Lances Search


Published on Mar 11, 2001


Welcome to "Lance's Search," a multi-chapter exploration of a young man discovering himself. As much as I would suspect otherwise, I have no actual proof of the sexual orientations of Lance Bass, Justin Timberlake or JC Chasez. Consequently anything you read in this story is the product of the mind of its author. That said, this story attempts to take a realistic look into the thoughts and feelings of a guy as he discovers the pains and the joys associated with loving his fellow man... or his fellow band mate as the case may be.

If you have any comments, please e-mail them to Response has been slow lately, so if you like it, please write..


Lance's Search Chapter 5

Morning came early for Lance. Exhaustion had failed to overtake the speed of thoughts rushing through his head for at least an hour. Even when sleep came it was a fitful rest. When his room telephone rang at 9:30, the young man picked up the receiver and groggily responded, "Yeah?"

"Lance. Breakfast. Half hour. My room. See ya." Joey said from the other side of the line.

Joey heard something resembling a grunt from Lance.

"Hey, buddy. Time to rise and shine. Or do I have to sing the 'Poofu' song to get you going?"

"All right, all right! I'm awake. I'll be there."

Lance clumsily hung up the phone and managed to get himself into a sitting position. He looked around at the tangled sheets of his bed. He raised his knees, wrapping his arms around them while resting his chin on the right knee. The morning fog in his mind was replaced by recollection of his adventures in web surfing last night. 'What does it all mean?' he thought to himself while staring blankly. He stayed this way until the telephone rang once more.


"Poofu, Poofu, can you come out and play?" sang the voice on the other side.

"I'm up, Joey! Go away!" Lance returned the receiver to its cradle, a little more violently than the last time.

Lance cleared his mind and thought he'd better get up and face the day. As he began to move out of bed, he noticed the morning erection tenting out his boxer briefs. He gently caressed his engorged member through the cotton fabric. It felt good. Rock hard. Both hands were getting into the act, tracing the outline of his rod. Surely he had enough time to take care of it. He could use the relief. It had been far too long since he had emptied his ball sac of his seed.

He lay back on the bed, putting two pillows beneath this head. Then he raised his hips as he yanked down his underwear, releasing his manhood to the open air. He kicked off the underwear as he slid his hands down his abdomen, past the small bush of dark blond hair to the place on each side of his ball sac where his legs join the upper body. As they had so many times before, his fingers cupped his testicles. His right hand reversed course and took hold of the base of the 7 inches of hard man meat.

Slowly at first, he worked his right hand up and down the length of his cock, paying special attention to the ridge on the head of his plaything. His left hand wandered around, rubbing his balls, the area underneath his balls, and on occasion, the crack on his butt. Lance enjoyed the sensations of jerking off. The pleasure he was able to give himself. It was a gift he gave himself for all of the hard work involved in being a part of NSYNC. He would occasionally look down toward his shaft, but he was just as likely to lean his head back and close his eyes.

The speed of his strokes accelerated. Images of all sorts came to his mind. But mostly the frame of a body - a man. The pleasure of touching... a man. His body tensed. He could feel his load ready to erupt as pure animal instincts overtook his mind. Id all the way. His breathing quickened. And with a grunt of pure pleasure, release. Lance's hand jerked back and forth at blinding speed as his white-colored juices first spurted, then fell back onto his stomach and dribbled down his fingers.

Just at the moment of his complete ecstasy, a face flashed before his eyes. It was the face of that man. It was ...

The phone rang. "I am up, Joey! Stop calling me!" Lance shouted into the receiver, holding it with his non-sticky left hand.

"And good morning to you too, James."

"Oh, mom. Sorry. I thought..."

"I know. Sorry for calling you at this time of the morning."

"Oh, uhh, that's OK. You know you can call whenever," Lance said, but different thoughts were on his mind. Like 'I've got cum all over me and I'm talking to my mother! How sick.'

Diane Bass didn't talk for long. She sensed her only son had been involved in something when she called, although she would have never guessed in what. Or perhaps she did know, but didn't want to acknowledge it.

Once off the telephone, Lance rushed to get cleaned up as best he could without being overly late for breakfast. The image of that face had slipped his mind.

He managed to avoid being the last to Joey's room. That honor went to Justin. When Lance arrived, Joey and Chris were nearly finished with their morning meals, sitting in the two chairs at the table. JC was sprawled out, sitting on the couch, almost looking like death warmed over.

"What's up with Josh?" Lance inquired.

"Too much partying, I guess," Chris said. "We lost him somewhere last night on Bourbon Street. He probably went into one of those strip show joints and had one too many Hurricanes."

"Well, one Hurricane is enough for me. Now I know why I never want more than one," Lance said, pointing to JC.

JC just silently stared at Lance with a look that could kill. But there was something else in that stare Lance couldn't quite understand. Something familiar in an odd way.

"Good morning, fellow revelers!" Justin shouted as he entered the room with a big smile on his face.

JC just moaned. "Could you keep it down?"

"Oh, oh. The Big Easy curse hits JC once again," Justin said teasingly. "We's gonna have to keep you away from this city, I guess. What's for breakfast?"

Lance had just finished filling his plate and sat on the edge of one of the beds. In a couple of minutes, with his own plate full, Justin plopped down on the bed beside Lance.

"You are just too chipper this morning. What's the deal?" Lance said after recovering from the bed bounce the younger singer created.

"Just happy to be in New Orleans and have a slamming concert tonight. Oh, how'd everything go with you last night? Get your fill of porno sites?"

"Porno!" Chris interjected. "Was Lansten checking out porn last night? You could have seen the real thing on the street with us last night."

"No, I wasn't checking out porn sites," Lance protested. "I just did a lot of surfing on the net. Naked bodies were nowhere to be seen." Lance thought to himself, 'And thank God for that.'

"Don't know how to disable Net Nanny?" asked Joey with a cheesy grin.

"Naw, he was using my laptop," Justin said. "I don't have no Net Nanny on my 'puter."

"Didn't need it anyway," Lance said.

"OK, man. I believe ya. Besides I'll just check the history later on," Justin giggled.

'What did he mean by that?' Lance thought to himself.

The conversation drifted to the day's schedule. After taking care of business, the guys headed out of Joey's room for their own.

"So, man, what did you really think?"

"I enjoyed it, Just. Thanks for letting me borrow your machine overnight. You want to stop by and pick it up?"


As they walked, Lance asked Justin if he had time to help him shop for a laptop of his own. "You bet! I must've been the world's best teacher if you're already wanting to buy your own," Justin boasted.

"Well, I wouldn't go that far," Lance said dryly.

"Hey, you want my help picking out a machine or not?" Justin responded, half-heartedly defensive.

"OK, you are the master. I bow to your magnificent knowledge," Lance said while holding back giggles.

"That's more like it!"

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 6

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