Leadr House

By moc.loa@htroNoehT

Published on Aug 28, 1998


WARNING: The following is a work of fiction containing (hopefully) graphic descriptions of sex between any number of willing men. If this sort of material offends you, you shouldn't be reading it. If you are too young to read this sort of material, you shouldn't be reading it. If however, you are of age and you're sitting in your dorm room and no one else is around and you can't figure out why you get a hard-on every time your best buddy drops his shorts and heads to the shower...read on my friend.

This story is fictional. Any similarities between the men in this story and the men that you know are purely coincidental, although the author wouldn't mind hearing about them himself.

Comments may be sent to TheoNorth@aol.com

Constructive criticism will be accepted. Praise will be absorbed. Flames will be ignored.

Now, without further ado . . .


by Theo North

Chapter 9

in which David gets by

with a little help from his friends

David sat at the desk, his mood grower darker and darker the longer he thought. It had been another sleepless night for the freshman pledge. Last night, in the bed above him, his Big Brother, Josh, and Josh's lover, Randy, had spent two full hours sucking and fucking, moaning and panting, heaving their muscular bodies together with athletic joy before falling into a satisfied sleep curled in one another's arms. Even after they had quieted down, David thought the room reeked from the smell of their sweat and cum. From his "assigned" place on the floor at the foot of their bed, David couldn't help hearing the passionate sighs, the lustful moans, the soft squishes and rapid slaps of their lovemaking. Each sound, each scent reminded him of a love he so desperately wanted and could never have, a love he HAD to forget about completely, a desire which he had been trying desperately to hide away in a little box inside himself. That box could never be opened again, he told himself over and over. Yet each night, on the floor at the foot of the bed, David heard the two upperclassmen making love and their passion was like a key to that forbidden box calling to David and begging him to open the lid, to indulge the fantasy, to accept his Dream Lover one more time.

Standing in the hall, Josh looked into his room in LeaDR House. David was sitting in the chair at the desk, just staring into space. He looked like he needed a shower and his face was frozen in a vaguely contempt-filled gaze.

David had started the semester with such promise, Josh thought: the freshman was intelligent, athletic, he had a great sense of humor, an outgoing personality, he was fun at parties, an excellent teammate in intramural games and an asset to any study group. In short, he was the perfect LeaDR. Josh figured the kid would naturally follow in his father's footsteps and be fraternity president by his senior year. Hell, he'd probably be one of the best presidents they'd had. "Even better than me," Josh had to admit.

But last week, something happened. David woke up in the middle of the night screaming from some nightmare. He stormed out of the house after that and disappeared for hours. Since his return, he had done little but skulk around the house. He barely talked to anyone; he was skipping classes; he had stopped going to work out and was missing swim practice. Josh wondered why Coach Fulsom didn't kick him off the team. Obviously, somebody needed to talk to the kid. As his Big Brother and the president of the fraternity, Josh decided he should be that someone. He took a deep breath and entered the room.

"Hey," Josh said casually.

"Hey," David grunted back.

"What's going on, guy?"

David didn't really say anything in answer. He just curled his lip, made a small grunting noise and shook his head back and forth.

"Come on, man, talk to me," Josh said. "You know, your dad's been calling me everyday. He's worried about you and I really don't know what to tell him."

At the mention of his father, David looked up at Josh. For the first time since the conversation began, David's face showed some sort of emotion, though Josh couldn't tell if it was interest or concern or fear or all three. "What's going on, David? You've been acting strange ever since you had that nightmare. What was it about, guy? You can tell me."

"No, I can't," David said, his voice cold and flat. "Go away. Just leave me alone, OK?"

"Hey, I was just trying to help," Josh said.

"Yeah, well you're not helping," David's voice rose. "And I'll tell you what else isn't helping: living in a house full of buttfuckers isn't helping. Sleeping at the foot of the bed each night listening to a couple of faggots make out isn't helping. And having a bunch of senior faggots preaching to us about being 'real men' sure as shit isn't helping."

The words stung Josh, but he kept his cool . . . just barely. His jaw clenched and his face turned red with anger. In a voice so quiet it was frightening he told David, "I see. First off, I don't take that talk from anyone and if you weren't my little brother and if you weren't so obviously mentally fucked up, I would have beat the shit out of you already. And if it happens again, I will. Second, I think its time for you to get out of my room. Tomorrow morning, when I'm a little calmer, we can discuss whether or not you're still going to pledge LeaDR and, if so, who your new Big Brother will be."

