Late Night Vignettes

By andrew staker

Published on May 23, 2000


"The Day the Mechanic Fuelled my Engine."

"Well, it's had it!" and my dad sighed, stepping out of the car, and tapping the side, repeating a step he'd so-often done that night. Just great! It was about eleven, and cold for that time of year. I was shivering in my t-shirt.

"No worries," he continued. So, he dialled the Road Service on the mobile phone, and spoke. Then, after hanging up, he told me there'd be a half an hour wait. Great, just what I'd needed! I mean, I was so goddamn exhausted. I'd just won first place at a chess tournament, and this is what I get? I was tired, and I needed sleep. I wanted to go home, and do so, in my room.

Any way, the time passed, and soon enough, the technician came. A brightly lit van turned the corner. It parked in front of our car and the guy emerged. I'd been sitting on a chilled wooden bench, but as soon as this divine specimen showed up, I was no longer tired, nor disinterested. It's

like my radar shot into action.

The guy was tall, real thin, and had soft-looking hair that hung all around his head. He had hazel eyes, and a smile that melted the cold around me. I came to my father's side as he was talking to this hot technician. Such an opposite! I mean, I was expecting a pot-belied, middle-aged man,

bored and cranky as hell to arrive, but instead, Providence sent a pure flame! I was certainly feeling much better. He actually introduced himself. "I'm Aaron." He shook my dad's hand and my dad said his name, and then the guy shook mine! God, I was transfixed. I was blurred to be honest.

Then, luckily I'd remembered the world I''d left behind, and returned to it, just in time.

"Ahh... I'm--I'm Josh," and I couldn't help smiling. I thought it was the goofiest, most naive smile I'd ever made... I could already imagine the things he was thinking.

He did some tests on the battery and other things in the car. He walked to the back, around, all the time his gorgeous butt moving ecstatically in those really washed jeans. He had this cap on--from the company--and it made him look real cute... like a little leaguer or something. He lifted the cap off, his hair stuck in slightly sweaty clumps. He spoke to my dad--me by his side--and intermittently gazed between us. I simply locked onto those delicious beacons of sexiness. He didn't seem to mind, or notice perhaps.

"Well Mr. Jackson," he said, scratching the back of his head, "it's kind of complicated. It all depends on you. By that sir, I mean that you can either have this towed away to a garage, or wait out here for about two hours..."

"Anything else...?" asked my dad. God, he asked the most embarrassingly stupid questions. Aaron nodded a no. "So, how much more will the towing cost me?"

"Well, about forty dollars. You are out of town by quite a lot sir. "My dad looked like he was contemplating. In fact, it did take him ages to think something thoroughly through.

He said: "Well son, can you wait a couple of short hours out here?"

Omigod! Was he serious? I mean, I was colder than an iceberg, and so I shivered extra hard, just to prove my point. "Daaad... do I have to...?" I knew I was whining, and, I believe I also knew that there was almost no hope of him giving up forty dollars like that. A silence followed, and then

Aaron surfaced:

"Mr. Jackson, whereabouts do you live?"

"Blackwood Downs."

"Well," Aaron replied, "this is my last call for the night, and I live in that neighbourhood myself. I'd be glad to offer your son a lift, and he smiled at me in such a way, that my cock twitched. My dad looked at me, seeking my approval.

"Sure... I guess. Dad, it's really late, and, well, I could use the rest!" But, I must confess, I think my face at that time displayed a completely antithetical resolution. Well, nothing more to say, except that I eventually hopped into Aaron's car, and we were off. I was so timid, as soon as I'd realised my dad's presence was lacking. So often I'd dreamed of this--about being isolated with this gorgeous guy, and having him all to myself, it wasn't funny! And now, there I was, and instead of chatting him up--which is what I'd be doing in my dreams--I was there, stiff. Yeah, stiff in my body, my mind, my speech, and of course my cock.

It was pretty quiet for a long time, and just when all hope faded, he said, "So, I hear you were at a chess tournament?" I shyly squeaked a reply. "You came first?" Again the fool's squeak. "That sounds cool." A pause, during which he took his eyes off the road, and turned to me. "I myself play chess... though not in you calibre!"

