Last Kiss Good Night

By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Jul 10, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know 98 Degrees, nor have I ever met them or anyone connected to them. This is just a story, none of it's real in anyway shape or form. It's just fiction, and I would rather it stay that way.

Warning: This story may contain sex, so if you're under the legal age in your area don't read this story. If you have a problem with male/male relationships don't read this story, in fact you shouldn't even be at this site. This story involves vampires, and maybe a few other interesting beings of the night.

Authors Note: Well I'm back again with another story, with a really weird twist. I've been meaning to write a story with vampires for a long time. I just had a little trouble with picking out the band to be involved. So I finally found the band, I just hope they fit in with the story. By the way it isn't going to be your normal vampire story, I've changed a lot of the rules. On top of that I've changed the way vampires came into being. Well, I should tell you about the symbols that I use. These *** mean either a character change, or the character that's starting the story. Since I write in the first person point of view, this comes in really handy. I'll put the name of the character the middle of the symbols when I start a story. If by chance I decide to change characters after that point in the story I'll put the name after the symbols. Now if you don't mind could you please send me some feed back on this story. I hope you enjoy the story, so I'll stop writing this and get to the story.


I stood on a cliff watching the sun rise, it was one of my favorite hobbies. I hadn't missed a sun rise in the last three hundred years. I found that it was the most beautiful sight to see in this world. I guess I should tell you a little about myself, what I am, who I am. I am a vampire, but not one from the stories that are told, I'm the real deal. There are only four vampires in the world, and we were brothers. Not in your typical way, we were born of four different women. What connected us were our minds, well at least then anyway. It was such a long time ago, sometimes it was hard to remember the story of our birth. It had been eight thousand ago when we were pulled out of our slumber in the Nexis. We had been sleeping when we were pulled to earth, a tribe of humans had summoned us. They had made one fatal mistake, they had spilled blood onto the ground. In that one small act they had changed our beings, giving us a craving for human blood. Not only had that led to our craving but our power as well. It hadn't started out with our destroying their tribe in fact for twenty years we had lived like humans. Then on the night of our twentieth birthday we lost our minds. We started with the adults, then slowly moved down the line until everyone was dead. We had drained all of them of their blood and life force. We found that with each death we gained more power, but at a price.

When that night was over there wasn't one living human left in the town. As the sun began to rise we ran for shelter since it's rays burnt our skin. So we found ourselves alone and cold in a dark cave. For the next one thousand years we hunted the human race like dogs hunting rabbits. The human race was starting to die out so we knew that he had to slow down or lose our source of food. It was then that we found that we didn't need to kill to survive. So we stopped and left them alone for as long as we could, and would only take small amounts of blood. Time continued to pass and as we aged we gained more strength. After a long amount of time we were able to once again move freely in the sun. We agreed to never again kill a human, unless it was needed or, we had no choice. Then we finally went our separate ways to find what the world had to offer us. We would try to meet with up with each other whenever we could, that didn't happen to often. I had gotten lonely after the first seven hundred years so I tried to make another like myself. It hadn't worked out to well, the human had been healed by my blood, but didn't change. He was confused, so I left him like that afraid that he would learn to much. I still watched him for the rest of his life. I still held hope that he would cross over and I could have a friend. When he died of old age I gave up and moved on, searching for a new way.

Which brings you up to today, still searching for a way to bring someone over. I had managed to keep a human alive for two hundred years. After that they would die no matter what I did to help them. They still looked young, then all of a sudden they were dust and gone. I had found one of my brothers and we had tried to change a human with our blood combined. We had watched over the human and kept her alive for six hundred years. Still she never craved blood, only ours and that was only once a year. Now we were planing to meet up again, only all of us. All four of us were going to gather and try a full on blood letting. The year was sixteen five, the land of America was beautiful and full of promise. The people on the other hand had me slightly worried, well more than slightly. I pushed the thought out of my mind and started searching for another human. It didn't take long to find him, he was sitting under a tree crying his heart out. I had moved to his side to help him. "Why do you cry little one, did someone break your heart?" He looked up at me a little shocked, then he quickly stood up and looked around. "There's no one here but you and I, nothing to be afraid of." He still did look all that happy to see me. It was understandable, I didn't really look human, I was too perfect.