"You have to let me pledge. I'm a legacy," David snarled.

"Legacy isn't a golden ticket. You still have to earn the right to be a LeaDR, and so far, you don't have what it takes. It's not going to be pleasant to have to tell your dad that we bounced his son for being a hateful prick, but he knows the rules and he'll understand."

Now David was the one stung by words and he didn't control his anger. He took a swing at Josh. His posture telegraphed the move long before he started the swing, though, and Josh had no trouble deflecting the freshman's fist. Then, using David's arm as a lever, Josh twisted and had the kid on the floor eating carpet before he knew what had happened.

With his knee at the base of David's spine, one hand pinning the freshman's arm behind his back and the other shoving his face into the floor, Josh growled, "I told you to get out of here. Now get the fuck out before I really hurt you."

David stumbled out the door as it slammed shut behind him.

The frustrations and fears he had been feeling for a week now could be contained no longer. Tears were brimming in his eyes. Christ, now what was he going to do? Nothing had turned out the way he thought it would last summer. He was going to go to St. Winston's, just like his dad. He would pledge Lamda Delta Rho, just like his dad. One day, he might even have been fraternity president, just like his dad. Now, he was failing classes, getting kicked out of the fraternity, and questioning his own motives in trying to please his father. He loved his dad with the sort of honest admiration and emotional bond that a son should feel for his father. To himself, though, if to no one else, he couldn't deny a physical longing and sexual desire for his father that a son definitely should NOT feel. And that longing would surely destroy the emotional bond between his dad and himself were it ever discovered. Of course, that bond was already in danger of snapping, David thought. The current state of his academic and social life would devastate his father.

"OOOOH FUCK!" David wailed, sitting on the steps outside his room. Then he let loose with a great sob that shook his body as the tears began to flow. "Fuck . . . fuck . . ." he moaned as he buried his head in his arms.

A hand softly touched his back between the shoulder blades and David sensed more than saw someone sit on the steps beside him.

"Want to talk about it?" a voice asked softly.

David looked up to see Jeffrey, one of his fellow pledges, sitting next to him. Jeffrey was a large man: 6'3" with a broad chest and strong shoulders. One of his hands, large and warm, still rested lightly on David's back and, to David, it felt as if love and strength radiated from the touch. It was exactly the support that the confused young pledge needed to feel at that moment and he broke into tears, wrapping his arms around Jeffrey's thick neck and burying his face in the comforting warmth of the big man's chest.

"Come on," Jeffrey said quietly as he lifted David to his feet and lead him to his room.

Jeffrey's Big Brother, Matt, was lying on the bed reading when they entered. The idea of Matt being Jeffrey's "Big" Brother had been the subject of a few jokes in LeaDR House. At 5'2", Matt was more than a foot shorter than Jeffrey. His blonde hair and blue eyes were further contrasted by the black hair and brown eyes of his little brother. And whereas Matt's body was fairly smooth, Jeffrey's chest, arms, legs and ass were covered in a thick carpet of soft, black hair. The two were a study in contrasts, yet their friendship had been almost instantaneous during the rush parties and Matt had argued eloquently on Jeffrey's behalf when the brothers were selecting the final members of this year's pledge class. Around the house, they were known as "Mutt and Jeff." Rather than be insulted, the brothers wore the nicknames with pride.

"Wha?" Matt asked as Jeffrey lead the sobbing, distraught David into the room.

"Shhhhhhhhhh," Jeffrey quietly responded. Without saying a word, he sat David down on the edge of one of the beds. Jeffrey then sat next to him and held the young man until his tears ended.

"Thanks," David said in a voice barely louder than a whisper. "I . . . I don't know what to do. Can I crash here with you guys?"

"Sure buddy," Jeffrey said instantly, than, remembering that it was technically Matt's room, he looked at his Big Brother.

"Yeah," Matt nodded. Matt, like all the LeaDRs had been aware of the foul, uncommunicative mood David had been in lately. Matt had seen similar breakdowns before: he served as a student mentor at St. Winston's, acting as a counselor and confidante for kids who felt the pressures of college were too much. The next hours were going to be tough, Matt knew either he and Jeffrey would help steer David back on track, or the kid would probably drop out. The good news, as near as Matt could tell, was that David looked ready to deal with his emotions. "You want me to go find Josh, David? Do you want to talk with him?"

