Lee and Me

By ten.vtbew@etilllewxam

Published on Jun 25, 2001


I found it interesting that Kay, rather than the consummate bitch Dawn, had initiated the idea to race back. More than just interesting, I found it very exciting.

Once Kay had mounted my shoulders, I had a much better inkling of her motives. She had not yet been in the water, but the fig leaf sized piece of fabric that barely covered her mound of Venus was definitely hot and moist against the back of my neck.

She had no doubt been turned on by Lee's relentless and masterful use of me, and my subservient compliance with however it pleased him to use me Now she wanted to have a go at it herself.

She was a little unsteady at first, but as Lee had done, balanced herself by holding on to my hair giving no thought at all to the discomfort and pain it might cause. I assisted by holding her around the ankles and she was ready.

This time it was Lee who shouted "Go!" I felt what again seemed to be a hot poker applied to my already inflamed buttocks, with as much force as Lee had used, and once again we were off and running.

I was so tired and sore all over from the earlier run that Worm actually took the lead as Dawn briskly tattooed his already crisscrossed butt which I soon noticed was causing trickles of red to run down his legs.

Kay was not a happy camper at this point and applied the crop with more force than I would have imagined her capable of, saying, "Come on damn it! You're NOT going to lose to that fat ass again."

The repeated impact of the crop, my excitement at serving her, and also pleasing Lee by carrying his lady to victory, was motivation enough for me to muster all my efforts until, sweating profusely and aching in every muscle, I forged to the front with Kay now laughing and giggling...but still tattooing my rump forcefully.

As if to urge me on she was gyrating noticeably. I soon realized that it was more than urging me on that caused the gyrations.

I felt a warm trickle of liquid run down from my neck and then down her athletic muscular runners thighs. She was in a hot turned on mode...and so was I, as I was sure they could easily see from the prominent bulge in my shorts.

The bulge had not gone unnoticed as Lee called out, "Look he likes it. He likes you beating his ass Kay." And he laughed.

I felt Kay turn on my shoulders to look back at Dawn, "Look down Dawn, yours must like it too." They then all four erupted into laughter.

There was something about the way Kay had said, "Yours must like it," indicating that Worm was Dawn's to use as she pleased, just as I was Kay's to be used in any way Kay pleased. Property...inanimate objects.

This was super humiliation. A tent pole protruding from me, Kay soundly nonstop blistering my rump, gaily laughing, and I as before, involuntarily thrusting my hips forward as if to outrun her relentless crop.

Finally we reached our spot on the beach...the finish line. I was totally exhausted and just about collapsed to my hands and knees, bathed in sweat.

Kay, as she had seen Lee do, pushed my head down so as to more easily dismount by walking forward. I shamefully crouched even lower for her convenience like the true toad I had become.

Kay was slightly breathless and excitedly said, "Oh that was such fun. Let's do that again next time." Then turning to Lee and throwing her arms around his neck while looking into his eyes said, "We can, right Lee?" thereby acknowledging his authority and leadership. I had never felt so insignificant.

"Sure we can. You can have anything you want." Their lips met in a long embrace and kiss as I knelt there sweating and bedraggled, hair askew, looking up at Kay's magnificent body, shapely legs, rounded buttocks with just a thong between them...the prom queen in the arms of my nemesis Lee.

Once again the remorse and jealousy feelings emerged. At those moments I would give anything to roll back the clock to the fateful night I had introduced Kay to Lee...too continue on to the drive-in. But they lasted only for moments and I knew every time I thought of it that if I could go back I would do the same thing again. His attraction was compulsive and I never knew why.

Seeing her in his arms this way was actually a turn on for me. Imagining her in bed with him was an even bigger turn on.

When I thought of her as being naked in bed, it was always with Lee at her side...never myself.

I would see myself as their lowly servant...houseboy, chauffeur, gardener, personal attendant...picking up after them, opening doors, and bowing or kneeling when entering their presence.

It should be noted that Lee was always the motivating force in these fantasies. Kay would be the recipient of my subservience simply because it would be Lee's desire that it should be so. Should they part, I would still be on Lee's leash...so to speak.

It was nearing sunset when Lee decided it was time to leave. Worm and I scurried about picking up the gear, folding the large umbrella that had shaded our masters and their girl friends, rolling blankets and policing the area.

I always found it interesting that by this time no words had to be spoken. Lee decided we would leave. Worm and I sprang into action automatically while the others watched.

As I headed for the Mustang with Lee and Kay's things, Carter said, "Where do you think you're going with that stuff. That's MINE for the next three days." He had what might best be described as an evil grin on his face, and Dawn stood beside him with a satisfied smirk on her face.

