Last Kiss Good Night

By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Sep 4, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know 98 Degrees, nor have I ever met them or anyone connected to them. This is just a story, none of it's real in anyway shape or form. It's just fiction, and I would rather it stay that way.

Warning: This story may contain sex, so if you're under the legal age in your area don't read this story. If you have a problem with male/male relationships don't read this story, in fact you shouldn't even be at this site. This story involves vampires, and maybe a few other interesting beings of the night. This one chapter involves one scene of incest and most likely won't happen again.

Authors Note: Well I'm back again with another story, with a really weird twist. I've been meaning to write a story with vampires for a long time. I just had a little trouble with picking out the band to be involved. So I finally found the band, I just hope they fit in with the story. By the way it isn't going to be your normal vampire story, I've changed a lot of the rules. On top of that I've changed the way vampires came into being. Well, I should tell you about the symbols that I use. These *** mean either a character change, or the character that's starting the story. Since I write in the first person point of view, this comes in really handy. I'll put the name of the character the middle of the symbols when I start a story. If by chance I decide to change characters after that point in the story I'll put the name after the symbols. Now if you don't mind could you please send me some feed back on this story. I hope you enjoy the story, so I'll stop writing this and get to the story.


I watched as Justin and Jeff stood by the door, they looked frightened.

"Nick I think you should get out of here man, this guy doesn't sound all that sane. I mean he thinks he's a vampire for Christ sake." Galen slowly stood up and laughed then he walked to a window and opened it.

"As I said I need to be going, I have an appointment to keep. I shall return before the days out to finish our chat, leave the window open if you don't mind." With that he changed into a white raven and flew out the window, soon he was gone. I looked back at Jeff, his face had gotten pale, as well as Justin's.

"It's ok guys, he's good other wise Drew would be dead. That's the guy that saved Drew in the car crash." Jeff started shaking his head as he moved to window and closed it tightly.

"No man, don't you understand he's a vampire, or something. When he comes back he'll drain you of your blood and leave you for dead, or worse make you like him." Drew shot up off the bed and grabbed Jeff by his shirt pushing him into a wall.

"He wouldn't do something like that, I know he wouldn't, he couldn't. He told us everything, and there isn't a way for him to make another like himself. He's tried so he wouldn't be alone, and nothing works. He's a good guy, and if you say one more bad thing about him I'll break you in half." I looked at Drew, and to say I was little shocked would have been a huge understatement. I moved up behind Drew and pulled him away, Jeff looked scared.

"Don't you see Drew he's already in your mind man. I bet he bit you and now there's nothing you can do to resist him." I raised my hand slowly, because I knew that wasn't true in anyway shape or form.

"He didn't bite Drew, he bit me after I gave him permission, all he did for Drew was give him some blood to save his life. Well, he gave me some blood to, but that was only because I asked him to." That was the last thing I got to say before something crashed down on my skull. I woke up hours later to find myself and Drew tired to a bed, and we were both naked. That wouldn't have been so bad in truth, it wasn't like we hadn't seen each other naked. The worse part was that Drew laying face down on me, he looked highly pissed off.

"When I get lose I'm going to kick both of their asses until they don't have asses anymore." I laughed lightly and then regretted it since my head was pounding.

"They think they can kill Galen and we'll return to normal, why we're naked I don't know. But I do know that they've been spraying water all over my back, and they've paid special attention to my ass, oh and your balls. Cause I feel something poking me on my left butt cheek, and I don't think you have a banana down there." I groaned lightly, then I noticed I was being poked as well.

"You can't hold it against me man, cause I can feel something a little wet on my stomach, and I don't think it's water." Drew's face went from normal to five shades of red in a matter of seconds.

"It wasn't my fault and quit moving around cause something just moved to the right. And if you move your hips upward you going to be entering a place I don't think you want to enter." It was my turn to blush and try not to move, it wasn't all that easy. I could feel the sweat starting to pour out of my body, and not moving was only making it worse.

