Lee and Me

By ten.vtbew@etilllewxam

Published on Jan 26, 2002


Lee was really something else. I had been going steady with Kay for over a year and gotten only as far as a feel at the drive-in. Lee had been with her for only a couple of weeks and already he owned her. There she was in the back seat, naked, sweating, panting and moaning out loud, totally oblivious to me, ready and willing to do anything to please Lee.

Well why not, he owned me. It said so on the T-shirt's I wore to please him, and I had the feeling he could own just about anyone he chose. I looked at myself in the mirror and still could scarcely believe what I saw. Grotesque! It was the most difficult thing I had done since I had met Lee. Why had I done it? Well for one thing, saying "no" to Lee didn't seem to be an option for me any longer. As I've said before, "What Lee wants, Lee gets." Also as repugnant as it was, it was a major turn on surrendering to Lee that way. It seemed so total--so irrevocable...at least for as long as Lee wanted.

Kay put herself back together. I watched in the rear view mirror. It occurred to me that Lee had the feast, and he had allowed me a few crumbs. I had been allowed to watch the master in action with my former girl friend. Very generous of him I thought sarcastically. But then I thought, "Yes I guess it was generous." It had been quite a turn on and as close as I'll ever get to the real thing.

I was still driving slowly and aimlessly as the God and Goddess put themselves back together. I watched in the rear view mirror, transfixed, in awe of Lee and what I had witnessed, awaiting word from him as to what I should do.

Our eyes met again. He Had a smirk on his face as he said, "You can move on now, boy."

"Yes sir." It seemed so natural to refer to him as "sir." It didn't bother me that Kay was there to hear it, either. Actually it occurred to me that "master" would have been more appropriate--our relationship had definitely reached that point.

When we arrived at the country club, I hurried to the rear to open their doors...Lee's first, then Kay's. I had an urge to bow, but did not. Kay had that pursed-lip smile she wore when amused. She was definitely enjoying this new me and new her.

Lee Said, "Wait here." Once again I replied, "Yes sir."

I could tell by Lee's expression that he liked that response. But, he would like "master" better.

I watched as they walked off, arm-in-arm. They would enjoy the evening together--I would wait outside. I was actually glad that was to be the situation. I was sure there were some inside that knew me; that had not seen the new Buddha-me look.

The minutes dragged into hours as I waited. About two and a half hours later, the hat check girl came out, her eyes going right to my head. She sniggered and said, "I guess you're Toad." Without waiting for a reply she said, "Lee wants you inside, NOW!

'Oh no, not that,' I thought. There are going to be people in there that know me for sure. But what could I do. The word 'no' wasn't in my vocabulary when it came to Lee. If only Lee had not insisted that I not wear a cap, it wouldn't be quite so bad. But of course, that was exactly why he had insisted. Humiliating me was a big turn on for Lee and it was plain to see that he was enjoying it all immensely. So was Kay.

They were seated at the far corner of the room, so I had to walk across the dance floor where everyone could see me. Right away a friend of my parents spotted me and asked, "Is that you Rob? My goodness what have you done to yourself?"

"Just a fad," I replied and hurried off.

Then I heard a familiar voice, "Toad, over here." It was Herb sitting at a table with his parents and his friend Jason. As I approached, his parents were getting up to dance and looked at me strangely.

Herb had a big grin on his face and said, "I heard you had a new look, but I didn't realize. Wow! That is really something. Lee's idea?" My silence said it all.

"I have to say, Lee has outdone himself this time. If I was Lee I would keep you like that all the time...or better yet if you were mine. What do you think Jason?"

"Oh yeah, I love it. I have some ideas already if he was mine"

"You'll have to get in line. I already told Toad that if he should ever split with Lee, he knows where I live, and if Kay should also become available he can introduce me to her. Right Toad?"

"Yes Herb, that's right, you did." Here these two nerd types were discussing the possibility of taking Lee's place and all I could say was, "Yes Herb."

Well why not. I'm standing before them, bald as a billiard ball with a brass ring in my nose. What should I expect...respect? In addition I was finding what they were discussing exciting. I had fallen further than I thought...if that was possible.

Herb continued, "Man, that Kay is some fox. What a shape, and just look at those legs."

She was seated with her legs crossed, her tight party dress high up on her thighs. The superlative "breathtaking" came to mind. Herb was of course trying to rattle me, knowing before Lee came along she had gone steady with me.

"I think I said this before, but she can park those high heels under my bed anytime. What about you Jason?"

"Oh yeah man, any time at all. Hubbah Hubbah!" Then he put his tongue out in a mock pant, making a joke of it, but really meaning it also.

"What do you think Toad. Can you picture those high heels under my bed?"

