Lances Search


Published on Apr 8, 2001


Welcome to "Lance's Search," a multi-chapter exploration of a young man discovering himself. As much as I would suspect otherwise, I have no actual proof of the sexual orientations of Lance Bass, Justin Timberlake or JC Chasez. Consequently anything you read in this story is the product of the mind of its author. That said, this story attempts to take a realistic look into the thoughts and feelings of a guy as he discovers the pains and the joys associated with loving his fellow man... or his fellow band mate as the case may be.

To those of you who have written me, thanks for the positive comments. It's good to know there are other guys out there who are Lance lovers. :)

If you have any comments, please e-mail them to Otherwise, enjoy the story.


Previously in Lance's Search...

The two men got in on opposite sides of the queen-sized bed. Neither one was too close to the other as they both lay there on their backs.

"Thanks, Justin. Thanks for being there for me. Thanks."

"Hey. Same to you. Good night, buddy."

Chapter 9

A trace of sunlight had made its way through the curtained window when Lance first became partially conscious from his slumber. He noticed something different almost immediately. It wasn't the room. With as many hotel rooms as the group stayed in, he was used to waking up to different views.

It wasn't the room. It was a weight. The weight of an arm on top of him. The heat of another body behind him. Even though he and Justin started the night with a huge "no-man's land" between them on the queen-sized bed, the duo had managed to bridge the gap. They were both in the middle of the bed. Each lying on his left side. Spooning, is what Lance thought they called it.

Lance felt warm and comfortable. Content even. He drifted back to sleep with a smile on his face.

At some point later in the morning, Justin began to stir, waking Lance. Lance turned over onto his back, which effectively woke up the younger band member.

"Morning," Lance said with a smile.

Justin's arm was still draped over Lance. "Hey. Uhh, sorry about the arm, man," Justin said as he began to remove it and then rolled over onto his back.

"No sweat. It felt kinda good, actually."

Justin giggled just a bit, then turned his head toward his fellow blond and said, "Thanks. Any idea what time it is?"

"No, I've been afraid to look. And I guess I really don't want to know. It feels so good just getting a chance to relax like this."

"I wouldn't have thought this would be so relaxing for you."

"Why's that?"

"Well, it's not every day someone gets to wake up in the same bed with one of the world's hottest sex symbols."

Lance just groaned, reached for his pillow and used it to hit Justin.

"Hey, watch out there. Don't damage the merchandise."

"I suppose we ought to get ready to greet the day."

As Justin began to move, he suddenly stopped. "Maybe you ought to go first."

But Lance also was reluctant to get out of the bed quite yet. "Uhh. Maybe in a minute or two. You can go ahead if you want to."

"Well I've got a little problem," Justin said with a grimace.

Lance looked over at Justin and then chuckled. "My guess is we have the same problem."

"Morning wood?"

"Oh, yeah. Major. And it doesn't seem ready to go away. You?"

"Same thing, buddy."

The two laughed for a moment. Then Justin broke the tension. "Well, Scoop, the way I see it, we can both lie here until we're old men with soft cocks, or we can be more proactive about our little problem."


"Yeah. Take matters in our own hands, so to speak."

"What are you suggesting, that we just jerk off?"

"Hey, why not? We're both adults here..."


Justin giggled. "Yeah, regardless you've got a hard on and I've got a hard on. Let's just do it, man. You know you want to relieve it."

Lance just closed his eyes and brought his hands up to his forehead. He just wasn't sure. Yes, he did want to jerk off, but was this the right thing to do? Which side of him was going to win? After a moment of thought, Lance finally said, "OK."

"Kewl. Let's get to it." With that Justin threw back the covers off of both of them. He could easily see the tents in his own boxer briefs and the track pants Lance had worn to bed. He peeled off his wife beater with a big smile. Then eased his underwear down his hips and legs. Lance's eyes popped wide open seeing Justin's manhood in its full glory. The only thing that pried his eyes away was Justin's voice. "You gonna join me or just stare?"

Lance blushed a bit. Then moved to take off his T-shirt. Then, with a bit of shyness, his hands slipped under the waistband of his track pants. He had nothing on underneath them. He knew that in just a moment Justin would be only the second person ever to see his fully engorged cock. He took a breath and did it. He looked over at Justin, who was staring at Lance's meat, then looked up to meet Lance's eyes.