"If you think you can get free go a head and move, just do it really slowly." I nodded slowly and moved my hips upward trying to pull my legs free. Drew let out a very low moan and bit his lip, tears were starting to fall from his eyes. I knew I was in him, he was tighter than any girl I had ever slept with. I shook those thoughts out of my mind and started pulling my legs upward again. I had to push and pull my legs back and forth and each time I would thrust into Drew. He was starting to moan more loudly and his breathing was getting deeper. "Nick, can you please hurry and get this over with, cause it really hurts." I nodded slowly and started pushing and pulling quicker and quicker trying to free my legs. I could feel myself getting close to freedom, among other things it had been week's since Jessica and I had broken up.

This just wasn't helping in anyway, and my feet were almost free as my climax hit me hard. All the muscles in my body tensed up and I pulled my legs back with everything I had. My legs ripped free just as I lost all will to move anymore, my body was spent. Since Drew's legs were tied to mine he was free as well, only he didn't move. He had been biting my shoulder, something I hadn't noticed. I could feel something moving around slightly on my stomach. Then as I paid more attention to everything I could feel something spreading over my stomach. I shook my head and promised myself that after we were free we would never talk about this.

"Our legs are free swing to the right, and I'll swing to the left." All Drew could do was nod and slowly move to the right, I don't think I could have felt worse. After our hands were free Drew sat on the bed with his head in his hands. I could see my cum leaking out of his ass, he didn't look to happy with me, neither was I.

"I'm going to take a shower, then me and you are going to teach Jeff and Justin a lesson." I nodded slowly and started looking for our clothes, they couldn't be that far from the room. While looking around I opened a window hoping Galen would return and give us a hand. I found our clothing laying in a pile by a dresser, so I picked them up. I knocked on the bathroom door, then quickly entered and started washing my body off in the sank.

I couldn't help but look toward Drew as he washed himself in the shower. I looked down to see I was starting to get hard again. I shook my head and almost ran out of the bathroom. I dried myself off and got dressed as quickly as I could, then I sat down and waited for Jeff and Justin. Drew walked out of the bath room and found his clothes on the floor. He got dressed and joined me on the bed, we sat in total silence for a while. I didn't really know what to say to him, so I didn't say anything.

"I don't think we should ever talk about what happened in here, just pretend it never happened." I nodded and fully agreed, only I feared I would never be able to get these thoughts out of my mind. The way his body had felt on top of mine, and he was so tight. I could feel myself starting to get hard, I looked away and back toward the door. Jeff walked in with Justin right behind him, both had very big crosses. When they looked at us they froze, and with good reason Drew was standing up.

"Well, look's like your little plan to keep us tired up didn't work so well." Jeff didn't have a second to reply Drew had launched himself onto him and he started punching. Justin looked like someone had just hit the pause button. That was until I slammed him into a wall and started punching him in his gut.

Drew pulled me back after a minute, pulling me toward the bed. I looked at Jeff he was holding a very sharp wooden stake. He looked deadly serious as he moved toward us, Justin on the other hand was out cold on the ground.

"There's no way a human could have gotten out of those ropes. I hate to do this to you guys, but you're not human anymore and I'm going to have to take you out." I looked at Drew, he didn't look all that scared, in fact he was smiling.

"You have one problem with that idea Jeff, you only have one stake. That means one of us dies while the other gets their shot at you, so you die as well. Then again since you think we're vampires, maybe you won't just die, maybe you'll wake up with fangs." Now Jeff was starting to back away, only he backed right into Galen. He spun around and plunged the stake into his chest, the blood went everywhere. Galen fell back against a wall and looked down at his chest, Jeff looked shocked that he was bleeding. Galen coughed up blood, and I could see the pain in his eyes. Then he fell down, his eyes closed and his chest stopped rising, he looked dead. He didn't turn to dust, he didn't turn into a mummy, he just laid there. Blood was still flowing from his mouth and chest. Jeff slowly moved toward him and picked his arm up. He let it drop, then he started shaking lightly, it was like he had made a mistake.

