Last Chance

By D One

Published on Jan 8, 2007



Buck and he drank and sang, yelled at the football on the screen and then drove in the beat up tuck to the Marsha's.

She was an old lady who inherited this rundown bar from her husband and turned into the watering hole that attracted all the farmers, kids, and visitors from miles around.

It was Marsha who knew who to serve and who to say no to. She decided when you had too much and when it was time to go home. Nobody argued with her either. She'd let you party and put you in a back room to sober up.

And she knew who everone was...and who their kids were. Most parents didn't talk about her place but they knew even if their underage kids were there drinking and partying, they would be ok. So nobody officially talked about it.

His Dad was often there when he was there drinking. Marsha started giving him beer to drink when he was a teen. "If he likes it, teach him to drink right" she'd say. And she would refused other underage kids who she knew wouldn't be able to handle it.

"Honey, I know" she said to him one evening as he sat on a stool beside Buck. They had been at his house earlier and jacked off together after wrestling nearly naked. It was no big thing, but when he wanted to do it again, Buck got pissed and punched him. They sat on that stool and barely talked to each other.

Buck would flirt with the girls and he would stare at him longinly enough for Marsha to notice.

"Just let it take it's course" she said. Somehow it was good to have someone else know his secret.

"If not him, there'll be others later, just be careful honey" she'd say and open another bottle knowing he needed another kind of solice.

He got drunk and was going to confess to Buck how he lusted after him for years, how he'd suck his cock in public if that's what he wanted and how he'd take his cock hard if that's what it took.

It wouldn't have been the first time. Guys drank and smoke a little and used that excuse to do things they won't admit to anyone. He had been cornholed a few times since his cock could get hard and spit sperm.

He had sucked off a Bank official and that got his Dad off the hook one mortgage payment. He never told his Dad this. It wasn't his intention either. But after hearing the problem get worse and worse, he decided he was old enough to go to the bank.

"Uh Mr. Vantage, I'm Chuck Mellows kid. Uh he doens't know I'm here. I heard him say you guys were going to foreclose and stuff, I wondred if you could give him and us a break." He stood there realizing he probably looked pretty lame..a kid in jeans and tank top in the middle of summer with midday sun sweat on his forehead.

"Mr. Mellows," the man said smiling "We threatened alot just to get mortgage payments as soon as we can, but we're not ogres. Hell my Dad was a farmer himself."

"Thanks Sir I would have done anything to get Dad a break" He said "uh don't tell him I was here..not sure what I thought I could do anyway".

He started to leave.

"Tell you what though, come back at 3, can you do that? I may be able to give him some really extended time so you and your Mom don't feel the pressure. But you may have to do what you said" the man's eyes looked up and down him.

He felt naked as the man examined him especially when his eyes kept landing at his crotch. He always was self conscious since he got hardons in public all the time. But he didn't feel it hard then..maybe it just looked tha tway.

"Uh sure I can come back" he said and shook the mans hand.

"And uh knock at the back door, front one will be locked at 3 of course".

Skipping his geometry class, he made it to the bank by the time Mr. Vantage said. He knocked and he could hear the door unlock. He went in. It as dark.

"Ah there you are just getting out of this suit, wish we didnt' have to wear this crap" the man was wearing jeans and putting his suit coat on a hanger.

"You look hot too, let me help you" he pulled on the sides of the shirt and peeled it off.

"Air conditioning goes off at 3:30 so it's going to get warm in here" he said "come on"

He followed the man down stairs into the basement. Despite being shirtless he could feel the heat as the air conditioning ended.

"We keep a place here in case women get sick and need to lay down, or for--" he turned and smiled "--other things".

"Why don't you get underessed" he didn't knwo why but he obliged letting his half hard cock bounce out of his jeans as he pulled them down.

"Oh ho no underwear huh? Or did you do that for me?" the man said smiling at the sight.

"uh too hot for underwear" he said blushing.

"Very nice"

"Thank you Sir"

"Oooo you say Sir quite nicely, you going into the military? or is that just the way you talk to adult men?"

"Both Sir" he pulled himself to attention the way his Dad had taught him when he was getting a lecture. He stayed like that as the older man touches his chest, stomach and erect penis.