There wasn't a single flaw on my body, and there never would be. My eyes were like the night, well then again it depended on how you saw the night. They were a deep blue that almost looked black without the sunlight shinning through them. My skin was lightly tanned and my hair was long and white. I stood close six foot four and not an ounce of fat anywhere on my body. My body was evenly portioned, I had long legs long arms and a long body. I had a mass of muscle rippled over my body, perfectly toned in every single way. I was one of the most beautiful men in the world, my brothers took up the other open spots. I could feel that they were getting closer every second that I stood still. "So why is it that you cry little one, who broke your heart and left you in all this pain?" I moved closer to him making sure that I kept my eyes and his locked so there wouldn't be a chance for him to run. "My brother, he stole my friend away from me, and I can't do anything about it." I looked at him, he was holding something back as I continued to move toward him. "There isn't a need for secrets with me child, you can tell me everything." I watched as a raven landed on the branch of the tree, I smiled knowing it was my brother. I was now standing in front of the man, he was shaking lightly as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

I moved my lips toward his and kissed him deeply making him dizzy. Then I moved down to the side of his neck and slowly bit him. He let out a small gasp, then his mind clouded over in ecstasy. I took only enough to make him sleep for a while so the rest of my brothers could arrive. "You can reveal yourself Devon, did you really think you could sneak up on me?" My brother flew to the ground and took his natural form, he was smiling brightly. "No, I knew you would feel me coming, I was just enjoying the show that's all." I laughed at him and pulled him into a tight hug, it had been a while since we had spoken. "You've gotten better with the illusion, you'll have to tell me how you do it." I nodded then thanked him for his kind words. "Well, I still can't get the shifting down, so you'll have to teach me a few things. I've only managed a wolf and a tiger, still no birds of any kind." He nodded slowly then leaned against the tree and just looked at me. "I've missed you Galen, so very much, why did we ever leave one another?" I sighed to myself since I had been asking the same question myself. "It was time that we left one another to their own fate. In some ways it was for the best, look at what we have accomplished." Devon nodded slowly and looked away, there was something he wanted to tell me.

When he looked back his eyes were filled with tears. "I lost Rachel a few weeks ago, I miss her so much Galen." I looked away, it was our curse to only have one another for the rest of time. It was why we had decided to meet and find a way to bring a human over to our side. "I'm sorry for your loss, but time will heal your wounds brother, trust me." He smiled lightly and then looked at our human, he almost laughed. "I love the new fashion sense they've made, so much better than the rich British." I laughed as I knelt down and picked the boy up. "We should move to the beach, it was where we were supposed to meet." Devon nodded then he returned to his raven form and flew off to meet the others. I carried the boy, he was starting to wake up, as his eyes opened he tried to jump out of my arms. "Calm down child, I mean you no harm, in fact I only wish you well." He looked scared but he stopped trying to escape, I smiled and continued to walk. I decided it was taking far to long to I started jumping through the air leaping miles at a time. "What is your name child, unless you like being called child." He looked at me slowly, his face was getting paler. "My friend's call me Danny sir, how can you do this, are you an angel?" I looked at him and smiled, I think it was the first time anyone had ever thought I was angel. "No, just something more than a human, hopefully you will be to after this day is over." He looked to be in thought as my feet touched the sand on the beach.

