
By Jack Santoro

Published on Aug 3, 2006


Lawsuit, Part 1 By

I met Vic for dinner at our favorite Vietnamese restaurant. He seemed troubled, and once we had our orders he began speaking:

"Remember that building on Parker I leased to the medical group?" I recalled that Vic, a very successful real estate developer and investor, had leased the building about six months ago. I nodded.

"Well, I didn't know what sort of operation they intended to run at the time. They call themselves the Downtown Circumcision Center and they're doing the spill-over from General Hospital now that the hospital no longer does newborn circumcisions."

"They also do older kids and adults?" I asked.

"They'll do anybody who has the money to pay. Since the state Medicaid stopped funding newborn circumcisions and the hospital stopped doing them, they're pulling in some parents who still want their kids clipped. The doctors at the hospital tell them that it's an unnecessary mutilation, like cosmetic surgery, but some parents still want to do it."

I was familiar with part of the story. Some doctors were aggressively promoting circumcision to prevent AIDS, like doctors decades ago had promoted it to prevent masturbation and syphilis. These doctors found the circumcision business to be a lucrative source of income, especially since they'd found that some bio-labs and cosmetics companies were willing to buy the amputated foreskins from them. They were collecting from both ends.

"I guess you don't like the idea of that sort of business in your building," I surmised. Actually it was a safe bet Vic didn't like it, as he was vehemently opposed to male genital mutilation. So was I.

"Right, Jack. I'd like to find a way to evict those bastards. Personally, I'd rather have a whorehouse or even a drug den in there than those creeps." We finished our meal and headed for his house. Vic and I spent a couple of nights together each week. We'd met because my construction company occasionally did work for him. We were both in our 30s, and had been close friends for several years.

Once inside I hugged Vic to me. He was still agitated over what he'd told me, and the meal hadn't done much to relax him.

Vic was about six feet, my height, and we were both of medium build. He was blond, with blue eyes, while I had brown hair and eyes. His face was thin, while mine featured a broad forehead and square jaw.

"You need nature's tranquilizer," I said, and he turned and led me to the bedroom. He knew exactly what I meant, as he'd also used the expression. An orgasm will take the tension right out of a man's body, and guaranteed a good night's sleep.

Vic stripped out of his three-piece suit, while I removed my bomber jacket and jeans. We finished undressing and our nakedness revealed what we had in common- long, pendulous foreskins tapering down from our bulging helmets to form long nipples in front. We'd both been lucky to have escaped circumcision at a time when it was a fad to circumcise all American boys, and we were grateful for our good fortune because we'd learned what fun a foreskin can be.

I sat beside Vic on the bed and rolled his foreskin nipple between thumb and index finger. Like mine, his foreskin was long, thick, and tight, and at first there wasn't much of an outline of what lay beneath. I felt his prick reacting to my touch, however, and within seconds the bulge of his big helmet began to distend the fleshy sleeve.

Meanwhile, Vic had grasped my foreskin firmly and fully skinned it back to form a thick fleshy ring behind my rim. My glans, tightly compressed by my tight foreskin, emerged narrow and tapered to a point. It was wet with natural lubricant.

"I like to watch your tip swell and smell the aroma" he murmured as my glans began to blossom out, gradually filling out to its helmet shape.

"I can feel yours swelling under the skin," I replied as I continued to roll and pull his long hood. His glans was firming up under my fingers, although it would never pop out of the long foreskin spontaneously, even with full erection. We both had enough foreskin to cover our helmets beyond the end, even when hard.

"I know you like this," he said as he gently jiggled my foreskin up and down, bumping it lightly against my swollen rim. The light shocks against the base of my glans were very arousing, guaranteeing that my erection would remain rock-hard as long as he kept doing it.

"You're really hard now," I observed. "Want me to start skinning it back?" He nodded and I began gently tugging his foreskin back, watching the pucker at the end widen as it slipped over the large swollen helmet. I pulled it back enough to reveal the long slit that was weeping prick tears to lubricate the foreskin, and then pulled it up again to conceal the slit completely. I knew that Vic enjoyed having his foreskin retracted by stages, feeling the slow stretching in stages, each retraction farther than the last.

"That's one of the nice things about foreskins," he whispered. "When you do that to me I feel the nerve endings inside my skin stretching. That's something cut guys never feel." The extra erotic sensations the foreskin provides were important reasons for being glad we'd retained ours.

We swiveled around to a "69" position, giving us better access to each other's crotches. Vic's penis pointed at my face, and I studied the thick pucker of his foreskin as I began pushing it back over the front dome of his helmet again. The wrinkles stretched out as the orifice widened, and the slick wet glans came into view. The long slit oozed clear lube that eased the sliding of the foreskin, and the pungent natural odor hit my nose.

