Lee and Me

By ten.vtbew@etilllewxam

Published on Apr 7, 2001


It was saturday morning and i had chores to do, mine and Lee's. Somehow i had agreed to mow his lawn when i was doing my own and i was to wash his parent's two cars when needed. I also had my parents cars to wash and now an extra one. The new addition i looked forward to washing as it was mine. My grandparents who were fairly wealthy had given to me as a birthday gift a shiny new red Mustang convertible with red leather seats and a white top. It had been delivered this morning and sat in our driveway. I had only a junior license, but the local police were very liberal and it could be driven at any time or hour. I could hardly wait to pick up Kay tonight and show it off to her. But now i wanted to hurry over to Lee's house and see what he wanted me to do as far as his chores for the day, and of course show him my new pride and joy.

I knocked and Lee's mother answered. "Lee say's your to go up to his room as soon as you arrive." It was more of an order than a request. i liked that. I mean that his mother seemed to be acknowledging Lee's dominance of me. I don't really know why, but it was exciting. "Yes ma'am" "Better hurry, Lee doesn't like to be kept waiting" "No ma'am, i mean yes ma'am" i was flustered..Lee had given an order and it was being conveyed as such and i would do what i always did where Lee was concerned.. obey. It was crazy i know, but to me it seemed the natural thing to do. "Wait a moment, i was just fixing Lee's breakfast. You may as well make yourself useful and take it up to him." "Yes ma'am" I wondered if she knew just how useful i might be that day..if she knew i would be as useful as Lee wanted me to be. I had an inkling that she did. I took the breakfast tray up the stairs feeling very much like a houseboy servant.. Lee's servant, and it was exciting. It was like playing out a fantasy in reality.

His door was partially open but i knocked anyway. "yeah" "It's Rob" "Come in" I pushed the door open holding the tray. Lee was still in bed half covered by a sheet. Trying to make it sound humorous and smiling i said, "Your breakfast sire." "Put it over there for now." Still trying to make lite of the situation i replied, "Yes sire." Master would have been more appropriate i thought, but we hadn't reached that point..yet.

"i'm cutting our grass this morning and i'll be doing yours. I wanted to ask if your cars had to be washed." "Sure they do..and my mother wants hers waxed. She also has a big grocery list." After yesterday i didn't think there was any further need for subterfuge but i continued anyway with, "And will there be anything else sire." Lee kicked back his sheet to expose his morning erection pointing straight upward and said, "There is one more thing you can do." I just gulped and sheepishly said, "Well i did say anything," I was surprised at my own response and thought "wow" this is getting serious and completely out of control.

Suddenly i heard footsteps on the stairs and Lee got up and went into the shower leaving to my imagination what might have occurred if his mother had not been home. I realized that my reply left that option open for Lee along with anything else he wanted. It had been blurted out, but i wasn't sorry i said it. Now it was up to him. I hated to admit it even to myself but it was something i had thought about.

Lee's mother gave me her shopping list and a credit card saying, When you get back you can start on the cars before doing the lawn..and don't forget to wax mine..it's the BMW. She had a smug attitude which indicated to me she was proud of her sons domination of me. I remembered her once saying, "Lee will make you his slave if you let him."

When i returned i went up to Lee's room before beginning my other tasks. He was watching a film on cable t.v. The King and I The scene showed the King standing with arms folded looking down at a palace slave groveling like a toad with his forehead to the floor. The King arrogantly snapped his fingers indicating that the slave might rise. Lee said, "Wow it must be great to be like him." I inexplicably said, "which one" He turned and squinted at me saying, "Which one? The King of course. But i suppose you'd rather be the slave. As strange as it seems Lee was right. But i was embarrassed and stammered out weakly, "I didn't mean that exactly, i meant i just sort of wondered what it must be like to be in that kind of situation, that's all."

