here and your aproval. I just want to hear you say that you will be here."

"If it is that important."

"YES it is so you will be here at 8 right."

"I will do better than that I will be there at 7:30 so I can meet this certain someone that is so special. I will be there in about 45 minutes."

"Bye love you so much and you are the greatest."

I hung up the phone and just stood there praying that I would get Mary's aproval on Lance. Jamie walked in and just stood there as my eyes filled with tears.

"Crispy what's wrong??????"

"I am so scared that MAry won't aprove of Lance. She is my only family I have left anymore. I mean the only family that cares anything about me. Ever since I came out I have been dismissed and ignored by my family. I don't even get a card anymore. She has been there with me forever and I just want her to like him. I shouldn't worry though he is a really great guy." I said wiping the tears from my face.

"And he has great taste. He choose you after all. You know no matter what happens I am here and I always will be. I am your not so much older sister. On top of that I am the PARTIER of this family." Jamie said with a smirk on her face. I just laughed at her comment.

"Thank you for that lovely insight. Mary will be here at 7:30 and Dawn an Erin will be here at 8. What about everyone else."

"Well Regan can't be here till 8:30 and she is picking Staci up so, and as for Heather she will be here early to. So we will have a full house."

"Yes I will have to say we will. And for once it is not at your house. I kinda like it this way we have alot more freedom and there are more than one bedroom. I have got to talk to Lance and the other guys so I can get them to rearrange some rooms. Right now Justin is in your room but I can get him and JC into Mel's room. I wish he was here but he is happy. He would want us to have a very kick-ass party."

"Shit he would want us to have the best party ever even one to top your's and Heathers grad party at my place."

"Than this is going to be one hell of a party then."

"Lets go talk to everyone."

We walked out into the backyard and got pelted by water balloons. I saw Lance laughing on the side of the pool. I decided it was payback time. I picked up the water house by the backdoor and turned it on. I love the fact that it is always so cold no matter the outside temperature. I turned it on him as well as everyone else.

"COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDDDDD" Lance screamed before he dived back into the pool.

Everyone ran and scrammbled trying to avoid my range. I turned it off and called everyone to the porch to talk. I grabbed some towels and gave everyone a towel and sat down in my baby's lap.

"Listen there is going to be a huge party tonight. Oh did I mention that it is here. I also have some room changes that will take place in just about 5 minutes. Lance is moving into my room."

"OHHHHHH Just don't moan to loud I might need my beauty sleep." Chris said laughing.

"Yes you do. You really need your beauty sleep. Hell you should take the rest of the vaction and sleep so you can be look cute." I said as Lance decided to get me back and start tickling me like crazy. "Stop, stop, please, stop I am not done." Lance finally stopped feeling very satisfied.

"You are so cute do you know that." Lance said as he kissed my shoulder.

"OK now, JC and Justin will share JC's room. Jamie you and Nicole have Jamie's room as soon as Justin gets out of it. Everyone else will have to fend for a place to sleep. So we all better get to moving and getting ready. So what the hell are ya'll waiting for get moving."

With that everyone got up and went inside. JC went into the room that Justin was in at the moment to help him move. I went into my room and threw my towel on the floor and went through the bathroom and met Lance in his room. I helped him grab his clothes and everything else and moved it to my room.

"Well now that you are moved would you mind helping me pick out a outfit?" I asked very nicely batting my eyes at Lance.

"Yes I will so at least I will know that you are presentable. You can help me to." Lance said as he opened my closet and started to look through it. He pulled out about 10 shirts and 7 pairs of pants and threw them on the bed. Then he moved to my dresser and found a pair of boxers for me to wear.

"Well thank you mommy I have a choice today." I said with the cutest little kid voice I could muster before laughing.

"Well I want you to look nice. Besides I like some of these to." Lance said sheepishly.

"This one would look great on you babe." I said as I held up my Tommy Hilfiger red silk shirt.

"If that is so I think you should wear this than." Lance held up my black Calvin Klein polo shirt.

"Fine you want me to wear that then I have to insist on wearing my black corderoy shorts with it. With that shirt how about trying these on. I have found that they look great together." This time I threw a pair of nylon cordaroy slacks.

"I like your taste. We will be the best dressed out of everyone." Lance said as he came up to me and gave me a very quick kiss.

"I have got to take a shower. I will be out in about five or so." I grabbed my outfit and walked to the bathroom.

Lance walked in right after me with only a towel around his waist. He dropped his towel and took my pants and boxers off of me. "This is what I should have done last night." Lance then kissed me with so much emotion that I almost fainted. I would have if my hands weren't so busy roaming his body. All of a sudden the door to the room Lance was staying in swung open and there stood Mary.


Thank you to all of those who have sent me email. I am so glad that you like my story. I hope to hear from more of my readers. I love the feedback. GOOD or BAD doesn't matter I want to let ya'll enjoy the story to it's fullest extent. Just email me at


Next: Chapter 9

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