"I love the way your prick smells," I said.

"Yours too," he said. "Cut cocks don't smell like natural ones. Yours smells really sexy." As he spoke his strong fingers worked on my prick, stretching the thick tight foreskin back farther to bare the groove behind my rim. I uncovered his tip half-way, and then brought the tight hood towards me again to envelop the head. The pucker reformed and tightened down, gathering in sexy wrinkles ahead of his glans. A drop of dew filled the pucker and I licked it off, enjoying its salty taste.

I heard him gasp as I pushed the thick fleshy sleeve away from me again to uncover most of his purple helmet. I knew that the tightness of his hood increased the friction on his glans as I slid it slowly over the many nerve endings, heightening his sensations. At the same time I felt the touch of his tongue probing the opening in my helmet.

"Your hole's different from mine," he commented. "It's like a teardrop, and mine's a slit. Your lube tastes good, though, and it's got a nice smell to it." I pulled his foreskin towards me again, and once it was fully forward I began easing it back, farther uncovering the sexy helmet. This time I stripped it back to the rim and held it there, stretched over the wide part of his corona, while I studied his glans.

"You've got the same little bumps as I've got on either side of your gee-string," I observed. "I think those are what secrete the smegma."

"I think so too," he replied.

"Your prick doesn't smell ripe," I told him. "I know you haven't taken a shower since morning, but it wasn't a hot day."

"Neither does yours," he said. "It still smells like you washed it an hour ago. There's just a hint of cheesy odor, and that's really sexy." I pulled his foreskin toward me as he spoke and watched the pucker contract as it closed over his front dome. Now I pushed it away from me again, all the way to the rim, and nudged it over the upturned flange to drop into the deep groove behind it.

"Let's rub tips together," he said as he changed his position on the bed to bring us face to face and tip to tip. His dark purple helmet touched mine with a delicious and delicate friction, and I felt it throb hard against my tip.

"I like going head to head like this," I said. "Your tip feels so hard against mine, and it's so smooth." Vic brought his glans over the top of mine and I felt the twin lobes pressing into the broad upper surface of my helmet. I thrust forward slightly, bringing the upper edge of my flaring rim against his gee-string and bumping against the twin lobes of his helmet. Vic gasped and shuddered at the sudden sensation.

Our scrotums had tightened against our bodies during the sex play, and now our balls were drawn up tightly with excitement. I moved my prick to the side and rubbed the inflamed head against the top of his. I felt him moving the ridge of his glans sideways across my gee-string, tickling the tightly stretched nerve endings within. Now I pulled back and grasped his prick around the middle, pulling his thick, rolled foreskin towards me to envelop his swollen helmet. He did the same to mine and our pricks pointed toward each other, their thick foreskin puckers kissing.

"Let's go 69 again," he said as he changed his position, and now I was facing his hot hard prick, inserting my tongue into the pucker to probe for his slit as he did the same to mine. I pushed my tongue deeper into his foreskin, tickling his sensitive gee-string inside. His tongue probed along the top of my helmet, distending my foreskin and stretching its nerve endings with its bulk. The tip of his tongue reached my rim and swiped around it, caressing the many nerve endings it contained.

I pushed his foreskin back with my lips, exposing his hot hard helmet, and sucked on it avidly. I pushed my tongue-tip into his slit, tasting again the salty, slippery lubricant seeping from it. I felt his mouth leave my prick for a moment as he spoke:

"I'll make you come first," he murmured, and then his lips pushed back my foreskin and enveloped my helmet. He twisted his head to give me sideways friction around my corona with his lips, and I became immersed in sensations as my body responded. His lips were locked behind my rim, and he twisted his head again, the friction producing a tickle in my corona. I knew he was also very excited because I felt the surface of his helmet harden against my tongue. He, like I, was on the plateau of sensation, and we were both only seconds from release. It was time for me to stop for a moment, and I pulled my head back.

Vic's swollen glans was inches from my eyes and dark purple from excitement, the slit drooling a steady stream of lubricant. I secrete enough lube, but Vic's prick positively drools it. His lips tightened behind my corona, and I felt his tongue probe my teardrop shaped orifice. Now he changed his technique and his lips pumped up and down over my hard, swollen rim, pouring sensations into it. The hot friction pushed me closer to the point of no return, and I felt the tickle in my rim intensify.

I felt a sudden shock in my helmet as his teeth scraped lightly along its top surface, and I knew that I was totally under his control now. I was helpless in his hands because he could suck the orgasm out of me at will. I tried to remain relaxed but my stomach muscles tightened involuntarily and my legs began to tremble. Now I was breathing heavily, anticipating the hot shocks of orgasm that were soon to wrack my body, and I felt the tickle in my rim transform itself into a hot tingle. My eyes closed as I withdrew into myself, my awareness of the outside world fading as I experienced an altered state of consciousness.