My remarks obviously opened a window of opportunity for Lee to increase his domination of me to extremes. He seemed to be in thought for several moments and then replied with, "O.K, just so we can both know what it's like, from now on whenever you come in here you get down on your hands and knees the way we saw with your nose on the floor and stay that way, no matter how long, until you hear this." He snapped his fingers. "That means you can raise your head..only" Another "snap" "That means you can kneel up" A third "snap" "Then you can rise" "It's called the kow tow position. It was used in ancient china as a way for inferiors to show respect for their betters." I could tell he was quite serious about this and i replied, "Come on Lee, you don't really want me to do that, do you." "Sure i do.You said you wondered..now you can find out" Then he added, "But if you don't want too" But i really did. What he had proposed was a big turn on and i quickly replied, "I didn't say that. O.K. It's agreed, but for how long. You said from now on" He pondered for a moment and said, "For the rest of summer vacation." Vacation had just begun. That was for two and a half months. "O.K. Your on" I was smiling and trying to make it sound like a game. Lee could have said permanent and i would have agreed. Then he added, "That also means anywhere in the house or yard if my parents are not here." Lee was obviously well pleased with this new idea of his. Once again i readily agreed.

I spent the next three hours cutting grass and washing and waxing cars. It was a hot day and the sweat was rolling off me as i wondered what Lee was doing. Probably up in his air conditioned bedroom watching movies or taking a nap. I was thinking what a sweet deal he had when he came across me. I wondered what Lee and Carter talked about when they were alone. Did they laugh about the two ass holes they practically held at the end of a leash. No doubt they did. Even knowing that, i could not break away..the whole scene was too damn exciting and my attraction for Lee was growing stronger it seemed every day, even as did my dislike for him.

When i had finally finished i came in to inform Lee's mother. She didn't even thank me and said, "Lee want's you upstairs when you finish." Once again the usual, "Yes ma'am" I was starting to feel like her servant as well as Lee's. I think she liked that. His door was closed, so i knocked. When i entered Lee was wearing only briefs and standing with his arms folded, his feet apart, resembling the stance of the King from the film we saw. I knew what was expected of me as to our arrangement.

I hesitated, but for only a moment and quickly assumed the position. Lee exuded such a superiority to me that it almost seemed the natural thing to do. His words were in my mind. "An inferior showing respect for his betters." The anticipated snap did not happen for several moments. I imagined Lee was enjoying his moment of triumph too much. The all-american boy type groveling like a toad to the asian newcomer. It also occurred to me that he could keep me this way for as long as it pleased him to do so. Finally the second snap. I rose to my knees. Lee looked down at me with an arrogant smirk. Several more moments and, "snap" my permission to rise. I wondered if he noticed the prominent bulge in my jeans. My humiliation had been a big turn on.

I informed him that i had finished and told him about my new car. Lee was not the type to be pleased with someone else's good fortune and said he would look at it later. He also reminded me that he was having a pool party that evening for his friends..most of whom were my former friends,and he expected me to be there. Certainly i was not considered his friend. He no doubt wanted me there as a waiter of sorts and to clean up afterwards.

I thought about my date with Kay and what i might do. I could always call her and give some excuse for not showing up. But i really wanted to show off my new car. Or i could make some excuse to Lee. I had not even mentioned Kay to him for reasons stated earlier. Or i could bring her to the party..bring her to Lee. Wow, what a crazy idea, but an exciting one. When i had finished with my own chores the day was almost over. After a shower and eating it was almost time to pick up Kay. I still hadn't decided what i would do that evening even as i was on my way to her house.

When she saw the new wheels she was really impressed, "Bee-utiful, boy are your friends going to be green with envy. Where shall we go." She thought for a moment as if to answer her own question and then said, "How about the drive in and we can test out the back seat." She said that with a pixiest expression. "Sounds good to me" was my reply, and we drove off.

We had just about reached the drive in when almost as if someone else was in control i turned the car to the side of the road and said, "Hey wait a minute, I have an idea. My new neighbor Lee is having a pool party tonight.. why don't we go there and you can meet him. "I didn't know you had a new neighbor"

"Oh, i thought i mentioned him before. He's chinese" "How could you have forgotten something like that. That's interesting. Sure let's go..we can go to the drive in tomorrow."

I was having regrets right away and almost turned around a couple of times, but it was too late, and besides, as i said, the idea had become compulsive.

When we entered Lee's backyard he was conversing with one of his friends. He wore a very brief white bikini and oriental sandals, the type held on with a thin leather piece between the large toe. The stark white bikini accentuated his slightly tanned flawless physique and very clearly outlined his ample equipment. Even though the yard was pretty crowded he definitely stood out, and not at all because he was the only oriental there.