At the sound of Josh's name, David's tears began again. "Noooo," he sobbed. "Josh hates me. He kicked me out of the room."

"What?" "Why?" Matt and Jeffrey asked in unison. That didn't sound right to either of them. Josh was one of the most even-tempered men in the fraternity. The idea of Josh hating anyone was absurd.

"Is this some sort of pledge-punishment thing? Why would Josh kick you out?" Jeffrey asked.

"I . . . I said some things to him I probably shouldn't have," David said quietly. "But, dammit, he had it coming. Him and Randy are always in there buttfucking when I'm trying to sleep. I, mean, damn, it's my room, too. You know? Shouldn't a guy be able to sleep without hearing a couple of fags banging in the bed above him? I mean, a little respect would be nice, you know?" David's voice rambled on as he tried to find some support for his actions.

"David, did you use that attitude when you talked to Josh?" Matt asked.

"What do you mean?" David said.

"Did you call Josh and Randy fags? Did you talk about them "buttfucking" and other crude phrases?"

David looked down. His face reddened. "Yeah," he whispered.

Matt sighed. "Well, you know, respect is a two-way street. Now, I know Josh pretty well, and I've never known him not to be able to work out a solution to a problem if the other party sits down and talks with him honestly and respectfully. I think you failed on that one."

"Yeah, well .... " David muttered.

"David, I agree with you that if Josh and Randy's actions are causing you problems or keeping you awake or whatever, than they need to show you some consideration. And we all blow our stacks now and then and lose our tempers. But, guy, you've been moping around here and snarling at people for a while now. And if Josh and Randy's sexual orientation is the problem, than I think there is a lesson you have got to learn right now."

"What? That fags are people, too? That I should "celebrate their diversity" every time I hear them banging ass?"

"Well, I wouldn't have put it quite like that, but yes." Matt said, evenly. "Listen, what I'm about to tell you is not only important to your success as a LeaDR, but also to your success as a person. Lambda Delta Rho prides itself on turning out 'real men,' men who are prepared to be leaders in their careers and in their communities. An important part of being a respected and effective leader, is to respect the differences of the people around you. If you think you're going to walk into an all-white, happy heterosexual, homogenous world when you leave this campus, you need to wake up real fast. The world is full of people who think differently than you and differently than me. Every person has their own history and their own beliefs and their own genetic make-up that makes them special and unique and wonderful. So, yes, celebrate their diversity, because if you can manage to see past the things you don't understand, you'll see commonalities you can share, and maybe even some differences that you enjoy.

"I'm talking about more than sexuality, here, David. I'm talking about race. I'm talking about religion. I'm talking male and female gender differences. I'm talking about geographic differences and economic differences. I'm talking about different tastes. Hell, Jeffrey watches the World Wrestling Federation on TV on the weekends and for the life of me I don't understand that, but he's still my best friend."

The three young men laughed a bit at Matt's mood-breaker.

"David, you don't have to take part in any activity that you don't find enjoyable. You won't be forced to have sex with a man if you don't want to. That's not the way we do things in LeaDR House. I know there's a lot of sexual horesplay that goes on around here. Some of the guys are bi-curious, sure. And some will never touch another cock after they graduate. And, yes, some of them like Josh and Randy are gay. But every member of LDR is open-minded and respectful of his brothers. That's what brotherhood is all about. And besides, having two gay men in your room isn't going to make you gay any more than having two Chinese foreign exchange students in your room is going to make you Asian. Do you know what I'm trying to say, here?"

"Yeah, I guess, but . . . well. It goes deeper than that, Matt."

"How so?"

"I . . . I can't talk about it. I'm sorry. I just can't . . . it's wrong. I can't . . . ."

"Can I ask you something?" Jeffrey interjected.

"Depends on what you're going to ask," David said.

"Well, when the year first started, you were right there with the rest of us sucking cock down in the initiation room and fucking around with the other guys, and you seemed to be enjoying yourself. I mean, hell, at the Halloween party you gave me the best blowjob I've ever had. I don't understand why you're suddenly turning on Josh and Randy. I figured if you weren't gay yourself, you were at least open to playing around . . . what happened?"

"I . . . I . . ." David took a deep breath. "I fell in love, OK? Don't ask me with who, 'cause I can't tell you."

"Does this person feel the same way about you?"