"He wasn't a vampire, oh my God, he wasn't a vampire, and I just killed him." I watched as Drew went to Galen's side and pulled the wooden stake out of his chest.

"No, you just stunned him, it would take a hell of a lot more to kill him." Once the stake was removed the hole in his chest sealed. His chest started rising and falling again as if it had never stopped. Galen was up and off the floor in one-second, one-second from that Jeff was up against a wall.

"Do you have any idea how much that hurts, well I could show you, but you wouldn't make it back." Jeff looked far more scared than before, he even wet his pants.

"It doesn't make sense, I've seen your kind killed before, they always turned to dust." Galen laughed lightly and released Jeff, I couldn't believe he was willing to just let it go.

"You read to many book's and watch far to much TV, I'm real not a character." Jeff started shaking his head as he stood up, he had this look of pure fear.

"No, you don't understand I really have seen your kind killed, it happened while I was in high school. There was this group of vampire hunters in my school and I always thought they were a bunch of idiots. Well, one night they talked me into going with them, and I watched them kill a vampire." Galen's skin had gotten pale and his whole body had tensed up.

"At first I thought they were hurting some poor guy, so I tried to stop them. Then they took this wooden stake and drove it into this guys heart. He turned to dust like he wasn't real, but you, you're different." Galen had taken a seat on the bed, his whole body was shaking.

"This doesn't make any sense, there can't be more of my kind. There are only four of us, we were born into this world, summoned here. I have to get into contact with the others, it's the only way to solve this problem." Galen stood up and left the room so quickly it was like a blur. He returned ten minutes later looking a lot more calm and collected.

"They'll be here in a few hours, and then we can get to the bottom of this." Justin had woken up and pressed himself against the wall when Galen walked back in.

"Will you two ever learn, I'm not evil, I'm just who I am, and that happens to be a vampire. I drink blood to live, but I don't kill unless I have no other choice. You should know that by now, I could have killed you and been in my own rights since you tried to kill me. I healed both Drew and Nick, and I could do the same for both of you, after I get some blood that is. I have to replenish what I lost when I was staked by you." Galen went for the door and I stood in front of him and tilted my head to the right.

"No need to go out for it, you can have my blood any time of the day, or night." Galen smiled lightly and shook his head slowly, then he frowned.

"I don't want to put you at risk, I took some of your blood last night, it wouldn't be wise to do it again. Well, not any time soon that is, I would hate for you to pass out or something. If that were to happen I'm sure your buddy would give me a reason to kill him again." Galen looked at Jeff with the last comment, he was smiling brightly as he said it too.

"Well, since I cost you the blood, maybe I should give you some of mine, maybe we could all give you a little." Galen slowly nodded and went to the bed and sat down slowly.

"I guess it could work pretty good like that, but are you sure you want to do this?" Jeff smiled and then started nodding as he sat down beside Galen and tilted his head. Galen slowly placed his lips on Jeff's neck, seconds later Jeff was moaning loudly. Galen pulled back slowly then opened his wrist and placed it against Jeff's mouth. Jeff was drinking the blood like there was no tomorrow until Galen pulled his wrist back. All of the bruises and cuts on Jeff's face faded away like mine had. He then repeated all of it with Justin, who didn't look so scared anymore. Drew sat down beside Galen and tilted his head.

"I don't really need your blood, but I think you should have some without having to return it." Galen smiled and then placed his lips on Drew's neck, the moaning got louder and louder. I knew what all of them had felt, and I was starting to get jealous Galen slowly pulled back with a satisfied smile on his face.

"I haven't had this much blood in close to a hundred years. I feel better than I have in a long time, thank you all for this gift." Galen stood up and stretched out like he was just waking up from a cat nap. He looked at me and smiled, he was almost swaying like he was drunk or high. He fell back on the bed and laughed lightly, then he almost started rolling. Galen shook his head slowly and stood up shaking his head.

"I believe you were going to offer me a job since you cost me my last one." That brought me back to reality real quick, and in truth I didn't know what he could do.

"Well, can you sing or anything like that, maybe we could get you a job doing that." Galen nodded slowly, he almost looked like he was about to laugh.