When Kay spotted Lee she had an expression of astonishment on her face and her mouth was slightly ajar. She said, "Is that Lee" And then without waiting for an obvious reply. "Wow, what a hunk, no wonder you forgot to mention him." She was obviously very impressed. I was not surprised.

Lee looked our way and fixed his eyes on Kay, looking her up and down. He also was obviously impressed, and why not.. she was without doubt one of the most beautiful girls in town..or any town for that matter. Long dark auburn hair that she wore in one of those frizzie perms. Brilliant green eye's that show much of the eye lid giving her a sleepy expression if you know what i mean. A classic slightly turned up nose with just a hint of a cleft at the end. She was also endowed with a perfect figure and long shapely legs. A true prom queen and every straight guy's dream girl.

Lee headed our way, his eyes never leaving Kay. I introduced them to one another and Lee without bothering to even look at me while starring into Kay's eye's, arrogantly snapped his fingers and said, "Bring two cold drinks" I saw a look of surprise on Kay's face as i instantly turned to obey.

When i returned Lee nodded in the direction of a table in the corner of the patio and said, "Take the drink's over there and get two chairs" Once again i complied without question. Kay had a quizzical expression as if to say, what IS going on here.. but said nothing. I had the feeling she was enjoying Lee's arrogant demeanor. I was finding it humiliating, but as i keep repeating, it was exciting.

When i brought the chairs i turned Kay's for her to sit and then even turned Lee's for him to face her..the perfect servant. Lee then said, "Go and help Worm at the bar, see what anyone wants and then go into the kitchen and see if my mother needs help." My reply, "Sure Lee, anything you say"

Oh, God i thought, had i really said that in front of Kay. But then i also thought..whats the difference, he's dominating and humiliating the hell out of me anyway.

For the next hour or so i was kept busy running and fetching for Lee's friends. My former friends once again were ejoying ordering me around with calls of hey boy, over here, that sort of thing. I was sure Kay could see and hear it all. I felt like finding a hole to crawl into.

A while later Lee had raised his arm and was snapping his fingers to get my attention. I of course hurried over. Kay was saying, "It's not really necessary Lee." Lee replied, "It's no problem at all, I'll send Rob. I actually had to admire Lee's arrogant confidance. He was leaving no doubt at all in Kay's mind as to what his and my relationship was. He was saying loud and clear to her that i was his lackey. I was standing there but had no say in whatever he was sending me for. Sort of like an object. "Run back to Kay's house and get her swimsuit. She wants to go in the pool, and hurry back. Kay showed me your car. Very nice, I like it." I don't know why, but the way he said, "I LIke it" had an ominous ring to it.

Kay called ahead and the suit was ready for me to pick up. I hurried back and Kay went in and changed into it. It was a string bikini and when she came out all eyes were on her even the girls present. From most of the males came whistles and catcalls. Kay blushed, but i think she knew it was deserved.

Lee joined her and together they looked like a god and goddess from ancient rome, or some such place. As i tended bar i watched as they played and frolicked in the pool together. Kay completely ignored me for the rest of the nite. Even though we had been going steady for over a year, she was not one to be associated with someones gofor and lackey which was by now quite obvious i had become.

During the evening Kay had made the acquaintance of Carter and Carters girl friend Dawn. I learned later that Dawn had been Worms steady before she met Carter. I found that interesting in that Worm and I also had that in common.

Later in the evening Lee came over to me and said, "Give me the keys to the car, i'm taking Kay home." For the first time i actually hesitated. That car was like everythig to me. It was the first day i owned it and had driven it only a few miles. I looked at Lee's smug arrogant face..so sure, so confidant. And then inexplicabley, humbly and obediently handed over the keys. "He took them without so much as a thank you as if he had every right in the world to do so. Then he said, "You and Worm stay till everyones gone and then clean up, my mothers tired." Once again i felt it necessary to say, "Sure Lee, anything you say." I was giving him licence to own me. The phase owned and oporated by Lee came to mind. Carter and Dawn left with them and as i watched Lee and Kay hand in hand heading for my gorgeous convertible while i would toil here with Worm i was filled with rage and jelousey. But it was also a major turn on.

Next: Chapter 7

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