The idea was obscene, but also a turn on for whatever reason. "I guess so. Sure, why not? If Lee was out of the picture for any reason I could see that." My masochistic nature was conjuring up a vision of me driving Kay to overweight, unattractive Herb, and waiting outside for hours to drive her home. Or perhaps walking home and leaving the car for Herb to drive her home.

Then Jason said, "Hey, what about me? How about sloppy seconds?" They laughed.

"I have to go. Lee wants me."

Herb said, "If you're late and Lee wants to kick your ass, tell him it was my fault and I said it's OK that you're late...unless maybe you like him kicking your ass." They both laughed again.

I hurried over to Lee and Kay's table. Lee said "They don't sell cigarettes here. Run into town and get me a pack...and make it snappy." The more he spoke to me as an inferior, the more subservient I became. "Sure Lee, I'll be right back."

I don't think he needed the cigarettes, he probably just wanted to parade me in front of everyone as his servant.

After getting his cigarettes, I waited outside for another hour or so and then drove them to Kay's house. It was pitch dark and I couldn't see as I had before, but there was a lot of panting and necking as they said good night. It lasted for about forty five minutes while I sat there like a nerd...Lee's nerd.

When we had gotten home, Lee said, "I'm taking Kay for breakfast about 10, and then we'll be out for the rest of the day. The Mustang looks like shit. Get it like new and have it ready by no later than 9:30."

The paint had already lost its new look shine from the salt air and there was a lot of sand in the interior. "Sure Lee, I'll have it ready." I knew what was needed would take about three hours, so I set the alarm for six a.m. It was by then almost two.

The alarm shook me out of my sleep and I stumbled down with my eyes still half shut. I had probably dozed off for half an hour, so there was no time to eat. Lee wanted the car by 9:30 and as I've said many times, "What Lee wants, Lee gets."

Kay had gotten me a few more demeaning T-shirts so I could wear one every day I figured. I put on shorts and chose the one that she said was her favorite. It was bright yellow with large red letters that said, "Lee's slave", front and rear. I wore them without protest trying to make her think it didn't bother me...but it did.

I had to use polishing compound to get down to the paint and then use paste wax which Lee preferred. It was more laborious than the liquid wax but that certainly didn't matter to Lee. I thought about him sleeping comfortably, maybe dreaming about Kay and last night's conquest, while I worked my butt off.

About 8 o'clock, I went in for some rags. My mother was about to leave. She was wearing shorts, a T-shirt and sneakers, and she was carrying a pail with some cleaning materials.

I was surprised because she hated house work and has a cleaning woman come in once or twice a week. I asked, "What's up mom?"

She seemed to be a bit embarrassed and said, "Oh, Madame Ying's cleaning person moved away and she asked If I would help her today. I told her it would be a pleasure. She's such a fascinating woman."

Mom had been going over there a little more frequently lately, staying an hour or more at a time. I knew she had been quite taken by Ms. Ying from day one and actually seemed in awe of her. I said, "OK. I'll see you later."

"All right," and then she added, "I love the shirt, wonderful colors--Kay again?" She didn't seem to mind what it said at all.

I vacuumed out as much sand as possible and then got the last grains with adhesive pads that professional detailers use. Lee had said, "Like new"

When I had finished it was about 9:30. I went over to Lee's yard, and to my surprise, Ms. Ying was stretched out in the sun on a chaise lounge wearing a mini bikini and sun glasses. Despite the age difference, she was enough to turn anyone on.

"Hello Ms. Ying. I thought you and mom were doing some cleaning."

"Oh that's right. It's so pleasant here in the sun that I must have dozed off. Lets go check on her." She rose and hollered, "Oh Helen, where are you."

"I'm here in the bathroom off the pool Madame, just finishing up."

"Oh good, let's see."

I followed her over to see mom on her hands and knees scrubbing the tile floor.

"Did you get the urine stains behind the bowel, Helen? I'm afraid Lee and his friends are not always as accurate as they should be." She pointed to the area with her foot. She wore oriental sandals displaying long slender toes, carefully manicured, and polished a crimson red.

Mom had to stretch between the sink cabinet and the bowl with her face almost touching the floor to comply. I noted that Ms. Ying did not move her foot which was now almost touching mom's face.

When she had finished, she looked up and when she saw me, her face turned a bright red. I said nothing. I knew exactly how she felt.

"Everything finished Helen, vacuuming, windows, dishes?"

"Yes Madame, everything."

"Good. Now you can start on upstairs. And Toad, Lee will be sleeping a little longer than he told you. Probably, Kay wore him out last night." She sniggered, then added, "He'll be wanting breakfast in bed. You can fix it and take it up shortly."

I looked at mom. I was embarrassed as I said, "Yes Ma'am." If she didn't already, she would soon know that I was Lee's slave.

Then Ms. Ying said, "Wait, I have a better idea. To save time, and work more with Lee's schedule, why don't you, Toad, run over and pick up Kay. And Helen, you can serve Lee his breakfast in bed. You're probably a better cook than Toad anyway. The upstairs can wait a while."