"There's only one problem with that Nick, I don't age and I never will. What would I do in say ten years, I would look the same as I had ten years before? It's why I stay out of the pubic eye, it could cost me my freedom." I hadn't thought about that, but it made a lot of sense since I thought about it.

"Well, can you dance, I mean if you can we have a job for you. You would be in the pubic eye but not all that much, and you could be forgotten." Galen smiled and danced in a circle, he looked funny doing it.

"I learn very quickly, so if you have one of your people show me it won't take long." I had no doubt in my mind that he could learn it all in an hour. We talked for a few hours while Jeff made nonstop phone calls. A black raven flew through the window and landed beside Galen. There was a knock on the door seconds later, it was really odd. I opened the door to see a man with fire red hair. He nodded to me and entered the room, with a brown wolf right behind him. The wolf turned into a man and stood by a wall watching everyone. The raven took form and placed his arm around Galen's shoulder, it was a little breath taking.

"These are my brothers, and the only true vampires in the world. Well, that was until Jeff informed me of something just a short amount of time ago." Galen told his brothers everything from that point on, they all looked shocked.

"I think I know where it started, and it may be our fault." This caught everyone's attention, so we all focused on Devon.

"I think it started with Danny, remember what happened when we tried to bring him over. He died, I still hold guilt for that night, but maybe I shouldn't, he may have come back. I think he may be the reason all of those stories started up about vampires." Galen looked at Devon, then he passed out, his brothers looked scared. Devon was holding Galen in his arms like a lover, and I started wondering.

"Galen, come on buddy wake up, you know this is scarring me." Devon looked close to tears until Galen started moving around. He sat up really quickly and looked around, then looked at Devon.

"It can't be Danny, that would mean that we barred him alive, I can't stand that thought." Devon slowly shook his head and looked away slowly, Galen had tears falling from his eyes. The weird part was that they were blood, and it sort of creeped me out.

"No, don't you see that can't happen, how could he make others like himself if we couldn't?" Galen wasn't making all that much sense, it was like he wasn't gripping reality.

"Galen, if you made him then that means you did make another like yourself. Well, maybe not like you, but something close to being like you. I think that maybe Devon is right, you started a race of vampires." Drew told Galen this while moving to his side and wrapping his arm around his shoulder.

"Maybe what you did changed everything in the human body. You told us that you and your brothers were born like this. Danny wasn't, he was born a human and you changed that, so maybe you changed a lot of things." Galen stood up so quickly Drew was thrown back slightly, Galen looked scared.


My mind was racing with the possibility that we could make others. There was only one problem, I didn't know if it was such a good idea anymore. I looked to Devon, his eyes held both pain and joy. He was starting to hope again, and I was starting to understand what we had to do.

"We have to stop them if their hurting innocent people, you all know that. We may have created monsters, and if that's true we have to stop them all." Devon was the only one that didn't seem to totally agree with everything that was going on.

"Nick do you think you have three more open spots on your tour, we could use it to hunt them down." Nick looked a little shocked, then he looked to Jeff who just shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll call and find out, if we do your all welcome to come with us, I just hope they don't steal the show." I pulled my brothers to the side and started talking about what we needed to do.

"Galen, we can't do this, hunt our own kind, it's just wrong." I looked at Devon, he was really having a problem with this, and I didn't understand why.

"Their not our kind, that much has already been proven Devon. We made this problem, so it's up to us to solve it before more innocent people die. Now if they aren't killing humans then I don't see a problem with leaving them alone."

"Yet if they are in fact killing humans we have to stop them quickly. You all know what happened when we lost it, we almost wiped the human race out. If we continue to let them grow in number then we're going to have major problems." Devon wasn't willing to fight me on this anymore, he looked defeated.

"Every time we enter a new city we first feed, then we start looking until the show starts. After the show we will start looking again until we leave the area. It's not going to be easy since we're not connected to them like we are one another." Zane was starting to nod while James just smiled and cracked his knuckles. I noticed that we weren't the only ones in a group looking over our shoulders at the other group.