"No," David said. "I mean, he loves me but . . . just, not the way I love him. He, um . . . no."

"The person you're in love with is a man?" Jeffrey asked.

David hadn't meant to give that much away. "Yeah," he said.

"So . . . you're in love with a man, but he doesn't return your feelings . . ." Jeffrey began.

"And all of this anger at Josh and Randy is because of what jealousy?" Matt finished the thought.

David had never thought of it that way before. Hearing the words said out loud, though, he knew they were true. He wasn't mad at Josh and Randy . . . or at Coach Barnett and Coach Fulsom. He was jealous jealous of their beautiful, reciprocal love. "Oh god, yes," he said quietly.

"David, I'm just speaking for myself here. So tell me to shut up if I'm off base," said Jeffrey. "I think Josh and Randy are two of the coolest, greatest guys I've met on this campus. But, man, here in LeaDR House they are living in an environment that is for the most part accepting and supportive. When they get older and leave this house, they are probably going to face some serious shit out there in the world. There are a lot of hate-filled people out there. The last thing Josh and Randy need the last thing anybody needs is hatred from the very people who should understand and support them.

"The way I see it, love is the most important, most valuable and rarest commodity on this Earth. Anyone who has ever fallen in love with someone who doesn't return those feelings regardless of gender should celebrate the love of two wonderful people who somehow overcame the odds and found each other regardless of gender. Or at least that's what I think."

The room was silent for a little while as the three men all thought about what Jeffrey had just said.

"You're right," David finally said. "I need to go apologize."

"One other thing," Jeffrey continued. "Have you talked to this guy you're in love with and told him how you feel?"

"God no!" David blurted out.

"Well, you know, that other person may feel the same about you, but maybe he's afraid to tell you. Like I said, love is rare. It would be a shame to miss it just because you didn't have the guts to say something," the big freshman said.

David seemed to think about that for a moment, then shook his head. "I've got to go talk to Josh. Thanks you guys. Thanks a lot," David said, walking out the door.

"That was really great what you said to him," Matt said to Jeffrey after David left the room. "You helped him a lot. He just might come out of this whole mess OK."

Jeffrey shook his head a bit and blushed. "Aaaaaaw . . ."

"No, serious. You should consider becoming a student mentor. You're really smart and understanding. You seem to know just what to say and how to say it," Matt continued.

"Thanks," Jeffrey said.

"You're welcome." There was a silent pause as the two young men sat looking at one another. "Umm, Jeffrey?"


"You know, we've only known each other, what, a couple of months, now? And, already, you're my best friend in the world. I'd never do anything to hurt you or our friendship."

"I know that," Jeffrey said. "I feel the same about you."

"But, well, after what you said to David . . . ummm . . . about love being so rare and about missed opportunities and not having the guuts to speak . . ."


"Well," said Matt. "I've got to tell you, umm, oh god . . ." Matt took a deep breath. "I love you, Jeffrey."

Matt watched as the giant freshman pledge got up and crossed the room. Slowly, Jeffrey walked over to stand beside the bed where Matt sat. Lowering himself to his knees on the carpet, Jeffrey grabbed the back of Matt's neck and pulled the senior's face close to his own. "I love you, too," he whispered before covering Matt's mouth in a passionate kiss.

The two men drove their tongues together hard and hungry. The passion they had both been feeling for two months spilled forth. Their tongues battled one another. Their hard mouths ground together. Razor stubble burned against each of their faces, but instead of causing pain, the sensation only heightened their lust.

Four strong hands explored blindly, frantically, and yet, with knowing intent. Rubbing against hard pectoral muscles; squeezing firm, round glutes; teasing nipples; running up the inside of hairy thighs; caressing cum-heavy ballsacks; stroking throbbing cocks their hands were everywhere at once.

Whenever they broke the kiss to come up for air, the two young men would moan in unison. Then, they would break out in whispered exclamations: "You are so sexy!" "I've wanted you so long!" "I never thought . . ." "Me either!"

"Fuck me, Jeffrey! Now, please! We can go slow later. Right now I need you inside me. I need to feel you in me, Jeffrey. Please!"

Jeffrey felt the same heat as Matt. He, too, realized that the two men would have lots of time quite possibly all their lives to make slow, patient love. Right now, he needed to feel the heat and excitement of their sweaty union as bad as Matt.