I of course had not forgotten about the bet, but the actual realization of turning my car over to this smug arrogant SOB was repugnant.

I turned and looked at Lee. He nodded in assent. Just like that...a nod of Lee's head and my beautiful convertible was in Carter's hands. There would be no appeal, no backing out. Lee had spoken...well silently spoken...and that was that. Lee's word was law. And besides, the car didn't really seem to be mine at all. It had been more Lee's than mine since I got it.

Worm loaded the things he would take in the town car and then opened the door for Lee and Kay to enter the back seat. I noticed Lee waited for him to do that. Very appropriate, I thought. I wished that they had switched me for Worm as well as switching cars. It would have been very exciting being Lee and Kay's chauffeur.

Carter and Dawn got in the front of course...I got in the back seat. Carter was fumbling, looking for the ignition, which I had to show to him. He was obviously inexperienced and was trying to familiarize himself with the instrument panel. It was very unsettling for me, but there was nothing I could do. I didn't even know if he had a license, but for some reason didn't have the nerve to ask. As I said, I didn't like him, but was already feeling humble in his presence, much as I did when I first met Lee. Carter had a similar arrogant and superior bearing about him...features that for whatever reason attracted me.

Once he was ready he pressed down on the accelerator and the car shot forward with the rear wheels spinning, throwing me backward. Dawn laughed.

It was now more than just unsettling. My gorgeous car was in the hands of a completely inexperienced driver and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.

After a couple of more tries, Carter said, "I have the hang of it now."

"Yeah right, very reassuring," I thought as I cringed in the back seat.

Things got a little better at first, but then Carter went through a stop sign almost causing an accident. Fortunately there were no police around because he said to me, "If we get stopped for anything, jump up front, I don't have a license yet." Instead of being outraged and demanding that he stop and allow me to drive, I inexplicably replied, "Sure Carter, anything you say," just the way I had responded to Lee so many times.

Carter dropped Dawn off at her place and even though she had only a small beach bag, she handed it to me and strutted ahead with me following her to the front door with her shapely buns bouncing up and down. "Arrogant bitch" I thought...but SEXY!

We finally made it to Carter's house without further incident. It was a large, almost mansion like, residence with a sprawling lawn and circular driveway in the most exclusive section of town. I found out later that the only reason Carter didn't have his own car was that his father had insisted he wait another year.

Carter got out of the car and shut off the engine.

I held out my hand for the keys and said, "Well, I guess I'll be going now," but not really believing it.

"Uh uh, Lee said I get the car for three days. And I told Dawn we were going to the midnight drive-in. You wouldn't want me to disappoint Dawn would you? And besides that...you heard the bet...you heard Lee. Are you saying no. Should I call him?"

"No, you don't have to do that. I heard him." Then I added, "Whatever Lee says goes."

Carter had a knowing smirk on his face and said, "So I heard."

I felt my face flush with embarrassment...Lee had told him. What else could that mean. How many others I wondered. My friends, or rather former friends. And, oh no, Kay. Had he told her also. If Lee had not Carter had, or would, tell Dawn and she would surely tell Kay. What an awful dilemma.

Then he added, "He also said you do whatever I tell you to do...got it?"

"O.K., if that's what Lee said." I was already feeling humble and subservient towards Carter. It was as if Lee had transferred his power over to him...at least temporarily.

"I don't feel like driving you home. Call your parents and tell them your sleeping over. Anyway, there's a lot of chores around here you'll be doing tomorrow."

I looked at my former nemesis, now so different in my mind, proud, arrogant, demanding, and wondered why I had not noticed before that he was my superior, in the same way as he was Worm's, and answered as I would to Lee, "Sure Carter, anything you say."

We had something to eat and Carter introduced me to his parents, who seemed like nice people. His mother said, "Will that other nice young man be staying also?" Obviously she was referring to worm, who had no doubt stayed over before.

Carter took me up to his room. It was sumptuous with expensive furnishings and a large bed. He went to a closet and took out a blanket and threw it on the floor at the foot of the bed, saying, "That's where you sleep...I'll be back whenever." A few minutes later I heard my tires squealing and spinning on his driveway.

His callous attitude and disregard for how he used my car reminded me of Lee. But then there was a lot about him that reminded me of Lee.

The way he used and abused Worm for instance, just as Lee used and abused me. The way he flaunted his relationship with Worm's former girl friend, and using Worm as their chauffeur while they rode in the back, I thought was a particular neat stroke.

I had once wondered why Worm had allowed himself to be used and abused...now I knew. It was no doubt some sort of compulsion or sexual turn on, just as my willingness to be used by Lee was.

I thought about the way I had said to Carter, "What ever Lee says goes," and, "O.K. if that's what Lee said."