"We'll be back just after day break, we're going to have a look around the city." Nick nodded and went back to talking to his friends while me and my brothers left through the window. Devon stayed with me while James and Zane went toward the ocean front. I was going to check some of the area around my old club hoping I could get a lead. It was in the worse part of town, my home wasn't to far from this place. I took shape in the middle of echo park, Devon followed me in the skies. I took my hair band out and let my hair flow freely.

Then I took my shirt off and let it fall to the ground, my pants soon followed. I had learned a few tricks since I had last seen my brothers. There was only one problem with using it, I couldn't have any cloth on my skin. Once I was nude I felt myself start to relax and move more freely. Devon landed on a tree and took on his true form, he was shaking his head and smiling.

"Not that I don't like the show, but would you mind telling me why you're doing this?" Looking up at him I decided that action always spoke louder than words. I closed my eyes and started the change, it was the most difficult shift I had ever done. As my body slowly faded away my senses became stronger and stronger with each second. In some ways it was painful to feel everything so clearly, but in others it was amazing. I could now hear everything for miles around, my eyes remained where they were. The only difference was I could move quicker and unnoticed by human eyes. I had become what movies had thought we could always do, I had become mist. Devon was breathing heavily as he looked at me, he couldn't believe his eyes. I couldn't speak that was beyond my power in this form. On the other hand I could move around him like blanket.

"Ok I'm very impressed with this man, I never thought we could do something like that."

I moved away from him hoping he would follow me. He did after he changed back into a raven. We searched for the rest of the day and all night without taking a break, we found nothing. The sun was starting to rise, and it would be the first time I would miss it. For some reason it no longer mattered to me anymore. I knew there would be more, and I could start counting again. Devon wasn't following me anymore he was heading back to the hotel. I followed him this time and went up the building until I reached their open window. I flowed and found that everyone was watching me, waiting for me to take form. Slowly I started pulling myself back together, soon I was whole and really weak. I fell forward knowing that someone would catch me. Devon's arms were around my upper body in less than a second.

"Just let me get my grounds, then I'll be ok." Devon nodded and moved my body to the bed where I stayed for close to an hour. Nick and Drew stood in the corner and watched as Devon laid beside me. He slowly knelt down and placed his lips on my throat. I moved my lips to his throat and sank my teeth in at the same time he bit me. Instantly our minds were one, and all information past and present was shared. We had done this so many times in the past it was like coming home after being away for so long. I felt other teeth stab into my throat and Devon's, soon all four of our minds were joined.

The thoughts flowed freely and soon we were all equal with one another again. Other thoughts started invading mine in a very interesting way. I was having thoughts of love once again, and it was like a trigger with the others. I could tell that our bodies were moving and shifting with the thoughts. Our clothing was falling away from our bodies as we came closer to merging. This had only happened one other time, and that was in the beginning. It was just after we had gained some kind of control over ourselves after we found ourselves in the cave. We had ripped our clothing off so we could get the blood off our skins. Then it was like something had taken over our minds and pushed us together to learn a lesson. Our bodies had come together, and after a while we had become one being. It hadn't lasted long, only long enough for us to understand what we were and where we had come from. Now it was happening once again only this time it was different, it was for pleasure. We were brothers because we were the same in so many ways. Yet we weren't brothers, only in our minds were we brothers, in our hearts it was different. Our hearts craved more than our minds would ever truly allow us to do. Now it seemed our minds had finally given in to our lonely hearts. Yet something was pulling us apart again, maybe it was for the best.

There wasn't any blood loss for any of us, but there were some very weird look's coming for Nick and Drew.

"With us biting each other doesn't feed us it brings our minds together as one." They both still looked confused as I stood up and moved toward them feeling much better now.