He lifted his Big Brother's ankles into the air and Matt wrapped them around the burly freshman's thick neck. Jeffrey leaned forward to kiss the hunky little senior, bending him double. Matt felt Jeffrey's hard cock resting against his ass. He arched his back and ground his smooth chest against the soft, thick hair that covered Jeffrey's torso. He moaned loudly into Jeffrey's throat as the two locked lips once more.

"Do it. Now. Please!" Matt begged.

And Jeffrey did. Both young men moaned as the thick, hairy cock slid deep into Matt's ass. It was so good so good for both of them. Jeffrey's cock so thick and hard, stretching Matt's ass wider than the senior had ever been opened before, touching places deep inside him nothing had ever touched. Matt's ass so tight and firm, hugging the big freshman meat like a small, velvet glove, sending volts of pleasure up that thick shaft and straight to the pleasure receptors in Jeffrey's mind.

Sanity left the two LeaDR's almost simultaneously. Even before Matt could finish screaming "FUCK ME HARD," Jeffrey was already doing it. His hips slammed into his little Big Brother, slamming the senior's ass across the bed until Matt was pinned to the wall. And still Jeffrey's cock drove on, slamming in and out of the tight frat hole. The bed squeaked beneath. The walls shook behind them. Together, the brothers moaned and grunted as their passion built.

Matt grabbed one of the freshman's meaty nipples and twisted hard. Jeffrey screamed. His hips slammed harder. Matt screamed.









And then they collapsed. Their heaving, drained bodies resting together on the tiny, sweat-and- cum-soaked bed. Carressing each other's hair, each other's muscles, each other's flesh, they continued to whisper their undying love. It was the beginning of a long night . . . and of a longer relationship.

David knocked on the closed door of Josh's room.

"Yo! Who is it?"

"Josh? It's me, David. Can I come in?"

There was no answer, only silence.

I need to talk to you. Please?"

Finally, the door opened. Josh tried to look "hard ass" as he stared at the freshman pledge, but David could see the red rims of Josh's eyes and knew that the president had been crying. David could see that he had seriously hurt Josh's feelings, and he felt like shit for having done it.

Looking into the room, David could see that Randy was also there. From the look on Randy's face, the sophomore knew about David's earlier comments to Josh. And Randy's "hard ass" look wasn't put on. Their were no puffy eyes on the angry young man. If Josh hadn't been there, David was sure that Randy would have kicked his ass.

"I'm sorry," David blurted out. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier to you . . . for the names that I called you and Randy. I'm sorry for the way that I've behaved the last week. I'm sorry that you've had to cover my ass to my dad, and I thank you for doing that."

Having rambled out his apology, David looked at Josh and Randy, waiting for them to respond.

"You really hurt me today. I liked you, you know. I thought you were a friend," Josh said.

"I know. I was an asshole. I'm sorry. I'd like to be your friend again. I'd like to be your little brother again, too."

"We'll see. You ready to talk about it? You gonna tell me why you've been such an ass lately?"

"I'll tell you some of it," David said. "Some of it I can't talk about with anyone and you'll just have to accept that. But at least now I know why I was so mean to you, and I can tell you that."

So David told Josh and Randy about his conversation in Matt's room. He told them about his falling in love with someone who couldn't love him back. (He didn't tell them his father was the object of his love.) He told them about the jealousy he felt when he saw or heard the two of them together.

"But, I've realized that you guys weren't the problem. I was taking it out on you because I can't have something I want so bad. I want a love like the one you two share, but I can't have that . . . at least, not with him. I'm not saying it excuses my behavior, but I hope you can understand that every time I saw you guys together, I was reminded of what will never be for me, and I couldn't stand that.

I want you both to know, though, that I was proud to consider you my friends, and Josh, I was very proud to have you as my Big Brother. I've learned a lot, today, and I'm a better person, I think, than I was this morning. I just hope that the damage I've done in the past week can be repaired. I still want to be able to call you my friends. I still want to be a LeaDR, Josh, and I still want you as my Big Brother, if you'll have me," David said.

Josh pulled David into a deep hug. "Welcome back."

"Thank you," David responded, hugging just as tightly. As he held Josh in his arms, David felt Randy's muscular biceps encircling him from behind. The three men stood together, holding each other tight, bound together by their love, their friendship, and their brotherhood.

There's more fratboy action to come in LeaDR House Chapter 10! TheoNorth@aol.com

Next: Chapter 10

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