Lances Love

By moc.loa@61mhnaH

Published on Sep 30, 1999


Disclaimer: If you are not at least 18 or of legal age to view sexual content please leave now. If you are offended by homosexual experiences or acts this story is not for you. I am not implying that anyone of the group N'SYNC are gay or Bi sexual. This is strictly fictional, all of the characters are also fictional and for the entertainment of you, the readers. Let's Get It On.........

Lances Love

part 9

Mary walked into the room and put her bags on the bed. She noticed that the bathroom door was open and the lights were on. Mary walked over to the bathroom to say hey to me. Marys' mouth almost hit the ground as she saw me standing in the bathroom wrapped all over this unknown man. Not to mention the fact that the both of us were naked.

"Woooo, That's something I could of gone without seeing." Mary said as she walked back into the bedroom shutting the door. Who the hell is that Chris was with. He tells me everything and I sure as hell don't know him.

I let go of Lance as soon as I heard Mary's voice. I looked over to see the door slam shut. All that was running through my mind was shit, I didn't want the first time she saw Lance was to be naked. I grabbed my robe and walked to the door. "Lance sweetie, listen I have got to talk to her. She is like a sister to me and I love her and I know her. I also know that she is really pissed at me. Go ahead and take your shower I will take one in a minute." I said as I rushed back over to him and gave him a quick kiss.

"Mary I am so sorry you had to see that," I said as I shut the door to the bathroom behind me.

"Who the hell is that Chris another one of your fuck things." Mary said very hatefully. Lance heard this and stood next to the door to hear more.

"I have stopped doing the whole use guys for sex. I really like him. He is cute, sweet, and he likes me. Mary he doesn't want the sex and niether do I at least not yet. I am finally happy and I wanted you to meet him, just not like that." I said trying to get close to Mary. What he used guys for sex and I am probably just another notch on his belt Lance thought to himself.

"Chris how long have you known him. I am just saying if you knew him for a while I would have heard about him. You tell me everything. Is he your surprise? Your new fuck toy. Not much of a surprise Chris, I have met alot of your fuck-toys and he isn't the best out of the lot of'em." Mary said not making me feel very good.

"No, he isn't the surprise the fact that I have all of N'sync here. He as you refer to him is that he is James Lansten Bass. He is in the group. I care so much for him that you wouldn't be able to understand. Mary can't you just be happy for me that I have actually found a guy who is good to me. Someone who can love me the way I do him. To answer your question I have known him for two days now. Plus he is better than any guy I have ever been with." I just sat myself on the corner of the bed crying. She hated him and hers is the only opinion that meant anything to me.

Lance couldn't help but want to hold me and comfort me. He grabs his robe and puts it on. He opens the bathroom door and rushes to me and just wraps his arms around me.

"If you really love him you would let him forget his past. He cares for me and I know he does. I care for him more than you would ever know. If you can't accept that I think you should leave right now." Lance said with a very angry tone.

"Please stop this" I said as I lifted my head from my hands. I looked at Lance and then Mary who had the most shocked look on her face.

"I am sorry. Maybe I should leave." Mary said as she stood up and grabbed her bag.

"Mary wait I need you. I need to hear your consent. I need you to tell me that now that I have Lance that everything is ok. I have always needed you. You have become my real sister not through blood but through love. You love me more than anyone else ever has. I want you to be here and witness the happiest time of my life." I said as I stood to give Mary the biggest hug I have ever given anyone.

"I Love you Chris I always have. It's just that even with all the love I have for you it is still hard for me to realize that you are with a guy. I mean you have told me about them and I have met them before but I never wanted it to be true. I really never thought it was till I saw the two of you in the bathroom." Mary said still holding me very tightly. Lance just sat on the bed and watched the two of us together. He knew by my words that I loved her very much. But can he ever love me this much. Can he love me the way he does this female. These thoughts ran through and through Lances mind.

"Mary I want you to meet the man in my life. The man who I would give the world to if I possible could." I said trembling.

"Hello, I am sorry that I exploded like that. It is just that I don't want to ever see him so upset. But that is all in the past. Let us start all over. My name is Lance and you are." Lance said extending his hand.

"Hello Lance my name is Mary, Chris' sister." Mary said as she went right past his hand to give him a hug.

"That is how we say hello in our family." I said as I joined them in a group hug.