"Man that was some pretty intense stuff, it was really wild how your clothes fell away." I looked down at what use to be our clothing, it was in a nice pile. I jumped back on the bed with my brothers and leaned back against Devon, he only smiled. Jeff and Justin walked in seconds later and gave me and my brothers the strangest look. I looked over my shoulder and stared into Devon's eyes, he was looking rather happy. I couldn't stop thinking about the thoughts that had started entering our minds. Even now the feel of my brother behind my back was comforting, and a few other things. I looked to Zane and James, they looked to be feeling the same thing as we did.

"So Nick do we have jobs on this tour of yours, or do we have to hit the road alone." I looked back to Devon quickly, I wasn't planing on leaving Nick and the others all that soon. I was willing to admit that I had a small crush on both Nick and Drew. They were cute, and now there was the possibility they could cross over. I don't think it would be to bad to have two lovers for the rest of time. Then again they are brothers, and I really hated the idea of having to chose.

A few hours passed in which my brothers and I had gotten dressed and followed the guys to a strange looking building. Inside we found that there were a few dancers and someone who looked like he was in charge.

"I can see why you want these four on your tour, their defiantly attractive." Nick walked over and talked with the man for a few minutes and explained how we were going to be taught. The guy looked like he doubted the idea but went ahead and started dancing. The other dancers started following the main dancers lead. We watched every single step and move they made, it wasn't hard to learn.

"Ok do your best, and we'll help you with any trouble spots." Zane almost laughed but managed to turn it into a cough. So we danced just as they had without any effort, we could do this for days without stopping. We didn't make any mistakes which seemed to impress the other dancers.

"Ok, I'm defiantly liking these new guys, do you think you could add anything to the dance." It was a fatal mistake that he shouldn't have made. Never ask a vampire to make something better, because when we try to improve we do. I looked to Devon who had started flipping backwards, so I followed his lead. We spoke back and forth while we tried to improve on the dance. Only Zane and James could hear us since we were now all dancing without error. When we stopped all of the dancers had their mouths hanging open.

"I know you wanted to add some more dancers, but I didn't know you wanted to replace us. Guy's come on, we can't do that kind of stuff, no one should be able to do that kind of stuff." Nick was looking back and forth from me and to the dancers, they looked scared.

"You asked us if we could add anything, that doesn't mean you have to add it. We just want to dance, it's always been a dream of ours, so please just give us a chance." James was the best with heart felt, I'm going to cry if I don't get my way request, that also happened to be a lie. The man could get his way with just about anyone that crossed his path. He could talk a two year old out of the last candy bar if he really wanted it. Not that we ever really ate anything that didn't have blood in it, but their were times. We would have our craving for stuff like chocolate, and coffee, just your normal stuff. Only it didn't really help us any, we just liked the taste after going without it for so long.

"Honey don't worry we want you, trust me on that, it's just your all so amazing. I've never seen anyone dance like that without any passion on their faces. It looked like it was just something you could do, not something you've dreamed of. I know that it must take a lot you all of you to do that, but you need to smile if you could." James smiled brightly followed by me and the others, it was time to turn the charm on.

"So this means you're going to let us dance with the tour?"

That was all it took to gain the control over the lead dancers mind. He was butter after I gave him the puppy dog smile, not an easy thing to pull off. It was a mix of a few different emotions, that just mixed perfectly. Then put them on your face and boom instant reaction.

"Of course honey, we'll just show you the rest of the dances, which won't take long then your all set." James had walked up to the main dancer, then he started flirting. I shook my head and walked over to Nick who looked to be amazed by James actions.

"I can't believe he's hitting on Jake like that, he's just so open." I laughed and put my arm around his shoulder.

"We're all really open about the way we feel, there's no reason we shouldn't be. I'm gay, Devon is bi, Zane is gay and James is bi. But I have to admit I'm starting to wonder about James, he has always looked at guys more than women. Now watch Devon he's going to start hitting on that girl over there. If she blows him off, even if she's just playing hard to get he'll start hitting on that blond guy over there. No matter which way it goes he'll have one of them in bed with him tonight." Nick smiled then intertwined his arm with mine and placed it slightly on my shoulder.

"Since you're so open about how you feel and all that, have you and your brothers ever slept with one another?"

To Be Continued

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