My brothers were waiting in their animal forms, there was wolf, an owl and a raven. Danny looked at them with fear and worry. "Show yourselves, no need to scare the young man now is there?" Devon was the first to reveal himself, he looked slightly amused with himself. His black hair seemed to move like water, and his gray eyes looked as cold as stone. Then Zane revealed himself, his deep red hair flowing like fire with his emerald eyes shinning. Finally James revealed himself his brown hair cut short and his eyes a deep dark brown. His hair being short had surprised me, we had always kept our hair long. I sat Danny down on the ground and let him look at myself and the others. "We should wait until nightfall, that way he won't be in danger of the sun." I agreed with Zane, it would be a lot safer if he were to cross over. So we waited and talked with Danny while we did so. We told him of our lives and how we had come into being. Then we told him of the great powers we all possessed from our time living on earth, he was amazed. We left out some details, like how many of his race we had truly killed. We also left out that his race would have been further along if we hadn't been summoned to this world. He would know in good time if everything worked out the way I hoped.

I planned on keeping Danny with me, I could teach him a great deal. Like how to fill his preys mind with wonderful thoughts. I could also show him how erase his presence from their minds. I could teach him so much more than he could ever hope for, and maybe in return I could have his heart. I craved love so very badly that most of time I was blinded by the thought itself. I hoped that he would fall in love with me over time, and I would fall for him. This was all riding on the chance that he was able to cross over, and now the sun had set. "So are you ready Danny, to try and join us in our world?" Danny took a few deep breaths and then slowly nodded. We asked Danny to stand so we could easily surround him. Once we were in place it started slowly at first, Zane and I shared Danny's neck. While Devon held onto his wrist and James on the other wrist, we all sent wonderful thoughts into Danny's mind. He moaned loudly, his whole body shook with pleasure. Then his body started shutting down, his heart was speeding up since he lacked blood. We stopped and opened his mouth, then our wrist, our blood mixed and flowed down his throat. When we had refilled him with our blood we stopped and let our wrist heal. Danny's body started shaking hard and fast, this had never happened before. I found that I was amused with idea that it might finally work.

When his heart stopped mine stopped with his, I was scared. I didn't understand this, it didn't make any sense whatsoever. I looked to my brothers, their faces were the same as mine, confused and lost. "This can't be, it's never killed before, our blood has always healed those in need." I looked at Devon, his eyes told of the pain deep within. This had been his last chance as well, now there was nothing left for us. We buried his body and cried silently for his loss, we had killed him. We weren't evil, we didn't like the idea of killing, we never really had. We had thought it was the only way to survive night after night, and the blood was so overpowering. The craving never truly left, it was always there trying to push us to darkness. We had gained a great amount of control over the craving, we could go days, sometimes a week from feeding. We went our separate ways once again, I stayed in America. The others went to other countries, flying away with speed a bird would never have. Devon had shown me how to shift to a bird so I could go with him. I had to turn him down, I needed some time alone to pull myself together. I had really thought this would work, that I would finally have a chance at true happiness. I shifted into a raven, only my body was white like my hair. It was the reason we normally shifted into animals that could be the same colors as our hair. I didn't really care anymore, not now that all my hoped had died.

Time passed so quickly, it was now two thousand one, a new age. Human's had once again covered all the corners of the earth. I was working as a bar tender in a Los Angeles night club. I didn't really need the money I was far richer than any human could ever be. I just enjoyed being around human's, listen to their wild stories, their hopes and dreams. There was also the small fact that it was easier to get blood when it was needed. I still kept my hair long, it was my style so to speak, along with my dark clothing. After the bar closed I went to the beach to watch another sun rise, my favorite time of the day. After the sun rose I started walking back toward my home, it wasn't far from the beach. I felt a small chill run up my spine, I turned quickly to see the car's crash into each other. I couldn't move for a short amount of time, then I was moving without thought. I had ripped the door of the car off the car, inside were two men, I pulled them out. Then I moved to the other car and found one woman, I repeated my last actions. The woman was ok as far as I could see, hear, and feel. One of the guys, the taller one was starting to wake up. The shorter one wasn't moving, and I could hear his heart slowing down. I moved to his side and ripped my wrist open with my sharpening teeth. I forced the blood down his throat, knowing it was the only way I could save his life.