I couldn't believe it. He was actually talking to me. I was almost stunned by the fact that I was gaining confidence... a lot more confidence. "Cool."

"We should play each other." O, if he only knew what I'd wished those words to mean!

"It's cool that you can play though, it really is," I said.

"Why?" came his reply, in a subdued, foxy tone.

"Well... uh, I guess 'cause, oh, 'cause most people I bump into don't." I was quite red by the awkwardness at that stage.

"I hate this cap!" he said suddenly, taking the article off his head, and tossing it somewhere at the back of his van. "So... you in school?" I said I was, and that it was my final year. We talked about the subjects I was taking and crap similar to that. "Well see, I was doing that two years ago. I'm at uni now."

"Really?" I was surprised. I had this code of stereotypes.

"Yeah. This is just a way to earn the cash I need."

"Cool. What's the course?"

He replied, "Oh, it's something to do with English Lit. I really enjoy it..." I must say, I was impressed! How could someone be as hot as he was, and as smart? It baffled me... it did. So we spoke about this and that, and about our favourite TV comedies, and eventually we were laughing out loud. I was getting along with Aaron really well. In fact, I wasn't even very sad that there was no sexuality showing. I was sure of one fact: if nothing else, I'd have him as a friend."

Then, all of a sudden, a different smile came across his face. It was an unknown one, though one, which I'd instinctively, recognised. There came a sudden quietness in the car, with the gentle radio being the only creator of sound. He kept his eyes focussed into mine, and I could not move to stop him. The car kept going, and we were lucky, for it had been a straight stretch, for a while any way.

He continued looking at me, his dark eyes boring into my soul's recess, gushing wounds of teen love suddenly exposed. I felt all power drained, and a new, unacquainted sense of anticipation set in. I just sat there, receiving his gaze. Then it happened. His hand left the steering wheel, and gently landed on my leg, at the thigh.

I exhaled as he did this, and I thought I might've threatened him, though this was not the case. He smoothly rubbed his palm on my jeans, now returning his gaze to the road. I guess he didn't want to see my face, or I his, or maybe he needed to see the road; he was driving after all! He left his hand there, rubbing my leg in an unchanging rhythm. Boy, did it feel good! I sat like that, though I could not take it long. My hand met his, and caressed the silken skin. Did it feel ecstatic, doing what I was?

We were both breathing differently, though the silence prevailed. I got a little adventurous. My cock was already hard, so I dragged his hand onto it. He started to massage the flesh with such class... oh, I cannot say how it made me twist and twinkle in that seat. I think placing his hand on my cock was the barrier he'd awaited to become broken, because, after that, there was virtually no stopping him.

He took away his hand, undid the zipper, and guided mine to his gorgeous member. I'd never before actually wanked another's organ, and it felt so hot to touch it. I was still scared to jack it confidently though, but I soon got a grip. Meanwhile, his hand returned to me, and I copied his example. So there we were, jacking each other off, in a car, the silence now slowly vanishing, being wiped away by intensifying moans of pleasure.

I somehow managed to guide him to my house. He said, "Well, it was nice bumping into you!" I looked at him, and then all my resistance having been depleted, I kissed him. It was my first kiss. I was so blushed, I could hear the beats of my heart flood my head. Before having reached climax earlier, he'd suggested we stop. It was the company's car, and he did not have much chance of retaining his job, if cum were to be found!

He kissed me back. Mmm... it felt sooo good. He just kept going and going, and I felt his glistening tongue entering my hot mouth, and wrapping itself around mine. He leaned even closer, and his smooth hands started to caress the back of my head, and all the time, my eyes were closed. I placed my palms on his neck, and ran them down his gentle back. Sure it was tough, but it had a delicious childishness to it.

Then he started to rub his hands on my chest, and my teen nipples were so excited, I could have burst into a voice right there. Just then, I got a little carried away: "Come in," I said.


That was all. I'd thought he'd think me desperate, but no! The try had been worth it. I ran up the path, his hand in mine. I fumbled with the keys, while he placed sugar kissed on my pumping neck. I opened the door, and in fell two new found lovers, ready to explore the realm of each other's bodies, and the love and lust these yield. The door to sex was open, and I was let into the club.

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