The hot tingle filled my glans, and slowly spread down my shaft as my sensations peaked. Suddenly the tingle exploded and I felt an electric surge shooting down my prick to make the root of my penis contract sharply.

I cried out helplessly as the first surge of hot fluid shot up my prick, searing my urethra in its rush to the end. Vic's tongue lapped the upper surface of my glans to heighten the sensations as his teeth lightly scraped my gee-string, and my stream erupted into his mouth.

The sensations didn't let up, and I felt another hot spasm in the root of my prick. My urethra pulsed as another gush poured into it, shooting up toward the orifice. The hot jet slammed through the lips of my slit to pour into Vic's waiting mouth, and I saw stars before my eyes. I was floating, caught in the free-fall of my orgasm, as time stopped and the hurricane of sensations ravaged my body.

My cock-root convulsed again, sending another heavy load into my tube as my straining prick throbbed with ecstasy. Vic's teeth scraped my nerve endings again and I cried out in joyful agony at the intensity of the sensations. The burning jet exploded from my prick into his mouth and I felt another surge building up deep inside me. However, now Vic backed off, holding the base of my shaft in his hand with his lips pursed around the front dome of my helmet. He knew my prick was about to become hyper-sensitive, and any additional stimulation would be painful.

Another surge of semen poured from my prick and through his lips, tickling my urethra with its passage. My prick throbbed again, and I felt another load shooting through my tube.

Now a weaker spasm sent a discharge up my straining prick, but I knew that the peak was over. Several more satisfying spasms went through my body, until I was drained. My tip was very sensitive now, and Vic sucked the last drops from my softening helmet very carefully.

I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, resisting the urge to lie back and relax, because I knew that he needed relief even more than I had. Vic was licking the last drop from my meatus as I grasped his shaft, stabilizing his prick while I wrapped my lips around the turgid glans. I felt my foreskin being carefully slipped forward to cover my tender tip. Vic was ready to pop, because his helmet was a dark angry purple and very hard.

I pumped my lips around his corona a couple of times, compressing it with my lips, and then rotated my head to give him the delicious sideways friction that had unleashed my orgasm. I heard him groan as the full sensations hit him, and then I lightly scraped my teeth down his glans, stabbing into its nerve endings.

Vic howled as I felt his prick pulse hard in my mouth. His hot hard helmet throbbed against my tongue and a thick stream shot from it to the back of my throat. I tasted the familiar chlorine savor of his semen as I swallowed hard, working my lips over his rim and into the groove behind it. My clenching fingers felt the pulse in his shaft a split second before another hot jet flooded my mouth. I shoot a lot, but Vic discharges about twice as much as I do.

Vic's straining body shuddered against mine as he poured a third hot load into my mouth, and I swallowed hard to keep up with him. I pumped my lips up and down on his swollen rim frantically to heighten his sensations, bringing forth another heavy gush that coated my tongue and palate.

Now I drew back slightly, because I knew that Vic's tip became as super-sensitive as mine about half-way through orgasm. I tightened my grip on his shaft and held his foreskin tightly back, putting erotic tension on his frenulum to maintain the momentum of his orgasm without friction as I pursed my lips against the rounded front dome of his throbbing helmet.

I felt his tip throb against my lips as his slit poured another stream into my mouth. Vic was moaning helplessly throughout, lost in the lofty world of his sensations. The next stream was weaker, without the forceful pressure of previous jets, and the following one just drooled from his tip. I savored the delicious pungent saltiness of his fluid as it coated my tongue, vicariously enjoying the orgasm I was giving him. I knew exactly what he was feeling because he'd given me the same just a minute earlier.

Vic's penis continued to seep his life-juice as it lost its hardness, and I eagerly sucked the residue from his tip as he'd done to me. I felt the tension leave his body as he rolled against me, and I pulled his foreskin toward me to protect the precious head. My head was toward the foot of the bed, and I swiveled around to lie face to face with him. He hugged me to him and I heard him speak:

"Thanks. That was awesome." I wrapped my arms around him as I allowed myself to relax at last, satisfied that I'd given him the necessary relief. We fell asleep together.

In the morning we showered and dressed to get ready for the new work day. Over a light breakfast of coffee and croissants that we found at a local eatery, I promised Vic that I'd try to find a way to get rid of his unwelcome tenants:

"I'm not sure what I can do personally, apart from driving a wrecking ball into their offices," I began, "but I think there are other ways to get this problem solved. I'll check with a couple of friends and let you know, may even this evening." We parted on this note.

Continued in Part 2

Next: Chapter 2

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