"If you enjoy this, like I think you're going to, your Dad is going to appreciate it"

He didn't know how to respond.

"Hey Moma, look at this" His Dad yelled after opening the mail "the freakin bank is fiving us a 6 month extension" Chuck Mellows didn't know why. "They must have a heart afterall"

"Well they're used to dealing with farmers honey" She said smiling.

He smiled too adding mentally "and farm boys".

"So honey drink up and go home, you'll know when the opportunity is right" Marsha said.

"But I'm leaving tomorrow" he said. and it was true, he'd get on the buss at 2pm for the ride across states to where he'd be standing and begining his years as a Marine.

"I know honey" She said "no charge"

He drank and ignored the sight of Buck smiling at some girl. They had been buddies since the years they were kids. They'd worked side by side during the summer, played high school football together, learned to jack off together and got into lots of typical trouble togetyher.

"hey let's go" Buck suddenly appeared "it's our last night" he said pulling him off the stool.

They got in the beat up truck and spit dirt and stones as they sped down the road.

The sirene didn't take long to find them miles down the highway.

"Ok boys, acting a little too crazy there" the sheriff wanred them "it's ticket time"

He pleaded saying he was going into the Marines the next day and they were just blowing off steam. He knew if Buck got another ticker he'd loose his license.

"Shit man er officer I'll do anything if you'll just give him a warning" he said.

The cop stood there and nodded. "Tell you what, warning this time but you guys gotta slow down. "But you come here with me, and you get in the truck and wait"

Buck looked at him and the officer, He nodded and got in the truck and looked back at the cop.

"Look straight ahead or you'll get the ticket no matter what your friend here says" the cop said. Buck faced front. He glanced out the mirror.

"Ok boy what exactly will you do to keep me from riving that hot head a ticket."

He muttered.

"What? Speak up"

He moved to the front of the car and lay on tope of it as the officer pushed him. It's head warmed his chest and beer filled stomach. He hoped he wouldn't puke all over hte cops car.

He had unbuttoned his jeans so they were pulled down easily.

"Hmm you've done this before havn't you kid? That buddy of yours cornhole you ?"

The truth was he hadn't of course. They had watched each other's erecitons leak, tasted the stuff and jacked each other. They even had pissed on each other just to see what it was like.

But lips had not touched each other and boners had not opened up each other.

It didn't take long. The cop was quick to pound him and leave whatever he left inside.

"Good and tight, just the way I like em. Better be careful in the Marines though, they'll kick you out if they know yuu like it"

Buck turned his head to the right as he got into the truck "You ok?" he asked.

"Yea just had to talk to him a bit"

"You're good at convinving people" Buck said and laughed. The truck spewed dirt and stone once again as it left the roadside continuing down the freeway.

They were naked around each other once again as hot showers and jokes about the girls in the bar were exchanged.

The night was quiet. His Dad and Mom were sleeping downstairs in their room. His attic turned iinto a bedroom had the distance to give him privacy and the view across the fields to provide him quiet contemplation.

He sat on the sill staring out. His jockeys his only wardrobe. Unseen by Buck who was in the bed his cock was as usual hard.

"You coming to bed?" Buck asked.

Maybe he would wip his shorts off and profess his willingness to do anything for Buck that last night together...just like he had done for various adults over recent years.

But what if Buck called him a fag and left? They would have no last night together.

"Just thinking a bit, winding down" he said his hand playing with the wet spot on his shorts.

"Yea I understand. I'm probably going to fall asleep...drank too much...we'll talk tomorrow" Buck said.

The room was quiet and even more comfortable as the moonligh shone across Bucks bare chest in his bed. The light snoring too was like a lullaby luring him to the boys side.

They had slept over at each others' houses over the years and shared the same bed. Nobody thought about either. They had awakened in the morning arms draped over each other or even sleeping like spoons. Neither boy thought it odd.

Even their parents had awakened them finding them in embrace like positions and didn't have further thought.

He pulled his jockey shorts off. As he walked across the room he decided.

The rope was tied loose. Buck didn't waken as each wrist was put in place and each ankle.

"I can claim I was still drunk" he said to himself.

He pulled the blanket back thrilled to see Buck hadn't worn shorts to bed. His flesy sac of nuts and cock felt good to his hands. He had felt them before but that night it was different.