We stood there for a couple of minutes just holding each other. We let go of each other and stood back for a minute. Mary saw me just looking at Lance. She decided to take things into her own hands by pushing me into Lance. I hugged him as we swayed back and forth. I care for him so much. I hope he understands that.

"Well I don't know about you but I really need to take a shower." Lance said eyeballing me.

"I do kinda smell funny. Plus I look horrible, so yeah I will need a shower." I said with a smerk on my face.

"I have only one request, That is that you keep the moaning to a minimal level. Some people don't want to hear about your sex life." Mary said as she shoved us into the bathroom and closed the door. She almost opened right after shutting it and threw some condoms our way. "It will make it easier and safer."

I was about to say something when she closed the door in our opened mouth faces. Lance just stood there laughing. I was still to shocked to laugh at the whole situration.

"I don't think I am ready to take it that far just yet. I want to but I just don't want to rush us. Unless you want to?" I said as Lance finally calmed down his laughing.

"We will take it as slow or as fast as we see fit at the moment. As for now we need to take a shower. Are you going to join me?" Lance said as he removed his robe and put it on the hook behind the door. He is so hot with and most definately without clothes. Besides how could I refuse a face like that.

"I most certainly will join you. Just let me lose this." I said as I started to untie my robe. That's as far as I got due to Lance pushing my robe off of me very slowly. His touch put a warmth in my whole body that I haven't experienced for quit sometime.

We finally turned the water in the shower on and it felt so good. I took the wash puff and put some gillette body wash on it. I turned Lance around so I could wash his back. I slowly lathered up his shoulders, neck, back, and sides. Wow that feels so good. I hope he doesn't stop anytime soon. Lances thoughts were termintated when I started on his adorable butt cheeks. I got them all soapy and then kneaded them like bread. I wanted him so badly. I wanted to make love to this greek god in front of me, my greek god.

I shoved him under the steaming hot water. Lance turned around so the water was hitting his back. We looked into each others eyes and met in a very passionate kiss. All of a sudden I was turned around and being scrubbed. His hands roaming every part of my back, and slowly down to my ever waiting butt. He took his time washing it, in fact I swear he didn't want to stop. I had to turn around and kiss him. It was the only thing I could do to stop my self from taking advantage of him. Actually I don't think it would be taking advantage of him because he wants it too. We just don't have time to do it the right way. I took the wash poof out of his hands and started to caress his muscular chest with it. Slowly swirling the soap on his smooth chest. I then took my index finger and wrote I love you on his chest. He grabbed me and pulled me close to him.

"I love you too." Lance wispered that into my ear as he used his already soapy body to wash mine.

We finally got all rinsed off and turned the water off. Lance grabbed the towel off it's hanger and dried me off. I in turn did the same for him making sure I got every crevice of his body. We then walked into our room and locked all doors leading into it. We slowly got dressed not really wanting to put clothes on. I wanted to have him so much, I hope he wants me as much. I just decided that we needed to hurry up and get out to where everyone else was. As we went to leave our room we hear a loud echoeing scream coming from the living room. I ran to see what it was even though I should have known. There was Heather on the ground with a ear to ear smile. I just laughed at the perculiar situration. She looked so damn goofy. I ran and grabbed my camera so she could never forget this incident even though she will want to. I took a few pictures before I picked her up and took her into the study which is where I wanted her to stay the night. I put her down on the leather couch and tried to arouse her. Heather finally woke up and just put her hands to her head on the rather large bump in the back where she hit the floor.

"Are you going to be ok, babes." I said half worried and half wanting to laugh.

"Yeah I think I am. I just don't know what was happening I thought I saw Nsync in your living room. But that is obsurd what would they be doing here." Heather said standing up and straighting all her clothes.

"Well they are on vacation, and staying here. In fact you met all of them except my boyfriend." I said with the largest smile on my face that is humanlly possible.

"You have a boyfriend oh my god. Who is he? And I know better to believe you when you say that Nsync is in your living room. Besides why in the hell would they want to stay here with you? Crispy stop pulling my leg cause I can see right through your lies." Heather said but as soon as she finished that Lance walked in and grabbed me from behind and kissed my neck.

"Are you going to be ok. The guys said they haven't seen anyone act like that in a very long time." Lance said with a mischievios look on his face.

"OHH MYY GODDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!! You are dating Lance!! Jamie said you had a big surprise for me. But oh my god." Heather said in pure unadulterated excitement.