I pulled my wrist away knowing he had gotten enough, then I listened to his heart start to beat normally again. He would be fine, I looked to the other male, he looked shocked and he had seen what I had done. "Your friend will be fine, I'm only trying to help and now I have to leave." I had no choice but to shift in front of him, to many people were starting to gather. I had to get away and as quickly as I could, so I shifted into a bird and flew away. I looked back once as the taller one stood up and watched me leave. Then I moved with speed no human could follow, soon I was in my living room. I sat back on my couch and cursed myself for my actions. I couldn't believe that I had just risked myself so foolishly. I could have done thousands of other things to help, but no I had to use my blood. I had acted foolishly, I let myself get carried away with the idea of saving someone. I had made other rescues in the last hundred years, rarely had I used my own blood to heal. Now I feared that I had finally gone to far, there were far to many people. I had known some of them from the night club, I was scared. It wasn't like I had to fear for my life, that would never be a fear. We had been hunted before, long before humans understood what we were. They had tired wooden stakes, that had really worked all that well.

Wooden stakes did hurt us, but it would never really kill us, maybe stun us but not kill. I had been burned once, the pain was amazing, but I had still escaped. I still don't know if it would have really killed me. I wasn't about to test it, crosses had no effect, neither did churches or holy ground. I had a habit of going to church on Sundays just to listen and watch. I had even tested the holy water to see if it would burn, nothing happened, I wasn't surprised. One of my brothers had lost his head, guess what he was still alive, again not a surprise. So I didn't fear death, I feared that I would no longer be able to move freely among the human race. I pushed the thoughts out of my mind and walked into my bed room. I really didn't need sleep, but I found that sometimes it helped clear my mind. So I closed my eyes and allowed my body to slowly slip away into the a world of dreams. My alarm went off around six so I would have time to shower and get dressed for work. I would still have a few hours but this way I could go back to the beach. After I got out of the shower I got dressed and picked out two changes of clothing. I planned on going swimming after the sun rose in the morning. I didn't really have to worry about getting burnt. My skin tone hadn't changed since my twentieth birthday.

I walked out my front door to be greeted by hundreds of flashing cameras. I slammed the door closed and pressed my body up against the door. My heart was beating hundreds of times faster than it should. I walked around my house and looked out the windows, my yard was filled with people. I ran to my TV and turned the news on and no doubt my house was on the screen. "We are standing outside of the house of Galen Roberts. After saving the lives three people he ran off, no one really knows why. That's why we are here today, to ask him why he doesn't want any credit. Little does he know that two of the people he saved were celebrities. There here with us today so they can give there heartfelt thanks to him. Now the only question is, why won't he show himself, if you're watching his Galen come on out." I turned the TV off and looked toward my door, I kept asking myself why. I looked in my mirror then walked to the door, I opened it slowly. The bright flashes were starting to get on my nerves, but I continued to move forward. I was dressed in my work clothes, which really didn't say much since I was allowed to wear what I wanted. I had black jeans on and a black tank top, not all that dressed up. There were so many questions I was having a hard time understanding what they were asking. I decided that I wasn't going to answer any of their questions.

I moved past them and continued to walk toward the club. They followed me continuing to ask their questions, I just ignored them. I knew that I couldn't do anything to them, but I was starting to want to. "Leave me alone, I just saw some people in need of help, so I helped. Then I left, I didn't see what really happened, so I wasn't really a whiteness. Now will you leave me the hell alone, damn all I want is some peace." That only seemed to make them want to ask more questions. So I took off in a normal run, it was a human pace but I didn't think they could really keep up. I could run like this all day and all night without having to worry about getting out of breath. I looked back to see only two people still behind me. I was impressed but not enough to stop, they looked odd to me. They had on sun glasses and hats, not the best look. After another mile I saw that they were still behind me, so I stopped. When they caught up they were panting loudly, I laughed lightly and started walking. "Would you wait for one little minute, I mean come on we only wanted to thank you." I turned and looked at them, they were sweating heavily and one had taken his hat off. Then he took his sun glasses and I realized who he was. I was half tempted to take his head off his shoulders. He had caused all of this, he gotten my house mobbed and I might even lose my job.