He inhaled their aroma hoping it would stay in his head. Then he tongued the tip. Buck stirred and he stopped.

But Buck didn't awaken despite moving his wrists against the rope. He licked and put the cockhead in his moiuth. The precum tasted sweet..he had tasted it before but again not like this.

His own cock was leaking precum out at a rate it almost felt like sperm shooting.

The soft meat in his mouth was getting hard.

"I hope he'd having a good dream" he thought.

The cock filled his mouth now and his tongue examined it as he had wanted to for years.

Buck stirred or moeaned now and then but appeared to remain sleeping.

He sucked until the sperm flowing into the back of his throat and his jacking let his own body convulse till his cupped hand held his own sperm. He didn't know where t wipe it and then decided to lap it up.

Buck still slept and snored as he untied the hands and feet putting the rope under his bed.

He pissed and returned to the bed and moved over Buck to get next to him in bed.

He lay there trying to sleep.

"You still awake?" Buck asked. It startled him "uh yea, just can't unwind" he said

"I figured that" Buck lay there. He knew the boy didn't go back to sleep.

They talked in short statements about being nerous to go to the Marines, what Buck would do back home,

"hey you know something?" Buck said "what buddy?" he said feelign the boys naked body next to his.

"You didn't need to use rope but that made it hotter" Buck said.

Buck had been awake after all. He didn't know what to say.

"I know a way to calm you down" Buck added patting his bare thigh "Turn on your side, no the other way"

He did as his friend told him facing the wall.

"I been wanting to do this for a long time, and I figure since you're going away tomorrow you won't mind. Besides I saw what you did for me with that cop. I figure I owe you."

Buck's hands on his buttocks told him what was coming, The boys finger was rubbingh the target place. He was ready, more then ready and pushed his butt back against the finger so it moved inside.

"Hey easy we got all night" Buck said

He felt hsi friends cock replace his finger moving inside him where Buck had already been emotionally .

The first time was slow and seemed to transition into something animalistic out of control within a few minutes. Neither boy thought words like queer, fag, fuck..only giving and getting pleasure.

He sat over him letting the boys cock extend up into him rocking and pulling on Buck's admirable nipples as his own cock was being milked.

He licked his cum off Buck's chest afterwards.

They stood side by side holdning their hard worked cocks as they pissed. Then traged hands feeling each others strength as they pissed.

"Im not through" Buck said patting his ass as they returned to bed.

"You boys must have had quite a workout last night" His mother said putting another plate of pancakes on the table.

He almost chocked.

"We had a nice party at Marshas, kind of unofficial good bye thing" Buck said patting his shoulder.

"Well don't over do it or you'll get car sick" His momma said to him.

His Dad appeared in the bathroom. He didn't know whether to wrap a towel around himself or not as he was naked. His Dad didn't seem to care though he did look at Buck's nakedness.

"You boys still saying goodbye?" he smiled and then stuffed some money in his hand. "Gotta go see Vantage at the bank, he said to say goodbye to you too" He hugged his naked son and patted him on the bare ass.

"Do me proud boy, don't linger and make your Momma cry too much" He said "Bye Buck come on by and see us now and then"

He had tears in his eyes. But Buck told him to come on and he was soon bent over the pillows feeling the sensation he had longed for too long and gotten many times during recent hours.

"You boys, it's time to go" His Momma yelled as he now sat on the bed sucking Bucks' cock hoping to swallow the boys sperm and keeping that taste in his mouth for hours to come".

The bus was on time. He wanted to hug, cry and kiss Buck. But they were in public. Even Marsha was there.

She smiled and whispered in his ear "go use the mens room dear, the bus will wait"

And in the otherwise empty john, he pulled Buck into a stall and did what he wanted and needed to do.

And to his delight Buck's tongue moved inside him...they hugged.

"Shit man we're like two fag" Buck said.

He saw the wet cheeks on his best friend and wiped his own.

"Nothing wrong with that" he smiled and kissed the boy again lightly before trotting to the bus and getting on.

It sped away hardly giving him time to wave out the window at Marsha, his Mom and Buck standing between them.

And he liked his lips tasting what Buck had left with him for hours to come.

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