"Why yes I am. Heather this is Lance, Lance this is one of my bestfriends Heather." I said as Lance went and gave her a hug.

Heather mouthed to me "This ones a keeper".

I had to laugh at her remark. Lance turned around and gave me a very confused look. I shrugged my shoulders but that wasn't enough for him. He shoved me down on the couch and started to tickle me.

"Heahter help!!!!" I yelled as Lance just kept tickling me.

"Don't mind if I do" Heather said as she joined Lance in tickling me. Jamie and Nicole walked in to see what was going on.

"Oh no you don't that's my drinking partner. You have crossed the wrong woman." Nicole said as she charged for Lance and started to tickle him.

"That looks like so much fun let me help." Jamie said as she tackled Heather to the ground and started to tickle her.

After about five minutes of me and Nicole ganging up on Lance we finally let him get up. Jamie on the other hand was far from done with Heather. We had to literally pull Jamie off of Heather. We all stood up and had a good laugh as we walked back into the living room. Everyone there was just sitting around goofing off. All of a sudden the doorbell rang. I ran to the door to answer it. It ended up being Erin, Dawn, and Dawn they all showed up right after each other. It was really funny how they always seemed to be together. But we are all friends some just hangout more than others. I let them in and slowly took them to the living room where my surprise was.

"I am here and I want to know what that surprise you were talking about is at. I am very curious. So just spill the beans what is it!!!!" Erin said pushing me up against the wall.

"Just follow me it is just in the living room." And with that Erin dashed past me and into the living room, I saw a beanpole with blonde hair fly by.

"OH YEAH" Erin said as she slowed herself down but it didn't work she ran right into Chris.

"I am sorry I should've been watching where you were going." Chris said as he slowly let go of Erin.

"Oh it's ok" Erin said as she flashed Chris a smile.

"Well it looks like you met part of the surprise. Erin I would like you to meet my friends Justin, JC, Chris, and Joey. I would also like you to meet my boyfriend Lance." I said as Erin ran to me to give me the biggest hug I have had since Mary earlier.

"I am so happy for you oh my god. This is way to much." Erin said as she just stood back taking everything in.

"Boyfriend!!!!" Dawn and Dawn said in complete unison.

"I told both of you that I was Bi. I hope ya'll will believe me when I tell you something from now on.

"I will"

"Ahh Chris, Now where is this man of yours I want to meet him." Dawn said.

"Well I am not sure were he snuck off to. But I will find him so ya'll can meet him."

"I am right here. I would never go to far away from my man." Lance said as he came up behind me and wrapped his strong arms around me.

"Well I think that ya'll should get to know everyone. Except Erin who I have volunteered to help me get dinner ready." I said while rocking back and forth in Lances arms.

"I am going to help you cook huh. Is that so, Oh well someone has to help this bonehead in the kitchen." Erin said as she walked right passed me and into the kitchen.

"We will be back as soon as everything is almost ready. Jamie can you or Nicole set up the grill and get everything set up except for lighting it." I said as I stopped right before the kitchen.

"I will it's no problem. It will be done before you can say TUNA." Nicole said as she and everyone else bust out laughing.

"TTTUUUNNNAAA!!!!!" I practically screamed as I walked into the kitchen.

"Chris is so fine I wanna get me some of that. Tehehehe" Erin said sorta blushing.

"Well he is single. But anyway grab that rubbermaid container out of the frig, as well as, the green peppers, mushrooms, and corn. I will get everything else ready." I said as Erin did as I instructed. We started right away to fix the Shiskabobs.


"So what are ya'll doing down here in Pensacola?" Dawn asked as she stared at Joey.

"We are here for the beaches, food, and we can't forget the ladies." Joey said returning the stare.

"Hey everybody there is a pool out back with no one in it. I think that is a problem. Why don't we fill it till dinner is ready." Chris suggested as everyone else agreed.

Everyone started to strip and jump in the pool. It was clear that Joey and Dawn would end up hooking up. I knew that Erin liked Chris but does he know that. A even better question is does he like her? Everyone goofed off for about a half hour when me and Erin walked out with the Shiskabobs ready to cook. I walked over to the grill and put some starter fluid on it and lit it. I then just sat back in a chair relaxing and watching everyone. Erin had stripped down to her bikini and jumped in the pool really close to Chris.