From me, "Yes Ma'am: and from mom, "Yes Madame."

This was weird to say the least. My mother was now obviously a servant, or more than that, in the Ying household. What was it about these people that projected such superiority and made others their obedient fools.

Ms. Ying Said, "Toad, have you finished detailing the Mustang?"

"Yes Ma'am"

"Well I hope it's just right. You know how fussy Lee is when it comes to that car. Especially when he is taking Kay someplace special, which I believe he's doing today."

"Yes Ma'am, it's showroom."

"Good, it's such a gorgeous little car--just right for teenagers, don't you think Helen?"

"Yes Madame, Rob was thrilled when he saw it."

"Rob? Oh of course, you mean Toad. I forgot for the moment"

My mother seemed perplexed and said, "That name, Toad, I was wondering about that."

"Just a nick name Lee bestowed on him, you know how young people are, and it seems to have stuck. Lee likes it and so does Kay. You don't mind, do you, Toad?"

"No Ma'am. As long as Lee likes it, it's fine."

She looked at my mother with a self satisfied smirk at my reply. She continued, saying, "I can well imagine that he would be thrilled with such a gift, Just as Lee was when he saw it. No other teen in town has anything like it. It's generous of Toad to allow Lee complete use of it. You have no objections to that, do you Helen."

"No Madame, of course not. It's Rob's." She stopped and then said, "Perhaps I should say, Toad's, to do with as he pleases. In fact I must admire his unselfishness. I really wouldn't have expected it from him."

She was right about that. I hated the idea of anyone driving it. But when it came to Lee, well I could still hate it, but there was nothing I could do about it. As I said, for the umpteenth time, "What Lee wants, Lee gets," and strangely I got hard just handing the keys over to him. Well that settled any restrictions on Lee's use of my car. In addition my mother had referred to me as Toad, no doubt to please Ms. Ying, and maybe pleasing Lee also was a possibility. He did have a way about him.

Ms. Ying said, "I'm so pleased to hear that you feel that way Helen. Lee and Kay make such a gorgeous couple in that car. It seems it was designed just for them. They look like movie stars, with the top rolled back wearing their sun glasses. Lee is so handsome, and Kay is an absolute doll, don't you agree, Helen?"

"Yes Madame, they certainly do make a handsome couple. I was very surprised when Rob,,.err Toad, told me he was no longer going with Kay.

Mom had succumbed to the Ying magic, or whatever it was that made them so damn superior. She referred to Ms. Ying, who called her by her first name while treating her like a servant, as Madame, and she had accepted that I was no longer Rob. I was Toad; Lee had said so.

Ms. Ying sniggered a bit and said, "Interestingly enough, it was Toad who introduced Kay to Lee...brought her right to him. It must have been fate. But anyway, let's get busy. Toad, off to Kay's--take the sedan--and Helen, why don't you run up and see what Lee would like for breakfast."

Mom and I looked at one another. We were both red-faced as we turned our respective ways to humbly obey. I don't think it entered either of our minds to object.

As I was leaving I heard Ms. Ying say, "Oh Helen, before you go up to see what Lee wants, fix me a pina colada...I'll be on the patio.

"Yes Madame." came mom's humble reply.

Bad enough, I thought, that I had become an obedient lackey to Lee and his mother, but now mom also, it was plain to see, had fallen into that same mode. I felt a terrible sense of guilt, as if I were responsible for that in some way. Things now had gotten too far out of hand. For the first time, I was feeling a real sense of rebellion.

I hurried over to Kay's and her mother answered the door. "Hello Toad...that is what they call you these days, isn't it?"

"Err, yes, I guess so. Is Kay home."

Kay had no doubt filled her in on everything. Mrs. Nolan was a very young mother, and also a very attractive one. She and Kay looked more like sisters than mother and daughter

"Yes, but she's just getting up. She was out late with that new boy friend of hers. Oh, but that's right, you know that...you were with them weren't you?" She had an amused smile on her face.

"That new you look--what's that all about? Whatever possessed you to do such a thing?"

"Just a new fad. Something I thought I'd try."

"That's not what I heard. I heard that Lee told you to do it, and you do anything and everything he tells you to do."

I felt my face flush with embarrassment. More and more people were learning of my relationship with Lee.

"Is that what Kay says?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. I think that T-shirt Kay bought you says it all."

I wanted to just change the subject. "Can I speak to Kay."

She hollered up at Kay's window, "Kay, Toad is here to take you to Lee's," looking at me with a grin as she said it.

"I'm not ready yet. Tell him to wait."

"Ali right. I'm going in to town and get the car washed."

"Don't bother. Let Toad do it. He's very good at that. He's had a lot of practice since he got the Mustang. Just tell him I said to do it...and do a good job."