The other one turned his hat around and took his sun glasses off. He was the one I had given my blood to so he could heal. The wind was blowing lightly sending my long white hair flying about. "I'm waiting, you did say you wanted to thank me right?" The taller one looked confused then he shook his head. "I was just looking at your wrist, it was ripped open earlier. Now there's not even a mark, it's amazing, how could a wound like that heal so quickly?" I looked at him closely and thought about wiping his memory, it wouldn't do any good. "I guess your next question will be how I turned into a bird and flew away." His eyes got wide, and I think I had only made it worse on myself. The shorter one was laughing thinking I was telling some kind of joke. "Listen if you can make all of the news people go away that will be enough thanks for me. If you don't mind I have to get to work, that's only if I still have a job." I turned and started walking away but the shorter one grabbed my arm. I turned quickly and looked deeply into his eyes, he reminded me of someone. I just couldn't place the eyes, so full of hope and kindness. He wasn't able to move my mind had already started to warp around his to block his memory. I pulled back and released him from my hold, he looked slightly dazed.

He backed away slowly, he wasn't laughing anymore, he looked scared. "You know it isn't wise to touch someone you don't know." The taller one moved up in front of the shorter man. "I'm Nick and this is my brother Drew, what you did no human I know of can do. After you left I watched every single bruise and cut on his body heal. I know it was your blood that did it, what I don't know is why." I took a deep breath and decided that maybe I should tell him the truth. "I'm what legends are made of, only not like your book's tell it. I've been on this world for over eight thousand years, I am one of four. I am immortal, I'm what you would call a vampire." Nick didn't look shocked, or as shocked as I thought he would be. Now Drew on the other hand was looking at me like I was crazy. I laughed and shrugged my shoulders, I had answered his question with as much information as I wanted to give. "Nick I think this guy is nuts, let's get out of here all right?" Nick shook his head and moved toward me, now I was slightly confused. "Why did you help us, do you plan on making Drew like you are?" I laughed, there wasn't a way for Drew to become like me. "I helped you because you needed it and it

was the only one that could save his life. His heart was slowly down, his lungs were filling with blood."

"He was dying and I only knew of one way to help him, and that was to give him my blood. You watched me, that much I had already put together on my own. He won't change into what I am, no one ever will. Like I said I'm one of four, there has only been four and there will only be four. We've tried to bring others over to our side so we wouldn't be alone. It doesn't work, we can heal humans, even keep them alive for hundreds of years. Yet they stay the same, a human, they eat, drink, and die. It may take longer but the outcome is still the same, they die. So there's nothing to worry about Nick, your brother will be fine." I touched his face softly, his skin was hot, and there was a bruise on his cheek. "I can heal you as well Nick, make bruises and cuts fade away. Would you like me to heal you Nick, make you perfect again, all you have to do is ask." I turned and moved away from them, I refused to be late for work. Nick looked to be stunned almost speechless as I walked down the ally. Then I looked at my wrist and noticed I only had one minute to get to work. I looked back at Nick and Drew, then shrugged my shoulders. I shifted into a bird and flew away, this time I didn't look back. I wasn't worried that they had seen me shift, no one would believe just two men.