"Nice," Justin said.

"Thanks," Lance said with a big grin. "I like the look of yours too." Lance thought Justin's cock was about the same size as his 7 inches. It seemed to curve upward a bit more than his own, which was very straight when hard.

"Well, they're not getting any softer this way," Justin said.

With that, Justin grabbed his own cock and started slowly pumping the length of it. Lance quickly took up the same motion on his own cock. Meanwhile Lance used his left hand to gently caress his balls. Every once in a while one of his fingers would stroke the area between his balls and his crack, even straying closer and closer to his hole in that crack. He had masturbated countless times before, but this time seemed different - more exciting. Every once in a while he'd look over at Justin pounding his cock, taking in this new experience of another guy just inches away from him. He could tell that Justin was doing the same thing. Periodically the two would look at each other's faces, both plastered with huge smiles.

While looking away for a moment, reveling in the pleasure, Lance suddenly had an entirely new sensation - one that made him jump a bit. There was another hand on his cock, working his love tool. Lance resisted the temptation to back away, instead giving into this feeling - giving up control of this most private of his body parts to this young god in the bed next to him.

Justin was using his left hand to pump Lance's cock while continuing to use his right to pleasure himself. But he didn't have to do it for long. Lance released his own penis, now safe in Justin's care, moving his right hand over onto Justin's torso. The feel of the young hot body beneath his fingers excited him more than he would have guessed. His hand reached its goal. He grabbed at the base of Justin's cock. As he began to jack it, Justin's right hand fell away.

There on a hotel bed, two of the world's top teen idols lay on their backs next to each other, naked, with sweat beginning to form in various places. The sound of heavy breathing filled the room, but neither one noticed. Both young men were in nirvana. Lance couldn't believe the sensation of having someone else working his cock while he was working someone else's.

That sensation began to have a profound effect on Lance. He could feel his body tense up and his breathing speeding up. Justin apparently could detect the changes and began to work faster on pumping Lance's cock, which in turn prompted Lance to stroke Justin's meat quicker.

Suddenly, he could feel Justin's cock spasm in his hand and an intense moan of pleasure from his mouth. Then, a familiar wetness on his hand. Justin was cumming. Just the feeling of that touched off a tidal wave in Lance's own body. His back arched as he threw his head back and closed his eyes tight. His hand was flying like lightning, as was Justin's on his cock. Then, the ultimate release. "Oh, god, ohhhhh," Lance said barely audible. All of his body focused on the pleasure in his groin as load after load shot out the barrel of his cock.

With a final release of breath, Lance's body relaxed. He could feel Justin's body also going limp. The two men's chests moved up and down heavily. Both sets of eyes stared at the ceiling for a moment. Lance had never experienced an orgasm such as this. He felt like his entire body was floating on air.

He turned his head toward Justin, who did likewise. The duo smiled at each other, their hands still holding on to the other's now softening meat. "That was great," Justin said.

"Great doesn't begin to describe it. I've never had an orgasm anything like that. But then, I've also never jerked off with anyone else in the same room, let alone next to me on the same bed."

"So you liked it?"

Lance chuckled. "Yeah. Thanks. I guess I can say I've had sex with another guy now."

"Well, trust me, there's even more and better sex out there for you, Scoop. Right now, I suppose we had better get cleaned up."

Justin released his hold on Lance's penis, got up off of the bed and headed for the bathroom. He came back wiping himself up with one towel, while tossing Lance another one.

"Uhh, Justin," Lance said while soaking up his cum with the towel, "how was it for you? I mean, did I do OK?"

Justin sat back down on the bed, right up against Lance. "Oh man, you rocked! You got me going big time and I really liked grabbing onto that pole of yours and working it like my personal plaything. I just hope I wasn't too forward for you."

"No, man. Not at all. I just wondered, you know, how I did seeing as this was my first time, and well you've..."

"Done the deed before?"

"Well, yeah."

"You did great. Of course, you know the saying, 'practice makes perfect.'"

"Guess I've got a lot of practicing to make up."

"And lucky for you, I happen to be a great coach."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 10

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