Kay then came to the window. Her hair was wrapped in a white towel; another was wrapped around her from her breasts down. She had just emerged from the shower. "You don't mind washing mom's car, do you, Toad?"

The question was strictly rhetorical, she knew I would obey her just as I would obey Lee. She was Lee's girl and therefore entitled to the same respect and obedience that Lee enjoyed. It just seemed natural. She knew it, and was having a lot of fun with it.

"No I don't mind. I'll do it while I'm waiting."

Actually I did mind--I hated washing cars, but what did that matter?

"That's a good boy, and do every spoke on the hubs individually, the way Lee has you do the Mustang."

"Sure Kay, whatever you say." I really hated that.

Kay's mother said, "Boy she sure has you trained. Or maybe I should say, Lee has you trained. From what Kay tells me you're practically Lee's slave. How come?"

I felt my face flush--this was embarrassing--I just wished it would end, but for some reason, hearing that Kay had referred to me as "Lee's slave" was a turn on.

It wasn't that I thought she didn't know--it was hearing that she had said it which seemed to make it official...and yes, exciting, as crazy as that seems.

"I'm not his slave," was my weak reply.

"Oh really? That's not what your shirt says." She was taunting me and seemed to be having a good time doing so. "And what's this about Lee making you do every spoke on the Mustang hubs. I thought that was your car."

I felt like a nerd trying to defend myself with no success. "Sure it's mine, I just let him use it sometimes."

"Humm, really? Kay says it's just the opposite. She says Lee lets you use it sometimes...and darn seldom at that. Except of course when he wants it washed and waxed to take Kay out on a date or something."

She had a coy smile on her face. As I said, she was enjoying her taunting.

It was obvious that Kay had told her everything and there was no sense in my denying it. "I guess so, if that's what Kay said."

"That's what she says. Well to each his own. As long as Kay's boyfriend has complete use of it for her pleasure, that's all I care about. Also since you're so obliging, maybe Kay will have you come over to mow the lawn and do a few other chores around here."

As she was closing the door in my face, she said, "You'll find everything you need in the garage...Toad." She giggled.

About an hour later Kay came down looking ravishing as usual. She wore white short shorts, a white mini top tied with a bow at the center, and white sandals. Simple--but on her everything looked special.

Her make up was sparse but effective. Just a hint of pink lipstick and green eye shadow, the same color as her eyes. She had obviously taken pains to make herself as attractive as possible for Lee.

It occurred to me that it was not so long ago that she would have done that for me. The old remorse and jealousy flared up in me once again as it did so often when I was looking at Kay. Well anyway, a cat can look at a king, or a queen...a line from a famous novel I had read.

Actually, I added the part about the queen. I guess I should have also changed cat to nerd.

Kay put her hands on her hips and looked at her mothers car..."Humm, looks O.K."

I felt pleased that she was satisfied. Sort of like a pet poodle that had been patted on the head.

She yelled to her mother, "Mom, Toad is finished with your car; come and look."

Mrs. Nolan came out, walked around the now-gleaming Toyota, and said, "Yeah, looks great. You were right dear, he makes a good car washer, and I saved eight dollars, too."

Kay said, "It's too bad I'm in a hurry, I would make him wax it for you"

"Oh really, and doesn't he have anything to say about that?" They were discussing me as if I wasn't even there.

"Not really. Toad does whatever I tell him to do, right Toad?" She was demeaning and humiliating the hell out of me...and loving it.

"Sure Kay, whatever you say," I said, trying to make light of it.

"He knows if he doesn't I would tell Lee, and Lee wouldn't like that, would he, Toad?"

She said that menacingly as if in jest, but really meaning it. I know it's crazy, but her references to me as Lee's inferior were becoming exciting.

"Hey, I have an idea, if you're going to be home, I'll have Toad come back and wax your car today."

"Sure honey, sounds great...thanks"

"You're welcome," she giggled.

"By the way, if you and Lee will be using his car all day, how will he get here? Should I pick him up?"

"No, he can walk. It's only about three or four miles, or he still has a bike. O.K., Toad, let's go. My beach bag is in the foyer...get it!!"

When I came back, Kay was standing by the rear door of the sedan waiting for me to open it.

"Don't you want to ride up front," I asked?

"Uh uh. After last night, I find the rear seat more to my liking," referring of course, to her encounter with Lee--digging the knife in even further.

As we drove off, Kay said, "I was on the phone with Lee earlier. He said he was finishing the breakfast that the new maid had served him. He said I would get a kick out of her. What's that all about?"

More humiliation from Lee. Despite that, my thought was that if Lee wanted her to know, he would have told her then. It would not be my place to ruin his surprise if he wanted to show her off himself, and that was exactly what he had in mind, I was sure.

I remained silent and drove on, dreading and yet finding the prospect of Lee's latest humiliation intriguing.

Next: Chapter 18

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