It suddenly occurred to me that I wasn't even ashamed of my subservience to Lee. It had become a natural state of affairs which I now freely accepted and acknowledged.

It was no longer what I wanted in any way, it was only what Lee wanted that mattered. "Yes Lee, no Lee, what ever you say Lee, may I present my girl friend to you Lee. My car?..of course Lee, it's yours to use as you see fit anytime at all. What's that? you want to lend me to your friend Carter. Of course Lee, anything you say Lee."

Sure, he now had something to hold over me, but it also occurred to me that even if he didn't, I did not think anything would be different at all. I had allowed him to take complete control from day one and guide me to where I was right now.

I asked permission from Carter's mother to use the shower off Carter's room and borrow a clean pair of briefs, which she cheerfully agreed too. She didn't seem concerned that Carter had gone out leaving me behind. He had probably done that many times in the past, leaving Worm behind while he was off having a ball with Worm's ex, Dawn.

The warm water felt good on my inflamed buttocks. I had seen them in the mirrored wall and was incredibly surprised at the crimson redness and slash marks, many left there by Kay.

Kay's participation had been a real surprise. Before she had met Lee she had never given me any indication of having a dominant or cruel nature.

Maybe it was always there and just needed someone like Lee to bring it to the surface. Whatever...while it had been a painful enlightenment, it had also been an exciting one. Just thinking about her up there laughing and slashing away, gave me a fierce erection.

I rolled the blanket out at the foot of Carter's bed as he had told me to do. Somehow it didn't seem out of line at all. Where else would he put me.

I was exhausted from the day's activities and exertion, but found it difficult to drop off to sleep. I slept between fits of wakefulness and during one of those moments I heard the car coming up the driveway.

A few moments later Carter entered the room. The thought of assuming the Kow Tow position as I would for Lee entered my mind. Not that I was going too, but I found it interesting that the thought had entered my mind.

Carter went into the bathroom. I heard the toilet flush and when he came out I felt a forceful kick in the side. "Wake up and make yourself useful." His voice sounded a bit slurred as if he had been drinking. I could only imagine one use he might have for me at that time.

The room was only dimly lit by the light from the bath room, but I could see Carter had undressed and was naked. He seemed to be teetering slightly and it was obvious he had had at least a couple of beers or something alcoholic.

I rolled over from my side and up to hands and knees. As I was about to rise Carter said, "No, stay like that...I like seeing you that way. Right where you belong, on your knees, just like Worm."

"Why don't you touch the floor with your nose, the way you do for Lee."

Then he added, "That's right, he told me about that, and every thing else." He accentuated the word everything.

There was no sense in denying it, so I feebly said, "Lee said he wouldn't say anything about all that."

"Don't worry, I'm the only one who knows," then he added ominously, "So far."

The hole I had dug for myself was getting deeper. Now I had two merciless bastards holding a heavy weight over my head.

"If you want to keep it that way, all you have to do is do what I tell you to do...understand?"

"I will, I mean it, I'll do anything, just don't spread the word around. O.K."

Here I was on my knees pleading. It reminded me of a scene from a movie where some guy who was about to have his head chopped off had wrapped his arms around the executioners ankles while pleading for his life. I would do that also if it was necessary to insure Carter's silence. I could think of nothing worse than that kind of exposure.

"Good, that's what I want to hear. Dawn and I did some heavy necking at the drive-in, but it's that time of month if you know what I mean. when I dropped her off I had a big one. Lee said you give pretty good head...prove it.

"Come on Carter, don't make me do that."

He replied with, "Didn't I just hear something about 'do anything?'"

He was of course right and his demand really came as no big surprise. Besides, I didn't want to admit it even to myself, but I was getting turned on by this new turn of events.

I got up to a kneeling position as Carter stood there naked with his hands on his hips. He had not lied about a 'big one.' Even though I had blown Lee and this was not a first, it was still a tremendous humiliation for me.

He entered and filled my mouth until I gagged initially. Then as if well experienced, he took control, moving rhythmically. His experience no doubt had come from Worm's administrations.

Too further humiliate me, he held fast to both of my ears and then just when he was about to come he withdrew and spurted forcefully into my face.

I lost count of the number of spurts, but my hair and entire face was covered in a thick creamy liquid.

He stepped back and said, "You know something? I have always wanted to do that to you. Ever since that time way back when we had that argument in the school yard."

I remembered that he had backed down and hadn't looked good in front of his friends.

He continued with, "You thought you were hot shit then, didn't you? But boy look at you now. Right where you belong. I just wish they all could see you now."

He had held a grudge for all that time, and now it was pay back time. I knew the next couple of days would not be easy. He could pay back any way he wanted and I would not resist...could not resist.

Next: Chapter 12

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