I just chuckled at the thought of her actually trying to chase a guy. Mary was talking to Heather and the other Dawn. Lance and JC was clowning on Justin in a corner of the pool. The fire finally calmed down and was ready for the shiskabobs. I put them all on the grill and shut the lid. I set the alarm clock that is out there and took my shirt off and my shoes and jumped in the pool as well. I went towards Lance, JC, and Justin. I was underwater so they didn't see me get near them. I grabbed both Lances and JC's shorts and pulled them down. Justin busted out laughing because he saw what was going on. I popped up out of the water with both of their shorts in my hands. I swam to the diving board and got out of the pool and walked back to the porch. I thought the whole thing was funny. Justin hopped out of the pool and stood next to me and took JC's shorts and just held them above JC's head.

"You want them come and get them. I want to see what you got." Justin said as he kept pulling the shorts in and out of JC's reach.

"What if somebody else likes what they see and steals me away from you." JC said as he went to the edge and rested his arms on it.

"Well then I would have to open a can of Woop-Ass. Then I would open a whole case on you." Justin said as he leaned down to kiss him.

"MMMMMMMmmmm, if you keep doing that I will always be yours." JC said licking his lips.

"I think these are yours." Justin said as he handed JC back his shorts.

"Can I have my shorts back PLEASE." Lance said giving me the sad puppy dog look. I couldn't resist so I gave him his shorts back and wispered in to his ear. "I give these back to you only with the promise that they come off later."

"You better believe they will." Lance said with that amazing smile.

I heard the alarm clock go off and I ran to the grill and lifted up the lid. The shishkabobs were done. They looked and smelled terrific as if I had any doubt. I called for everyone in a very suiting manner, "Soooooouuuuuuuuiiiiiiiii"

Everyone got a laugh out of it. Joey came up to me and said that I was so true at least when it came to him. Everyone grabbed a towel and dried off. Finally when everyone was dried off we sat down in the dining room to eat when the doorbell rang yet again. I jumped up to answer it and got to the door and there stood Staci and Regan.

"Well hello, I was begining to think that ya'll werent't going to show. But of course ya'll come right when we are all sitting down to eat so come in and sit down. Grab a plate I made plenty for everyone." I said as I ushered them in without letting them say a single word.

"I guess you did make enough for everyone." Regan said as she saw all of the food that I made.

"Smells good but is it ediable?" Staci said as she sat down.

"It is better than ediable, it is delicious." Joey said inbetween bites.

We all sat down and started to eat a rather quite meal. Everyone was really having fun. At least I guess everyone was. We eventually migrated to the living room. I walked over to the radio and put in the tape from Karoke.

Slowly everyone got the picture and started to dance. The couples of course were together Lance, me, Jamie, Nicole, Justin, JC, Joey, Dawn, Chris, and Erin. Everyone was having a good time. We danced, talked, laughed, and got real tired quickly. Jamie ended up leading Nicole to the bedroom first. After about five minutes everyone heard Nicole, moaning rather loudly that is. Laughs went around the room followed by goodnights. Regan and Staci slept in the living room on the couches. Heather retired to the study for some sleep. Erin joined Chris in his room. Dawn said goodnight to Joey and everyone else because she had to go home. She had to work very early in the morning. But she promised to come back over after work. Justin, JC, and Joey all left and splitted to their rooms as me, Mary, and Lance were doing the dishes from dinner.

"Well guys it looks like ya'll have everything under control here so I will see ya'll in the morning." Mary said as she walked over to Lance and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Don't hurt him tonight. I really don't want to see him walking funny in the morning."

"I promise I will take it easy on him." Lance said as he and Mary parted.

"Night babes, I will talk to you in the morning." I said as I embraced my sister in my arms.

Me and Lance finished up the dishes and left them in the sink to let them dry over night. We walked into our bedroom and both of us crashed on the bed. I finally broke the silence, "Baby, penny for your thought."

"I am just soo scared of what is going to happen when I leave." Lance said as a single tear fell from his beautiful green eyes.


I hope everyone enjoyed this last chapter. I apoligize for the long wait. But in the next chapter the long and I do mean long awaited sex scene. I love all comments. May they be good or bad I want to hear from all of my readers. I want to hear where you think the story should go. Thank you again for taking the time to read my story. Email all comments to


Next: Chapter 10

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