I got to work with four seconds to spare, then I clocked in and got ready. "Galen, what are you doing here, you shouldn't be working today." I looked at Tina, she was my boss and a really nice lady. "I thought I had to work today, I could have sworn that's what the schedule had on it." She was shaking her head, and then she sort of looked away. "Galen, I talked with Randy, and he told me that maybe you shouldn't work here anymore. With all the attention you would bring it just wouldn't be good for the club, we aren't what you would call a legal club. We have drugs and just about everything else go in and out of this place. So we decided that we had to let you go, I'm sorry, maybe when all this calms down you can come back." I looked away, I had known this was going to happen, sooner or later. "Fine, can I have my pay check, or is that to much to ask?" She looked at me oddly then walked toward the back and wrote a check out. "Here, and really I am sorry, I love having you around, really I do. It's just that you're not good for business, at least not right now." I smiled to myself and looked deeply into her eyes wrapping my mind around hers. I knelt down and sank my teeth into her neck, I only took a little. She wouldn't even notice it was gone, and I was in a really bad mood.

I left the club and had thoughts of making a phone call later that night. It would have to be at just the right time, or it wouldn't count for shit. I would teach them to fire me, no let me go was the way they had put it. I stopped myself, I was letting this get to me, I was acting like it really mattered. I didn't need that job, I had money, I just missed the people that I got to listen to. I walked to the ocean and looked out at the water, it was so peaceful. I listened as two sets of foot steps got closer to me, maybe I would have a better snack tonight. "So you really are a vampire, it's kind of creepy, but kind of cool to." I turned around to see Nick and Drew, they were smiling as they took seats beside me. "You said all I had to do was ask, so I'm asking, will you get rid of the bruises and stuff." I looked at him a little surprised, then I slowly nodded, only I planned on getting something out of this. "Would you mind if I had a little of your blood, I promise it won't hurt at all? Then I'll heal you with my own blood, I'm running a little low since this morning." Nick looked a little scared but slowly he nodded, I couldn't help but to smile to myself. I leaned over and slowly brought my lips to his neck, breathing slightly. I slowly bit into his neck and sent wonderful thoughts into his head as I drink his blood.

He was moaning loudly as I pulled back, then he looked at me with confusion. "If you would have told me that's what it would have felt like that I would give you all my blood." I laughed and brought my wrist to my mouth and made small gash. I held it to his mouth and he slowly drink until I thought it was enough. I had almost forgotten about Drew, he looked shocked, but interested. I looked back at Nick and watched as the cuts and bruises on his face faded away. "Well, I guess I should be going, I have to find another job." I stood up and started walking away, only to once again be followed. I turned and looked at them, both had their heads down low. "Why did you lose your job, I mean if it's not a touchy subject?" I told them why which seemed to make them feel guilty, it should have. "We're really sorry, but someone said they had seen you at a club. So we went to the club and got some information on you. So I think you should work for us, since we cost you your job, we'll give you one with us." I looked at them and smiled, well it would keep me busy. "Ok, what kind of job did you have in mind, hopefully not a body guard. I mean it would be ok, but I might really hurt someone on accident, and I would hate for that to happen." They smiled and put their arms around my waist, then pulled me away from the beach. It was funny but they had a limo waiting for us, I had a feeling that they had this planned from the start.

I stepped in the limo and moved to the far side of the seat. I had only been in a limo once or twice before. I enjoyed the space that it had, and it was totally dark, which I loved. I guess some things about my race were slightly true, but only slightly. I only liked the sun when it would rise, or set that was ok too. Yet the night was my life, I was stronger in the night, and my senses were peaked. I looked over to Nick and Drew, they looked interesting to me. They were humans, yet they really didn't fear me, it was a first without knowing the whole story. "I have a story to tell you, do you have a few hours to spare?" Both looked interested and nodded, but everyone waited until we arrived at the hotel. We sat in a dark room and I told them everything from beginning, even the bad parts. The story took hours to tell, and the sun was going to start rising soon, Drew looked like he was about to pass out. "So that brings us up to now, I hope I haven't bored you all that much." Both of them shook their heads, but I could tell that sleeping wasn't that far off for them. "Well, thank you for the company tonight, but I should be going home, I have an appointment to keep with the beach." I stood to leave but I noticed my exit was blocked, by two men.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 2

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